#beta glados
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cmykitsune · 4 days ago
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glados with arms both intrigue and scare me
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targetlost · 1 year ago
I watched the beta end fight for Portal 2. I do love the moon ending, but part of me wishes they had kept the ending where Chell had to speak to do the core transfer and put GLaDOS back in charge. I love the idea of Chell having to break her silence which she's held the entire time to say something on behalf of GLaDOS. Even if its something as simple as saying "yes" to the core transfer.
Edit: Here's a link to the video if you're interested!
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pretzeldinosaur · 7 months ago
Approaching completion of a ChellDOS fic, and no one I know really enjoys Portal. The only exception doesn't wanna beta read. Any takers here?
I could beta read something of yours, if you'd like.
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ari-orangebox-collection · 6 months ago
There You Are
Chapter 1 prologue: Do test subjects dream of robotic sheep?
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Authors note: heyyyy so this is. The very first part of the chelldos fanfic‼️ ummm I hope y’all like this I usually don’t write for others or stories so my writing style is probably really weird ignore it haha.
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ngeruma · 7 months ago
"Portal: 2005 - Reimagined" | Perpetual Testing | Portal 2 Community Maps & Mods
By dn2rafael
Experience dn2rafael’s reimagining of the 2005 Portal Beta, featuring 8 recreated, Combine-themed test chambers and an all-new original ending. A unique blend of Portal and Half-Life. Nostalgic, yet refreshing, and pretty damn creepy.
Full Video
More Test Chambers
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cherrybladebun · 2 years ago
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“Infinite Aperture”
During playtests for Portal, users reported finding doors and passageways that lead them to “out of bounds” areas of the facility. One user reportedly found an “exit” in Test Chamber 18 and was able to photograph several areas and chambers they found. They reported that once a developer noticed where they were in game, they were pulled away from their computer and told that their time was up. No recorded gameplay exists and none of these areas have been found in Portal’s retail build. 
It is rumored the player’s recorded time out of bounds was 5 hours, 23 minutes. 
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emberdune · 1 year ago
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thedogwhoisachair · 2 months ago
Portal 2 beta you will always be famous to me
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driver270 · 6 months ago
Aperture Horizon
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Another insane crossover idea. Due to the isolated nature of Aperture Laboratories, the facility continued to run unimpeded during the Faro Plague as GLaDOS continued to put human after human she had in cryostorage into the proverbial (sometimes literal) meat grinder for testing purposes. Just before the Swarm discovered the facility, Chell succeeds in defeating the mad A.I., stopping Aperture's energy signature from being detected by the Swarm.
Over the centuries, as GAIA 1.0 works diligently to restore the biosphere, she attempts to send machines to terraform the region surrounding the ruins of Aperture, only for them to disappear as they get closer. GAIA eventually decides to cut her losses and stop sending machines to that region, creating a buffer zone. Even post-ZD humans avoid the area.
After GAIA's destruction by the Extinction Signal sent by Nemesis, any machine or tribal human who approaches the facility continues to disappear. This catches the attention of the now self-aware HEPHAESTUS as even the newly-designed combat machines that wander into the area are not immune to these disappearances.
After Aloy brings GAIA 2.0 online, the benevolent A.I. learns about HEPHAESTUS's attempts to explore the Aperture ruins, but places this particular concern on the back burner due to the much more pressing need to get the biosphere stabilized.
As Aloy searches for the rogue Zenith Walter Londra in the Burning Shores, GAIA detects a series of seismic shocks within the Aperture ruins buffer zone her predecessor established. These tremors are the result of Wheatley's brief reign of idiocy running the facility and the near-destruction of it. GAIA finally decides to look into this and requests both Sylens & Beta to look into the APOLLO database as to what Old World facility was there.
As Aloy was making her way back to the Base, one of the nearby communities report that for the first time, a person was seen coming from the ruins. A burnette woman wearing a white shirt & orange pants. She was seen carrying a large metal cube...
Beta discovers in Walter's records about a research institute that Heavencent procured moonrocks for in the past. The institute's address happened to line up with coordinates near the center of the buffer zone. Meanwhile, Sylens discovers that this same institute also had dealings with the US military some decades prior to FAS' rise to prominence as a robotics manufacturer. The rumors about the mystery woman from the buffer zone catch the attention of Kotallo, who then relays this information to the others.
Once GAIA, Beta, and Sylens compare notes, they decide to brief Aloy on her new mission; to find this mystery woman & seek her assistance into gaining access to the facility to hopefully find a potential weapon that can be used against the coming threat of Nemesis.
Unfortunately for everyone, someone's been busy growing an army of allegedly killer birds...🤣
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twosides--samecoin · 11 months ago
Playing Portal 2 because I need to decompress between beta/edit work on mine and others' fics and. The idea Wheatley was added as an Intelligence Dampening Core. The idea Aperture had to come up with means of holding back GlaDOS, an AI in complete and murderous control of the facility. The idea she was too intelligent and beyond control they created Wheatley as a workaround to destroy the facility. Wheatley's her ADHD, right? Right?
"It clung to my brain like a tumor, generating an endless stream of terrible ideas... It was your voice. You're not just a regular moron, you were designed to be a moron."
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the-comedy-formula · 11 months ago
I may or may not have turned this into a 27k word fic in the span of two days.
I was looking at this post about reverse tropes and I saw "soulmates who are fated to kill each other" and of course my mind immediately went to Chelldos. It just fits them so well. Especially because Chell already killed GLaDOS, so now she's not fated to kill her anymore.
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aerowolf · 9 months ago
portal x tf2 crossover
Chell gets added and we call her the Beta Tester, she works with Engie to help him out.
The Administrator is the one who uploaded herself into GLaDOS.
The portals are red and blue instead of orange. Cave Johnson is the third Mann brother, he takes Mann Co. from Saxton and called it Aperture Mann.
Helen / Admin took the place of Caroline as Cave's assistant, she's still old but not 150 and she and Cave are parents to both Pauling and Chell.
The tf2 maps are now competitive test chambers.
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sundove88 · 1 year ago
JUNK-MN (Wall-E Parody Casting)
JUNK-MN, short for Junk-Man, is one of the few last robots left on Earth. He spends his days tidying up the planet, one piece of garbage at a time. But during all those years, JUNK-MN has developed a personality, and he's more than a little lonely. Then he spots Cure Amour, a sleek and shapely android sent back to Earth on a scanning mission. Smitten JUNK-MN embarks on his greatest adventure yet when he follows Cure Amour across the galaxy.
Junk Man as Wall-E (Mega Man)
Kricketune as Hal the Cockroach (Pokemon)
Ruru Amour/Cure Amour as EVE (HUGtto! Precure)
Emiru Kisaki/Cure Macherie as Herself/EVE’s Partner (HUGtto! Precure)
Bobert 6B as M-O (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Mega Man, Proto Man, Bass, Mega Man X, Zero, Axl, and Roll as Themselves/The Robots’ Allies (Mega Man + Mega Man X)
Professor Sycamore as Captain B. McCrea (Pokemon)
Dr. Light as Himself/Captain B. McCrea’s Friend (Mega Man)
Moebius as Auto (Fresh PreCure)
Klein and Northa as Themselves/Auto’s Assistants (Fresh PreCure)
King Dedede as John (Kirby)
Fairy Queen as Mary (Kirby)
Vile as GO-4 (Mega Man X)
Wheelie as Burn-E (Transformers)
GLaDOS as The Axiom's Computer (Portal)
Heath as Shelby Forthright (Pokemon)
Wave Man as BRL-A (Mega Man)
Ratchet as D-FIB (Transformers)
Bulkhead as HAN-S (Transformers)
Storm Eagle as L-T (Mega Man X)
Volt Kraken as VN-GO (Mega Man X)
DustMan as VAQ-M (Mega Man)
Arcee as PR-T (Transformers)
Mets as Rem-Es (Mega Man)
FlashMan as Supply-R (Mega Man)
The Other Robot Masters + Mavericks as Themselves/The Robots’ Friends (Mega Man + Mega Man X)
The Other Autobots as Themselves/The Robots’ Allies (Transformers)
The Decepticons as Themselves/AUTO’s Allies (Transformers)
Various Characters as The Humans
FakeMan as SECUR-T (Mega Man)
Beta!Junk Man as WALL-AS (Mega Man)
Wheatley as TYP-E (Portal)
Various Characters as Various Robots
Here’s your hint for the next casting (It’s for Valentine’s Day):
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stellarrev-artblog · 1 year ago
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Portal Drawtober Day 7: Role Switch
Chell -> Doug Rattmann
I know I'm not the first to entertain the idea of scientist Chell, but this just means she might have been there when GLaDOS was in beta...
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im-not-a-l0ser · 9 months ago
NPMD Headcannons (ft. Jonathan Coultan)
I've also done this with Will Wood.
Starting with just their favourites, we've got
Pete's favourite is Future Soon. For obvious reasons.
Ruth's is First Of May, again, for obvious reasons.
Aside from the portal songs, Richie likes Re: Your Brains, or Skullcrusher Mountain. (Ruth also loves Skullcrusher Mountain. She says that she would appreciate a half-monkey half-pony monster)
Steph likes I Feel Fantastic. She thinks it's very funny.
The only song Max has really heard and paid attention to by him is Chiron Beta Prime. It was on for Christmas, and it sounded very out of the ordinary.
(Post redemption, Max likes Ikea.)
And now for various random ones.
Richie's the one who told Pete and Ruth about Jonathan Coultan, having discovered him after playing the Portal games.
Ruth claimed that he stole Baby Got Back from Glee, but felt almost betrayed when she learned it was the opposite.
Steph tells Pete that Code Monkey reminds her of him (in a cute way) and he's very bashful of that fact
Paul is displeased to hear that Code Monkey is much more reminiscent of him (Either from nephew Richie, or Ted who overheard Pete listening to it.
Creepy Doll scares the ever loving shit out of Max, and it's the sole reason he refuses to live alone, especially in a house (especially at the edge of the woods at the top of a hill. Never, ever)
Pete likes Shop Vac. I can't explain why, I just think he likes Shop Vac.
I Crush Everything makes Max very sad, but he initially listened to it with the hope of getting a power trip.
Steph puts on Chiron Beta Prime at a Christmas party where her father says she can request a song, "so long as it's a Christmas song (not including Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer)"
Ruth likes to rub it in Richie's face that one of his favourite musicians worked on SpongeBob SquarePants, The New Musical
Richie loves putting on Re: Your Brains, especially in the car with other people, because he knows everyone will come in for the chorus and it's a fun time. He often does it to lighten the mood if there's been a fight recently.
Grace scoffs whenever Skullcrusher Mountain plays, and no one is exactly sure why.
They absolutely 100% reference "but I don't have any messages," So often,  • only about 40% of the time is that followed with "All I know, is driving on drugs feels better when they're prescription, all I know, is the world looks beautiful, the world looks so damn beautiful," or "All I know, is I take my medicine, I always take my medicine."  • And only about 30% of those are followed by the chorus.
Ruth says she prefers the non-GLaDOS versions of Still Alive and Want You Gone just to piss of Richie.
Ruth and Trevor would, and have thought about, writing a musical using his music, much like Mama Mia. (Something like: Future Soon, Code Monkey, Creepy Doll, I Feel Fantastic, Skullcrusher Mountain, I Crush Everything somewhere in there— or something like that, I totally haven't thought of doing that myself.)
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fuchsiamae · 10 months ago
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on may 16th, 2011, baby writer fuchsiamae (17!) came off anon for the first time, to post ch1 of a fic called "defrosting."
afaik this was the first cave/glados fic. around 5k words total, still on ffn. it was my first attempt at a multichapter, the longest thing I'd ever written at the time, and I was so proud of it. for a while.
then I grew past those baby writer skills and was embarrassed by its quality, but I could never let go of the concept. I knew it deserved to be done better. "glados finds cave johnson in cryo" burrowed into my brain like a fucking prion, and every year or two I'd try to write it again, and every time I'd fail without getting very far. until this time.
thirteen goddamn years later:
the complete rough draft of this fic is over 80k words.
the complete first draft of act 1 (of 5) is 30k words. which, terrifyingly, is double its length in the rough.
the first edit of ch1 (7k words) should be ready for my beta readers later today.
I'm not going to rush myself (or my extremely patient betas), so I don't have a release date, but I'm thinking a month or so would be a reasonable expectation.
and I've finally settled on a title:
Tragedy + Time
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