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lightningbolt1971-blog · 6 years ago
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Team Bolt in Indonesia ⚡️
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its-feena · 4 years ago
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#Repost @axe_wax @download.ins --- The Japanese have been producing wood for 700 years without cutting down trees. In the 14th century, the extraordinary daisugi technique was born in Japan. Indeed, the daisugi provide that these trees will be planted for future generations and not be cut down but pruned as if they were giant bonsai trees; by applying this technique to cedars, the wood that can be obtained is uniform, straight and without knots, practically perfect for construction. A pruning as a rule of art that allows the tree to grow and germinate while using its wood, without ever cutting it down. . A truly extraordinary technique, with clear and thoughtful planning for future generations. . . . . #handmadeisbetter #heirloom #shopsmall #bespoke #blacksmith #bonsai #craftsman #japan #japanese #woodworking #bladesmith #chef #patina #leather #shokunincollab #americanmade #bewareofimitations #axewax #ashlandoregon #supportsmallbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CLaRoTOgwqR/?igshid=sv8jvjm0oavd
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acrossmadrid-blog · 7 years ago
Come to Toledo with us and discover what makes this medieval city so unique in Europe! We have the best Toledo tour for families ever- a scavenger hunt through the streets and monuments of this UNESCO heritage city! We also lead Jewish heritage tours and Medieval Toledo tours for adults or small groups. Book in advance as we are a very small company and can barely keep up with the demand for our exclusive, original tours! #acrossmadrid #acrossmadridtours #unescoworldheritage #Toledo #medievaltimes #jewishlegacy #historymatters #tourswithaprofessor #toursforkids #toledoforchildren #toledoforfamilies #familytours #welovechildren #familyday #familyfriendly #toursforfamilies #jewishtoledo #welovetoledo #incredibleheritage #medievalarchitecture #gothicart #art #travel #comewalkwithus #scavengerhuntToledo #treasurehuntToledo #discoverToledo #qualitymatters #cathedral #mosque #synagogue #theoriginaltoledoforchildrentour #trailblazingtours #bewareofimitations 🔎📚🧒🏾👦🏼👧🏻🧑👩🏽👴🧓🏿👵👵🏾🧓🏻👶👶🏽👶🏿😃🤴👸🚶🏾‍♂️🚶🏾‍♀️👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👩‍👩‍👦👩‍👩‍👧👨‍👨‍👧‍👧👨‍👦‍👦👩‍👧‍👧👫👬👩‍👧👌❤🎓🔍📚⚔🛡 (at Toledo, Spain)
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adelsa-bakery · 5 years ago
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always sign your photos #watermark #adelsa_boulangerie #bewareofimitations #sign #post #cake #baker #boulanger #love #life #dessert #chocolate #babka #piece #mypassion https://www.instagram.com/p/CAZopSMApQn/?igshid=1mufadwmfcxa0
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isabeljane3-blog · 8 years ago
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Turtles 🐢🐢❣ hope you like it 😋 #bewareOfImitations
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acrossmadrid-blog · 5 years ago
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We visited AABI's memorial to the Polish volunteers in the International Brigades in the Jarama Valley with an international group of visitors from Denmark and the USA. Honour and Glory to the Dabrowsky Battalion! Hemos visitado nuestro monumento a los voluntarios polacos en las Brigadas lnternacionales en el valle de Jarama con un grupo internacional de Dinamarca y Estados Unidos. ¡Honor y Gloria al Batallón Dombrowsky! #acrossmadridtours #acrossmadrid #jaramavalley #batalladejarama #bookearlytoavoiddisappointment #Republicaespañola#brigadistas #weareantifascist #welovethelnternationalBrigades #wearetherealdeal #bewareofimitations #polishvolunteers #polishinthespanishcivilwar #polishantifascists #AABI #estaesmibandera #valledeljarama #siempreennuestroscorazones #alwaysinourhearts #dabrowskibattalion @ochotnicywolnosci @amigosbrigadas (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3R0cBbIDua/?igshid=1hu9zukvjkuro
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acrossmadrid-blog · 5 years ago
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Today we remember the battle of Jarama in February 1937 with an international group made of visitors from Denmark and the USA. Thank you forever, International Brigades. Hoy recordamos la batalla de Jarama en febrero de 1937 con un grupo internacional compuesto por visitantes daneses y estadounidenses. ¡Gracias eternas, Brigadas lnternacionales! #acrossmadrid #weareantifascist #somosantifascistas #estaesmibandera #spanishcivilwar #spanishcivilwartours #jaramavalley #jaramabattlefieldtours #valledeljarama #internationalsolidarity #internationalbrigades #ibmt_scw #acrossmadridtours #wearetherealdeal #bewareofimitations #bookearlytoavoiddisappointment #republicaespañola #guerracivilespañola #nopasaran #riojarama #batalladejarama #spanishhistory #historymatters #somosantifascistas #tourswithaprofessor #bridge ❤💛💜👏✊✊🏿✊🏻✊🏽👷‍♂️👷🏾‍♂️👷🏽‍♂️👩🏻‍🎓 (at Rivas-Vaciamadrid) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Rvlfnosmi/?igshid=16qsmzyg9rt0u
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acrossmadrid-blog · 5 years ago
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We recently had the honour of meeting relatives of Sam Nahman, an American volunteer in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. What a tremendous legacy he left behind! Thank you for taking our non-neutral and 100% antifascist memorial tour in Madrid. We continue pounding the streets of our city counteracting the historical lies and the cover-up. We stand up to Fascism and always will. Honour to all who volunteered to defend the Spanish Republic and fight international Fascism in our country. ❤💛💜✊🏻✊🏾✊👏👏👏Recientemente tuvimos el honor de conocer a algunos familiares Sam Nahman, un voluntario norteamericano en la Brigada Lincoln que dejó un legado impresionante. Gracias por realizar mi visita memorial por Madrid, una visita no neutral y 100% antifascista. Seguimos recorriendo las calles de nuestra ciudad desmontando las mentiras históricas y el blanqueo del fascismo. Somos partisanos y siempre lo seremos. Honor a tod@s los que vinieron voluntariamente a defender la República Española y a combatir el Fascismo internacional en nuestro país. ❤💛💜 ✊🏼✊✊🏿👏👏👏 #acrossmadrid #francogenocida #spanishcivilwar #weareantifascist #somosantifascistas #wearetherealdeal #estaesmibandera #abrahamlincolnbrigade #brigadalincoln #theoriginalspanishcivilwartourmadrid #bewareofimitations #imitationisflattery #nosintentancopiarperonopueden #francocriminal #vivanlasbrigadasinternacionales #amigosbrigadas #brigadasinternacionales #spanishcivilwartour #guerracivilespañola #tourswithaprofessor #saynotofascism #standuptofascism #fascistsnotwelcome #alwaysinourhearts #communisthistory #siempreennuestroscorazones #nopasaran @amigosbrigadas (at Monumento Homenaje a las Brigadas Internacionales) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2tGO9sIVAK/?igshid=aod870j00ztv
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acrossmadrid-blog · 6 years ago
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Book NOW our Spanish Civil War tour if you really want to understand why we keep on fighting for Justice and Historical Memory. Our availability is limited so advance booking is a must. This is the most comprehensive, in-depth and partisan tour in town. Nobody else can match our credentials and inside knowledge. We raise money for the Association of Friends of the lnternational Brigades through this tour, and we honour the legacy of the anti fascist volunteers who risked their all to help Republican Spain and tried to stop the tide of Fascism in Europe. ❤💛💜✊🏼✊🏿✊✊🏽👀👩🏻‍🎓Reserva YA nuestra visita guiada Madrid en la Guerra Civil si realmente quieres comprender por qué seguimos luchando por la Justicia y la Memoria Histórica. Nuestra disponibilidad es limitada así que es esencial reservar con antelación. Esta es la visita más completa, más intensa y más partisana en Madrid. Nadie puede competir con nuestros credenciales académicos y nuestro conocimiento experto sobre el tema. A través de esta visita recaudamos fondos para la Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas lnternacionales y rendimos homenaje al legado de los voluntarios antifascistas que arriesgaron todo para acudir a la ayuda de la República Española e intentaron frenar el auge del Fascismo en Europa. 👀❤💛💜✊🏼✊🏿✊✊🏽👩🏻‍🎓#acrossmadrid #acrossmadridtours #bewareofimitations #weareantifascist #tourswithaprofessor #vivalaRepublica #amigosbrigadas #brigadasinternacionales #internationalbrigades #hiddenhistoryofmadrid #wearetherealdeal #theoriginalspanishcivilwartourmadrid #spanishcivilwar #spanishcivilwartours #morethanatour #welovewhatwedo #standuptofascism #vivanlasbrigadasinternacionales #somosantifascistas (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B00qQesgRA2/?igshid=1k47j4o6d6ubi
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acrossmadrid-blog · 6 years ago
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Today we led our non-neutral Madrid in the Spanish Civil War tour for the relatives of a Polish brigader who was killed by fascists in the Battle for Madrid in the winter of 1936. It was an honour to help this family understand the complexities of the war and to share our admiration for the determination and commitment shown by the International Brigades. We are not neutral and never will be. Stand up to Fascism! ¡Viva la República! Respect to the Dabrowski Brigade! Hoy hemos realizado nuestra visita guiada de Madrid en la Guerra Civil, una visita que no es neutral y jamás lo será, para los familiares de un brigadista polaco que murió defendiendo Madrid frente a los fascistas. Ha sido un honor ayudar a esta familia comprender la complejidad de la guerra y compartir con ellos nuestra admiración por la determinación y el compromiso de las Brigadas lnternacionales. ¡Di no al Fascismo! ¡Viva la República Española! ¡Viva el Batallón Dabrowski!✊🏽✊✊🏿✊🏼👏👏👏👏❤💛💜 #estaesmibandera #acrossmadrid #acrossmadridtours #spanishcivilwar #theoriginalspanishcivilwartourmadrid #bewareofimitations #weareantifascist #somosantifascistas #somospartisanos #vivalaRepublica #vivanlasbrigadasinternacionales #dabrowskibrigade #ochotnicywolnosci.org #polishinthespanishcivilwar #voluntariospolacosenlaguerracivilespañola #guerracivilespañola #wearetherealdeal #tourswithaprofessor #bookearlytoavoiddisappointment (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B00oB2CAlVS/?igshid=ajcbp8execxy
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acrossmadrid-blog · 6 years ago
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Come on an urban adventure with us across Madrid! Book us NOW for our original Madrid for Children tour. This is a superfun scavenger hunt around our city, searching for our Bear and Tree symbol. We are committed educators and we will provide the best introduction to Spanish history and some classical mythology as well! This is the original family friendly tour led by qualified teachers with our original materials and ideas, and it is our registered intellectual property. Come walk with us! Discover Madrid with us! #acrossmadrid #discovermadridwithus #toursforkids #familytravel #scavengerhuntMadrid #lookingforbears #welovefamilies #welovechildren❤ #tourswithaprofessor #acrossmadridtours #madridforchildren #travelingwithkids #familyfriendlytours #bewareofimitations #wearetherealdeal #theoriginalmadridforchildrentour #treasurehuntmadrid #osoymadroño #weloveMadrid #teachingkids #bearandtree #idealforfamilies ❤😍🤗😻👶🏾🧒🏻👦🏾👧🏽🧑👩🏼👧🏻🧒👵🏽🧓🏼👩🏻‍🎓👩‍👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👦👨‍👦👩‍👧‍👦👩‍👧👌👀💗🐻🌳🐻🌳🐻🌳🐻🌳🐻🌳🐻🌳🐻🌳🐻🌳🐻🌳🐻🌳 (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0kpugEof0p/?igshid=1dd7j1bftldnn
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acrossmadrid-blog · 6 years ago
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We are proud of the Lincoln Battalion and the stand for Madrid that they made! Standing strong and determined in Gran Via with Eric Levenson, son of Abraham Lincoln Brigade volunteer Len Levenson. We are forever grateful to the International Brigades and their anti fascist commitment. Take our unique Spanish Civil War tour to unravel the hidden history of Madrid. We are not neutral, and never will be! ✊🏼✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿Estamos orgullosos del Batallón Lincoln y de su lucha por defender Madrid. Aquí estamos decididos y echados para adelante en el corazón de la Gran Vía con Eric Levenson, hijo del brigadista norteamericano Len Levenson. Siempre estaremos agradecidos a las Brigadas lnternacionales y su compromiso antifascista. Descubre la historia escondida de Madrid en nuestra visita guiada Madrid en la Guerra Civil Española. No somos neutrales ni jamás lo seremos. ✊🏿✊🏽✊🏻✊🏼#acrossmadrid #theoriginalspanishcivilwartour #internationalsolidarity #abrahamlincolnbrigade #alwaysinourhearts #weareantifascist #somosantifascistas #vivanlasbrigadasinternacionales #spanishcivilwar #spanishcivilwartours #wearenotneutral #wearetherealdeal #tourswithaprofessor #acrossmadridtours #bewareofimitations #morethanatour #thisisnotacommercialtour #Republicaespañola #spanishrepublic #internationalbrigades #siempreennuestroscorazones #antifascistactivism #Madrid #GranViaMadrid #guerracivilespañola #madridinthespanishcivilwar ❤💛💜 (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byk2ml5ojKU/?igshid=1enhu7xex39hh
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acrossmadrid-blog · 6 years ago
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We recently led our Spanish Civil War tour for a group of high school students from Denmark. It was a joy to meet such engaged, responsible young men and women who understand the relevance of politics and the tragic end of the Spanish Republic and the bravery of the international Brigades, which included many Danish volunteers. We will never forget those heroes and heroines! Beware of imitations. We are part of AABI, the Spanish Association of Friends of the International Brigades and this tour is not a commercial venture. ❤💛💜 Hace unos días realizamos nuestra visita guiada de la guerra civil en Madrid para un grupo de estudiantes de un instituto danés. Nos emocionó conocer a jóvenes tan responsables y comprometidos con la sociedad que entienden la importancia de la política y el trágico final que tuvo la República española así como la valentía de los brigadistas internacionales, entre los cuales hubo muchos voluntarios daneses. Nunca olvidaremos a estos héroes y heroínas. 😍👩🏻‍🎓✊✊🏾✊🏽✊🏿✊🏻👏👏👏❤💛💜📚#acrossmadrid #acrossmadridtours #spanishcivilwartours #tourswithaprofessor #memoriahistorica #historymatters #brigadasinternacionales #internationalbrigades #spanishcivilwartoursforschools #learningaboutthespanishcivilwar #spanishcivilwar #vivanlasbrigadasinternacionales #studentsfromdenmark #historystudents #estaesmibandera #weareantifascists #theoneandonlyspanishcivilwartour #bewareofimitations #wearetherealdeal #thisisnotacommercialtour #educationalcontent #weareeducators #wearenotneutral #francogenocida #republicaespañola (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxbq6pNI5Of/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gli92jsh1cu6
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acrossmadrid-blog · 6 years ago
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This morning we led our Goya in Madrid tour. Come with us to unravel the history, personality and artistic production of this Spanish genius! Esta mañana la hemos pasado haciendo nuestra visita guiada Goya en Madrid. ¡Descubre con nosotros la historia, la personalidad y la producción artística de este genio español! 😍🤗👨🏻‍🎨❤🎨🖼🔍#acrossmadridtours #acrossmadrid #goya #thegeniusofgoya #goyainmadrid #goyaenmadrid #discovergoyawithus #madridtours #tourswithanarthistorian #tourswithaprofessor #historymatters #Madrid #franciscodegoya #franciscodegoyaylucientes #realacademiadebellasartesdesanfernando #museodelprado #calcografianacional #grabadosdegoya #comewalkwithus #bewareofimitations #wearetherealdeal (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxKUrK_Ae2S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14zv6ozdci380
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acrossmadrid-blog · 6 years ago
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We are accompanying the son of Swedish brigader Egon Nilsson across Madrid, Guadalajara and Jarama valley. A very intensive couple of days packing in an itinerary following on the steps of this brave antifascist volunteer, braving the rain and the wind. For us it is always such a treat to have a personal insight into the experiences of the International Brigaders through the voice of their children. Estamos estos días acompañando al hijo del brigadista sueco Egon Nilsson por Madrid, Guadalajara y el valle del Jarama. Han sido dos días muy intensos siguiendo las huellas de este valiente voluntario antifascista a pesar de la lluvia y el viento. Para nosotros es siempre un verdadero lujo escuchar las historias personales de los brigadistas a través de la voz de sus hijos. 😍✊🏼❤💛💜 #acrossmadrid #vivanlasbrigadasinternacionales #internationalbrigades #estaesmibandera #spanishcivilwar #vivalarepublica #alwaysinourhearts #weareantifascists #somosantifascistas #memoriahistorica #swedishbrigaders #acrossmadridtours #spanishcivilwartours #spanishcivilwartoursmadrid #wearetherealdeal #bewareofimitations #saynotofascism #familyhistory #brigadistapride #siempreennuestroscorazones #moratadetajuña (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwmIxXdg-vc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cnwg5yqy451w
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acrossmadrid-blog · 6 years ago
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Spring is here! The perfect time to stroll around Madrid and its wonderful museums. Come walk with us and learn about the diverse cultures that thrived in Spain at the Archaeological Museum, or visit the royal collection at the Prado featuring Bosch, Titian, Ribena, Velazquez and Goya, see the German and Dutch paintings collected by the Thyssen family, or the incredible array of items purchased by Lazaro Galdiano, feel the warm Valencian sunshine as you enjoy the Sorolla museum or explore the lesser-known Real Academia de Bellas Artes which holds the only work by Renaissance artist Arcimboldo in Spain! We lead tours through these museums and more! We also offer THE inimitable scavenger hunts for families with children across Madrid, or at the Prado, Thyssen and Archaeological Museums. We are a very small company with a limited availability and we pride ourselves on the educational content of our tours. Contact us as soon as you start planning your visit to Madrid to secure a slot with us. Check the reviews on TripAdvisor to see our reputation and check out by yourself why we keep getting raving reviews! 😍👶🏻🧒🏾👦🏼👧🏻🧑👩🏼👴🧓🏽👵👩🏼‍🎨👨🏾‍🎨🤴🏻👸🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏿‍♂️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏼‍♂️👫👬👭👩‍👩‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👧👨‍👦👩‍👦👩‍👦‍👦👌👍🐻🌳👀👀👀❤🌹🌺🌻🌼🌷🥀💐🌸🔍📚#acrossmadridtours #acrossmadrid #pradomuseumtours #pradoforchildren #pradoforkids #arcimboldo #thyssenforchildren #archaeologyforchildren #theoriginalpradoforfamilies #bewareofimitations #wearethebest #educationalcontent #localeconomy #spanishowned #pradomuseum #tourswithaprofessor #weareeducators #Madrid #TripAdvisorreviews #TripAdvisor #certificateofexcellence #acrossmadridclientsrock #savvytravellerschooseus #familytravel #familyfriendly #travelingwithkids #toursforkidsspain #tourswithanarthistorian (at Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv6Bq9Bhckd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1th8znb69a5w1
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