#best wedding photographer in chicago
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darlingshane · 2 years ago
Something Crazy
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Pairing: Michael Berzatto x F!Reader
Summary: On Natalie's wedding day, life takes an unexpected turn when you learn that your former crush, Michael, might be interested in you.
Content/Warnings: 18+, Explicit, Smut, P in V, Vanilla, Alcohol, Eating, Fluff, Crack, Pet Names, Kissing, Dancing.
Word Count: 4,6k
— You can read below or at AO3.
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Today is the big day for your best friend Natalie. She's marrying her long-time boyfriend, Pete, and you've come back to Chicago for only two days to celebrate this lifetime milestone with them.
They've picked a perfect Saturday in the middle of spring to celebrate their union. Flowers are in full bloom, gardens are lush green, wind has calmed, welcoming a balmy weather to allow having a wedding ceremony outdoors.
Bright Sun rays slip like gold ribbons through the sheer fabric of the curtains as you carefully hang Natalie's gown and remove the garment bag. It's a simple but stunning empire dress, strapless, with lace and pearls adorning the corset. Though you've never fantasized about your own wedding before, as your hand slides softly along the skirt, you can't help but imagine yourself as a giddy bride, wearing that same dress.
Tying the knot is not on top of your list right now. Settling with someone? That's more likely to happen. But there's nothing like being chosen as the maid of honor, especially if you're single, to find yourself trapped in that Disney daydream of getting to meet your prince charming and live happily ever after. Hopefully, that unwelcome, sudden longing will vanish after a few drinks at the reception. Until then, your top priority is making sure your best friend's special day is as magical as she planned.
You're in the designated dressing room of the hotel with the rest of the bride's party laughing, sipping rosé, telling stories while the beautician works against the clock, getting all four of you primped and ready.
While you help Natalie get into her dress, Gigi comes back with a tray of pastries to soak the alcohol before anyone gets too drunk.
“You guys gotta see Mikey. He's so fucking hot I could die. I've never seen him all dressed up and clean like that,” she announces loudly, going around the room like a whirling handing croissants and muffins. “I swear to god his pants are so tight, it’s like looking into an x-ray photograph… you can see everything. And I mean everything,” Gigi stares at you, raising an eyebrow, while you stuff part of a croissant into your mouth.
“Ew, that's my brother,” Natalie frowns in disgust.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you say after swallowing part of your pastry.
“She's looking at you like that because, as we all recall, it was you who had a crush on him for the longest time,” the bride sharply indicates.
“She's got a point, babe.”
“I was like fifteen,” your tone pitches a little higher, as if you were still that age. “Why do you always have to bring that up?”
“Cause let's be honest, you were hung up on him for way longer than you said, and your face still lights up every time you see him. Why can't you just admit you're still love-struck?”
You open your mouth to counter her accusation, but words refuse to come out. You can't even lie for dear life cause admittedly, as fucking annoying as they are, they're also right. Michael was one of those crushes that was hard to shake off. Your friends quickly jumped from one infatuation to another, but you pinned for Sugar's cooler, slightly older brother for longer than you should have. And that's probably the reason every time all your friends get together, they use that embarrassing piece of information to tease you. Even if you ever wanted to forget, they'll never let you.
The last time you saw Michael in person was a few weeks ago for only a few minutes when you came to help Natalie with the last details of the wedding and barely exchanged a couple of words. You moved to Detroit for work three years ago, and the few times you've come back here, you haven't crossed paths with him that often. The soon-to-be married couple also forgo the rehearsal dinner altogether to save money, so you didn't get a chance to see him before the ceremony.
“All I'm saying is if you wanna take a stab at that, this is the perfect time. He's single, he has great hair, he's wearing a dope suit, and did I mention hot?” Gigi keeps cajoling. “Hell, I'll hit that, If you don't. So better act fast.”
“He always had great hair,” Samira agrees, downing the rest of her wine.
“And he asked about you the other day when I showed him the pics of our trip,” Sugar adds.
“Oh,” you try not to sound too pleased, cause you doubt he ever paid any attention to you. Why would he start now?
“Yeah, he was definitely checking you out, and loved that video of you at the karaoke bar,” Samira chimes in as she pours another glass.
“Okay, you're making that up. No more wine for you, missy,” you promptly snatch the bottle from your friend and put it away while they all laugh. “Wait… he saw the video of me singing?”
You file that information for later and once you are all dressed up, you hand Natalie a stunning bouquet of roses before leaving the room.
“Thanks,” she grabs your arm for a second as Gigi and Samira head out. “Sorry for making fun of you… again. You know we love you and that we just want the best for you.”
“I know,” you mumble timidly.
“Sweetie, you don't need my permission, but if you wanted to ask Michael out, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. He'd be lucky to have someone like you.”
“Why are you telling me this now?”
“Because… You've always been like a sister to me, and part of me wanted him to see how amazing you are, so I kept telling him about you. I showed him photos and videos, hoping that he would. And he did! He really loved that one of you vibing to TLC. Thought you were funny.”
“You told him, didn't you?”
“I plead the fifth.”
“I'd stab you if you weren't about to get married,” your serious tone makes her snort.
“Look, you’re not dating anyone. He’s not dating anyone… I could ask him if he's interested before Gigi swipes him up.”
“Nat,” you sigh into a heavy pause, looking into her clear blue eyes. “We’re not in school anymore, you don’t have to play matchmaker. And it's your day! The last thing on my mind is hooking up with someone. Let alone your brother. So drop it.”
“Just saying. It could really be a wedding present for me if you two were to…” you scowl at her, which makes her leave that thought unfinished.
“Okay, that's gross, let’s get you married, so I can kill you right after.”
“Alright, alright. I promise I won’t mention it again.”
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In your lavender dress and matching heels, you wait for your cue as the wedding starts. The quartet starts playing. Once the officiant and the groom are in position, groomsmen, and bridesmaids walk down the aisle in pairs. You line up with the bridesmaids by the floral arch on the side of the bride in the lush garden and watch as Natalie walks down the aisle, escorted by both brothers, Carmen and Michael.
She looks radiant, but your stare darts slightly to your former crush. He’s dressed in a dark suit and royal blue shirt, no tie. His fluffy hair pushed back, shining under the sun like black licorice. His features are sharply defined as usual, but there's definitely a certain glow around him that makes him look more handsome than you remember.
Credit where credit's due, Gigi was right. They all were. He still manages to stir those intense feelings and butterflies in your stomach that you thought gone when your eyes meet for a split second as they get closer to the altar. There's also a glimpse of a smile in his lips, directed at you. Or so it looks like. Maybe you're making it up in the chaotic mess that is your mind.
Carmy and Michael kiss either side of Natalie's face when they reach the altar, and then they take their seats on the first row as she stands face to face with Pete.
The quartet stops playing, the officiant starts speaking, and you aim your focus to the ceremony.
Once Natalie and Pete are pronounced husband and wife, there's a time dedicated to take a few pictures of the wedding party in that very same garden before losing the natural light.
Despite promising she was going to let it go, your now-married friend insists on making sure you and Michael end up in several pictures together.
“Mmm… Marcus, is it?” you shake hands with him, pretending to have forgotten his name.
“Michael,” his grip is firm around your hand.
“Oh, sorry, Mario. I have a terrible memory.”
“Don't be cute. I know you remember,” he scoffs, amused, linking one arm around your waist per the photographer's instructions.
You swallow, nervously placing your hand on his firm back, trying to keep your cool. As the photographer takes a series of snapshots, Michael starts humming a familiar song. No scrubs. The one you sang in that famous video your friends filmed.
You press your lips together, and pretend you're not hearing it. It seems like they've all been scheming together against you, or in your favor. You're not sure. You know Sugar wouldn't do anything to make you uncomfortable, but this is getting ridiculous.
“Save me a dance later, would you?” he requests with a wink once the photoshoot session is over.
“I can't, Mitchell. I've already promised that to one of the groomsmen,” lie.
“You're gonna keep that bit the rest of the day?”
You shrug your shoulders, “it's not up to me, Marley.”
“Alright, come find me when you grow up.”
He presses his lips in a tight smile and walks away, leaving you dwelling in that awkwardness that washes over you, and wondering if he's messing with you or if he's suddenly into you. Those are good questions that you can't leave unanswered. If there's a chance that Michael Berzatto likes you, and that's a big IF, you really need to find out. The ball is in your court now. The question is… Do you want to throw it back?
The party moves to the banquet room in the hotel. There's plenty of food, drinks, music, and people in the room, but none of it can't distract you from the presence of Michael. This isn't how you expected to spend the day of your friend's wedding. And it's really going to bother you if you don't at least try to have a nice conversation with him. This is probably your last chance, so right after your heartfelt toast, you wipe your tears, throw back some liquid courage to walk up to his table.
He's nursing a glass of scotch, watching people on the dance floor, when you quietly take the empty chair besides him.
“No Richie today?” you break the ice.
“Oh, you remember his name but not mine?”
“Get over yourself, Michael. You know, I always got a little awkward when I was nervous. And unfortunately, it still happens.”
“Think you're doing pretty good right now.”
“Had a little help,” you tilt your glass in his direction.
“Well, I'm glad you decided to join me,” he nods and points at the bar where Richie is conversing animatedly with your friend Gigi. “I had to convince Sugar to invite him. Hope he behaves for my sake.”
“Oh no, you're a dead man. Nothing good is gonna come out of that.”
“How so?”
“They're both insane, divorced and desperate. That's a dangerous cocktail nobody wants to drink,” you point out.
“Yeah, you're right. I guess I didn't really think it through.”
“You're screwed, Berzatto,” you take a sip of your glass and turn your eyes from the bar to Michael. “You know I was just joshing earlier, right? It surprised me that you were so… Direct.”
“Men aren't usually direct with you?”
“No, I guess I haven’t been very lucky in that department… Or maybe I’m just a bitch with unreachable standards that scares away any potential suitors.”
“That would explain a lot.”
“Gee, thanks!”
“I’m kidding. I’m sure your standards are reasonable. And I don’t think you’re a bitch if that helps.”
“Yet you’re wondering why I came here alone?”
“Not really. I didn't bring a date, either.”
“Yeah? Why is that?”
“I dunno. Maybe I have really high standards, too,” he winks casually at you, knocking you out of your game.
You should have come prepared for this, but you never thought in a million years that Michael Berzatto would ever show any interest in you.
Still trying to figure out if you're picking up the right signals from him, you prop your elbows on the table and let out a sigh as he presses the rim of his glass to his mouth to take a swig.
You bite your lip and watch the guests swaying animatedly on the dance floor.
“So. Do you wanna dance?” he softly taps one of your arms.
“What do you mean, why?”
“Did your sister put you up to this?”
“Why would she?”
“Don't play dumb. I used to have the biggest crush on you, and if you didn't notice, I'm sure your Sugar has told you.”
His lips draw a lopsided smile. “She might have mentioned something a while ago, but she didn't put me up to this, I swear. This is all me. I only asked you for a dance. I didn't ask you to marry me.”
“I suppose a dance wouldn’t be that bad.”
“I'll take that,” he throws back the rest of his drink in one gulp, stands up, offering his hand up to you, “shall we?”
You were hoping to have some more time to prepare, but his sharp conviction is something you can’t reject. That’s part of Michael Berzatto’s appeal. He’s always been such a bold and outgoing guy, it's daunting. It’s good to see that hasn’t changed at all. The only thing that’s different is that now he’s wasting his charms on you.
With some apprehension, you follow his steps into the dance floor. There’s a mid-tempo song playing that you don’t recognize that makes you forget altogether how to move your body. So you just stand there, three feet away from him, like a deer caught in headlights, bobbing your head, avoiding his eyes.
Michael stares at you, slightly entertained by how uncomfortable you look right now, and throws you a lifeline by stepping closer, picking up your hands and placing them on his shoulders.
“What are you so afraid of, sweetheart?” he asks, planting his palms on your waist, guiding you slowly to move with him.
“I'm afraid that I'm not a very good dancer.”
“I doubt that.”
“Wait till I step on you,” you subconsciously look down at your feet.
“Follow my lead. You'll be fine.”
“Okay, Johnny Castle, but don't make me mambo, salsa, waltz… Or anything that requires taking my feet off the ground.”
“Who the hell is Johnny Castle?”
“Patrick Swayze? Dirty Dancing?” you question, as if it was the most outrageous thing that he hadn’t heard about that film.
“I’m more of a Road House kinda guy.” Of course, he is. “Was that another crush of yours?”
“Oh, big time!”
“Ok, got it, nothing fancy, we're just swaying. See?” His hands guide your body to move side to side, but it's impossible not to feel a little clumsy in your steps.
“Hey, what do you think of Pete?” He asks, using his head to point at the newly-weds.
“Uhh,” you glance to the side to see Pete wrapping an arm around Natalie, “he can be a total douche sometimes, but he's always sweet to her. I guess that's what matters. Why? What do you think about him?”
“Words out of my mouth.”
“Michael?” You glance up to his deep dark eyes.
“Be honest, why did you want to dance with me?”
“Do I really need to spell it out for you?”
Your lips pull up on the sides as your head nods.
“Cause I wanted to dance with the prettiest girl I've ever met.”
If this is a dream, you don't wanna wake up to find out that this was just a concoction of your mind. It's not. It feels real. If you weren't holding onto him, you'd fall to your knees after hearing his words roll past his beautiful lips.
There are so many questions you wanna ask, but you can only sigh, and smile wider under the sweet glow of his brown eyes fixed on you.
“You really think that I’m that pretty or interesting?” your mouth opens after a pregnant pause, at the same time the song switches to something incredibly romantic.
“I've always thought that. It just took me a while to realize it.”
“God, you have the perfect answer to everything. That's really annoying.”
“I don't. I swear. You just caught me in a good mood.”
“I don't remember you ever being in a bad mood.”
“I have my moments. Trust me.”
He unexpectedly picks one of your hands from his shoulder, lifts it in the air to have you spinning ungracefully under his elbow before quickly wrapping his opposite arm around your waist to dip you. He grins at the shocked expression on your face for a second before bringing your body upright.
“Please, don't do that again,” you brace your hands to his chest right after.
“Why? That was perfect, sweetheart,” he laughs, “Johnny Castle would be proud.”
Your lips curl softly, letting your palms tentatively slide on his blazer until they're caught on the warm surface of his neck.
“Am I making you nervous?” he dares to ask, knowing pretty much that he's driving you crazy.
“A little,” a lot, actually.
He whispers, – sorry – as you run your fingers at the hair at his nape. You observe up close how he licks his lips, noticing his hands clutching harder to your waist. His head leans closer, and you draw a breath, preparing yourself for having his lips colliding against yours. It feels like the world stops spinning for a second and just about when he's about to kiss you something, someone in this case, crashes against your back making you lose your balance. Michael anchors you to the floor quickly before you can fall, as a slurred-drunk voice apologizes at your back.
“Fucking idiot,” Michael mutters and checks on you, “you okay, sweetheart?”
You're not. The spell is broken, and your dress suddenly feels cold and wet from the drink that was spilled along your hip.
You excuse yourself, and rush out of the dance floor, so you can clean yourself up.
There’s a big surprise in the nearest bathroom you find, and that is your friend Gigi making out with Richie with such passion, they don't even notice you opening and quickly closing the door.
The tiny glimpse that you caught of Richie propping your friend on the sink and sliding his hands under her skirt makes your jaw almost fall to the floor. You wish you could erase that from your memory immediately, but at least it has made you forget momentarily about your dress.
When you turn around, you’re faced with Michael again. You ran out so fast you didn’t notice him following behind.
“What’s wrong?”
“Richie and Gigi,” smacking your lips, you point with your thumb to the door with no further explanation.
“Wow, they didn’t waste any time.”
“That's the thing about weddings. They make people do crazy things.”
“Tell me about it,” Michael looks down for a beat, licks his lips, and steps closer.
He holds your chin between his fingers, tilting your head up. As he leans to capture your mouth, you flinch, “what are you doing?”
“Something crazy,” the corners of his mouth quirk up, making another move, and you jerk your face a second time in reflex. It’s not that you don't wanna kiss him, you absolutely do. You just need another moment to process it.
“Damn, girl. Can you just stay still, so I can kiss you already?” He demands without an ounce of entitlement. Just driven by the desire to taste your lips.
“Alright, okay… just give me a second,” you yield to his craving, letting him slowly guide you, so your back is pressed against the wall.
There’s no escape now, this is the moment you’ve dreamed with many moons ago that seemed like a pipe dream back then. All those thoughts vanish the moment his lips are pressed against yours firmly, before letting them bounce a couple of times together. His alcohol-tainted breath mixes with yours as his lips part wider. He captures your lower lip with a light suck, followed by the tip of his tongue shamelessly drawing the curve of your mouth. It's deliciously sexy and sweet and everything in between. You close your eyes and follow his lead, opening your mouth and letting him slot his lips against yours. His tongue invades past your teeth without resistance. It challenges you to kiss him back. It takes you a moment to respond, but soon enough, you're fully immersed in the depth of his mouth, taking the reins of the kiss.
You haven't been kissed like this in a while. Maybe ever.
When your mouths separate, you realize your hands are anchored to his back, and he's fully pressed against you. His lips are covered in your saliva and vice versa.
“I'm going to change my dress,” you sigh, giving him a little push, so you can put yourself together.
“Oh… Okay,” there's a hint of disappointment in his tone.
You clear your throat and harness an ounce of confidence to ask, “do you wanna come? I might need some help. The zipper is a little tricky in this thing.”
His expression turns on a dime, eyes wide open, white edge teeth showing behind his slightly parted lips. Speechless by the implication of your proposal, he cleans his lips on his palm before responding, “I… sure.”
Proud of yourself for taking a gamble and hitting the jackpot, you go back inside the banquet hall first to collect your purse from the table and then head up to the elevators with him following closely behind.
A palm lands at the small of your back while you press the button. The anticipation makes your stomach flutter wilder than ever. Who would have thought you'd be taking Michael to your room on this day? It feels surreal. Absolutely bananas.
You don't say a word during the elevator ride up to the fourth floor.
When you reach your door, you notice his palms framing your hips from behind. His touch makes your pulse tremble while using the key card. It takes you a couple of tries to open the door.
There's a strange force, an electricity buzzing, that grows more powerful the second you're inside.
You hit the light switch, drop your purse on the chair and turn to face him.
Following that unstoppable whim, you place your palms on his chest and push back his blazer. He shrugs it off as you move to undo the few buttons he's fastened. Your fingers tremor anxiously as you uncover his defined torso. You want to stick out your tongue and trace those two lines forming a V oh his abdomen that leads to the outline of his cock behind the tight fabric of his dress slacks. It’s too bold of a move for you right now, so you let your fingers do your bidding.
When your hands reach his belt, they proceed to unbuckle it under the lust-filled shadow of that flame of his gaze that could scorch the surface of the earth if he wanted to in a second.
He’s already half hard when you unzip his fly, and that's as far as he allows you to go. Michael's dying to touch you, to undress you and fuck you. He quickly turns you around, making you gasp, and finds the zipper of your dress. Your skin rises into goosebumps when he pulls the tab down. He nibbles at the crook of your neck, pushing the top of your dress down to your waist. You shimmy your legs out of it as his hands invite themselves to your skin.
His all hands and mouth around you as he removes your strapless bra and guides you to lay down on the bed.
The fire that lights up his eyes sears through yours as he slips out of his unbuttoned shirt. He then props a knee on the bed, hovering over you, and lowers his head to kiss your stomach. His tongue darts out and draws a circle around your navel. Your head falls back on the mattress, as he leaves a trail of wet kisses up your torso. He nibbles once more at your neck, increasing your arousal up to eleven.
“Michael, please,” you groan as he presses himself between your legs, grinding slowly behind layers of fabric, coaxing your juices to stain your underwear and growing himself a hard-rock erection that can barely be held by his boxers.
Lifting lifts his head, he props himself on his elbows, and surveys the tortured expression on your face as his hips keep relentlessly moving.
“Fuck, you're goddamn gorgeous, baby,” he exhales, proceeding to swiftly rid you off your panties, and pushing his pants and underwear down.
He drives his hardness inside you with great care, pushing inch after inch of that monumental erection that stretches your slicked walls. You close your eyes as he experiments with his thrusting, molding your opening to its generous size.
“Is this how you imagined this?” he pants against the corner of your mouth.
“No. This is better… Much, much better,” you purr, palming his ass, encouraging him to move faster.
If you had a free hand, you'd pinch yourself to check if this is really happening right now. It still blows your mind thinking that Michael Berzatto is deeply buried inside you, wanting you, claiming every cell of your body for his enjoyment. You gladly surrender to his desires as the cadence of his hips drive you into madness. As much as you try to contain your moans, he does everything in his hand to force every moan, curse, and breath to fly out past your teeth.
He slams into you with passion, bites your skin, grips your tits, devours your mouth, setting every inch ablaze. It’s as mind-blowing as it is fast, but he earns himself a good squeeze of your walls when he brings you to orgasm. He comes undone just merely a second after, releasing a wild grunt that ripples all over your skin, and pouring all his warm seed into the depths of your pussy, having his hips jerking erratically until he’s spilled every drop.
His cum sticks to your walls as he rolls to the side of the mattress with a grunt. Your head is spinning out of its usual axis, overtaken by that powerful boost of endorphins, and your lungs struggle for a deep breath.
For a long minute, you both stare at the ceiling while you regain your breath.
When he composes himself, he turns to the side to look at you, sweetly letting one of his fingers brush your cheek, “do you wanna do this again tomorrow?”
“Can't. I'm leaving, remember?”
“But you can stay the night if you want. And repeat later. And maybe one more time even later. Would you like that?”
“I'd love to, sweetheart.”
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lightofraye · 7 months ago
All About E
More self-torture. I don’t know why I do this.
Oh wait.
Yes I do.
It’s because the person I’m writing about is being praised and supported when she shouldn’t be. Shall we begin?
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Elta Danneel Graul was born in Lafayette, Louisiana, and raised in the small town of Eunice. Her father, Edward, is a practicing ophthalmologist, and her mother, Deborah, is an interior designer. She was named after her great-grandmother. Legally her name is still Elta, but she professionally and personally goes by Danneel. Supposedly she was given the middle name, Danneel, after a street in New Orleans.
She moved to Los Angeles because, according to her, she knew she wanted to live in California. She moved there and lucked out with modeling. How did she luck out? Her now-ex-boyfriend, Riley Smith. His mother was a modeling agent in Chicago. She flew home with him for Thanksgiving and his mother made the phone call with the agency.
(How did Elta afford to live in Los Angeles without much work? Her parents paid her way, so she basically lived in an apartment on her own, didn’t share with anyone, and got to be lazy.)
Supposedly Riley’s mother also helped Elta with a nose job and breast implants (the first time around).
Elta liked to claim she worked and supported herself, but her beginning modeling jobs didn’t pay very well. She also didn’t get nearly as much work, so her parents supported her.
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Elta proceeded to segue into television with the help of Riley to do auditions. She had a few guest spots on MadTV, Amanda Bynes’ What I Like About You. Then she had the audition with One Life To Live.
Because One Life To Live was filmed in New York, Elta had to move there. Again… her parents helped, because a starting actress on a soap did not pay well. She also had bit parts in Love House.
Eventually One Life To Live ended and Elta got guest spots on One Tree Hill, Joey, JAG, Charmed. Supposedly it was because she did well in auditions, but those rumors of her doing the casting couch with Mark Schwan persist.
After One Tree Hill, she had more guest spots on How I Met Your Mother, NCIS, and other shows.
She appeared in a few small roles in movies as well.
Supposedly, Elta is skilled in gymnastics, can sing and play piano.
Given how badly she moved as Rachel in One Tree Hill, I call false in the gymnastics claim. We’ve heard her sing—she can’t sing, period. Never seen her play the piano.
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There have been claims that she has a degree in beat-poetry from University of Louisiana. She is not listed as an alumni and the timing does not work. I also call false that.
Elta has tried to create a jewelry line with Limbo Jewelry to create a line called Link. Near as I can tell, that jewelry line has never sold out and has not sold well. Supposedly it was meant as a benefit for Creative Action, an Austin-based charity aimed at foster youth-development projects. It has barely raised much, only $30,000.
Elta has four tattoos. A matching tattoo with Hilarie, which says “Mischief”, that she got at Hilarie’s wedding. A shark tattoo on her butt. An arrow on her left arm in honor of her children, and some kind of “robe-woman” who resembles a muse on her right arm.
She photographed for Maxim’s “Hot 100” list several times.
Supposedly, she is still friends with Hilarie Burton Morgan and Bevin Price.
She claimed she fell in love with Jensen during filming of Ten Inch Hero. They apparently drove back and forth, car pooled, really, to and from set and struck up a deeper conversation. Jensen once claimed he gave her a note that said “Not now, someday” as by that time, Elta was engaged to Riley Smith, Jensen’s friend.
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Evidently, she didn’t even tell Riley what happened. She just packed up her things and moved out from their shared apartment, no break-up talk, nothing. Riley is now very happy she did that, given the crappy way she broke up with him. The best thing he got out of that relationship, he once claimed, was the guitar he was gifted with.
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Jensen kept mum on the relationship for a long while. He had dated Joanna Krupa at one point, and Tania Saulnier. He was rumored, at one point, to have been with LeAnn Rimes (she herself said that was false) and Jessica Simpson (never been mentioned).
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His revelation that he was dating came as a surprise—and almost no one knew who she was. When his engagement was announced on JustJared, no one knew he was dating or still dating her. The timing of said engagement had always been suspicious, given it was practically a week after Jared proposed to Genevieve.
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Jensen claimed later that Elta gave him an ultimatum and that she hadn’t known he was going to propose.
I believe it was because seeing Jared get engaged meant the gay rumors would focus solely on him and he didn’t want to deal with that. Plus, suspected he had to “settle down”, so Elta was his “Okay, I guess she’ll do” girl. Not the girl of his dreams.
She likely tailored herself to what he wanted as she knew him for years prior to that.
Not to mention a rather quick engagement to wedding (six months; most usually do a year! Perhaps because Jared’s was set and they wanted to compete—or rather, Elta did).
Oh, Elta’s career kept puttering along. Some attempts were made, and all failed. No, I don’t think it’s because she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom either. Her career just didn’t take off; she’s a horrible actress with a childish voice that is clearly faked.
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Her most recent role was a ‘gift’ from Hilarie. A pity gift.
And honestly, she’s not even a stay-at-home mom. She has nannies, a housekeepr, a gardener, possibly more help than most single parents or stay-at-home parents have. She’s unrelatable. She’s achieved nothing beyond being Jensen Ackles’ wife.
I’d pity her, if it weren’t obvious Jensen is scared of her. (He’s said: “I’m not suicidal, I’m getting out of her way”; called her “Scary Spice”; has stated more than once that he defers to her because he has to; said their marriage works better when they’re apart.)
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harryshairclippy · 2 years ago
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I just realized there is absolutely no way I would be able to make an end of the year fic rec because it would just be tooooo long. I'm splitting things up for the first half of the year!!
I'll Fly Away - @juliusschmidt - 122K
Harry and Louis grew up together in Lake County, Harry with his mom and stepdad in a tiny cottage on Edward’s Lake and Louis in his family’s farmhouse a few minutes down the road. But after high school, Louis stuck around and Harry did not; Harry went to Chicago where he found a boyfriend and couple of college degrees. Six years later, Harry ends up back in Edwardsville for the summer and he and Louis fall into old patterns and discover new ones.
ft. One Direction, the local boyband; Horan’s Bar and Grill; families, most especially children and babies; Officer Liam Payne; many local festivals and fireworks displays; and Anne Cox, PFLAG President.
I Don't Wanna Face The Music - @hereforh - 95K
Louis likes to think he's a pretty normal, typical lad. He likes spending nights at the pub with his mates, he loves football and is very close to his family. So when he moves to London for uni, he doesn’t think much will be different.
Until he makes these new friends who are nothing like his mates back home and change his life for the better - and this one boy who messes with his head from the get go and makes him question everything he has ever thought about himself.
Stranger Stars - @sunshineandhisrainbows - 212K
Five years ago, Africa offered a grieving Louis Tomlinson an escape from an England he couldn't tolerate. Now it's become home as he leads overland tours across the continent with his best friend and driver Zayn Malik. What's meant to be just another ordinary six-week trip from Cape Town to Nairobi turns into anything but, when future lawyer/current photographer and songwriter Harry Styles and his friends join Louis' latest set of passengers.
Mine Would Be You - @crinkle-eyed-boo - 114K
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
Perfect Storm - @cherrystreet - 80K
What do you do when your best friend asks you and your (now) ex to be the best men at his destination wedding? You can either tell him the truth, tell him you’re not together anymore, and deal with the consequences, or you can pretend you’re still together and roll with it, just pray you don’t spiral. Fake it ‘til you make it. You know, for the sake of the wedding.
Harry and Louis choose the latter.
Golden - @sunshineandhisrainbows - 128K
Harry is fully dressed when Louis returns to the room. He’s slumped on the edge of the bed, fingers twining awkwardly around the edge of his pink flounces. “Can I come?” he blurts when Louis opens the bathroom door. Louis freezes. “What?” “North. With you,” Harry clarifies. “If you’re going north, could I come too?”
On a rainy night in Auckland in the middle of his world tour, popstar Harry Styles loses his ability to carry on. Instead of continuing to Sydney and the rest of his tour, he seeks sanctuary with Louis Tomlinson, a man with a macadamia nut farm and a mysterious past.
Sun Means The Sky'll Be Blue - @moonhusbands - 91K
As the only singleton under thirty attending his cousin's five-day wedding, Harry is desperate to find a date, or at least a reason to get people's questions about his love life off his back. So when Louis, Harry's old uni roommate and fellow wedding attendee waltzes back into his life, Harry seizes the opportunity, pretending Louis is his ex-boyfriend and that it's a sore subject not to be mentioned.
If it's a little bit closer to the truth than Harry would like, well, he's a master at living in denial.
So cue a mess of trudged-up feelings, past misunderstandings, a rekindled summer romance and a whole lot of sexually-charged bickering.
Being of the Jealous Kind - @louisandtheaquarian - 24K
A-list actor Louis Tomlinson and his partner fashion photographer Harry Styles weather the storm that is Louis’ fake relationship with his costar in the lead up to this year’s Academy Awards.
Featuring a fluffy teenage meet-cute, an angsty wine drunk Harry melting down over pap pics, Louis habitually overusing the word “baby,” and cameos by a vintage Umbro sweatshirt, the peace ring, and one hell of a Larry hug.
Or the justice for To Be So Lonely fic. Based on the lyrics to TBSL and a prompt where “Louis has to fake date some celebrity, while his boyfriend Harry sits at home.”
Late Night Talking - @kingsofeverything - 53K
Louis Tomlinson has a new album coming out and a second world tour on the horizon. Promo season gets underway with a stop at Late Night Talking, the late night show hosted by Harry Styles, and Harry Styles just happens to be the man who blew a chance to date Louis a decade ago.
With A Little Kindness - @jacaranda-bloom - 33K
The man lays his hand on Harry’s forearm and Harry looks up as the stranger leans in. “I just wanted to say,” he whispers. “Can I cover your bill? I’m a big believer in paying it forward and I can see you’re struggling. It’s none of my business, of course, but I’d really like to help.”
OR the one where Harry is a struggling single parent who doesn’t have time for relationships and Louis is a generous stranger who is unlucky in love, until fate decides to step in and bring them together.
Loved By Your Mother - @gaymoustache - 31K
Harry stretches out like Venus with her lover, growing sleepy in the late afternoon light with a baby growing inside her. Perhaps not literally, not physically. Not exactly.
Harry struggles to come to terms with wanting to have children, and what that means for their relationship. Canon compliant, set a few years into the future.
you taught me how to love (i taught you how to stop) - @thedevilinmybrain - 50K
"I was always better at hand to hand than you," Harry growls, even as he leans his weight into the blade. It's small, sharp, has a handle of gold roses.
"I don't know about that." Louis moves his arm forward, makes the presence of the barrel of the gun fit snugly to Harry's hip. "I think we just play differently."
"You going to shoot me?" Harry asks, those wild eyes tracking over Louis' face. "Do it."
"I think I've put enough scars on you," Louis answers, means it about the stretch marks still lining the sides of Harry's stomach, but it lands a little too raw. There are other scars on Harry's body that Louis blames himself for, scars inside too.
your memory over me - @shimmeringevil - 64K
Three years have passed since Louis last saw him, but all it took was a few minutes in Harry’s presence for him to be relegated to the desperate twenty-one year old that was practically begging his boyfriend for an ounce of reassurance that he still cared about him.
Harry shouldn’t be here. He’s brought too many unresolved feelings with him, that Louis thought he’d never have to face.
It’s Harry’s apparent apathy that’s the most difficult to come to terms with. Anger, he could handle. Regret, he would welcome. But Harry’s amiability, and carefree demeanor can only be born from indifference.
He’s moved on. He doesn’t care. And that is something Louis doesn’t think he’ll ever be strong enough to face.
OR - The worst heartbreak of Louis’ life walks right back into it when his parents invite their family friends on an all-expenses-paid trip for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Facing a past that he tried to bury long ago, Louis learns that some people have a way of sticking with you even when they’re gone.
knock knock, i love you - @beautlouis - 86K
“Well,” Louis says, searching for something to relieve this tension. “I think if a bloke gets kicked out of his stats exam for a knock knock joke, he deserves to hear the punchline, yeah?”
“Oh!” Harry says, beaming. “I forgot where we left off, what was it again?” He looks overjoyed to be exchanging a shit joke.
“Ah, you said knock knock, then I said who’s there, and then you said Noah,” Louis supplies helpfully. He hates that he's actually curious about the rest of the joke. “So, Noah who?”
“Oh,” says Harry, in a much different tone, dragging out the syllable. He looks bashful now. Louis cannot keep up with this boy, it's going to kill him. “Right, well.” He shuffles his feet. Fuck, what kind of knock knock joke gets a boy nervous? “Noah a good place we could get something to eat?”
[Harry and Louis get kicked out of a statistics exam for passing a knock knock joke note, and subsequently fall in love. Harry's a virgin, there's a cat, a hot cocoa date, a lot of sex, even more knock knock jokes, and everything is lovely and happy.]
i'm a captain on a jealous sea - @thedevilinmybrain - 15K
It’s not that Louis doesn’t like Nick. He is, if he’s being honest, kind of indifferent. Louis gets that Nick is just doing his job most of the time, being loud and prying, not having boundaries. But it’s just a little too much for Louis’ taste. Louis, who has learned over the years, when to be loud and when to know that coy is the game. But, it doesn’t matter really. He’s not required to like everyone, doesn’t have to make nice with them outside of having a camera shoved in his face. He can let Nick be Nick and it shouldn’t affect Louis at all.
What Louis actually has a problem with is the way Nick Grimshaw looks at Harry.
One More Time Again - orphan_account - 232K
Harry looks down to where Louis is cradling his hand between his own. Louis' hands are slender, the bones delicate, the nails bitten short. The 2-8 on the backs of his fingers is gone, but the faded scar from a skateboarding mishap in Year 7 is still there.
Harry's hand is awkward, knobby-boned and naked, no rings, no tattoos. It's too big for his wrist and his wrist too big for his arm. Yet it still somehow fits in Louis' in the painfully perfect way it always did.
He blinks back the sting in his eyes.
On the morning of his second sold-out performance at Madison Square Garden, Harry wakes up to find that he's sixteen years old, on The X Factor, and that he has a chance to make things right.
A canon-compliant fix-it fic (sort of).
Darling, so it goes - @disgruntledkittenface - 195K
Harry Styles is a world-famous actor at the height of his career but a personal low point when he meets His Serene Highness Prince Louis of Monaco by chance. He doesn’t think they’ll ever see each other again, but after striking up a correspondence, it turns out they have more in common than he thought. Then they start to fall for each other. Louis is different from anyone Harry has dated before and their relationship moves fast as Harry realizes he’s ready for a change. Soon Harry finds himself adapting to an entirely new life, in a country where he doesn’t know the rules, the customs, even the language. Harry is used to people underestimating him, and he’s more determined than ever to prove them wrong.
He just needs Louis to meet him halfway.
Grace Kelly AU.
Sweetest Devotion - @brightgolden - 61K
After his divorce, all Harry wants in life is to provide a stable, loving environment for his three-year-old daughter, Evie.
Never in his wildest dreams has he ever considered that life might come with the presence of his teenage crush — Gemma’s friend from secondary school, Louis Tomlinson.
Luckily, Harry isn’t still pining over him.
Or so he thought.
Went Down In Flames - @itsnotreal - 26K
Louis was in an absolutely shit storm. He had let it go on for too long. Let it go too far. But he had a plan. And tonight, said plan was going down. He was going to tell the boys he was proposing this weekend. ‘Harry’ would turn him down, albeit gently, and Louis would play the heartbroken boyfriend. He’d gotten this far. All he had to do was lock himself in his bedroom and cry a little. He’d been in a few plays growing up. Piece of cake.
Except. It didn’t go that way. Of course, it didn’t. Because the universe, the beautiful chaotic bitch that she was, just had to have an actual Harry Styles and he just had to be Niall’s best friend.
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transbookoftheday · 2 years ago
The Weight of Living by M.A. Hinkle
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When she arrives in Cherrywood Grove for a working vacation, shy photographer Trisha Ivy expects to kick back and relax, enjoying her last summer of freedom before turning into a real adult with a mortgage and a nine-to-five. After all, her real life is back in Chicago with her best friend Bella, not a sleepy small town. But Trisha keeps running into beautiful, confident Gabi Gonzalez, a caterer working all the same weddings…and she’s the daughter of Trisha’s favorite local TV star. Trisha can’t resist getting to know her. After all, she’s only in town for the summer, and Gabi is straight. What harm could it do?
Gabi Gonzalez has spent most of her life trying to escape Cherrywood Grove and find something bigger and better. During an internship in Milwaukee, she thought she’d finally found it. But after her father’s sudden death, she returns home and tries to squeeze back into the same childhood roles: kid sister, cool aunt, tireless worker. She’s just resigned herself to going through the motions when she meets Trisha, someone who finally sees Gabi for her own self instead of putting her in a box. Can Gabi open up to Trisha about what she really wants before Trisha leaves town for good?
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devilsdiscipleshq · 1 year ago
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THE BASICS | shay morales
name: Shay Morales face claim: Priscilla Quintana age & date of birth: 31, April 5th, 1992 hometown: Chicago, Illinois time in chicago: On and off her entire life neighborhood: South side occupation: Waitress, freelance photographer
THE MAVERICK | background
Shay Morales grew up in the South Side of Chicago, her parents often joking that she had learned to run before she could even walk and she had bypassed crawling entirely and that they had been chasing her ever since. The youngest and only daughter of the Morales family, much of her childhood was spent being doted on by both her mother and father. While they were far from wealthy, Daniel and Leona made sure that their children never went without, admittedly showing their daughter a favouritism she would, to this day, deny. Not that her brother would ever call them out on it, the two having gotten close as they got older with Shay often covering up for him when he would sneak out as a teenager and then years later, when it was her turn to do the same, she would expect the same in return. It was in her teenage years that she really began to open her eyes to the seedier side of Chicago — a side that both her brother and father willingly participated in, clad in leather vests and riding Harley’s and Shay promised herself that she would never find herself wrapped up in that same life.
It was obvious from early on that Shay would be hard to tie down. She was reckless and craved a kind of adventure that the city was never going to be able to offer her and she had declared from a young age that she had no interest in living there. Of course, only a handful of people had believed that she was actually going to be able to claw her way out of Chicago — even less had believed she would do it when she had gotten engaged at only eighteen years old. Rumors of a shotgun wedding had rumbled through the south side, sure that that was the only reason anyone, but especially someone like Shay, would want to settle down so early. Of course, that hadn’t been true. She had just been young, in love and most of all, stupid. She’d thought that was the natural way to do things and so with no college prospects on her radar, she had thrown herself into planning a wedding instead. A voice in the back of her head had always told her that it wasn’t right, but she had ignored it. Her high school sweetheart turned fiance had assured her that, soon enough, they would be able to go on all the adventures she had been hoping for. They just had to get ahead a little bit. Naively, Shay held out hope — it wasn’t until he came home in a prospect vest one night that she realized it was a pipe dream. That the man she had thought she loved had bought into the same promise of money and power that her father and brother had, and he would meet the same fate as them. He would be stuck here, in this city and this life and Shay refused to be stuck with him.
She left her engagement ring on the kitchen table, packed a bag and left three days later.
Shay had no idea where she was going at first. She coasted on the little bit of savings that she had, tugging on her father’s heartstrings when she needed a little extra and she made the best of it. Eventually she had ended up with a camera in her hands, snapping photographs of her travels for her own keepsakes but before long, her social media began taking off. Her photographs gained traction, often going viral and Shay eventually made a name for herself, securing contracts with a small handful of publications. Once she got the hang of it, it was a good system. She would use the money from her pictures on her last trip to fund the next one, waitressing on the side whenever she found herself in one place long enough and money tight enough. Soon, the long list of places Shay thought she would only ever dream of seeing, became a scrapbook of memories.
Meanwhile, back home her brother fell into the life that Shay had never wanted. Prospecting turned into becoming a full patched member, fully embracing the life that the club had to offer. The drugs, the violence, the women — Owen Morales was the picture perfect club member. He’d gone as far as marrying one of the hang-arounds of the club after a one night stand resulted in a positive pregnancy test — the marriage hadn’t lasted long, with the woman tucking tail before the baby could so much as hold his own head up. Shay made little effort to hide her thoughts on his life and how she thinks he could have done better. Still, the two remained close — or as close as they could be, when both of their busy schedules only allowed them to see each other a handful of times a year. Then, six months ago, Shay felt like her entire world had fallen apart. A phone call from her mother in the middle of the night informed her of a job gone wrong, urging her to come home as soon as she could because her brother was in critical condition and not expected to make it. Despite her best efforts, Shay hadn’t made it home in time and missed his passing by two hours, something she has yet to forgive herself for.
She hadn’t been planning on staying in Chicago. Everything is too raw there — memories of her brother and a resentment towards the club she hadn’t ever felt before often leave her feeling as though she’s choking on air. But with her parents aging and her sister in law nowhere to be found, someone needed to step up for her nephew. And despite the fact that Shay knew — and still knows — nothing about taking care of an infant, she found herself in that position. Moving into the house her brother had bought, setting up in the guest room and doing her best to do right by the son that he had left behind. Most days she feels like she’s in over her head but she doesn’t see an out anymore.
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dandelionfairies · 1 day ago
It's Always Been You (63519 words) by dandelionfairies Chapters: 20/? Fandom: Hanson (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Taylor Hanson/Original Female Character(s), Taylor Hanson/Maggie Rhodes (OFC), Zac Hanson/Original Male Character (Side pairing), Isaac Hanson/Original Female Character (Background pairing) Characters: Taylor Hanson, Original Female Character(s), Maggie "Gretty" Rhodes (OFC), Zac Hanson, Jordan Pierce (OMC), Isaac Hanson, Kayli Carrington Hanson (OFC), Hannah Hanson (OFC), Original Hanson Children, Hanson Family Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Band - but not famous, Small Town Illinois, Chicago (City), Depression, Anxiety, Past Abuse, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Past Domestic Violence, Abusive Relationships, Taylor - Photographer, Zac - Bartender, Isaac - Lawyer, Scars Summary: Maggie has avoided Taylor since the day of his wedding. Which has always been difficult when her best friend is Zac, Taylor's younger brother. But she can't avoid him forever. Not when he's stepping out of the elevator and revealed to be the photographer of the photoshoot she'd agreed to do.
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avisheksen-1993 · 11 days ago
Responsive WordPress Themes for Photography Portfolios: The Ultimate Guide
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Struggling to Find the Perfect Photography Portfolio Theme?
Are you a photographer looking to showcase your work with a stunning online portfolio? Wondering which best WordPress themes for photographers can help you create a website that’s both visually appealing and functional?
With so many options available, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. You need a theme that not only looks professional but also loads fast, is mobile-friendly, and ranks well on search engines. Plus, if you’re planning to sell your photos, having e-commerce photography themes is a must.
Let’s explore the best responsive WordPress themes designed specifically for photographers, and how you can choose the right one for your portfolio.
Why Choosing a Responsive WordPress Theme is Crucial
In today’s mobile-first world, a responsive website is non-negotiable. Whether someone is browsing on a phone, tablet, or desktop, your website should automatically adjust to provide the best viewing experience.
A SEO friendly photography WordPress theme ensures that your website not only looks great but also ranks well on Google, helping potential clients find you easily.
Key Features to Look for in a Photography WordPress Theme
When selecting a theme, keep these essential features in mind:
✅ Mobile Responsiveness – Your portfolio should look flawless on all devices. ✅ SEO Optimization – A theme optimized for search engines improves visibility. ✅ Fast Loading Speed – Visitors won’t wait for slow-loading pages. ✅ Customizable Layouts – A flexible design helps you stand out. ✅ E-Commerce Integration – If you sell prints, a built-in store is essential.
Top Responsive WordPress Themes for Photography Portfolios
1. Divi Photography Theme
Divi is one of the best WordPress themes for photographers, offering a drag-and-drop builder that makes customization easy. It comes with pre-built layouts tailored for photographers, making it ideal for professionals who want to create a unique online presence.
✔ Pros: Highly customizable, mobile-friendly, SEO-optimized. ❌ Cons: Slight learning curve for beginners.
2. Astra Photography Theme
Astra is a lightweight, fast, and SEO-friendly theme perfect for photographers. It offers several starter templates, including Chicago photographer portfolio themes, making it a great option for local photographers who need a strong online presence.
✔ Pros: Speed optimized, mobile-friendly, integrates with WooCommerce. ❌ Cons: Limited free version features.
3. OceanWP Photography Theme
OceanWP is an excellent choice if you need a free photography WordPress theme with premium-level features. It’s highly customizable, supports e-commerce, and has stunning gallery layouts.
✔ Pros: Free version available, easy to use, WooCommerce support. ❌ Cons: Some features require premium add-ons.
Chicago Photographers: The Best Themes for Your Portfolio
If you’re a photographer based in Chicago, selecting a theme that highlights your work and ranks well locally is crucial. Using WordPress developers Chicago photography themes can enhance your local search visibility.
Best Options for Chicago Photographers:
🔹 Neve Photography Theme – A lightweight and fast theme that works perfectly for local photographers. 🔹 Kalium – A creative, minimalist theme designed for professional photographers. 🔹 Flox – A stunning portfolio theme for wedding and portrait photographers.
A well-optimized theme combined with strong local SEO can make all the difference. Need help optimizing your website? Check out Best Digital Marketing Services in Chicago to improve your online presence.
SEO-Friendly Photography Themes for Better Rankings
A well-designed portfolio means nothing if clients can’t find it. Using a SEO friendly photography WordPress theme ensures that search engines index and rank your website effectively.
🔹 Hestia Photography Theme – Fast, mobile-optimized, and highly customizable. 🔹 Sydney – SEO-friendly and ideal for personal portfolios. 🔹 Solene – A stylish theme with built-in SEO optimizations for photographers.
For expert SEO optimization, check out SEO Friendly Photography WordPress Themes to boost your website rankings.
Selling Your Photos? Try These E-Commerce Photography Themes
Want to turn your passion into profit? You need a theme that integrates with WooCommerce. Here are the top e-commerce photography themes to consider:
💰 Lense – Designed for photographers looking to sell prints. 💰 Photo Me – A beautiful theme with built-in shop pages. 💰 Imagely – A premium theme offering advanced e-commerce features.
If you need a fully customized e-commerce website, consider Best Website Design Services in Chicago for professional solutions.
Final Thoughts: Build a Stunning Photography Portfolio Today
Choosing the right best WordPress themes for photographers can elevate your portfolio and attract more clients. Whether you need a simple free photography WordPress theme or a powerful e-commerce photography theme, make sure it’s responsive, fast, and SEO-friendly.
🚀 Need help designing your photography website? Contact us at [email protected] or send a message on WhatsApp! Let’s create a portfolio that makes your work shine.
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videostudiojimenez · 4 months ago
Maximizing Your Photo Studio Session
Planning a photo studio session can be a creative and fun experience. To ensure you get the most out of your time in the studio, here are some tips to help you maximize the session:
1. Prepare Your Outfits
Choose outfits that not only reflect your personal style but also complement the overall theme or purpose of the photoshoot. Consider bringing a few options to provide versatility and choices for different looks.
2. Communicate with the Photographer
Open communication with your photographer is key to a successful photo session. Discuss your ideas, preferences, and any specific shots you have in mind. This will help the photographer understand your vision and capture the images you desire.
3. Pay Attention to Details
Details such as hair, makeup, and accessories can have a significant impact on the final photographs. Ensure that you pay attention to grooming and styling to achieve the desired aesthetic in your photos.
4. Be Punctual and Relaxed
Avoid unnecessary stress by arriving on time for your photo session. Being punctual allows you to start the session smoothly and make the most of the available time. Relax, have fun, and trust the expertise of the photographer to capture your best moments.
5. Review and Select Your Favorites
After the photo session, take the time to review the images captured and select your favorite shots. Consider the composition, lighting, and overall feel of the photos to choose the ones that best represent your vision.
6. Share and Showcase Your Photos
Once you have selected your favorite photos, consider sharing them with your friends and on social media platforms. Showcase your images proudly to highlight the results of your photo studio session.
In conclusion, a photo studio session offers the opportunity to capture moments and memories in a creative and professional setting. By following these tips and actively participating in the process, you can maximize your photo studio session and create stunning images to cherish for years to come.
Maternity Photographer Chicago, Chicago Wedding Photographers, Photo Studio Chicago, Chicago Photographers, Photographers Near Me
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noman-007 · 5 months ago
Iconic Chicago Wedding Photography Locations
Chicago is full of iconic spots that make for stunning wedding photography. Here are some of the best locations in the city for capturing memorable wedding moments:
Perfect Blue Maternity Dress
Millennium Park
Millennium Park is a favorite spot for wedding photos. The famous “Bean” (Cloud Gate) sculpture offers a modern and unique backdrop. The park also has beautiful gardens and fountains, combining urban and nature shots.
Chicago Riverwalk
With stunning views of the Chicago skyline and river, the Riverwalk offers a perfect blend of city life and water. Couples can capture romantic moments on the bridges or along the scenic pathways.
Lincoln Park Zoo and Nature Boardwalk
For couples who want nature in the heart of the city, Lincoln Park Zoo and the nearby Nature Boardwalk offer beautiful greenery, a pond, and skyline views. The pavilion at the Nature Boardwalk is a popular spot for its unique architecture.
North Avenue Beach
This location provides breathtaking views of the Chicago skyline with Lake Michigan as the backdrop. North Avenue Beach is ideal for couples looking for urban and natural scenery.
Art Institute of Chicago
The historic steps and stunning architecture of the Art Institute are perfect for a classy and timeless wedding photo shoot. The lush gardens behind the museum also provide a peaceful, romantic setting.
Navy Pier
Navy Pier is an excellent option for couples looking for a fun and lively setting. The Ferris wheel, boardwalk, and lake views offer fun and scenic shots.
Wrigley Building
The Wrigley Building, a Chicago icon with classic architecture along the Magnificent Mile, is perfect for sophisticated wedding photos. Its grand staircase and riverside location make it ideal for photo shoots.
Adler Planetarium
The Adler Planetarium has one of the best views of the Chicago skyline. Couples can capture breathtaking shots with the city and Lake Michigan in the background, especially during sunset.
Lurie Garden
Hidden in Millennium Park, Lurie Garden is a peaceful and picturesque location with blooming flowers and a sense of privacy. It’s a perfect spot for intimate, nature-inspired wedding photos.
The Chicago Cultural Center
For an indoor option, the Chicago Cultural Center is a stunning choice. Its grand staircase, Tiffany dome, and ornate architecture make it a timeless and elegant location for wedding photography.
These locations offer diverse backdrops, making Chicago a top city for wedding photography.
Final Words about Iconic Photoshoots In Fashion
Iconic fashion photoshoots are more than just pictures. They capture moments that change how we see beauty and style. A simple photo with a suitable model, clothes, and photographer can become legendary. These shoots often create new trends and leave a lasting impact on fashion and culture.
Some of the most famous photoshoots, like Kate Moss for Calvin Klein, stick in our minds because they show something fresh and bold. These images inspire people, making us think differently about what fashion can be. In the end, iconic photoshoots are like works of art, reminding us that fashion is more than clothes. It is a way to tell stories and express ideas.
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theshanphotography · 5 months ago
A wedding or the wedding day is one of the significant moments in a person’s life. Here are guidelines that can assist you in selecting the best wedding photographer in Chicago for the event.
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datascraping001 · 7 months ago
WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping
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WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping by DataScrapingServices.com. In today's competitive wedding industry, staying ahead of the curve means having access to the most current and comprehensive data. WeddingWire, a leading platform for wedding venues and services, is a goldmine of information. However, manually collecting and organizing this data can be a daunting and time-consuming task. That's where DataScrapingServices.com steps in. Our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service is designed to help wedding planners, event coordinators, and marketing professionals efficiently gather detailed venue information, ensuring they have the insights needed to make informed decisions and enhance their business strategies.
List of Data Fields
Our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service extracts a wide range of data fields to provide you with a complete and actionable dataset.
- Venue Name: The official name of the wedding venue.
- Location: Detailed address information, including city, state, and ZIP code.
- Contact Information: Phone numbers, email addresses, and website URLs.
- Venue Type: Categorization of the venue (e.g., barn, hotel, garden).
- Capacity: Maximum guest capacity for the venue.
- Pricing: Detailed pricing information and packages.
- Amenities: List of amenities and services offered by the venue.
- Photos: Images of the venue.
- Reviews: Customer reviews and ratings.
- Availability: Information on the availability and booking calendar.
Benefits of WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping
Utilizing our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service offers numerous benefits:
1. Time Efficiency: Manual data collection is labor-intensive and prone to errors. Our automated scraping service saves you valuable time, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks.
2. Comprehensive Data: Gain access to a wealth of detailed and up-to-date information, ensuring you have all the necessary insights to make informed decisions.
3. Improved Targeting: With detailed data on venue types, capacities, and amenities, you can better match clients with their ideal venues, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
4. Enhanced Marketing: Utilize the data to create targeted marketing campaigns, highlighting specific venue features and advantages to attract potential clients.
5. Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of competitors by leveraging the latest venue information to offer the best options to your clients.
6. Informed Decision-Making: Access to reviews and ratings helps you gauge customer satisfaction and make better recommendations.
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In the dynamic and competitive wedding industry, having access to detailed and up-to-date venue information is crucial. DataScrapingServices.com's WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service provides an efficient and reliable solution to gather comprehensive data, helping you streamline your operations, improve client satisfaction, and stay ahead of the competition. Whether you are a wedding planner, event coordinator, or marketing professional, our service is designed to meet your data needs and enhance your business strategies. Contact DataScrapingServices.com today to learn more about how our WeddingWire Wedding Venues Scraping service can benefit your business and help you achieve greater success.
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winniecouture · 9 months ago
Capture Your Dream: Wedding Dress Photo Ideas for Every Bride
Wedding attire is one of the most important possessions for a bride-to-be. She has spent countless nights tossing and turning in her bed just to finalize that perfect dream bridal gown- all in her mind. Now that she is getting married and has finally got herself the best wedding dress in Chicago, she is on cloud nine. She wants to be clicked in her gorgeous wedding gown so that years down the lane, she can cherish her radiating beauty in this wedding trousseau.
If you are getting too excited about getting clicked in your charming bridal dress, here's a list of ideas you can use on your D-day. This blog discusses some of the most insta-worthy picture ideas that will keep you glued to your wedding album years after your marriage.
Here you go!
The veil over your glowing face: You can get super creative with your wedding veil. The flimsy and delicate veil can offer incredible depth to your photograph. You can try covering your beautiful face with the semi-transparent veil as the wind blows against your face, lifting the veil slightly in the air. This can turn out to be a stunning photograph if your photographer is experienced enough.
Attire on the bed: The outfit that you have bought after visiting multiple bridal boutiques in Chicago deserves a lot of candid clicks. Spread it casually over a satin bed sheet. Make sure that the bed sheet is in a contrasting color. Navy blue or wine red will work wonders in this case. Spread a few pearls here and there. You will get some masterpieces out of this setup.
I-am-almost ready click: So, your makeup artist in a bridal salon in Chicago, IL has finally waved her magic wand, and now you are ready to say "I do" to your soulmate. But just before you leave for the wedding venue, you can get yourself clicked while looking into the mirror.
One with your soulmate as he sees you first time in your bridal outfit: That breathtaking moment when your life partner sees you for the first time in your stunning attire is a moment of purest emotions. Instruct your photographer to capture your outfit with your partner in the background. After all, it is one of the best wedding gowns in Chicago, and the world deserves to know how the groom loved to behold you in that exquisite outfit for the first time ever!
Aerial view of the attire: As you walk down the aisle with your partner, the photographer can capture an aerial view of the moment. This angle will reveal the majesty of your bridal dress. The click will look as if it is straight out of a fairy tale book. This click is ideal if you wish to capture the grandeur of your dress.
Wrapping up!
You have spent a hefty amount in one of the leading bridal salons in Chicago. And the wedding attire that you have adorned is from the one and only Winnie Couture – the leading bridal boutique in the Chicago. You have all the reasons in the world to get lots of captivating pictures that remind you of your most special day even after decades.  
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popinchicago03 · 1 year ago
Chicago Bridal Beauty: Makeup Artists You Need to Know
When it comes to your wedding day in Chicago, finding the perfect makeup artist is essential for achieving the bridal look of your dreams. With a plethora of talented professionals in the Windy City, here are some makeup artists you need to know to ensure you radiate beauty and confidence as you walk down the aisle.
Debra Petrielli: With over 20 years of experience in the beauty industry, Debra Petrielli is a sought-after makeup artist known for her expertise in bridal makeup. Her signature style focuses on enhancing natural beauty while creating timeless and elegant looks that photograph beautifully. From soft and romantic to bold and glamorous, Debra’s attention to detail and personalized approach make her a top choice for brides seeking flawless bridal makeup in Chicago.
Sonia Roselli: Renowned for her flawless complexion techniques and innovative makeup artistry, Sonia Roselli is a trusted name in the Chicago bridal beauty scene. With a client list that includes celebrities, models, and brides alike, Sonia’s expertise lies in creating luminous and long-lasting makeup looks that withstand the demands of wedding days. Her eponymous beauty line offers a range of products designed to perfect the skin and enhance natural radiance, making her a go-to artist for brides seeking a fresh and radiant bridal glow.
Shayna Shapiro: As the founder of Make Me Up, Shayna Shapiro is celebrated for her ability to create personalized and picture-perfect bridal makeup looks tailored to each bride’s unique style and preferences. With a background in fine arts and a passion for beauty, Shayna combines her artistic vision with her technical skills to deliver stunning makeup looks that leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re envisioning a soft and romantic look or a bold and dramatic statement, Shayna’s versatility and creativity ensure you’ll feel confident and beautiful on your wedding day.
Nicole Jacob: Specializing in airbrush makeup and bridal beauty, Nicole Jacob is a highly sought-after makeup artist known for her impeccable attention to detail and flawless execution. With a background in fashion and editorial makeup, Nicole brings a fashion-forward approach to bridal beauty, creating modern and sophisticated looks that stand out. Her expertise in airbrush techniques ensures a lightweight and long-lasting finish that looks stunning both in person and on camera, making her a favorite among brides seeking a seamless and polished makeup look for their big day.
Nika Vaughan: With a passion for enhancing natural beauty and empowering her clients, Nika Vaughan is a leading makeup artist in the Chicago wedding industry. Known for her warm personality and calming presence, Nika specializes in creating personalized makeup looks that reflect each bride’s individuality and style. Whether you prefer a soft and romantic look or a bold and glamorous statement, Nika’s skillful application and attention to detail ensure you’ll look and feel your best on your wedding day.
Dori Mae Makeup: Dori Mae is a Chicago-based makeup artist with a keen eye for detail and a passion for bridal beauty. With a background in fashion and editorial makeup, Dori brings a fashion-forward approach to bridal makeup, creating modern and trend-setting looks that are both timeless and unique. Her ability to customize each makeup look to suit her client’s features and personality sets her apart, making her a top choice for brides seeking a personalized and unforgettable makeup experience.
Whether you’re dreaming of a soft and romantic look or a bold and glamorous statement, these talented makeup artists in Chicago have the skills and expertise to bring your bridal beauty vision to life. With their unparalleled talent and dedication to excellence, you can trust that you’ll look and feel absolutely radiant as you say “I do” in the Windy City.
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bigdayphotos · 1 year ago
Big Day Photo & Video
At Big Day Photo & Video, we transcend the role of mere wedding photographers and videographers; we are artists on a mission to sculpt cinematic love stories. Every moment of your special day is meticulously captured with an artful blend of precision and a light-hearted touch. Our ultimate goal? To ensure you not only look comfortable, radiant, and authentically yourself but also feel it deep within.
Best chicago wedding photographer
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americanbolivian · 1 year ago
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Cejay and Brian — the Bolivian wife & husband wedding photographers + videographers behind Alma Photography. They're based in Chicago and often taken abroad.
Instagram: @alma.photog
Recently Cejay and Brian were in Cochabamba visiting family and did a styled shoot with his cousin and his wife. See the video here:
" Hey there! We're Cejay and Brian both from Bolivian parents. My (Cejay) parents are from Cochabamba and Brian's parents are from La Paz. We were born in the U.S. but our Bolivian customs and traditions were instilled in us since we were little.
Brian and I met through our moms in 2016. We started dating in 2018 and got married in 2022. On our first trip to Bolivia together (2019), we adopted our dog son Inca and brought him back to the U.S. with us. He's a huge part of our life like legit, we're obsessed.
I (Cejay) go to Bolivia every year to visit my grandma. I love being there, it is my home away from home. When I competed in pageants years ago, I won the title of Miss Bolivia Chicago. I remember endless nights revisiting the history of our land and polishing my Spanish so that I could represent our country with pride (my parents quizzed me every night). After I turned my crown in, I decided to buy a one-way ticket and live in Bolivia. It was the best time of my life. When I came back, I competed in Miss Illinois Latina and won that title.
From then on, I made it my mission to spread the word about the beautiful wonders in Bolivia. The landscapes, the people, the traditions, the dances. My biggest influences have been my parents. They always supported my dreams no matter how "crazy" or "farfetched" they seemed and believe me, I had plenty of wild ones.
My grandma is also a huge influence of mine. When my parents started their own business here, my grandma came from Bolivia to help raise me and my brothers. She taught us the magic of adventures which is how I have led my life till this very day. Never afraid to leap into the next best thing.
Brian's grandfather was a famous movie director based out of La Paz. Brian has many fond memories of his grandpa and watching him build his model airplanes. Brian comes from a family of creatives. He grew up playing the guitar and has performed on many stages. He is very talented and plays with his entire heart. He also taught himself how to play the bass and the drums. While he still plays shows and private events from time to time, Brian's attention pivoted the moment his mother gifted him one of his grandfather's cameras.
When we decided to pursue photography together, it quickly became a passion of ours as we both come from creative realms. We took an intro to photography class together for fun and then realized we really enjoyed the craft. We decided to focus our creativity on couples and weddings because we like sharing and witnessing other people's happy. "
-Cejay and Brian
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All images and copyright are reserved for Alma Photography  Ⓒ
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aallamericanlimofan-blog · 1 year ago
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