#bi han is not evil
bihansthot · 1 year
Question, how comes everyone forgets all the good Bi-Han has done as soon as his death is mentioned? Hanzo has killed people, repeatedly over and over again, due to his vengeance but nobody outright calls him evil.
Bi-Han’s backstory is incredibly tragic once you think about it, but its not nearly as focused on when referring to his character. Hanzo’s tragedy is his character while Bi-Han’s tragedy is more of a “fun fact” category.
I just don’t understand why people think Bi-Han is so evil and irredeemable. Even in the intros for MK1, yes he was being arrogant and rude but that doesnt mean he’s irredeemable? Asshole ≠ Evil. But if you check the comments everyones like “theres the evilness, cant wait for noob saibot”, as if Bi-Han has 0 positive traits.
And also, how come people ignore what Scorpion did because Bi-Han was a “evil” person. He was hardly evil and he was on the path to redemption, just like Scorpion not too long ago. Scorpion killed Bi-Han brutally over a crime he did not commit, thats wrong no matter how much you try and break your back to excuse. Yes he promised to protect Kuai Liang as payment, but barely anybody addresses it in the games.
Even this quote from the intro dialogues
Noob: I was killed unjustly
Raiden: and for that, Raiden lost my trust
Noob: that is not justice.
You can TELL that Noob is still pissed at his death and at everyone for suddenly having amnesia over it.
All of this! ALL OF THIS!! No one ever talks about Scorpion being a cold blooded assassin too but like spoilers the Shirai Ryu are not the good guys. They’re assassins just like the Lin Kuei. Just because Hanzo had a wife and child does not mean he was a good man just like being a dick doesn’t man Bi-Han a bad man. He’s had an unimaginable life full of pain, suffering, gore and death from a very, very young age how can you not expect him to be a bit of a prick? It’s most likely his defense mechanism for dealing with all the horror he’s seen in his life. They’re two sides of the same coin. I don’t know people who think Bi-Han is evil rub me the wrong way tbh and I assume the majority of them have never played or watched a play through of MKM: SZ, which I really encourage everyone to do at some point. Is he kind of dumb and easy to manipulate? Yes. Is he evil? No. If he was evil he wouldn’t have gone after the amulet to stop Shinnok, he also wouldn’t have been worried about his soul when Raiden mentions it corrupted. Bi-Han literally saves Earthrealm from Shinnok and some how he’s the bad guy?? Whereas Scorpion never saves anyone and he’s a good guy?? Make it make sense. Please note I’m not trying to shit on Hanzo I’m just pointing out that he has done really bad shit too but he’s not held accountable for it.
Another thing I think we need to point out is Scorpion’s inability to control his rage always leads to a bad situation. Quan Chi manipulates him, he kills Bi-Han, boom now he has Noob hunting down his ass. Gets revenge on Quan Chi, now everyone who was a revenant has no chance to become human again, he dooms so many kharacters to live as mindless servants, but please tell me about him being your precious sunflower who’s never done anything wrong. ….I’m sorry that was kind of mean.
All I’m trying to get at is that it’s not fair that Bi-Han is labeled as evil just because he’s an arrogant douche. Scorpion has done just as bad of shit if not worse things than Bi-Han has so if you’re going to insist Bi-Han is evil then you have to admit Scorpion is too.
Again please don’t take this as me hating on or dragging Scorpion, that’s not my intention, it’s just to show that no matter how kind they seem an assassin is still an assassin and does horrible things.
Also Noob being salty is totally justified and I’d be salty AF too.
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theninerealmsbakery · 6 months
Sleepy time Headcanons with Bi-han.
I think with all his training, Bi-han can run on very little sleep. On a regular day, he will go to bed at night, but while on a mission he has been known to stay awake for days on end.
If you are lucky enough to sleep in the same bed as him, you have to point out to Bi-han that you're cold. Arctika is freezing and Bi-han only sleeps with a light blanket on his bed. He forgets that normal people regulate their own temperature. He will buy more blankets/duvets for you and actually use the fireplace in his chambers.
For this same reason, Bi-han doesn't wear much to bed, if anything. Sleepwear is a waste of time when you have literally no need to keep warm.
Also due to his training, Bi-han has almost insane awareness of his surroundings at all times. This makes him a very light sleeper. In the first weeks of sharing a bed, every little move you make will wake him up. You turn over in your sleep. He's awake. You mumble in your sleep. He's awake. You get up to get a drink/go to the bathroom. He's awake and wants to know where you're going.
Bi-han is also super protective, even in the privacy of your bedchambers. He has to be the one nearest the door, so he is between you and any dangers. If you get up for a drink/the bathroom, he will stay awake until you are back in bed with him. If he thinks you are taking too long, he will get up and find you, just so he knows you're safe.
He likes sharing a bed with you. He finds he sleeps better with you beside him. He likes that the sheets smell like you, he likes the warmth that comes from your sleeping form, he likes holding you when you're both in bed. Bi-han may not admit it, but this is the best sleep he's ever had. Being in bed with you is one of the few places the grandmaster can truly relax.
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tomboxed · 5 months
silly drawings i made to turn into keychains for me and my best friend :3
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For someone who claims to hate Bi-Han I sure have a lot of pictures of him
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rachelfoleyisntdead · 9 months
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stellasworks · 6 months
if my body count consisted of every single fictional character I’ve ever been attracted to then I’d be considered the biggest slut in the world 💀 /j
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thevillainsfangirl · 2 days
This is gonna ruffle a lot of feathers, I’m sure, but...
If you're going to love a fictional villain, LOVE THEM AS A VILLAIN! Stop trying to make them into some Good Person™ that they’re not. What is it that you even like about them? You think they're hot?
Quit being a pussy! THEY'RE FICTIONAL. It's not some moral dilemma if you love a villain AS A VILLAIN.
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(Remade this old post because I had some characters to add.)
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atomicfoxx · 6 months
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He’s my lil meow meow 🖤💙
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humanharvest · 5 months
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sorry for disappearing... ive been more active on twt 😞
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bihanapologist · 7 months
my lukewarm take is bi-han is a loser virgin who doesn't know how to act around a person he likes and is oblivious asf when someone is flirting with him. he's awkward around women but I also think he's awkward around any man he likes because it never occurred to him that he could even like a man romantically. all in all, it results in him being especially pissy towards his crush because he doesn't know how to deal with romantic emotions.
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vlydrphei · 9 months
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I hate Bi-Han.
(He’s tied up because i HATE him)
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estrangnoodle · 2 months
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bishang save me... save me bishang...
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domnamewoman · 9 months
Syzoth, Bi-han and Kuai Liang with an lady dimitrescu reader headcannons ⁉️
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Characters: Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Reptile
Requests Are Open
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You two would be a Power CoupleTM. Bi-Han would be impressed by your commanding aura and your refusal to take anyone's crap. He wanted, no, needed you by his side and he would tell you as much. He’d make you his equal and allow you to lead the Lin Kuei alongside him. The two of you becoming an unstoppable force.
Bi-Han watches you as you give people orders and enforce rules. He is secretly turned on by your display of power and dominance. If you decide to bring that dominance into the bedroom he will push back in the beginning, not wanting to give in so easily. All it will take is a few degrading words or a little extra pressure applied to his wrists as you hold them down to have him obey your every command.
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Kuai Liang found you interesting. Even though you drank blood, you weren’t a savage monster going around killing everyone. You only drank the blood of criminals and evildoers, the real monsters. You found his resolve to do what is right endearing, so falling into a relationship with him felt natural.
Seeing how you handled yourself outside the bedroom left Kuai Liang unsurprised when you brought the same energy into it. He’d happily let you take the lead and set the pace. He would lay there as you’d run your teeth over his body, licking and nibbling at his skin. He’d secretly wish that you would bite down for real and draw blood, but of course, you won’t. Not until he begs for it.
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Syzoth wonders how he got so lucky to have you be interested in him. He thought you were way out of his league and would never in a million years give him the time of day. You would definitely have to make the first move because this poor baby doesn’t think he is worthy.
Syzoth follows your lead in the relationship in and out of bed. He has no problem taking his cues from you. He thought you nothing less than royalty and he’s determined to be your loyal servant. He would do anything you ask, including letting you feed off him every now and then. It turns him on immensely and he’ll release a moan of, “Mommy…” as your teeth sink into him. But don’t tell him I told you that.
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worldxwonders · 3 months
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spookylizpg · 2 months
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// I love Ermac, can you tell ? // ♡
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