#bex is beautiful and amazing and kind and is perfect
nyx91 · 3 months
Tysm to the most beautiful amazing caring Darling of a lady I've had the utter pleasure of befriending and you are so very dear to me my love... You made me this because I'm not well and it means the world to me, and I cherish you so much just so you know.
It's perfect and you're so kind 💜💜
Bex you beautiful soul
If you love her work please support and check out her blog
She truly is wonderful
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zzoomacroom · 7 months
For the ask game: how about one each for Hob, Dream, and Death?
Oooohh, excellent ask, thanks anon!
First impression: wow, this guy is kind of obnoxious. Cute, though.
Impression now: my sweet beloved blorbo, the love of my life, I think about him 24 hours a day
Favorite moment: 1789, just that whole scene. But especially his reaction to the drawing ("I look terrible. You look worse"), and when he breaks a teacup over that guy's head
Idea for a story: the wip I'm currently working on is about him being the last man on earth and going on a road trip with Delirium and Barnabas
Unpopular opinion: I think he probably just has an average-sized penis 🤷‍♀️
Favorite relationship: we don't see much of his canon relationships, but if we're talking non-canon then of course it’s dreamling. I also kind of like the idea of Hob/Johanna(/Dream?)
Favorite headcanon: I've posted about this before and the wonderful @delta-pavonis wrote a fic about it, but I firmly believe that in the Sandman universe, he was the inspiration for Nick Bottom. Think about it: low-born guy who always has to be the center of attention and acts like a jackass, but somehow won the queen's favor. Hob was salty because Shaxberd had Dream's attention, but Shaxberd was salty because Hob had the queen's attention.
First impression: this dude is kind of pathetic, I desire him carnally
Impression now: my babygirl, my everything, my beautiful, ethereal, majestic, all-powerful loserboy. I love him so much 😭
Favorite moment: it's so hard to choose...in the show, I loved his battle with Lucifer and what he did to Rick Madoc (his dispassionate fury in defending Calliope was chilling). In the comics, I love all his interactions with Delirium. Also when Death throws the bread at him and it goes "bip!"
Idea for a story: um...well...don't judge me, but I have a retired!Dream mpreg fic I'm working on, which the amazing @kydrogendragon and some other lovely folks on discord (idk if they're on tumblr or i would tag them) helped me develop.
Unpopular opinion: hmm...I've seen so many opinions about him and I'm not sure which ones are considered unpopular. I think maybe he's a bit more slutty than we give him credit for, based on how he was immediately down to clown when Bast jokingly propositioned him
Favorite relationship: of his canonical relationships, I find Calliope the most interesting. For non-canon, dreamling all day every day forever. For platonic relationships: Lucienne (i just don't see them as romantic, sorry morphienne fans), Death, Delirium, Matthew
Favorite headcanon: based on recent conversations I've seen/taken part in on tumblr, I like the idea of him getting freaky with his helm (the helm stays on during sex). @tryan-a-bex wrote a great little ficlet about it
First impression: she's amazing and I love her
Impression now: she's amazing and I love her
Favorite moment: when she throws the bread at Dream. Also, not exactly canon, but in the "At Death's Door" manga by Jill Thompson I love when she teams up with Despair and Delirium and catches souls in a baseball mitt:
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Idea for a story: admittedly, I don't currently have any ideas for stories with Death as a main character, but she does feature heavily in my post-apocalypse fic. I would like to see more of her days she spends as a mortal. We see some of that in "Death: The High Cost of Living," but I bet she gets up to some crazy shenanigans
Unpopular opinion: I don't think she's as perfect as a lot of people think she is. She's one of my favorite characters and I love her, but I think she's as flawed as the rest of her siblings and has her own struggles that we only get glimpses of
Favorite relationship: canonically she doesn't have any romantic relationships that readers see, but I love her relationships with her siblings, especially Dream. For ships, I kind of like the idea of her with Johanna, but I haven't explored it much
Favorite headcanon: I think she's a lesbian and nothing can dissuade me of that belief
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Ted Lasso 2x10 thoughts
“No Weddings and a Funeral” is like being hungover but also coming out of a hangover. Having a terrible cold but also feeling better and appreciating every breath that comes through your nose. Embarking on an organizational project and accidentally falling into a photo album and crying about the pictures and organizing almost nothing tangible but making a few things more clear in your brain.
So much of this episode is about the AWFUL POINTLESSNESS OF DECORUM. How loud is too loud when you’re drinking stolen wine and shrieking about sex in a church right before your father’s funeral? How should you feel--thirty years later, as an accommodating, anger-averse person--about having been too angry to attend the funeral for your father who killed himself? What expression should you make when you show up really late to a different funeral? Why must you wear uncomfortable shoes just because someone died? What happens in your mind between standing up to give a eulogy for a man you’re still angry with and choosing to Rick Roll your mom and everyone else as an act of complicated love, humiliatingly incomplete until someone else starts to sing? Should you worry about your therapist seeing your normally tidy flat in a full-on state of depression mess? Is it okay to be offended that your boyfriend is so uncomfortable about death that he can’t stop making morbid jokes? Should you care about other people caring that you’re crunching an apple in church or squealing with joy to be reunited with a friend you’ve not seen in awhile? Are you obligated to explain your behavior if your kid doesn’t understand how you could stay with someone unfaithful? How far behind the counter should you sink when your [undefined relationship person]’s mother has just let you know she can see your dick through your underwear? Is a funeral reception an okay place to find a hookup? Is a funeral reception a decent spot for a break-up? Is a funeral reception a good time for a love confession when you know the person you’re confessing to is happy with someone else? And who do you make eye contact with when you can’t look directly at the person asking you if you’re okay when there’s so, so much about you she doesn’t know yet? Even if--for this tiny little moment within a vast swath of many okay and not-okay moments--you’re honest when you tell her that you are?
I fucking adored this episode because it answers all these questions very simply: Show up. Show up for yourself. Show up for your friends. Try not to harm yourself. Try not to harm your friends.
I love that this episode is about the messiness of adulthood and the things we bring with us from childhood and that it takes place partially in Rebecca’s childhood bedroom, and in Ted’s childhood memories. Dwelling in those places (whether physically or mentally) isn’t an automatic recipe for regression, but it does get everyone closer to the things that made them who they are, to the unresolved and half-buried parts of them that still make them tick today.
Forever obsessed with every single detail about Rebecca’s childhood bedroom.
Forever obsessed with Deborah’s decision to Rick Roll herself every single morning of her life.
Forever obsessed with Rebecca’s decision to Rick Roll her father’s funeral as a way to not have to make up a single word about her father and to do something very vulnerable and kind for herself and her mother and everyone.
Forever obsessed with Ted’s decision to Rick Roll Rebecca Rick Rolling her father’s funeral.
Forever obsessed with an entire found family backing it up.
I love that it is Isaac’s leadership that ensures every single member of the team attends the service for Paul.
I am very, very interested in Jamie’s love confession to Keeley because I do think it will spark some reflection in Keeley but I do not think it’ll go the cliched love triangle route.
Each scene with Rebecca and Sam struck (for me, a human being sharing a subjective perspective on the internet) the tender-awkward-beautiful-stressful chord I was hoping it would. I think it’s wonderful that Sam is honest with Rebecca about how difficult it is to keep their relationship a secret, and I love that Rebecca has a million mostly-unarticulated reasons for why she’d much prefer the secret to continue. I like that Sassy, Keeley, and Nora respond to the revelation as friends; they might be tempering their judgments in part because they’ve all gathered to bury Rebecca’s dad, but I don’t think their reactions would’ve been that different even on a happier occasion.
While there are a million and one different reasons why a continued relationship between Rebecca and Sam could cause serious ethical problems, I really love that when people share big news on this show, the people who care about them generally react by trying to see why the person is doing what they’re doing. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t also hold each other accountable, but in my book it’s OK that Keeley’s first reaction was to feel happy that her friend is having some fun.
Also everyone has been making weird judgment calls this season, and this episode felt like a moment of real breakthroughs in terms of people telling the truth about things that happened to them and leaving themselves open to honest responses from others.
September 13, 1991. It’s so tenderly, beautifully, overwhelmingly meaningful that there’s still so much Ted and Rebecca don’t know about the things they have in common in these parallel lives they’re leading. The scene between Sarah Niles and Jason Sudeikis is so beautifully acted, and so is the scene between Hannah Waddingham and Harriet Walter. The way they intertwine to communicate that Ted and Rebecca basically lost the ability to trust their fathers simultaneously, from an ocean away? In the hands of lesser storytellers, it would feel too perfect a mirroring, but here it feels heartbreakingly imperfect. All the things they still don’t know. All the questions they try to ask each other. All the things they don’t dare ask yet. And then the storytellers are holding a candle up to all of it and letting the audience bask in the glow of this connection even if Ted and Rebecca can’t fully understand it yet.
I am so proud that Rebecca and Deborah were able to embark on the beginnings of a conversation about the ways Deborah and Paul’s relationship might have resembled or not resembled Rebecca and Rupert’s. It feels possible that they could get to a point where Rebecca truly internalizes her mother’s pride that she broke a cycle by leaving Rupert, and could maybe even understand why her mother made the choices she made. I love that in the final scene, they’re still relying on their old mother-daughter conversational patterns—the frustrations, the snippy shorthand, the passive-aggression. Mothers and daughters!
I am also proud that Ted—albeit via a joke about Sharon charging him for the house call—indicates that he understands the value of Sharon’s work. He’s changed a lot, all in realistic ways for someone who loves learning and really does want to meet people where they are and appreciate them. I’m very moved that instead of putting himself in a real harmful situation by showing up to the funeral on time at any cost, he did what he needed to do to take care of himself and accept care from someone else. And then Sharon’s suggestion that he think about things he loved about his father? And the way he’s able to share a positive memory of Rebecca’s own father at a time when she really needed it? Gosh.
Awkward, undecorous transition from 1991 to present-day incoming...but SASSY! She’s just, like, a whirling dervish of loyal friendship and not giving a fuck and penis size discussions and being casually, delightfully cruel to Rupert, who so deserves it. Rebecca was going on a real face journey when Sassy goes off with Ted at the end, and I’m sort of *eyes emoji* about all of that, but I continue to feel like Sassy is the most imperfectly wonderful friend-from-the-past kind of person and I love everything she and Nora get to do in this episode.
Keeley saying “That baby is whack” might be my favorite line in the episode? Maybe the whole show? Not really but really.
FUCK YOU, RUPERT. Bex and Diane, y’all are fine. And I truly feel for Nate...whatever scheme he’s getting suckered into. Whatever insecurity Rupert is preying on. I want Nate to go to therapy, too.
I feel like it was an unpopular opinion at the time, but I loved Rebecca’s 2x1 revelation about vulnerability and fear of getting hurt and needing to let someone love her. Sassy doesn’t always word things in the most nuanced way, but I think there’s a real possibility that she did ask Rebecca to really consider what it means to feel either safe or unsafe with a person but to know that in either circumstance, that person could end up causing her pain. Standing in that closet with Sam, managing to make it clear that she’s not asking for a break because she knows he will hurt her but because she has to figure out how to be with a wonderful person who could cause her pain...the growth, man. Makes me emotional.
I emerged from this episode feeling, of course, stunned by all the amazing parallels and revelations and beautiful acting and Rick Rolls and just, everything. I also emerged feeling sad/raw/tender because messiness and decorum and growth and coping mechanisms and death and dramatic irony and not knowing things about people and not knowing what you don’t know...it’s a sad, raw, tender place to be.
To quote a guy who got a whole sitcom (lol) named after him, life is real hard.
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maurine07 · 3 years
I logged into Tumblr to have a break and I found unexplainable and disgusting hatred here and I have no idea how people can be this hateful
So, in lights of recent events I just wanted to show you, you incredible brilliant writers how amazing and magnificent you are. Your MCs are so wonderful, each one unique in their own way and I love that about them and I love them so much.
@genevievemd Sara, I absolutely adore both you and Gen so much, more than words can ever describe. Gen is so precious and pure and sweet and just all the goodness that's in this world. I love how you write her, how you add her flaws and how you write her anxiety and the depth you add to her, it makes her feel so real and I just love her with all my heart
And you, my dearest, are the sweetest person ever. You're so kind and amazing and so sweet and I just love talking to you so much, you're the best ever
@liaromancewriter Mal, I know we haven’t interacted before but I’ve read some of your fics and I adore Cassie so much. I just love how you write and I love the backstory you gave her. Her relationship with her brother is amazing. And Max and Sienna’s relationship??? It’s to die for, they’re so precious.
And you honestly seem like the sweetest person ever
@bex-la-get Bex! Nat is a literal ray of sunshine and I adore her with my whole heart. She’s so kind and sweet and funny and so caring and you write her character so beautifully. Literally every time I read one of your fics, I always have the biggest smile on face because of her
And you, Bex, are the best. You’re super kind and incredible and I truly hope you know that
@a-crepusculo MIA!!! Girl, you know I freaking love Marchia with everything I am. She’s just so beautiful, both on the inside and the outside, and lovely and kind and I love how caring and loving she is. She always makes me so happy. She’s a Queen and I would love for her to step on my neck, please and thank you
Also, you, my beautiful beautiful Mia, are the sweetest, funniest person on this planet. I love talking to you so much (even if I am horrible at replying back which I’m so sorry for), our conversations always make me so happy. I love you so much, girl<33333
@danijimenezv Dani, I've reread your fics several times and every time I fall in love with Jill even more. She's so gorgeous and lovely and amazing.
And I've only spoken to once but you're honestly so sweet and lovely
@takeharryandgo Kelsey, I know we've never spoken before but I've read your fics and Meredith is just asking perfect as one can be. She's so freaking beautiful and funny and kind and I simply adore her. I just love her so much.
Also, you seem like the loveliest person and you're so funny.
@jamespotterthefirst Bree, you know how much I love Lilac and you're probably bored of me but I just love her so much. She's so beautiful, kind, funny, caring and just so perfect. I'd let her do anything she wants to me. I love how you write her character and how much depth you add to her with her family, the people around her, her friends.
And you know that I love you. You're the kindest, sweetest person ever and I love your sense of humor. Love you, Bree❤❤❤
@writer-ish Kat, first of all, I've been loving your response to this whole situation. Second, you know I adore Brooke. There's nothing I wouldn't do for this woman, she's everything. She's breathtakingly gorgeous, she's so wonderful and funny and sweet and I love her.
And I adore you, Kat. You're so sweet and amazing
Hope y'all are having a wonderful day💕💕
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talldecafcappuccino · 2 years
1. Something I remember vividly - The whole scene of Ted running into Rebecca and John Wingsnight while out to get biscuit supplies in Onward, Forward…. Star-crossed divorcées and she’s just shooting by a little faster than him, that whole perfect piney passage!! Ted just watching them and at sea outside their inside jokes 😭 admiring how beautiful she is in the street lights ❤️‍🔥 ahhhh it just has the most intoxicating atmosphere and post-season one yeeeearning.. it still haunts me in the best way. || 2. What I like the most about your writing - I just know I’m in good hands when I start one of your stories 🥰 You’re such a wonderful storyteller and it always amazes me how you weave a narrative in such an entertaining and satisfying way. They’re always so clever and fun and there’s just so much love in them. They’re a happy place to be!
Kylieeeee this is so kind 🥺 You really are the best fic cheerleader and I’m so glad that whole star-crossed divorcées scene stuck with you because I really love it too. I remember being so proud of that little bit of angst and posting into the Ao3 ether like…it’s all done! And then it turns it was *not* all done lol.
Also, I don’t know if you reblogged that fic ask (you should reblog it if you haven’t already), but I need you to know I think about Beard and Bex After Hours like…at least once a week? It’s so romantic and funny (like a romcom!) and you made me care about a pairing I’d never really given much thought. The moment when Beard takes off his dress shirt to make Bex feel better about her post-baby blowout shirt on their date night is etched in my brain!! I’m not kidding when I say I want to read a full-length novel of their romance. It’s so cozy and lovely and warm, like a big hug 💜
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flufffysocks · 3 years
let's talk about andi mack's worldbuilding
sorry this took forever to make! i've been pretty busy with school stuff and i kind of lost my inspiration for a bit, but i ultimately really enjoyed writing it! i wish i could've included more pics (tumblr has a max of 10 per post), and it kinda turned from less of a mini analysis to more of an extremely long rant... but i hope it's still a fun read!
i've been rewatching the show over the past few weeks (thanks again to @disneymack for the link!), and i’ve been noticing a lot that i never did the first time around. this is really the first time i’ve watched the show from start to finish since it aired, and it honestly feels so different this time - probably a combination of the fact that i’m not as focused on plot and can appreciate the show as a whole, and also that the fandom is much, much smaller now, so there’s a lot less noise. so the way i’m consuming this show feels super different than it did the first time, but the show itself doesn’t - it’s just as warm and comforting to me as it was the first time around, if not more so.
i think a lot of that can be attributed to andi mack’s “worldbuilding”. i’m not quite sure that this is the right word in this context, to be honest, because i mostly see it used in reference to fantasy and sci-fi universes, but it just sort of feels right to me for andi mack, because you can really tell how much love and care went into constructing this universe. for clarity, worldbuilding is “the process of creating an imaginary world” in its simplest sense. there’s two main types: hard worldbuilding, which involves inventing entire universes, languages, people, cultures, places, foods, etc. from scratch (think “lord of the rings” or “dune”), and soft worldbuilding, in which the creators don’t explicitly state or explain much about the fictional universe, but rather let it’s nature reveal itself as the story progresses (think studio ghibli films). andi mack to me falls in the soft worldbuilding category. even though it takes place in a realistic fiction universe, there’s a lot of aspects to it that are inexplicably novel in really subtle ways.
so watching the show now, i’ve noticed that the worldbuilding comes primarily from two things - setting and props, and oftentimes the both of them in tandem (because a big part of setting in filmmaking does depend on the props placed in it!).
one of the most obvious examples is the spoon. it really is a sort of quintessential, tropic setting in that it's the main gang's "spot", which automatically gives it a warm and homey feel to it. and its set design only amplifies this:
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the choice to make it a very traditional 50s-style diner creates a very nostalgic, retro feel to it, which is something that's really consistent throughout the show, as you'll see. from the round stools at the bar, to the booths, to the staff uniforms, this is very obvious. the thing that i found especially interesting about it though is the choice of color. the typical 50s diner is outfitted with metallic surfaces and red accented furnishings, but the spoon is very distinctly not this.
instead, it's dressed in vibrant teal and orange, giving it a very fresh and modern take on a classic look. so it still maintains that feeling of being funky and retro, but that doesn't retract from the fact that the show is set distinctly in modern times.
of course, this could just be a one-off quirky set piece, but this idea of modernizing and novelizing "retro" things is a really common motif throughout the show. take red rooster records. i mean, it's a record shop - need i say more? it's obviously a very prominent store in shadyside, at least for the main characters, but there's no apparent reason why it is (until season 2 when bowie starts working there, and jonah starts performing there). a lot of the time, though, it functions solely as a record shop. vinyl obviously isn't the most practical or convenient way of listening to music, but it's had its resurgence in pop culture even in the real world, mostly due to its aesthetic value, so it's safe to say that it serves the same purpose in the andi mack universe.
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the fringe seems to be nostalgic of a different era, specifically the Y2K/early 2000s period (because it's meant to be bex's territory and symbolic of who she used to be, and its later transformation into cloud 10 is representative of her character arc, but that's beside the point). to be honest, exactly what this store was supposed to be always confused me. it was kind of a combination party store/clothing store/makeup store/beauty parlor? i think that's sort of the point of it though, it's supposed to feel very grunge-y and chaotic (within the confines of a relatively mellow-toned show, of course), and it's supposed to act as a sort of treasure chest of little curios that both make the place interesting and allow the characters to interact with it.
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and, of course, there's andi shack. this is really the cherry on top of all of andi mack's sets, just because it's so distinctly andi. it serves such amazing narrative purpose for her (ex. the storyline where cece and ham were going to move - i really loved this because it highlights its place in the andi mack universe so well, and i'm a sucker for the paper cranes shot + i'm still salty that sadie's cranes didn't make it into the finale) and it's the perfect reflection of andi's character development because of how dynamic it is (the crafts and art supplies can get moved around or switched out, and there's always new creations visible).
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going back to the nostalgia motif though, the "shack" aspect of it always struck me as very treehouse-like. personally, whenever i think of treehouses, there's this very golden sheen of childhood about it, if that makes sense. i've always seen treehouses in media as a sort of shelter for characters' youthful innocence and idealistic memories. for example, the episode "up a tree" from good luck charlie, the episode "treehouse" from modern family, and "to all the boys 2" all use a treehouse setting as a device to explore the character's desire to hold onto their perfect image of their childhood (side note: this exact theme is actually explored in andi mack in the episode "perfect day 2.0"!). andi shack is no exception to this, but it harnesses this childhood idealism in the same way that it captures the nostalgia of the 50s in the spoon, or the early 2000s in the fringe. it's not some image of a distant past being reflected through that setting; it's very present, and very alive, because it reflects andi as she is in the given moment.
some honorable mentions of more one-off settings include the ferris wheel (from "the snorpion"), the alley art gallery (from "a walker to remember"), SAVA, the color factory (from "it's a dilemna"), and my personal favorite, the cake shop (from "that syncing feeling").
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[every time i watch this episode i want to eat those cakes so bad]
these settings have less of a distinctly nostalgic feel (especially the color factory, which is a very late 2010s, instagram era setting), but they all definitely have an aura of perfection about them. andi mack is all about bright, colorful visuals, and these settings really play to that, making the andi mack universe seem really fun and inviting, and frankly very instagrammable (literally so, when it comes to the color factory!).
props, on the other hand, are probably a much less obvious tool of worldbuilding. they definitely take up less space in the frame and are generally not as noticeable (i'm sure i'll have missed a bunch that will be great examples, but i'm kind of coming up with all of this off the top of my head), but they really tie everything together.
for example, bex's box, bex's polaroid, and the old tv at the mack apartment (the tv is usually only visible in the periphery of some shots, so you might not catch it at first glance) all complement that very retro aesthetic established through the settings (especially the polaroid and the tv, because there's really no good reason that the characters would otherwise be using these).
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besides this, andi's artistic nature provides the perfect excuse for plenty of colorful, crafty props to amplify the visuals and the tone. obviously, as i discussed before, andi shack is the best example of this because it's filled with interesting props. but you also see bits of andi's (and other people's) crafts popping up throughout the show (ex. the tape on the fridge in the mack apartment, andi's and libby's headbands in "the new girls", walker's shoes, andi's phone case, and of course, the bracelet). not only does doing this really solidify this talent as an essential tenet of andi's character, but it also just makes the entirety of shadyside feel like an extension of andi shack. the whole town is a canvas for her crafts (or art, depending on how you want to look at it. i say it's both), and it immensely adds to shadyside's idealism. because who wouldn't want to live in a world made of andi mack's creations?
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and, while it's not exactly a prop, the characters' wardrobe is undoubtedly a major influence on the show's worldbuilding. true to it's nature as a disney channel show, all of the characters are always dressed in exceptionally curated outfits of whatever the current trends are, making the show that much more visually appealing. i won't elaborate too much on this, because i could honestly write a whole other analysis on andi mack's fashion (my favorites are andi's and bex's outfits! and kudos to the costume designer(s) for creating such wonderful and in-character wardrobes!). but, i think it's a really really important aspect of how the show's universe is perceived, so it had to be touched upon.
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[^ some of my favorite outfits from the show! i am so obsessed with andi's jacket in the finale, and i aspire to be at bex's level of being a leather jacket bisexual]
and lastly, phones. this is a bit of an interesting case (pun intended), because the way they're used fluctuates a bit throughout the show, but i definitely noticed that at least in the first season terri minsky tried to avoid using them altogether. these efforts at distancing from modern tech really grounds the show in it's idealist, nostalgia-heavy roots, so even when the characters start using their phones more later in the show, they don't alter the viewer's impression of the andi mack universe very much.
so, what does all of this have to do with worldbuilding? in andi mack's case, because it's set in a realistic universe and not a fantasy one, a lot of what sets it apart from the real world comes down to tone. because, as much as this world is based on our own, it really does feel separate from it, like an alternate reality that's just slightly more perfect than ours, which makes all the difference. it's the idealism in color and composition in andi mack's settings that makes it so unmistakably andi mack. even the weather is always sunny and perfect (which is incredibly ironic because the town is called shadyside - yes, i am very proud of that observation).
the andi mack universe resides somewhere in this perfect medium that makes it feel like a small town in the middle of nowhere (almost like hill valley in 1955 from "back to the future"), but at the same time like an enclave within a big city (because of its proximity to so many modern, unique, and honestly very classy looking establishments). it is, essentially, an unattainable dream land that tricks you into believing it is attainable because it's just real enough.
all this to say, andi mack does an amazing job of creating of polished, perfect world for its characters. this is pretty common among disney channel and nickelodeon shows, but because most other shows tend to be filmed in a studio with three-wall sets, andi mack is really set apart from them in that it automatically feels more real and tangible. it has its quintessential recurring locations, but it has far more of them (most disney/nick shows usually only have 3-4 recurring settings), and it has a lot more one-off locations. it's also a lot more considerate when it comes to its props, so rather than the show just looking garish and aggressively trendy, it has a distinctive style that's actually appropriate to the characters and the story. overall this creates the effect of expanding the universe, making shadyside feel like it really is a part of a wider world, rather than an artificial bubble. it's idealism is, first and foremost, grounded in reality, and that provides a basis for its brilliant, creative, and relatable storytelling.
tl;dr: andi mack's sets and props give it a very retro and nostalgic tone which makes its whole universe seem super perfect and i want to live there so bad!!
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Positivity drive! Name a few MCs apart from your own whom you love and relate to and why.
This is such a nice way of spreading positivity, I love you for sending in this ask anon ❤❤❤
Genevieve McClure : Listen, Gen's my baby as much as she's @genevievemd Sara's and I have sworn to protect G with my last breath. I love how she's so full of love despite all the difficulties in her life and as someone who gives her everything to people I love, I relate wildly with G in this aspect. Gen also feels so real to me with her little quirks and beautiful backstory that Sara has woven makes her even more perfect.
Meera Bose : @headoverheelsforramsey Sruti's MC Meera is so unapologetically herself that you can't help but love her. As someone who is immensely proud to be a Bengali and keeps talking about her heritage to whoever would listen, Meera is like a touch of home in tumblr to me. I love how she's the very definition of Beauty with Brains and honestly the way M has made her place in my heart in just a few months is testament to what a wonderful character she is.
Lilac Allende : @jamespotterthefirst Bree's Lilac was the first MC that I was introduced to, she's beautiful, badass, with a rich heritage and is also someone who can fight for herself without needing a man to stand up for her, also fellow Potterhead, that pretty much sealed the deal for me. Also I love her relationship with her family (a thing about which I have badgered Bree so many times) which I value a lot.
Chiara Ray : @terrm9 Terr's MC is another favorite because of how peaceful she makes me feel. She's beautiful, kind, has an amazing humour and is the kind of person I aspire to be. I love how Terr shows the way her father and brother's loss has shaped C as a person and I love her relationship with Diana (her mom not my MC 😂), Alicia and Bryce. She's one of those people who is impossible to forget and that makes me love her even more.
Pooja Sharma : @monsoonblooms12 Manamee's Pooja is another of my favorite MCs. She's spontaneous, loves her siblings and an overall queen just like M💛. And our shared roots make me love her even more.
Inara Hepburn and Adalia Grace : Two of @satrangee-ray 's MCs and both Queens. I have only read one fic about Lia x Aurora and that made me fall in love with them also this a teensy tiny plea for you to write more about my favorite gals👉👈🥺 and next comes Inara, I love them and their roots in Kolkata and love for Tagore, two things that make up about 80% of me, so you can imagine how I felt about Inara when I read their meet my MC post.
Anna Michaels and Anna Valentine : @adiehardfan Pep's two MCs from Laws and Oph respectively. They are both amazing badass women who take their respective careers by storm and I love them both so much.
Anj Valentine : @lawyerlies Ayz's Anj is to put briefly a badass woman who still upholds her heritage even after all her growth as a doctor and a person. She's beautiful and amazing just like Ayz is.
Denise Hogan : I'll still talk about Denise even though @justanotherrookie no longer posts on tumblr. Denise was the person who inspired me to use myself as Di's face claim and I'll forever be grateful to her for that.
@starrystarrytrouble Ruby's Eve, @anntoldst0ries Noelle, @perriewinklenerdie Claire, @stygianflood Hiya's Aparna, @schnitzelbutterfingers Ansu's Abigail, @potionsprefect Alice's Victoria, @bex-la-get Nat, @liaromancewriter Mal's Cassie @danijimenezv Jill are MC's I have read about and since everyone puts a little bit of themselves into their MC's each of them inspire me to tell my stories just like they tell theirs and so I tried to mention everyone in this post. If I've missed someone I am really sorry about that😔
Thank you once again anon for sending in this ask.
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the1918 · 4 years
2020 for the1918
Am I the last person to make this list? Maybe. Do I regret that? Yes. Am I making it anyways because my cognitive behavioral therapy is teaching me fix my avoidance issues? Also Yes.
Let’s do this: @The Trees In Front of Cevans’s House and @Bucky’s Arm... you da real MVPs.
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But other than them...
Thank You to Everyone that Truly Made My 2020:
@cantabile-l  Jo (Daddy Dumpster™ Co-Founder) — I have to list you first. How could I not? Every friendship I’ve made in this fandom comes back to you. We literally bonded over porn lookalikes and started this craziness called the Stucky Porn Lookalikes Archive ( @stucky-lookalikes-archive ) to preserve the porn, and it now has now has 85k hits and 500 bookmarks (!!!?!!). But it’s more than that, even more than starting the Daddy Dumpster™ and bonding over culihos. Bespoke got finished because you got me excited enough to want it, just like half a dozen other fics. You were also the basis for many, many other friendships that I list below. Your nesting head canons were the inspiration for so, so many A/B/O moments in my fics. We’re so on the same length on an intellectual and spiritual level (I feel like you and me and @ixalit are three parts of one whole ❤) and I am in love with you for it. Culihos forever.
@hanitrash​ Hani (O.G. Dumpster™ Citizen) —I’m so, so damn glad you’re in my life. We share that sick sense of humor and refusal to adopt a filter. You add flavor to our Dumpster™ with your wit, and I feel so warm when you share pics and updates about the family with us. You were the first person I ran to when I “discovered” HTP and you held my hand 😂 And Jesus—your talent. I could go on and on and on about Through The Darkness I Heard Your Voice and Private Showing, but also one of my New Year’s resolutions is to start reading your work as Loralynne Summers. Thank you for making me smile every day of last year since April.
@trekchik Jini (O.G. Dumpster™ Citizen) — I can’t speak to the number of laugh-out-loud, belly-grabbing, cackling moments I have had in a year that could easily have been shit otherwise, all because of you. I feel like you’ve truly become a member of my family; like, I see you posting in the Dumpster™ when I wake up in the morning and I think to myself, “Oh, what’s the fam up to today?”. I know I’ve gone on and on about your talent (absolute queen of dialogue and pacing) before, but I don’t thank you enough for keeping the Porn Archive alive when the rest of us are slacking. Your Stucky Tumblr Drabbles (especially the meet cutes) puts a smile on half the fandom’s face regulary, and I’m excited to re-read the wonderful Anagnorsis & Peripeteia soon. Here’s to another year of weird dildo pictures.
@thegodswife Amanda (Dumpster™ Citizen) — I feel like we were literally destined to become friends. The love I feel for you and your little family is real and immense, and I feel like your victories (in life and in writing) are my victories. You have made a slow but steady convert of me to Shrinkyclinks with fics like peaches and because it's christmas, and I am in awe of your talent for writing charged dynamics with jaw-dropping moments. This fandom is lucky to have such a gem as you. 2021 is going to be the Year of Amanda (*clinks Lindeman’s Framboise glasses 🥂*)
@ixalit Max (Dumpster™ Citizen) — My relationship with you has and continues to be lifechanging for more reasons than I can even go into on tumblr. You make me laugh. You make me cry (usually in good ways). You make me horny by supplying the #porn-and-fun as the dutiful resident horny teenage boy of Dumpster™. I remember so clearly when we first messaged talking about your Evanstan thoughts and fics, and I knew your writing was special then (omg, Hiraeth?? How dare). You deserve all the success you earned in 2020 and every bit more success that you will continue to have this year. There is no one else I would rather have with me as we make this ~journey through Song of the Rolling Earth together. 
@becassine Bex (Dumpster™ Citizen) — What can I say about my lucky charm? 🍀 I found our friendship later in the year and I feel it was truly central to the way I finished out my year with a bang (lol). Your encouragement to finish Bespoke supercharged me, and I’m still riding that high in writing SoRE. But for every bit we talk about you being the Queen of Hype (Becassine, First of Her Name), I am also stunned by your own gorgeous writing. The Way I Feel For You is a gift to this fandom and it’s gonna keep rocking our world, along with any other creative endeavor you choose to embark on. Thank you for the treasure of your continued friendship.
@darter-blue​ Bec (Dumpster™ Citizen) — My gorgeous, gorgeous cunt of a friend. What ever am I going to do with you? I feel like you and I have clicked so perfectly and so instantly, and I feel such a strong connection to you. I have been enamored with your skill and your style since I first stumbled across your Sergeant Barnes and Colonel Rogers: A Love Story series and then rapidly gobbled up your other writing. Getting to collab with you on No Vacancies was a dream come true. You make me feel so connected to the outside world and humanity even in this bizarre time and even though you’re on the other side of the world.
@kalee60 Kel (Dumpster™ Citizen) — You flawless sass-master. You brilliant human. You tricky little bastard. What a perfect addition to the Dumpster™ you have been! And your talent, Jesus... just being around you makes me want to write. I have truly never seen someone with as much talent write so prolifically, and I am in very real awe of it. If I had to pick “Fic of the Year” for me, I would not hesitate to pick Push The Button—it turned my world upside down—but for as much as we talk about that epic, your AU Extravaganza is really miracle to behold. And I am so, so pumped for you during this exciting time coming up in your life. Here’s to magnificent year for you in 2021!
@andysmountains​ Andy Gator Lord 🐊 — You’ve changed my life. I’m sitting here and I honestly don’t know how else to put it. You’re hilarious and you’re a ball of sunshine and you have kept this breeder feeling rooted to reality (in a great way) and remembering how to smile during some of the shittiest times I can remember. Newts. You’ve helped me explore my identity, and I’m not sure what greater gift you could have given me. Also, I’ve never heard true love whispered more sincerely than when I see 🔪—and I would give you nine hundred and ninety-seven 🔪 now if not for the fact that you have literally beat me to it.  
@ceratonia-siliqua Cera — We’ve shared so much. I feel so privileged that you’ve picked me to be a person that you want to talk to during hard times because you’re such a special guy, and because you’ve got talent that the world needs to see forever and ever and ever (I continue to blown away by what you did in Sunshine, and none of us are ready for Quilt Fic™) and I hope you never stop writing your whole damn heart out. I truly love you. I do. Thank you for reminding me that there is endless humanity and prose in this world.
@howdoyousleep3​ K — I feel like 2021 couldn’t be starting off better now that you’re in my life again. Last year was largely defined for me by the time I spent with you, and I’ve truly been changed by you and your writing. You are an endless amount of inspiration for me and this whole community; I would bet real money that the number of Daddy Kink converts that owe their new *interest* to finding your Daddy Steve Rogers/Baby Bucky Barnes series numbers in the hundreds (not to mention your other AUs). But fics aside, I had so many smiles and laughter throughout 2020 because of you, and I owe such a big part of my happy heart to you and your presence in my life. You have a huge, caring heart. Cheers to Cevans continuing to be a giant, bro-ish man slut and us never stopping giving him shit for it — and here’s to Trucker Bucky and his bug.
@lullabybeauty Bee — I’m not sure I would still be writing if it weren’t for you. The interest you took in my fics and endless support you’ve provided have turned me into a real-life 🥺🥺🥺 face so many times I can’t count them. But more than the hype you provide, you are an amazing person, and I hope you never stop putting (and ceaselessly keeping) the word out in our community through your blog that Black Lives Matter and black women matter now and forever; it’s far too easy for those of us who are white to let that truth fade from our minds when there’s not something terrible happening in the news, and I’m so thankful for your posts filling up my dash with reminders I need to be a good ally and giving me information to share with others. Thank you for the gift of yourself.
@ywecanthavenicethingsanymore Caroline—You sort of swooped out of nowhere for me and boosted my confidence through the roof. Your comments and your hype and your hilarious tags remind me every day that writers are only half of the fanfiction equation; all we do without supportive friends like you is sit in the corner dreaming of stories we don’t have the confidence or feel-good to put to words. Thank you for your constant support and for being so. damn. cool.
@littlesurfergrl Heather—Oh, Heather. Queen of the A+ tags. Sender of inbox updates about what time you get off of work and why you’re vibrating to read a fic. All-around beautiful person. Your love and support is magic in my veins.
@hoeforthegays Baby J—I am so damn excited for this creative project you’ve taken on; you are so talented. I look forward to our thirst talks all the time. You make me laugh with your screaming and even your advice. Such a source of sunshine in my life.
@capbvckyrogers / @tae-withsuga Cam — You were the first person who ever reblogged a farmer daddy post. You were the first person who ever sent me a prompt. Honestly, you were the first person who ever bonded with me over a character. There zero (0) chance I would have enjoyed fandom (or certainly any kind of creative success) the way that I did in 2020 if not for you. Thank you, endlessly. 
@justice-for-plums​ Kenz — Another “late in the year” friendship find that I am so grateful for. I love our talks! I am so thankful you felt comfortable to reach out and talk about writing. Our workshopping has helped remind me of what works and what doesn’t for me, and I love the creative collaboration on head canons! Excited for more in 2021.
Shrunkyclunks Bitches®, or those not mentioned already above: @dreadlockholiday (co-founder of the Bitches® with @justice-for-plums​ and #1 reason I blushed last year), @oh-i-swear-writes​ @wayward-lives​ @allegedlyann and others I either am missing on tumblr or forgetting (but not because I don’t love you) — Here’s to Cap Steve and modern Bucky and 1,000,000+ words written during our writing sprints in 2021. [Bitches® server membership is open by the way! If you love Shrunkyclunks, contact Dready @dreadlockholiday​].
And to the endless list of others who made me smile, laugh, sometimes cry, feel proud, but always feel that incredible Stucky love — a list that includes but is certainly not limited to @fishcustardandclintbarton,​ @hawkeyeandthewintersoldier, @willbakewithstucky, @hannah-stagram​, @thewaythatwerust​, @bigbraiiin, @musette22, @luninosity​, @fandomfluffandfuck​, @maddiewritesstucky​, @hbalbat, @doctorenterprise​, @epicstuckyficrecs, @k347 and the massive important people I know I am forgetting (...like some BIG ones)
To everyone above and anyone else who has scrolled this far:
Thank you.
Let’s all have a fantastic 2021 🥂
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en-theheights · 4 years
How I feel about the cast of Andi Mack since the finale is about to be a YEAR OLD: (this is my opinion soooo..)
Peyton (Andi): She is so Graceful! She’s turned into a beautiful young women, and I’m excited to see where her career goes cause I know it’ll be good! She’s really quiet when it comes to social media, but from what I can tell she’s just living a good ordinary teenage life.
Sofia (Buffy): it’s literally Sofia, a freaking QUEEENNN!!!✨ she has probably grown the most out of everybody imo, career wise. She has moved on to so many different projects that’s really putting her name on the map. She is beautiful, and as always so well-spoken and an amazing role-model for younger kids. I don’t like picking favorites,,,, but Sofia is literally my Favorite.
Joshua (Cyrus): uhhhh...idk honestly. Josh did a lot of really awful things during the running of Andi Mack, and even after. He’s doing better now I guess, but after Andi Mack was officially over, I just kind of forgot about him. He’s super political, which for me can sometimes be annoying, but other than that I guess I say my feelings for him are neutral.
Lilan (Bex): I haven’t been following her much after the end of Andi Mack, but as I can see she is living a good adult life with a bunch of her friends and family. Seems to still be an awesome person doing great things.
Trent (Bowie): He’s so perfect, like omg. I always see him leaving comments on some of Asher’s and Sofia’s Instagram post, and he just gives off the best dad vibes. It looks like he’s living a good quiet life with his fiancé (wife maybe?) and her son.
Asher (Jonah): Uhhhhh.....ehhhhhhhh...Asher is...whelp just Asher. imo, Asher has become EXTREMELY irriating on all of his social medias. He only ever post about his music career and... that’s it. His Instagram is just flooded with a bunch of tik toks from fans, and his merch, and his music, and I feel like I don’t know Asher at all. I’ve never really liked Asher much, he seemed a bit..off to me. He did just recently break up with his girlfriend ( which I was lowkey happy about, that girl is the reason he didn’t go to the last and final cast party and I will NEVER FORGET IT) so maybe that’s why he acts super strange. All in all, I could care less about what he’s up to now, but I will be tuning in for Shazam 2 when it premieres.
Lauren (Cecila): She’s adorable! She’s not very active on social media, but when she is she’s always talking about Andi Mack. Not much to say about her, but I will always and forever love Cecila !!!
St*ney (Ham): Fuck this dude. A phedophile, and just weird. I’m pretty sure the reason that Andi Mack didn’t get a season four is heavily due to the situation involving him. When all that came crashing down, I felt like it was Andi mack’s breaking point, and they just decided to end it at season 3. I will never forgive him for ending an amazing show, and I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison.
Emily ( Amber): When I think of Emily, I immediately think of grass and flowers. She’s super out-doorsy, and all of her picks are of just her and nature. She’s seems likes she doing well. Also to add on, her style is EECENTRIC LIKE I WISH I HAD A STYLE SENSE LIKE HER.
Garren (Marty): he hasn’t been active on any social media’s, but Garren is a phenomenal actor because he can go from being cutesy Marty to hood-gangster Garren. From what I can tell, he’s sticking to a rapping career, so I hope eveything is well. To add on, I don’t think he ever said anything during the finale or the end of Andi Mack. He was a hardcore Muffy shipper, but then came their endgame and he had nothing to say.
Luke (TJ): Luke is a CHARACTER, I’ll tell you that much. He is overly obsessed with all of his activist stuff. Like yay for the environment, but he takes it a step too far. He’s also just says some really weird shit on his Twitter. Idk how it’s going for him but I hoped he’s well. Also he’s been canceled like 12 billion times, but I’m not 100% sure why.
Darius (Walker): Seems like a cool dude. Not even going to cap, I have no idea what he’s up to.
Raquel (Kira): I see her in One Day At a Time now, so I’m guessing she’s doing good. Don’t know anything about her either, oops.
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
I’ll give you my quick thoughts and then jump into Muffy because you already KNOW I am saving a whole section for them
Celia’s growth was amazing. I love that she went from being strict to being so carefree and trusting of Bex
Bex in that wedding dress 👏🏻 Bowie in that Tux 👌🏻 like they didn’t have to do that but they did 😭
The slow dance was SO CUTE OMG
I loved that all of them sang lady Gaga- the song was perfect for them but sad Garren wasn’t on stage with Sofia
However, they showed the ships singing together and whenever they showed Buffy they showed Marty so I was like 😩😭👏🏻 ya know
TJ playing the piano was all I could have asked for
I LOVED the scene when Cyrus and Buffy talked about “relationship woes” like wow. 😭😍 that hurt because the parrallels were so blatantly obvious but Terri made sure to take EQUAL time to explain their woes with each character.
I LOVED watching TJ just RIP into Kira. Boi 👏🏻 told 👏🏻 her 👏🏻 off. He literally called her out for bullying and asked her to stop (likkkeeee not only was it great bc he was protective boyfriend mode™️ but because he showed growth. He defended Cyrus for something he used to do). It was great and a no Kira redemption was the best way they could have done that and it was was beautiful. 💯
I loved that Jandi scene! I have said I am actually ok with Jandi, but they needed more maturity. Andi needed to find herself and Jonah needed to be ready for a relationship. In time and when Andi can handle conflict, I think they would make a good pairing. But WITH TIME, like they said. Until then, Jonah has the cute bracelet. I think that was such a valuable lesson for kids to not rush something, just because you like someone. Make sure you are actually ready because crushes aren’t all just about endgames (which will sound hypocritical considering what I write next lol) but that they are a LOT of work and you have to have your head on correct to make sure you can handle it. Just *chef’s kiss*
I know Muffy was around this time (sorry my thoughts are so scattered- I am writing this post watching it so not everything is in a congruent timeline) but I am going to come back to them like I said earlier. They have a special reserved™️ section in this post 😍👏🏻
I laughed so hard at TJ’s name but gave all my uwu’s I had left post Muffy (which weren’t many but I reserved some for Tyrus) to that cute little line from Cyrus about how he liked his name 😭
That 👏🏻 hand 👏🏻 hold 👏🏻
Like watching TJ’s shaky fingers get all close I COULDN’T BREATHE-
They really out here making all benches gay huh?
And you could see how SHY TJ was talking to Cyrus. It was so sweet how flirty and awkward he got. I loved it.
I’m sure their hands were v sweaty but that’s a point for another day lol
I thought the scene was handled well considering their limits and tried to keep my expectations low, but TBH I was pretty bummed they didn’t actually say the words that they liked each other. I wish there was more dialogue than vague questions ya know? Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️
I was also really REALLY hoping for some canon Muffy and Tyrus scenes at the party and kept checking the time stamp during the last scene hoping they would show SOMETHING but they didn’t say anything. Even just a quick “Hey I’m dating this person now and I love them all my uwu’s” would have been fine but it was like that was completely forgotten
However I’ve seen a few Tumblr posts about someone working on making fic text posts with the GHC talking about their canon ships so I’ll take what I can get :)
The Andi Shack and Andi getting into SAVA didn’t surprise me, but it was sweet
I really liked the whole side by side photo thing they did
What did surprise me was Jonah saying he loved Andi 😭 like that was such a sweet sentiment and I was just like, “Alexa play I Cried by Jonah Beck” you know?
Kinda also dissapointed we heard nothing more about Jonah’s panic attack’s, the hole in the wall, and possible Kippen Siblings
REALLY REALLY want an Andi Mack movie- they made a Lizzie McGuire one after only two seasons so they could with AM to address any plot holes (BUT IF THEY DO IT THEY BETTER HAVE CANON MUFFY AND TYRUS JOIN SO HELP ME BC MIRANDA WAS GONE IN TLMM AND I WAS READY TO SHOW HANDS)
Also other side note: I got kinda frustrated with all of the dancing/singing scenes. Like they were cute but also felt like a lot of wasted screen time (much like 3x19 or the Jonah/Cyrus camping scenes) when other plots could have been addressed
And no speaking lines for Amber? At all? Like...? Even with the Jonah stuff? Or redemption paralleling TJ. IDK seemed a lil wack to me
Ok here’s the good stuff
Again, Alexa play “I Cried” by Jonah Beck BECAUSE OH MY GOSH THEY WERE MY EVERYTHING
Surprisingly didn’t cry as much as 3x14 but I think that’s because I was shaking so bad (seriously I looked like I just went through a terrifying haunted house and stayed overnight in it, my hand trembling so much)
I enjoyed writing my fics, but really really liked the way Terri handled this
I loved all of their scenes dancing together and it was funny because after Cyrus and Buffy talked, Buffy was like, “he doesn’t like me” but then Marty spent the ENTIRE night like RIGHT NEXT TO BUFFY. Not with the other girl. Literally physical space is not a real thing with them. Watch when they dance, or when they see CeCe in the Dino costume or any other time, Buffy and Marty are ONLY next to each other and Marty even moves closer to Buffy when they are all huddled around CeCe if you watch closely enough
The frog parallel? 😭👌🏻
Buffy addressing Marty instead of the other way around? 😭👌🏻
Marty “what’s going on?” 😭👌🏻
I loved when Marty called himself a dope 😂👏🏻 13/10 sweet boi
Also, watching Buffy get worked up because they can’t have a real conversation I’m 😭😭😭 you could see actual tears in her eyes and THEN GIRL WENT RUNNING OUTSIDE FOR SOME FRESH AIR
AND GUESS WHO CHASES AFTER HER- I’M—- UGHHHHHH I’m getting worked up thinking about it tbh
Marty tries the conversation again and she SAYS SHE LIKES HIM. NO HESItation what kind of ROMANCE—
And then it was literal poetic cinema when he said he NEVER STOPPED LIKING HER AFTER THAT AWKWARD PAUSE AND GRABBED HER HANDS
It was so SOft-
I got my Muffy kiss 💅🏻 I just. I. You guys don’t understand. I was shipping this WAY before anyone really got on board. I remember trying to look up Muffy fan videos after two episodes of them together because I already fell in love with them and there was one like barely edited thirty second video on YouTube. I tried to post something on here and like two people liked it. I LIKED THEM WHEN BASICALLY NO ONE ELSE DID AND SO I FEEL LIKE I AM ONE OF THE MOST DESERVING OF THIS SHIP BEING ENDGAME AND NO ONE CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS JUST LET ME LOVE THEM
MUFFY KISS (sorry needed to say it one more time for emphasis)
And then they walked away together with their arms around each other 😭 If you watch closely Buffy kinda tucks her head into his arm and I’ve seen fics of them doing this so it made me heart 💗💓💓 when they actually did
Please Terri Minksy, I beg of you, if you don’t get a S4 make a movie but it is REQUIRED BY LAW that Muffy and Tyrus are in the ENTIRE movie- being canon and cute. They don’t even need angst but I still want scenes with them together just being in love.
I will be spending the entire next week in complete denial that this show is over, while rewatching this episode ten times and reading every Muffy fic I can find. Thanks for coming to my Tedx talk.
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tjkiahgb · 6 years
Episode Recap: 3.12, “The Ex Factor”
The episode begins with Andi dancing and crafting, as you do. She decorates the bottom of a group project for school about eggs.
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Hold on a second. Let me just check their work.
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Okay, first of all, that opening sentence is a mess. “Categorized by... stand on two legs”? Proofread! Come on.
But, and this is the bigger issue, it appears the majority of this paragraph is lifted right from the Wikipedia page on theropoda.
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The other paragraph from up above, on the index card to the left, is lifted from the Wikipedia page on turtles.
It’s not just that plagiarism is bad, but this is lazy plagiarism. Do they not think the first place their teacher is going to check is the Wikipedia article? Move some words around! Mix some synonyms in there! It’s like you want to be caught! God!
Also, which class is this for exactly?
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You’ve got Aristotle in the top left, so... philosophy? But then you also have Charles Darwin in the top right, which suggests science.
Or is this just the entire general history of the chicken or the egg question going back to the dinosaurs?
I feel like the project needs more focus.
Maybe Andi’s group mates will step up to help deal with these many issues.
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Nope. Never mind.
When this project gets failed, you’ll only have yourselves to blame.
At Red Rooster, Bowie finishes up a group guitar lesson and walks out into the store to find Plot Device.
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Sorry, did I say Plot Device? I meant Miranda. My bad. And she’s brought along her daughter, little Plot Device Jr.
Bowie awkwardly tries to figure out what these two are doing here.
Before Miranda answers, she sends Morgan off.
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“Morgie, honey, why don’t you go do the loudest thing possible in this small room while we try to have a conversation. I think that’d be a pretty neat representation of our role on this show.”
So Morgan bangs on the drums while Bowie tries to talk.
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He makes a joke about being happy with the knowledge Morgan can’t steal one of the drums, but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, she’s good at thievery. Don’t let your guard down around her for one second. You’ll think she hasn’t taken a drum and then find out she emptied out the till when you weren’t looking.
Miranda tells Bowie he was right in what he said when last they spoke. You remember, that thing where he was like, “Hey Miranda, you should try parenting even the tiniest amount.” Turns out, that was good advice. Miranda listened and feels she’s a better mother and Morgan’s a happier child.
Morgan returns and tells Bowie that Miranda has a new boyfriend, whom she refers to as “Not Bowie.”
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Which is insanely passive-aggressive for a child her age. Or just aggressive-aggressive? It’s like somewhere in the middle. It’s active-aggressive.
Miranda heard Bowie was teaching guitar so she brought Morgan to see if she could sign up for lessons. Bowie’s like, eh... I’m all booked, it’s not a great time, yadda yadda. So Morgan’s like...
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Bowie’s like, “Morgan, I don’t hate you... I just don’t like you. There’s a lot of area in the middle.”
No, of course, Bowie relents because that’s a super messed up, manipulative, guilt trippy thing for an 8 year old or whatever to say. So Bowie sends Morgan to the back to look at guitars.
And then Miranda, who has a boyfriend, gets closer to Bowie and she’s like...
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Bowie points out that she has a boyfriend, but Miranda is like, “Pfft, Not-Bowie? He’s no Bowie.”
Here’s the thing, Bowie and Miranda dated for like, a few months? Probably at least a half a year ago? There was tension with Bowie’s family the entire time and then things ended really poorly, so what exactly are Miranda and Morgan hanging onto here? More trips to the miniature golf course? Access to a record store? Plant stuff? “Not-Bowie just doesn’t have the kind of knowledge of plants that a woman like me needs.” Let it go, girl.
Bowie tells Miranda he’s engaged, which she takes well.
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She’s like, who’s the lucky woman for no reason whatsoever I’m just curious and nothing more and Bowie tells her it’s Bex.
At The Spoon, the GHC and Jonah get breakfast. Well, the GHC gets breakfast. Jonah says he’s not hungry and just wants to enjoy their company, which Buffy thinks is both sweet and weird.
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Like a baby holding a hammer.
Amber comes by with a dish she’s supposed to throw out because it’s a wrong order. Instead, she offers it to Jonah, who accepts and starts to dig in.
I gotta say, Jonah’s silverware technique needs work.
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How do you have any control of the fork that way? Also, who cuts scrambled eggs with a knife?
Buffy’s suspicions are raised by Amber’s seemingly too nice behavior.
At Cloud 10, Celia takes time out from helping all of the zero customers in the place to finish up Bex’s wedding invitations.
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Bex tells her the invitations are beautiful. Celia says she was going to mail them herself since she already did everything except that, but decides that Bex should handle mailing them, because it’s her special day. “It’s your wedding, you should be the one to have the honor of putting these papers in a metal box.”
The door to Cloud 10 opens and who walks in? Not a customer, that’s for sure.
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Celia’s immediately on the offensive, calling her Melinda and asking if she’s there to accuse them of losing something to cover up a theft.
Miranda seems to treat that as an actual question.
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Miranda says she’s there to congratulate Bex on her engagement. Celia’s not buying it. Bex asks her to go chill in the back office for a minute. Celia agrees to do that but then adds that Miranda shouldn’t get too comfortable.
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“...and polishing a broadsword in a threatening manner.”
Miranda tells Bex she really only came to give her best wishes but then she launches into what feels like an extremely pointed story about her failed relationship with Morgan’s father. She never saw it coming, she says. They were so happy. A perfect relationship for six years. And then they got married and the whole thing collapsed like a Jenga tower. They drifted apart until it felt like they were living two different lives. Eventually, they couldn’t even remember why they were together in the first place.
Wow. She really only needed to add something like, “And let me tell you, having to raise a daughter together helped nothing. In fact, she only made things worse! It expedited things!”
Miranda’s tale of woe really affects Bex.
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Miranda’s like, oh, don’t worry, I’m not talking about you and Bowie. I’m sure your marriage will be just fine. I mean, half of all marriages end in divorce, but it probably won’t be you guys, right? Hahaha. Flip a coin, right? Heads or tails? Heads or tails? Hehe.
Back at Red Rooster, Bowie finally comes to check on Morgan. He makes her promise she’s going to behave.
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It’s like prison rules.
Bowie takes his eyes off of Morgan for literally seven seconds to grab a guitar and turns back to find she’s disappeared like some kind of GHOST.
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Bowie does the smart thing: he looks around for a second, checks the top of a desk...
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...doesn’t check behind the curtain that’s right there, shouts “Morgan!”, checks nothing else, and then walks out of the room...
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...despite not having heard the door open and close behind him.
He walks out to the main part of the store and asks if anyone’s seen Morgan, but no one has. So he does the smart thing again: he goes back and checks the room she’s most likely in. No, I’m just kidding, he walks out of Red Rooster.
God I bet I’d be so good against him if we played Hide and Seek. I’m not amazing at it or anything, but he is terrible.
At The Spoon, the kids debate what to do with their day. They settle on going to Adrenaline City. Jonah says it sounds fun, but he’s gonna pass. That is, until Amber shows up and says she has an extra pass.
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Jonah agrees to go. Amber’s like, great, I’m just gonna go change real quick. But, um... doesn’t she have to work? Didn’t her shift just start? It’s breakfast. Or does she only work the 8am-9am shift?
Jonah goes to thank her for inviting him. Buffy sniffs out that something is up. She thinks Jonah and Amber are getting back together.
The gang heads to Adrenaline City.
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I guess I’m not sure why Cyrus was excited for this. Does he not know who he is?
Buffy uses her basketball skills to win a weird blue llama.
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Listen, I don’t like amusement park stuffed animals. They’re super fragile and probably all filled with asbestos. They cost 25 cents to make and you can’t win a decent sized one without slapping down $50. I’m not saying that prevents me from trying to win the damn things every time I go, I’m just saying I don’t like it.
Anyway, the whole time at the park, Buffy’s enjoyment is dampened by the escalating Jonah and Amber situation.
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Buffy turns to her emotional support stuffed animal for comfort.
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Don’t put the asbestos llama that close to your face!
Cyrus, meanwhile, continues to suffer through a day of fun at the park.
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Alone, by the way. Hey, you know who’s between friends right now and probably wouldn’t mind sharing a flying swing with you, Cyrus? Just saying.
After their day of riding rides, Jonah and Amber share a pretzel, which Cyrus points out is basically marriage at their age. Andi protests that Jonah is still in a relationship with Libby, but Cyrus and Buffy are unconvinced. They need a reason to believe this isn’t Jonah and Amber 2.0 and they want to know if Andi has that reason.
Meanwhile, after what certainly must have been several hours (enough for the kids to discuss going to the park, then go out to the park, ride all the rides, and eat pretzels and debate relationships), Bowie finally exits Red Rooster.
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And he still hasn’t had time to put down the tiny guitar.
Bowie runs around shouting Morgan’s name and lazily looking around for her before finding Miranda nearby at some kind of pop-up swap meet. He apologizes profusely. He tells her he took his eyes off her for a second (that’s barely an exaggeration) and she disappeared. He’s been in a panic looking for her and he thinks they should call the police.
But then Morgan pops out of a clothes rack.
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And Miranda laughs and high-fives her.
The two delight in thinking about how worried Bowie was. They get much joy from remembering the fear that was on his face just moments ago when he thought he'd been responsible for the disappearance and even, potentially, death of a small child. LOL. I guess it is pretty funny when you think about it.
Bowie asks Miranda if she knew about this and Miranda’s like, yeah, haha, she does this all the time.
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Or basically, LOL, here’s another funny joke, Bowie. Remember when you said I should act like a parent? Well, nah.
Bowie is on the verge of tears and is mad for some reason Miranda doesn’t understand. He walks off. Morgan asks if they’re getting Bowie back, but Miranda, realizing that not everyone loves an emotionally traumatizing, surprise game of “Whoops I lost a child”, says no.
That night, Andi invites Cyrus and Buffy to Andi Shack to show them Jonah’s wish from the Moon Festival. She hands it to Cyrus, who opens it up and reads it.
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No, the wish actually says he wishes his family could be happy again.
Andi says she thinks Jonah’s family might be having money problems. For example, he wouldn’t order food at The Spoon. Cyrus remembers that he didn’t want to go to Adrenaline City until Amber offered the free ticket. All the puzzle pieces start to fall into place.
They think this is why he’s been close to Amber. Because Amber also went through similar money troubles and he probably confided in her. Buffy feels bad for judging them.
They wonder if there’s something they could do. Andi says, for now, respect his privacy and not jump to conclusions.
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That’s a mature way to handle it. That line of thinking lasts all of five seconds before Cyrus suggests they get involved somehow.
At Bex’s, Bowie tells Bex about his day. Bex mentions Miranda also came to see her and scared her. Bowie tells her to get Miranda out of her head. He thinks about how lucky he is to have all this: friends, family, hole.
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He talks about how much he loves this and hopes it never changes. Bex agrees, but this also makes her think about some things.
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The next day, the GHC come into Red Rooster to ask Bowie to hire Jonah at the store. Does Bowie have hiring power at Red Rooster? Or does he just own this place now? Where is the owner? Is this like a squatter’s rights situation?
Bowie apologizes. It’s a small business and they just don’t have the resources to bring on another employee.
Jonah emerges from the back and Bowie immediately spills everything.
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He’s like, oh hey Jonah, sorry about not being able to give you the job you needed and that we were all just talking about. What? No I don’t think the kids were being weird and secretive a minute ago when they walked in here without you to ask for work on your behalf. Everything seemed normal to me.
Andi says they just wanted to help, and Jonah realizes they know he’s going through something.
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Andi explains to Jonah that she found out about his issues because of the wish from the lantern.
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Yeah, but it could also be that you upset the Moon Goddess by ruining Celia’s wall. Either one, really.
Jonah explains that sometime last year, his dad made an investment that went bad and a couple months ago, his parents had to declare bankruptcy and that’s when they finally told him about it. They lost their house and moved in with relatives.
He tries to remain positive even though it’s not easy. At least his family has a place to stay and they’re all still together.
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Jonah feels like a weight is off his shoulders having told his friends about this.
Andi tells him he doesn’t have to keep secrets from them. That he can tell them stuff he thinks he can’t. Jonah’s like, I got it. No more secrets.
And then he makes another horrible poker face that screams: “Except for that other thing that I’m definitely keeping a secret from you guys.”
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Outside of Cloud 10, Bex brings her big ol’ box of wedding invitations to Nicky the Mailman (no relation to Ricky the Suit Man) for shipping.
Nicky the Mailman admires Celia’s handiwork, then inadvertently “Mirandas” Bex by saying something to make her nervous about the wedding.
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I wish he kept digging deeper. “I remember mailing invitations to the wedding with my first wife. Boy, that ended badly. Horrible, bitter divorce. Much like my second wife. You know they say third time’s the charm, but some mornings I look at my current wife and think ‘Buddy, not from where I’m sitting.’ Anyway, about these invites...”
Bex flips and takes back the invites and runs off.
The GHC, meanwhile, walk through the park. Cyrus does that thing where he doesn’t realize he’s holding his phone and looks for it, then he shows Andi and Buffy a piece of candy that mysteriously made its way into his pocket.
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They spot Jonah and Amber across the way, sitting at a bench together. They all talk about how it’s great he has Amber to confide in and how silly it was that they thought they might actually be back together. Haha.
I mean, they were a truly toxic couple. Haha. Neither of them probably wants to reenter into a relationship like that. Haha. Anyway, it’s great that they’re friends now because they really--
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Wuh oh.
As the episode ends, Andi has just one question.
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Andi, how much time did you spend near the llama Buffy won at the amusement park? This could be a symptom of exposure to asbestos.
Well, I must say, having gotten to the end of the episode, I find myself shocked, appalled, and greatly disappointed by what’s happened here.
Where the hell was Gus?!
What monster added him to the IMDb listing for this episode?!
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Show yourself, coward! How dare you get our hopes up like this!
I don’t even know if I can go on watching this show anymore! I’m so tired of betrayal! I’m so tired of--
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Oh, TJ’s back next episode? Well okay then.
Same time next week, everybody!
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richincolor · 5 years
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Everyone, please welcome Sarah Kuhn to Rich in Color! Sarah’s first YA novel, I LOVE YOU SO MOCHI, is out today, and we’re thrilled to have Sarah here to talk about it. If you’re looking to add a cute contemporary romance to your summer TBR list, start here!
Kimi Nakamura loves a good fashion statement. She’s obsessed with transforming everyday ephemera into Kimi Originals: bold outfits that make her and her friends feel brave, fabulous, and like the Ultimate versions of themselves. But her mother sees this as a distraction from working on her portfolio paintings for the prestigious fine art academy where she’s been accepted for college. So when a surprise letter comes in the mail from Kimi’s estranged grandparents, inviting her to Kyoto for spring break, she seizes the opportunity to get away from the disaster of her life.
When she arrives in Japan, she loses herself in Kyoto’s outdoor markets, art installations, and cherry blossom festival–and meets Akira, a cute med student who moonlights as a costumed mochi mascot. What begins as a trip to escape her problems quickly becomes a way for Kimi to learn more about the mother she left behind, and to figure out where her own heart lies.
I LOVE YOU SO MOCHI is your first YA novel. What were you most excited about writing for teens?
I love writing characters experiencing firsts, those amazing moments that give you that tingly sense of possibility, that feeling of your whole world opening up — first kisses, first trips to another country, first time facing a total existential crisis about your life. To be fair, a lot of my adult characters experience many firsts as well (as do I as an actual supposedly adult person)! But Kimi in particular gets to have maybe the most firsts of any character I’ve ever written — she’s someone who’s initially kind of scared of big new experiences, so writing her having all of those experiences and realizing that so much excitement and wonder can come out of them was a total joy. And maybe a good lesson/reminder for my adult self.
Kimi sounds like fun! Tell us more about her fashionista ways and her friends.
She is fun! In my totally unbiased opinion. It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with clothes and fashion — I love bright colors and patterns and experimenting with putting different outfit combinations together. Basically, I still worship at the shrine of my original idol, Claudia Kishi from The Baby-Sitters Club. But I’m really bad at sewing, mending, or anything that requires patience, so I thought it would be fun to create a character who shares my love of fashion but is also really excellent at sewing and makes all her own outfits. She’s kind of like a fantasy version of myself, with an added sewing superpower. And then of course she has her own Girl Gang, because all my books have Girl Gangs — her best friends are Atsuko, who writes a dating advice column (even though Atsuko is actually very cynical about love in all its forms), and Bex, who is dreamy and idealistic and wears cute dresses with mermaids on them. They’re a fun trio.
It sounds like Kimi and her (extended) family are having some difficulties in I LOVE YOU SO MOCHI. Can you tell us more about Kimi and her relationships with her mom and grandparents?
Kimi is extremely close with her mom, who came to the States from Japan for college and ended up staying there when she fell in love with Kimi’s dad, who is fourth generation Japanese American. Her relationship with her mom mirrors the one I had with mine — her mom knows her better than anyone and they kind of love each other more than anyone…but that also means they have the potential to hurt each other more than anyone. The grandparents in the book are Kimi’s mom’s parents — Kimi’s never met them because they disapproved of Mom’s choice to stay in the States. But they invite Kimi to visit them in Kyoto over Spring Break and after a huge fight with Mom, Kimi accepts. And as she gets to know her grandparents, she realizes there’s a lot more to her mother’s story than she realized. I really loved writing about three generations of powerful Japanese/Japanese American women. I wanted their relationships with each other to be prickly and not always perfect, but with so much love underneath.
I went to Kyoto a few years ago and loved it. Why did you decide to set I LOVE YOU SO MOCHI there?
Kyoto contains so many beautiful sights I wanted to write about: Fushimi Inari Taisha, the amazing shrine with those bright red-orange torii gates; the Arashiyama bamboo grove; Maruyama Park with all those glorious cherry blossoms. All of these were things I thought would inspire Kimi as an artist and budding fashion designer. I’d also read somewhere that Kyoto is a place for people who are passionate about making things, and that seemed perfect for Kimi and her grandmother, who also loves sewing and creating clothes. I loved including more obscure locations that got to the heart of that “making things” idea, like Misuyabari, this tiny, family-run needle shop that’s like 400 years old and sells these incredible handmade needles and sewing supplies. Oh, and finally, Kyoto has a pug cafe — which ended up being a very necessary location.
Can you introduce us to Akira and tell us a little bit about what draws Kimi to him?
Akira is an aspiring med student who moonlights as a costumed mochi mascot at his uncle’s mochi stand. Kimi meets him because he’s doing this ridiculous dance, trying to attract customers, and she laughs too loud and he gets distracted and falls over. It’s probably the cutest meet-cute I’ve written. At first, let’s be honest, she’s drawn to him because he’s hot. But he also has this interesting quality about him that’s very attractive to her — he’s a weird combination of seriousness and goofiness, like he never gives anything less than 100 percent, but he also has a tendency toward dorky jokes that surprise her and make her laugh. Also, he takes her to Japanese McDonald’s, which is very romantic.
What 2019 YA books by or about people of color or people from First/Native Nations are you looking forward to reading?
So many! At the moment, I’m super stoked for OUR WAYWARD FATE by Gloria Chao — AMERICAN PANDA made me die both laughing and crying, so I can’t wait to read her new one. And WICKED FOX by Kat Cho — I’m always hungry for contemporary fantasy/romance starring women of color and this sounds absolutely perfect.
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about I LOVE YOU SO MOCHI?
I already mentioned the pug cafe, right? I mean, there are a lot of cute animals and delicious food. Be prepared for that going in!
Thank you for stopping by, Sarah! We’re looking forward to your book.
Sarah Kuhn is the author of the popular Heroine Complex novels—a series starring Asian American superheroines. The first book is a Locus bestseller, an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award nominee, and one of the Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog’s Best Books of 2016. Her YA debut, the Japan-set romantic comedy I Love You So Mochi, comes out in June 2019. Additionally, she is currently working on a graphic novel about Batgirl Cassandra Cain for DC Comics. Sarah also wrote “The Ruby Equation” for the Eisner-nominated comics anthology Fresh Romance and the novella One Con Glory, which is in development as a feature film. Other projects include a comic book continuation of the cult classic movie Clueless, a series of Barbie comics, and a story in the recent Jem and the Holograms anthology series Dimensions. Additionally, Sarah is a finalist for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Her non-fiction has appeared in The Toast, The Mary Sue, Uncanny Magazine, AngryAsianMan.com, IGN.com, The Hollywood Reporter, StarTrek.com, and the Hugo-nominated anthology Chicks Dig Comics.
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thelanguageoflovers · 6 years
cyrus going crazy for looking the perfect birthday gift for tj
“I’m in crisis mode,” Cyrus said as soon as Andi opened the door. 
“You’re always in crisis mode,” she responded with a smile, opening the door wider for Cyrus to come in.
“Okay, I’m in crisis mode 2.0, I guess?” he sat on Andi’s couch with a huff.
“What’s wrong?” Andi asked, walking into the kitchen.
“TJ’s birthday is tomorrow, and I have no idea what to give him!” Cyrus exclaimed as Andi walked back into the room, holding two mugs. Cyrus gratefully accepted one, deeply breathing in the scent of coffee. “I love you for this.”
“Any time, Cy. So, why haven’t you been shopping for gifts yet?”
“See, that’s the thing- I have been shopping for gifts! About a thousand times over! I swear, I have been to every store in a ten mile radius at this point. Nothing! I’ve been looking for the perfect gift for months now, but it was always some distant in-the-future, not-really-a-major-issue thing, you know?” Andi nodded, gesturing for him to keep talking. “But then I woke up today and I realized that his birthday is tomorrow, and I can’t for the life of me figure out what to do!”
“Do you want me to make him something?” Andi asked over her mug.
“Oh, no. I feel like giving him something my best friend made for him is kind of odd.”
“Fair enough. So, what kind of gift do you want to give him?“ 
"I don’t know, I want it to be perfect!”
“I’m sure he’ll love whatever you give him, the boy is smitten. Almost as smitten as you.”
“You are such a liar! He does not have a crush on me!” Cyrus exclaimed.
“Now you’re lying! You could give him a twelve pack of socks and he’d ask you to marry him if you played your cards right!”
“Overstatement of the century goes to…” Cyrus muttered with a smile.
“You know I’m right.”
“You know she’s right!” Bex chimed in from where she was pouring coffee in the kitchen.
“AH! Jeez, give a guy a warning!” Cyrus sreeched, wiping spilled coffee off his face.
“I’m not the one in your house at 7 am!” Bex defended herself, holding a hand up in surrender. 
“Fair point,” Cyrus conceded, turning back to Andi. 
“Should we go shopping? I mean, I know you’ve been everywhere, but maybe they restocked?”
“No,” Cyrus shook his head violently. “I tried a few days ago and ended up sobbing in a thrift store.”
“Okay, shopping is out,” Andi chuckled. “Why don’t you make him something?”
“Like what? I’m not creative like you are!”
“Didn’t you like write an entire screenplay?” Andi asked.
“Yes, and it was terrible!”
“I can vouch for that,” Bex added from the kitchen.
“Hush, mom.”
TJ woke up to a phone call from none other than Cyrus Goodman.
“Hello?” he asked groggily.
“It’s your 17th birthday!” Cyrus exclaimed happily.
“No, it’s 5 am!”
“And I have a whole day planned with you! And that starts now. Up and at ‘em, I’ll be there in five! Tell Amber you’ll be back home for dinner. Wear something comfortable, and don’t eat, we’re having breakfast together! Oh- and tell Amber I said happy birthday!” Cyrus hung up before TJ could protest, forcing him to begrudgingly throw his covers off his bed. He pulled on a t-shirt, hoodie, and sweatpants and went downstairs, grabbing his glasses off his desk as he went. Amber glanced up from where she was curled up on the couch reading a book. She smiled and stood up hastily.
“Happy birthday, TJ!”
“Well happy birthday to you too, Amber. Listen, Cyrus apparently has a whole day planned as a celebration, but I’ll be home for dinner, I promise. Oh yeah, he said happy birthday,” TJ said, pulling a container of raspberries out of the refrigerator, blatantly ignoring Cyrus’s wishes.
“Alright,” Amber smiled. “I’m gonna go take a shower, have fun on your date!” Amber called over her shoulder as she jogged upstairs.
“Not a date!” TJ yelled back, popping a raspberry into his mouth.
“What’s this I hear about a birthday date?” TJ’s mom asked, walking into the kitchen.
“Oh, nothing. It’s not even a date. My friend Cyrus planned a whole day for us and Amber jumped to conclusions,” TJ grabbed a handful of raspberries and closed the container.
“Oh, I’ve met Cyrus, haven’t I?”
“Yeah, he came over for a sleepover once,” TJ replied, picking up the plastic container of raspberries and walking around the island to return it to the fridge. “Amber spent the entire time staring at us, and when I looked at her, she’d raise her eyebrows like she knew something I didn’t,” he chuckled.
“Wait, did you say he has a whole day planned for you?" 
"Yeah, starting with breakfast. That’s why I’m up so early,” TJ explained.
“That sounds an awful lot like a date to me, TJ,” his mom said. He shook his head sadly. “Do you want it to be a date?” she asked gently. TJ sighed.
“Yeah,” he admitted sadly.
“Do you think he likes guys?”
“Yeah, he does. Just not this guy,” TJ pointed to himself.
“How do you know that?” she asked, pouring a cup of coffee.
“I don’t know, he just doesn’t seem like he likes me,” TJ’s phone dinged with a text from Cyrus. “Oh, he’s here! See you for dinner!”
“Hi,” Cyrus said happily when TJ sat down next to him in his car. “Happy birthday! Buckle that seatbelt, mister. We’ve got to get going!” TJ clicked his seatbelt in place, and Cyrus pulled out of his driveway. 
“Where exactly are we going?” TJ asked as they drove through the darkness, watching headlights come and go.
“It’s a surprise!”
They drove for an hour, before Cyrus pulled into a small parking area for a trail in the woods.
“Come on, we’re gonna miss it!” Cyrus jumped out of the car, pulling a blanket and picnic basket out of the trunk. He led TJ down the trail, turning left or right every once in a while.
“Are you planning on killing me or…?”
“Hush, you. I used to love this trail when I was little, and I thought you might like it,” Cyrus turned around to walk backwards.
“It’s beautiful,” TJ responded, not breaking eye contact with Cyrus as they walked. After a few more moments, Cyrus turned around to face the trail in front of him.
“Here we are,” Cyrus grabbed TJ’s hand with the hand that wasn’t holding a picnic basket and blanket. “The perfect place to watch a sunrise.”
They pushed through a small opening in the tree and found themselves on the shore of a large lake. Cyrus laid out the blanket, gesturing for TJ to sit next to him, before beginning to unpack the picnic he’d packed.
“I didn’t know what you like for breakfast, so I brought everything I could think of,” he said, pulling out waffles, pancakes, muffins, syrup, butter, toast, jam, eggs and bacon.
“Did you rob a bakery?” TJ asked, watching everything come out of the basket. Cyrus continued to pull things out, laying out cinnamon rolls, donuts, and pastries. Finally, he pulled out several forms of berry, laying everything out proudly.
“I didn’t want to miss anything,” Cyrus shrugged.
“You did great, Underdog. I love it.”
"Look!” TJ picked up a donut, and turned to where Cyrus was pointing. The sun was peeking over the edge of the lake, casting an orange and pink light across the water. Slowly, it came all the way over the horizon, warming the day.
“Wow,” he breathed. “How long did it take for you to plan all this?”
“Um, all of 22 hours. In fact, here’s your first gift,” he said, handing TJ the last thing in the basket. TJ accepted the box, carefully taking off the white ribbon.“What do you mean ‘first gift’?” he asked, running a hand over the blue box.“I couldn’t decide on a gift, so I decided on multiple gifts.”
TJ smiled, opening the box. He gasped when he took out its contents, a stack of photos. TJ gently went through the entire stack, careful not to smudge the glossy pictures. The photos were all of Cyrus and TJ, and were stacked in chronological order. They started with one Andi had taken of Cyrus hugging TJ in congratulations after winning a game, and ending with a selfie TJ had taken a few days ago, in which Cyrus had fallen asleep on TJ while they watched a movie.
“Cyrus, these are amazing. Thank you so much,” he whispered, fighting the urge to cry. He leaned forward and hugged the younger gratefully. 
“Of course, TJ. Happy Birthday!”
TJ sat back down in Cyrus’s car, setting his gift in the back seat, re-wrapped with ribbon.
“Thank you for this, Underdog. This has been amazing.”
“Well it’s a good thing there’s more. Open the glove box?” TJ gave him a questioning look, but did as he was asked. 
“Please explain,” he said, pulling out a basket full of candy.
“You’ll see,” Cyrus winked, pulling out of the trail parking lot and back onto the interstate.
Cyrus eventually made his way to a movie theater.
“Cyrus, there isn’t anyone in there. This place is always closed on Sundays. There’s literally a sign on the door that says 'closed’.”
“Oh, you underestimate me. Come on,” Cyrus got out of the car, holding the candy, and gestured for TJ to follow him. Cyrus opened the door and led TJ inside. 
“Cyrus, I’m ninety percent sure we’re trespassing,” TJ hissed. 
“No we’re not. Trust me, we have permission,” Cyrus pulled TJ down the hallway, holding the door of theater 7 open for him.  He pulled his phone out of his back pocket to check the time, confirming that it was nearly 10 am. 
“This really feels like trespassing,” TJ whispered as he walked into the empty theater.
“I promise, TJ. People know we’re here, and have given me permission to do this. I’m not going to let you get arrested for trespassing on your birthday. Now go sit down, before it starts!” Cyrus handed ushered him forward, smiling. TJ chose seats in the very back, sitting down with a glance at Cyrus. Cyrus sat down next to him, handing him popcorn, as the lights dimmed.
“What’s going on?” TJ asked, concerned.
“My God, it’s like you’ve never been to a movie before!” Cyrus teased.
“Well, I have. But never in a closed theater…” he trailed off as The Breakfast Club started playing, staring in awe at the screen. “This is the greatest movie of all time! How did you do all this?”
“I have my ways.”
“That was amazing,” TJ breathed as they walked out of the theater, looking down at Cyrus. 
“I’m glad you liked it! Oh, and here’s your second gift!” Cyrus handed him an envelope, which TJ opened, raising an eyebrow at Cyrus questioningly.
“Gee, I hope it’s a car!" 
TJ popped the envelope open and pulled out two Panic! at the Disco tickets, his jaw dropping.  
“Underdog! You didn’t!”
“I did,” Cyrus smiled. TJ jumped forward to hug him and, without thinking, kissed him warmly. Cyrus melted into the kiss, dropping their empty popcorn bucket to pull TJ closer.
“Wow,” Cyrus breathed when they pulled apart. “So…”
“Do- uh… do you- boyfriend?” TJ stammered anxiously. 
“I’d like that.”
“Oh thank God. I thought you were going to say no,” Cyrus laughed, taking TJ’s hand and pulling him through the lobby of the movie theater. 
“Come on! We’ve still got a ton of stuff to do!” Cyrus exclaimed happily.
“Hey, does this mean that if people ask about our first kiss, we have to tell them we were trespassing?”
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jamesashtonisbae · 6 years
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match
Word Count: 2,885
Pairing: James x MC (Lacey), Becca x Zig, Abbie x Tyler, Kaitlyn x Anissa, Zack x Grant
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, sexual content
Summary: Lacey is a notorious matchmaker.  Who will be her next couple?
Author’s Note: Somehow this got deleted, so I’m fixing it now!  Sorry if you’ve already seen it!
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to pixelberry studios.  This is based on The Freshman Series.
Lacey was sitting at the desk in the room she shared with her boyfriend James, working on the rough draft of a paper on Shakespeare’s political tragedies, her personal favorites.  James walked in and pressed a kiss to her temple, glancing down at her hands typing quickly about Cleopatra as a shrewd political operative.
 “You do love some classic Cleopatra, don’t you?”
 “You know I do.  She’s amazing.  It’s such a shame that no one knows her for her brilliant mind, her scheming, her wisdom, but just for her beauty.  It wasn’t her beauty that drew the most powerful men to her.  It was her confidence, her power, her cunning.  They didn’t even know – OH MY GOD! Becca and Zig should totally date!”
 James chuckled as Lacey spun around, mouth wide open, “Lacey dear, you know nothing that you say could ever surprise me.  But how on earth did you arrive at that conclusion?”
 “Becca is Cleopatra, duh.”
 “That still doesn’t explain how you got to her dating Zig.”
 “Women like Cleopatra need men in their lives who have a healthy awe of them, but at the same time are strong and secure in who they are.  They have to know the power that they hold in their hands, respect it, but know that they can handle it.  Zig is perfect for Becca.  They’re perfect for each other.”
 “What about Chris and Becca?  I always kind of thought they would get together.”
 “James. I don’t think I’m in a position to suggest to Chris that he should date someone.  It would not go well.”
 “Lacey, it’s been almost two years.  Surely he is over it by now.”
 “James. Chris has had many opportunities to move on and has taken none of them.  If he were going to, he would have.  That man is a chick magnet.”
“So you think he’s attractive?”
 “James.  You know that I slept with him.  I have to be attracted to him in some way if I’m going to sleep with him.  I, objectively speaking, can acknowledge Chris is an attractive man.  There are a lot of attractive men in the world.  I acknowledge that they look good, and then acknowledge that I am dating the hottest man in the entire world, and move on with it.”
 “Don’t think you can butter me up to get out of this.”
 “James, you know it’s okay.  I recognize that there are attractive women in the world, and if you look at them and notice they are attractive, I’m not going to be mad.  If you stop and think “she’s way prettier than my girlfriend” then I might be mad.”
 “Stop being right.”
 “I can’t. Now help me set up Becca and Zig.”
 “How are we going to do this?”
 “Hmm, how about we invite everyone out for dinner, but beforehand, we text everyone that’s not Becca and Zig to say they can’t come.  Then, while we’re at dinner with them, before we order, we have someone call us, maybe Kaitlyn, saying she needs us to come help with something? Think that could work?”
 “It’s worth a shot.”
 “Perfect!” Lacey started typing out a message to Zack, Grant, Chris, Abbie, Tyler, Kaitlyn, and Anissa.
 Hey guys! So James and I want to set up Becca and Zig.  We’re going to text the big group and ask if anyone is free for dinner.  Wait until both of them respond (hopefully affirmatively) and then you all say you can’t make it.  Kait – can you call us the night we go to dinner and tell James and I we have to come help you with something (before we order).  Thanks guys! Love ya!
 “There! Sent.”
 Chris: yeah I think that’s a great idea
 Kaitlyn: ahhhhhh amazing!!! I will defs call you during the din-din!!!
 Abbie: tyler and I are in. and by in, we mean totally not coming and totally down for those two to get together!
 Lacey: Perfect!  I’ll text the big group now!
 Lacey shot off a text to the big group, and within minutes, Becca and Zig both responded that they would be there.  Everyone else followed up with excuses as to why they couldn’t come.  James took Lacey’s hand and pulled her close to him, “You are such a little matchmaker.  You cannot be stopped.”
 “What can I say? I want my friends to find love.”
 “And you?”
 “I found love over two years ago.  And I couldn’t be happier.”
 Two nights later, James and Lacey met Becca and Zig at the local Italian place with the best lasagna in the city.  Zig had offered to take Becca, because James had made up an elaborate reasoning for why he and Lacey needed to meet them there and couldn’t pick them up.
 When they arrived, Becca and Zig were already there, chatting and laughing together. Zig said something particularly funny, and Becca put her hand on his arm and threw her head back in laughter. James looked over at Lacey and raised his eyebrow.
 “Maybe they don’t need us to help them.”
 “You’re probably right.  Let’s go in anyway.”
 “Or we could just text them and say that an emergency came up and we can’t make it.”
 “Oh, that’s better.  But I’d feel bad.”
 “We’re already lying to them.”
 “You’re right, I’ll text Becca.  They already have a table, so they can’t leave.’
 Hey bex. James’s parents just randomly showed up in town, so we can’t make it.  Tell Zig we’re sorry and we’ll hang out sometime soon!  Have fun ;)
 Lacey and James watched as Becca looked down at her phone.  She read it, then showed it to Zig, who rolled his eyes.  Becca began texting back.
 Dang.  Have fun with the fam.  Zig and I should be able to handle hanging out tonight.
 Thanks bex.  I’m so sorry!  Coffee tomorrow?
 Yes please!  9?
 “Ahhhhhh let’s get out of here!  I can’t wait to talk to her about it all tomorrow!”
 “Becca!” Lacey exclaimed, running up to her friend, wrapping her in a hug.  “I am so sorry that James and I couldn’t make it last night.  We had no idea his parents were coming to town.”
 “That’s okay.  How were they?” she asked as they moved into the line and ordered their coffees. Lacey grabbed the iced coffee she was handed and waited for Becca to get her drink.
 “So, how was dinner with Zig last night?” Lacey asked, noting that Becca started blushing as soon as she heard Zig’s name.
 Becca sipped her drink, “Umm, it was actually really good.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
 “Well, if you guys hadn’t cancelled, Zig and I wouldn’t have gotten to know each other as well as we did.  He’s a really cool guy.  Like I always knew that.  Obviously, I’m friends with him so I knew that.  But, I don’t know.  I think we may be into each other.”
 “No way. That’s amazing.  Did anything happen?”
 “Well, he drove us to and from the restaurant, right?  And so on the way home, he said something about it being fun and that the two of us should hang out one on one again.  And I suggested tonight.  And he said “it’s a date.”  And then when he dropped me off, he kissed my cheek and walked me to my door.  I insisted that he not walk me up.  And he insisted that no gentleman would ever let a stunning young lady walk to her door alone.  So we’re hanging out at his place tonight.  We’re going to watch a movie and he’s making Mexican food, and Lacey I’ve never been more nervous and I don’t know why and hey!  Why don’t you look surprised?”
 “Would you be upset if I told you that James and I didn’t back out because his parents were in town but because we were trying to set you up with Zig?”
 “You did what???”
 “So you’re upset?”
 “Of course I’m not upset!  I am floored that you knew before I did.  Why him?”
 “Because you’re strong as hell, and he’s not intimidated by that.”
 “That’s it?”
 “Oh there are other reasons, but that’s what made it finally click in my head. You guys would also make gorgeous babies.”
 “What? You’re both total smoke shows.”
“We’re getting coffee tomorrow morning to talk about tonight, right?”
 “Ugh. Yes.  We can do that.”
 “Tell me everything!” Lacey exclaimed before Becca even sat down.  Lacey had gotten there early and ordered already because she could not wait to hear how it had gone.
 “Ugh. At least let me drink some coffee first. I am exhausted.”
 “That’s a good sign,” Lacey said, eyebrows raised.
 Becca blushed, “Yeah.  It is.”
 “Details woman!”
 “Okay okay!  So he picked me up, right?  And took me to his house.  We got there and chatted for a bit, then he made dinner.  I kind of helped, but not a lot.  He’s an amazing cook.  I cannot stress that enough.  The food alone would have saved the date if it had been bad.  It wasn’t bad, by the way.”
 “Keep going, I know you’re withholding juicy details from me!”
 “So I offered to do the dishes since he cooked, and he insisted we both do them. So many times he would reach around my waist and grab something, or he would brush his arm against mine.  He was not subtle.  But I really liked it.”
 “More, more, more!”
 “Okay! We sat down and watched a movie. At first we were just next to each other watching it, but then he did the thing.  Like the stretch and put your arm around the girl thing.  During a particular scene, he mumbled something, so I turned to ask what he said.  And when I looked him in the eyes, he tilted my chin and kissed me.  I honestly don’t know what happened with the rest of the movie, because we made out the entire time.  And when it was over, he very politely asked if we could move to the bedroom, which is where we stayed until seven this morning when he took me back home.”
 “Wait, you guys had sex?”
 “Many times, yes.”
 “That was unexpected.  But it makes sense.  You’re both ridiculously hot.”
 “Lacey, it was so good.  I haven’t been laid in such a long time.  And he was an absolute gentleman.  He was so good to me.  That man’s tongue.  He sure knows how to use it.  And his hands.  Oh my gosh.”
 “But how’s his dick?”
 “Lacey. He’s amazing.  It’s perfect.  The sex was incredible.  I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him.”
 “So when he dropped you off, what did he say?”
 “Oh! So he was all “I had a lot of fun last night.  Not just the sex.  That was great.  But I like you.  I like hanging out with you.”  And I agreed with him.  And I’m going over again tonight.  I really think that we’re going to be in it for the long haul, Lacey.”
 “I am so glad!  I can’t wait to tell James!”
 “You mean you haven’t told him yet?”
 “I mean, not about you two sleeping together.  But definitely that you were going on a date with him!  He’ll be so excited for the two of you!”
 “I cannot believe that you were behind all of this.  Like I should have known, but I still am shocked.  But I really like him, Lacey.  A whole, whole lot.  He’s the best a man I’ve ever known, and I don’t know why I wasn’t able to see that we would make a good couple sooner.”
 “It’s because you’re not the matchmaker, I am.”
 “What is this, like your fifth couple you’ve set up?”
 “Darren and Amara, Madison and Tripp, Kaitlyn and Anissa, Tyler and Abbie, Zack and Grant, Logan and Leila, Sebastian and Edgar…”
“Whoa. I didn’t even remember some of those couples.  Some of them are so unexpected, but you saw they belonged together I guess.”
 “Admittedly, you and Zig are my favorite couple.”
 Becca let loose a laugh, “I honestly always thought you would tell me that I should date Chris.”
 “Becca, you know that Chris doesn’t want me to tell him to date anyone.”
 Becca smiled sadly and nodded, “Yeah, he is still so into you.”
 “Becca, be honest,” she started looking down at the mug in her hands, “did I fuck that situation up a lot?  Should I have done a lot of things differently?”
 “Do you regret sleeping with Chris?”
 Lacey paused a beat, then said, “I do regret it.  Not because it’s hurting me and James.  He’s okay with it and we actually did talk about it.  I felt so bad, but he pointed out that we hadn’t even met and even more than that, that I didn’t owe him anything.  But I know Chris is still into me and maybe I should have been more careful with his feelings.”
 “I’m going to stop you right there.  He had no reason to expect that from you.  You were not committed to each other and you owed him nothing.  He can be sad, but you should not feel like you owe him something.  Lacey, he has no leg to stand on because the very next week he was with me and we were dating.  Even if it meant more to you, you had every right to move on, because he moved on too. Please never feel like you owed him being careful.  And you met James.  And James is the most amazing man for you.  You belong together.  And James is right, he didn’t know you when it happened, but I know you love him and feel like you hurt him, but James has slept with other women-“
 “He actually hasn’t.”
 Becca cocked her head, “Your first time was his first time?”
 Lacey nodded, “It was really cute to talk to him about everything beforehand.  He was so nervous and so worried about letting me down, but he definitely did not disappoint.”
“From how you talk about him I always assumed he was super experienced.”
 “I mean, we are experienced with each other.  Like we have tried a lot and done a lot, but external to each other we don’t have a lot of experience.”
 “You had more experience?”
 “Yeah, Chris and then my high school boyfriend at prom.”
 “So Chris was the second time you’d had sex?”
 “Yeah. Did you ever sleep with him?”
 Becca shook her head, “No he was never interested in sleeping with me.”
 “But you slept with Zig and it was AMAZING!”
 “That’s true, I did.  And it was. Lacey, I could ride that dick for the rest of my life.”
 Lacey grimaced, then tilted her head acceptingly, “You know, not the worst visual. It was mildly shocking but not unpleasant.”
 “Okay, please stop imagining Zig and I having sex.”
 “Becca, you know that if I am thinking about sex, my mind is instantly going to go to James…”
 Becca laughed, “How are the two of you doing these days?  Any trouble in paradise?”
 “No trouble at all.  I mean, we have tiny arguments about things that don’t matter, but if something big happens we talk like adults.  I could marry him, Becca.  Like it will probably happen.  I didn’t expect to find love like this so easily.  Everything about James and I is so easy.  I love him so much, Becca.  If he asked me to marry him this minute I would say yes.  I cannot believe how lucky I am to have him, Becca.”
 “Lacey, your relationship with James is so beautiful.  Every one of our friends has a great relationship, but yours with James stops my heart.  You guys were made for each other.  I love you both individually, but together you are unstoppable.”
 “Honestly, soon that will be you and Zig.”
 “Yeah,” Becca blushed, “I think so.”
 At that moment the door to the coffee shop opened and the bell above it dinged. Lacey and Becca both looked up, and when Becca saw it was Zig, her blush deepened.
 “Hey Zig!” Lacey exclaimed, rising to hug him. “How have you been?”
 “Quit playing coy Lacey,” he said, hugging her back, “I know Becca probably told you we went on a date.”
 “You didn’t go anywhere, Zig, but yes she did.”
 Zig let go of Lacey and wrapped his arms around Becca, who was still seated, and pressed his lips to her cheek, “Hey there, gorgeous.”
 Becca blushed even more, but turned her face to peck him on the mouth.
 “Oh my gosh, you two are so cute!  I am emotional!” Lacey covered her mouth with her hands and giggled.
 “Stop it, Lacey, we’ve been on one date,” Becca said.
 “About that,” Zig said, “Becca, I don’t want to wait until tonight to ask you this. Will you be my girlfriend?  I know this is pretty fast, but I’m so into you-“
 “Yes!” Becca stood up and pulled him into a kiss, “Zig, I am so into you too, and I do not want to wait.  Let’s do this.”
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You Look Perfect Tonight
(So, I guess I ended up writing my vision of Tyrus dancing at Bex and Bowie’s wedding, after all. You can also read this on AO3. Oh, and if you can, you can listen to the song in the background once that scene starts!)
“Thank you for coming with me.”
“No problem, Underdog. Thanks for the invite.”
Cyrus beamed up at this his plus one. It felt a little embarrassing to call him his date, though technically, that was what he was. Andi and Buffy had teased him when they found out he asked TJ.
Meanwhile, TJ returned his smile, making the young Jewish boy’s heart speed up. It had been doing that a lot, lately. TJ would just smile or smirk or grin or even pout and Cyrus' heart was suddenly jumping all over the place like he just drunk an entire pot of coffee by himself. It all felt so new and frankly, just a little scary and confusing.
Coughing to hide his blush, Cyrus looked away and directed his attention to Ham Celia upfront. The two proud parents were saying fond words about Bex and their new son-in-law, Bowie.
It was a long time coming for those two to finally get married, giving Andi the complete family she had longed for since the day she found out the truth about who she was. Surprisingly, it was Bex who had proposed.
The wedding took only a month and a half to plan, since neither the bride nor groom wanted anything extravagant. They had decided on having the ceremony at the nearby chapel and the reception in the Macks’ backyard.
Andi, Cyrus, Buffy, Jonah, and Ham had done all the decorations themselves that very morning. Glittering fairy lights hung from tree to tree and on the patio. Dark blue tablecloths covered small round tables and topped with origami flower centerpieces that Andi made herself. At the center of it all, they erected a makeshift dance floor.
Bex, much to her displeasure, had been talked into wearing a white dress by Celia. But Andi had sneakily added touches of dark blue sequins and rhinestones to the bodice.
(“Because black on your wedding day is just a big ‘no’!” the youngest Mack had insisted when Bex asked for black.)
There were very few guests. Just some close family and friends, a couple of Bowie’s friends and co-workers at the music store, as well as Andi’s friends and their family. Unfortunately, Cyrus’ parents (both sets) couldn’t make it so, instead, Cyrus brought a plus one: TJ.
The basketball player had been surprised when Cyrus asked him but immediately said “yes”. Cyrus had felt giddy for days after that, driving himself nuts trying to find the perfect suit and wondering if he should ask TJ if they could wear matching ties. (In the end, he got too nervous to ask him but it turned out that Andi had given the jock a heads up on the color theme and so TJ unintentionally ended up matching with Cyrus. Thank you, Universe!)
So, now there they were, sitting at a table with Buffy and Jonah. Andi sat with her grandparents, near the bride and groom.
After Celia and Ham said their piece, Andi went up. She looked radiant in her dark blue cocktail dress with white sequins that she designed herself. Jonah hadn’t taken his eyes off her all night.
Through tears and a shaky voice, she talked about her parents’ start as high school sweethearts, how Bex made the biggest sacrifice for her sake, and how both managed to find their way back to her and each other.
“No matter how late we started,” she said, flashing her parents a quivering smile as she did her best to gather her emotions. “I’m still so happy that you guys are my parents. And, now, I can’t wait for our new life together. As one family. I… I love you, mom… I love you, dad.”
Bex fought tears as she opened her arms. Andi ran into them, wrapping her arms firmly around Bex as Bowie wrapped his own arms around both of them.
“We love you too, Andi,” Bex said, kissing Andi’s forehead. “We always have and we always will.”
The guests clapped at the touching display. Cyrus, himself, could feel his own tears forming and he fought them back, not wanting to cry. He felt a hand on top of his own. TJ’s hand. He turned his head to see that the other boy was also watching the display, attentively, even though his hand was on top of Cyrus’. He felt comforted by that fact.
After the speeches, the dances began, led by Bex and Bowie. The crowd gathered around the makeshift dance floor and watched as the couple took their first dance as husband and wife.
I found a love for me Darling just dive right in And follow my lead.
“This is so beautiful to watch,” Cyrus said, softly.
Beside him, TJ nodded. “Yeah. They look really good together.”
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.
Celia and Ham joined the dance. Following their lead, Jonah crossed the dance floor so he could offer his hand to Andi for a dance. Soon, Buffy too was swept away by one of Andi’s cousins. Many people were dancing now and in the center, Bex and Bowie were immersed in each other’s eyes, laughing and talking in hushed voices.
Among their group of friends, only Cyrus and TJ remained standing. Involuntarily, Cyrus couldn’t help his deep sigh as he watched everyone else.
How he wished he could dance too. But… it wasn’t like he could ask a girl. And besides, he was kind of hoping… never mind.
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was I will not give you up this time.
A nudge on his side jolted him out of his musings. He turned to the boy next to him.
TJ flashed him a small smile before jerking his head towards the dance floor. Cyrus tilted his head to the side, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
And then, TJ held out a hand to him. For once, the normally confident athlete looked shy. It was so darn cute. Immediately, Cyrus slowly felt his face turning red, from his pale cheeks to the tips of his ears. His heart beginning to speed up, Cyrus wondered if everyone around him could hear it as well as he could.
TJ didn’t need to say the words. But, it was clear as day. He was asking Cyrus to dance.
He accepted.
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own And in your eyes, you're holding mine.
Clutching Cyrus’ hand firmly in his own, TJ led him onto the dance floor, finding an empty spot. Cyrus’ hand twitched, as he wasn’t sure exactly where to place his hands. How did two boys slow dance?
Soon, his right hand found TJ’s left and his left hand laid on TJ’s waist. TJ’s other hand also found its own spot on Cyrus’ waist. Taking the lead, TJ began to sway them.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight.
Shyly, Cyrus lifted his eyes and met TJ’s own. The bright baby blues stared back at him, the soft look reflected in there making Cyrus’ heart pump so hard that he feared that it might jump out of his chest and run away.
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets To carry love, to carry children of our own.
“Is this okay?” TJ asked, sounding nervous all of a sudden.
Fearing his words would fail him, Cyrus could only nod, adding a wide smile for reassurance.
TJ visibly relaxed and the dance continued.
We are still kids, but we're so in love Fighting against all odds I know we'll be alright this time Darling, just hold my hand Be my girl, I'll be your man I see my future in your eyes.
Cyrus felt himself moving closer to the taller boy, unable to deny how much he wanted there to be as little space as possible between them. His nose was practically touching TJ's chin as he looked up at him. TJ’s grip on his hand tightened.
Their eyes never left each other, not once.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight.
Despite feeling the surrounding eyes on them, Cyrus couldn’t help himself. He laid his head on TJ’s shoulder, breathing in a faint scent of a light man’s cologne and something that was uniquely TJ.
In turn, TJ seemed to bend his head, lips practically at Cyrus’ hairline, making the smaller boy shiver at the contact. He was feeling things he never thought he would in his lifetime.
Who knew it felt this good to dance with someone you liked?
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song I have faith in what I see Now I know I have met an angel in person And she looks perfect.
“I don’t deserve this,” TJ softly sang into his ear. “You look perfect tonight.”
Warmth pooled in Cyrus' chest when that gentle voice filled his ears.
And as the song played its last notes, Cyrus felt like he was floating on clouds. He didn’t want to let go. And by the grip on his hand and waist, neither did TJ.
The next song played, upbeat pop tune by some boy band whose name Cyrus should know but at the moment couldn’t seem to remember.
He was still high on the feelings brought about by his dance with TJ.
He lifted his head from TJ’s shoulder to look at the taller boy. He was looking at Cyrus, still with that soft expression that made his heart go "badumbadumbadum" in increasing intervals.
“Thank you,” Cyrus said with a smile. “That was… amazing.”
TJ nodded. “Yeah, it was.” He was still holding Cyrus as he continued, “Underdog... This might be a little sudden but... I swear, I've been thinking about it for a while."
Cyrus was now giddy with anticipation. "Yes, TJ?"
"Will you… go on a date with me?”
After that exhilarating dance that made him feel a hundred different emotions all at once, who was Cyrus to say “no”?
“That sounds absolutely perfect.”
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All The Star in the Universe Ch. 7
Bex looked around the tiny apartment, which was now nearly empty. It was just after Christmas, and a lot had changed over the past month. Mrs. Hennessy had moved, Bowie had found a second, part-time job- at a pet store of all places!- and they finally had just enough money coming in to move into the apartment next door, even if things would be tighter than ever, financially.
She was happy about moving, really. Even just that one extra bedroom would make a world of difference to them, space-wise. But the move was bittersweet. Their apartment was part of she and Andi's history. It was the place where they really became mother and daughter; where Bex grew up and became a real adult.
Standing in the kitchen, she smiled wistfully. She was standing in the exact same spot where she'd been when Andi had called her 'mom' for the first time. Andi had been so much smaller back then that Bex, in her joy, could pick her up and spin her around in her arms. Now, a year later, Andi was almost as tall as her, and close enough to her size that they could share clothes and shoes. How was it possible that her baby had grown so much so fast, right before her eyes? When Bex first arrived home, Andi still looked and talked like a little kid. Now though, she was becoming a beautiful, poised young woman, with her own thoughts and opinions.
Sighing, Bex wandered into the living room, her footsteps echoing on the empty walls. She spotted a piece of leftover tinsel on the floor, shining in the morning sunlight, where their Christmas tree had been. She struggled to squat down and pick it up, but finally gave up. Her belly was getting too big to bend over comfortably.
She surveyed the room. It looked so much bigger without her sofa bed in it. Her dad had brought over her old bed from the house, for her and Bowie to sleep in, now that they had a room to put it in. She would be glad to sleep in a real bed- it would certainly be more comfortable during her last few months of pregnancy. And she was grateful that she and Bowie would finally have some much-needed privacy, but she and Andi had had a lot of fun times in that cozy living room; hanging out in their pillow fort, giving each other makeovers, and even just staying up into the night, talking, until Andi fell asleep next to her. Her eyes became misty.
"Hey, baby," Bowie said, coming up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, breathing in the scent of her hair.
Bex came out of her trance. "Oh. Hey."
"We're almost moved in," he told her, planting a kiss on her cheek. "I just need to grab the last few boxes. Your dad and I just set up the bed, so you can lay down and relax before work."
"Thanks," she smiled, leaning against him. "I just feel bad that you guys have to do all the work."
"Don't feel bad," he said. "We can handle it. Don't you even try to carry anything." He kissed her again. "You okay?"
"Just feeling a little sentimental," she told him, honestly. "I'm going to miss this place. I know it's silly, but I can't help it."
"It's not silly," he said, squeezing her shoulders. His eyes twinkled, as if he were thinking of a secret joke. "But why don't you come over to the new apartment with me? I think you'll like what you see."
"Okay," she shrugged. Bowie lifted up two stacked boxes effortlessly, and she followed him next door. She entered the new apartment, not quite knowing what to expect. Even so, she was still unprepared for what she saw. She sucked in her breath, taking it all in.
"What do you think?" he asked. "Do you like it?"
"It's perfect!" she exclaimed. She'd seen the apartment empty, of course, but Bowie had obviously been hard at work since she saw it last. He'd arranged the furniture, and some of her things, almost exactly as they had been in the old apartment, so it all felt new, yet familiar. Her eyes welled with tears, and her heart filled with intense love for him. She stepped into his arms and hugged him. "It's beautiful, Bowie."
"Your dad and I did it," he said, combing his fingers through her hair. "I knew you and Andi were sad about moving, so I took pictures of all the rooms before we packed, so I'd remember where everything goes."
She hugged him again, tighter. "You don't know what this means to me. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."
He smiled bashfully. "You know I'd do anything for you. You're my girl. I love you."
"I love you too," she nodded, craning her neck to give him one more kiss.
"Let's go see the rest," he said, gesturing for her to follow him.
He showed her around the apartment. She walked carefully, stepping around boxes that hadn't been unpacked yet. The new apartment really was a mirror image of the old one. That would take some getting used to, but it was clear that Bowie had taken great care to make the changes as easy as possible. Although, he had thoughtfully left most of Andi's things packed so she could decorate it any way she wanted and make it her own. Bex knew their daughter would appreciate that.
"Last but not least, our room," he said proudly. "Close your eyes. No peeking!" he said with mock sternness.
Bex complied, squeezing her eyelids tight. She heard him open the bedroom door, and then he took her by the hand and guided her inside.
"Okay. You can open them."
She opened her eyes, blinking. "It's beautiful!" she breathed. The main room was about the same size as Andi's, so it was fairly small, but it had that sweet little nook that would serve as their baby's nursery. Bowie had made the bed with fresh linens, hung her wall-hangings up, and had even set her favorite framed photo of Andi on the nightstand. He'd hung their wedding photo over the dresser.
"You really like it?" he asked. "Because you can change whatever you want."
"It's exactly how I'd decorate it myself," she told him honestly. "I love it."
"I'm so glad," he said. "All I want is for you to be happy and comfortable."
"Is it okay if I rest for a while now?" she asked, reaching to massage the small of her back.
"Sure," he said. "Of course!" He pulled the covers back and fluffed the pillows. Bex kicked her shoes off and got in bed, sighing with relief. "Sit with me a while?"
"I'd be happy to," Bowie winked. He was anxious to get more unpacking done before he had to leave for work and Andi got home, but if Bex needed him, he'd gladly take a break. He sat down on the edge of the bed. She looked up at him with tired eyes, and he reached down to caress her cheek, smoothing back wisps of hair from her face.
"Bowie, give me your hand," she said quietly. "Quick."
He let her take his hand, and she placed it flat on her stomach. "The baby's kicking. Do you feel her?"
His face lit up when he felt their child move. "Whoa! That's amazing!" Bex had recently started feeling the baby kick, but he'd never been home when it happened. Until then. He kept his hand on her belly, unable to take it away.
"I'm so excited to see her," she told him. "I can't wait."
"Me either," he smiled. " I can't wait to hold her, and rock her."
Bex glanced across the room at the alcove. "Her little nursery looks so empty," she mussed. "I can't wait until we have something to put in it."
"It'll be full soon," Bowie promised her. Ham and Celia had already told him they were buying her a crib as a shower gift, and he had a few surprises for her, too.
He bent down to kiss her. "But you, my love, should get some sleep now." He squeezed her hand. "I'll set your alarm for three hours, so you'll have enough time to get ready." She looked worn out. He'd rather she didn't go to work at all that day, but she'd insisted on at least a half-day, and he knew they needed all the money they could bring in.
He tapped the time in on her phone and set it on the nightstand. "Call me if you need anything, okay? I'll be unpacking in the kitchen."
She nodded. "I will."
He stole one more kiss, then left the room, leaving the door ajar.
Once Bex was alone, she snuggled deeper into her old, familiar bed. next thing she knew, she was sound asleep.
"This is so crazy!" Andi said, coming into the new apartment, setting her backpack down on the floor.
"Shh!" Bowie whispered, tapping his lips. "Your mama's sleeping."
"Sorry," Andi whispered in reply.
"What's crazy?" he asked, quietly.
She went into the kitchen, where he was working. "It's like stepping through the looking glass," she explained. She remembered being a little girl, and looking into the big mirror in Cece's living room at another,  backwards living room. She'd always wondered what life was like in that mirror world, as if it were some kind of parallel universe. "It looks just like the old apartment, but everything's on the opposite side."
"Pretty cool, huh?" Bowie grinned. "You like it?"
"I actually do," she admitted, taking a stack of plates out of a box and putting them in the cupboard. "I didn't want to move at first, but I think I'll like living here."
Bowie glanced at the bedroom door, making sure his wife hadn't stirred. "I have a surprise for Bex. You want to see?"
"Yeah," Andi nodded.
"It's in your new room." He gestured for her to follow him to the back of the house.
She noticed that her bed had been set up since she left for school, but the rest was a wonderfully blank slate.
Her father opened her little closet and lugged out a wooden rocking chair.
"Wow," Andi breathed. "Where did that come from?"
"My mom," he explained, proudly. "I picked it up from her house this morning. It's an antique. All the babies in the family have been rocked in it."
Andi's face fell, and her good mood dampened, as once again she was reminded of her missing piece. "Except me."
Bowie flushed with guilt. "I'm sorry, baby girl. I didn't mean it like that." He reached out to ruffle her hair. "I'm an idiot."
"It's okay, dad," she sighed, giving him a reassuring hug. "It's a beautiful chair. Mom will love it."
"It'll be yours someday," he pointed out, hoping to ease her hurt feelings. "When you grow up, you can rock your own babies in it. And you can sit in it whenever you want."
Andi studied a muddy black scribble on the seat. "What's that?"
"I colored on it with crayon when I was a kid," he told her. "Never could get the mark out."
"That's cute," she smiled. "It needs a big bow or something. Like the ones people put on new cars."
"That's exactly what I was thinking!" he exclaimed. "I just haven't had a chance to buy one."
"I can make one," she offered. "It won't be as big as the ones people put on cars, but I have all kinds of ribbon at Andi Shack."
"I can drop you off at Pops and Cece's on the way to work," he said. "In the meantime, I'm gonna hop in the shower. Keep an ear out for your mom, if she needs anything."
"I will," Andi promised. She watched her dad leave the room, then she sat down in the rocking chair, and rocked it softly back and forth. Suddenly, she remembered her little pink baby blanket, and she wanted to hold it. She hopped up, and started opening boxes, digging through them frantically. But she couldn't find it anywhere.
A few weeks after they moved into the new apartment, Andi awoke to see a moving truck outside. It was parked in the yard when she went to the kitchen for breakfast.
"Looks like someone's moving in," she said to Bowie, pouring herself a bowl of cereal.
"Yeah," he nodded. "Looks like it."
"Hmm," Andi said, taking a sip of her juice. "Where's mom?"
"She went into work early," her father told her. "She said to tell you good morning, and to give you this." He bent down to kiss her on the forehead.
Andi smiled sadly. Her mom often went into Cloud Ten early on weekends now. Both her parents were working more and more, another side-effect of the baby coming. She missed lazy Saturdays with Bex. They always used to spend the day together.
She finished her cereal and put the bowl in the sink. "I'm bored," she sighed.
"Well, I've got to get to work," her father told her. "Want me to drop you off in town? Maybe some of your friends are around?"
"Nah," she said. "But thanks." She happened to know that Buffy was out of town, and Cyrus and Jonah had plans.
"The landlord said the new neighbors have a girl about your age," Bowie offered. "Maybe you could introduce yourself?"
Andi shrugged. "Maybe."
Bowie took a plate from the cupboard and piled some of the chocolate chip cookies he'd made the night before on it. "Take these over to her," he said. "Make a new friend."
"Okay," Andi relented. "I'll go." It might be fun to meet someone new.
"That's my girl," he smiled. He planted a kiss on top of her head. "See you later, baby. I love you."
"Love you too," she nodded.
After her dad had gotten in the Grease Mobile and driven away, Andi got dressed and combed her hair. She wrapped the plate of cookies in foil and carried it outside. Crusty snow crunched under her boots as she walked down the steps.
She spotted a little girl, about six or seven, playing in the front yard, trying to roll the snow into a snowman. Unfortunately, it was the wrong kind of snow; the powdery kind that didn't pack well.
The girl noticed her, eyeing her curiously. She had pale blond hair in a ponytail, and her cheeks were red from the cold.
"Aww. You're so cute," Andi smiled warmly. "I'm Andi, your new neighbor."
The girl looked at her suspiciously. "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."
"That's a good rule to have," she nodded. "But it's okay to talk to me. I don't bite."
The child continued to stare, unsure, but her blue eyes lit up with amusement.
"I brought some cookies for you," Andi said, holding out the plate. "My dad and I baked them. My dad says there's a girl my age here. Do you have a big sister?"
The small girl nodded. "Yeah."
"Well, can I meet her?"
She nodded again, then ran to the door, throwing it open. "Amber! Come outside!"
"Amber?" Andi said quietly, a sinking feeling in her stomach. Then, her worst nightmare was confirmed as Amber, the Snorpion herself, came to the door.
"Andi?" Amber cried, apparently just as shocked as she was. "What are you doing here?"
"I live here!" she said.
"But I thought you moved."
"To the apartment next door," she clarified. "We needed more space."
"Great," Amber said, rolling her eyes. "I'm going to be living next to the wax-murderer. I better sleep with one eye open."
"She's not a wax-murderer," Andi argued, defensive of Bex. "Stop calling her that." She'd heard the whole story about Amber's eyebrow. She knew the waxing mishap wasn't Bex's fault.
The smaller girl tugged on Amber's arm impatiently. "Avery, get lost!" she shouted, pulling her arm away.
"But I want a cookie," Avery pleaded. She had Amber's wide-set dark blue eyes and round face. Andi realized she should have seen the resemblance right away. It was uncanny. Avery didn't have that sneaky look in her eyes, like her older sister had, though.
"Take them inside and leave us alone," Amber snapped. She took the plate from Andi and shoved it at her younger sister. Avery went inside, looking hurt.
"I didn't know you had a little sister," Andi said, glancing at the apartment door.
"She's a pain," the other girl told her, pushing a sheet of long blond hair over her shoulder. "Isn't your mom knocked up? I saw her outside her salon yesterday, and she looked as big as a house."
"She is pregnant," Andi told her. "She's having a girl."
Amber snorted. "Good luck. Once the little brat comes, you'll never get a moment of peace again. Not to mention you'll become your parents' built-in babysitter."
"It can't be that bad," Andi said. "Avery seems cute."
"All I do is work and watch her," Amber told her. "And I have to share that tiny bedroom with her, too. Do you think that sounds fun?"
Andi didn't think Amber really expected an answer. "Why did you guys move here?" She wasn't trying to pry, but she was genuinely curious.
A strange look clouded Amber's face, but it quickly disappeared. "Not that it's any of your business," she said. "But we're downsizing."
"Oh," Andi said quietly, unsure of how to respond. "I guess it would be kind of hard for four people to live together in that apartment. It was pretty crowded with just me and my mom and dad."
"It's only three people," Amber corrected. "My parents split up."
Andi sucked in her breath. "Amber, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." She couldn't imagine what Amber must be feeling. She would be crushed if her mom and dad ever separated, though she didn't believe they ever would, they were so obviously in love.
"I don't want you to feel sorry for me," the older girl told her matter-of-factly. "Just stay on your side, and I'll stay on mine."
Her pity for Amber quickly evaporated. "If that's what you want, fine." She started to turn away, then had a change of heart. "But if you ever do want to talk, you know where to find me."
Her words hung in the air with her frosty breath. Amber had already walked away.
Andi went back to her empty apartment, feeling troubled. She wished someone were home, so she'd have somebody to talk to, or at least give her a comforting hug. She wasn't used to feeling so lonely.
She opened her closet, where the rocking chair sat inside, waiting for Bex's baby shower the following weekend. It now had a big pink bow fastened to the back; she'd made it herself.  Carefully moving the bow aside, she sat down in it and rocked, letting the rhythmic creaking of the floorboards sooth her. She wished for her baby blanket more than ever, but it was still missing.
"You look like someone popped your balloon."
"Huh?" Andi looked up at her father. She had been picking at her spaghetti, lost in her own thoughts. It was dinner time now, but she didn't feel any better. She had spent much of the day sulking, replaying her conversation with Amber over and over.
"What's wrong, kid?" Bowie asked.
Andi sighed, twirling noodles around her fork. She was determined not to upset her mom and dad, as she'd promised Cece, but they would find out her news sooner or later. "I went to meet the girl next door, and it was Amber! We live next door to the Snorpion!"
"Oh, man," Bex said, taking a sip of her water.
"Of all the houses in Shadyside, why did she have to move here?" Andi asked.
"Well, there's nothing we can really do about it," Bowie gently told her.
"We could move again?" she suggested, although she didn't expect them to agree.
"Yeah. Not happening," Bowie laughed. "We're here to stay for as long as possible."
"Then what am I going to do?" she asked them.
"Well, kiddo," Bex said. "I know it's not what you want to hear, but you're going to have to learn to live with Amber."
Bowie nodded. "Part of growing up is learning how to deal with difficult people. Be the better person. Maybe she acts the way she does because she needs a friend?"
"She basically told me to stay away from her," Andi replied. "So I don't think we're going to be braiding each other's hair and telling secrets any time soon."
Bex laughed. "I'm sorry, Andi. I know you've been through a lot with Amber. But your dad is right. And maybe you won't even have to see her much. We're going to be pretty busy soon. I'm gonna need lots of help with the baby."
"I guess so," she nodded. Amber's prediction came to mind. 'You'll never get a moment of peace again. Not to mention you'll become your parents' built-in babysitter.'  She swallowed those thoughts with her last bite of food. Amber was wrong; she had to be. Bex and Bowie wouldn't take advantage of her like that. And she didn't mind helping her mom. Amber was just trying to scare her, she decided. That was exactly the kind of thing she would do.
She cleared her plate, and took Bex's to the sink, too. "Can we have a movie night tonight?" she asked. She need a distraction, something fun to take her mind off things.
Bex looked unsure. "I don't know if I'm up to it tonight, honestly. I think I'm just going to lay down for a while."
Andi felt deflated, but she managed a smile. "That's okay. Another time."
"It's a date," her mother smiled. She gave Andi a hug and a kiss. "Goodnight. I love you."
"Goodnight," Andi nodded. "I love you too." She watched her mom go to her room, holding her back.
"You and I could still watch a movie," Bowie offered.
Andi shrugged. "That's okay, dad. But thanks. I think I'm just gonna go read."
"Alright," he said. "I'll be out here doing the dishes if you need anything."
"Okay. Thanks." She crossed the apartment to her new room. Somewhere next door, she heard voices, maybe Amber and her mom, arguing. She hoped little Avery was having a happier first night in her new home than her mother and sister were.
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