#betta fish blade...
mspaintbladie · 2 months
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novemberhope · 2 months
Summary: The Strawhats are on their way to Fishman Island but are attacked by the Kraken. Zoro also gets attacked by a fishman. When Neri shows up unexpectedly, Zoro gets a glimpse of her improved fighting skills after not seeing her for two years. Notes: It's been ages since I read Fishman Island so this might not 100% align with canon. Also, I hate writing fights. Word Count: 1272
Zoro stood firmly on the deck, his eyes narrowed in determination. Around him, chaos had spread like wildfire. Luffy, as always, was laughing, as the giant kraken approached them, slamming it’s tentacles into the ship's sides.
"Let’s take this beast down - or keep it as a pet!" Luffy shouted.
“Are you crazy, we’re not keeping that as a pet!!” Usopp exclaimed in horror.
“Don’t let it break the coating of the ship or we’ll all drown!” Franky warned.
Zoro knew they could only fend it off for so long. They had to take the fight away from the Thousand Sunny.
“Luffy!” he called. “I’m going in!”
He put his bandana on and glanced at his crewmates one last time before diving into the dark and cold waters, thankful for the protective bubble around him that allowed him to move under water without drowning.
Immersed in the chilly depths, Zoro still felt the pressure of the ocean around him. Or maybe that was just him coping with the strange feeling of moving around deep down in the ocean with only a protective bubble around him. As he descended towards the kraken, he could see Luffy and Sanji not too far off, also within protective bubbles, joining him in the fight.
The kraken’s tentacles thrashed all around him, a few times coming dangerously close to actually smashing his bubble. Zoro clasped his swords tightly. He aimed his blade and made his move, slicing with speed and precision as he slashed at the beast's tentacles. Suddenly, something dark darted through the water, catching his attention. A figure appeared, a fishman it seemed, with gleaming eyes and teeth that looked like razor blades, and muscles rippling under his skin. With a swift motion, the fishman lashed out, blocking Zoro's path and launching a strike aimed straight at him, clearly trying to slice through the bubble.
“So, the great Pirate Hunter decided to swim into dangerous waters?” the fishman sneered, a twisted grin on his face. “You shouldn’t have come here, human.”
Zoro narrowed his eyes. “Whoever you are, I don’t have time for you. Get out of my way.”
The fight began. Zoro parried the fishman’s attacks with astounding skill, but the fishman was relentless and powerful. Each blow drove him closer within the reach of the kraken’s tentacles. The beast continued its rampage, and in the distance, he could still hear Luffy and Sanji fighting, but they were too far away.
A tentacle came at him with full force and he had to use two swords to block it. At the same time, the fishman came from behind, also full force, while another tentacle came in from the side - something that wouldn’t have fazed him that much up on the surface but down here, fighting within the protective bubble, it was a different story in an entirely new environment. He not only could not let the attacks touch him, he had to make sure the entire bubble stayed intact.
Just as he was ready to attack three-sword-style and simply hope to get both the tentacles and the fishman at the same time, he sensed a sudden shift in the water. There was something coming in at full speed, something that forced the tentacles away and blocked the fishman’s attack.
And then something huge burst onto the scene — the shimmering silhouette of a beautiful betta fish mermaid with seemingly translucent shining pale blue scales, shining rather brightly in the dark ocean, with a cloud of shiny dark brown hair billowing behind her.
It was Neri.
The last time Zoro had laid eyes on her was two years ago during the chaos in Sabaody when Bartholomew Kuma had used his powers to teleport each of them to a different location. Last thing he had heard was that he had teleported her to Fishman Island where she had undergone some training. And when he had returned to Sabaody, Rayleigh had told him that since Neri already was at Fishman Island, she would await the Strawhats there. Which… made sense but still, it had been a bit disappointing since he kind of had been looking forward to seeing her again.
The mermaid’s long, dark brown hair flowed around her, and her brown eyes shone with a determination he didn’t know she had. Gone was the timid, everything but confident girl he remembered from two years ago. Right now, she exuded confidence and strength as she used her hands to form the water in front of her into a magnificent trident.
Their eyes met. Her whole face lit up and she smiled, clearly very happy to see him again. And he who rarely ever smiled couldn’t help but smile back.
“Zoro!! It’s so good to see you!” she cried.
“Neri!” he shouted back. “I thought you were waiting for us on Fishman Island!”
“I was!” she said, still smiling. “But I couldn’t wait to see you all again so I thought I’d meet you half way! But Zoro - what happened to your eye?”
Unfortunately both the kraken and the fishman cut the reunion short and stopped Zoro from answering any further questions. They attacked again but were both hit by powerful waves coming from the water trident. The kraken tentacles came again and this time, were blocked by Zoro’s swords. The fishman turned towards Neri, showing her his ugly grin.
“You think you can defeat me? You’re nothing but a mere mermaid!” he hissed at her.
With elegance and strength that she did not have two years ago, Neri moved around the fishman, parrying his strikes with her trident. Each dodge, each thrust made it very clear to him that she indeed has used the last two years to work on her fighting skills. Being this deep under water, bending it to her will had become second nature to her. Gone was the timid and careful girl who often had been unsure if she would be able to do something.
“Do not underestimate me,” Neri said to her opponent.
The trident vanished. Instead, Neri held out her hands, forming underwater currents and using them to push the fishman off balance and right in striking distance of Zoro. His swords glinted in the dark. He struck fiercely, again and again and again, while also holding the tentacles at bay that were still coming his way.
“Let’s try it together,” Neri suggested, one more forming the water into a trident.
“On my mark!” Zoro yelled, and he and Neri coordinated their moves. Neri spun the trident, flinging the fishman’s defenses aside, allowing Zoro a clear path. He slashed out with his swords both at the tentacles and the fishman.
In a moment that felt like eternity, Zoro’s blades carved through the water and met their mark, the fishman pirate collapsing into a heap, defeated, and immediately started to sink deeper into the ocean. At the same time, Luffy and Sanji had driven the kraken further back so that it became more difficult for it to attack Zoro.
Breathing heavily, Zoro stared at Neri, who smiled brightly, her eyes sparkling with joy.
“You’ve improved,” he admitted gruffly, the corners of his mouth hinting at a smirk.
“A little,” Neri replied, blushing.
Just then, the kraken’s roar echoed through the water. Luffy and Sanji were yelling while fighting it. Apparently Luffy had yet to give up his plan to keep the beast as a pet.
“Let’s go join them!” Zoro suggested.
The swordsman and the mermaid swam towards the kraken. The Strawhat’s journey to Fishman Island had only just begun - and now that the crew was complete again, nothing would stand in their way!
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prettyswellaus · 5 months
Mermaid AU
Note this is about the standard Mermaid AU, if you're looking for the Polyblaze Mermaid AU, see here.
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Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, and Slice-of-Life
Also Known As: Mermaidworld AU, Merworld AU
Mermaids. Fishy folks of the sea that are known by only the few who are lucky enough to witness them, brushed off as mere folklore by most.
Follow the under-the-sea misadventures of 12 mermaids, each with the tails and traits of different sea life.
Information Posts
Edd (Harbor Seal)
Tom (Great White Shark)
Matt (Lobster)
Tord (Betta Fish)
Blaze (Pinnatus Batfish)
Dusk (Pink Dolphin)
Eduardo (Sea Leopard)
Jon (Remora)
Mark (Octopus)
Jordan (Seahorse)
Blade (Lionfish)
Dawn (Anglerfish)
More to potentially be added later
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tanjirou-no-au · 1 year
Other Demon Slayers as Demons
Sabito (With ideas taken from @hopeaterart)
Sabito’s appearance is that of a betta fish, beautiful yet deadly, spotted scales lining his form, diamondhard and capable of shattering swords, while his rust coloured fins flow behind him in an imitation of a tailcoat. 
His eyes are black pits, cyan irises staring in hatred with the kanji for Waxing Three carved into their surfaces, and his scar extended into a slit that allows his mouth to open into a toothy maw capable of swallowing entire limbs.
Appropriate to his appearance, he is a vicious creature, raring for a fight, and his Blood Demon Art turns the earth to liquid under his touch, allowing him to swim through soil and stone, and turn the battlefield into quicksand under his foes feet. His ultimate, Stone Ocean, allows him to split the earth like a tidal wave, drowning his foes under an ocean of dirt.
Hidden within the mists of Mt Sagiri, Makomo engages her prey in a series of hit and fade strikes, hurtling out of the mist to slice them open like a kamaitachi before retreating with a baying laugh like a fox call.
She is a small creature, all sharp toothed smiles and bladed forearms, baby blue whorl patterned markings and swirling fox tails fading in and out of the mist. From this mist she can call up a skulk of foxes to join her as she rips to prey to shreds.
But her ultimate summons a simulacrum of someone she once loved, his form now twisted into a tengu, armed with a uchiwa fan pulls water vapour from the air and turns it into a flurry of blades.
Ever the eternal housekeeper, Aoi prowls the depths of her personal manor, her deep blue skin a striking contrast against the old wood and striking fear into the Demons she occasionally allows to squat.
Her voice carries with it a supernatural sense of authority, and the manor obeys her every whim, its layout twisting to suit her needs and the possessions contained within animating at her beck and call.
Everything in the manor is hers, and Demons know not to linger too long lest they fall under her authority. Her dominion extends even beyond the grave, as her ultimate summons the spectral remains of all those who’ve fallen within her home into a chorus of ghostly combatants to assault unwelcome guests and unwary visitors. 
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tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
Munday Survey !
Name/Alias: Nikan/Nill, either works Age group: 25+ Pronouns: she/her Favorite color: Cyan Favorite food: (Buddha??) Bowls Tattoos/piercings?: Three earlobe piercings on either side, one helix piercing. Tattoos of a sea horse, a sea shell, a betta fish and an eagle ray on my left forearm, a flower tattoo on the left side of my body and a tattoo with the golden ratio around my right shoulder blade. Current song stuck in your head?: Athena, the tireless one. I'm clearly doing too much p12s Pets?: …My ~20 plants. I wish I had a cat tho 😔 And I'd call it Popcorn Favorite book?: The Child Thief. Peter Pan but darker and closer to the original, I dig that Do you have a 'prized possession'?: A stuffed animal from my childhood that's been through a lot. If I ever lose it or someone throws it away I'll be inconsolable. Dream job: If I had the liberty to choose and be able to live comfortably? Anything where I can work with animals. Tea or coffee?: Tea. Coffee makes me feel yuckie. Hobbies: Writing, drawing and when I get around to it, crafting (may that be crocheting or sewing or anything else) How long have you been role-playing?: Uuuuh. Around 15 years? Roughly 11 of those in English, before that only in my native language. Who is your most active muse: Joshua and Sleipnir are spinning around in my head a lot since yesterday. Significance behind your url?: Since this was a single muse blog for Yotsuyu from FFXIV previously, I just took the name of the primal that she turned into, Tsukuyomi. And I couldn't be bothered to change the url when I turned this blog into a multi muse blog-
Tagged by: @heartsurpluss <3 Tagging: 🧍 ← steal it if you haven't been tagged before or else that will be me outside of your window tonight
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will-o-the-wips · 9 months
Part 3 of 3
Content: arena fighting, minor character death, slavery, dehumanization, non-sexual nudity
Theme/Setting: Merfolk, pre-modern fantasy
He covered his mouth with a trembling hand to stifle his Voice, reign it back, but the damage had already been done. The pearlescent blood that seeped from his wounds hummed with magic, drifting purposefully in the water as it surrounded him and his little betta fish, on which he tightened his hold in hopes that the call did not take hold. The bigger betta fish was already twisting around to strike again, eager once more now that it had drawn blood. The strength that had gotten the koi into the water was waning.
He felt the change - the rousing - of the little creature in his arms, and dread filled him. The blue-finned betta squirmed out of his grasp, eyes both alight and hazy all at once. The koi pressed back against the glass, sinking in the water, and he watched in horror as his little betta attacked the larger one with a ferocity it hadn’t displayed before. Though it was not surprising to him that his blue-fin was victorious, it was still jarring to see the scar-riddled betta sink in the water, dead. He tried not to let the regret distract him, instead focusing on the moment where his victorious young song went limp, the magic burned out and fading, fleeting as it was in the moment of panic.
The koi rushed up from where he had sunk to grab the betta by the waist before he could collapse among the mangled bodies of his kin, dragging him up towards the surface. Guilt twisted his gut as he inspected the other’s face, brushing short strands of golden hair from his pretty face, but before the koi could consider a next step, he felt the water ripple wildly with the force of a net being thrown in. His tail curled as rope surrounded the pair and dug into his scales while a team of humans dragged them out of the bloody water. He knew it was fruitless to struggle - doing only served to anger the humans, really - so he did not, more intent on holding his little victor close.
Tossed to the ground from the net, he hovered protectively over the unconscious betta while his eyes scanned the crowd of humans being held back by the emperor’s guards, greedy eyes vying for a peek at the cause of such disturbance. The emperor, he noticed, was absent from the dais, and another feeling of dread coiled in his stomach. Suddenly, a fist grabbed his hair and yanked him away from the betta, causing him to cry out and reach for the offending hand. In his peripheral, he could see spears leveled at the wounded betta, ready to kill, and he reached out to his little song despite another fierce tug dragging him away.
“No, leave him! Don’t hurt him!” He suffered as they prodded and poked at the betta’s skin and tail, trying to get a reaction out of it. He knew they could not understand most of his words, but he was too frantic to translate the majority of them into the garish human tongue. Already he could feel his own scales begin to tingle uncomfortably, and he reached out for the betta again, heedless of the tug at his scalp. “Get him back in the water! He won’t survive as he is, please!” In that moment, cold steel pressed against his own neck, and he froze, hand still hovering out towards the betta that had so faithfully protected him. He choked on air, desperate tears making his vision blur.
“Stay your blade, soldier.” The emperor’s voice, though not loud, could not be ignored or argued with. “I’ll not have my property damaged.” Though it made the koi’s blood boil to be referred to as property by such a shallow being, there was no denying the deplorable relief he felt when he heard that voice and the blade moved away from his skin. The hand released his hair, and he instantly looked to the surrounded betta, seeing how its scales were already beginning to dull. Then, against every sane fiber in his being, he fell prostrate before the human, forehead nearly touching the dusty ground.
“Please-” The word left him in a breathless moan, one of the few that had become all too familiar to him. His nails dug into the dirt, and he swallowed what pride still remained within him. He could not let this betta die. Not here, not now. Not so young, not so tender and hopeful. The Voices were so rare in these times; to lose one- unthinkable. The harshly translated words rushed from him in his desperation to be heard, to see the other safe, to keep the little one from suffering more than he already had. “My Lord, please. Spare his life, I beg for you, please.”
The emperor, taken aback by the koi’s actions, gave pause to observe the creature with scales that shone like pearls, fallen before him like no other time before - subservient and pleading. Of its own volition. Though removed from its proper habitat, the creature was radiant in the burning sun, and the emperor was entranced by his form. Still, the human yet retained some manner of his senses, and he asked in a dazed tone: “Why?”
A shiver ran down the koi’s spine, knowing how humans became so enchanted with their kind - the Voiced ones especially - and worse still, there was only one answer he could truly give the emperor that might appease him. Nothing given, nothing gained. He shifted, nails digging further and teeth gritting hard to bite back a hiss as the itch in his scales grew to a grating burn. Much longer, and the betta might wake through sheer force of the pain as he too dried out, and the koi could very well lose him if he did not convince the human quickly enough. With a shaking breath, he lifted his head to look at the human with a pleading gaze. His hair dripped, a heavy curtain over his shoulders. When he spoke again, his words were careful.
“You once asked of me what it would take to accept my fate.” Another breath, practically a sob, and then the words that would finally damn him. “This, my Lord,” he said in a despairing whisper. “Spare this one of my kin and let me care for him within your garden. Let me have this one to cherish, and I-” His voice cracked, and his head dropped between hunched shoulders.. He drew heavy breaths of the very air that caused him pain, his body wracked with shudders. The burning prickled along his spine and dug under his scales, picking him apart fiber by fiber and searing through him like a hot blade. Yet through it, he still gathered the mind to offer a final, strained plea: “My Lord, please. Do not let him die.”
The emperor eyed the creature before him, seeming impassive to its appeal and its pain until he finally looked to the armed guards awaiting his orders, still surrounding the strange betta fish that had drawn such bizarre reactions from his creature. With a jerk of his head, the order was given...and the spears were retracted. In short order, one of the small tanks used for transferring individual fish was pulled around, and the betta was lifted into the water and sealed inside. Seeing this all from the corner of his eye, the koi let out a gasp of relief.
Another jolt of pain lanced through him all of a sudden, and he choked back a cry. His arms shook, struggling to keep him up, and soon they buckled, leaving him to writhe in agony as the sensation clawed through him, worse than any claws or fangs or whips that could possibly tear into his tender flesh. The place, the people around him faded behind a haze, his world transforming into nothing but a suffocating grip on his being. And then, just as quickly, the pain came to a halt as he was suddenly embraced by the cool sensation of water enveloping him again, his salvation, and he gasped, mind clearing.
He felt the vibrations of the locks clicking into place through the glass and water as he recovered, but the relief of fresh water on his scales lulled him to a sleepy contentment. As he blinked his eyes open, he could see the betta by his side, and he pressed a hand to the glass. He looked up as the opulent form of the emperor stepped between their glass cages, and the human’s hand rested atop the koi’s case as he bent down to speak in a low tone:
“None but I have the right to witness your suffering.” The koi averted his eyes, knowing full well that the emperor would expect swift repayment and that he had no choice but to submit. Nothing given, nothing gained.
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kariachi · 1 year
Top 10 digimon that arent a thing yet?
I'm not sure what you mean from the phrasing because I am a moron but I'm going to guess you mean 'top 10 digis you wish existed' and go with that. These will be in no particular order.
Once upon a time I made the Putremon line, a full evolution line covering the stages of death and decay, and I still wish that was actually a thing
A food-based final evo- and no Devitamamon doesn't count. I mean we've got the Burgemon, and we've Jagamon, and we've got that little chicken nugget... Torikara Ballmon! We've got those fuckers, we need a proper food mega to go with them!
More non-humanoid megas in general honestly, we have a serious lack of them. But for something specific give us like an ant or something. A big queen ant. Or even just a queen bee to go with the FanBeemon line.
An official line for Gizamon. Not like 'oh they officially evolve into Seadramon' or shit like that an actual line made for Gizamon, like the Agumon and Gabumon lines have. Give my darlings some love.
Betta fish digi. I never said I wasn't biased now picture this for me- nine-tailed fish digi, each tail is a chain that ends in a crescent blade, they fan the tails out into a half-moon, it could work! Make it an Ultimate or something
Just in general I wish the Appmon would be integrated in with the Digimon proper, but if we got that I would like to see a Champion and an Ultimate to put between Yadomon/Spamon and ElDoradimon. Give me a line of critters that carry locations on their backs
I think Gururumon should get its own version of the rest of the Garurumon line. Give me WereGururumon. MetalGururumon. Gururumon X-Antibody. Z'd Gururumon. It'd be awesome and drive people up the wall
I think Keramon should get a color variant. I think there should be like a Keramon (Orange) or something. And it shouldn't be a chill orange either I'm talking hunter orange
Give me more folklore digis, they're always fun. Expand shit out too, give me obscure fuckers from around the world. And if they can't manage that, if nothing else my soul will not rest until ever mons series has a kelpy and a nixie critter
Give me a Simon, or Ramon, or Solomon and have them just, look like a kid. Normal-ass kid. Everyone thinks they're just another. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, boom! They digivolve into something awesome. And no I don't mean with the digimon shapeshifting stuff we've seen, I want them to just look like a kid. I think it'd be funny as hell.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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Hi there lovely! Here’s my information for the Sons of Anarchy Ship/Match-up
Features: I’m a female, standing at 5’6, I possess long light brown hair with a tint of redness in the sunlight. My hazel eyes change each day from green/brown to brown/gold. I have the sun and moon tattoos on my thighs, a shark up my side torso on my ribs, half an arm sleeve and a neck tattoo revealing my zodiac sign – Gemini (which I often hide) I’m slender with curves.
Hobbies: I am a workaholic; it becomes my hobby at times. I work in the funeral home, removing the deceased from the POD. I enjoy my free time spent with my dogs, my fierce Doberman and my lovable, motivating exercise collie partner. I enjoy reading all things Stephen King and James Patterson and playing any horror related video games. You guessed it, I’m a strong advocate for the horror genre, and Freddy Krueger will always have my heart. I watch SOA and SPN religiously whenever I tilly tally around the house.
Personality: Often seen as an outgoing, happy go lucky, eccentric lady (This is from first judgement from people I know) When really, I’m rather introverted and possess way too dark humour. I collect knives, different types ranging from a replica of the SPN demon blade, to a jungle machete. These are all encases in a glass shelf, only used for display. I love to make others laugh, and I’m incredibly loyal to those I care for. I don’t practice religion (I support others who do) as the only thing I believe in, is the reaper.
Aesthetics: Not sure if this is a term but my house is very much cabin like. Wooden beams, brown features, brown clocks with black accents. I love this kind of theme, heavily decorated with green plants and fish tanks.  
Likes: Lover of being at home, with my man and the dogs. Also a lover of all things spooky. I enjoy long hot showers with my candles lit in the shower itself, It’s so peaceful. I love to read, whether it be books in my hand or online. Sadly, I am a smoker, so my time alone on my patio having a cig is therapeutic to me. I adore time spent with my little family or my close friends whether it be going to the pub for a beer or shopping at Walmart for new bedding 😊 Coffee is my best friend.
Dislikes: My biggest dislike in this world, is seeing animals mistreated. I am that person that buys the near dead betta fish at the pet store and brings it home to treat and watch thrive. I dislike SNAKES. They just scare me, but don’t wish any ill will on them. Hypocrites are my triggers, can’t stand someone who preaches to the choir about wrong doings when they’re actively just as guilty. Own your shit is my motto.             
Brief fun facts about me!
Used to train canines for search work, in areas such as narcotics and explosives. My closest friend is my grandma. I love to wear black. My go to perfume is good girl. I play COD often – I’m competitive in nature. I wear the SONS rings as I got them custom made, and it’s my favourite accessory!
I put way too much into this post, but hopefully it’ll help lots with finding my best ship! Thanks for taking the time to do this 😊  
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
You LITERALLY sound like a character from Supernatural?!?! Are you sure you aren't Bobby's long-lost daughter or something?
Also being a canine trainer?! Um... are you the coolest person in the goddamn world? I think so.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑶𝒑𝒊𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏! I think you guys would be such a perfect match. In a way, you remind me of a cool-ass version of Donna? You seem very strong - emotionally, mentally and physically. Opie is a quiet guy, very loyal and genuine. You don't have to worry about him being manipulative or having underlying motives. He practically wears his heart on his sleeve but does his best not to show it.
・You’d both be very level-headed and know you can trust the other. Opie is incredibly loyal, and if you showed to him the same loyalty, then nothing could come between you. 
・I think Opie would put on a brave face to watch horror movies, and he finds some scenes funny. Although he gets tight-lipped when there’s a lot of gore (feels a bit guilty?)
・He’d actually like one of your favourite horror movies, and love getting themed gifts from you
・Opie would love staying at home with you - you two would move in together and make your home a paradise. You both have a similar aesthetic. Cabin, rustic, and cosy, Opie would absolutely adore your dogs. 
・I think you would fit in with the club very easily. Gemma would be wary of you at first, but realise you aren't someone that's easily pushed around. You would definitely grow on her without realising it.
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viewer-of-many · 1 year
A dove, really flamboyant and loves to show off his magic tricks to anyone who takes interest in magic.
"ahh~ greetings fellow bots, welcome, right this way, you're about to see the fantastic magician himself, me! Ohohohoho!"
Taxidermied Canadian swallowtail butterfly, she always felt a heavy weight on her. She felt envious of Curionia. Always sad and pessimistic about life.
"this is so... Sad... You tried so hard impressing everyone... You didn't take care of yourself... I'm so sorry..."
Daddy longlegs, the one who loves to do tricks, and make horrible boring jokes on everyone. He's just happy to be alive!
"wow! This is un-Bee-lievable! Haha, get it? Because there's a bee botbot, no? Ok"
Dessert Rosy boa, calm and collected, but she does acknowledge her foul smell. But she is definitely a sensei type of bot.
"you bots really need to work on your footwork more, you'll run as sloppy as that hoagie over there, now again! But stiff up those shoulders!"
Tarantula, this bot really likes to play "hunt". He'd sneak up on someone and teasing them after an almost painful nibble.
"aw~ come on! It wasn't that painful! It was a little bite!"
Ball python, a very well mannered bot. Compared to the other animal botbots, who have to deal with their beast instincts, he has full control of his.
"oh me? It's true, I don't really worry about my instincts... I can control it, I don't know why, maybe it has to do with my brain or something like that"
Scorpion, absolutely a massive prick! He doesn't have any respect for anyone! Anybody who is a higher status than him, he'll try his way to squish them down lower to him. He loves the infamy he gets.
"why don't you wusses get your stupid whiney flashlight out of my turf, or else!"
Corn snake, so silly and fun! Always the best in personality!
"so what are we going to do today? Is it a game or a super cool party? C'mon! You gotta tell me! I just can't contain myself!"
Rhinoceros beetle, a very strong warrior. He wishes that he'd get to face his greatest opponent one day, but right now, he's a bit old
"*sigh* you there! Yes, bonsai tree, what's your name? Bonz-eye? Interesting, I saw you wield that sword, who made it for you? That's a fine blade you got there"
Dung beetle, he's just as gross and weird as Clogstopper.
"YO! What's up? Oh this? It's just my ball of poop, wanna touch it?"
Cicada: absolutely a loud little piece of sh- he can't shut up.
Betta fish, an absolute escape artist. She loves to try and escape any containment. Also a criminal.
"hah! You really think this translucent tank can keep me in? Amateurs!"
(I won't be able to name the spider botbots, since that means looking up details about their alt modes, and I am very afraid of them.)
Risori the Ring Master(The type of dove used in magic tricks is Streptopelia risoria, the Barbary or Ringneck dove. He specializes in ring based magic tricks)
Pinpilio(taxidermy can also be called pinning, and Papilio is the genus of swallowtails)
Sonorgata(Sonoran Desert, where rosy boas can live, and trivirgata, the scientific name)
King Coils(ball pythons are also called royal pythons, and they like to coil up)
Sculstinger(A Centruroides sculpturatus)
Kerophi(kernels, like corn, and Pantherophis, the genus name)
Aloeox(Strategus aloeus, the ox beetle)
Saceroll(Scarabaeus sacer. has ball, will roll.)
Decibre(Brevisana brevis, the loudest insect in the world.)
Betti Byrin(Betta fish are in the Anabantoidei suborder, also referred to as labyrinth fish, due to a special organ they have)
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mercswercs · 7 days
What in the name a' hell did I stumble-feck my way into this time.
Anyway have a palate-cleanser:
>It's LEMMIGAN! The boy looms large at his full size, fully 40' from snoot to tail. Somewhere between a worm on a string, a dragon, and a betta-fish, Lemmigan's a six-legged work of art, even among his own extinct kind. An ancient forebear breed of his own kind, he strikes a regal figure, with golden eyes and flickering-white pupils, as if lighting itself was trapped in his gaze. His mouth tapers off, a bit like a crocodile, with short, sharp teeth that could crack nearly any shell, wrapped in a soft sort of hide that seamlessly gives way to a copper-blonde mane of wild hair, the exact same color of his mother- Merc.
>The flowing and sea-salted dried mane tapers off and runs the length of his noodly body, so thick that Merc's lanky legs couldn't hope to fully close around it. There's a gap, right behind the end of Lemmigan's mane, where a custom saddle's been fitted to Lemmigan's body, equipped with Saddlebags and stirrups, but no reigns; Mercury St. Germain Nuage's familiar needs no such guidance.
>And beyond the saddle emerges the first Lemmigan's spines, jagged, natural crystals the color of sandy mud, with a deep yellow hue within, offset by a white inner light. They're long, as long as a human arm or leg, and emerge from the thin strip of Lemmigan's mane as if they'd burst forth like a petrified strike of lightning. His scales are a burnished bronze color, somewhat like sand, but too-metallic and edged with a natural blackness that just looks dangerous to be hit by. Patterned like a betta-fish's scales, but as wide as a human hand and as sharp and hard as steel blade, and almost shiny-smooth from his time hunting underwater caves and burrows.
>Two PAIRS of thick shoulders are the anchor points for the harness, and four fore-legs, the kind that could easily push down any of the towering jungle trees behind him, are posed with tension, two bent inward and two flexing up and outwards in a sort of body builder's pose. Each paw is a terrifying thing, three massive digits with a pair of articulate thumbs on each side, all of them equiped with muddy-brown talons, made white and scuffed at the tips from every stone and bone Lemmigan's scraped them over; each talon is nearly three or four inches long, and thick enough to not just cut a heart out, but squish it in the process.
>At the other end, before a nearly fifteen-foot long tail gives stops producing spines, a pair of powerful hindlegs, identical to Lemmigan's forelegs, are poised, betraying a tension that his silly pose tries to hide. Lemmigan's tail is curled into a wide circle around his back, a fully-articulate thing that ends in a wild, puffy burst of more copper-blonde hair. In the oppressive heat of the jungle depression, though, the tail-tuft hangs limply, revealing a single, supremely-sharp spike, like his own spines in composition, but this one's clearly a stinger.
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zookazooks · 2 years
oh, you wanted an autistic girl who doesn't know she's a lesbian yet?? lemme see what i can do
Wednesdays were her Mondays, the gate lock creaking when she turned the key, the hinges complaining as she shuttled it aside and away from the front door of the shop. The city had been awake for hours, the road well-traveled all morning, but when one owns a business with dedicated and nigh-on guaranteed clientele one can choose one's hours, and Kim Ami liked the hours when people could come in the most easily best.
That meant lunch time on weekdays, 5 to 9 in the evening, all day all weekend, and, of course, open by appointment. Very little of her stock was likely to be urgently required, and so she made simple stable business within the confines of the little shop.
The warm humid air hit her as she stepped over the threshold from the sidewalk into the shop, leaving the cold outside to nip at someone else's ears, and she took her coat off as she walked through the dark front room, pausing just a moment at the wall to hit the lights.
The little fish shop lit up in pockets of glow, planted tanks humming and green, oxygen pearling from each blade of vallisneria, each round leaf of bacopa caroliniana. The indoor cichlid pond roiled with blue and gold— ("Okay, okay, let me set down my bag, I get it, you're hungy babies...") —the goldfish swarmed, each tank of little jeweled guppies wiggled a late morning greeting of permanently hungry optimism.
The auto-feeders went off as she walked past, pellets dropping into the water of a few dozen high-turnover aquariums taking care of the lion’s share of the work, but there was still easily another half an hour of painstaking feeding - the portioning of brine shrimp, the snails into the puffer tank, stick-on tablets and algae wafers and making sure the betta on the bottom of the sorority hierarchy got her breakfast, delivered sneakily behind the dwarf lily with a turkey baster and the power of distraction.
She was in the middle of topping off the co2 in the black moscow tank (packed to the gills with pogostemon stellatus as it was) when the bell over the door tinkled merrily, and if she hadn’t known exactly who it would be she might have looked up. “I’m sorry to say this,” she said, “but I’m unable to sate your strange desires today.”
“My what?”
What Ami had expected was a man named Seokjin, a person as friendly as he was beautiful and who had Opinions about koi husbandry which she may or may not have shared, (she didn’t, but mostly because she didn’t care about koi that much; her ideal koi came in the form of a plakat betta, thank you, and if a carp really wanted to get fancy then the least it could do was be an oranda about it), but the bell had not tinkled to announce the presence of an old friend - it had tinkled to announce the presence of someone significantly… newer.
Newer, yes, and shorter too. Narrow shoulders, hips at a slant, legs that could have just walked straight out of a girl group, sleepy eyes and a mouth that looked like mostly what it did was pout and sigh and (probably) drink too much coffee.
“You’re not Jin,” Ami said, a paragon of awareness and subtlety.
“I’m not, no,” said the girl in her shop. She looked at Ami. She looked at the fish tank. “Is it s’posed to be bubbling that much?”
“Not really,” Ami replied nonchalantly, extremely calmly scrambling to shut off the co2 and unhook the pipe from the bottle without upending the entire aquarium right there on the floor. (Which would be a tragedy of the highest order. Some of the bacteria in that substrate was older than she was.) “Um, that’s— sorry, hold on—“
“Holding,” said the girl in her shop. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Do you, uh… need any help?”
“Usually! Ha ha!” Oh god, she wasn’t a funny person and that hadn’t sounded like a joke. “It— it’s fine, just gimme a second…“
In the end she required more than a second, and instead took almost four full minutes to dramatically fight the co2 canister, airline, and hook back into the closet where the entire kit belonged, and so it was that by the time she turned finally to pay attention to the new person in her little fish shop she was sweaty and stupid and, unfortunately, very very useless.
“Hello,” said Ami, the dumbest person on the planet. “Hi. I’m… hello.” (Oh god.) “Can I help you? With anything?” (Oh, god.) “That you might need?”
“M’not really in need of anything,” the girl said, shrugging. “Just came over to say hi. I’m—“ She laughed, shook her head. “Sorry, I’m Yoonji. Min Yoonji. I just signed the lease on the space next door.”
The space next door.
Somewhere on Ami’s kitchen counter lay an envelope from her building manager that she’d been meaning to open for… a little while, sure, but not too long, right? No more than a week. Two weeks? Regardless of the timing, Ami at this point felt reasonably confident that whatever information she might find inside that envelope would likely be primarily in regard to the space next door, its lease, and subsequent signing of same by the girl standing in front of her.
“Right!” said Ami, like she knew to expect this. (Incredible theatrical skill. Breathtaking.) “Of course. That’s great, it felt weird to have it empty.” She shrugged. “I dunno, like it was unlucky somehow. I’m Ami, by the way.”
“Ami, huh?” Yoonji stared at her for a few blank and empty seconds, then laughed— glancing away like she didn’t want to make eye contact. “I dunno if me showing up here will bring a whole lotta luck,” she said, and turned, looking around the shop. “I thought this was like a house plant store or something, but…” She reached up, almost but not quite brushing her fingertips over the glass of a tank populated with dozens of cherry neocaridina flickering among thick drifts of java moss. “Are these… fish?”
There was a part of Ami that had a filter. (But what kind? HOB? UGF? Sponge? Canister? Sump? Matten? What about the biomedia? And please don’t tell me you’re putting activated charcoal into the filter for a planted tank…) That part of her could do things like go to the grocery store, talk to tellers at the bank, stuff like that, but that filter ended where aquariums began, and so it was that Yoonji’s unfortunate question mark clipped short Ami’s ability to shut, as it were, the fuck up.
Time passed, during which Ami explained to Yoonji everything about the care, feeding, ecological role, ethical breeding practices (“I just can’t get behind the orange-eyed tigers,” she said. “Hindering a living being’s natural functions for the sake of human aesthetics? Feels icky.“), and historical significance of neocaridina versus caridina freshwater shrimp in the aquarist hobby, and it wasn’t until she had moved on to how the mineral and pH requirements of neocaridina make them good tankmates for a small livebearer breeding colony (“Endlers are very hardy, and there are new hybrid color morphs coming out practically every day!”) that she looked up at Yoonji again and saw the dazed expression on this near stranger’s face and realized, horribly and suddenly like an ice bath in the morning, how fucking dumb she was. This poor stranger didn’t need a crash course on water parameters. This poor stranger just came in to say hi.
“… Sorry,” she said, stuttering to a halt. “Um. I get… excited.”
“It’s exciting stuff,” Yoonji replied, looking heavy-lidded and sarcastic but sounding unexpectedly sincere. “That’s cool about the… you know, the shrimp. I didn’t know that there were freshwater shrimp.” She hadn’t looked away from the tank, eyes tracking the flitting movements of miniscule invertebrates exploring a dense and soggy jungle, and the light cast green and blue over her face. “The red looks pretty on the green.”
Ami took in a breath to say something - probably something stupid, like you look pretty on the green - but was saved from herself by the sound of the bell over the door.
“Darling,” boomed Seokjin, standing in the door like the demigod he was. “Please tell me you have what I desire.” He took a step inside. “Who’s this? Are you cheating on me?”
“Woops,” Yoonji muttered under her breath, recoiling from Ami like they had suddenly become two magnets of identical polarity. “Um, I’ll— I’ll see you around? Prob’ly. I mean I’m next door, so—“ On her escape out the door she came extremely briefly face to face with Seokjin, to which she reacted by going pale and almost tripping over her own feet. “Cool, bye!”
Ami and Seokjin stood in the shop in silence for a few moments, the quiet broken only by the noise of cars on the street and the door to the space next door opening quickly and then slamming shut. “She seems nice,” Seokjin said brightly.
“Your book hasn’t come in yet,” Ami said, “but I got in some new betta boys that I need to jar if you want to hang out and talk shit about blood parrot breeders until you have to go back to work.”
Seokjin placed one hand over his heart. “Ami,” he said, “that’s the sexiest thing a woman has ever said to me.”
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penname-artist · 3 years
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Blade and Nick, in two different styles, and a mad betta!
Cuz why not!
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the-love-of-snakes · 7 years
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Nobody asked for it but here’s Blade
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tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper: a screenshot of yotsuyu ehehehe
last song you listened to: Rockin' Rockin' from NEO: TWEWY
currently reading: nothing.......
last movie: suzume no tojimari
what are you wearing right now: white hoodie and black shorts
how tall are you?: 166cm
piercings / tattoos ?: several ear lobe piercings, a helix, and i used to have an eyebrow piercing but my body hated that one fiercely.... got tattoos on my left forearm (seahorse, eagle ray, betta fish, seashell), my left side (flowers) and right shoulder blade (golden ratio with some patterns...)
glasses? contacts?: only when i work a lot on my pc and my eyes start hurting
last thing you ate?: fried rice
favorite color(s): azure
current obsession: .....i'm in a phase rn where i'm not obsessed with anything methinks
any pets: none
do you have a crush right now?: hell no lmao
favorite fictional character: all my blorbos, og peter pan, jinx, silco and more.....
last place you traveled: curaçao
tagged by : @swerte
tagging : s-steal it.........
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d-structive · 4 years
I wanna get a betta, I've done extensive research, but wanna ask if you have any personal advice? Stuff that only comes up after owning them yourself
Sure. I had bettas for a while. I have basic advices I can give to you, if you wanna follow them. Maybe it might be useful for other people too.. .1 No vases, tiny ass plastic tanks, bowls or stuff like that. It is true that bettas are not great swimmers (if you choose the variety with long fins and not a plakat, which it’s the variety with short fins.) and they no need lots of room...But they need a bit of room where to move regardless. You no need a 20 gallons for one betta, but keep it in a decent space. To say...I keep mine in a -I guess- 14 gallons? (60 liters) and the other one in a slightly smaller one (a 55 liters). Prefer a tank with a lid, cuz bettas can jump real high and out of your tank. Also a lid will help your fish, since they also must breathe external air (Never fill the tank to the brim either...Leave a bit of room between the water and the lid). Said air MUST to be always warm, so a tank with the lid is surely the best option. .2 Absolutely avoid plastic plants. Especially the hard ones. Bettas are curious fish. They love to swim inside things and check around. You often see them resting on leaves or inside decorations. So avoid pointy/sharp things that might rip their fins or wound them in any way. I personally always suggest to use real plants (they are good for the whole tank), but if you really are not for them, go for the silk ones that are softer. .3 About plants....Bettas love to have LOTS of plants around them. Especially floating plants. Bettas love plants. They hide under/between them and their leaves repair the fish from strong lights (bettas do not particularly like strong lights.). So if you can, think about inserting some floating plant inside your fishtank. My fish love to sleep between their roots. Also plants with long or large leaves are good. Vallisneria it’s a good easy plant as example. (If you have seen the pics I’ve posted...It’s the long one that looks like grass blades.) Perfect for bettas. Make a jungle in that fishtank! Of course, every plant needs an atequate source of light. So, keep that in consideration too. If you need, I can give you names for other kinds of easy plants too..
Personal side note: When you set up your fishtank, try to make it look more natural as possible. Avoid flashy colored sands/gravels and tons of plastic stuff. I know it might look pretty to you, but you need to consider that your fish will live in there. And I dunno about you, but I’d go crazy if I had to live in a home with fuchsia or bright orange floors and walls. Bettas prfer darker colors. Brown and black gravels are the best for them. (Also, having darker colors in your set up does nothing but enanche the colors of plants and fish.) Keep that in mind. .4 Bettas are tropical fish. They NEED a heater and a filter. The flow of the water must to be really low, cuz bettas love calm waters. They mostly stay around the surface, so try to keep the surface completely flat. A filter that allows you to regulate the flow of the water would be the ideal. (I have two Fluvial U2 by Askoll as internal filters in my betta tanks. They do their job quite well.) And the water has to be always warm and clean. So, unless you live in a place where the temperature it’s generally always hot the whole year, be sure to get a heater. .5 Try to variate their diet a little. And keep em at diet for one day a week. I have three different kind of foods for my two fish. Two are dry complete foods in grains, the other one are dry red mosquito larvae that I give to them once or two at week as protein treats. (You can choose to feed them live worms and similar things too...People say it’s very good for the fish, but I’ve never personally tried cuz I’m afraid of potential parasites.) Sometimes a boiled and peeled pea is great for them. One half of a pea shoud be enough for one fish. Also be sure to choose a day of the week of absolute fasting. It will help their stomach and intestine. .6 IMPORTANT: The filter of your tank NEED to maturate before you can insert any kind of animal in it. This in general. For whatever kind of fishtank. No matter if fresh water, salt water, cold water or else. The filter MUST to be mature before you insert any animal in the fishtank. Or else, the animals in it will die for sure. I won’t explain to you the whole nitrogen cycle thing, cuz it would be too long. Just google that. It’s easy. If I understood it, then everyone can. XD This is a vital step though. Your filter it’s the core of your fishtank, so you wanna do it right. Usually you need at least one month of maturation before you can add your fish in the tank. For my two betta tanks, I’ve waited even two months. (The pandemic helped with this, in a sense...) There is no magic way to do it, no pills, no ammonia, no products (actually, instant live bacteria vials exist. But they are for emergencies mostly and for -I assume- acquarium shops that need fishtanks ready asap. They cost a lot and honestly it’s pointless to get them, when you can simply wait a bit.) and you cannot expect a mature filter after one or two weeks only. So be sure to get water tests -the liquid ones are the best ones- and be patient. Having a fishtank it’s especially patience. So never rush. The more you wait, the better your filter will work. .7 Bettas are happy to live alone, but if you have lots of plants in your tank and enough room, you can easily add few tankmate. Of course you need to choose the right ones. For sure avoid other bettas (NEVER put males together in the same tank. They will kill each other. Males and females might even cohexist, but it depends by their temper really. Females can live together, but you need room for them and lots of hiding spots and plants, cuz they are not less aggressive than males.) and fish with long colorful fins. Or nippy fish of the same species (like gourami and similar fish). Calm fish that can occupy a different area of the tank (not the surface) are the ideal tankmates. And random note about it...This is in general and not only about bettas. DO NOT MIX TROPICAL FISH WITH GOLDFISH. They want a different kind of water both in temperature (goldfish are cold water fish, so you can’t pretend to place them together with topical fish) and as water values. (A bunch of tropical fish want a more acidic water. Goldies prefer hard water.) So don’t do that. Add to this, that goldfish grow massive in size, they poop a lot and they tend to eat and destroy most of the plants, so they will not last in small tropical fishtanks. Keep tropical fish with tropical fish and goldies with goldies. And no bowls or small fishtanks for goldies either. .8 When you choose your fish, take your time. Be sure to go for a fish that moves around, with fins completely open (avoid those with clamped fins and that look lethargic) and be sure they don’t have weird spots on their body. Their colors should be bright and uniform. No scales up, they should be slender and without swollen areas. Also, the smallest they are, the younger they are. Usually the big ones are also old fish. Bettas live for..Around 4/5 years, normally...Some can live longer if kept real well. But go for a tiny one if you wanna see it grow. (Sure, you can even decide to try and “save” one of those fish that look in terrible conditions....I don’t know where you live, but I know that some shops in America have the terrible habitude to sell and keep bettas in dirty tiny ass cups, so...If you wanna try that, just be sure to have the right meds and the knowledge to help them. Normally good food, clean water, a bit of salt and some drop of methilene blue does the thing, but...Be sure to be careful.) .9 I know it’s fun to see them flare...They are beautiful too when they do that. But that stress them A LOT and they might die for it. Bettas are angry fish already. Don’t make them angrier and stressed for no reason. Avoid mirrors and tanks that contain more than one betta fish. Flaring stress the fish. Let them be and they will live a long happy life. .10 When you change water, NEVER change it completely and be sure to use water at the same temperature of the one in the tank. As the title says. Always use water at the same temperature, cuz bettas are very sensitive to termic shocks...This will kill them or lead to diseases, so be careful. Always use bioconditioner (I guess this is the right name for it in english...) for the water as well... Changing the water completely it’s a nono too, cuz that would kill all the good bacteria in your fishatank. A complete change happens only in rare or particular occasions. Like algae/snail infestations, weird diseases or such. Also never touch your filter media. Especially never touch the ceramic rings. NEVER. If you really wanna clean those, quickly wash them inside a bowl with water from your fishtank in it and never under tap water. Also a water change should regularly happen every one/two weeks. I think that’s all so far? XD If you have questions about it, just ask.
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creepypso · 5 years
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Cross! :3
I had no idea if I wanted Cross to be a deep sea or a coast monster. I liked both ideas and then I thought that maybe if I design them I can see what I like more... but after sketching I still loved both haha! So that didn't really help. 
In the end I chose the deep sea version. I wanted a fishie with a split tail and he was perfect for that.
If I’m honest, I completely neglected him. I haven't really thought about his part in the story yet.. I have a few ideas but nothing is completely thought through.
To his design: His tail is split in the middle and ends in two tails, connected in one fin but it doesn't affect his ability to swim. 
When I was designing him I got inspired by betta fishes. I love the long fins they have and so I tried to draw something like that for his tail. The “fluff” around his neck is also similar to a fin. It’s connected to his collar bones, shoulder blades and the spine. It’s flat, since I wanted it to be more like a fin and not like a fluff, and if Cross would ever be in a situation, where he is not underwater, it would flap down and look more like cape.
One of my favorite details about his design are the little spike-fins on the side of his head!! It just makes him look so much cuter than without!
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