#bi makeup pallet
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
A shitty relationship with a homophobic asshole and she doesn't know who she is. For three years it remain unaddressed, until her current boyfriends both come home with pink, purple and blue flags painted in their cheeks
I got emotional about shit that happened last year so wrote myself a short comfort blurb
warnings: Shitty relationship, homophobia
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I had been, what, three years since her shitty fucking relationship. In those three years she's met the love of her life. And then she'd met the other love of her life.
Three years since she left that asshole. She knew who she was before she met him, but she'd lost that girl somewhere. Those things she loved to do, they'd been lost.
She had been bisexual before him. Or, she'd been attracted to more than a single gender. But he had put a stop to that rather quickly. She hadn't even noticed it was happening. But that asshole was incredibly homophobic, and she wasn't allowed to be bi around him.
Soon that bled into all areas of her life, but that was because she was constantly around him, not allowed out of his site.
It was something she hadn't addressed since they broke out. Something she hadn't addressed since she met Bob, since they pulled Bradley into their relationship.
Truthfully she hadn't thought about it. They were all navigating how to love more than one person in equal shares. Through all of that, she hadn't expected Pride Month to come about to quickly. Even when it did come about, she didn't notice.
But then Bob and Bradley came tumbling through the doors, a little bit drunk and with the bi flag painted on both of their cheeks. They were stumbling over each other, lazily kissing as they laid on the couch beside their girl.
"Hi, pretty girl," said Bradley as Bob kissed his cheek, smudging the flag painted on his cheek by Natasha.
Immediately she put her book down and began moving her fingers through Bradley's hair. "Hey, guys. What's all this?" She asked as Bob reached up to kiss her.
Suddenly he was on the floor, giggling to himself as Bradley reached to pull him up. "We officially came out today," he said, his head falling against her knee. "You got two, sexy, bisexual boys on your hands!"
She didn't start crying right away. But she couldn't hold back the floodgates for long. "Fuck," She whispered as she wiped at her eyes.
As soon as she started crying Bob and Bradley were on their feet, sitting on either side of her. "Woah, sweetness," Bob whispered as he pulled her into his side, Bradley's fingers pushing her hair back and scratching at her scalp. "What's all this?"
She hadn't told them about him, about that homophobic asshole, hadn't told them about her sexuality. She should have, could have (they wouldn't have judged), but something was stopping her. And she hated it.
It was too much to get out while she was crying. So, simply, she just said, "I'm bi, too," she whispered as Bradley moved his fingers up and down her back.
The boys looked at each other. They looked back down at their girl, still trying to comfort her as much as they could. "Well, that's great, pretty girl," Bradley said as he pulled her legs into his lap.
But, clearly, there was something else going on. "Sweetness," Bob tried, pressing his lips to her head. "Wanna tell us why you're crying?"
She nodded her head, but it wasn't coming out. Not yet, but she'd try again when she calmed down, she knew.
Bradley suddenly pushed her legs off of him. "Roos," Bob called as their boyfriend stood up.
"Give me a minute!" Bradley called back as he rushed off to their shared bedroom.
A minute later, he emerged again, one of her eyeshadow pallets and her put of makeup brushes in hand. "Which one do I need to use, baby?" He asked her as he knelt down in front of her.
Her tears had stopped, brows furrowing as she looked at him. But she selected the brush she usually used to do her eyeshadow.
Suddenly, Bradley took hold of her face. He held her still as he moved the brush over her skin, placing the eyeshadow on her cheek. Bob watched, a fond smile on his face as Bradley worked.
He wasn't good at it. But, when he was done, he shut the lid of the pallet and pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of her. "There," he said as he placed his phone in her lap, letting her see his handiwork.
It was a mess of colour, but it was an attempt. Bob and Bradley had dainty, cute bi flags on their cheeks, but hers was huge. It was massive, and it was beautiful.
"Now we're matching," Bob said as he swiped his thumb over the flag, neatening up the edges.
She kissed him quickly, the kiss thanking him for how he had been comforting her. And then she flung forward, throwing herself into Bradley's arms, kissing him everywhere but his flags.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
A Place To Call Home: Dads
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Summary: When the reader gets an offer to make some money on the side, things quickly evolve to Jensen learning about where some of the reader and TJ’s money has been going, namely TJ’s father. Jensen offers to help out but discovers that Rick might be up to something... 
Square: A Place To Call Home
Pairing: Jensen x foster daughter!reader
Word Count: 7,600ish
Warnings: language, angst (so much family angst), minor injury
A/N: Written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story Bingo. This part takes place after the Halloween timestamp. Enjoy!
“Thank you, Barry,” you said as he left the office at the brewery. Your head was still up when your dad slipped inside and he shut the door. “What’s up?”
“There’s a talent scout out in the draft room,” he said.
“Fascinating,” you said, going back to reading over a contract with a new distributor.
“Y/N they’re here to see you.” You turned in your seat and stared at him, breaking out into a giggle. “I’m serious.”
“This is by far your worst prank yet.”
“You modeled some of the new merch last week? He’s here for you,” he said.
“To what, model?” you scoffed. “No thank you.”
“Well can you go tell him that because he was insisting on hearing it from you,” he said. You sighed and walked out front, a guy in a suit with no tie on sipping from a glass. He smiled when he saw your dad behind you. 
“Ms. Ackles,” he said, holding out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“It’s Mrs. Hanover,” you said with a friendly enough smile. 
“You’re clearly used to some hard negotiations.”
“I’m tougher than I look Mr…”
“Elbridge but please call me Dan.”
“What can I do for you today, Dan?” you asked. He walked out to a quieter spot by the railing, settling at one ot the standing tables.
“I work for a talent agency, Mrs. Hanover. We’ve worked with your father a few times when he was starting out,” he said, your dad giving a nod. “We’ve seen your modeling pictures and we’re very interested in you doing a shoot.”
“I appreciate the offer but my answer is no. I’m not a model or an actress or any of the things my parents are besides someone invested in this brewery,” you said.
“She is a tough cookie,” he said as he looked at your dad. “I’m assuming you told her nothing I told you.”
“You gotta sell it on your own,” he said.
“Y/N, we’d like you to be in a commercial with some other women. An underwear commercial.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a commercial for inclusivity for people with differences,” he said.
“He means the scar on your back, Y/N. From the accident,” said your dad.
“You’re exactly the kind of person we want included in the line. There’ll be a photo run of things too and-“
“Why exactly do you know I have a scar on my back?”
“Your Instagram. I assumed it was public knowledge.”
“Okay but it’s not even that big. Like it blends in. I’m boring. Get like, an amputee or a burn survivor. That’s inclusive. I’m average.”
“We have a vast array of women in the line including those types and all kinds of body types. But you’re...a brand name we could put to the project.”
“Brand name,” you said. He hummed and you laughed. “My dad? That’s a brand name, not me. Throw him in some underwear and I’m sure you’ll get all the attention you want.”
“Well we want you,” he said. He pulled out a business card and handed it over. “Our initial offer is on the back but we’re open to negotiations. Call us if you think you might be interested. Oh and the beer’s great.”
“Thanks,” you said, looking over the card. The guy had wandered off by the time you flipped it over.
“I told him you wouldn’t be interested,” said your dad, sipping from his bottle of water. You blinked at the card, your dad raising an eyebrow. “You’re not considering it are you?”
“Dad,” you said. You flipped the card around and showed it to him, water spitting out of his mouth.
“Hey, Dan,” he said, rushing back and waving him over. Dan smiled as he walked back, drink in his hand.
“I thought that’d-” said Dan before your dad got in his face. “Is there a problem?”
“What are you up to,” he said.
“Y/N no one gets offered that much money off the street. No one. So I’m gonna ask again. What are you up to?” 
“It’s for a package deal. A photo shoot. A commercial. Ad sponsorship for three months bi-weekly on her social media accounts. We’d also like her to design the set for the commercial. There’s a time crunch of next week so we felt a hundred was a fair offer for that amount of work on short notice,” said Dan. “If she were simply modeling, we’d offer her twenty five but this is our biggest line of the year. You are more than welcome to come along every step of the way.”
“Dan I really do appreciate the offer but I’m not a model. I don’t even remember the last time I wore makeup. I will happily design a set and build if you like and maybe I can do the ad thing but I’m not a model like my parents. Can I talk to my dad for a second?”
He nodded and walked off a ways, your dad sighing.
“Maybe mom could do it or something? She’s done that stuff before,” you said.
“I’m not gonna tell you what to do. Go for the set design for sure. You’re good at it and I know you get to break back into your architecture skills for that. But the rest...once you get on that train you can’t get off.”
“Dad, people already know who I am. I have like...an obnoxious number of followers on my accounts and stuff. My most popular posts? Always about you. I’ve never been in the shadows.”
“I know but that’s different than you doing these things. If you start taking pictures in underwear, you’re gonna attract at least a few weirdos and most of them are harmless but maybe some aren’t and there is a reason that Uncle Cliff still hangs out with me at certain times.”
“It’s a hundred thousand dollars. TJ and I could pay off the lawyer fees for Allie’s adoption finally,” you said. “We could get our mortgage payment down.”
“You’ve never cared about money,” he said. You pursed your lips and he narrowed his eyes. “Are things tight?”
“Are they?”
“I don’t ask about your finances.”
“I sat down with both you and TJ when you bought the house and even with the renovation costs, your monthly payment was very affordable. Allie’s adoption should have been paid off months ago.”
“Do you stalk our spending now or what?” you shot back.
“Well you haven’t bought a new car or any big expenses. Where’s the money going?” he asked.
“I’ll take the set design and leave it at that,” you said. You brushed past him and over to Dan. 
Thirty minutes later you had a signed contract and were back in your office, your dad grumbling as he walked inside.
“I’m busy,” you said.
“Where’s the money going, Y/N?”
“TJ and I make very good money,” you said, typing up an email. He leaned over the desk and narrowed his eyes. “I took the set design only for twenty. Happy?”
“Why do you need twenty thousand dollars?”
“Coming from the guy who made how much fucking money for a single freaking episode? At least I’m not slutting out my face,” you said. He stood back and slammed the door shut on his way out. You sighed and got up, finding him out back, splitting old pallets down. “Dad I’m sorry.”
“Whatever,” he mumbled. 
“Dad. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”
“Yeah you did,” he said. “That is exactly why I didn’t want you doing that shoot. Then all you are is a pretty face.”
He moved a pallet and picked up the axe again, bringing it down in the center.
“What?” he snapped as he spun around. 
“I said it because I knew it’d make you mad and piss you off and get you to drop it. It’s the only reason I said it. Please stop asking about where my money goes. Please.”
“Are you in trouble?”
“Dad I said to stop asking.”
“Tough shit,” he said with a shrug. “Call me whatever you want. Maybe I get pissed off but I’ll cool off too. I know how much you make and I know how much he makes and I know you two have both been taking side jobs recently. You should have your house paid off by now, not barely making your mortgage. What’s going on and I want the truth.”
“I can’t.”
“What’s TJ involved in,” he said. You looked away and he nodded. “There are very few reasons why you wouldn’t tell me the truth and considering how small Allie and Colin are, he’s the only one I can think of.”
“I can’t.”
“Hey! There you are,” said TJ, walking around the corner with a bag in his hand. “I was out at a ranch nearby for work and figured we could have lunch together.”
“Speak of the little devil,” said your dad. He dropped the axe and TJ set the food on the hood of his truck, cocking his head.
“You okay, Jensen?” he asked.
“Peachy,” he said, putting his hands on his hips when he stopped in front of him. “So. Want to tell me what’s going on with your finances lately?”
TJ glanced to you and you shook your head.
“Nothing,” said TJ quietly.
“You want to try that again and not lie to me this time?” asked Jensen. TJ shook his head and your dad shut his eyes. “If you’re involved in something bad, let me help. I have money.”
“TJ just tell him,” you said. TJ sighed and picked up the food, walking over to the employee picnic area and sat down. You took a seat beside him and TJ handed you a wrapped burrito, your dad sitting across from him.
“I’m not angry. Let me help is all,” said your dad.
“It’s not us who’s in trouble,” said TJ. Your dad looked to you and you nodded. “It’s my dad.”
“Oh you two,” he said, shutting his eyes. “You’re paying off Rick’s debt he owes somebody, aren’t you.”
“Rick owes money to a bookie and...he beat him up kinda bad and we have extra so…” you said, your dad staring at you. “He asked us not to tell anyone.”
“How much?” he asked.
“Five...hundred,” said TJ. 
“Five hundred thousand?” he asked, your heads nodding. “Five hundred thousand? What...how much have you given him already?”
“About half,” said TJ. Your dad shook his head and put his hands over his face, quickly pulling them off. “I know it’s a lot.”
“Yeah…” he said, swallowing to himself.
“We got it covered. Really. At the rate we’re doing extra side work-”
“Kids...you’re both so kind I think you missed something pretty important,” said your dad. 
“I don’t understand,” said TJ. He looked to you and you shrugged. 
“Guys that’s a lot of money. That’s...an extraordinary amount of money to a lot of people. How on earth does your father owe that much money all of a sudden?” asked your dad.
“He made some bets he lost on,” said TJ.
“But how could it be that much. What was the original bet?”
“What was the original bet he made and lost on?”
“I don’t know. We figured it must have been like a hundred.”
“So your father bet a hundred, say he lost. That’s two hundred. Say he got some insane interest on it. Okay. Maybe, maybe he truly owes that much. But where did he get that original one hundred?”
“He didn’t have it,” said TJ. “We think.”
“Okay. He bet badly and ends up owing the whole thing,” he said.
“Do you give this money to Rick or the bookie?” asked your dad.
“My dad. He didn’t want us to get involved with the guy,” said TJ. 
“Okay,” said your dad. “Here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna drive up to your folks this afternoon TJ and talk to your dad, see what’s left he owes. I will pay the rest.”
“Jensen that’s a lot of money.”
“I know it is. But it’s better to get him out of the hole quickly before something were to happen and I can afford it. Okay? I’m gonna head up. You two enjoy your lunch. I’ll be home in a few hours.”
Something was off about him as he stood and left but you weren’t quite sure what was wrong.
“My dad’s gonna be pissed. He didn’t want Jensen to know at all,” said TJ.
“He wants to help. He’s got a point. The quicker it’s paid off, the quicker your dad’s out of danger. Let’s have lunch and you can tell me about that ranch you’re fixing up.”
“Arrow,” you grumbled that night as she reached for the hot pan. “Let it cool off.”
“Why are we having dinner at your house?” she asked. “No offense but you can only cook like five things.”
“Would you like to cook dinner for seven?” you asked. She held up her hands and you rolled your eyes.
“To be fair, Colin still eats baby food,” she said.
“Thank you for volunteering to feed your nephew,” you said with a grin.
“I didn’t-”
“Ro!” he said as he waddled into the kitchen, wrapping her legs up in a hug.
“I hate you,” she said, narrowing her eyes before she picked him up.
“Thank you Arrow,” you said as she put him on her hip. “He’s got dinner in the fridge if you wouldn’t mind?”
“I got it,” she said, opening it up one handed. “Mom and dad have some last minute thing or something?”
“I don’t know,” you said, your phone ringing, Jared’s name popping up. “Can you get that?”
“Hey Uncle Jared,” she said, hitting it on speaker.
“Arrow? Hey you mind finding your sister for me?” he asked.
“She’s busy making dinner. Apparently it’s very difficult.”
“I’m here Jared,” you said. You grabbed the phone and shoved it between your shoulder and ear. “What’s up?”
“Don’t freak out,” he said. “But come outside.”
You turned down the heat on the stove and went out the front door, finding Jared on the seat out front.
“Uh, what’s up?” you asked, pulling the door shut behind you. “This is weird.”
“Your dad may have...listen. Shit went down when Jensen went up to see TJ’s dad whatever his fuckface name is.”
“Oh you’re about to call him fuckface too.”
“What happened?”
“Well...he had a bad feeling about this whole thing. He and De went up there to talk to them. Things aren’t...your dad’s in the hospital.”
“What?” you said quietly. He stood up and gave you a smile, pulling you into a hug.
“It’s okay. He got a little cut when he got...pushed,” he said. 
“Jared,” said TJ, stepping outside with a curious look. “What’s up dude?”
“Normally being the Uncle is the fun stuff,” he said. TJ frowned when you both saw a cop car pull into your driveway, Cody getting out. “Codes.”
“Dad, I got this,” he said as he hopped up on the porch. You smiled and looked back at TJ. “Oh shut up. I got adopted like six months ago. I might as well.”
“What exactly is happening?” asked TJ.
“Dad,” said Cody again. Jared sat back in the seat, Cody sighing. “TJ...dude I’m sorry. You’re like my brother.”
“Did my...did something happen to my parents,” he said quietly, Cody’s head shaking. “Oh.”
“Rick’s been stealing money from you. There’s no bookie to pay off. Jensen and De went up today to talk to him and they found out the truth and your dad’s got in a fist fight and you guys ought to head up North. It’s not my jurisdiction so I’m not much help.”
“My father did what?” said TJ. Cody glanced at you and you looked down. “That’s not true.”
“Yes, it is,” he said. “TJ the police from your hometown looked into it. He took the money. He’s claiming it was a gift from the two of you but we all know that’s not true.”
“No, he’s been making progress. We’ve been making progress. We’ve been getting along really well,” said TJ.
“Did that start when you started giving him money?” asked Cody.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m just saying what I know as a cop. Did your relationship start changing when money started exchanging hands?”
“Why does he hate me,” said TJ. You grabbed his hand and he shut his eyes. “He must hate me. That’s the only reason I can see why he would do something like that.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” you said.
“He hates you and Jensen. He thinks De is eye candy to stare at. I don’t know how on earth he can pretend to like me,” he said.
“TJ,” said Jared.
“You gonna tell me he loves me or some shit? It’s not good enough,” said TJ.
“I was gonna say you can cut him out of your life if you want to and you’re still gonna have a dad you know. I don’t understand him. I do think he loves you but there’s some resentment towards everyone else you call family. I don’t know why but it’s your choice what you want to do. I’m gonna go inside and finish cooking dinner and we’ll watch all of them tonight. Y/N-”
“I got him,” you said with a nod. 
Ten minutes later you were on the road and driving, TJ staring out the passenger window. 
“Don’t,” he said, voice barely above a whisper. You reached over and grabbed his hand, TJ squeezing it. “We’re going to my parents house after and we’re packing up as much crap as we can to bring back. I’m never speaking to him again after tonight.”
“All the late hours I put in doing side jobs. All the jobs you’ve been doing for set design on the weekends. For months and months we’ve been doing it. Straight into his fucking pocket. We could have paid off the house with that money. Paid off bills. That’s our money. It’s our kids money. It’s not some sack of shit’s to go buy whatever he wants with. I could fucking kill him.”
“We’ll get it back,” you said.
“It’s not about the money.”
“I know, babe,” you said. 
“Why is he like that?”
“It’s not an excuse but I think he was raised very poorly and he doesn’t...he knows it’s wrong but I think he thinks we have so much it’s okay if he takes from us.”
“He took two hundred and fifty thousand dollars from us. A year of side jobs for the both of us on top of everything else. We sleep four hours a night. We weren’t handed that. We worked for it. We worked our asses off. All that pressure and all the pressure we thought somebody would hurt him if we were late with money? I can’t believe I ever gave a shit about him. I should have trusted you. You’ve never liked him. No one in your family did. Even Arrow and that kid loves everybody. I should have trusted you guys.”
“TJ they didn’t like him because of the way he treated you, not me. I knew he was a dick when I met him but he belittles you, so, so much. We hate that he does that to you.”
“I don’t know how my mom is married to someone like him.”
“Don’t cut her out,” you said. “She raised you. You’re all her. Anyone who meets you can see that.”
“He’s going to lie when I see him again. I don’t know what to do,” he said. 
“Why?” you asked.
“Because.” You pulled over and he sat back in his seat. He turned his head and you saw all the tears streaming down his face.
“Honey,” you said. You leaned over and hugged him, TJ gripping you back.
“He’d kick my ass for crying right now.”
“Who was it that sat up with my dad after the accident and let him cry all over him? My dad who hates to cry and he’s not afraid to cry in front of you.”
“He’s strong. I’m not.”
“You’re my best friend. The girl who thought she was so fucked up and would be alone. God, Thomas. You gave me something even my parents and family couldn’t. You know how I never thought in a million years I could have this kind of love and you were never scared. The insecurities. The nightmares. The days where I’m quiet and my head gets to me. You just grab my hand and you make it better. You’re stronger than most everyone on this planet. I love and I’ve loved you since I met you and I’ll do anything for you, you know that. We’re partners. If you want to give your dad another chance you can and I won’t question it for a second.”
“I don’t want to talk to him again,” he said, sitting up somewhat. “But how do I say that when you didn’t get a choice? You didn’t get a choice with your parents. They were just gone and you had no say. How can I just walk away like that?”
“My parents didn’t treat me like the way your father does. Neither of my moms or dads ever have. You can walk away from someone that does, TJ. I don’t want you near someone like that. Jared was right too you know. You’re not gonna lose a dad tonight. You’ve always had one and he’s gonna be there for you always.”
“He hurt Jensen, didn’t he?” he sniffled.
“I’m sure he's fine. He’s very...defensive of his children is all.”
“Jensen gave me a letter,” he said. “Addressed to me. That’s when I really knew he loved me.”
“He loved you before that.”
“I know he did. I don’t know why I wanted my dad when I’ve had Jensen the whole time.”
“I’ve been there. Trust me,” you said. He let out a small laugh and you hugged him, TJ taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry Rick hurt you.”
“He hurt both of us.”
“Yeah but I care more about the fact he hurt you. I may deck him when I see him,” you said.
“That’d be kinda awesome,” he said. “But please don’t.”
“Hugs instead?” you said.
“I’ll take hugs,” he said. His stomach grumbled and you kiss his temple. 
“I’m gonna hit the drive thru and then we’ll get on the road again, okay honey?”
“Okay,” he said. You kissed him one last time before you got out of the car and dug around in the trunk. You took out your oversized hoodie and brought it up to the front, handing it to him. “What’s this?”
“You can steal it if you want. Your hoodie’s kinda make me feel better on crappy days,” you said.
“Thanks,” he said. “I really love you.”
“Me too. It’s gonna be okay.”
One Hour Later
“Let’s go to the hospital first,” said TJ as you hit the edge of town. 
“Jared said my dad was fine.”
“Y/N. Let’s go to the hospital,” he said. You nodded and about ten minutes later you were parked and getting a room number. He held your hand on the elevator ride up, kissing the top of your head. “You alright?”
“I’d prefer if he could stay out of the hospital.”
“Me too,” he said, the doors opening. You walked a little too quickly until you found the room, your mom and dad talking as you walked in.
“What are you two doing here?” he asked.
“Jared and Cody came by and we learned some stuff,” you said. “Why are you in the hospital? You look...normal.”
“Your father hit his head.”
“I’m fine.”
“After the accident last year-”
“It was nearly a year ago.”
“After the accident they wanted to be safe and monitor overnight just in case. He got a cut on his arm from some metal but that’s all,” said your mom. 
“I’m fine,” said your dad. He got up out of bed and spun around. “See? No concussion. An itty bitty scratch is all you worry worts.”
“Was there a fight?” you asked. He sat down and sighed. “You don’t look like it.”
“No,” he said. He looked at TJ and pursed his lips. “TJ would you mind grabbing me a drink from the vending machine?”
“Whatever you want to say, you’re gonna say it in front of me,” he said. 
“Mom and I went up to your parents place and it started out okay. But your mom didn’t quite understand what was going on. She thought Rick had been doing well betting horses at a track and that’s where the sudden money came from. Things...devolved from there and Rick got defensive and I was angry so we started arguing and he shoved me and your mom and De shut it down and the cops came and I’m sorry but he took the money for himself. Last we heard from your mom a little while ago she’s giving all the money back to you guys.”
“You pressing charges?” asked TJ.
“It was a shove. He didn’t take my money. You two are the ones that have a right to charge him,” he said.
“Do you know where my mom is?” asked TJ.
“She’s at your house along with your dad,” he said.
“Y/N why don’t you hang here with your parents,” said TJ. You shook your head and he frowned. “You’re worried about your dad. Stay.”
“He’s okay and I’m coming with you,” you said.
“Me too,” said your mom. 
“TJ. You’re not gonna win this one,” she said. “Jensen’s okay on his own for a bit and he’d come if he could. You’re not gonna go talk to your dad alone.”
“Fine. Let’s go,” he said, already leaving the room. Your mom grabbed her purse and you ran your hands over your face.
“Go take care of him,” said your dad quietly.
“Dad.” You walked in front of him and he wrapped his arms around you. “He’s gonna be fucked up.”
“I know. We’ll take care of him,” he said. He kissed your temple and pushed you towards the door gently. “Go take care of your husband.”
“We’ll be back.”
“Guys I think maybe I should go in first,” said your mom a short while later, the three of you parked in his parent’s driveway. 
“No,” said TJ.
“Danneel,” he said. He turned in the passenger seat and she sighed. “I’m a big boy. I can go in first.”
“Don’t be violent.”
“I won’t,” he said quietly. She kissed his cheek and nodded. 
“Okay sweetie. Let’s get this over with,” she said. You got out and took his hand, TJ not as tense as you were expecting.
“His car isn’t here,” he said quietly on the way up the porch steps. He rang the doorbell and the door flew open, his mom standing there. “Hi mom.”
“I kicked him out for the night,” she said, letting the door open for the three of you. “I’m so sorry. Danneel is Jensen-”
“He’s pissed but fine,” said your mom, following you inside. TJ walked around for a moment, stopping at a picture on the wall.
“Mom. Why does dad hate me?” he asked. He looked over his shoulder and she frowned. “He manipulated me and Y/N. He’s horrible to her family. I get that he went through something as a kid but he’s a grown man.”
“Your father loves you. He doesn’t always know the best way to show it,” she said.
“He hurt me and you’re gonna side with him. Again,” he said.
“He made a mistake.”
“Hell of a mistake,” you mumbled.
“Do you think he wants to be the way he is?” she asked.
“I could have gotten past everything before but this? He doesn’t get to worm his way out of it. I’m done with him.”
“Then you’re gonna be done with me too,” she said. TJ turned around and she lifted her chin. “He doesn’t deserve to thrown out of your life over a mistake.”
“I seem to recall you not saying a word when he almost hit your grandaughter with a belt,” said TJ. “Why do you make excuses for him?”
“Why do you hate him?” she asked. TJ threw up his hands and shook his head. “Always since you were a little boy you’ve hated him.”
“He didn’t want me, not the other way around. I know he worked a lot but all I wanted when he came home at night was a hug or a bedtime story. I wasn’t asking for much,” said TJ. “He resented me.”
“He put in all those long hours for you, to provide for you.”
“I’ve been working since I was fourteen. I paid for my own things from the second I was able to. I paid for school all on my own. My apartment. My car. I paid for my wedding and honeymoon. He paid for food and roof over my head which is the bare minimum he could have done. Don’t tell me he provided for me. He fucking hated me.”
“Because you’re not his,” she said. You and your mom looked at one another, TJ blinking where he stood. “Rick isn’t your father.”
“Excuse me?”
“I cheated on your father because he can be an asshole and I needed an escape. He found out when I was pregnant.”
“Excuse me?” asked TJ again.
“He never wanted children because he thought he’d be a bad father. I guess he was right in your mind,” she said. 
“If you’re gonna tell the story, you might as well tell the whole thing,” said Rick. He stepped out from down the hall, TJ’s mom sighing. 
“So you are here,” said TJ.
“Car’s in the shop,” he said. 
“You hate me?” 
“I love you. It doesn’t mean I’m a good person though,” he said.
“You stole from us.”
“Yes I did.”
“This house is the size of your living room. You have so much.”
“If you wanted money just fucking ask,” said TJ.
“Like I said, just cause I love you doesn’t mean I’m a good person.”
“You’re not even my father apparently.”
“I’m your father,” he said. “Didn’t make ya but I’m your father.”
“What’s the story?” asked your mom. They all looked to her and she looked at TJ’s mom. “What don’t we know.”
“You ever wonder how someone like me wound up with someone like your mother? We’re polar opposites most days,” said Rick. TJ narrowed his eyes and looked between them.
“Don’t tell him,” said his mom.
“Alright,” said Rick. “I must have been mistaken.”
“TJ, can I talk to you,” you said, pulling him into the kitchen. “TJ do you remember in family studies when we had that project to track our family trees and you found your parents marriage certificate and the year was wrong?”
“Y/N what’s that got to do with anything.”
“What if the year wasn’t wrong.”
“It can’t be. They would have gotten married after I was born then.”
“TJ I’m not saying your dad is great but he just lied for your mom. He loves her. Something happened before you were born or after. I have this feeling that she didn’t cheat on him.”
“What are you saying?”
“Maybe I’m wrong but maybe your mom was in a bad situation and Rick stepped in to help because of her.”
“Rick,” said TJ, very quickly exiting back to the family room. “When did you meet my mom. If you ever want to speak to me again, if you want me to speak to her again, you’ll tell me the truth.”
Rick glanced to TJ’s mom, TJ smirking.
“You do care about her.”
“Of course I fucking care about her. I care about you too.”
“That’s great. I feel very cared for,” said TJ. Rick pursed his lips and his mom nodded. “Truth or I walk out that door and never come back.”
“I was married,” said TJ’s mom. “He was charming until he wasn’t. I got pregnant with you and you were born and he would get so angry at you for being a simple baby and crying and...I was so scared of him hurting you that I left. I had nothing and I stayed with a friend for a few days. I met Rick through them and he offered us a safe place to stay with him. It was only supposed to be short term but things developed. He is not perfect but he’s not the monster you think he is. We are safe and the reason you have all you do well and truly is because of him.”
“Do you have anything to say?” asked TJ quietly.
“I loved your mother before I loved you, that’s true. But I learned and I’ve done my best. You were far better off without me in your life. Look at what you have. You’d be angry and bitter if I had more of a hand in raising you. So you can hate me but you do not hurt your mother like that. You do not walk away from her after everything she has done for you. Understand me?”
“I need space from you,” said TJ, Rick nodding. “I also need something else.”
“I still don’t understand why you took the money if you weren’t going to spend it.”
“Was gonna impress you, turn a profit on it, give it back with interest. Be like her father, give you some money for once.”
“Jensen doesn’t impress me because of money. Yes, their family doesn’t have to think twice about the cost of most anything. But Jensen, De, they don’t impress me for any reason other than how kind they’ve been to me. They treat me like their son, like I’m their own. They don’t pretend to. They don’t tolerate me for Y/N. They genuinely care about me, all because I fell in love with their daughter, a girl that’s not even theirs and they love her to death. The house is nice. The wedding was nice and so are the vacations. But I could live in a cardboard box and be happy if all I ever got was their kindness. They never made me work for it. They just gave it to me. You could have just given it to me and I would have been a happier kid. But you didn’t and now you have to work for it on my terms. So I want our money back and I want some space from you. If and when I’m ready to talk to you again, I’ll reach out. Alright?”
“Okay,” he said. TJ crossed his arms and nodded before he went outside. His mom followed after and you gave Rick a look. He pulled out his phone and tapped on it for a few moments before shoving it in his pocket. “It says it’s pending for that big of a transfer. It should be back in your account in a few days.”
“Oh I’ll make sure of that,” you said, walking over to him. “Rick. Maybe try some therapy if you really want to salvage this relationship.”
“You think I can afford that?” he said.
“We’ll pay,” said your mom. “Jensen and I will.”
“Cause he’s a fucking awesome kid and he deserves a relationship with you, even if we don’t like you,” she said.
“What about you? You hate me too kid?” he asked you.
“I can learn to tolerate and respect you. But you hurt him and I’ll protect him from anyone that does that, including you. But it’s not my forgiveness you need. It’s his so maybe try the therapy and let him come back if he’s ever ready for that, okay?”
“Alright.” You turned to go when he caught your shoulder. “Can I ask where the money came from? Jensen made it sound like you were behind on bills.”
“It made things tight for us. TJ and I have both been working side jobs nights and weekends to scrounge up extra money. We weren’t handed any of that money we gave you. We even took from ourselves and our children. Just because we live in a nice house doesn’t mean we don’t work for it,” you said. “Oh and one more thing. Touch my father again or call my mom slutty behind her back one more time, you’ll find out which one of us isn’t the good person in this relationship.”
“He what…” said your mom as you walked out, pulling her along behind you. “Dickhead!”
“Come on mom,” you said, pushing her back to the car. TJ gave his mom a nod and hug before he climbed back into the backseat.
“Slut my ass,” your mom mumbled under breath as she started the car back up. 
“Mom, let it go,” you said, shutting your eyes and slumping down in your seat.
“Put on your seatbelt,” she said. You reached up and put it on, turning back to catch TJ with his head leaned back. “You okay back there?”
“I don’t know,” he said.
“That’s probably the right answer,” you said. 
“Let’s get back to dad. I’m sure he’s climbing the walls to get out of there by now.”
Two Days Later
“Howdy,” said your dad, taking a seat in the patio chair beside you as you watched TJ swim in your pool with Allie. “Where’s the babe?”
“Naptime,” you said, TJ tossing Allie up in the air and hugging her tight when he caught her again. 
“How’s he holding up?” he asked, reaching over and taking a chip out of the bag in front of you.
“Better than expected. He’ll give Rick another chance someday.”
“He said that?”
“No. I know Thomas though. He’s too good to hold onto that crap. It might not be for six months or a year but it’ll happen eventually.”
“Well I think he’s a dick,” said your dad. “But if TJ wants to give him a chance, we’ll give him a chance.”
“Thanks for being his dad too,” you said.
“I love the kid,” he said, throwing his arm over your shoulders. “So what are you two gonna do with all that money?”
“Pay off the last of the lawyer fees, pay off a big chunk of what’s left on the mortgage. When that set design comes in then we won’t owe too much more on the house,” you said. “Speaking of which, I gotta go to work on it.”
“Y/N? Use some of that money and take a nice vacation with the kids. Or even just a long weekend away for you and TJ.”
“We really ought to use it for stuff like the house,” you said. 
“Have you and TJ ever taken a vacation just the two of you?”
“Of course. We went on our honeymoon.”
“That doesn’t count. The answer’s no, isn’t it.”
“Dad, I don’t need-”
“Maybe you don’t but somebody in that pool needs to have some fun. Plan a little trip away next month,” he said.
“He’s always wanted to go to Mardi Gras,” you said with a smile.
“You guys would have a blast and I got some pull down there and all. Come on. Let me spoil my grandkids for a weekend.”
“Alright, alright. You’ve convinced me,” you said.
“You mind if the twins have dinner with you guys?”
“We’re actually going to the Pads for dinner. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind more though. You got a hot date?”
“Getting a private college tour with mom and JJ,” he said. “Ya’ll can stop growing up anytime you want you know.”
“She wants to live at home you know.”
“Contrary to her teenage angst as of late, she does love us. Just you know, drop the curfew like you did with me.”
“And we get texts when you stay out.”
“That’s what you thought,” you mumbled. He raised an eyebrow and you shrugged. “I let you know when I wouldn’t be home that night. You didn’t need to know my exact whereabouts.”
“When’s the first time you stayed over TJ’s?”
“Fall of Freshman year in his dorm,” you said.
“Never mind. I don’t need to know,” he said.
“Yup. Let her have fun when she gets there, she’s smart,” you said. “Plus you know she’ll call me if shit happens. Also she has a year and a half of high school left. Relax.”
“At least I know Tom will keep an eye on her too.”
“Already planning the wedding?” you smirked.
“Shut up,” he said, ruffling your hair. “Make sure he gets this.”
He dug into his back pocket and took out an envelope, handing it to you.
“Thanks,” you said quietly. “Dad?”
“Mhm,” he said as he stood. 
“Can you invite him on your fishing trip this weekend with grandpa?”
“Already did,” he said, nodding down at the envelope. “I’ll talk to you soon, tall munchkin.”
“Later dad,” you said, TJ giving him a wave as he headed out. You left the letter on the patio table and went over to the pool, slipping into the shallow end.
“Everything good?” he asked.
“Yeah. My dad left you a letter,” you said, Allie swimming off on her own, doing circles around TJ. He nodded and got out of the pool, drying off some before he went to the table and sat down. “Time for a snack.”
You scooped her up and swung her around in the water, throwing her up your hip. You walked out with her, setting her down to dry her off some. 
“Is daddy okay?” she asked. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Why don’t you change back into some clothes and we’ll get Colin and snack time going.”
She rushed over to TJ and smiled up at him, TJ tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Daddy snack time!” she said.
“I’ll be inside in just a minute, sweetie,” he said. He leaned over and kissed her head, pushing her back towards you. You patted her inside, TJ rubbing his thumb over his lip as he read.
“Take your time, babe,” you said. You kissed his cheek and he nodded. “I’ll leave some tissues just inside the door in case.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Give me five minutes and I’ll be there.”
“Take all the time you need. I got these two,” you said. He nodded and smiled. “Love you.”
“Love you too, Y/N.”
A/N: Read the First Summer Timestamp here!
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So I have been reading your writing and I love it! I had an idea for a Tom Holland imagine! Basically the reader is about 5 years older than Tom and has been working on set with him for a while and Tom tries getting her to notice him. He gets frustrated after a few attempts and during a scene he has to stop and just blurts out his feelings.... idk a lot of angst and he kisses her so umm fluff? Do what you want with it just pls??? Thank you🖤🖤
Firstly, Thank you so much for requesting something, you have no idea how much this means to me. I hope I do you justice.
Pairing: Tom Holland x SetMakeupartist!Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Fluffffffff. Angst.
Summary: Above in the request
Request: Yes. A wonderous one. Very cute.
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Thank you so much for trusting me with this idea and I'm so so SO sorry I only got to it now. I have no idea how that happend and I'm so sorry again.
Walking into set on Monday was supposed to be as fun, but also mundane as the the rest of the movie. Wrapping up yesterday was thankfully early, but you had to reset the rubble scene, after the building collapse. Spiderman has just confronted the Vulture and it's one of the most inspirational, moving and heart-warming scenes in the movie. Tom had done the scene brilliantly, but the director wasn't pleased with the angles and makeup, which meant the entire thing had to be reset. You weren't apposed to the fact, but it was irritating when you knew that today was meant to be one of the last scenes. Sighing and going to get some coffee, you cleared your head and planned for the makeup job today.
As you rounded the corner to the food section of the set, Tom popped up out of practically nowhere. "Hey Y/N!" You jumped back in shock and clutched your chest.
"Jesus Tom, I know you're Spiderman but that doesn't mean you should scare me like one." You say, somewhat out of breath. He chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his head. "Sorry about that love," He says as his face creses into one of sympathy. "Didn't mean to scare you." His soft British accent was always lovely. You chuckle and pat his shoulder, continuing to walk. "It's all good, you ready for the shoot today?" You question, checking to see if the kettle is boiled. Tom almost rushes to get the milk for you. You thought it was rather sweet of him. "Yeah, of course I am! With your makeup everything will look fantastic!" He tells you, overly enthusiastic. His attitude to the set and his frequent compliments were endearing.
"Thank you Tom, but you're the one acting. Watching the scene last time broke my heart. You did it beautifully." You set to making your coffee, adding the hot water and gesturing to see if Tom wanted anything, he raised his hand as a polite response of "No thank you," before his cheeks flushed. "I'm glad you liked it. Everyone on set does their job so well. I'm really excited to see how this is going to turn out." He smiles in an attempt to hide the red on his cheeks. You smile back and finish making your coffee, taking in a long sip and walking off with a small wave.
You settled in your makeup section and collected everything you needed for today. You had to do Tom's makeup for the building dust and rubble. Michaels hair and makeup. Costume design would have them first and then you. You had a little system when you worked, getting things set up, double checking your brushes and pallets and powders. It's why they hired you, you were the best they were going to get. You hummed a little tune to yourself and turned to find Tom standing next to your set of drawers. You give him a smile.
"What do you need Tommo?" you asked happily, going about your work. He tried to say something, seeming rather nervous before dropping his hand and sighing, walking away. You frown and go back to working.
The directors decided to finish up bits of other scenes before redoing the building collapse scene again. So you saw Tom here and there for makeup and he would joke around, make some light conversation, try to speak and then drop it. It was getting really strange and you weren't too sure what to think of it. Was he okay? Did something happen? You were going to ask him next time you saw him. It was worrying you. He was a really sweet guy and you had a slight crush on him, but you knew it would never happen, so you kept the relationship friendly and professional. That and you were five years older than him, you weren't sure what everyone would think of that.
Throughout different scenes or sections, Tom would call to get your attention and then do some kind of cool Gymnastics trick or tell a joke. He was so happy yet so weirdly quite. What was up with him today? You had to admit, that he was an incredibly talented young man. Age twenty one and he was staring in this movie, he starred in Civil War and would probably be staring in many more. His skills as an actor, performer and Gymnast were spectacular and you enjoyed watching all of his stunts. Sometimes you got the impression that he wanted to get you to notice him or be impressed with him, and you were, so you weren't sure why he kept getting frustrated at little things.
His mood inflated and deflated like a very bi-polar balloon and by the time everything was ready for the shoot, he was somehow rather irritated.
Tom was set underneath the 'Rubble', cute "homemade" suit adorned and the cameras were just about to roll. You stood off to the side, watching everything get the finishing touches before "Action." Was yelled and everyone fell silent.
All eyes were on Tom, his movements and every breath he took. Right now Spiderman was stuck underneath the rubble of a collapsed building and he needed to get out. He needed to believe in himself.
You could only imagine what must be going through his mind. Even though everything was fake, the idea was still horrifying. The moment was tense and only got worse when he suddenly blurted out: "Jesus Christ." In his American accent. Everyone faltered. "I'm sorry." He muttered to everyone before he called out: "Y/N!" The cameras cut and you were ushered over to the mound of rubble. "I'm sorry." He said again, his accent slipping. You crouched beside him and the rubble was moved for him to sit up on his knees. No one said anything and you focused on Tom instead of acknowledging the fact that everyone was watching you two. You breathed carefully, worried as to what could be wrong. Was he angry with you? Is so, why?
"Why do you keep apologising. What's wrong?" You say, a little too harshly.
"I want you to notice me." He says in a soft voice. "I just. I really really. Fuck why is this so hard." He curses to himself. Your knees were getting tired from crouching so you went to kneel like Tom was doing. "What is?" Someone asks from behind you two in a gruff voice.
"Admitting that I have feelings for Y/N." He blubbers out, gesturing to you and immediately feeling like an idiot. You were utterly taken aback. He had. Feelings? For you? Preposterous. Insane. Not possible.
"I'm sorry what?" You asked as politely as possible, watching him for any kind of movement. "I like you okay." He admitted, his tone hushed. "I think you are so talented and beautiful and I just. I want to be your boyfriend. I want to make you smile and laugh and feel happy and I didn't know how to say it. Since the movie started and-" he was cut off when he looked at your face. It was curled in an expression he wasn't sure of. Tension hung in the air like cigarette smoke on a cold day -almost visible, tangible.
"I'm sorry. Forget I said anything. Let's reset this and I." He stopped himself. "Y/N." You nodded. "You aren't upset with me are you?"
"Of course I'm upset with you." You spout out, a little annoyed but mostly elated. He looked shocked. "I like you too you moron." You say. The rest of the crew just looked at eachother, they thought that this should be a different movie.
"You. You what?" He asked back, disbelief written all over his features.
"You heard me Thomas." You say, almost playfully.
"You are amazing." He tells you breathlessly. "Can I kiss you?" Before he even finishes his sentence you grab him by the front of his suit and draw him into a kiss. He melts into it instantly and gasps are heard around you, but caring wasn't on the agenda.
Finally you two pulled away. "We'll discuss this after work okay?" You mutter softly. He nodded, biting his lip. The room went into little mutters and you walked back to your original position, out of the shot of the camera and near the directors.
"Took you two long enough to do that." One of them said, lounging back in their chair. You gave him a shocked look.
"Yeah, it was obvious." The other agreed. "Lets not make a habit of kissing in the middle of scenes though, yeah?" He offered. You flush a bright shade of red and nod, sharing a look with Tom.
Things were finally going to be very fun at work.
I'm sorry it was so short. I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know!
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kookoosbunnynose · 5 years
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Ch.1 || Ch.2
Pairing: Neighbor!Jungkook/FWB!Jungkook x Artist!Reader
Genre: Slowburn, Smut, Angst, Humor
Word Count: 11.4k
Warnings: Cursing | Slutty Jimin, we love him | mentions of emotional abuse | large jungcock | dom!jungkook | dom/sub themes |a singular use of a sir kink | dirty talk, lots | oral (f recieving) | he so gentle uwu, and then he’s very not gentle lmao
Summary: You’re an art student in need of a partner for your new collaboration piece, who is there to help you but your new neighbor, Jeon Jungkook. You two paint together but leave with much more than a colorful canvas.
A/N: Hello! I know! Dumb bitch finally updated the fic lmao. but i’m really excited about this part and even more excited for the rest of the fic. If you haven’t read chapter 1 yet go read it! 
Thankfully, even though you didn’t get to bed by the time you wanted last night, after the whole ‘y/n is a dumbass and got locked out’ debacle, you woke up with enough time to take it slow this morning. Mornings like these were your favorite, no rush. Just you sitting at your vanity getting ready for your day, jamming along to whatever song comes on your shuffle, using various items as a makeshift microphone.
You’re in the heat of Colors by Halsey when there’s a knock at your door, you abruptly cut off your poorly tuned melody, feeling caught. You quickly finish the eyebrow you’re working on as you don’t want the person at the door to see you with the one and a half you’re currently sporting. Good enough.
You rush to your front door, careful not to let your fluffy socks make you slip on the linoleum. When you open the door only to be greeted by your fluffy haired neighbor. He looks good in the morning too? Well that’s just fucking peachy. You’re making this difficult Jeon.
“Good morning.” You smile trying to hide how distraught you are.
“Good morning, sorry to bug you” he smiles sheepishly. “I was just hoping I could steal an egg from you? We’re out.” He asks hopeful.
“Oh, yeah of course. Just a second.” You turn on your heels to grab an egg from the kitchen. When your face is hidden by the fridge door you take a second to take a deep breath before making your way back to him. “Just one?” You ask when you hand it to him.
“Yeah one’s good, thank you y/n.” He gives you a small bow and opens his door. “See you later.”
“Hello gorgeous.” Yoongi says as your trio approaches the counter.
“Morning handsome.” Jimin smirks and steps in front of you.
“I was talking to y/n.”
“Her?” He looks over his shoulder at you. “While I’m here? That doesn’t sound right.” He scrunches his nose as if he’s doing mental math.
“I’ll just get your usual started.” He says leaning to the side so he can see your face.
“Thank you.” You laugh at them swipe your card and take the blueberry muffin he slides your way. You step to the side and wait for your boys to order their drinks.
“Remind me why we still come here.” Joon asks the two of you as you make your way to the pick-up end of the counter.
“Because we’ve been doing it since we started uni. We’re old and stuck in our ways, Joonie. There’s no backing out now.” You reply woefully.
“What are we? Boomers? We can go to a different coffee shop.” Namjoon furrows his brows.
“Order for Sweets!” A now familiar boxy smiled boy behind the counter says.
“Oh no we can’t. Not anymore.” Jimin says his attention caught by Tae.
“Look who wants to fuck the neighbors now!” You whisper yell at them before stepping toward the counter.
“Ha! You admit it!- Wait, neighbor?” You hear Jimin behind you.
“Hi Tae! Thank you.”
“Hello y/n!” He smiles and leans in to make his voice hushed. “If you don’t mind me asking, are you and Yoongi a thing? He covers like half your bill and calls you pet names everyday.” He lists off the, admittedly odd, circumstances of your relationship. 
“Oh, no we’re not. We just flirt back and forth. I think if he had any real intention behind it he would’ve asked me out by now, in my experience he’s pretty straight forward.” You chuckle.
“Ah okay. Would you want him to ask you out?”
“I did in the beginning but it’s been well over a year. As far as he goes, I’m sated with just the flirting.” 
“Ah, I see.” He turns away to grab the next two cups. “Orders for Jimin and Namjoon!” He calls over.
“Why do you ask?”
He pauses for a second. “I was just curious, he’s kinda like that with a couple girls but you seem to be his favorite.”
“Well it’s been a while, seniority I guess.” You shrug and your counterparts join you at the counter. “Oh how rude of me, these are my roommates. This is Taehyung.”
“Ah, nice to meet you, I’ll probably be seeing you guys a lot. I’m across the hall pretty often.” You all chuckle. “I wish I could talk longer but I don’t want to hold up the line, see you!” He smiles. 
The three of you give various forms of a goodbye as you leave to find your usual table. 
“Okay, is no one gonna say it?” Jimin says once you’re seated and safely out of ear shot.
“Say what?” Namjoon asks scrunching his face at his hot coffee.
“What do you mean ‘say what?’” Jimin says blinking slowly at your brother. “What is in those boys’ cheerios?” 
“No! You fucking tree!” 
“Y/n really? Now he’s calling me that, too?” You shrug.
You take a breath in as you walk into the art studio, the smell of paint and pencil lead tickling your nose. You take your usual seat at a large table and check your phone for your list of assignments. The professor sends you a large list of all the assignments at the beginning of the semester. Giving students the freedom to choose what order they do them in, the only stipulation is that you must have half turned in by midterms and the other half by the end of the semester. A much more doable lesson plan than a lot of your past professors. Being forced to be creative is draining and doesn’t get you far.
You scan down the list of possibilities until you find one that catches your eye. Monochromatic self portrait (any color)? No. Pretend you have synesthesia and illustrate your favorite song? Eh, not today. Collaboration piece? Ugh, I can’t even if I wanted to. I need to find someone to work with. Create 5 random custom colors and paint a landscape using only those colors (5”x5”)? Sounds like I could get that done before I leave. Perfect.
You pop in your earbuds and get to work. Deciding acrylic would be best for a quick painting, you grab a pallet and a sizable glob of each of the primary colors along with black and white. A little red here, a little yellow there, and some white for this one. You continue putting in different combinations until you have five colors you’re happy with not worrying if they’ll make sense for scenery. Fuck it. Who says trees can’t be purple? 
As you dip your brush into your small selection of paints and watch the way the colors glide onto the canvas, it makes a sense of ease wash over you. Breathing life into a piece no matter how simple creates a new little reality in it’s own right. Expands our universe one brush stroke at a time. In the least cringy art kid way possible, of course.
You continue your work, mouthing along to your music as you go. Rust tinted grass and a peachy sky coming together in a way that definitely isn’t realism but ends up having a sunset feel due to the warm hues you chose. Just a few touch ups here and there and you’re done.
You pack up your things and head home with your new little creation to dry completely overnight. It’s already mostly dry but the textured parts still have a way to go. 
  “I really need to go grocery shopping. Thank you again, y/n.” Bunny teeth shining as he leaves your apartment with a mug of tea in place of the hot water he showed up with.
Today is day… eight? Of a new routine has developed over the course of the week. Everyday without fail, whether it be morning or evening, an egg or a cup of milk. Jungkook comes over and asks for a small food item, thanks you, and returns home. No big deal, but it’s apparent that those idiots really need to restock their fridge. It’s like having a stray cat that comes around every night after you feed it once. A really big stray cat… with pretty hair, and a cute lip mole, that always smells like fresh laundry and citrus… anyway-
Time to officially start the day and pretend that little mental tangent didn’t just happen. Go team!
You finish doing some light makeup and throw on some ripped mom jeans and a black hoodie. Enough effort to look like you care, but still comfy. You throw your bag over your shoulder, slip your boots on and head out the door.
Finding parking on campus at this time of day is a nightmare and usually takes longer than just walking since you live just off school grounds. So you make your short walk and stop by the cafe by yourself. You usually go alone only once a week; there’s only one day where you’re the only one of your roomies to have a morning class. 
You order, give Tae his morning hello and make your way to class. 
Classes pass with relative ease. You listen and take notes; taking notes more so meaning doodling along the margins of your notebook than anything else. Really putting those scholarships to good use. 
Art history, meeting with the theater department about painting props, studio, home. 
You enter your apartment and are met with Jimin and Namjoon sitting on the couch about to start the obligatory bi-monthy screening of Your Name. 
“Hey! Were you gonna start the movie without me?” You kick off your shoes and take a running leap onto your spot on the couch.
“No! We were waiting for you, we’re not monsters.” Namjoon retorts in defense.
“That’s exactly what someone who wasn’t waiting for me would say.” You narrow your eyes at your little brother at the other end of the couch.
“Would you two stop bickering for two seconds. It’s starting.” Jimin puts a hand over both your mouths from his spot between you.
“Sheesh, grumpy pants.” You grumble when he lowers his arms.
The movie is filled with the same sobs and ‘awe’s that it always is, always ending in tears for at least one of you. Breathtaking animation coupled with a heart wrenching story, no matter how many times you watch it, it never fails to amaze. As much as you would’ve loved more closure at the end of the movie, the ambiguous ending couldn’t be more poetic. 
“Joonie, what would you do if we switched bodies?” You turn to your brother as the credits roll.
“Probably get a discounted coffee.” He deadpans.
“Oh, you’re no fun!”
“More money in my bank account sounds very fun.” 
Your retort cut off by a knock at the door from your neighbor for his daily snack, so you settle for throwing the pillow sitting in your lap in his direction as you stand. Which he tries to swat away only to end up with a faceful of cushion. Ha, get got bitch.
“Do you need an egg?” You say as you open the door.
“Uh- No I’m good? Thank you for asking.” Tae chuckles, you freeze your eyes widening.
“Oh my god, I thought you were Jungkook.” You let out a stiff laugh and shuffle your feet in embarrassment. “Anyway, what brings you all this way?” You joke, attempting to alleviate a bit of the blush on your cheeks.
“I just wanted to see if you’d wanna chill with us tonight? We had a lot of fun last time. Nothing special, but I wanted to see if you were up for it.” He smiles. “You guys are more than welcome to join too if you’d like!” He shouts over your shoulder at the boys sitting on the couch when he notices them sitting there.
“Nah we’re good Jimin and I have a test in the morning, and if I don’t force him to study with me he’ll fail.” Namjoon says from the couch
“I would not!” Jimin turns to him offended.
“Okay, I’ll study alone then.”
“No, please help me.” He deflates.
“See.” Joon smirks. “Thank you for the offer though!” He calls over to Tae.
“No problem, next time?”
“Next time.” He echoes.
“I’ll hold you to it.” He points a slender finger in your brother’s direction. “What about you, y/n? Are you down?” He directs his attention back to you.
“Right now?”
“If that works for you, Kook will be back from work shortly, it’ll just be Hobi and I for a little bit.” 
“Yeah, sounds good to me.” You smile. “Just let me go grab a couple things real quick and then I’m good to go!”
You scurry to your bedroom and take a look at yourself in the mirror, evaluating the damage the day has done to your makeup. Not bad. You give the apples of your cheeks a quick squeeze to bring back a little color, scramble to find your tinted lip balm, and fluff up your hair a little. There we go. Cute. Now to find something to bring with me so this little panicked face check isn’t a complete lie. Phone charger is good.
With your phone charger in hand and a revived complexion you head back out. 
“Thanks for waiting.” Tae gives you a nod and you smile while you give your boys a wave as you walk out the door.
You walk into the boys apartment and are immediately greeted by a wagging Bread who you kneel to give a plethora of loves, giggling when he hops up and tries to kiss your face.
“Hey y/n!”
“Hey Hobi!” You say as you follow Tae over to the couch with Bread right on your heels. 
“Glad you decided to join us. Kook will be here soon, he left work not long ago.” 
“I gave her the run down before we came over.” Tae smiles.
“How have classes and shit been?” You ask them
“Not ideal. I pulled a muscle in my leg.” Hobi rubs his calf. “With a big performance coming up on friday, but the show must go on, you know.” He shrugs.
“Oh shit dude, will you be okay?”
“He does this at least once a semester.” Tae says waving it off, used to his friend pushing through his injuries. 
“Yeah, it sucks for a bit but I’ll have some wiggle room to rest after this test.” He reassures.
“Okay good, just don’t die.” You chuckle.
“I’ll try not to.” He laughs.
“I’ve been doing a few surveys for my psych classes, would you mind if I get some data from you?” Tae looks to you, taking full advantage of the small lull in conversation.
“Tae no.” Hobi’s face falls and he rubs his temples.
“Do you find Chuck E. Cheese fuckable?” He asks, a genuine question mark in his eyes.
You blink. “What the hell kind of psych classes are you taking?”
“Just answer the question, y/n.”
You look at Hobi for some sort of answer, though you’re not even sure what your question is. “You’re gonna have to just answer him, he’s been on about it all day.” 
“Fucking of course not. Why on earth would I want to fuck a rat? And even if I did, why would I want to fuck a robotic rat roughly the size of an entire kindergarden class?” 
“First of all, he’s a mouse.” Tae corrects. “Second of all, THANK YOU!” He throws his arms up and flops against the back of the couch. “One kid in my class started this somehow and the room was surprising split. About forty percent of the people in that room said ‘Charles Entertainment Cheese’ was sexy! It got pretty heated, people were yelling that the opposing side that we ‘just couldn't handle his raw sexual power.’” He says exasperated with overdone air quotes. “So I’ve been asking everyone all day because I just can’t stop thinking about it.”
“I suppose I can see how that would plague your mind.” You laugh.
“Anyway!” Hobi interjects, clearly tired of the subject. “How are your things going, y/n?” 
You chuckle at his wide eyes. “They’ve been good. I’ve been spending more time in the studio with midterms coming up. But I need to find someone to work with me on a collab piece. I wanna have it in by midterms so I don’t have to worry about it during finals.” you sigh at the thought. 
“Awh, I would help with that but I already did that assignment and I’m not sure if they’d let me do it again with someone else?” Tae says with a small frown.
“I’d offer but the only thing I am versed in is drawing stick figures and arguably anatomically incorrect dicks.” Hobi chuckles.
“Thanks you guys.” You smile. “It’s alright though, I might just ask Jimin to get drunk and throw some paint at a canvas with me.”
“Hey! This reminds me, a couple days ago when you got coffee you promised you’d show me some of your work when we hung out next.” Tae looks at you sternly, arms tight across his chest. “The time has come Miss y/n.” 
“Ah, I suppose I did.” You say as you grab your phone to show him your album of a bunch of your work. “Okay, but I’m no Van Gogh. Go easy on me.” You warn before you hand over your device to him; you always get a little nervous when you show people your art for the first time.
“Hey hey! None of that nonsense! If the way you talk about art is any consolation, then I’m sure the passion alone is enough to make it beautiful.” Tae gives you a stern look followed by a reassuring smile.
“Do you want me to cry? Because this is how you make me cry.” You chuckle and relent your collection of work over to him for them to inspect. 
They open the first photo and you’re met with a mixture of a ‘holy shit’ from Hobi and a ‘wow’ from Tae, their reactions make you smile and your face heat up. 
“These are amazing y/n!” Hobi says as Tae swipes through.
“Thank you guys so much, really.” You say blushing and all but clutching your chest.
You watch their faces intently as they go through, Tae stopping every so often to zoom in and inspect a certain brushstroke that catches his eye. They get toward the end of the photoset when you hear a key in the front door. You’re the only one to turn your head to see Jungkook walk into the apartment. He sets his keys down on the table next to the entrance and his feet stutter a little when he sees you on the couch with his friends. 
“Hey Kook! Y/n was just showing us some of her art, dude she’s so talented!” Hobi calls over his shoulder.
“It’s really good, you should come take a look.” Tae adds, and you laugh nervously.
“That’s so awesome, I will.” He says looking at you with a smile. “I just need to talk to Tae, for a quick second.” He says turning his gaze toward him and tilting his head toward the hall. 
“Oh, is it about that thing?” Tae grits his teeth and sucks in sharp breath.
“Yes, exactly, the thing.” He confirms vaguely, looking relieved.
“Is everything okay?” You furrow your brows and look at each of them.
“He just has a rash, no worries.” Tae tells you in a hushed tone as he stands up. All you can do is blink in response. Jungkook lets out an exaggerated laugh as they disappear into the dark hallway and out of sight.
Once they are safely in the other room Jungkook flicks Tae in the forehead. 
“Ow!” Tae gasps.
“What the fuck was that for?!” Jungkook whisper yells at his idiot of a best friend.
“I was covering for you!”
“You could’ve said literally anything else! I don’t even have a rash!”
“She doesn’t know that!”
“Exactly, you fuck!” Jungkook whispers flicking him again. “Why is she here?! You didn’t warn me!”
“This is what I get for trying to help you?” Tae says rubbing his forehead with a pout.
“Hey! I was handling it just fine on my own!”
“Oh yeah, your plan to slowly raid the entire contents of her fridge was going so great!”
“I just thought!... I thought we would eventually talk or... something?” Jungkook says realizing maybe it wasn’t the best plan in the world. “That’s how my parents used to get to know our neighbors, they’d borrow each others sugar and shit.”
“It’d be easier to talk to her if you just hung out with her and I invited her over for you. You’re welcome! And your parents weren’t trying to fuck your neighbors, were they! Different goal calls for different strategy.” 
“Dude gross, I hope not.” Jungkook scrunches his nose. “And I don’t… just wanna fuck her.”
“Aww, does Googie have a bigger crush than we thought he did.” Tae teases pinching his cheek.
“Fuck you. But thanks I guess… just warn me next time, will you?” Jungkook relents.
“You got it.” Tae says patting him on the shoulder. “I’m only kinda sorry though!” He whispers as he slips out the door. Jungkook follows him to join all of you in the living room.
“Sorry about that.” Jungkook smiles at you as he and Tae take their places next to you on the couch. 
“No worries.” You assure.
“Kook you should take a look at her work, I think you’d like it.” Hobi says passing your phone over to him and your face heats up a little. “I was just telling y/n how you were really artsy in high school.” 
“Oh, it was nothing.” Jungkook waves him off as he starts to look through the photos and stopping a little longer on ones that catch his eye. 
“It wasn’t nothing.” Tae interjects. “Actually y/n, you mentioned needing a partner for that collab piece? Since I can’t assist, I’m sure Jungkook could help you out.” Tae gestures to the two of you.
“Oh no, I couldn’t ask him to do that for me.” You shake your head, looking at both their faces.
Jungkook tilts his head to the side for a second. “I wouldn’t mind at all, it would be fun. I might be a little rusty though.” He says with worried eyes.
“Really? you wouldn’t mind?” You light up. “That would help me out a ton. I’ve been stressing over that piece for weeks.”
“I’d be happy to.” He smiles bright. “I’m off on Saturday, we could work on it then. If that works for you, of course.” 
“You’ve got yourself a deal.” You reach out to shake his hand, effectively sealing the deal. “Thank you so much.” you say and squeeze his hand a little.
“So Kook, I’m collecting data for my psych class-” Tae takes this opportunity to stain your moment of gratitude.
“I already told you, I’m not fuckin’ rats!” Jungkook cuts him off.
“He’s not a rat!”
“Which side are you on?!”
“Did I call it? Or did I call it?” Jin looks at you with his stupid smug ass face.
“Listen! It’s nothing!” You throw that damp rag you’re wiping down a table with in his direction.
“It’s not nothing! I can smell your pent up sexual frustration for him from here. You guys are gonna be alone for several hours making art together? What is he, Swayze?”
“Men and women can be platonic friends! You’re not thinking very progressively here, old man.”
“Of course, men and women can be platonic friends.” He says gesturing at the air between you. “But you and what’s his fuck, Junglebook, you said? You two, cannot.” 
“Your lack of faith in me is astounding.” 
“I wouldn’t call it a lack of faith in you, more of an educated assumption… And a lack of faith in both of you.” He smirks. Asshole.
“Fuck you.” You deadpan.
“You know you love me y/nie.” He blows you a kiss.
“You’re lucky I do.”
You: I can bring the supplies over whenever you’re ready, just lemme know! Thank you for letting me come over there, it would be hard for creative juices flowing with Joon hovering over us all night. Trying to figure out a deep psychological reason for me painting a flower yellow lmao
You: Oh! And wear clothes you don’t mind getting paint on, stains are inevitable :)
And send. 
Okay listen to me you dumb bitch. You can do this. We got this. For fuck sake why are you so nervous? Pull yourself together! Just enough to prove Jin and Jimin wrong. Do it just to rub it in their faces! Fuck. What are you 12? We can hang out alone with him. This is stupid. I’m stupid. It’s fine. Everything is fine! Shut up.
Tight Buns McCute-Dog: You can come over now, I’m just gonna change real quick, the door is unlocked! (: 
After receiving that reply, instead of him just cancelling, you were relieved he was still willing to help you. However it didn’t help the whole sweating from your ass cheeks with nerves, thing. So overall about the same. Great. 
Doing an abstract painting in these mental conditions will result in accidentally painting several phallic shapes. A Freudian Slip of the wrist if you will. 
After a couple deep breaths, effectively shoving half your feelings deep into the crevices of your mind, and changing his contact name, just for good measure. You grab all the supplies you’ll need and walk across the hall. 
You struggle to open your door while balancing your small box of acrylics, easel and canvas in your arms. Deciding to abandon your easel in the hall for a second while you knock on your neighbor’s door a couple times before you turn the knob. 
Bread is already eager and yipping at you for attention while you attempt to bring everything in and set it up to the side of the living room adjacent to the kitchen. 
Jungkook opens your texts and mouths a small ‘oh shit’ not wanting to keep you waiting, but quickly regretting his decision to work out right before he saw you. He wanted to look a little extra muscley but didn’t consider that he’d be a sweaty mess after doing so. 
He settles for telling you he’s changing and hopes you take a few minutes to gather your things so he can blow dry his hair a little. 
Your presence in his apartment is made known when he hears his dog barking and scuttling around. He gives his hair a quick tousel, throws on one of his many black hoodies and a little spritz of cologne. 
Jungkook emerges from his bedroom to find you fumbling with your easel. Cute. 
“Do you need help?” he asks through a giggle.
“Nope! Got everything a hundred percent under control over here.” Your sentence punctuated by your canvas falling to the floor. “Shit.”
“Allow me.” he says handing you the canvas.
“Thank you.” you breath and run a hand through your hair. 
“So what’s the plan? I hope you’re not expecting any Sistine Chapel level work from me.” he chuckles.
“A bunch of naked babies and a priest with the ears of an ass? I appreciate that you don’t bring that to the table.” you raise your brows. 
“Point taken.” 
“The plan is no plan. I mean I wanted to go for something abstract because it’s fun and doesn’t require a lot of brain power. Just put the brush where you think it should go.” you mime a couple brush strokes in the air.
“Sounds easy enough, paint from the heart.” he confirms, patting his chest for emphasis. 
“Oh, I did think one of us could be in charge of warm colors and tints, and the other could do cool colors and shades, and see where that takes us.” you look up expectantly, hoping he likes your almost-plan.
“Sounds interesting.” He looks at the empty canvas, eyes scanning for possibilities. “Which do you want?” 
“I’m partial to cool colors, myself.” 
“Then today, I’m partial to warm.” he smirks. “So are we just feeling what we feel in the moment or is there an emotion we’re trying to convey?” He turns to you, eyes expectant. 
You pause for a second, unsure if you should abandon the theme you were pondering for this piece before you knew Jungkook would be your partner in creation. “Is it too cliche if the theme was ‘love’?” You ask him hesitantly. Immediately regretting not just saying ‘nah man, just throw paint at that bitch.’ 
But much to your surprise. 
“Not at all, it’s a ‘cliche’ for a reason.” He states nonchalantly. “Love is powerful. Whether it’s the painful bit or the part that makes you feel untouchable.” 
A certain fondness hits his eyes that tells you he’s speaking from experience but you don’t pry.
“I’m glad you like the idea.” you smile, relief filling you after he doesn’t exhibit any signs of being uncomfortable. 
He claps his large palms together. “Shall we get started, Miss y/n?” His gaze once directed at the blank canvas, now fully on you. 
“Choose your weapon, Mr. Jungkook.” You feign a serious tone, giving him a small handful of various brushes. Keeping a few of your favorites for yourself. 
You push your box paints toward him indicating he can grab what he likes. Normally you’re a bit protective over your art supplies, seeing as not only are they stupid expensive, but you care for your tools a lot. You wouldn’t let your klutzy brother within a ten foot radius of your things when you were growing up and even now your blood boils if he’s anywhere near your expertly sorted colored pencils. But Jungkook is always gentle and seeing the way he meticulously places small globs of white, reds, and yellows onto his palette, you know you’ve made a good choice in trusting him. 
He steps slightly back letting you put the first ceremonial brush stroke of charcoal black diagonally across the upper most half of your canvas. He joins shortly after deciding to start with white in contrast with your black, laying down some bases for shapes and choosing to run his brush through to disturb the various lines you’ve made, dragging the two tones into a fading grey. 
As your mind wanders towards the way his slender tattooed fingers wrap delicately around the paint brush you quickly come to the conclusion that it’s time to play some background music. Absentmindedly sticking the handle of the brush between your teeth to grab your phone and open your music library.
“What kind of music do you like?” You turn to him, the thin strip of wood in your mouth giving you a slight lisp. 
“I’m not picky, play whatever you want.” he says warmly but his brow still furrowed with concentration while he finishes up his base layer. 
As his answer didn’t do much in the way of helping your quest, you opted for the safety of one of those throwback playlists spotify procures for their listeners, the 90’s one to be exact. Everybody loves some good nostalgia, and it may aid in the sincerity of your painting. Past emotions and whatnot. 
The first song that comes on after you hit shuffle is Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana and you hum in content. Jungkook on the other hand is pleasantly taken aback by your song choice. 
“Oh shit yeah! I love Nirvana!” He smiles brightly, taking his crinkling eyes off his work for the first time since you started. 
“Everybody loves Nirvana.” you tease him and roll your eyes at the possibility of him being one of those frat boys that ‘misses Kurt Cobain so much’ but can only name Smells Like Teen Spirit and maybe Aneurysm if you’re lucky. 
Jungkook, sensing your tone, smirks and runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek. “You think so, huh?” he bemuses, rolling up his sleeve to uncover this inked skin. Across his forearm is a quote reading ‘rather be dead than cool,’ a lyric from their song Stay Away. He watches you with a quirked brow.
“I stand corrected.” you hold your hands up in defense. Trying not to let the way his inked skin hugs his veins increases your heart rate become too apparent on your features. “You do indeed love Nirvana.” your emphasis on the word being placed differently this time.
“Never doubt me again y/n.” He eyes you suspiciously. “I’ll get more tattoos just to spite you.” He narrows his eyes to add validity to his semi-empty threat.
“I will never doubt you again, scouts honor.” you say playfully saluting him. 
“Now start the song over. Your lack of faith in me, made me miss half the song.” he points a finger at your phone.
“I can’t, I don’t have premium.” you let out a heavy sigh.
“What?! That’s dumb. You suffer through those god awful ads?” He screws his face up in disgust. 
“Eh, I don’t mind too much.” You shrug. “I don’t wanna spend the extra money every month.” 
“Okay, I guess that’s fair.” He squints at you as you pick up your brush again. “Why don’t you just use my account? I’ll text you my login.” He says fishing for his phone in his pocket. 
“That’s completely unnecessary.” You laugh, and wave for him to stop. “You’re already helping me out so much with this.” you gesture to the now less blank canvas in front of you.
“I really don’t mind. What’s the worst that could happen? We expand our music libraries? Oh no!” he pretends to gasp and you roll your eyes. “And besides, I’ll sleep better at night knowing I saved a soul from those creepy ass vitamin water commercials.” He chuckles.
“You really don’t have to.” Your eyes softening at his seemingly endless stream of kindness. 
“Already sent you the login, too late.” he says, sucking in a breath as if to say ‘what a shame.’
“Thank you, Jungkook.” you say as you gently grab his forearm and run your thumb over it.
“You’re welcome.” He smiles. “Back to work now!” he declares, sticking his paint brush, that at some point in your conversation tucked it’s way behind his ear, into his small mountain of yellow. 
You work like this together for a while. Humming along to your music, that is now playing off Jungkook’s phone after he insisted he didn’t wanna hear ‘Colonel Suck-My-Ass’ sing about his chicken deals one more time. The two of you working together seamlessly; the way you blend your colors and make textures complimenting each other nicely. Switching sides of the canvas every so often so it remains balanced. 
After about an hour of being immersed in your work Jungkook turns to you. “Noodle break?” He asks you frowning at his empty tummy.
Your brush stutters on the canvas at his words, your stomach not realizing it’s been hours since you’ve eaten until he mentions food. “That sounds wonderful, actually.” 
“One or two packets?” he asks making his way into the kitchen.
“Just one is good.” you smile, setting your brush into your cup of water. You follow him into the kitchen. “Where do you store your liquid?” you ask standing between the pantry and the fridge, looking lost.
“Fridge.” he answers giving his approval to let you grab the two of you some drinks.
“I see you guys finally went grocery shopping.” you chuckle at the butter and cartons of eggs in his fridge.
“What?- oh right, yeah. Finally dragged Hobi out earlier today.” His smile not quite meeting his eyes while he opens up three packets of ramen, and waits for the water to boil. 
“Can I steal a soda?” 
“Yeah, just not the sprite. Hobi can and will throw a fit.” his tone far more serious than the situation calls for.
“Well damn, okay.” you say and grab a coke for both of you. 
“Thank you.” He smiles and your fingertips brush perhaps a little too long when you hand him his drink. 
He pulls the tab, puts the cold metal to his lips and you watch the way his throat bobs up and down with every swig. When you feel yourself staring your ears heat up, and turn your gaze to the water starting to roll in the pot. 
As Jungkook is finishing up cooking the ramen, the song changes to Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls, you let out a small gasp and start to sing along. He smiles at your apparent love for the song and starts to harmonize with you to encourage you to keep going. Which, much to his dismay, did the exact opposite.
“Jeon Jungkook!” you scold. “I didn’t know you had such a beautiful voice!” 
“It’s alright, I guess.” He breathes out and rubs the back of his neck a little embarrassed. “You’re not too bad yourself.” He looks at you with those big doe eyes. And you swear you’ll only look at them for a couple more seconds, as not to fall under their spell. A half hearted oath at best. 
But you start to sing again, you tell yourself it’s to make the most of the song while it’s on but really, you just want to hear honeyed voice hit your ears again. And it does, eyes closed tightly and mouth wide to control his sound. You can’t hold a tune to save your life but the way he carries your sounds with his, it doesn’t matter. Your song is beautiful.
After your musical interruption, you take your bowls to the table and slurp away at your noodles. All the while Bread is at your heels begging ever so sweetly, which Jungkook scolds but ultimately ends up throwing him a noodle when his bowl is just about gone. 
You take your bowl to the sink but when you start rinsing Jungkook comes over to push you out of the way so he can take care of it himself. You stand your ground for a minute but lose the silent argument due to his advantage of stature. You mutter a small ‘fuck you’ before you return to the canvas, and he smiles contently to himself.
Jungkook joins you back at your station, stepping back for a moment to assess where the two of you left off and what he’d like to add. He lets his eyes run over the varying sized lines and the way they come together but also fight one another in some spots. Some colors as bright as the sun and others look like the depths of the ocean. All coming together in a way that only really makes sense to the two of you. 
You finished what was left of your drink and picked up your brush, dipping straight into your black paint for the second time since you started like you were on a mission. You drew a fluid line near the center curving over a few existing splotches, near the end of your brush stroke it became jagged and split off into several directions. A pessimist would call it a shatter, an optimist would call it several opportune paths, and a realist would probably just call it a painting. But Jungkook did none of those things.
“Y/n, have you ever been in love?” He asked as if he had only asked what time it was. He started swirling some colors together while he waited for an answer.
You blinked, trying not to show how much that question shocked you. “I suppose…” you breathed, actually struggling to come up with a real answer. “I mean, last time I was in a serious relationship was in highschool.” You trailed off. “I don’t know if I can say I’ve been in love but I’ve loved someone before… I feel like being in love sticks with you in a different way. More of a life experience than a life lesson.” You scrunched up your face a little, hoping he’d be satisfied with your answer even though you yourself weren’t.
He nodded, taking in your words. “I think being in love can be just as much a life lesson as ‘lesser relationships,’ if not more so.” He adds putting air quotes as not to come across the wrong way. “But hopefully you end up with more positive lessons than not.”  
“Yeah, you’re right. Like learning how you love and need to be loved. What you deserve and what you won’t put up with. Learn to let yourself be loved-” You stop your word vomit after that last comment, feeling a bit vulnerable. “Those kinds of things?” you let out a little laugh.
“Is it fair to assume that you have?” You question, hesitating slightly.
“That I have what?” 
“Been in love, dummy.” You laugh, strategically placing a light green around the canvas.
He pauses slightly. “Yeah, I have.” The same fondness that found his eyes earlier that day sets in again. Not in a painful or bitter way, you noted. But in the way you’d regard your favorite childhood memory.
“I didn’t rub salt in a wound, did I?” you tensed slightly incase you read him wrong.
“No no, you’re fine!” He reassures. “It was a long time ago. Don’t get me wrong, it hurt like a bitch in the moment, but as they say, time heals all wounds.” he shrugs.
“Can I ask what happened?” You prompted, feeling a little braver this time.
“Well you know, same old story with high school sweethearts.” He paused to fix a spot he didn’t like. “She was a year older than me. She left for university. We tried long distance and after a few months we decided it was too hard. Nothing particularly spectacular.” He tells the story, for what you can tell is at least the thousandth time. “What about you and Mr. Not-Quite-In-Love?”
“Nothing, super special either. Unfortunately, the lessons I learned from him were less than positive. After the initial honeymoon phase, he didn’t treat me the best. Looking back I learned to know the level of respect I deserve, but in the moment his lack of just made me desperate to ‘earn’ it. It was a vicious cycle for about a year but things ended and I grew up. And like you said, ‘time heals all wounds.’” Jungkook looked at you with furrowed brows, not sure if he wants to hug you or the seventeen year old girl you used to be who would see herself as anything less than what she was. But he settled for the former.
He wrapped his arms around you, taking you by surprise. But you accept his embrace and smile against his shoulder. “I’m okay now Jungkook.” You giggle. “It was a long time ago and I learned from it.”
He pulls away. “I know, I’m just sorry it took that dickbag for you to know your worth.” he gives you a sheepish smile, and a fire in his eyes dulls when he looks at you.  
“Thank you, you’re very sweet.” you pat his arm before you both turn back to your respective parts of the canvas. 
“Hey, just cause I’m not a complete asshole, doesn’t mean I’m sweet.”
“I’m holding firm at you’re sweet, and you can’t change my mind.” You both laugh and return your full attention back to your work.
Your rhythm returns to where it was before you ate. Both of you humming along to whatever song is playing at the moment, using your paint brushes as microphones if a particularly good song came on. Exchanging a few words here and there. Each admiring the small things the other chooses to add to the work of art. You noticed Jungkook has a habit of biting his lips when he’s concentrating. Cute. 
Now here you finally are after another hour of blending, layering, and tweaking. Both of you put down your brushes down and stepped back slightly to admire what you’ve created. Letting out a sigh at your hard work, taking in the finalized piece. The way the colors run together or bump into one another. The juxtaposition of fluid lines being interrupted by jagged edges. The way the soberness of the colors you put down calm and soothe the firey and vibrant ones he laid down for you.
Ordinarily, when you finish a painting, you never quite feel done. There’s always one more thing you could fix, one more stroke you could add. But not this time. It’s finished. Breathtaking in a simple way. You’ve never felt such a sense of completeness when you set your brush down, and you can’t help but feel you have Jungkook to thank for it. The way his colors and brush work complemented yours was… for lack of a better term, a work of art. 
Jungkook puts down his brush, watching you lay down your final touches. Truth be told he’d been watching you out of the corner of his eye the entire time. Checking in on you every so often when you’d put down your tool and furrow your brows in concentration. Smiling when you’d absentmindedly mumble to yourself about what you’re doing. He was in awe of how much of yourself you put down on the canvas, not entirely sure what wordless stories you were telling meant. Though that didn’t stop him from taking the puzzle pieces you laid down and arranging them into a y/n shaped jigsaw in his mind. Perhaps your fondness of calming colors was to tame the wild fire he could see within you. 
And just as quickly as you’d started, you were done, setting your brush down and smiling at what you saw in front of you. 
“Thank you so much, Jungkook.” You breathe still taking in the painting. “It’s beautiful.” 
“Yeah, it is.” He says just above a whisper, never taking his eyes off your beaming profile. 
“Hm?” You turn to him. He looks into your eyes, once filled with fire are now a calm ocean. His gaze shifts to your lips after they form a confused pout at his silence, his body leading his brain when he leans toward you.
It’s now or never.
He leans in further looking into your eyes for any sign of apprehension before he cups your jaw in his paint stained hand. Finally taking the leap all at once when you lean into his touch. 
His lips are even softer than you imagined when they meld against yours. He pulls away slightly to look at you a question mark across his features. You put your hands flush against his hard chest and answer his question by reconnecting your lips with his with fervor and you feel him smile against you. He deepens the kiss, putting his free hand on your hip to pull you closer to his warm body. 
He swipes his tongue along your bottom lip, testing the waters further. You mirror his action, noting that his lips taste faintly of strawberries. You slide your hands into his soft hair and curl your fingers into fists against his scalp making him groan into your mouth. 
His hand that held its feather like touch against your face leaves it’s place to join his other around your waist. His hands squeezing harshly at your hips, his fingers digging into the strip of skin your shirt rode up to expose, making you shiver against him despite your rising temperature. 
He pulls away to place sloppy kisses along your jaw, nudging your jaw with his nose gently to gain access to your neck. You suck in a breath when you pull him closer causing his teeth to graze your pulse point as his swollen lips leave rosey marks in their wake. He sucks harshly at the soft spot below your ear causing your nerves to flare and a moan to escape your lips. He groans in satisfaction at the way his actions affect you, running his hot tongue over your skin to soothe the marks he made. 
His hands move higher on your abdomen slipping just under the hem of your shirt, making you tense slightly under his calloused palms, he feels your shift and rubs his thumbs below your ribcage to relax your tensed muscles. His gentle fingers vastly opposing his flushed cheeks when he brings his face up to yours again, his hair already messy and his eyes dazed as he looks at your lips like they’re the first glass of water he’s seen in days. He crashes his lips back into yours hungrily causing you to squeak at his desperation. You disconnect your lips leaving almost no distance between you.
“Bedroom?” you ask lowley against his lips, your vocal chords betraying you making the word come out far more shaky and less sexy than you wanted. His shoulders flex under your hands at his request.
Jungkook slides his hands down your ass to squeeze the flesh in his hands when his finger tips graze the back of your thighs. 
“Up.” he says firmly, offering you free transport to his bed. You hop up, his strong arms hold you and you wrap your legs tightly around his narrow waist. He starts the small walk to his bedroom, and you try to ignore the way his stomach pressed against your clothed clit is providing the smallest amount of friction with each of his steps, instead deciding to direct your attention to him instead. You give a gentle open mouthed kiss to the small mole on the side of his neck, you make a small path sucking where his jaw meets his neck, and he hums deeply making his chest rumble against yours in response.
When you reach his room, the smell of his fabric softener fills your lungs as he presses your back against his now closed door. His hands trail from your ass, trusting you to hold yourself up around him, up your sides, he slides your arms from around his neck and to the wall until your hands are effectively pinned above your head. The air between you is heavy for a moment as his dark eyes take in how you look like this, your eyes starry as your chest rises and falls in anticipation of his next move. 
He kisses you again, slower this time. You whimper into his mouth when his hips grind his hard dick into your clit. His thighs flexing under yours as he grinds up again harder, swallowing as many of your beautiful sounds as you’ll give him. 
He stops his hips and tucks his arms under you again to set you on his bed. 
You reach your shirt to pull it over your head but he stops you.
“Let me.” He says half a statement, half a question. 
You smile and say nothing but grant him permission by raising your arms above your head. He hooks his fingers into the hem of your shirt grazing your skin making goosebumps blossom on your flesh as he pulls it up and over your head. He reaches for the clasp of your bra slowly and gently like you might break, as if he wasn’t just shoving you against his door with his cock. 
“Fuck.” He breathes out harshly when your hardened nipples are finally released to the cool air of his room.
He quickly strips off his hoodie revealing that he’s been painting without a shirt underneath the whole night. Your breath hitches as all the times you’d touched his arm or chest the hours prior, not knowing there was only a thin barrier between your fingers and his skin. You run your eyes over his bare chest and hard stomach, you knew he worked out but hot damn, those baggy clothes he wears does no justice to what’s under them. However he doesn’t give you much time to marvel before he reconnects his lips with yours leaning into you until your back is on his duvet, you spread your legs to make room for him to settle in between. 
His hot skin drags softly against your nipples as he descends down your frame to pepper kisses along the valley of your breasts. He licks his fingers to roll one of your nipples between his wet digits while he attaches his mouth the other, swirling his tongue in intoxicating circles. You sigh at the small relief his mouth is bringing you and tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging roughly when his teeth bite down onto your sensitive bud. You feel the bed bow slightly below you as his hips stutter at your action. He quickly tends to the small sting with his tongue. Giving a gentle kiss to your nipple as he pulls away. 
He sits up and hooks his fingers into your pants, but stops before tugging them down. “Is this okay?” He asks sincerely. 
“Very.” You say, your heart clenching at his concern and help him slide your pants to your ankles, eager to have his soft skin on yours again. 
He brings his lips to your neck again and you wrap your legs around his waist rocking your hips up to rub your neglected clit against his rigid cock that he has yet to spring free. The wet spot on your panties rubbing off onto his sweats. You moan into his ear at the small relief you’re able to bring yourself, arching your back further in attempt to get more friction and he chuckles against your skin.
“Patience, sweetheart.” He smirks down at you and your feeble attempt to feel his cock. 
“Don’t wanna be patient. Want you to fuck me.” You say trying your best not to whine, as you reach for the waistband of his pants. 
He runs his tongue along his lip and leans down until his lips brush the shell of your ear. “Oh, don’t worry beautiful, I will.” He moves your hands and rolls his hips into yours once to punctuate his sentence. “But I wanna taste you first.” He says and quickly sits back on his knees to slip your underwear down your legs, tossing them behind him not worrying about where they land. 
He settles his shoulders under the back of your thighs and makes a path of open mouth kisses from your knee to your inner thigh, stopping right before your sex and inhaling deeply as he sucks a bruise into your skin, your face heats up and your hips shake in excitement. 
“You smell fucking delicious, sweetheart.” he looks up at you with soft doe eyes that completely contradict his filthy words. He lingers just a whisper away from where you want him and you roll your hips to meet his lips. He smirks again at your frustration moving his lips to your other knee to make a wet path up your other leg with his mouth, seeing how long he can push you. Stopping midthigh to speak again into your skin. 
“I wanna take my time with you sweets. Greedy little girls don’t get to cum on my tongue.” His eyes darken when they look up at you, his words sending electricity through your nerves and arousal dripping onto his sheets.
You opt for silently nodding as the only thing you could muster at the moment is a whine that you want to keep at bay. 
“Are you gonna take what I give you, sweetheart?” He says rubbing circles into your hip.
“Yes, Sir.” You breathe trying your best not to roll your hips into his touch and get scolded again. 
“Good girl.” He smiles at your compliance and finally gives you what you want.
He licks a long flat stripe up your slit, collecting your arousal on his tongue and swirling it around your throbbing clit. Your thighs tighten around his head and he groans against you. 
“Taste even sweeter than I imagined.” He all but moans into your folds. He swears he could get off just like this, with his tongue buried in your cunt and his hips rocking his cock into his mattress. 
You reach down and tangle your fingers in his hair, trying to pull him impossibly closer to you. He obliges you and wraps his lips around your clit sucking harshly, crude slurping noises filling the room but both of you are too lost in the sensation to care. Your hips start rocking against his mouth again, this time your body fully taking a mind of its own, your climax being the only thing you can think about. 
“That’s my good girl, use my tongue to get off.” You moan louder at his words and speed up your movements, balling his hair into fists. As he looks up at you with lidded eyes, he gets lost, lost in your taste, lost in the way your sweaty chest heaves with your heavy breaths, lost in the way his name falls from your lips with your eyes screwed shut.
“I’m s-so fucking close!” your voice comes out in a strained moan cracking at the end of your sentence. 
“Cum for me beautiful, wanna taste your cum.” He says wrapping his lips around your clit again to pull your orgasm from you. He may have called you greedy, but he couldn’t get enough of the way your thighs shook around him. 
“Holy shit! Jungkook!” your orgasm hits you like a wave starting in your stomach and sending fire through your veins. Your hips stutter and Jungkook licks you languidly through your high. All the while your mouth mutters his name in an incoherent mantra. 
He wipes his mouth on the back of his hand and climbs over you leaning on his forearms, and captures your lips in his. You taste yourself on them and smile against his mouth.
“You look so beautiful when you cum.” He says placing soft kisses along your jaw. And you’re glad he can’t see the way your cheeks flare at his comment. “Think you can still take my cock?” he says squeezing himself at the base through his pants. 
“God yes.” You say perhaps a little too enthusiastically and he chuckles at you. 
“You really are a greedy one, aren’t you sweetheart?” He says teasingly. “Let me get you ready first.” He says rubbing his thumb in small circles on your clit, your sensitivity makes you jump a little.
He looks down to watch the way your velvet walls swallow his fingers, but he stops his movement, realizing his hands are still covered in paint. 
“Shit.” He mutters almost silently. “I’ll be right back.” He says with a smile pecking your lips before he slips out his door. Closing it behind him just in case, as not to let Hobi unknowingly come home early only to find you spread eagle on his roommates bed. 
What the hell is he doing? Your eyebrows furrow, worried he’s gonna get some sort of convoluted sex toy. Which while you wouldn’t normally object, that’s a tad presumptuous on his part. 
Your mental ramble cut short and worries put to rest when he reenters the room with clean hands. He strips his sweats from his hips and climbs back over you.
“Sorry, I didn’t want you to get some sort of paint-chemical related rash on your… lady bits.” He says hesitantly breathing out a laugh against your cheek.
“While that’s incredibly considerate of you. That sentence didn’t do much for my ‘lady bits’.” you know what his venom filled tongue is capable of, so his childish use of words makes you giggle. 
He rolls his eyes at you and cups your face, pulling you in for another deep kiss. His hand snakes down between your legs and when his thumb connects with your clit you squeak and break the kiss.
“Your hands are freezing.” you say with more of a pout than you’re willing to admit. You presume he didn’t wanna make you wait too long so he washed his hands in cold water. 
“Why don’t you warm them up for me?” he quirks a brow and smirks. Bringing his hand up to your mouth and sticking his middle and ring finger between your lips. You happily wrap your lips around his digits; licking, sucking, and humming in content around them.
Jungkook’s cock twitches in his boxers as he watches your cheeks hollow slightly around his slender fingers, resisting from pushing them deeper in your mouth and seeing how pretty you look when you gag for him. 
He removes his hand from your mouth, marveling at the string of saliva that follows it. He reaches down to tease your entrance letting your spit and arousal get you ready for his stretch. He slips his fingers into your dripping core and has to hold back from moaning at how well you hug him. 
“Your pussy is so tight, sweetheart.” He breathes. “Your sweet cunt is gonna squeeze me real well won’t it?” He says catching your bottom lip between his teeth. You can’t help but clench around his fingers. “That’s my good girl.” He says, his eyes darkening and he curls into your sweet spot, you moan at how quickly he seems to be learning your body. Like he could figure out exactly what makes you tick if you stayed in his bed for just a while longer.
He removes his fingers making you whimper. He slips his boxers down a little and uses your arousal and his precum to wet his dick. Your mouth waters and you clench around nothing at how beautiful he looks slowly pumping himself with furrowed brows, until now he’s done a good job of not showing how badly his body demands to be touched just as much as yours does. 
He lines himself with your entrance and teases your clit with the tip of his cock, fighting the urge to slam himself into you to the hilt. 
“Do you want me to grab a condom?” he says mere millimeters away from slipping into you. 
“I’m on the pill.” you reassure and gasp at how close he is to giving you everything you wanted since he crashed his lips into yours at the easel. Or possibly before that.
That’s all he needed to hear before he pushed his cock past your entrance and into your wet pussy, the stretch he’s giving you making you thank him silently for insisting on warming you up first. 
“Fuck.” You both moan at how well you squeeze around him. He goes slow, inching in to give you time to adjust. You wrap your legs around his waist to encourage him deeper. He continues his slow pace breathing hot and thick against your neck. 
He sits up to watch how he disappears inside you. “Look how well you take my cock, sweetheart.” He says picking up some speed in his thrusts. You moan at how well he hits every spot in you that’s been left untouched tonight, his dirty words only further building the pressure in your pelvis. 
His thrusts become harder and you reach up you brace yourself on his biceps, his muscles flexing while he supports his weight above you. He angles his hips up slightly hitting your sweet spot perfectly, and you nearly yelp at the sensation, digging your nails into his arms making him hiss.
“Right there? Is that how your little pussy likes it?” He feigns a subtle innocence in his voice. Like he can’t see with his own eyes how well he’s fucking you.
“Yes, fuck! Please don’t stop.” you beg, mostly to get him to do just that, but also because of the sweaty fog his delicious cock has worked into your mind isn’t exactly allowing you to form the most intelligent of sentences.
He sits back on his knees and pushes one of your legs to your chest, his dick hitting deeper than you thought possible making your eyes roll back and your jaw slack. Your moans become uncontrollable and the words you’re attempting to say just come out in broken sounds.
“Such a good slut for me, look at you falling apart on my cock.” his voice almost a growl. “You gonna cum soon, sweetheart?” He says with a voice like silk to mask how close he is himself.
You can’t do more than nod fractically at his words in fear your voice will betray you. He rubs your clit with his thumb to earn your second climax from you.
And you do, your walls tighten around his cock but his pace doesn’t falter. Your legs shake and your eyes roll back. You cover your mouth to muffle a scream. Your orgasm ripping through you so hard you feel like you might burst. 
Jungkook hisses at how hard you’re squeezing him and fucks you through your high. He reaches to his headboard to fuck into you harder, being selfish for the first time tonight, using you to chase his own high.
“Where do you want it?” He says in a stifled whine.
“Cum inside Jungkook. I want you to fill me up.” You say pressing your nails into his chest. The overstimulation you feel in your core is worth every thrust when he finally lets go and fills you with his cum. His cock twitching as he slowly rides out his climax. 
He collapses on top of you, breathing heavily into your neck. Then rolls over to the other side of the bed, to allow both of you some cool air on your skin. 
“I hope I didn’t go too hard at the end there, are you okay?” He looks over at you with worried eyes.
“No. No it’s okay, I liked it.” you smile, your lungs and heart rate working hard to steady themselves.
After he’s caught his breath a little he reaches into his bedside table to get a small rag to wipe up some of his cum leaking out of you, and you suddenly feel very vulnerable at his thoughtful gesture. 
The post sex clarity hitting your mind, not quite in the way you hoped. As you lay there the height of what you two just did sending your mind go into overdrive.
Oh fuck. You run through the events of the night starting to panic a little. He’s my friend, how did this even happen? I wasn’t gonna do this. I wasn’t gonna let this get more complicated than my attraction to him already was. Shit, I’m an idiot. I mean he did kiss me, but… I can’t let this happen again. I don’t want this to end badly and have to move just because I think with my idiot vagina. It makes things too complicated. Okay, I have to end whatever that was now before things get even more complicated. He won’t mind right? He’s a college dude, he’s probably fine with just hittin’ it and quittin’ it. Yeah, everything is good. Friends can fuck once and then be good, it happens all the time. 
You sit up from his bed and run your hands through your hair a couple times in an attempt to tame it and start to pick up your clothes. 
“Are you okay?” He says, watching you as you attempt to find your underwear.
“Yeah, I’m good, just have an early class in the morning and I should probably get going.” you force a smile. 
“Oh, uh okay.” He says not quite convinced. Though you weren’t lying about that, you really did have a class in about seven hours.
“Hey um,” you hesitate, sliding your pants on just choosing to abandon your underwear. “This was just a one time thing, right?” you ask him, hating the way you said that. 
He senses your tone and feels a little twinge in his chest, but he ignores it, putting on a smile instead. “Yeah, definitely. Why do you ask?” 
“Okay, good.” Another twinge. “I just don’t want things to be too complicated, with us being neighbors and all…” You trail off, trying not to cringe at yourself. 
“Yeah, that makes sense.” He pauses, realizing for the first time that this could have negative consequences. “No worries, it’s forgotten. Just friends.” He reassures pulling his pants on.
“Just friends.” You smile and extend your hand to him. You shake on it. 
You pull your shirt over your head. 
“See you later, neighbor.” You say attempting to bring back the way things were just an hour ago. And you slip out his door.
He doesn’t walk you home like he normally does, and honestly you’re thankful. You just want to be back in your apartment where you can pretend that didn’t just happen. Even if that was one of the best fucks you've ever had, you're certainly not going to think about it. What is there to think about? Nothing happened.
You slip out his door, and into yours, met with Jimin munching in your kitchen, presumably after a party and your feet halt in their tracks. 
“Damn babe, you look positively wrecked.” He says with a knowing smirk.
“Jimin, I am so not in the mood for whatever you’re about to say.” you say exasperated.
“Oh, so I should save the ‘I told you so’? Would you rather get it in the morning?” He asks innocently, though he’s anything but.
“Preferably never.” You quip and slip into your bedroom.
Yeah, never is good, we’re just gonna pretend none of that happened.
Taglist: @taezeus​ @spoopysoph​ @gucci-prince-tae​ @jiminiesthiccthighs​ @veryuniquenamegoeshere​ @hermiones-enchantment​ @irissilujm​ @flo-music​ @scalbra​ @sugarrimajins​ @embrace-themagic​ @megsmiiiii​ @nerdycookiemonster-1222​ @livorna​ 
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littlegingrnut · 4 years
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((ooc: me doing makeup? I know it's crazy. I'm aware that pride is over but that doesn't stop me from being gay. I bought this new pallet today and needed to try it, so obviously i had to rep my bi colours))
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jazzmarshfmpwsc · 4 years
Jesse Chamberlin Inspired Creative Workshop
With this workshop that i done, the main focus was about expressing your ‘identity’using different objects and materials. For me personally i feel like i am a very bright person, which is why I included every single layout with bright colours. I will be doing a separate post about this artist after, but this workshop i have solely based it on Jesse Chamberlin and used a similar style, by similar style i mean the fact that i used such vivid colours in every single photo, Jesse Chamberlin majority of the time uses these colours that just makes the whole format stand out and i wanted to give the same perception as them, not necessarily using similar objects but the same thing of using bright, vivid and eye popping colours. 
For the first layout i used a white wool to lay my objects on just for texture within the photo. There’s 2 pairs of sunglasses lying on top of the wool, the sunglasses represent my love for fashion and the summer. I have always been very into my clothes and always made sure that i have the most recent and in clothes at the time and the sunglasses represent that nicely as the weather right now at this moment in time with very hot so i’m wearing them a lot, and its another easy way to show my love for summer. Fashion is a way that i express my identity now, i never used to, i was cautious with what i wore and to scared of peoples opinions, but now i love myself for who i am and what i wear . The coloured mesh is just a way to put some colour into my work, as i feel like i’m a bright person so it had to include some form of bright colour. If i could i would have changed the composition within the layout to make the sunglasses more focal and in the centre. I gave this layout a sort of macro view when taking the photo, to sort of see through the mesh and the texture of it, instead of having it birds eye when you wouldn’t have seen the textures of the mesh and wool.
My second layout is just one bug overload of who i am as a person, looking back on it now, i see that its too cramped and unorganised. Basically with using the same format as Jesse Chamberlin by using a bright colour scheme, i put majority of the items that i got for this workshop and put them together.  First of all i used an eye shadow pallet and an old lipstick just to show that i wear makeup a lot and its a big part of my identity as i’m very self conscious and don’t like showing my true skin. I crushed all of my makeup to convey the message that i shouldn’t have to wear makeup to feel myself, and that i am gradually less reliant on makeup. The leopard print scrunchie  shows that i adore any type of animal print, as someone gets to know me they will realise that i continuously wear animal print in any type of way majority of the time, and its a very rare occasion if there is literally known, but this can all the way from a leopard print bracelet to a zebra print skirt. There is a lot of ink and coloured tape within the background of this layout just to add my inspiration of Jesse Chamberlin.
I played around with my third scene, i wanted to to represent at least one to convey my love of eye shadow. What i done was, i got a Pringles lid, filled up the majority of the lid with pva glue, then using my un-wanted eye shadow palette i scraped my favourite colours from it into the lid on top of the glue, but i didn’t want it to be messy so i tried my best to create a pattern contrasting from light to dark, then a vivid gold right in the centre of it all. The fourth layout if the exact same eye shadow and pva glue, but the difference is that i got a toothpick and mixed it all in together and added some more flecks of gold eye shadow on top. This is to portray the same idea that i shouldn’t rely on makeup so much, as it is a such bi part of my identity, as i cant leave the house without any on. It shouldn’t be such a big part of my identity, hense the fact that i ruined the pattern to signify you can still be beautiful without makeup, and the gold flecks represent that i can still be a fragment of my identity, and not as much as it is in reality. I took the photos in a birds eye view to capture all the textures of the eye shadow crumbled onto the glue, also to capture the whole lid and the pattern that i created.
My fifth layout is my personal favourite out of them all. The whole format is to represent my love for art, particularly painting. Using three of my acrylic paint tubes, i cut each of them in half and squeezed the contents of the bottle in between each of the bottles, and used a paint covered perspex to layout my paint bottles. Last year i done A-Level Art & Design, it was the only subject that i could be myself and be expressive with my work, un-surprisingly it was my best graded subject which carried on giving me motivation to carry on still doing it, even though i’m not taking it as a circular subject anymore i still do lots of art in my free time, and i have even started to portray my skills and previous experience of art into this course. Its a massive part of my identity art, its one of the ways that i express my emotions, perspectives and views on anything and not get judged for it, and its one of my only talents, i’m very proud of myself that i have created multiple paintings at a massive scale in good quality as well, I always had a lot of motivation from my peers about my art which is another reason why its a big part of my identity, as some people know me for my paintings at my old sixth form college. This is a massive link to the artist Jesse Chamberlin as they use very similar colours in there work, simplistic colours, but very effective as there so bright and take up a lot of space in the frame. There is a birds eye view angle with taking pictures of this one so i could capture the contents of the paint squeezed out the bottle.
With the last three of my layouts I have made them all similar and with the same meaning so i can talk about them as a whole. With both eye shadow pallets i made some plaster sine poured in a tray and lightly pushed the pallets into the plaster sine but not smothering them in it, then leaving it for 10 minutes so the plaster sine can harden and is tough enough for me to carefully pull out the pallets. When revealed there is not a lot of pigmentation transferred from the pallets which was my plan the whole time. The lack of pigmentation from the pallets convey my idea of makeup doesn't create you as a person, which is a lesson i need to personally take on myself. All the makeup is on the pallets but not showing up on the plaster sine signifying the fact that, even though you are covered in beautiful makeup, it is not showing your true identity. Studying the theme of ‘identity’ i feel like these layouts specifically show it very well, as it is apart of many peoples identity in a negative and also positive way. Once again i did use a birds eye view for these photos as i wanted to grasp the difference between the full pallet and the empty plaster sine next to one an other.
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peter-x-harley-cat · 5 years
Unsolicited Pride
It’s still an hour to August second, but I’m tired so I’m posting it now. Be warned: It’s not very good.
WC: 2809
Summary: Harley goes to NYC Pride compliments of Tony.
“What are you up to?”, Harley asked as Tony held out a plane ticket. 
“What? Are you honestly telling me you don’t want to go to New York City for Pride?”
Harley continued to eye Tony suspiciously. It wasn’t unlike him to hand out expensive gifts just because, but he could feel that there was some ulterior motive. Still, the NYC parade would probably be a lot different than the Nashville one he always went to. And Harley had been wanting to go to New York City since Tony broke into their shed if only for the cool tech he had up there. 
“Alright old man”, Harley said, taking the ticket. 
Harley rolled his eyes at the shocked looks he got as Tony Stark pulled up next to him on the curb. 
“Where’s your driver?”, Harley mockingly asked, throwing his bag in the back before jumping into the convertible. 
“He’s got another charge to take care of”, Tony replies simply. “Besides, I want to show you your first glance of New York myself.”
“Oh yeah, old man? Where are you taking me?”
Tony Just looked over and grinned before rolling out of the airport, leaving staff and travelers wondering who the motor oil-covered, teenage country boy was that he would be picked up by a billionaire. 
It was several hours before the two got to the tower. Tony has taken Harley to mostly quiet spots, showing him all the hidden gems Tony had found hiding from the press. Their last stop had been to a Pride store in Queens. Tony had bought nearly Have of the stock, convinced Harley was completely unprepared for the parade. Harley had rolled his eyes and complained a little, but he was a sucker for rainbow decor. 
They lugged all of their stuff up to the penthouse level of the tower. Pepper gave them an exasperated look when she saw them. 
“Hey, it was his idea”, Harley claimed, trying to point around all the bags in his arms. Pepper just shook her head with a smile before helping him put the bags down in the living room and giving a hug. Tony was left to basically plop down on the floor to get rid of his bags. 
“It’s good to see you, Harley.”
“You, too, Pep”, Harley said into her hair. 
“Where’s Peter?”, Tony asked once he had finally untangled himself. Ah yes, the intern. 
“He went home to make sure everything was ready for the parade tomorrow”, Pepper answered. “He and the kids will be over in the morning to get ready.”
“Your intern’s gay?”, Harley asked intrigue peaked a little. Not enough to stop his instinctual wariness if the guy, but a little. 
“Bi”, Tony answered, heading toward the kitchen. “This is only his second Pride and he’s been bouncing around about it all month.”
“So have you”, Pepper and Harley replied. Tony shot them betrayed looks as he was starting another pot of coffee which Pepper quickly put a stop to. 
“Uh uh”, she said, turning the machine off, to Tony’s and Harley’s disappointment. “I’m sure you two are itching to get down in the lab, but we have the whole rest of the summer for that. You both need to go to sleep at a reasonable time if we have any hope of getting you both there by noon.”
Harley and Tony pouted, but both ceded to the blonde. They order take out and talked about how Harley was doing and all his new projects. Eventually, they hauled their loot to Harley’s room which he promptly disappeared to. 
Harley—on the days he actually went to sleep—had a strict pre-bed routine. He always ended up feeling greasy and dirty at the end of the day no matter what he was doing, especially with the humidity in Tennessee. He got ready for bed and called his sister Lucy before doing a quick sweep (read: hour sweep) of his socials. He fell asleep scrolling through pictures of his friend’s at Nashville Pride last week. 
Incessant ringing surrounded Harley as he slowly woke up. He groaned and tried to go back to sleep when someone pulled the blankets away. He glared at a snickering Tony at the end of his bed. 
“Come on slowpoke, the others are going to be here soon”, Tony called over his shoulder as he left the room. Harley continued to glare as the man left before groaning and climbing out of bed. He didn’t bother with a shirt but he did throw on some sweatpants before walking out to the kitchen. 
Pepper smiles at him as she set a plate in front of him. He gave her a tired smile. Tony set a mug of coffee in front of him and he gave him a tired scowl. He scarfed the food down and drowned the coffee. He was about to ask if they had time to go down to the lab before Tony’s intern and his friends got here when the elevator dinged open. 
“We’re here”, a voice called from the living room. Harley turned to see a boy rounding the corner. Correction: a very cute, very excited boy rounding the counter. Harley suddenly felt a little less tired. 
“Hey”, Harley called and the boy’s head popped in his direction. The boy’s face flushed red upon seeing him and he stopped walking, two people running into him from behind. “Peter, I assume?”
The boy looked about to answer but the girl behind him beat him to it. “Tony didn’t tell us his surrogate son was the kind of person to walk around with no shirt on.”
“Hey, it’s literally the middle of summer in Tennessee”, Harley argued, ignoring the surrogate son remark. 
“You’re in New York.”
Harley shrugged before grinning again. “Force Of habit I guess.”
Tony thought this would be a good time to interrupt. 
“Guys, this is Harley, who I was telling you about. Harley, this is Peter, MJ, and Ned.”
Harley waved from his place on the stool, eyes looking over to the others before returning to the smaller brunette. Peter was still looking a little flushed as he turned to Tony.
“So”, Peter squeaked out before clearing his throat. “We getting ready?”
“Ah right”, Tony exclaimed turning to Harley. “You didn’t destroy the stuff did you?”
Harley scoffed, standing up. “I haven’t even had access to any explosive material”, he said as he made his way to his room. Tony gave him a dubious look as he and the others followed.
The bags were sitting all over the place. Harley grabbed as many as he could before making his way out to the living room and dumping open the bags onto the carpet. Tony and the others followed and did the same. Harley looked through all the stuff, looking for a shirt he had especially liked yesterday.
“Ah”, he called out, picking the item of clothing up from its place near Ned’s feet. It was a grey crop-top with a rainbow wrapped around it. He put it on and turned to MJ.
“Better?”, he asked, grinning.
She looked over at Peter who was currently digging through the clothes, the red on his face from earlier, back. Harley grinned wider, knowing he was flaunting just a little bit. He looked back at the pile of clothes at his feet and began digging around for more stuff. He grabbed a rainbow bandana, some glittery Converse, some rainbow bracelets, and a rainbow headband. He grabbed some glitter hairspray and a Pride makeup pallet.  
When he looked up, everyone was still digging around in the pile. He retreated to his room where he changed into some pre-ripped jeans. The rips were made to show rainbow fabrics in the holes. Harley usually found things like these tacky, but they had been the first item of clothing he had ever bought at Nashville Pride. He’d worn them to every parade since. 
He was walking out of the room when he ran into another person.
“Oh sorry…”, Harley trailed off. 
Peter Parker was standing in front of him in a black tank top that had the bi flag colors wrapped around it. He was wearing shorts and black heeled boots and a bi flag bandana wrapped around his neck. He was also really close and Harley was looking right into his eyes. Harley was a little entranced for a little before stepping back. He cleared his throat and was about to turn away.
“Can you help me do my makeup?”
Harley turned back around to see Peter nervously smiling at him. When Haley didn’t answer, he started to ramble.
“It’s just, I don’t usually wear makeup, and Mr. Stark was telling me that you were really good and was showing me some of the stuff you’ve done so I was wondering if you could do mine. You don’t have to, of course, but--”
“Sure”, Harley interrupted. He grabbed Peter’s hand and pulled him into his bedroom’s bathroom. He grabbed a chair from the room and sat it in front of the sink. He pushed Peter into the chair and grabbed the new makeup he’d gotten and some supplies from his old stuff. He grabbed his phone and opened the Spotify app before showing it to Peter.
“Okay?”, he asked.
“You’re the master”, he answered simply and pressed play before getting to work.
Harley worked for a little bit before suddenly asking, “Why do you call Tony ‘Mr. Stark’?”
Peter’s eyes were closed, but his surprise showed on his face.
“Oh, uh, well, he’s my boss.”
Harley scoffed. “You don’t have a typical employer/employee relationship.”
Peter blushed a little at that. “Yeah, well, he kind of helped me a lot when I was in a bad place and he kind of just, took me under his wing, I guess.”
“Makes sense”, Harley said. “That’s what he did for me after he broke into my shed.”
“I’ve never heard that full story”, Peter said. Harley smiled wide.
“Well, let me tell you…”, Harley continued to regale the other boy with the story of how he met Tony Stark.
When they stepped back out into the main living quarters, they both had sexuality-centered makeup. Ned nearly fell off his chair when he saw them. MJ scoffed but nodded in approval.
“Wow”, Ned gasped. “I’d seen some of your stuff online but, wow.”
Harley grinned, but he flushed at the compliment.   
“So”, Tony called, clapping his hands together. “We ready to go?”
The kids grinned before grabbing their stuff and heading to the elevator. They didn’t have to go far for the parade. It was right outside the building. 
“Really?”, Harley asked exasperated as he saw the hordes outside. Tony just shrugged. 
“I’m one of the most famous people in human history who happens to be a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community”, Tony responded simply. “When the city asked to have the meeting place here, I couldn’t exactly say ‘no’.”
A woman hurried up to them. She informed Tony that his float was ready and to follow her. The kids shot Tony surprised and amused looks as they made their way out of the building and to a backlot. Dozens of floats were lining up and getting ready as they hurried to the same blue convertible Tony had picked Harley up in. Everyone barely had the time to climb in before they were off. 
They made their way through New York City as thousands of people all in bright colors waving different Pride flags cheered. Harley was far out of his element but tried not to show it. Peter was sitting next to him and he looked a little out of his depth but slightly more relaxed. MJ looked bored and Harley was beginning to recognize that as her normal behavior, and Ned was nearly bouncing out of the car. 
They pulled up outside of a building and quickly ran inside as the driver took the car away. They were greeted by the mayor when they came in and he ushered them to a room to relax until the parade was over. The group talked for a while until Tony checked his watch and whispered something to Peter. A few minutes later, he made some excuse of going to the bathroom and disappeared. 
Harley and MJ were friendly debating over circuit boards when a roar went up outside. The group got up and looked out the windows. Swinging down the street was the city’s new favorite web-slinger. But there was something different about him. Harley figures it out when he got closer. 
Spider-Man’s suit was now colored like the bisexual flag. 
He landed on the roof of city hall as the crowd’s cheers got louder. The mayor turned to the feed of the outside of the building on a tv monitor. The superhero faced them and waved self-consciously as the people lining the street shouted. He stood there for a few more minutes, waving at people, before back-flipping off the roof behind the building. 
A few minutes later, Peter hurried back and flopped himself on the couch. “What did I miss?”
“Spider-Man’s public coming-out”, Harley answered when no one else did, still caught up in their conversation. Peter nodded before turning into the other’s discussion. 
Harley looked between Peter and Tony and wondered how everyone didn’t already know who Spider-Man was. 
The group spent the rest of the day downtown after the parade. Harley was surprised to find that the entire city was used to Tony Stark being anywhere and everywhere at Pride. Harley and the others were racing around, just trying to keep up. By the end of the day, Harley was mentally and physically exhausted. 
They had dropped MJ and Ned off at their houses, but Peter’s ain’t was out of town so he was staying at the tower. Tony and Pepper had disappeared somewhere into the tower and the two teens were currently hanging out in Peter’s room, utterly spent. They had talked about Peter’s school and Harley’s life in Tennessee and the several projects they were working on. The conversation had lulled comfortably when Peter began a new topic of conversation. 
“How was your first Pride in New York?”
“Good”, Harley said. “Exhausting and way too in the public eye in my opinion, but really good.”
“Did you go to Nashville Pride?”
“I could have, but I decided against it.”
“Don’t they have a big music festival, too?”
“We should go one year.”
The two fell into silence once again as they stared up at the ceiling. Harley desperately needed a shower, but he didn’t feel like moving. Instead, he asked, “How long have you been Spider-Man?”
Peter started to stumble over his words and deny it but Harley just turned to him with a look and he cut the act. 
“Since I was fifteen. I got bit by a radioactive spider.”
“Not really, it felt like puberty but weirder.”
Harley choked out a laugh at that. 
“How did you know you were bi?”
“I got a crush on this guy in sixth grade. Then I got a crush on a girl the next month. Not that complicated really. You?”
“Always knew. Girls are great friends and are really good with dating advice, but boys were always a different kind of appealing.”
Peter hummed at that. Harley felt the bed shift as Peter suddenly climbed off the bed. 
“I’m gonna go take a shower then order take out.”
“I should, too. We should get pizza.”
Peter hummed in agreement as he gathered up some clothes. He disappeared into the bathroom and after a few seconds, Harley heaved himself up as well. He made his way to his bedroom and quickly showered. 
He changed into some softer clothes from home and walked into the living room. Peter was talking into the phone and waved at him when he flopped down next to him. He hung up and turned to Harley. They just looked at each other before Harley asked, “Wanna watch a movie?”
Peter shrugged and told Friday to turn on a movie before stretching out on the couch. They watched some fantasy movie in silence. 
“Hey, Peter?”
“You wanna go out with me tomorrow?”
Peter shot up and turned to look at him and Harley was beginning to think he read the situation wrong. 
“Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow?”, Harley repeated, though a little softer. 
“Like on a date?”
Peter grinned at him and Harley felt the knot in his stomach loosen up a bit. Then a pillow hit him. 
“Of course I want to go out with you dork.”
“Well, you could have answered without the pillow.”
Peter hummed and laid down again, laying his head on Harley’s chest. “Yeah. But it wouldn’t have been as fun.”
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nnq · 5 years
modern!au k(lance)
they're all in their 20's except for Shiro who's 30 and coran who's 50
first of all. miss me with that 'pining roommate' shit. I love miscommunication and making characters that r sexy bffs with one another
Lance meets Nyma through a Craigslist ad he put up saying he needed a roommate. the moment they met was a tragedy for everyone but them because they're that powerful and beautiful
lance with tousled hair, wearing a half-unbuttoned silk shirt and designer jeans, Michael kors sunglasses pushed up atop his head, arm wrapped around nyma: hi guys this is my roommate, nyma!
nyma, with her blonde 3-ft long box braids down her back, perfectly manicured red nails, bodycon dress and loubitons, hand on lances waist: hey
allura, shaking and on the verge of tears: STOP MAKING US LOOK POOR AND UGLY
Lance is in school for marine biology and Nyma works as a hairdresser and the both of them are small beauty gurus on YouTube that collab with one another
lance: hey guys we're going to be trying out the new anastasia pallete we got today :)!
nyma: and by got we mean shoplifted from sephora
they're also insta baddies and both gender non-conforming baddies. Nyma is a nonbinary lesbian icon and lance is a nonbinary bicon.... those are like the fucking BEST senses of style
anyone with eyes can see that nyma is into and ONLY into girls but of course... heteronormativity.
rolo: I still don't get why you're dating lance. he's super annoying.
nyma: he doesn't bitch nearly as much as you even when he's got my cock in his ass
they do this thing where when people assume they're a couple they pretend they're some kind of kink couple and freak everyone out
which is why when hunk and pidge meet nyma they're like :eyes: but when nyma flirts with pidge lance doesn't even bat an eye and then lance starts pining about Keith's greasy mullet and his bags under his eyes and nymas got this look on her face that perfectly resembles a man who's lost all sense of normalcy and righteousness in his life and now sits in a bar every night listening to this dumb romance novel type shit and then pidge and hunk are like. oh. no they're just gay.
speaking of keith. he's one of those gays. one of the quirky emo gays that never sleeps and listens to 'coffee and cigarettes' on repeat and has like 3 strings of lights in his room and not only is an art major but ALSO a photographer. and yet somehow he still has the will to wake up at 5 am every morning and go to the gym like some kind of HEATHEN.
Lance knew Keith in high school for 3 years until he got expelled for fighting at the end of his junior year. He was also universally crushed on and was the bad boy jock of the school with a heart of gold so naturally Lance pretended to despise him so he could pine for him in peace
that all goes down the drain when Lance recognizes Keith in one of his classes and goes through the five stages of grief because a) he's hot and b) Lance is openly bi now so he doesn't have an escuse to not tolerate him
(He wasn't gonna do anything about it until he was put in a group with Keith a few weeks into class and he off handedly mentioned he went to Keiths high school, and Keith claimed he didn't remember him, and Lance was just a tad bit upset but was gonna leave it at that except after like 5 days of working together Keith slams his fists into the table and is like 'HOLY FUCK LANCE MCCLAIN?' And Lance is like. w. What.)
turns out Keith does remember lance. very vividly, actually. because he was the guy that everyone kind of had a crush on because he was so nice and charming to everyone he met, and Keith was SO gone for him. he just didn't recognize him tbh, which makes sense, bcuz in high school lance wore blue contacts and had straight hair and now he just wears glasses occasionally and leaves his hair wavy. Keith is gay and stupid don't blame him
keith, bursting into Shiro and Adams apartment at 2 pm: SHIRO HOLY FUCK
adam, bags under his eyes, underneath the covers of him and shiros bed: good fucking god not again
I'm tired of talking about ppl other than Lance and nyma though so I'm gonna talk about them for a bit because im love
as I said Lance has wavy hair and his actual eye color is brown but as he was growing up he was hella insecure about it that's why he wore blue contacts.... nyma caught him once trying to put them on again and put an end to All That Real Quick
nyma has brown eyes too and they're super dark, almost black, and that shits breathtaking bro. she usually has her real hair dyed blonde all the time and permed but she also likes to wear wigs and get braids too because she knows she looks damn good in them. everyone is jealous.
lance has tons of super light freckles. Enough said. nyma has a birthmark on her hip that's kind of shaped like a horse if you look at it from the right way
lance: you were a horse girl as a kid weren't u
nyma: how fucking dare. how fucking dare you say that. I really do have to laugh.......
nyma: obviously I was a warrior cats stan
lance's sense of fashion ranges from 'i went to California for a week once and now I can't stop wearing sweatpants and slides' to 'It's surprising I haven't gotten robbed at this point'. Lance is a scholarship baby so all the money he saved up through countless jobs and the one he already has at a coffee shop almost exclusively goes to clothes and kombucha
Nymas sense of style is definitely more on the eccentric side but since she looks good in EVERYTHING she gets away with it. think dollskill but with more neon colors and designer. she's the kind of person that never wears the same shade of lipstick for a whole month and has a box full of makeup palletes that are almost untouched and everyone who has seen it is both jealous and in wonder FENTYWAYS...
Keith goes over to lance's apartment for a project of sorts and immediately assumes that Lance and Nyma are a thing (they're very platonically affectionate, Nyma will kiss lance's cheek and they cuddle sometimes) which is disappointing but it's not a surprise considering Lance is so Lance and everyone else acts like they are dating so that must be the case, right?
lmao you thought.
nyma: holy shit. holy Fuck. God, allura is so hot. I would probably die if she brushed past me. I would die happily knowing I've been blessed by the touch of an angel.
lance: yeah haha she's really pretty.
keith, struggling to not choke on his coffee hearing All This at 9:31 A.M. in starbucks:
Keith asks if he can take photos of the two of them for his photography insta and they both jump on it so they can flex being sexy and afterwards Lance thanks him with a kiss on the cheek and Keith is sent REELING into gay mayhem.
lance: do you think that was like..... too much.
nyma: i think men are dumb that's what.
I mean u can't really blame Keith because Lance and Nyma are constantly joke-flirting with one another on social media and are in almost every one of the others photos in some way, or at least tagged, so by the time Keith actually works up the nerve to ask about that, it's been WEEKS since Lance kissed him and he's been miserably failing to ignore it
keith: so.... how's nyma doing?
lance: she's good! She's spent all day dying one of her wigs so she went for a coffee run lol. probably will hang with allura and shay later too
keith: and.... that doesn't make you jealous?
lance: LOL no.... they could never compete with me (talking about being Nyma's best friend)
keith: oh.... well, it's good that you trust each other a lot in your relationship.... you seem like a really good boyfriend
lance: wat the fuck did you just say.
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as soon as lance explains that nyma is not his gf and they're just bffs Keith is like ohthankgod.jpg and almost accidentally asks lance on a date before he stops himself and is like.... dumb gay bitch calm DOOOWWWNN
after that it becomes very obvious that nyma and lance r just friends at least for Keith mostly through dumb shit they say to one another
lance, sitting with hunk, pidge, and Keith at the library: hey guys wanna see something cool.
pidge: go for it
lance, clearing his throat: she think she bad but I'm better, these bitches tryna play catch up-
Nyma and Lance have self-care nights every Friday, sometimes Allura or Shay will come, and very RARELY Keith if only to spend time with Lance. also? Allura and Shay are dating, die mad about it.
They do waxing, exfoliation, mud masks, moisturizing treatments, hair masks, painting nails.... need I go on. it's basically whatever they want to do that week and when Keith reluctantly agrees to participate one day Lance goes mental
lance: OK so here's what I'm thinking. it's obvious you haven't really had a self care day for a while, which is like, fine, you do you, but holy shit are your split ends bad. I was thinking maybe I could trim them and then we could do a hair mask? Oh! A face mask would be good as well, even though you've practically got perfect skin. I'd offer to wax but for first timers the pain is a bitch to handle on the face. I'm not sure if you'd be an acrylic kind of guy but I have some black nail polish that I could put on- wow, your hands are really big compared to mine, and they're so soft, haha, isn't that crazy? so what do you think?
keith, still reeling from the fact that lance is going to touch his hair, face, and hands in the next several hours: uh......yeah..... sounds great.
nyma, sitting on lance's bed in nothing but a bra and sweatpants, smoking a blunt and readjusting her sheet mask: *long exhale* christ
Shay got Lance into the whole healthy organic food thing and in turn he got Nyma into it so they're both the bitches who drink nothing but Fiji water and almond milk and will offer you a plate of sliced cucumbers and tomatoes as a snack. we Stan a vegan couple.
keith: these are actually really good.
nyma: we usually put them on our eyes, but go off I guess.
nyma: nah I'm just fucking with you, we have different cucumbers for that
by the end of the night Keith feels like he's been cleaned by a car wash and he's dizzy from all of lance's thoughtless affection and when lance says he can stay the night because it's already late, Keith mindlessly blurts out 'only if it's with you' and nymas like.... um. Wig.
keith, laying stiff as a board on one side of lance's bed: uh
lance: oh my God you gay bitch get over here and spoon me. also kiss me on the fucking lips bro.
Nyma owns a cat named Beezer that she stole from her old roommate (rolo) but calls her beebo because quote 'beezer is so fucking lame bro i hate men'. Lance owns a Russian blue mix called, you guessed it, Blue, that he found stuck in his apartments basement only a few days after moving in. Nyma and Lance are WEAK
lance: ohhhhh look at my pretty baby sitting on the table all cute and relaxed!!! look at that baby!!! fantastic stuff!
nyma, putting her head on beebos belly: You Are So Soft And So Chubby I Would Die For You
pidge would also die for the both of them
OK I'm tired and uninspired so I'll stop here but I MAY ADD MORE LATER
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crimsonsan · 8 years
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November 14 - We’re Gonna Go Flirt with Superheroes
Some important notes:
1. Thank you to my amazing friend Dean for letting me use their delightful self as a character in this fic. You may all be jealous that I actually know this person.
2. Because Dean does not have the cleanest of language, this fic has significantly more swearing than anything else I've posted here. I still only put half as much language as normally spews from their mouth. Love you, babe.
3. I've never actually been to a hipster bar and it's been years since I've been to Portland. Please forgive me for any obvious errors.
4. I normally shy away from describing the reader too much, but honestly? I needed this. I needed to explore a bit what it's like being straight but looking gay, because while it's nothing compared to what the LGBT+ community goes through, it's something I get a lot of grief for from my conservative Christian extended family. I needed a fic where the main girl has short hair, okay? Okay.
Thanks for letting me vent myself in this fic.
Word count: 2416
Warnings: Language, mentions of cheating, if you’re homophobic you’ll hate this one so go suck an egg
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X short haired!hipster!Reader
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“Ah, Portland,” Sam said with a sigh, looking around at the bar that was definitely owned by someone very hipster. “Remind me again why we’re here?”
“It was the closest city with the material Stark needs to fix the jet,” Steve reminded him. “He’ll have it ready by morning and we’ll be on our way back to the compound.”
“Friends,” Thor declared cheerily, throwing his arms around their shoulders, “despite our transport’s destruction, we have won a great victory this day! Let us celebrate, even if your Midgardian drinks are weaker than mother’s milk.”
Bucky followed behind them, feeling out of place as he took in the décor. The floor and ceiling were concrete, but the walls had been coated in what looked like disassembled pallets with wooden booths build out of the walls. The free-standing tables were giant spools and he was pretty sure no two chairs in the whole building matched. Whoever had been in charge of decorating had even taken the chalkboard menu trope to the extreme, making the whole wall behind the bar a blackboard instead of just hanging one up. Everything was decked out in old – sorry, “recycled” – netting and buoys, presumably ones that had seen actual use based on their condition. Also, Bucky had never seen so much flannel in his life.
He settled into a booth with Sam as Steve and Thor went to get their drinks. The other man was looking around, a determined expression on his face.
“Here’s where we get to the hard part,” Sam whispered to him. “Now we’ve gotta figure out which women are gay and which are just fashionable.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows at his friend. “I don’t understand.”
Sam leaned back and nodded to the bar. “Well, normally you see a woman in skinny jeans, a plaid flannel, and a beanie? She’s a lesbian. But we’re in Portland, where that’s everyone’s style, so it gets harder. Like the chick on the end of the bar? Pixie cut, slouchy beanie, band tee that’s probably for some local group her friend is in under her open flannel, black jeans that look painted on, and totally ignoring the prime male specimens currently ordering our drinks in favor of her cell phone? Definitely gay. But that chick over there,” he subtly pointed to a nearly identically-dressed girl, shorter and with longer hair, who had definitely noticed Steve and Thor’s presence, “is either straight or bi. I can work with either of those.”
Snorting at his friend’s explanation, Bucky flashed a quick look back at the woman at the end of the bar. Sam was probably right. Too bad; she was beautiful, and he wouldn’t have minded getting to know her better.
You sighed at your phone and shifted on your seat at the end of the bar. Your friend was late again; they were always late. According to the text chain you were receiving nearly non-stop, they were also probably already drunk, not that that was surprising anymore.
“Come on, Dean,” you muttered under your breath. “I need you here before he shows up.”
Five minutes later, your friend stumbled through the door, giggling madly at, well, you didn’t want to know what. They stumbled their way over to you and collapsed onto a stool.
“Why are we here?” Dean immediately began complaining. “I stick out like a sore thumb. I’m more goth than hipster, you know that.”
“We’re here because I nanny for the owner part-time so the drinks are free,” you pointed out, rolling your eyes. “You know fully well that any place becomes your scene when you don’t have to pay for alcohol.”
“True,” Dean replied with another giggle. “I didn’t have to pay at the last place either, because I’m fucking hot. Three guys and two girls bought me drinks.”
“Aaand, that’s it, you’re cut off for the night,” you sighed, asking the bartender for a coffee for your definitely drunk friend. “You did kill your makeup tonight, though. It looks great.”
“Damn right it does,” they slurred. “Hey, how come you didn’t tell me? I’d have gotten here a hell of a lot sooner if you’d told me there were Avengers in the building.”
You followed your friend’s line of sight to where there were in fact four members of the Avengers seated in a booth.
“Oh… I didn’t notice them.”
Dean scoffed and gave you that knowing look that you really hated. “You got lost in your phone again, didn’t you? Just in case he showed up.” The blush on your face was enough of an answer. “Damn it, woman, he’s a fucking asshole who never deserved you and I’d have killed him already if you weren’t so fucking concerned with whether or not things are legal.” They downed the rest of their coffee with a grimace and pushed themselves off the bar, grabbing for your hand. “Come on. We’re gonna go flirt with superheroes.”
Your eyes widened in horror. “Oh no. I am not going to talk to the Avengers with you while you’re drunk.”
Dean’s eyes narrowed as they looked at you. “Then you have to promise me you’ll sing karaoke tonight. You haven’t done it since that bastard criticized your voice, and I miss hearing it. You’re fucking good, and you let that fucking moron rob us all of your beautiful songbird-ness.”
“I hope you realize how drunk you sound.”
“Do we have a deal or not? Because if I’m going to give up a shot at fucking Thor, it had better be for a good reason.”
You sighed. Your friend was always stubborn like this. “Fine, we have a deal.”
“Awesome! I get to pick your song.”
“Aw, hell, no…”
Your ex showed up right before karaoke started as he always did.
“Look at the smug asshole,” Dean muttered into the drink they’d somehow managed to get despite your best efforts. They put on a comically feminine voice and mimicked, “I must sing every chance I get, for my voice is God’s gift to mankind and to deprive people of the joy of listening to it would be blasphemy of the highest fucking order!”
“Dean,” you sighed, “please behave. You’ve already gotten me to agree to singing again. You don’t need to start a scene with him, too.”
“I should cut off his fucking dick for cheating on you.”
Because you knew Dean, you were concerned they meant it. “Don’t. He did me a favor, helping me realize he wasn’t worth it. Now, did you sign me up for karaoke already, or do I need to do it?”
The grin they flashed you was even more concerning when paired with how much they’d had to drink. “I signed us both up. After you sing your mystery song – yes, you’ll have enough of an intro to figure out what it is and come in on time, they put the lyrics up anyway, you’ll be fine – I’ll blow your performance out of the water with a spectacular rendition of ‘Bang, Bang.’ Your ex won’t know what hit him.”
“I’m sure he won’t,” you said dryly, only to be horrified when your name was called first as karaoke started.
Dean laughed at the glare you threw them. “Go blow them all away with your magical voice, darling!”
“Y/N,” the bar’s owner said into his mic when you stepped up on stage. “It’s been far too long, m’lady! Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in a few months, it’s the lovely Y/N singing ‘Shake It Off’!”
“Really, Dean?” you asked, picking up your mic. “All the songs in the world to choose from and that’s the one you picked for me?” The regulars laughed at your teasing as Dean raised their beer in salute. Almost before you had a moment to collect yourself, the music was off and you could feel your ex studying you from his seat near the back with his new woman draped across him. You shut him out of your mind and focus and launched yourself into the song, determined to have fun even if you weren’t really drunk enough to do a Taylor Swift song for karaoke.
Bucky hadn’t been paying attention to much other than his beer until the karaoke started. Their booth was set up at the perfect spot for watching the stage, and he chided himself for the way his heart jumped when you stepped on stage.
“Really, Dean?” you joked, shooting a look at your friend who did not look like – he? She? Bucky couldn’t tell which – would be interested in hanging out in a bar like this. Then you took a deep breath and wow, your whole demeanor changed as you started singing. It was like the song took over you and you had an entirely different energy about you.
“I go on too many dates, but I can’t make ‘em stay,” you sang, and Bucky watched you work the stage, using the mic stand to your theatrical advantage even as you held the mic in your hand. He’d say you were hamming it up for the crowd, but there was something about your performance that said maybe some of the words were hitting a little too close to home for you to be too flippant with them.
“My ex man brought his new girlfriend,” and he didn’t miss the way your eyes flickered to a couple in the back. “And to the fella over there with the hella good hair, why don’t you come on over baby? We can shake, shake, shake.”
He almost choked on his beer, because he could swear that during that last line you had looked over and winked at him in a very “I’m not a lesbian and I want to climb you like a tree” type way. Bucky’s eyes quickly flickered to Sam to see if the other man caught it, but if he had, he wasn’t giving any indication of it.
It had to have been the performance, right? You were just working the audience. When the song ended, he made sure to applaud, and soon your friend (Dean, the announcer called them) was on stage singing like they were, well, as hammered as they looked.
“Come ooooonnnn,” Dean whined, tugging on your sleeve. “Y/N, they’re in town and they’re in this bar and Thor’s so hot I’m surprised I don’t have a sunburn yet. I can’t talk to them alone. Come flirt with me.”
Your friend wasn’t going to give up anytime soon, so you slammed back the rest of your drink and stood.
“Fine,” you said, “but if you look like you’re going to puke on an Avenger at any point I’m dragging you home.”
“Yay!” they cheered, immediately pulling you over to their table and sliding into the booth next to Thor. “Hello, gentlemen of the Avengers. My name is Dean, I’m genderfluid and pansexual and would gladly climb any of you. This is Y/N and she’s a straight prude but if you give her enough alcohol you might be able to get a nice make-out session with her.”
You groaned and rubbed your face with your hand. “Sorry for my friend here. They passed merely being drunk an hour before karaoke started.”
“Pleasure to meet you both,” Captain America (YOU WERE TALKING TO CAPTAIN AMERICA?!?) said. “I’m Steve, and this is Bucky, Sam, and Thor.”
“Hi, Thor.” Dean batted their eyelashes and you choked back a snerk.
Bucky pushed at Sam and the two slid a little further back in the booth, making space for you to sit next to the soldier. He motioned to the seat and you slid next to him hesitantly.
“Sorry for interrupting your evening,” you apologized quietly, although Dean had long since tuned you out in favor of attempting to seduce the god of thunder. “Dean gets an idea their head and I’m basically stuck along for the ride.”
“It’s no problem,” Sam said smoothly. “I do have one question, though. Are you really straight?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, and Bucky thought that might be the nicest sound he’d ever heard. “Yes, I’m really straight. Most people are surprised, but my sense of style wasn’t enough to keep jerks from hitting on me so I got a haircut and fell in love with the style. It’s let me fly under the radar a lot more frequently, which is nice.”
“I can’t imagine how,” Bucky said, a blush creeping up his cheeks. “You’re beautiful.”
Before you could thank him, a voice to your left made you freeze.
Dean’s attention was snapped away from Thor and they stared down your ex. “Listen, asshole –”
“Dean.” You held up a finger to stop your friend before they made too much of a scene before entirely turning to your ex. “What do you want, Daniel?”
“It’s free karaoke time,” he crooned, ignoring how unwanted he obviously was. “I thought maybe we could do a duet together, for old time’s sake?”
You affixed him with a glare that would whither a plant. “Why on earth would I want to be reminded of our time together?”
That seemed to shake his confidence a bit. “I’m just being friendly,” he snapped.
“You don’t know how to just be friendly. We’re over, Daniel, so get over it already. If you really wanted me, you wouldn’t have cheated.”
“I believe you heard the lady,” Thor cut in before Daniel could reply. “She wishes for you to leave her alone, and I suggest you abide by her wishes.
For the first time he seemed to notice who you were sitting with, and he sulked off back to his date.
“Well,” Sam broke the silence that had fallen over the table, “I’m guessing that relationship being over is a good thing?”
You nodded. “Thank you,” you told Thor. “I appreciate the support.”
“Anytime, m’lady.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Bucky asked you softly a few minutes later when you had yet to join the table’s renewed conversation.
You shook your head. “He was a jerk who cheated on me so I got out. It was a long time ago.”
“How could anyone throw away someone like you?”
The earnest way he said it made you blush.
“His loss,” you whispered shyly.
Bucky only paused a moment before asking, “Could I make his loss my gain?”
“I’d like that,” you said with a smile. “I’d like that very much.”
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cuddlycap · 7 years
Hiya, can I get shipped? So 27, 5'7", pale round face, big grey eyes and glasses and shoulder length wavy hair. Kinda chubby & gothy in a soft Stevie Nicks way. Story obsessed nerd that writes or reads all day, occasionally games and runs d&d campaigns. Collects books and nice stationary, enjoys walks, rainy days, storms and movies. Always has music of various types on. Snarky, bit self deprecating but fiercely protective of friends and happily listens to their problems. Mentally ill but okay.
Oops. Also relevent? Am bi and open to poly stuff. Like to make people laugh. And I'm the cuddle queen.  
Hello, beautiful! I love your description about being "gothy in a soft Stevie Nicks way" lovelovelove! Hope you like it!
I ship you with Bucky! Sometimes people need to be challenged to grow, or be with opposites of themselves to create a full picture, but with Bucky, you're more like complimenting colors on an art pallet. You make a great pair in a sense that you both just get each other. Like magnets. It's through looks across the room, full conversations through flitting eyes and wavering smiles. There's a deep connection that's mutual, you're in harmony intellectually and spiritually. He is fascinated by your interests and will always listen to your latest obsessions or thoughts. You even let him read what you write, because he constantly wants to know what you're doing. He loves that you let him in, he thinks you're brilliant, that you have the ability to change the world through your words. He also very much understands what it means to be okay, and yet not okay. He's very understanding and will very happily just cuddle with you all day without words.
For a girl, I ship you with Wanda! It started as friends, talking for hours on her bed listening to music. On top of that she started stealing your clothes (wow does she adore your wardrobe.) The two of you would swap clothing a lot, especially finishing touches on outfits like hats, rings, shoes.
"Please, come shopping with me, Y/N! You have the best style."
"Only if we can come back after and take our makeup off and watch movies in our pjs."
"I can't think of a better way to end our day."
And it started when the both of you were taking a walk in the rain, sharing an umbrella, laughing about an inside joke, when she made the brave move of grabbing your hand. A suggestive smile. And at first you didn't quite believe what was happening, she had to straight up tell you. Even now, sometimes you still have to be sure.
"So, Wanda...you really do like me?"
"Y/N, my sweet, how many times will you ask me that?"
The both of you are in a relationship where you can just exist. Be. Be the people you were meant to be, and be happy together.
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Real feel: mother fucking wear your gloves!!
So 36 cars all sweept in most with red Xs
19 cars altogether got pulled over
2 cars got arrested I saw one being towed away. Almost 3 did but he self soothed himself and calmed down.
My dad (uncle) came and every car left in the parking lot took off in flight.
Denise the clone also came. She can't jump stsrt a car so she expected me to wait for her then wait for a tow truck and my dad knew we were gonna get in a fight cause ita too dam cold for that and she's on her rape cycle and I refuse to get in a car with her. Because it's annoying and I don't want her feeling satisfied she can breathe the same air as me.
It's 5 minutes, 10 at most to jump. 45 minutes to wait for a man and its like 20 minutes to the store.
And i learned how to jump start without lighting the cables on fire, now. Lucas says "oh please! That's the best way!" But not really. It doesn't actually work...
I have no circulation... So I was ice cold in like 10 minutes. So it would had warmed me, tho.
But yeah dad pulls in and suddenly everyone acts like they're escaping jail.
.... I know i should just went in and stared at that super hottt clone hottie that was super super hot and stocking water... But that IS kinda creepy even if he is Just a clone... I was all driving by in my Wal-Mart wheelchair cart and I was all whoa... Is he..? Wait i gotta see l.. Because he squatted down with his hot warm balls beneath him and so I was all lets stop right here in the middle of life and discuss what's on our shopping list until he comes up from behind the pallet...
"Oh my God. Now i see why I was so in love with you William" while my heart literally leaps from my chest bounces back and goes out of rhythem while pounding through 2 shirts.
So then we laughed at my reaction for half hour
Dam he was rugged and hot...
One time I picked up William early for work and I seen him and he ducked behind some concrete shelving used to block off the street from traffic...
And oh my God...
I was walking and I seen him and I was all "oh does he loo--" and he looked at me, i swear and ducked and so i was all "well I'm gonna go see. I don't think William will mind.. Its not like i totally think hes sexy but he might be... I'll just go see... Is it William..?"
Because he was waaaay sexier at work than home... Like there it's all comfy and fun and sexy but this was outside and he looked all sparkly and God like like yum
Now he claims he saw me and saw "a woman on the prowl way too sexy to be at the job site for any work related reason" so to be safe from a kidnapping situation he decided to hide
And hide he did
I leaned over to peek and he kept hiding and hiding and asked some guys at the truck "is she gone?"
One asked "why are you hiding from your wife?"
"Man! I got one at home! Well i am engaged. Man is she crazy? Does she look it?! Fuck man! Im gonna be so busted! I need to get home! I can't get kidnapped! Fuck this!"
And my eyes got real wide and the guy at the truck just shrugged cause i was all what do i do?!?!
So i kinda jumped and leaned over real far over the cement shelving. "Well HI!!"
I was gonna ask him if he thought i was a psycho bitch then to my face but i slid on the plastic and unfortunately I was wearing a shorter dress than usual.
So he stood up "ma'am I'm just checking the paperwork ill be right back" and ducked again.
"Baby! Uh hi! Baby I don't want to yell but I think i just showed everyone my thong!!"
"What?! Okay i have to finish the uhh paperwork. Man my wife ain't even here shes at home finishing up supper or something"
"Uhm baby! There's a lot of men here which one do you want me to go home with?!"
"Uh any!! Just not me!!"
Mind you everyone is looking at me and him and listening. This is outta control and m6 husband does not say that shit to me, i tried being solid now it was fight time. So i leaned over the other end of the cement wall he loved more than me and lowered my voice "hey psst yeah. Psst William man that crazy bitch is gone now. Jump in the truck and we will take you home!!"
"Really?!?!" He lowered the clipboard he hid behind. "Oh... No.., see.., no i got a ride already!"
"Yeah with me you dumb goon"
"No in here see!" And he jumped in the back of the truck. "I finished the paperwork. Alright let's go!"
So i started to walk over and he jumped way far back in the truck
"Can you please help me? Are you the one i called?" I asked the guy laughing painfully through the whole ordeal.
He looked me up and down real hard "you sure you dont want me to take yoh home?!"
"Am i even at the right construction site?!?!"
"Yes you are. Here hand him this piece of paper." Then he yelled over "HEY WILL she called a little before lunch and left a note and asked if it was alright if she came up and surprised you and i said yeah.. I didn't know you would go a little crazy..."
"She ain't my wife!! Shes too sexy!"
"No fuck you bi-atch!!! Wait... Honey? Is that you? I recognize your fingernail because you smashed it the other day"
"Oh it's alright. Just come down" i pleaded.
"With the hammer..." He began walking towards me "let me see it" he looked at it. "Miiiiike if you ever do that again I'm beating the shit out of you." And he sat at the end of the tail gate "well i already got a ride home, with him."
"Okay fine"
"Wait let me see what you have in your hand. These are our keys!! These are mine you're not having them and not allowed in my house Like that... Dressed like a... A... Skank!!"
"Well what do you want me to do? Stay here and get gang raped?!"
"Jesus Christ okay babe prove to me you're my wife"
"Okay fine but don't tell me your sorry" i went around the truck and took off my panties wadded them up and stuffed them in his hand "they're your favorite"
"Yeah but everyone knows that!"
"Who do you tell? Who the fuck do you tell about your favorite panties?!" Like im beyond mad. And I am yelling.
"Yeah well where did you get that dress?! Whose money did you use to buy it??! Hmm?"
"Ive had enough of me" i tried to get MY csr keys back and he wouldn't let me take them "being mother fucking nice to you" he was stronger than me So i tried to armpit trick
"Fuck you being mean to me! Come here!"
"You'll tear my dress! No! My shoe!"
"I think she's really upset at me. I think I've upset her" I bent to fix my shoe and my dress didn't cover ... Anything... Back there. "Hey quit it will you?!"
"Just give me back the key to my car and keep every thing else. Fuck it. Im tired of you anyway. I cook i clean and i come to surprise you and this is what i get and I REFUSE TO CRY HERE IN FRONT OF EVERYONE SO GIVE ME BACK MY SHIT!!!" and i threw the paperwork in his face and busted his nose.
"I,understand you're my baby but did you need to hit me in the face and make my nose bleed?" He said calmly snd slowly
"Youre not bleeding, oh yeah you are. Use the panties"
So this bastard stands up in the back of the truck with my panties to his face and says "Hey Everyone, I'd Like You To Meet My Wife!"
"We've seen a whole lot of her already"
I turn around and there's not 5 or 6 guys anymore. There's 30.
"Oh shit" and I pull my dress down. "Can we just leave?! Please?!?"
"Yeah!! Lets go!!"
So he picked me up and rushes to the car with me and a bunch of dudes come around the corner and i tell him to put me down cause I can feel his hand on my bare ass.
So hes all "goddang it why did you dress so sultry?!"
"For my husband!!! who is apparently a God dang Ass Hole!!!!!!! when hes at work!!"
"Oh honey i didn't mean anything by---"
"Come on let's go!!!" As we rush around the corner there's like 50 construction workers staring hard. "I am never doing this again!!"
"Hurry and please open the door!!" He reached across and unlocked it
I covered my face with my hands "oh my god oh no you're insane!"
"What? What are you saying to me?!"
"Don't you know you have PTSD? Male trauma? Because I Didnt!!"
"Well yeah I was kidnapped when i was like five!!"
"But you didn't even know me!?!"
"You never wear makeup and not dresses that short!"
"I do all the time!! I walk around partially naked all the time!!!" I looked at traffic "its just the lipstick here let me wipe it off"
"Thats better you could did that at the construction site!"
"Well i just put it back on in the car and I didn't know that's why you were freaking out and going insane on me!!"
"Put it back on?! Why the Hell?!
"I ate a biscuit"
"Why did you put it on in the first place?"
"Have you seen in my caboodle? I have a ton of it! When you get home, look!!"
"Okay alright i will"
"Where are we going? I thought we would go to Tulsa"
"Not now! I gotta go home to make sure you are --- you!!! Now come on!!
"You're the one driving"
"Its my car!!"
"No! Its mine and my dad's see the registration?!?!"
"That's it I'm gonna pull over. Let me see the mole that's on your thigh"
"Its not a mole! Its a freckle!"
"Fine let me see it And you drive!!"
"Okay Okay fine I'll let you see it"
He looks "ok you're you then!"
"Who else would i be?!?"
"A clone!"
"From the freezer?!? Come on! Not me! Let me drice then!"
"You're losing your cool and you never do!"
"Omg Jesus Christ are you kidding me?!?"
"Uhm no"
"I need to start smoking pot. We need to get our own place and we do then this happens."
"Smoking pot?! Uhm no! I do not think so! Here you drive then!! You're a nervous wreck. You need control"
"No i need sex but my husband is INSANE!! I try a nice surprise to be unspoiled and then this happens!"
"Who calls you spoiled?!"
"YOU DO!!"
"Jesus Christ! Do you want a hotel?!"
"What?! No we got dishes at home. They will get me unstressed"
"I'm getting in the back seat PULL OVER!!"
"Now I'm talking! You think i want you to come all this way to go home?"
As soon as the back Windows fogged a truck of his co-workers drove by honking.
When we finished he said
"We are going home because you NEVER do that to Me!!"
"It was a surprise!! And no im not driving! Im staying in the back seat!"
"You NEVER do that to Me either!!!"
"Well it's a surprise!!!"
I wanna cry he upset me so much so I'm,all screaming from my throat and it sounds all shrill and out of control and hes like trying to calm me down and I don't want to be upset and feeling like life is out of control but he really showed me shit i hadn't seen and I was scared to be at home because what was next? I used a different sauce because I was pregnant and so he throws me out into the street? Barefoot and all because i look different? So i just cried myself to sleep in the back seat of my own car because I didn't know what else to do and it was the only thing i could accomplish that day,
I heard the car door open and close...
He didn't go around the other side to open and get me out... It was dark and cold already.
"There's no one upstairs. Now what do you want to do?" He sat in the car
"I'll just go to my parents. I'll come get my clothes later"
So he yanked open the car door, jumped out, threw the seat forward, yanked me out of the car, threw me over his shoulder, put his hand over my bare ass and carried me up 3 flights of stairs.
Put me in the single comfy chair we had and made dinner.
He sat on a pillow on the floor next to me and fed me.
"What are we going to do if i get pregnant and my body starts to change?"
"Ill just take pictures. I'll use my Polaroid"
I had found out I wss pregnant that morning... Feeling sick like crazy... I took a test in the gas station bathroom. Wrapped it in my purse and went and bought a new dress and shoes and went home, took a bath did my hair and thought I had the whole day still so i should go surprise him at work and go out in Tulsa and make it special... Not days later after the whole town had to come over and seperate us from fighting cause I'm kinda crazy pregnant... And after 2 weeks of couple's therapy and he says "oh baby you're sick a lot i think you may be pregnant. You think?"
"Oh yeah i am. Check my purse."
He did take me out to Tulsa... And I was a bit sad... Because we had been through a lot since that day.. And i wanted telling him to be really special... Turned out he was.
I had taken Polaroid of myself that morning before i got dressed and one from the side and then one after. And wrote "oh!" "Baby!!" "Surprise!" And the date.
Cause I learned how to set the timer and take one of myself
So he went and got them abd said "okay im sorry i shouldn't yelled at you for taking naked Polaroids of your self. Now I see why you would take them. Okay?"
"I guess."
He got up like he was fuming mad and circled me like a vulture i Put my arms up and he circled me 2x more then stopped in front of me and I put my hands on his neck
"Are we going to bed? Ill cook dinner after"
"Mmhmmm I'll help!"
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Membakar 4 Mie Instan dan 2 Mac and Cheese (1)
Setelah 2 bulan menumpuk lemak dan kalori. Akhirnya. GUA OLAHRAGA WOY! Semua orang di dunia ini harus tau kalo hari ini (dan kemaren) gua olahraga. Ya guys, kalian gak sala denger. Gua, Amara Salsabila, yang kalo disuruh lari sama Pak Ruspita pasti cuma sok-sokan lari doang. Sisanya jalan kaki sambil ngerumpi. Atau ngupingin orang ngerumpi. Karena biasanya temen-temen gua larinya so fast dan pada ambis-ambis ew. 
Gak tanggung-tanggung. Hari ini gua sepedaan 4 MIL sekali jalan woy! Dan gua kan gak mungkin udah jalan terus balik ke rumah terbang naik naga, jadi kalo ditotal hari ini gua sepedaan 8 mil which is.... 12 KILO WOY GUYS! GILA GILA GILA! Gua di Bogor sejauh-jauhnya sepedaan cuma sampe Giant Yasmin yang kurang lebih cuma 500 m - 1 kilo abis itu balik lagi. Nyampe rumah langsung tepar kayak orang abis keliling Bogor.
Mungkin kalian bertanya-tanya, ngapain gua sepedaan sejauh itu? (padahal mah gak ada yang peduli juga mar)
Jadi gini ceritanya.......
Setelah host sis gua kuliah di luar kota, gua selalu sendirian di rumah sampe jam 5 atau 6 sore. Dan gua sangat gabut. Jadi biasanya gua di rumah, nonton youtube sambil menghabiskan persediaan makanan entah ngangetin makan leftover atau ya... makan makanan instan... yang disini banyak banget macemnya. Sebenernya gua bisa aja ke basement nonton film atau apalah. Tapi gua yang katrok ini gak tau caranya make TV di rumah ini. Heuheuheu.
One day, gua melihat ada sepeda di rumah. Dan dengan sangat sok idenya gua nanya boleh dipinjem gak. Dan kata hostmom gua gak apa-apa pake aja. Yaudah tuh gua pas balik sekolah langsung cuss ke garasi buat ngambil sepeda. Dan ternyata pemirsa, sepedanya tinggi banget dah busaat. Udah gua pendekin sampe paling pendek aja kaki gua masih kudu jinjit woy. Ya, tau, gua pendek. 
Karena ini pertamanya gua jalan-jalan naik sepeda disini gua gak mau jalan jauh-jauh. Gua cuma pergi ke Safeway yang posisinya ada di depan gang komplek gua. Jaraknya cuma 0,sekian mil. Tujuan gua nyari masker Freeman, beli micellar water, 2 lipstick sama 1 eyeshadow pallet. 
Dengan bantuan Google Maps (karena gua sangat amat buta arah dan jalan disini sama semua) gua langsung OTW sambil bawa backpack yang sebenernya isinya cuma dompet sama botol aer minum. Dengan sangat berdebar, gua memulai perjalanan gua yang pertama. Ke Safeway. Anjaaeee.
Sampe Safeway (yang ternyata cuma keliatan gede di luar doang, isinya mah kecil) gua nemu masker Freeman, tapi bukan yang gua cari. Gua juga nemu micellar water. Tapi gua pengennya beli di tempat yang ada masker yang gua pengen. Iya, gua emang agak rese.
Gua nyoba nginget-nginget. Dimana tempat yang sekiranya ada benda-benda itu tapi gua gak harus ngelewatin freeway. Walgreens! Dan dengan penuh percaya diri, gua langsung nyari Walgreens di Google Maps. Dan dengan percaya diri dan sok kerennya, gua mengendarai sepeda gua sambil liat jalan biru yang ditunjukkin sama Google Maps. Yang mengarahkan gua ke Walgreens. Yang ternyata kurang dari sama dengan 50 m dari Safeway. Dan gua masih bisa melihat Safeway dari Walgreens. 
Gua harus kembali di kecewakan. Disini gak ada masker Freeman sama sekali. Akhirnya gua beli micellar water doang sama 1 makeup sponge yang sebenernya gak ada di shopping list gua.
Keluar dari Walgreens, gua melihat Rite Aid tepat di seberang which is serupa tapi tak sama kayak Walgreens. Mampirlah gua kesana. Daaaan, usaha tidak mengkhianati hasil. Gua menemukan masker yang gua cari guys! Akhirnya! Tanpa ba bi bu, gua langsung beli. Tapi sayangnya gua gak nemu lipstick sama eyeshadow yang gua cari karena di Rite Aid gak ada counternya NYX. Yaudahlah. Gak apa-apa. Yang penting gua tau tempat beli masker yang deket rumah.
Sampe rumah, gua mikir, dimana yang ada counter NYX-nya tapi sekali lagi, gak pake lewat freeway. Gua yakin banget gua pernah liat. Somewhere, somehow. Dan tiba-tiba, nama itu muncul.
Fred Meyer.
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