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winepusher · 7 years ago
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Tonight’s line-up until 8pm at Best Bottles: Ermita San Felices Rioja Blanco, Chateau de Bonhoste Bordeaux Blanc, Domaine Delagrange Bourgogne Hautes-Cotes de Beaune and Vinedo de los Vientos Tannat from Uruguay. #ermitadesanfelices #rioja #chateaudebonhoste #bordeaux #domainedelagrange #bourgogne #vinedodelosvientos #tannat #bestbottlesnyc #uwswine #wine #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winetime #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine (at Best Bottles NYC)
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tslatton · 7 years ago
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On the lighter side, words of note from the streets of NYC.. #funny #silly #wine #winelover #instagood #streetsayings #cheers #instawine #advertisement #bestbottlesnyc #quip — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2roq2lc
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winepusher · 7 years ago
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Wine Tasting Tonight at Best Bottles 5:30 to 8pm: Banyan Gewürztraminer from California, Vigneau-Chevreau Vouvray Sec from Loire Valley, France, Olivier Jouan Haut-Cotes de Nuits from Burgundy, France and Parts & Labor Red from California. #bestbottlesnyc #banyanwines #hobowinecompany #partsandlabor #californiawine #vigneauchevreau #vouvray #olivierjouan #hautcotesdenuits #frenchwine #ThirstyThursday #thursday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #winelife #winetime #winenight #wines #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine (at Best Bottles NYC)
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winepusher · 7 years ago
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Tonight's lineup at Best Bottles NYC: Cesani Vernaccia, Juwel Grauburgunder, Dama del Rovere Soave, Hobo Wine Co Banyan Gewürztraminer and Chateau Reynier Heritage Bordeaux. #cesani #vernaccia #juwelweine #grauburgunder #damadelrovere #soave #hobowine #chateaureynier #bordeaux #bestbottlesnyc #ThirstyThursday #thursday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winetime #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine (at Best Bottles NYC)
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winepusher · 8 years ago
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Tonight's lineup at Best Bottles NYC : Finca Jakue Txakoli Rose, Col Vetoraz Prosecco and the wines of Marc Lurton...a Bordeaux Blanc and Rouge. #fincajakue #txakoli #colvetoraz #prosecco #chateaureynier #bordeaux #bestbottlesnyc #ThirstyThursday #thursday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winetime #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine (at Best Bottles NYC)
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winepusher · 8 years ago
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Tonight's lineup at Best Bottles 5-8pm: Domaine de Pouy Gascogne Blanc, Juliane Eller Grauburgunder from Germany, Domaine de la Damase Grenache from France and Hobo Wine Co's Camp Zinfandel from California. #domainedepouy #gascogne #juwelweine #grauburgunder #domainedeladamase #grenache #hobowine #zinfandel #bestbottlesnyc #ThirstyThursday #thursday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winetime #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine (at Best Bottles NYC)
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winepusher · 8 years ago
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Tonight's line-up at Best Bottles 5-8pm: Finca Jakue Txakoli Rosado from Spain, Juwel Grauburgunder from Germany, Dama del Rovere Soave from Italy and Hobo Wine Company's Camp Zinfandel from Sonoma. #fincajakue #txakolirose #juwelweine #grauburgunder #damadelrovere #soave #hobowine #zinfandel #bestbottlesnyc #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winelife #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine #tgif #rosewine (at Best Bottles NYC)
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winepusher · 8 years ago
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Bring it on Winter Storm Stella! Tonight's lineup at Best Bottles NYC: El Principal Calicanto Red, Camp Zinfandel, Vignerons de Buxy Chardonnay, Weingut Eller Juwel Grauburgunder and Ch. Salettes Bandol Rose. #elprincipal #hobowine #zinfandel #vigneronsdebuxy #chardonnay #juwelweine #grauburgunder #chateausalettes #bandolrosé #bestbottlesnyc #monday #mondayfunday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winetime #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine #winterstormstellaiscoming (at Best Bottles NYC)
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winepusher · 8 years ago
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Tonight's line-up at Best Bottles NYC: Finca Jakue Txakoli Rosado, Vignerons de Buxy Bourgogne Blanc, Col Vetoraz Vintage Prosecco and Chateau Reynier Cuvée Heritage Bordeaux. #jakue #talaiberri #txakoli #vigneronsdebuxy #chardonnay #colvetoraz #prosecco #chateaureynier #bordeaux #bestbottlesnyc #friday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winelife #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine #tgif (at Best Bottles NYC)
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winepusher · 7 years ago
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Pouring now @bestbottlesnyc : Conti di Buscareto’s Lacrima di Morro d’Alba. Go buy a case and find a rooftop! #contidibuscareto #lacrimadimorrodalba #uwswine #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winetime #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #tedwardwines (at Best Bottles NYC)
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winepusher · 7 years ago
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Tonight's lineup: Domaine Poli Sciaccarellu from Corsica, Vigneau-Chevreau Vouvray, Ch. Reynier Bordeaux Blanc and Olivier Jouan Hautes-Cotes de Nuits. #domainepoli #sciaccarellu #corsicanwine #chateaureynier #bordeauxblanc #vigneauchevreau #vouvray #cheninblanc #olivierjouan #hautescotesdenuits #pinotnoir #frenchwine #bestbottlesnyc #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine #tgif (at Best Bottles NYC)
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winepusher · 7 years ago
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Tonight's tasting at a Best Bottles NYC is Banksy-tested, Banksy-approved! 5:30pm to 8pm : Finca Jakue Txakoli Rose, Cesani Vernaccia, Juwel Grauburgunder, Camp Zinfandel and Alfredo Bertolani's Lambrusco Rosé. #bestbottlesnyc #banksyart #fincajakue #txakoli #rosewine #cesani #vernaccia #juwelweine #grauburgunder #campwine #zinfandel #ThirstyThursday #thursday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winetime #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine (at Best Bottles NYC)
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winepusher · 7 years ago
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Tonight's lineup at Best Bottles NYC: Cesani Vernaccia, Juwel Grauburgunder, Dama del Rovere Soave, Hobo Wine Co Banyan Gewürztraminer and Chateau Reynier Heritage Bordeaux. #cesani #vernaccia #juwelweine #grauburgunder #damadelrovere #soave #hobowine #chateaureynier #bordeaux #bestbottlesnyc #ThirstyThursday #thursday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winetime #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine http://ift.tt/2sVPBbY
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winepusher · 8 years ago
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Tonight's lineup at Best Bottles NYC : Finca Jakue Txakoli Rose, Col Vetoraz Prosecco and the wines of Marc Lurton...a Bordeaux Blanc and Rouge. #fincajakue #txakoli #colvetoraz #prosecco #chateaureynier #bordeaux #bestbottlesnyc #ThirstyThursday #thursday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winetime #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine http://ift.tt/2rGoh32
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winepusher · 8 years ago
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Tonight's lineup at Best Bottles 5-8pm: Domaine de Pouy Gascogne Blanc, Juliane Eller Grauburgunder from Germany, Domaine de la Damase Grenache from France and Hobo Wine Co's Camp Zinfandel from California. #domainedepouy #gascogne #juwelweine #grauburgunder #domainedeladamase #grenache #hobowine #zinfandel #bestbottlesnyc #ThirstyThursday #thursday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winetime #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine http://ift.tt/2q8jwil
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winepusher · 8 years ago
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Tonight's lineup at Best Bottles NYC 5-8pm: Chateau Reynier Bordeaux Blanc, Dama del Rovere Soave, Finca Jakue Txakoli Rosato and El Principal Calicanto. #bestbottlesnyc #chateaureynier #damadelrovere #fincajakue #elprincipal #friday #wine #vino #vin #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winelife #winenight #wines #wineo #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine #tgif #rosewine http://ift.tt/2pilvNX
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