talonabraxas · 7 months
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"Because You love the Burning-ground, I have made a Burning-ground of my heart - That You, Dark One, hunter of the Burning-ground, May dance Your eternal dance." ~ Bengali Hymn ~
Shiva as Lord of the Dance (Nataraja)
As Nataraja (Sanskrit: Lord of Dance) Shiva represents apocalypse and creation as he dances away the illusory world of Maya transforming it into power and enlightenment.
The symbolism of Siva Nataraja is religion, art and science merged as one. In God's endless dance of creation, preservation, destruction, and paired graces is hidden a deep understanding of our universe. Aum Namah Sivaya.
Bhashya Nataraja, the King of Dance, has four arms. The upper right hand holds the drum from which creation issues forth. The lower right hand is raised in blessing, betokening preservation. The upper left hand holds a flame, which is destruction, the dissolution of form. The right leg, representing obscuring grace, stands upon Apasmarapurusha, a soul temporarily earth-bound by its own sloth, confusion and forgetfulness. The uplifted left leg is revealing grace, which releases the mature soul from bondage. The lower left hand gestures toward that holy foot in assurance that Siva's grace is the refuge for everyone, the way to liberation. The circle of fire represents the cosmos and especially consciousness. The all-devouring form looming above is Mahakala, "Great Time." The cobra around Nataraja's waist is kundalini shakti, the soul-impelling cosmic power resident within all.
Nataraja's dance is not just a symbol. It is taking place within each of us, at the atomic level, this very moment. The Agamas proclaim, "The birth of the world, its maintenance, its destruction, the soul's obscuration and liberation are the five acts of His dance."
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krishnaart · 1 year
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“The Hare Krishna maha-mantra is non-different from Krishna Himself. When the sixteen words or the thirty-two syllables of the Hare Krishna mantra are loudly vibrated, the Supreme Lord Krishna Himself dances of one’s tongue.”~Stava-mala-vibhushana-bhashya
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Benefits of Maha Mritunajaya mantra and it is chanted to appease which God?
As per Shaivism, it is Shri Shiva, who is the devata of the Maha-Mrityunjaya mantra and the Shatarudriya.
From a Vaishnava point of view, it’s Him:
This is because the Vaishnava Aagamas say:
सन्कर्षणो नृसिंहेन अन्तर्यामि शिवस्यतु ।
Sankarshana, as Narsimha, is the antaryaami (indweller) of Shiva.
-Shri Prakasha Samhita
There are four forms of Shri Vishnu, known as ‘Vyuhas’, who are Vaasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. Sankarshana is the indweller, or antaryami, of both Shri Aadi Shesha and Shri Shiva. He resides in their hearts and therefore, the prayers for either of them, ultimately reach Bhagavaan Narasimha. This is also supported by the Bhagavata Purana:
भवानीनाथै: स्त्रीगणार्बुदसहस्रैरवरुध्यमानो भगवतश्चतुर्मूर्तेर्महापुरुषस्य तुरीयां तामसीं मूर्तिं प्रकृतिमात्मन: सङ्कर्षणसंज्ञामात्मसमाधिरूपेण सन्निधाप्यैतदभिगृणन् भव उप-धावति ॥ १६ ॥
In Ilāvṛta-varṣa, Lord Śiva is always encircled by ten billion maidservants of Goddess Durgā, who minister to him. The quadruple expansion of the Supreme Lord is composed of Vāsudeva, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Saṅkarṣaṇa. Saṅkarṣaṇa, the fourth expansion, is certainly transcendental, but because His activities of destruction in the material world are in the mode of ignorance, He is known as tāmasī, the Lord’s form in the mode of ignorance. Lord Śiva knows that Saṅkarṣaṇa is the original cause of his own existence, and thus he always meditates upon Him in trance by chanting the following mantra.
-Bhagavata Purana, Khanda 5, Adhyaaya 17, Mantra 16
Objection: The Shatarudriya states that Rudra is:
Pinaakin (bearer of the Pinaaka bow)
Neela-Lohita (blue-necked)
These are the names of Shri Shiva. How can Shri Narasimha be the devata of the Shatarudriya?
Response: First of all, one must know that as per Vaishnavism, Shri Vishnu alone is Brahman. The names of all devatas, ultimately belong to Him and they are obtained from Him. Shripaada Madhvacharya quoted two pramaanas in his Brahma Sutra Bhaashya:
‘नामानि विश्वाऽभि न सन्ति लोके यदाविरासीदनृतस्य सर्वम् । नामानि सर्वाणि यमाविशन्ति तं वै विष्णुं परममुदाहरन्ति’ इति भाल्लवेयश्रुतिः ॥
The names of everything in the universe and the Lokas are derived from him and all names cannot denote (the various entities and devatas in) the universe. All names that exist in the universe, therefore, explain Vishnu.
-Bhaallaveya Shruti (quoted by Shripada Madhvacharya, in his Brahma Sutra Bhashya, Adhyaaya 1, Paada 1, Sutra 1)
यो न॑: पि॒ता ज॑नि॒ता यो वि॑धा॒ता धामा॑नि॒ वेद॒ भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ । यो दे॒वानां॑ नाम॒धा एक॑ ए॒व तं स॑म्प्र॒श्नं भुव॑ना यन्त्य॒न्या ॥
“He who is our preserver, our parent, the creator (of all), who knows our abodes (and knows) all beings, who is the name-giver of the devas — he is one; other beings come to him to inquire.”
तमिद्गर्भं॑ प्रथ॒मं ��॑ध्र॒ आपो॒ यत्र॑ दे॒वाः स॒मग॑च्छन्त॒ विश्वे॑ । अ॒जस्य॒ नाभा॒वध्येक॒मर्पि॑तं॒ यस्मि॒न्विश्वा॑नि॒ भुव॑नानि त॒स्थुः ॥
“The waters verily first retained the garbha (embryo) in which all the gods were aggregated, single deposited on the navel of the unborn (creator), in which all beings abide.”
-Rigveda, Mandala 10, Sukta 82, Mantras 3 and 6
These mantras show that it is Shri Vishnu who is the namer of all devatas. The following pramaana states that Shri Narasimha is Trayambaka (three-eyed).
vivṛtāsyaṁ tri-nayanaṁ śarad-indu-sama-prabham
His mouth is wide open, He has three eyes, and He is as radiant as the autumn moon.
-Brahmanda Purana
Importantly, the Narasimha-Taapaneeya Upanishad itself calls Shri Narasimha as ‘Umapati’ (one accompanied by fame or glory), ‘Pinaakin’, ‘Neela Lohita’ and several other names commonly associated with Shiva. Here, the typical meanings of these names should not be considered, but they are interpreted in a manner that they suit Vishnu.
This should not be surprising, since it is natural even in the Vedas, for a devata and his antaryaami to be identified with similar names and characteristics. For example, Indra’s antaryaami is glorified in the Vedas as the eliminator of Vrtra, though Indra himself is also known so.
There is an instance in the Skanda Puraana, where Narasimha Mantras are used for the worship of Shri Shiva.
There you shall install Maheshvara, In the form of Bhairava With the body of Andhaka pierced With the tip of the Trident and raised up in His arms. Then O King, worship it uttering the Narasimha mantra, offering red flower, incense and Red unguents. Then after attaining virility and becoming equipped with Refulgence and Heroism, undoubtedly, thanks to his favour, you shall kill all the enemies. The Lord should be worshipped by you with great purity, otherwise you will meet with obstacles. It is the truth that is uttered by me. On hearing his words the King hurriedly Went to the holy place and installed Lord Bhairava. Then reciting the Narasimha mantra with devotion,he maintained purity and celibacy and worshipped the Lord. When the mantra had been repeated ten thousand times, Bhairava became pleased with him.
-Skanda Puraana, Khanda 6 (Nagara Khanda), Adhyaaya 151, Shlokas 50–57
Not just this, but in the Garuda Puraana, there is an instance of prayers very similar to the Sharadudriya, being used to worship Shri Vishnu.
Obviously, for Shaivas, it implies that Shiva is the indweller of Narasimha and as per Vaishnavism, it is one of the proofs why Narasimha is the antaryaami of Shiva, as said in the Prakaasha Samhita.
In conclusion, the devata of certain mantras depends on one’s sampradaaya and its views.
Benefits of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra:
It helps in protecting the loved ones in your family from mental, emotional, and physical.
It helps in enhancing Long Life
It brings Happiness and Prosperity to devotee’s life
Rejuvenating and Nurturing Health and eliminating every type of sickness from the body
It is rightly said that Lord Shiva is pleased very easily
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra will help you to conquer fear.
It will help you to have an undisturbed sleep.
It will always render protection to you.
It will Help you to overcome illness.
It will keep your health fine.
It will creates a shield that protects you from sudden death and other health problems.
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livesanskrit · 2 months
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
Bannanje Govindacharya.
Bannanje Govindacharya (3 August 1936 – 13 December 2020) was an Indian philosopher and Sanskrit scholar versed in Veda Bhashya, Upanishad Bhashya, Mahabharata, Puranas and Ramayana. He wrote Bhashyas or commentaries on Veda Suktas, Upanishads, ShataRudriya, BrahmaSutra Bhashya, Gita Bhashya and was an orator. He was awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India in 2009.
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sol-links · 9 months
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idolsarts · 1 year
Unveil the secrets of the #Upanishads 📜✨ - ancient treasures of wisdom. Discover the essence of life and existence.
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ssvas1966 · 1 year
Mantra Deekshe - Swamy Gautamanandaji Maharaj
It was a long pursuit of scriptural studies, mostly with breaks and internal turmoil’s, doubts, side tracking of the goals, which finally culminated into me taking a practical step in the form of MANTRA DEEKSHE, which happened exactly one month ago.  This was like a total turnaround from a mere pursuit of philosophical studies, for satisfying the intellect and the ego, into a simple practice of spirituality which looks amazingly powerful than all the studies put together.  It is a new beginning and a very big step in my LIFE.  A small back ground as to what and all happened till now….
I started my earliest studies with Ramayana and Mahabharatha during my child hood days and also a bit of Bhagavadgitha.  Lord Ram was my favourite deity and Aaradhya Daiva.  I was attracted to the teachings of Lord Gautama Buddha and tried to understand him through the practice of Vipassana.  As an ardent follower of Naturopathy as a way of life and admirer of Yogic Sciences, did some studies in these aspects of life.  I got firmly rooted in the Indian way of natural life and Yoga as a method for a healthy living.  Deeply inspired by Mahatma Gandhi I had full faith in the nature’s ability to heal itself.  In the meanwhile, I had the privilege of studying Homeopathy for some time (for the sake of my children) and highly appreciated its curative abilities at very subtle levels of body and mind.
My formal study of Vedic literature commenced during 2010 when I started my initial studies in Prasthana trayas through Chinmaya International Studies.   It was not exactly a scriptural study and I got a glimpse through the Foundation and Advanced Course in Vedantha, as expounded by Adi Shankara.   The huge knowledge base in the form of Bhashyas, Sutras to Vedic lore deeply stirred my intellectual hunger and set a direction for my further studies.  A glimpse of the advaitic thought mesmerized me and I got deeply attracted towards it. 
This initial attraction for “Advaitha” became stronger when I studied Complete works of Vivekananda and his vision about our ancient culture opened up a new vista of knowledge.  I could easily correlate the teachings of Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, through his devout and courageous, monastic student Swamy Vivekananda.  It is not a co incidence that I started this journey in “Ramakrishna Ashram”, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru long back during my High school days in 1980s.  I used to regularly visit this place and the divine rock on which Mata Shri Sharada Devi sat and meditated.  I never knew that one day I would be part of this great lineage through the process of Mantra Deeksha.
I was very sceptical since beginning about following any particular method / order in the path of spirituality.   I never felt that I should follow someone or something, which might be due to egoistic ideas of self-realisation through own efforts.  My recent visit to Ramanasramam, in Tiruvannamalai kindled my desire to strongly cling on to one particular method as there are too many roads leading to the same place.  I had a strong feeling that the journey so far was only theoretical and as that of a bystander without any real progress, except for accumulation of knowledge and confusing ideas.  Though it all looked very peaceful and steady, my inner core was with turmoil and waiting for any small provocation.  This made me send a mail to Swamy Gautamanandaji Maharaj and within a few hours I got a firm reply also !!
As a preparation to this great event scheduled for 30-09-2019 I had to follow certain procedures which began nearly a month before.  After registering my name, I started reading three simple but powerful books on the “Holy Trio” – Shri Ramakrishna, Sharada Maa and Swamy Vivekananda.  We were also instructed to study a book “Spiritual Initiation – What it is ?”.  This book is a compilation of material culled from the three articles written by Swami Bhuteshananda Maharaj, former president of the Ramakrishna Order, and lucidly explains the need of guru in leading the spiritual aspirants along the spiritual path by giving a formula called mantra repeating which they can reach the Supreme Goal.   It is a very handy material for those thinking of taking spiritual initiation.  Most of my doubts got cleared with this and I determined to plunge into this great journey. 
On the appointed day, I went early in the morning with specified things for Deeksha programme.  Cheerful devotees were there already helping us in setting things right.  There was a small briefing previous evening by the Secretary Swamy as to the dos and don’ts for the “D” day. My mind was full of reverence and anxiety for a new beginning. About 105 aspirants were there, including 45 students starting a new journey.  We were asked to keep our things in a very orderly manner and sit at the appointed place.  Every step to be followed for the next six hours was told in great detail.  We had to stay put for the instructions and completely pay attention to the procedures.  It was the hall mark of disciplined monastic order getting reflected in this simple but significant ceremony of the Ramakrishna Math.  We have to very systematically follow the steps and it was to the precision that things happened like in a dream.
Swamy Gautamanandaji Maharaj was very kind and patient, explaining the whole process in minute detail and inspiring us to follow a new path of glory.  His melodious but firm voice and reassuring smiles in between took me to a different plane, and our flight had just taken off with his energies backing all of us.  What exactly happened between 6.30 am to 11.30 am cannot be described in words, but there was an elevation of our minds and the Japa journey has begun.  Through out the program, I was completely engrossed with devotion and there was a subtle excitement about the new journey.
Swamy Gautamanandaji Maharaj also took Mantra Deekshe in RK Math, Basavanagdi, Bengaluru in 1956 and it was our great privilege to follow this lineage.  Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa – Swamy Brahmananda – Swamy Veereshananda – Swamy Gautamananda ….  (Brahmananda, born Rakhal Chandra Ghosh, was one of the direct disciples of Ramakrishna and the first president of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. He was born in Sikra Kulingram near Basirhat, Kolkata. Ramakrishna recognised him as his 'spiritual son'. He became the first president of the mission.).
Its one month now and the practice of Japa is going on with a particular pace and I am sure there will be more to come.  During the last one month, I also read “Japa Yoga” by Shivananda which was found to be having very useful and practical tips. I tried to understand the Aratikram of RK Math and read a book by Swamy Harshananda “Aaraatrika Gaanagalu” which explained the meaning and significance of i) Khandcana Bhava Bandhana, ii) Om Hreem ritham iii) Sarva mangala mangalye iv) Prakratim – paramam, four stotras during Sandhayarathi.  I had only heard them during Aarathi and got fascinated with the rhythm and melody of the Stotras and now I got a chance to understand the significance and meaning.
This is just a small narrative of the divine experience I had, a month ago and I wrote this to express my deep gratitude for  Pujya Swamy Gautamanandaji Maharaj who very lovingly initiated us into this Holy order of Ramakrishna Math.  The journey has begun in a real sense and a distinct link got established with this small step.
Shri Gurubhyonamaha – Hari Om Tatsat - Shri Ramakrishnarpanamasthu.
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almohamady-blog · 5 years
Indian philosophy
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Indian philosophy, the systems of thought and reflection that were developed by the civilizations of the Indian subcontinent. They include both orthodox (astika) systems, namely, the Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva-Mimamsa (or Mimamsa), and Vedanta schools of philosophy, and unorthodox (nastika) systems, such as Buddhism and Jainism. Indian thought has been concerned with…
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shinymoonbird · 7 years
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Joy has flooded the heart of Mother Earth, because of the Lord of Mercy living on the slopes of Arunachala
Devotee: Can a man move about, act, and speak, who has attained the Siddhi as is now described?
Maharshi: Why not? Do you mean to say that realization of Self means to be like a stone or to become nothing?
D.: I do not know, but they say to withdraw from all sense-activity, from all thoughts, all life- experiences, i.e., to cease to be active, that is the highest state.
M.: If so, what is the difference between this state and deep sleep? Besides if it is a state, however exalted it be, that appears and disappears and is, therefore not natural and normal to the self, how then can that represent the eternal presence of the supreme Self, which persists in all states and. indeed survives them? It is true that there is such a state indispensable in the case of some. It is a temporary phase of the Sadhana or a state that persists to the end of the life if that be the Divine will or the Prarabdha. In any case, you cannot call it the highest state. Great men, Mukthas, Siddhas, are said to have been very active and are indeed active; Ishwara Himself the Spirit who presides over this world directing its activities is obviously not in this supremely inactive state. Otherwise you may as well say that God as well as the Muktha purushas have not attained the highest state.
D.: But you have always laid great stress on Mounam, silence......
M.: Yes. I have. But silence does not mean negation of activity or stagnant inertness. It is not a mere negation of thoughts but something more positive than you can imagine.
D.: Is it unthinkable,. ...... ?
M.: Yes, As long as you run with the running mind you cannot have it. The silence of the Self is ever there. It is a supreme Peace, mounam, immutable like a rock that supports all your activities, in fact, all movements. It is in this mounam that God and the Muktha purushas are rooted.
— Sat-Darshana Bhashya - Ch. “The Talks”
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cma-japanese-art · 3 years
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Further Discourses on the Supreme Truth (Abidharmakosha-Bhashya), 1100s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Japanese Art
This sutra, or sacred Buddhist text, includes a frontispiece depicting a heavenly paradise scene of Buddha surrounded by bodhisattvas, monks, and devotees. This sutra captures the teachings of the great fourth-century Indian scholar, Vasubhandhu, which were transmitted across China and the Korean peninsula before arriving in Japan in the sixth century. This particular sutra was usually displayed with the frontispiece exposed, resulting in the faded gold and silver pigments. The interior sections of text have retained their original brilliance. Size: Overall: 26.4 x 670.6 cm (10 3/8 x 264 in.) Medium: handscroll; gold and silver on indigo-dyed paper
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vajranam · 3 years
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Ramanujacharya was a great scholar with lot of patience, was simple and generous. He belonged to the Allavandar tradition. His father was Keshav bhatt who stayed in southern region of Terunkudur. Ramanuj lost his father at a very young age. He went to study under the tutelage of a guru named Yadav Prakash. Ramanuj was a sharp student who now started taking out mistakes from his guru's wrong teachings. So the guru, on pretext of sending his disciples to Kashi, conspired with Ramanuj's cousin to kill him in deep forest. But he was saved by a hunter and his wife. Later he acquired many siddhi's and cured the Princess of Kanchi.
When the sage Allavandar was on his deathbed, he sent his disciple to call Ramanuj. But before Ramanuj could reach , Allavandar was no more. On reaching Shrirangam, Ramanuj noticed that three fingers of Allavandar were turned. Only Ramanuj understood it's significance that his guru had entrusted him the work of analysing Brahmsutra, Vishnusahastranaam and Divya Prabhandam. Ramanuj vowed there to get these works completed. The guru's finger now were straight. He took Vaishnav diksha from the main disciple of Allavandar whose name was Periyanambi.
Although he was married but he decided to become sanyasi under Yatiraj. His first guru Yadav Prakash was now Ramanuj's follower in repentance.
He took guru mantra from sage Nambi(Om Namo Narayanaya). His guru urged him to keep this mantra secret but Ramanuj publicly declared this mantra. On facing his guru's ire and curse, he said that if so many people can attain moksha with this mantra, he was ready to go to hell. The guru repented and embraced him.
He was made to take the seat of Allavandar by his followers. His enemies tried to poison him but was alerted by a lady.
He travelled extensively. He wrote the bhashya of Gita and Brahmsutra. He wrote Shri bhashya on vedant. His group was known as Shri sampraday. They believe Shri Mahalaxmi as their originator. His main follower was Kurtallavar who had two sons named Parashar and Pillann. Ramanuj made Parashar write the bhashya of Vishnu sahastranaam and made Pillann write on Divya Prabhandam, thus completing his guru's last wish.
The King of Shrirang was a staunch shaiva. He called Ramanuj to his court with an ulterior motive. Recognising this Ramanuj sent Kurutallwar impersonating as Ramanuj. As a true shishya, he propagated Vaishnav dharm in the court. The King got Kurutallwar's eyes removed.
Ramanuj now came to stay at Shalgram in Mysore. There the King Bhittidev was a Vaishnav. Here Ramanuj stayed for twelve years. He restored an ancient temple at Nimmle which still exists and is known as Tirunarayanpur temple. Once he was attacked by dacoits but was saved by his disciples. He teturned to shrirangam on the death of the King there. He established a vaishnav temple there for Allwar and Nammalwar followers. He reconstructed the temple at Tirupati. He propagated bhakti marg upto ripe old age of hundred and twenty.
His teachings tell us that ishwar is the only Purushottam. He practised VISHISHT ADVAITWAD. According to him ishwar is present in each and every body. Jeev is just his sevak. The aim of life should be purusharth. Bhagwan Narayan is Satt, Mahalaxmi is his shakti and is chitta and this world is their Anand vilas. Laxmi narayan are the parents and jeev is their santaan. The duty of santaan is to serve parents and receive their kripa. They come as avtars from time to time. Always recite the name of Narayan and serve them with our thoughts words and deeds.
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authorkoushik · 3 years
Happy world book day: Importance of Scriptural Evidence in Hinduism
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In  Indian philosophy, there are six types of Pramana among which three types are considered major ones and accepted by most of the schools of Indian philosophy  
 Pramana means that which yields knowledge (prama Karanam pramanam)
Pratyaksha is the first means of knowledge – pratyaksha means that which is seen with ones very own eyes, or in a broader sense, one’s perceptual evidence. Though this is the first in the list of means of knowledge, this is considered to be very limited. Because one’s own life is limited and also their personal experiences and perceptions, sometimes they can also be faulty.
Anumana is the second means of knowledge in the order  anumana means inference, logical guess or assumption. A classical example for anumana is if smoke is visible, then there may be fire which is burning.  Prakyaksha and anumana work hand in hand most of the times to arrive conclusions.
Upamāṇa pramana (comparison and analogy) is the next in the list of pramanas, for comparison and analogy also. The scriptural material plays a vital role.
Arthapatti (postulation, presumption) in next the list of pramanas, generally considered the weakest of the pramanas by most of the schools
Anupalabdi ( non-perception, negative/cognitive proof.) such as understanding that something is absent or something is not present
The last in the order is shabda pramana, (word or testimony) or textual evidence, in my opinion this is one of the greatest pramana, (means of knowledge) to understand or learn something, we depend largely on textual evidence, because it is the collected record of experiences, perceptions and inference of great ones, the experts, the real intellectuals and the wise.
Vedas (shruti) is the first and foremost and ultimate shabda pramana in hindu philosophy, smrutis, purana, itihasa, and other sacred scriptures also fall under this category.
 The Vedanta, Sankhya and yoga schools accept pratyaksha. Anumana, and shabda as the main and reliable pramanas among which shabda pramana is of foremost importance
 By this we can conclude that the testimonial evidence of word or textual evidence, of past or present reliable experts is the most proper and wide means of knowledge.
To acquire detailed knowledge on any matter, books are thus the best source, reading is the best practice.
 To learn and acquire knowledge on various topics of Hinduism please read, read more…
 To read the translations and commentaries of sacred scriptures of Hinduism  in simple English you can get my books from Amazon and other online book stores.
 List of all books published by me till now
  1.    Kali Santarana Upanishad: An Upanishad from Black Yajurveda which teaches the secret of the holy name of Rama and Krishna
2.    Durga Saptashloki: The Seven Verses from Devi Mahathmyam
3.    Durga Chandrakala Stuti: A Hymn on Durga by Appayya Deekshita: Text with Commentary
4.    Rudrashtakam: A Hymn from Ramacharitamanas by Goswami Tulasidas
5.    Kalabhairavashtakam: Eight Verses on Kalabhairava By Shankara Bhagavadpaada
6.    Sarasvati Ashtottara Shatanama Stotra: Hundred and Eight Names of Sarasvati
7.    Pragyavivardana Stotra - A Hymn from Rudrayamalam: Wisdom Giving Names of Kartikeya Translation Transliteration and Commentary
8.    Shiva Panchakshara Nakshatra Mala: A Hymn on Shiva with 27 Stanzas by Adi Shankara Bhagavadpaada
9.    Shadpadee Stotra: A Hymn on Vishnu by Adi Shankaracharya
10.    Ardhanarishvara Stotra: A Hymn on Unified Form of Shiva and Shakti by Shankara Bhagavadpaada
11.    Surya Dvadashanama Stotra
12.    Shiva Panchakshara Stotra
13.    Hundred and Eight Names of Bhairava
14.    Margabandhu Stotra: A Hymn on Margasahaya Shiva By Appayya Deekshita
15.    Ganesha Pancharatnam: A hymn on Ganesha by Shankara Bhagavadpada
16.    Ganesha Sahasranama - Thousand Names of Ganesha: Translated Based on Bhaskara Raya Makhin’s Khadyota Bhashya
17.    The Names of Sun God - a Hymn from Mahabharata: Suryashtottara Shatanama Stotra Transliteration, Translation and Commentary
18.    The Heart of Sun God: A Hymn from Valmiki Ramayana: Adithya Hrudaya Stotra - Its Transliteration and Translation
19.    Achyutashtakam: A Hymn on Lord Vishnu by Adi Shankaracharya
20.    Narayana Kavacham: From Srimad Bhagavata Purana
21.    Tales of Hanuman: Tales from the Eternal Life of Hanuman: 2
22.    Tales of Hanuman: Tales from the Eternal Life of Hanuman: 1
23.    Hanuman Chalisa Explained
24.    Shiva Manasa Pooja: Mental Worship Of Shiva
25.    Shiva Shadakshara Stotra: A Hymn on Shiva's Six Syllable Mantra
26.    Rama Raksha Stotra: A Shield Of Rama's Names
27.    Names of Shiva: Commentary on 108 Names of Shiva From Shiva Rahasya Khanda Based on Shiva Tatva Rahasya Of Neelakanta Deekshita
28.    Parts of the Body Sanskrit - English: Bilingual Early Learning & Easy Teaching Picture Dictionary: Very useful to understand the meaning of body parts when reciting kavacha stotras & doing anga pooja
29.    Shiva Namavali Ashtakam : An Octet of Shiva's Names by Shankara Bhagavadpaada
30.    The Name of Durga: Durga Nama Anushthana
31.    Heramba Upanishad
32.    Hanumad Bhujanga Stotra: A Hymn on Hanuman in Bhujanga Metre
33.    Durga Saptashloki: The Seven Verses from Devi Mahathmyam(tamil)
34.    Surya Dvadashanama Stotra (tamil)
35.    Durga nama japa vidhi (tamil)
36.    Who Should Start a Membership Business: The Stuff You Need to Know to Run a Winning Membership Business
37.    All That You Need to Know About Tumblr Blogs
38.    All That You Need to Know When Buying Domains
41.    Canva Tips and Tricks Beyond The Limits
42.    Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs
43. Parts of the Body Sanskrit – Hindi - English: Triilingual Early Learning & Easy Teaching Picture Dictionary: Very useful to understand the meaning of body parts when reciting kavacha stotras & doing anga pooja
44. Partes Del Cuerpo Sánscrito - español: Diccionario de imágenes bilingüe de aprendizaje temprano y enseñanza fácil: Muy útil para comprender el significado ... cuerpo al recitar kavacha (parts of body sanskrit - spanish)
45. Rama Nama Note with Rama Nama Lekhana Vidhi: Rama-Nama Journal for Writing the Rama Name 100,000 Times Plain Design
46. Nrusimha Dvadashanama Stotram : Twelve Names of Narasimha
47. Lakshmi Ashtottara Shatanama Stotra - Hundred and Eight Names of Lakshmi: A Commentary Based on Lakshmi Tantra and Sri Sukta 
48. Les Parties du corps Sanskrit - Français: Dictionnaire bilingue illustré pour un apprentissage précoce et un enseignement facile (parts of body sanskrit French Edition)
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*首先讓我們獻出我們的愛戴、祈禱、敬拜,臣服於帕冉瑪希瓦和像頭神(Ganapati),然後進入今天共修講座。 *帕冉瑪希瓦直接從凱拉薩傳來的信息: *在超意識中建立的意念會增強你內在超意識的顯化,使你的許多無意識模式變得無關緊要,不僅是圓滿,乾淨和排毒,這些模式也變得無關緊要,他們再也不會回來。 *在印度教(興都教)傳統中,三項主要被宣佈為強大的排毒過程,能夠支持顯化超意識和有意識的意念: Ahara - 飲食 Adyayana - 學習聖典(Shastra),注入強大的認知 Aradahana - 普伽/禮拜法事(Puja) *這三個“A”放在一起可以確保排毒和顯化意識意念,超意識狀態、空間、力量、存在和開悟,所有一切最好的東西。 *今天,我要介紹三種超越飲食靈修法(Nirahara Samyamas)。我們已經有一種超越飲食靈修法,現在我要介紹另外三種: 羅摩超越飲食靈修法(Rama Nirahara Samyama) 奎師那超越飲食靈修法Krishna Nirahara Samyama 毘耶娑超越飲食靈修法Vedavyasa Nirahara Samyama(注:Vedavyasa是著名的仙人,被認為是《往世書》的作者) *所有這三種將由同一個團隊管理,由負責管理超越飲食靈修法(Nirahara Samyamas)的Sri Pranavananda領導。 * 羅摩超越飲食靈修法(Rama Nirahara Samyama)——森林水果飲食,研究108部《救世奧義書》》(Upanishad-Muktikopansihad),由Ramachandra Prabhu和Paramashiva Puja編寫並呈獻。 *羅摩(Rama)本身供奉希瓦禮拜法事(Shiva Puja),一生都穿戴金剛菩提子(Rudraksha)。祂是一個偉大的虔誠信徒(Bhakta)。我們有足夠的聖典法理(Shastra Pramanas)可以證明羅摩每天都會做了希瓦禮拜法事(Shiva Puja)才開展當天的活動。我參考了《羅摩衍那》Valmiki Ramayana第7節詩(Shloka)的羅摩水果飲食: ाशनैर्दान््ैश्ृषाृषनाण्मरैः。 Suryavasvanarabhashta PuranaAirmunibhivrittamam.3.1.7。 PhalamūlāśanairdāntaiścīrakṚṣṆĀjināmbaraiḤ。 SūryavaiśvānarābhaiścaPurāṆAirmunibhirvṚTam..3.1.7.. 他們是古代穿著樹皮和深色鹿皮的長壽聖人,靠著水果和樹根生活,可以控制自己的感官,並擁有像太陽或火一樣的光芒。 *這是Vanavasa飲食法。我有更多的《聖典法理》(Shastra Pramanas),我會把所有內容都分享在臉書(Facebook)上。 *任何想要開悟的人,請練習此羅摩超越飲食靈修法(Rama Nirahara Samyama)以理解《奧義書》。 *水果和根系的生命能量(Pramana)顯化了對感官的勝利,並顯化出神聖的光輝——光環(Aura)。 Srimad Valmiki Ramayana Ii Aranya Kandam Ii 1 St Sarga,7Th Sloka ाशनैर्दान््ैश्ृषाृषनाण्मरैः。 Suryavasvanarabhashta PuranaAirmunibhivrittamam.3.1.7。 PhalamūlāśanairdāntaiścīrakṚṣṆĀjināmbaraiḤ。 SūryavaiśvānarābhaiścaPurāṆAirmunibhirvṚTam..3.1.7.. *他們是古代穿著樹皮和深色鹿皮的長壽聖人,靠著水果和樹根生活,可以控制自己的感官,並擁有像太陽或火一樣的光芒。 *最值得信賴的《羅摩》傳記經由羅摩本人證實,由Lava和Kusha在羅摩法院(Rama Sabha)演唱。這是《羅摩衍那》Valdiki Ramayana,Aranya Kanda,1St Sarga,22Nd Shloka: * Srimad Valmiki Ramayana Ii Aranya Kandam Ii 1 St Sarga,17Th Sloka Pushpa moola pranam sarvamashramam ma mahatmanah。 。。。।।。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。3.1.17 PuṢPaṂMūlaṂPhalaṂSarvamāśramaṂCaMahātmanaḤ。 NivedayitvāDharmajñāsteTataḤPrāñjalayo'bruvan..3.1.17。 *認識羅摩的賢哲向尊貴的羅摩致敬,在偏僻寺院提供了水果,根莖和鮮花,並雙手合掌向祂致意。 * Srimad Valmiki Ramayana Ii Aranya Kandam Ii 1 St Sarga,22Nd Sloka: एवमु्््फलैाफलैर्मूलैःपुष्पैर्घवमन्यैश्चराघवम्。 其他:Salakshamanpujayan.3.1.22。 EvamuktvāPhalairmūlaiḤPuṢPairvanyaiścaRāghavam。 3.1.22。AnyaiścaVividhāhāraiḤSalakṢMaṆAmapūjayan。 說到這裡,聖人們懷著崇敬的心情向羅摩和拉克什瑪納獻上水果、根、花和其他森林食物。 * Srimad Valmiki Ramayana Ii Aranya Kandam Ii 74Th Sarga和17Th Sloka: 瑪雅人,您已經積累了各種森林資源。 Tavarthe Purushyavaghra Pampayastirasambhavam.3.74.17。 MayāTuVividhaṂVanyaṂSañcitaṂPuruṢArṢAbha。 TavārthePuruṢAvyāghraPampāyāstīrasambhavam..3.74.17.. 薩巴里理論- 哦,我為你們收集並保存了潘帕(Pampa)河岸上各種各樣的森林食物。 這部聖典法理(Shastra Pramanas)非常清楚地顯示出Sri Ramachandra的飲食。我也有Sri Ramachandra的Aradhana(榮耀神的行動)的聖典法理(Shastra Pramanas)。我會和你們分享。 *接下來是奎師那超越飲食靈修法(Krishna Nirahara Samyama)-食用乳製品飲食:印度非暴力牛奶、黃油、酪乳,酥油——所有乳製品飲食,閱讀《博伽梵歌》和供奉希瓦禮拜法事。奎師那是個偉大的虔誠希瓦教徒,曾經每天都供奉希瓦禮拜法事。我們也有足夠的聖典法理(Shastra Pramanas)證明。我會給你足夠的聖典法理(Shastra Pramanas)。 *關於這種乳製品飲食的基本介紹可以在以下聖典找到 阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)Nighantu-Bhava Prakasha Ii Adhikara-Dadhi Varga Ii Sutra 6 *神聖的Dipanam Hridayam Pushitriakatapavanapaham | 帕維特拉·迪帕納·哈·迪亞·普·伊克·特帕瓦納帕漢 *含義-牛乳酸奶具有淨化、點燃消化之火、益胃、滋養並去除Vata Dosha(注:阿育吠陀相信人的體質是由五種元素組成(包括氣、空、火、水和土),結合成三種體質( Dosha),Vata 風型,由氣和乙太組成;Pitta 火型, 由火和水組成;. Kapha 水型, 由土和水組成。) *दुग्धं로ंस DugdhaṂSumadhuraṂSnigdhaṂVātapittaharaṂŚītaṂSātmyaṂSarvaśarīriṆĀmJīvanaṂBṚṂHaṆAṂBalyaṂMedhyaṂĀyuṢYaṂRasāyanam 含義: 牛奶具有以下品質- 甜蜜 黏性或粘度 去除Vata(風型,由氣和乙太組成)和Pitta(火型, 由火和水組成)的能力 涼爽 使所有生物根植於意識的能力 賦予生命的能力 滋養品質 給予力量的能力 喚醒智力的能力 延長壽命的能力 抗衰老特性 *第三種是毘耶娑超越飲食靈修法Vedavyasa Nirahara Samyama。吃喜馬拉雅山種植印度大米(Bhasmati)的飲食法,冥想帕冉瑪希瓦並閱讀《梵天經》Brahmasutra。我給出了詳盡的評論。觀看那些共修講座並閱讀Ramakrishna Mutt的Shananta Bhashya,Srikanta Shivacaharya的Bhashya和Swami Ashutoshananda Ji,他們從泰米爾的各種Bhashyas(古代或中世紀印度文學中任何主要或次要文本的“註釋”或“說明”。)編撰了精美的評論。 阿育吠陀Nighantu-Bhava Prakasha Purva Khanda,Mishra Prakarana,Adhikara-Dhanya Varga Kaidara vatapittaghna宗師:Medhyashchaiva balavaha:。 KaidārāVātapittaghnāGuravaḤMedhyāścaivaBalāvahāḤ 含義- 在Kedara種植的水稻除去了Vata((風型,由氣和乙太組成)和Pitta(火型, 由火和水組成)。它很重,因此可以接地,可以點燃智慧,並產生力量。 *通常,我下載並講述的許多事情,與聖典法理(Shastra Pramana)的記載完全一樣!我說:“吃喜馬拉雅山中生長的稻米”,現在我們得到了確切的聖典法理(Shastra Pramana)! *我在介紹這三種超越飲食靈修法(Nirahara Samyama)。每個月的第一天,所有四個超越飲食靈修法——羅摩超越飲食靈修法(Rama Nirahara Samyama) 奎師那超越飲食靈修法(Krishna Nirahara Samyama) 毘耶娑超越飲食靈修法(Vedavyasa Nirahara Samyama) 以及超越飲食靈修法(Nirahara Samyama)將會開始。 你將得到由Sri Pranavananda和他的團隊發展的美麗生態系統的指導和支持。他們做得很棒。所以,你可以註冊任何超越飲食(Samyama)並開始練習。如有任何疑問,請給我們發送電子郵件到此鏈接[email protected] 我們將澄清。 Yajnavalkya smriti 帕拉什奇塔(Prayashchitta Adhyaya) 31St Sip 卡洛格尼(Kalogagni):K瑪德(Karma Mrid)Vayurmano Gyanam Tapo Jalam。 pent悔:尼拉哈爾:調查修達瓦。 Kālā'gniḤKarmaMṚDVāyurmanoJñānaṂTapo Jalam。 帕夏卡波·尼拉哈拉·薩爾維米·烏迪希塔瓦· 翻譯: 時間、火、動作、土壤、空氣、心靈、知識、苦修,水,重生和超越飲食(NIRAHARA)-所有這些都是淨化的手段。 *這是超越飲食(Nirahara)的正確的認知(Pramana)。翻譯是: *時間的淨化、火焰的淨化、土壤可以淨化皮膚、空氣可以淨化內臟器官、心靈可以淨化你的智慧(Buddhi)、強大的認知,知識可以淨化你的意識,苦修可以在生理,心理,情感上淨化你的身體;水可以淨化內在和外在的許多事情;放鬆意味著放鬆和紓解,超越飲食(Nirahara),所有這些都是強大的排毒方法。 *我見過我的上師Raghupati Yogi混合寺廟的沙子和香蕉樹芯幹汁。他會將濃稠的果汁與寺廟沙混合,敷在人們脊椎後部,喚醒昆達利尼薩克提(Kundalini Shakti),為人們排毒。我將在凱拉薩很快開始所有這些過程! *我們有一組持戒僧/尼醫生在接受悉達(Siddha)和阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)的培訓。 *他們所需要的只是受戒成為持戒僧/尼和能力顯化的訓練。現代醫學教育太不足了。印度教(興都教)傳統醫學有���多的可以提供。現代醫學僅在其認證中具有權威。 *我將在凱拉薩復興所有這一切。待這場大流行疫情結束後而國際旅行可以開始時,你們都可以來凱拉薩,享受凱拉薩提供的偉大事物! *接下來的事情:一切準備就緒,可以啟動凱拉薩儲備銀行(Reserve Of Kailasa)和凱拉薩聯邦儲備銀行(Federal Reserve Of Kailasa),以及與凱拉薩儲備銀行(Reserve Bank Of Kailasa)相關的8個單位。隨著像頭神(Ganapati)和帕冉瑪希瓦(Paramashiva)的恩典,凱拉薩儲備銀行已成為國際新聞,不僅是區域新聞還是全國性新聞! *讓我用幾句話來介紹凱拉薩:印度教(興都教)有56個國家——潘迪亞( Pandya)、喬拉(Chola)、卡納達(Kannada)、泰蘭加(Telanga, )、古吉拉(Gurjara)、素蘭吉(Surangi)、喀什(Kashi)、甘達拉(Gandhara)、尼泊爾(Nepala)、柬埔寨(Kamboja)——柬埔寨(Cambodia)、斯里蘭卡( Sri Lanka)— —蘭卡普里(Lankapuri)。這56個國家被稱為古印度( Akanda Bharat) ,從來自今天的阿富汗(Afghanistan)——甘達拉(Gandhara ),即甘達里(Gandhari )和薩庫尼(Sakuni )來的地方;直到尼泊爾,即悉塔(Sita)來自的地方。 *我們在56個印度教(興都教)國家使用的所有貨幣,以及我們在這56個國家使用的所有經濟政策和戰略,國內經濟政策和對外貿易經濟政策,我正在努力使它們恢復並使其成為合法的功能體系。 *正如我多次說過的,印度教(興都教)需要復興者而不是改革者。我不是改革者,我是複興者。 *因此,這56個印度教(興都教)國家,不管我們有什麼貨幣、政策和戰略,過去兩年我們研究了100多本書。8位持戒僧/尼幫助我學習,收集和整理。隨著這一點,我們制定了政策和貨幣。我有一張美麗的古印度( Akhanda Bharat)地圖-所有56個印度教國家。從歷史上可以看到,我們把這56個國家都定為印度教國家。 *在印度教(興都教)中,黃金不僅珍貴,而且是神聖的。黃金在印度教中被賦予宗教神聖地位。因此,所有凱拉薩貨幣將僅以純金印製。 *一個Tola就是一個Kaasu。在梵語中,凱拉薩貨幣被稱為Swarna Mudra或Swarna Pushpa。在英語中,它將被稱為Kailashian Dollar,泰米爾文稱為Porkaasu。 *1Tola黃金在現代測量將接近11.6638038克。我將Tola黃金稱為1Kailashian元。以它自身的重量和擁有量,它將具有價值。 *我有Kaal Kasu,Ara Kaasu,1 Porkaasu,2 Kaasu,3 Kaasu,4 Kaasu,5 Kaasu,10 Kaasu ... 。 *所有的印刷和鑄造工作都已完成。我將在Vinayaka Chaturthi日向你介紹。政策的編制也將完成了,將會發布。 *我正在努力恢復和使印度教(興都教)的硬幣、貨幣、經濟體系合法和正常運轉。 *印度教(興都教)需要復興者,而不是改革者。我希望一切都恢復原樣。感謝我的團隊,他們在過去的兩年裡孜孜不倦、真誠地進行研究,在基拉迪(Keeladi),在喬拉王國(Chola Kingdom),在蘇蘭吉王國(Surangi Kingdom),在印度河文明,在恒河文明的硬幣。感謝所有在互聯網上上傳或以書本形式發行的所有研究人員和考古學家。我們努力使它們盡可能接近我們收集到的內容。 *在像頭神節(Ganesha Chaturthi)中,隨著像頭神(Ganapati),帕冉瑪希瓦(Paramashiva),文卡特什瓦拉·斯瓦米(Venkateshwara Swami),斯瓦那卡莎娜(Swarnakarshana Bhairava)的恩典,這將是一個儀式性的推介典禮,使其功能很快就會發生。 *我有很多書可供我們參考,這些書包括來自互聯網和其他來源的100多本書,360篇文章以及研究論文。我們製作了一個文檔,向大家致以誠摯的謝意。 *我們試圖復��的那些幣種,盡可能精確地接近那些幣種模型。我感謝所有在知識上支持我,以及分享時間、財富和才華的人。 *印度教(興都教)也將穀物視為財富之一,因此穀物將用於物物交換系統。 *凱拉薩,儲備銀行的經濟政策將遵循《吠陀經》和《阿戈瑪經》。 *例如:Vaideeha或Shivacharya或Bhattacharya或Deekshai不僅通過出生,還通過社會分工(Varna),通過生活方式來實踐婆羅門,這些婆羅門人都在做Sandhya Vandana,希瓦禮拜法事(Shiva Puja),Paramartha Puja, Atmaartha Puja,他們得到了福報(Punya),這是他們可以去任何世界(loka)生活的宇宙貨幣。 *他們可以藉此前往任何地方生活。他們還獲得像Swarna Mudra,Kailashian元這樣的貨幣來維持他們的日常生活。凱拉薩將遵循相同的經濟原則。 *基於社會分工(Varna)的婆羅門實踐可以實現的生活方式,靈性和宗教實踐和教義。他們不僅獲得了福報(Punya)——宇宙貨幣,而且還獲得了國家的貨幣! *凱拉薩貨幣將是黃金,因為《吠陀經》賦予黃金的地位不僅珍貴且是神聖的。帕冉瑪希瓦本人被描述為Hiranya Roopaya,而大財富女神(Mahalakshmi)被描述為Swarnavarnaam。 *印度教(Hinduism 興都教)還宣布了許多其他的東西作為布施(Dana)。所有這些都將獲得合法的財富地位。我會念出名稱的。 *因此,1 個Swarna Mudra,1 個Por Kaasu和1 Kailashian元。我們做了25個設計。它的重量和價值將是相同的。這是我們在56個國家/地區使用的設計。 * 2 個Swarna Mudra將具有另外20種類型。Kaal Kaasu將有大約10種類型。 * 布施(Dana)在印度教興都教)傳統中的定義和同義詞: Dravyam-材料 Viththam-貨幣,商品 Svaapatheyam-擁有的掙得的財產 Riktham-繼承的財產 Ruktham-擁有 Dhanam-金錢 瓦蘇蘭 Hiranyam-金錢。 Dravinam-動產 Dyumnam-力量與強度 Artha-商業關注,工作 Rai-財富 Vibhava-寬宏,無所不在,力量 *詳細介紹了人們可以賺取貨幣的方法。 *帕冉瑪希瓦(Paramashiva)宣布必須完全免費提供食物,因此我們將遵循相同的程序 *不僅上師不應該向學生收費,如果上師沒有錢養活學生,他必須去乞討,除了教育外,還必須給學生所有所需的東西。 *在印度(興都教)傳統中,人們崇拜學習的意念,如果一個孩子有學習的意念,他就成為了Brahmachari。從那一刻起,上師負責為他提供食物,庇護所和一切他需要的東西。上師負責向Brahmachari提供一切供他學習的知識。 *如果上師還不夠富裕,他可以乞討。弟子也可以乞求,但上師必定會提供。 *我們將遵循同樣的政策。所以你在學習期間的所有生存需求也是免費的。 *我的願景是為全世界20億印度教徒(興都教徒)提供所有這些服務。有了帕冉瑪希瓦的恩典,我們將能夠做到。 *在印度教(興都教)傳統中,醫生的工資是根據村里的收入來支付的,全村人都會提供穀物,而醫生則確保全村人的健康。 *只有你生病了,醫生才能賺到錢。那你怎麼能期望他會為你的健康祈禱呢? *政策必須切實可行。如果政策不切實際並且不斷指責醫生,那是錯誤的。政策應該是正確的。當醫生知道“我所在地區的財富將使我更加健康”時,他將進行研究,並儘一切努力使每個人都健康。那麼您的身體就不是他的收入來源,您的積極生活是他的重要來源... *所以在凱拉薩我們也會有相同的政策。 *所有經濟政策已經制定,超過300頁。在這裡,我公開提出要求:任何具有印度教經濟學原理,對聖典(Shastras)或聖典(Shastras)的現代應用有知識的人,請以任何形式發送,例如發送一些舊書或分享您的想法,建議和建議。我們將以感激之情接受您的支持。你可以把建議發到這封電子郵件,我們會將其添加到我們的經濟政策中。唯一的一件事,請提供證據,證明他們來自印度教。 *我們向Vedamata祈禱,以復興薩那塔納印度教道法(永恆之道)。 *就像他們如何做預算模型一樣,我們需要在世界某個角落建立一個印度教(興都教)的模範社區,我們為此付出了巨大的努力。現在,隨著像頭神(Ganapati) 和帕冉瑪希瓦的祝福,以及凱拉薩所有的神和女神的祝福,這一切正在發生。 *我們現在將與許諾的Brahmana,Kshatriya,Vaishya,Shudras和E-kailashians舉行帕冉瑪希瓦團隊(Paramashiva Gana )會議。 英文原文鏈接:https://www.facebook.com/138595819561610/posts/4250476355040182/ ~尼希亞南達中文翻譯小組
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livesanskrit · 1 year
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Bannanje Govindacharya.
Bannanje Govindacharya (3 August 1936 – 13 December 2020) was an Indian philosopher and Sanskrit scholar versed in Veda Bhashya, Upanishad Bhashya, Mahabharata, Puranas and Ramayana. He wrote Bhashyas or commentaries on Veda Suktas, Upanishads, ShataRudriya, BrahmaSutra Bhashya, Gita Bhashya and was an orator. He was awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India in 2009.
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E G O is the biggest obstacle to #selfrealization 🕊 “There are two ways in which we can live. First, we can embrace and welcome reality, in which case our ego or root pattern must dissolve because only then can we face reality. Please understand that this reality is God. God is not some entity hidden in some remote corner of the Universe or in the sky. He is the reality around us. The second way of living is how most of us live: We create a shell, a dream world around ourselves to defend a false ego which has no substance in reality. This is what is meant by māyā—illusion. Since we are hidden in this capsule of our unreal world with our ego as the center, we cannot feel the immediate presence of God, who is actually the closest to us.” - Kailasa’s Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam @srinithyananda 📚FREE Download Jeevan Mukti Bhashya: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/File:Jeevan_mukti_bhashya.pdf #Kailasa #Nithyananda #Nithyanandayoga #shiva #Enlightenment #Spirituality #Spiritual #ego #egodeath #Cosmicconsciousness #superconsciousness #yogiclife #yoginilife #yogi #awarenessiskey #gita #bhagavadgita #krishnalove https://www.instagram.com/p/CgHgkmlr-1d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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idolsarts · 1 year
Uncover the hidden meanings behind sacred symbols and gain a deeper understanding of Hinduism's rich spiritual tapestry. Join us now! 🙏🕉️
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