#beware the frozen heart ~ prince hans
oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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It was hardly by chance he had found this place. Someone at work had mentioned it, and taking their recommendation might actually make them like him more. It had been early enough when he had first arrived, half reading something, half lost in thought. It took him a while to realise the place had all but emptied and it was dark outside... damn, he really needed to focus. "My apologies, I didn't realise it was so late. You haven't had to stay late have you?"
@daydrcamings for Tiana
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timeslostlongagain · 4 months
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So far there was only positives about this place. He wasn't in a prison cell anymore, especially as he hadn't really done anything. Closed a door, that was it, and he was sentenced for it. He couldn't really blame his father for that, he was simply keeping up appearances. Wasn't that all that would ever truly matter? Appearance and reputation, and no one here knew what his had been turned into. Least that's what he believed, until he turned the corner and saw Anna. Oh he did not want or need this, but it was too late, she'd seen him. "Anna? You're here?" a terrible start, but he'd had no preparation time.
@theblvckdog for Anna
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lumiolivier · 5 years
Fan Fiction Master Post (and Where to Find Them):
Hello, Internet.  It’s been about a year and a half since I last updated my master post and it’d be nice for you to pass this one around instead of the others.  And so much has happened since the last list!  I finally jumped on the Ao3 train!  This list has got everybody here.  If you got nothing better to do and need a little fic to put on the wounds life has dealt you (or if you’re a little bit of a masochist and want something that’ll tear your soul to shreds), then pick a link and indulge yourself, K?  Like last time, this list is organized alphabetically by fandom and chronologically, if there’s a series.  You’ll see what I mean.  Enjoy!
** indicates a story in progress as of the time of posting this list.
Attack on Titan:
Classified Files:  Ackerman, Levi
AU Crack! Hanji needs a favor from Levi, but there's no way Levi would be so willing. That's what she has Eren for! But...Well...Why can't Hanji's experiments ever go right?
Black Butler:
Just a Simple Interview, Right?
1 of 4.  What starts out as just an interview with 19 year old earl Ciel Phantomhive for the paper turns into a little more than that a young reporter bargains for when she meets his enigmatic, yet beautiful butler. (Mostly T rated with some lemon chapters)
His Strange Little Girl and Her Butler, the Enigma
2 of 4.  She had her interview, but gained a few new friends and one very, very special butler. Now, she has her beautiful demon husband for the rest of eternity. But when the honeymoon’s over…is it really over? Of course not. We can’t have anything simple, can we?  (Also T rated with a few lemon chapters.)
You, Me, and Cambion Makes Three
3 of 4.  The Michaelis family has grown by one. The young lord has finally married Lady Elizabeth. So, what comes next? A little catastrophe, perhaps?  (Yet again, T rated with a few lemon chapters.)
Her Butler, One Last Time
4 of 4.  So blissfully living as a magazine contributor in modern day New York City. Until she meets her new landlord…or her demon husband from a past life?
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect
(Mini-series) She’s graduated college. Her boyfriend dumps her. Her roommates find a way to cheer her up. But for whatever reason, she’s feeling a little desperate. Especially when the DJ keeps giving her looks. He feels like he’s seen her somewhere before…
Trouble Comes in Threes
(Hetalia x Fruits Basket)  Francis, Gilbert, and Antonio could get anyone they want. They're beautiful, they're young, and the whole school knows it. But...They've had it all and grow bored. Even traveling outside city limits wouldn't prove to be any sort of challenge. But after a mess of a party, it appears Yao and Kiku's family tree is extending its roots when their cousins relocate. They couldn't stay at the Sohma house forever.
A New Hacker Has Entered the Chat**
(DRAMAtical Murder x Mystic Messenger) The RFA is usually pretty airtight when it comes to their information. Although, when their systems end up getting hacked, Seven and MC put their heads together to figure out who did it and why their source is coming from two different places. 
DRAMAtical Murder:
His Angel Bunny
When Angel goes into work on her day off, she just wants to throw her head against the wall. Until she sees a cute boy with a face full of metal and a heart full of sadness. She had to do something about it. Little did she know, that would lead to the greatest domino effect adventure of her life.
About Time
Just a quick one-shot of Koujaku doing a HUGE favor to humanity. Thank you, Koujaku, for your bravery and your services.
Death Note:
Ever wonder how L happened? The name? The person? The little boy behind it all…? (child!Lx parental!Reader going into the Kira investigation)
Fairy Tail:
The Princess and the Dragon  
(AU) She wants to be where the wizards are. However, her father has other plans for her. Stay out of the books, Lucy! You don’t need to practice magic! How do you expect to further the bloodline if you don’t meet anyone?
The Siren’s Song
(AU) Beware a frozen heart desperate for warmth...What a load of garbage...Right?
The Knight in Shining Armor (At the time of me posting this, the last chapter is going out this week)
(AU) Erza's flashbacks to the days before she joined the guild kept getting worse and worse. Master Makarov couldn't stand to see one of the strongest members of the guild falling apart like that, so a special job for a special S-Class wizard should be enough to snap her out of it. Especially when that job is for the Fiore royal family.
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Halfmetal Heart
Edward and Winry’s precocious daughter Tricia has picked up the family trade, but when she goes to apply for her state certification, something wonderful catches her eye…
Don’t Forget
Their house used to be a pile of ash, but now, it’s a home as Edward and Alphonse reflect on the day it burned.  One-shot
Happy Birthday, Sir
Today marks a very special day in Amestris. It’s the Fuhrer’s birthday! And his wife has a little something, something planned for him, but can Mustang let it be a surprise?  One-shot.  Partially goes off the Halfmetal Heart canon
The Spark and the Sparrow
Just some young Royai fluff about a thunderstorm that happened at Master Hawkeye’s house.  One-shot
Candy From Strangers**
Amelia's boyfriend is a jerk. No matter how anyone looks at it, he's a straight up jerk. One night, things got a bit out of hand and...Well...He's her ex-boyfriend now. A broken plate to the cheek does that. But a kind hearted stranger in the park was more than ok with fixing up more than the deep cut on her cheek.
Draw a Circle
France stumbles on a mysterious naked woman and can't keep her to himself, so he consults his good friend Britain. Who is she? And where did she come from?
The Legend of Zelda:
Courageous Duality
Five years after the Kokiri Village has been burned by the Gerudo King’s newest apprentice, Link gathers the intestinal fortitude to go back and pay his respects to his old home. Until he finds his true destiny deep within the Lost Woods.  Takes place after Ocarina of Time
Kilgrave’s Good Little Girl
Who better to bring in a murderous psychopath than a murderous psychopath?  (Reader)
Mystic Messenger:
Mistake Messenger
A one-shot collection of alternate routes for Mystic Messenger ranging from sweet and fluffy to naughty and depraved. MC x EVERYONE.
Man’s Best Intern
(AU) Poor Jaehee. Overworked. Underpaid. Under appreciated. Luckily, with the newest C&R intern, anything is possible. Although, when Mr. Han takes a particular shine to her, Jaehee’s workload may be doubled even more.
The Number Next Door**
(AU)  MC has finally gotten the opportunity to move into the apartment building of her dreams. After years of clawing her way up with her design blog, things have finally fallen into place for her. That is, until she learns her next door neighbor likes to blast meme music at 1AM.
Regularly Scheduled Programming
(One-shot) Saeran and MC indulge themselves with one night a week for garbage TV. Although, sometimes, we can't always get what we want.
Ouran High School Host Club:
Kiss, Kiss
1 of 3.  You’re starting at a new school and for any normal person, that’s difficult. For someone with your list of diagnoses, it’s even worse. Especially when all you want is to keep your head down and find a quiet place to study.
Back to Normal, I Guess
2 of 3.  After her summer in New York, Lana goes back to her school in London with her heavy heart full of the memories she made at Ouran Academy. But little does she know, the Ouran Host Club will always be there to welcome her back, no matter what time zone she’s in.
Our New Normal
3 of 3.  Lana misses Japan. Can we blame her? Unfortunately, she had to graduate from Ouran Academy sometime. But her new life in New York with Kyoya is only just beginning. College is an entirely different ballgame.
Daddy's only looking out for his little girl and he wants what's best for her. She's not ready to take over the...uh..."family business" quite yet. She doesn't understand why she has to go so far just to go to school. But Daddy's word is law. Hey...Why does the angry guy in her homeroom seem familiar? And what's a host club?
A Family Forged in Fire
1 of 2.  Lena was living in an orphanage. Constant rejection day in and day out. They were looking for a baby, not her. Little did she know that a case would bring a pair of brothers that would turn her life upside down.
When the Fire Goes Out
2 of 2.  After taking down the devil himself, a girl needs to get away, doesn’t she? Even though it puts her brothers in a worry and opens up a golden opportunity for someone new to slip into her life.
Yuri!!! On Ice:
1 of 2.  AU: Victor and Violet adopted two precious little boys that they can’t help but love and became an unorthodox family. Even though the youngest can’t stand the oldest, but that’s the way siblings work. And things get even more troublesome when they both want to take up the very thing that brought Mommy and Daddy together.
Off the Rails
2 of 2.  After Junior Grand Prix, the Nikiforov family has moved to New York and began their training for next season, including Violet’s comeback. However, her comeback may be a bit more than she…or Victor…bargained for.
Not a Perfect Fairytale (But It’s Ours)
Fairytale AU.  Whoever decided the prince needed a princess has terrible foresight…
Yurio is always a little paranoid, but for some strange reason, today, his radar was up even more than usual. Especially when Yakov doesn’t yell at him for missing a simple jump.  One-shot
Dr. Nikiforov Has a Ring To It
Getting sick sucks something awful on its own. Getting sick with no one else home but your overbearing roommate to take care of you? That’s a mess in itself.  One-shot
Pierced Through the Heart
(One-shot) Yurio and Otabek had been together a while now. Why couldn't they have something match like Victor and Yuri?
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Beware the Frozen Heart Ch. 16- The Incident Part 2
Previous Chapter
Ao3 link
FFN link
A continuation of the plot in Fjellby.
This was initially supposed to be part of the previous chapter, but due to its sheer length I cut it in half.
Earlier that evening… 
“Why in the hell are we fishing at this time of day?”
“Shut the fuck up and help me with this net.”
As the sun began to dip behind the mountains overlooking Arendelle, two fishermen made their way out into the Arenfjord on a small rickety boat. Each man took a side of a large fishing net and, with all their combined might, tossed it into the water. They waited a few moments before  tugging on individual ropes. As they pulled it back onto the boat, the men let out a small groan. Different sized rocks were piled up on the floor of the ship, with not a single fish to be found.
“God dammit!” the older one said, throwing his hat onto the bottom of the boat, exposing his bald head to the twilight air, “Not even a minnow!” he grabbed the net, balling it up in his hands, “Let’s try again.”
His friend noticed something amongst the rocks. It wasn’t a fish, yet it wasn’t a rock either. Pushing some of them aside, the man pulled out something oddly peculiar. A knife from the looks of it, its hilt made of some black wood and its blade of strange metal. Some gibberish was written into the side of the blade, but he couldn’t make out what it said. He held the weapon aloft to his companion, “What do you suppose this is?”
The old man took a closer look at it, “Hmmm, looks like a murder weapon,” he took the blade out of his friend’s hand, “By God, it looks old. And that’s by my standards.”
“Should we take it to the guardhouse? Could be worth something to them.” Before the elder man said anything, a loud explosion caught them off guard. The old man’s hands jolted, causing the sharp end of the blade to drag across his hand. He dropped it with a loud “FUCK!” as it clattered at the bottom of the boat. Neither of them noticed the man’s blood seeping into the runes on the dagger, nor did they notice them glow a bright red.
Skyne groaned as if he had woken up. It was about time Odrikson did something with the queen… wait, this wasn’t the queen’s blood. It was much older. And more importantly not magic. The shade sensed his surroundings for answers.
Wh- Where am I? Odrikson, where are you?! No response. All he could sense were two men, neither of them being Odrikson. After a moment, Skyne located where Odrikson was, and it puzzled him. He was north, far north. What in the name of the shadows was he doing up there? Skyne could also tell that he was in a boat, but why? The last thing he remembered was Odrikson… Skyne put two and two together, letting out an ear piercing roar.
YOU. B̨̯̣̞̠̹̝͕ͯ̏͊̌̿̒ͭA͉̞ͫͬ̎S̳̦͉̥̰͙̄̅͂̍̄T̤̟͔̭͍͖̺̀A͔̙̱͉̟͑̋̂̇Ṛ̲̱͖͉̐̄ͧͪ̾ͬ̇D͈ͮ̿̈! 
Skyne sank into the shadows, fixated on Odrikson’s position. That runt actually abandoned him! Tried to sink him in the fjord and leave him there! He was so close to getting out of this infernal device, and Odrikson chickened out?! He refused to let this opportunity slip away.
He was getting out of this dagger, one way or another. If it means damning Odrikson, so be it. 
What’s another soul to his freedom, anyway?
“Well, you took your time getting here.”
Do I sound like I have time for this foolishness, Odrikson? I am INFURIATED right now!
“Can you be pissed some other time? Kinda in the middle of something, here,” Eryn gestured to Hans, who still held the revolver up to Eryn’s chest. Hans’s mouth was agape at the sight before him. Shadowy tendrils still held the bullet he had just fired in the air, as the assassin argued with his weapon.
YOU. ABANDONED. ME! Do you honestly think that I would ignore that?!
“It wasn’t me! The ice boy nicked you when I wasn’t looking!”
And you didn’t feel him take me?! How have you lived this long as an “assassin” with such atrocious awareness of your surroundings?!
“Um…” Hans spoke up, “What in the hell is going on here?!”
“Do you mind? Having a bit of an argument here,” Eryn pointed to the knife as Hans threw the gun on the floor.
“Ah, to hell with this,” Hans drew his sword, tossing the revolver onto the floor,  “I’ll just kill you the old fashioned way,” He swung the sword overhead. Eryn raised the dagger to block it as the tendrils disappeared, the sound of clanging metal resonating in the room.
“The magic, I need the magic!”
Why should I?
“You need me!”
And what makes you think that? Surely this gentleman would be a substantial replacemen-
“As if he’d actually do anything with you. He’d probably hang you in his study!” Eryn pushed back on Hans’s blade, staggering the red haired man. Hans went back in for another overhead strike as Eryn narrowly dodged to the side.
There is one way you can make up for this…betrayal…
“And what’s that?!”
The queen… wet my blade with her blood and I shall consider the abandonment water under the bridge…
“Who are you talking to?!” Hans demanded, confused at the sight before him.
“Fuck you, that’s who!” Eryn darted towards Hans, dagger raised in his hand. Eryn swiped at Hans’s neck, who deflected the blade with his own.
I will give you this one last chance, Odrikson. Disappoint me again, and it’s the last thing you will ever do. Do we have a deal?
“Yes, yes! Just- the magic!” Eryn planted his foot on Hans’s chest, pushing him out into the hall.
Very well… Eryn could feel the cold and numbness coarse through his veins. Hans charged towards him, thrusting his sword at Eryn’s chest. Eryn sank into the floor as a shadowy mass, slinking behind Hans like a snake. Eryn emerged and brought the dagger down on Hans’s shoulder, only to be blocked again by Hans’s sword. Hans swept Eryn’s legs out from underneath him as Eryn dragged him down to the floor with him. The two began rolling around the hallway to gain an advantage on one another, tumbling down the stairs. Hans kicked Eryn off of him, knocking him into a suit of armor. Hans darted forward thrusting the sword at the assassin. Eryn summoned inky black tendrils to bring up the chestplate of the armor to block the attack. Hans reeled back as his sword met the metal plate. Eryn transformed into a shadowy blob and tackled Hans to the ground with a loud thud. The assassin thrusted the dagger towards Hans’s chest, only for the exiled prince to push his arm away. The two men struggled for some time, trying to overcome the other in a desperate tug of war. A loud gunshot at the base of the stairs forced them to stop.
“Now, now, gentlemen, we mustn’t resort to such savagery.”
Governor Haadrikson held a revolver in the air. Linaeus knelt beside him, hands bound behind his back and flanked by two guards.
“Eryn Odrikson,” the governor chortled, pointing his gun at Eryn, “and the Arendolk. How did a street rat like you get in possession of such a powerful artifact?” “Picked it up at here in town,” Eryn retorted as he rose from the ground, “A small shop called ‘Go Fuck Yourself.’”
“I don’t have the patience for this, rat. Hans, my boy, why are you tampering with such an… important cog in this scheme of yours?” “Odrikson’s backing out,” Hans spat, “He knew too much, I couldn’t risk him getting away.”
Haadrikson waddled over to Eryn, “Is that so? It appears you’re still the same coward that deserted all those years ago, then.” Outside a large window, the sun had finished setting as the moon slowly peeked out from the mountains.
 Odrikson, get him to monologue, at least for the next few minutes.
“Why go to all this trouble? Why lie to the queen’s face and side with this bastard?”
“Simply put, I refuse to take orders from a witch. Who’s to say she won’t turn on us all, with power such as that? So, I was contacted by Mr. Westergard here to play a role in his plot. Frankly, I don’t give a fuck who’s on the throne, but a monster like that is simply unacceptable.”
“How far up your own ass do you have to be to think she’s a threat? She wouldn’t hurt a fly!” “Then explain to me how even after a month you haven’t been able to kill her!”
“I was told she was a monster. I now see that's a boldfaced lie!”
“Ah, I see what’s going on here. You got tricked by a pretty face and a kind facade. Maybe if you thought with your head instead of your dick, you would’ve had results.”
Eryn gritted his teeth as he gripped the dagger tightly. He’d never experienced this level of raw anger before in his life. Every part of him screamed for him to claw the governor’s throat out.
“Now, Mr. Odrikson,” Haadrikson placed the muzzle of the revolver on Linaeus’s head, “I’m afraid this little game of yours is over.” He placed his finger on the trigger as the moon rose over the mountain. The second the moonbeams hit Eryn’s skin through a nearby window, he could feel his anger raise to new levels.  Before Haadrikson squeezed the trigger, Eryn’s eyes went pitch black as he shot a wave of dark energy out of his hand, severing the governor’s hand from his arm. The fat man let out a blood curdling cry as massive shadowy tentacles erupted out of Eryn’s back, converging onto the governor. Eryn threw him aside like a limp chew toy as some of the tentacles slashed at Linaeus’s bonds. Linaeus sweeped one of the guard’s legs out from underneath them, quickly grabbing a sword and hacking at the leg of the other.
What the hell is this power? 
The children of Máni are all given special gifts whenever the moon shines down on them. Even the ones he… refuses to acknowledge.
When were you planning on telling me this?!
I’ve never told a soul before. They’ve never gotten this close to aiding me…
Aiding you in what?
Best you worry about them rather than me, Odrikson.
“GET HIM YOU FOOLS!” Haadrikson shouted, clutching the stump where his hand used to be. Guards poured into the room, brandishing swords and poleaxes. Eryn darted over to Linaeus’s side with the dagger in hand.
“Is that really Arendolk?” Linaeus asked.
“Not the time, Lenny,” Eryn retorted, “let’s discuss this when we’re out of here.”
Linaeus simply nodded as two guards came up to him with overhead swings. The captain narrowly dodged one while parrying the other. Eryn summoned an orb of darkness in his palm and launched it at a group of four guards. As soon as it hit them, the shadow grew in size, swallowing them whole. All that anyone could hear was the sounds of screaming and gurgling. When the darkness dissipated, all four laid on the ground, motionless with blackened eyes. Linaeus kicked one of the guards into another separate group.
“I thought you were captain of the guard! Why are they after you?!” Eryn shouted as he deflected a sword swing with the dagger.
“Haadrikson paid them off! How did you get the Arendolk?!” Linaeus responded, swinging his sword at a large group of guards.
“Urlaf had it the night I killed him! Is that answer sufficient?!”
“For now, yes. We need to talk about this shadow magic business later! Make sure Hans doesn’t escape!”
“Fine by me!” Was all that Eryn said as he rushed towards Hans.
Elsa paced around her room impatiently. Derrik and Linaeus left hours ago, how were they still not back? She held herself in her arms as her mind wandered to the worst possible scenario. Perhaps they were caught and were doomed to be hanged unless she revealed herself. Elsa shook the notion out of her head. Surely they wouldn’t be that careless to get caught, right?
Elsa stopped pacing momentarily when she heard some kind of commotion from outside her room. Lacing her bonnet around her head, she darted out of the room, hoping to find some answers. At the bottom of the staircase, several people were gathered around the window, observing something out of Elsa’s sight. She hurried down to join the sudden throng, standing next to a young boy about five or six years old.
“What’s going on?” She asked him, crouching down to his eye level.
“Someone’s twying to kill Mr. Haadwikson,” the youth replied, pointing out towards the governor’s mansion. Elsa looked where the boy was pointing, and couldn’t believe her eyes. Derrik and Linaeus were currently clashing swords with several guards and… Hans?
“Dammit!” Elsa shouted, running out the door. She hated being right.
“Sir Bjorgman,” the doctor said, placing a hand on Kristoff’s shoulder. Kristoff sat himself in a chair beside Anna’s bed, gripping her hand tightly in his. The mountain man said nothing as he watched Anna’s unconscious body. Most of her clothing had to be removed, as to make sure some shrapnel didn’t strike somewhere important, leaving her with a small modesty wrap around her chest and pelvic region.
“Sir Bjorgman,” the doctor repeated, “I-I have good news and bad news…” Kristoff looked up to the man with shock and grief in his eyes, “The good news is that she should recover… but… it’s her leg…”
Kristoff stared down to where Anna’s legs were. While her left leg looked completely fine, her right leg was a different story. Kristoff hadn’t noticed how gnarled and bent it was when he picked her up. Parts of her bone stuck out of the flesh all the way up to her thigh. Her foot was dangling off her leg by a few tendons.
“What’s going to happen to her?” Kristoff asked, his voice coarse
“We’ll just need to cut the leg off. It’s damaged beyond repair and will do her more harm than good.”
“Then how will she-” “Don’t worry, son. She’ll be able to walk again.” Kristoff sighed in relief. Finally, some good news out of all of this. He gripped Anna’s hand tighter than usual. “When will she wake up?”
“That… I’m not sure about. But that’ll just make the procedure go that much quicker for her.” Kristoff opened his mouth to say something when a guard entered the room.
“Sir Bjorgman,” she said, saluting him, “We’ve managed to capture one of the terrorists responsible for the explosion.”
Kristoff shot up from his chair, “Where is he?” He demanded.” “The dungeons, sir.”
“Any others?” “They’re either dead or fled into the sewer system underground. We’ve got some patrols down there looking, but so far he’s the only one we’ve caught.”
Anger settled in the bottom of Kristoff’s heart, “Take me to him.”
The guard simply nodded and walked out the door with Kristoff following. The mountain man clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug into his palms. These monsters nearly took his Anna. The one thing he had in his life, the one that turned him around for the better, came within an inch of her life once again because of these animals. What did she do to deserve this?! Can’t she be at peace for once in her life?
When they arrived in the dungeons, Kristoff was met with the familiar stench of misery and mold. The guard took a torch from one of the sconces as she fumbled with the keys to the left most door. Kristoff pushed it open and quickly went inside. He was greeted by a strange looking man, thin and brittle looking. It looked like it took a simple breeze to break every bone in his body. Over his left eye rested an eyepatch, with the other eye a brilliant blue. His hair was as white as Elsa’s, but he looked to be only a few years older than Kristoff. The man was currently chained to a point in the middle of the floor.
“Does he have a name?” Kristoff asked.
“Alius ‘The Stick’ Hoffermire, sir,” The guard said, “He comes from the kingdom of Snoob. He’s a criminal mastermind responsible for several revolts around the world.”
Kristoff eyed the captive man, “Leave us.”
“I want to talk to him personally. And with no interruptions…”
“Y-yes sir!” The guard quickly backed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Kristoff trudged towards Alius, who was smirking wildly.
“You have a lot to answer to,” Kristoff growled, narrowing his eyes.
“Oh, do I now?” Alius responded sarcastically, his voice high pitched and nasally, “Where do you want to start?”
“How about with the fact that your little stunt hurt an innocent person today!?”
“She’s a politician, none of them are innocent! Rats, the lot of ‘em!”
The anger in his heart boiled over at that point. Kristoff lunged towards Alius, knocking him to the ground and wrapping his hands around his throat, “Don’t. You. Dare. Talk about my fiance like that you weasel!”
“W-Wait!” Alius said, “The queen isn’t supposed to be courting anyone, let alone be affianced.” “YOUR BOMB HIT THE PRINCESS!”
“The Princess?! Where’s the queen, then?!”
“That isn’t what we’re talking about, now is it?!”
“Goddammit, Eryn,” the man muttered, “ what’ve you done with her now?”
Kristoff brought Alius to his face, “Who?!”
Eryn darted towards Hans, readying the dagger for a strike. Hans deflected it with his sword as he prepared his own attack. The two men clashed blades, bringing their faces within inches of each other.
“All this and for what?” Hans said, “So you’re no longer some nobody? So people would be forced to remember you?” “What’s your excuse, then?” Eryn retorted, “Couldn’t let them beat your ass once, so you came back to get it kicked again?”
“At least I’m not some forgotten orphan who wasted his days playing killer!”
“Nah, you’re just some rich pompous asshole who wasted his days playing killer!” “Do you really think she’ll care for you once she knows the truth? How you came here to kill her for money and fame? You’ll be lucky if she doesn’t wedge an icicle in your heart! She’s killed before and she’ll do it aga-”
Before Hans had a chance to finish his sentence, Eryn pushed him back.
“I’ve had enough of your lies!” Eryn growled, his voice layered with that of Skyne’s, as if they were both talking simultaneously. His arm became enveloped in shadows as he punched Hans square in the chest, sending him flying into the statue. Eyrn watched as Hans was impaled on the massive sword the statue was holding, gasping and choking on his own blood. In a matter of seconds, Hans went limp and his gurgling stopped. Eryn turned around to face the rest of the guards, all of whom had the same expression of horror on their faces.
“It would be wise of you to surrender, now…” he suggested. One by one, the guards threw their weapons onto the ground without question as a few street guards came to arrest them. Linaeus walked up to Eryn with the Governor in a set of chains behind him.
“Jesus, Eryn,” Linaeus said, looking at Hans’s corpse, “Was that really necessary?”
Eryn looked back up to Hans, “Eh, maybe not. But it’s one less thing we need to worry about.”
“So that is the Arendolk. So the legends are true,” The governor spat, “You’re worse than a rat, boy. You’re a… warlock.”
“And you're a traitor to Arendelle,” Linaeus retorted, “Once we get you back to Arendelle proper, the queen will decide your fate.” “You have no proof! When the queen finds out that you’ve attacked me, she’ll-”
“I’ve seen enough, governor!” a mysterious voice shouted.
Haadrikson’s face went pale as Eryn and Linaeus snapped their heads towards the direction of the voice. Elsa removed the bonnet from her head, allowing her platinum braid to cascade down her shoulder. Elsa looked up to Hans’s lifeless body before returning her icy gaze to the three men.
“May I ask why the corpse of one of  Arendelle’s most infamous criminals is skewered on the sword of my grandfather?”
Eryn stepped forward, drawing a letter out of his pocket, “I believe this will tell you everything you need to know.”
Elsa took the note from his hand and began scanning it. When she finished, she glared at the governor with fury.
“Sidgir Haadrikson, as Queen of Arendelle, I find you guilty of high treason, and sentence you to death by hanging.”
“Not sure if the rope will hold him, to be honest,” Eryn mumbled. Elsa glared at him before returning to face the now former governor. Haadrikson began shaking like an earthquake.
“Y-you can’t do this!” he shouted, “I won’t be killed by some- some WITCH and a pawn of Skyne!” “One more word out of you and I’ll freeze your tongue off! Captain Torvond, please escort him to the holding cells until we can arrange a date of execution.”
“Yes ma’am!” Linaeus gripped Haadrikson’s arm and dragged him back to the barracks.
Eryn felt Elsa stare daggers into his back. Turning around, he could see that Elsa had a bit of an irritated look on her face.
That’s three powerful and important people you’ve enraged today, Odrikson.
Not now!
“How did you get in possession of Arendolk?” She demanded, “I thought it was lost to the ages.”
“Well, uh, th-that’s a funny story…”
Before Eryn could finish, a throng of townsfolk came out into the square to investigate the commotion. A few shrieked in horror as they saw the former prince of the Southern Isles impaled on the statue, many others gawked at the sight of the queen in such common clothing, whispering amongst themselves.
“What’s the queen doing here?”
“Arendolk? Like the legends and myths?”
“The Governor’s a traitor? Who’s gonna replace him?”
Elsa stepped forward, “Everyone, listen please. There’s been a bit of a situation concerning the governor. Effective immediately, he will be removed from power. Until a replacement is found, a few detachments of soldiers will remain, but the majority will be demobilized.”
Elsa’s announcement produced a few murmurs from the crowd.
“And that also means less taxes will be imposed.” All at once the crowd erupted in joyous celebration. Eryn discreetly conjured up several shadowy tendrils to remove Hans from the sword.
“Alright, now will you explain yourself to me, Mr. Ormeister? Your real name is ‘Eryn,’ you possess an ancient artifact belonging to Arendelle, you have magic, are you even from Weselton?”
Eryn winced at her words. He knew the time had come to come clean to her. His heart ached at the notion, but he fought it back.
“Elsa,” he said, taking her hands in his, “There’s something you should know…” “YOUR MAJESTY!”
“God fucking dammit!” Eryn rolled his eyes, “What now?!”
A soldier came riding along from the entrance of the town, with a horse in tow. He hopped off of his own horse and bolted to the two of them, panting heavily.
“Wait, I recognize you,” Elsa said, “You’re from the castle guard. Why are you up here?” “There… was an explosion…” The guard panted heavily,  “terrorist attack… at the castle… Princess Anna’s in critical condition. Sir Bjorgman sent me for you.”
Elsa’s skin went pale as her eyes went wide. Eryn couldn’t help but let his jaw go slack as well. Another attempt? By whom?
“Get me home, then,” she said breathlessly running up to the horses.
“Elsa, wait!” Eryn yelled, “It could be a trick to get you back!”
“I can’t risk Anna like that! If she might be in danger, I need to treat it like she is!” With that, Elsa snapped the reins of her horse and bolted out of Fjellby.
There goes our deal, Odrikson!
I’ll catch up to her, no worries.
Eryn disappeared into a shadowy blob and slinked away, out of the city.
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davidgoei · 7 years
Frozen: Legacy
[Continued from the scene in ‘Frozen’ where Hans confronts Elsa o the frozen lake]
Hans’ sword swung down upon the disconsolate Elsa.
'Elsa, no!’
Elsa looked up just in time to see Anna rushing towards her. The sight of her sister, alive and well, filled her heart with joy, which is all she could ask for in their final moments.
Anna’s scream pierced the howling winds, as warm red crept slowly upon the ice of the lake. She ran to the side of her slain sister and cradled her limp form, weeping bitterly.
'Anna! You're… You’re alive?’ exclaimed Hans in shock. Anna convulsed as the final effects of the spell took hold. 'No matter, your anguish will be mo-’
Anna, with her pale complexion, raised her head. Han’s eyes fixed upon her’s, a blue that now resembled the ice upon which they stood. Down came the sword but this time, Anna was able to intercept it in time. Frost raced bitterly from her fingerprints, coating the blade entirely; Hans could only let go of the sword moments before it shattered. She jerkily reached for his leg, narrowly missing as Hans turned in cowardice and fled.
'Run, Hans, as far as you can… I will find you…’ croaked Anna.
'Anna?’ said Christoff, approaching her slowly from behind. He saw the body and whispered, 'Oh, Anna, I am so sorry…’
'Anna…’ she repeated, as though in a dream, 'Anna is no more… There is only… The Snow Queen…’
*Thousands of years later*
'Bedtime, my darlings.’
'Oh Papa, please tell us a story!’
'Hoho, alright, but get into bed first,’ Father bargained, his mind drifting outdoors for a story. The snow glowed white in the meadow that night, not a footstep to be seen. Beyond, the woods rose up ominously and further yonder…
'The Children say the lands of the North were once fertile and vibrant, a land where all seasons met in perfect harmony and the people were kind and gentle, but that was before the Great Blizzard came upon them. During this time, there was a maiden, fair and beautiful. Her heart was broken, her virtue taken by a deceitful prince from realms south of her own, so she sought a powerful witch for a remedy for her pain.’
'The witch cast a spell which turned the maiden’s heart to ice and robbed her of warmth, compassion and love. Now, she only desired revenge, maliciously spreading her cold-heartedness to all the people in her land. Unaging, undying, to this day, she and her army still march upon the south, turning more souls into her soldiers with each kingdom she fells. All so that she can one day find the kingdom of her prince and rip his beating heart from his chest,’ Father intoned spookily as he pounced upon his children and tickled his son mercilessly.
'Are her soldiers really stronger than ten men?’
'Stronger than a hundred men!’ roared Father, lifting his daughter into the air much to the child’s screaming delight.
'But that’s just an old wive’s tale, right Papa?’
'Yes it is, my darlings, and the Brothers will let no harm fall upon us.’
'Father!’ chided Mother, 'Now how are they going to fall asleep!’ amidst laughter all around.
An hour later, after the last of the little ones had finally closed their eyes, Mother joined Father downstairs of their little wood cabin. Father was seated, halfway between hearth and window, gazing out distantly into the night.
'Do you honestly believe?’ she asked him quietly.
'Believe what?’ He looked at Mother, her face silently sad and worried, and went to wrap his arms around her. 'Lord Bran has been adding more layers to The Wall, upwards and out, and has spelled it with all the wards that his mages can conjure, my dear.’ He kissed her on the forehead and returned to his seat by the fireplace.
'You did not answer my question, my love… Will we be safe in Winterfell from the White Walkers?’
Father said not a word, his thoughts returning to the darkness lingering outside. Mother held her tongue, kissed him on the forehead and bid him goodnight. He stayed downstairs for most of that night, casting his consciousness from eagle to eagle that soared over the lands north of The Wall. When the logs had burned down to embers three hours later, Father finally stirred and returned to his body. As he made his way to bed, he sang a little song that he had heard from a Brother of the Night’s Watch:
'Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining This icy force is foul, despair For the frozen heart is binding
So cut through the heart, with dragonglass spear Strike for love and strike for fear There’s terror and there’s danger here Split the ice apart Beware the frozen heart…’
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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It was different from being a prince, that much was true. He'd never thought that much about ever needing to have a job, but this he was actually good at. Least for now, until he could find some other plan, some way to get actual power. He was his father's son after all, even his father hadn't ever really liked him that much. He just had to do something to earn his father's love, that was all. Best place to start though, that was playing nice with his co-workers, grabbing coffee orders on his way in. "Good morning Jen, I come bearing coffee".
@lcvenderhcze for Jen
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
"I lose myself in a daydream" ( hans & jennifer w )
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"Does it help?" he asked, trying to remember when he'd last had anything to drink. Caffeine or alcohol. She just wouldn't get off his back. "I do it a lot without meaning to, and just end up more miserable than when I started" not that he ever really did it. A few times when he was in the dungeon, imagining a better life outside. He always had ended up feeling trapped. Perhaps that was the whole point.
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
❛  to tell you the truth, sometimes i wish i was them.  ❜ (hans & adam)
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"You wouldn't wish to remain royalty?" he asked. It had never been something he thought much about. He was what he was, and his position would never change. Perhaps he only knew that because his parents had said it out of anger, that he was too weak to truly be their son. Right up until that damn ice bitch, then suddenly there was something else in their eyes. "Not sure that life is any easier".
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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Another day, one that was quiet enough. Hans wasn’t really sure if he trusted those, seemed more like it was just people waiting for their chance to get what they wanted. Wasn’t that simply how people were? He’d never had cause to believe otherwise. He’d been reading the newspaper, when he noticed someone had been staring at him. “Can I be of assistance?” it wasn’t someone he recognised and it was always better to start with charm.
@demongemz for Lemon
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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Of all the things to have happened, his watch running out of battery wasn’t exactly ideal. Funny really, he had spent a lifetime without one, and yet here he was reliant on it. Strange how things were, though he did miss Sitron, that might be the only thing. Sighing, he glanced around until he saw someone nearby. “Excuse me, do you have the time? My watch has run out of battery” not that he liked talking to random people, but he needed to know.
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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Of all the people Hans didn't want to see, Anna was near the top of the list. It meant he was hardly surprised when he did see her, luck hadn't been on his side in a long time. Well she was a pretty girl if nothing else, it had made his plan a little bit easier to cope with. "Are you planning on punching me again? I never did understand that" after all, she had been dying at the time and no one else had heard what he said. Who said it wasn't some magical hypothermia?
@ofthecosmos for Anna
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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This place was... honestly an improvement. He wasn't stuck inside a cell like his family had ended up throwing him in, and no one here viewed him as some villain. Honestly, what had he actually done other than close a door, and an attempted murder. That was only attempted though, it wasn't as if he had actually done it. Oh he hated those sisters. Something he was trying not to think about, and then he saw her. Oh just what he wanted. "Elsa" well he might as well get it over with, he'd rather deal with this now then have it in the back of his mind.
@itwcsmcroon for Elsa
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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welcome to london, PRINCE HANS! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like TOM AUSTEN? well, no matter, we hear that you are 27 and working as a LAWYER. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from FROZEN and have a tendency to be INTELLIGENT as well as RUTHLESS.
Extra info:
The thirteenth son of a king, no one really cared that much about someone so unlikely to ever become king. His older brothers’ behaviour ranged from bullying to pure abuse, all of which was encouraged by his father who didn’t have much time for weakness. In many ways he was grateful for it, it just made him stronger. He had no real love for his family, or really for anything. It just led him to realise that those with power were untouchable and it was something he wanted. If it meant putting up with things to get what he wanted in the end, he’d do it. The ends would always justify the means.
From a young age he learnt to do his research. If he was going to have a chance of a throne, it was going to have to be one that he took for himself. Then when the opportunities came up, he took them, representing his home always looking for a way in. Perhaps it would have all worked, if not for magic. Something he realised he despised. His parents did what was expected, punishing him for the crimes he’d committed.
Hans has all his memories, and right now is just relieved to be out of the prison cell.
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
‘ don’t call me “kid.” ’ ( prince hans & lucas scott )
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Oh people here were so easily upset, it was honestly ridiculous. He'd been called far worse things then that, quite often by his own family and he had never battered an eyebrow before. Here people got so wound up over the smallest of things. Still, he had to play along, be what they wanted him to be, and he might just get away with all of this. Sometimes he wondered what the point was here, but then he might have even less then he did now. "Sorry, force of habit I suppose. I can try not to do it again. Seemed perfectly normal around here".
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
’ that’s the thing about illicit affairs, and clandestine meetings, and longing stares: it’s born from just one single glance, but it dies and it dies a million little times. ’ ( anna & hans )
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"And there was me thinking you'd run off with the ice harvester. You sound even more cynical of love then I am" and he had always been this way, she had been so horribly naïve. Perhaps he could have felt guilty for it, but at the end of the day everyone was out for themselves, he was just willing to accept that. He'd have been left to rot anyway, he was the youngest son, he might as well have made a bid for power. Of course he managed to go for the kingdom that had an ice bitch in control of it. Perhaps he truly did have no luck these days. "I wasn't aware what we had was an illicit affair anyway. I was always open about it".
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
“It’s getting dark and it’s all too quiet” ( scarlett & hans )
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There was something refreshing about the air this time at night. It was why he had headed out, needing a chance to clear his head. Perhaps it was because it had been the only time when he was a child that he could sneak out and not really be missed. Then recently he hadn't been allowed outside. "That time of day" he replied, "though what do you mean too quiet?"
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