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denisse-thoughts · 5 years ago
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#betheheroofyourownstory 💥 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEaNoHLDdoZyv623pFbdyl15c0dw1Yd9_Akjo40/?igshid=100g2bcjaxvtc
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newnamelesswriter · 5 years ago
Today I thought about myself.
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"One of the biggest challenges for me these past few years was putting myself first without feeling guilty about it. You see, when you continually place others’ needs in front of yours, they get used to it. They start to feel entitled. Like you owe them your attention, your time and your care. And if you don’t sprinkle little particles of affection that you had originally gifted them out of choice – they make you shrivel with guilt. The very people whom you chose before you, make you feel inadequate for choosing yourself over them. And that’s my biggest challenge – learning to put my own needs before others; my mental health, my emotions and my heart without feeling dread settle over me. Without feeling my chest tighten with guilt and regret. Because what good will any of it do if, whenever I take out time for self-care, I’m reminded that I’m being selfish, that I’m not putting others first as I should, that I have taken something away from them just by thinking about myself for once. Remember this – if someone regards you highly and cares about you, they won’t make you feel bad about asking for space. Especially if you tell them that you want to put your mental/emotional health first and that you’ll message them when you feel better. And when you take that time to focus on yourself, to pour love and happiness into your heart and do what you must to cheer your soul, people who care about you won’t hold it against you. They won’t make you feel small about how you used that time – because that time is yours and yours only. Those who respect you will not turn your need for time off as something that attacks them and their value in your life, they won’t see you choosing yourself as contravening with you choosing them."
words: @r.dhalwriter #starsouls
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debwalsh · 6 years ago
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I need to redo this shot with Captain Marvel and more of the strong females I have represented in toy form. But look at these amazing characters. We need more! #internationalwomensday #betheheroofyourownstory #herstory https://www.instagram.com/p/BuwQ_Mslmvq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8tz5unqszakh
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epickimmie · 3 years ago
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Im so excited for this... @theherosjournal #betheheroofyourownstory #adventure https://www.instagram.com/p/ChKTvHSutRO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gabavaldman · 7 years ago
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Sometimes you need to be the superhero #campraanana #betheheroofyourownstory https://www.instagram.com/p/BmwLJTIgT5T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ca5dzeq9dipz
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lifeempoweringcoaching · 4 years ago
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Greatness is a lot of small things done well everyday.... I was born great..... It’s true I was born with greatness within me. We all were. You & I were born into greatness. Even though I was born with greatness it took me another 40 years to start living it. As a kid I was very sports oriented. I rode horses, played soccer, rugby league and cricket. Some I was good at some not so. As the years followed, sport gave way to work & earning money. So that became the goal. Earn money. Whatever job was going to pay me highest amount. That was all that mattered. Nothing else mattered. 💰 💰 💰. Let the good times roll. But the good times didn’t keep rolling. Money wasn’t making me happy anymore. Work sucked. Life just didn’t have that same spark anymore. Then at the age of 39 heading into my 40’s, I said life begins at 40. Turning 40 changed everything. It started the very day I turned 40. A relationship ended that very day. Breaking up with someone after 9 years on my birthday wasn’t my idea of a good birthday. But it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Since that day nearly 2 years ago, life truely did begin. I have grown into my greatness. The greatness that I was born into. The changes have been remarkable. I found my partner in life, I found my life’s passion. I found myself. I see a bright wonderful future. I dream big. I see greatness within me. I am now fulfilling my birth right. Many of you have only met me since the change. So you may well think I have been living this way for all my life. Those who knew me before know how much life has changed for me. I love my life. I love each & every day. I have purpose & a compelling future. GREATNESS is in us all. #greatnessawaits #yourlifematters #yourlifeyourway #yourlifeyourchoice #becomethelimit #becomethebestversionofyourself #lifecoaches #mindsetcoach #mindsetmastery #masterofmindset #ownyourstory #herosjourney #betheheroofyourownstory #bosslevel #bossup #confidencecoach #confidencecoaching #bornawesome #freedomcoach #winnerswin #bethebestversionofyou #myjourneymystory https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfMtitj7Qv/?igshid=i47u08t9p7mi
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therealagbeast · 5 years ago
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..words are a super power. Choose them wisely. Plant the seeds of truth, and watch them bloom. #Monday #MLKDay #MartinLutherKingJr #IHaveADream #WordsAreASuperPower #ComicBooks #ComicMemes #ComicArt #ArtTherapy #TheSpaceBetweenThePanel #WherePicturesShowOnlyASnapshotOfTheWorldWordsAreWhatMakeItMove #Meanwhile #BeTheHeroOfYourOwnStory (at Corinth, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7i-zY5hkfP/?igshid=5zk2yp7j659j
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journeykeeper-blog · 6 years ago
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Whether we're avoiding or doing, our actions and choices come from a guiding thought. - We're either actively making choices and doing our part, participating in life, or we're making excuses because we pre-empt outcomes irrespective of our choice. : climate change; recycling; voting; animal rights; cleaner and simpler living; using less ele; being waterwise; simply becoming better versions of ourselves. Because it takes effort, awareness and an understanding that we can no longer live in our bubble of entitlement and justification; we have to choose from a place of acknowledging, responsibility, and a willingness to change. It scares us the most, this idea that things might change. So we make no choice at all saying our actions are too small to matter. Do you see the belief of hopelessness you are buying into? Do you see that even if things are bad, the prospect of change is worse in our heads? Do you see how many of us buy into that? It is a choice to live this way. - We have the option of working with our intentions and ideals consciously, showing up and putting in the effort regardless of what the eventual outcome might be, whether we're the only one doing the work or not; or we hide, living on auto-pilot, being victims to our sub-conscious and just letting life happen to us. We can stand up and show the world, our kids, and ourselves what we value and hold dear; or we hide and cower behind hopeless. We can live, or we can hardly be alive. - While we still breathe there is still a chance, still hope. #intention #createthelifeyouwant #livelife #journeykeeper #awareness #betheheroofyourownstory #bethechangeyouwanttosee #hopeful #earthwarrior #eachvoicematters https://www.instagram.com/p/BxPj684pAkG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qnsi8wgufcc2
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redacpstuff · 6 years ago
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Last night there were random cheers at different points of the Avengers endgame movie. I think it's human nature to gravitate towards characters that are most like who we are or have qualities that we admire and want to emulate. I feel like we would all benefit from being the hero in our own story though. I shouldn't have to look at a movie screen to feel empowered I should feel that way when I look in the mirror or at the people in my circle. #beyourownhero #betheheroofyourownstory #heros #family #rolemodels #mentors https://www.instagram.com/p/BwukfE-HmAb/?igshid=1awl4r83puo8a
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joshuapettitphotography · 6 years ago
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When did you put those mental barriers up? I'll never make a lot of money, I can't travel I'll never figure this out I'll never look the way I want to I can't afford that I can't do that I can't sing I'll never be happy I can't manage my money I can't manage my time Etc..... The only thing stopping you is you. Change your point of view and everything else changes too. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #motivation #inspire #believeinyourself #choosehappiness #choices #selflove #selfawareness #faith #belief #bethechange #obsticals #getoverit #diggit #itsjustawall #breakthrough #motivateyourself #saveyourself #perspectives #pointofview #betheheroofyourownstory #breakingboundaries #peakperformance #yougotthis #instamotivation #peaceintheparoxysm https://www.instagram.com/p/BwWxsRBFAiH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1whxvzvqx3yki
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nihil-uz-blog · 6 years ago
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Don't spend your life believing a story about yourself that you didn't write that's been fed to you - that simply you've accepted, embedded and added to. Let the story go and there beneath is the real you...and your unique gifts, heart and path that await you. . . Kendin yazmadığın ama sana yedirilen hikayelere inanıp da hayatını harcama. Şu ana kadar kabul ettiğin, yüklendiğin ve üstüne yeni şeyler eklediğin hikayeler bunlar. Bu hikayeleri bırakır bırakmaz gerçek kimliğini göreceksin. Seni bekleyen, hep seninle olan fakat üstü örtülmüş sana has yeteneklerini ve yolunu göreceksin. #betheheroofyourownstory #kendihikayeniyaz (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn3LSdSnKdH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oqw80ogitxuo
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nastuuna-blog · 8 years ago
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#beproudofyourself #beproudofwhoyouare #beyourself #betheheroofyourownstory #makeyourselfhappy #motivateyourmind
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lifeempoweringcoaching · 4 years ago
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You generally spend more time thinking about your life, then you do actually living it Do you see your goals as outcomes❓ 💥 Your goals should be actions. Your goals are to be successful or have a certain amount in the bank, as opposed to “enjoy what you do each day, no matter what you’re doing” or “learn to love saving more then frivolously spending”. Outcomes are just ideas. Actions are results. #reachforthesky #becomebetter #becomeyourbestself #becomethebestversionofyourself #careercoach #careercoaching #lifecoaching #lifecoach #ownyourlife #ownyourstory #beyourstory #betheheroofyourownstory #youareyouronlylimit #youareyou #loveyourself #inspired (at Porches) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZXe7CDR2A/?igshid=1lb60ke6ma8sy
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shuranohana-blog1 · 7 years ago
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TALES OF SUSPANCE. M A R V E L. . . . . #MARVEL #SUPERHERO #HEROES #BEYOUROWNHERO #BETHEHEROOFYOUROWNSTORIES #BEAHERO #JesdicaJones #avengers #marbelavengers #talesofsuspense #batman #spiderman (presso Autostrada Roma)
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joshuapettitphotography · 6 years ago
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Sometimes seeds take longer to sprout because they are buried deeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . #roots #wisdom #natureelite #inspiration #motivation #activate #grow #innergrowth #development #personaldevelopment #bethechange #betheheroofyourownstory #photography #gratefulforthestruggle #gratitude #inspiredbynature #nature_brilliance #naturephotography #bekind #peaceintheparoxysm #beexcellenttoeachother #partyondudes https://www.instagram.com/p/BwTxxlulpuX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=liad404k0z6s
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ilpompistador-blog · 10 years ago
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Kettlebell circuit. Turkish get ups are hard. #betheheroofyourownstory
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