#bet he came in expecting one thing for this big scheme of his and I guarantee he hadn’t anticipated it ending up on all 4s tongue fucking
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This one goes out to Ollie. Babygirl was not crazy imho Felix was totally fucking playing with him. UwU poor boi.
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xxsycamore · 9 months ago
@venulus HA! YOU THOUGHT! I bet you received the previous notification and thought it was all over!!! Guess who impulsively came up with the perfect little idea for an additional ficlet and just HAD TO make it a thing >:) is this how it feels to be Clavis's accomplice? Well, you know it better than me~ Happy Birthday once again, hope you enjoy <3
[🥺] 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐…
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"Is something wrong, little bunny? You've been terribly tense all this time."
Clavis's words snap you out of your thoughts, but you don't allow yourself to relax just yet. That's precisely what he wants! To make you lower your guard so he can surprise you when you least expect it. For the longest time, or rather ever since you started dating this talented, handsome, scheming, charming, strange, beautiful creature that is your Clavis, your birthdays have been just that. One surprise after another.
And yes, this is the point, yes this is exactly what someone would want for their lover, to catch them by surprise with a loving gesture - but you can't help the side of you who craves the ultimate proof of love. Namely, knowing him well enough to predict exactly what he's got planned for you.
So every step you take, you stop in your tracks with exclamation. Aha, when you step on this tile, you'll activate some kind of mechanism that will launch a confetti attack! But it never comes.
"You're puzzling me, my darling. Let's get you to the balcony for some fresh air, shall we?"
The balcony?! Where Cyran and the others are waiting to recite an ode of love that yours truly wrote for you, finishing it off with artillery fire for maximum emotional impact?! You shake your head enthusiastically, telling him you want to eat some cake now. Clavis smiles and nods, guiding you by the shoulders to the table he decorated.
As his beautiful gloved hand removes the big cloche to uncover the cake, you've already taken a step back in caution. Who knows what will jump out from the cake - if Clavis wasn't right there where you can clearly see him, you'd think it would be him that jumps out from the cake.
It's a normal cake though. Wait, it's a normal cake??
"Believe it or not my bunny, it is I who baked you this cake. As you can see, there's nothing funny about it - not on the outside, not on the inside. It was extremely hard for me, and I must admit, I had helpers, but at last, the result is here for your eyes to see. Happy Birthday."
As your knife goes in, you're almost expecting for the cake to crumple down as a mass of purple goop oozes out of it, but it never happens. You even bring the forked bite to your mouth, chew on it, gulp it down - and the only thing out of the ordinary is just how amazing it is.
"Is it any good? It might be written all over my face now but, uh, I... I'm quite nervous, haha."
You feel like crying, so you just throw yourself on Clavis' neck, thanking him a hundred times and apologizing that you doubted him some more than that. Amidst it all, you also make sure to tell him how absolutely cute he is.
Clavis grins widely despite how obviously embarrassed your comment got him.
Little do you know, this only served to successfully lower your guard.
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goodlucktai · 9 months ago
too well tangled
rise of the tmnt post-movie / canon divergent word count: 1k characters: disaster twins
this was my bonus piece for the digital @turtlestogetherzine !
title borrowed from atticus—“you will never be unloved by me / you are too well tangled in my soul”
read on ao3
So it turns out that sixteen minutes in the prison dimension is about six months outside it. Give or take. 
Donnie calls it a temporal differential. Leo’s third day back was spent being gently interrogated within an inch of his life. For every answer he gave, Donnie’s face got a little darker. 
He seems a lot older than the last time Leo saw him. Everyone does. They all look at Leo like he’ll disappear into thin air if they blink too many times. 
He expects it to wear off eventually. He’s only confined to the infirmary for a week and a half, and on bedrest for a week after that, but even a month later Raph and Mikey continue to stick to him like glue. 
“I’m okay,” Leo tells them, when his bad leg seizes up and he staggers on his way to the breakfast table and Mikey’s face crumples horribly. Raph just huffs and lifts Leo clean off his feet to carry him the rest of the way. Swallowing past the uncertain lump in his throat, Leo adds playfully, “I mean, I’m not one to complain about the all-star treatment, but—”
“Good,” Raph rumbles, “then don’t.”
“Sorry if we’re being annoying,” Mikey says with a brightness in his tone that doesn’t sit quite right. He’s said that like fifty times since Leo came back. “We just—we missed you, Lee.” 
And what is Leo supposed to say to that? 
“Annoying? Please,” he scoffs. “I’m the king of everything obnoxious. You couldn’t annoy me if you tried.”
When Raph lowers him into a seat, Leo lifts his arm in invitation for Mikey to scoot his chair up right next to his, and then wraps him up in a tight hug. Mikey slots into his side like he belongs there, and he does, he always will, but it’s just a bit different than Leo remembers. 
Mikey is still his little brother. But only by a few months now. Leo’s seventeenth birthday came and went without him. 
And a part of him—this nameless little part that lives in the back of his mind, that’s lived there ever since dad made him team leader and ripped the rug out from under his feet—thinks that’s why Donnie doesn’t know how to be around him anymore.
He’s a constant presence. He’s a solid pillar for Leo to lean against when his legs don’t want to hold him up. But they don’t know what to say to each other. That unspoken understanding, that twin thing—it’s gone. 
Or so Leo thinks. 
Big Mama is more of a weird estranged relative than a mortal enemy these days, but she’s an entrepreneur first, eccentric wine aunt second. When she gets a big business idea, all bets are off. Leo can kind of respect that. It’s really thrilling and a little fun trying to match wits with a criminal mastermind, like high-stakes 5D chess. 
But her invitations could use some work. Sending a bunch of burly yokai in Grand Nexus uniforms to intercept the turtles on their way to Run of the Mill for dinner is a scheme that could have used a bit more time on the workshop table. 
Immediately Leo’s brothers close ranks around him. He’s allowed to run around in his leg brace at this point, but he has, in no uncertain terms, NOT been cleared to fight. He can tell from the set of Raph and Mikey’s shoulders that they’re beyond ticked off, but he can’t read Donnie’s posture at all. 
It’s bad timing, but suddenly Leo is preoccupied with those dark little thoughts he’s been having recently. Maybe Donnie isn’t happy to have him around. It’s been a lot of extra work, right? Dealing with the prodigal brother’s physical therapy and night terrors aside, now Donnie can’t even pick up some pizza without having to play bodyguard. 
So Leo is distracted—sue him. He’s got a lot going on. When an owl guard grabs him by the arm, he’s not ready for it. The yank backwards causes him to stumble, bad knee bending underneath him. 
The guard seems to loom over him for a moment. The evening gloom of the alleyway and the lurid glow of a nearby neon sign makes Leo’s brain sprint right back to the prison dimension. A distressed chirp works its way out of him before he can fully reorient himself. Add that to his ever-growing list of Good Reasons To Fake His Own Death. 
Big Mama’s goon looks surprised by the sound, grip relenting on Leo’s arm immediately. He wouldn’t do that if he were here for villainous reasons. So Big Mama probably actually considers kidnapping via sudden ambush to be a halfway decent method of picking her nemeses-slash-nephews up for an evening visit. 
Leo only has a second to think, Okay, I can work with this, turning up the charm and pretending like he can’t still feel the aftershocks of panic, before he’s being yanked again. 
This time he’s pulled right in against Donnie’s side, a strong arm around his carapace. There’s a burst of light and warmth—bright purple and overheated electronics, he’d know his brother’s ninpo anywhere—and they’re surrounded by a gleaming, glowing arsenal. 
The owl guard didn’t have a chance in hell. Donnie still doesn’t really look at Leo, not once as Mikey and Raph rush over, not even on the empty-handed trek back home. 
But he sits next to Leo on the couch while Mikey enlists Raph and papa’s help with dinner since their pizza run failed. The bickering and Mikey’s cooking playlist create a familiar, comfortable backdrop where it swells out of the kitchen. Donnie’s shoulder knocks against Leo’s. It feels like how it used to. 
Before he can lose courage, Leo blurts, “The thing I miss most from before is being twins with you.”
As soon as he says it, he wants to take it back. This is more mortifying than all of those initial grueling physical therapy sessions combined. 
He’s scrambling for an escape route that isn’t just hobbling away as fast as he can, or portaling to the bottom of the ocean, when Donnie suddenly says, “Draxum said we hatched together. We’ve been together all our lives. You’re pulling our twin card just because I'm finally taller than you?”
Leo sputters. “By an inch!”
Donnie raises an eyebrow at him, waiting with uncharacteristic patience for Leo to catch up. Maybe that’s what he’s been doing this whole time. 
Eyes stinging, Leo slouches into Donnie’s side. The softshell matches him, his cheek coming to rest on the top of Leo’s head. It reminds Leo of hugging Mikey earlier that morning at the breakfast table. 
Leo still fits here. There’s a good chance he always will. 
“Guess this finally makes me the older twin, huh, Nardo?”
It surprises Leo into laughter, maybe the first big loud laugh to come tripping out of him since well before the invasion. Conversation in the kitchen grinds to a halt and Mikey and Raph come barreling out a second later all covered in flour, eager to catch him in the act, to get in on it. 
“Sorry, Tello,” Leo says, grinning, not very sorry at all. “Not in this lifetime.”
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rainbow-femme · 1 year ago
Rewatching the animated Beauty and the Beast
-Right off the bat the thing in the opening that gets me is not the possible age implication but the fact that this prince is opening his own doors and to people he’s not expecting. You’re lucky it was just an enchantress looking to test the purity of your heart and not an assassin. Just power posing with the door fully open, no guards, going “Oh hey it’s someone I don’t know! I’m going to have a conversation with them alone” before god and everybody. Of course you got cursed, your guards should have rugby tackled her before she could get her wand out
-I never liked Maurice as a kid and I still don’t. Like he’s not bad he’s just annoying to me every time he’s on screen. The wind blows and he’s dying on the side of a cliff somewhere
-It is never not funny to me that Belle promises to stay in the castle forever and then just leaves three hours later
-I love Gaston having his whole “I’m going to get Belle’s father locked up so she marries me” scheme and then she’s fully just not remotely near the town. He’s living in a high stakes drama and she’s clapping along to dancing tea cups
-Hey when Maurice goes to look for Belle he grabs a bunch of rolled up pieces of paper and protractor. Is the idea that he’s just gonna invent and build something while actively walking? Sir you spent 6 hours in a dungeon and nearly died of being in a dungeon disease, you can’t help yourself out of a wet paper bag much less get your daughter out of anywhere with an invention you made out of rocks and sticks while clawing your way through the woods because you’re dying again
-But it is funny to imagine this revolving door of Maurice and Belle trading themselves for the other until the beast is just like “hey if I let you both leave will you promise to never come back”
-Belle is such a dick at the beginning it’s so funny. “Oh there’s one place in this giant castle I can’t go? I bet he’s hiding all the really cool stuff in there and I’m going to ignore his wishes and that of the staff. Oh no, consequences, the guy who said not to come here is upset I came here! Who could have foreseen this!”
-Like it’s not bad writing, it’s her character arc that she was mainly focused on herself and her interests and pretty judgemental of people who weren’t like her, so her disrespecting someone’s boundaries because she want to sets up something she grows from, and she learns to connect with someone else on their level even if that person is different from her and she learns that people are more than their surface appearance and even an angry beast has depths if you actually get to know them and see their view of the world, and connecting with people who are different from you enriches your life. Which is why when the townsfolk later try to kill the beast because he’s different we see she’s now understood the danger of that way of thinking and is horrified
-But that’s such a funny thing to do just immediately upon entering a castle owned by a big scary beast. Day one hour one she’s like “oh boy I know where I wanna go!”
-I don’t want to be a CinemaSins and point out how improbable it is that Belle got a giant unconscious beast onto her horse when he would be hundreds of pounds. But I do want to see the scene of her doing it. I’m picturing the horse sorta laying down and the beast is on the ground like a sack of potatoes and Belle has her back against him and is pushing with her legs to try and roll him over. Or she’s got her shoulder against him and is trying to push that way but her feet keep slipping in the snow
-Oh my god I forgot they told her about the library before the beast “gives” it to her. She was already allowed to go in there and knew it existed, “giving” someone a room they had full knowledge of and access to is very funny
-But you know what if he’s the kind of guy who thinks that will work and she’s the kind of girl it works on then they’re perfect for each other. Just two people with zero social skills bumbling around a castle together, making weird decisions and the other is like “wow they’re so cute and normal”
-I love the sweeping faux crane shot during the ballroom dance. Over 30 years later and that shit still slaps, more animated movies need to act like they’re being shot and edited like live action
-Maurice really can find a way to immediately die in any situation. When he’s at home he’s fine but the second he leaves the town border he develops tuberculosis and begins losing all function in his limbs
-I’m going to be honest with you guys, I’ve seen various versions of Beauty and the Beast and every time it’s the letting Belle go scene I have the same thought: I absolutely would not have read that social interaction correctly, I would have been fully under the impression we were all aware I was running an errand and coming back later. Because if I’m Belle, and I can live in the cool castle with a friend and people who are nice to me or a town I specifically stated not liking filled with a guy who is pushy and makes me uncomfortable and people who are mean to me and zero friends, I would not have been like “oh thank god I can finally go back!”
-“You should go to him. I release you, you are no longer my prisoner” See to me that reads “We are friends and I am removing this technicality between us so you can go run out and do something that is clearly important to you.” I would not have picked up on everyone in the castle thinking I was leaving forever. I’d just show up two hours later like “boy, it’s been a day, huh?” and the beast is just laying face down on the floor in his room listening to a sad boy playlist
-But the beast is clearly part dog so I guess it’s a normal reaction for him to have
-I don’t want to victim blame, but if you have a sick dad and are equidistant between “castle where everyone likes you” and “town where everyone is mean to you” and your dying father can be cured by a nap, I feel like it’s a bit on you if bad things continue to happen in the Bad Things Happen To Me town
-Not saying she should have anticipated a mob coming to incarcerate her father but I do feel like it would be expected that the people who have been mean to you and your dad would continue to be mean to you and your dad in the Everyone Is Mean To You and Your Dad town
-Because if the forced incarceration hadn’t been an issue, they would have gone to town the next day and someone would go “Hey Belle, your dad said you were kidnapped by a beast.” And everyone would point and laugh and he’d start waving his arms and going “It was the biggest beast you ever saw! 18 feet tall and claws bigger than my head!” and people would probably suggest that the guy they all call Crazy Old Maurice may be crazy and Belle would need to prove he wasn’t. I just don’t think we would have ended up with much of a different situation in any timeline that involves going back to the town
-Ok. So. If I live in a town. And I find out there is a beast within walking distance that is sentient enough to take villagers prisoner. And this guy is like “yeah he took me and my daughter prisoner, he’s terrifying!” I’m not saying I would have been part of the mob but I do think I would be worried about there being a beast and two people he previously kept prisoner living next door. And her saying “no he’s actually very sweet” would sound like those people with exotic pets who get their faces eaten by their pet tiger. Like yes they’re wrong but Belle also thought he was scary and violent until she’d been there a number of hours. I feel like if instead of giving herself up she went to town and asked for help and they created a mob to get her father back she would not have been against the idea so it’s not wholly their fault for having the same idea
-“Is it dangerous?” “No, no, he’d never hurt anyone” Every owner of a dog who wants to bite you so so bad
-So when Belle and her father are alone she is clearly telling him that the beast let her go and is kind. When asked about the beast by the town, Maurice starts yelling about how he’s the most terrifying monster in the world. Belle has to show the beast to back up her father’s claims to try and save him for the second? third? time. And then they’re locked up and she says “this is all my fault” and this man does not for a second contradict her or take blame at all. “Yeah I can’t believe you specifically caused this mess.”
“We won’t rest until he’s good and deceased.” I know there are only so many words that rhyme with beast but that’s such a funny line in a bloodlust song. I will not rest until this animal has been declared legally dead by the state
-“We will fight even though the danger just increased” I’m obsessed with all the words they had to use to rhyme with beast
-It’s so funny that this is canonically France and he is canonically a prince. They didn’t make him a duke or a lord he is directly related to the royal family and in the line of succession. Likely not the dauphin because they wouldn’t have sent him to run a castle in the countryside away from the center of politics so probably a younger son but still, this guy is part of the royal family. They didn’t have to explicitly state this is France but they do, and they reference the baroque period so it’s after the construction of Versailles. The beast is actively being stabbed to death while sentient furniture watches and at the same time his family are canonically pissing on the walls and floors of their own home
-Oh my god the beast is brooding on a chaise. Did he drag it over to the window just so he could dramatically sit on his chaise and stare longingly out at the rain? Absolute break up mood
-He’s also in a different outfit that isn’t the fancy one or his every day one, he went and changed into a breakup outfit. Important to note the breakup outfit includes a cape and what he was previously wearing did not. He chose to put on a cape as part of his breakup outfit
-So Gaston points his arrow at the beast. The beast acknowledges it then looks away. Gaston then fires and hits him and he reacts all surprised and angry that it hurt like my dude you let him shoot you with an arrow, what did you think that experience would be
-It is so wild that Gaston assumes the beast is in love with Belle. Like yeah he’s right but what a wild assumption to make when you’re not even sure this thing comprehends human speech. Again my thought would be he’s attached to her like a dog is attached to its owner, I would not see a big furry animal and be like “this thing is fully sentient and feels romantic attraction to human women”. Yeah he’s wearing clothes but still that feels like a leap. Pointing at a dog in a sweater following its owner and yelling “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”
-The beast’s arc is partly him controlling his temper, and we see him want to kill Gaston but controls himself and lets him go, immediately resulting in his own death. Gotta be honest I feel like less self control would have been helpful in that specific scenario
-I didn’t remember the blood spray after the beast is stabbed followed by the stab wound bleeding a good amount of blood. Are there other Disney princess movies with onscreen blood? I think in Mulan we see blood oozing out through clothes from an injury but that’s the only other one I can think of. Eugene gets pretty bloodlessly stabbed
-Best scene in the movie: The beast floats up in the air, actively transforms into a human in front of Belle, stands up, says “Belle, it’s me!” She then squints at him, touches his hair a bit, squints at his face, and when she recognizes his eyes she goes “It is you!” Ma’am what the hell else did you think was happening. If you didn’t recognize his eyes would you have just been like “Hmmm I dunno…”
-Ok so at the end there is an entire royal court watching them dance. Again I don’t want to be a CinemaSins I just want to see the missing scene. Like did he explain what happened to him? If yes then again I want to see that conversation of him explaining to his family how he was literally transformed into a literal beast for the last ten years and they had no idea this was happening to their family member. If no, imagine just going back to being a prince after 10 years as a beast and you just have to pretend like everything has been normal this whole time. I want a sequel that’s just the human beast reintegrating not only back into society but French royal society, which was notorious for having some of the most intricate and complicated social etiquette in all of Europe
-The final shot is a stained glass window of them with a prominent rose. Now in the original he had a whole rose garden he was very attached to, so that makes sense. But I feel like this beast specifically would have only negative connotations with roses and that window would probably be seen as a little tasteless given the circumstances. “It’s a rose! You know, the physical manifestation of a curse that was clearly quite upsetting for you for nine years and roughly 360 days, reminding you daily of your flaws! Isn’t that fun?”
“Original score by Alan Menken” Look up his IMDB, if you live in at least the US this man has written the score to your entire life
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a-twistedheartslonging · 8 months ago
Cawcaw cawcaw, Harpy anon is back. And I have thoughts.
I know I was the one who previously came up with Harpy Pomefiore, but I've been thinking and making Rook into an Aplca has caused me to go down a rabbit hole. I can't help but imagine him with his bangs all froofy and curly. And his stupid lil hat that has ear holes so he doesn't squish his pointy ears. He's no longer a predator animal, but honestly I think it fits more with the Rook we meet in the actual game than we as the Fandom perceive him. But it does mean less exciting nights without Owl Rook.
Also, Harpy Chicken Deuce. It needed to be said. He's just a dumb lil bird and he's adorable. Aside from that I came up with Fennec Fox Ace, Red Panda Cater, Brown Bear Trey, and Mouse Riddle. I don't know if any of these have been proposed to you already but I've been having brain rot about it for a while now.
Imagine Riddle trying to stop a fight between the screaming chicken and the scheming fox. The mousy boy has zero chance of getting anything done. It isn't until Trey wakes up from one of his naps to scold them.
Speaking of Trey, Imagine what winters like with brown bear Trey. Expect to be cuddled to death and back. And also be prepared to be hand fed a lot because to him you're just a sweet lil human who needs him to help feed you and keep you warm. No amount of convincing and can tell him otherwise.
Also Red Panda Cater is just so cute. Funfact, red pandas will put their arms up in the air when threatened to make themselves seem bigger than they actually are. Imagine jumpscaring him and the first thing he does is just put his hands up in the air like he's been caught with something.
Just thoughts I wanted to share!
Even as a cute floof, no one is safe from Rook.
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For real though, I love alpaca.
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That's me meeting Rook.
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And the babies look long and silly.
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Riddle would make such a cute mousey mouse. I would want to feed him and give him smooches.
With the history between foxes and chickens, you just know Ace is gonna make jokes about eating Deuce. Dude needs to be careful though since angry roosters are no joke.
Trey would make such a good bear; I would love for his fur to match his hair so he's just a big old green bear. Catch him curled up for a nap and you might mistake him for a bush.
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I would kill to see him do the back scratch dance they do.
He would give the absolute beast bear hugs and the naps/cuddles would be amazing. Oh, and getting to touch his big old paw claw hands. I bet he would love to compare the size of your hands to his.
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Ah, and we know how bears are all about food, you will indeed be well-fed.
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That thing about red pandas is so cute, he would probably have to deal with the others scaring him on purpose because of it, similar to why the other guys like to scare their human. The reactions are just so cute.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years ago
So I know Representation came out today. And any good fan would wait a week before reviewing it as we still have episode 23 to watch.
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 24 Representation
spoilers below
-So as expected, Chloé didnt stay mayor long. But Apparently Ms.Bustier is running for Mayor and might win
-Oh its the Fencing teacher/ guy who was Darkblade. Well clearly Ms.Bustier is going to win
-And Adrien and Kagami are a power couple? But Adrien is watching the news report while they are in London. Something seems VERY off
-Ah, Gabriel is behind it. And Adrien HATES it.
-"By letting your father decide your life and selling your story through a fake narrative as usual." DAMN Plagg holds no punches
-Plagg appologized though.
-Kagami is also pissed about it
-Wait ... is that really my chaotic son? HEARTS ON WINDOWS.
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-Thats adorable, WTF
-Okay so THEY got some development.
-Adrien deciding to just say f*** it. He is heading to paris and Telling Marinette he's chat noir!
-Marinette back in paris looks miserable. Poor baby girl. Also its a lovely dress.
-Marinette has been crying. I am going to kill Gabriel
-Marinette being strong for her friends to enjoy this dance. Thats really big of her.
-Unfortunately, Spotlight.
-Wait, how did Argos and Kagami get to Paris BEFORE Astrochat? Unless they left much earlier but even then. My bet is Argos made a sentimonster that would warp them places... but that seems like BS.
-KAGAMI TOLD FELIX!?!?!?! FELIX?!?!?! Okay I am a bit salty about that
-OH S***! THEY KISSED. The Feligami stans are Eating today.
-Felix is dressed like Adrien? Oh I do not like where this seems to be going.
-And Marinette thought she saw Adrien and wants to go after him while her friends are thanking her for everything she's done. Way to ruin a good moment FELIX you ass!
-Side note, WHY is Marinette the only one in a dress? Like its a dance? Why couldnt everyone Have dressed up? Seriously, I know outfit renders are expensive. DID THE KITCHEN COST THAT MUCH?
-Marinette avoiding the Lesbian bee and accidentally interrupting the Bi artist and writer. Sure is Pride month in Paris.
-Okay this is just cruel. Marinette thinks she is having a break down over this. Side note. WHY ISNT ADRIEN ACTUALLY HERE YET? HE IS ASTROCHAT!
-Alya and Nino trying to comfort her. But she aint listening.
-Adrien and Kagami escaped and the parents are pissed
-Oh no Nathalie looks really bad right now. Poor thing. All she can do is watch videos of her true love Emilie
-He took the ring back, guess now that Nathalie is too weak to fight him. Which really brings up the question, WHAT HAPPENED in the last episode that Nathalie took such a turn.
-Gabriel is being a d*** as usual
-Nightormentor sounds like a cool name. And while I thought the color scheme is weird... its probably the best akumatized form Gabriel has taken. Sad but true
-AND OF COURSE RIGHT AS SHE LEAVES ASTROCAT ARRIVES. I know its plot convenience but thats bull s***
-"His father CANT have that much control of him" Oh if only you knew Nino
-And BOOM! Gabriel the bitch agreste arrives
-I am liking Rose so much recently. She is calling out EVERYONE
-So he basically has the powers of Sandboy mixed with Darkerowl
-the guy has the power to make you experience VERY intrusive thoughts. That is evil
-Chat noir is like "Hey ladybug gonna go beat up my father text me later"
-Dude Felix must be an Olympic speed walker
-Marinette is basically being nightormented without that bastard even being here. Felix, Kagami this is just a jerk move.
Duusu: "This is so sad" Felix: "Dont worry its for Our happy ending" Duusu: F*** yea lets keep it up
-Oh he made a sentimonster... wait. I know its not human but like a sentimonster MAKING sentimonsters. Feels even more f***ed up
-Meanwhile, Chat noir is working through his daddy issues.
-Back to the play
-Oh this is interesting.
-Oh and we find out Felix's dad was a rich Cowboy. But also an asshole. (Oh right, this is a French Cartoon, thats why American's suck in this)
-Back to Adrien fighting his father
-This is Cathartic watching Chat noir beat Gabriel's ASS
-HE WAS GOING TO CATACLYSM HIS DAD! Adrien, my boy. Patricide adrien? Well Monarch is still alive, so I guess you think it wouldnt kill him. BTW, Monarch should have had ptsd from that.
-And Chat noir got hit, so his worst fear is... and cuts back to the play
-Oh the twins were infertile. Emilie returned to try and get medical help but still nothing.
-The peacock, that was the sentimonster reference
-Oh so THATS how Gabriel got Gorilla to guard adrien.
-Also yea, any doubt that they arent sentimonsters is dead now.
-Oh s*** that is f***ed up.
-"It will end if you give me your miraculous"
-"Take it." ADRIEN NO!
-Oh so thats why Felix's dad was an a**hole. Okay I will give this credit. That is something.
-Welp this explains why Felix might be a sociopath
-Felix revealing why he did what he did
-They got the akuma in a jar.
-Wait, Chat noir defeated an akuma without Ladybug. (sure he had outside help, but Ladybug has done that too). Good on him
-Felix and Kagami asked for Marinette's help. so was that all the sentimonster doing so? I am lost
-Okay so, I may not LIKE exactly how they went about it. But I cant really hate them for what they did. They are just kids that want to pick someone they trust.
-Oh s***, Ladybug never cast miraculous cure. So Adrien has some perminant trauma from the fight with Nightormentor. He still sees the antichat visions (its not chat blanc, and its just reverse color pallet)
-Chat noir left. before he could tell her. Cause the nightmare messed with him
Okay! This episode was A LOT.
Well there is no denying Sentimonster theory. Its confirmed. Its done. 100% GUARANTEE NO MONEY BACK.
It did explain a LOT about Felix and Adrien.
So I am still iffy on how it was handled.
Now this DOES NOT justify Felix's Actions. He was still an a**hole. And Kagami shouldnt have told Felix. Marinette is Ladybug. That was NOT her secret to tell.
BUT the play that explained what happened was very well done. It explained a LOT about the Graham de Vanily family and Felix's a**hole father.
I will say that I hated how tortured Marinette was during this. Felix and Kagami could have done something less cruel to lure her there.
I also greatly enjoyed Chat noir vs Nightormentor. very good catharsis and we have Adrien going through some additional mental trauma, inflicted by his father (I wouldnt call it Ironic, more of EXPECTED)
I give it 7.5/10
I will say its the most I have enjoyed the second half of this season since Emotion.
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da-rulah · 1 year ago
Headcannon or drabble….
For if you ever feel like entertaining it.
The WAGS of the Papas scheme every Halloween together to see which of them can get their Papa in the best/most outrageous/most out of character outfit.
Okay so I'm FINALLY back from Amsterdam and can give this the thought it deserves. And so, here's my thoughts on Papa halloween costumes. Some are humiliating, some I think just work for the Papa in question...
Coming to you in head canon format, because I think that works better...
Every year the Ministry holds it's annual Halloween ball. And every year, everyone is expected to dress up. And usually, the Papas and their partners dress in couple's costumes. This year, their partners make it a game - funniest, most apt or most humiliating Papa costume wins.
In his older age, Primo doesn't mind letting you organise Halloween. It's never a big struggle to get him to wear what you want him to. He knows you'll only win anyway...
So when you came out from the bathroom dressed as Olive Oyl and handed him a sailor's outfit... he sighed, and took it from you without argument.
Complete with can of Spinach for those hidden muscles of his and old tobacco pipe to lodge between his teeth, he made the most adorable Popeye the Sailor Man you'd even seen.
To give him his credit, he even got the laugh down to a 'T'...
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Every year you would place a bet before Halloween. And most years, you won. Including this year.
And of course, the loser has to wear the costume of choice of the winner.
But when you showed him what he'd be wearing this year, he outright REFUSED.
"Dolcezza, I insist that you stop trying to humiliate me at every turn..."
"You have to. Thems the rules." He was NOT happy.
The colours were offensive, the tan was ludicrous and the wig... He hated it all. But he did it, because dishonouring the bet that the entire ministry knew you had every year was more humiliating than wearing the damn costume.
It's roller Barbie & Ken.
The scowl on his face through the entire Halloween ball... If looks could kill.
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When you'd told him you were going as a Powerpuff girl, he got over excited.
"You mean to tell me you'll be in a short little dress and pigtails, tesoro?"
What you didn't tell him, was that you'd got him a matching couple's costume. But not one of the girls...
When he walked out of the bathroom, painted red, tiny little pink fluffy skirt and headpiece, lobster claws and latex thigh high boots, you'd collapsed in a heap of laughter.
Of course, you got him to dress up as HIM, your arch nemesis.
"I'll damn you to the deepest depths of hell for this."
But it suited him so well... King of the underworld, flamboyant - pure evil.
And he got so into character...
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When you mention a couple's costume, he's all for it. Anything together is a win in his book.
When trying to think of one, two things about him stood out to you that you could run with.
He often wears a scarf neck tie, and he's a bit of a himbo...
And so, Fred from Scooby Doo has entered the chat. With Daphne right by his side...
Because you cannot tell me Copia isn't basically just a goth Fred
"Amore, please don't make me blonde..." he whines, but the coloured hair spray you'd bought for his growing locks was already taking shape.
He decided he likes you as a redhead. He makes a mental note of you this way.
Turns out, The Ghost Project music really can sound like Scooby Do chase scene music - because it became the backdrop when Swiss, who dressed as a sheet ghost this year, thought it was funny to chase him through the Ministry corridors...
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Wondering which Partner won? Well, send me an ask and tell me who YOU think would win this contest...
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thegeminisage · 4 months ago
UGGGHHH ok its star trek update time, Special Deep Space Nine Finale Edition
did not love the finale. mostly this comes down to two things 1. pacing bad 2. everybody's ending sucked
pacing problem: the pah wraiths came in at the last second, AFTER the big space battle was all done. it really feels like they should have been directly involved with the battle somehow, like that time sisko vaporized all those spaceships. also, speaking of that, wasn't not getting to rest on bajor his trade for making that happen? yet it didn't get brought up at ALL. ok. more on that later. anyway, the pah wraith thing seemed like a fucking afterthought, which was crazy considering we had winn and dukat scheming and plotting for all those episodes. one would expect the pah wraiths to be like. actually let out. to Do Something. to be scary. we have been building up to this! and yet. nothing happened. a lot of other plots were also wrapped up way too quickly - ezri's romance with julian, miles leaving, etc - but that's more a problem with the endings being bad - they did not have time to build up to what they decided on, or maybe they did and just chose not to utilize it wisely
endings - going thru this character by character
SISKO: this is of course is the very worst offender. avery brooks spent 7 years putting blood sweat and tears into a positive portrayal of a black father only to be contractually obligated to act out a deadbeat dad plot in the 11th hour? man, no wonder he was pissed. there was also no explanation of WHY he had to live in the wormhole, it was just more mysterious wormhole alien stuff. if it's punishment or a trade for what he did before, why not remind us? and i definitely get why avery brooks wanted them to do this rather than him just not ever coming back at all, but it's such a copout to be like "and then he has more adventures" when we can't conceptualize of what those adventures might be, and doubly so when there was no sure bet of having a ds9 movie later, bc they didn't get to have one!!! overall the entire wormhole alien plot in s7 got REALLY weird to me, with a tone shift + lack of explanations about literally anything, and wrapping up sisko's fate in their lore fell short because of that reason too. preferred ending for sisko would have been for him to die during the big battle, then come back right as everyone got overrun by pah-wraiths to save them. if he HAD to go into the wormhole, could his family had come with him? if he had to sacrifice something to win the battle, could it have been a future on bajor specifically, or connection with the prophets? idk, amnesia or something? his sight, like dukat? it was just a bad ending.
JAKE & KASIDY: putting them together because what the hell lol. the final shot of jake looking out the window while kira comforted him might as well have been ripped from the visitor...genuinely it's disappointing they enver found anything cool to do with jake, because i feel like there are a lot of good stories you could wring out of "journalist who covers the war and comes of age at the same time." i could almost see him teaming up with bashir to root out section 31 or something like that. as for kasidy, i've said this before, but it's so unfair to both her and sisko that she was basically invented to be his perfect woman and never got a personality of her own, and DOUBLY unfair to knock her up in the penultimate episode just to drag cheap tearjerker shit out of sisko's ending, which was bad. it's the same thing as having jadzia discuss a baby right before they kill HER. what is wrong with these guys??? plus, we didn't even a discussion of what they'll do now. wait for sisko on ds9? go to earth and live with grandpa sisko? remain together so jake can help with his new sibling? jake didn't even get to say goodbye to his dad. we got a scene with KASIDY, who, love and light, has even less personality/stuff going on than jake did.
O'BRIEN: this was the only ending (besides worf's) i actually liked/understood, though i feel like it didn't get nearly enough screentime. war's over, o'brien has served long enough, it's time for him to go back to the safety of utopia with his family. i like his plot about not being able to tell julian goodbye, it reminded me of the mash movie, but i wish they hadn't wrapped it up in the MIDDLE of a battle scene. like, what??
JULIAN & EZRI: i absolutely HATE that ezri became julian's replacement miles. i almost understand why they got together because when i tried to conceptualize my ideal ending for ezri it was ??? because i don't know enough about her passions and desires. where does ezri dax believe she can do the most good? where does she want to spend her life? with whom? obviously i'm into ezri/quark and ezri/worf, and i would have been fine with her staying with either of them, but with julian? and he just...stays on ds9? i was so sure julian was gonna dedicate himself to taking down section 31 or fighting for the rights of genetically enhanced people. him fighting section 31 would have been a great ending because he could have said something like "i'll ring you up for advice as often as i can" to garak or something. just...hanging out on ds9 is boring if everybody else is gonna leave.
WORF: also mostly acceptable, though i still think he should have been chancellor. i guess then he can't just randomly show up in tng movies lol.
GARAK & DAMAR: it's such a fucking copout to kill damar. that speech garak gave, where he talked about the rich history of cardassia being reduced to ashes? where he talked about how some people would say cardassia deserved it for what they did to bajor and other worlds just like it? that should have been damar's speech. kira's "yeah damar what kind of people give those orders" was setting him up as someone who goes through what the bajoran people did and learn empathy from it. dukat could have never done it because he cares about himself first, but damar actually has principles. furthermore, giving garak the speech doesn't make any sense because for all the crimes garak has committed, they were ON CARDASSIA. he wasn't out doing the colonizing. he's done crimes but not those crimes. it makes no sense for him to have to live with them. GARAK'S moment was when he realized mila was dead and his house was about to be leveled and you can never actually go home. THAT was his moment, and it was incredible. he didn't need that double beat. i think a better idea for garak is to have him decide he doesn't want to be on cardassia anymore (kind of like klinger deciding he's not going back to america after all) and joining bashir in taking down section 31. not even just for shippy reasons, though there's that too, but i think he'd insist julian would need someone like him around, and he would be right. meanwhile damar leads cardassia, and he and kira being kinda-friends now means that they leave bajor alone and become allies in the future
KIRA AND ODO: what the fuck girl...ok, you know who needed the "i'll be back" ending? odo. "maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, but i'll be back" should have been odo's ending. i get him leaving. i even agree with him leaving. he's got to cure his people or he wouldn't be odo. and he deserves to spend a little time in the great link like he's always wanted to do. but part of what makes odo so compelling is that even though he loves his people, he condemns what they do, and he has come to love his found family more. if odo rejoins his people permanently to keep them on a leash then he's just another changeling. odo who every day chooses to be with and love people who are so fundamentally different from him is what's compelling. it's what makes his and kira's relationship so beautiful. as for kira, nothing could be lamer than her quiet no-rage acceptance of odo breaking her heart and giving her no goals or ambitions outside of that. i think she should have tried to work towards bajor joining the federation in sisko's absence, since that was his goal in the pilot. like maybe not NOW, but something to work for in the future.
DUKAT & WINN: so i was really hoping winn would push dukat into the fire, and it's very sad that she did not do that. i also have mixed feelings about her mini-redemption, since it was ultimately useless. if anything, winn should have thrown herself in with dukat to spare the emissary, like IF you were gonna redeem her. let's fuck the devil but for like ever. in hell. on the other hand, i would have preferred if she unceremoniously had dukat killed and then got possessed and became the final boss. i think an unceremonious death for dukat is kind of fitting because he wants to be important. if not unceremonious, at least something where he fucked around and FINALLY found out, you know?
NOG: he didn't? get?? an ending?? i think that final vic's scene should have been with nog instead of quark, because they were such good friends. they could worry about...
QUARK: while his goodbye to odo was PERFECT, i kind of wish there had been some emphasis on him being one of the few people to stay behind. in an ideal world, it's just him and nog and kira, and vic too i guess. even his brother is going back to ferenginar! he has no one to take care of or snipe at! i liked his final scene with kira, but i would have liked to lean a little more into it. if quark/ezri, he wouldn't mind being left behind because she'd be there with him, but if not, his talk about making everyone happy but himself includes creating a space for them to come back to. and since he can't have this chat with vic, he could have it with...
MORN: come on. ONE line of dialogue! it would have been so funny.
overall it still wasn't the worst thing i've ever watched. there were some positives. it was well acted. i was very fond of everyone. even though "the way you look tonight" went on a little long for me it did give me an emotion. i liked the flashbacks even though i missed jadzia (o'brien's and julian's was really gay). but jesus christ, what a mess!!
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achaotichuman · 1 year ago
Tamlin scaring the living hell out of Lucien in hallow's eve (Prythians version of holloween) and even making it creepier because Tamlin can mimic or copy voices by shifting his vocal ranges.
LoL and all the tactics to scare Lucien was just Tamlin's clever little scheme to cuddle with Lucien and play "I'll guard you and protect you my love!" Role.
My man committed to get those damn cuddles from his hot autumn court boyfriend 😭😭😭
Omg I love this so much. I think the scene would go something like this.
Hallow's Eve would be beginning tonight. The Spring Court was in a flutter, decorations were up. Gold, orange and red were splashed throughout the Spring Court, fog shrouded the gardens, creating a ghost like effect. Plants with thorns were climbing up and around the manor, looking like long hands and fingers. Eris had visited not even a week ago, the newly crowned High Lord had subtly antagonized Tamlin, telling Lucien he should come back to the Autumn Court for the celebration because Autumn did Hallow's Eve like no other Court, and that Spring could never even get near the level of celebration Autumn was on.
Obviously, this led to Tamlin snapping that the Spring Court was unmatched in its celebrations and Hallow's Eve was no exception to that.
Then Lucien had laughed and pointed out that not only did Tamlin, the High lord of the Spring Court, hated parties and celebrations, but that the Spring Court wasn't 'scary' in the slightest.
So, naturally, Tamlin took that right to heart and made a bet with Eris. The Spring Court would outdo the Autumn Court this Hallow's Eve. If they did, Eris would have to finally give up Tamlin his recipe for spiced sugar cookies, if they lost Tamlin would have to publicly accept defeat in front of both their councils.
Lucien would judge both the celebrations. His judgement would be based on, who had the scariest decorations, whose people were enjoying the holiday most, and finally, who had the best jump scares.
Tamlin was looking forward to that last piece of criteria.
Night had just fallen. The last drops of sunlight disappeared from the horizon, and the Spring Court was in a buzz.
Thankfully for Tamlin, if there was one thing all Spring Court citizens all had in common, it was that they were all fiercely competitive, dangerously so. So, of course, Tamlin told as many people as he could about the bet he had made. Maybe the old prejudices that Beron had created in his rule with the Spring Court came in handy as well. As every Fae he told immediately went into competition mode. Autumn would never beat Spring.
Tamlin looked over his Court from a small balcony in his bedroom. Everyone was running about, laughing, dancing, someone jumped out of the bushes and screams erupted, followed by chastising and the scarer running away cackling. Tamlin smiled, he may not like the big parties and celebrations, but he loved watching his people happy and carefree.
There was a knock at his door, Tamlin called out, "Come in."
As expected, Lucien opened the door, he had gone to Autumn earlier and would be returning there much later into the night. Autumn celebrations mostly took place in the witching hours, whereas Spring preferred celebrations before midnight.
"How was Autumn?" Tamlin asked.
"Spring better become the scariest lands I have ever set foot in, or else you better start preparing that speech of defeat for the councils." Lucien said.
"Autumn doing that well." Tamlin raised an eyebrow.
"Eris managed to convince Kallias to help him frost up some of the rooms so there's a sudden coldness when you enter certain spots in the Forest House. That in of itself is terrifying, I do not look forward to that combined with the scares I saw him setting up."
Tamlin glanced over at Lucien, he pushed himself from the railing of the balcony and walked back into his bedroom. Lucien stepped forward until they met each other in the middle of the room.
"Perhaps you'll want me to go with you to protect you later on." Tamlin murmured.
Lucien laughed, "I don't need your protection, Tam."
At that Tamlin hummed, narrowing his eyes, "You sure about that, Hallow's Eve can become quite... scary as the night progresses."
Lucien took in a breath, his broad chest expanding, Tamlin watched every movement of his muscle, entranced, "I'm sure it will be, but I am not a man easily scared."
"I know you aren't. But you never know what'll you'll come across tonight." Tamlin hummed, he started to draw circles on the planes of Lucien's chest. The Spring Lord stepped closer, going to wrap his arms around Lucien's waist and hold him close.
But Lucien stepped back. Tamlin blinked at the empty spot where his boyfriend had just been standing. He looked up to see Lucien smirking at him.
"I'll see you outside, High lord." Lucien said, bowing his head in mock respect, before turning on his heel and striding out of the room, leaving Tamlin standing there gaping at where Lucien was, alone.
The door clicked shut. Tamlin glared dagger at the door as if it were personally responsible for Lucien leaving.
"Not easily scared, we'll see about that." Tamlin whispered under his breath.
Tonight was now no longer about the bet.
It was about getting back the cuddles he had just lost.
Tamlin went to his mirror and stared at his reflection. An idea swirling in his head. Was it a tad cruel? Maybe. But if Lucien wanted a scare. Tamlin would give him a scare.
Hallow's Eve was now in full swing. And Lucien had to admit. Some of the decorations freaked him out just a bit. Whilst the entire interior of the Manor was decorated from top to bottom, most of the event was taking place outside.
Lucien had to admit it was impressive. Autumn had a leg up with Hallow's Eve simply because it was already decorated in the colors for the festival, orange, red and yellows were abundant all year long. Whereas Spring was normally filled with all different varieties of colors, never sticking to just one.
But tonight... the Spring Court was very, very different tonight. Tamlin had to be doing something with his magic.
The Spring Court had been darker. Fog rolled in waves along the floors. The normally bright greens of the forests were dulled so much so that they almost appeared black. Even the bright flowers had been dulled as if the fog had seemed into their very color. Lucien wasn't able to see very far with the mist hanging over his eyes. The only light source was the old lantern hung up in the trees, creating a soft glow that was drowned by the darkness.
Everything seemed carefully placed, even the thorny brambles seemed to move with intent, dragging along glass panes, or wrapping around statues in a manner that almost appeared human.
Still, nothing Lucien couldn't handle. He watched as children laughed and sang songs, dancing with their friends and running through the gardens. There were large bonfires taking place further out into the grounds. That was where the food and drink was. The music of tonight was darker as well. The songs on the violins were low, the drums were rumbling in a way that sent a thrill up Lucien's spine. People danced slow and with confidence. Illuminated by the glow of the fire but shrouded in the haze that had taken over tonight. People looked like ghosts.
Tamlin had truly outdone himself.
Still, Lucien wasn't scared.
After a few minutes watching the people laugh and talk, eat and drink, dance and sing. He decided to wander the grounds a bit more.
Turning away from the party Lucien headed down a path he knew well. A cobblestone road that took him through the hanging gardens. Large archways and stone statues filled this part of the Manor grounds. Lucien always loved walking through here.
He passed overhead vines, and a large archway that was filled with red, sweet-smelling roses.
"Don't turn around."
Lucien froze where he stood. The hairs on his arms and neck stood straight up. A wave of horror coursed through him. Something had whispered from the bushes around him. A high-pitched childlike voice had spoken from the fog.
"Who's there?" Lucien asked the darkness, hand falling to the dagger on his waist. It would some child who had wandered away from the celebrations.
No one answered him. He expected to hear a rustling, or the crack of a stick under foot. Something to suggest a person hiding.
But no, just silence.
Pure silence. Lucien could no longer hear any sounds from the party behind him, nor a note of music.
He breathed a laugh, it was nothing. Just something Tamlin had planned to scare him, perhaps a glamour was over these part of the gardens?
Lucien continued his stroll forward, hand maybe slipping over the knife by his side, just remind himself it was still there.
"Don't look up."
"Okay whoever that is cut it out, go back to your parents!" Lucien shouted, he would not be dealing with little children running around, especially not in these parts of the gardens where there was no supervision.
Silence again. Lucien peered through the path set out before him. The fog was getting thicker, he could barely see his feet.
He knew where the path would lead, it was time to go back to the party. Get a drink and enjoy himself.
Lucien turned on his heel to return but stopped short.
The path had changed.
"What the fuck?" Lucien breathed. Instead of the cobblestone road he had been previously walking on, he was met with a dirt road that led into a darkened forest, so thick he could barely see two feet into it.
Looking down he saw how the cobblestone cut short to give way to the dirt path.
He didn't remember coming this way. Maybe he had hit a bend, no, he hadn't been walking for that long.
Looking around, he was simply surrounded by thorny rose bushes. There was no going through them without getting torn up.
A lump appeared in his throat, pressing down on his airway, he swallowed. Taking in a deep breath, he forcibly straightened his back. He must've just taken a wrong turn. He'd follow this path until he found one that led back to the manor.
Lucien began to walk forward. Stone jutted up out of the ground, he could barely see through the darkness, but kept going forward. His hand wrapped around the handle of his dagger, he told himself it was in case one of the Spring Court creatures smelled him out, he refused to admit his heart was pounding in his chest.
When Lucien nearly tripped over a root on the floor, he opened his hand and summoned a small flame to light up his path.
"Turn off the light."
"Whoever that is, go away!" Lucien shouted into the darkness.
Then a wind ripped by, a whistling filled the forest, and Lucien's flame was blown out. He scrunched his hand into a fist and gritted his teeth.
That's it, he turned around, he'd go back to gardens and find a way back on the cobblestone path, he was down this mystery road.
Lucien though the thing staring back at him was just his imagination until it stepped forward. Then his heart stopped in his chest and a scream rose in his throat.
It was twice his size and completely black from head to toe, a shadow. Its fingers were as long as it's shins. But even though it seemed to be made from simply shadow. Lucien could see every shiny white tooth it had as it smiled at him.
"I told you don't turn around." It said in a hollow, distorted voice.
Lucien had never screamed louder in his life. He didn't even unsheathe his dagger, Lucien just turned around and took off. Running faster than ever thought he could run.
Lucien didn't see that behind him. Tamlin shapeshifted back in his High Fae form. The glamour of the dirt path slowly coming away to reveal the cobblestone road underneath it.
"We'll see how Eris tops that." Tamlin said in a sing-song voice as he began to stroll back to the party where Lucien had bolted back too.
By the time Lucien finally got back to the party he collapsed to the ground. Panting, heart racing, his eyes wide and his skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat.
"Lucien?" Lucien looked up to see Alis looking down at him, her eyebrows furrowed, "Are you alright?"
"There-forest-shadow-creature-thing-help." Lucien gasped out.
Poor Alis looked even more confused, then she looked up and her face dripped from confusion to deadpan.
Lucien turned to look over his shoulder and he saw Tamlin standing there. Quick as an asp he was on his feet and rushing into his boyfriend's arms.
"Tamlin, in the forest, there's something. It was awful." Lucien told him, wrapping his arms tightly around Tamlin and burying his face in his shoulder.
"Really?" Tamlin asked.
Lucien nodded, "It was terrifying, I was just walking through hanging gardens. Then I heard a kids voice and at first I thought it was just someone's child who had strayed to far, but then I turned around and the path was gone and instead there was a dirt road. And when I went down the road I turned around and I saw- Why are you smiling?" Lucien's face went from fear to confusion.
Tamlin was struggling to not grin. He simply raised an eyebrow and all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Lucien went from confused to angry.
"That was a scare!"
Tamlin just shrugged, "Glamours and shapeshifting are wonderful things."
Lucien's eye twitched, then he looked at Alis who was struggling not to laugh, then at the cobblestone path he had been on. He looked back at Tamlin's smug smile, then down at his shoes.
Then he laughed. He laughed hard.
"That was downright terrifying, Tam. I was scared." Lucien laughed.
"I know you were. But you said you couldn't be easily scared." Tamlin hummed.
Lucien just laughed harder and buried his face in the crook of Tamlin's neck.
"How dare you." Lucien mumbled. Tamlin stroked his fingers through Lucien's hair, rubbing comforting circles on his lower back.
"Do you think Eris will live up to that?" Tamlin murmured.
Lucien shuddered. He was still trembling from the earlier adrenaline rush. Now he was going to have to deal with whatever Eris had planned.
"Can I take back what I said earlier about not needing you to protect me?" Lucien whispered.
Tamlin couldn't have been smiling wider. He happily said, hugging Lucien closer, "Don't worry, I'll guard and protect you, my love!"
Lucien bit his lip and snuggled Tamlin closer, "Thank you."
That Hallow's Eve, Eris was forced to give up the spiced sugar cookie recipe that he had guarded for centuries to Tamlin. Who proceeded to make several dozen and ate them all with Lucien.
Thank you for the prompt! This was the first thing that came to my mind, I hope I did it justice!
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philcoulsonismyhero · 11 days ago
14 sessions in, we're only a session or two away from wrapping up our first adventure in my DnD game, so I thought it would be fun to share some of the shenanigans that have been going on.
First, the party, now at level 5, in order of recruitment:
Benjamin Larkwright (he/him), human war wizard 4/fighter 1 (my character) - middle-aged, moustached, ex-soldier, ex-watchman, trained as a human artillery weapon but out of practice and tends to solve his problems with detective work instead, polite, methodical, stubborn, sometimes irritable, and often sarcastic
Bob (has a much longer name that starts with Ingophilius and gets more complicated from there, goes by Bob for others' convenience) (he/him), half-orc berserker barbarian - gets hyped rather than raging, makes friends wherever he goes, accomplished linguist, has your back but don't expect him to have been paying attention
Droozh of the Bright-Tusk Clan (he/him), loxodon Oath of the Ancients paladin - grew up in the Selesnya Conclave and on his first solo trip into the wider world, big fan of trees and other things that grow, not the brightest but trying his best, direct thinker (solves problems with his maul or by tackling people), pretty chill guy when his temper isn't roused
Abigail Hearder (she/her), human conjuration wizard - aged 17, kicked out of wizard school for blowing up a building (took up adventuring to pay back the damages), loves dogs more than life itself (her family breeds them), book smart but not as street smart as she thinks she is, a bit of a gremlin
Gimble Garrick (he/him), gnome life cleric of Arawai - joined the first adventuring party that came along because he was bored of just fixing the bumps and bruises of annoying children in the temple all day, possibly regretting that decision, thinks he's the only sane person here
Alyriia d'Alembert-Seyntinn (she/her), half-elf swashbuckler rogue 3/bard 2 - rich girl from the big city, family black sheep (least terrible of the bunch by all accounts), sent out to the sticks to keep her from causing trouble, Sherlock Holmes with none of the people skills, late addition and still not sure herself how she ended up being considered a part of the team
Droozh, Alyriia and Bob are all literally or culturally the equivalent of in their early 20s, Gimble is 40 and thus still relatively young for a gnome, Abigail is as previously mentioned 17, and Benjamin, 46ish and the only one not completely new to adventuring, frequently feels like the babysitter. In grand DnD party tradition, I'm pretty sure every single member of the party thinks they're the only sensible one. (Some of them are more correct than others.)
Notable NPCs and others:
Marvin Druitt (he/him), firbolg high level rogue legitimate businessman - guildmaster and proprietor of Marvin Druitt's Adventuring and Sundries (not the worst adventurer's guild in the city but also not faced with much competition for the title) and thus technically the party's employer. An extremely slippery customer, up to all sorts of schemes with the end goal of getting his half-elf twink boyfriend out of jail, almost certainly using the guild for money laundering (Benjamin is investigating him for this, but as a hobby since he's not officially a watchman anymore. Marvin knows he is, it's enrichment for both of them), does actually provide real adventuring work and thus technically is in fact helping people, crooked but not actually all that bad
Morvath (he/him), djinn - proprietor of a fantastic casino with a multiplanar gimmick in a tourist town in the mountains, directly responsible for a great many missing people (which our party was hired to investigate by a concerned citizen), Definitely All That Bad. He offers tantalising prizes so people eventually bet their limbs and even years off their own lives, and when the house inevitably wins he siphons off the life energy to sustain himself. Has convinced himself that no one is being coerced into making the bets and thus it would be impinging on their free will to have any sort of safety systems in place so his customers don't end up killing themselves, and we're all going to enjoy murdering him in the face shortly to put an end to the sheer amount of death he's going to continue being responsible for if he isn't stopped
Myrhana Wiggleboots (she/her), gnome master artificer - excitable inventor of the magitech machines that power Morvath's casino and enable him to siphon life energy from his patrons, so happy to find someone interested in her work and willing to fund it that she didn't realise exactly what she had become complicit in, now helping us to put a stop to it thanks to the power of nerd friendship (Abigail) and a stern lecture or two on the subject of Being Aware Of The Consequences Of One's Actions (Benjamin and others)
Flibbertigibbet (he/him), halfling priest of Arawai - head priest at the temple of Arawai in the town, currently cheerfully giving us room and board thanks to Gimble, very old and just a tiny bit eccentric, obsessed with brains, useful man with investigating psychic magic effects that make people forget their missing relatives as long as you don't let him break out the brain screws
Puku (he/him) - Abigail's fey familiar, usually in the shape of a small black dog. Inherited from her grandfather who was also a wizard
Florian (he/him) - Droozh's fey steed, takes the form of a pigmy elephant. Named after his childhood imaginary friend, and the cause of a Great Many out of character 'elephant in the room' jokes, mostly from me I'm afraid to say
Kitty - Bob's perfectly ordinary parakeet that he won in the casino. Was asked about pronouns by Droozh at Bob's urging, neither of them really understood the question
Various other characters include but are not limited to Billiwick Tooms, the gnome woman who hired us to investigate the missing people, her brother the local sheriff whose given name is pronounced Dingus and spelled Diingucce because the DM had had enough of being asked how things were spelled and decided to fuck with us, Adoreen Phan the very annoying (to half the party, the other half find him amusing) casino employee we keep running into and seem to have convinced to unionise the place, Billy the human kid that we met on the train to the town whose wizard uncle had gone missing, and, posthumously, the aforementioned Uncle Vergil the divination wizard who was the last person to try to take down Morvath and died for his trouble, but by following in his footsteps and building on his plans we should hopefully be able to take the bastard down for good.
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airplanned · 1 year ago
WIP Wednesday
I've been reading a lot of dire and horrifying and amazing stories lately, and I wanted to write something Super Goofy.
So here's the One Piece guys trying to con Nami to win a bet, which goes exactly as well as expected and has no intro whatsoever.
"You bet on when we would hook up?" Zoro asks.
"Uhhh," Usopp says.
Why the fuck would they do that?  That's one of the weirdest things he's ever heard that didn't involve magic or unicycles or Luffy.
Okay, maybe it's not really that weird, but it still doesn't make any sense.
From across the room, Sanji looks so confused that he can't even speak, something that has never happened before.  He just has his stupid eyes squinted and his mouth half open about to say something.  Then a different something.  Then a different something..  Zoro's just thinking that maybe Usopp's nonsense has a silver lining after all, when Sanji eventually lands on, "...Why?"
Usopp looks back and forth between them, but doesn't answer.
"How much was the bet?" Sanji asks.
"A million berry?"  As soon as he says it, Usopp throws up his hands to defend himself.  "I was drunk!  And I don't have a million berry, so maybe if y'all could just hold out--I mean, if you could continue not making out until after midsummer, I'd really appreciate it."
"I'm not doing anything you'd appreciate right now," Zoro mutters, even though on second thought, not making out is exactly how he wants this situation to play out, so what is he even talking about?  Thankfully Usopp is too nervous to notice the stupid thing he just said, and Sanji has his head tilted as he thinks way too hard about something else.
"So Nami bet before midsummer," Sanji says.
"And you bet before when?"
"I bet--Oh!  I bet never.  Because you two aren't like that.  Obviously.  See, I'm on your side."  He nods enthusiastically.
"Gonna call bullshit on that one, man," Sanji says.  "You bet even earlier."
"Whaaaat?  Meee?  That would be--That'd be the worst bet ever."
"A drunk bet," Zoro mutters.
What the fuck?  Why is the crew talking about him while they're drunk?
A smile spreads across Sanji's face.  Sharklike.  It makes Usopp back up a step.  It makes all the hair on the back of Zoro's neck stand on end.  Alarm bells go off in the back of his head.
Nothing good can come of that look.
"Usopp," Sanji says, "how would you like to make a third of a million berry?"
It's a bad plan.  The absolute worst kind of convoluted nonsense that's bound to go wrong and cause trouble.  At least this time no one's in danger of dying (unless Nami kills them).  And Zoro is used to going along with stupid-assed plans, resigned to his position as first mate to mitigate damage. 
He's also not gonna say no to a third of a million berries, and he'll get to get back at Nami for being too much in his business.
Honestly, he's kinda surprised the waiter came up with a plan that relies so heavily on fucking over Nami, but Zoro's not about to point that out.
"Alright, let's go through the plan one more time," Sanji says. "Usopp, your job is to patch the rip in the spare sail we've all been putting off.  She'll be pleased to see you're doing it, so when your hands are full and you ask her to go get you some more glue, she'll go get it for you."
For a brief moment, Zoro thinks maybe this whole scheme is a big double cross, intended to trick Usopp into doing the chores no one wants to do. 
"This will bring her down here to storage, where Zoro and I will wait.  We kiss once."  He holds up a single finger.  "When her footsteps reach the bottom of the stairs.  Then pull apart right after she opens the door.  She will have her evidence that the bet is won.  At this point--"  He points at Zoro.
"I say my line," he recites, his arms crossed tightly over his chest.  This is not the stupidest thing he's ever done, but it's close.
"And it is--"
"Get out."
"Good job, Mossball.  And I'll say, 'Don't speak to Nami like that!'"
"Then we fight."
"Exactly.  Win the bet and break up in one single swoop.  We can't have this charade going on any longer than it needs to.  I will defend her honor and you'll say--"
"This was a mistake."
"I am revolted that I touched you.  It must have been a moment of insanity."
"I will throw you off the front of the ship and then run you over."
"Perfect!" Sanji beams.  "Alright, let's win a million berries!"
Zoro and Usopp exchange a look.  Zoro's says, "This is fucking stupid."  Usopp's weird cringe that shows off all his bottom teeth says that he has no desire to do any part of this plan, but he's also very afraid of getting kicked in the chest.
Zoro rolls his eyes.  "Fuck it."
Now's the part in the brilliant plan that will supposedly fool Nami (for fuck's sake, this isn't gonna work) when they need to look like they were making out.
Just to be annoying, Zoro shoves at Sanji's jacket to get him to take it off.  Then tries to throw it on the floor when he's successful in getting it off, but the waiter catches it before it hits the ground.  "Hey!  Don't throw it on the floor.  That's a nice jacket!"  He sets it on top of a box so it won't wrinkle or something.
Zoro gives it a long look.
"So we stumbled in here, tore off your jacket, and then stopped everything to gently fold it and set it down very carefully?  That's the story you're tell here?"
"Oh, and you think we should rip it in half or something?  You monster." He's going after the knot in his tie with more irritation than is probably good for it.
Zoro takes his seat on a crate chosen to be at optimal height and right in the line of sight of the door.  He shifts his swords around, but suspects they're going to be in the way no matter what. "At least throw it on the floor."
"It's dirty!"
Zoro rolls his eyes so hard his head hits the hull behind him. 
Now Sanji has his tie in his hands and is about to set it down in  tidy pile on top of his jacket before he thinks better of it.  His eyes dart to Zoro, and at his bland look, he tosses it onto a barrel in a way that Zoro guesses is supposed to make it look natural, but is actually overly-purposeful.
Sanji undoes like half the buttons on his shirt, and Zoro scruffs up his hair, and then he suddenly has a lap full of cook.  Before he can be overly-annoyed by this, Sanji's going after his hair, because apparently Zoro didn't do a good enough job making it disheveled on his own.  Zoro gets back at him by ruffling his hair, which gets way more messed up, and then tugging his shirt down one shoulder so it'll show off skin.
Zoro tries to adjust his swords again (hey, guess what, they're in the way) when Sanji tugs up Zoro's shirt by the hem until it's caught under his armpits.
"Stop touching my hair!"  Sanji swats at him and then glares from behind a lot of messed up hair.
Zoro snorts and then tries to use both hands to push it aside.
"I said stop touching it!"
"I'm not kissing you through the hair, dumbass."
"And whose fault is that?"
"All of this is your fault."
"I'll keep your cut then."
"This isn't gonna work."
"It's fine.  Shut up.  You--"
Someone's coming down the stairs.
For a second, they give each other wide-eyed looks, because fuck, they didn't not think any of this through.  And then her steps his the bottom of the stairs, and Sanji has a hand in his hair, yanking him into a kiss, that's brutal and moving and roaring.  Zoro's fist tightens on the dress shirt, pulling it further down his arm, using it to pull him closer.  Sanji's breath from his nose beats hot against his cheek, his hand splaying against Zoro's chest inside his rucked up shirt, his fingers chilly and Zoro's skin erupting in goosebumps. 
Zoro's trying to deal with the tongue in his mouth, making sure he gives back as good as he gets, so he misses the door opening, but he hears the sharp gasp.
When Sanji's head whips around, he looks appropriately shocked and terrorized.  Nami has a hand slapped over her mouth, her face red and her knuckles white where she's still holding the doorknob.
"Get out!" Zoro shouts.
"D--" Sanjis starts, but he doesn't even get the word out before Nami shouts, "Right!" spins on her heel, and slams the door behind her.
They stare at it in silence.
Neither of them breath.
From the other side of the door, Nami shouts, "Congratulations!" and then there's the sound of her running up the stairs.
Sanji's not moving at all.  Zoro thinks he might have died until he released his breath in a horrified, "Fuuuuuuck."
"Fuck," Zoro agrees.  He knew this was a bad idea.
"At least we won a million berries," he says, but then Sanji shifts his weight to cram a knee into his side.
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simmetrycal · 8 days ago
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Happy Birthday
˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
wc: 6.7 k
enjoy yume!
the party was going great. everything was in order, drinks were on a tab, catering was perfect, and a lot a people came. it was loud, the lighting was low, and the music was good.
only, kosuke didn’t care nor even think about any of these things. it was his own birthday party and he wasn’t even interested in the activities going on.
in fact, he was in the restroom for quite some time.
patrick orchestrated the party and invited all the guests. mainly because he has an odd passion for organizing events and activities— as well as using it as content for his vlogs.
he had his camera with him the entire night, holding it up for himself and poppy mostly. he’d soon post it the next day and probably title it “grwm to throw a birthday party for my best friends ex (shit goes down NO CLICKBAIT)” with shock emojis on the thumbnail.
the whole thing was paid for in advance using the money from kosukes big boxing win last night.
sure it should have gone towards kosuke and takashi’s rent or maybe to their day-by-day inclining debt, but he decided that it was fine to do whatever they wanted with it as long as it meant kosuke had a good birthday.
besides, he deserved it. he landed the last hit before the eighth round buzzer rang with a stunning knockout. kosuke was on top of the world, bloodied and battered but feeling good.
the opponent he faught was someone he’d been wanting to get in the ring with for years now. each are one of the best cruiserweight fighter in their bracket and they finally got to meet.
he was a jaguar from brazil by the name of santos and he had tattoos all over. he hit kosuke at the weigh in and it started crazy hype for the fight leading up in a few weeks. the yoshida versus santos posters were plastered all over downtown and tons of bets were placed on that night.
it may have been good for publicity but not for kosuke. the premature jab by santos only set him off and if it weren’t for his coach he would have torn the guy up to shreds.
in the gym, people who know kosuke tend to watch out for his “tiny” anger problem. they always clear the way to his training area as soon as he walks in. loud voices become low murmurs and the gym equipment noises only grow.
in the locker room, it’s dead silent. the other fighters can hardly even glance up. out of fear or respect— it didn’t matter. nobody looked at kosuke for very long lest they have a desire to get targeted.
with takashi, it was the same way but a bit less so. he was still threatening but the turmoil levels were much lower. you could probably even talk to him on a good day.
but despite the aggression, kosuke and takashi’s presence at the boxing gym is good for morale. they bring a certain energy that others feed off of.
as for the fight last night, suke had sustained a couple of injuries but it’s nothing in the grand scheme of things. only a cut eyebrow, some swelling, and some scratches and bruises.
even after 24 hours they look much better than when he stood up there on the canvas after the win. and while he was up there, he took a glance around at the audience, hoping to see a certain red doll waiting somewhere for him— win or lose.
but she wasn’t.
and he felt like an idiot for expecting her to show up.
but he wouldn’t put it past her; she’s done it before. back when their relationship was newer; poppy used to refuse to go to these because she hates the sport of boxing but one day during a real big fight, she showed up.
kosuke was overjoyed, not because he won but because she was there. he slid between the ropes and hopped off the canvas, meeting her with a strong hug. only pulling away so he could kiss her until they couldn’t breathe.
they made love that night and it may have been one of the best moments of their relationship in kosuke’s opinion. it was slow and passionate. he took his time with her made sure every inch of her body was cared for and pleased. the look in his eyes was lethal.
but now.. they’re going through it.
poppy never shows up and it’s pointless to consider the possibility she might.
kosuke quit looking for her and instead met the acknowledging eyes of his brother— the person who’s there for him the most after every single match. he’s his right hand man and vice versa.
he gives him his water, mouthgard, his wet towel and ice, vaseline for cuts, he even wraps the athletic tape around his paws and tightens sukes gloves over them. and kosuke does the same thing for takashi when their places are swapped.
but even then, they have a bad relationship outside of matches and the boxing gym. at home, they barely talk and often times, takashi is quickly walking past kosukes door, careful not to look in and see something he’ll regret.
kosuke rarely ever closes his door— you’d think at that point he didn’t even have one. something about the apartment being under his name or whatever. still, that didn’t magically mean he can give himself the title of being the king of their apartment, letting anyone who walks by see the woman he had bent over and half sliding off his sheets while he took her from behind.
takashi normally wears noise canceling headphones. especially because he’s part owl, which means his hearing is so good it’s more of a curse than a blessing, so headphones definitely help block out the constant noises he’s hearing.
he has them on almost virtually all the time. especially at home where he can truly be comfortable. his shaking stops and his heartbeat becomes regular again.
the only downside to wearing them though is whenever taka walks around thinking nobody’s home, he’ll accidently peer into his brothers room and see something he forever wishes he could unsee.
it’s even worse when suke catches him— thinking his brother is a peeping tom makes him disgusted and violent. he’s thrown countless items at taka that have shattered against the wall past his head, which were always followed by a shriek from the girl.
but takashi being a pervert could not be further from the truth. his brain and his body just didn’t work together that way— it was uncommon for takashi to feel arousal.
he sat up from his stool at the bar and headed towards the restrooms, weaving through the crowd of people partying. he caught the eyes of a few of his friends, poppy and evelyn who watched him curiously.
he mouthed “bathroom” and they nodded in acknowledgment. they may not know exactly what taka suffers from and what he goes through (because of kosuke leading them off the trail) but they know enough to be worried for him.
he may have passed out a couple times during previous hang outs for medical reasons— but embarrassment aside— he felt lucky to have such caring friends.
on his way to the restrooms down the back hall of the bar, takashi strolled slowly. the alcohol was affecting his better judgement, making him burst into the bathroom.
upon entering, he was shockingly met with a naked woman becoming beet red in the face, and kosuke over her with his belt and zipper undone. they were doing it right over the sink—
the audacity to not even use a stall.
what’s more is that kosuke didn’t even notice takashi. he noticed the face of the girl and tried to follow her gaze, only seeing the door swinging closed left behind by somebody.
“so what? someone saw us. no big deal.” he grunted, preoccupied with kissing her chest and returning to his pace of sliding in and out of her.
takashi stumbled out of the grimy hallway, his heart rate beginning to increase as he thought of all the ways kosuke would hurt him later for walking in on them.
it seemed like it should matter so little, like getting on a downward spiral was being dramatic. but one thought led to another and suddenly takashi’s anxiety was beginning to grow rapidly. his heart condition often blew symtoms out of proportion.
he thought of things related to kosuke, then slowly, unrelated to kosuke, wild and invasive thoughts that gradually stressed him out more and more.
come to think of it, takashi needed to pick up his meds around this time. he had just gotten a refill thanks to the recent win and his primary physician said it should be ready later.
it was a bit of a struggle to have kosuke pay for them. afterall, with hardly any insurance coverage they had to pay for his refills almost entirely out of pocket.
takashi fiddled with his paws as he asked him yesterday night. it wasn’t good timing for kosuke but it didn’t matter. he needed them and they both knew that.
kosuke had just had an argument with poppy over the phone when taka asked. at first he called her to let her know she left a bra at his house but it turns out it wasn’t hers. needless to say kosuke would say no to pretty much anything taka asked for in the moment— so it was miracle he got convinced.
on his way toward the exit, taka bumped into his friends again. this time patrick had joined them, vlogging as he did, and they were all immediately focused on stumbling takashi.
are you okay’s and what’s wrong takashi spewed out from their worried mouths.
taka looked up, meeting the bicolored eyes of poppy. she looked at him with concern and had her paw on his shoulder. without trying to, his eyes met her low cleavage red dress.
although he felt nothing, he admired the way she was so beautiful. of course she would be wearing something nice at kosukes party— despite the state of their relationship.
patrick also dressed nicely but it wasn’t unusual, his wardrobe was only prim and proper. and evelyn wore what she normally did and that made takashi feel better about wearing his baggy everyday clothes at this party as well.
not like he had any nicer ones besides one crisp suit. and that was reserved for important boxing conferences and very special occasions.
suddenly the doors opened and two new guests arrived, leaving takashi’s circle to dissipate. he was undecided if that was something to be grateful for or something to miss.
the guests were recognized as the ski instructor and his bulky friend who works at the rental place with him.
kenai and the other one. takashi didn’t know his name.
before leaving, taka watched as poppy practically jumped into the other husky’s embrace. it was oddly intense. kenai blushed and so did she, fixing her dress as they parted. the big one shook patrick’s hand and also smiled at him. they seemed so friendly all together..
takashi took this as a sign to leave. he didn’t want to get acquainted with kenai and the new guy.
meeting up with kenai multiple times this week was already bad enough for the brothers. not only did the guy admit he didn’t know how to ski just so he could “make their acquaintance” but he showed them up with his snowboarding. kosuke and takashi were good but they had no clue kenai was going to be so annoyingly incredible at it. he could be a professional as far as they could’ve guessed.
kosuke watched from afar, being unusually silent down the hill as his girlfriend became friendlier and friendlier with the instructor. they met up “secretly” for lunch once and coffee twice this week. both thinking they were being covert and sneaky when in reality, kosuke knew about it all.
it was a ticking time bomb.
poppy and kenai were compatible. much, much more compatible than kosuke and her ever were— by a long shot. kosuke was a puzzle piece from a different box, trying to fit himself into poppy’s picture when he so clearly wasn’t apart of it.
but he forced it so.
like an invasive species or disease, slowly hurting her more the longer he stayed. or better yet, he was a parasite.
he latched onto her all those years ago and has been taking advantage of her since.
though, kosuke wasn’t interested in just letting her go so easily now that kenai entered their atmosphere. he wasn’t about to let this new guy who looked to be her perfect match just waltz in and steal her away.
no, kosuke would keep her for as long as he wanted. ever since they’ve been meeting up with this instructor, he’s backed off just enough to let poppy think she can do as she pleases.
he’s ignored her, essentially. and she’s been fine with it up until the other night. wondering and confronting him for why her boyfriend isn’t there for her when she needs him to be.
he wanted to say something like “why don’t you ask your new boyfriend,” but instead, kosuke then simply gave her everything she desired overnight. kissing her, making love to her, being kind and caring, building her up. and the next morning, he broke things off.
it only made her more conflicted— just how he intended. it was all tricks, mind games, manipulation. he knew she would get bored of this new boy soon enough and come running back to him. the love that kosuke can show her was promising enough to go back.
and in the meanwhile, kosuke enjoyed some nice time fucking floozies one after another. perhaps it was because he truly wanted to or perhaps he did it to distract himself from the anxiety that began to eat away at him.
breaking up with poppy was complicated. contradictory.
*what if you’re making a big mistake?* replayed in his mind, causing much self doubt.
if he so desperately desired her it made no sense to leave her. because by the slim chance his tactic doesn’t work, they’re truly done. the new guy will sweep her off her feet before kosuke can even turn around and plead.
but he ignored the nagging fear. it will work, he’s convinced himself. she will come crying back.
and so, kosuke focused on the other women. poppy was out of sight and (mostly) out of mind.
kosuke got with any pretty canine girl. that was his type. it wasn’t always that way but ever since poppy, the other girls he’s had sex with always resemble her in one slight way or another. but he cared not to admit that.
poppy wasn’t an idiot. she knew of this little ritual he always did. she wasn’t going to overreact or be dramatic after this “break up”. the process was as normal as breathing at this point.
in fact it was good, it gave them the opportunity to have some time away. which they so desperately needed after getting to this boiling point weeks upon weeks now.
poppy enjoyed it by getting to know kenai, who was like a refreshing tall drink of water after years of drinking anything but.
she did want to see him more. possibly even kiss him. touch him.
but she decided it’s best to take things slow, after all, kenai was doing just that with her. rushing into things has never worked out for her so far.
she wouldn’t mess up something good so soon. not after feeling like it was her fault her and kosuke were such a mess.
to avoid thinking about it, poppy turned her attention to kenai, both of them silently gawking at how perfect they thought the other looked.
“i didn’t think you’d come,” she said, scratching her elbow. it was a nervous habit she did when she didn’t want to feel awkward.
“why wouldn’t i? you’re here.”
“oh you know,” poppy waved off. “it is for kosuke and whatnot. so i thought that might deter you.” she chuckled to make it seem more casual.
it wasn’t.
she worried for kenai. for kosuke. for their inevitable interaction.
the two of them being here was possibly worse than any boxing ring face off she would ever see.
“i mean.. you guys broke up right? water under the bridge.” kenai mentioned, walking poppy to the bar to get her a drink. the gentle touch he had on her lower back didn’t go unnoticed.
“yeah, i guess so.” she smiled, playing off the growing nervousness bubbling in her chest.
has no idea that she and kosuke had sex the night before the break up.
no idea how kosuke went down on her, making them impossibly close when poppy wrapped her legs around his head and groaned past the shoved panties in her mouth.
luckily, takashi’s pharmacy was just a block away from the bar. they were open until 11 tonight so taka had to walk quickly on the snowy sidewalk, making sure not to slip on the icy parts.
as he went, he looked down, analyzing each step he made. it was odd of him and onlookers might wonder what’s wrong with the guy.
though, it simply made sense to him.
if he stepped on a crack in the sidewalk, their mother misaki’s back would break— according to 13 year old kosuke.
taka recalled how they walked to school together every morning in japan. they just moved back recently and their house was not too far from the campus. each day kosuke took his little brother to elementary school and walked himself to his junior high, which was the building right next to it.
takashi had a hard time letting go of kosukes hand when they had to part, clinging to him like 3rd grade was prison.
it certainly didn’t help that takashi was challenged when it came to literacy skills. reading and writing wasn’t exactly his forte— even in both languages. but speaking was a different story.
when it came to relearning japanese, taka flourished. and he was great at math— two things kosuke didn’t get lucky with.
kosuke always just yanked his hand away and told taka to go in because the sooner he did, the sooner they would walk home at the end of the day.
after takashi would let go, suke would jog next door through long hallways and up the stairs to his 7th grade class, always late.
and from their classroom window during lunch, he’d see takashi at recess.
there were many times when he peered outside to see taka wandering around alone, getting a ball kicked to the face, or just sitting by himself on the ground, tracing shapes in the dirt with a twig.
kosuke moved his seat away from the window so he didn’t have to see that anymore. it made him crumble inside and the only way he knew how to deal with any type of sad emotion was to pretend it didn’t exist.
after school, they always had to stay for an hour extra because mom was obligated to come and pick them up. she did sometimes, maybe a few times a month.
but most days, she forgot or chose not to and the brothers would get tired of waiting. they would just walk home when staff wasn’t watching.
“step on a crack,” kosuke sang, hopping over each crack in the sidewalk. “break your momma’s back.”
he sang that for years out of habit, and it eventually became part of their routine. but little did kosuke know, his brother was always behind him stepping on every crack he passed.
it’s not that he truly wanted their moms back to break or anything but he did hold a certain level of hatred for her. it only festered more and more as they grew older.
little mutated takashi lived in his brothers shadow, who was clearly their mothers favorite solely based on genetics.
this mother-son resentment was mutual. it existed in every little aspect of their life. she’d roll her eyes at things he’s said, punish him for not doing anything, laugh at his stutter, and neglect any need he ever came to her with.
a lot of the time, kosuke would get more of something that was split between them. things ranged from food and drinks all the way to affection. but they both got very little.
takashi was forced to sit on the floor if they ever spent any “family” time together. those moments were few and far between, always weirdly accompanied by random men who each thought they were gonna be their new dad. they never lasted more than a few days with misaki.
food and clothes and basic hygiene products were a limited resource at home. it got so bad that kosuke and takashi would walk to the store themselves as they got a bit older and slyly take things off the shelves when nobody was looking.
takashi had… stickier fingers than kosuke but kosukes greed started getting a bit out of hand. he kept handing things to his brother nonchalantly, knowing takashi would expertly tuck it away.
one time they got caught and takashi remembers kosuke mumbling something along the lines of since when did ukai install cameras, that old fuck. aparently they were right above them the week before and the next time they came in, the old man who owned the store had printed out their pictures and put them on the “banned” corkboard.
oftentimes takashi would also need medical attention and misaki would just not bother. it clearly didn’t matter more to her than being out of the house doing god knows what.
still, to this day, takashi is kept out of the loop about what exactly their mother is up to— although it’s not hard to guess. she’s in one way or another affiliated with sex work and substances, things among that nature.
she gets herself into trouble more often than not. which mainly explains why the brothers are the way they are: delinquents.
as takashi made his way back to the bar with his meds in hand, he’s stepping on cracks he sees in the sidewalk through the melting snow.
spring is coming.
by this time next month, most of it will be gone and the tiny bright green spurts of grass will start to peek up through the ground.
the boys will start to get hotter. getting trims to their fur to keep their temperatures under control.
it reminded taka of the time spring came one year— the first year— taunting him with the heat as he went through the most wretched time of his life.
“how did this even break?” taka mumbled to himself as he stood on the top of a ladder in him and suke’s first apartment. the ceilings were high because they (kosuke mainly) thought it was a good idea to spend a ton on a place they couldn’t afford for very long.
he paid the deposit easily but by three months in, they were already up to their scruffs in overdue bills.
and to make matters worse, the apartment wasn’t all that nice. it was a shabby little place with thin walls and cheap appliances. everything constantly broke, including this AC unit that takashi was attempting to fix.
the yukon to them was comfortable in the winter months, especially for kosuke. it’s one of the reasons he forced taka back here.
but spring had arrived and it was unpromising. the warmth stayed in their thick fur, making it nearly impossible to stay cool.
it was their first year here as functioning adults, yet they knew nothing. in fact, it was a wonder that takashi was surviving.
his brows were furrowed and he chewed on the screwdriver he held in his mouth, checking the inside of the unit. there was a switch. heat and air conditioning.
“it’s just that simple?” he said through clenched teeth over the screwdriver, flicking the switch to AC, and rescrewing the cover back on.
once at the bottom of the ladder, takashi was about to pat himself on the back for how easy of a fix that was as he turned it on again. it made a grinding sound for a little and then stopped.
“fuck,” he sighed, tossing the tool onto the floor and not even bothering to take down the ladder. it wasn’t theirs anyhow, it belonged to their neighbor. taka didn’t ask, he just took it from the alley and was gonna put it back as soon as he could, but that was the least of his concerns at the moment.
the heat in the apartment became unbearable, causing takashi to take his shirt and pants off, making the place messier with even more dirty clothes thrown around.
he was overstimulated, pacing and trying to calm himself. it wasn’t helping that he was coming down from a major high he experienced last week
the mystery pill he took given by some lion he recently met had him glued to his messy bed for a whole night and a whole day. mouth hung open and pupils bigger than they’ve been in a long time. possibly the only good thing that came from the experience was takashi’s ability to jerk off and actually cum. that wasn’t a regular occurrence.
in fact, it was so rare that taka took the opportunity to crank his cock as much as he could, just to make it worth the time. he started off slow, savoring how good it felt to touch himself after not caring for masturbation weeks or even months at a time.
he gripped it and tugged up and down, not even thinking about anything specific— he was just in the moment.
a handful of tissues later, his cock was soft, twitching, and sensitive, the slightest touch would make him shiver. slipping on a pair of underwear and pajama pants make him double over back onto his mattress and shudder.
but was that such a bad thing? not at all.
come midday, taka felt almost completely normal again, apart from the twinge of artery pain that always lingered. he stared up at the cracked white ceiling and took in the silence of their place. not a thing whistled in the wind.
with normalcy came realizing he hasn’t seen kosuke.. in days.
at first it was quiet and peaceful. he may have thought about how grateful he was to not be bothered while he trip-sat himself. but now that he’s back to feeling real, he feels alone.
he feels panic.
takashi attempted to call his brother; it went straight to voicemail. he called again, then again, then about 3 more times before giving up.
sent at 3:40 pm: where u at
sent at 6:19pm: will you come home soon
sent at 6:20pm: bro where the fuck even are you
sent at 10:47pm: suke where did you go
sent at 12:24am: u ok?
sent at 3:03am: i need help
sent a 3:04am: call me back
suddenly takashi sat up in bed. the glow of his phone on his face was “kosu-kun” calling. his profile picture taken just months ago was a candid image of him with a pink party city wig on. it’s so visibly obvious he was caught off guard, but they shared laughs with the wigs.
it represents the seldom moments where the boys aren’t always at each others throats.
takashi answered, sliding the green button to the right.
“taka. what’s wrong.” kosuke said, his emotion unreadable and dull. but he wouldn’t have called if he truly didn’t care.
“n-nothing— where the fuck are you?”
“why’d you text me if there was nothing wrong, you’re wasting my ti-“
“wait!” takashi said before suke could hang up. “just please, tell me what’s going on. you haven’t been home in like.. shit,” taka rubbed his aching eyes. a migraine was coming. “three, four days.”
“uh,” kosuke grumbled, taka could practically see him scrubbing his face like he always does. even thousands of miles apart they were mirroring each other. “mom got into some trouble. she needed help.”
takashi was silent. milions of questions ran through his head but he asked only one after the long pause.
“…are you back in tokyo?”
that was enough for takashi to hang up.
it’s been a rough year of living in the yukon again. but back home in japan, where takashi could never go back, everything was the way he wanted. he so desperately missed it there and it was out of the question.
he had a real friend but not only that, a crush. he had his health mostly under control by the time they left. he had a growing career in boxing (give or take his lack of passion for it). he even had an opportunity to go to college.
but suke blew it for him, for both of them.
and now he’s back and taka was beyond envious.
beyond confused.
the whole reason they left was because their mom overdosed. she was no longer their problem after adulthood, suke decided, so he packed up everything (including taka) and dipped back to their hometown in the yukon.
so for him to just go back at the drop of a hat was beyond takashi.
later, he learned it was because she needed money and offered kosuke a place to stay while he made extra cash winning illegal fights.
four months later he got booted and came back home.
the guy walked through the doors of his apartment like nothing mattered. like he didn’t leave his only brother alone for months on end.
he sent money sometimes for rent and called once or twice to check up things. but it wasn’t with care or consideration.
takashi survived on pure willpower and spite. his health issues were at an all time high, he needed a hospital right away, the house was a mess. he was a mess.
but he still walked up to his brother and hugged him. he was tired. not sad at all nor happy. an emotionless tear rolled down his face and onto suke’s backpack.
“what are you doing?” kosuke pushed back, furrowing his brows and looking at taka with disdain. but he softened instantly.
takashi was much skinnier and his fur was unruly. it was clear how badly kosukes absence affected him. in that moment, he decided he wasn’t going to leave again like that ever again— no matter how much he acts like he doesn’t give a shit about him.
“i’m sorry.” he mumbled, tucking in the cross he wore into his shirt.
there were countless eviction notices they had to deal with, along with the process of finding a new place and getting takashi looking at least a little bit more on track.
not a lot of talking happened around the time kosuke came back. it was a really weird and silent era they never talk about.
“you should really hydrate!” patrick yelled in otis’ ear, his accent was thick and he held up a water bottle.
otis waved a huge paw around drunkenly, “i got this! im a master at beer pong.”
he tossed the ping pong ball across the table in the sloppiest way, his inebriation clearly affecting everything he did. they found it funny.
they as in patrick, poppy, and kenai.
none of them were nearly as drunk as him, laughing as they watched otis miss terribly. the ping pong ball bounced off the table but kenai skillfully caught it before it hit the ground.
he and poppy were on the same team, opposing their best friends who were paired together.
it was strangely intimate on both sides.
on the one hand poppy and kenai kept making each other smile. it was non stop jokes and pokes and perhaps some flirty touching here and there.
kenai was surprisingly good at beer pong even though he didn’t drink. he and poppy scored balls back constantly throughout their entire game and instead of both patrick and otis having to drink, otis took almost each one— sparing his teammate.
it was romantic in a way, but nobody wanted to say anything about it; otis was someone people always assumed was straight.
“i’ve never seen him like this,” kenai says lowly to poppy, both of them giggling.
“really? not ever? he’s your best friend!”
“i mean ive seen him drunk but not this drunk. and patrick here is the cherry on the top.”
poppy glanced at him— her and kenais proximity was way closer than she realized. she swore she could practically smell the shampoo he used on his fur. “what do you mean?”
“well, look at them. patrick is clearly making him feel great.”
poppy nods in agreement. “i guess you’re right. they compliment each other in a unique way.”
kosuke took his time with all the buttons on his black shirt. he left the top few undone and he zipped up his pants, redoing his belt and watching himself in the mirror as he did.
he was annoyed. previously startled but it masked into just agitation. the girl he had in here with her panties around her ankles turned out to be a total mess.
at least to kosuke.
he won’t take accountability for the way she stormed out and will instead most likely call her crazy.
mere minutes ago, kosuke had her on her knees.
the tile floors of the men’s public bar bathroom had to have been downright hazardous but he pushed her down anyway, holding her face gently as he slid his hard cock in her mouth.
it was going good, he was relishing in the feeling and her teeth, sharp as they were, were luckily not getting in the way at all.
she was skilled at this and kosuke found himself loving that, combing his paw over her soft head. he was enjoying himself.
so much so that he groaned.. something he shouldn’t have.
yeah good girl poppy under his breath whilst his eyes were shut. he was in his own world it seemed.
though, this was not private and the girl heard it, immediately pulling off. “excuse me? who the fuck is poppy?”
kosuke blinked open.
his first initial emotion was shame, of course. that was normal. anyone would feel embarrassed after something like that. but kosuke had a tendency to let a secondary emotion cloud over.
it was his response to any uncomfortable situation and he was uncomfortable a lot. all the time, almost. (aside from when he was with poppy.)
“why are you stopping,” he gritted through his teeth, grabbing a fistful of her fur and yanking her head back towards his groin.
“i don’t k-,” she pushed against his thighs as he slid his cock back in forcefully.
“yeah that’s fucking right— you don’t know, huh?” kosukes aggressive nature was threatening to her, volatile. her attitude worsened when he spat down on her face. “finish the job.”
that was it.
she had it with him.
the woman pushed herself away and collected her things, fixing her dress so her tits weren’t still hanging out.
“fuck you,” she said, quickly leaving so he didn’t lash out again. she may not have known him for very long but it wasn’t hard to understand he was dangerous.
she stormed out, heels angrily clacking against the floor of the hallway on her way to the exit. she muttered something about wolf stereotypes as if she wasn’t a canine herself, wiping her lips.
right as she was about to open the south exit door, someone came in and bumped into her rather harshly.
before he could apologize, the woman shoved him over. “ugh! out of my way, freak.”
she marched out, choosing to ignore to fact that the guy she just crashed into looked highly similar to the guy she fucked in the bathroom.
“s-sorry.” takashi still said, even after the door swung closed.
he pocketed his little orange pill bottle before walking in again, wiping his snowy feet on the doormat, not ready to rejoin the party but he convinced himself to anyway.
he found a good spot on a barstool that overlooked most of his friends. he watched evelyn for a moment.
she was on a drab rust colored couch explaining something to a man. takashi chuckled, she looked belligerent, clapping her paws in front of his face to make him understand something.
evenlyn likes starting debate arguments after trolling straight republican men. it was her thing.
he then looked over at patrick.
what was even happening over there..?
he was hanging by his arms from the huge polar bears bicep, swinging like a kid.
it was actually sort of refreshing to see patrick so playful and happy.
not that he isn’t happy, but a better word to describe patrick would be content. smirks weren’t smiles and the jokes he made and laughed at were usually always at someone else’s expense.
but here he was, having a ton of fun without making someone the butt of the joke. he even had his camera off and tucked away.
then taka looked at poppy. beautiful poppy.
she was laughing as well, getting noogied by the ski instructor. he heard them both say at the same time i love this song! when steal my sunshine came on in the background.
the more takashi watched them, the more he found comfort in their simple joys.
what was so wrong with this picture, he thought.
takashi could make his own assumptions about these two guys, detached from kosukes preconceived notions.
in the car or at home, they would sometimes chat about kenai. it came from a place of jealousy. kosuke brought him up when it wasn’t even close to their previous topic.
something about the guy being a cuck. and he was “so annoying” to kosuke.
and while takashi agreed in the moment..
he didn’t find himself having annoyance or hostility toward the guy.
in fact, he saw the way kenai lifted up poppy’s spirits— contrary to his brother who makes her feel smaller than a bug.
but it wasn’t so easy to just enjoy this.
poppy has something coming for her.
kenai has something coming for him.
they’re not going to get off scott-free, and takashi can only prepare for the worst.
he ordered a beer from the bartender and sat back. right as it came out and he took his first sip, he saw him.
kosuke was far. just coming out of the hallway a good distance from them. he hadn’t spotted them just yet.
taka seemed to watch in slow motion. how his brother noticed and approached the group getting closer and closer by the second.
there was energy beneath the outer surface of his body. it coursed through kosuke and was reflected in his eyes. his physique seemed to reflect how angry and strong he was becoming.
insanity, takashi thought.
kenai, unsuspecting, had his back turned, just having a good time with poppy.
oh fuck.
takashi clambered out of his seat, almost tripping, and bolted to poppy, grabbing her arm and pulling her away before anybody could process what was happening.
if he hadn’t, poppy would have gotten hurt from just being kenai and kosuke’s vacinity— because in a split second, kenai got a wooden chair to the back with enough force to knock him out.
it broke around him, wood pieces flying everywhere and people screaming brought takashi back to reality.
he let go of poppy who ripped herself out of taka’s grip. she was by kenai’s side in an instant, crouching on the ground to see if he was okay.
to avoid being involved in an all-out bar fight, taka went back to the bar counter, chugged his beer, and took his leave.
in the time he did so, chaos unfolded behind him. he heard poppy’s angry voice, voices of their friends getting on kosuke. he felt kosukes anger.
his rage.
more so because he knew his brother wasn’t getting what he wanted. this was a bad situation that he didn’t think through. he never thinks things through.
he was cornered and he couldn’t fight anybody in this circumstance. not with odds like this— not with poppy here, the one person he seems to care about, protecting the guy he wants to tear to shreds.
and so, takashi went home.
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imagining-in-the-margins · 4 years ago
Petty Pair (Raymond/F!Reader)
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Summary: Reader wants to fuck Raymond to spite his father. Raymond thinks that’s really hot, actually.
A/N: This idea came into my head and literally never left. It lives rent free in my head, and I hope you feel it now, too. Couple: Raymond/Fem!Reader Category: Smut (NSFW) Content Warning: Fingering, penetrative sex, protected sex, mild exhibitionism, getting caught Word Count: 5k
There was a grand total of one functioning bar in this town at this hour of night. This drastic and unforgivable shortage of places for me to buy alcohol was also the only reason I found myself frequenting said bar.
After about an hour of swatting off a group of men that were objectively disgusting, I resigned myself to fate and the realization that the night would turn out no better than it would have if I hadn’t tried to get drunk on cheap liquor. I was ready to pack up, close out, and fuck off back home when it happened.
A familiar face walked through the door. Familiar, I suppose, was a stretch. I’d only seen his face in one picture ­– a picture I’m pretty sure was meant to be thrown away. It stuck out to me because it was the first indication that I got that Donald Wadsworth had a son. And a cute son, much less.
My brain scanned through buried memories to try and find the one where his recently divorced mother had told me his name. I knew the memory existed somewhere, surrounded under a mountain of bullshit, but it was so hard to focus when I was watching the poor kid shuffle over to the bar and plop himself down against the counter.
It had taken me that long to realize that he was wearing pajamas. Cute.
His fashion choices and bedhead paired nicely with the pout he wore when he shyly scanned the room. Altogether, everything about him assured me that he literally couldn’t have been less intimidating if he tried. That theory was further solidified by the way he shrunk against the counter when he saw me approach. By the time I sat down next to him, he’d all but disappeared under his jacket.
“Hey, you’re... Raymond, right?” The name came to me at the same time his eyes locked with mine. The dark hazel color shone almost gold in the orange hue of the bar.
“You’re Donald’s son?” I asked as warmly as possible while using his father’s name. Which is to say, not warm at all.  
“Unfortunately,” Raymond droned with a similar disdain.
“I’ll say,” I chuckled as I leaned forward to match his slouch over the bar. “I work with your dad.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, me too.”
That alone seemed to cause a shift in his entire demeanor. It didn’t surprise me. Most of the women in this town were brainwashed into thinking that if a guy didn’t outright assault you at first glance, he was probably a solid dude.
And Donald Wadsworth was not a solid dude.
“He’s like, a giant fucking asshole,” I said.
Raymond’s eyes lit up.
“Right?!” he shouted back, practically falling from his seat in his enthusiasm as he continued to yell, “I know!”
There was no keeping it together with this caricature of a man, but I didn’t really want to, either. In the few seconds I’d interacted with him, everything about him changed from defensive to relaxed. Like all he needed was someone to tell him that it wasn’t all in his head.
Unfortunately, I was going to need to ask something of him. But I figured he wouldn’t mind what I was going to request.
“But hey, that’s actually why I wanted to talk to you. I have a favor to ask you.” I kept my tone even and nonchalant, trying to avoid coming off as parental.
He eyed me as warily as I expected, tugging his drink a little bit closer as he started to shrink in on himself again.
“I’m gonna be honest,” he mumbled, “there’s not really anything I can do to hurt him that I haven’t already tried.”
There was no need for self-degradation. Raymond might have thought he tried everything, but from his body language around a woman, it was safe to assume he’d never tried my plan.
“Wanna bet?”
Raymond sighed in surrender before he shrugged, “Sure. What’s the favor?”
“I want you to fuck me.”
It wasn’t my intention to wait until the drink was in his mouth before I spoke, but it was how it ended up happening. And almost instantaneously, he spat the drink out over the bar before calmly squeaking, “I’m sorry, what?”
“I want to have sex with you,” I repeated like it was the most normal thing in the world. Then I sought confirmation that was only a little important in the grand scheme of things. “You’re staying at his place, right?”
“Just for tonight, yeah—" he started, but all I heard was the ding of a checkmark on my mental list that meant we were cleared for the next step.
“Great. We should do it there, then. Tonight.”
Raymond’s tongue stuck out from between his teeth, the visual of restraint matching his narrowed, shifty eyes and fidgety legs.
“I feel like I’m missing something...” he muttered.
I heard him, but I didn’t really care. The clock was running, and I was ready to get something good out of this night. Possibly even two good things, if he ended up being as helpful as his cute, submissive demeanor implied.
“I’ll drive. You want to go now?”
“I— I mean, sure, yeah,” he stumbled over the words and his own feet as he left the bar. “We can… go have sex.”
I laughed at how cool he tried to sound because he definitely failed. I reached past him to drop cash on the bar and grabbed his hand on the way back. The amount of warmth stormed it in was shocking, considering all the blood seemed to be in his face, ears, and the tent in his pants. But the comfort of his fingers interlocking with mine on instinct did more for me than he knew.
“Great. Let’s go.”
Raymond was silent on the way out and into the car, which was about what I expected from him. Every glance his way would show the gears slowly turning in his head, like he was still trying to grasp whether my proposition was serious. Like I was trying to murder him or something.
When the car started, so did some sliver of confidence in him, although he still cleared his throat before he asked, “Do you need directions, or…?”
“No, I’ve been to his place before.”
That caution and suspicion returned and multiplied, and before I even pulled out of the parking lot he had shrugged down in the seat and buried his face in his hands.
“Please tell me you didn’t fuck my dad,” he whined in the most dramatic manner possible.
I couldn’t blame him for the theatrics, although the implication was not at all appreciated.
“Absolutely the fuck not,” I spat, my face curling into a pure expression of disgust. At least we both felt similarly on that note.
“Thank god.” The relief flowed through him, allowing him to sit back up to his previously half-straight position. I decided that it was probably best to cut him some slack for assuming I would ever fuck that devil of a man, because I got the sinking suspicion that he might have known a couple girls his age that had done exactly that.
That thought led me back to the very reason I was there at all, and a chill ran down my spine as I muttered without thinking, “Wasn’t for a lack of his trying, though.”
The whole tone in the car shifted in seconds. One glance over at Raymond confirmed the repressed rage and sadness rolling off of him in waves that were more accurately described as a tsunami.
It was just unsettling enough that I snapped my eyes back to the road, giving a nervous chuckle to tell him that it wasn’t that serious. I didn’t need him to defend my honor, or anything. It did enough to quell most of the rage, but that self-pitying sadness was still there when he let out a shy, quiet plea.
“I don’t want to pry but… Will you tell me what this is about?”
“You really want to know?”
It was one thing to know the vague generalities of how much his father sucked, but another thing entirely to paint him a vivid depiction of what he was willing to do.
“Yeah,” he said with fiddling hands, “I think.”
I think he was trying to do me a favor. I think listening to my story was meant to be a sign to me that there were people who would care — people who would believe me. He clearly didn’t actually want to hear the story, but I appreciated his willingness to experience some discomfort to make up just a small part of his father’s misdeeds.
“So, I’m new at the school, right? It’s awkward. It’s a small town and everyone knows everyone,” I started, trying to look over at Raymond whenever I could to show him that I was doing alright. The poor thing looked like he needed the reassurance more than I did.
“Your dad very quickly tried to take me under his wing, despite my very obvious discomfort.”
“Sounds like him,” he interrupted with a pissed-off murmur.
“Yeah. I just kind of accepted his help because I was too scared to say no, but then one day he…” My voice trailed off, the words getting clogged in my throat and muddled on my tongue. It wasn’t that bad of a story; it should have been easier to explain. But something about Raymond being there, him listening to me so intently and with such a strong desire to make it better, that made it hard to speak. Eventually, I managed to start again. “He cornered me in the damn teacher’s lounge and—“
“Please don’t give me a reason to kill him. I’ve been toeing that line my whole life, and I will definitely do it.”
That time when Raymond cut me off, it was very clear to me that he was not kidding. He enunciated the words so clearly, venom dripping from his tongue and his chest heaving with a determination coming through clear, despite his best efforts to hide it.
He was a sweet kid.
“He didn’t try to touch me or anything. It wasn’t like that,” I said with an awkward smile, reaching over to pat his thigh. The action alone seemed to calm him, almost like a dog that was being told to stand down.
He was a really cute kid.
But I had to finish this stupid story. I had to give him all the information so that he would know exactly why I’d invited myself into his bed. Sex is sort of a big deal, you know? I mean, not always, but the other party in spite sex should probably know who exactly the target is.
“He just made it very clear that he felt I owed him something, and I kindly told him to fuck off,” I concluded just as we pulled up the dirt drive. The bumps in the road seemed to shake some other memories in Raymond, and he just shook his head to rid himself of those, along with the story he’d just heard.
He looked over at me with a new understanding and something else.
“So that’s what this is about?”
“Yep,” I said with a pop of my lips to match the sound of my car door opening. He clambered out of the car much less gracefully, which was funny considering he’d had significantly less to drink.
But I figured I would have the decency not to laugh, instead just joining him on the passenger side of the car to finish our conversation before we went inside. I wanted to give him the chance to change his mind. I wouldn’t have blamed him. Although I was the one who would have to deal with the brunt of the downfall, Donald wasn’t my family. Like, I wouldn’t be at his holiday dinners. Then again, I’m not sure Raymond would be, either.
When I looked up from the thought, Raymond was staring at me. It wasn’t like before, though. There was nothing suspicious or any sign of concern in his eyes. No, they were filled with a very different feeling.
“You want to fuck me just to spite my dad?” he asked with a deadly seriousness.
I thought about it for exactly one second before I shrugged at the extremely accurate summary.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“God,” Raymond practically groaned, throwing himself on me and pinning me against the car with his hips before he growled, “that’s so fucking hot.”
Those same lips that produced the words quickly covered mine with the same force he’d used to pin me against the metal. I didn’t fight him at first because, well, I didn’t want to. It was the first clear sign he’d given that he really wanted to do this, and who was I to argue with how he expressed his consent?
Also, he was like, a really, really good kisser. The desperation he felt came through in his tongue as it tangled with mine, drawing a quiet, muffled moan from me that alerted me to how quickly this would escalate if I didn’t shove the boy off me.
Which, I did.
“Raymond— inside,” I ordered with the little breath I had left.
He was confused for a second, almost like he’d blacked out in the meantime. But then his tongue swept over his lips, his hands digging through his pockets for his keys before he hastily answered, “Right. Let’s go.”
It made sense to be quiet then, as the two of us tip-toed through the much too large house. Our occasional giggles were louder than our feet, and the whole experience was seriously reminiscent of sneaking into your boyfriend’s house as a teenager. And when we walked through his bedroom door, the sight stirred up even older memories. From the UFO poster and alien sheets to the boxes filled with dinosaur toys and action figures, I felt like I’d walked straight through a time machine into Raymond’s childhood.
“Sorry about… all of this,” he said with an overly apologetic tone, like this scene didn’t perfectly suit what I was planning. Like it wouldn’t be salt in the wound for Donald to see me fucking his son in the most juvenile room I’ve ever seen in my life.
“Ugh, it’s perfect. You are literally a man-child.”
I didn’t mean it as an insult, but his nervous shifting told me he took it that way. But when I kicked off my shoes and started to disrobe my outer layers, it was becoming obvious to him again just how serious I was about this whole thing.
“Sorry, but—“
“Stop saying sorry, Raymond.”
“Sorry,” he squeaked back, doing the exact thing I’d just told him not to do. I shot him a warning glance and watched the way his Adam’s apple bobbed in return. Then, still worrying the hem of his pajama shirt between his fingers, he looked away as he asked, “Are you sure you actually want to have sex with me?”
I was a little too busy at first to answer him. I was already rustling through the bedside table to find a condom that I was absolutely positive would be there. When I finally found it, I turned my attention back to the blushing boy.
“Why are you asking? Do you want to have sex with me?”
“Yes!” he answered with a clear excitement, only to lose it immediately. “But I would have wanted to have sex with you even if my dad wasn’t a pervert.”
“Awww, thanks,” I cooed with feigned sincerity. Raymond was still just pouting, though. I was learning more each second just how starved of affirmation this boy had been. But it wasn’t like I could just start praising him; the poor thing would have whiplash if I wasn’t careful. There was no worse mood-killer than crying, either, so I settled for a joke.
“I’d probably have sex with you, too.”
“Probably?” he responded with a smile and a seat next to me.
“It’s pretty likely, depending on how much we talked first,” I explained as I helped him out of his coat. I even managed to start undoing his pajama top buttons before he realized it was happening.
He didn’t stop me when he did.
“I don’t know if that’s an insult or not,” he said, instead.
With a coquettish grin, I leaned in to whisper against his lips, “And you never will.”
There was absolutely no resistance from Raymond when I grabbed hold of his collar, tugging him on top of me as I laid down on the tiny twin bed. Despite all of his insecurity, he didn’t hesitate to kiss me again, either. This time it was somehow even more heated, like he was trying to pour all of his heart into it.
I almost warned him that he had better cool it if he didn’t want to risk getting me hooked, but I was too late. He was already busy undoing the buttons on my own top and gently kneading my chest through the fabric of my bra, and I was quickly losing track of which of us was more into what was happening.
It didn’t really matter, but just in case he was still worried that I might not want to be there, I snuck my hand down and under the waistband of his pajamas.
“Fuck!” he cursed in a hushed whisper, his body buckling forward far enough that he almost dropped all his weight on me. It was so damn cute that I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Don’t be too loud or we’ll never get to the fun part,” I warned, my voice barely a whisper in his ear.
His very eloquent response was a breathless, “Shit.” I couldn’t blame him, though. It was honestly more than I expected him to be able to enunciate when I grabbed hold of his dick and began making soft strokes.
It was obvious that he was trying very hard to stay quiet, but the whimpers and whines were falling from his mouth so quickly that I was forced to kiss him just to muffle the noise. Thankfully, Raymond took the hint that he needed to be quiet and decided to redirect the attention from himself back to me. He accomplished that task by pulling away from me just far enough that he could grab hold of my pants and underwear and roughly pull them down my thighs. The speed and force lit a fire deep in my gut, my whole body breaking out in goosebumps as I allowed myself to enjoy just how badly he wanted me. I’m sure the spite thing had a lot to do with it, too, but it had been a long time since a man was so clearly into me. It was an unavoidable conclusion in every touch from him.
A much-too-loud moan caught in my throat when he returned, slipping his fingers into my heat as he laid another feverish kiss against my lips. But it broke almost immediately with his own choked moan, followed by a low, breathy observation.
“You weren’t kidding about wanting this.”
“Nope,” I replied quickly, trying to control the noises coming out of my mouth by replacing them with words. It only sort of worked when I keened, “Fuck, you’re better at this than I thought.”
Raymond didn’t even stop, continuing to curl his fingers inside of me with each thrust. He did smile, though. A cheeky, borderline annoying smile that told me he knew what a bastard he was being.
“Again, I can’t tell if that is a compliment,” he said with an overwhelming amount of sarcasm as he watched me squirm under him.
I chose to ignore the taunt, opting to grab the condom from the bedside table and throw it directly at his face instead. “Put the fucking condom on, Raymond.”
There was less commentary from the peanut gallery from that point on. I did enjoy the show, though. As I removed my bra, I watched with rapt fascination as he stripped himself of his clothes. My desire grew at an exponential rate at the sight of him slipping the condom on. I’d gotten some idea of the size of him with my hand, but to see something so lewd in such an innocent room and on his shy little figure was something else.
Raymond shrunk a little under my gaze, only regaining his confidence when he saw the way my teeth dragged over my bottom lip. I ran my hands over my body that was still on display for him, thoroughly enjoying the way I could make his eyes go wherever I wanted with such a simple motion.
“Fuck me, Raymond.”
I heard his breath catch and watched the shiver flow through him at the order. Sure enough, he started to follow my instructions and lined himself up at my entrance with adorably shaky hands. But then, right before I got what I came for, he paused.
“Are you su—“
I was tired of waiting. Hooking my leg around his waist, I forced Raymond to thrust forward. My assistance didn’t take any of the pleasure out of it when he was finally, fully inside of me. I couldn’t stop the way my back arched, pressing my chest against his with a wanton cry.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he mumbled into my hair, burying his face in the crook of my neck as he adjusted to the new set of sensations.
I only gave him a few seconds to get used to it, fully ready to get the release that already felt so close.
“Fuck me,” I whined, already starting to roll my hips against the boy blubbering curses into my skin.
“O-Okay,” he muttered in the most adorable fashion.
That shyness was contrasted strongly by what followed. For all his whimpers and trembling, Raymond didn’t seem to mind the way the bed would creak under us. In fact, it seemed that he was playing his own game, trying to elicit as many noises from me as he could get from the bed.
On instinct, my hands rose to try to still the headboard. But to my surprise, they never made it. The man above me had grabbed hold of one wrist, pinning it against the pillow to stop me. That simple, thoughtful act was enough to almost send me over the edge right then, but I held on for what I knew would come.
My moans were another story. They seemed so inevitable, with Raymond slamming into me with a progressively rougher force until I rode that line between pain and pleasure. I could see it on his face, too, that we were barreling full speed to the inevitable.
So, it was as good a time as any for me to set the next step in motion. With full volume and a pitch nearly an octave higher than usual, I screamed, “Yes, Raymond!”
That cheeky little bastard laughed. That noise was such music to my ears, that I couldn’t just stop there.
“God, yes! Fuck me harder!” I cried dramatically while drawing out the words. In a way, I was over exaggerating for effect, but I was also actually having a great time. In fact, it was the best sex I’d had in a long time.  
Raymond, catching on to the plan that I’d never explicitly explained, joined in with his own chant of my name, mixed with deep moans rumbling in his chest. I ran my nails down his back, seeking to elicit the higher pitched sounds I knew he was capable of when I realized just how much fun I was having with him.
It was also, of course, super fucking hot. But how often do you get to have this much fun with a random one night stand you found at the bar? Not often enough, I decided.
“Please, Raymond! Harder!” I begged, both in accordance with my previous moans and also because it was what I needed.
I couldn’t decide on a word to describe that wild look on his face, but Raymond had no problem following through with my request. Releasing my wrist, he sat up on his knees, grabbing hold of my hips and lifting them so that he could come down between them at a new angle.
That angle, it seemed, left him bottoming out inside of me with each brutal thrust. My legs were actually shaking around him, my back barely touching the bed as I threw my head back on that damn alien pillowcase.
The clacking of the headboard against the plaster shook the hung UFO picture, which ended up clattering behind it with about as much grace and subtlety as Raymond and I shared in that moment.
But that crashing also masked the sound of the door slamming open, just as I’d been waiting for. And for a long moment, neither of us even looked over to the light filtering in from the hallway. Instead, we locked eyes with each other as the two of us simultaneously reached our peak.
I was so, so glad that I didn’t look away. I kept my eyes firmly on Raymond as he threw his head back, forcing himself as deep in me as he could and holding me against him as I nursed him through his orgasm with my own. His mouth, though dropped open, was curved in a satisfied smile, one last moan tearing through the two of us before he promptly collapsed on top of me.
Then, it finally came. Donald’s voice bellowing, “What the fuck is going on in here?!”
 As Raymond and I sat in my car that night, there was a much more relaxed atmosphere. Whether the catharsis was from the sex or the big fuck you to his father, the two of us were just basking in the afterglow of the overall experience.  
Of course, he was also laughing at the fact I was currently wrapped up in his alien bedsheet.
“We could’ve gotten your clothes, you know.”
“There was no way in hell I was going to drop this sheet in front of that man,” I said through my laughter, my mind replaying the chaos of the last few minutes over again in my head.
“Probably a good call,” Raymond answered.  
But then another thought occurred to me, which caused my face to contort into a disgusted grimace.
“You’d better go get my underwear and bra later, though. He cannot keep those.”
“Will do. Promise,” he said with a little nod that ended with him staring at me with an absolutely smitten look plastered on his face.
“You can keep them, though,” I offered, reaching over and pretending like I could actually fix the birds nest on his head.
“Thanks. I’m flattered,” he said while chasing after my hand that eventually settled on his cheek. His face was still flushed, his eyes still only half opened as he nearly fell asleep against my palm. I wondered if it was from the orgasm, or if it was just the first time in a while he’d felt safe enough to do it. He must’ve seen the worry in my eyes, because he interrupted the thought with another question.
“Did you accomplish your goal?”
I thought about it for a second, dragging my fingers down his face before I pulled back with a sigh. “I feel satisfied,” I decided. “What about you?”
Raymond also took the chance to think about it before he nodded with more enthusiasm than before.
“I feel pretty good,” he said proudly.
“That’s all? Just pretty good?” I replied with an annoyed click of my tongue. I mean, I was wrapped in his bedsheets after just helping him achieve one of the most satisfying catharses of his life, and all he had to say was ‘pretty good?’
But then I saw it, that little sparkle in his eyes that showed me he just wanted to rile me up before he gave his real answer.  
“It was fucking glorious.”
It wasn’t even the words that filled my heart with pride, but the way his whole expression softened as he said it. He obviously meant it with every fiber of his being, and I couldn’t help but fall in love a little bit at the sight.
“Sorry I got you kicked out,” I said to distract myself from that dangerous line of thought.
“Not the first time. Hopefully the last,” he nonchalantly shrugged as I turned the key in the ignition. We hadn’t actually planned on what to do from this point, but I certainly had some ideas.  
“You can stay at my place,” I slurred through my exhaustion, “I have a guest bedroom if you feel weird staying in mine.”
But Raymond didn’t answer. He just laughed, shaking his head and rubbing a heavy hand over his tired eyes.
“What?” I asked, a little worried I’d made a mistake.
“Nothing,” he reassured with that stupid fucking grin that was soon aimed straight at me, “it’s just… You’re asking me if I want to sleep with you. Again.”
“Yeah, what about it?” I laughed, turning to pull out of the driveway. The bumps didn’t bother Raymond that time.
“I’d love to,” he said as we turned onto the main road, his hand finding mine on the gear shift.
“Great.” Allowing the relief to flow through his hand and into me, I realized that the reason I’d had so much fun with this random one night stand was because a large part of me knew it was never going to be just that.
“You know, my bed’s not a twin, and it doesn’t creak, so…” I trailed off, hoping that he would be clever enough to put it together.
“So what?”
He was not. But that was okay, because I realized that was exactly what I loved about him.
“Never mind,” I sighed, “I’ll show you in the morning.”
(Tell me what you thought of this piece here!)
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ct-multifandom · 4 years ago
More s4 predictions? More s4 predictions.
Luka closure, duh. He will start moving on from his breakup and start existing outside the scope of Marinette’s love life
I really hope we see Adrien hanging out with him to parallel Mari hanging with Kagami but I’m afraid the parallel might just be Mari hanging with Luka as friends
Marinette will try to give Adrien a miraculous again. Near the end of the season, she’ll realize that there are only a couple if not one miraculous left without a holder, and she’ll get overtaken by the desire to work Adrien into her team. If I had to guess which one, I’d say the dog because it juxtaposes the cat and I think Sabrina, as an outsider to the group and former mean girl lackey, might be the last to go.
We’ll meet someone’s mom for the first time and she’ll get akumatized along with a mode of transportation. Maybe a motorcycle or airplane this time? Edit: I guess Gina/Befana was motorcycle mom already so we’re just missing airplane mom
Alec Cataldi will be Psychomedian. Since they rewrote Gagotor for this I’m guessing the new character was probably replaced with one we know, and Alec is a recurring, humorous TV personality who hasn’t been akumatized yet. I came across his English VA’s insta by chance on explore and he made a post about recording more Alec lines after Optigami’s release
Rocketear will be/have to do with Max who misses his mom after she leaves for a space mission. It’d be nice to see the continuation of this subplot, which was shown for a moment in Miracle Queen after Startrain. Plus, Ladybug needs to give Max a charm sooner rather than later and Gamer, a very specific akuma, already had a 2.0. Edit: I’m Stan and I was wrong.
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When Megaleech was first announced I thought it might be Bob Roth(’s sentimonster?) based solely off the name, but assuming that’s the thing in the Polymouse episode, it’s hard to tell. It’s so non-human. I wasn’t expecting Mylene to get her miraculous here based off the name either. My new theory, which I’m admittedly not super confident in, is that Megaleech is the fusion of the entire Kitty Section who got screwed over by Bob and/or XY again. That would explain the French pun and also Mylene’s personal connection to the case at hand. It might also explain why this group of heroes was hanging out outside of school. I wonder how Ladybug’s new charm animation would work with more than one charm at a time. Would they skip it altogether and just show her passing them out? Would they all match with Megaleech’s colors or would they be different for the individuals?
Edit: I am editing this post because I just saw a theory that the villain of this episode will be Andre Bourgeois again. Megaleech’s color scheme and medallions match Malediktator perfectly, and the tiny thing Chat kicks in the trailer looks like a shrunken version of him if you look closely. This is a lot more believable, but it makes me wonder what leads to Mylene being the hero of the day.
I hope Polymouse doesn’t get overshadowed by the large team, but I also hope she doesn’t get overshadowed by Multimouse. Unfortunately, there are a lot of immature kids who hate Mylene for no reason, so I hope Polymouse will be the one to come up with the winning plan, use her powers cleverly, and be heroic in general so that she can prove how well the mouse fits her instead of unknowingly competing with Marinette.
Teenage Alix will make her entrance as Bunnix when her dad gets akumatized. Both Timebreaker and The Pharaoh had time-y powers, and Alim is a historian, so if he were to get akumatized, he’d probably turn into a villain who controls time as well, leaving his daughter as the only one who can take him.
Sandboy 2.0 will happen as everyone predicted based on the voice director’s story post with Sandboy’s VA. Ladybug will probably see Chat Blanc in place of zombie Adrien, raising a lot of questions and tension. Maybe Chat will see Ladybug abandon him, or something else related to solitude rather than being trapped? We will also finally find out who the akumatized kid is.
Speaking of, I think Sandboy 2.0 might be Caprikid’s entry episode. (What?) Let me explain. I think the Sandboy kid and Marc look pretty similar, and correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure they’re the only male characters with defined eyelashes in the whole show. Both of them also have celestial thematics which would fit with Marc’s last name, Anciel (en ciel, in the sky). Sandboy looks like the night sky while Marc has a rainbow theme. It’s possible that they’re related, so Ladybug will enlist Marc to help defeat Sandboy. Here are pictures:
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I’ve also seen other people theorize that Caprikid’s power is related to dreams, I guess because of something like “counting sheep”. This isn’t my theory for his powers, but I see where it’s coming from. His kwami has the most interesting name. While most of the kwamis are related directly to their animal, Ziggy, the goat kwami, is named after David Bowie’s stage persona, Ziggy Stardust, who is an alien from space. David Bowie had other famous personas like the astronaut, Major Tom, and Aladdin Sane who had the iconic lightning bolt, all themes associated with the sky. I wouldn’t be surprised if these themes show up in Caprikid’s design, like if he has face paint instead of a mask or a similar hairstyle to Bowie.
We can already kind of tell that Caprikid and Coq Courage are matching just like their civilian selves do from their opening silhouettes with the chest fur and feathers. I predict it goes further than that with daytime/nighttime thematics. Roosters are associated with the sun, and my theory for Orikko’s power is illumination. Evillustrator’s biggest weakness, which ended up defeating him, was darkness, and I read a post today that pointed out that he can draw without even looking at his tablet so it’s more likely that he’s just scared of the dark. If he has day themes I think Caprikid will compliment that with night sky themes based on the stuff above.
I expect Evillustrator will have a 2.0 episode or any sort of comeback at some point. He’s probably one of the most iconic akumas, yet he’s only been truly akumatized once, at least on-screen. Plus, ladybug needs to get protective charms to all her hero pals asap.
We will probably meet the family of a couple more major characters who don’t have canon family members yet.
I hope we see more more-than-one-person and/or fusion akumas among the major cast. The protective charms are helpful but it sucks that they limit our possibilities for this type of stuff.
Sabrina will leave Chloe once and for all, which will trigger a big change in both of their characters. Sabrina will become more independent and leader-like, but Chloe will hit her lowest point. If not for... a certain person’s writing... I’d say this will be the true catalyst for her development as she faces cold hard reality for the first time... but I’m not so sure. Maybe she’ll just mellow down and become less bad and less relevant. Maybe she’ll snap and join evil Lila. Only time can tell.
I want to see my boy King Monkey again this season before the big finale, which will probably have everyone, and I’m pretty sure I will. I feel like they’ll all show up before that. I want him to move across the city by swinging across stuff like a monkey on vines.
We will finally see Ryuko’s full transformation and lightning dragon. I saw that the Roblox server thing featured the (oversimplified and blocky) coreo for her full transformation before the actual show did? A bit embarrassing.
I want to predict something for my boy Ivan, but he gets so little screen time that I just can’t think of anything :( I’m very excited for Minotaurox, though, and it’s possible that he’ll be involved with his family rather than Mylene or his friends.
The whole gang takes down Shadowmoth. Booyah, 17 teenage furries, bet he didn’t see that coming. And everyone has a big “pointing and laughing” moment until the obligatory Adrien angst commences
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kyouxa · 4 years ago
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Subaru Sakamaki (Story 10)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! If you enjoy these translations, please consider supporting me on ko-fi.
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After successfully leaving the cave, Subaru-kun and I were able to safely reach the Scarlet mansion.
Fortunately, we came this far without having to start a fight, and without burdening the already injured Subaru-kun even more. 
But even so, I’m worried.
It’s about how Carla-san and everyone else haven’t noticed us moving here yet.
And then it also worries me that the Scarlet family should surely be aware of outsiders suddenly wandering around their mansion.
But yet none of Scarlet’s members have taken any actions, despite probably knowing we’re approaching them.
Place: Scarlet mansion — Outside
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Subaru: ...Doesn’t this... somehow feel weird?
Yui: Yes, we ended up coming here easier than I expected, don’t you think?
Subaru: I thought it wouldn’t be possible for an enemy to get this close to Reiji’s mansion without dying first...
Yui: Shouldn’t we return then?
Subaru: We’ve come this far already, so we can’t turn back now. We will meet Reiji.
Yui: Alright, then let’s try to ring the bell at the entrance. This way we could reveal we’re not enemies. 
Subaru: Well, we can’t hesitate now. —Hm? Hey, be quiet. Someone’s coming out.
Yui: Ah…
*Reiji opens door*
Reiji: Welcome to the Scarlet mansion.
Yui: Reiji-san… !
Reiji: We are honored to welcome you two. Please come inside.
Subaru: …..
Yui: …..
Place: Scarlet mansion — Living room
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Reiji: Here, have some tea. With this, you will be able to calm down a bit.
Yui: Thank you, Reiji-san.
Subaru: Hey, why are you serving us tea?
Reiji: Because the two of you appeared rather exhausted after your exile.
Subaru: But we’re supposed to be enemies. You shouldn’t welcome us like this either. What are you scheming?
Reiji: Your movements were merely reported to me by our familiar, which flew around the mansion.
It is just my style to simply treat my guests in a rather polite way. I prefer not to cause any difficulties to begin with.
Subaru: ...So you saw through everything after all.
Reiji: Of course. For example, I am aware that Violet’s members are currently looking for you and Eve , with bloodshot eyes.
Yui: You do, huh… ?
(With bloodshot eyes, he said… seems as if Carla-san is extremely angry)
Subaru: …..
Reiji: What happened there?
Yui: Subaru-kun… if we discuss this with Reiji-san together, maybe he’ll get a better understanding of the situation.
Subaru: Y-Yes.
Say, Reiji. Are you also aiming to become the supreme ruler?
Reiji: Yes, I am. It is part of my assigned mission after all.
Subaru: ...But do you even know why it’s your goal to even become the supreme ruler?
Reiji: What did you just say?
Subaru: I’m just saying that you should probably think of what kind of reason you have for this.
Reiji: You are saying quite ridiculous things. I do not need any reasons for this matter, this is simply one of my living purposes.
Subaru: Cut the crap. You can’t seriously call that a motive, right?
Reiji: As I said, I do not need a reason. Because I am more than assured that I will become the supreme leader.
Subaru: ...Tch. It’s useless.
Yui: (I wonder if anything we just tried to address triggered something in Reiji-san’s memory…)
(What’s another possible trigger other than becoming the next supreme leader?)
Ah, Reiji-san. Shu-san is also part of the Scarlet mansion, isn’t he?
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Reiji: Exactly. He is one of my younger brothers.
Yui: Younger, eh… ? Is that really the case though?
Subaru: Say, doesn’t it feel a bit uncomfortable to treat Shu like your younger brother all of the sudden?
Reiji: ...Both of you have only spread quite the nonsense since entering.
May I ask what in the world are you trying to slowly set up with the current conversation we are having?
Yui: …..
Subaru: Reiji, believe what I’ll say now or not, but I’m actually one of your real brothers.
Reiji: Oh? That is a very interesting comment indeed. Why would someone like you, from the Violet family, be associated with me as a younger brother, while I am Scarlet’s leader?
Subaru: Everything’s strange about this situation in the first place. The Scarlet and Violet family, the overload story, Eve, the folklore and everything else.
Literally everything here is full of shit.
We still don’t know the cause, but our memory changed and we’re trying to kill each other in this place.
All of us had these strange memories about wanting to become the supreme leader like you, and we fight for this title for no meaning.
In the end, this is all a big and useless competition for Eve to make one of us the supreme ruler...
But she’s my, you know… my lover! And I can’t and won’t give her to anyone. 
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Reiji: I see. However, I highly doubt Carla would approve of this statement. He will most definitely keep on looking for a way to become king.
Subaru: Yeah, you’re right. Carla’s the kind of person to even ask others to find a way for him to become the king.
I even tried to explain to him what I told you now. But he didn’t even try to listen to what I said.
Reiji: No wonder he did not. To be honest, I am also merely listening half-convinced to your current story.
I would not think the hard-headed Carla himself would listen to such a story like I am.
Subaru: …..
Reiji: ...Ah, I see. So that is the reason you both ran away from Carla. And now you have arrived here, right?
Subaru: Yeah. As soon as we told him about it, he insisted on treating us like complete traitors.
Reiji: I understand. So what? In the end, what do you, Subaru, want to do from now?
Subaru: I...
I want to keep on protecting her. That’s why I want you to lend me your strength, Reiji.
I’m sorry to suddenly beg someone else out of pity to help me. But I can’t do anything with my own strength only.
I can’t protect her with just my willpower anymore.
So please, help me. I beg you. I’m unable to do anything without depending on my real brothers here.
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Yui: Subaru-kun…
Reiji: …..
If that is so, then please feel free to use this mansion. Let's keep this as a secret between us.
Yui: ...Are you sure!?
Reiji: It is no problem. We will discuss more concrete strategies about this matter from now on in the future. 
Please take a rest here tonight.
Yui: Thank you very much! 
Yay, we did it. Subaru-kun!
Subaru: ...Yes.
Hey, Reiji. Do you really believe in what we said after all?
Reiji: …..
I will prepare a room for you this instant. I promise for you to have a comfortable stay.
Place: Scarlet mansion — Unacoppied room 
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Yuma: Here, this is the room. Don’t be sloppy with it.
Yui: We won’t. Thank you, Yuma-kun.
(So Yuma-kun is supposed to be Reiji-san’s younger brother here, right?)
(It’s just so strange to see Yuma-kun act under Reiji-san’s instructions all of the sudden)
Yuma: If something happens, just call out for somebody. Even though it’ll only come to me if something happens. 
Yui: Alright. If something happens, we’ll call for you then, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Yeah, laters.
*Yuma leaves*
Yui: I’m so happy, Subaru-kun! At least we’re safe here for the time being.
Subaru: Yes, you’re right.
Yui: And it’s all thanks to you, Subaru-kun. Because you were the one persuading Reiji-san.
(On top of that, I’m more than happy about Subaru-kun’s real feelings and how he only wants to protect me)
Even if he doesn’t remember, your brother is still a gentleman as always, right?
Subaru: What the, what’s with that grin?
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Yui: It’s because I’m really, really happy that Reiji-san ended up helping us out… 
Subaru: ...Well, I guess I do have to thank him for hiding us.
But don’t let your guard down because of that. We still don’t know if Reiji really believed in our story. 
Yui: Fufu, aren’t you also a bit reassured at the end, can’t you at least say that much?
Subaru: S-Shut up.
Yui: Fufu. I really hope Reiji-san’s memory will come back soon, and then we all could look for clues together to find a way out of here.
Subaru: I hope so too. It would be best to have more manpower anyway.
Yui: Yes…
(And if we don’t have to go against his brothers anymore, it would be the best for all of us. But Subaru-kun…)
For the time being, let’s go to bed already, okay? I know we have a lot to think about, but I’m also worried about the injury you got, Subaru-kun. 
Subaru: Ah? ...Isn’t it a bit too early to go to bed already?
Yui: Eh?
*Subaru gets closer*
Subaru: We’re finally all alone in this long-awaited place. So I guess I can go ahead and touch you a bit.
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Yui: (He said that in my ear… !)
W-We can’t do that! No matter how friendly he looked, we still don’t know if Reiji-san is supporting us.
We can’t lose focus now of all time...
Subaru: So you want to say that you don’t want me to spoil you after what happened today?
Yui: T-That’s, um...
(Subaru-kun is so sly… if he says it like that, I don’t want to deny)
Subaru: Heh, your ears turned bright red. I can’t get tired of that face no matter how many times I see it.
But that’s not the case this time.
Yui: (That surprised me! Was he joking just now… ?)
Subaru: We’re still in enemy territory, and this might be our last-minute bet for now. But can we really trust them just like that?
*time passes*
Yui: Are you feeling better? By the way, were you the one who turned off the light?
Subaru: Ah, I’m good.
*door opens and dagger flies*
Subaru: Get down!
Yui: Eh!?
(A dagger suddenly started flying across the room and now sticks in the wall… !)
Subaru: ...Tch, that was close!
Yui: Eh, what!? What’s happening right now!?
Subaru: Damn, he set us up! We have to get out of the window!
Yui: Ehhh… !?
1) Sudden inability to move (black)
2) Believe in Subaru and run (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— Sudden inability to move
Yui: (Subaru-kun, why so suddenly… ?)
Subaru: Hey, how long are you going to stand there!? Open the window already!
Yui: B-But… ! Why would I do this so suddenly…
Subaru: Stop uselessly thinking about that! Just believe me and do it quickly!
Yui: ...Y-Yes!
—  Believe in Subaru and run ♡
Subaru: We don’t have time, open the window now!
Yui: (I don’t know what Subaru-kun’s thinking right now)
(But he must have a proper plan if we do this, right?)
...Okay, Subaru-kun!
end Choices
Yui: (But even so… they threw a dagger at us, didn’t they?)
For that kind of thing...
(Did they throw the knife, knowing that we were sleeping there a few moments ago?)
Subaru: Come out, you guys. Stop hiding and face me!
*door opens*
Reiji: There is no way you avoided that hit. I truly admire how fast you acted in this moment.
Shu: I think he only managed to avoid it because the person who threw it sucks.
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Kino: Yuma, I told you that you suck at throwing them.
Yuma: It wasn’t even me who threw it. Don’t rub your shit on others!
Yui: (Reiji-san, Shu-san, Yuma-kun and… even that boy they call Kino, are here)
Kino: I guess you’re right. I wonder if my arm became less capable after this long time?
Reiji: And that is precisely why I kept on telling you to keep practicing and not to slack off instead.
Shu: It’s always the moments that count that you’re useless in.
Kino: Meanie! Show at least some respect for me, you two.
Subaru: Hey, you guys. Don’t you have something to say? Didn’t you say you’d not want to trouble your visitors and comfort them instead?
Yuma: There’s no way you’re actually as dumb as you act. Both of you aren’t our guests anymore.
It already made things easier for us that you brought Eve along with you here. Now we just have to take her.
Subaru: So that’s it. In other words, you have the same motive.
Yui: That’s… ! But we believed in you...
Shu: You can’t seriously believe the enemy would let you approach and then voluntarily help you. If you have some grudge against someone, have it against your own stupidity. 
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Yuma: Hey, never mind that and hand over Eve already.
If not, we won’t miss next time trying to hit you. 
Subaru: Stop fucking around! Who do you think would listen to you!?
Hey! We don’t have time to think about it anymore. I’ll hold you and then get out of the window, understood?
*lifts her*
Yui: ...Uwah!?
Subaru: Let’s go! Hold on tightly! 
Reiji: Wait right there… ! 
Place: Scarlet mansion — Outside
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Yui: ...Kyaa… Ngh!?
Subaru: Shut it! 
*keeps running*
Subaru: We don’t have any other choice but to only think about running away from Reiji for now!
Yui: Yes…
Subaru: ...Fuck, you really can’t trust anyone in here… ! 
Yui: (Subaru-kun looks hurt… but that’s only natural. He was betrayed by someone he thought he could trust after all…)
But you’re not alone, Subaru-kun. I’ll always be by your side, no matter what’s going to happen. 
(This may not be too big of a relief for him now, but I felt as if I had to tell him)
Subaru: ...Yeah, that’s right. As long as I have you with me.
As long as you’re there—
We are all alone and without any help in this world.
However, we haven’t yet lost the things most important to each other.
And that’s the only current salvation for us in this crazy world.
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writersrealmbts · 4 years ago
Diamond Tears and Little Wings: Part 4
Description: You’re a fairy, taken in by BTS. You need lots of love and care, otherwise your light will fade and you turn to stone. Between the seven of them, you should never feel unloved. Right?
Warnings: N/A
Posted: 01/28/2021
Tags: bts x reader, ot7
Angst/Fluff: 4,695 words
A/N: Well it’s been forever, and you guys wouldn’t let me forget about this so it’s done, I just have to pick when to post them. Hope you enjoy this update. And Imma say this once, ao3 is going to get more regular updates than tumblr. 
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You were in a cage.
It was not okay.
And they knew it too.
They were steaming mad when they saw it.
But then, you weren’t actually human.
Jin, thankfully, was never completely kowtowed by the company. He made a good show of backing off, and pulling the other boys back to make them complacent.
Then the moment no one was paying attention he went over, pulling you out, hid you in his pocket and maybe bent the latch on the door so that it wouldn’t close properly.
He handed you off to Yoongi as soon as he could, and Yoongi hid you just in time for the staff to notice you weren’t in the cage and begin to question the others.
The boys kept slipping you to each other as they were inspected for you, but the staff never did find you, and the boys made a big deal out of them losing you.
You loved your boys.
Even if they were making you go through with this fansign appearance.
Tae made a big show of “finding” you just before they went out, then an even bigger fuss with taking you out with him instead of in a cage.
And apparently the staff knew what losing looked like, because they gave in.
So you were hiding in Taehyung’s pocket as they went out to greet their fans, with earplugs in as well as covering your poor ears because holy hell it was loud. While you waited for it to quiet down, you tried to stay completely still.
You could make out the staff explaining that you were there, requesting them to be respectful of noise since you were sound sensitive, but also that you were there because you’d gotten a fairy illness and had to be close to the boys for your health. Which you felt was pretty ironic considering they wanted to send you away if the fans didn’t accept you.
After a few events, Taehyung put his hand over the pocket you were hiding in, the signal he had told you earlier.
You took a few deep breaths, then stood, grabbing the edge of his pocket and peeking out.
No one noticed you at first, thankfully, allowing you to take in the large crowd, and the activity of the boys before you pulled yourself out of the pocket, fluttering up to his shoulder.
The fan in front of him noticed you first, eyes widening.
You squeaked as you slipped over the slope of his shoulder, grabbing the fabric so you wouldn’t fall all the way down and get squished, especially since he was so focused on the fan that he didn’t notice you falling.
You crawled back up his shirt, peering at the fan that was getting her album copy signed. She was cute.
They were all cute. But only because they loved your boys and supported your boys.
She asked something that you couldn’t make out due to the earplugs, but Taehyung grinned and looked at you on his shoulder, replying that you were shy.
You ducked back, climbing sideways until you were behind his head. Then you climbed up until you reached the collar, then his hair, giggling when he flinched ever so slightly at the feeling of you climbing into his hair. You wrinkled your nose at the stickiness from the styling products, then let go, fluttering back down to his shirt and wiping your hands off on his shirt.
A hand came over and rubbed Tae’s neck (almost squishing you, but hovering just long enough for you to get out of the way) then sort of lay out flat, inviting.
You smiled and climbed onto Jin’s hand, riding it over to him as he pretended to stretch—allowing you to hop onto his head (which had less product in it, thank goodness). You tucked yourself out of the way without messing up his hair. You made sure to be able to see everything outside.
There was definitely an increase in noise when you had been visible, but you weren’t certain whether it was due to something the boys did or because of you.
Everything was fine for a little while, then you felt Seokjin shake his head slightly. A couple seconds, or maybe minutes, later, his hand came up. Tense. Uneasy.
You stared at it, then extricated yourself and crawled on.
He passed you over to Yoongi.
Yoongi set you on the table, one finger caressing your hair. He showed you a note.
‘We had to bring you out. Stay close to us.’
You nodded, glad that he was guarding you from the sight of the fans for just a little longer, and kicked the note off of the table.
You made sure you looked okay in your little mirror, then looked up at him, nodding.
He nodded as well, hand moving away as he greeted the next fan in the line up.
You looked around, still a little overwhelmed by the crowd and the scrutiny. Finally you settled on sitting just out of the way between Yoongi and Hoseok and watching the fans pass by, noting the curious looks they gave you.
The whole situation was strange to you. It wasn’t like your presence added anything or took anything away from the event. Not in your mind. You were aware—more than aware—that your gender could be a point of criticism and unrest that could damage their careers.
But you were harmless…weren’t you?
The boys operated as though you weren’t there, focused on their fans. They were very discreet about taking care of you.
You took another deep breath, then pulled out the earplugs.
“She’s so tiny!”
“How cute!”
“Did you see her hiding in Jin’s hair?”
“Her peeking over Taehyung-oppa’s shoulder was so adorable!”
“She doesn’t belong there.”
You closed your eyes, frowning slightly at the bombardment of voices.
“She could ruin their career.”
“She’s too pretty.”
“Jimin-oppa is so handsome!”
“She better not be the kind that can change sizes.”
You wanted to hide. You knew the boys couldn’t hear the comments, their hearing wasn’t as sensitive as yours, but that didn’t mean the comments didn’t exist.
“She isn’t dressed very modestly either. I bet she’s their sl—”
“Oh my Gosh! Look at Jungkook! He’s so cute!”
You crawled over and pressed yourself against Yoongi’s elbow, overwhelmed and trying to get the earplugs back in.
His elbow moved and then his hand covered you protectively. He didn’t do anything else, just protected you while you stuffed your ears again. Lifted a finger to check on you, then removed his hand when you signaled you were okay.
You got up, looking around again, then fluttering up so you could look at the picture in the album that Yoongi had opened to.
An excellent picture of Yoongi.
You landed again, looking around, then running toward Hoseok to observe him, tripping when a sticker got stuck on your foot and shaking it to try and get it off, hopping and then falling.
You could hear Hoseok’s laugh, and he carefully picked you up, flicking the sticker off of your foot and then setting you back on the table.
He was talking more animatedly with the fan in front of him, laughing and signing the album in front of him with a genuine smile. He looked so nice when he smiled.
On his other side, Jimin was basically flirting with the fan in front of him. Goofing off, but Jimin was always showing himself. Always showing a touch of honesty in his actions. Opening himself up to things.
You worried about him, but you knew the other boys would always catch him if he fell.
They always caught each other. Supported each other, got each other to the therapist when needed, and held out until the other was well enough to continue without full support.
Where did you fit into that scheme?
You felt your wings droop. They said…they said that they cared about you, and their actions confirmed that. But did they really have time for you?
A finger poked your belly.
You looked up at Hoseok, then grabbed his finger and held onto it.
He lifted you up, peering at you with carefully veiled concern. “You okay, y/n?”
You shook your head.
He glanced at the others, then looked down the line, leaning forward and saying something to the others.
Jimin nodded, then reached over.
You glanced at Hoseok, then dropped into the waiting hand.
Jimin peeked at you, smiling momentarily, then passing you to the next waiting hand.
Jungkook took you carefully, bringing you up to his shirt pocket. “It’s okay.”
You nodded and crawled into the pocket, happy that all the boys with shirt pockets had stashed some of your blankets in them. You wrapped up, trying to calm yourself. Their preparation was just evidence of how much they cared for you. They got you houseplants and they were searching for a new dollhouse for you (you would have been happy with anything, but they were being very particular). They fed you when you couldn’t do it for yourself and took care of you when you were too floaty to do so yourself. They’d brought home dozens of flowering plants, imported different floral teas, got raw honey, brought you toys, made sure their pets didn’t eat you (you forgave Tannie, but man that was a close call), and made room in their hearts for you.
And they gave you kisses, sometimes. Jin was the most allowed to give you kisses, because his were simple and sweet and very quick. TaeTae had given you a couple pecks. Jimin didn’t dare kiss you yet after what happened last time. Hoseok was fond of placing kisses all over your face. Namjoon and Yoongi weren’t as physical with affection so you didn’t expect kisses, but Yoongi often held your hand or let you cuddle up to him. Namjoon liked sharing space with you, and often suggested books he thought you might like, it was his own sort of affection.
Then there was Jungkook.
He’d taken to carrying you around even when you were fine (you weren’t about to complain) and no matter your size.
You wrapped yourself tighter in the blanket, shivering as you battled the thoughts in your head.
Jungkook’s chest vibrated, speaking to the fans. His words weren’t clear to you, but it was lighthearted and happy.
So happy.
Did you really have any right to ruin their happiness with their fans?
But how much happiness would you be taking away if you left now?
You felt his chest move suddenly, like he had laughed or was startled or upset by something.
His fingers suddenly plucked you out of the pocket, gentle but stiff.
You winced and peeked out of the blanket, confused.
His face was tense, especially around his jaw, even though he was faking a smile.
You got the unspoken message. He was forced to pull you out. You needed to show yourself to the fans.
You huffed and wiggled out of the blanket, flying as fast as you could down the line to Namjoon, landing lightly before reaching him completely and walking the last few steps, flopping over his arm and then resting your head on your elbows, watching him interact with the fan. They seemed to be almost down with the signing part of their event.
You rode his arm as he moved it, gripping onto the sleep so you didn’t get thrown into the wall behind them.
There was an increase of noise and then both Namjoon and Taehyung were making sure you were okay.
You hopped off of his arm, sitting down cross-legged and facing the crowd. “I’ve learned my lesson.”
They definitely didn’t hear you, but both boys looked relieved that you were okay.
You sat there, observing the fans for a while. Your earplugs were great, but you could feel the rise and fall in the volume all through your body. You could feel someone bump the table, you would have those spots in front of your eyes for weeks from all of the flashing lights.
You had to make these people like you. Had to make them understand that you posed no threat to the boys. You had to show them that there was no way you could do anything that would be…detrimental to them.
It would help if you knew what those things were, though. Maybe you were detrimental to their career just by existing.
You wished, now, that the boys hadn’t divulged the fact that you were the kind that could change size. You had a feeling that it was the one thing that the fans could never get over.
Your only hope was if you could twist what they knew to be size-changing to your advantage. If you sized up, just a little. Maybe became a foot tall instead of three and a half inches, maybe they would accept that.
But that would depend on the managers insistence.
You could already feel the apologetic look Sejin was giving you.
It was enough to make you contemplate running (or flying) away. Getting as far away from that place as you could. Sparing yourself the trouble because they had already decided your fate and were just waiting for the cruel souls to confirm their judgement.
One year with a family.
That’s all you ever got.
You got up quickly and flew back down to Yoongi, staying close but out of his way. If you hadn’t thought the fans would get the wrong idea you would have just hidden under the table. You could easily evade all attempts you pull out out down there.
As it was, you amused yourself by making some of the stickers float and then stealing one of the extra pens (which was definitely bigger than you and you definitely used pixie dust on it) and finding something to write on—which someone provided in the back of a spare picture they had.
You set up a tic-tac-toe game on the back in one corner and pushed it up to the edge of the table, putting an O in the center and waiting for the next fan. Holding out the pen to her.
She blinked at you, eyes wide when she finally noticed, then she carefully took the pen and added an X before continuing to Seokjin.
You contemplated the thing, then added another O, nodding and waiting for the next fan that would acknowledge your existence.
Which was about three fans later.
It ended up a tie, and you started a new one, but ran out of their fans before the game could be completed.
You pouted a bit, but then the pen was being taken from behind.
You quickly released it and turned to see who was the perpetrator, only to see Yoongi peering at the tic-tac-toe game and then lightly brushing you aside so that he could make a move.
You bounced happily and put in an O, watching his fingers carefully as he debated where to put his X, then fluttering up in glee as he put it exactly where you wanted it. You had this game in the bag. Now, no matter where he put his X, you would still get three in a row.
The volume rose as you did a little victory dance, having thoroughly beat him.
You scurried over to Yoongi’s arm and hid behind it because what just happened.
He shook slightly, like he was laughing, as he picked you up carefully. He was grinning, and definitely laughing.
You tilted your head, curious about what was so funny, but not daring to take out the earplug.
Hoseok reached over and gently poked your head, also laughing.
Seokjin was talking into the microphone to the fans, standing up with the others.
Was the event almost over? Was that too good to be true?
Yoongi leaned in closer. “Go back to Taehyung’s pocket,” He told you, just loud enough for you to hear with the earplugs, but you also mostly read his lips because it was sound and vibrations and your mind’s translation of it was a little hazy, but his lips were clear.
You nodded, getting up and running off of his hand, flying straight for Taehyung, landing on his should and then sliding down his shirt and into the pocket—quickly burying yourself under the blankets instead of in them since that backfired earlier.
Tae patted the pocket once, then was busy talking and moving and maybe hiding in his pocket had been a poor life choice.
But his hand went over the pocket you were in, covering it in a very protective gesture.
You shrunk more, to maybe an inch, to try and escape what would happen next.
Tae’s breathing was slightly hasty, like he was trying hard not to lose control.
You teared up, but quickly tried to dash your tears away. You couldn’t cry in public. The boys had been very adamant on that, and worried, they said it would be dangerous for you if you did.
His hand moved away from the pocket slowly, then one of his fingers came in, simply waiting. A simple request that he knew you wouldn’t want to acquiesce.
You took a deep breath, then wrapped around the tip of his finger.
He carefully pulled you out, eyes wide at how tiny you were.
The other boys looked just as surprised and alarmed—all trying so hard to hide their emotions from the fans and pretend everything was peachy.
Tae looked up and then leaned over to talk into the microphone Jimin was holding, telling them something about being right back. Then he hurried back-stage and seemed to usher the staff away.
You grew back to your normal pixie height, looking up at him desperately.
He signaled for you to take the ear-plugs out.
You did, slowly.
“Little Wing…I know you don’t like it, and I know you know that we don’t like it…but they’re insisting that you show our fans your full size. You can change size back here…but….”
You looked down at his palm, then nodded.
He waited patiently as you calmed yourself a little and then changed sized, but with as small and scared as you were feeling you couldn’t get as big as you normally would. Your chin came just above his belly-button.
His hand softly stroked your hair. “I know how stressful this is.”
You met his gaze. “No matter what happens, they’re sending me away.”
His face became anguished, and he closed his eyes as though to regain some of his composure, pulling you into a loose hug. “We’ll turn the world upside down before we give up on you.”
You took a shaky breath and did your best to grow the last bit to your height, but you only managed a couple inches.
Tae kissed your forehead. “Come on, this is good enough.”
You hugged his arm, keeping on the side that would keep him in between you and the fans, absolutely petrified as he led you back out in front of the crowd. Doing your best to still hide because you didn’t like this one bit.
It got scarily quiet.
“Army, this is Y/n,” Jimin said in a soft tone, coming over to you. “She’s really shy, so this is a lot for her. She doesn’t like being in her big form in front of strangers.”
Jungkook rested a hand on your shoulder, giving it a very gently squeeze.
“Y/n, can you say something to Army?” Namjoon asked.
You couldn’t even breath, pinpointing every glare sent your way, and quickly shook your head, rapidly shrinking.
Jungkook scooped you up when you were the size of a toddler, holding onto you firmly. “Do you want to ride on my back?”
You nodded.
He set you on the table and turned around, letting you latch on and then changing the topic to something else like you weren’t hiding by hanging onto his back.
You started to panic when someone grabbed you, but then noticed it was Sejin, and let him take you back-stage. You finally relaxed a bit when you were in the waiting room back-stage and Sejin had shooed all of the staff from the room.
You found one of the boys sweatshirts and wiggled into it, cocooning yourself in the ultra-long sleeves and extra fabric and then curling into a ball on the couch.
You woke again when you were being carried, recognizing the comforting “shh” as Jimin’s and letting yourself drift off a little, barely recognizing that you had been brought into a vehicle.
Namjoon was cradling you when you woke up fully, back at the house. His hair looked freshly dried, and he was dressed in comfy clothing.
The other boys were slowly filtering back to the living room with food and drinks, all freshly showered.
Namjoon tightened his hold on you when he saw you were awake. “Hey, baby.”
You rubbed your eyes. “Hey. How long was I asleep?”
“Four hours,” Hoseok answered, plopping a kiss onto your forehead after moving the hood of the sweatshirt.
Your eyes widened slightly, but were too tired to do much more than that. “So we’ve already been back to the office and then home?”
Yoongi nodded. “It’s no wonder you slept, that was a highly stressful situation for you.
Hoseok didn't look happy. “What were they thinking, forcing you to size up like that? Forcing you into a situation like that?”
“Probably something along the lines of ‘oh, how convenient, a way to get rid of the annoying fairy that we only got them for good publicity’,” You answered.
All the boys looked angry after that.
You shrugged, unwrapping yourself and then sizing up some more, about the size you were earlier. “You know it’s true. Don’t tell me you don’t. The whole point of this is to get rid of me.”
“Why?!” Jimin snapped. “Why would they want to get rid of you? Things were fine!”
You looked up and met Namjoon’s troubled gaze. “The v-live you boys had. The night Jimin kissed me and I got loopy. Someone told the viewers that I could change size.”
Namjoon’s eyes widened slightly, and his jaw set in frustration. “Which makes it scandalous for you to be living with us.”
Yoongi looked like he might be sick. “I said it. Why did I say it?”
Jin rested a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it.
“It’s not your fault. It would have come out at some point or other,” You told them. “But it’s also because I do distract all of you. I’m a liability on many fronts. I have no doubt that they’re already arranging everything regarding me being taken away.”
Namjoon gently set you on the seat beside him, reaching for a bag beside the couch, not at all surprised while the others still seemed like they were processing it.
You waited, wondering what he had in the bag, but mostly waiting for the other boys to be ready for the rest of the conversation you knew had to happen. It was obvious, now that you looked back, that the staff were preparing to get rid of you.
“I got something for all of us. Had them made, actually,” Namjoon said quietly. “I was afraid that something like this might happen.”
That seemed to get the boys attention.
Namjoon pulled out little gift-boxes. Eight of them. Each one was carefully marked, but you weren’t sure what the marks meant. But he did, handing them out to each of you.
You held your box nervously.
“I wanted each of us to have something, to remind you that we love you, y/n. Especially when we’re busy with shows and tours. Because we already know you love us, and nothing could make us forget that.”
You opened the box, revealing a simple bracelet, with two inset diamond tears. Both microscopically engraved with itty bitty words that you couldn’t make out, only visible to you because, well, you were magic.
Namjoon grabbed his phone, turning on the flashlight and pulling the bracelet so the diamonds were over the light, projecting it onto the ceiling.
It had all of their names, and yours, and it said that they loved you forever. And it also had the BTS symbol with fairy wings in them.
You stared up at the ceiling in awe, then carefully took the bracelet. It was made of a magical material, one that would shrink and grow with you unlike most other metals. “This is fairy-made.”
He nodded, looking a little sheepish. “I figured with your tears it was best to go to a fairy for this work.”
You quickly looked around the room.
Tae had a similar bracelet to yours, that he was examining with tear-filled eyes.
Yoongi had a ring with black metal, and was already wearing it.
Jimin and Jin had a necklaces, both different than each other’s.
Hoseok had a different style of bracelet.
Namjoon had a ring that he was playing with, made with a lighter metal than Yoongi’s.
Jungkook had earrings, a stud and a dangling earring, and he was already switching them out.
Everyone was quiet, most of the boys staring at their gift and looking upset in some way.
“When they remove me…because this was a better home for me…my best home…they’ll have to lock away the memories. I’ll be able to keep my things, and the memories can be recovered, but unless I’m in a situation where I am as loved, or more loved, and equally as happy…I would need to return to you all if I remembered.” You carefully put on the bracelet. “It’s a hard process. And they’ll probably send me somewhere else, somewhere I won’t be…as likely to find you, or vice versa.
“Like a different city?” Jimin asked.
“Like a different country. It happens a lot. Fairies can speak whatever language they need.” You shrugged, not looking at them. Not able to bear their heartache as well as your own.
“We’ll find you. Doesn’t matter where you are in the world. We’ll find you,” Jungkook said quietly.
It was quiet again after that.
Then Jin cleared his throat. “Jungkook, help me pull the mattresses in here.”
They all got up to do something, whether it was helping Jin and Jungkook create a giant bed in the living room or getting ready for bed, or just trying to calm themselves by pretending to do something.
Tae was the first to come back to you, cuddling with you on the couch, comparing the bracelets. “I’m glad mine matches yours, but I wonder why hyung did that.”
You peeked up at him. “You were the one who found me.”
His eyes filled, and he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips that you melted into.
Then the two of you stayed cuddled up while Hoseok directed the madness of making the bed.
Yoongi came over and cupped your face in his hands. “You know we’re not letting you go without a fight, right?”
You nodded, closing your eyes as he kissed your forehead—opening them when he softly kissed your lips.
Then you were cuddling up with all seven boys on the bed, trying not to cry because your mind kept saying, ‘This might be the last time’.
And Jimin’s shirt would definitely be ruined by your tears solidifying in his shirt, but you knew he wouldn’t complain as long as you didn’t mention his tears to the others.
Even Namjoon was crying, though, so you doubted any teasing would be happening.
Hoseok and Jin left, Hoseok’s sobs echoing down the hallway before they locked themselves in one of the rooms.
Yoongi sniffled and squeezed your hand.
Jungkook’s sniffles turned into snores.
And as you fell asleep, you felt the way Taehyung’s breaths shook his body, gently pressed against your back and wings.
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