#bet that as soon as i post this i will know the perfect answer to nr 4?
chaosandmarigolds · 6 months
Dad!Simon who insisted you go on the vacation, because of course he can handle his baby girl and his six year old (almost six, but Ollie rounds up)
Simon who knew he had it in the bag....
for about two hours
Simon who made bagels for dinner; wassss this close 🤏to making Ollie eat dirt because WHAT DO YOU MEAN you don't like bagels now you were begging for them in the store!
Simon who made it about forty hours before he gave him and called Johnny
Simon who had no idea why Ollie was being so gosh darn annoying
Simon who had previously made a bet with Price that he wouldn't need help so therefore he would rather die than call Price even though Ollie idolizes his 'grandfather'
''s Johnny, missed ya but leave a message at the lil' beep."
"John MacTavish I swear to god if you don' call me back in ten minutes I will personally post thos' pictures of ya in Afgan."
two minutes later-
"ya know that's a real low blow-"
"I need you to take Oliver to th' park- Tessie isn't goin to sleep with him 'roun."
"Call the capn, he's closer to ya."
"I will not do that."
"Ugh, fine- lemme tell my girl then'll be there in twenty."
Simon who told Oliver to behave for his uncle and then happily sent them away- which finally he would be able to put the exhausted newborn to sleep
Simon was finally able to doze off on the sofa, the baby happily snoozing away on his chest and everything seemed perfect with the world
"MISTER RILEY UNCLE JOHNNY IS IS-HES-" The thundering slam of the door being swung open not only woke up Simon but the baby who aptly began to sob to the sudden change of pace, Oliver however did not care "UNCLE JOHNNY SUCKS."
Uncle Johnny told Ollie not to kick the ball into the river
Simon who is flabbergasted because even Johnny looked shook to his core, sure they had been at the park for about five hours but like-???
John MacTavish...brought down .... by Simon's six year old
Simon who, after ten minutes of the baby screaming for their mother and refusing to take their bottle with disgruntled wails of pain and Ollie so tired he can't think straight so he's also a sobbing and angry disaster and Johnny's just standing there by the door waiting for answers and everything is so loud-
"Oh! Hi, sweetheart," John's wife answered the landline and he could hear her voice call for her husband, "Hi, how are you and lil' ones?"
Simon looked at Ollie who was currently in time out for stealing his sisters binkie for the tenth time, "Not great."
"Simon." Price's voice cut in and it took about five seconds to get everything account for, "Ya already called Johnny right?"
"Did you try Kyle?"
"No sir, he's on his honeymoon."
'"Ah-that's right, that's right."
"Sir I would like your help."
"Ha! Knew it! Alrighty, missus and I'll be there in...i dunno- you boys hungry? She made that-honey whatcha make?" indistinct conversation, "Ma'am said it didn't matter, she'll bring it anyway. Forty minutes?"
Simon looked at Johnny, who was on 'keep ollie in said time out' picking up the kid whenever he would try and run off. "Can you make it twenty, sir?"
Simon and Johnny who, out of habit, stood at attention as soon at the captain let himself into the house
Simon who looked a bit worse for wear, even with his non existant sleep scheulde in the military he had never looked so fatigued
Simon who had the baby out of his arms by Price's wife within two minutes of them being there
Simon who loves his son, he loves him (internal mantra) but he is making him look bad to his captain so the little twerp better get his act together.
"How long is your block?"
"Two kilometers around."
"Two laps."
faltering silence through the house, Simon stared at the captain as he helped Ollie tie his sneakers by the door. The silence did mean Tessie had finally fallen asleep but he was- "I'm sorry?"
"Two laps, you, Johnny, and Oliver." Price looked to the kid, who looked more angry at the world than anything else, "Go. Dinner will be ready when you get back."
Simon was about to argue but Ollie beat him to it, "I don't want to run."
"You don't want to run?"
Oliver seemed a bit taken back, "No. So I'm not going to."
"Okay. You can clean the entire house- including your sisters nappy's, for a week, yeah?"
A pause.
"Fine, i'll go on the stupid run."
Simon who might as well be walking with the pace Oliver chose to keep
Johnny who took off sprinting because lord knew that man was starving and Mrs. Price's food was heaven on earth
Simon who sat down on the side of the road when the little guy was out of breath
Simon that mostly ran in silence until Ollie broke it
"Why did mom leave?"
"Mom she-she just...she left us, wh-"
"Whoa-whoa whoa, mum didn't leave-mum didn't leave us wh-whoa, Olls," he had collapsed to his knee when the boy started to speak just to look at him in the eyes and he tried to read the boys expression, "Mum would never leave you, she loves you so much."
"Then where did she go?? Why didn't she say goodbye?"
"She's with her friends, and her flight left 'fore you woke up, Olls. Laddie, she wouldn't leave you."
Simon who had called you, even though there was time difference as everyone was sitting down to eat dinner
"oh...wow the gang's back together," You grumble as you rub your eyes, having been dead asleep, only for the camera angle to change suddenly and it was just a close up angle of your son's face, "Hi baby."
"Mom guess what Uncle Johnny did."
"Hey mom?" The boy was easily distracted and then looked down at the phone again.
"Yeah baby?"
"Never go on away again, dad said so."
You stay silent for a moment, blinking, because in all three years you and Simon had been together Ollie had never referred to him as 'dad' or anything remotely close. "Your...right, yeah-I'm pretty bored here anyway."
Simon, who was fine with you going on little getaways just not anymore how dare you try and leave him alone
"You sure it's okay if I stay a few more days?"
With a short laugh he looks over the living room, where Johnny and Olls were fast asleep watching some cartoon he didn't know the name of while John and His wife had chosen to stay in the guest room for the night. It would hell if you stayed for a few more days.
"Of course, luv, I got the boys an' Tessie needs to learn who they are anyway."
"I guess. Okay, the ride is here. I love you."
"I love you more."
(annnnway that's it <333 any comments you wanna leave or anything like that makes my day!)
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Home to My Family
Amazing idea from @avada-kedavra-bitch-187!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!wife!reader
Summary: After you give birth to twins, they're taken by a nurse for checkups. You soon realize that she's not a nurse, so Tim calls in reinforcements to save your children and catch their abductor.
Warnings: child abduction, r just gave birth but story begins post-labor, angst, happy ending with fluff
Word Count: 1.7k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info
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“Congratulations,” the doctor says as your second baby is placed in your arms. “Two healthy babies.”
“They’re perfect,” you murmur, your eyes on the baby boy in your arms.
“A nurse will be in shortly to take them for full checkups,” someone informs you.
“How do you feel?” Tim asks.
You look away from your son and smile at the sight of Tim holding his daughter. She beat her brother into the world by nearly three minutes, and Tim has been enraptured with her since then.
“I’m okay,” you assure him. “We did good.”
Tim scoffs and lays his hand on your son’s back as he corrects, “We did great.”
“Hello, Bradfords,” a nurse greets with a knock on the open door. “I’m here to borrow these babies.”
You watch as Tim hands your daughter to the nurse to be placed in a bassinet before he turns to you to take your son. It makes you uncomfortable to hand them over so soon after giving birth, but the first checkup is necessary. Tim takes your hand and sits on the edge of your hospital bed to wait together.
“Did you call Angela?” you ask.
“Where are those pretty Bradford babies?” another nurse singsongs as she enters. “Checkup time!”
You furrow your brows, but Tim is on his feet before you can ask any questions. Tim is heartbreakingly familiar with the reality of evil in the world, and he realizes before you that something terrible has happened. As he races into the hall, fear settles over you as tears build in your eyes. If the real nurse is here now, who has your children? And where are they?
The nurse leaves to double-check that your babies weren’t transported by another nurse, and you’re left alone. After several minutes alone, scared, Tim returns and shakes his head. His jaw is clenched tightly, but you can tell he’s only a moment from breaking.
“I reported it to the department,” Tim says, his voice tight. “Angela’s on the way and I let her know too.”
You nod before you sit up carefully, wincing in pain as you swing your legs over the edge of the bed.
“Hey, hey, no,” Tim murmurs, rounding the foot of the bed. He lowers before you and lays his hands over your thighs. “You just gave birth; you need to rest.”
“I need to find them, Tim. We have to find them!” you exclaim through your cries.
“I know. We will, I promise we will.”
“But you don’t need my help.”
Tim smiles at your attitude, understandable anger building beneath your pain, fear, and tiredness.
“Your help isn’t the issue, it’s your health.”
“Timothy,” Angela greets. She walks to your side and hugs you tightly. “Tell me everything.”
You lie back carefully as Tim recounts the events of the past few minutes. Angela nods along, then looks around your room.
“They’re still in the hospital, I’d bet,” Tim concludes.
“Grey stationed officers at every opening to keep it that way,” Angela responds. “There’s plenty of hiding places in a hospital. But Tim…”
“I don’t know,” he answers. “I have no idea who would do this. I’ve put plenty of people away, called CPS hundreds of times, any of those people could have decided to return the favor.”
Lucy and Nolan knock on the open door, and Tim waves them in as Angela draws a diagram of the hospital on the whiteboard opposite you. Lucy walks directly to your side while Nolan stands beside the door to watch the hallway.
“What do you need?” Lucy asks softly.
“I don’t know,” you whisper, wiping a stray tear from your cheek. “Other than the obvious.”
“We’re going to find them. Half of the station is here for you.”
“There’s only one option that finishes this quickly,” Angela decides. “We split up and search every floor of this hospital.”
Tim looks to you rather than answering, and you promise, “I’m okay to be alone. I trust you, all of you, to find them and bring them back to me. Do whatever you have to do.”
“We will,” Tim promises. “Nolan, stay here, keep an eye on this hallway. Lucy, you’re with me.”
Lucy squeezes your hand kindly before she walks to Tim’s side. Nolan steps out of your room with them and closes the door. Completely alone, all you can do is wait.
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“Hey,” Tim calls urgently. A male nurse spins and raises his hands in question. “Have you seen a nurse in pink scrubs with twins?”
“There’s lots of nurses, pink scrubs, and twins here, sir,” the man answers.
Tim takes a measured step toward him, and the man steps back urgently, bumping into the desk behind him.
“Do you want to be charged with aiding and abetting a kidnapping?”
“Sir, if you’ve seen a woman in pink scrubs with two bassinets, you need to tell us now,” Angela interjects.
“I haven’t,” he answers quickly. “I swear I haven’t.”
Tim steps away from the scared nurse and sighs.
“This floor is clear, no sign of them,” Angela reports.
Tim’s phone buzzes in his pocket, and he retrieves it without looking away from the empty hallway.
“I remember when I wasn’t allowed to look at my phone on duty,” Lucy muses.
“Your children hadn’t been abducted,” Tim snaps. He reads a message, furrows his brows, and then says, “Angela.”
Angela knows that Tim using her first name isn’t a good sign, and she's proven right when he passes his phone over. “Where is this?”
“I can’t tell. The message seems familiar,” Tim replies.
Angela zooms in on the picture while Tim repeats the message to himself. Lucy moves beside Angela and looks at the picture, pointing to any discernable items in the background. The image shows your son in the bassinet front and center, and while it’s clear that they’re still in the sterile, white hospital, it’s unclear where.
“Supply closet,” Angela realizes just as Tim says, “Keiran Tumble.”
“The counterfeiter?” Lucy asks. “What’s his problem with you?”
“I arrested him, but I’m also why he lost visitation rights for his kids. They were in the warehouse with the printing fumes. He hasn’t been out of prison long.”
“Prison for counterfeiting?”
“Federal prison. The Reserve pressed additional charges. When he got out, he got served with the papers about his kids.”
“Wait,” Angela interrupts. “You said it was a female nurse.”
“Keiran’s girlfriend,” Tim guesses. “I didn’t see her, she wasn’t there when we raided his operation, but I’ve heard plenty about her.”
“Me too. Tim, she’s suspected of at least three murders. This isn’t a manhunt; we have to find her without risking your kids.”
“ Supply closet?” Tim repeats. “Let’s find the right one, and then we move in. She makes one move toward them, and you drop her.”
“Tim, maybe you should sit this one out,” Lucy suggests.
“No,” Angela answers. “If this were Jack, I’d want to be right there when we found him. Look that monster in the face and remind her that at the end of every day, I go home to my family.”
“I’m more use here, Chen,” Tim assures. “How’s Nolan?”
“He said everything’s clear there. Only a few nurses through since we left.”
Tim nods, but Angela purses her lips in thought.
“What?” Tim inquires.
“Isn’t your room across from a supply area? Wouldn’t someone have needed something by now?” she asks.
“No one saw them because they didn’t go far,” Lucy realizes.
“Let’s go!” Angela exclaims.
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Fiddling with the blanket over your legs, you think about what you will do when you get your babies back. Kiss them, apologize even though they won’t know what’s happening, and then beg Tim to take you home. You refuse to think about any alternative.
“Yep,” Nolan says on the other side of your door. “All clear here, too. Good luck.”
“C’mon, Tim,” you whisper.
You trust him more than anything, but right now, your fear threatens to override all of your rational thoughts.
Suddenly, a single gunshot sounds. Immediately after, you hear screams and loud promises that everything is alright and everyone is safe. You, however, refuse to believe it until you see your husband and children. Frozen in uncertainty and fear, you count your shallow breaths rather than running through possible scenarios.
Two firm knocks on your door are followed by Nolan smiling as he holds the door open. Tim steps in with both of your babies cradled in his arms and a relieved look. You release a shaky breath, then smile as tears roll over your cheeks.
“It’s over,” Angela promises as she hugs you. “We got her.”
Tim walks to the other side of your bed and carefully lowers the twins to your chest. They coo softly in their sleep, none the wiser about what they’ve been through. Holding them against you, you kiss their heads and whisper that you love them.
“Do you know what you need now?” Lucy asks.
“Get me out of here,” you beg, smiling.
“I’ll see what I can do,” she answers, leading Nolan out of the room.
“What happened?” you ask Tim.
“Do you remember Keiran Tumble?” You nod, and he places his arm around your shoulders as he continues, “He got out, mad about his arrest and losing his kids, and sent his girlfriend to make me feel some of the same pain. Or that’s the working theory.”
“It’s right,” Angela adds. “Only a criminal would be that stupid.”
"So, Nolan radioed an all-clear, got her guard down, and we went in. She shouldn't be out for a very long time."
You lay your head against Tim’s shoulder and say, “I love you.”
“Aw, I love you, too!” Angela jokes.
“If you weren’t our first choice for godmother, I’d kick you out,” Tim tells her.
“You love me.”
“Thank you,” you interject. “I’m glad you’re both here.”
“I’m going to go fill in Grey and then make sure your house is ready for an early return,” Angela says as she steps toward the door. “Need anything else?”
“You’ve done more than I can ever thank you for,” you answer. “I’ll call you later.”
“Like she won’t still be at the house when we get home,” Tim mumbles.
“Hey, I filled up your freezer with comfort food, be nice to me, Timothy.”
Alone with your babies, you smile as Tim extends his finger to your slowly waking son. You’ll never get tired of being with them, and there’s no one else you’d rather have by your side than Tim Bradford.
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agaypanic · 7 months
Regina's Barbie Part 2
Request Something!
Summary: After giving you a makeover, Regina takes you to a party. She hates the attention you’re getting and decides to make it clear that you’re not available.
A/N: sorry for not posting in a million years (4 days). my first regina fic got a lot of love and some people wanted a part 2, so here it is!
You had been to a few high school parties in your life, but you had never been to one thrown by one of the most popular kids in school. So you weren’t too surprised to see everyone throwing you looks when you walked in, especially when Regina George was clinging to your arm to make sure you didn’t stray too far from her. You may have been dressed in the girl’s clothes with stellar makeup, but everyone could tell you were an outsider.
“Relax,” Regina whispered in your ear, and you had to keep yourself from shuddering at the chill that ran down your spine. 
She pulled you over to a counter that was filled with different drinks, figuring you wouldn’t be able to stand this party sober any longer. You didn’t ask Regina what she had put in the cup she handed to you; you were too busy gulping the strong liquid down.
“Oh my god, I’ll be right back,” Regina said, seemingly distracted as she looked across the room in disgust. “I think Gretchen’s trying to hook up with Jason, that skeez!” 
Then you were on your own. It pissed you off a bit, Regina dragging you to this party just to leave you alone. But you decided to brush it off, pouring yourself another drink and gravitating towards a wall. Soon enough, she’d be back for you, and you could get through this night.
“Hey there!” Some guy appeared next to you, making you flinch in surprise. You recognized him from hallways and assemblies but didn’t know his name. “Don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Are you new or something?”
“Nope.” You laugh, putting the cup to your lips as you thought of something else to say. “I usually don’t have time for parties, but a friend wanted me to come.”
“Well, whoever your friend is, I’ll have to thank them.” Anyone else in your position might have giggled at the attention this objectively attractive guy was giving you. But in all honesty, you were too busy wondering when Regina was coming back to you. “Wanna dance, hottie?”
“No thanks.” You respond, eyes darting to the other side of the room, where Regina seemed to be reprimanding and chasing away the boy that Gretchen had been talking to. You wondered if she’d turn around to face you if you stared at her hard enough. “I’m kind of with someone here.” It wasn’t entirely true, at least not in the way he might’ve taken it. But you were trying your best to get this stranger to back off.
“Did this someone give you that kiss mark?” You flinched when he touched your cheek, smudging the lip print that Regina had planted on you just an hour or so before. It made you mad for some reason, and not just because this man touched your face without asking. “I bet I can give you a better one.”
“Oh my god, get away from her, Travis!” A venomous voice sounded, and you were grateful to see Regina standing next to you, giving Travis a sneer that almost made her perfect face seem not so perfect. “Can’t you see she wants nothing to do with you?”
Travis took a step back, throwing his hands up in surrender. Then he squinted, eyes darting between your face and Regina’s lips before he let out a small chuckle.
“Lemme guess…” He said, turning back to you while pointing at the blonde. “Is this who you’re with?”
Regina answered before you could even think of a response.
“Yeah, she is. So go find someone else to try to blow you; she’s taken.”
With that, Travis left, cheeks reddened with slight embarrassment and drunkenness. You were still stuck on Regina’s last sentence when she grabbed your chin, turning your head to face her. She inspected your cheek, seemingly disappointed at the state her once pristine kiss mark was now in.
“You’d think that he’d see this and take a hint.” She muttered, not letting go of your face.
“And what hint would he be getting from it?” You asked, feeling shy. Even more so when Regina’s eyes started staring into yours. “Asking, you know, just out of curiosity.”
“Are you serious?” She asked, raising a brow. You gulped down the rest of your drink so you wouldn’t have to respond. But even when you were done, and your cup was thrown into a nearby trash can, Regina seemed to still be waiting for a response.
“Just a bit…” You replied.
Regina scoffed, stepping closer to you. If that was even possible. You gulped at the extremely close proximity, trying to not look down at her lips.
“Guess I have to make it clear to everyone that you’re mine.” 
Regina used both hands to cup your face and pull you towards her. You made a slight noise of surprise as she pressed her lips to yours, but you were quick to return the kiss after the initial shock wore off. People must have been watching Regina George kissing some girl they’d probably never seen before. But for a moment, it felt like only you and Regina were in this hot and crowded room. 
When she pulled back, Regina smirked at your stunned expression, clearly still reeling from the kiss.
“Everyone, including you.” She said, kissing you once more before grabbing your hand and pulling you into the living room to show you off some more.
Regina George Taglist: @wedfan2
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apclyptc · 9 months
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foreword: please read the first part linked here! it kinda makes sense without but not really so i’d read part one first. the matt version is also linked on that post so if u wanna read that one, head there!
warnings: making out, grinding, handjob, fondling of the upper chest area wink wink nudge nudge, cum eating, slight jealousy from chris if you squint
“i pick… chris.” you glanced at him to find him smirking, as if he knew his name would come out of your mouth.
it intimidated you slightly, knowing whatever was going to happen in these next ten minutes was going to change your entire friendship thus far.
“oh great, just what we needed. everyone get your earplugs ready.” nate teased, causing others to giggle.
everyone knew chris had no shame when it came to pda.
“okay so just go upstairs and pick a room, as long as it’s not mine. i don’t want you two messing up my bed.” nate half-joked, pointing upstairs.
“bet.” chris spoke, grabbing your hand and taking you up.
maybe he was just putting up a front to everyone else, to play along with the game.
but you knew him better than that, he never put up a front to anybody.
as soon as your hand pushed the handle of the door open, chris turned you around and immediately connected his lips to yours.
there was barely any time to react, once he had shut the door behind him, he was on you, pulling your hips into him, hands on the small of your back.
briefly, he pulled away to speak.
“i’ve wanted this for a while. but you knew that, didn’t you?”
you may have had a small feeling. it wasn’t always there, and it took you some time to figure it out, but the lingering stares–and touches that lasted a little longer than they should– gave it away.
“yes…” you replied hesitantly.
“all those times you were at the house, flirting with my brother, wearing those clothes. you know what you do to me, don’t you?” he brought his face closer to yours, noses practically touching.
“don’t you?” he repeated, hinting for you to answer.
“y-yes.” why were you so nervous? it was like you were unsure of your own responses, stuttering like a schoolgirl being reprimanded by a teacher.
“hey, you don’t need to be so shy. if you don’t want this, you let me know.” he stroked your cheek gently, but the hunger in his eyes was still ever present, looking down at your plump, wet lips.
you definitely wanted this, that much was true.
all you had to do was push through the drumming of your heart at the feeling of his warm hands on your body.
“i do want it… let me show you how much.” you kissed him with all the passion you could summon, licking into his mouth. chris pulled you up by your thighs, walking you to the bed at the other side of the room.
he sat you both down, not allowing you to break from the kiss you shared, growing sloppier by the second. you gyrated your hips into his lap when his hands moved down to grope your ass, guiding you over his clothed dick. you felt it beneath you, bigger than you anticipated, but it didn’t shock you.
“can you feel what you do to me now?” he broke away to catch his breath, a hand moving from your behind to snake up your shirt. he took a tit in his hand, squeezing the mound of flesh.
“is that an invitation?” you allowed your own hand to venture down into the small space between you, copying the pressure he had on your boob, and a sharp intake of breath left his mouth.
“your choice, baby. we only have ten minutes, you think you can finish what you’ve started?” his hips made a single thrust further into your palm.
“only one way to find out.” chris helped you shimmy his pants halfway down his legs, and you tucked his underwear underneath his balls.
watching his cock spring free from the confines of his boxers almost made your mouth water.
considering the fact there wasn’t a lot of time left, you didn’t want to waste any of it ogling at the perfection of his dick, the way it curved oh so slightly, the long thick vein protruding on its side. you didn’t have the time to think about how much you wanted to feel it in places so deep that you couldn’t walk straight for days.
from the moment you gripped the base of his impressive cock, adding pressure in the right places, making him pant with such a simple action, you knew this would not be the last time you were in such a position with chris.
you began slowly, stroking him lazily as you watched him intently. he looked at you with such desperation that it sent shivers down your spine.
when he brought his lips to your neck, sucking over the spot where his own brothers lips had been, that was when you picked up your pace.
chris moaned into your collarbone, biting lightly to attempt to muffle himself, with little success.
“shit, feels so good, y/n.” he mumbled into your skin. the satisfaction you received from his words only boosted your confidence. it was you who was making him squirm, you who was giving him pleasure. it was you who he’s wanted for so long.
god, if you’d had more time, you’d be on your knees for him, looking up at him while you took his whole dick in your mouth. the dampness of your panties made you well aware of how badly you wanted that.
“keep going, fuck, i’m already gonna cum.” he breathed out. chris couldn’t help but rut into your hand when your thumb grazed over his tip.
you were so lost in the moment you almost didn’t hear the knocking on the bedroom door. but you did, just barely.
you stopped what you were doing, hearing nate’s voice.
“times up, chris.” he teased, but he didn’t care.
“fuck off nate, five more minutes.” he replied, and then spoke to you, “don’t stop, baby. ignore him.”
and you continued, despite the wave of embarrassment that had seeped into your brain.
chris reconnected his lips to yours, his tongue practically fucking your mouth as he tried to prolong the moment between you. but try as he might, there was no way he could hold back any longer. he pulled away, his mouth hanging open as he came, his seed spurting out all over your hand.
you slowly milked him dry, stopping when he whined at the overstimulation.
“holy fuck, y/n.” he finally said.
“so i’m guessing that was good for you?” you giggled, taking your hand up to your mouth and licking off the cum dripping off your fingers.
“more than good. come over later? i wanna return the favour.” he smirked, willing himself not to get hard all over again at the sight of you tasting him, forcing himself not to scoop up his own cum and push a finger into your mouth.
“happy to. now what are we gonna say when we go back down there?” you asked, remembering that you were in fact, in nate’s house, where all of his friends were waiting for you downstairs.
“don’t bother, we could all hear you.” nate’s voice was heard from behind the door.
a/n holy fucking shit this took so long for me to write like i just could not get into my writing groove AT ALL. i really hope this was worth the wait because christ on a bike this was such sloppy writing from me.
anyway, i have another chris idea imma write. but i hear you asking for more matt stories in my asks, so ill try put on my thinking cap for some matt stories. if you have any you want me to write, let me know!!
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© APCYLPTC 2023. do not repost, translate, or duplicate any of my works here or any other websites.
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stardew-shitposterino · 9 months
The Bachelors and how they’d react if you asked them to start a family
Same old same old. This post is inspired by @babiebom 's post about the bachelor/ettes and how many kids they’d have :3 I’m not really a person who is too keen on children and being a housewife, but I can’t deny that the thought of a picture perfect family does warm my heart, girlies. Enjoy 💅🏻🍼
Some answers are gender specific. I hope to anyone playing the game as a same sex couple that you can look past that 🙏🏻
-he’d be boots the house down in total shock
-don’t get it twisted, he is ecstatic, but damn he didn’t expect it to be this soon
-of course he is excited about every life stage of his potential little ones, but he can’t wait to have someone he can teach how to skate
-„really? A-and you’re not joking or anything? RAD!“
-maybe he is a bit too excited as he‘s definitely ripping his pants off his body as soon as the message sunk in
-„Oh you didn’t mean we should start it right now? Sorry my bad 😅“
-he is happy but can’t really show it
-anxiety is kicking hard rn
-it’s not that he doesn’t want this, but he has so many worries, after all he had lived through himself
-he definitely needs some time to think about this
-„Y/N, I’d really love to have this with you one day, but please give me time to adjust to this. It’s a lot for me to process.“
-he will eventually open up about it and you agree on not rushing things. If you’re an opposite sex couple, you agree on starting a family once you’re pregnant. No planning, just living and if it happens, it happens (it probably happened after like 2 months after you had the talk lol)
-„Heavens, Love! What wonderful news. I’ve been waiting for this moment. This will be the start of our legacy!“ (excuse me bruuuhh this is how I imagine him talk lol)
-he had heart-shaped eyes if you haven’t noticed
-as much as he loves the romance and allure of being a childless couple with a world to their feet, he can’t kick the idea of being a wholesome dad raising a curious child with his wonderful partner
-he emphasises on not rushing things as he doesn’t want you to feel pressure. He knows how stressful your job is so he doesn’t want you to feel overwhelmed though you proposed that idea first
-you can bet your ass you went to bed after that talk 👀 WHO SAID THAT 🤨
-he is a blushy mess thank you and amen
-he‘s so anxious but also so excited
-no way you actually proposed this to him. He actually accepted his fate as a childless bachelor
-but here he is, finally getting the happy little family he always wanted
-but it isn’t smooth sailing with him, oh no. You can bet your ass he has to calculate everything through before he feels comfortable enough starting to bring this wish to reality
-you know, you earn a shit ton of money but he is anxious ok. He needs to KNOW the child won’t end up homeless with nothing to wear once it’s here
-“Oh this is all so new and, I-I don’t even know how to say it without it sounding wrong. I just can’t grasp that this is happening. Pinch me so I know I’m not dreaming”
-you didn’t sleep with each other that day but a make-out sess was in it. A wholesome one to say the least. This man is wholesome in my books 📕
-the only thing missing here is that he fainted and fell to the floor after you popped the question
-say WHAT NOW?!
-no way. He probably heard it wrong. You didn’t just ask HIM to have YOUR children… no wait the other way around. This is what that question did to his brain lol
-or generally having kids together. He isn’t opposed to adopting because he fears the kids will inherit his messed up brain so taking in kids that are in need of a nice, welcoming home doesn’t sound bad either
-but no wait wait back to the topic; he’s a MESS
-he always wanted children and a family in general, the very boring ass white picket fence fantasy is what he longed for but kind of accepted that it’s something he cannot have. Well guess what…HE CAN
-“wait…did you- and you mean with me? Or is there someone else I should know about? Ok sorry bad joke. But you mean it?! Really? A little sibling for Jas🥹”
-just know this burly man started crying a river of joy tears. But once the tears dried and it kicked in 👀
-“ok if we want this to work out we gotta get to business 😎”
-like Shane, he waited for this moment
-just he isn’t anxious like some of the others, he straight up jumps for joy lol
-“BABE NO WAY! I’ve been waiting for this!”
-he is a happy crier tho. Expect him to cry a little but in a good way
-but also expect him to propose the question of having a lot more kids in the future. He wants a football team of kids. But the amount is still negotiable of course (you gave him the “spouse stare” which made him go down a notch lol)
- he will babble about what gender the first kid might be, what he’d do with them depending on it and how he’d get them the smallest grid ball jerseys you’ll ever see because “LOOK THEY ARE SO TINY”
-like some of the others, he might be a bit too eager to start the baby project. Even if you can’t conceive yourself, he will live out that fantasy. You prepared yourself for this because it was very much predictable lol
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punkshort · 1 year
Chapter warnings: smut (m masturbation), language
Chapter Three
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Pairing: Joel x F!Reader, pre-outbreak and post outbreak
AU (the only thing I kept was the outbreak, Joel, and Tommy's characters. Joel's backstory is different, and the way he finds Jackson is different. I may include Ellie one day, I just haven't planned that far)
Fic Summary: You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. The outbreak happens, and you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Fic tags: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Smut, Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader is 10 years younger than Joel), slow burn, mutual pining, angst, trauma, SA referencing later but I will put a big warning on those chapters
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You were nervous about the office dynamic once you broke up with Justin. That following Monday, you walked into the department and risked a glance over to his desk. He was hunched over his keyboard, burying himself in some report, looking mildly panicked. You frowned as you made your way to your chair and slunk down, punching in your password while you waited for your computer to boot up.
Colleen popped up quietly behind you.
"Sooooo? How was camping?” she whispered with a huge grin on her face. "Tell me all the details!”
She propped herself against the edge of your desk, trying not to draw Justin’s attention.
“I broke up with him,” you whispered back, eyes wide. You needed to tell someone, your nerves were on fire. You knew you shouldn’t have told the queen of gossip, but people would have figured it out soon enough. Colleen’s jaw dropped.
"What?! Why?” she whispered back, but louder than the first time. You put a finger up to your lips, indicating she was being too loud.
"I don’t know, I just don’t feel the same way he does. He’s a sweet guy, but there’s no spark. I didn’t want to lead him on,” you told her, and turned back to your computer, opening your email program.
“Well, your timing couldn’t have been more perfect. I don’t think he’s got the time to be upset over it. He came in this morning to an email from Joel, with Heather cc’d, wanting a full breakdown on the 401K contributions for the past 6 months. Apparently, he caught some discrepancy, and he wants answers first thing this morning,” she said, raising her head a few inches to glance over the top of your cubical wall in his direction. “He must be shitting his pants; Joel never contacts any of us directly. I don’t think he even knows most of our names.”
You felt guilty as relief flooded through you. At least there was a distraction from the elephant in the room.
About an hour later, Heather came to collect Justin. He followed her out of the room with a folder tucked under his arm and nervously running a hand through his hair. As he walked by your desk, he gave you a tight-lipped smile, which you returned. At least he wasn’t the type of guy to be an asshole about being dumped.
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It had been three hours since Justin and Heather left for their meeting. At this point, his absence was painfully obvious to the whole room, and everybody had given up on trying to be discreet.
The whole department had rolled their desk chairs out to the openings of their respective cubes so they could all see one another as they gossiped and speculated wildly. All except for you. You tried your best to stay out of it, but you kept overhearing everyone’s chatter, and it was incredibly distracting.
“They couldn’t possibly still be talking about a minor discrepancy, could they?” one person asked.
“No way, something happened by now. Oh my God, what if he was stealing from our 401Ks? I read a newspaper article about someone doing that last week!”
“Oh come on, Justin wouldn’t do that,” Colleen chimed in. “I bet they finished up their meeting a long time ago, and he and Heather are in her office doing a deeper dive into the numbers together.”
Everyone went quiet for half a second when the electronic beeping of the door keypad caught the attention of the room. Chairs were hurriedly being pushed back up against desks, and fingers furiously typed, trying to log back into computers that had been long asleep during the gossip.
Heather walked into the hushed room with an empty banker’s box in her hands and headed straight for Justin’s desk. She set it down on his chair and turned to address the room openly.
"Hey guys, I’m sorry I didn’t have the time to call a formal meeting, but I wanted to tell you all personally before the email from HR comes out... Justin quit this morning.” She paused when a couple of people quietly gasped and exchanged looks. “Now I know we are going to have some big shoes to fill, I may call upon some of you to help and do some overtime until we can find a suitable candidate to take his position. As always, if any of you want to recommend anyone you know, my door is always open. But for now, we will just have to make do. Does anyone have any questions? You know I like to be transparent with you.”
Heather glanced around the room of stunned faces. Everyone was wondering the same question, but nobody had the nerve to ask it, until Debbie spoke up from behind you.
"Why did he quit? Was it Joel?” She was standing outside her cube, frowning with her arms crossed, no doubt feeling some residual anger from when Cheryl quit just a few short months ago. Your boss sighed, and slowly nodded.
"Yes. Well, yes and no. Joel really grilled him in that meeting this morning, it went a full hour. I did everything I could to take some of the heat, but Joel was just dialed in on Justin today, I don’t know what got into him. He had a million questions, one after another, and it eventually got to a point where he was outright questioning Justin’s job performance and skillset. It finally got to be too much for him, and Justin announced he was quitting.” Heather paused for a moment and looked around the room at the team. She turned and pulled Justin’s chair from his desk, moving the empty box to the floor. She sat down, looking as if she was exhausted from just recounting the events from the meeting. She rubbed her pointer and middle fingers against her temples for a moment, and then continued.
“Joel didn’t say anything wrong; this is his company, and he has every right to ask those questions… he just has such a harsh way of addressing things. It is a lot to handle. I managed to grab Justin at the elevators and took him back to my office for a while. I tried to convince him to stay but he just wouldn’t hear it, he had his mind made up. I’m sorry guys, I really tried. I know this will put a burden on some of you, I will do my best to fill the position as soon as I can.”
The keypad that operated the door started chiming, and in walked Mike from the mailroom. He had his head down, looking at the pile of mail in his cart, bopping along to the music feeding through his CD player and into his headphones, oblivious to the awkwardness in the room. He stopped at your desk like usual and dropped a big stack of envelopes in your inbox, gave you a quick smile, and turned to leave.
Heather quietly began filling the box with Justin’s personal effects, looking like she desperately needed a cigarette or a coffee break. Or both.
You exchanged a quick glance with Colleen, one that said ‘we are definitely going to talk more about this when she leaves’. Then you noticed the envelope at the very top of your mail pile: Sullivan Agency, LLC.
Your heart thudded in your chest. It was a strange feeling – your body was waging a war within you: relief vs fear. Relief that you didn’t have to pay Mr. Sullivan’s balance out of your paycheck, but fear that you would now have to go to Joel’s office as he requested and tell him about the check.
You shakily opened the envelope and sure enough, as promised, was a check for the full balance due on his account.
You stood up, feeling slightly lightheaded as you made your way over to Heather. She jumped slightly when you quietly said her name.
"I just got the check from Mr. Sullivan. What should I do? Should I just email Joel and tell him it came, or do we really have to go to his office?”
You prayed she would tell you to just email him, but unfortunately, she said “We should tell him in person, I don’t want to make him even more mad.” She stopped organizing Justin’s picture frames and buried her face in her hands for a moment, trying to collect herself. She raised her head up, clasped her hands in front of her mouth in thought, then turned in the chair towards you.
“I really hate to ask you this… do you mind going up to his office by yourself? He’s had enough of me today, and quite frankly I’ve had enough of him, too. He seemed to take a liking to you, it won’t be that bad, it'll be quick.”
She looked at you hopefully, desperately, eyes begging, but followed up with “If you are really uncomfortable, I can go with you, it’s just...” her gaze drifted back to Justin’s desk, and the enormity of just how much work this put on her plate was likely hitting home. Updating a job description, meeting with HR, creating the job posting, screening applicants… the list went on.
You shook your head, always the people pleaser you said, “I got it, don’t worry, I will go up there right now and just get it over with."
You gave her a small smile as relief flooded her face. Heather asked if you were sure, and you promised her you were. Before your resolve broke, you turned on your heel and left, heading towards the elevator. 
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The moment the elevator opened and you stepped out onto the 10th floor, your heart lept into your throat. The nerves were finally catching up with you. You looked up and saw a small desk situated between two closed doors. Behind the desk sat a kindly looking older woman. She had hair so grey that it looked almost blue, and it was woven on top of her head into a conical shape. She looked up at you through her plastic pink framed glasses, which were adorned with a chain that wrapped around the back of her neck so she wouldn’t lose them. She smiled at you warmly, her bright pink lipstick somewhat smudged on her front tooth and beckoned you over. Your eyes flicked to her name plate - Ruby Potter - as you returned her smile and walked over.
“Hi there, dear, who are you here to see?”
“I’m here to see Mr. Miller," you said without thinking. Ruby chuckled.
"Dear, they are both ‘Mr. Miller’. Which one?”
"J-Joel, I’m here to see Joel. I have a check for him," you stuttered, your cheeks warming from embarrassment.
She picked up her phone and punched one of the buttons on her speed dial, lazily lifting the headset to her ear.
"You have an accountant here to see you,” she said. She had forgotten to ask your name. You tried to mouth it to her, but she waved you away, as if she did this all the time. You couldn’t hear the words on the other end of the phone, but you could hear the tone – it was sharp and aggravated. Ruby seemed unphased. Once the other end of the line went silent, Ruby said “So do you want me to send her in, or not?” She nodded with whatever Joel said in response and hung up the phone.
“Go right on in, dear. His office is that one.” She languidly pointed to her right, your left, and then turned her attention back to her computer. You took a moment to appreciate the elderly woman’s ease. She clearly dealt with Joel’s wrath countless times, yet she was completely collected. In fact, she sat before you, well past her retirement years, working directly for the man himself without a care in the world.
That gave you a small confidence boost. If Ruby could handle Joel, so could you. Afterall, it’s just words. You had a job to do, you did nothing wrong, you are here because he requested it. 
You approached Joel’s office door and gently gave it three quiet knocks. You waited until you heard his acknowledgement to enter. You twisted the doorknob, opened the door just enough so you could squeeze through, and shut it behind you.
Shit, maybe you should have left it cracked. Too late now.
Your eyes locked onto the back of his tall, broad frame as he stood facing away from you, one of his arms resting above his head against the window. He was overlooking the city through the floor length windows as he finished up a call on his cell phone.
You had no idea what he said on the phone, you were far more distracted with how large and strong his shoulders looked in his white button-down shirt. Your gaze slowly traveled down, taking in his dark grey dress pants and noticing how generously they hugged his backside. You only wished he had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows like before - you wanted to see his muscles twitching under that tanned skin again. You watched in a daze as he lifted his arm from the window and ran his long fingers through his dark curls, wrapping up the phone call.
Get it together, what is wrong with you??
He pushed a button on his cell and began speaking without even turning around.
"What do you need now? I already told you-“ Joel swiveled around to see you standing before him, eyes wide, nervously clutching the envelope in your hands from Mr. Sullivan. He stopped short when he realized you weren’t Heather, and his expression softened a fraction. You must have surprised him, because before he could catch himself, he was raking his eyes up and down your entire frame, sending a shiver up the back of your spine. You were grateful you happened to wear your most flattering light blue sundress today. You thought this morning when you put it on that it would give you the confidence to get through seeing Justin at work for the first time since your break up. You never thought you would need that confidence for this moment.
You meekly cleared your throat.
"I’m sorry, Mr. Miller. You wanted me to tell you when Mr. Sullivan’s check came…” you trailed off, your cheeks feeling warm under his intense gaze. You needed to look somewhere else. You glanced down at the now crumpled envelope in your hand and stretched out your arm to eagerly show him your prize. You were at least 10 feet away from him, barely inside his office at all. It looked ridiculous; he obviously couldn’t take it from you at this range.
He nodded, pursing his lips, and then showed mercy on you when he finally looked away to take the few short strides back to his desk chair. He sat down, glancing back up at you expectantly from across the room.
"Sit.” he ordered, motioning towards one of the two chairs placed in front of his desk.
You responded to his command quickly, and you thought you saw a twitch at the corner of his mouth, but it disappeared too fast for you to be sure.  You sat down in one of the chairs, shifting uncomfortably in your seat as you waited while he scrolled through his emails, looking bored. Looking down at the envelope in your hands, you gently fingered the edges in order to focus your energy somewhere. Why did he want you to sit? This should have been a quick conversation.
Joel cleared his throat, and keeping his eyes on the computer monitor, he began to unbutton the cuffs of his dress shirt. First the left sleeve, then the right, taking his time. He began to methodically roll his left sleeve up, up, up all the way to his elbow, before he leisurely did the same to the right sleeve. You didn’t realize your eyes had snapped up when you saw him begin to uncuff his sleeves, so by the time he finished, you had barely blinked and your lips were slightly parted, breath ever so slightly quickening as he finished his task. You didn’t notice your reaction, but out of the corner of his eye, Joel certainly did. He fought to contain the confident smirk that threatened to spill across his face.
He was right, you had been checking him out in that meeting.
“Give it to me,” he said, turning his probing gaze towards you once again. You looked into his dark, beautiful eyes for a moment, not sure what he meant. Then it came to you. The check.
Wordlessly, you outstretched your hand once again to hand him the envelope. Without breaking eye contact, Joel reached out and took the envelope from your grasp, but in the process grazed two long fingers gently against the back of your hand, sending sparks through your entire body at the contact.  You gasped softly, and clamped your mouth shut. You dropped your gaze, embarrassed, while you waited for him to open the envelope and hopefully dismiss you. The tension was too intense, you needed this to end.
Joel didn’t seem to mind the tension in the room, or even notice it for that matter. He slowly opened the envelope and pulled out the check within. He took note of the amount as a small yellow post-it fell out. You hadn’t seen that before in your rush to get up to his office, you had no idea what it said.
Joel picked it up and read it thoughtfully to himself. When he didn’t say anything after a minute, you finally spoke.
"What does it say?” you asked, your voice almost a whisper.
He swallowed before bringing his heated gaze back up to you.
"It says: Thank you for showing me such kindness during my time of need. I’m sorry for the late payment. It won’t happen again.”
You glanced down at your hands in your lap, a small smile threatening to tug at your lips.
“You were right this time, but don’t be naïve. Not everyone is always tellin’ you the truth,” he warned, sliding the check and post-it note back into the envelope. You nodded in agreement, still sheepishly looking down at your hands.
Joel gazed at the top of your head as you stared at your lap. He didn't want the conversation to end.
"You’re doin’ a good job," he told you, pausing to reflect for a moment. "Thank you for making that connection with my client. I’m not good at all that. Talkin’ about their personal stuff. That’s more Tommy’s side of things.” He reached across his desk and held out the envelope for you to take back.
You looked up at his outstretched hand, and careful to avoid touching him again, took it. 
"Thank you, Mr. Miller,” you replied softly, and stood up from your seat.
You gave Joel a quick smile and turned to head towards the door. Halfway to the exit, you stopped and turned back around, finding Joel’s eyes had yet to leave your body.
“I bet you would be good at it," you said, then your eyes widened as you realized how that sounded. “I-I mean, talking to the clients, learning about them, their personal lives…” you rambled as heat spread across your cheeks.
He stared at you for an awkward moment, considering your words.
“Well, I should be getting back to work,” you said, hitching your thumb to the door behind you, but before you could turn away, Joel stopped you.
"Thanks, sweetheart, maybe I’ll try it sometime,” he said, his expression softer.
You nodded and forced yourself to look away from the uncharacteristically relaxed features on his face. You turned to leave the room, but the door suddenly swung open. You nearly lost your balance, but a strong arm shot out to catch you.
“Jesus, Tommy, would ya watch it?” Joel growled from behind his desk, his expression leaving no traces of the softness you had just witnessed.
“Sorry darlin’, didn’t know my brother had anyone in here.” Tommy eyed you up appreciatively and grinned. “I don’t believe we formally met, I’m Tommy,” he stuck out his hand, which you quickly shook and gave him a polite smile, telling him your name.
You hastily made your exit, squeaking out an excuse about work, and shut the door.
“Do ya ever knock?” Joel seethed, but Tommy was too busy staring at the closed door, still thinking about the way your ass looked in your blue dress.
“I’m happy for you, Joel,” Tommy said, ignoring his question, and strolled over to a small cluster of framed pictures on the wall that haven’t been updated since they started the business. He leaned in to examine them more closely. “You need to be gettin’ back out there. I won't even give you any shit for dippin’ your pen in the company ink, like you did to me.”
“The hell you on about?” Joel replied, taking the opportunity to adjust himself under his desk while Tommy’s back was still turned. The way you were blushing and squirming in his office had a bigger effect on him than he thought. And you hadn’t even been trying. Not like him, rolling up his sleeves on purpose to see your reaction. He shuddered to think what it would be like if you actually tried to seduce him. He would be a puddle on the floor.
“Nothin’ was goin’ on, she just brought me a check.” Joel stood and walked around the front of his desk, leaning up against the edge of it, arms crossed and surveying the back of Tommy’s head.
Tommy chuckled, still examining the photos.
“Yeah, right. She was blushin’ like a whore in church when she left. Ya know, you should really get some new pictures in here. Did ya know you still got this old picture of the bunch of us at that rodeo? It’s got Amy in it.”
Joel sucked in air through his clenched teeth, the rest of his hard on instantly disappearing at the mention of her name.
“Sorry, Joel. It’s been so long, we still ain’t allowed to talk about it?” Tommy walked over behind Joel’s desk and flopped down in his chair, which made Joel have to turn around and sit in the same chair you had just occupied moments before.
“What’s there left to talk about?” Joel sighed, rubbing his face with his hands.
“Do you still talk to her? Keep in touch?” Tommy asked, fiddling with a pen on the desk.
“No.” Joel responded harshly. “Why would I? Last I heard, she’s been shacked up with that prick somewhere in the Midwest.”
“It’s been five years, and I still haven’t seen ya go out on a date, coffee, nothin’. Why are you doin’ this to yourself?”
Joel shook his head and stood up, already missing the warmth your body left in the chair.
“I’m just busy, Tommy. Haven’t met anyone worth chasin’," he replied, grabbing a pen and pad of paper from his desk.
“Well, that little lady that just left is well worth chasin’, if you ask me.” Tommy stood up too, and joined Joel as they headed out of the office to the conference room for their next meeting.
“Nobody was askin’, just drop it.” Joel couldn’t have Tommy egging him on, it was already difficult enough to keep his mind off you.
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Joel hardly heard a word all throughout their meeting with the Marketing department. He vaguely remembered the head of the department nervously working through a technical error on his presentation, which made IT have to get involved. But Joel barely noticed. All he could think about was you.
You: in that thin, blue dress. He remembered how your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and how you bit down on your lower lip when you tried to hold back a smile. He thought about how soft your skin felt when he gently grazed it with his fingers. How your knees pressed together as you squirmed in your seat, waiting for him to turn his attention to you. But you had no idea that his attention was always on you, even when you weren’t around. It was all consuming, at times overwhelming, the way he constantly recalled images of you in his mind. 
Joel was relieved when the IT department could not fix the technical error, and the meeting had to be rescheduled. Everyone in the room held their breath, Tommy included, for Joel’s inevitable outburst, but surprisingly none came.
“Check with Ruby and put it on my schedule,” Joel said, collecting his things and leaving the room.
Tommy stayed behind to chat with the head of Marketing while Joel made a beeline for his office. He shut the door quickly behind him. Squeezing his eyes shut, he leaned his head back on the door.
What was going on with him? Why couldn’t he get you out of his head?
This was Tommy’s fault, had to be. He kept bringing you up and forcing these thoughts into his head.
But it wasn’t Tommy’s fault when his cock jumped after he touched your hand and heard you gasp.
Fuck. This had to stop. He rubbed his hands over his face roughly, then something Tommy said came back to him. It had been a long time since he was with Amy. Tommy was right, he hadn’t been on any dates, he was just sexually frustrated. It was building up, and he needed a release. That would clear his head.
Joel turned and headed towards his private bathroom, which was just a small pocket door in the wall, hardly visible when you first walked in. He went in and locked the door behind him. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, already throbbing from the past hour of torture his thoughts have led him on.
Joel gripped the base firmly in his fist, and he squeezed his eyes shut, dreaming of you wearing that dress in his office. This time, when you squeezed your knees together, he imagined you were trying to create some friction to relieve the wet heat between your legs. You were just as turned on as he was in his fantasy. Joel lazily ran his hand up and down his cock, as his imagination kept carrying him away.
He wondered what kind of panties you were wearing under that dress. Maybe they were lace, or a thong. Maybe you weren’t wearing any at all. There we go.
He started running his hand up and down his shaft faster, his breath quickening as his fantasy took hold.
Now he was bunching your dress up around your hips, hitching your leg around his waist as he grabbed onto the back of your neck, bringing you closer so he could suck on the pulse point in your throat, making you moan his name. He pushed you on top of his desk, and you let yourself fall backwards, recklessly shoving papers and files off his desk.
He could feel his release bubbling to the surface now, as his movements became more frantic, and his other hand grasped the towel bar next to the sink for leverage.
Now Joel saw you bouncing on his cock, still wearing that pretty little dress, but your tits were spilled over the top. He pulled one nipple into his mouth, making you cry out and bounce faster, while his fingers brushed gently against the other one. You grabbed the sides of his face and dragged his mouth up to yours, hovering over each other’s mouths, gasping, but still not touching, as you bounced faster, faster, faster… 
Joel groaned and desperately reached out to grab a tissue from the box next to the sink, right in time to catch his thick ropes of come. His hips gently thrusted forward as he came down from his high, breathing heavily, eyes squeezed shut.
He opened his eyes as his breathing returned to normal, glancing around the room to steady himself.  He looked down, grateful he didn’t make a mess on his dress pants. He cleaned himself up, flushed the tissue down the toilet, tucked himself back into his pants and went to wash his hands.
He cupped some water from the sink and rinsed his face. Drying himself with the towel, he looked up at the mirror and saw a dirty, old man, who had just jerked off to the thoughts of a much younger employee. The shame was setting in now.
I hope you enjoyed it, you dirty fuck. She would never give you the real thing.
Joel dried his hands, and left the bathroom, feeling guilty, but couldn’t deny he had a much clearer head.
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He didn’t see you for at least a full week. That whole week, he felt like himself again. He could see clearly; his thoughts weren’t all jumbled up and he was back to barking orders to his teams on jobsites.
He just needed to jerk off. That’s all it was. No big deal.
Early one morning before most of the employees started their work day, he made his way down to Heather’s office on the 6th floor. She had left him a voicemail saying that the company was being audited, and she needed to speak with him right away. This would require a lot of work from her department, and she needed him to approve the overtime, especially since he scared off your pretty little boyfriend, the department remained shorthanded. He walked off the elevator with his hands shoved in his pockets, sleeves pushed up to his elbows. It was quickly becoming his new look, just in case he ran into you.
He turned the corner towards Heather’s office but stopped short when he heard you laughing. He peered around a corner and saw you with some co-workers in the break room.
He was frozen to the ground, taking in your beautiful smile and laugh as you tried not to spill the coffee in your hand. You were wearing a knee-length flowy black skirt, with a V-neck light purple blouse. When you bent over to laugh again, he saw a glimpse of your tits bouncing under your shirt. He held his breath for a moment, trying to will himself forward, when you suddenly looked over and met his gaze. 
Your friends didn’t notice him standing there, and you didn’t say anything. You just ran your eyes up and down his body, pausing on his exposed forearms. You gave him a shy smile and a little wave. Before he realized it, he was slowly lifting his hand up in return.
He was fucked.
Chapter Four
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💔the pathological liar - pro hero! yo shindou x fem! pro hero! gf! reader
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warnings: characters aged up to 20+, lying, cheating, arguing, manipulation, gaslighting, sexual activities, non-con (reader does say no), dub-con, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, name-calling, physical struggles, physical fighting (one-sided, so assault?), reader has a smart ass mouth and is kinda toxic as well, slight!yandere!yo, toxic relationships, toxic mindsets, false imprisonment, triggering subject at the end. read at your own risk!
☠️: some dialogue/actions inspired by true events.
💔: banner images from pinterest. 
💔: banner made by me with canva. 
post themes: say my name - destiny's child
                      confessions, parts I & II - usher
                      take a bow - rihanna
                      shake it off - mariah carey
💔 3.5k words
💔read in dark mode for best experience!
🖤series 🖤touya.
I know you say that I am assuming things
Something's going down that's the way it seems
Shouldn't be no reason why you're acting strange
If nobody's holding you back from me
'Cause I know how you usually do
When you're saying everything to me times two
Why can't you just tell the truth?
If somebody's there, then tell me who
"Baby, ain't nothing good. It's all bad."
'Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system: 
"Shindou, Yo". Cannot come to the phone right now, please leave your message at the tone-'
Before the recording could finish, you were throwing your iPhone across your bed as you shrugged your backpack off of your shoulders.
Your boyfriend, Yo Shindou, never answered his phone when you called. Never when you called, but he'd always immediately send a text or call you back hours later, claiming that his phone was dead or that he'd misplaced it somewhere at the agency. 
Like now, for example. 
'Sorry babe, got caught up in something last minute at the agency. Call you back when I'm home. Love you.'
You scoffed as you read over the message.
You wouldn't be getting a call back, that much you knew for certain.
With a sudden urge to be petty, you texted back:
'Something like what, Yo? Another bitch's pussy? Yeah, people at my agency are starting to talk and guess who's the topic of conversation? Just know that the label of 'cheating boyfriend' won't do your "picture perfect" image any justice. Bitch.'
After hitting send, you tossed the phone back onto your bed and that was where it would lay until you got out of the shower. 
As soon as your bathroom door closed, the phone vibrated with another text. 
'Oh, so we're doing this shit again? Bet. I'll be over in 20.'
After moisturizing your body and putting on some pajamas, you climbed into bed and pulled out the book that you'd been reading. Leaving your phone discarded somewhere in the covers.
It was starting to get to one of the more interesting parts when a chorus of loud, booming knocks came on your front door.
"Who in the fuck?" You threw the covers back furiously and slipped your fluffy slippers on. 
You walked out of your room and down the hallway, the beating at the door only growing more intense as you sucked your teeth.
"I'm coming, dammit!"
Pulling the door open without checking the peephole first would be your first mistake of the night.
When the messy mop of dark locks, green/yellow hero uniform, and chiseled pecs came into your view, you immediately tried to slam the door shut. Yo wasn't having any of that.
He grabbed the edge of the door, wedging half of his body inside of your apartment before he pushed it forward with force, making it slam and bounce off of the wall. 
Once his boots made contact with the carpeted floor of your apartment, you took multiple steps back, putting about two feet of distance between the two of you.
"What's wrong, baby? You don't look too happy to see me."
Scoffing harshly, you bit your bottom lip between your teeth as you glared up at him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, huh? Beating on my goddamn door like you've lost your mind. Thought you were caught up in something? That just goes to show that all you do is fucking lie. You bitch." 
Yo just looked at you with his face scrunched up. He was clearly irritated with your antics, especially the name-calling. Kicking off his boots, he began to walk towards you. 
"Stop fucking being difficult, Y/N. You know, baby, if you missed me and wanted some dick, all you had to do was ask nicely." 
He said in that irritating, condescending tone that he always uses when talking to those that he feels are beneath him. You being one of those. Even though you're a pro-hero just like he is. 
Not believing what you were hearing, your mouth dropped open. You could feel the blood begin to rise in your ears, loud and whooshing against your skull. 
A dry chuckle then left your lips. 
"You think…that all of this is because I want some dick? Trust me, sweetie, if I just wanted some dick I could go get it from any one of your co-workers. A lot of them have been giving me the eye, you know. Especially since you're never around and I just changed up my hero uniform, so the skirt is short-" 
Yo cut you off by grabbing you by the biceps and yanking you towards him, making you stumble and throw your arms out to try to balance yourself before he then slammed you up against the wall. 
"Don't fucking play with me, Y/N. If you know what's good for you, you'll think twice about trying to entertain one of those bastards. Especially-" 
"Especially who? Bakugou? Oh, he'd be my first choice if I were to step out on you." You smirked up at him. 
He snarled. Your smirk widened as you could physically hear him grinding his teeth. 
Yo was quiet for a moment, just glaring at you as you stared right back at him with a bored look on your face. You even went as far as to yawn.
"Yeah, it's not so fun when the rabbit has the gun, huh?" 
He didn't answer, but instead pulled you off of the wall and hoisted you up over his shoulder. A big hand came up and smacked forcefully against your ass. 
"That's alright. I know how to fix you." He chortled darkly, moving away to begin walking down the hallway to your bedroom. 
"I don't want your community ass dick! Put me down, Yo!" 
He just ignored you and kicked open the door to the room. 
"Sure you don't. You always do this shit to get my attention, Y/N. Catch an attitude, start a stupid ass argument, and then I fuck it out of you. Same shit, different goddamn day, baby." 
Yo said after tossing you onto the bed, making your forgotten phone flop onto the floor. He gave it a puzzled look. 
"Oh, so that's why you seemed so surprised to see me. You didn't read my text." 
He chuckled, reaching to grab your hip to flip you over onto your stomach as if you were a pancake. 
Rough hands began to caress your feet, ankles, and legs, all the way up to your inner thighs and bottom of your ass cheeks, just under the hem of your nightdress. 
"No panties? Yeah, you were definitely planning on getting dicked down tonight, you needy little slut." 
Your back arched off of the bed at the painful stinging of Yo's slaps. His hands felt heavy as lead as they connected with your soft flesh. 
"Where are you going? Thought you liked when I spank you, huh?"
Yo wrapped an arm around your waist to bring you back when you tried crawling up the bed to escape him.
"Stop it, Yo…hurts…" You whined. 
"It hurts, Yo, please stop." He mocked. "Stop being a fucking brat, then."
He grabbed one of your ass cheeks and squeezed hard, making you moan out involuntarily. 
"Moaning like this but you don't want my dick? I bet you're dripping fucking wet for me right now, Y/N. Dare me to check?"
You didn't respond, which prompted Yo to do as he suggested and slip two fingers underneath you between your ass cheeks to get to your slick folds.
"Damn baby, all this for me, yeah? Only me."
He growled. With his large hand, he covered your entire bare pussy and activated his Quirk.
A harsh shiver wracked through your entire body, another soft moan leaving your lips. Yo only pressed harder, moving his fingertips to graze over your clit repeatedly.
"Y-Yo…please, daddy…" You whined, making him smirk down at you. He increased the vibration of his fingers along with rubbing your clit from side to side.
"Say you're sorry for bringing up Bakugou and I might let you feel this fat dick next..." Yo rested his upper body against your back and snaked his free arm under you to hold you up off the bed just a bit.
"No..I'm…n-not sorry. I meant it. Oh fuck!" 
Yo grimaced before grabbing you and flipping you back over onto your back. 
"What did you say?" 
Your e/c eyes were wet with unshed tears as you frowned up at his handsome face. You didn't falter.
"You heard me." 
"I thought I told you that if you know what's good for you, you won't even think about that motherfucker!" He seethed.
"I obviously don't know what's good for me if I'm still fucking around with you!"
Before you knew what was happening, Yo had pinned you to the bed by your throat. Moving between your legs, he used his knees to spread them.
"Yo, stop!"
"Shut up, bitch. You'll learn to stop pissing me off one day."
His belt hit the bed as he undid it, his black pants and underwear soon following it. You tried to pull your legs up, but he surged forward, pushing his hard dick inside you with one thrust.
Head falling back against the soft mattress, you couldn't help but keen as Yo began a rough, fast pace. He gripped your calf to pull you closer and stretch you open wider for him.
"Yes, Yo…right there! I'm going to cum!" 
Yo grunted in response, trying to hold back from cumming himself.
"Yeah, baby? My fingers got you all ready to cum on my dick? Let it go then, oh shit." 
He sped up even more, making your free breasts bounce outside of your nightgown and the headboard hit the wall. It already had a small dent in it from your previous heated romps, but neither of you seemed to care very much.
It could be painted over once you moved out.
"Oh God, I…!" 
Your release splashed against Yo's pelvis and drenched the sheets beneath you.
"Ah, fuck. Yeah, made that little pussy squirt, huh? Stay still for me, baby. I'm about to nut." 
Your eyes widened. "Yo, no. You're not wearing a condom and I haven't replaced my NuvaRing yet!" 
It had been out for five days now while you waited on your doctor to send in a new prescription. 
That didn't stop him. Either he was too deep into his impending orgasm to hear you, or he was flat out ignoring you. 
Blind fury clouded your vision while Yo's was clouded for a completely different reason altogether.
"Damn…" He breathed out, making sure to stay deep inside you until he was finished cumming.
Once you got your bearings, you sat up abruptly, making Yo stumble back onto his elbows. He sucked his teeth once he saw your angered face. 
"What's wrong, sweetheart? You don't want to have my baby?"
"Yo, we're both in our early 20's at the height of our hero careers. We're nowhere near ready for a damn baby!" 
The raven-haired man was about to respond until a soft, vibrating sound silenced the both of you.
You slowly swung your legs over the side of the bed, searching for the source of the noise.
Bending down, you surveyed the floor briefly. Your forgotten cell phone lay halfway underneath the bed.
It's not your phone going off. 
Yo could've been mistaken for a ghost; you watched his face blanch white while he patted the pockets of his discarded pants searching for the missing device.
A race against time, but you spotted it first.
With the rectangular device being tangled in your covers, Yo almost knocked you off the bed trying to get to it, but you were way faster than him. It was already in your hand.
tatas💕: my appointment is at 3pm tomorrow. are you going to be able to make it?
You scrunched your nose and swatted Yo's hand away while reading the text.
"Appointment? What is this about, and why does Tatami need you there?"
Cold e/c eyes turned to stone while you watched Yo fidget nervously. This is one of the only times you've seen him like this; the other when he asked you out for the first time.
"Y/N…do you love me?"
"What kind of question is that, Yo? If I didn't, would I still be with you?"
Your nose scrunched. Something isn't right…
You knew all about Tatami. Yo's ex-girlfriend from high school. He told you that he broke it off during their third year because she was becoming too clingy. You'd even met her once, when you had a joint mission with her agency.
"Say you'll never leave me?"
Oh hell no. He was asking too many questions now.
"What did you do, Yo? Huh?!" 
He just hung his head. His phone vibrated again in your hand. 
Everything that I've been doing is all bad
I've got a chick on the side
With the crib and the ride 
I've been telling you so many lies 
Aint none good, it's all bad
And I just wanna confess, it's been going on so long 
Girl I been doing you so wrong and I want you to know that 
"Everytime you called my phone, I wasn't at the agency working overtime…I..I was with Tatami."
A long, loud sigh left your lips. Your free hand came up, knuckles resting against your forehead.
I don't want to look, but I know I have to…
"Y/N.." Yo warned.
new message
"Y/N, please, baby…"
tatas💕: i know the doctor said that we won't know the sex until about 20 weeks, but i can't help being so excited! we're possibly going to have a little yo running around soon! 👶🏻
Your grip on the phone tightened. 
If I could turn back the hands of time 
And start all over I would
Instead of everything being all bad, baby
Everything'll be all good
I know today is the day that I end all the lying and the playing and the bullshit, girl 
"Y/N, I'm sorr-" 
Your knuckles that you'd been resting against your forehead went across Yo's face at the speed of light. You punched him hard as hell in his face, making him tumble over and off the foot of the bed. The sight would've been hilarious if you weren't so fucking pissed.
"I knew I was right…." You chuckled. "I fucking knew it. You knew that she was pregnant, too. You've known for months."
Yo looked up at you with big, watery eyes full of regret. Almost like he was a different person entirely. 
One hand clutched his throbbing cheek. You'd hit him so hard that his lower lip busted. His perfect face would soon be discolored black and blue, across his forehead, nose (that was also bleeding now), and right eye.
"I'm sorry! Baby, I'm sorry!" 
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YO! YOU'RE ONLY SORRY BECAUSE YOU GOT FUCKING CAUGHT!"  You raged. You lunged off the bed at him and started hitting him everywhere, as hard as you could. You even grabbed two handfuls of his black hair and yanked his head around.
Yo finally grabbed your arms and pinned them against your chest. You'd grown exhausted, so you just let yourself fall against his naked chest.
A bitter chuckle, then the tears, hot and angry. You couldn't hold them any longer as you looked up at Yo, staring at his swollen, beaten face.
"You're so fucking ugly when you cry. What the fuck are you crying for, huh? I'm the one that got cheated on. Lied to, played with, manipulated." 
"Not only did you fucking lie to me and cheat on me, but you fucked around and got the bitch pregnant, too. This has got to be a joke."
Yo slowly crawled up from the floor with you in his arms, blood dripping down his nose and lip, staining the carpet, then the bedsheets while you covered your face with your hands and sobbed. 
He cradled you gently and laid his head against yours, lips kissing at the temples.
"Baby, please…we can work this out. I don't love her. I love you, but I…I still want to be there for the baby…"
Your brokenhearted wails only increased in volume.
"Don't cry, baby. I promise I'll be here for you and our baby, too."
Three Months Later 
Yo made good on his word to be there for you.
Shortly after his "confession", you found out that you were pregnant as well.
Tatami is currently six months along, while you're only three.
Turns out that all of this was a part of Yo's twisted plan. 
Instead of your late birth control being due to your doctor's or the pharmacy's incompetence, it was Yo who called the doctor's office pretending to be your husband and had them cancel your refill request. 
Yo then demanded suggested that you take time off from hero work while you were carrying his child, which you slightly agreed with, but still did so with reluctance.
You don't know how he did it, but you guessed being one of the top 20 heroes carried with it a lot of weight for him to be able to take off enough to make it to all of yours and Tatami's appointments.
He even moved you out of your apartment and into his. Into your own room. 
The reason that you had your own room was because Tatami ended up losing her apartment due to being out of work, so Yo moved her in as well. 
With the way that the living arrangements had been set up, you and Tatami might as well have been sister wives.
To attempt to keep things "fair" between the both of you, Yo would designate certain nights where either of you would get to sleep in the room with him. So neither of you would feel neglected by him.
His heart was in the right place, wasn't it? 
Even when you could clearly hear the whispered moans and soft creaking of the bed from Yo's room on Tatami's nights.
No matter how you tried to make yourself not hear it. 
Yo didn't want you stressing out, he claimed, so he bought you many expensive gifts and gadgets to help you get a good night's rest.
None of them worked. 
Not when the walls in that apartment were paper thin.
Many nights you cried and raged to yourself. 
Obviously all of that stress wasn't healthy for the baby.
Which leads you to today.
A pair of dark sunglasses hiding your eyes along with a long trench coat and hat to conceal the rest of your persona.
They were loud and jarring as you walked in, but your world had gone numb three months ago. Now you were trapped inside your own world as you stepped up three flat steps into a white, brick building. 
A ghost clutching a brown clipboard only made the atmosphere even gloomier before whisking you away from the judgemental eyes and into a plainly decorated room with blue walls.
She read over the papers first then handed the clipboard to you, one more questioning look being shot your way. 
You just gave a simple nod.
"You have reached the voicemail box of L/n, Y/n. I can't come to the phone right now, but leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!"
Yo sighed heavily and put his head in his hands before standing up to walk out of your completely barren bedroom.
Before he closed the door, he whispered softly,
"Why, Y/n?" 
Your location on his phone showed him exactly where you were.
Gotta make that move 
Find somebody who
Appreciates all the love I give
Boy, I gotta 
Gotta do what's best for me
Baby and that means I gotta shake you off
a/n: i think this piece was a pretty strong start to the series! i'm really proud of it! stay tuned, there's plenty more bullshit to come!
*remember, if you get angry enough at your partner that you feel like wanting to put your hands on them, just walk away! 
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vulpesverda · 9 months
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I'm sure you were referring to my Kayn Making Food for the Group headcanons, but I think this would be more fun to do a headcanon post about the kinds of pranks he'd pull on all of the members. I'm also a menace who loves giving myself extra work, lmao
Prank Master Aphelios
Content: No Warnings 》 SFW 》 Alune Included
Requests: Currently Open
We all know about Aphelios replacing K'Sante's protein powder with flour, right? KNOWING this man eats that shit DRY? Evil. And I love it. On top of that, I like to imagine Phel changes the lock and homescreens on K'Sante's tablet to just... really weird shit. Obscure memes. Sometimes ones he's made himself. Ones he's made about K'Sante. How did he get the pass code. K'Sante doesn't know. K'Sante does not have the power to stop him. Someone help this man.
Pranking Sett is both so easy and so difficult. It's so easy to get a big emotional reaction out of him... but there are some pranks that will just fly right over his head. But I think Phel's favorite thing to do is gaslight this motherfucker. Tell him fake facts knowing that Sett is gonna repeat it later and look silly. And when Sett is like "Phel told me that! It's true!", Phel is like "I did not say that, where did you hear that".
You might be thinking, "If anyone were to be free of his shenanigans, it's got to be Yone, right?" And you would be correct. However, no one is free, and therefore Yone suffers. And by "suffers", I mean his cold brew is replaced with decaf. Yone notices. Immediately. He doesnt even have to taste it. He is not happy.
Yone is aware he can just go buy a cold brew, but its the principle of the thing. You don't fuck with a man's coffee, or his morning routine. But Yone can't prove anything, and his coffee is re-replaced as soon as he makes a stink about it, so.
Kayn loves to dye his hair, canonically. And if he dyes his hair with any dye that comes in containers like the Arctic Fox hair dye, you bet Phel has intentionally switched around the colors. He bought sticker remover stuff so he could peel off the labels and switch them around undetected, so Kayn opens up his next bottle of pinkish purple dye and ends up with ultramarine or black or green and dumping it directly on his head.
Because let's be honest, I don't imagine Kayn would put that shit in a bowl and apply it with a brush. He's squeezing that bottle on his head and rubbing it in with his hands. And you're lucky if he's using gloves.
Ezreal is an easy one to prank. If Ez leaves his phone alone for even a SECOND, Aphelios is on that shit, hiding it away in his pocket or something so Ez is frantically looking for it. And then he puts it in a spot he KNOWS Ezreal knows he's looked. He gets a really big reaction out of it, too, which is what makes such a low effort prank so worth it. Minimal risk, big reward. If he's lucky, Ezreal might start whining.
Now, dear reader, you may be asking "Why is Aphelios on this list?". And the answer to that question lies in the fact that Aphelios is not even safe from himself. Particularly when he is drunk. I envision drunk Aphelios giggling to himself as he thinks "It would be really funny to piss off sober me", and doing something he knows is going to inconvenience him while hung over. Like rearranging his bedroom furniture in a way that doesn't make sense or is impractical. Or hiding the toilet paper so he has to do the shuffle of shame after his morning shit.
He is a menace, even to himself. I told you no one is free.
This is her brother. Her brother who loves her, but her brother nonetheless. He's perfected the art of the prank, and she was his unwilling test subject for many, many years. Anything you can think of, he's probably done it to her. There's nothing he can do that would surprise her, at this point. I think he enjoys stealing her hair ties and hiding them somewhere she can't reach. Or hiding all of the left socks in her matching pairs. Anything to inconvenience her just a little bit. And she knows this has the work of the Phae (Phel/Fae) written all over it.
》 ------ ◇ ------ 《
AN: God I love aphelios. End note.
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bisexualfemalemess · 4 months
Live reaction episode 5:
I’m a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see Penelope’s answer to colin’s proposal but in my head she just straight up faceplanted outta that carriage. On another note, colin constantly looking back at her to check on her is peak protective husband. Colin ‘my wife’ bridgerton indeed. Also Penelope’s so loved by his family and not him being willing to fight Eloise, his own sister, like hold your horses buddy. El baby she’s loved him since you guys were children. Both are honestly valid and i love them both so much, i just need my peneloise besties back right now. Like so expeditiously. Awww, colin checking up on pen. He’s truly already so far gone. I’M SORRY THE TREE???? What the actual fuck???? Lady tilley arnold needs to get the fuck off my screen. I’ve never read the books but booktok and twitter made me love sophie already, i need her. Not pen listening to her family reading LW Lmaoo she seems so smug about it. EY LADY DANBURY HAPPY ABOUT POLIN THEY’RE SO LOVED BY EVERYONE. KANTHONY MY BABIES. MY PARENTS ARE GONNA BE ACTUAL PARENTS STFU. Anthony’s so feral for her 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 aww hyacinth is so excited to tell them about polin’s new engagement my daughter fr. HYACINTH OMG IJBOL NOT HER SAYING GREGORY’S THE FAMILY PET I’MMA DIE. Eloise baby she did not use you, she loves you and you love her so make up bitches. Cressida is so gay for eloise no one can tell me otherwise. OH MY GOD NOT THE BOOK LINE ABOUT HIS LOVE BEING A THUNDERBOLT FROM THE SKY SOMEONE SEDATE ME (might need to make a part two and i’m only 10 minutes in) they’re not even married yet and Benedicts like “your wives” she’s always been a bridgerton for real. PORTIA I AM INDIFFERENT TOWARDS YOU BUT BACK OFF FROM MY GIRLY AND DON’T MAKE HER DOUBT HER RELATIONSHIP. COLINS SO HOT TELLING PORTIA OFF SOMEONE GET ME SOME HOLY WATER OR SOMETHING JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. HE’S BEEN WITH HER FOR LESS THAN 24 HOURS AND HE’S ALREADY THROWING AROUND THE L-WORD OH HE FELL SO HARD FOR HER IMMA THROW MYSELF IN FRONT OF A MOVING TRUCK. MIRROR SCENE OH MY GOD OH MY GOD ALRIGHT ITS HAPPENING ITS HAPPENING OH HIS SPEECH IMMA KILL MYSELF IM SO SERIOUS. THIS IS PERFECT OH MY GOD, NICOLA COUGHLAN IS A GODESS AND THEIR CHEMISTRY IS SO PALPABLE. “LIE DOWN” THAT WAS SO FUCKING HOT, COLIN BRIDGERTON CAN COMMAND ME AROUND ANY DAY. Sex scene, sex scene, sex scene….TO POV???? Oh, that’s such a beautiful song choice. This is literally so intimate, i feel like I’m intruding. Colin bridgerton is a canon consent man and as a woman i think that’s so sexy. That was the cutest sex scene of my life, cute, hot, awkward, everything a first time is supposed to be (i wouldn’t know🙊) KANTHONY SCENE. HES THE CUTEST ALL KISSING HER STOMACH. Newton and Anthony always beefing. Their so cute 😫😫😫. Awww John and Francesca are so cute as well. Awwww him asking about marriage 😖😖😖. VISCOUNTESS KATE IN ACTION MY BABY GIRL. She’s working overtime being pregnant, viscountess and giving eloise advice. She clocked peneloise’s tea. AWW Post-sex polin is the cutest with the book line too 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and the teasing!!! They’re truly so friends to lovers. NOT HER GETTING INTERRUPTED WHEN SHE WANTS TO TELL HIM SHE’S WHISTLEDOWN. FUCK ASS SERVANTS. Oh poor pen having to listen to her fiancé trash-talk her without knowing he’s taking about her, like i wouldn’t tell him i’m Whistledown either after this, bet. Also they literally have no sense of personal space and it’s too cute. Aww a colin and eloise talk. THEY WERE INSEPARABLE AND THEY NEED TO BE AGAIN SOON OR IMMA DO SOMETHING SO DRASTIC I SWEAR TO GOD. Peneloise as bestie sister-in-law’s is something that i need so bad it’s like not even funny anymore. Penelope’s sister need to leave her the fuck alone and portia needs to leave her ulterior motives at the door even penelope was like what the hell is going on. I don’t really mind will and alice plot honestly they’re just a cute married couple, much like polin will be. OH MY GOD NOT BENEDICT CALLING KATE SISTER IM DYING IM DECEASED. THAT FUCK ASS TOP HAH OH MY LORD. NOT COLIN CALLING PENELOPE HIS BRIDE TO BE 🫠
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Wedding Dress - Modern AU! | Chapter 5
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Paring: Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader x Aemond Targaryen.
Summary: You have always seemed happy. A perfect life: a good job, a good family… and a good boyfriend. Finally, you are going to marry Jace after three years of dating. Everything seems perfect, but you know it's not.
Everything falters the same night you meet Aemond Targaryen. You are no longer sure of your decisions… let alone about the wedding…
Tags: Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting Enemies to Friends to Lovers/ Emotional Hurt/ComfortDrama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Author´s note: Hi everyone! English is not my first language, sorry for any mistake! All of them are my fault! Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome! I´m really sorry this week, It´s been a really busy week at work, so sorry for the delay with this Chapter. I hope you enjoy it! The next one will be post really soon.
Word Count: 4.8K
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged, let me know): @tssf-imagines @nika-sophie05 @hkmultifandom @thetrueblackheart @chainsawsangel @darkenchantress @itsabby15 @afro-hispwriter @ipostwhatifeel @kezibear
"Do you think you could have the corrections for the next chapters by the end of the week?" Daemon approached your desk, looking at some papers questioningly, as if he was trying to understand what was on them.
"Yeah, sure," you replied, looking back at your reports as you continued to correct them. You didn't quite know what to think. It was Monday, and the only exchange you'd had with Daemon since lunch where he caught you flirting with Aemond had been a fleeting “good morning” as you entered the office. It was possibly the first time in three years that you were there that you saw Daemon doing his job and not delegating it into you. However, one of the times he took his eyes off the paper, he uttered a sigh trying to get your attention. You continued to work in silence. But he didn't seem to care because he started talking as if he had been silent too long.
"Have you looked at the book that my 'beloved' nephew left you?" he asked you, getting up to look out the window. It's not that the views from there were magnificent, it's that he didn't want to know what was going on between you, and yet he had to know. He had to advise you. He had to guide you.
"I have not had time. He left it to me yesterday afternoon. I got to Jace's house, had dinner with him and we fucked until we fell asleep, Daemon. If this information makes you happy" you replied. You felt attacked. As always you didn't want to talk about what was happening, you didn't want me to bring up Aemond as a topic of conversation. You didn't want to talk to him about anything that wasn't insubstantial and empty.
"The question is if this makes you happy," he replied, looking at you again. "Don't go through with this, please. I know I'm the only one telling you, but you're breaking down” he sighed, but that time you just didn't cry, you just looked at him with a tired look. Why did you keep doing that? Good question, but for the first time you knew the answer: it was because of what they could thought of you, because of what they would say if you gave up everything for someone you knew nothing about, how your grandmother would take it, or the disappointment it would be for everyone. Who had bet on you two. It wasn't about your pain; it was about not letting others down, as it always had been. They all said, 'Jace is the one,' and they were probably right and the only one who didn't know how to see it was you. Only Daemon and Alara seemed to contradict an environment that taught you what it should be. “The book that he left you, I have read it many times, I imagine that the same as him. It is a short and simple story about Ancient Valyria. Some big guy there falls in love with the wife of another even bigwig and he ends up destroying everything for her. It's simple, but it's something that has happened many times in history: forbidden love. An adolescent fantasy more than an adult one” he tried to explain to you, looking at his shoes.
"You've made me a spoiler" you tried to joke, but your voice only sounded sad and he scolded you with his eyes. He was just about to speak when someone knocked on the door. Dalia, the receptionist, shyly poked her head into the room, asking permission to enter. She entered with her eternal smile, but she seemed to fade when she noticed the tension that existed between them.
“Sorry for bothering you, but an urgent envelope arrived and the delivery guy was very explicit that I had to deliver it right now. People can be very annoying” her smile could falter, but not her constant verbiage. In her hands was a cardboard envelope from the Targaryen family delivery company. Daemon raised an inquisitive eyebrow. The clients of his publishing house did not usually afford a parcel service neither so urgent nor so expensive.
"What is it about?" he went to get the envelope when Dahlia left it on your table.
"It's for (Y / N), so, no idea" he smiled at her as he left the envelope there. He left you with your eyes fixed on the envelope while she continued talking about the large amount of work she had. You looked at the envelope with the eyes of a slaughtered lamb, as if you knew that nothing good could be inside. Daemon sighed, sitting back down.
"Aren't you going to open it? It could be a tax requirement, and that really would scare me... ”he began to say, trying to reduce the tension of the moment. You didn't even answer him. You just took the envelope and inspected the envelope. It had no sender. Maybe... it was a surprise from Jace, a small detail for everything that had happened to you these days, a way to fix things, something, you even thought of a love letter... but when you opened it, you couldn't have been more disconcerted. Daemon looked up curiously at your confused look. "And, well? Is it from tax collection?” you looked at him confused, having forgotten the entire previous topic that you had discussed with him.
“Do you remember the exhibition they were going to bring about the Ancient Valyria? The one we weren't invited to because we weren't important enough as a publisher? You asked him scrutinizing your eyes, trying to understand what was happening.
"How to forget it? Asshol…” Daemon was just about to start insulting someone when you just cut him off.
"Well, there are two tickets to assist, do you think they will have reconsidered our presence?" you asked him without really knowing what all that was about. Daemon rose and stood in front of you, inspecting the envelope. Inside it was another smaller piece of paper; he picked it up and offered it to you.
"I think the answer is in here, don't you want to open it and we'll clear up any doubts?" he asked with it still in his hand "Although I think I've already solved this mystery before you" he replied as you took the letter and opened it. He smiled sadly to see how your face turned pale at what the letter said. You quickly lied about the content.
"A-a friend from college now works at the exhibition and sends us the tickets" you tried to sound convincing, but you sounded like a drowning cat and Daemon just sighed. I didn't have to tell you that you were lying; you both knew who the sender of that envelope was. “Do you want us to go?” You asked him. And he just sighed, going back to his table, although this time, he only poured himself whiskey, as if he needed it to be able to speak to you frankly.
"I don't want to go where they don't invite me" he replied before taking a drink and swallowing it all in one fell swoop. Then he continued talking "Besides, he who invites you plans for you to go with him, and for once I'm not going to deny him something he wants" he smiled sadly at you.
You bit your lip nervously, almost devouring it as you read the letter again. It was brief, but the handwriting was sure and firm, from a man who knew what he wanted: 'Princess, enjoy the tickets, A.' He also left you his phone number, how else were you going to give him the opinion of the book? Or just, to thank him for the tickets? Yes, he had had to find out about everything you had tried to get them, half the city must have found out how angry Daemon was with that situation. Aemond had only gotten you some tickets that you had even asked Jace to pull contacts for. Only.
Your heart was beating wildly, and yet, you kept them in the envelope and closed it in a drawer in your desk. You remembered the plot of the book. Romantic fantasies were only for teenagers, and you were already an adult. You just sighed and continued reading the papers on your desk, or at least trying to.
"Aren't you going to thank your 'friend from college'?" Daemon asked, confused by your attitude. As if trying to guess what was going through your head, as if you yourself knew what was going on.
"No, I'll ask Jace tonight if he wants to go if you don't want to come with me after all the headaches you gave me with the tickets" you replied going back to work. Daemon smiled wearily.
“I don't think he will enjoy it. I appreciate him, but you know it's true” he replied, sitting down again and remaining silent. And you smiled a little. Sometimes it scared you how alike Daemon and Aemond could be.
"Another trip?" you sighed as you put on an earring in the bathroom mirror at Jace's house. He just nodded happily. You no longer knew if you wanted to go out to dinner, or even ask him if he wanted to go to the exhibition with you. You felt… abandoned. If you started to think you knew why you had had ended up in bed with Aemond weeks ago, you felt abandoned. “How long are you going to be gone?”
"It's only going to be a week" he replied caressing your bottom lip this time and trying to kiss you, but you turned your face away.
"Maybe I could go with you" you answered with a sad face "I could ask Daemon for the week and..." Did you really want to go with him? No, but you wanted to spend time with him and try to put your thoughts in order, you wanted to see if…you were still in love with him.
"Seriously, you'd get bored" he replied, sounding gentle, caressing your cheek. You tried to smile, but it stayed in a sad grin. “I'm just going to be meeting with the Starks, Cregan is coming too. As you can see, it is not going to be an entertaining trip”
"And Aemond is going?" you asked looking at yourself in the mirror again, trying to sound casual and looking for your lipstick, why were you asking about him?
"No. He just thinks we should take another approach to this situation,” Jace replied with a shrug, combing his hair.
"Maybe he's right" you sighed and Jace froze at your words. "I don't know what the use of a contract that makes you always be away from home" you answered coldly and he didn't even look at you. You saw that he didn't want to argue but you had hurt him, and you stayed still and silent while you watched as he tried to maintain his composure. Perhaps it had not been the best idea to have said that, it seemed as if you were comparing him with Aemond...
"My uncle... has another way of seeing things, that's all" he answered between his teeth and you felt terrible for only having asked without thinking. You wanted to articulate a 'I'm sorry', but you weren't able to. He only kissed you with anger and you returned the same feeling in that kiss. "Don't ever tell me he's right" he replied, turning you around and leaning against the marble sink. You heard him unbuckle and was surprised when you felt his hand reaching into your core that had begun to soak with anticipation. You've never gotten laid like this, and then, you looked in the mirror, Aemond was grinning behind you, at you drenched, with only his pants down, ready to fuck you…
"(Y/N), are you alright?" you heard Jace's voice and he woke you up from your imaginations…he was in front of you. He hadn't kissed you or leaned against the sink, you just…you had lost yourself again at the thought of…you shook your head again.
"Yes, yes" you continued painting your lips and he looked at you strangely, but he didn't say anything else. You just finished getting ready and went to dinner. You tried to laugh with him and you were held by the hand at all times. Later, you came home and you two had a sex that had nothing to do with what you had imagined in the bathroom... and you forgot to ask him about the exhibition, about whether he would accompany you, he wasn't going to be able to either because of the trip... you just felt broken and abandoned He was leaving again, leaving you alone... perfect...
The next morning, you went to work like every day and like every day since you worked there, you arrived long before Daemon. His pace was different from yours, but he was the boss and he could afford it. You entered the office and raised the blind. So you sat at your desk and started working until you got a message from Jace. He was already going to catch the flight and he said goodbye to you, you wished him a good trip and that was the end of the whole conversation. You opened the drawer looking for an eraser to correct a mistaken writing and you suddenly found the tickets... you took the envelope and reopened it without thinking... maybe...
Without quite knowing why, you found yourself dialing the number. You didn't regret it, you just marked it. You didn't know what you needed, but you were sure it wasn't waiting for Jace's next message. Waiting for the tone and then you thought you died when you heard his voice on the other end of the line.
Aemond was simply checking some reports that morning. He preferred to continue working so as not to call himself stupid after having sent you those tickets that he had requested for you from a college friend who worked at that museum, and on top of that with that private messenger. What the hell had he thought? Perhaps he had thought that after the meal and everything that had happened at it, he had a chance. It was stupid, and maybe Aegon was right, he should stop trying and just go with the first one that apearanced, just like he did... and then his phone rang. He glanced sideways, and his heart stopped dead. It was a phone that he did not have registered... he realized that his mouth was dry but he quickly picked up the phone...
"Yeah?" he responded trying to control his nerves, he almost looked like a teenager in love and he hated himself at the same time that he loved it. You were silent for a moment trying to think of what to say or just not hang up the phone. Aemond was about to hang up for believed that it was a cruel joke of destiny when you spoke.
"Hey!" you responded briefly, calling you stupid for the way you answered him. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. You repeated yourself over and over again, but Aemond seemed to know what you were thinking and he just laughed at your answer. You really loved his laugh. You could imagine him sitting in his office leaning back in his chair, because that's exactly what he did, looking out the window.
"Princess, did you like the tickets?" he asked, smiling to himself, as if his plan had worked perfectly and you were already about to sleep with him for such an act.
"Yes, but maybe the private messenger wasn't necessary" you laughed and looked sweetly out the window. You had forgotten about Jace, about work, and even about where you were. Aemond had an effect on you that it wasn't expected…or desired for a woman like you, but for a moment you didn't care.
"I wanted to impress you, didn't I?" he smirked. "Other girls would have slept with me as gratitude, and I only asked you for a call" he smiled proudly, waiting for your answer, hoping to knock you out, but you were the one who knocked him out.
"Maybe you could have come, maybe I would have been more excited" you smiled and he licked his lips at your answer. You bit your lip. You didn't know how but you felt your crotch soaked with a single brief exchange of words over the phone.
"Princess, you know my wonderful uncle would have killed me, do you want that, hmm?" he replied amused. Surely he wouldn't have killed him, but if the tension had been unbearable. However, you just laughed at his occurrence, and at that moment you realized that you weren't in high school, that he didn't have to be anything to you and that you just had to thank him for the tickets.
"I was just calling to say thank you" you smiled sweetly at him and he sighed as if he knew he had gone too far with you. “Well, I have to keep working and…”
"Were you able to read the book?" he asked you, you could hear him gulping. He had interrupted you, but this book was vital to him, one of his favorites in his youth, a work that combined poetry with prose, which he hoped you would like as much as he did... for what it meant given the situation you two were in. … Or was it just him? He was mortified while waiting for your answer.
"Only a little, we have a lot of work these days. A compilation of essays by a philosopher from I don't know very well where he is from is going to come out and..." you found yourself talking to him for a couple of minutes, telling him about your problems that you don't you spoke to no one, and he simply listened to you with some small comment or a laugh at your occurrences, when had you spoken like that to no one?
“Well, I'm sorry you couldn't read it well. The tickets for the exhibition are for tomorrow, maybe we could talk about it there” he smiled at the audacity of seeing you at the exhibition. He expected you to yell at him that you couldn't, but you just laughed again.
"Well, really, I don't have anyone to go with, so if you want..." you commented to him as if he were a friend, and at that moment you woke up again, what were you doing?
"I'll go pick you up when you leave the editorial, what time do you leave?" he jumped in his chair, as if he was afraid he might back you out if you kept thinking about it.
"Oh, well, I leave at eight, I..." you began to feel bad, you started to tell yourself what you were doing, but then, you remembered that in three years of dating, Jace had not once gone for you at work, that it was you who had gone looking for him or you who had waited for him at his house, or waited in a bar... and for once you felt good to be the object of someone's desire. You weren't doing anything wrong. You weren't going to sleep with him. You were just going to an exhibition. That was all.
"I'll be there for you at a quarter to eight" he smiled and you smiled silently.
"See you tomorrow then" you told him.
"See you tomorrow, princess" he replied and hung up the phone. A feeling of triumph coursed through his body and he realized that perhaps he was too distracted now to continue working.
At that very moment you hung up, Daemon cleared his throat entering the office, surely he had been listening for longer than he wanted to admit and he simply greeted you with a smile, but you didn't care. You were going to see the exhibition with someone who understood it exactly the same as you and you couldn't be happier.
Aemond lit a cigarette while keeping an eye on the door of that inconspicuous office building. Despite being in the center of King's Landing, he couldn't say that you were in a privileged situation. Still, he stopped pondering on how to run his uncle's business. He just blew out the smoke through his nose and returned his gaze to the door. He didn't want you to pass by without seeing him. Although you really couldn't, he was leaning against his expensive car in front of the door, with his expensive shoes and his expensive black coat. The eye patch well placed, perfect as always. His presence was unchanging and it was something he was proud of, to say the least. He took another drag again and watched you leave. You were laughing with Daemon. He liked your hair up any which way. He liked how you wore the shoulder strap bag across your chest. He liked your sweater. He liked you… all of you, even if you were dressed as normal as possible. You didn't notice him until Daemon stared at him with a defiant smile. Aemond just blew out smoke again from his cigarette. You looked at Daemon first with concern and then looked straight ahead, finally noticing Aemond. And his heart skipped a beat when he saw how your eyes began to shine as soon as he saw it. Daemon simply patted you on the shoulder, a fatherly gesture that caught the attention of the younger Targaryen. You waved him away cheerfully as Daemon disappeared into the crowd of the city and you approached Aemond with a smile.
"Thank you for coming for me" You sighed to yourself happily. Truly, he was fascinated by how bright your eyes could be if you were happy. Truly joyful. “We could have met directly at the exhibition” you smiled at him.
"And letting you back off at the last moment?" he smirked at you, and yet you just laughed too. You looked at the ground for a moment and he took the opportunity to place a lock of unruly hair "You look beautiful, princess" he whispered to you with a smile and you could only blush.
"Please stop flirting with me!" you exclaimed without any conviction and with an eternal smile. He laughed too, finishing his cigarette, tossed it to the ground and blew out smoke before speaking to you.
"It's a reality, that's all" he replied with a shrug. He opened the door to the passenger seat, in a gentlemanly gesture. You sat in wonder and sighed just to find yourself sitting in the car at last. He sat down and started the engine. The conversation just flowed and he found that he not only turned on you but also liked you. You arrived at the museum and he parked in one of the reserved spaces. He liked your confused face.
“Do you have a parking space at the museum?” You asked him with a frown and getting out of the car, as if it were the last thing you would have thought Aemond could have, as if it were the last thing his money could buy in that city.
"No, the friend who got me the tickets has it" he replied with a shrug. "I'm not going to leave a car like this parked anywhere" he replied laughing and you narrowed your eyes in amusement. You'd always been amused by how stupid men could be with their cars, as if that was a symbol of their manhood.
"Yeah..." you answered, going with a smile to the door of the museum. He followed close behind, placing one of his hands on the small of your back. He saw you flinch but you didn't push it away so he took it as a sign that he could keep doing it.
Inside, a young guy was waiting for you who, from his appearance, must also have come from Valyria, with his silver hair. Aemond and he shook hands. “(Y / N), this is Alyn Velaryon, a friend from the University” he explained to you as the boy approached and gave you two kisses. You smiled at him. He really seemed nice.
"Well, saying friend is saying a lot," He chuckled, "Aemond was a real pain in the ass in Uninversity. You already have to be important for him to call me asking for tickets” he explained to you with a white smile. You just smiled, and Aemond snorted indignantly.
"You owe me. You wouldn't have finished the degree without my notes,” Aemond snapped, laughing.
"Yes, of course, remind me again, it's not going to be that I can forget it" replied the other while you began to walk through the museum. For a moment you were surprised that Aemond could relate to anyone outside of his family, but then you blushed for a moment. After all, Aemond was just a guy a couple of years older than you, who had been through the same thing as you and he might like his loneliness, but he related like everyone else. You three went through the exhibition halls alone, not a single soul was seen. There was only Alyn, who was explaining everything to you. This was also how you discovered that they had been roommates when Aemond got bored of living with his older brother and that they were both studying the same degree, that Alyn had dedicated himself to his beloved story while Aemond had left everything for his family business. At one point, the last one received a call from work and he left you alone with Alyn while he went to another room to talk.
You looked at a model of what Old Valyrian was supposed to look like, and Alyn smiled to himself: “So… you studied High Valyrian philology?” he asked curiously and smiling to him, you simply nodded your head as you continued lost in the details of the model. He laughed softly. And you looked at him confused “How long have you… you know… been going out with Aemond? You make quite a pretty couple” he smiled at you again and you blushed.
"Oh, we're just... friends" you confessed completely red, but you didn't tell him anything about Jace, or the wedding, or why you were there, because at that moment you thought again, what the hell were you doing there?
"Oh, no! This... is that I thought you were together" he scratched his head embarrassed "After all, he made me close the museum just for you and that..." What had closed the exhibition just for you? You gave a confused motion. "I thought I had finally found a girl who understand him, sorry" he apologized again, now it was he who was blushing at times. Aemond returned just then, apologizing. Alyn continued to show you the exhibit and Aemond took your hand at one point. You didn't complain…you were the girl who understood him…and you felt a warm sensation in your chest. At the end of the exhibition, Alyn watched as you left. You two could be just friends, but the museum thing seemed like a couple in love, more than just a couple of friends. Alyn shook his head. He knew Aemond and he was already getting in trouble again over a girl.
"If you want, we can go to dinner" he replied as he got into the car, looking at you with a sweet look that you could never have imagined on his stoic face "I' will pay" you smiled sadly.
"Thanks for the museum" you sighed "I quite like you, Aemond, maybe... we could be friends, if that's okay with you" you confessed with a shy smile. Perhaps that was what you needed from Aemond, to be your friend. That was what you repeated to yourself in your mind while your heart hammered in your chest.
Aemond sneered at himself. Yes, of course, it was just what he needed, to be your friend... well, maybe he needed it, and maybe it was the way to win you over. It was another way to get to you and for a moment, he silently stared at his hands. "Maybe it would be okay" he smiled at you. You didn't go to dinner that night, but you did meet him for coffee the next day. Even when Jace returned, you two continued to meet, after all, Jace didn't ask you anything and you ran like a young girl in love to meet Aemond, but you repeated to yourself that you were just friends. You had already been friends for two weeks, when Alara broke the bubble in which you lived.
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fire-emblem-drabbles · 8 months
Pairing: Zelgius x Reader
Prompt: The summoner is in really bad depression slump; Zelgius tries to offer his help.
Description: You didn't want to talk to anyone-- let alone be seen by them. But when someone begins to knock incessantly at your door, you're left with no choice but to open it for them.
Rating: sfw
Conant Warning: Depression (talk of, depictions of, the whole fic is about it really), some mild self deprecation. Ask to tag
Word Count: 1399
Notes: Hi, this is a repost! I reread the original. and it was bad. even though I claimed to have already edited it. Gross. But, this was originally one of the first fics I posted to this blog, so I hope you enjoy this updated version of it <3
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There was an incessant knocking at the door. It rang, loud and clear through your empty chambers. You let out a small groan, turning towards the door to give it a dirty look. “I already told you, please leave me alone.” You didn’t care to know who was at the door; your bets were on Sharena, or perhaps even Anna (you would loathe to see Alfonse there) but no matter who it was, you didn’t want to see them.
Whoever it was, they were wasting their time anyways. You weren’t worth the effort, and certainly, not worth their time or kindness. Given how things were around here, something urgent would push you out of inaction soon enough anyways...
Still, the knocking on your door remain. Polite, but firm. Whoever was there wasn’t going away with one halfhearted call, it seemed. You merely pull the comforter of your bed up closer, frowning now at the door as you consider all the mistakes and failures, made in the Order’s name. They deserved a better Summoner, a better tactician… Someone who could actually live up to the title of ‘Legendary Summoner.’ Despite your thoughts, though, the knocking remains, though perhaps a little louder. The hard rapts hitting your door making you sit up.
“Please, just go away. Don’t you understand the meaning of ‘alone’?” You call out again, rolling out of bed to finally answer the door. Your clothes were rumpled and your hair surely a mess from staying in bed far too long, but maybe if whoever was at the door saw the bags under your eyes they would reconsider bothering you. If they even spoke when you opened the door, considered they hadn’t even bothered to name themselves as they knocked.
At the next pause in the knocking, you answer the door.
“Zelgius...” Before him, you felt small. Your face with his armor, kept in perfect condition, only to look to his features-- put together and stern, but with obvious worry as he takes you in. You probably look as much the mess as you feel. You suddenly feel a little naked, despite being somewhat dressed. You don’t think he had ever seen you without your cloak. “What uh, what brings you here? Is it urgent?” You awkwardly look away from his perfect, pretty face, looking back to your darkend room, to the glowing shape of Breidablik on your desk.
“Summoner…” Your title leaves him in a small breath. Even Zelgius, known to hide his emotions rather well, can’t hide his shock at seeing you like this. “Commander Anna… along with Alfonse, and Sharena, have said you refuse to leave your chambers. Why?” At least he was candid, carefully taking in your pitiful form and surely trying to figure the best way to approach this.
“You know why.” You speak softly, still refusing to look his way. It’s not like he didn’t know. Not like it wasn’t the Order of Hero’s favorite rumor. Slowly, you opened the door wider to allow him in. If he wanted to try and help you, then he could try. Your problems could be his for a few minutes if he truly wanted.
“… You know I'm not used to this sort of thing.” He begins, entering into your dark room, having to duck under your door frame. The first thing he does is open the drawn curtains to let the light in, an action that has your turning away.
“I know.” You answer with a small groan, rubbing your tired eyes to try and get use to the sudden light. “I am curious, though,” You look his way as your eyes finally adjust. “What made you… want to do this yourself? There are plenty of heroes who are probably better at comforting people than you.” You also aren’t sure you want him to be the one to do this. He was a general, after all. Not really known for being kind…
“I’m aware.” Zelgius remains quiet a moment, watching you intently. You swear you can hear the cogs turning in his mind. “But.. I do not think they care as much as I do.” His answer shocks you, enough so that you find your mouth opening a little. It’s not as if you thought he hated you, more so that you thought you were rather… on neutral terms with him. That he cared, so much so to admit it to you and come down to try and get you out of this depressed stupor, brings a sort of warmth to you that you haven’t felt in a while.
“Well, its kind of you to take time out of your day to check on me, but really I’d rather deal with this myself.” You turn away from him, and his kindness. “I’d rather people not know I can get like this, in fact.” You add, sitting back on your bed and grabbing at your blanket. Zelgius takes the seat at your desk, pulling it out to face you. You didn’t know how to feel, seeing him sit down and watch your, waiting for you to finish. That he wanted to be here, even when you were still trying to push him away. “I can’t bare to think what everyone would think of me, seeing how I fail them… how I let my depression, just, take over and…” You shake your head, not willing to finish that thought and sighing instead.
“It is a disability, is it not?” Zelgius’s voice calls your attention. “Not quite like a broken arm or bleeding wound but… debilitating all the same. Should you not take the steps to take care of it like one would any physical ailment?” His question is simple, as if it were obvious. Perhaps to him, it was. Still, the thought causes you to pause and consider it a moment.
“I understand where you’re coming from, but I…” You grow quiet as you see a frown cross his features.
“It’s not a burden to rely on others.” His voice, his deep timbre, takes on a soft tone. “Your allies and friends have your back. And I,” He pauses, taking a deep breath. His vibrant green eyes close, only to open and focus on you with a renewed vigor. “I want to be there to support you as well. Tell me how I can help you through this.” Your heart can’t help but pick up at his words, embarrassment flooding through you as you see how sincere he is.
“Zelgius...” You pause, unsure if you should let on just how touched you are. How much it meant to you that he was doing this. “Honestly… I don’t really know what will help me.” You admit softly, finding it hard to look to his face. “But, it means a lot hearing how much you care!” Your next words come out rushed and loud as you see his features fall a moment. Still flustered, you continue. “That you’re trying to help at all, and that your here with me now.” Your turn to take a deep breath, to offer a smile that probably hasn’t genuinely met your lips in a few weeks.
“If you don’t mind and if its not a big deal…” You feel shy all the sudden, like a school girl with a crush. “But if you’re willing to just stay and listen to me? That could be nice….” You trail off, trying your best to read the look on his face. It could be nice, to have some to shoulder your burdens with. To maybe for once, let someone in.
“It would be by my honor to do so, Summoner.” His answer is quick, and certain, causing your heartbeat to pick up once more. He holds a gentle, armored hand to his chest and smiles, just for you. “Whatever you need of me, it is my pleasure to help you.”
“Zelgius…” You can’t help but speak his name, smile reaching your lips as tears prick your eyes. “Thank you. For everything.” You wish you had the courage to tell him how much this really meant to you. But for now, this would have to do. Maybe sometime soon, when you were feeling more yourself (with his help, no less), you would be able to find the right words to say. But in this precious moment, where you can’t help but smile, that will have to suffice.
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vendetta-if · 2 years
hullo, hullo! i sent an ask the other day but i’m not sure it got through to you😔. i’ll type it again for you <33
i love, love, love your if. the characters are perfectly fleshed out and the lore and story are just- mwah. perfection. but. butt(see what i did there? ;3c). take care of yourself. i keep getting surprised at how quickly you keep posting updates (at least that’s what it feels like to me. i have school and stuff so homework is taking up a lot of my free time🙃). take breaks, get enough sleep, don’t skip meals, and look at cat memes (cats are superior). also take care of your hands. i write as a hobby so i know the pain of sore hands. with the amount of words you type/write, my hands are crying out for yours. take breaks when your hands start to hurt so nothing bad happens to them.
anyways (onto the actually ask part of this. sorry for the long lecture lol), i was wondering how would the ROs react to an MC that sang as a side hustle (i’m in my schools choir. our concert was tonight). would they go to MCs impromptu concerts (they may sing in bars or cafes, etc.) or wait for MC to get home and request a lullaby or something? (idk if i explained that well. i’m terrible at explaining things😭)
have a lovely day/night!❤️❤️
Oh, yes, I actually have your ask in my drafts as I was in the middle of answering it 😄 But it’s okay, I’ll move the answers to this one instead 🥰 First of all, thank you so much for the kind words and the concern 😊
Some days, I can be really busy with some irl stuff, but I spent most of my free time working on this project, including writing the main story, side stories and other exclusive contents. I tried to answer asks whenever I can, but as some of you can probably see, it’s getting harder to find enough slivers of my free time to answer a lot of asks everyday, unfortunately.
But if I happen to have extra time, I’ll try answering a bunch of asks—as many as I could—in one sitting 😄 I’m still sad tho because I have so many awesome asks that I couldn’t get to, especially the reactions one because those usually take some time to answer.
I’ve also heard about the hand pain before from writers and artists. Right now, I haven’t felt anything yet, but thank you so much for the concern and for reminding me. I’ll certainly be on a lookout for that 🥰 And, I hope the school choir concert went great ☺️
As for your question…
Oh, MC better let them know whenever they’re about to have a performance, because you bet your ass they’ll be there every time. Unless they have really important mission to do that nobody else can do or be trusted to do… Then they’ll be really grumpy the whole time until they get home. Maybe your MC can give them a private performance instead 🥰
They will try their best to be there in every single one, even if MC is performing in a less-than-fancy cafe 😆 They’ll love to listen to MC singing and they kinda regret not finishing their piano lesson with their mom years ago, because then, they would be able to accompany MC’s singing. If they miss any, they’ll most likely request MC to sing to them at home if they don’t mind, of course 🥹
Oh, they’ll be there—or try their very best to be there. As long as there’s no emergency for them to attend, they’ll even be willing to sneak out of the station to go watch MC 😂 Between mind-numbing paperwork and enjoying MC’s singing, there’s no doubt which one they will pick every time. Also, MC’s singing will be one of the most effective ways to get them to fall asleep and calm them down after a vivid nightmare 🥺
Will be one of MC’s biggest fans, rivalling Ash 🤣 Will try to attend every single one and you bet they’ll be that kind of fan who claps and whoops shamelessly after each song or try to sing along 💀 If MC doesn’t mind, they’ll love to record parts of MC singing and upload them to their Facegram story or TokTik account 😂 Soon, MC will be famous.
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sophieswundergarten · 7 months
Hi Sophie! Sorry it took so long, but here are my answers to the fic ask game:
1- My favorite fic of yours - VERY difficult choice, but it's gotta be I don't wanna know I'm not capable. The neurodivergent head canon, the fact that you write Sticky so well, it's just perfect. It's an accurate a creative representation of OCD, and I've reread it countless times already. 
3- The best character you've written for- Sticky. Don't get me wrong, you do great writing for all your characters. But something about the way you write Sticky is special, and I'm still mad about how you hurt him in Dr. W Dex! (But I am honored you used my evil science journal idea!)
5- A fic I haven't read yet from you, but I want to - Deep Space Survival Tip #712. I need to read this. I know, I know, it's my fault for not making more time for Wolf359, but...ugh. Know this is at the top of my list because your Wolf359 fics are SO GOOD.
6- Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics - Does it count if I say all the scenes in After the Beep? The style is so unique with Nicholas and Nathaniel/Curtain leaving voicemail messages and the angst!!!! The hesitation in their voices, the longing, the regret, you can literally hear all the things they're not even saying! 10/10. Another great reread.
9- A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting- Please know I would go insane if you updated either of your executive fics, both Innocent or not, you're not a bet I care to take ( a wonderful gift, thank you btw) because they need to reunite with SQ, and The Door Is Open (Except when you're in jail) because Curtain owes those children an APOLOGY. Note: obviously, take care of yourself, you do not need to add anything to these fics if you don't have time and don't want to, but I would never complain if you did.
I will be answering your own ask soon, thanks for sending stuff in and for blessing the fandoms with such good writing. I hope you have an amazing day! 🥰💕
1 - Oh my word!!! Thank you so much, Bods, that means the world to me! I think that's been the hardest fic for me to write so far, and I am really happy that you like it so much, because it is very special to me <3
3 - Sticky is one of my very favourite characters so the fact that you think I do a good job writing him sends me over the moon!! I really want to try writing him more, but I just don't have the time right now... And of course I used your idea! You're a genius and I love your concepts. Also, I am not very confident in that story right now, so having a piece of you in it helps me to feel better about it
5 - Well, because I am a terrible procrastinator I know you've read that one now, and I believe you enjoyed it? There was a lot of screaming at any rate
6 - Haha yes! After the Beep was super fun to write, but I didn't expect it to stick out as anything special, so I'm really glad it made such an impression on you
9 - Oooh, my Executive fics... Now, those are also something I'd like to get back to, but we'll have to see :)
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sirsirgirl · 1 year
Some of you have been asking...
Hey! Long time no see. I’m sorry for disappearing, the first part of the year is usually the busiest time for me. But I’ve been reading every chapter religiously AS ALWAYS #priorities
I read your questions, some of you are freaking out about the number of children 😂 and others want updates of Tasir and the rest of the concubines. I hope this post will help.
1. No, the story isn’t finished.
We’re currently in chapter 81 of the side stories, and though side stories aren’t usually the most relevant, this is DEFINITELY not the case for MOTH. So far, side stories have included some of the most critical revelations and subplots in the novel. The first part of the story ended without Latil ever experiencing an awakening, lots of character arcs unfinished, and with more questions than answers. So I’d really suggest every MOTH reader to follow the side stories and not overlook them. Who knows what surprises we’ll get to have soon.
2. Latil has 4 biological children, 1 adopted child, and 1 baby on the way.
Fleura, Clarice, Kailetta, the fourth prince (Tasir’s baby), and the baby on the way (Guesta’s child) are her biological kids. The fifth princess is Meradim’s daughter, and Latil adopted her before she was born. The fourth prince and the fifth princess were born on the same day and they are raising them together, it’s been said that they’re as close as twins. Fleura and Clarice are also very close. Kailetta, on the other hand, is the one who’s left behind. As for their personalities and looks, we know:
- Fleura: Looks exactly like Ranamun. She sometimes talks like Griffin because they spend a lot of time together. She isn’t very keen to studying.
- Clarice: Looks exactly like Sonnaught. She’s very strong since she has some vampire traits, and she is very smart, some people compare her to Raean.
- Kailetta: Looks exactly like Latil. He’s got a funny way to speak, some times he talks like an adult but with a baby voice. Everybody compares him to Latil because he’s a flirt. Everyone in the Palace, except for Clarice an Fleura, loves him 😂. He’s been described as “not very smart”.
- Fourth Prince: Looks exactly like Tasir. He’s Latil favorite child (it used to be Clarice btw). It’s said that he’s very smart, but he’s still a baby, so it’s hard to tell.
- Fifth Princess: Looks like a little mermaid. Latil is pretty fond of her as well. She even imagined a love story between the fourth prince and the fifth princess, but Tasir wasn’t into it 😂😂
3. We DO know how many children Latil will have.
Relax, it’s not 28 😂😂 (don’t know where I read that lol). In case you missed it, Latil and Carlein met a prophet that made some major revelations about Latil’s future. Among them, that Latil will get to have six children, but only two of them would be “perfect kids”.
[Two of them won’t live long, two of them will be pressured by their fathers and two of them will be troublemakers.]
[How does she have so many husbands and children? Is it possible for a person to do that? Anyway, I'm sorry to see that two perfect children will be involved. The line is so fragile, that is too hard to tell if you two will ever end together.]
What we don’t know is if the prophecy included the fifth princess or Sipisa, but I don’t think it makes sense for a prophecy to dive into that level of detail. So, my current bet is that Latil will have two more babies.
4. Klein and Zaicin are the only concubines who don’t have children.
I’m not counting Girgol because he technically has one kid: Sipisa (and he can’t have children anyway). We ignore how Zaicin feels over this, but Klein is somewhat annoyed. I honestly don’t know if he’ll ever become a parent because we can’t discard the possibility of the concubines that already have children to get Latil pregnant again.
5. Sonnaught is still part of the Royal Guard.
Ministers constantly complain about this, but he’s got the Royal Consort’s support, so the issue never truly escalates. He hasn’t been really active in the story since his love affair with Latil. Some people are annoyed (??), but I’m not surprised, since he’s even noticed that the way Latil looks at him now it’s the same way she did when she didn’t like him I can’t blame her for not feeling the same after what he did. But he probably will reappear once she sees her fake future with him.
6. We still have no official heir.
Latil naturally wanted the Royal Consort’s child to be the heir, but the ministers felt threatened by her unexpected decision. Tasir had no choice but to agreed with them and avoid risking his reputation for choosing his child over the Empire. After all, at the time, the baby hadn’t even been born yet.
A couple of years went by, and Fleura had to be excluded of the list of candidates. Due to an agreement with Ranamun and Guesta, Latil promised she’d choose the heir among the second princess (Clarice), the third prince (Kailetta), and the fourth prince. She didn’t know she was pregnant then, so chances are she’ll change her mind and consider this kid as a candidate in the future (who knows?).
7. Tasir is busier than ever, but still very close to Latil.
Latil gets pregnant almost every year, so he assumes a lot of her responsibilities during these times. She also has said that thanks to him, she’s been able to have more free time (which of course isn’t actually free time because she has to spend time taking care of her concubines and children).
It’s been said he’s so busy that he can’t take care of his child properly (Meradim is kinda like a nanny for him and the fifth princess lol). But he’s stated in the past that he isn’t interested in bringing his baby to his office when he’s still so young. So I guess we’ll see more about him and the baby in the future.
So far, imo he’s been the most relevant male character as always in the side stories. His fake future with Latil had like 11 chapters, unlike the rest that had between 5 or 6 🫣. Latil was also about to tell him, “I love everything about you”, once. But she then stopped herself and didn’t say anything 👀. Oh, yeah, btw, Latil hasn’t say “I love You” to anyone yet (not even her children).
8. Ranamun’s main concern is his daughter’s life-span.
There’s a chance that Fleura won’t live long. Her soul is “incomplete”, so the only strength that could keep her alive for long is her “adversary power”. Problem is that the chairman revealed that it looks like she’s lost a bit of it in the last few years. If she isn’t able to keep the adversary role attached to her, she will die young*. Ranamun knows this and he just wanna make sure that his daughter lives happily.
*Btw, the chairman revealed that the role of the adversary isn’t reincarnated, just the soul does. The only reason Fleura’s soul was attached to the role was thanks to the chairman’s doing. And given the fact that the role is technically floating in the air, he can’t help her to be more attached to it.
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sonicasura · 4 days
Heritage Through Cognition
An insane idea that has been pecking at my brain for awhile. If the title wasn't enough foreshadowing, this is a Persona 5 based idea. Let's get started.
Before the next game that would determine the fate of humanity is rigged by a mad god, another decides to even the scale. A blue butterfly flies through an alternate realm where kaiju rampage for a simple goal. Obtain a piece of Cognition from two like-minded souls.
Fragments that when once combined would give life to the butterfly god's champion. An apology was given to the newborn child as he is soon left by the doorstep of the Amamiya Household. Who were the souls whose Cognition is used in the process? Kafka Hibino and Soshiro Hoshina.
I'm sorry but I couldn't resist. Ren Amamiya is essentially a Hoshikaf kid because by god it's an image my ass cannot unsee. Hairstyle, personality, weapon choice(Soshiro uses swords + Kafka can't= Ren uses a knife), etc. Yeah, these three! 👇
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Back on to the topic at hand... Ren has no clue about his real origins through his life. Although his creation did have a side effect on both Soshiro and Kafka. Whenever Ren goes to sleep at the end of each month, he relives it's entirety again but with the two men there instead of his parents.
Soshiro and Kafka believe it's just some weird yet lovely constant dream for months. Living a peaceful kaiju free life with a great child alongside a perfect lover. That is until they both bump into each other a week later. You can bet the duo were so confused as Kafka figures they could talk about the experience at a nearby coffee shop.
The two don't know why they keep having this strange dream or why but decided to stay in touch. Something that would continue for 12 more months without deviation. (A year = 1 month basically.)
Then Ren gets arrested and the dreams strangely stop for two weeks. (Kafka would also gain his Kaiju powers during this period with Soshiro knowing about it too rather than just Reno.) A peculiar change that didn't bode well for either of them.
This hunch would be proven right when they both wake in a strange castle. Kafka stuck in kaiju form while Soshiro somehow had his Defense Force gear. Wandering around the castle, the men would soon reunite with Ren (just awakened his Persona) and his group.
Yup. Soshiro and Kafka get to go through the events of Persona 5 Royal as why not have some unaware family bonding? (I'll go more into that in a different post.) Here's how things work with the two.
Only their minds have been transported, not their bodies so both are essentially comatose to everybody else back home. Kafka's kaiju form and Soshiro's DF gear function similar to the Phantom Thieves' outfits so they are constantly active in the Metaverse. Finally only Ren, his confidants, alongside those who have entered the Metaverse can see either man.
Kafka and Soshiro are basically ghosts to everyone else since they don't have their actual bodies. The Persona often take advantage of this to talk with both whenever possible. Even potential demons based on literature, fiction, mythology or history need a break from their teenage charges.
Before you ask, Ren does have a Kaiju form. The reason is because Tiny, the larval kaiju, altered Kafka's cognition and thus the teen's body received one in return upon the two reuniting. Kinda a transfer based update comparison wise. It fully awakens after Ren makes it back to Leblanc post Interrogation.
A life or death response that raised a lot of questions between the KN8 duo. Ren's Kaiju form looks very similar to Kafka's but leaner, horns are arched like Arsene's, highlights/eyes are red, skull mask resembling his Phantom Thief one, a long slender tail, and black bat wings with purple feathers. The answer is revealed when the real Igor comes back.
Let me tell you that the conversation between Ren, Kafka and Soshiro was a bit awkward afterwards. A butterfly god did make a kid from both their cognitions without permission after all. Now I know some of you guys are wondering what's going to happen to our dear Joker once Royal's events end.
Well, Ren ends up in the KN8 world since that's where the cognition used to make him is from. First he awakens inside the Velvet Room alongside Morgana and has the entire thing explained to him by Igor. Both worlds are now accessible through the Thieves' Den with the duo also retaining their Persona. (Morgana also can switch forms too.)
Considering how dangerous the KN8 world is, some extra protection would be needed. There's of course a drawback. Persona are tangible in that realm thus everyone can see, touch and even harm them. Focus being required to keep their inhuman partners invisible.
You can bet Soshiro and Kafka were very surprised but grateful to see Ren again. Although that begs the question. Do they explain to everyone about having a teenage kid when both aren't even married?
No one saw it coming that's for sure.
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First Lines in 2024
Welp, @delivish tagged me to give some sneak peeks in the making and thank goodness they did tag me because boy have I been writing! I know I'm practically silent on here, but I do miss Ao3 and I miss the amazing community in the fandom even more! Makes me wonder why I take a long long time to post (besides life being the apparent answer XD). Here are some snippets of two fics that will be posted soon!
A Series of Choices (CH.5)
Kenny lay on the couch, a cigarette dangling from his lips as he played Tetris on his phone, waiting for Karen to FaceTime him. It was eight in the morning and he had been up since five playing, his thumbs moving on autopilot, tapping the blocks into place. The smell of ash filled the room, smoke curling over his head, and for once, Kenny was glad to be home alone. It was a rare moment where he was able to smoke inside the house and no one was around to pester him about his habits. As Kenny tapped a line piece to the right of his screen, Karen’s face popped up on his phone. He moved his ash-filled cup out of view before answering the call.
“Hey!” Karen beamed.
Kenny couldn’t help but look surprised to see his sister’s hair now a different color. “Hey. White?”
“Sort of. It’s actually a really light pink. My roommates helped me dye it and cut it, too. Do you like it?” She asked, shaking her short hair from side to side.
“Yeah, actually. It’s different,” he commented. “So is that the first thing you did when you got off the plane?”
“More like the second. The first was struggle to unpack with two other people in a tiny space,” Karen said. “Here’s the full tour of the dorm, if you’re interested.”
 She pushed herself out of the way and her laptop was able to capture the entirety of her room right in its place. He was able to catch the lofted beds, desks, and crammed mini fridge all in one glance. Karen wasn’t kidding when she said she was shoved into a closet.
“That’s it?” Kenny asked.
“Yup. The only thing you’re not seeing is my desk, which you don’t really need to see,” she mumbled as she shuffled a few papers out of the way. “But that’s it,” she confirmed and moved back into view.
“Bet you wish you had your old room back.”
Karen gave a half-shrug. “It doesn’t bother me. I’m just glad I got roommates that I actually get along with.”
“Are you saying your old roommates sucked?”
“Yeah, because at least these ones aren't pigs.”
Forgive Me Father for I Have Sinned
In roughly thirteen hours, Butters will be standing in South Park’s Roman Catholic church, waiting to be wed to a woman he didn’t love. His mother has planned everything, from the guest list to the music to the white rose boutonniere on Butters’ suit. His girlfriend – now fiance – of three months has been teasing Butters about her wedding dress, telling him she couldn’t wait for him to see it and even more excited to walk down the aisle without her promise ring. They will say their vows and seal their fate with their first kiss. During the reception, everyone will gorge on gourmet food as they toast speech after speech, congratulating them on their big day. Perhaps Butters’ parents will finally tell him how proud they are of him. Butters and his new wife will have their first dance before cutting the cake his mother lost her mind. No doubt the baker blacklisted them from any future orders. A perfect tale for any wedding, except when his fiance will appear before the church doors, Butters won’t be waiting for her on the other side.
I'm tagging @lozislaw because I know you beautiful bitch have something in the making XD Of course, if you wish to keep it a surprise, we'll all be waiting with bated breath <3
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