#best umazane misli karaoke of all time ??
divingintothedark · 6 months
haven't laughed this hard in a while, this is the funniest thing JO have done ever idc
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jokeroutsubs · 4 months
🧊JokerOutSubs Iceberg Explained
Layer by layer
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Explanations below the cut 👇
First layer:
Three kaksi ananas lonkero: 
This is a fun anecdote told by Jan during our Tampere interview. They wanted to order three ananas (‘pineapple’) lonkero in Finland and… well, watch the video at 7:44 to find out :)
This is how Jan (again!) described his friendship with Nace when asked about the Damon Baker photoshoot during our London interview. Check it out here at 46:42 if you missed it!
‘JokerOutSubs: No one translates it better.’: 
Another reference to our London interview with the boys. This is something that Bojan said about JokerOutSubs. We loved it so much, we added it as an intro to our original content, and a tagline on all our platforms! See it here at 0:08!
Second layer:
‘We have a certain type of door locks.’: 
Another fun anecdote from our Tampere interview, this time from Jure! Did you know that Finland and Slovenia had such different door locks? We sure didn’t! Learn more about it here at 4:33!
JOS Stožice live: 
On the 6th of October, several of our members went to Joker Out at Stožice, and live streamed the gig for over 1000 people! You can find both parts of the livestream here and here
‘Ofcourse the best interview was done by joker.out.subs’ and ‘always a pleasure chatting with joker.out.subs: 
These are some lovely messages that Joker Out shared through their IG stories after two of our interviews.
Hvala, fantje. Radi vas mamo <3
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Third layer:
This was an award that we gave to the winner of our ‘How Italian ARE YOU?’ game during our Padova interview. Watch the game and find out who the lucky winner is here at 13:10!
Kiki the PR genius: 
This funny tale from the Padova interview here at 3:15 is about Kiki, their ‘beloved technician’ (Bojan’s words, not ours). It’s thanks to him that the whole JO fandom had a meltdown over the lyrics to Šta bih ja before we even heard the song live in Helsinki! Thank you, Kiki, you mastermind. 
Carpe Diem and Welcome to the Backstage translations:
Possibly the greatest pride for us at JokerOutSubs was being allowed to add subtitles to Joker Out’s Carpe Diem and Welcome to the Backstage series. Thank you boys and THANK YOU MARK for your trust. 
Translating Cvetličarna: 
Did you know how JokerOutSubs started? What the first big video ever translated was? It was this, the concert in Cvetličarna. If you want to know some lore, make sure not to miss our chat with Anja, who founded JokerOutSubs, and who came up with the idea of translating in the first place!
You haven’t really tasted Slovenia if you hadn’t had a sip of Cedevita, a fruit-flavoured instant fizzy drink, packed with vitamins. (Cedevita pls sponsor us). This drink is actually Croatian, but it’s so popular in Slovenia it’s a staple in every household. It was part of the ‘package from home’ we gave to Joker Out during our London interview - you can see the snacks we gifted them here at 3:18. One of our members was served a very generous portion by Jure!
Fourth layer:
‘Deeeeej mi vse.’:
This is referencing the original lyrics to Umazane misli, explained to us by Bojan himself in our London interview at 30:42. One of our members also sang this version in Milano during Umazane misli karaoke!
Damon Baker mentioned you in his story:
The moment that gave JOS members a heart attack. The wonderful Damon Baker shared our short interview with Kris on his Instagram story to 1.2 million people! We love you Damon! 
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'Your nipples are shining so much man.’:
One of the most cursed translations we have ever done - Bojan slow dancing with a mannequin during the London era.
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April fools:
On April 1st 2024, we decided to have a little fun with the fanbase and post some fake articles on our Tumblr. Kris and Jure even shared their articles on their stories! You can check them out here:
Bojan moving to Finland
Kris joining K3
Jure’s drumstick crisis
Jan and Nace’s new cat
Kris told us in our Tampere interview that one of his biggest culture shocks in Finland was that it’s always hard to find the lightswitch. You can watch it here at 4:19.
Fifth layer:
Pięćdziesięciogroszówka w klubie:
Jan told us in Finland that he liked long words, so we came to our second Joker Out interview in Poland prepared! This means '50 cents (in the club).' Watch the boys try to pronounce it here at 12:54
Translating made up words:
Joker Out enjoy making up words, which we then have to translate! That means we need to make up our own words in lots of different languages. We have hundreds of examples of this, but our favourite is probably sparklative - and here it is in different languages! 
Danish - Glitretivende (based on glitrende, ‘sparkling’, the adjective henrivende, ‘good looking/charming’ and the adverb rivende, which is an amplifying expression meaning something like ‘completely’)
Dutch - Sprankelijk (based on sprankelend, ‘sparkly’ and the suffix -elijk)
Finnish - Kimalleltava (based on kimaltava, ‘sparkling’)
French - Brilliantesque (based on brilliant, ‘sparkly’, and the suffix -esque)
German - Glitzernig (based on Glitzern, ‘to sparkle’ and the suffix -ig)
Hungarian -Csillogoló (based on csillogó, ‘sparkling’)
Italian - Scintalloso (based on scintillare, ‘to sparkle/shine’, the suffix -oso and an -a instead of on -i in the second syllable. The correct word for ‘sparkling’ is scintillante or brillante)
Japanese - かやがいてる, kayagaiteru (based on かがやいてる (輝いてる)/kagayaiteru, ‘sparkling/shining’)
Macedonian - Cветникаво, svetnikavo (based on светка/svetka, which means ‘sparkle’ and the suffix -никаво/-nikavo)
Polish - Iskrzające (based on iskrzące, 'sparkling')
Serbian/Croatian- Šljokičazmično (based on šljokičasto, ‘glittery/sequined’)
Slovenian- Bleščečitno (based on bleščeče, 'sparkly', and the suffix -no/-tno which serves a similar purpose as the suffix -ive/-tive in English)
Spanish - Brillantivo (based on brillante, ‘sparkling’)
Swedish - Glittererande (based on glittrande, ‘sparkling’)
Turkish - Fışıltılı (based on ışıltılı, ‘sparkling’)
Stožice project:
The fan project at Stožice, in which everyone held coloured hearts to their phone lights and held up signs with a message, was actually organised by JokerOutSubs members! We hope you liked it boys! 
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Another slightly odd translation from the London era. This means, ‘Nace, give me your cock’, and was said by Bojan! We made sure to check thoroughly before posting this out to the fanbase!
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Uno reverse card:
One of our favourite moments from the See You Soon tour was seeing the entire band sing Umazane misli, as Bojan was tricked with UNO reverse cards by our founder, Anja! You can watch the whole thing here
Gate trga:
In a Val 202 interview in August 2023, Bojan decided to use a piece of Slovene slang, ‘gate trga’, which literally means ‘ripping underwear’, to describe what Martin is up to these days. Cue confusion in all our non-Slovene teams!!! This is a prime example of how difficult slang is to translate, and has become a go to comment for our members when the boys use slang words: “It's another ‘gate trga’ moment!” We translated it as ‘kicking ass’, and you can read the original article here
Sixth layer: 
One of our favourite memes to come from our original content - Bojan holding the ‘no’ paddle in Padova looking extremely indignant at the idea of sweatpants in public being a fashion crime. We call him Nojan and we love it! Check out our Padova interview games at 13:10
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Only BoMartin hug video:
A fan favourite moment from Stožice was the hug Bojan and Martin shared after he appeared onstage for Kot srce ki kri poganja. It was an incredibly sweet moment, that was captured by the JOS livestream but cut out of the official Stožice documentary! Now it only exists in our saved livestream on Instagram! 
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‘You are and are amazing’: 
These were Bojan’s sweet words at the end of our interview in Tampere. It’s at 15:12.
‘Was some AI included?’:
The day of our first interview with Joker Out was also the release date of SSOL. For the occasion, we translated the song in 15 languages! Kris asked if we had done the translations using some AI - but we would NEVER at JokerOutSubs! You can check it out here from 0:31.
RTVSLO notice:
While in Helsinki during the See You Soon tour, one of our members recorded the first playout of Šta bih ja and Bluza and sent the videos straight to our discord server for translation, and they were posted up for everyone to enjoy overnight. We were so happy to see Joker Out themselves mentioned this in their press release about the songs, including the one to RTVSLO!! 
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Bojan’s fish hat:
Just some fun JokerOutSubs lore, but the now famous Women want me, fish fear me hat was gifted to Bojan by one of our members during the soundcheck in Milano! He posted a picture right after receiving it. We love to see!
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Seventh layer:
‘You don’t love me??’:
In our London interview, we asked Jan and Nace why they chose to do their Damon Baker shoot together, and Jan quite beautifully explained Damon’s vision of a portrayal of non romantic intimacy. Bojan then had to make a joke. You can watch the moment here at 46:43.
We love a good mistranslation here at JokerOutSubs, and many British fans were left confused when the boys posted that Kiki had lost his ‘bunda’ (coat), as it has a very different meaning in the UK! We discussed it in our fan interviews in London for episode 2 of Queue and A! Check it out here at 11:12!
Stolen Joker Rangers meme:
On March 9th, we posted the trailer to our new translation, which was a collaboration with the radio RadioAKTIVNO. For the trailer we used a moment in the interview where the boys talked about which Power Ranger they would be. Of course, we had to make an edit worth of Joker Out!
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The very next day, Joker Out posted a picture of themselves as Power Rangers to promote their gig in Kraków. 
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A funny coincidence? Maybe. Of course, we had to remark on it!
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Demoni karaoke:
During their gig in Helsinki in September, one of our Finnish members sang a Demoni karaoke! You can watch the video from 7:50 here. Way to go!
JokerOutSubs’ biggest fan Nace and second biggest fan Häärijä: 
We can count many important milestones during our first year of life, but nothing beats the moment Häärijä, and later Nace, started following us! Thank you for acknowledging our work!
As a result, we joke that they are our biggest fans. But is it really a joke?? 🤔
Umazane misli in Japanese:
Another amazing karaoke done by one of our amazing members, this time it was Umazane misli in Japanese during the gig in Ljubljana last December. How cool is that?? We posted a video of that on our IG with Japanese subtitles.
Eighth layer:
Wet towel removal and wonky flag tying: 
Our members who interviewed the boys in Padova gave the room a spruce up before recording, including the removal of a pile of wet towels and tying up a very wonky JokerOutSubs flag. We had to credit Anja for this hugely important piece of work, so we snuck some silly credits in at the end of the interview! 
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Do solzice: 
When we read a message to the boys at the end of our London interview to explain the impact they’ve had on Slovenian fans, we were all quite emotional! Bojan later posted the message with the caption ‘Tole je bilo pa do solzice’ - ‘This one was a tear jerker’. For us too, Bojan! You can watch the moment here at 56:37.
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'Che c***o! (in serbo)': 
We were super happy to see the band post about all the translations we did for the Carpe Diem series, but our Italian team had a giggle that THIS was the screenshot they chose to highlight the new Italian subtitles - this translates to ‘What the fuck? (in Serbian)’.
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Furious native English speakers: 
Our native English review is a hugely important part of our process, partly because there’s some things that are consistently mistranslated. Here’s a few that have become iconic within JokerOutSubs for the sheer number of corrections. 
Neki - it’s not ‘some’, it’s 'some kind of'
Dejmo en aplavz - not ‘give an applause’, it’s ’give a ROUND of applause’ 
po eni strani - not ‘on one hand’ but ‘on THE one hand’!
JOS Twitch stream: 
Only the OG’s will know! In the earliest days of JokerOutSubs, we actually streamed a few shows on twitch, where our team was working as fast as possible to live translate in the chat for all the international fans who were watching! The devil works hard but JOS works harder!!
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We hope you’ve enjoyed seeing a sneak peek at some of our history, lore, favourite moments and behind the scenes here at JokerOutSubs in honour of our anniversary! Here’s to many more years of translating for you wonderful Baby Boos!
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izpira-se-zlato · 6 months
JO Malmö, 15.03.24
Gig report! Partial at best, but better than nothing?
I showed up ten minutes before doors, got beautifully yelled at by my friend for pulling a xia and being at a gig I'd said I'd have to miss due to work, but I was able to make it work short notice, and still got second row Jance side
super tame soundcheck – Vem da greš where Bojan made us sing, and Gola. In the end, he played the drums to the playback of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance
Ola, the first opener, sang a cover of Hold Me Closer and I cried. My first Bojere song
gig started with SSOL. The irony was not lost to me
Bojan was so bubbly and cheerful and bouncy it was lovely
Bojan kinda perched on the barrier for Plastika
he went into the crowd on the Kris side during Umazane misli, which I noticed when the security guard pushed his way through the crowd
Bojan sang a rap verse of the karaoke in the crowd
he remarked that this was the first time he experienced one of their gigs from the crowd and that it was pretty good and that he'd stay there
at that point, he realised he didn't know how to get back to the stage, so Bees startled wrangling us to make a lane between first and second row. People were very respectful
we got Kris NGVOT 💛💛💛
Nace sang part of NGVOT at Jan, to which Jan smiled back and ruffled Nace's hair
we got lots of Jance interactions in general
Jan wasn't feeling so hot at the end of the gig (from how he chugged water, we assume it was dehydration) and Nace seemed a little concerned and then just very securely kept Jan tucked into his side for Novi val
jure in the body chain harness?? My friends and I screamed when we noticed
there were a lot of foreigners 😂
a few Slovenians
Bojan did the horns at Haz
Bojan tried to raise the microphone stand for Kris and failed so Kiki had to come and fix it for him
Kiki in general had to come and fix stuff
the setlist said that they had astp planned but exchanged it for šta bih ja
I forgot to mention but we also got Bojan Demoni scream, like a proper one
he has his shirt tucked into his pants at the start but it came out and then we saw a sliver of tummy at some point
he skipped over to Kiki at some point and like cuddled him and got a kiss to the cheek
also Kris came over to Jan at some point and sang (or looked, I'm a little shaky on that) very intensely at him
During Ona, Nace was like. Vibing to the beat and that meant thrusting his hips in time to the beat and he kept smirking at Jan and just. Gaaah.
Bojan seemed really happy by how many words we knew from šta bih ja and Bluza
he said again that the album would come out in October
him and Kris in marching outfits
also Bojan, Kris, and Nace in Finnish colours on a Swedish stage
Bojan shouted out all the crew people during soundcheck: Primož for in-ear sound, Klemen for lights, and Andi for venue-sound, Kiki for everything else – and of course Vita for photography (he went from Primož on the right side of the stage from our pov around the room until he reached Vita on the left side of the drums)
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eteisvalssi · 9 months
on christmas day i saw what you guys wrote on my christmas tree decorations and it got me so emotional and then i saw everyone else also getting sappy and writing something and so i started writing this back then but the post got too long and i was tired so instead i decided to finish this later and post it today on new year’s eve!
from telling my friend at the beginning of the year that i could never imagine myself going to see an artist multiple times in a short amount of time to literally seeing joker out twice in three days in september, this year has been full of unexpected events. finland almost won esc??? i found a new favorite band and traveled all the way to prague to see them??? i’ve found myself in some situations this year that i could’ve never imagined possible and it’s all thanks to this green rapper from finland and five slovenian guys in an indie rock band
i also want to say thank you to all of you. all of the people i’ve gotten to know in this fandom have been so nice! when i bought my tickets to the nordic tour, i didn’t have any friends in the fandom. but then i started using tumblr again and honestly you guys are the sweetest people ever and i feel so lucky to have you in my life 🩷 and not to forget all the friends i’ve made while queueing for the gigs (also the ones not on tumblr)! i couldn’t have asked for a better company for any of the gigs i’ve been to 🩷 i also hope that i’ll get to meet as many of you as i can next year!
this is getting long so i’m gonna ramble some more under a read more and sum up my year. have a safe new year everyone 🩷
i don’t remember much from the beginning of the year. i was heartbroken and after being a fan of esc for like 10 years i felt like i could never ever enjoy esc again (dramatic, i know). i did check the umk contestants when they were announced but didn’t really dig further into it. but it all changed when i woke up on the morning of january 18th and saw literally everyone talking about this green guy named käärijä and the song cha cha cha. of course that also made me check kuumaa’s song when it got released the next day and i immediately fell in love with ylivoimainen. even though ylivoimainen was my number one fave umk song this year, i do remember telling my friends that ccc is our only choice if we want to win eurovision.
in march i was going to my first käärijä gig. it was a esc themed student party and they had a esc song quiz before and we got to the finals but the other group was faster so we ended up second 🥲 for the concert we did end up in the front row (with less than an hour of queueing and we had time to actually sit down at a table before the gig??) but i ended up giving my spot to a nice fan because i could see from behind my friends just fine and i wasn’t really there for käärijä 😅
april 7th 2023. my 25th birthday. käärijä's first pre-party and so the first pre-party i followed this year. the day bojan and käärijä met. the next day i was watching the livestream of the concert and patiently waiting for käärijä's performance (jodelissa kaarinan lapsuuskuvat nevö foget <3) and that's also when my joker out brainrot actually began. it followed me all the way through esc and made me buy a ticket to the nordic tour and i feel like the rest is history so i'm just gonna do a quick recap
i joined tumblr again in july after getting tired of only using jodel. i had a busy summer at work but did go to one käärijä gig but other than that i feel like nothing else really happened until the nordic tour.
then the nordic tour came around and i just had the best time. i’ve already written gig reports from these so i’m not gonna go into detail but i got good spots both at tavastia and olympia, i talked to so many nice people and i sang umazane misli at tavastia. the most surreal moment though was when i found myself singing in a karaoke bar in tampere after the gig and i see the same people who i’d just watched perform singing along to me
after the nordic tour i really wanted to go see them again and so i booked tickets to prague and even though the queue was a mess and honestly i’m not gonna lie and say that i’m not still salty about it, but other than that i had such a good time! hanging out with my dear mutuals, seeing both lps and joker out and finally hearing the songs we hadn’t heard at the nordic tour and seeing the new outfits! i also got to hug both jan and bojan 🩷
i got to end my year of concerts the way i started it, by going to a käärijä gig, but this time it felt so much different compared to the one in march. i actually knew other songs than ccc this time 😅
personally 2023 was a year of growth and healing for me and i hope to have as much fun next year as i had this year. i have so much planned for next year, umk in february, joker out in march in helsinki and maybe somewhere else too so see you there 🩷
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