#bestie it’s literally still there in the other script
visualtaehyun · 4 months
Love Sea 🌊 is here and I'm being so normal about it! Entirely normal! Totally didn't already write half an essay on pronoun predictions back when the intro trailer came out or anything haha...
This is gonna be a bit meandering because it's partly my chronological notes and partly me trying to gather similar things into one category so please excuse the chaotic nature of this post lol
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
Overworked secretary Mook is already my favorite 😂 She's adorable and clumsy and clearly thinks way too much! The way she frustratedly strikes through 'high voice' on her 30-step-script/plan I LOVE HER
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Sidenote: I see why Vi and Rak are besties, she's such a schemester omg ViMook are gonna be an excellent side couple! It's also such a delight to see Aya in a completely different role from Wa in Wedding Plan. :>
Back to Mook's desk though- We know that BossNoeul are gonna have a cameo as themselves during the book fair Mook mentions on the phone because we've seen them with the "Boy Next World" novel in the trailer-
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So let's take a look at Rak's manuscripts:
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1) "Love Sand" - which is the novel that Connor and his boyfriend Khom, played by Pentor in Love Sea, are from! 2) "Test Love" - specifically, the illustration looks to be from the special novel and the middle couple, Ryu and Sun. We know them from Wedding Plan because none other than Forth, who plays Palm in Love Sea, played Sun:
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Since I'm talking about him already- Palm saying ขอนั่งนะ /khaaw nang na/ (= Can I sit?) as he's literally already gettin comfy?? djshshjs this kid is so- fucking- nonchalant? overly casual? (in his speech too) it's hilarious! Also, I'm not sure if he's the best or the worst wingman ever lmao
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แล้วถ้าเกิดที่นี่มีดีสุดแค่เนี้ย พี่ก็ไม่อยากได้ที่เหลือเหมือนกัน /laaeo thaa geert thee nee mee dee soot kaae niia, phi gaaw mai yaak dai thee leuua meuuan gan/ = If the best this place has to offer is just this then I don't want the rest either. -> I love and appreciate MMY's translator but it's entirely implication if he means the drink, the bar or Mahasamut
When Mut asked if Connor's talking about a person or dog and Connor said Rak is more like a cat which he'll see once he meets him, Mut texted:
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/khun Connor phuut meuuan pom rap liiang laaeo/ = You say that like I've already adopted him/agreed to raise him.
And the word เลี้ยง /liiang/ comes up several times then-
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This one's subbed as 'take for a walk' but it's actually เลี้ยง /liiang/ again, not that Rak understands a single word anyway when Mut's speaking Southern dialect lmao Sidenote: His dialect isn't even that strong btw, especially compared to some of the folks he interacted with at the beginning of the episode. Mut and Connor are just clearly pulling one over on Rak lmao I couldn't stop laughing at Mut keeping on pulling out the dialect to get on city boy Rak's nerves! Similarly, I love that Rak clearly underestimates Mut at first and thinks he's a huge idiot and country bumpkin, even trying to manipulate Mut with his body, meanwhile Mut plays his part so well 😂
... as well as the cat/pet implication:
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He actually said 'brush your fur' lol
Here we've got an idiom that got lost in translation cause it wouldn't make sense:
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หลงตัวเอง ผีเจาะปากมาพูด* /lohng dtuua eng. phee jaw bpaak maa phuut/ = So full of yourself/such a narcissist. You sure like hearing yourself talk*. -> *it's an idiom that literally translates to 'a ghost pierced your mouth to make you talk' and describes someone who talks endlessly ผีอะไรมันจะหล่อขนาดนี้คุณ /phee a rai man ja laaw khanaat nee, khun/ = What ghost would be this handsome?
Lastly- the seagull laugh after Rak trips on the beach is so. fucking. funny!
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bawbawbridgie · 4 months
the 'palace' scene
i have been WAITING to talk about this scene and it has finally come to it. this will be my last post in terms of the changes because i believe i have gone through them all (could be wrong).
instead of writing the whole scene (because that would make this post even longer), i decided to include an audio recording from the current broadway version (Joel Meyers & Erik Christopher Peterson 2024) and the original script. i recommend listening to it while reading the original script before reading the rest of this post.
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alrighty, time to go into my thoughts. 
essentially, this scene has gone from a cute little moment between two besties having a lighthearted chat about their feelings for girls, to now a very intimate and quite emotionally vulnerable scene between them. 
removal of love interests: 
rose and scorpius’ dynamic is strictly friendship now with him only asking to be friends in which she still says no. that is a self explanatory change which results in no evidence of scorpius having romantic feelings for her. along with this, polly, another female love interest, is completely removed from this conversation. this takes away pretty much EVERY interaction scorpius has with a female interest in a ‘romantic’ way. 
now with albus; thank god no random mention of the older female professor ew. and no albus getting a girlfriend first. coincidently also removing all the lines referring to him having romantic feelings for female characters. without the statement of liking older women, it removes he emphasis on albus romantically having feeling for delphi in which we know was also changed in the scene with ginny and albus. 
now what does this do to the narrative and perception of these characters? when you remove the female love interests in this situation, it leaves a gap in the story. the gap being who do these characters now actually love?? and since this play is pretty much about ‘love can conquer all’, WHO ELSE ARE THEY MEANT TO PUT THESE FEELINGS OF LOVE ON TO OTHER THAN EACH OTHER???? you cannot deny that all these changes made are for the benefit of this relationship and puts a lot more emphasis on them and what they mean to each other. 
slight word changes: 
“marriage” to “allegiance” again relates to the removal of scorpius’ romantic feelings for female characters, completely taking away this whole part of the plot for him. like all he wants is to form a friendship with rose! platonic friends is what they are now. 
again removing “love” and changing it to “harmony” takes away the romantic feelings and just creates a nice friendship. but i do think its sooooo funny that they changed “love” to “harmony” because THAT would’ve been too far for them. as albus wants that palace with scorpius, having “love” would be confirming that they love each other. that can absolutely not happen. but aren’t they just kinda synonyms or am i stupid. also it wouldn’t be that controversial because they already used “love” as albus’ weakness WITH SCORPIUS IN THAT SCENE soooo… the creatives were just too scared to leave it the same. 
we also have the whole ‘in my head’ but we have gone through it in a previous post (https://www.tumblr.com/bawbawbridgie/748173064391557120/since-you-guys-were-begging-me-to-write-about-it?source=share). 
rose’s line is now changed to “if YOU TWO let it be weird”… WHY WOULD IT BE WEIRD???? firstly, he was only asking to be friends. and secondly, why would it be weird for albus? my boy didn’t do anything? it’s almost as if rose is implying something else? perhaps her finding out that something else is going on between them? mhmmm idk. reminder that rose is quite literally on the stage listening to this whole convo.
THAT line: 
i have so many thoughts on this line and what albus is getting at. is this albus’ way of admitting he has feelings for scorpius? is it albus ‘subtly’ trying to understand how his best friend feels about him by pushing the limits of their friendship and see how he’d react? is he asking him out? is he saying he loves him in his own way as he struggles with feelings? orrrr is it simply albus just asking him if rose, his cousin, is actually the one scorpius, his bestie, wants? this line is definitely up to how you all perceive it. for me, i personally feel it’s albus attempting to address delphi outing him because they never really expand on that moment, as well as attempting to push the boundaries of this friendship to see if scorpius wants more than this as well. 
i also find it amusing that albus says this after scorpius expresses he only wants “harmony” and an “eventual alligence” with rose. like scorpius hasn’t actually shown any romantic interest in rose so this means albus doesn’t even want him talking to her. god he’s obsessed with him. 
rose’s input: 
THANK GOD FOR THE REMOVAL OF “SCORPION KING” COZ HOW DID SHE KNOW???? whatever moving on. her cute little line, “you good albus?” eeeeee i love her new role in this scene. she is just looking out for the happiness of her cousin in which i assume she knows about the two of them being more than besties. fr she is also a big scorbus shipper by the end of the play and we love her for that. 
why tf did the creatives do this?:
ughhhhh i do not know. i guess this was the closest they could get without actually confirming they are together?? idk. i do find it amusing to think about the creatives trying to rewrite this scene and how proud they would’ve been when they created this line. kudos to you jack thorne and john tiffany. but in general with the changes, i have so many thoughts and theories about why/when/how they did this which i would love to dive into but it deserves a whole post dedicated to itself.
but i think at the end of this scene/play, this relationship is open ended like there is no definite answer of what they are and can be interpreted however you’d like. and i genuinely really like this, it’s somehow comforting. one question that i still ask myself (which could be quite problematic but here we go) is: are they actually canon? i have so many thoughts about this and could definitely do a seperate post but put simply… sadly no. PLEASE DONT HATE ME I WANT THEM TO BE CANON BUT I CANNOT 100% SAY THEY ARE!!!! and i have my reasons… but that’s a whole different issue.
although we would all like a CLEAR confession/answer (to get us out of our misery), but they are only 14/15 and finding themselves so who knows, maybe at dinner they worked out what they are but i guess we will never know?? ok bye sorry for all that xx
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mylittleredgirl · 8 months
m*a*s*h reaction post released from my drafts!! i don't know why i have been worried about making a Good Post when legitimately everything that could ever be said about this show has been said.
so i will SHARE MY THOUGHTS ABOUT SEASON THREE currently in progress:
ooooh war got a sweet budget increase in the off-season. pyrotechnics! helicopters! ACTIONNN BAYBEEEE
i'm falling more in love with everyone, details to follow
top of the list: trapper my bestie has been promoted to trapper my legit fictional crush 💕
don't get me wrong, in real life i would slap his face, but i'm with hot lips on this one. the hair, the smile, every time he takes off his shirt... take me to the supply tent or lose me forever
HOWEVER, i happened to notice that he is not on the header pic on hulu* and none of you talk about him so i must regretfully conclude that he will eventually leave the show
anyway i am cherishing him as one cherishes an old dog not long for this world
*speaking of hulu: i have now joined the henry blake appreciation society thanks to this One Weird Trick (reupping my hulu account for a month because i lost my shit after the dvds cut out at the climax of an episode AGAIN)
i went back to rewatch the episodes that didn't play on the dvds, and turns out a lot of them were henry eps (including the trial of henry blake and the one where he is waiting for news about his new baby...) (and also the one where he fell in love with a cheerleader but you can’t win ‘em all)
just in time to appreciate that scene in "o.r." where he tells hawkeye he doesn't want to be discharged so that he can keep doing real doctoring 🥺
"o.r." had so many good character bits!! even frank got some depth?? or at least an explanation for why he's Like That...
other eps i liked:
"iron guts kelly" -- felt like a follow-up to the one last season where hot lips got wasted and broke up with frank and then hawkeye and trapper had to sober her up, which i also loved! "we hate her but she's OURS to hate" is such a good character dynamic.
also lmao every time she cheats on frank, GET YOURS GIRL 😘
the frank/margaret thing is strangely compelling actually? it's like an inverse ship for real. will-they-or-won't-they but for breaking up. same energy though, like i'm glued to the screen rooting for them to fight instead of kiss.
"check-up" i was sooooo brave you guys making peace with the situation BUT THEN TRAPPER STAYED!!! i feel like my crush has been given a stay of execution
i don't know if i ship it per se but i really hope he and margaret hook up exactly once and literally everyone regrets it
i've seen some more episodes and have more thoughts but i need to lie down a lot first
oh one more thing:
i realize "m*a*s*h actors amazing" is not breaking news, but i'm specifically obsessed right now with how they are always interacting with props. i don't even mean the o.r. tools or scripted things, but how in every scene they're doing comedy while also moving crap around, pouring things, drinking, shaving, changing clothes, handing (or THROWING) things to each other, just making a mess all the time while still hitting their lines and comic beats. it's a master class in whatever that is.
anyway it's so good!!! more to come 💕
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2deadkat · 5 months
If you've read them, thoughts on the Geronimo Stilton Kingdom of Fantasy books?
Okay I have a bit of a weird but fond history with that series, I’ve only seen the first two books so I’m not all that qualified to talk about it in-depth.
But I’ll tell you my history first, I used to carry the first kingdom of fantasy book everywhere I went on family trips. I treated that thing like the holy grail and just speed through every page imaginable, I’ll tell you this I really like the presentation of the series.
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Especially with its own script and all the doors to the different kingdoms. That’s one thing the franchise in general is good at. Also I had an old friend of an older sibling of mine who used to share that book with me…and I vividly remember her telling me the pages with each world door being scented so while I carried that book everywhere I was practically a book sniffer 💀. To this very day I still don’t know if it’s true each door was scented or if it was merely a childhood lie…
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Now my thoughts on it despite only officially “reading” two and skimming through the rest of it with a friend at a bookstore (bestie shout out if you’re reading this ✌️), the whole idea of it is really interesting and it’s fitting for someone like Geronimo. I like the world building of the series, and it’s basically a collection of every fantasy world trope ever in an endearing way. I can’t get over the fact that he enters the world illegally every time by drugging himself on chamomile tea and getting knocked out while his sister of the seven roses just gets actual passes 😭 but power to him for capitalising on his drug trips because I was actually so shocked when I found there were 14 of them…I’m not implying that they’re bad but it’s not just a series for me and I’m just shocked that there’s this many of them, I’d personally stop at three books but I can respect the fact that it has its own lore going on.
Geronimo gets more power and respect as a character but I’ll never get over the fact that there are actual humanoids existing in another plane…also I heard it’s more batshit insane in the untranslated Italian books which is…wow, respect.
I was really obsessed with the dragon king and the whole dragon world and I would keep rereading that section every time <3 I swear I used to read that Beowulf part specifically with all the dragon facts. I was a huge dragon kid back then.
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Okay a bit of gross trivia: Going through my old copy of the book, it literally has the sweat stains of kid me’s hand on the exact page of that illustration because I admire his whole design and deal so much…to this very day it is still the coolest dragon design I’ve ever seen.
So overall, it’s really interesting, I like the whole world they’re going for, but it’s not for me to consume as a full series entirely. And even if I do start again with the other books I don’t have the childhood wonder anymore to dive into it like kid me used to…so unfortunately I don’t have the same attachment a bunch of other people might’ve grew up with…
Sorry, guess I’m more interested in a mouse version of the Office…or parks and recreation 😔 but the first book holds dear to me with its immersive world building and recently I just found it lying in one of my family’s house’s many book shelves so I am thankful for that.
Also man I forgot how some of these spreads go hard…
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ghostradiodylan · 2 months
hi hello i have been rotating dylan lenivy in my head like the microwave for a couple of weeks and especially how instead of lashing out or acting up at all when he’s late stage infected he just. he just gets scared by lights?? figures out how to work a crane?? saves kaitlyn?? will NOT let kaitlyn get hurt by him and he’s so scared but he’s so. my boy :(
Hi hello yourself! Thank you for this, I have been doing the same thing except for LIKE A YEAR. Someone help me. 💀
I just. I love him so much?
Like, he’s an actually perfect character?
In a game about choices, we aren’t even allowed to make any bad decisions with Dylan. Is that a flaw in the game design? Or a sign that some crucial decisions he could have been tasked with hit the cutting room floor with the other 20-30% of the script? Maybe. Does it make me love him for it any less? Absolutely fucking not.
He should be a threat to Kaitlyn, right? He should at least be a little bit pissed off at her, a little bit grumpy before he’s turning. God knows he deserves it. Can you imagine if she’s kissed his crush and he’s stuck with her for the rest of the night? Dylan obviously adores Kaitlyn, and he knows that sticking with her is his best chance at getting out alive, but those emotions would still be complicated, I would think. If the infection brings out hidden insecurities (which seems to be the case for literally everyone else), we should see Dylan grapple with not feeling like his real self is good enough, with wearing a mask for two months and hiding how smart he is and all of that.
I’m not sure why we don’t see that. We know his insecurities aren’t gone because they can come up again when he’s talking about whether Ryan would want to date him with one hand (I’m sobbing internally). The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that he’s no longer hiding that insecurity with the people whose opinions matter the most to him (Ryan and Kaitlyn). So maybe the truth really will set you free (from being a super bitchy werewolf)? I almost wish we did see him go off a bit though. I wish we had at least some kind of chase scene in that scrapyard after he turned. It would give so much more weight to the decision to not cut his hand off, if it put him at risk of mauling his gunslinging bestie, our Final Girl.
But SMG chose for him to remain a golden boy throughout and of course that also has its charms. He has an immutable set of core values and those are being good and selfless, even when he’s terrified. Which is most of the game! And even though he gets braver, he very clearly doesn’t stop being scared! He just does what he has to do anyway. Even if he’s turning into a monster. Even if the boy of his dreams cut his hand off with a chainsaw (because he asked him to). I understand why people make him too perfect in fanfic sometimes because he’s, like, almost too good?
He has his moments early on, like wanting to keep the gun, or wanting to leave Nick and Abi behind in case what attacked them has their scents (tbh these are just his genre-savviness showing and I can’t actually blame him for either). He also gives Kaitlyn some very bad advice relating to silver bullets (kill a werewolf that turns out to be Emma, leave the bullets Abi is trying to give you behind), but she doesn’t have to take it.
But have you SEEN what he does if Emma turns and comes after Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn fails to shoot? He just fucking tackles a werewolf to save Kaitlyn. He puts himself between WereEmma and Kaitlyn like a human shield. If he’s infected, great, Emma sniffs him and leaves him alone but he is clearly shocked by that. He did not know that would happen. And he did it anyway. It was a reflex. And if he’s not infected? If he was never bitten at all or he’s missing a hand? He still does the exact same thing. He can take a second bite to protect Kaitlyn. He can get infected a second time after cutting his fucking hand off. He can die to protect her if she doesn’t manage to get a shot off to save him.
Lots of characters give us the option to be self-sacrificial. Ryan can give Laura the vial of werewolf blood to protect her during the Silas showdown. Jacob can run, barefoot and mostly naked, into the woods when he hears Abi scream. Abi can die by refusing to shoot her crush because she doesn’t know it won’t actually kill Nick if she does. But those are all choices. Dylan does not give us a choice. We’re not even in control when he does that shit. He just does it. Because that’s who he is.
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I’m fine. I’m so completely fine.
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
So, the AMPTP basically said that the studios take too much risk to pay people anything for streaming shows. Here's John Rogers and David Slack responding to that.
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(link to top of thread)
[Image ID: A tweet thread from John Rogers on July 23rd, 2023 that reads in its entirety:
Last time I had a failure - which was collateral damage in an argument between the studio and the network - I had to personally fire 200 people, they all were off payroll by that afternoon, and I was also out of a job. The executives all continued to get paid. So fuck off.
Actually, that’s not true. The failure after that one happened as collateral damage in one of the mergers, so it had nothing to do with the quality of the show. And I had to wait, forbidden to work, not earning a dime, as they shopped it for six months.
Also several of my writers were cheated of their expected salaries, some losing up to 75%, for reasons too complicated to explain here. Those executives, both studio and streamer, all kept their jobs. So double fuck off.
Actually no, my last failure was a show where after delivery the network made us wait *seven months … for a PASS*. Seven months where I was in first position, and again, was forbidden from working.
Do that was one pilot fee, cut in half with a partner, for a year and a half’s work counting development. Those executives, both studio and network, kept their jobs.
So *triple* fuck off.
Luckily I had my tiny sliver of back end from TRANSFORMERS - no, wait, no, because according to the Hollywood accounting while that movie grossed something like a billion dollars all in, it unfortunately wound up $36 million in the hole.
So QUADRUPLE fuck off.
If you’re dumb enough to take that AMPTP statement at face value, responsible adults should remove all the scissors from your home. You are the reason hair dryers have the “Do not use while sleeping” warning.
/End ID]
I believe that merger one was Leverage or The Librarians. Both were doing REALLY well before they got cancelled due to network shit, I know that much. So the network/studio one could be either of those as well. Probably Leverage?
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(Link to top of thread)
[Image ID: A tweet thread from David Slack posted July 21st, 2023 that reads in its entirety:
The studios claim they shouldn’t have to share revenue for the success of the shows we make succeed because they assume all the risk.
To paraphrase a famous actor: There’s more than one type of risk, motherfucker.
While the studios and their new hedge fund besties may assume some modest financial risk, any losses just go on a balance sheet next to the C-suite’s golden parachutes.
The workers in this industry, on the other hand, risk a hell of a lot more than that.
Most working actors live with the constant uncertainty of never knowing where their next paycheck will come from or how long it will be between jobs. That’s risk.
If they work a second job, they often risk losing it every time they take time off for auditions or jobs.
Actors also generally have little control over the final product, so *every* role is a risk for them. Sure, it could be the hit that changes everything. But it could also be a flop that hurts their career for years. They become “the guy from that thing” and can’t get more work.
Under our old contract, writers put in untold hours of free work developing and rewriting pitches and scripts for features and TV. Much of this work is on spec. That’s a huge risk writers take on — yet the studios are happy to benefit from the upside without taking on any risk.
Writers, actors, crew, and directors also risk our personal relationships, spending long hours at work, frequently across the country or around the world. Our partners soldier on without us. Our kids miss us and we can only hope they’ll understand.
That’s a huge risk.
Stunt performers literally risk their lives for the shows we make. Productions and crews take every possible precaution to ensure their safety, but accidents still can and do happen.
You gonna try and tell us that’s not risk?
All of us risk our health and safety working insane hours to keep up with the schedules our bosses create. When was the last time David Zaslav or Bob Iger worked a Fraturday? Do they even know what one is?
In production, where 14, 15, and 16 hour days are common, people have died from falling asleep at the wheel driving to and from set.
And the studios have the fucking gall to say they’re taking all the risk?
We risk our finances, our families, our friendships, our futures, and sometimes our lives to make a product for you that you have no idea how to make yourselves.
All you risk is money.
And by the fucking way, we *know* you can afford to give us success-based pay — because you’ve been doing it for 83 YEARS.
Remember 1960? When both the WGA and SAG went on strike and won…
residuals for TV?
Residuals for TV *are* success-based pay. Great movies and TV shows re-ran more often, so the people who created and starred in them got more money as a reward for that success. It’s a great system that incentivized workers to bust their asses to make great shows.
And you know what happened to the entertainment industry in the 8 decades studios have been making these success-based payments?
Studios made billions in revenue selling our product all around the world.
But now, the studios say they can’t afford it. They say it’s not “fair” for actors to ask for success-based pay because they don’t take on any risk.
That’s stupid.
It’s offensive.
And it’s a lie.
It’s shameful that the AMPTP and their studio bosses are trying to deny the workers who make their product a bonus for success that is time-tested and has 83 years of precedent.
And that they’re lying about it?
That’s just… uncivilized. #WGAStrong #SAGAFTRAStrong
/End ID]
The absolute fuckery of this statement that came from the AMPTP is that the studios thought this would gain them sympathy. They were wrong. They genuinely thought this was a good statement from them because they DO think they take all the risk because they can't see people who don't have their wealth as real people. They can't.
Wealth is a disease.
No one should make the kind of money these people make. It makes them so out of touch they think of themselves as gods among ants. They step on those ants? They don't notice. They don't care. They just keep moving forward to gain as much money as possible, even though they have no way to spend it.
Fuck the studios, a new system needs to be built around them so that they'll die.
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alonetimelover · 2 years
Action! - part 4 - Social Media
Pairings: ex!Harry Styles x Director!Reader x Joseph Quinn
Warnings: swearing, drug mention (in harry's song)
Summary: A walk through aftermath of Harry and YN's break up, new woman, new man, some drama, new albums, lots of love.
part 1 part 2 part 3 series masterlist
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♥️ 💬 ➤
liked by hArrysbutterfly, stupdates and 4 716 others
ynupdates For the first time in months(!!!) we have an update! YN with Taylor Swift in YN's cabin. They're celebrating evermore release! | credit: florencepugh
ps. please don't jump to conclusions because you see a man next to yn, we don't know who he is, so let's not assume
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hArrysbutterfly finally! I was so worried about her! I understand she needs space after everything *cough* WB *cough* but it's so nice to see her being with people she loves
ynmymama i hope she's happy and staying healthy
ynsmybestie we know the man, at least UK fans know him
⤷ ynshands tell me!!!!
⤷ynsmybestie he's Joseph Quinn he played in Dickensian, Miserables or Catherine The Great (some BBC shows that UK folks know well) he's rumoured to be in stranger things also
taylors22 guys please tell me I'm not delusional and few songs are about yn and harry
⤷ynupdates i hear it too! I didn't want to make a post about it (because people are just cruel) but I hear it!
⤷ynsmybestie im not the biggest fan of taylor but im going to listen to this (tell me which songs, please)
⤷taylors22 well, the whole album is a masterpiece but! I think that gold rush, 'tis the damn season, tolerate it or (maybe) evermore are about yn and harry
⤷taylors22 those are just my assumptions after little deep down into harry and yn's update accounts. im not saying it's 100% about them, just to be clear
⤷ynsmybestie of course!! i've listened to a few and man... gold rush is about them 100% I mean, internet loves this guy
harryupdates so good to see her again!
harrysmylife i miss yn and harry so so much:(((
⤷ ynsmybestie well, sad to burst you bubnle but they weren't very happy together
⤷ harrysmylife and how do you know that??
⤷ ynsmybestie they (celebrityupdates) have a whole article about it, apparently someone close to yn and harry spilled the beans and said too much about our babies
⤷ hArrysbutterfly bestie!!! spill the tea please
⤷ ynsmybestie basically harry fell out of love, at the end only yn cared about their relationship and he didn't have the balls to end it earlier. all in all he moved on while still being in a relationship with yn
⤷ harrysupdates well, let's not believe everything that person said, we don't know if that was someone actually close to yn or harry. we need to accept their decision of ending the relationship. however it happened shouldn't be our concern.
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmymama, joekeery, mayahawke, gatenm123, noahschnapp and 5 917 061 others
yourinstagram hi, hey, hello! we're halfway through the script of st4, so I thought ill give you guys some insight (i hope Duffer brothers won't sue me). it's not some insight, im literally giving you shirtless Joe Keery, please appreciate it.
ps. we are here without masks but we are staying safe. we're vaccinated and we're tested every day. please stay safe wherever you are in the world!
view all 11 927 comments
ynsmybestie Joe???? 🤤 you're spoiling as bestie!
⤷yourinstagram i try, i try
⤷ynsmybestie jskdbsjis OMFGSIS
joekeery you're making my DM's blow up
⤷yourinstagram sorry! i really am!
⤷mayahawke youre not, are you?
⤷ yourinstagram shhh!
noahschnapp BYLER 👨‍❤️‍👨
ynshands doing god's work, yn! thank you!
ynupdates Joe Quinn as the new character??? I love it. why no one talks about him?
⤷ yourinstagram im wondering the same
⤷ ynsmybestie we will talk about him, bestie. we will.
harrysmoustache posting at the same time as THE photos
⤷ ynshands what photos????
⤷ harrysmoustache harry and olivia w went to jeff's wedding together (hand in hand and all that!!)
⤷ynshands so after months of those secret photos its finally confirmed? jesus
⤷ harryskiwi yeah, they first were photographed like day or two after yn and harry's break up?? its been a while
⤷ harrysmoustache about six months, WILD (pun intended)
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmymama and 9 617 others
ynupdates YN with Joseph Quinn out in Atlanta celebrating the end of shooting season 4 of Stranger Things. Joe Keery and his girlfriend were seen joining them.
view all 2 827 comments
ynsmybestie OMFG!!!! they look so good! 🤤
ynsmymama yn wearing Jo's jacket in those two pics? so cute
harryskiwi she looks so good! that silk dress?? damn, yn 🔥
ynshands sir? your hand? 😳 all those British, curly men falling for yn, i understand you
⤷ ynsmybestie also him feeding her? jesus...
hater55 moving on so quickly?
hater71 new guy again?
hater03 another one?
ynshands okay, why do y'all hate on her? moving on so quickly? a year after ending her last relationship is quickly? what was then Harry's doings with moving on days after breaking up? you people really love to hate on a woman just because she's happy with a new man
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liked by florencepugh, tchalamet, annetwist, gemmastyles, taylorswift, harrystyles and 7 617 817 others
yourinstagram with this year coming to the end, small photo dump with my favourite moments from 2021. this year was the one when i had my saddest and happiest moments. i hope 2022 will be our year.
one - i think it was during the last week of shooting st4, im a simple girl - i see a beautiful sky, i take a photo
two - you guys know the masterpiece that dirty dancing is? we did it.
three - ❤
four - find yourself a man that reads your recomendations. seven husbands of evelyn hugo finished, mans search for meaning next
five - yes he does the cooking, yes he does the cleaning 🍕
six - ❤️
seven - florence's birthday!!!! can you see how gorgeous she looks?? my, my, my, im drooling 🤤
eight - R.I.P. Dom Pérignon
nine - ❤️
view all 761 996 comments
florencepugh my birthday one of the highlights of your year??? i love you so much, beautiful. see you at the party!
⤷yourinstagram see you, beauty!
tchalamet chérie! when you're happy, i'm happy
⤷yourinstagram stop flirting, Timothée
⤷tchalamet joe, give yn her phone
⤷yourinstagram who?
⤷tchalamet yn calls me timmy, joe. you gave yourself up, mate. give her the phone
⤷yourinstagram no. ❤️
⤷ynsmybestie they're the funniest
annetwist happy new year, darling! ❤️
⤷yourinstagram thank you, annie! the happiest for you
taylorswift can i write an album about you?
⤷yourinstagram i thought you already had one??🍂
⤷ynsmybestie bestie are you confirming evermore being about you????
gemmastyles we need to meet up, yn!
⤷yourinstagram text me the date and im all yours, babe
ynsmymama her still being close to anne and gemma? while having a whole new man? also harry lurking, we see you👀
ynsmysoulmate can we talk about how she started posting more about herself and her life after dumping Jeff's ass and getting new manager??? im so here for it. Ronnie Coleman im your number1 fan
⤷ ynsmymama so true! i feel like she really wants to share her happy memories with us and jeff didn't let her, Ronnie is like her bestie and let's her decide whatever she thinks is best for her
⤷ haarrysmoustache jeff was doing with yn what he does with harry, minimal social media + public spottings
⤷ harrysbtch buuut, harry said himself that he doesn't like social media and tries to avoid it as much as possible (he's now all over it with olivia but who am I to judge???)
⤷ ynsmymama oh, that might be it. yn said in one of her interviews that she didn't mind social media because she learnt how to deal with it (and that interview was in 2019, while still being managed by Jeff)
harrysbtch photos of Joseph???? recreating THE ICONIC scene from one of her favourite films?? she has her own jonny castle
⤷ ynsmysoulmate and he reads her recommendations? cooks and cleans? man, when i tell you i feel weak in the knees, im not lying. 🥵
⤷ynsmybestie she just needs joseph to dress up as him or danny zuko for halloween and she's probably done for 😭
taylor22 Dom Pérignon ???? champagne problems??
⤷ ynsmybestie if champagne problems is about yn and harry im dead 💔
harrysbtch also, harry are you sure you wanted to like this post???
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liked by harryupdates, annetwist, oliviawilde, harrysmama, ynsmybestie and 8 817 716 others
harrystyles Harry's House. May 20th.
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oliviawilde ❤️
harryupdates the king is back!
annetwist cannot wait, my boy! x
ynsmybestie okay, so how many songs about yn, hmm?
ynsmymama i hope you're not going to bring more drama between you and yn after this album is released
⤷harryskiwi imo id love for him to have a song about her. we only got a few in fine line
⤷ynsmymama maybe, i just dont want it to affect yn and joe
harrystyles ALSO my new song As It Was - out on April 1st, H
⤷haarrysmoustache the promotion! so true💀
⤷harryupdates harry, please make a post about it
⤷harrysheadphones well, it's few days later and he didn't, he really doesn't care 😭
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liked by yourinstagram, joekeery, mayahawke, sadiesink, noahschnapp, milliebobbybrown, harrystyles, tchalamet and 2 716 615 others
josephquinn Stranger Things Season 4. Thank you for a warm welcome in this beautiful family. It's an absolute honor to join you. Season 4 on Netflix on May 27th. See you then.
view all 65 827 comments
yourinstagram look 👏 at 👏 you! what a dream. what a man.
⤷ josephquinn dream man?
⤷yourinstagram you're damn right
joekeery look at him, all dressed up. where's your denim vest?
⤷josephquinn give it back, robber
mayahawke im sorry, who did you play? i don't think i know you from set
⤷yourinstagram maya, eddie cut his hair
⤷mayahawke oh! right, those puppy eyes seem familiar
sadiesink 🎸
yourinstagram okay, guys. let's stop bullying joe. he's pouting on the couch
⤷ josephquinn i'm not pouting!
⤷ ynsmybestie well, yn's story is telling something different
ynupdates he's so fine
ynsmymama what a pretty man you are, mr quinn
ynshands can we talk about how they were constantly looking at each other while being on teh carpet??? the winks? smirks? they're so in love
⤷harryupdates im so anxious because we said the same about h
⤷ynshands well, let's not talk about him. joe's the man now
⤷ harryupdates well, he just liked this post...
⤷ ynshands WHAT?!
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 5h
okay, so... harry's house is out and i have some thoughts. im no youtuber so i didn't make a video (my phone has a broken camera, soo) but i cannot keep it to myself. i found some nice connections and im doing a thread of it here, enjoy babes (1)
10k comments 💬 67k shares 🔃 126k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 5h
music for a sushi restaurant: soo, yns hot enough to cook an egg on her, that's for sure. she loves bubblegum, especially blue! they were seen together numerous times at the sushi restaurants (2)
2k comments 💬 65k shares 🔃 125k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 5h
late night talking: yn said she broke her camera one awful day. harry posted a story of broken lenses and a box of chocolates (yns favourites!) also late night talking was yns caption to her IG story containing a screenshot from her facetime with harry (3)
2k comments 💬 65k shares 🔃 124,5k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 5h
grapejuice: so yn was so perfect for him, he said that in one of the interviews after releasing fine line. they spent a lot of time in Italy, drank wine, harry was seen buying yn flowers EVERY DAY, but now he just drinks wine - its all that is left. and he is NOT drinking dom perignon but the wine from 1982 which is the one yn was drinking with joe (her new year ig post) (4)
2,5k comments 💬 66k shares 🔃 125,8k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 4h
as it was: well, let's face it. it's not about yn. it's olivias song. that's it babes (maybe its a stunt song or whatever, dont know.) the promotion for this song says it all. he didnteven make a post about it, just a comment. (5)
3k comments 💬 62k shares 🔃 122k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 4h
daylight: so I don't think yn was doing cocaine but maybeee. i know for sure that bluebird is yn's favourite poem by charles bukowski (harrys fav writer). they were seen doing a race on bicycles. and there is a reference to adore you: ANTIDOTE that we know is about yn. its a love song, definitely. (6)
3,2k comments 💬 65,2k shares 🔃 124,9k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 4h
little freak: harry spilled beer on timothee during one of the little women cast parties, and definitely wasn't sorry (jealous son of a bitch). yn loves yoga, and has a body of a goddess! side note: i think its a beautiful song of what harry WANTS to think but definitely IS NOT doing (liking all her and Joe's pictures, stalking fanaccounts, and so on) and a statement that even though he's in a new relationship he still thinks of the old one, of yn :((( (7)
5,2k comments 💬 66,9k shares 🔃 126,2k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 4h
matilda: yn put that film on her 'ten films I cannot live without' list, saying it describes what she went through during her childhood (poor baby😞) and harry used her experience to write a song without telling her - he admitted that during his latest interview (8)
7,4k comments 💬 70,5k shares 🔃 136k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 3h
cinema: I mean???? you can argue all you want, but yn is THE director and olivia is actress/director. the song just suits yn better in my opinion. just pure filth is this song, pure filth. dirty man. (9)
11k comments 💬 61,9k shares 🔃 132,7k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 3h
daydreaming: there is no hard proof. yn apparently said 'baby, loving you is a real thing' during her speech at the oscars after party. (10)
1,8k comments 💬 58k shares 🔃 123k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 3h
keep driving: song about basically: should we still be together? connections? black and white film camera was harry's present for yn on their first anniversary. yellow sunglasses - yns iconic look in italy. the breakfast order - yns go to order while eating breakfast out of home. riot America- the attended multiple protests across america. kiss her and don't tells - they hid their relationship for months. choke her with a sea view - that one story from the yacht 🔥 (11)
16,5k comments 💬 65,9k shares 🔃 131,8k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 3h
satellite: song after the breakup. yns got a new life with joe. Hard to explain but it just a song about harry bothering yn while she's being - in harrys opinion - sAd in her relationship with joe, he's waiting for her move. i beg someone to do a BIG break down of this song, it's just a heartbreak anthem. (12)
8,6k comments 💬 66,8k shares 🔃 132,6k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 3h
boyfriends: what can I say? harrys just calling himself out. he was seen out at the pubs drunk. just a perfect song for saying 'hi, im the problem. its me, im the problem' (13)
3,2k comments 💬 61,5k shares 🔃 124,3k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
love of my life: jonny is one of yn's best friends from university, yn and harry spent a week in his house to get out of all the news that had been spread about them. he admits to not knowing yn enough - it was present in the interviews he did (not knowing her favourite films or composers) (14)
4,3k comments 💬 57k shares 🔃 130,3k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
didn't know it was going to blow up like it did. im glad you guys liked this piece of veery shallow breakdown. its a beautiful album, grammies are waiting for this man. and i hope we'll get some answers in the future. byeeee x
4,7k comments 💬 23k shares 🔃 109k likes❤️
harrysbtch @iheartharryandyn
bestie, this thread is a masterpiece. all the connections you've made?? couldn't do it better
788 comments 💬 2,8k shares 🔃 15k likes❤️
harryupdates @dailydoseofharryy
i really don't know what to think about this album. there's so many songs about yn. it's cool to see him putting it out, his thoughts and feelings. but also with yn being in a relationship and having these much written about her??? i don't know if i would feel comfortable
5,1k comments 💬 13kshares 🔃 37k likes❤️
ynupdates @dailydoseofyn
@harryupdatess harry's an artist so it was predictable that he would wrote about the experience during and after his relationship with yn. i hope it won't disturb yn an joe's relationship, they look so happy together
345 comments 💬 4,3k shares 🔃 21k likes❤️
joeandynfann @dailydoseofjoeandyn
and here we got yn and joe being unbothered queen and king, ignoring trending on twitter and being the cause of breaking IG and twitter for some time - yn's IG story
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celebrityupdates and enews
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liked by harrysmoustache, oliviashat and 173 098 others
celebrityupdates Harry Styles (28) and Joseph Quinn (29) are YN YSN's (25) respectfully past and present boyfriend. From what we know the breakup was rather ugly but now? It doesn't seem like it. On the photos you can see Harry and Joe wearing the suits from Harry's newest Gucci line HA HA HA. Is that the promotion? Or it's just another stunt relationship in the industry? Or perhaps Harry Lambert (Styles' designer and friend, as well as YN's friend) found a way to promote the fashion line he's a part of? Read more in our newest article, link in our bio.
view all 81 018 comments
enews pinned! 'Harry in his latest interview let people know that one of his favourite books is Mans Search For Meaning by Victor E. Frankl. Book that YN was recommending to Joe Quinn.'
enews pinned! 'Joe Quinn played Eddie Munson in one of the Netflix hit shows, Stranger Things. In the last episode he was playing Master Of Puppets by Metallica. The said song was taught to him by Styles' friend and bandmate, Mitch Rowland. Our source said that it caused an argument between Harry, Mitch and YN. Harry apparently was furious that his friend was still in contact with his ex girlfriend and her new best friend (at that time YN and Joe weren't together yet).'
ynupdates the suits situation is messy. i can't imagine joseph being super excited about wearing his girlfriend ex's design. it's just weird...
⤷ harryupdates expecially that Joe was super happy about wearing Gucci, and the patch on Joe's sleeve doesn't have the HA HA HA logo. maybe it's just a similar design?
⤷thejoequinnupdates joe was wearing the suit before the clothes from HA HA HA collection were being sent to their ambassadors. imo it's an early lambert's design for HA HA HA. and because yn is his friend as well he did the suit for Joe. then Harry used it for the HA HA HA. promo at its best. HA HA HA is trending and the online store has no products available. Harry played it well.
⤷ ynupdates if that's true then i feel sorry for yn, really sorry. her ex is using her current boyfriend for promo which is sick and twisted. man just move on.
ynshands we thought harry moved on while still being in a relationship with yn but we were wrong. that bitch is still in love with her...
⤷ ynsmybestie can you blame him?
⤷ ynshands bestie, im so in love with her that it's unhealthy, something close to what harry's doing tbh 💀
hArrysbtch hes a simp 😭 woah
user618 those celebrities will do anything for fame smh
user917 that's ... toxic
text messages between YN and Harry Lambert
hrr lmbrt
hiii! i have some new suits for you and joe to try before your new movie premiere. when are you two free??
when did you plan to tell me you're going to dress him in the same thing as joe?
hrr lmbrt
it's not exactly the same suit, yn. joe had the cotton one and harry had a cotton+silk one. the print is also different.
people on the internet don't know that, lamby. they are sure joe is somehow connected to your new clothing line. they're making a lot off buzz around it.
hrry lmbrt
yn, you know how it works...
was he the one to propose it or was it jeff?
hrr lmbrt
i don't know, babe. got the information from above.
don't bullshit me, harry. you said you want to stay friends despite all the things that happened between him and I. act like a friend then, please.
hrr lmbrt
jeff's idea but harry wasn't really opposed to it
but please don't do anything you'll regret.
i already lost one relationship because of him. I'm not going to lose another one. I won't let him destroy my happiness again. I truly care about joe, lamby
hrr lmbrt
maybe go a little easy on harry. he's not doing well.
it was nice catching up, lamby. if the suits aren't or won't be part of that collections then we're free on friday.
text messages between YN and Jeff
yn ysn
next time you plan to get under my skin use me or my name, stay away from people I love, Jeff. your way of promoting him is getting out of hand.
hello yn, nice hearing from you. I see you saw the suit Harry was wearing. such a nice piece of clothing, wasn't it?
yn ysn
this is the last time you're hearing from me jeff. next time it's going to be Ronnie and eventually my lawyers. your ways are too invasive for my liking. you used my name and my relationship for years, i think that's enough. stay away from Joseph, he has nothing to do with you or him.
I don't understand why are you so dramatic about it? it's just a suit. it's not like only we got benefit from it. your and your boy's things got promotion as well.
yn ysn
it's not just a suit. you control him well, we both know that. you can prevent him from doing what he's doing. it's unhealthy.
also, i don't need promotion like that, never did. you just think that ploting behind people's backs is the best solution. it's not.
goodbye, Jeff. like I said next time you're invading my or my partner's life you'll hear from our lawyers.
can't wait, yn.
text messages between YN and Joe
hi, baby. i contacted lamby and jeffrey. i hope it will do the job, if not Ronnie is ready to contact them himself.
hello, lovie. how are you feeling?
to be completely honest? bad. i hate confronting people but they crossed the line. they could use my name all they want but they decided to use you and you have nothing to do with it, nothing.
well, im your boyfriend, that's probably enough.
it shouldn't be, we talked about it.
at least lamby said it was jeff's idea, just like i had thought.
enough of that, where are you coming home? i made pasta
im like 15 minutes away, lovie. i love you and see you soon, we'll talk about it more after the nice bath, what do you think, hmm?
i love you! im getting the bath bombs ready 🛀
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liked by josephquinn, tchalmet, florencepugh, harrystyles, taylorswift, ronniecoleman and 18 917 716 others
yourinstagram it was an honour to direct and star in a film like 'bones and all' is. it was also a challenge, I never thought I would take, and here i am in the film with one of the best actor out here. thank you to our whole team working on this film. thank you tchalamet, my best friend. thank you josephquinn, my love for all the tips and support and love and patience. see you in theatres, i'll be there 🦴
ps. don't ask me the colour of anything
view all 471 819 comments
tchalamet the best director and the best actress out there! what you did with and in this film is extraordinary, yn! you are the true artist. it's an honour working with you. ❤️
⤷ yourinstagram you're making me cry, timmy 🤧
florencepugh ACTRESS AND DIRECTOR many tried, just a few succeeded. yourinstagram did. such a beautiful film, such a beautiful performance by timmy and yn. love you both so so so much 💗
yourinstagram, tchalemet and 176 918 others liked this comment
josephquinn that's my girlfriend! and her sidekick ☠️
⤷ ynshands how is joe so effortlessly funny?
⤷ ynsmybestie right? jealous but funny and hot 🔥
taylorswift i already bought tickets. so proud of you all!
annetwist ❤️
ynupdates yn acting????? im so confused. i bet its a masterpiece if she had so much do do with this film
hArrysbtch timothee's shade on harry, olivia and all of that? he's fucking the best
ynsmybestie timothee finally got to kiss yn, he must be delighted
tchalemet and 41 716 others liked this comment
⤷ ynshands he's so happy 😭
⤷ joemyman joe is probably fuming 💀
⤷ harrysmoustache im sorry, WHAT?
⤷ ynsmybestie check twitter, its all over it. someone videoed a scene during the first screening of the film. they are kissing kissing 👅
harryupdates congratulations you two! its going to be oscar worthy for sure
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liked by josephquinn, tchalamet, taylorswift, florencepugh, sadiesink, annetwist and 20 172 617 others
yourinstagram three years of knowing you. one year of loving you. thank you for being with me in my lowest and my highest moments. you are my person. ❤️
view all 716 929 comments
josephquinn thank you for loving me, sweetness. i love you.
florencepugh shootout to the best couple i know
tchalamet the most beautiful couple out there
taylorswift i am writing a song about you two, there's no way
annetwist happy anniversary! ❤️
sadiesink it really is your year, eddie - i mean joseph 🎸
ynupdates sleeping on a highway tonight, thanks a lot
joemyman what a sweet, sweet couple. happy anniversary!
ynshands you beauties
harrysmoustache well, harry didn't like this one
⤷ harryupdates he did but unliked it after a few minutes
hArrysbtch i love love love
450 notes · View notes
themanirealityshifter · 5 months
My Empyrean DR Script (that I will write on here, so that I actually finish it 😭)
First Name: Sebastian
Middle Name: Fynn
Last Name: Riorson
Nickname(s): Seb; Sebby
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Human
Age: 23
Description: Black hair (wolfcut)(I love wolfcuts, and I don’t care if it’s impractical, I MISS MY LONG HAIR); Olive skin (even though I’m as pale as the moon in my CR); Black eyes flecked with lighter brown; Lean, muscular body (I need to be in shape here or I will die, so luckily I’m in control of this and can script that I’m not a blob that lays on the couch every single day); Top and bottom surgery scars (you bet your ass I have those); Fully transitioned (love that testosterone); Huge black dragon relic covering my back; Rebellion relic covering my chest; Lots of scars all over my body
Positive Trait(s): Intelligent (I need to be able to not be a dipshit and die immediately); Clever (same thing); Good memory (say bye bye to all those days of dissociation and maladaptive daydreaming in my CR, now I will remember EVERYTHING there); Quiet (of course I’m quiet, have to keep up the mysterious act, plus I’m too overstimulated and socially awkward for this shit); Thoughtful (my mind is always stuffed); Nice (even though I’m quiet and don’t talk much, I am pretty nice when you talk to me first)
Negative Trait(s)(yes, I’m gonna script them, just to give myself some flavor): Trusting (making friends wise, always end up getting hurt or stabbed in the back, literally and figuratively)
Dragon Name: Aodhan (do we know how to pronounce his name here? no. will we script that we do know it? yes)
Signet Power(s): Time Manipulation (can go back in time) and Reality Manipulation (can make my imagination real life)
Weapon(s): Daggers and Swords (I love me some sharp things)
Parent(s): None (dead)(it’s literal canon that Xaden’s parents died[along with all the other parents that were part of the rebellion]so yeah)
Sibling(s): Xaden Riorson; Liam Mairi (adoptive brother)
Other Family Member(s): Brodhi Durran (cousin)
Best Friend(s): Xaden Riorson (I’m besties with my brother, I know, I can do that); Liam Mairi (same thing); Violet Sorrengail (I’m the one who ends up being the body guard for her, not Liam); Brodhi Durran (I love my family); Ridoc Gamlyn (I adore him, it’s gonna be interesting all the talks we will have [I am scared that most of them will be about sex he had or people that he likes, help me]); Heaton (I love my non-binary pals); Garrick Tavis
Friend(s): Imogen Cardulo (I love her hair); Rhiannon Matthias (bisexual queen, go girl)
Partner(s): None (I am single forever, thank the almighty gays)
Gender Identity: TransGuy
Romantic Orientation: Aromantic
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous; Panalterous; Panaesthetic
Extra Fact(s): Liam does not die (I was sobbing when it happened); Homework is effortless and easy always (I don’t want to work too hard or make it take up so much time); I am a skilled painter/artist (something to do when I’m not doing homework, have training, have secret rebellion meetings with Xaden and the rest, or guarding Violet); I wear ear plugs a lot of the time (because I’m overstimulated a lot, but I still manage); Probably have some anxiety and PTSD (not that I don’t have anxiety already and probably have some form of PTSD here-); I keep my head easily (no panicking for me, though, even though I know, realistically, that contrasts with the anxiety, but I want to live and also have my sparkle at the same time); I know how to pronounce Aodhan’s name perfectly; Garrick and Imogen are together (Imogen needs her love too); I cannot die; None of my best friends or friends can die; Xaden, Liam, and Brodhi cannot die
Specific Affirmations For This DR: “I am with Aodhan”; “I am Xaden’s brother”; “I am in Basgiath College”; “I am in my dorm room”; “I am training with Ridoc”
Safe Word/Phrase: “Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up.” (don’t ask)
Me in this DR (Picrew Form):
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Probably will add to this more. Maybe will post some individual scenarios for this DR.
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mygwenchan · 8 months
Just some random Playboyy thoughts after rewatching ep8:
The folder in which Nuth saved Nant's casting and suicide clip was named "Research". Judging by other folders and stuff on his desktop, it's all related to the movie Nuth is planning to film. In the first clip, Nant also recited parts of the script. Maybe both Nant clips are part of the movie? I'd love to get my hands on that script tbh... And also on the diary entry Nuth wrote on the twins bday. I bet there is a lot of useful information to be found!
They said Nant filmed the suicide video in a hotel room, but it's literally the same building in which Soong used to live... I think it's a production error, but it still bothers me a little.
So we were all wondering why the baddy bunch's kitchen looks different right? Well... Since First decided to live with his friends and Teena pretty much moved in with Zouey, meaning First couldn't bunk with his bestie anymore, they needed a new house with more rooms! I think that rooftop party was basically their housewarming party. They simply forgot to mention any of this in the series lol
That dog mask... I think Nuth must've asked Keen to hide it for him. But I also think Nuth himself is hiding it for someone else... It's pretty obvious that Nuth and the doggo guy aren't the same person and I still think our culprit is Prom. Which somewhat leads me to the suspicion that Prom is also our drug provider! Maybe that's his actual job and being the Playboyy manager is just a side gig? Or maybe Prom is dealing drugs behind Jason Lee's back. I mean, Prom already stole a large amount of money from his "daddy" (probably stole it from the club's cash register and the Playboyys). It wouldn't surprise me if he's also stealing drugs or doing other shady business.
If the post credit scene of ep8 isn't just a dream, then Nant is very much dead 😥 Thing is though, if that is happening in present times and not in the past, Nant has died only very recently. His eyes have turned white, but his skin isn't pale and patchy. There are also no signs of insects and other stuff... So unless they got the makeup wrong, Nant hasn't been dead for more than 2 hours. Plus, I didn't see any severe strangulation signs and Nant is wearing only his undies. The clothes he wore in the suicide clip are gone. And well, someone obviously placed him in the middle of the woods. But who? That is the question!
If Nant has indeed died recently, after Nont already came pretty close to finding the dog mask and the doggo guy... someone must've gotten cold feet! I don't think it's anyone from the baddie bunch. Nont had a whole breakdown in front of them and very convincingly told them he'd give up his search for Nant. Which pretty much only leaves Nuth, Phop (yes, also my cutie Phop!) and Prom... I went back to the convo Nuth had with Phop and it does sound kind of open for interpretation:
Nuth: Aren't you mad at me about Nant? Phop: You already told me about it. Why would I be mad?. I just want you to tell me everything. Then I'll be fine."
Now Phop is the very same person who stayed strangely calm while being held at gunpoint. Same when Nuth held a knife against his throat. So either my boy is dense as fuck, or he's got nerves of steel. Add some questionable morals and a pinch of insanity to the mix and you've got the perfect psycho boyfriend who'd be more than willing to commit crimes with you! On the other hand there is Prom, who tried to find out where Nont is planning to search for Nant, but instead was told that Nont would search for the doggo guy and not his twin brother. Now if Prom is Mr doggo, he might want to get rid of all the evidence... Might as well discard of the boring twin while he's at it, since he's got a new one now?
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cocozydiaries · 3 months
more mha dr asks!!!!!!!!!!
do u have any ideas for your hero costume etc.
anyone you're excited to meet??
any sort of idea on what you look like (physical description ig)
YESS MORE ASKS!! love these sm coz i gotta dig through the depths of my mind to answer them.
question when you guys ask me stuff do you like the overly long answers or should i keep it short? coz like the original answers were wayy longer this is literally me tryna keep it short😭 i actually have a problem
Hero costume:
tbh like most things i’m leaving this one for when i shift there but unlike most things it isn’t coz i want my subconscious to decide. Honestly i do not have the sense of style needed to come up with a good hero fit HOWEVER my drself does!!
i definitely want smth either pink or blue. me and uraraka are gonna be twinin🤭!!
i also know that i want smth kinda flowy. i loooove dresses and i mean i feel like smth flowy would just match my water based quirk yk?
i don’t have any inspo but honestly i’m probably not gonna look very hero like😭
anyways might be kinda odd but i looooove magical girl type of outfits sm! and before y’all go “but that’s so impractical for hero work!” not for me it’s isn’t 🙄
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i genuinely did script i have a magical girl type of concept tho but still sorta practical to work in😭
Who i’m excited to meet:
i already know ik them in my dr but i cannot wait to meet my dr family! might be kinda cringe but i actually just might like my family??
i scripted in my cr sibling’s because idk🧍‍♀️. tbh i just can’t imagine being anywhere without them😭
i also can’t wait to meet my cat!! My family adopted a ton of pets because rich people but I specifically ended up with a stray cat i found at the pharmacy.
funnily enough that’s actually smth that happened to me here! except my mumsies said i can’t have the cat so instead the pharmacy took her in but i still get to visit her whenever i go there (she’s so lovely i love her sm!) anyways in my dr i ended up getting to adopt her instead. happy ending yippee.
AND I CANT WAIT TO SEE HER SHES LITERALLY MY BBY☹️ i also scripted (for my own mental health) that pets live wayyy longer now by like 10-20 whole more yrs coz i cannot imagine any of my kids dying before me
if you were wondering the total amount of pets we got a cat, dog, snake, and duck. and like random bird feeder thingies my parents added to the garden. the whole food chain ong
ig i’m also excited to meet up with some old childhood friends? Genuinely asking tho would it be weird to meet up with someone you used to be really close friends with but haven’t seen in a few years😭? Me and my drself are both baffed.
AND OCHAKO ML🫶🫶 i’m gonna meet her at UA probably BUT I HOPE I MEET HER BEFORE THAT TBH😭 but trust we’re gonna be besties
i scripted i’m super good at baking coz she mentioned she likes sweet stuff so i’m gonna spoil her with all sweet stuff i make😈 devious plan
Appearance stuff:
since this is a safe space… i feel i should share that i did in fact change my appearance. I don’t have a specific face claim (i wanna be surprised tbh) but mostly i just changed some of my facial features to their best version. looksmaxxingcore unironically i fear💔
i scripted that my face looks pretty and whatnot (in a very like unique way coz ugh she’s so different and quirky and unique🙄) but i still look and feel familiar to myself.
Also idk if you guys have heard that theory but like apparently after spending enough time with someone you start to look like them? Ik that theory generally means like clothes and aesthetic rather than actual facial features but i did script that even tho me and my siblings are adopted we somehow look similar to each other and our parents.
But the biggest change is probably my hair. in a reality where i can have any hair colour and you think i’m not going pink?
anyways i scripted that i have like pink streaks of hair in my otherwise black hair!! gonna match so well with my hero outfit!
smth like this!!
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tbh it doesn’t matter coz i do dye my hair often so i’m probably gonna end up with a ton of different hair colours anyways
aside from that my hair is still its lovely curly self! i love my curls and never wanna get rid of them but i did script if i like straighten my hair that it STAYS straight even if i sweat and whatnot. i haaaaate when you get those curly little wisps peeking through coz of that😭
anyways that’s all for now! i love answering asks sm so this was real fun but i also love hearing about ur mha drs SO TAG ME IF YOU POST ABOUT THOSE
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shiftinglover · 1 year
I know nothing about DC, but wanna try shifting there, anything I should know that you can tell me as heads up so I don't make a stupid mistake or anything to avoid in particular?
There are so many things I could say for this one.
First of all, my universe and that one you’re going to may be different and thus have different problems, people, events, etc. so, while some of this advice might be great for my universe, but I hope it also works for you as well.
Mentally recognize/script/or have a job that you make FANTASTIC wage/money at. Or that you’ve been building up your savings since you were a child. Money is great to have and not to worry about.
Also, mentally recognize that you might have healing abilities, great mental/physical support system, and etc. this will severely help you. Even if you’re not a vigilante or whatever you want in your desired reality. It’s great to have. Maybe make sure that you have been studying various languages, practical knowledge (like how to undo knots, etc), have some self defense training, and have some common sense since you were a child in your DR. Having a great mental and physical support system will literally do you wonders, trust me. Maybe recognize that you have a dependable therapist and friends/family for your emotional and mental health. It sounds foolish but seriously, it will help. Especially if you’re planning to be a hero/vigilante or something. Or not. Whatever you do imma support you. ♥️
Please, please, please do not make the League of Assass*ns as one of your enemies unless you can’t avoid it. Or Deathstroke. 😭💀
If you are a superhero/vigilante/whatever, have multiple suits. At least two.
I know it’s tempting but don’t start a semi-serious prank war with Tim Drake. Save yourself.
Remember that people in different universe will act different. Bruce Wayne is not going to look, act, be exactly like how ours is in this universe. You may have an idea of your relationship with them or how they act already, and that’s awesome! Just keep in mind that they might not be exactly how they’re portrayed in this universe via movies, shows, comic books, and so on. It doesn’t mean that they’re terrible or anything but that they are still people. Just like how we are in this universe, they are people too.
Cities sometimes literally stink. So yeah. Just a heads up. Especially Gotham. The Batfamily (if you ever deal with them) are usually always at war/sibiling fighting with one another. But unless you grew up with them or have very strong ties, they are all very weary of others. So are the Superfam and the Arrowfam. <- they’re not always kind of fighting with one another but they’re cautious of outsiders. After all the things they’ve all been through, it’s understandable.
Do NOT go to any of the Robins/former Robins for relationship advice. Ever. Go to Lois Lane instead.
Prepare for a lot of exercising and training. There’s no way around it. 😭 I’m sorry- good luck bestie.
Most importantly: make mistakes.
It’s how people learn. It’s okay. It’s how we grow. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake. You are allowed to. I made tons and will probably continuing doing so. There’s nothing wrong about that, it’s just how we grow. You got this. Hope this helps.
♥️ Have fun shifting! ♥️
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thegeminisage · 4 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. friday we FINALLY kicked off ds9 season 4 with "way of the warrior" pts i & ii and oh my godddd:
firstly, i miss sisko''s hair. the beard looks GREAT it's a HUGE improvement but i miss his hair!! i also kinda miss kira's really butch cut. jadzia's hair is still touch and go...important ds9 topics
drilling changeling combat with odo is SO fun. but like also, such a dramatic turn from like, s1, when he pretends to be objects and doesn't want anyone to remember he can do this, because he wants to be able to spy on them. it's fun and funny etc but i could also write an essay about it. he's allowing his body, once a subject of scientific study that traumatized him, to be used again by his allies as a…if not subject of study again, exactly, a teaching tool. he's teaching them how to find and contain and maybe even hurt his people but at the same time HE IS USING HIMSELF TO DO IT he is ALSO TEACHING THEM HOW TO HURT HIM. yes, they're comically bad at it NOW, but they're just getting started, and it also illustrates how horrifically underprepared they are for his people to come and fuck with them at any time. i can't keep thinking about odo i'm going to make myself insane
spn has traumatized me bc i was half convinced yates was a changeling for most of this episode, since she was in and out so often. but he just gets to have a girlfriend!!! i think it's kind of a shame he never seemed to get any romantic chemistry with the rest of the cast…picard and janeway and kirk all get love interest from the main cast…but i still love watching him flirt and make eyes at this lady
THOLIAN MENTION!!!! my beloveds…someday i wanna see what they look like
julian and obrien doing…whatever it was with the peas. they scripted shot and greenlit this. he is suffering so bad without his wife
I KNEW THEY WOULD START JUST FUCKING CUTTING EACH OTHER EVENTUALLY. right across the palm, too. like speaking of being traumatiozed by spn. jesus.
what in the sweet lesbian fuck was going on with dax and kira in the holosuite…kira basically said no matyter how sexy this is it isn't any good if it isn't real and dax DIDN'T immediately fuck her? star trek's cowardice when it comes to gay people ESPECIALLY dax she's literally kissed women off screen. come on
garak getting racially profiled and jumped in his little shop :(
and then we get to WORF……………tbh i was so worried about him changing the atmosphere and i really liked how the atmosphere was already. but the s4 atmosphere is already different in a great way. it was a serious episode w a serious plot yet i was giggling nonstop. and klingon stuff is SO dry on tng and so lively on ds9. idk why i was worried. i am very sad they prince zuko'd him again though
also, the wof/obrien tng reunion…….besties :')
ALSO lol when he ordered prune juice and quark laughed at him and worf gave him the look. this is the most i have liked quark in like an entire season i'm so afraid something bad will happen and ruin it
the dax/worf comes on a little strong ESPECIALLY when i am still sooo :( over no riker e worf e deanna content but they ARE fun to watch. dax seems like a natural choice too since curzon was buddies with so many klingons, i just wish she was SLIGHTLY less forward...this is his first episode...give it time to breathe. maybe odo/kira and bashir/garak has just got me stuck on slow burns for ds9
i do like worf's position here too…he's always stuck in the middle of klingon and starfleet bullshit. it sucks that he got racially profiled YET AGAIN but at least sisko was like "and you absolutely do NOT have to do this" instead of putting on the pressure like picard talking to a bajoran. also, him starting a bar fight on purpose was great
worf and odo conversation………..theyre gonna be so grumpy w each other and i cannot wait
i missed gowran. his eyes are so huge. i didn't always really care when he showed up in tng but somehow he and his enormous eyes have become really special to me. same genre of character as dukat i think
at first i thought sisko was dadding worf a little and maybe he was a TINY bit but i also think it's nice that he's just seeing himself in worf and trying to help him out. i liked all of their conversations a lot because sometimes people are weird about worf being klingon and sisko was actually totally normal and respectful about it. he would never be like worf kill yourself. never.
sisko was SO good in this ep i love when he bends the rules also. getting measured for a new suit and letting garak overhear shit on purpose is very clever but at the same time he's not even trying to be subtle. he knows the right thing to do isn't always following the rule book and he's not even pretending he can do both. unlike PICARD. i think he went bald to flex on picard actually like he does do it better love and light to sir patrick stewart
bashir advising his little guys in the infirmary…please he's so in charge. i also loved him and odo very earnestly wishing each other safety int eh upcoming attack. THEY'RE FRIENDS!!!!!
dukat and sisko were gay this whole episode. i think very seriously there should be a sisko/dukat movement just like there's a bashir/garak movement. i didn't think much of dukat first but i like him more every time i see him. he's just really funny and also gay
quark and garak talking about the cloying qualities of humanity over root beer ??? that was also gay. again, quark in this episode…a breath of fresh air. for once he's just being the fun kind of horrible. also when he wanted to defend his bar and rom stole his weapon lol "i will kill him" "with what?" i love odo sm
i love that kira pointed out the irony of her saving and GETTING STABBED for the cardassian government. times have CHANGED WORF LOOKS GREAT IN RED! he's not head of security anymore but i like that he gets a thinker's job…"worf is a big ugly dumb brute" jokes were OLD AND TIRED on tng!!!
anyway, s4 seems amazing so far. it's almost everything i already liked about ds9 but much more serious and funny at the same time. i will miss the post-war atmosphere since we're not mid-war again but i am really excited to see where it goes
TONIGHT: voy's "non sequitur" and "twisted."
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
watching mai hime as a young baby gay barely aware of anime was interesting (vague memories of it include-)
-> Yukino self aware tech savvy wallflower barely hiding she’s in love with her dumbass moron childhood bestie
-> Natsuki biker girl not being gay bc she’s focused on her mom’s death or whatever until she turns out to be Uber Mega Gay as in we can literally SEE IT MEASURED IN MECH SIZE
-> Nao the toxic gay who hunts dudes but loves her mom very much
-> Mikoto who decided her soulmate via food and picked an older girl thanks to ramen
-> Haruka miss homophobically gay and totally not obsessed with her female political rival while ignoring how in love her childhood bestie is with her 
-> Shizuru so gay she goes evil as per usual but gets a happy ending anyway when she decides to redo high school to be with her idiot crush who didn’t pass
-> Mai assigned a boyfriend by script but her love for a girl is what saves everyone
-> Akira the singular embodiment of the twelfth night
-> Chie and Aoi, the only stability in this entire show, possibly just friends also possibly the only functional gay rep you’ll ever see in this series
-> that one teacher lady who insisted on being straight to save her work wife
-> Akane and the nun were here too I think
-> that one girl who was toxic straight so hard she sabotaged the main character's own straight romance by hinting maybe the mc didn't love her not-boyfriend so much after all, considering he died and the mc still kept her powers that are supposed to die with the people you love most (as proved with Every Other Couple)
-> I don’t remember what was going on with the pink grim reaper maid but I think it was probably gay too somehow
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wheelercurse · 3 hours
byler + subtext
(a rant by me)
I do think byler is still subtext, at least the part of Mike being queer too. But this story started with subtext, even with Will. So I want to share with you my personal experience of watching the show and coming to the conclusion that byler will be endgame.
note: subtext doesn't mean it's not intentional, it's written like that for a reason. I know it's hard to convince others because many people would like to have it spelt out. And of course, their bias will affect them. They wouldn't want to think the ship they like isn't ending up together.
When I finished watching S1, I was sure Will was gay. There were two biggest hints: the homophobic bullies, and his conversation with Jonathan.
You don't present a kid as different, and even his father was homophobic toward him for nothing. But Jonathan telling Will that "he shouldn't like things only because he's supposed it." was the confirmation. That was a queercoded conversation, yes, they were talking about baseball, but there was an underlying meaning to it, the subtext.
I know some part of the general audience considered that Will could be gay for these hints, but it wasn't confirmed.
In s2 he has another queercoded conversation with Jonathan, about how it's okay to be different. Again the conversation wasn't about Will's sexuality, it was about him feeling alienated and outcasted, especially because people called him zombie boy.
But the last scene was the one that reaffirmed that he was gay. The one when he danced with the girl and he looked so uncomfortable. To me, it was obvious he wasn't interested in girls like that. This was more about another rule show, don't tell.
In the original script, the scene was written a bit differently. Will wasn't interested in the girl because he was looking at Mike. That would have confirmed that he waa gay, but also that he liked Mike. And to be honest, I didn't consider that he liked Mike, but some Mike's actions made me think that he liked Will. But still, I thought it wasn't possible because the main couple was "mil*ven" It was another case of two besties having more chemistry than the straight couple.
Then it's season 3, where literally the rain fight confirmed that he was, in fact, gay, homosexual, gay. But now I also highly suspected that he liked Mike too.
The rain fight is my favorite byler scene (my mutuals know this). The reason, it's the perfect example of queer subtext. This season, his queercoded conversation wasn't with Jonathan, but with Mike. At first, I interpreted the line "it's not my fault you don't like girls" in a literal way. I thought that Mike knew that Will was gay, but the creators and actors were still denying that he was. It was still just subtext.
My friends (like some GA) insisted to me that Will wasn't gay and liked Mike, it was only that he didn't want to grow up. And they were half right because, of course, they were arguing about that. The line in context was about Mike complaining that Will wasn't interested in girls, and he just wanted to keep playing d&d (even though it had homophobic undertones).
So, yes, on the surface it was only about growing up, but what was written between the lines? Their inner conflicts about their sexualities and feelings for each other. But, tbh I still thought Mike wasn't gay. Even though, mlven annoyed me this season, and their last kiss felt forced and awkward. I truly believed it was bad acting and bad direction, but I changed my mind in season 4.
David Harbour spoiled in an interview that Will was very interested with someone else (Mike). So I thought maybe he would have a crush on him, and then get over it, but oh boy, he was deeply in love. And not only that, he was suffering for his unrequited love. And every milevn scene was about how much pain it caused to Will. Why would be the reason if he doesn't get what he wants in the end?
BUT, I don't think how they wrote Will's arc this season, it's the only reason why Mike has to be queer. Also, how they wrote Mike and his relationships with both Will and El. Especially because their main conflict was that he couldn't say I love you. The same conflict, that another Wheeler sibling had with her partner.
Anyway at the end of the season, he gave his monologue to El, and for like two days I thought it was truly over, until I realized that the truth about the painting had to come out and that would change everything.
I watched the show again in retrospect. And I noticed Mike's queercoding through the seasons.
His conversation with Karen in s1, is very similar to the one Will had with Jonathan. So, it was intentional that he treated Will differently in s2, and the gay vibes I felt were there. And in s3, the rain fight, he thought growing up meant having girlfriends, yeah, that's so heteronormative. I know what you're dealing with, Mike. And of course, the awkward kiss was intentional, the boy kissed her with wide eyes open perfectly framed next to a closet. That's subtext.
When I read some leaks, I still doubt. Especially, the ones which claim that mlevn is still together, because, to me, it doesn't make any sense for the way it was written. But, maybe they're wrong, or they're going to break up later in the season.
And I also doubt because they haven't leaked anything about byler being romantic. BUT, I remember they leaked that Jamie was playing Vecna and 001, but nothing about Will being in love with Mike, so it's okay. This is their top secret.
This was a rant, not an analysis of the queer subtext in the show, if you want, I could write it one of these days.
Thanks for reading.
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rosie-the-posie · 8 months
🩷🎀 My DR List 🎀🩷
below is a pretty very long list of all the drs i’ve made scripts for
lmk if any of you want some more detail of any of them, dw i have EXTENSIVE detail on everything babes
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don’t judge pls 😖😖 this is a safe space…hopefully 🩷
Fame DRs :
Phantasmagoria DR: my main fame dr where i’m the lead singer in a band called Phantasmagoria w my friends. We’re like, really famous. Like more famous than Taylor Swift famous. And I go on to become a really famous writer/director as well. This is the dr i think about all the time, i fucking rule guys. NO BAD SONGS. NO CONTROVERSIES. ONLY GOOD VIBES AND GREAT MUSIC. ofc i’m an EGOT and pretty much revitalize the film industry single handedly. 😋😘
Heartstopper Cast DR: i’m a part of the cast of Heartstopper (an OC named Vivienne Green - Harry’s sister - who’s besties with the group, helps Elle when she transfers school, and is Pansexual and eventually gets in a polycule). I’m honestly so cool in this one. I have my SHIT together at 19, like, it’s crazy. I’m dating Kit Connor cuz why not, and I eventually become one of the best actors of my generation no biggie 🤷🏻‍♀️
Harry DR 1: yes, I have more than one dr where i’m dating harry styles, who can blame me. I’m a songwriter that met Harry in his 1D days and became one of the band’s main songwriters. We became best friends after that and stayed close. We both become extremely famous in our respective areas in the music industry and are the power couple
Harry DR 2: this one came to me in a literal dream. I’m Harry’s secret fiance that literally no one knows about. My job is solving and rating puzzles (don’t ask me why idk either). I get pretty famous on tik tok for being one of those satisfying accs that people followed during the pandemic yk? Anyways, there’s this whole thing where I’m invited onto the Late Late Show to talk abt my job (Ellen style) and everyone loves me. Harry is just there ig
Harry DR 3 (LAST ONE): OK SO DONT JUDGE ME W THIS ONE. LET ME LIVE. so, basically, I’m Harry’s secret wife and - stay with me here - we have 6 children together. I really only wanted to go here bc I noticed how many tattoos he had of peoples names and i thought, hey, what if those were his kids’ names that he has tattooed on him and no one knows? like, why not? so this is a purely self-indulgent dr where I’m just living the domestic life with Harry Styles and our brood of children. this may or may not have been influenced by a fanfiction series i read
Hozier DR: in this one, I’m Mr. Andrew Hozier-Byrne’s girlfriend who lives with him in the Irish countryside. I’m a seamstress who has my own clothing brand. Think dresses to run through a field of flowers in, or to slowly decompose in a lake littered with petals yk? I end up making the dresses for the Folklore stretch of the Era’s tour. not to brag or anything hehe
MGG DR: I’m dating the one, the only, Matthew Gray Gubler. I just thought it would be really funny and interesting to go to a reality where him and I are pretty much polar opposites. I’m an ex-ballerina who still practices, so I have that grace and elegance around me. I love to dress in dark neutrals all year round. For my job, I’m a famous published horror author. I have an rbf and a WRY sense of humor. Literally black cat aesthetic to the max. And then there’s Matthew who’s a ball of sunshine compressed into colorful grandpa clothes. honestly i love this one
Tom Holland DR: okay so this one is from my Spider-Man phase. But i actually love it so much. I play Felicia Hardy in the Spider-Man films, who is as much of a love interest as MJ in this reality. Tom and I actually grew up together since I would always vacation at my aunt’s house in the UK who was also neighbors to the Hollands. We’ve always ‘hated’ each other growing up (when really we were closer to each other than anyone else) and so when we started working together on the Spider-Man movies, all those underlying feelings started coming to the surface
The Joes DR: Okay, so. In this one, I play Chrissy Cunningham in Stranger Things. Her character is actually a lot different than in this reality where she’s actually secretly dating Eddie Munson behind Jason’s back. She doesn’t die, her friend Angie does, so Eddie and Chrissy join the party to save the world n stuff. Basically, Joe Quinn (his name is Thomas in this reality) and I got really close on set and are rly flirty hehe. And, to make it even better, we ALSO have a thing with Joe Keery as well (hence the name change to make my life easier). So we’re all a budding throuple and we kinda try to sneak that dynamic into the show hehe. note: certain actors aren’t poopy people in this reality and don’t support genocide 🙄) 
Hogwarts DRs:
Draco DR: this was my first ever dr! draco tok got me into shifting. I’m a gryffindor who’s friends w the golden trio. I transferred into Hogwarts in 4th year and pretty much just am there for the ride as the canon happens. I’m in a secret relationship w Draco (shocking ik) and he’s actually not a bad person. i obvi scripted out the supremist in him guys, dw. i actually have so much detail about all the ways we meet up behind everyone’s back and stuff. you never forget your first guys 🩷
Tom Riddle DR: AGAIN. BEAR WITH ME. ITS NOT BAD. basically Hogwarts is more of an elite rich kid college for wizards than a high school type place. BLOOD SUPREMACY DOESNT EXIST. But there is a whole powerful family hierarchy. kind of like a mob family thing??Instead of Slytherins being the ones most likely to be death eaters, they’re the ones most likely to be from those more powerful families. The Riddles are one of the most powerful families (and rich bc sorry but i’m not dating a poor orphan guys). I’m a Gryffindor who transfers in and becomes besties with the Slytherin group (Theo, Enzo, Mattheo -i’m a mattheo truther, never matthew- Blaise, Pansy, and Draco). Anyways, I fall for Tommy bc of his whole dark and broody best friend’s older brother thing he has going on.
Peter Parker DR 1: i’m obsessed w the idea of being genius buddies w Peter Parker and eventually taking over SI, so this is that. We’ve been best friends and neighbors since we were little, and got bit by spiders at the same time. I’m Silk, and we fight crime tgt. We’re both geniuses and go to Midtown together. When we meet Tony Stark, him and Pepper pretty much take us under their wings and we become their heirs to SI. We revolutionize the tech industry before we even graduate high school, we’re that smart. example: we build a water filter that we use to completely clean the Hudson River. we create inter-dimensional communication to talk w the other spidey gang after we get sucked into a rift and meet miles. on like a random tuesday too. I absolutely love this one, i put SO MUCH DETAIL into this script it’s actually insane.
Peter Parker DR 2: My first Peter dr that i made, but kind of abandoned. Him and I have an enemies to loves relationship bc after talking w Ned, he thinks the way to attract me is to act as if he doesn’t care about me 🙄. these dumbasses. anyways, i’m Tony’s adoptive daughter who he rescued from these evil scientists who gave me powers n stuff. it was a pretty cool concept when i first thought of this reality. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Stucky DR: Takes place in the 1940s at first, bc I’m best friends and eventually dating Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. The three of us are a force to be reckoned with guys. I’m super fucking smart, Steve is super fucking stubborn, and Bucky is super fucking protective. So, chaos basically. I’m really interested in science and am offered a spot to work on the super soldier serum by Howard Stark. Canon events become canon, I create SHIELD with my besties Howie and Peggy, Howie tells me he’d been working on cryogenics but needs a volunteer to test it, so I agree. I wake up in 2017, after the Civil War was actually dealt with civilly and am reunited with my loves in the present time. One of my favorites that I ever scripted out. 🩷
Misc. DRs:
Peaky Blinders DR: I was a nurse during the war that took care of Tommy and his brothers, and him and I became really close and fell in love. We reconnected a couple of years after the war ended, and I basically become his right hand when it comes to all the Peaky business. He trusts me more than anyone else because we’re both ass over tits in LOVE with each other. Like, yall don’t understand how in love we are. Also, you know that scene of Elle Woods pulling up to Harvard in a full pink outfit? Literally me every single day. Me in my lil pink blazer and skirt sets and the brightest fucking smile on my face making everyone confused why tf someone is as happy as i am in birmingham of all places. Everyone thinks i’m ditzy and just Tommy’s arm candy when rly im the smartest person in the room at all times. i just love to manipulate people into thinking im harmless and then learning all their secrets 🩷🩷🎀
Haikyu DR: i’m the manager of Karasuno that takes over for Kiyoko. I’m the granddaughter of Nekoma’s coach, so i know all about the game and play just as good as the players. Just because those 4 minutes of him had me licking the screen, i’m Kiyoomi Sakusa’s girlfriend. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ITS CRAZY. we have a whole friend group with Ushijima, Tendo, Iizuna, Komori, and Atsumu. Imagine the chaos that group brings everywhere. It’s such a fun dr, i should really revisit it more often.
Lloyd Hansen DR: i watched the gray man and this man with his white pants and pornstache burrowed his way into my heart. pretty much im his ditzy lil girlfriend who he adores and just skips around the place in pink and he spoils endlessly. 🩷
Mafia DR: didn’t really flesh this one out, but the gist is that i meet this guy in college and he turns out to be a part of the mob. 🤷🏻‍♀️ and so yeah.
Whore DR: yes, I have a whore dr. hehe. don’t judge me but like, a reality where slut shaming doesn’t exist and you can live out your horniest fantasies w/o any judgement whatsoever. bc that’s completely normal. 😋😋
Sunny DR: this is a better cr one, where i’m pretty much just really fucking smart and in a FANTASTIC AND LOVING relationship with this guy named Peter. He sadly doesn’t exist in this reality 😞😞. But he’s literally the sweetest ever and he’s blond, so I call him Sunny. Like, my sunshine boy ☀️. Literally everything i want in like, a mundane life is in this reality. also, for no other reason than i think it’s so funny, peter happens to be the son of one of my teachers in school. Why? i have no fucking clue 😭😭. like, i go to his house to meet his dad and he’s my fucking history teacher. it’s mortifying but absolutely fucking hilarious.
Criminal Minds DR: i join the BAU after Emily’s whole arc where she dips, and everyone but Hotch and Spencer are a bit prickly with me. I’m best friends and eventually get into a friends with benefits relationship with him (which is so out of character it’s crazy, but let me live). We obvi get our shit together and just start dating and become a power couple hehe
Deity DR: literally thought of this 2 days ago 😭. most of the details are on my prev posts, so you can check those out
Narnia DR: last but not least, I’m a human who was transported to Narnia a few years after the Pevensies saved Narnia from the White Witch. However, I’m instead sent to a nearby country where they take me in and basically make me their crowned princess. After a couple of years, I meet and fall in love w Edmund Pevensie. All Hail Queen Rosemary the Radiant. 🩷
anyways, if you read all of this i love you 🩷
thanks to @luvieshifts for giving me the motivation to write all of this out
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you are the universe and more, babes 🎀
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mommyzhilla · 10 months
Bad Buddy and its aftereffects
Disclaimer: this is just going to be a word vomit. Something I had been meaning to do since ages but being down with flu finally gave me the time and mindspace to do it.
My first tryst with Thai BLs started with Love By Chance and I tried.. I really tried.. but the script.. the acting were just not clicking with me.
Then came the wave of 2gether the series and that was much better.. I was at least able to complete watching the first season even though I didnt get the hype around it.. It was my second time giving up..
My third effort was ITSAY and gosh what a show that was.. I was recommending it to anyone who would listen to me gush about Billkin and PP and the director. The show was heavy on my heart.. I needed to brace myself every time I wanted to rewatch it.. I guess I have rewatched it 3 or 4 times in all these years.. It just is that emotionally heavy show for me.
But the music.. Gosh the music.. the songs.. Billkin's voice.. When I tell u Skyline and untold answer were on repeat.. Specially untold answer.. I still listen to it..
Despite my love for ITSAY and my tolerance for IPYTM.. I again took a break from Thai BLs.. and BLs in general..
Throwback to exactly 1 year back.. When I rediscovered thai BLs... let me be specific.. I discovered Bad Buddy..
My first watch.. awesome.. loved it.. listened to the songs a bit..
my bestie then suggested me Not me.. kinnporsche.. eclipse.. liked them all.. and I thought thats it..
But then I rewatched Bad Buddy.. and rewatched it the next time.. and the next.. I was literally rewatching those 12 episodes almost till April and May of this year.. for almost 6 months.. I didnt consume bad buddy.. bad buddy consumed me..
I was watching MSP and never let me go and other BLs too.. but an episode of bad buddy everyday became a need.. and this perplexed me.. I kept on having conversations with my bestie about my obsession with Bad Buddy. This level of obsession.. where I was crying listening to the BGM.. crying over a 3 min trailer.. after watching the show multiple times.. had never happened to me ever..
And apart from all this.. bad buddy was responsible for a couple of firsts for me.. first time joined tumblr.. for bad buddy.. explored ao3 and read way too many pat pran fanfics.. and also made me explore Thai music.. and my spotify wrapped is the proof.. its full of thai songs.. Bad buddy instrumental BGM.. is in my top songs..
I guess the obsession was a consequence of my failed past relationship.. which finally ended right around the time I discovered Bad buddy.. where things were very similar.. I used to call him soulmate.. but family issues made us break up after 10 yrs.. Every time I rewatch ep 11.. where Pat says to Pran that you dont leave me and fight alongside me.. I cry buckets over this one scene.. coz I didnt have anyone to fight alongside me.. may be its that.. may be it was the characters.. may be it was the magic created by p'aof.. but somewhere.. something struck such a cord that the show still has the ability to bring out emotions that I didn't know existed.. I always describe it as emotions bubbling and trying hard to break the wall and spill all over.. thats what I feel.. and sometimes they spill over.. and m left a crying mess.. No other show has made me feel this way.. No other form of media has made me feel this way.
Is the obsession still there? Not as much.. I still love a good patpran fanfic.. My top song is Just friends by Nanon which I listen to this day.. I still cry over the instrumental BGM.. But I no longer have to watch bad buddy every single day..
I dont know how much bad buddy has helped me overcome my past.. but I know its still a safe space I can visit when things get tough.. Funny how a random piece of media can have such an important share in your life.. A random show on the internet can heal you more than the living people around you.
Now that I have talked about it so much.. I may as well watch ep 6 (3/4).. fyi.. that beach scene is my fav..
P.S.. I know there would be typos and errors but I am not going to read it all back else I will not have the courage to post this.
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