#bet he got away with soooo much as a kid
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kiwichaeng · 9 months ago
Hi Evie!! For the Lone Star ask, if you don't mind!
🦋Give us a headcanon about TK!
Hi, thank you for the ask!
When TK was a kid he would sneak in a new animal into the house every month. the puppy was lonely and the rat was all alone :(. So imagine if you will TK bringing a rat home in his backpack and hiding it in his closet for a week before it gets out. He would always think he could just take care of them for a little while and let them go but he would get so attached to them. After this incident he gets searched daily upon getting home...for a while and then he sneaks in something else. See the puppy above.
I do hc he was a little menace child growing up <3
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listofwhyyouloveher · 7 months ago
This is kind of silly but can I request headcanons for the gang getting their ass smacked by their friend or soon to be s/o please 😋 like let’s say their walking and reader is just staring and then is like ‘yolo’ and just smacks it
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Summary: (PLATONICLY) smacking the gang's ass.
Warnings: none (i think?)
Author's Note: this is so very me with my friends
Pony is such a little baby about getting teased by his friends. He's whining "stooopp, stoppp" with the biggest pout, the gang makes fun of him soooo hard for this.
I don't see it happening unless you're soo drunk that consequences don't matter to you anymore so you just walk by him and smack his ass SO HARD that he screams.
He gets so shocked, asking if anyone saw that, if anyone would back him up on that but all the gang does is tease him saying like "saw you what? scream like a girl?"
This for sure starts a war, whenever you're at the Curtis's house just doing whatever Pony will try to smack your ass and you literally have to block yourself from him.
The gang is so tired of you acting like little kids but they laugh whenever you get Pony because he's such a sore loser about it.
Honestly, don't see anyone teasing him a lot. They probably think he's a little sensitive about it and forget that he's a greaser too. He likes you because you're not walking on eggshells around him.
Like Pony though, he SCREAMS when you slap his ass. No one's ever done that to him before and he's jaw dropped. He literally runs circles around Darry trying to chase you.
He will literally never forget and always turn to face you whenever you're around him. It's started a friendly rivalry like Pony but Johnny is significantly better.
He often sneaks up on you and catches you off guard but you return it by sneaking up on him. The gang has bets on who's gonna win once you guys get tired of your game.
Sodapop and Steve are literally sooo zesty with eachother. It's just their friendship and stuff but smacking ass is not new to them. Soda just doesn't expect it to be from you.
He turns around jaw dropped like you just stole his lunch money. Dramatically scoffs and just stares at you. When you turn to walk away he's for sure trying to get you back.
He doesn't expect you to be on guard though so he almost trips when you run away before he could get you. He's such a sore loser like his brother so he's always trying to one up you.
While Soda has the strength, you have the agility so it's literally such an entertaining battle to watch. Two Bit laughs at you two sooo hard he thinks its so funny.
Steve is actually a menace to society. He literally attacks Sodapop and Two-Bit, sometimes even Darry and Dallas. He'll run by and smack Soda's ass soo hard and runs so fast no one can catch him.
Until you did by catching him off-guard. He does the slow turn with his mouth open to dramatically signify his shock. He stares at you for a few seconds to try and catch you off guard and get you back.
He's a force to be reckoned with because he gets you back every single time. You're both crying-laughing by the time your worn out, lying on the couch trying to catch your breath because you'd been running around the house with Steve.
He's a formidable opponent but his weakness is that he forgets that you can and will smack his ass so he'll just be walking around and you'll slap him and lock yourself in a room.
As much as he hates to admit it, Two-Bit sucks at hand-eye coordination. So he's not very good at the little game Soda and Steve started where they'll just come by, smack his ass and run so he can't catch them.
Of course he has his fair share of wins but he's more of a victim, but he takes it lightly because it's funny to him. He's soo shocked that you got involved though.
He was leaning over the kitchen counter talking to Soda when you walked by, turned to Soda and put a finger to your lips to let him know to not say anything.
You literally comically winded up and smacked his ass so hard Two Bit nearly screamed cause he was so scared. You were holding in your laugh and just ran to the other side of the counter for help from Sodapop.
Darry is such a sweetheart bro, he's literally such a cutie and he gets bullied for it. Soda and Steve literally violently attack him by smacking his ass and running (they call it drive bys).
He doesn't do much but yell at them, telling them that they better wish that he didn't hit them back. Of course when you do it, its different.
For instance you don't hit as hard and you did it so politely too that Two Bit was on the ground laughing. Darry just kind of stood there, an eyebrow raised.
He gave you a light noogie before sending you on your way only for it to happen AGAIN and he just turns around and crosses his arms and tells you that he won't ever trust you again.
Dallas is a VICTIM of Soda, Steve and Two. That's the only thing he's unhappy to admit. He's not thinking about how to get them back, he's thinking about girls and parties and all of a sudden HE'S GETTING ATTACKED!!!
He's never going to take it lightly, always smacking them over the head for it. One day he just finished chewing out Steve for doing it when he gets hit AGAIN and its YOU.
He's all like, "c'mon, man, another one?" and his new york accent is soo heavy because he's getting frustrated that hes losing. He tells you that if you do that to him he's gonna do that to you.
Now, if you're ever in the street and Dallas comes up behind you he'll smack your ass and you'll smack his as he walks by. This rivalry is much darker than with Pony or Johnny, Dally is always on guard now and so are you. Two jokes that they should put you two in a ring.
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chocochipsushi · 6 months ago
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🌸Word count: 7.5K words
🌸AU: Soulmates are bound by an invisible red thread tied around their pinkies. Only within close proximity with your soulmate for the first time does the red string become visible to the both of you. And cutting the thread would mean losing them as a soulmate, completely, and forever.
🌸Pairing: Mismatched Toji x reader couple (soooo fucking cute), age gap, SatoSugu
🌸A/N: I couldn't get over Soulmate!Toji so I wrote a prequel.....
Part 1, Part 2 >>
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You were always so excited and curious to meet your soulmate. Since you were a kid, you’d fantasise ways you might meet your other half. You just never anticipated that your soulmate would be a man almost two times bigger than you. 
You remember the day you first saw him. You were staring up at him, sizing him up when you realised that your head only came up to his chest. His big muscles could probably crush you if he so much as touched you, you bet. And he looked at least a decade older than you. You’d always wondered how your soulmate would look like, but you had never imagined someone like him. 
“Um… Hi,” you squeaked softly. 
He didn't say anything as he continued staring at you. You swallowed and held up your pinky finger where a red thread was tied around. The other end was connected to his own pinky finger. 
You wondered what to say, and you nervously decided on, “Fancy seeing you here…?” 
You almost wanted to smack yourself. 
The man before you didn’t say anything and you briefly wondered if he might be mute. His facial expression never changed either, so you had no idea what he was thinking. Maybe he thought he had gotten the short end of the stick with you. 
He glanced behind you and noticed your friends watching the both of you animatedly, excited that you were the first of them to find your soulmate. The man returned his gaze back to you. He cleared his throat, then he spoke for the first time since you first noticed the searing hot sting on your last finger. 
“I’ll get your number and we’ll meet another day,” he mumbled. His voice was low and rough, kinda hot for an older man if you had to be honest. 
You blinked at his straightforwardness and his quick decision-making skills, both of which you lacked. You only got to be in shock for a few seconds before he held his phone out to you. You took it from him slowly, still in a daze from this whole situation. You keyed in your number and saved your name before handing it back to him. The man pocketed his phone and nodded at you. 
“I’ll call you.” You bobbed your head but you stayed staring at him. You saw a little frown between his brows. “Go back to your friends.”
“Oh, r-right!” you fumbled, taken aback and anxious from being chased away. “Well, um… okay,” you told him as you nodded your head, unsure of how exactly to say goodbye to your newly found soulmate. You took a small step back and gave him a little wave. “I’ll wait for your call…” You frowned here, totally forgetting if he had introduced himself. 
“Toji Fushiguro.”
“Bye bye, Toji.”
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The second time you guys met was just as awkward. 
You were sitting there, blinking dumbly at the huge man opposite you. Toji stared back at you, his fingers playing with the condensation of his glass of whiskey. It had been five minutes since you were sat at the table, and it had also been silent between the both of you for just as long. You were gradually getting uncomfortable. You wondered how he could sit there without saying a word, the entire time just staring at you. You already felt like exploding with anxiety. 
You cleared your throat, just aching to break the silence though it looked like he could go on forever just watching you. “So, um… what do you do for work, Toji?” you asked nervously. 
He finally blinked as he replied mysteriously, “Better for you not to find out.” You gaped at his secrecy but he ignored the look of disbelief you were wearing on your face. Before he took a sip of his drink, he asked, “And you?”
“If I tell you, will you tell me what you do?” you haggled. 
Toji’s eyebrow quirked upward for a split second, making you wonder if you imagined it. “No. I’d rather you not know.”
“But I wanna know,” you pleaded softly. He simply kept staring at you, not saying anything. You pouted a little. Giving up, you sighed and finally told him, “I’m a PA for a director of a company.”
“You like your job?” 
It’s not a weird question to ask, but you still couldn’t help but feel touched by his solicitude. Your heart thumped in your chest as you joked, “I’d like it even more if I was a housewife.”
Almost at once, Toji nodded and responded, “Quit your job. You can stay home or even go shopping everyday if you want to. I can provide for both of us.”
You pulled a frown and leaned forward a little. You lowered your voice and questioned seriously, “What do you really do?”
He scratched his temple. “If you really have to know…” He stared at you and you immediately nodded your head. He sighed as he ran his hand down the lower half of his face, bringing your attention to his scar by his lips for a second. “I get paid by people who don’t want to get their hands dirty.”
“So you do the dirty work?” Toji’s face scrunched up into a cringe as he nodded his head. You were unknowingly whispering now as you wondered, “Like what?”
“Don’t ask.” 
“Bad stuff?”
There was a beat of silence, like he was contemplating whether or not to answer, before he mumbled solemnly, looking away, “Bad stuff.”
You continued gaping at him, your heart thumping in your chest. So your soulmate was a bad guy. 
But what could you do about it? Hand him over to the police? Like hell you would. Besides, you’re kind of intrigued. You wanted to know just what kind of things he did. So you opened your mouth to ask more questions. But you took in the scar on his lips, the stormy look in his eyes, and the stony expression that he wears. You decided that you didn’t really want to know that badly, so you huffed and leaned back in your seat. 
You wondered if you imagined the slight quirk of his lips and the twinkle in his eyes because the moment you blinked, his face was a blank sheet again. You cleared your throat. 
“How old are you?”
Your lips clamped together and your eyes widened in surprise. Toji noticed your expression, so he quirked an eyebrow. 
“How old are you?”
“Twenty-five,” you squeaked. 
Your soulmate was 13 years older than you. He had lived 13 years ahead of you, without you. Holy shit, that was a long time. 
You’re still trying to wrap your head around the age gap between you and your soulmate when the waitress came to set your cocktail in front of you. Toji glanced up at her and gave her a tick of his eyebrow as a wordless thanks. You darted your eyes to the waitress at once, knowing what that small action would do to girls. 
True enough, you saw the lady pursing her lips as she fought off a shy smile, her eyes already turning googly as she continued staring at Toji. You returned your gaze to the man before you, only to see him staring at you. 
His deepset gaze unnerved you. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking whereas your friends had always told you that you were an open book for everyone to read. You remember worrying to yourself at that time if you would ever be able to live with a man whose emotions you couldn’t even read. It felt impossible then. 
When the waitress left, you shifted in your seat as you asked him quietly, “Are you happy you found your soulmate?”
He swirled the liquid in his glass. Your stomach dropped when he didn’t answer right away. What he did instead, was take a sip of his whiskey. Your anxiety level was rising with every second he took to savour the alcohol in his mouth. You felt like you might vomit just as he swallowed and hummed, nodding his head. He looked just as solemn as ever. 
In that moment, you thought with all your heart that Toji definitely hated you. 
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The time your worries and discomfort started to settle was the third time you interacted with your soulmate. 
Your phone had rung in the middle of the day. You remember your heart jumping in your chest when you read the name Toji Fushiguro on the screen. Swallowing and clearing your throat, you picked up your phone and slid your finger across the screen to answer it. 
“Are you free tonight?”
Your heart leapt to your throat. Was he asking you out? “Yes,” you answered breathlessly. 
“I’ll pick you up at seven.”
“Okay. Where are we going?” 
To be fair, it had been a week since you last met him and there had been minimal contact between the both of you. You never texted, and the only time you did was when you reported that you’d reached home safely the last time you saw him. You just didn’t know what to talk to him about and you didn’t want to seem like a clingy little girlfriend by asking him out again (even though you’d only met twice so far, including the first time you bumped into each other).
“A friend’s birthday dinner.”
Your blood froze cold. “I-I’m going to meet your friends tonight?” He hummed. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!” you nearly screamed. 
You would have been embarrassed at losing your composure so unglamourously if not for how nervous you were, thinking about meeting your soulmate’s friends for the first time. You hadn’t even impressed Toji yet and now you had to impress his friends? You didn’t even know him well enough, much less the kind of friends he hung out with! How would you make them like you, when your soulmate hated you?!
Toji grunted on the other line. “I forgot.”
“You forgot your friend’s birthday?”
Ignoring you completely, Toji reminded you, “I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear a dress.” 
You heard a loud noise in the background before he mumbled quickly, “Gotta go. See you tonight.”
And just like that, he ended the call. So you’re left brooding and anxiously fretting over tonight’s dinner. You couldn’t even focus on work because you’re stressing over what to wear that night and how to behave. It was the longest you ever took to get ready for anything to feel even just a morsel of satisfaction with how you look. 
By the time Toji got you from your place, you’re all but a bundle of nerves dressed in a cute dress and done up all pretty. The moment he set his piercing eyes on you, all he did was stare as he took you in from head to toe. But he said no word of praise as he made a comment about your apartment building. 
“The security here is shit.”
For some reason, the anxiety in you settled. You weren’t sure why, and what that was. But you felt calmer. Perhaps if he had commented on your looks, you would have felt even more nervous. You’re glad he didn’t say anything about your appearance. 
You turned off the lights and locked the door as you said, “Well, the rent is cheap. Can’t complain.”
Toji grunted. “You could move in with me,” he grumbled quietly, almost like he didn’t want you to hear. 
The both of you walked to the lift. “And your place is much safer than mine?” you mocked in a tease. 
Toji turned to give you a look. “Yes,” was all he said for you to realise that he was serious about 1) the security of his apartment, and 2) asking you to move in with him. 
Blushing, you looked away. The both of you took the elevator down in silence and jumped into a cab to get to the dinner location. It was so quiet for the first few minutes of the car ride that you couldn’t help but to start a conversation. You began to ask him about his friends, only to realise that maybe it was better for you to meet them in person than to listen to Toji’s short and brief responses. He must really hate talking. 
The silence during the rest of the car ride had you increasingly anxious. When you reached your destination, you were so nervous that you were fumbling and stumbling to get out of the cab. Toji stood next to you the entire time until you were no longer wobbling on your heels. You swallowed as you stared up at him. 
He was already watching you but now he quirked an eyebrow. “You alright?” 
You only allowed yourself to nod your head. Toji took a step closer and casually rested a hand on your back. Your heart smashed against your ribcage. This was the first time ever that he was touching you and you could just tell how different his touch made you feel. 
It just wasn’t the same as having someone else touching you. Hell, your crush of a few years kissing you on the cheek back in high school didn’t even compare to what you felt from a mere innocent touch on your back. 
You glanced up at Toji, suddenly seeing him in a new light as he walked through the glass doors of the restaurant. He was so much taller and bigger than you. And though his size had scared you at first, you were starting to find comfort and security in his build. Even his large, looming hand on your back made you feel calm. 
Toji, feeling your eyes on him, glanced down at you. “Yes?” 
Immediately, your face turned red. You shook your head and quickly looked away. You could feel his eyes still on you but you tried to ignore it by pretending you didn’t notice it. That was until you felt his hand lift off your back for just a second before it wrapped around your palm. Your eyes rounded in surprise and your heart started hammering against your chest. You darted your gaze up to him, hoping to get some sort of explanation as to why he did that. 
But you realised belatedly that you had arrived at the table of Toji’s friends when you heard a bunch of male voices calling out to your soulmate. You tore your eyes away from him and turned to the bunch of people sitting around a round table. They were grinning up at the both of you, almost slyly. 
“Oh, what have we got here?” The one with white hair whistled as he appraised you behind his black sunglasses. 
Toji reached into his pocket with his free hand and tossed him a black, oblong case. “Happy birthday, dickhead.”
The man caught it perfectly in front of him. As he opened up the case, he grinned naughtily up at Toji. “Didn’t know you had a thing for young girls, old man.”
At once, your face turned a violent shade of red. Some of his friends started snickering, which only made you feel so much more self-conscious. You felt a light squeeze on your hand before Toji let go, causing your heart to stutter. He placed a hand on your back and guided you to take a seat. The moment he sat down and pulled the menu booklet over to flip through it, he casually leaned over to grab the leg of your chair and slid you closer to him. 
You were gaping at him in disbelief just as the birthday boy said, “Oh, exactly what I needed!”
Distracted, you looked up to see him wearing a new pair of black sunglasses. He looked to everyone at the table with a wide grin, showing off his present. When he lifted the glasses to perch it on his head, he winked at you. You felt your entire face erupt in flames. He interlocked his fingers and extended them like a bridge as he rested his chin on them. 
“So, are you, like, his long lost daughter or something?”
You wondered if your face ever took a break from being red. Your eyes were round as you opened your mouth to say something, only to realise you didn’t know what to say. Lucky for you, Toji grunted and spoke up on your behalf. 
“Stop teasing her.” You turned to give him a grateful look. He was pouring himself some whiskey from the bottle in the middle of the table as he muttered, “She’s my soulmate.”
You could feel the entire room holding its breath, including the occupants. You didn’t even have to look to tell that you had all eyes on you. You could feel it. 
“What?” the white-haired man with the blue eyes breathed, still in shock. 
Toji turned to you, evaluating your uncomfortable expression. He turned back to his friend with a frown. “She’s my soulmate,” he reiterated, enunciating each syllable almost harshly. “Got a problem with that, Satoru?”
There was a beat of awkward silence before everyone started clapping. Satoru’s first reaction after breaking out of his stupor was to throw his head back and whine. 
“I can’t believe you’re taking the spotlight away from me! The birthday boy!”
Satoru sulked for the whole of the first course. It was only until he saw how shy and quiet you were, so out of place in Toji’s group of friends that he decided he would stop teasing the both of you. He was too far away to hold a conversation with you, but he had hoped that he would have the chance to get to know you better. 
Just before the last course of dessert came, Toji got up and asked, “I’m going for a smoke. You want to stay here or—“
“I want to come with you,” you quickly interjected, already pushing your chair back. 
Toji took the napkin off your lap before you stood up. He put his hand on your back again, guiding you towards the exit of the private room. A few of his friends followed behind you to join him for a smoke. You walked closer to him, your shoulder bumping his bicep. Toji glanced down at you at the same time you lifted your gaze to him. His dark green orbs flickered about your features and he finally addressed the anxiety written all over your face. 
Not with words. But by reaching up to your head for a little pat, so gentle that you showed surprise even as you cringed, expecting his touch to be heavy and rough. You felt your cheeks getting rosy again. 
Leaving the establishment to get to the smoking area, Toji got out first and held the door open for you, waiting until you were out before he let go of the glass door. You watched by his side as he lit his cigarette, the end of the tobacco stick illuminating in the darkness of the night. 
“You smoke?” he asked quietly, making this the first time he was initiating conversation. You shook your head and he nodded. “Don’t start,” he said as he took another puff. 
As his friends joined you, you frowned up at him. “Why do you smoke, then?”
“He’s a hypocrite, that’s why.” 
You turned your head to see the birthday boy rolling his eyes at you as he tutted at his friend. Changing topics, he grinned boyishly at you and held out his hand. 
“Satoru Gojo.”
You shook his hand and you saw his eyebrows shooting up for a split second, surprised by your strong grip. When he let go of your palm, the ends of his lips were slightly turned down, his bright blue eyes dancing as if in approval. He held up his palm to the side where a man with long hair tied up in a bun joined you with another lady with a bob haircut. The ravenette man pulled out a stick from his cigarette box and fit it in between Satoru’s fingers before taking one for himself. The woman is already puffing on her lighted cigarette.  
“So when did you find out?” 
The man with the long hair darted his eyes between the both of you but you looked up to Toji, who had been watching you the entire time. He took a breath of tobacco in and answered as he flicked the ash of his cigarette away. 
“A week ago. I was out getting supplies.”
You glanced at his friends to see that they were looking at you. “I was out shopping with my friends,” you murmured, lashes lowered shyly. 
“You’re so cute,” Satoru almost squealed, reaching his long limb out and closing his fist in front of your face like he was going to pinch your cheek. “You’re like the total opposite of this Grump,” he scoffed, stubbing his thumb out at Toji. 
“How does it feel? To have a soulmate?”
All of you turned to the only other woman there, who darted her gaze between all of you. You noticed Satoru and the guy in the man bun sharing a look. Unknowingly, your eyebrows furrowed slightly. As Toji turned his body to stub out his finished cigarette, his broad physique shielding you from his friends, he answered your unasked question. 
“They’re soulmates, the two of them,” he muttered softly, his voice low and almost ticklish in your ear. 
“Oh,” you squeaked softly. 
When Toji returned to his original position, you felt like you were seeing the two other males in a different light. 
“Hmm, contented?” The male with slitty, black eyes gave Satoru a look of unsureness. 
The blue-eyed man hummed. “Like you’re whole. You know?” He now turned to you and Toji like you would understand, maybe add on to their list. 
You blinked dumbly. Because, honestly, you still didn’t know how you felt about Toji being your soulmate. Sure, he was a good-looking, attractive man. But his personality was too cold and too quiet for your liking. You weren’t even sure if he liked you. You didn’t know how you could be his perfect match. 
“Hmm,” Toji grunted, pulling you out of your reverie. You were in awe as you watched him voice his thoughts. “It feels like you would do anything in this world to keep her safe.”
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It had only been a few days since the birthday dinner and though you and Toji hadn’t spoken at all after he safely saw you back to your place, you hadn’t stopped thinking about him and what he said about having a soulmate. More specifically, having you as a soulmate. 
You were lying in bed on a Friday night, still thinking about Toji, when you heard some noises outside your room. You froze and listened really hard, and finally picked up the sound of your front door opening. You lived alone. 
You quickly sat up in your bed, just staring at your bedroom door until you heard some light clanging sounds of metals touching. That was when you ran to your closet and curled up into a ball in the dark space, as you fumbled for your phone. You didn’t hesitate to call the first person that came to mind. 
“Hello?” Toji grunted after five rings. He sounded groggy and tired. You wouldn’t be surprised if your call woke him up. 
“Toji,” you whisper-cried. If you weren’t so scared, you could probably hear the rustling on Toji’s end as he shot out of bed. “I think there’s someone in my home.”
He sounded far away when you heard him hiss, “Fuck!” A second later, his voice was steady and definitely nearer to the phone when he asked, “Where are you?”
“In my clo—” You jumped and whimpered when you heard something crashing to the floor outside. You couldn’t even take notice of Toji audibly making a mess of his home to rush over to you. You’re already crying when you finished, “My closet.”
“‘Kay, stay there, sweetheart,” the man instructed through the phone slowly, calmly. You pursed your lips and nodded. “I’m coming, okay?”
“Okay,” you whispered as a fresh hot tear fell on your cheek. 
Toji ended the call then and you had to clamp your hand over your mouth to bar any sounds from leaving you. You were alert as you kept your ears peeled to what was happening outside. There was a lot of rummaging around in the living room until you heard your bedroom door open. You shut your eyes and pressed your palm harder to your mouth. Another streak of hot tears cut through your skin. You were scared out of your wits that they might have found out there was actually someone at home on a Friday night. 
You had to listen to the intruder go through your belongings, finding valuable items to take as their loot. In the shroud of your anxiety, you missed the sound of your front door opening. But you could hear everything that happened after. 
The loud crunch of bones, the cries of pain, the under-the-breath curses. You could only hope that Toji was finally here. Still, you didn’t leave the closet in case it wasn’t. Tears were still falling from your lash line and your hand was now back over your mouth when the doors to your closet were finally yanked open. Out of reflex, you squeezed your eyes close. 
“Oh, thank fuck,” you heard a familiar, low voice breathe. 
As you opened your eyes again, you saw Toji dropping to his knees before you, his big hands reaching out to you. You couldn’t see his surprise when you fell out of the closet and into his arms, sobbing into his chest. It took him a few seconds to get over his shock but he quickly wrapped an arm around you, his other hand stroking the back of your head. 
“Shh, shh… You’re good, Princess,” Toji murmured, tilting his head slightly so his lips brushed your hair. You clung onto the fabric of his shirt, sobbing even harder. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry,” the man whispered, his voice breaking. He had never felt more pain in all his life than right now, listening to you cry while he held on to you trembling.
The both of you stayed in this position for a long time, Toji just patiently holding you, gently stroking your hair, humming softly as if he knew that some white noise might make you feel better. 
It took you a really long time but when you’d finally stopped sniffling, you stayed slumped in Toji’s arms, your cheek smushed against his tear soaked shirt, suddenly spent from all the crying. The male stroked his hand down your back, his other hand cupping your damp cheek. His palm was rough, calloused and warm. It made you snuggle into his hold. Toji tilted your face up and you fluttered your swollen eyes open to gaze into his worried eyes, the rest of his face stoic and expressionless except for the slight downturn of his lips. 
The rough pad of his thumb swiped across your cheek, his touch making your eyes flutter shut again. You heard him sigh as he moved slightly. You peeked at him evaluating your room. Then, he turned back to you as he brushed your hair away, tucking your locks behind your ear. 
“Let’s pack your stuff. I want you to stay with me tonight,” he declared, so firm with his decision that you simply nodded, too relieved and tired to feel nervous or incredulous at his offer. 
That night, despite the both of you being soulmates, Toji respected your space, giving you his bed while he slept on the couch in his living room. After all, this was only your fourth time meeting. You were practically still strangers, at this point. 
He was right, of course. The security in his building was way better and his apartment complex was fancy. His place was the perfect bachelor’s pad, maybe just a little too big and empty for one person if you really cared enough about these things. 
It was currently two in the morning and you’d been wide awake despite how mentally exhausted you were from the distress you were under, all because you were aware of every little sound you heard. Tired of being kept awake because of paranoia, you got up and went to find the only person whom you knew could make you feel safe. 
Your footsteps were quiet as you left the room but Toji could still somehow hear you as you saw the silhouette of his head popping up off the pillow on the couch. You stopped where you were as you wrung your fingers together nervously. 
“Toji?” you whisper-squeaked. 
The man quickly sat up on the couch, facing you. He was probably going to respond, but you gasped when you heard a muffled sound coming from the unit next door. At once, you dashed towards Toji, knocking your knee against the table in your haste. 
Your soulmate caught you when you threw yourself at him, somehow cushioning the impact of your catapult. He immediately gathered you towards him as you sat on his lap turned to the side, your face in the crook of his neck, your arms circling his nape. He rubbed your knee, soothing your injury. 
“Just the neighbour, sweetheart,” he murmured into your hair. You were still clinging onto him like a baby, not saying anything. So he asked, “Wanna go to bed together?” 
You nodded at once. So Toji picked you up easily as he walked into his bedroom, laying you down on his bed and tucking you in before he came round the other side of it. He slipped under the blanket and you immediately curled into him, though not too closely. 
Now that you had your soulmate with you, sleep fell over you like a curtain. But it was not easy, because you jumped in the middle of your night when you heard a loud thud from outside. This time, though, you had turned to the other side in your slumber, which meant you were facing away from Toji. Your heart was thudding hard and fast against your chest. Breaking out in cold sweat, you stayed frozen as you focused your wide eyes on a suspicious spot in the dark room. 
You twitched when you felt a warm, heavy hand on your arm. “It’s alright, baby,” Toji murmured, his voice so low and sandy that you almost couldn’t hear him. “I’m here.”
You flipped around immediately and scooted your way into Toji’s chest, no longer concerned about the fact that you’d only met four times or that you were practically strangers. You were afraid and all that mattered was that  he was the only person who could make you feel better. 
Toji moved closer as well, his strong arms coming around you and you just naturally fit in them, your head already on his bicep and his other arm around your back, gathering you close to his warmth. He hummed, the reverberations in his chest providing you with comfort. Taking in a deep breath of Toji’s scent, you felt yourself calming down. It took you less than five minutes to fall asleep again. 
When you awoke the next morning, you were well rested and just slightly disoriented. You blinked around the unfamiliar room and the big, messy bed you were in. Before you freaked out, the bedroom door opened. You turned to see Toji walking in with a cup of coffee in one hand, the newspaper in his other. He noticed you awake and though he didn’t smile, you wondered if you were seeing things when you noticed his dull, green eyes light up. 
“Alright, Princess?” 
You nodded as you watched him climb back to bed next to you. He set the newspaper on his lap and took a sip of his coffee before setting the mug down on his bedside table. He turned to you, tentatively reaching out to brush a stray hair away from your face, his finger lightly brushing your cheek. 
“Slept well?” You nodded again, rubbing an eye. He hummed, now feeling more comfortable as he stroked your hair with his palm. You nuzzled into the pillow and shut your eyes again. “Still tired?” Your nod was becoming lazy and hard to notice. “Good night,” he whispered. 
The next time you woke, it was because of the alluring smell of bacon. You immediately got out of bed and padded out to the kitchen where Toji was at the stove, his broad back shielding you from what he was making. Going over silently, you stood next to him and peered over his muscular arm and saw that he was cooking eggs and bacon. You glanced up at him and he flicked his gaze to you, his eyes darting about your features. 
“Hungry?” You nodded shyly. “Of course you are. It’s 12PM.” You blushed, thinking he was making a subtle jab at your sleeping habits. But then he said, “You can go back to bed after eating. You had a rough night.”
“Toji, tha—”
He interrupted you from thanking him. “I told you your building wasn’t safe. You’ll listen to me now, right?” You gave an remorseful nod. He turned off the fire and leaned against the counter as he tilted his body to face you. He looked serious and scary, like a berating father. “You can’t keep living there, sweetheart. I can’t have you caught in another situation like this, you hear me?”
“But I can’t—”
“Move in with me.”
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The fifth time you met him was the last time you ever had to count the number of times you saw him. Because you’d moved in with him, no questions asked. Toji was going to slowly work his way to making you quit your job but for now, he was content with you staying with him. 
You were unpacking when a cosmetic product fell out and rolled under the couch. Crouching closer to the ground, you dug your hand under the sofa and felt around for the bottle, only to come in contact with what felt like a card. Curious, you fished it out and saw that it was Toji’s credit card. 
“Toji?” you called. You heard a grunt from the bedroom and he was out the next minute. Brandishing the card to him, you announced, “I found this.”
His eyebrows were furrowed as he walked forward to retrieve it from you. You watched him scan the card for a second before his eyes lit up in recognition. 
“Where’d you find this? Under the couch?” You nodded. He had such an incredulous look on his face that you almost wanted to laugh if not for him almost rushing forward and squatting next to you. Your eyes rounded in surprise. “You can reach under the couch?” he breathed, looking so amazed that you cracked a smile. 
“Holy shit,” he cursed. He sounded the most excited you thought he could ever sound when he requested, “Babe, I have so much shit down there that I couldn’t reach. Would you be a doll and get them for me?” 
You nodded slowly. “But… why didn’t you just use something to help you fish them out?” 
He had a deadpan look when he answered, “Can’t be fucked.”
So you got back down and managed to pull out a golf ball, a set of keys, an expensive looking pen, a battery, some coins, a cell phone, and an ointment tube. The last item you got out was your makeup spray. You finally sat back on your heels and stared at Toji, who was in awe at all the things you retrieved. 
“How do you even— A cell phone?!” You shook your head when your soulmate opened his mouth to explain. “I don’t wanna know.”
“You’re perfect,” he murmured before cupping your face and pulling you closer to press his lips to your forehead. 
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“Where are we going?” you whined, now so comfortable with your soulmate that you hid no thought or emotion from him. 
“You’ll see,” Toji muttered, still as frugal with his words as ever. Although you realised that he let down his guard more at home, he was still more content with listening to you than he was speaking. 
Toji led you to the entrance of a bar where you had to go down a set of stairs, his hand held behind his back as he carefully walked you down the steps. It was three in the afternoon and you weren’t sure why you were at a bar until he pushed through the door that had a ‘closed’ sign and two familiar men sitting at the bar counter turned to face you. 
Satoru wasted no time in hopping off his stool to bound over to you. “Hello, my lovely,” he cooed as he slung his arm over your shoulder and reached his other hand out to pull yours away from Toji’s hold. You blushed at his friendliness. “Did you come to see me?” 
You were propelled to sit on his warmed up stool, the white-haired man helping you up on it easily. His soulmate smiled courteously at you. Toji tried to take the seat next to you but Satoru immediately planted himself on it, scooting closer to you. You thought you heard Toji growl. 
“You remember Suguru,” Satoru reintroduced, holding an arm out to his soulmate. You nodded. He grinned and moved closer to whisper, “Tell him to pay up.” You frowned and turned to him, only to realise how close his face was. Satoru’s grin widened when he saw your face getting redder. He leaned back a little. “He bet you’d have cut your thread by now.”
You heard Toji scoff. “Why would I?” you asked. 
“Because Fushiguro is an irritable old fart,” Suguru answered matter-of-factly. “I didn’t think you’d want to stay soulmates with a man like that.”
You frowned. “That’s mean. I like Toji.”
“Aww,” Satoru cooed, resting his head against yours. “You’re such a sweetheart. Toji is lucky to have you.”
“There’s no ice.” You turned to see Toji now behind the counter, glaring at the two men before him. 
“Yeah, we had to buy. Our ice maker is—” 
Toji didn’t even listen to the rest of his sentence before he went to the kitchen, where you assumed he was getting the ice they bought. Suguru rolled his eyes. 
“See what I mean?”
You giggled a little. “He isn’t always like that,” you promised them. 
“What is he like, then, when he is with you?” Suguru wondered, almost dubious that he could be anything but mean and grumpy. 
You thought about it as you watched your soulmate come back through the kitchen door with two glasses filled with ice. He got a cocktail shaker and started putting together a concoction. 
“Hmm,” you hummed. “He takes care of me all the time,” you murmured. Toji glanced at you, holding your gaze with his. “He always lets me have my way—“
“Within reason,” Toji added in a mutter. 
One time in the two months you had been staying with him, you’d asked to go to sleep with your head under his shirt, very literally to hide inside the shirt he is wearing. Which, resulted in Toji rejecting your incredulous idea and you whining and guilt-tripping him by swearing you were cold and needed more warmth. He finally compromised but instead of doing what you asked, he slept top naked with you snuggled up in his chest. He never wore a shirt to sleep ever since then. 
Ignoring his comment, you continued, “And he makes lame dad jokes sometimes—”
“No way,” Gojo breathed in awe. 
You nodded at him to reaffirm what you just said. “And he is really nice to me.”
Toji placed a glass of milky white liquid on the counter in front of you before going to wash the equipment he used. Then, he poured himself a whisky and stayed on the other side of the counter where he could see you better. 
“What’s this?” you murmured, picking up the glass he put before you. 
You glanced at him watching you over the rim of his drink, an eyebrow ticking in a non-verbal way of telling you to go ahead. So you took a tentative sip and smacked your lips as you tried to figure out what it tasted like. It was sweet and just a little bit sour. You really liked it. 
“Candy?” you guessed. 
“Skittles?” Satoru joined in. You turned to him in shock because how did he know what exactly it tasted like? The blue eyed man immediately shot up from his seat and pointed an accusing finger at your soulmate. “You motherfucker! You said you didn’t know how to make any of our cocktails!”
“Of course he does, Satoru,” his soulmate sighed. “We taught him and Shoko how to make them.”
“Why would you tell us that you don’t, then?!” Satoru yelled, frustrated at his best friend. 
“Too much work,” Toji shrugged, taking another sip of his whisky. 
Satoru grumbled under his breath, not forgetting any curses directed at your soulmate too. “So you actually knew how to make a Hollow Purple?” Toji stayed staring at his friend and Satoru somehow knew what that meant. He blew up again. “You motherfucking fuck! Those girls were so fucking hot! They never came back again!”
“Because I didn’t make their drink?”
“Yeah, and your stale ass attitude,” Satoru spat. 
“They were embarrassed,” Suguru explained. 
Toji scoffed. “Shouldn’t have hit on me then.”
“Well, you were single then.” Suguru glanced at you, as if to let you know that your soulmate wasn’t cheating on you. “And I guess you’re an alright looking man.”
“You and Satoru are handsome too,” you remarked, wanting to be part of the conversation somehow. 
Gojo cooed as he grabbed your face to land kisses on your cheek, making you scrunch up your face. “I’m going to love you, and take care of you, and—”
“Get off her, you creep.”
Satoru stopped to glare at your soulmate, who looked unamused and annoyed at the scene before him. Just to play along, you circled your arms around Satoru’s waist and tilted your head to press your cheeks together. 
“I like Toru,” you say cutely.
All you heard was a loud squeal before you were smushed against the white-haired male in a tight hug. 
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You locked your phone and stared up at Toji as he watched a soccer match on the TV. Noticing your gaze on him, he glanced down at you with your head on his lap, his arm resting across your chest. He raised an eyebrow in a wordless question. 
“What went through your mind when you found out I was your soulmate?” you wondered. 
He was quiet for a while before he murmured, “That I was a lucky bastard.”
You quirked a smile. “Did you really?” He hummed as a yes. “You didn’t think I was weird?” 
He frowned. “Why would I?”
“Because I was so awkward…”
Toji bent his arm to stroke your chin. “You were so cute.” His eyes were so soft on you. “The cutest thing I ever laid my eyes on. I was so afraid I might hurt you.”
Now, it was your turn to frown. “Why would you?”
The back of his fingers now stroked your cheek absentmindedly. “You’re so innocent and so tiny compared to me, Princess. I’m still afraid I might accidentally roll over you in my sleep and kill you.”
You giggled. “You’re so funny, Toji.”
“I’m not kidding.”
You didn’t doubt him. He may be a man of few words but he was good at communicating his feelings through his actions. He would always put you before himself and he would always be hovering over you in case you hurt yourself. 
You smiled up at him, your heart feeling so full. He was the sweetest man alive. “You know, I actually thought you didn’t like me when we first met,” you confessed. Now thinking back, it was kind of funny. 
“I’m sorry you felt that way,” he apologised, now cupping your cheek, his thumb stroking your skin. “I’m not good with people.”
“You’re good with me,” you chirp with a cute smile. 
“Well, you’re not people.” 
You frowned. What did he mean by that? 
You were about to start pouting when Toji said, “You’re my Princess and my baby.” 
At once, your face exploded in red. Your heart started pitter pattering against your ribcage. You grabbed Toji’s hand and used it to cover your blushing face. You could hear him laughing, which made you whine. But you stopped and held your breath when you heard the next sentence Toji murmured. 
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, baby.”
And he was the best thing that ever happened to you, too. 
Part 1, Part 2 >>
© chocochipsushi 2024 all works are mine, please do not rewrite/plagiarise
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vhvrs · 7 months ago
Hello! I really love your Gorton Ricks and their Mortys! I'm a suckered for badass mortys being loved and cared for by their grandpa's! But I'm even bigger suckered for badass Morticias! I bet she buts other mortys in their places when needed.
I would love to learn more about them both the ricks and mortys and their dynamics as a whole group, so if your willing to share any headcanons I would love to see it❤
Hope you are doing well and continue with your passions
hiya! sorry for how long this took to get back to but the best way of saying anything abt the gotron nerds was. to draw it so i hope this satisfies ur curiousity hah. done rambles under the cut ☝️
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my idea for them is like the only functioning rick couple bc they're both just so well matched and provide Exactly what they need in a relationship - and that includes throwing hothead into the mix lol. i think hothead would remain a casual friend that spends the night tho bc he's got too much baggage to work out still. once he gets over that, though, maybe he'd stick around more...
morticia n morty loveeee the setup though. having two ricks and also two ricks who are super doting is an incredible life to live... and yeah morticia very much kicks other mortys and some ricks asses. she struggles w being a normal kid bc ricardo let her join in on the business but oddly big's morty's norminess helps her calm down... big's not really comfortable w her wanting to like be apart of meetings and do hits too.
i think their summers are pretty close to these ricks too and i need to sit down n brainstorm them but i do imagine big's summer is more like ricardo's morticia and ricardo's summer is more like big's morty lol. wanting to impress your don grandfather and be a cool mob boss vs thinking coke is like soooo old people drugs and too annoyed n spoiled to care
as a final note, big's morty is a huge baby that big keeps away from his messes BUT is known for having a bit of a dark side when pushed...... maybe that rick dna comes out when hes losing in fortnite
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iloveelvisss · 3 months ago
I would love to see more yandere elvis, maybe him blowing up at the mafia for getting to "close" even if it's not really anything besides politeness. (All the requests are yandere)
Or, (This is seasonal) elvis and reader going over a christmas list for reader.
Maybe even elvis tells the reader he wants kids(Vegas era)
Elvis tells the reader what to wear for a party.
Reader cleaning graceland and elvis gets breeding urges (smut)
Reader getting concerned about elvis in the late years of the 70s, and helps him get off the drugs, why? Because he does what she wants (yandere behavior)
Anyway, some ideas for possible one shots. You can ignore this ask if you want, but I wanted to give you a few ideas :)
Okayyyy so eventually I’m gonna try and do all of these… maybe? But I really liked the one about him getting upset at the Memphis Mafia for ‘looking’ at his girl, so I’m gonna go with that one for this. Thank you soooo much, and please feel free to request more😙😙!! Also, thank you, because these are such good ideas!
Lookin’ (Elvis oneshot)
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Correlates to Lovestruck and goes along with that storyline (which will hopefully be getting a second part sometime soon).
Pairing: yandere!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sometime after everything is settled and Elvis has married Y/N, he feels as though a member of the Memphis Mafia is getting too close to his ‘angel’. And he won’t stand for that.
Warnings/Triggers: yandere fic, so expect delusional, obsessive, compulsive, manipulative, crazed, and possessive behavior. Elvis gets very angry and possessive. References to drug use. References to forced marriage, breeding, and the colonel.
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In hindsight you should’ve known better. It had only been a month since you had to marry Elvis, and he was still very much in the honeymoon mindset. He wanted you pregnant— another way to make his claim on you a known thing to anyone else.
You somehow got to walk to the bar without him going with you. Most likely because he had a clear view of you from where he stood talking to Sammy Davis Jr., who had come to watch his show. You poured yourself a water— just to be safe, and then you went on your way back to him at a leisurely pace. You stopped to admire the painting he had hanging on the suite’s wall. It was very pretty. A large landscape of gorgeous purple flowers that were blowing freely in the wind. Such a cruel difference to your current life.
That’s when it happened. Sonny came up beside you, holding a beer. “Nice, ain’t it? Me and Red bought it for ‘im before you came along.”
You smiled politely, making sure to not make eye contact. You nod and take a drink of your water, which was now halfway empty. “S’ very pretty. Bet it makes him miss simple life sometimes,” you sigh, knowing that you’re really referencing yourself. You missed simple life. Nowadays you wished you would’ve said no to the job offer and stayed in California with the trust fund kids.
Sonny noticed your drink and offered to refill it, to which you politely declined. But it was too late. His hand touched yours and Elvis saw.
You made eye contact with him from across the room and you saw his jaw clench. His eyes darkened only slightly, and nobody other than you saw it. But the whole room stilled and watched with bated breath as he dropped his conversation with Sammy and stormed over to you. The crowd parted for him like the Red Sea, and he looked as if he was a predator stalking his prey with his eyes narrowed and his nose flared. His shoulders held back to make them come off as more broad. He was downright angry— scary angry.
You knew you were in trouble, and you held your breath as he made it to you. He grabbed your arm and dragged you into the bedroom portion of the suite. He locked you in it, and you could only imagine the shit he was giving Sonny.
“That’s my wife! My goddamn wife! Ya stay away from ‘er, or I’ll break yer goddamn neck!”
And then the door reopens and he comes storming in, his anger pouring off of him in waves. You take a large step back and then you fall backwards onto the small chair by the window. He leans down into your face, grabbing your jaw. “Ya like humiliatin’ me, angel? Huh? Ya like makin’ it look like my own wife don’t want me at my party?”
You fight back the tears that are trying desperately to fall. You shake your head as best as you can with his grip. “Please… Elvis, I didn’t mean anything by it. I- I was just talking to him.”
He stares into your eyes with a heated gaze for what feels like hours, and then he seems to remember himself, and he takes a deep breath. He loosens his grip, his eyes softening just a bit. “I don’t like it when those… those pigs talk to ya, Y/N,” his hand moves to caress your cheek and clear your tears that managed to fall, “Jus’ promise me you’ll stay by my side, yeah? Don’t let those suckers talk to ya?”
You quickly nod, just wanting him to stay happy. You shakily reach up and put your hand over his, holding it to your face. “Y- yeah, baby, I’ll only talk to you. Promise.” You say as firmly as you can manage in your slightly shaken state. He then nods, seeming convinced and content enough.
Elvis reaches down and pulls you up by the arm. He pulls you into an embrace, his fingers gently trailing through your hair. He kisses the top of your head, whispering, “Mhm, angel, s’ jus’ you and me, okay? Forever. Yer mine.”
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Okay, so this is ACTUALLY shit. I’m so sorry, please forgive me😭. But I wanted to get at least one of your requests out for you. Enjoy…?
Tags: @queenstarlight (lmk if you wanna be added)
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leiawritesstories · 4 months ago
babe, it's cold out there
written for @throneofglassmicrofics November prompts "bluster" & "chill" (and probably a few others lmao)
some cute fluff to take my mind off election day yippee!!
word count: 851
warnings: none!
Aelin tugged the front door shut with a shiver, and it closed behind her with a thump that immediately raised a rapid patter of little footsteps from upstairs. Within two minutes, the kids had ambushed her, flinging their little arms around her legs and waist and clamoring over each other to tell Mama about their day.
"Your nose is pink, Mama!" Charlotte announced, pressing her finger to the tip of Aelin's nose as she snuggled into her mother's arms.
"It's awfully windy outside, honey," Aelin chuckled, kissing her six-year-old daughter's head.
Charlotte nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! Daddy had to rake the leaves out of the driveway before you got home!"
"We jumped in the piles!" Bran added, beaming. He was seven, and anything that allowed him to make a mess all over the yard was his favorite activity. "I jumped soooo much!"
"I bet you did, B." Aelin hugged her older son, who wrinkled his nose and squirmed away before she could plop a kiss on his head too.
Lana, the oldest at nine and a half, scoffed under her breath as Aelin let Charlotte down. "And you got leaves in your underwear too."
"Did not!" Bran shrieked, indignant.
"Did too!" Lana stuck her tongue out at him. "Dad said it looked like you peed your pants."
"Shut up, La-La!" Outraged, Bran lunged at his big sister, who dodged and hid behind her mother.
Aelin caught him before he could start throwing fists. "Bran, buddy, you know that's not gonna get you anywhere, and you probably don't want Lana to hit you back."
"She's being mean, Mama," he complained, folding his arms across his chest, turquoise eyes narrowed in indignation.
"Did you have fun jumping in the leaves?"
"Then don't let what Lana says bother you, okay?"
He huffed a childish sigh, the anger seeping from his small body. "Okay." His eyes brightened. "I got Declan to jump with me!"
"Did you, now?" Laughter sparkled in Aelin's eyes.
Lana snickered. "Dec wanted to do a belly flop, and we watched him to make sure he didn't get hurt."
"Gave me a damn heart attack." Rowan's voice interrupted Aelin's moment with her kids, and she turned to find her husband leaning against the entryway wall with a twin on each hip and a half smirk on his face.
"Don't be dramatic, Dad," Lana sighed, so much like her mother that it made Aelin laugh. "We're very responsible."
"That's my girl." Aelin wrapped her oldest in a hug, affectionately ruffling her blonde curls.
Lana peered at Aelin's face. "Lottie is right, Mom. Your nose is pink."
Aelin unwound the scarf that was looped around her neck. "Well, I had to be outside, and like you all know, it's pretty windy." She knelt down and opened her arms, and both of the twins came sprinting over, burying her in a bundle of three-year-old limbs and excitement. "Hi, little loves. What did you do at preschool today?"
"I make painting, Mama!" Rielle squealed right into Aelin's ear.
Aelin blinked, hiding her wince, and guided her youngest back a step. "I'm sure it's beautiful, sweetheart, but do you remember how we don't yell in people's ears?"
Rielle nodded. "I get my picture!" She ran out into the kitchen, and Aelin shook her head with a laugh as she turned to Declan, the older of the twins by eight whole minutes. "I heard you and Bran jumped in a big leaf pile."
His little face lit up. "I jump in leaves, Mama!" He spread his arms wide and flopped into her lap. "See?"
"Did you have fun?"
"Yeah!" He beamed up at her before running back over to Rowan and demanding for Dada to pick him up.
Rowan chuckled and hoisted the little boy up into his arms. "How about we give Mama a little break, hmm? I'm sure she wants to warm her chilly self up." He shot her a wink.
She shrugged out of her jacket and flicked her scarf at him. "Babe, it's cold out there. It's perfect time for..." She paused, flashing her husband a smirk. "Hot cocoa."
"Yay!" all of the kids yelped, immediately bursting into pleas for the colored marshmallows and bickering over who got to have the Uncle Dorian mug. Dorian had prank-gifted Aelin and Rowan a mug that was 3-D printed in a cartoonish shape of his face, and for some inexplicable reason, her kids were obsessed with it.
"I'm beginning to feel outnumbered," Rowan said under his breath as he set Declan down and went over to Aelin, slipping his arms around her waist. "Who's going to tell the hooligans that they still have to eat all of their dinner even though they get hot cocoa before dinnertime?"
"Oh, I'm sure you can still put on your Stern Daddy face if you have to." She winked wickedly at him, muffling her giggle as his face went scarlet.
"You're a naughty, naughty woman," he mumbled, hiding his blush in her hair.
She just grinned and rose onto her tiptoes to kiss him. "You love it."
"Damn right, I do."
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mykoreanlove · 11 months ago
from one leader to another
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some skz x bts siblings x flirty fluff - @kayleefriedchicken hope u like it :)
You roamed the city aimlessly, desperately trying to find the perfect present for your younger brother’s birthday. 
„Fuck, fuck, fuck“, you muttered under your breath as you noticed the time. 
One hour left.
You had exactly one hour to find the right gift or else everybody at his party would judge you as the worst sister of the century. You didn’t forget about his present, in fact you put a lot of thought into it but what do you get someone that already has everything? Why was this so hard for you? 
Your inner pity monologue got interrupted as your phone rang.
„Channie“, you greeted him, hoping he wouldn’t notice your dismay.
„You sound stressed. You good?“
Damn it. His little brother senses always tingled when you were in a crappy mood.
„Promise you won’t hate me?“
His laughter filled the line.
„What’s wrong?“
„I’m going crazy because of your stupid birthday present!“, you whined in annoyance.
„Y/N, my birthday party starts in an hour and you still have no present? Damn, do you hate me?“, he chuckled amused.
„Stop making fun of me and help me instead?“
„Help you how?“
„Oh, I don’t know - maybe actually tell me what you want?“
Chan laughed again.
„I did tell you!“
You sighed in exasperation.
„The fuck you did! Every time I ask you what I can get you, you tell me shit like „I just want you to be healthy and happy. Oh, and find a boyfriend already and get married and have kids, so mom won’t pester me about it“. Not helpful, Chan!“, you mocked him.
He burst out laughing, which pissed you off even more.
„I’m sure you’ll figure it out, y/nnie. I’m going to hang up, the boys are already here. See you in an hour.“
You angrily massaged your temples, not knowing what to do. Minutes after you hung up, Chan sent you a text - a picture of him with various presents from his friends, smiling giddily into the camera.
„That little shit“, you muttered under your breath.
Just you wait - I’ll figure this out!
 You had to be strategic about it - most of the shops were about to close anyway, so which one would you go to?
The ones with clothing? You shook your head as you recalled how much clothes he already had not only at his place but also yours.
The ones with books? Nah, that boy rarely reads, you argued with yourself.
Come on, think y/n. You can do this.
„Oh“, you jumped excitedly, as you had finally figured it out.
You walked straight to the biggest fragrance shop you could find, wandering in front of the men’s aisle.
„Whoa, those are a lot“, you noticed. 
The shelves were filled with various flacons - colorful or bland, minimalistic or eccentric, cheap or ridiculously expensive.
„Fuck, how am I supposed to find the right one before the shop closes?“
As your eyes scanned the shelves you noticed two teenage girls next to you, giggling and whispering about some guy close to you.
„He is so hot, oh my god“, one of them whispered.
„I know and he smells soooo good“, the other one agreed.
You cautiously turned your head, curious about the guy they were talking about. 
„Damn“, you whispered under your breath.
He was good looking! He was tall and built like a greek god, muscular yet lean. His dark long hair suited his handsome face perfectly, adding to his chic yet urban style. You didn’t notice yourself wander closer to him, as you were too engulfed analyzing his features. You chuckled as you noticed his hair fall into his brown eyes, he clumsily pushed the strands away from his face but they fell back every time. He had a sharp gaze, observing the perfumes in front of him with precision. 
„I bet he’s hella smarted“, you mumbled silently.
Finally, you were standing right next to him. You closed your eyes, as you took him all in, his presence was mesmerizing. Shit, those girls were right. He smells amazing, you thought to yourself, lost in your mind altogether. 
The stranger turned around with wide eyes, asking you bluntly: „Did you just smell me?“
You opened your eyes abruptly, embarrassed to the core. 
„I, uh, ha, yeah, so, funny story“, you rambled shyly. 
He crossed his arms in front of his broad chest and faced you, a sly smile on his lips.
„I’m listening.“
You cursed yourself internally but decided to spill the truth.
„You see I am here because I need a gift. Not any gift but THE gift. And I was standing over there overlooking all these perfumes as I heard some teenagers giggle and gush about you.“
He averted his gaze to the right and looked at the two girls behind you who turned around abruptly, hiding their faces.
„Go on“, he mumbled as he looked at you again. „So, yeah, they were saying how good you smelled and since I need that perfect gift I thought I would find out for myself.“
He leaned his head to the side as he was listening to you ramble.
„And you thought smelling me, a mere stranger, was the best way to go about it?“
„In hindsight? No. But I am desperate, so cut me some slack. Please.“
He let out a deep sigh and uncrossed his arms, picking up the perfume he was wearing and handing it over to you.
„That’s the one“, he pointed out.
You observed the package, it looked hella expensive but it did smell divine. 
„Thank you“, you whispered. 
„Do you need it for your boyfriend?“
You laughed out loud, not realizing that he was serious about it.
„No. I don’t have a boyfriend. This one is for my brother.“
„Ah“, he nodded. 
Now, that the shock was gone, you noticed the stranger’s voice - deep and raspy, a melodic sound you would have loved to listen to for longer. Sadness formed in your gut as he turned around, ending this conversation now that you had what you wanted.
„Hey, wait.“
He turned around again, looking at you expectantly. Damn, why did he have to be so handsome? Okay, focus, Y/N, focus.
„I kinda feel like owning you an apology for sniffing you, so uhm, sorry…?“
„Joon“, he replied.
„Yeah, actually Namjoon but you can call me Joon.“
Gosh, his name is just as pretty as he is.
„And whom does the sniffing nose belong to?“
„Y/N“, you stretched out your hand, waiting for him to shake it.
Namjoon smiled warmly as he shook your delicate hand. 
„Nice to meet you, Y/N.“
Nice to meet you, too, Joon. 
His presence made you feel warm, and comfortable. 
„So, when’s the party?“
You took a glance at your wrist, cursing yourself for arriving late.
„Started 30 minutes ago“, you confessed.
„So what, you forgot about the present?“
„No“, you exclaimed agitated.
„I just.. It’s hard to shop for him, that’s all.“
„So, you were looking for the perfect gift, is that it?“
You nodded, not entirely convinced that a perfume would be it but you were left with no options.
„What about you? Shopping for yourself?“
„Yeah, I was kinda looking for the next perfume that you would sniff on me, actually“, he mused jokingly.
Wait, what was he saying?
„Wouldn’t your girlfriend be mad about that?“
Clearly, someone like him had to be taken already. Namjoon’s eyes widened in surprise - were you that oblivious?
„I don’t have one. So sniff me all you want“, he smiled sneakily.
You looked down, cheeks rosy and shy from this playful banter.
„Excuse me but we are closing the shop right now. Please buy something or leave, thank you“, the store clerk interrupted the two of you.
„Oh sure, sorry!“, you marched to the front, paying for the ridiculously expensive perfume while Namjoon was following you. You stood outside the store for a while, getting to know each other and flirting candidly. 
You learned that he was an artist, who worked with his hands a lot. He loved to read and rhyme on his own, often hanging out at public libraries and hidden bookstores. You bit your lip as you were right about him, he was a smart one.
Smart. Handsome. Funny. And into me. What were the odds?
„Do you think your brother will like the perfume?“
You shrugged your shoulders, not really sure if that was the best gift after all. You recalled his words in your mind „be happy and healthy and get a boyfriend“…
Suddenly, a new idea flooded your consciousness.
„Hey Joon?“, you asked out of the blue.
„What are you doing tonight?“
„Nothing, actually. I’m free like a bird“, he cheered warmly. 
„Wanna come with me? Be my date for tonight?“
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shoezuki · 10 months ago
gepard is SOOOO interesting because of the little hints that hoyo drops about him not always being able to perfectly conform to the unforgiving expectations and responsibilities of being a noble. Its been pretty implied that hes always had a relatively gentle/kind nature (how warmly he introduces the trailblazers to belobog, how he hums his older sisters songs subconsciously, how he cares and grieves deeply for all of his soldiers, younger gepard wanting to play with the underworld kids, having a specific interest in getting better at art and growing plants, hell he even canonically cries at bad movies)... i imagine he was not always this much of eloquently spoken/rigid person or at least was not able to expertly present himself as one. and any other avenues of aspiration were ripped away from him in favor of basically being told he was born to die fighting for his people, it really makes you wonder what if he was allowed to grow up without so many expectations. (i read this sampard fic once where they seemingly just Exist together for a moment without their labels or titles and sampo paints gepards nails for him with a baby blue sky and clouds and. it still fucking gets me)
yesyesyesyes youre SO right theres so many good lil tidbits hinting to his complexities like. like u say how we got So many things showing him to be more emotional than jus the rigid, icy shield of belobog. I think of that lightcone of him n serval as kids the 'landau's choice' one So much cuz for one his sister standing up for him but also it paints him as more of a sensitive child n i think he was such when he was younger. that he was compassionate n emotional. but expectations and responsibilities lead to him smothering that and burying his more sensitive side.
and yet. he's still fucking kind. despite everything he remains caring at that is. So much
god yea. i do wonder. if he hadnt been forced to conform n become captain, what would he do n who would he be? In part i think he'd always be protective and seek out a way to help the city considering compassion is a core part of him, but what other avenues would he explore? i bet he'd be a doctor or field medic.
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purrplegyuu · 1 year ago
Cold | Choi Beomgyu
Chapter three
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Warnings: unhappiness, slightly angst, soft beomgyu, abusive mother, swearing. omg the softest chapter eveeer
Word count: 1.4k
Taglist: @arianap23e, @haatohwa
I don't know why is it soooo soft, I don't like it ughhh. Like this is a dark story. Anyways, the following chapters are gonna be waaaay darker (i mean i hope). I kinda like soft Beommie tho...
Let me know if you find any kind of mistake, i'm not a native speaker and this helps me so so so much ^_^
Also let me know if you want to be added to the tag list, if you want to suggest an event to happen on next chapters or if you have any question about any detail. Luv yaa (���'◡'●)
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I’m not happy. I know that. I know I will never go to school with a bright smile on my face like Jiwoo, because unlike her, I don’t have anything that makes me enjoy sitting on an uncomfortable chair for hours, looking at the professors as if I am paying attention, and talk kindly to my classmates as if I don’t hate them so much.
I even started to believe happiness is a vile lie American series have shown to us.
However, lately, these bad feelings have been increasing. And dad knows that.
That’s why he came home early on a saturday night and announced that we were going on vacation to that pretty house on a lake that his mother left him as an inheritance. 
“You okay guys?” He asks while driving, looking at me through the mirror. I smile slightly at him, nodding. “Gyu, I heard you got really good grades again. Bet your mother is really really proud” Beomgyu looks at him back, quiet, and totally ignores him. 
The awkward aura all over the car now, as dad looks at Beomgyu’s mother, scared of making his relationship even worse. He has tried thousands of ways to get along with Beomgyu, but the boy sitting by my side never really cared.
Once we arrive, dad gets out of his car, stretching his back. I look at Beomgyu. He really hates my father. At least that’s what it looks like—he gets even darker when our parents are close to him, doesn’t even smirk at any kind of jokes and doesn’t say a single word until they are far away again. 
But today, he looks even more dark than usual, which makes me feel a bit scared.
I get out of the car when he does. I see his mother running towards my dad in order to enter the house with him. 
We both stand in front of the house quietly, looking at the way our parents play like kids with their luggage as they take it in the house. They really look like a young couple. However, I find it a bit weird, but I guess it is just because I never liked her.
I look around. There are so many memories from my childhood—the garden full of flowers I planted when I was five, the rustic oven I used to make pizza in when I was eight, the lake where I learned how to swim when I was nine. But everything looks just too old and dirty—it’s been seven years since the last time we came here, it’s been seven years since the last time I enjoyed being in such a place… it’s been seven years since I last saw her.
I walk through the trees until I have reached a certain place. A small dock made of old wood, mouldy and poorly stable. Hundreds of drawings all over one of the wood tiles—’Jeongseo’ on top of everything, followed by ‘Namhyuk’ and ‘Dami’.
I really miss those times.
By 6 p. m., dad calls me to the big dock in front of our house. 
“Gaeum, honey, could you please go get the meat?” Beomgyu’s mom smiles at him, and makes a disgusted face when she turns around. Dad’s on the white boat his father used to drive right before dying three years ago. Everything I can think about when I see it, is him swearing he will never use it again because it was his dad’s, not his.
“We’re taking Luna on an expedition” he says. I can see the happiness on his face. Luna is the name grandpa gave his boat. “Remember when we used to go to the other side of the lake?” I nod. “Well, we are going to go there to take the dinner tonight” a big smile on his face makes me force myself to smile although I’m not happy or excited. 
“I will go get a sweater”
When I get in the house, I don’t see Gaeum in the kitchen, which I found a bit weird, but don’t really pay attention to it. I go to my room, take a pink sweater and try it on in front of the mirror. I’m wearing a long-sleeved dark shirt which is supposed to cover me up enough to make me feel warm, however, the short jean skirt makes it hard for me to get warm. Even with a big coat, and in the house, I’m trembling.
However, I get out of my room, holding a white blanket, and stop walking when I hear some noises in Beomgyu’s room. The door is closed, so I cannot see anything, but I don’t also see any light under the door, even though it’s 6:30 p. m., and it’s very dark already. 
“Don’t be fucking dumb” Gaeum’s voice sounding so different—meaner, unlike her usual fake sweet voice tone. “Could you please think a bit? Ha, you’re almost an adult, why would I have to ask you to not be so dumb?” The door of my room closes strongly due to the air running through my open window, which makes me jump, touching my chest. No more sounds in the room makes me feel scared someone can catch me, so I walk back to the door.
Gaeum gets out of Beomgyu’s room, and I look at her, trying to look as natural as possible, holding tightly my blanket, faking a blank face to her like I didn’t hear anything. 
“What?” I ask when she keeps looking at me. I even impress myself with my almost perfect acting. 
“Are you ready? I’m asking Beomgyu if he is also ready” I look in his room. He’s not visible from outside, so I just nod to her, going down once again.
Some minutes after that, Gaeum gets on the boat, giving dad the things he asked for and his coat. Beomgyu walks behind her, blank face as always, and doesn’t look at dad, just gets in the boat and sits by my side. 
Dad knows perfectly how to drive the boat, so he does it while we all try to warm ourselves with our coats.
The place we and Beomgyu are sitting is lower than the place our parents are at, so they can’t see us unless they go down.
That’s why he puts his hand on my thigh, caressing it as we’re alone over there. I look at him, looking at the lake deeply. His soft hair moving with the air, his face even prettier than ever, flawless skin, and some red marks on his cheeks like he has just cried. 
“You don’t seem that happy” he says, still looking at the lake. 
“I never look happy” I say, jokingly. Spending so much time with Jiwoo has started to affect me. But he doesn’t laugh. The silence makes me want to be sincere with him. Guess he has this effect on me. “I don’t really like here” He turns around to look at me, almost surprised at my words. It’s a pretty and almost paradisiacal place. Why wouldn’t I like it? “Everything I can think about when I’m here is her… the last time I saw mom” 
We stay silent for a few minutes, weirdly enjoying each other’s company. 
Then, he talks once again. “I know you listened” his husky voice should make me feel scared, however, his hands touching me so softly, his head against mine, his arm around me, his body warming me up… I can’t be scared even if he says he will kill me after that.  And I wonder if that kind of scenes are the reason I love him so much even when he treats me so wrong most of the time. Maybe I don’t love him, maybe I just love the way he treats me so wrong, but sometimes, he acts like he loves me back.
I don’t try to deny it. He knows me well. The voice tone he used isn’t even doubtful. He knows I listened.
“Don’t want to know why was she so mad?” Weirdly, everytime he doesn’t use pet names, it’s just because he’s treating me well. 
I look at him quietly. I find it a bit acted the way he fakes peace, like it doesn’t really bother him. His eyes a bit red, like his nose and cheeks. 
“She found out I’m fucking someone” He flashes a bit more than usual. “, and scolded me for not using condom” His eyes shiny, and can feel like he’s being forced or something like that. However, I don’t say anything.
I never say anything. 
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 5 months ago
s4 episode 19 thoughts
very tired. brain empty. only mulder and scully in there
i am sat for the evening, reading the episode description. i'm curious as to if a “technology of the future” mentioned is still going to seem futuristic after 30 years have passed since it first hit TV…
(author's note: yes. we still don't have instant freeze potion. and the main takeaway from this episode is that we shouldn't have instant freeze potion)
i wasn't sure what to expect with this one, but i thought it was pretty interesting! it posed some philosophical questions i hadn't really considered in the real world re: time traveling. in the end though, it was left ambiguous as to what would really happen at the conclusion of the episode, like always, and i think there is enough going on in this universe that for my own sake and the sake of mulder and scully, i am going to assume that time travel was cancelled.
but i liked this episode- apart from the frequent needles! eugh...
we open at MIT, where a guy is running. it looks pretty late at night. 
two people are yelling about a guy named mcfarland while this older man watches. the kids are ignoring this guy telling them that the street is dangerous because they instead want to be loud and argue or whatever, idc. 
this kid in the red jacket (later revealed to be named lucas) seems like a massive douche, and when old man proclaims that he is going to die at exactly 11:46, i feel no deep sadness on the matter. this guy is trying to save your life and you’re gonna treat him like he’s trying to get money off of you??? and be mean to him????
omggg self righteous MIT kids…. yeah i’ll say it. shut tf up!
the campus security officer takes the old man away, but he tells jason not to let lucas cross the street, because he won’t see the bus coming… jason seems shocked that the old man knows his name.
see, if i were jason, i’d take this grouch of a kid and make him wait it out. maybe go to a restaurant or something. if there is one that doesn’t require crossing the street. no ma’am. i will NOT ignore a death prophecy.
lucas is shutting down jason, saying they have nothing to talk about. but the bus approaches!!!!
and sure enough, lucas drops his papers at the predicted time….. and thus concludes lucas.
the bus driver says it looks like jason pushed him in front of the bus! i didn’t see that. but okay. 
intro time woo woo woo woo woo wooooooo
(seriously, it didn’t look like jason pushed him?? am i tripping? i mean, i replayed the scene just to make sure. and it did not look like a pushing occurred)
scully is looking at the photos from the accident, and we learn that lucas was a post-doctoral fellow, which perhaps explains his intense arrogance. although i imagine that sort of thing only really happens if you were a douche BEFORE the phd. it just gets worse after it has been conferred.
OH the tea is: jason was his ACADEMIC ADVISOR!!!! and the bus driver said he pushed him!!!!
damn. can you imagine??? i’m imagining this happening to me. everyone would be shocked.
also, shocked that jason was not a fellow student because he looked to be of doctoral candidate age. but he is actually dr. jason nichols, academic advisor in addition to the other roles i'm sure he plays.
but that's not the point.
and jason wouldn’t tell the cops what they were arguing about!!! suspicious…
mulder sits next to scully on the edge of the desk and they watch jason’s alibi tape- i bet it was a pain to ship that around
(at this moment i got a text and paused to answer it and it froze on a frame of mulder looking at scully as she ponders the case and oh my gooooood. oh my gooood)
“well, he goes on to tell a pretty convincing narrative and to give a rather detailed description of the old man” “what was he wearing, a long black robe and carrying a scythe?” <- she is smirking at her own stupid joke and i love her soooo much
mulder has a pencil behind his ear…. yeah. i love him too. they’re a package deal <3
and a further plot twist: the campus security officer that picked the old man up ALSO died!!
i see that it is now boston autopsy time. and i just prepared myself a meal. okay. we must pause and eat before continuing.
mmm that was yummy.
there has been internal disagreement about if they should cut or saw the campus security guy's body? now what the hell does that mean 
he’s frozen!!! as if elsa got to him….
she says something was inserted in his ear, which was a thermometer. and he was found on campus.
well, boston is just like that. you don't get your dunkin one day and you freeze about it.
oooo, this officer would drink and drive on duty!!! this is not good. bad bad bad thing to do. but it was only 28 degrees last night! not cold enough for a guy to get drunk and freeze to death in such a dramatic fashion.
again. boston. it’s like that.
his body is getting colder somehow! that makes no sense.
i love when mulder asks for scully's medical opinion :) she thinks maybe he drank some chemicals!!
BLEAUGH mulder makes a joke about hoping he can keep the body frozen until thanksgiving... nasssssty 😭
this provides no answers on the jason situation. if anything, it only raises more questions. time to go ask him!!!!
jason seems to think that mulder is lying about the guy being frozen to death which is a presumptuous thing… what exactly would he gain from lying about that lmao
oh tea…. the reason the two of them were fighting that night was because lucas was going to say that jason’s research data was falsified!!! and they were competing for the same grant… for cryobiology!!!
OHHHH HE STUDIES FREEZING BODIES. this is not looking great for him.
(we also see jason's girlfriend very briefly which becomes important later. her name is lisa. i did not write it down in my original notes because i did not know she would become a major character in the episode)
scully calls while mulder is doing the questioning, and says she found jason’s thumbprint on the security guard’s uniform!!! oh man. again. not looking great for jason. but i don’t buy that the story is that straightforward.
scully is so pretty………….
cut to a hotel where a man named yonechi is trying to check in, but the receptionist is saying there is no reservation under that name!!! this is very unfortunate for dr. yonechi.
and who comes in but OLD MAN FROM BEFORE!!!!!!! he is giving yonechi a key and says he came on behalf of dr. jason nichols…..
who is this old man… and what does he want…? he looks sick!!!! 
yonechi invites old man in and he shuts the door to his hotel room…. omg something is gonna go down… 
he says he owes so much to yonechi. now what does that mean? did he use his research for something?
“you found a way to substitute water with a sugar- trehalose” (sobs in humanities) what does that MEAN???
(my original notes there were far less readable, just know that)
damn, that prop of frozen yonechi is crazy. scully is investigating and i’m contemplating how it was made!!!
she notices the injection mark… and mulder says he was at the hotel with a man in his 70’s when he arrived!!! the mythical old man that jason has spoken of proves to be real!
scully is showing mulder “a nuclear magnetic resident spectra” (YESSSS TALK THAT SCIENCE SCULLY 🔥 IDK WTF IT MEANS) 
yonechi was injected with… something. scully strongly suspects jason (AKA dr. nichols) did the killing, but mulder wants to talk to someone else….
the girlfriend, lisa!!! jason’s dating someone from his lab!!!??? that feels weird. is that unethical? is she his employee? hm.
scully shows her the nuclear magnetic resident spectra and she grows quiet. yeahhh they're onto youuuu!
“lisa, you can tell us now, or we can subpoena your testimony in court” <- DAMN scully said you will NOT be hiding evidence from me!
okay, so the stuff that was shot in yonechi: it’s a rapid freezing agent. i get that. jason thinks that if you do it fast enough, you can unthaw whatever you freeze better. but he hasn’t been able to test it because it doesn’t exist yet!!! 
well. i think something changed.
oooooo look at the virtual chemical… so high tech… watch it rotate… yeah, baby that’s the stuff.
it would be impossible for him to engineer the non-existent chemical synthetically… BUT SOMEONE CLEARLY DID because they found it in that guy!!!
but!!!! lisa reveals that yonechi might not be dead!!! so they put him in a tub of slime and then try to revive him
scully announces that this will not work, because his body temperature was at 8 degrees, and the lowest body temperature a human ever survived was 70. i love that she knows that. it warms my heart. even if it doesn't warm dr. yonechi's.
blehhh, they put some stuff in his chest and then bring out the shocky machine…. and he starts to come back!!!! omg???
but he starts to fight the machine (what does that mean??), and his temperature gets WAYYYY too high, and he’s gasping and screaming and i feel myself growing faint….
(god that scene was NOT fun to watch. it was actually straight up horrible)
wait, is this the episode where we get that one line…..
(sadly this was not the episode with the spontaneous combustion line i have seen in screenshots💔)
the only guess they have as to wtf made yonechi burn up is that whatever it was that was used to freeze him provoked an opposite reaction when they thawed him out
rip dr. yonechi :(
lisa goes to talk to jason…… what does he know!!!!!
old man is on the bus next to her. RUN GIRL. SPRINT. use your youth as an advantage. he’s going after her and i’m wondering how tf he knew that other guy was going to die?????
NO DON’T STOP TO LOOK AT TIE DYED SHIRTS. ahh she is seeing him follow her in the mirrors and not just merely shopping... very clever
lisa goes up a bunch of stairs, which is arguably the best move to escape an old man, but he is still pretty fast. 
she confronts him… and he says HE CAN KILL HER, TOO!!!
bro... i know grant money is hard to come by, but COME ON!! 
he busts out the freezy needle and says he came here to kill her… but he walks away. who tf is this guy??????
he bruised tf out of her arm when he grabbed her!!! rude!!!!
scully once again reminds lisa to STOP HIDING SHIT and she confesses to FALSIFYING THE DATA TO GET THE GRANT!!!! OHHH GIRL!!!!! this is not good. and jason is covering for her. 
and the people who could have figured that she did that out are now dead!!!
she swears that she doesn’t know the old guy and that jason wouldn’t either, but scully comes at her with “if he would lie for you, what makes you think he wouldn’t lie to you?” <- ohhh she ate her up there 
mulder does his thing where he says “scully?” and tilts his head a little, which means "we need to talk about this out of earshot of the person we're questioning" and i love it very much
ohhh, someone thinks they’ve spotted the old man!!!
(really hate that composite drawing of him they’re using as reference)
woahh, that shot descended from the ceiling as they arrived to his hotel room… it was really cool. but he is not here!!
“i’m not sure if ‘living’ is the word i’d use on this place” <- after that other line last episode i just KNOW she needs to be comfy and cozy, which i respect immensely. get scully a blanket right away. i need her in a mountain of pillows. STAT.
she finds yonechi’s flight written down in a notepad, and mulder finds a picture of yonechi, lisa, and jason!! they must have had an ice science groupchat or something
mulder seems to think this is a photo from the future??? and that if lucas hadn’t gotten hit by that bus, jason’s research being falsified would be exposed and he’d never get to work with dr. yonechi.
of course, this is baffling. and i have to rewatch the scene to get a better understanding on what he is saying
she has had enough of his shenanigans “and if your sister is your aunt and your mother married your uncle, you’d be your own grandpa” <- LMAO she said you NEED to start making sense!!
“okay, so this photo that was never taken, when was it never taken?” <- BAHAHA this has been added to my mental list of top scully one liners
he says it was taken at least 5 years in the future when the mystery substance was synthesized in the future…. and the old man came back from the future to fix the past!!
well. time travel isn’t something we have entertained on here before. so that’s new. not sure how i feel about it when there is already so much going on in this universe.
HE SAYS THE OLD MAN *IS* JASON?? and that is how he knew all of the things!!!
i guess it does make sense… if you think time travel could exist…
(she looks at him with great skepticism) “although common sense may rule out the possibility of time travel, the laws of quantum physics certainly do not. in case you forgot, that’s from your graduate thesis” <- she looks annoyed at this LMAOOOOOOOOOOO 
if someone quoted my thesis back to me in an argument we’d have to start kissing sloppy style right then and there.
so wait this complicates things. she did a graduate degree AND an MD?? bro, how many degrees was she collecting!!!!! how long did it take!!! HOW OLD IS SHE??? how can all of his have been accomplished??? 
you don’t write a thesis for an MD, and even if you did it wouldn’t be in physics… maybe she did like a 4+1 program? she was speedrunning grad school? can someone who knows what her degree history looks like PLEASE explain this to me.
ohhhh and she argues right back… “the limits of human endurance would prevent such a trip from ever happening” get his ass!!
(he can quote her thesis but not remember her birthday… what is with this man??)
he says to show the picture to lisa and ask where it was taken, which i suppose would answer that question as long as she doesn't frequently have people take her pictures, in which case it might be hard to recall
old man seems very sick as he stumbles back to his spartan hotel room…. perhaps time travel makes you ill? and that is the limit of human endurance she has described??
it seems to make him feel better. it makes me feel worse. but i suppose that is irrelevant.
gag gag gag gag. so he keeps internally freezing himself to feel better?
lisa comes in and asks “jason?” <- OHHH SHE CLOCKED HIM!!!! he says she made it possible!!!!
is this how we explore the multiverse in this world??? never thought we'd see the day. i mean, i guess weirder plot points have gone on than there being an x files multiverse, but i thought we had enough to deal with just on this planet, what with the murderers and ghosts and ghouls and all that
jason says she’ll meet a guy in ten years that has discovered “tachyons” (which is a real word, i assume, because my autocorrect fixed it for me) which are particles that can go back in time!!! but only for a few seconds and only at a temperature of absolute 0. 
the temperature thing seems very specific.
and then she’ll realize…. 
and he came back to kill her but couldn’t do it!!!! her hand is in his hand...
OH HE LIED!!! HE GOT HER!!!!!!!!! lisa is now FROZEN!!
while that is deeply sad, i am kinda glad he prevented time travel from happening in this universe. that would be a little too much.
mulder arranged for (young) jason’s bail to go show him lisa at the lab, and he straight up says right there that the old man they’re looking for is him. which had to be hard to hear
jason is being a dick as mulder tries to explain what happened…. he proposes that maybe his compound would allow for time travel by making people very cold and allow them to survive the temperatures of a wormhole. sure. i don't know enough about wormholes to dispute that.
jason seems to sober up a bit when he realizes that what happened to lisa is his fault in a sort of cosmic way, and not even mulder can come up with a witty response to that 
ooooooh, jason had to use a fingerprint scanner thingy to get into the lab, and it said he was already there!! a showdown of the jasons!!!!
mulder says please get to scully NOW as they’re trying to revive lisa and blehhh more needles stop with needles no needles please i ask so politely. scully is watching this go down and ordering her to put lisa back in the slime tub now!!!
scully you are so pretty…….
mulder is off to track down old jason, and i wonder if showing his FBI badge would really get him into all sorts of places such as this one, or if anyone would wonder if he was lying. anyway, the research assistant says that no one has come in. 
breaking lisa news: THEY RESUSCITATED HER!!! but jason wasn’t there!!!!
oh it really is jason vs jason time… who will win? the younger, inexperienced, but more sprightly jason? or the older and wiser jason with the weapon of freezing???
in the computer, all the files about jason were erased!!!! he is really trying to destroy his own work. mulder is running running running…
but young jason has found old jason! who is frantically typing. 
older jason's explanation of a world with time travel does sound pretty fucked up. but then young jason is beating up older jason trying to get lisa back. mulder arrives to say lisa is actually okay, and older jason stabs younger jason!!!
while mulder is trying to break through, the two jasons…. CATCH ON FIRE!!!
damn. mulder probably did not like to see that. i still consider his fear of fire canon. because i like it. i think it’s interesting.
scully is explaining to lisa, who is on a stretcher, how they saved her
scully is so sweet trying to explain she doesn’t know what was going on….. and has to tell lisa that jason is dead, and she is very sorry, but she’ll see her in the hospital 
mulder arrives!! he says they won’t find the second corpse- i guess that makes sense. if you die, i guess your alternate timeline self has to go with it.
oh my goodness, he's quoting her thesis again: “although multidimensionality suggests infinite outcomes in an infinite number of universes, each universe can produce only one outcome”
“i was 23 when i wrote that” oh my GOD SHE REALLY WAS SPEEDRUNNING DEGREES HUH???
so she must have done either a 4+1 or graduated undergrad in 3 years, 2 years for a masters, and then (insert however many years it takes to get an MD here)
no wonder she is so smart... damn, i love her.
so what implications does her proclamation on each universe having but one solution have?? will his compound and time travel eventually be discovered as scully’s thesis seems to predict??
cut to lisa at the computer… and thus ends our tale.
so do we get time travel or not???
i actually liked this episode!! not the needles. but it was a super interesting concept and proved why we should probably not have time travel. something i already believed and now find myself agreeing with even harder.
it's kinda rare that i like an episode based off of its content rather than just the mulder-scully time the situation creates, so i'll give credit where credit is due.
i like to see scully be a smartass so this was a good day for me. AND that he has so much of her thesis MEMORIZED??? word for word???!! that is AMAZING. it really is like that though- sometimes you can quote a person's thesis rewriting einstein, but you cannot remember their birthday.
and maybe it was implied before, but i'm so happy to learn that scully got her masters when she was 23, and THEN went on to med school. that is the sort of information a fan like me needs to know to properly analyze a character, and it is fascinating! so she probably graduated early- either in undergrad or high school. and she got her masters in physics, right?! or something along those lines??
we forget how fucking smart she is because the narrative is skewed in mulder's favor with the whole "werewolves are real in this world" thing, but goddamn. she is really a genius who can tell you exactly how someone is dying and fix it, OR administer the death herself via her sharpshooting skills, AND gets stuck dealing with the bestie babble alien nonsense while she tries to figure out how to rationalize all of the universe's inexplicable phenomena through the lens of a scientist. AND she paid attention in catechism.
is she not one of THE best characters of all time???
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ccraccz · 9 months ago
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┏━°⌜防風鈴 ⌟°━┓
Chapter 9
┗━°⌜防風鈴 ⌟°━┛
“No way..”
“Kanuma’s a beat-up mess…”
“He was completely toyed with…”
The crowd mutters in disappointment and shock.
“Does anyone know who that guy is?” Someone asks.
“No…” another person answers.
“Then, is he another first-year?!” 
“Bofurin… They really are bad news.”
Suo walks towards his seat, Hajime standing up from his seat as Nirei sits up with a smile.
“Wow, Suo!” Hajime says, making Suo turn around. “You’re really strong!”
“Not at all,” Suo responds to the third-year.
“Suo-san!” Nirei stands and starts questioning the burgundy haired male “Was that Kung Fu?!” Or something like Akido?!”
“Hmmm… I’m not sure.”
“Mymaster is also self taught, you see… It’s apparently a jumble of mixed martial arts.
“R-Really now…? Wait!” Nirei looks down and writes in his book “m-a-s-t-e-r…”
“Back on topic,” Hiragi starts “I didn’t think you’d get so emotional.”
“Oh… how embarrassing… I don't normally, but Sakura-kun got to me, so…”
Suo smiles “Don’t go blaming me,” Sakura says.
“But… when we fight, I want you to go all-out.”
“There you go again…” Nirei interrupts, with a sweatdrop and a grimace 
“Awwww, but you seem like SUCH a pain. I don’t want to spar with you, Sakura-kun,” Suo teases
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY THAT, HUH?! I’LL SHOW YOU PAIN!!” Sakura stands up quickly angrily yelling at the eyepatch wearing teen.
“I’m soooo jealous…” Tomiyama turns towards his ‘friend’ “Hey! Lemme fight eye-patch-kun!”
Ryuu leans forward, sighing, it is his turn to fight now. He stands up and walks towards Suo.
“Suo…” The mysterious teen turns to him “You’re not hurt are you?”
“No, not a scratch.”
“That’s good.”
They stop for a second, watching as Kanuma drags his friend back to a corner where they are still able to see the stage, but far away from their leader.
Both Bofurin and Shishitoren watch as Ryuu walks towards the stairs, Zuki walking up them as Ryuu gets stopped by Umemiya. Ryuu looks at the white haired male’s bright blue eyes before they crinkled at the corners from the smile the older teen showed him.
“You’ll do great, Osamu-kun!” he says as he pats the smaller’s head. Ryuu closes his eyes tightly with a small pout before opening them again and looking at the male, nodding, hair bobbing along with his movements.
Umemiya moves from his spot, letting Ryuu walk through and turn to go up the stairs to the stage.
Ryuu bites his cheek as he and Zuki stand in front of each other, the feeling of people staring daggers at him making his skin heat up under his gakuran. He breathes in, holds it for a few seconds, and lets it go with his eyes closed.
“He’s gonna loose”
“Ya don’t know…”
Zuki rolls his shoulders, listening to the mutters and relishing in the stares of his fellow members. He jumps lightly to loosen his muscles, and from the corner of his eye, he sees his seniors smirk and smile excitedly. Zuki takes his fighting stance, watching as Ryuu stays in a relaxed standing position.
“Ya gon’ move?” Zuki asks, his voice muffled by his mask.
Ryuu tilted his head before he took a step.
“You’re quite fit, your clothes are loose to hide your muscles, and you seem to have scars on your forearms from self infliction,” Ryuu states, making Zuki tense.
“Your hair is obviously dyed, eyes are natural, and I can bet that you hide your face because of a scar or something.”
Ryuu walks closer and closer, stating more and more facts about the teen in front of him, creepily not blinking as his eyes move to stare at the yellow eyed male. “You’re quite malnutritioned, but you’re not so much as skin and bones, you probably skip lunch and that is it. You also seem to mostly focus on your upper body, your lower body seems to need some work.”
Zuki takes a step backwards as Ryuu gets a bit too close to him.
“Do you… live alone?”
Zuki growls, bringing his arm back and throwing a punch towards Ryuu’s face. Ryuu steps backwards, dodging the obvious move. Zuki follows and throws another punch, making the brunette step back again.
Quickly, Zuki crouches and runs towards Ryuu with a battle cry, going in for a tackle to bring the opposing teen down. Ryuu, just as quick, steps to the side and lifts his leg before kicking the raven haired teen with his knee to the gut.
Zuki chokes on his saliva, but doesn’t fall to the ground.
Ryuu turns and shrugs, “either way… It’s none of my business what you do to yourself,” he turns his head, looking at the male “But, just so you know…”
“A few of your scars are infected.”
Zuki shakes his head, ignoring the brunette’s relaxed voice, quickly running towards him again, going in for another tackle. Ryuu turns to face Zuki, letting him get close before he disappears from the running teen. From the audience, Nirei can be seen scribbling on his notebook, Suo and Sakura watching in interest, same with Hiragi and Umemiya.
“D-did he just hit the splits?!”
“Who the hell is this kid?!!”
Togame’s and Tomiyama’s eyes widen as they watch the Bofurin member control his body to a split handstand. Ryuu smacks his legs closed along the Shishitoren member’s neck before pushing himself off of the floor, using the force of it to bring the other male down to the ground and make him at least winded. Ryuu lands standing, letting go of the guy's neck right when he lands so he hits his head harshly on the tiled floor of the stage.
Ryuu squats, grabbing Zuki by the neckline of his black shirt and bringing him up to his face. “You should really try to take care of yourself better!” he smiles menacingly before throwing the teens body to the emblem of Shishitoren “Or!”
Zuki’s face smacks the wall, but he catches himself before he falls, stumbling as he grabs his face.
He walks over to the Shishitoren member, grabbing him by his shoulder and pulling him back.
“Do you want to be another embarrassment in the name of Shishitoren?” Ryuu whispers in Zuki’s ear.
Zuki trembles, quickly turning and punching Ryuu in the face, who stumbles back slightly.
“HE- HE GOT A HIT ON HIM!” Nirei exclaims in fear.
“Osamu let him get a hit in,” Sakura states the obvious.
“Hey, Nirei,” Suo takes Nirei’s attention “What are you writing?”
“I’m just…” Nirei scribbles “Writing things I'm seeing right now, since I know nothing a-about Osamu-kun.”
Ryuu grabs his face tightly, hand covering his mouth as he steps back slightly before going into a stance, left leg and left hand forward while his right leg and right hand stay back. His right hand made a fist that was facing upwards, his left was open and palm was facing the crowd, a smile gracing his face.
“Let’s fight.”
The air surrounding Ryuu and Zuki changed. It was heavy and cold, serious and dreadful. Zuki pushes his foot into the ground before using the momentum of it to push himself and rush towards Ryuu, fists close to his face as he starts quickly punching at Ryuu. Most were getting dodged while others were getting blocked.
To the audience, it looked a bit like a cat fight.
“He’s… blocking all of my punches. Just what the fuck if this guy made of?’
Zuki’s fist is blocked, then he’s harshly hit by two fingers in the arm. Left first comes rushing towards Ryuu’s face, only for it to hit the male's palm. It is only when Ryuu dips down and hits black haired teen’s belly with his open-palmed right hand.
It was almost like slow motion when Zuki was pushed off of Ryuu, flying back and landing on his fists, only to double down, kneeling and holding his middle.
“Just… what the fuck did you do?” he coughs, glaring at his opponent. Zuki felt weak and completely tired as he gasped for air.
“Eh?” Ryuu tilts his head cutely “Oh! I’ve been hitting some specific parts of your body gently enough where you haven’t been feeling it, which stresses and bruises those parts. What must be happening is that your hormones must be signaling your body to fix up those places quickly, using the energy you didn’t get due to skipping out on lunch and breakfast.”
Zuki stares at him with wide eyes, one of them twitching as Ryuu pouts towards him.
The Shishitoren member stands up and runs towards Ryuu, successfully tackling him to get ground. Zuki grabs him by the hair and pulls at it, before smashing the male's head down. He does again, and one more time, before Ryuu’s legs contort in an inhuman way, hands coming up to his ears and palms on the tiles, and elbows facing up, before he pushes his torso upwards and makes Zuki get off of him. Zuki falls to the side, letting go of Ryuu’s hair as he watches in slight horror, the popping of bones moving from their places and back.
“A scar?” Nirei asks himself as he watches, grimacing at the movements of their member.
Hajime, Hiragi, Suo, Sugishita, and Sakura stay quiet as they watch Ryuu fix his body from the position it once was.
The sound resonated throughout the theater as the crowd watched in shock. Ryuu stands up straight, keeping his head down before turning around and walking towards Zuki. He smiles as he turns towards the male on the floor, shaking his arms to loosen them up. Zuki stands up, only to fall again, feeling weak in the legs.
“I…I can’t fight anymore…” he mumbles before falling forward, face hitting the floor.
Ryuu looks at the fallen teen, shrugs before walking up and crouching close to him, picking him up by the armpits and making him lean on him before moving to pick him up by the knees and throwing him over his shoulder and walking down the stairs.
When he reaches his seat, he places the Shishitoren teen a few seats away from him, opening a ball of gauze in his nostril that was bleeding from when he threw him at the wall. Ryuu touches the back of his head after he fixes up Zuki’s injury and infections on his wrists, bringing his hand back to see if it was bleeding. It wasn’t.
“O-Osamu-kun! W-what was that?!” Ryuu turns to see Nirei exclaim right behind him, a pen and his notebook.
“What was what?” Ryuu, comically turning into a chibi, tilts his head to the side.
“You-YOU THE SPLITS?? HOW DID YOU BEND YOUR BODY IN THAT WAY???” Nirei yells, not noticing he was getting closer and closer to Ryuu’s face. “HE BARELY EVEN HAS A SCRATCH ON HIM TOO< ALL YOU DID WHAT BLOCK AND DODGE W-”
“That’s enough Nirei,” Hajime says from behind, a large smirk on his face as he walks forward with his hands in his pockets and tilts his head. “Though, you sure are asking some questions that we do want answers to.”
“Eh?” Nirei turns from Umemiya to see Ryuu almost bent over backwards due to how close he was getting. “S-SORRY OSAMU-KUN!”
“Nah, it’s fine Nirei,” He stands up from his comical position, “I’m just flexible,” Ryuu scratches the back of his neck before he sits back down.
“Great job up there, Osamu-kun!” Suo says to him, his normal smile on his face.
“I guess… you did good…” Sakura pouts, making Hajime laugh, “Next time, just… don’t let them hit you because you wanna…”
“Oh! You-you noticed that?” Ryuu stutters.
“Of course I did.”
“Anyways-” Hajime starts, turning around and smiling “Those were some great moves Osamu-san! Keep it up.” Ryuu blushes lightly at the compliments.
Everyone goes back to their respective seats, people muttering and insulting both their own and their enemy before Togame starts speaking.
“All Riiiigghttt. Next up… so… who’s going next?” Togame asks, turning towards the Bofurin.
At that, Sakura stands up instantly, making a small clattering sound as he gets from his seat. “FINALLY! It’s my turn to-”
Sakura turns to see that Sako was already standing. Sako then pointed at Hiragi, eyes blank swirling with some type of emotion. Hiragi stands up, “Sorry, Sakura.”
“I’m fightin’ first.”
“HEY, HOLD ON A MINUTE!” Sakura yells a tick mark pulsing above his white eyebrow “THREE FIRST-YEARS ALREADY FOUGHT! SO WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT?!”
“S-Sakura-san…” Nirei warns nervously.
“You’re going against Togame, right?”
Ryuu looks over at Togame who’s watching the scene with a bored gaze.
“And he doesn’t seem like he wants to fight yet,” Hiragi continues as he stretches his shoulder “Togame’s their second-in-command. Normally, I should be facin’ him, but…”
“WHAT,” Sakura yells, confused and angry “YOU WANNA SAY THAT I CAN’T WIN?!”
“Don’t get me wrong…” Hiragi turns towards the two toned teen “I’m leavin’ it in your hands.” Sakura stares at Hiragi, shocked before he blushes and throws himself back into his seat.
“I-I DON’T NEED YOU LEAVIN’ NOTHIN’ IN MY HANDS! I’LL STILL FIGHT HIM! AND BEAT HIS ASS!” Sakura crosses his arms angrily, hair poofing like a cat.
Ryuu snorts lightly, hand coming up to cover his lips.
“Do they know each other?” Nirei asks no one in particular.
“Well,” Suo starts “it sure seems that way!”
“Hiragi…” Umemiya says, grabbing the first year's attention like he always does “He doesn’t usually talk about himself. But!” Umemiya smirks.
“It’s not really all that surprising… If he really does know someone outside of Furin.”
Sako fixes his shoes before standing. “Sako-cchaaaan! Go get him!” Tomiyama encourages the foxy teen who just nods at him.
Togame grabs his attention. “I never thought you’d challenge someone on a one-on-one by yourself.”
“Did something happen… between you and Hiragi?”
·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
A/N: Sorry if these are coming a bit later than usual sweets! I'm moving but I'M TryING MY BEST LOVELIES!
Anyways, for the 10th chapter, if you guys wanna ask some questions for the characters, Ryuu, or myself I'm planning to add a BREAK and I want it to be quite long <3
Please interact if you want, I need validation LMAO.
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
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delladuck · 1 year ago
tw// discussion of postpartum depression and depression in general… this is a long post of random Della thoughts
Okay, so I've been thinking about that post I just reblogged a lot because I really the concept of Theory 4 (I know it's sad but it feels so real). I just have minor adjustments in my head. For instance, I personally don't see Della caring about the triplets father at all. Like, my guy was definitely not involved. I really see Della as a free spirit, and I can’t really see her ever wanting to be in a committed relationship… Wow, I'm sorry, I make everything about her sad. In my brain/headcanon world, every relationship she has had always crashes and burns because she doesn't like feeling tied down. She’s always running…. Anyway, about the postpartum depression, I feel like she suffered so badly from it— only not in the way where she wanted to hurt them lol. She just didn't feel bonded or connected and became depressed from that. That's why she was avoidant and would seem at times (to her family) like she wasn't being "responsible". Along with the depression, they also served as a reminder that everything is going to change. So what does she do? She runs.
I love the explanations for Donald and Scrooge under Theory 4. Head-on-the-nail for their thought process and feelings. But yeah, she finally thinks of the SOS and for the first time in months, feels something other than the nagging continuous depression. She thinks that if she can go the distance, do something as extraordinary as space travel, that it will prove things can still be the same and even potentially propel her out of her depressed state. She won't have to "settle down" as she’s constantly being reminded. I don't think it was to get away from her responsibility, I think she was completely overwhelmed and conflicted because of the effects of postpartum.
Being on the moon brings her entirely new traumas. Instead of getting help and speaking out when she was on earth, she’s now literally trapped. Her isolation is, obviously, no longer in her head. Queen, I'm so sorry (as if I'm talking to her LOL). Damn, she really was stranded on the moon by herself for a decade! Her untreated depression worsens into something entirely new (PTSD...!).
She obviously loves the triplets. I think that, relatively quickly, her time on the moon, when things went from bad to worse, her idea worked in a way? It certainly was something to knock her out of her “funk” (postpartummm). The kids are her motivation to keep fighting. She would take care of them. She would make it all up. She was committed, but how the duck was she supposed to think that anything could go wrong when Scrooge McDuck built this for her? Encouraged her to go for it? He always kept her safe and so on and on and on. She tried to free herself following his example and lost everything in her search for how things used to be (insert that Frank post about Scrooge betting it all and willing to rebuild from scratch if he looses everything).
It just seems like she was dealing with a lot— especially internally. So much was happening at once. My girl got so mentally ill. Like, being alive is so complicated… Deyla… I feel like she had a lot of highs and lows, but the lows were more often, common, and longer. One day she would feel like, “This is awesome. My kids are going to be the coolest and I can't wait to show them everything,” then the following week is unending flow of, “There’s too much to do and so many ways to screw up. Why is there so much that goes into taking care of them? They can’t really expect me to stay in the mansion for months on end right? I want to take care of them. I can’t take care of them. Donald thinks he knows everything. I'm a failure. They’re just eggs. What am I supposed to do with that? Yep, I feel soooo bonded... I’m a bad mom. Why don’t I feel the way that I should?” But of course, she’s stubborn and doesn’t tell anyone. So Donald labels her as irresponsible, and Scrooge don’t really gaf tbh because he thinks it will all smooth over and be fine as soon as they hatch. Troll goes ahead and builds SOS and the rest is history. I’m not really sure where I meant to go with this. I drew fanart the other night thinking about this, rediscovered that post I reblogged, and now here I am typing the thought process of a duck that I headcanon to have had postpartum depression. This is all just random and just what I think. I'm sure there are other posts like this but I just spent all this time typing this out so I figure, why not post? Goodnight.
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sugarsfics · 2 years ago
“This is my favorite place in the whole world”
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Summary: Steve just came in a told you to get ready. But did not tell you where.  
Trope: Steve x Girlfriend!reader 
Warning: None 
Word count: 700 
30 Day Challenge: Day 9  Send requests<3
You were having a dance party, with just you invited, when your window opened. Your not so stealthy boyfriend came tumbling in, he quickly fixed himself and the books he knocks over “Morning baby get ready we are leaving in 10 minutes” what the fuck “Where are we going” he just smirked and climbed out the window. What are you supposed to wear, it is summer he could be taking you anywhere, the pool, the mall, an ice shop, ANYWHERE. Who knew this would put so much stress on you? You decided on a blue spaghetti strap, a black pair of shorts, with your bathing suit under. You pack your bag of things you might need, such as sunscreen, sunglasses stuff like that. You said bye to your parents then walked to Steve’s car. Your parents liked Steve, he was such a gentleman, and after stealing your heart, he stole theirs. He was always at your house, either spending time with you or watching the game with your dad or learning how to cook with your mom. He always had a home at yours. He loved coming over; it was a huge change from his home life. You were an only child. Your house was a small two-bedroom, not poor but not rich in the middle, living a comfortable life.  
He was waiting on the hood, he smiled when he saw you walk out “You know you don’t have to sneak in through my window my parents like you and know that we are dating” “Yea but what’s that fun it that” he smirks “I bet if you asked, they would give you a house key” he laughed with you. He got over the hood then brought you into a hug “I missed you” “You just saw me yesterday” “Yea but we were with friends, and they took up all your time” “Well you have me now Steve soooo where are we going” "That is a surprise" he said bopping your nose. He opens the passenger door, and you get in. Once he got in, he started the car he grabbed your hand and kissed it then you were on your way to the mystery destination.
You tried guessing where you were going, “Pool?” “Nope” “Mall” “Nope “A party” “No again” you looked out the window the sign leaving Hawkins passed by. Where are we going? The drive out of Hawkins was not too long, maybe 20 minutes. He pulled off the side of the road and got the car, you followed. He opened his trunk and there was picnic basket and blankets “Come on” he said after getting the stuff and your hand. You followed him on a 10-minute walk, your eyes widened seeing a sea of assorted colors, beautiful wildflowers “Steve this is so pretty” he smiled and laid down the blanket, he took off his shoes, you followed in suit. He brought sandwiches, water, soda, fruit, and other snacks out of the basket. “I wasn’t sure what you wanted so I just got a bunch of stuff” “It’s perfect” you told him squeezing his hand “This is my favorite place in the whole world” he said while laying down “How did you find this place” you asked “One day my parents where having a fight about something and I just needed time away from them” you nodded then let him continue “So I got in my car and just drove and drove until I would this opened field I parked then just screamed it felt so good so yea this is my place of peace” you hugged him “Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share that with me” The rest of the day went beautifully, the sun was beating, Steve took off his shirt, so you leathered him up. The highlight of your day. Rubbing his back as you talked about your week.  
 “So do you bring all the girls over her to swoon them” you joked “Only the ones I want to spend the rest of my life with” he said squinting his eyes up at you. You looked into his eyes and saw your whole life in him, getting married, buying a house, having a kid, growing old. He was picturing something different, him proposing in this very spot. 
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aajjks · 2 years ago
Bro if u decide to write an entire book on Ezekiel I'm ready to pay for it srsly
I mean.. ugh,, I love ur oc sm
So to quench my thirst, I got questions
1. What will happen if there's a new weakling y/n takes interest to bully?
2. What will happen if Y/N plans to move abroad?
3. If y/n starts ignoring Ezekiel, what will he do?
4. He might like it when y/n bullies him but how will he react if y/n's buddies start bullying him as well?
5. I have a scenario, suppose y/n is fed up and makes a bet with Ezekiel and if she wins, he has to leave her alone.. it happens so that Ezekiel won, what will he ask for?
6. Why does he look upto y/n soooo much? Is there a backstory?
7. There's this girl who likes to covet what y/n has.. will Ezekiel do anything about that?
Wow.. thas a lot of questions..hope these don't tire u out, it's just that I love ur responses tee hee
nah I’m kidding <333 I’m so happy you like Ezekiel!!!
1: oh no,,,, then we will get to see a whole new side of Ezekiel, I mean it’s not like he hasn’t eliminated other people before…. He doesn’t like sharing yn’s attention with someone else…. He really doesn’t. Before yn can bully out that weakling? He’d bully them out.
2: if Ezekiel is good at anything it’s sabotaging. He can’t have yn move abroad, at least not without him, yn is like an addiction to him, he can’t live without her bitchy attitude and just her. First he will beg, but if yn would be stubborn? He’ll just have to take other measures.
3: Ezekiel would go literally insane if yn were to ignore him, I mean we saw a glimpse of that in loser ≠ lover, right? He would try to get her through sex, begging, it would only get intense, he’s such a stalker, yn wont be able to avoid him for long.
4: to be fair, he doesn’t give two flying fucks about yns so called bully friends, he ignores them, and her friends know better than to interfere between yn and her pet.
5: ooooh 👀👀 he would ask her to make him her boyfriend, get into a real relationship with him, she can still bully him all she wants but he really wants a label on their relationship.
6: hmm, like I have mentioned before, she just unknowingly fed into his wildest fantasies, at first it was only a silly little crush but as soon as she started to bully him, he became so obsessed with her fucked up treatment, he felt special, he’s a masochist so his infatuation really grew.
7: oh no…. He’d literally make sure that he gets rid of her, she can’t steal him away from yn, he could even kill her, he’s unpredictable…
LOVED YOUR QUESTIONS BABE. tysm for sending them in, appreciate you loads <333 anytime xx
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dent-de-leon · 2 years ago
Hey!!! I just wanted to throw some Kingsley positivity your way because I love that tief so much. I hope we get to see him in liveshow! I want to hear about his adventures as Pirate King. I want to see how his relationship with Fjord and Jester has evolved over the years! I bet they visit him all the time. Getting up to all kinds of Darktow shenanigans. And if Beau and Yasha have kids now, I bet they think he’s the COOLEST uncle!! And he probably loves those kids soooo much because they’re Yasha’s kids and Yasha is his bestie. <3 Anyways ah I am always always thinking about Kingsley. Love him.
Aw thank you for this it made my day ;; MAN I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF KING MEETING BEAU AND YASHA'S KIDS!! THAT WOULD JUST BE!! THE SWEETEST THING!! Thinking of how King gave Beau and Yasha flowers on that day he first woke up, how as Molly he tried to do a little magic trick to cheer up that one firbolg child and gave him one of his moon charms. Molly taking such good care of Toya...
Yeah, he'd definitely look after their kids for them. He absolutely brings them gifts whenever he visits--interesting little flowers and seashells and shiny trinkets that catch his eye. ALSO LUCIEN BEING SO SOFT AND HIS HEART MELTING AT THE SIGHT OF HIS NIECE FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME?? Yeah. Kingsley would be so good with kids actually and I can see Yasha and Beau making him really feel a part of their family. I need to see King in the Reunion just for him hugging Yasha and telling his Love how much he missed her alone--
And you're right it would be just so fun to see King with Jester and Fjord again! I can't get over the fact that they all sailed together for years, have spent longer together at sea than the whole of campaign 2 lasted?? That's wild to me?? They definitely have some stories to share-- AND HIS REIGN AS THE PIRATE KING! Would do anything to watch Tal play as King Kingsley, I just feel in my heart that he would portray this dashing royal rogue exactly the same as Molly pretending to be Duke. That alone would be just so good.
And then...god. The fact that it's a oneshot to rescue Caleb and Beau, how Molly specifically had such an important bond with both of them, couldn't help growing so attached to them so quickly. Getting himself killed in the Lorenzo fight because it was Beau he was trying to save, because getting cut down when all he desperately wanted was to live, be happy, be loved--it was all still worth it as long as he made sure Beau specifically got away.
Seeing her and Caleb getting attacked in the Lucien novel causes him an agonizing physical pain, because he just can't bear to lose them. The moments when his Magician reaches out to him over and over and briefly shatters Lucien's control, reaches back to Molly's tormented soul. Lucien taunting Molly over and over, gloating to him, "I've won" as the Eyes start to brand Rumor and Magician. "Your Caleb and Beauregard," he says. Threatening to take away two of the people Mollymauk cares about most.
Molly holding onto the memory of a forehead kiss in his most painful moments, seeing Caleb as "Softness and light." Still flirting with him as Kingsley. He held onto the journal Beau gave him, afraid to open it at first, but--he still kept it. For the day when he's finally ready "to visit and learn," to slip away to Beau and Yasha in the middle of the night and ask them about Molly, because he's scared he might never get the opportunity. Beau and Caleb just mean so much to him, even though he's not quite ready to admit it.
But still, for them, for the Nein--he wants to be good to them. Do right by them. Be a better person for them:
"I've been told that the best thing you can do is do just slightly better than them. And that's...Honest to the gods, that is actually what I'm trying to do. I don't necessarily know what it's going to look like. I have thoughts. Some that I think that either one of them might approve of, that you might approve of, and I want to make sure that you know that if nothing but out of respect for my family, for my parents, we always have a fair deal."
"Well, I've been thinking about it, and I've been trying to figure out where the other two went wrong..."
"I've realized, at the beginning, that I was running from everything that had happened before, and that's something that the other two had done and so it was probably something I didn't want to do again, which is why I'm asking..."
"I try and be a good person, or whatever I think that is."
I can't see King confessing all that to Beau and then not immediately running to her rescue. I can't see him not rushing to Caleb's side when he hears the man he saw as "softness and light," the one he called out to right after Yasha, the one first cast the spell to bring him back to life--I could never see Molly/King abandoning him either, in any life.
I understand why Decues would be an interesting choice too--and honestly I would be down for seeing Tal play them both if that's possible--but. I feel like he could also be very involved in the solstice in his own way, whereas King running back to the Nein makes more sense to me? From a meta standpoint, Cad has a whole arc of growth and a family that loves him, a reason to stay. An entire story. And King? Absolutely breaks my heart when he looks at the Nein and says things like, "I hope I deserve to have woken up surrounded by such people." "Maybe those chains will find some quiet in piracy." And perhaps the most damning, "What else do I have?"
He loves the Nein. Died twice over for them and wholeheartedly believes in cannon, "It was worth it. It was worth it--" Even as he tries to cope with all these painful memories and messy feelings, tries to keep a bit of distance and tells himself he has nothing to lose like the rest of them. That's not a character that's in a good place, a happy place. Tal specified at the end of C2 that he throws himself right into piracy as an escape, a way to quiet the nightmares of screams and chains. (King also visits Deuces! Because it seems like he has these little doubts. Fears. A pain that haunts him, that he tries to forget--)
He never had the chance to really grow, or change--but he's starting to. And it's so fascinating, it would be such a shame if that got cut off when there's really the perfect chance for him to finally do what he always struggled with as Mollymauk--not run away from the past, no matter how terrifying and painful it is. Yes, Kingsley is born from a Divine Intervention. Yes, Lucien is fate touched, and Molly was born under a Ruidus flare in the Savalirwood. All of that makes him such a narratively fitting choice for the Reunion to me.
But I still think the most compelling reason of all is that King finally has the chance to own up to the past and realize what he did in his final moments as Molly, as Lucien--he loves the Nein too much to keep running away. He has them, not nothing--and they're worth all the pain and grief of his haunting memories.
Also!! King literally being born in a dream of the Moonweaver, Sehanine saving both Molly and Lucien's souls?? Tell me this isn't the perfect chance to explore everything Tal had planned for Molly's relationship with the Moonweaver. Taliesin barely got to scrape the surface with Molly/King, and I get so sad whenever he expresses that he wishes he had more time with this tief: "I've been working on this [comic] so long. It's all that backstory that I didn't get to tell because I am bad at rolling." "Kingsley's different. Kingsley's a different thing, a different vibe. And I was sad that I didn't get to really get into...a lot of that last time. In two games--"
And again, I think Deuces could be doing fascinating stuff in the solstice, and it would be cool to see his side of it. But I would just love to see King spend that time with the Nein--and I honestly think Cad could have just as fascinating an adventure with his family back at the grove. Some Clay stuff from an Episode of 4 Sided Dive that I keep thinking back on in light of the Reunion (this was after the Uk'otoa):
"'Look I'm kinda stuck here working on a spell. And my house. That needs to be fixed. I wish I could help...' Caduceus is dealing with the fact that. Well. His house burned down 6 months ago, and--thank you all for helping--you did [help a little.] It was great. But Cad is actually in the middle of...Caduceus was tired. He's--he's in the middle of resetting the Blooming Grove, which also requires casting of Temple of the Gods, which takes every day for a year. You gotta sit. And do it. So getting away would have been a little tricky. And yeah. Getting him out of his house six months later would have been...[He's in the] same place. Every day. for a year."
"[It takes] the type of effort that someone who was originally going to live in this place for their entire life can do. But...getting away is possible, but it's very very hard, because then you have to have somebody cover. Somebody who can do that cover. And not fuck it up. So I was like...I cannot justify him buggering out of home 6 months later. He had already--well. He put in his time. He'll be back out again."
And right now Ruidus is shattering enchantments that have held for years, decades, eons. And I feel like that probably knocked out...all those wards Deuces painstakingly reset in the Blooming Grove...And there's going to be some fascinating new friends and enemies--like the ancient spirit Umudara--that'll be released from the chains that bound them for centuries. Creatures who are all going to flock right back to the site of Molaesmyr, and likely stumble right into Deuces' home.
My ideal personally very self indulgent dream: King in the Nein Reunion, and then another oneshot of the Clays confronting all the spooky things that crawl out of the haunted woods on a red moon night--
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jacktorjoseph · 2 years ago
*The tips of my ears turn red from the nicknames, but I have to internally remind myself that it could be a Southern thing and not a flirtatious move on his part. Waitresses with a southern twang in movies use doll and sugar to refer to people, so it could be just the same here! Right? I feel my mouth start to open as if wanting to say something, but quickly shut it, my eyes flicking between the sheet music and your crouching form beside me. Securing the papers I haven’t tucked away yet to my chest, I let a sigh escape the smile forming on my face. I extend my arm to carefully take the flimsy stack from your hand and mutter out a polite “thank you.”*
So you mean you the best people then?
*I playfully ask. My smile grows warm while my eyes soften from your reassuring words.*
I mean, you’ve got access to the best food and conversations around so I’d rather curry their favor than the sour puss wastoids I’ve been encountering all day. Don’t you think you’re being a little too hard on yourself though? I wouldn’t think those moms would even let those kids around, much less be FRIENDS with you if you have that bad of a reputation as you say you do. I appreciate you putting in a good word for me.
*I slide the sheet music into the vinyl side pocket and inspect the contents to make sure everything won’t fall out again.*
Actions speak louder than words and words say more than looks do and so far you’ve done a lot more for me here than anyone else I’ve encountered down here. Besides, I don’t think I’m best qualified to judge appearances when I look like I just stepped out of a children’s bedtime story.
*I motion towards my outfit.*
My talent agency gives me such a hard time about it, but I think I’d die internally if I had to wear zebra stripes and neon leg warmers just to get more gigs.
*Letting out a breathy laugh, I close my binder and tap it against the floor. I stop for a moment before turning my head towards you again with a confused expression.*
We have to wear wigs? In THIS heat?
*I shake my head and scoff.*
Jesus, well isn’t that just a lawsuit in the making. Stage lights are already bad enough with how hot they happen to be, but we have to deal with the Texas humidity too?!
*I chew at my lip.*
Let’s just hope they have enough ice cold water around or half of the cast will be on stretchers before they finish filming. Speaking of filming, you said this is a kid’s show, right? Is there anything else you know about it?
Joseph nods as he agrees with you as he chuckles a bit.
It's alright, I normally get called some type of weird nicknames by non locals because of how I look.
Also, I enjoy the princess dress, better than some of the name brand or pricey shit I see the other actors wearing around when they come in. 'Sides, I bet that dress lets in a lot more breeze, right doll?
He nods.
yea, wigs, makeup, and those of us on screen gotta wear the specific outfits, mine's got a vest, jeans, belt, lots of shit to it. I'd say so, but some of us already knew, however, I know a quick place for a nice cool breeze, it's the bathrooms, but hey, a cool breeze is a cool breeze. Somewhere around here they got a fan in front of a cooler of ice to, so if you get to hot after shooting feel free to just, stick you head in there.
He smiles at you, and gets back up, stretching.
And yea, it's a kid, most I know is I play a clown soooo
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