#beta fisk
take0fftheblues · 2 months
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klaytheguildless · 1 year
Fiske Starters
Final forms of the starters of Fiske: Sceptile (Grass-Psychic)
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Charizard (Fire-Fighting)
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Feraligatr (Water-Dark)
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daredevilexchange · 8 months
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Have you always craved more Punisher/Cap, Daredevil/She Hulk, Elektra/Echo, Mike Murdock/Loki? Are you dreaming of Karen Page/Pepper Potts or Foggy Nelson/Frank Castle? You've come to the right place!
Sign up here for DDE's Rarepair Minibang!
All iterations of Our Faves are welcome - comics, TV, and even film versions!
Signing up means that you can submit art and/or fic, and that you will have access to claims. Not signing up means no access to claims. You can both submit and claim, and you do not have to submit something in order to claim something else!
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Here are the options: - This is both a regular and a reverse bang, meaning you can submit art and/or fic for claims. - You can go the traditional route: submit your work and let people claim! - You can already have a partner in mind, in which case both of you must fill the sign-up form and let me know who your partner is.
What are the criteria? - Fanfic: 1.500 words minimum, must be beta-ed. 500 words only needed for submissions! - Art: one piece minimum. A sketch is fine for submissions! What type of art? Traditional: drawing, painting… or non-conventional: pottery, felt art, gifsets (6 gifs min), fanmixes (6 pieces of music + cover), embroidery, dollhouses, podfic, bookbinding… All visual art must be accompanied with a description.
What is a rarepair? If there are over 1,000 English-language works on AO3 as otp:true (aka, they’re the main ship), then it’s not a rarepair. Excluded as of the time of this FAQ (might be updated): Matt/Foggy, Matt/Frank, Matt/Reader, Frank/Karen. Let me know if you find others, or ask me to check! Your rarepair (or OT+) must include at least one of the characters from the Daredevil, Defenders, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Punisher comics, TV shows, or movies... the rest is up to you :D
The schedule: Signups & submissions open until March 17 Claims: right after. Posting: depending on the number of teams, starting mid-May.
More details in the FAQ (open in a browser page, not the app) below or on DW. Any further questions not answered in the FAQ / on DW? Just send an ask!
Spread the word!
@thebigbangblogproject @marvel-events-central @trackmarvel @nmcunyc @fanwork-exchange-promos
Bangin’ banner by MissMoochy !
Fanart of Danny Rand, Frank Castle, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock from the Netflix Marvel TV shows. All five characters are standing behind a table. Danny is wearing a green shirt, smiling gently with his eyes closed. He is holding voodoo dolls of Stick and Alexandra. There are pins in the dolls' hearts. Frank is wearing his Punisher skull t-shirt but the skull has hearts for eyes. Frank is ripping the head off a Fisk voodoo doll and smirking. There is a doll of Bullseye on the table in front of him. Both dolls have pins stuck in them all over. Luke wearing a black and yellow hoody over a black t-shirt and a yellow beanie hat. He is looking with concern at Frank and holding voodoo dolls of Elektra Natchios and Malcolm Ducasse. Jessica is wearing a black jacket over a purple top. She is frowning and sticking a pin into a voodoo doll of Misty Knight and has a doll of Trisha Walker in her jacket pocket. Matt is wearing a red shirt and red sunglasses. He looks worried and is cuddling voodoo dolls of Karen Page and Foggy Nelson. There are doll hearts and pins on the table in front of him. The table is black and the background is pink.
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wild-karrde · 1 year
In Command - Part 15
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Master List | Previous Part | Next Part
A/N: As always, thank you to the wonderful @teletraan-meets-jarvis for beta-reading for me! You are TRULY THE BEST TJ!!
Chapter Rating: T
Warnings: canon-typical violence, graphic description of injury, language
Word Count: 6.2k words
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The night breeze gently whispered in through the curtains in Senna’s office, seemingly peaceful despite the quiet chaos erupting inside. 
Senna had changed into clothes meant for travel and was currently working on backing up all of the data they’d gathered, transferring files from her holocomputer onto her datapad while simultaneously breaking down any and all hardware that she could. It had shattered her heart to disassemble the comm node she’d spent so much time on for the conference, but they were operating under the assumption that their dwelling would be searched, and the comm node would only serve as a clue as to what they’d been doing on Lothal. 
Exhaustion was starting to weigh her down, but the memory of Fisk’s triumphant smirk haunted her, driving her forward. 
He can’t win. I can’t let him. 
She was also still fuming at Rex. He’d been certain that waiting for leadership to send a pick-up was the correct move, seemingly fearful that if they ran, it’d confirm Fisk’s suspicions and give him a reason to pursue them. But every second that ticked by seemed to wind Senna more tightly. Between every breath, she could feel herself bracing for a detonator to go off outside or for a squad of stormtroopers to kick in the door. It felt as though she was in a trash compactor, and the walls were steadily closing in around them. 
In order to settle her mind, she started inventorying her go-bag yet again. The first week they were on Lothal, Rex had walked her through what to pack in it, just in case they ever needed to make a hasty escape. Back then, they’d still somewhat been at odds. He’d been annoyed, thinking she wasn’t taking it seriously enough. In reality, she had thought he was being a bit paranoid this early on in their posting, but more than anything, she was teasing him for sport. A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she tucked her favorite spanner wrench into the side of the bag. 
“You’re packing too many tools. A go-bag should only be essentials.” 
“A good wrench is essential, Captain. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find one that feels right in your hand? Plus this one has an extra joint that allows me to manipulate it in tight spaces and–”
“Fine. You can keep the spanner wrench. But then you can’t take your welder.” 
“I’m taking the welder. And you’re more than welcome to try and stop me. But in my experience, they can also be used as weapons. So, you know, at your own risk.” 
She could still hear Rex’s frustrated sigh echoing in that moment, and something in her chest clenched. 
Things were so different then.
Her fingers absently traced the patch over her blaster wound on her abdomen again. She wasn’t certain if it was because Fisk had pressed into it or just the knowledge that it was what had given them away, but it had been throbbing steadily ever since they’d returned home, reminding her it was there. It made concentrating on anything for too long difficult. 
Satisfied that she was as prepared as she could be, her eyes roamed over the room one more time. It looked closer to the way it had been prior to Empire Day, with parts and random hardware covering nearly every inch of the floor aside from a narrow trail she’d left clear to and from the door. Despite the night being unseasonably cool, she could feel sweat trickling down her back in between her shoulder blades, leaving an uncomfortably damp spot on the back of her shirt. She could hear Rex shuffling around downstairs, occasionally banging something closed or swearing under his breath. 
He’s just as nervous as I am. Even if he’s trying to pretend he’s not.
Flexing her fingers, Senna glanced over at the holocomputer’s display. It still had a few more minutes before the back-up was complete. She searched her mental checklist for anything else she could possibly do while she waited, anything to distract her from her fraying nerves. She’d been so busy worrying about everything else, she hadn’t had much time to even dwell on the fact that each second that ticked away was depleting the amount of time she had left with Rex. Senna violently shook her head. 
You can worry about that after you both get out of here alive and without being captured. 
She sighed forcefully, trying to dispel the sudden tightness in her chest.
There’ll be time to grieve what you lost later. 
Burying her face in her hands, Senna unleashed a shuddering breath. 
Nothing to do but wait. 
It had been a long time since she’d attempted to meditate, but as she continued to struggle to calm her mind, she tipped her head back and stared at the ceiling. 
It’s what Master Ti would recommend, even though she knew I hated it. 
That thought made the corner of her lips quirk slightly. She’d complained about meditation so much as a padawan, but her master had been patient. 
“I can hear you thinking, Senna.” 
She popped an eye open to sneak a glance at her master. The Togruta’s eyes were still closed, but her mouth was turned upwards in a knowing smile. Even sitting on the floor next to her padawan, Shaak Ti had an inexplicable grace about her, an elegance even in her simple Jedi robes that intimidated Senna and left her in awe. 
“What are you designing this time?” Shaak Ti asked.
“Not designing. Optimizing,” Senna mumbled.
Her master chuckled. “Do you think it will not still be there when we’re done?”
“No, but I’ll maybe have a solution then, so I can fix it right away.” 
Shaak Ti’s sharp, bright eyes had opened then, gazing at her padawan. “Meditation is meant to be when you commune with the Force, Senna. It’s when you connect to the living things around you.” 
Senna rubbed her face in frustration. “But to me, a ship is a living thing. So is all tech, droids especially. Things that come to life in the palm of my hand. All it takes is power. The electrical kind,” she clarified. 
Her master’s smile didn’t falter as she studied her padawan. “That may be, but the way you commune with those living things is very different from how we connect with the Force. Isn’t it?” 
The young padawan considered it for a moment before nodding slowly. “I guess that’s true.” 
“And would you also agree it’s important to connect with both forms of life if you wish to be a Jedi?”
Senna shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not as good at the other connections. With people.”
“I don’t think that’s true. You’re quite skilled at tapping into a living being’s mental state. Your gift first manifested as an extreme empathy, is that not so?”
“It is,” the young girl conceded. “But people are hard. Even if I can feel how they feel, I still don’t always understand them. I don’t always do the right things or respond the right way.” She picked at a fingernail. “Machines and tech make more sense.” 
Master Ti nodded. “You do excel with tech. There is no question of that. But while all of us excel at different things, does that mean that we should back away from the things that challenge us?” 
Senna huffed a sigh. “I guess not.” 
The Togruta Jedi master smiled. “And since when have you ever backed down from a challenge?” 
The padawan met her master’s gaze and returned her smile. 
Shaak Ti’s eyes crinkled as her smile deepened. 
“Now, let’s try again.” 
Back on Lothal, Senna hugged her arms around herself as she basked in the memory. She missed her master. Most former padawans were still able to access their masters throughout their life, seeking additional guidance or advice when it was needed. But that was a privilege Senna and every other Jedi had been robbed of with Order 66. She would never walk with her master in the temple gardens again, would never share a cup of tea with her. 
But what better way to honor her than to use what she was able to teach me? 
Senna reached for the carved wooden box on her desk, exhaling slowly as her fingers traced the patterns on the outside. 
It’s time. 
Before she could overthink it, she undid the latch, flipping the lid open. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of her lightsaber. The memories of Kashyyyk felt as though they were looming, but she squeezed her eyes shut, banishing them to the back of her mind. 
No more. Not tonight. 
Her hand was trembling as she reached for the familiar hilt, and she clenched her fist to steady herself, exhaling sharply through her nose. 
Not tonight.
Her fingers wrapped around the lightsaber, and she lifted it out of the box. The weight felt right in her palm, as if she’d been born to hold this weapon. In a sense, she supposed that was true. Her finger found the switch, and she clicked it on. The blade fizzled to life, casting the entire room in a sheen of light blue. The hum was so familiar and comforting, it almost made Senna cry. She released a breath she hadn't realized she’d been holding as she rotated her wrist, slowly moving the blade in a slow curve. Already, she could feel the warmth of the Force reaching out towards her tentatively, tendrils hoping to embrace her if she’d only allow them to. Closing her eyes, she reached back. 
It still didn’t come easily. The static feeling was still present, and she furrowed her brows in concentration, reaching harder. 
Something’s still holding you back.
Senna powered down the blade, huffing in frustration. She blew a wisp of hair out of her eyes, staring down at the hilt in her hand. In the back of her mind, she could almost hear her master’s warm chuckle once more. She laughed softly to herself. 
Maybe it’s time to give some meditation a try. If nothing else, to amuse my master, wherever she is now. 
Clearing a space on the floor, she sat cross-legged and placed her lightsaber on the floor in front of her, closing her eyes and trying to calm her racing mind. Gradually, she slowed her breathing and reached out once more, searching for the last remnants of the wall she’d placed between herself and the Force to see if she could disassemble it. It had been arduous to put in place a year ago, but necessary. Now, she tried not to grow impatient and frustrated as she reached out blindly. 
It’s not a screw to be loosened or a panel to be removed. It’s not that simple. It wasn’t supposed to be. 
The Force surrounded her, but it felt as though every time she reached towards it, it danced just out of reach. 
What do you fear? 
The question popped into her mind unbidden, in her own voice. Her eyes snapped open. 
“Is it fear?” she asked herself softly.
Nothing in the room stirred. 
What is there to fear? 
It wasn’t hard to come up with a fairly extensive list with minimal thought. 
Not being able to connect anymore. Not in the way I did before. It opens me up to danger. It endangers Rex. 
There it is. 
Senna huffed, rubbing her hands over her face.  
But once we leave Lothal, you won’t have Rex. You’ll just have yourself. 
And that will have to be enough. 
She was tired of running from her past, tired of mourning a life she’d lost. 
It’s time. 
Closing her eyes again, Senna reached out once more. 
Let go.
She felt the life around her, the plants, Rex continuing to move about downstairs…
And at least two dozen beings outside of the dwelling, heartbeats accelerating with every passing second. 
She gasped and her eyes snapped open. Steadying her breathing, she reached out through the Force again. 
Senna scrambled from her sitting position, creeping to the window and peeling back a sliver of curtain. Both of the Lothal moons were high in the sky, illuminating the street below. She scanned the courtyard and saw nothing out of place, but when her eyes landed beyond the outer wall of the compound, she caught the unmistakable glint of stormtrooper helmets, crouching just behind the wall, pulses hammering under plastoid. 
It’s only been a few hours. We should have had more time. 
She ducked back against the wall, carefully closing the window and allowing the curtain to fall back into place. Anger and frustration surged through her as she ground the heels of her palms into her eyes. 
A soft chime caught her attention, and she saw that the back-up had finished on the computer. 
You’ve got to move. 
She disconnected her datapad with shaking hands before scrambling to snatch her commlink off of the desk. 
“Rex, you there?” she whispered frantically. 
“What is it?” Even through the commlink, his voice was tight. She couldn’t tell if it was annoyance or stress or something else, but right now, she didn’t have time to examine it.
Senna held the commlink to her lips as she tried to shove the datapad into her go-bag with one hand. 
“Keep your voice down. Imps are outside. We’ve got to go now.”
She could practically feel the shift in his voice, the captain re-emerging to command the situation. 
“How many?”
The datapad slipped from her grasp and clattered to the floor. She swore under her breath before finally managing to shove it into the main pocket of the bag, zipping it closed. 
“Roughly a dozen waiting just outside the perimeter wall. I’m not sure what they’re waiting on, but they’re going to be coming any second. Fisk must have more pull than we thought. I’m done backing up and breaking down except for the computer, but we’ve got to go.”
“You got your blaster up there with you?” he asked. 
She grabbed the weapon off of the floor where she’d kicked it earlier, slipping it into a holster on her hip before she swiped her lightsaber up and clipped it to her belt. 
Only as a last resort.
“I’m armed. Just need to grab my jacket and I’m good.” 
“Alright. Don’t forget to take the detonator when you go.”
They had rigged the house to blow in case they needed a diversion, and it had the added bonus of destroying the holocomputer Senna hadn’t had time to disassemble. It was intended to be another last resort, only drawing that much attention if there were no other options, but tonight, it felt as if any alternatives were quickly disappearing, and they’d need any advantage to get out unscathed. Senna strode over to the holocomputer, punching in a full-system wipe command. She knew she wouldn’t have time to wait and see if it completed.
Her comm crackled to life in her hand again as she carefully removed the detonator from its hiding place in her desk drawer and slipped it into her pocket. “I don’t know if they’ve got us surrounded all the way, but they’ve definitely got at least two squadrons. I see another group coming around the back corner of the house.” Rex’s voice was still steady, a comforting even tone.
“That’ll be the other dozen,” she muttered, her heart beginning to thud in her chest. “Great.” 
Slipping her jacket on, she pulled her bag over her shoulders and picked her way out of the room, glancing back one more time at the place that had been her workshop for the last several months. A pang of sadness settled into her chest, and she tapped the doorframe in farewell. 
Thanks for everything. 
Rex’s voice on the comm interrupted her sentiments. “Is the speeder bike working?” 
“Yeah, it should be good. Have they noticed it yet?” she whispered back into her comm.
“Doesn’t look like it. They’re bypassing the shed and heading straight for the back door.”
She thought for a moment. “They may not know it’s ours since it's detached. If you come up here, we should be able to climb out my bedroom window, and maybe sneak across the roof and drop down by the shed. The roof slants towards the street, so if we stay low enough, we might be able to get over there without being seen.”
He didn’t argue with her this time. “Alright, be right there.”
Senna made her way down the hall on tiptoe, patting her pockets and belt one last time to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. 
Blaster. Lightsaber. Datapad. 
A few seconds later, Rex materialized at her bedroom door, handing her his pack to hold while he pulled his cloak on. She searched his eyes and found the same urgency she felt reflected back at her, but there was also an assuredness that brought her comfort. Rex knew what he was doing, and he was going to execute everything as precisely as he could. It reassured her slightly. 
No wonder he got a command so fast.
Quickly and quietly, they snuck through her bedroom, trying their best to not even allow a floorboard to creak. Their breathing sounded incredibly loud, only drowned out by the sound of Senna’s blood pounding in her ears. Rex crouched by the window, peeking out carefully, and she quietly followed suit, bracing one hand on his back as she peered over his shoulder. He stiffened, but didn’t say anything. 
From their vantage point, they could see the second squad of stormtroopers sneaking into the back yard, blasters trained on the rear entrance of the dwelling. 
“No Fisk,” she whispered into Rex’s ear. 
“Did you see him out front?” 
“Doesn’t mean he’s not here. Keep your head on a swivel.” 
Senna nodded, swallowing hard. Rex turned, and she flushed with embarrassment at the realization that he must have heard her nervous gulp, but he reached back, gripping her knee and giving it a squeeze. 
“We’re going to be fine,” he whispered. “Just keep your trigger finger tight and stay close.” He met her eyes and gave her a tight smile. Senna grabbed his hand, squeezing it back. 
“Will do.” 
He paused. “Also, you were right. I’m sorry.”
She stared at him for a moment before breaking into a stifled snicker. “I’ll be sure to gloat at a more appropriate time.”
He huffed. 
Senna patted his shoulder gently. “Even I didn’t think they’d get here this fast, Rex. We’d be in the same spot either way.” 
She wasn’t sure if her words comforted him at all, but he gave her a stiff nod. 
Carefully, Rex eased the window open that led onto the roof. The cool night air tickled Senna’s cheeks, and she shivered involuntarily. Neither squadron had entered the dwelling yet, and briefly, Senna wondered what they were waiting for. 
It doesn’t matter. Just get moving.
Rex pulled himself onto the roof, crouching low and reaching a hand back to Senna to help her out. The tiles were uneven and slippery, and it took another painstaking moment for Senna’s boot to find purchase. She reached back to close the window, but Rex gripped her arm, shaking his head. 
Leave it, he mouthed. 
She nodded, and the two of them flattened themselves against the roof. The tiles dug into Senna’s knees, hips, and elbows with a biting cold, but she ignored it, following Rex’s lead as he slowly began crawling forward towards the outer wall. Every clink of the tile or shuffle of their clothes sent adrenaline dumping into Senna’s system, making her even more certain they were about to be discovered. 
About halfway across the roof, they heard the blast of a detonator as the doors of their dwelling were breached. A few seconds later, the sound of shouting filled the house.
Rex pushed himself to his feet, reaching down to pull Senna up as well. “Better hurry,” he whispered. They ducked low, picking their way across the treacherous tiles as quickly as they could.
Suddenly, blaster fire erupted from the window behind them. A bolt whizzed close enough by Senna’s face that she could feel the heat from it. 
“There they are! Blast them!”
Rex swung around, pushing Senna behind him as he raised his blaster. She fumbled for the gun at her hip just as Rex’s foot slipped, and Senna heard him grunt as he lost his balance. She gripped his waist, trying to steady him, and his fingers locked around her forearm. He had just barely regained his footing when a stormtrooper ducked through the window and took aim at him. Time slowed down as Senna watched two bolts erupt from the muzzle of the E-11, one striking Rex in his right knee, and the other grazing his thigh. He shouted a curse and shuddered against her, his returning fire wildly peppering the wall of the house near the window as he fell, slipping out of her grasp. His forehead made contact with the hard tiles with a sickening crack. A scream caught in Senna’s throat as Rex slid towards the edge of the roof.
Her heart felt like it stopped beating as she flung her hand out instinctively. 
Please no. 
The warmth rushed through her veins, just as it had when she’d confronted Fisk, just as it had for her entire life until a year ago. Time slowed as Rex clawed at the tiles, trying to find purchase. His eyes met hers as his waist slid over the edge.
Her blood sang, and she gasped, but she had him, she could feel it, could feel him. 
Another blaster bolt flew by her head, and she ducked enough for it to miss, leaving the smell of singed hair in its wake. She focused on keeping hold of Rex as she reholstered her blaster, instead pulling her lightsaber from her belt. Her thumb grazed the power button, and the saber hummed to life in her hand. 
Yes I fucking am. 
Senna wrenched her arm with all of her might, pulling Rex back up and onto the roof as much as she could. Her senses tingled, and she raised her lightsaber in time to block a blaster bolt aimed at her chest. She snarled at the stormtroopers as she threw the hand holding her lightsaber forward, pushing two of the troopers that had made it out the window off of the roof. Her arms shook as she kept her hold on Rex, pulling him closer in between deflecting blaster fire. Her fighting form was sloppy, and she knew it, but survival trumped technique in the moment. Senna’s saber hummed as she cut a wide arc, sending at least one bolt back through the window. She jerked Rex towards her again, and this time, she felt him land at her feet. 
Another blaster bolt erupted from near her ankles, and Senna allowed herself a quick glance down. Even in his current state, Rex had his blaster raised and was returning fire, blinking blood from the cut on his forehead out of his eyes. 
“Can you stand?” she shouted over the din.
“Maybe.” His teeth were clenched, and she could see a vein throbbing at his temple. She’d never seen Rex hurt before, and it made anger thrum through her. She banished the urge to embrace that rage, that hatred, instead reaching down towards him.“Grab my belt and haul yourself up! We’ve got to go!” she yelled. 
Rex clasped her hand, squeezing it lightly even now. He cursed loudly as he dragged himself to a standing position, wrapping one arm around her shoulders to support himself. Senna slid her free hand around his waist, slipping her fingers under his belt to hold him up.
She began pushing him towards the edge of the roof, continuing to deflect blaster fire while Rex managed to pick off at least two assailants with his DL-44. The stormtroopers were pouring out into the yard now, having realized their targets were already outside. 
“How many did he fucking bring?” Senna muttered under her breath, sweat trickling from her brow as her muscles and joints screamed in protest under Rex’s weight and the strain of keeping her balance on the roof. 
“Dunno, but I can take out a few more,” Rex gritted out. Quickly, he reholstered his weapon and reached into a pouch at his side, grabbing a thermal detonator and flinging it down into the yard. The blast sent the half dozen stormtroopers that had gathered flying, their screams cutting through the night as smoke filled the air. 
Senna was gasping for breath as she held Rex up, trying to tread carefully on foot placement as they backed towards the edge of the roof. The smoke had obscured them from view from the troopers in the yard, but that didn’t stop them from firing wildly at where they thought their two fugitives might be. 
Just a little further. 
As they reached the edge of the roof, the narrow gap between the wall and the shed stretched out below them. Senna glanced down, trying not to think about how far the fall was. Rex’s eyes met hers. 
“Sorry about this,” she gasped.
Without giving herself another moment to think about it, she tipped backwards and pulled Rex off of the roof with her. She heard him inhale sharply, and briefly, she felt wild laughter bubbling up in her at his surprise. 
He’s going to kill me later. If there is a later.
Deactivating her lightsaber in the air, Senna tried as hard as she could to push away from the ground with the Force to cushion their landing. They still wound up in a heap, but at least not any more injured from what she could tell. Rex was groaning and swearing.
“Why don’t you ever just ask me to karking jump?” 
Clipping her saber back onto her belt, Senna ignored his muttering and grabbed him under his arms, roughly dragging him towards the entrance to the shed. The stormtroopers were already running into the alley, shouting at them to stop. 
Just keep surviving one more minute, Senna thought to herself. If you do that enough times, you might live to see another day. 
Once she and Rex were both inside the shed, Senna slammed the door shut behind them, locking it and busting the control panel with her fist to keep it sealed for a few moments. She helped Rex onto the speeder bike, settling herself in front of him to drive. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and she reached down, resting her hand against his forearm. They paused for a moment, the only sounds the two of them catching their breath in the deafening silence of the shed. 
“Got your blaster out?” Senna asked.
“Yup,” he grunted into her ear.
Stormtroopers pounded on the door they’d just come through, shouting commands that all blended together into an indecipherable cacophony.
“Alright, let’s see if we can get through this,” Senna whispered, trying to hide the tremor in her hands.
“Another tall order,” Rex said through clenched teeth.
“That’s unfortunately becoming a trend with us,” she muttered.
“This one’s the tallest.” 
She hummed in agreement, unsure of how else to respond. She could hear the sadness in Rex’s voice, and her chest clenched as she realized he was implying there was a chance these were their last moments together. They could already hear the stormtroopers lining up in front of the main door outside, ready to capture or kill them.
How silly all of this is, Senna thought. All of that pushback and wanting to keep him safe, and now here we are. About to die together. And I never–
“You’re surrounded! Come out with your hands in the air!” A smug voice rang out through the door, muffled but still painfully recognizable. Senna’s lip curled reflexively. 
The anger in her shifted to helpless disappointment.
He’s going to win. 
Her mind raced, but no better alternative to their current predicament presented itself. Senna felt her breath catch in her throat, and she fought the urge to scream in frustration.
This might be it. 
She turned around and looked at Rex. There was a pinch between his brows, and his eyes were sad. Even with the blood and dirt smeared across his face, his eyes still burned fiercely as they found hers in the dark. Her heart fluttered.
You never told him. 
But to tell him now that she loved him, to tell him all of the things she’d been withholding felt like a concession, like she’d accepted that they were going to be captured or killed. And that wasn’t something Senna was ready to do. Instead, she grabbed Rex by the back of the head and urgently pressed her lips to his. She felt him stiffen at first with surprise before relaxing into the kiss, reaching his fingers up to touch the side of her face with the same gentleness she’d come to know as inherently him. The same gentleness she’d fallen in love with. Her eyes burned as she stifled the sob welling up within her. 
She wanted to stay there forever, pretending it was just the two of them, but time was short. The odds were stacked against them in almost every way, but she was too stubborn to give up yet. 
“And since when have you ever backed down from a challenge?” her master’s voice echoed in her mind.
She pulled herself away from the kiss, resting her forehead against Rex’s for another heartbeat. 
“Just in case,” she whispered. 
“Sure,” he agreed, the corners of his mouth tugging into a smile. “But we’re going to talk about this later.”
She allowed herself a small smile before turning back around. 
“So, I assume you’ve got at least one bad idea,” he said quietly. “You always have one of those.”
“One bad idea is better than no ideas,” Senna countered. Reaching down, she started the bike. “Got any smoke grenades?” 
“Don’t I always?” he joked, grimacing as he reached into his supply pouch again and pulled two explosives back out.
“Alright, as soon as the door opens, toss them under. Maybe that’ll obscure us enough to get through the welcome committee waiting for us.”
“You want a distraction?” he asked. “Why not use the detonator?”
She’d almost completely forgotten about the small remote in her pocket, but adding it to her idea seemingly upgraded it to at least ‘half-baked plan’ status in her mind. 
“You’re absolutely right,” she laughed, pulling the detonator from her pocket. “Alright, big explosion, smoke bombs under the door, drive like a mynock out of hell, and shoot back when they shoot. Any questions?”
Rex chuckled quietly, and the rumble against her warmed her from the inside out. “None from me.”
She took one last deep breath. “Ready?”
She armed the detonator and pressed the button. The entire shed shuddered and a bright flash briefly illuminated the inside of it as their entire dwelling exploded, completely destroying the place they’d called home for the last few months. Hearing shouts of confusion outside, Senna reached out with the Force to press the button that opened the shed’s main door. The door began sliding up with a groan, and Rex quickly tossed the grenades underneath as soon as the gap was large enough. 
Here we go.
The world around them erupted in blaster fire and smoke as the door slid up. Senna gunned the engine, and as soon as the door was high enough for them to duck under, they rocketed forward. A blaster bolt grazed her left shoulder as they shot out into the chaos, but she ignored it, grabbing her lightsaber and reigniting it again to deflect and blindly cut through as much as she could. There were shouts and screams as Rex’s blaster rang in her ear, the grip around her waist tightening as he whipped the weapon back and forth to cover a wide area with fire. 
Senna felt her heart pounding so hard she thought it would burst through her chest as they tore through the squadron of stormtroopers, running into one head-on with the bike. She heard the sickening thud and grunt as his body hit the front panel and dropped to the ground, leaving a scuff of white plastoid and blood on the bike’s paneling. 
Just survive another minute.
It felt like an eternity, but it was a fraction of a second before they burst out of the smoke, the blaster fire continuing to chase them as they sped away. She didn’t even have time to look over her shoulder at the smoldering wreckage that had once been their dwelling.
“Atta girl,” Rex shouted in her ear. 
Her heart soared. 
Senna tucked her lightsaber back onto her belt as she heard the whine of speeder bikes fire up behind them. Rex turned and shot backwards into the fray. 
“Are we being chased?” she shouted.
“Yup, got three bikes in pursuit,” he confirmed. 
“Alright, let’s see if we can make it out of town and lose them in the grasslands.” 
Senna wove in and out of the city’s streets, the bolts from their pursuers peppering the buildings and the ground around them. She felt the heat of one that got especially close to her shoulder as it winged by and slammed into a wall ahead of them. 
Kriffing transport-grade weaponry. Those pack a punch.
Suddenly, she turned left and saw the edge of the township, the streets and buildings giving way to unpaved grassland. The yellowing grass stood high enough in some places to where they would be able to be hidden from view.
If we can just make it that far. We’re so close.
She heard an explosion behind them and saw the buildings around them briefly illuminate as Rex whooped loudly. 
“Still got all three?” she yelled.
“No, I managed to hit one,” he replied with a tone that could only be described as cheerful. It made Senna smile. “Now we’re just down to the last–“
Rex gasped suddenly, and his body shuddered against her before she felt him go limp. His weapon flew from his hand and clattered against the pavement as they sped onwards.
“REX!” Senna screamed, feeling his grip around her waist loosen. She frantically grabbed his arm to hold him to her while she steered.
Her pleas were met with silence. 
No. No. No. No. 
She inhaled sharply. 
Think. He needs you to think right now.
Rex had been their rear defense, but now the Imperials were free to shoot at them unhindered. He’d undoubtedly take another blast if she didn’t stop them, or they’d hit the bike, and everything would go to hell from there.
Senna swung the bike around so that it was facing their assailants, slamming on the brakes. As gently as she could, she eased Rex forward so that he was slumped over the handlebars, and then she leapt from the bike, igniting her lightsaber in the air. 
The first stormtrooper had no time to react as she came down on his speeder, cleanly slicing it and him in two. The second one was further back and had time to respond, firing at her as she charged forward. She deflected blast after blast with ease, her eyes burning and her saber humming in her hand. She felt the anger and hatred seep into her veins, the cold trickle in her blood that she’d felt on Empire Day, and in that moment, did not fight it. 
I’ve come this far. They’re not taking one more person from me. 
“COME ON!” she screamed at the approaching trooper. “COME AND GET ME!” 
She was running straight at the approaching bike now, her hair flying wildly behind her. If the trooper was concerned about a Jedi running full-speed at him, he didn’t show it, hunkering down further behind his handlebars. 
Senna seethed.
Fuck you.
Just as the bike was about to hit her, Senna dropped to her knees, sliding along the pavement. The cobblestones tore at her knees through the fabric of her leggings, leaving her with torn skin and bloodied bruises that she hardly registered. She held her lightsaber skyward, neatly slicing the bike in half along its length. The halves flew over her, searing her cheek as she turned her head and pressed herself against the ground. The bike’s pieces clattered loudly against the street, and the mangled body of the stormtrooper rolled away from her. For just one second, she allowed herself to sink against the pavement, trying to catch her breath before a voice in the back of her mind started screaming. 
Quickly, Senna stood, ignoring the stinging and warmth of her bloodied knees as she listened for more bikes. She could hear them in the distance, but she and Rex would be long gone by the time their pursuers reached this spot.
Senna ran back to her speeder bike. She wanted to check Rex fully, but there was no time. She pushed his body forward so that she would be able to steer, albeit clumsily, and hopped on behind him, caging him in with her arms to hold him in place. Gunning the engine, she reached out with the Force, searching for Rex in it. She breathed a sigh of relief as she felt him, still there.
But fading fast. 
“Please hang on, Rex,” she whispered as she turned the bike towards the grass and sped off into the night.
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Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @zoeykallus @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @kaminocasey @echos-girlfriend @lucyysthings @obihiddlenox @merkitty49 @littlemissmanga @clonecyaree @baba-fett @sleepingsun501 @rexxdjarin @samspenandsword @babygirlrex0504 @ladytano420 @fxlsealarm @runforrestr @djarrex @corrieguards @the-cantina @witchklng @wolffegirlsunite @fives-lover @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @ladykagewaki @arctrooper69 @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall
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aiobhlin · 1 year
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When Karen’s safety is threatened after she’s witness to an almost unspeakable crime, she sees Witness Protection as her only hope. Frank Castle has other ideas about how to keep her safe.
Set in a world where I didn’t rewatch any of the shows before writing it, and I just never watched Daredevil 3 or Punisher 2, so there’s lots of canon inconsistencies. Take a deep breath, buckle in, and just ride it out. We’re gonna have a good time.
This is a (mostly) finished work that I will post in semi-regular installments for my sanity and to make sure I have everything all buttoned up. I hope to have the whole thing posted before November 2023.
Credit to @garglyswoof for the magnificent, thorough, thoughtful, and supportive beta. I truly couldn't have done this without you.
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For this first chapter, The Evidence, Karen goes undercover to get a story for the Bulletin and ends up seeing more than she anticipated.
“Are you going to approve my leave?” Karen kept her face neutral, and met his eyes straight on. It was a challenge, and he rose to it, holding her gaze with a challenge of his own.
“No.” He turned away.
“No? Ellison!”
“I said no, Karen. The last reporter I had who went deep on a Fisk story died. Do you remember him? His name was Ben Urich. He left the paper…”
“You fired him…”
“…chased after the story, and ended up dead.”
“I am not going to end up dead,” Karen started to protest, but Ellison waved a hand in her face and cut her off.
“Look, Ben was careful, okay? He took things slowly, asked questions discreetly. You’re like a bull in a china shop.” Karen looked like he had punched her in the gut, and Ellison mentally patted himself on the back for bringing Ben into it. “One thing I admired about Ben, and that I admire about you, is how devoted you are, how driven to report the truth. But there’s a difference between taking a chance on reporting corporate embezzlement and putting your life on the line by looking into whatever Vanessa Fisk is doing.”
“I’m hardly going to be putting my life on the line!” Karen recovered and rolled her eyes, her task of sorting files long forgotten.
“Going after anything regarding the Fisks is putting your life on the line, don’t you see? Ben was murdered for what he was trying to expose.”
“Yeah, and Fisk’s now in prison because of that.”
“I don’t want you to get killed, Karen.”
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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Kym Elizabeth Whitley (July 21, 1961) is a comedian and actress. She is known for her roles in television sitcoms, such as Animal Practice, The Boondocks, Young & Hungry, and The Parkers. She was nominated for a BET Comedy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Box Office Movie in the comedy film Deliver Us From Eva.
She attended Shaker Heights High School and Fisk University. She was initiated into the Alpha Beta chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
She got her big break starring in the popular play Beauty Shop. Her major acting roles include the short-lived sitcoms My Brother and Me and Sparks. She made guest appearances on several television sitcoms, including The Parent ‘Hood, Married... with Children, Moesha, That’s So Raven, The Parkers, My Wife, and Kids The Upshaws, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. She hosted the short-lived show Oh Drama. She had a small role in Next Friday. She was one of the groups called “The Adults”, who were adult cast members in the earlier seasons of All That. She was a co-host with R&B musician Brian McKnight on The Brian McKnight Show. She had a recurring role in the comedy Let’s Stay Together.
Her reality docu-series entitled Raising Whitley on the Oprah Winfrey Network premiered on April 20, 2013.
She joined the cast of the television sitcom Young & Hungry.
She guest-starred in the web series The Bay. She received a Daytime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Supporting or Guest Actress in a Digital Daytime Drama Series.
She guest-starred in “The Master of None. She’s been a recurring guest host on E! Daily Pop & Nightly. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #deltasigmatheta
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The Devil Between Us
Chapter 7: Resurrection
Need to catch up? Read chapter 6 here.
Summary: Daredevil returns, but it isn't Matt Murdock.
Warnings: Murder, mayhem, impostor DD, explicit language, hospital stuff.
A/N: Thank you @acrossthesestars for being my beta and helping through my hiatus. Can I just say, it feels great to be back.
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Matt noticed when you started coming to the church often, usually once or twice a week - three times if it had been a bad one. He sent Father Lathom to speak with you, to give you guidance, when all you needed, when all you wanted was him. He felt like a coward, unable to face you, but he knew. He knew you were better off thinking he was dead. 
Father Lathom approached the pew you sat in. “How are you holding up?” He asked, placing a comforting hand on your arm. 
You smiled weakly at the priest. “I know I need to stop coming. I need to stop thinking it would bring me closer to him.” You sniffled, tears falling. It wasn’t unusual for you to cry there. Lathom would tell you ‘There’s no time line for grief’ and that ‘you were always welcome’. But you knew it was time, time to walk away, time to move on. “I just needed to say goodbye.” 
Father Lathom hated knowing that Matt was right below the sanctuary, listening to this conversation. He could tell you, show you the way to the stairs, but that would only make matters worse. He didn’t want to undo all the effort you’ve put into moving on. “Our doors are always open for you. He would have been happy with you being here.” You heard the words, but they didn’t mean much to you, not anymore. Matt was dead, he couldn’t be happy. He couldn’t be anything anymore. 
You walked out the doors of the Cathedral, not bothering to look back. If you had, you would have seen Matt, who had run up the basement stairs, moving through the pews, ready to tell you he was alive. 
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Wilson Fisk was out of prison, acting like he was a free man. 
Karen called you, asking you to meet her at the office. She had a way to take him down, again, and she wanted you there. You rushed there, not expecting to be met with a familiar red suit, the suit that haunted you. You ducked into your office, slamming the door as one of his billy clubs pierced the wood. 
“I know you’re in there, sweetheart.” The killer called to you through your office door. It wasn’t Matt. The voice was all wrong - too deep, too dark. “Why don't you come out, so we can play.” There was silence before the man kicked in the flimsy wood separating you from his grasp. You scurried under your desk, hoping he’d just go away. You hated this feeling, being trapped like an animal waiting for slaughter. 
“Who are you?” The imposter asked, before you heard an object hit the wall, clattering to the floor in front of you. Your hand flew to your mouth, stifling a scream. Then you heard it. You heard him. 
“I’m Daredevil.” You couldn’t miss the low, gravelly voice, the voice you hear in your dreams, the voice that haunts your nightmares. Matt. You wanted to call out to him, run to him, but chaos ensued, more objects were thrown, clamoring to the ground in loud clangs as you huddled in your hiding spot.
Then it was over, and FBI agents flooded the office, looking for survivors. Every person said the same thing: 
“It was Daredevil.”  
“He just kept killing.” 
“He was a monster.”
You knew though. You knew the person under those horns wasn’t Daredevil, wasn’t Matt Murdock. But he was there, you know that. You heard him. You knew you heard him…. Right?
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You went back to Matt’s apartment, where you had been living since his disappearance. You were lucky his landlord didn’t ask any questions so long as you paid the rent on time. You settled onto his couch with a spread of files and a cold beer, wishing for something stronger.
It didn’t take long to make the connection between psycho Daredevil and Wilson Fisk. You called Karen immediately. 
“Fisk must have gotten to Potter. That’s the only way he could have gotten an exact replica of the suit,” you told her, looking for the file Matt kept on the criminal while she mumbled on the other side. When you found it, you shouted. “Yes! I have an address. I’m gonna go check this guy out. I’ll call you.” You hung up before she could protest, making your way out the door. 
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You felt strange, like a voyeur, as you watched Melvin kiss a beautiful woman goodbye before he went back inside the building. You followed him, making sure your gun was loaded in your bag. “Melvin Potter?” Your voice rang out, spooking him. 
“You can’t be here. He will be angry if you mess up his plan. You can’t be here.” The man stammered in response, shaking his head. He walked toward you, reaching out to push you out the door. 
“Please, I just need to ask one question about DareDevil,” you said quickly and he froze, standing as still as a statue. “You made it, didn’t you? The identical suit to his?” You questioned. Potter reached for your arm, pulling you into his workshop. 
“I didn’t have a choice. I had to keep Betsy safe. I love her…have to keep her safe.” He explained his actions to you, and you understood them. Looking around, you saw the replica suit, still covered in the blood of your co-workers. You turned back to face Melvin, watched as he raised a pipe to hit you over the head. The metal crashed against your skull, knocking you out cold. The last thing you heard was “gotta protect Betsy.”
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“You gotta wake up, baby.” Matt’s voice floated around in your head, fading in and out of focus. Groaning, you started to come to, vision still blurry, head aching. As your eyes cleared, you came face to face with The Man in the Black Mask. “Easy. Easy, sweetheart. You might have a concussion,” he said, and you were sure you were hallucinating. 
“You’re dead,” you gritted through your teeth, slowly reaching up to touch the wound on your head. Hissing in pain, you felt around the sensitive area. Matt reached out to brush your hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear. 
“I was, yeah. Then I heard your prayers at the church. You brought me back, sweetheart,” he professed and your heart skipped a beat. “Metaphorically speaking,” he added. 
You reached out, caressing his face with a shaky hand, mind numb with disbelief. You felt his stubble prickle the soft skin of your palm and ran your thumb over his plump lips, but still you couldn’t believe he was in front of you. “How– how are you alive?” You asked incredulously. 
There was a bang on the workshop door. “I’m sorry,” Matt apologized, “I will explain everything, but right now there are five- no, six FBI agents on the other side of that door wanting to arrest me for murder,” he told you, before leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. 
He stepped away from you, but your hand shot out, wrapping around his wrist. “Don’t,” you whispered, “Don’t leave me again.” Your voice was soft, but you knew he heard you as you faded back into unconsciousness. 
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When you came to again, you were in the hospital with Karen sitting at your bedside. 
“Where is he?” you asked, moving to sit up. Your vision went blurry, and your friend rushed to your side. She used the buttons on the bed to maneuver it into a sitting position. 
Once you were comfortable, she responded. “Where’s who? You were found alone, locked in a cage with a serious head wound.”
“Matt! He was there. I saw him.” You could tell by the look on her face that she didn’t believe you. “I swear, Karen. He was there, and he told me he’d explain everything.” You were stammering, your words running together. 
She took your hand, trying to relax you. “It’s okay, just breathe. You’ve been through a lot.”
You started tugging at the wires and tubes, wanting them off you as soon as possible. “He was there, Karen. I’m not crazy. He was in the black mask.” You weren’t sure if you were trying to convince her or yourself. 
She slowly started to hook the wires back onto you. “Okay, I’ll make you a deal. You stay here, let the doctors take care of you, and I’ll go look for Matt,” she offered, hoping you would accept it. You nodded slowly, your vision going blurry with the shake of your head. 
With a squeeze of your hand, Karen left on her mission. If anyone could find Matt, it was Karen Page. You closed your eyes, the pain finally getting to you. You pushed the button, a nurse coming into your room. You asked for medication, anything to take away the hurt. She came back with a doctor who injected something into your I.V. You could feel it taking over, pulling you into the depths of sleep.
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The Spiderwebs We Weave
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49494502 by GDM5 Peter re-evaluates his place amongst the world of marvel’s heroes, what "with great power come great responsibility” truly means to him, how the heroes of the marvel universe have lived up to this standard, and what he plans on doing about it. Words: 5994, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Fantastic Four, X-Men - All Media Types, Avengers - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, Multi Characters: Peter Parker, Otto Octavius, Wilson Fisk, Tony Stark, Sinister Six Relationships: Peter Parker/Harem, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: no beta we die like everyone spiderman has ever loved, Angst, Hurt Peter Parker, BAMF Peter Parker, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Some Humor, Peter Parker is So Done, Otto Octavius as Superior Spider-Man, Reed Richards Being an Asshole, Scott Summers Being an Asshole, Tony Stark Has Issues, Everyone Has Issues read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49494502
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twilight-deviant · 2 years
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To the Highest Bidder on Archive of our Own
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Daredevil (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wilson Fisk/Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock/Vladimir Ranskahov Characters: Wilson Fisk, Matt Murdock, Vladimir Ranskahov, James Wesley Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Wilson Fisk, Omega Matt Murdock, Alternate Universe - Regency, but really, Alternate Universe - Jacksonian, Wife Selling Summary: When passing through a small town in the 19th century, Fisk observes a bizarre practice and depraved auction. Impulsively, he participates. Unexpectedly, he walks away with a spouse.
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ao3feed-fratt · 1 year
What Was It Like to Feel In Love?
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46124929
by di0zapeeRc
Canon fix-it because the only reason Matt and Frank don't have the Romance Arc is because of cisalloheteronormative supremacy. Karen and Matt are literally the same person. Fuck Marvel.
Follows canon until it doesn't. All creative liberties are my own, obviously. Also, if Disney can give Daredevil and The Punisher 18+ ratings, then so can I, a 28-year-old human. That is to say, if you're squeamish about violence and gore, this is not going to be an easier swallow than the two source series.
If enough of us believe in this version, we can tulpa it into existence. Just saying.
Also, Marvel? Ditch Disney. Stop sucking. I speak for everyone when I say we've had enough.
Fic and chapter titles taken from 'The Hearse' by Matt Maeson.
Words: 1870, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, David Liebermann | Micro, Elektra Natchios, Stick (Marvel), Wilson Fisk, Will add more as story progresses - Character
Relationships: Frank Castle/Matt Murdock
Additional Tags: Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Karen Page and Matthew Murdock are the same person and you can't change my mind, This is going to get bloody and smutty and I won't take requests and I can't be stopped, Smut, Blood, Violence, Mentions of Death, Depression, Religious Guilt, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, No beta we 'die' like Matt and Frank
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46124929
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RcLwmxY by The_Penitent -- Not a compilation of one shots, this is a crossover fic -- The intertwined story of teenage villain/vigilante Gwen Stacy and teenage Ward Miles Morales as they try to unravel a series of mysteries and save the people they care about most as New York, and maybe their entire universe, crumbles around them. -- This is a first person AU fic, following Undersider Gwen and Ward Miles, who alternate as Protagonists each arc (Gwen odds, Miles evens). It takes place in the world of Worm, but every named character in Worm has been replaced by a different character from one of the sources in the tags. I explain a lot about sources in the text, only vague familiarity with Gwen and Miles is recommended, everything else is explained, you don't need to know all the sources to follow this. To see a full list of characters in this fic, go here, beware of mild spoilers: https://ift.tt/QSaJxwC Words: 10261, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Parahumans Series - Wildbow, Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies), RWBY, Invincible (Cartoon 2021), Life is Strange (Video Game), The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon), 重返未来:1999 | Reverse: 1999 (Video Game), Critical Role (Web Series), Red vs. Blue, Nemesis - April Daniels, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika | Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Batman (Comics), Marvel's Spider-Man (Insomniac Games Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, Ruby Rose (RWBY), Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Agent Texas | AI Program Beta, Mark Grayson | Invincible, Peni Parker (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse), Agent Carolina (Red vs. Blue), Danielle "Danny" Tozer | Dreadnought, Rachel Amber, Tim Drake, Keyleth (Critical Role), Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, George Stacy, Jefferson Morales (Earth-1610), Rio Morales, Aaron Davis (Earth-1610), Ganke Lee, Peter B. Parker (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse), Omni-Man | Nolan Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Hobie Brown, Caleb Widogast, Salem (RWBY), Miguel O'Hara, Ludinus Da'leth, Wilson Fisk, Adam Taurus, Dick Grayson, Anna Ripley, Vertin (Reverse: 1999), Schneider (Reverse: 1999), Leonard L. Church | AI Program Alpha, Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Atom Eve | Eve Wilkins Relationships: Miles Morales/Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen, Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia, Leonard L. Church | AI Program Alpha/Agent Texas | AI Program Beta, Schneider/Vertin (Reverse: 1999), Atom Eve | Eve Wilkins/Mark Grayson | Invincible Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Slow Burn, Angst, Secret Identity, POV First Person, POV Multiple, Moral Ambiguity, Domestic Violence, Adam Taurus Being an Asshole, Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Not A Compilation, Worm-Inspired, Undersider!Gwen Stacy, Ward!Miles Morales read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RcLwmxY
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2016 Topps Bunt Carlton Fisk  Boston Red Sox #90 Baseball card   MATV3
This, and many others are from a one owner collection where the cards have gone from pack directly to sleeve. Find More Carlton Fisk Baseball Cards 2016 Topps Bunt Carlton Fisk  card that’s a perfect addition to any collection. This, and many others are from a one owner collection where the cards have gone from pack directly to sleeve. Create an account today to join the Beta launch of your site…
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ao3feed-sambucky · 2 years
But Time Makes You Bolder (Even Children Get Older)
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44167678
by MariClem2018
Kate was Hawkeye's biggest fan, idolizing him even though she knew she could never be a hero like him. That is, until she learned of her families involvement with mobster Wilson Fisk AKA Kingpin. After learning of this, she took it upon herself to take down her own mother and eventually earning the eye of her hero. As she starts out on her journey as a young hero she will discover that things are not always sunshine and rainbows as a superhero. TW for violence and mental health issues.
Words: 54468, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics), Hawkeye (TV 2021)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers, Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Eli Bradley, Kamala Khan, Cassie Lang, Shuri (Marvel), Maya Lopez, Clint Barton
Relationships: Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff/Carol Danvers, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes, Hope van Dyne/Scott Lang, Peter Parker/Michelle Jones, Maya Lopez/Kamala Khan/Harley Keener, Melina Vostokoff/Alexei Shostakov
Additional Tags: loose MCU timeline, AU-A/B/O, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Momma Nat
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44167678
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daredevilexchange · 7 months
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Have you always craved more Punisher/Cap, Daredevil/She Hulk, Elektra/Echo, Mike Murdock/Loki? Are you dreaming of Karen Page/Pepper Potts or Foggy Nelson/Frank Castle? You've come to the right place!
Sign up for DDE's Rarepair Minibang close in a few days!
All iterations of Our Faves are welcome - comics, TV, and even film versions!
Signing up means that you can submit art and/or fic, and that you will have access to claims. Not signing up means no access to claims, and there are some fantastic submissions already :D You can both submit and claim, and you do not have to submit something in order to claim something else!
AO3 collection - Tumblr
Here are the options: - This is both a regular and a reverse bang, meaning you can submit art and/or fic for claims. - You can go the traditional route: submit your work and let people claim! - You can already have a partner in mind, in which case both of you must fill the sign-up form and let me know who your partner is.
What are the criteria? - Fanfic: 1.500 words minimum, must be beta-ed. 500 words only needed for submissions! - Art: one piece minimum. A sketch is fine for submissions! What type of art? Traditional: drawing, painting… or non-conventional: pottery, felt art, gifsets (6 gifs min), fanmixes (6 pieces of music + cover), embroidery, dollhouses, podfic, bookbinding… All visual art must be accompanied with a description.
What is a rarepair? If there are over 1,000 English-language works on AO3 as otp:true (aka, they’re the main ship), then it’s not a rarepair. Excluded as of the time of this FAQ (might be updated): Matt/Foggy, Matt/Frank, Matt/Reader, Frank/Karen. Let me know if you find others, or ask me to check! Your rarepair (or OT+) must include at least one of the characters from the Daredevil, Defenders, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Punisher comics, TV shows, or movies... the rest is up to you :D
The schedule: Signups & submissions open until March 17 Claims: right after. Posting: depending on the number of teams, starting mid-May.
More details in the FAQ (open in a browser page, not the app) below or on DW. Any further questions not answered in the FAQ / on DW? Just send an ask!
Spread the word!
@thebigbangblogproject @marvel-events-central @trackmarvel @nmcunyc @fanwork-exchange-promos
Bangin’ banner by MissMoochy !
Fanart of Danny Rand, Frank Castle, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock from the Netflix Marvel TV shows. All five characters are standing behind a table. Danny is wearing a green shirt, smiling gently with his eyes closed. He is holding voodoo dolls of Stick and Alexandra. There are pins in the dolls' hearts. Frank is wearing his Punisher skull t-shirt but the skull has hearts for eyes. Frank is ripping the head off a Fisk voodoo doll and smirking. There is a doll of Bullseye on the table in front of him. Both dolls have pins stuck in them all over. Luke wearing a black and yellow hoody over a black t-shirt and a yellow beanie hat. He is looking with concern at Frank and holding voodoo dolls of Elektra Natchios and Malcolm Ducasse. Jessica is wearing a black jacket over a purple top. She is frowning and sticking a pin into a voodoo doll of Misty Knight and has a doll of Trisha Walker in her jacket pocket. Matt is wearing a red shirt and red sunglasses. He looks worried and is cuddling voodoo dolls of Karen Page and Foggy Nelson. There are doll hearts and pins on the table in front of him. The table is black and the background is pink.
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wild-karrde · 1 year
In Command - Part 12
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A/N: HELLO I AM BACK! The Bolts series kind of took over my brain, but I HAVE RETURNED! This chapter took a LONG time because I really wanted to get it (and the next few right) since it contains some of the most significant changes from the original fic. I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT! As always, thank you to the OUTSTANDING @teletraan-meets-jarvis for beta-reading for me, knocking ideas around, and reassuring me when I was second-guessing everything. YOU ARE THE BEST TJ!
Chapter Rating: E
Warnings: explicit sexual content (fingering, PiV sex, cum eating), language
Word Count: 9.6k words
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“How can this be so kriffing boring?” Senna muttered, rubbing her face. “I really thought this talk would have at least some worthwhile details in it, but the guy giving it has to have been around when they invented the hyperdrive.”
Rex chuckled into his cup of caf. “Oh, come on. I don’t think it’s so bad.”
Senna rolled her eyes at him. “Of course you wouldn’t. You two geezers are kindred spirits.”
“I’m technically younger than you, you know. Accelerated aging and all that.”
She rolled her eyes again, and Rex nudged her with an elbow. It seemed as though she was in higher spirits today, and he couldn’t be certain if it was because the meet with Fisk was set for tomorrow or if there was something else at play. Even her frustration and complaining seemed more light-hearted, and it had made the burden he carried feel slightly more tolerable.
Maybe it was the right call to allow her to do this.
As the speaker wrapped up the session, Senna sighed, powering down the comm node. “Well that was another day wasted.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” he countered. “We learned some more of the command structure. That’s important.”
“But we need more. I need to know what that super weapon is. All we know is that it’s a game-changer in the Empire’s eyes, but we’ve hardly learned anything else helpful. No build schedule, no people running the project, not even the mention of where it’s happening.” She was pulling her bun down and massaging her scalp, her hair hanging in front of her face like an auburn curtain. Rex tried to stifle a smile as she huffed, causing some of the hair to flutter before she whipped it back over her shoulders and down her back. She chewed a thumbnail before turning her attention to a parcel that she’d brought home with her earlier in the week. He hadn’t questioned it, but his curiosity was piqued as she grabbed it and headed into the ‘fresher.
Probably going out for her nightly walk, he thought as he reached for the datapad she’d been using to take notes. He also dug his hand in the bag of sweets she’d bought back earlier in the week, popping one of the candies in his cheek as he began reviewing her notes.
There has to be something here worthwhile.
He still shared her frustration, but he felt he needed to remain optimistic, if nothing else other than for her mental state. His eyes flicked to the door of the ‘fresher as he heard the shower turn on.
Maybe she’s just getting ready for bed tonight.
He wondered if her not going out meant something. He sucked on the candy in his cheek.
A short while later, Senna emerged, but when she did, she wasn’t wearing a new set of clothes to sleep in. Rex had to clench his jaw to keep it from falling open.
She’d swept her hair back in a slightly more stylized bun with smaller braids tucked into it, but she’d allowed some wisps to hang free, framing her face. He couldn’t be sure, but he thought she was wearing a bit of makeup, just enough to accentuate her eyes. But the thing that surprised him most was the cerulean sundress she was wearing. The fabric was simple enough, but the cut hung perfectly on her, outlining her curves in ways that somehow made her eyes sparkle even more. Thin straps laid across her shoulders, weaving across her back in a simple pattern, and the skirt swept to halfway down her shins. It was modest compared to some of the garments he’d seen in his time, but somehow alluring in ways that made sweat break out across the back of his neck. She’d pulled her boots back on underneath and was reaching for her jacket when she seemed to finally notice him staring.
“There’s a festival tonight. Kind of wanted to go see what it’s about,” she said quietly. She brushed a piece of hair behind one ear, sheepishly smiling as if she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t.
“By yourself?” The question came out more accusing than Rex meant, and Senna ducked her head, rubbing the back of her neck.
“There’s a big dinner tonight for the conference. All of the Imps should be there. Figured it’d be safe enough on my own.”
“I-I just… I didn’t know if… I didn’t know if you’d want to go.” She paused. “Do… do you want to go?”
Rex’s mind faltered.
Did she not want me to go? She’s been distant the last week, pulling away. I don’t want to intrude if she needs the space. But… when she looks like that… Maker…
“I should probably stay in and go over the notes. And then make sure we’re prepped for the meet tomorrow.” The words were out of his mouth like a reflex, and he found himself second-guessing them immediately. Her expression was unreadable.
“Alright then. Might grab dinner while I’m out too.”
“Right. Bring me something back?” he asked.
She smiled gently. “Of course.” They stared at each other for another beat, Senna rocking nervously back and forth on her heels. It was as if she wanted to say something else, but was unable to find a starting point. Finally, she seemed to give up trying, reaching over and snatching her comm from where it sat on the desk. Quickly, she pulled her jacket on and slipping the comm into her pocket. “I shouldn’t be out long. Probably won’t be too much fun.” Her smile was almost apologetic.
“Yeah. Sure,” he fumbled.
Before any more awkward silence could hang between them, she was out the door, leaving Rex alone as he replayed the moment again and again in his mind.
What the kriff was that?
Senna walked quickly through the crowds on the street, keeping her head down as if she could outrun the awkward encounter with Rex by putting more distance between them.
What the kriff was that?
She had thought about asking him to come with her. Tortured herself over it, in fact. Ultimately, she came to the conclusion that was a violation of the invisible and inconsistent boundary she’d set for herself.
Still… maybe it would have been nice for me to ask.
The evening air was cool, but a warm breeze blew some loose tendrils of hair against her cheeks, and she could smell food vendors nearby frying every type of meat and cheese under the sun. The tinkle of laughter and the notes of music carried on the cool night air, and as she got closer to the square, she felt some of her tension melt away as she sank into the festival atmosphere. Children raced past, brushing her skirt as they sprinted carelessly by, laughing and screaming with dust swirling in their wake. Senna smiled to herself as she disappeared into the crowd, enjoying the feeling of being around people, yet alone. She made her way through the throng, the music growing louder as she wove by group after group of people laughing and giggling. Suddenly, everything opened up around her as she reached the square, and she inhaled sharply as she took it in.
The entire area had been completely transformed from what she’d stumbled upon on her first day out. Small lights were strung within and between the trees, twinkling joyously in the night and softly illuminating the various vendor stalls and the large space where people were dancing. The leaves whispered in the breeze, harmonizing with the laughter and shouts of the onlookers that stood around the edge of the dance floor. A live band played a quick-tempoed tune as the dancers whirled, the colorful fabrics of their clothes waving in wide arcs as they spun, hair and tendrils whipping around like grass in the wind. The smell of assorted fried food and warm drinks was stronger now, carried on the wind along with the sounds, and Senna felt her stomach grumble quietly. She let her shoulder lean against a pillar that was wrapped in streamers and greenery as she took the scene in. She’d never really had the opportunity to see festivals like this while she was a Jedi, and moments of joy like this one warmed her heart after so much time spent in a war.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” a familiar voice said softly next to her, and she jumped, whirling to glare at the man next to her. Familiar brown eyes twinkled beneath the brim of a hat that was covering his blonde hair as he leaned closer to her.
“Did you follow me?” she whispered with an edge of annoyance.
Too close.
“No. Well, yes. But I kind of wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” he said sheepishly, ducking his head. “And I figured… well, we are supposed to be on our honeymoon.”
Senna studied him for another moment.
“I suppose that’s true,” she conceded. She felt him step closer, hesitantly wrapping his arm around her waist.
“Is this alright?” he murmured against her ear.
“Yes,” she breathed, trying to keep her heart from racing as she felt his fingers rest against her hip. Her tongue darted out to wet her suddenly dry lips as she fumbled to change the subject and ignore the heat racing to her cheeks. “You ever see anything like this?”
“We weren’t exactly around a lot of festivals on our campaigns.”
“Yeah, that tracks.” They stood in silence for a few more minutes as the song came to a close and the dancers all applauded along with the crowd. The band struck up a new song, and many of the onlookers took to the dance floor, swaying in time with the music. The beat tugged at Senna, and after a few seconds, she found herself tapping her foot. Rex glanced down at where her boot was keeping tempo, smiling to himself before his eyes caught hers. She couldn’t help but grin back at him.
Maybe he’s right. We are supposed to be out together. What could it hurt?
Senna leaned over and said quietly, “You uh…ever learn how to dance, Captain?”
He turned to look at her, noting her cocked eyebrow and taking it as a challenge. “I may have picked up a few dance steps on Coruscant when I was there on leave. Don’t know that I’m any good at any of them though.”
“Well, why don’t we find out then?” she giggled, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the dancers as she tossed her inhibitions to the wind.
He hesitated, pulling back on her hand. She whirled back around to face him, her eyes sparkling in the lantern light. A sudden giddiness came over her, and for once, she wasn’t going to resist it.
We deserve this much, don’t we?
“Come on, Lon. You owe me a honeymoon.” He still was scanning the crowd nervously, so she stepped closer, whispering in his ear, “We deserve to have some fun.”
Rex chuckled quietly. “I suppose we do.”
The air was warmer as she led him towards the dance area, and she stripped out of her jacket, tossing it on a nearby bench. The breeze tugged at her hair, dragging some of the loose strands across her bare shoulders, and she inhaled deeply.
Have some fun.
She turned back to Rex. His gaze was gentle yet piercing, and she felt herself grow warmer. He followed her lead, tossing his jacket on the same bench before interlacing his fingers with hers as she led him through the dancers, weaving along until they found a spot to stake their claim. Turning to face him, Senna let her left arm drift over his shoulder. “You know the Coruscant Whirl?” she asked.
Rex smirked. “Can a Toydarian fly?”
She wrinkled her nose. “I mean, not always super well, but-“ He interrupted her by pulling her close and whipping her around in a circle, and a loud cackle burst out of her as he twirled her. They separated in time with the tempo, their fingertips grazing as they slid by one another until he stepped forward and firmly gripped her hand, spinning her back into him. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this at ease, this happy. She was out of breath from laughing, she was sweaty from the exertion, and she felt as if an ember in her chest was being blown upon every time she caught Rex’s eye, every time his hands found their place on her waist. She wasn’t certain she’d ever seen him this happy either.
She never wanted it to end.
Aren’t we owed this much? After all of it?
Rex’s grin made her heart flutter as he stepped closer to her, wrapping his fingers around her waist, lifting her easily and spinning her. She whooped in surprise at first before tipping her head back and giggling.
“Didn’t expect that one, huh?” he teased in her ear as he spun her around.
“I must say, I’m pleasantly surprised,” she said, her arms drifting to his shoulders as he replaced her on the ground. They were both laughing and panting as they danced, Senna almost daring Rex to keep pace, and him meeting the challenge at every turn. Whipping her around one more time, he pulled her back in and dipped her low just as the song ended, her hands wrapping around the back of his neck as her hair finally fell from its loose bun and spilled over his arm. Senna tipped her head back and laughed. Gently, Rex pulled her back up, her hair sticking to her face and neck as she tried to regain her breath. “Very well done, sir,” she said approvingly.
“I do what I can,” he replied, a grin cutting across his face from ear to ear.
Maker, he’s handsome.
The barriers were crumbling, but she couldn’t be bothered to care. At least, not for tonight.
We should be allowed to be happy. After everything we’ve been through.
Just playing our parts. Valla and Lon Cardell. Honeymooning together.
The band had moved on to a much slower song, and the couples around them had started to move together, holding each other close. Rex turned to look at Senna, and she could see the hesitation, the question clear in his gaze. She shrugged, stepping closer and placing his hand on her waist.
“It is supposed to be our honeymoon,” she reminded him.
He smiled but said nothing, pulling her closer.
Senna slid her left arm back up over his shoulder and allowed the fingers of her right hand to intertwine with his as she let her face rest against his chest. She could hear his heart beating and smell the sweat on him as they swayed in time with the music. The warmth of his hand on the small of her back was a grounding presence, holding her close, and for the first time since before the war, the entire galaxy seemed to fall away. She felt Rex rest his cheek against the top of her head, and she pressed more into him.
Just pretend. Just for a little while.
As they swayed, Rex pulled their clasped hands to his chest, running his thumb over the back of her hand. He turned to whisper into her ear, “Almost makes you feel normal, huh?”
Something stirred within her, twisting her stomach. She smiled sadly up at him. “You forget, this was never going to be my normal,” she whispered back.
“And… what about now?” he asked.
Her heart stuttered in her chest. She froze, and she felt him tense as she pulled back to look at him. His eyes were searching hers, as if he was trying to gauge her reaction. The problem was she wasn’t sure what her reaction was. The ground suddenly felt unsteady under her feet as her brain rushed to interpret what Rex meant, what he could possibly be implying. Her heart was singing at her to hope, but her brain was in an all-out assault to quash that.
You love him.
You can’t.
But what if he…
The song came to an end, and an announcement about the night’s scheduling was played over the sound system. Senna blinked as the speaker blared, derailing her frantic train of thought.
Just small talk. Just pretend. He’d never… no. You can’t let yourself think that.
You’ll only get hurt. Or you’ll hurt him.
Senna smiled back up at him. “We should get some food,” she said as she tucked her hair back into a bun, bending over to grab her jacket striding off towards a food stand. She could feel Rex’s eyes following her for a few seconds before he apparently decided to let it go, falling into step behind her. Her fingers flexed nervously, her eyes darting among the vendors until they settled on a stall selling roasted meat on sticks.
Does… does he?
She shook her head, quickly paying the vendor for two sticks of meat and a bag of dried fruit to share. Her stomach growled, and she bit into the meat, barely tasting it as her mind raced.
You can’t.
“Hey, are you alright?” Rex asked from right next to her.
“Yeah. I’m fine. I… here,” she said, extending him the other stick. He took it, but his eyes never left her. She ate quickly, discarding the wooden stick and tearing open the fruit bag. The sugar and some other spice tingled on her tongue. Rex was eating more slowly, his eyes seemingly never leaving her.
“Are you sure? Because you seem… distant.”
She tried not to squirm under his gaze.
Haven’t I been all week?
Senna turned to face him. Her heart lurched at the way he was looking at her.
He just wants to understand. And maybe you owe him that much.
“Rex, I-”
Their conversation was interrupted by a commotion on the east end of the festival. Shouts and screams cut through the night air, and suddenly, the sound of modulated voices carried over the crowd. Rex and Senna’s eyes met, alarm permeating both of their gazes as they understood what was happening.
Rex stood on his tiptoes to see above the crowd, and when his eyes settled on the far end where the noise was coming from, his mouth pulled into a thin, tight line, confirming what Senna feared. He leaned close, speaking directly into her ear. “They’ve got a small army, and it seems they’re kettling the crowd. I don’t have my chain code with me. Do you?”
Senna’s hands flew to her pockets, already knowing she hadn’t brought her identification as her fingers futilely felt for the chain code disk.
Kriff. How could I have been so careless?
Rex didn’t need her to confirm his suspicions as he met her eyes. “Guess their dinner’s over. Time to go,” he muttered. His arm slipped protectively around her as he began pressing them back away from the main avenue. Quickly, Senna pulled the hood of her jacket up and tried to shield her face with it. Rex tipped the brim of his hat lower, turning up the collar of his jacket as well. They started moving away from the impending line of stormtroopers at as normal of a pace as possible. An announcement boomed over a loudspeaker somewhere.
“This is an unauthorized gathering that is in direct violation of curfew. Disperse immediately or you will be arrested.” There were shouts of protest from various onlookers, but most people were moving away.
“We hold this festival every year. Why would they do this?” Senna heard one woman ask.
“Because they can,” another grumbled in response.
Senna’s mind was racing, her heart rate spiking with fear.
He’s here because of me. I did this. It’s my fault. I put us in danger.
Rex took Senna’s hand and they wove back through the crowd away from the approaching squadron. Slipping into an alleyway, he led her away from the main street. They could hear more and more loudspeakers and the modulated voices of the stormtroopers demanding people move, followed up with a few indignant shouts.
“This way,” Rex whispered. “It should dump us right in front of the inn.”
My fault. My fault. My fault.
They stepped quickly through the darkness, but no matter how much space they put between themselves and the festival, they still could hear the comm chatter of stormtroopers, too close for comfort. Senna was completely disoriented, clinging to Rex’s hand as he worked his way through the labyrinth of alleys and backstreets. Suddenly, he turned one corner, and then immediately jumped backwards, slamming Senna against the wall. She took in his expression, his eyes flicking back and forth, calculating his next move before his brown irises finally found hers in the dark.
“There’s a squad at the end of the alley coming this way,” he whispered. “Come on.”
Rex doubled back, and despite her long legs, Senna found herself jogging to keep up with his pace. He tried another route, but was met with yet another squad working their way towards them.
“Kriff,” he muttered under his breath. Senna could see the tension in his shoulders as he thought, working over the maps she’d watched him memorize in his head. After a few seconds, he turned the opposite direction of the stormtroopers, heading back the way they’d come before ducking into a sidestreet. Senna followed quickly, keeping her head down as she tried to take in her surroundings.
The sidestreet was largely empty, peppered with rundown storefronts and buzzing neon signs. A stray tooka watched them with mild interest, scratching at an ear with a clawed foot. There was a mild stench of standing water and garbage that permeated the entire street, and Senna fought the urge to wrinkle her nose. Her pulse was pounding in her ears, and she felt her chest begin to clench with nerves.
We can’t get caught. That was the deal. No getting captured. No matter what.
As if he could sense her fear, Rex reached back for her hand, which she gratefully slipped into his. “This connects with a fenced-off courtyard that we should be able to scale and cut through,” he murmured. “Think you can handle that?”
“Are you seriously asking if I can climb a fence, Rex?” she joked, doing a poor job of hiding the desperation in her voice.
He smirked, but before he could retort, they heard the click of boot heels and froze. Rex grabbed her arm, pulling her into the shadows. A few seconds later, a squadron of stormtroopers rounded the corner, making their way down the alley and scanning for any stragglers. They stopped a few passerby, and their demands echoed down the street.
Rex’s head was on a swivel, looking up and down the connecting alleys. His grip on her hand was firm, and it felt like the only thing keeping Senna from screaming in frustration. She turned and looked down the street, inhaling sharply as she spotted two officers with the squad. One was a younger woman, laughing at something the other had said, but the gait and posture of her counterpart was unmistakable.
“It’s Fisk,” Senna breathed. “Rex, he’s here.”
Her mind raced with thoughts of what would happen if Fisk saw them, and her breath came out in a shaky exhale.
I’ll be arrested as a spy. There’s no way they won’t figure out Rex is a clone. I don’t even know what would happen to him. Would they just kill him? Or lock him away? Or worse?
“Of course he is,” Rex muttered. He squeezed her hand. “This way.”
Rex led her down the closest stairwell, pulling her inside the door of a club named The Tawny Tooka. Senna’s breath felt caught in her chest as he pressed her up against the wall just inside the door, listening to the outside foot traffic. Her heart was racing, but at the moment, she couldn’t determine if it was due to the danger or how close Rex was standing to her, his hands pressed to her hips as he tried to see through the smudged window in the door.
“Paying customers only,” came a gravelly voice, making Senna jump in the quiet. Turning, she spotted a female Pa’lowick leaning out of a curtained window, watching the two of them. She was wearing a wig that sat crookedly on her elongated head, and her lips were painted a neon shade of purple that matched the glitter smeared on her eyelids.
“We just need to get our bearings. Got a little lost,” Rex said, and the Pa’lowick snorted.
“I’m sure the Imps out there can help you find your way just fine, handsome. So either pay up, or get out.”
Rex glared at her, but Senna stepped past him. “What’s the fee?”
“Twenty credits each.”
Senna counted out forty credits as she glanced past the Pa’lowick. She could make out a sliver of the club through the curtain behind the Pa’lowick, and from what she could see inside, it became very clear that she and Rex had stumbled into a sex club.
“I’m surprised the Imps let you keep this place running,” she commented casually, trying to distract from the way her hands were trembling as she replaced the rest of her credit chips in her pocket.
Get inside and hide. Disappear.
The Pa’lowick shrugged. “Normally, you’ll find a few of their officers back there, but they’ve got some big shindig tonight. As long as their top brass continues to patronize this establishment, the rest of ‘em will look the other way.” The attendant scooped Senna’s credits off the counter. “Can take your coats and hat. There’s toys and other fun supplies for sale along the east wall. Private booths on the south wall. Seems like this one prefers to be a bit more…discrete.” She winked at Rex, and his mouth twisted into what Senna guessed was supposed to be a smile. His discomfort was obvious, and she wasn’t certain she was doing much better at hiding hers.
“Thanks,” Senna mumbled, handing off her jacket before grabbing Rex by the wrist and leading him through the doorway that led into the club. He barely had time to toss his own jacket and hat at the Pa’lowick, who was rolling her eyes at the two of them as they disappeared.
Senna had been to several of these types of establishments after the war had ended, both as a customer looking for someone to take her mind off of things and as an asset looking to gather intel for Gerrerra. Despite her familiarity with this type of place, something about Rex’s presence made her cheeks flush with heat as she led him through the sea of bodies towards the south wall. Every step that buried them deeper into the crowd put her more at ease, and she felt some of the tightness in her shoulders abate as she and Rex put distance between themselves and the front entrance.
The attendant was right. Privacy will be the way to go. Especially if the Imps decide to come looking down here.
The room was stifling with the smell of perfume and sweat. Laughter and shouts echoed over a thrumming bass, and Senna’s head swam from the heat that seemed borderline oppressive. Bodies were pressed together in every nook and cranny of the club, parties of every species and gender coupling on couches or working up to it at tables with drinks in hand, leaned close to be heard over the music. Some more adventurous clientele had taken to the stage, exhibiting their proclivities while others seemed to just prefer taking in the show. When she glanced over her shoulder, Senna found Rex staring hard at her, and she couldn’t help but grin impishly at him.
“What, you can’t bend like that?” she teased, jerking her head toward a pair of Twi’leks that were practically contorted on stage with one another. She hoped the joke would keep him from hearing how hard her heart was pounding in her chest.
Rex’s eyes flicked over to the adventurous couple, and he managed a tight smile as he leaned down to reply. His breath was hot against her cheek. “Not without a good amount of stretching.”
She giggled, some of the tension leaving her body as his hands found their way to her hips. She leaned back into him, interlacing her fingers with his as her eyes scanned the crowd. Standing on her tiptoes, she was able to spot the booths in the back, several of them occupied while others had their curtains hanging open invitingly.
“Think we should find somewhere more private like the attendant suggested?” she asked, leaning back to speak to Rex. Her lips grazed the shell of his ear, and she could have sworn she felt him shudder.
“I think that’s best. Lead the way, love.”
Her heart stuttered in her chest.
She shook her head, desperately trying to clear the haze that was inundating her mind.
Ever the professional. Still playing his part.
Despite that thought, heat licked up her spine as she strode forward, keeping one hand linked with his as she wove through the crowd. Her chest felt tight, and an undeniable wetness was forming between her legs. She made a beeline for the first booth that was obviously open, and Rex followed her inside.
The two of them pressed into the small booth, and Rex pulled the curtain closed behind them, plunging them into darkness. With that darkness and the sense of isolation came relief, and Senna found herself releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.
We’re safe. For now.
The dark space was barely large enough for two people to stand in with a small, L-shaped seat pushed into the corner that was clearly meant to facilitate one very specific thing. Senna’s head was spinning in the close space, caught between the rush of relief and the tension of having Rex so close. The air felt thick as Rex turned in the dark, leaning down to whisper to her. She struggled to focus on the words rather than how his breath felt against the shell of her ear and the smell of his skin. Some of his stubble scraped her cheek as he spoke, the low husky rumble of his voice making her knees tremble.
“We can lay low here for a bit until the troopers clear out on the street. They’ll stay just long enough to be an inconvenience and leave when the crowd has dispersed. I don’t think Fisk saw us.”
Senna’s hand rested on his forearm, nodding in agreement. “D-do we stay in here until then?” She knew what she hoped for, but she needed him to confirm it. All of her inhibitions were melting away faster than her brain could counteract them. The adrenaline was wearing off, quickly being replaced by a burning need that was enveloping her more with every breath.
Just an act. It has to be enough.
But what if it’s not?
Rex chuckled, and the sound made Senna’s heart flutter as his hand found a place on her hip. “I’m afraid I don’t have a better idea. But it’ll be f-“
The curtain was abruptly pulled open, and Senna blinked at the large Togruta man standing before them. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and he had his arm draped around the shoulder of a Twi’lek, who had his hand halfway down the Togruta’s pants. Both of their eyes widened in surprise before the Togruta glared at Rex.
“Occupied,” Rex growled.
“Well at least use it then so the rest of us can have a turn,” the Togruta rumbled.
“The next one’s open, sweetheart,” the Twi’lek giggled, the muscles of his arms flexing, and the Togruta moaned. “Let’s leave them to their play.”
“Fine.” The Togruta managed to shoot Rex one more withering look before he closed the curtain, and Senna heard a thud followed by a loud titter from the connecting wall a few moments later.
“I hope that doesn’t keep happening,” Rex muttered, yanking the curtain closed again. “Don’t want to have to keep fending them off.”
Senna wet her lips, an idea forming in her mind that under normal circumstances, she’d have immediately rejected.
But these were not normal circumstances.
“It probably will keep happening.” She inhaled deeply as her addled brain reached what she considered to be the only possible conclusion. “Sit down on the couch, Rex.” Her voice was breathier than she’d meant for it to be, and he turned to look at her. She wasn’t certain if she was imagining it, but she could have sworn he looked hopeful, almost eager.
“What?” he asked.
She pushed at his shoulders, guiding him backwards. “They’re going to keep coming in, so we’d better look like we’re doing something, or else they’ll get an employee to kick us out. And then we’ll be out in the open and really will be conspicuous.”
Rex fell heavily back onto the seat. “That makes sense,” he agreed slowly. She bent down to bunch her skirt in her hands, hiking the blue fabric up around her thighs. His gaze felt molten as it raked over each newly exposed inch of skin.
“I do that sometimes,” she joked as she climbed onto his lap and straddling him. Her skirt pooled around her hips, exposing her thighs as her knees sunk into the cushions on either side of him, and she could see Rex’s eyes trail along the exposed flesh, his hands hovering over her. She leaned forward, pressing her chest against his and nuzzling against his cheek.
It’s just an act. What we need to sell it.
Rex finally appeared to decide to rest his hands on her hips, digging his fingers into the wadded-up fabric of her skirt. “If anyone comes in, just follow my lead,” she whispered against his ear, and she felt him shiver. This time, she was sure of it, certain that he was reacting that way because of her. Heat bloomed between her legs.
Just an act.
“And what does that entail?” he asked in a husky whisper.
“We’re going to give them a show,” she laughed. “Make them think this is definitely in use.”
His grip on her hips tightened, and Senna became increasingly aware that her core was pressed against his crotch, and that he was absolutely reacting to having her so close. But before she could give it any additional thought, two voices just outside of the booth’s curtain grabbed her attention, and the curtain rattled as though it was being tugged. Senna rolled her hips, grinding against Rex as the curtain opened.
She couldn’t stop the moan that tore from her throat, her fingers digging into the back of Rex’s neck as his grip on her hips tightened. She ground herself against him again, feeling his cock twitch in his trousers. She could feel the length as she ground her cunt against it, and she panted against his neck. Rex leaned into her, making a low sound in his throat that sent electricity shooting through her veins. His hands were gripping her firmly, guiding the motion of her hips as the curtain swung open.
“Oh, sorry!” It flipped shut quickly, and Senna paused, panting against Rex’s neck.
“Yeah… like that,” she whispered with a chuckle.
“Seems we sold it,” Rex rasped. There was a little strain in his voice, and she could feel how tightly he was still holding her. One of his hands moved to trail along her spine, brushing the bare skin between her shoulder blades and drawing a shiver from her. She dug her teeth into her lip to keep herself from gasping.
“Is… is this alright?” he asked after a few moments.
She nuzzled against his throat, trying to keep the tremble out of her voice. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t it be?”
Just an act.
He swallowed hard. “I just… I don’t want… I know that Fisk made you uncomfortable when he touched you like this. And I don’t want to do that.”
“You’re not Fisk, Rex. It’s different when you touch me.”
She could feel a throbbing between her legs, and her head swam as she fought the urge to grind against Rex again. His grip loosened on her skirt.
“Do you like it when I touch you?” he asked, so quietly she almost didn’t catch it.
Senna turned to face him, her nose grazing his in the dim light. His eyes seemed darker, and his breath was warm against her lips as he watched her, searching her gaze. Her brain screamed at her to stop, to push away from him, to not let herself get pulled under.
But for once, she didn’t listen.
She didn’t know she’d said it out loud at first, but she felt Rex’s breath stutter against her lips. His brows were furrowed as he searched her eyes, almost as if he wanted to be sure he’d heard her correctly.
Slowly, Rex reached up, pushing her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. His fingers grazed her cheek, tracing along her jaw, and Senna leaned into his touch, closing her eyes and savoring the warmth of his palm. Rex’s eyes flicked down to her mouth, and his thumb gently traced along her lower lip. The pressure was light, and Senna kissed the pad of his thumb. His eyes locked with hers.
“Don’t stop,” she whispered.
Rex traced the lines of her throat until his warm fingers grazed along her collar bone, finally reaching her bare shoulders. His fingertips touched the strap of her dress, toying with the thin strand of material. He hesitated, his eyes finding hers again, and Senna shrugged her shoulder down, letting the strap slip off in invitation. Rex’s eyes locked on her bare shoulder, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
He looked hungry.
And in that moment, she wanted nothing more than to be consumed by him.
Senna felt as if she was floating, and before she could consider it further, she reached for his hand. Rex allowed her to take it, and she kissed along his knuckles, placing one against his palm before she guided his hand under her skirt, resting it on her bare thigh. The two of them watched each other as she took his other hand, kissing it as well before she let out a shaky exhale, pulling Rex’s hand to her chest. The hand on her thigh tightened, and she placed her palm over the top of the one that was resting on her chest, adjusting her weight so that her core was pressed against his cock. Every muscle in Rex’s body was tensed, but as she stroked her thumb over the back of his hand, his fingers trailed along the neckline of the dress before his palm dropped down to cup her breast, squeezing it gently.
Senna’s head rolled back, and she gasped, grinding against him. He groaned in response.
The curtain rattled again.
The final barricade between them crumbled as they stared into each other’s eyes.
Rex’s hand slipped from her breast, sliding around the back of her neck to pull her into a heated kiss. They’d kissed before of course, but this one was different, urgent, hungry, all tongues and teeth clashing together with an urgency that they’d both repressed for months. The taste of Rex pulled Senna under, and she was more than happy to drown in him. His tongue traced her lower lip, requesting access and her hands slipped around the back of his head as she granted it eagerly, running her tongue along his, desperate to give him whatever he wanted. Her hips rolled again, and Rex reciprocated, gasping into her mouth. Both of his hands gripped her bare thighs under her skirt, pulling her against him with every roll of their hips, and it didn’t take the two of them long to find a rhythm. Her nails scratched lightly across the back of his neck as she began to grind against him more insistently. Her undergarments were quickly dampening, but she couldn’t stop.
And she didn’t want to.
Rex seemed as lost as she was in the moment, grunting every time she pressed against him. She whined against his mouth.
The curtain was still open, but neither of them seemed to care.
“Touch me,” she gasped.
“Anywhere. Please.”
Rex slipped his hand into her hair, gently tangling his fingers in it. His grip was firm, but so gentle compared to how Fisk had held her head still before.
She wanted more.
Rex’s lips worked their way along her jawline until he reached her throat. She felt his mouth press against the tendons there, sucking a mark before he moved down to her collar bone. His tongue traced her clavicle until he reached the scar left there by the shattered tree branch, and suddenly his kisses were more tender as he focused on the healed mark.
Senna closed her eyes, leaning into his touch as he lavished the mark that haunted her with attention, ensuring she’d never look at it the same in the mirror.
“More?” he whispered.
“More. Please.”
She pressed her core harder against him, and there was no question that this had gone beyond an act for the benefit of those around them.
Senna was chasing her pleasure against Rex’s hardening cock.
And he was helping her.
The hand on her thigh reached further under her skirt, sliding around to grip her ass, guiding her along his length. She felt his fingertips slip under the edge of her panties as his fingers dug into the curve of her ass.
The curtain closed again.
They didn’t stop.
Rex’s grip on her hair tightened, and she gasped before his lips met hers again, his voice a deep rasp.
The use of her false name spurred her on for some reason.
It has to be enough.
“Don’t stop. Please,” she begged.
Every barrier Senna had thrown up crumbled to dust as she smelled Rex’s skin, tasting his sweat as her tongue traced along the muscles of his throat. Her nose grazed his jaw, and she could feel a day of accumulated scruff scrape against her skin. She had wanted him for weeks, but this was different.
She needed this. Needed him.
It was easy to slip into this role, to justify that she was playing the part of an eager wife on her honeymoon with her husband, but she knew that wasn’t what this was. It was messy, but she couldn’t seem to stop it. Rex was intoxicating, and she wasn’t about to further deprive herself of him.
Don’t we deserve this? her mind whispered to her.
“More,” she begged.
Rex’s fingers dug into her flesh hard enough that she was certain he was going to leave bruises, and the thought made her clench around nothing as her panties became a sopping mess.
Let him mark me. Let him make me his.
She lost herself in him, panting against his mouth as he pulled her forehead against his.
“We…we sh-should…” Rex cut himself off with a moan as she nipped at his jawline.
Senna felt everything in her body tightening as her orgasm built at breakneck speed. She whined against Rex’s lips, and his hand slipped between her legs.
“Are you close?” he gasped.
All she could manage was a nod. She could feel his hesitation, his hand resting against the inside of her thigh.
“P-please. Touch me.”
“Yeah?” he understood what she was asking for. Of course he did. Rex knew her.
“Please. Please. Please…” She felt him nudge her panties to the side with his fingers before he slipped one thick digit along her soaked cunt, tracing her lips and gently rubbing circles around her clit. Senna let out a loud moan.
“Right there. Please. Right there. Don’t stop.”
She’d watched his hands often, how his calloused and scarred fingers moved deftly when he was completing a task. They were strong yet gentle, and while they’d almost been her demise, she’d found comfort in them that outweighed everything. She’d thought about how they felt cradling her face, how they felt when he held her at night, how warm they were when they were wrapped around hers. And she’d quietly mewled at night at the thought of them touching her in more intimate places. Her fantasy was overcome by reality as Rex slipped two fingers inside of her, working his thumb at her clit as she ground down on him.
The sensation was better than she’d ever been able to imagine.
“All this for me, pretty girl?” he rasped, his hand quickly growing wet with her arousal as he plunged his fingers in and out of her.
Senna whined as she frantically rode Rex’s hand. He slipped a third finger into her, finally pressing deep enough to find the spongy place within her, and she gasped.
“Lon. Fuck. Right there. Gods above, right there.”
“Fuck, you’re beautiful like this,” he whispered.
Her eyes met his, her lips parted as sweat slicked her skin. His gaze was piercing as he watched her with dark eyes.
“Cum for me,” he demanded, nodding in encouragement. “Let me have it.”
And she did.
He pulled her lips to his, swallowing her screams as she came hard, clenching around his fingers. Wave after wave coursed through her, leaving her shuddering in his arms as she came down from her high, the thrumming bass of the music outside of the curtain finally replacing the rushing of blood in her ears.
Senna flopped against Rex, panting and listening to the hammering of his heart in his chest. She could feel his cock, still hard as durasteel in his trousers, pressed against her. He’d removed his hand from between her legs, and she could see his fingers glistening with her release in the dim light. Rex was examining them as though they were coated in liquid gold, and after a moment, he slipped his fingers into his own mouth, groaning at the taste. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him lick her release from his fingers as though it were the finest wine in the galaxy.
After a moment, he leaned down, kissing her. She could taste herself on his tongue. He offered her his fingers, and she finished cleaning them off, her own tang sharp against her taste buds. Rex watched her with interest, his eyes following the way her tongue traced his knuckles before she sucked the tips of his fingers.
“Atta girl,” he praised, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. His chest was still heaving, and Senna watched another trickle of sweat dribble across his collar before dotting the fabric of his shirt with moisture.
The heat grew again in her belly at his praise, words he’d said to her many times that somehow were different now. Sitting up, she reached between her legs, undoing his pants.
It’s not enough.
“What are you doing?” he rasped.
Just a husband and wife on their honeymoon. Just an act.
It was flimsy and outlandish, but it was the best reasoning she could come up with in her addled brain at the moment. She had kept everyone at arm’s length for the last year, never letting anyone get too close. Not even the others she’d slept with had felt this close, this all-encompassing, and even as she let go, she was trying to keep Rex distant in her mind.
That’s all this is. A job. A release. We both needed it. We’re doing each other a favor. Lon and Valla. Fucking each other as married couples do.
She pulled her hand away, meeting his gaze.
“Do you want me to stop?” she asked.
Rex watched her for a moment before he shifted to undo his pants the rest of the way, lifting his hips slightly to slide them down just enough. She could feel the warmth of his skin where his bare hips now pressed against the inside of her thighs. And then she felt the hot, blunt head of his cock run through her slick folds. His lips parted slightly, and he released a sharp exhale at the feel of her. His eyes never left hers as he reached between her legs again, pumping himself, his knuckles grazing her clit with every stroke. He coated himself with her release before notching himself at her entrance.
Fuck. He’s huge.
They panted as they watched one another for a moment, not daring to move.
There was still time to stop, to put all their clothes back on and never go further.
It’s not enough.
Senna crossed the line for both of them, lowering herself down onto Rex’s cock on shaky legs and spearing herself on his length. Her head rolled back and she moaned as his girth split her open. He was so thick, and as the head of his cock pushed into her, she felt her walls stretch to accommodate him. Patience was never something she prided herself in, and it took everything she had to ease herself downwards. She was definitely going to be sore, but worries of tomorrow were completely banished from her mind. Right now, the entire rest of the galaxy had melted away, all except for Rex. Her hair had come loose from her bun again, hanging around his face as she leaned over him, enclosing the two of them even further. She could see he was wound just as tightly as she was, his brows furrowed as he stared at where he was disappearing inside of her, a centimeter at a time. She gave a few rolls of her hips until she was seated fully in his lap, clenching around him in the dimly lit booth. Rex’s fingers were digging into her hips again, but his eyes were locked on hers, chest heaving as he kept himself in check.
Senna sat up, grinding herself against him. Her palms pressed against the wall behind his head, and her mouth fell open. She panted as she rolled her hips again, searching for the place inside her that would send her hurtling over the edge.
Rex hissed between clenched teeth, and she leaned further forward, allowing the top of her dress to slip downwards. He reached up, pulling it down to expose her breasts to him. The cerulean fabric pooled around Senna’s waist as she shrugged out of the straps, and Rex’s eyes took her in with a reverence she’d never seen from him.
“Beautiful,” he breathed.
Senna rolled her hips again, slowly at first until she was building a steady rhythm, fucking herself on Rex’s cock. He was silent aside from the occasional grunt and his labored breathing. It was everything she’d imagined at night with her fingers buried in her cunt, all of it and more. Her mind was screaming that this was a one-time thing, all an act to keep the mission intact, but Senna wasn’t sure how she’d ever be satisfied again, not with how he was looking at her. The air between them had felt charged for weeks, and every stroke of his cock inside of her rippled through her like lightning, finally striking where she needed it most.
But she needed more. More of him. All of him. Anything less wouldn’t be enough.
She gripped the back of the couch to give herself leverage, bringing her breasts closer to his face. He glanced up at her, and she nodded, her eyes silently pleading.
Touch me.
His palm cupped one of her breasts, giving it a gentle squeeze. She arched further into his touch.
“Yes,” she whispered. “Don’t stop.”
She kissed him again, her tongue slipping along his lower lip, and he groaned into her mouth. His fingers wrapped around her nipple, tugging lightly and she gasped.
“You like that?”
“Yes,” she whined.
He did it again, and her back arched in response. Rex growled, low and deep and throaty, and heat rushed between Senna’s legs as the sound rumbled in her chest. Leaning forward, Rex took a nipple between his lips, suckling at it. Senna cradled the back of his head as he took the tender flesh between his teeth, gripping her other breast in his hand and rolling her nipple between his fingers.
“J-just like that. Fuck. Don’t stop.”
Senna fucked him harder than she’d ever fucked anyone in her life. Sweat rolled down her neck, trickling between her breasts as she ground him against the place inside her that drove her wild. Rex chased the trails of perspiration between her breasts with his tongue, alternating between tasting her skin and marking her. Frantically, she adjusted, and the new angle sent Rex’s head tilting back against the edge of the couch, banging against the wall with a dull thud.
His hand left her breast, and she whined, but his fingers slipped back into her hair, pulling her forehead down to touch his again as he began bucking up to meet her thrusts.
“Yes yes yes yes,” she chanted, beginning to bounce on his cock, and the grip on her hip tightened. Rex redoubled his efforts, guiding her up and down along his length as she desperately tried to ground herself in his eyes.
“Lon. More. Please. Don’t stop.”
“I won’t. I can’t.”
The curtain opened and closed a few times, but neither of them seemed to care or notice. At one point, it remained slightly open, and a sliver of light fell across Rex’s face, illuminating the sheen of sweat that had broken out across his skin.
He’s beautiful.
Senna felt drunk on him. She ground her clit against the patch of hair at the base of his cock before lifting herself off of him just enough to leave the head inside of her. She teased him for a moment, enjoying the feel of his member breaching her and then sliding back out before she dropped herself fully back down on him with a wet smacking sound. He whined in response, spurring her on, and she began riding him harder, willing to do anything to hear him make a sound like that again.
We’re just playing a part. We’re a married couple. That’s what this is. We’re doing our jobs. This is our job. Right?
“Right there. Fuck. Right there, Valla.”
Senna maintained the angle, driving him against her inner walls as though her life depended on it. She was gasping against his ear as he held her close.
“Rex, don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Fill me up. Fuck me. Rex please.”
She didn’t even notice she’d switched to his actual name until he gripped her tighter, pulling her close.
“Say it again,” he snarled. “Say my name like that.”
“Lon. Please.”
He adjusted her so that their foreheads were pressed together again, his eyes burning into hers. “No. Say my real name, Senna.”
Her heart fluttered and her cunt clenched at the way her name fell from her lips. She never wanted him to call her anything else again.
She ground against him frantically, leaning forward to whine in his ear. “Don’t stop, Rex. Please don’t stop. I’m so close. I want you to fill me.”
“Yeah? You want me to fuck you until I coat your insides, Senna?”
“Yes. Rex. Please. Fuck. I need it. I need you.”
He kissed her, and his hips stuttered. She felt him spurt and twitch within her, and that sent her hurtling over the edge, her head tipped backwards in a silent scream as he grunted, emptying himself into her. Her vision was obscured as it whited out, and for a moment, she wondered if she was about to wake up from a dream again and find herself alone in her bed. The feeling of a hand on her cheek, thumb stroking over the skin, brought her back down to Lothal’s surface, and when she opened her eyes, she found Rex’s brown ones staring up at her.
“Welcome back,” he whispered.
Senna had no response, only managing a dopey grin.
She laid her head on his shoulder as her bliss faded to a buzzing in her ears. She thought she’d want to get up, be able to leave easily, but all she wanted was to feel the heat of his body against hers for a while longer. His cock slipped from her, and she adjusted to let him tuck himself away. His heart was pounding in his chest, and she laid still, listening to it slow until he finally looked down, brushing some hair out of her eyes.
You love him.
“We should get back.”
Everything around Senna shattered.
What did you expect? We played the part. Did what we needed to do. Fooled everyone.
She stood hurriedly, pulling the dress back over her shoulders and finding some wipes to clean herself tucked into the booth. Rex stood, watching her for a moment. Senna tried to keep her face neutral as she offered him the wipes to clean himself off, turning her back as he accepted them. She felt suddenly self-conscious, as if this man hadn’t been buried in her cunt five minutes ago.
Just an act.
“Let’s go,” she whispered, turning to face him. She gave him a tight smile, trying desperately to keep her emotions at bay. He watched her for another half a beat before pushing the curtain aside for her. She stepped past him, her head still feeling fuzzy.
What just happened?
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Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @zoeykallus @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @echos-girlfriend @lucyysthings @obihiddlenox @merkitty49 @littlemissmanga @clonecyaree @baba-fett @sleepingsun501 @rexxdjarin @samspenandsword @babygirlrex0504 @ladytano420 @fxlsealarm @runforrestr @rennyboo9 @djarrex @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @ladykagewaki @arctrooper69 @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall
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gapashi · 3 years
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Um Amor Vindo do Mar
- pedido do Mars Graphics
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