shibamisaki · 3 years
This account got shadow banned and if you’re looking forward to arrange marriage continuation
Is my new account!!!
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shibamisaki · 3 years
Hi everyone! I created a new account but it gets the glitch of being shadow banned and staff won’t respond. I’m too sad. Like it’s really pissing me off. I don’t know what to do.
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shibamisaki · 3 years
UM I GOT SHADOW BANNED @staff @help I don’t spam please just help I’ve been trying to get my account but it doesn’t work!!!
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shibamisaki · 3 years
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shibamisaki · 3 years
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My freaking thoughts about Mikey’s whole mental health. Like bruh.
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shibamisaki · 3 years
<just tight on schedule and with my account acting up it’s difficult to say when it’ll be posted but I’ll finish it before moving completely to my new account which is takeomiswifey it’s my final account and if it acts out then I’m out.>
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shibamisaki · 3 years
Just reblogging random stuff to catch your attention https://southsdarling.tumblr.com/
New account I won’t interact with it so it won’t get curse like the last two account I had.
Recycled Story
New Page Sequel
I’ve always liked the smell of fresh books. Especially the ones in Japan. There’s something about opening a new book that gives me an unexplainable hope. It’s weird but I love it. I scan around the bookstore inhaling the scent of the books once in a while.
Favorite Crime
A book caught my eyes and I stopped and picked it up. The cover was so gorgeous and I knew I have to have it. I felt like I’ve found the book for me so I didn’t wonder around any further and went straight to the line. Just then I sensed a familiar present.
“I need to get a few books.” He enters with his guards. The staffs immediately moved the customers on my line away from him some complained but the people who knows who he is complied without second thoughts. I chuckled before looking down tracing the flower bumps on the book cover. He’s still handsome. I thanked the moon and sun for putting him on my path. They really blessed my last day here in Japan. The line didn’t moved for a few minutes and some people started to leave but I remained and waited to see him once again.
“Oi.” I look behind me and sees him handing his guards the books he picked. I smiled. Even after these years he still likes reading. I look away as he walks towards the cash register. He cashed out and walked out of the store.
“Kokonoi.” His name was enough to put a smile on my face. The line resumed and after a few minutes I was able to cash out. I was content. I got a good book and I saw him again in my favorite place. I decide to take a final walk around the store before leaving. I don’t know when I’ll be back. After enjoying my final walk I went out of the store and a cold breeze blows at me.
“What a great day.” I chuckled as I admire the blue skies. It’s not just great it’s magnificent.
“What took you so long?”
I wished that this day wouldn’t end. I turned to my left and started walking.
It’s been-
“Hey, I’m talking to you.” You were harshly grabbed and slammed on the brick wall making you groan in pain. You clutched your book into your chest as you adjust your glasses by shaking your head up before looking up to see him.
“Yuka.” He says examining your face. You were puzzled because you were able to sense him before he even got in the store but not when you went out. A realization hits you.
I’ve let him go completely.
He’s always going to have a space in your heart but you’ve accepted that the two of you weren’t meant to be. You meeting him isn’t something that is meant to start a new chapter. It was meant to be a proof that you’ve already fully read a chapter.
“Hello.” You smiled at him your eyes glistening from the sun attracting him towards you.
“Where have you been?”
“I’ve been studying.” You couldn’t tell him you were studying witch craft.
“That’s uh… Understandable. You won’t mind having a coffee with me right?” He asked you unsure of what to do. His eyes flickers and you felt that he’s starting to panic. You placed your hand on his arm and you learned his reason for approaching you. He couldn’t forget the day you confessed to him. You reminded him of his dear friend he lost long before he met you. It would’ve hurt you before but you learned to accept everything. And you want him to accept the reality too.
“I like reading books. I prefer happy ones but I learned that tragic stories has deeper meanings to them. I tend to re-read them until I finally get their meanings and I think I’m done reading this one. The chapter was bittersweet. But I loved it. I loved every part of it.” He raises his eyebrow confused. You slowly push him away from you regaining your stance. You looked up to him and the eyes you’ve loved before stared back at you but through those eyes you’ve loved you are a different person. A mere shadow and a hope of him to relieve memories with his old friend through you.
“You’re trying to recycle a story that has already damaged many hearts including yours. You need to write a new one.” You removed your glasses and his face blurs but his scent remained the same. You put back your glasses and looks at him. You decide to never read his heart again and just tried to guess what he’s feeling but his stoic face was too hard to decipher.
“Thank you for approaching me Koko kun. Goodbye now.” You flashed him a blinding smile before walking away wishing him the best and hoping that he’ll start to write a new story soon. He stood alone watching you walk away. Slowly as you get further and further away from him your reflection on his eyes is no one else but you.
Thank you for reading.
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shibamisaki · 3 years
This is so fucking frustrating just gonna delete this account and move to the new one. Gonna repost my works there. https://southsdarling.tumblr.com/
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shibamisaki · 3 years
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CW: 18+ Semi Yandere Themes, con, abuse, extreme, violence, death, age gap, monsters, smut, manipulation.
This is inspired by Resident Evil & The last of us 'Cause why not.
<Masterlist> NEXT
{This is my first ever story on my new account 'cause Tumblr won't help me fix my original account thank you so much to those who followed me all the way here! Really appreciate it!"}
10 years or was it more than that? You're not sure anymore. You were just a young girl when people started devouring each other. You hated it. You hated every part of it. And what you hated more is the fact that the company that promised a cure to an incurable disease caused all of the mayhem in the world. All for their greedy selves.
As we all know- knew, FDA was supposed to ran a thorough check to every drug pramaceutical companies tries to put out on the market to ensure that everything is safe and effective. But everything falls apart when the people who's responsible behind it are all compromised. Compromised to approve the manufactured drugs without going in depths of the researches and side effects. Every person involved was paid to turn a blind eye even though independent researchers took the single pill that was promised to cure every disease to the Supreme Court. All because of the eye catching wealth promised to be given to them. Wealth, funny word. It doesn't mean anything to the world they've destroyed.
"Fuck." You cursed under the thick mattresses in the abandon hospital desperately hiding from the flesh eating creature that has been tailing you for almost half an hour. They're not brainless that is what scares you the most. If you hadn't saw its reflection from the glass shard laying around it sure would've already devoured you from behind. The sounds it made as it walks around the room trying to find you gave you a mind breaking fear. You've seen it. You've seen what fate people they caught faces. Limbs missing, faces unrecognizable, intestines out in the cold ground. Begging to die.
You ran out of bullets earlier the day killing mutated dogs and never have you regretted killing them so much in your life. If you just had one. You could've ended your life. In that way you could remain in one piece and go to the other life peacefully. But no. God has always been cruel but he went too far today.
You pray and prayed to the cruel gods to let you live. Just so you could go back to your hometown. Telling them that the blood of the mutated dogs are enough to cover your scent. You laid still and held your breath.
It's over.
You thought as the hisses and grunts came closer and closer. You lost all hope. You should've lost it awhile ago. You should've lost it the day you found your house in disaaray. But you didn't because as you were being taken by the military you promised to come back and say a proper goodbye to the home you grew up. You were only 6. Just as the creature was about to pull the mattresses gunshot was heard and you felt the body of the creature dropped dead on the mattresses.
You were instantly relief but it was soon washed away as you remembered the lurking cannibals. As food ran low people who are not infected turned into each other devouring everyone they could get their hands on throwing the last humanity they have. In this world, not only the creatures are to be afraid of. But also the living creatures who looks just like you.
You didn't dare to move. If they could just leave it would be better. You're thankful to them but...
"Hmm." You heard the voice and you were definitely sure it belongs to a man. A more comforting relief hugged you as you heard him go out of the room leaving you. You gripped on the mattresses and counted to 100 just to be sure he's gone.
"Shit. That was close." You almost laughed emerging from the heavy stained mattresses pushing the dead creature off letting its body fall on the dirty floor.
"I would've never won a fight with you." You tell the dead creature as you hopped down the stack of 5 mattresses. You crouched down and slowly started to examine its large and grotesque body. White crumbly skin, with bones sticking out of it. You could tell from the mutation that the former person died atleast 5 years ago. As the years passes the mutation involves.
3 days to year 1, still recognizable but has completely lost human function. 5 years in, just a grotesque monster like the one beside you. 6 to 10 larger. Far larger than others, can't see or smell but has evolve hearings and moves at a rapid pace. You're fortunate enough to have never encountered one but you're not sure what you'll do if you ever meet one-
"Hands behind your head and turn around." Fuck. He crept up to you without you noticing. It's enough to tell you he's a dangerous man and death will come soon to you if you didn't comply.
"I have no weapon-" "Stand up." You gave up and just complied slowly standing up as you put your hands behind your head.
"Turn around." He says. You're in no position to fight. And by his enormous shadown you know he's over 6ft. There's no way of winning this. You slowly turn around and was immediately faced by a gun. Your eyes focused on the muzzle and you knew death was in front of you.
"I-" You tried to speak as you crane your neck up but you were hushed by yourself as soon as you met his gorgeous yellow eyes. He's the most handsome man you've ever seen. Not that you've seen many men since the chaos started. He's a lot older than you but he's just so beautiful. Most people were dressed in ruined clothes but he was so neatly dressed you almost thought he's from a different reality.
He tilts his head to the side examing your bloodied state. You were almost embarassed because you're covered in dogs blood while he's just perfect, the embarrasing feeling soon faded when your survival instict told you not to be in such an awe for a stranger. But it's hard not to be at utter awe. He looked nothing like the raiders, bandits or cannibals you've encountered before. He looks so handsome and he took your breath away.
"Name?" He asked stepping back from you and lowering his gun down. You were surprised to see such action from a man like him. If you were him you would never have lowered your gun down. It meant one thing. He doesn't see you as a threat unlike you who sees him as the dictator of your life.
"I have no weapon with me. I barely have any supplies just let me go-"
"Did you go to school before all of this shit happened I was asking for your name." His bluntness stunned you and almost made you want to slap him but you knew better.
"Why don't you thank me for saving you earlier?" So, he knew. He knew that you were hiding under the mattresses but tricked you into thinking he's gone.
"Thank you sir." He almost laughed. Sir? He knows you fear for your life and he might just use it to his advantage.
"Thank you ain't 'bout cut it." He says making you look at him in utter disbelief.
"I just told you! I have no-"
"I need you to help me carry the supplies I've found. I've eliminated all of the disgusting creatures lurking around." He explains as he tucks his gun to his waistband. You have two choices. Comply or die. We all know what you choosed.
"How long till we arrive-"
"Not long." He's been saying that for atleast two hours. He made you carry three boxes full of heavy medicines he found not lending you a hand. You were scared of getting chased by the creatures specially knowing that you won't be able to ran away from them whilst carrying the heavy boxes thankfully, the gigantic man in front of you found an underground tunnel that seems to have no creatures lurking at all.
"Oh god." You lost your balance due to the uneven ground and the boxes almost fell to the ground. It would’ve been a disaster. Unexpectedly, he instinctively caught the heavy boxes with ease. He let you regain your stance before stacking the two boxes he caught on the top of the box you were able to hold on.
"You're fucking clumbsy, surprised you made it this far." He says looking back to you his voice filled with amusement. You mentally rolled your eyes before continuing on following him. The tunnel is no wider than 5ft forcing you to tail behind him. He held his pistol that has a flashlight attached to it with his right hand ready to shoot any creatures that might jumped out.
"You need a shower you smell horrible." He says out of nowhere turning his gun towards you. The light from the flashlight made you squint your eyes shut and you internally cursed him from doing such thing. He lightly chuckle before turning forward resuming the journey.
"Yeah, l'd love to have some shower but may I remind you we're in a world where survival is more important that a shower." You sounded so offended he laughed.
"What the hell was funny about that!" You tried to kick him but your short legs didn't reach him. You huffed in dissapointment. It would've been funny if he tripped. But you doubt your kick would make a damage to a man like him.
"You souded so offended."
"I am sir. I am offended."
"Well, don't be. Since we are almost in my place."
"You've been saying that for more than an hour."
"2 hours and 40 minutes to be exact."
The two of you emerge at the streets of Tokyo. Panic immeditely filled you knowing that the creatures are active in the central city more than anywhere else. Your heartbeat started to rise as you look around the ruined streets. Cars crashed around and stores destroyed. You know you've been in Tokyo when you were younger although not much memories comes to you. Surely though, a few years back Tokyo wasn't like this. Wasn't so destroyed and lifeless. Cars flipped around or on top of one another. Streetlights crashed to establishments, it's just depressing.
"The horde just passed those fuckers won't show up until two weeks from now." He snapped you out of your panic state. You nervously nodded and tried the breathing technique you've read from the worn out newspaper lying on the hospital before you noticed the creature he killed.
"Thanks" He says taking the boxes from you careful not to let it come close to his suit because of the blood from you. It's been years since you've had company. And despite his rude comments about your smell you were sad that the journey you two had came to an end. You turned around ready to head somewhere safe for the night.
"Where are you going?" You look back to him.
"I'm done. I've repayed you."
"I need these boxes settled." You tried to act irritated but deep inside you were happy because you're still able to spend some time with him.
The two of you went behind an alley and he opened a back door to an establishment. You stepped in and he locks the door before switching the lights on. You thought he's living in a ruined place like the others but you were far wrong. His place was definitely a restaurant before all of this happened. The chairs and tables are still kept clean. A grand piano, chandelier, bottles of wines, the place was breathtaking. You've been into many places but it's the first time you've seen such a beautiful and well kept place like his.
Everything was so beautiful to you but the thing that caught your eyes was the enormous empty aquarium. You forgot the fact that he was with you and ran in front of it looking at it with amazement.
You closed your eyes as you try to imagine the fishes that used to live there. You've seen some pictures of famous aquariums in the past and since then you've always wanted to see one.
The man smirked as he placed the boxes down. He sat on one of the round sofa's in front of the aquarium and admire your innocents.
"You like it?" You turned to him and nodded. Despite of being almost an adult you couldn't help acting like a child whenever you're presented things you weren't able to experience or enjoy. Your eyes glimmer with joy as you went closer to the aqurium touching the glass leaving a bloodied handprint. Your eyes widen as you realized what you've done. You expected him to be angry to you for doing such thing but no. He didn't say anything. So you figured he didn't mind. You close your eyes once more and the rare fishes you've seen in the books appeared in front of you.
The man sat quietly with his legs crossed and arms in front of his chest. He was talking to god as he watches you. Thanking him for letting a man like himself find you in a world like this.
"How did you find this place?" You asked him with a smile. He was drawn to your peculiar acts. A normal person would never find any joy in seeing an empty aqurium.
"I own the place." He watches as your jaw dropped.
"That's freaking cool! So were you here when the aqurium had fishes?" You asked energecticly eager to know his answer.
"I was, I had nine sharks and hundreds of fishes back in the day." He answers you. His face didn't show it but he was reminiscing the old days where his restaurant was busy with high profile customers. It was quiet a memory for him.
"Nine sharks!?" You jumped in surprise making him laugh.
"Is it really that impressive?"
"Are you kidding me? I'd do anything to see a shark!" The man uncrossed his legs and leaned forward.
"I have pictures."
"Really? Can you please show me sir?" He smiles softly unfitting for a man like him.
"Sure, but you need to take a shower first." Your smile drops. Is he mocking you again? It's impossible to take a shower. You'll need to wait for rain just to take one and it being spring doesn't make it easier.
"Where would I take a shower! Just please! I won't touch the pictures just show me I beg you." He chuckles and went out of your sight climbing stairs that leads to the second floor. You sighed in disappointment you really wanted to see the pictures. You were about leave when he came down with towels and new clothes.
"Come, this place has running water." You almost laughed. No place has running water.
"Running water? Is that some slang used around here sir?" You asked him and he looked at you confused.
"I don't know what you mean."
"It's impossible to have running water is what I meant." He shakes his head before pinching the bridges of his tall nose.
"Come with me and I'll show you." You followed behind him and the two of went to the second floor where he has his own room. You were careful not to touch the furniture not wanting to ruin them. Mutated dog’s blood never dries and it pisses everyone.
He opens the door to his room like the whole place it's kept clean.
"I have no girls clothes so you'll have to wear one of my shirt and about the underwear I uh... briefs or boxer?" He asked you awkwardly as he opens the door to his bathroom.
"I don't mind, either will work good sir." He nods. The two of you entered the bathroom and again your mouth dropped. Marble floor, bathtub, sink, a wide shower room. He's living like a normal person and you couldn't believe it. And the best part? Running water.
"How?" You asked in amazement.
"I'm smart, I built a system which collect rain waters purifies them into drinking water or bath water." You bit your lip. If only you're smart like him then maybe you'll have an easier life.
"Are you okay with me using water? It's spring and rain doesn't come very often."
"I got enough supply for 3 months." He simply answers as he takes out a boxer from the drawer. Placing his shirt and the boxer on top of the sink. He points at the shower and you nodded.
"Thank you sir."
He was waiting downstairs with the photo album on his lap. He's never flipped through it after the chaos erupted scared that it might trigger something in his mind. He wasn't thinking when he agreed on showing you but having it on his lap now certainly gives him a different type of anxiety.
"Sir." You snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Thank you for the bath, I've never had such a comfortable time doing that." His shirt was far too big for you. Your long light brown hair drapes over your back and your legs are on display for him. It's been years since he'd been with a woman- no. He knows you're not a woman yet. Not from the way you act in front of him. Every woman he knew would fall down on their knees for him.
Now that the blood was out of your face he could truly see your beauty. Light pink colored plump lips, bushy eyebrows that makes your face stuck out more and a cute button nose. He could tell you're not past 20 because of your round face and small body that will still surely grow. When he didn't respond you simply walked over to him and sat down beside him.
"Is that the photos?" Your voice was filled with excitement. He didn't know if he could control himself around. You're just so innocent.
"Y-yes." He covered his hardening cock with the album.
"Thank you so much!" You inch closer to him your eyes glued to the album. He gulped before opening it.
September 9th 2016. He was standing in front of the aquarium behind him are exactly 9 sharks and like he said hundreds of fishes.
"You're so lucky..." You leaned forward tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes went to your face and he imagined kissing you. But he held himself back not wanting to scare you away.
He continued to show you photos telling you the stories behind them and you were so absorb you forgot that there's a thing called time. You two went on hours and hours talking about his restaurant before all of this. You were immeditely thrown in despair when you realized it's night time.
"I've really had fun sir thank you so much." You thanked him standing up.
"It's already dark, stay here." It was an offer you didn't think you'll hear from anyone. You look at him puzzled. Is he a cannibal? Did he just do all of that just so he could butcher you?
"I would love too but... you're not doing this for free are you?"
"I'm not."
"But you already know I have nothing-"
"You could repay me in other ways."
"Oh, yeah I forgot about the boxes!" You turned around ready to take care of the boxes earlier but was stopped when he grabed your wrist pulling you down to his lap. You instantly felt something hard on the crack of your ass. You read many books and news paper about how the world came to an end but not once have you read about sex or masturbation. You never had someone touch you. Let alone touch yourself. Leaving you confused of what's really happening. Getting your period was even worse. You thought you were infected and just waited for your death. Only that it didn't came. You only found out about mensuration after seeing pads and you being the eager learner you went to a ruined book store to read about women's body.
"Fuck, doll. I've been so hard for hours." He groaned on your ear as he slightly rubbed himself against you.
"S-sir, I don't know what we are doing." He stopped. For the short period of time he has been talking to you, you didn't seem to be the one to tell lies.
"Tell me, have you ever touched yourself?" He asked you. You didn't respond. Touch yourself? You didn't understand.
"I don't know sir. I don't know how you define that." He chuckles before pulling you closer to him making you gasped. His large hand found its way inside the boxers he lent you.
"Have you even touched yourself like this?" His fingers slowly rubbed on your clit making you feel things you've never felt before. You leaned your head to his shoulder closing your eyes.
"I- no no sir. I've never." You manage to say while your hands gripped on his arms.
"You like it doll? You like being touched by me?" He whispers on your ear before giving it a gentle bite making you moan for the first time.
"Is it something people used to do?"
"All the time." He answers you as he turns your head to the side kissing you. Your eyes opens wide as you realized what's really happening. His tongue enters your warm mouth and you try to pull away but he didn't let you. He kept tasting you. You tasted so sweet and so fullfilling. Maybe it's because he hasn't got laid for awhile or maybe it's because you're just the one for him. You frantically tap on his arm stopping his assault on your mouth and your cunt.
"Don't fight me doll, don't you want to feel good? For once in your life before you get mauled by those creatures?" His words made you submit yourself to him.
"I... I want to feel good." You shyly says turning your face away from him. He smiled in triumph before kissing your neck.
"Good girl, now. Listen to me and I'll make you feel good okay?" You nodded. He instructed you to lay down on the table and you did. He stood between your legs and towered over you. Liking how easily you submitted yourself to him.
"It will hurt a little but after that short amount of time you'll feel good, can you endure pain?" You nodded. You've broken bones before this sure will be not as bad right? He took off the little clothing covering your lower body and bent down as he spreads your legs wide open for him. His mouth instantly salivated at the sight of your perfect cunt.
"Fuck, you're so fucking beautiful." He compliments you making you feel special. No one has ever told you that. He didn't waste any second and dived into your pink soft folds. You expected pain but there was none. It was all body shaking pleasure.
"F-fuck! Sir-"
"Taiju, My name is Taiju." He says in between licking and sucking you. You tried to pull yourself away from his mouth overwhelmed resulting into him holding you down. He's experienced and it makes you wonder what else could he do.
That question was soon answered after he made you cum 3 times before moving on your boobs. His face was wet with your orgasm and it was a mystery to you. Did you pee on him? Or was that salt water?
"Shit!" You groaned when he bit on your nipple before twirling his tongue on it. He unbelts his pants pulling them down and stroking himself with his right hand while his left played with your nipple giving it the same attention as the other one which he has his mouth on. You had your eyes close totally consumed by the pleasure and he used this as an opportunity to slam his big fat cock inside you. You felt like you were hit by something. Like a metal or a baseball bat. He was far bigger than two fingers and even with being prep it's an unavoidable pain. Your eyes teared up and he immediately placed a kiss all over your face.
"You're doing good." He wanted to move so bad. To violate you and fuck you until you’re passed out. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He let you adjust and only moved when you nodded.
"F-fuck, so tight." He groan on your shoulder placing a bite hard enough to leave a mark. You never thought you'll like doing these kinds of things. You're grateful to have experienced it before dying. The first few thrust was painful but as time passes by you quickly became a moaning mess.
You were afraid that the table will fall apart because of his rough thrust but it served its purporse.
Taiju had your legs on his shoulder relentless fucking you and occationally shoving his cum covered fingers on your mouth instructing you to suck on it. He loves it. He loves how obedient you are.
"T-Tai! I'm"
"I know wait for me okay?" You nodded. His movements became faster and faster. The smell of sex and the sound the two of you are making will surely attract a creature thankfully there's none on the perimeter that night.
"Shit!" He says as he pulls out cumming on your stomach while you squirt your juices on him. His heavy body fell on you as you two struggles to catch your breath.
"That was amazing Taiju thank you." You said underneat him before kissing his chest. He prompt himself up with his elbows and kissed you passionately.
"You were amazing doll." A bright smiled appeared on your face pleased to be praised by him.
He carried you to his bed and the two of you fell asleep instantly. Taiju felt different. You being wrapped around his arms and yours wrapped around his waist awaken a demon within him.
The next morning you woke up earlier than him and changed into your old stained clothes. You smiled at him. He looks so beautiful and all you want to do is spend more time with him but in this world that doesn't happen. The fairytales in the books you've read from the ruined shops aren't real. There's no prince charming or Mr, Darcy. You quiety went out of the room and headed towards the back door. The boxes from the day before still remained on their place.
You wanted to stay. To be with him for a little longer but enough is enough. You have a place to return to. And he doesn't need a burden like you. Everyone in this world is only looking out for themselves and there's no doubt he'll abandon you when it comes to push and shove. You sighed looking at the aqurium one last time before turning the door knob and pushing the door open.
"Eh?" It didn't open.
"Is it stuck?" You try again but nothing.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" You turn around. Unlike yesterday he was furious.
"Taiju-" He harshly grabbed you throwing you to the round sofa. You were startled by his sudden actions. You wanted to retaliate but he's far more stronger than you and the only thing you could do is back away to the couch as he comes closer to you.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"
"H-home-" Slap. He slapped you. The couch felt so different now. Yesterday the two of you are just casually talking about the past and now-
"You're not going anywhere. You're mine." He grabbed your chin and pulled your face closer to his. Your eyes are filled with horrors as you realized. He's not normal.
"Do you understand me doll? You belong to me now."
He's not mutated or infected but you know there's a far worst future waiting ahead of you all because of him.
Thank you for reading!!!
Don't copy.
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shibamisaki · 3 years
Chifuyu: Takakun this is your uniform.
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41 notes · View notes
shibamisaki · 3 years
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CW: 18+ Semi Yandere Themes, con, abuse, extreme, violence, death, age gap, monsters, smut, manipulation.
This is inspired by Resident Evil & The last of us 'Cause why not.
<Masterlist> NEXT
{This is my first ever story on my new account 'cause Tumblr won't help me fix my original account thank you so much to those who followed me all the way here! Really appreciate it!"}
10 years or was it more than that? You're not sure anymore. You were just a young girl when people started devouring each other. You hated it. You hated every part of it. And what you hated more is the fact that the company that promised a cure to an incurable disease caused all of the mayhem in the world. All for their greedy selves.
As we all know- knew, FDA was supposed to ran a thorough check to every drug pramaceutical companies tries to put out on the market to ensure that everything is safe and effective. But everything falls apart when the people who's responsible behind it are all compromised. Compromised to approve the manufactured drugs without going in depths of the researches and side effects. Every person involved was paid to turn a blind eye even though independent researchers took the single pill that was promised to cure every disease to the Supreme Court. All because of the eye catching wealth promised to be given to them. Wealth, funny word. It doesn't mean anything to the world they've destroyed.
"Fuck." You cursed under the thick mattresses in the abandon hospital desperately hiding from the flesh eating creature that has been tailing you for almost half an hour. They're not brainless that is what scares you the most. If you hadn't saw its reflection from the glass shard laying around it sure would've already devoured you from behind. The sounds it made as it walks around the room trying to find you gave you a mind breaking fear. You've seen it. You've seen what fate people they caught faces. Limbs missing, faces unrecognizable, intestines out in the cold ground. Begging to die.
You ran out of bullets earlier the day killing mutated dogs and never have you regretted killing them so much in your life. If you just had one. You could've ended your life. In that way you could remain in one piece and go to the other life peacefully. But no. God has always been cruel but he went too far today.
You pray and prayed to the cruel gods to let you live. Just so you could go back to your hometown. Telling them that the blood of the mutated dogs are enough to cover your scent. You laid still and held your breath.
It's over.
You thought as the hisses and grunts came closer and closer. You lost all hope. You should've lost it awhile ago. You should've lost it the day you found your house in disaaray. But you didn't because as you were being taken by the military you promised to come back and say a proper goodbye to the home you grew up. You were only 6. Just as the creature was about to pull the mattresses gunshot was heard and you felt the body of the creature dropped dead on the mattresses.
You were instantly relief but it was soon washed away as you remembered the lurking cannibals. As food ran low people who are not infected turned into each other devouring everyone they could get their hands on throwing the last humanity they have. In this world, not only the creatures are to be afraid of. But also the living creatures who looks just like you.
You didn't dare to move. If they could just leave it would be better. You're thankful to them but...
"Hmm." You heard the voice and you were definitely sure it belongs to a man. A more comforting relief hugged you as you heard him go out of the room leaving you. You gripped on the mattresses and counted to 100 just to be sure he's gone.
"Shit. That was close." You almost laughed emerging from the heavy stained mattresses pushing the dead creature off letting its body fall on the dirty floor.
"I would've never won a fight with you." You tell the dead creature as you hopped down the stack of 5 mattresses. You crouched down and slowly started to examine its large and grotesque body. White crumbly skin, with bones sticking out of it. You could tell from the mutation that the former person died atleast 5 years ago. As the years passes the mutation involves.
3 days to year 1, still recognizable but has completely lost human function. 5 years in, just a grotesque monster like the one beside you. 6 to 10 larger. Far larger than others, can't see or smell but has evolve hearings and moves at a rapid pace. You're fortunate enough to have never encountered one but you're not sure what you'll do if you ever meet one-
"Hands behind your head and turn around." Fuck. He crept up to you without you noticing. It's enough to tell you he's a dangerous man and death will come soon to you if you didn't comply.
"I have no weapon-" "Stand up." You gave up and just complied slowly standing up as you put your hands behind your head.
"Turn around." He says. You're in no position to fight. And by his enormous shadown you know he's over 6ft. There's no way of winning this. You slowly turn around and was immediately faced by a gun. Your eyes focused on the muzzle and you knew death was in front of you.
"I-" You tried to speak as you crane your neck up but you were hushed by yourself as soon as you met his gorgeous yellow eyes. He's the most handsome man you've ever seen. Not that you've seen many men since the chaos started. He's a lot older than you but he's just so beautiful. Most people were dressed in ruined clothes but he was so neatly dressed you almost thought he's from a different reality.
He tilts his head to the side examing your bloodied state. You were almost embarassed because you're covered in dogs blood while he's just perfect, the embarrasing feeling soon faded when your survival instict told you not to be in such an awe for a stranger. But it's hard not to be at utter awe. He looked nothing like the raiders, bandits or cannibals you've encountered before. He looks so handsome and he took your breath away.
"Name?" He asked stepping back from you and lowering his gun down. You were surprised to see such action from a man like him. If you were him you would never have lowered your gun down. It meant one thing. He doesn't see you as a threat unlike you who sees him as the dictator of your life.
"I have no weapon with me. I barely have any supplies just let me go-"
"Did you go to school before all of this shit happened I was asking for your name." His bluntness stunned you and almost made you want to slap him but you knew better.
"Why don't you thank me for saving you earlier?" So, he knew. He knew that you were hiding under the mattresses but tricked you into thinking he's gone.
"Thank you sir." He almost laughed. Sir? He knows you fear for your life and he might just use it to his advantage.
"Thank you ain't 'bout cut it." He says making you look at him in utter disbelief.
"I just told you! I have no-"
"I need you to help me carry the supplies I've found. I've eliminated all of the disgusting creatures lurking around." He explains as he tucks his gun to his waistband. You have two choices. Comply or die. We all know what you choosed.
"How long till we arrive-"
"Not long." He's been saying that for atleast two hours. He made you carry three boxes full of heavy medicines he found not lending you a hand. You were scared of getting chased by the creatures specially knowing that you won't be able to ran away from them whilst carrying the heavy boxes thankfully, the gigantic man in front of you found an underground tunnel that seems to have no creatures lurking at all.
"Oh god." You lost your balance due to the uneven ground and the boxes almost fell to the ground. It would’ve been a disaster. Unexpectedly, he instinctively caught the heavy boxes with ease. He let you regain your stance before stacking the two boxes he caught on the top of the box you were able to hold on.
"You're fucking clumbsy, surprised you made it this far." He says looking back to you his voice filled with amusement. You mentally rolled your eyes before continuing on following him. The tunnel is no wider than 5ft forcing you to tail behind him. He held his pistol that has a flashlight attached to it with his right hand ready to shoot any creatures that might jumped out.
"You need a shower you smell horrible." He says out of nowhere turning his gun towards you. The light from the flashlight made you squint your eyes shut and you internally cursed him from doing such thing. He lightly chuckle before turning forward resuming the journey.
"Yeah, l'd love to have some shower but may I remind you we're in a world where survival is more important that a shower." You sounded so offended he laughed.
"What the hell was funny about that!" You tried to kick him but your short legs didn't reach him. You huffed in dissapointment. It would've been funny if he tripped. But you doubt your kick would make a damage to a man like him.
"You souded so offended."
"I am sir. I am offended."
"Well, don't be. Since we are almost in my place."
"You've been saying that for more than an hour."
"2 hours and 40 minutes to be exact."
The two of you emerge at the streets of Tokyo. Panic immeditely filled you knowing that the creatures are active in the central city more than anywhere else. Your heartbeat started to rise as you look around the ruined streets. Cars crashed around and stores destroyed. You know you've been in Tokyo when you were younger although not much memories comes to you. Surely though, a few years back Tokyo wasn't like this. Wasn't so destroyed and lifeless. Cars flipped around or on top of one another. Streetlights crashed to establishments, it's just depressing.
"The horde just passed those fuckers won't show up until two weeks from now." He snapped you out of your panic state. You nervously nodded and tried the breathing technique you've read from the worn out newspaper lying on the hospital before you noticed the creature he killed.
"Thanks" He says taking the boxes from you careful not to let it come close to his suit because of the blood from you. It's been years since you've had company. And despite his rude comments about your smell you were sad that the journey you two had came to an end. You turned around ready to head somewhere safe for the night.
"Where are you going?" You look back to him.
"I'm done. I've repayed you."
"I need these boxes settled." You tried to act irritated but deep inside you were happy because you're still able to spend some time with him.
The two of you went behind an alley and he opened a back door to an establishment. You stepped in and he locks the door before switching the lights on. You thought he's living in a ruined place like the others but you were far wrong. His place was definitely a restaurant before all of this happened. The chairs and tables are still kept clean. A grand piano, chandelier, bottles of wines, the place was breathtaking. You've been into many places but it's the first time you've seen such a beautiful and well kept place like his.
Everything was so beautiful to you but the thing that caught your eyes was the enormous empty aquarium. You forgot the fact that he was with you and ran in front of it looking at it with amazement.
You closed your eyes as you try to imagine the fishes that used to live there. You've seen some pictures of famous aquariums in the past and since then you've always wanted to see one.
The man smirked as he placed the boxes down. He sat on one of the round sofa's in front of the aquarium and admire your innocents.
"You like it?" You turned to him and nodded. Despite of being almost an adult you couldn't help acting like a child whenever you're presented things you weren't able to experience or enjoy. Your eyes glimmer with joy as you went closer to the aqurium touching the glass leaving a bloodied handprint. Your eyes widen as you realized what you've done. You expected him to be angry to you for doing such thing but no. He didn't say anything. So you figured he didn't mind. You close your eyes once more and the rare fishes you've seen in the books appeared in front of you.
The man sat quietly with his legs crossed and arms in front of his chest. He was talking to god as he watches you. Thanking him for letting a man like himself find you in a world like this.
"How did you find this place?" You asked him with a smile. He was drawn to your peculiar acts. A normal person would never find any joy in seeing an empty aqurium.
"I own the place." He watches as your jaw dropped.
"That's freaking cool! So were you here when the aqurium had fishes?" You asked energecticly eager to know his answer.
"I was, I had nine sharks and hundreds of fishes back in the day." He answers you. His face didn't show it but he was reminiscing the old days where his restaurant was busy with high profile customers. It was quiet a memory for him.
"Nine sharks!?" You jumped in surprise making him laugh.
"Is it really that impressive?"
"Are you kidding me? I'd do anything to see a shark!" The man uncrossed his legs and leaned forward.
"I have pictures."
"Really? Can you please show me sir?" He smiles softly unfitting for a man like him.
"Sure, but you need to take a shower first." Your smile drops. Is he mocking you again? It's impossible to take a shower. You'll need to wait for rain just to take one and it being spring doesn't make it easier.
"Where would I take a shower! Just please! I won't touch the pictures just show me I beg you." He chuckles and went out of your sight climbing stairs that leads to the second floor. You sighed in disappointment you really wanted to see the pictures. You were about leave when he came down with towels and new clothes.
"Come, this place has running water." You almost laughed. No place has running water.
"Running water? Is that some slang used around here sir?" You asked him and he looked at you confused.
"I don't know what you mean."
"It's impossible to have running water is what I meant." He shakes his head before pinching the bridges of his tall nose.
"Come with me and I'll show you." You followed behind him and the two of went to the second floor where he has his own room. You were careful not to touch the furniture not wanting to ruin them. Mutated dog’s blood never dries and it pisses everyone.
He opens the door to his room like the whole place it's kept clean.
"I have no girls clothes so you'll have to wear one of my shirt and about the underwear I uh... briefs or boxer?" He asked you awkwardly as he opens the door to his bathroom.
"I don't mind, either will work good sir." He nods. The two of you entered the bathroom and again your mouth dropped. Marble floor, bathtub, sink, a wide shower room. He's living like a normal person and you couldn't believe it. And the best part? Running water.
"How?" You asked in amazement.
"I'm smart, I built a system which collect rain waters purifies them into drinking water or bath water." You bit your lip. If only you're smart like him then maybe you'll have an easier life.
"Are you okay with me using water? It's spring and rain doesn't come very often."
"I got enough supply for 3 months." He simply answers as he takes out a boxer from the drawer. Placing his shirt and the boxer on top of the sink. He points at the shower and you nodded.
"Thank you sir."
He was waiting downstairs with the photo album on his lap. He's never flipped through it after the chaos erupted scared that it might trigger something in his mind. He wasn't thinking when he agreed on showing you but having it on his lap now certainly gives him a different type of anxiety.
"Sir." You snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Thank you for the bath, I've never had such a comfortable time doing that." His shirt was far too big for you. Your long light brown hair drapes over your back and your legs are on display for him. It's been years since he'd been with a woman- no. He knows you're not a woman yet. Not from the way you act in front of him. Every woman he knew would fall down on their knees for him.
Now that the blood was out of your face he could truly see your beauty. Light pink colored plump lips, bushy eyebrows that makes your face stuck out more and a cute button nose. He could tell you're not past 20 because of your round face and small body that will still surely grow. When he didn't respond you simply walked over to him and sat down beside him.
"Is that the photos?" Your voice was filled with excitement. He didn't know if he could control himself around. You're just so innocent.
"Y-yes." He covered his hardening cock with the album.
"Thank you so much!" You inch closer to him your eyes glued to the album. He gulped before opening it.
September 9th 2016. He was standing in front of the aquarium behind him are exactly 9 sharks and like he said hundreds of fishes.
"You're so lucky..." You leaned forward tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes went to your face and he imagined kissing you. But he held himself back not wanting to scare you away.
He continued to show you photos telling you the stories behind them and you were so absorb you forgot that there's a thing called time. You two went on hours and hours talking about his restaurant before all of this. You were immeditely thrown in despair when you realized it's night time.
"I've really had fun sir thank you so much." You thanked him standing up.
"It's already dark, stay here." It was an offer you didn't think you'll hear from anyone. You look at him puzzled. Is he a cannibal? Did he just do all of that just so he could butcher you?
"I would love too but... you're not doing this for free are you?"
"I'm not."
"But you already know I have nothing-"
"You could repay me in other ways."
"Oh, yeah I forgot about the boxes!" You turned around ready to take care of the boxes earlier but was stopped when he grabed your wrist pulling you down to his lap. You instantly felt something hard on the crack of your ass. You read many books and news paper about how the world came to an end but not once have you read about sex or masturbation. You never had someone touch you. Let alone touch yourself. Leaving you confused of what's really happening. Getting your period was even worse. You thought you were infected and just waited for your death. Only that it didn't came. You only found out about mensuration after seeing pads and you being the eager learner you went to a ruined book store to read about women's body.
"Fuck, doll. I've been so hard for hours." He groaned on your ear as he slightly rubbed himself against you.
"S-sir, I don't know what we are doing." He stopped. For the short period of time he has been talking to you, you didn't seem to be the one to tell lies.
"Tell me, have you ever touched yourself?" He asked you. You didn't respond. Touch yourself? You didn't understand.
"I don't know sir. I don't know how you define that." He chuckles before pulling you closer to him making you gasped. His large hand found its way inside the boxers he lent you.
"Have you even touched yourself like this?" His fingers slowly rubbed on your clit making you feel things you've never felt before. You leaned your head to his shoulder closing your eyes.
"I- no no sir. I've never." You manage to say while your hands gripped on his arms.
"You like it doll? You like being touched by me?" He whispers on your ear before giving it a gentle bite making you moan for the first time.
"Is it something people used to do?"
"All the time." He answers you as he turns your head to the side kissing you. Your eyes opens wide as you realized what's really happening. His tongue enters your warm mouth and you try to pull away but he didn't let you. He kept tasting you. You tasted so sweet and so fullfilling. Maybe it's because he hasn't got laid for awhile or maybe it's because you're just the one for him. You frantically tap on his arm stopping his assault on your mouth and your cunt.
"Don't fight me doll, don't you want to feel good? For once in your life before you get mauled by those creatures?" His words made you submit yourself to him.
"I... I want to feel good." You shyly says turning your face away from him. He smiled in triumph before kissing your neck.
"Good girl, now. Listen to me and I'll make you feel good okay?" You nodded. He instructed you to lay down on the table and you did. He stood between your legs and towered over you. Liking how easily you submitted yourself to him.
"It will hurt a little but after that short amount of time you'll feel good, can you endure pain?" You nodded. You've broken bones before this sure will be not as bad right? He took off the little clothing covering your lower body and bent down as he spreads your legs wide open for him. His mouth instantly salivated at the sight of your perfect cunt.
"Fuck, you're so fucking beautiful." He compliments you making you feel special. No one has ever told you that. He didn't waste any second and dived into your pink soft folds. You expected pain but there was none. It was all body shaking pleasure.
"F-fuck! Sir-"
"Taiju, My name is Taiju." He says in between licking and sucking you. You tried to pull yourself away from his mouth overwhelmed resulting into him holding you down. He's experienced and it makes you wonder what else could he do.
That question was soon answered after he made you cum 3 times before moving on your boobs. His face was wet with your orgasm and it was a mystery to you. Did you pee on him? Or was that salt water?
"Shit!" You groaned when he bit on your nipple before twirling his tongue on it. He unbelts his pants pulling them down and stroking himself with his right hand while his left played with your nipple giving it the same attention as the other one which he has his mouth on. You had your eyes close totally consumed by the pleasure and he used this as an opportunity to slam his big fat cock inside you. You felt like you were hit by something. Like a metal or a baseball bat. He was far bigger than two fingers and even with being prep it's an unavoidable pain. Your eyes teared up and he immediately placed a kiss all over your face.
"You're doing good." He wanted to move so bad. To violate you and fuck you until you’re passed out. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He let you adjust and only moved when you nodded.
"F-fuck, so tight." He groan on your shoulder placing a bite hard enough to leave a mark. You never thought you'll like doing these kinds of things. You're grateful to have experienced it before dying. The first few thrust was painful but as time passes by you quickly became a moaning mess.
You were afraid that the table will fall apart because of his rough thrust but it served its purporse.
Taiju had your legs on his shoulder relentless fucking you and occationally shoving his cum covered fingers on your mouth instructing you to suck on it. He loves it. He loves how obedient you are.
"T-Tai! I'm"
"I know wait for me okay?" You nodded. His movements became faster and faster. The smell of sex and the sound the two of you are making will surely attract a creature thankfully there's none on the perimeter that night.
"Shit!" He says as he pulls out cumming on your stomach while you squirt your juices on him. His heavy body fell on you as you two struggles to catch your breath.
"That was amazing Taiju thank you." You said underneat him before kissing his chest. He prompt himself up with his elbows and kissed you passionately.
"You were amazing doll." A bright smiled appeared on your face pleased to be praised by him.
He carried you to his bed and the two of you fell asleep instantly. Taiju felt different. You being wrapped around his arms and yours wrapped around his waist awaken a demon within him.
The next morning you woke up earlier than him and changed into your old stained clothes. You smiled at him. He looks so beautiful and all you want to do is spend more time with him but in this world that doesn't happen. The fairytales in the books you've read from the ruined shops aren't real. There's no prince charming or Mr, Darcy. You quiety went out of the room and headed towards the back door. The boxes from the day before still remained on their place.
You wanted to stay. To be with him for a little longer but enough is enough. You have a place to return to. And he doesn't need a burden like you. Everyone in this world is only looking out for themselves and there's no doubt he'll abandon you when it comes to push and shove. You sighed looking at the aqurium one last time before turning the door knob and pushing the door open.
"Eh?" It didn't open.
"Is it stuck?" You try again but nothing.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" You turn around. Unlike yesterday he was furious.
"Taiju-" He harshly grabbed you throwing you to the round sofa. You were startled by his sudden actions. You wanted to retaliate but he's far more stronger than you and the only thing you could do is back away to the couch as he comes closer to you.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"
"H-home-" Slap. He slapped you. The couch felt so different now. Yesterday the two of you are just casually talking about the past and now-
"You're not going anywhere. You're mine." He grabbed your chin and pulled your face closer to his. Your eyes are filled with horrors as you realized. He's not normal.
"Do you understand me doll? You belong to me now."
He's not mutated or infected but you know there's a far worst future waiting ahead of you all because of him.
Thank you for reading!!!
Don't copy.
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shibamisaki · 3 years
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CW: 18+ Semi Yandere Themes, con, abuse, extreme, violence, death, age gap, monsters, smut, manipulation.
This is inspired by Resident Evil & The last of us 'Cause why not.
<Masterlist> NEXT
{This is my first ever story on my new account 'cause Tumblr won't help me fix my original account thank you so much to those who followed me all the way here! Really appreciate it!"}
10 years or was it more than that? You're not sure anymore. You were just a young girl when people started devouring each other. You hated it. You hated every part of it. And what you hated more is the fact that the company that promised a cure to an incurable disease caused all of the mayhem in the world. All for their greedy selves.
As we all know- knew, FDA was supposed to ran a thorough check to every drug pramaceutical companies tries to put out on the market to ensure that everything is safe and effective. But everything falls apart when the people who's responsible behind it are all compromised. Compromised to approve the manufactured drugs without going in depths of the researches and side effects. Every person involved was paid to turn a blind eye even though independent researchers took the single pill that was promised to cure every disease to the Supreme Court. All because of the eye catching wealth promised to be given to them. Wealth, funny word. It doesn't mean anything to the world they've destroyed.
"Fuck." You cursed under the thick mattresses in the abandon hospital desperately hiding from the flesh eating creature that has been tailing you for almost half an hour. They're not brainless that is what scares you the most. If you hadn't saw its reflection from the glass shard laying around it sure would've already devoured you from behind. The sounds it made as it walks around the room trying to find you gave you a mind breaking fear. You've seen it. You've seen what fate people they caught faces. Limbs missing, faces unrecognizable, intestines out in the cold ground. Begging to die.
You ran out of bullets earlier the day killing mutated dogs and never have you regretted killing them so much in your life. If you just had one. You could've ended your life. In that way you could remain in one piece and go to the other life peacefully. But no. God has always been cruel but he went too far today.
You pray and prayed to the cruel gods to let you live. Just so you could go back to your hometown. Telling them that the blood of the mutated dogs are enough to cover your scent. You laid still and held your breath.
It's over.
You thought as the hisses and grunts came closer and closer. You lost all hope. You should've lost it awhile ago. You should've lost it the day you found your house in disaaray. But you didn't because as you were being taken by the military you promised to come back and say a proper goodbye to the home you grew up. You were only 6. Just as the creature was about to pull the mattresses gunshot was heard and you felt the body of the creature dropped dead on the mattresses.
You were instantly relief but it was soon washed away as you remembered the lurking cannibals. As food ran low people who are not infected turned into each other devouring everyone they could get their hands on throwing the last humanity they have. In this world, not only the creatures are to be afraid of. But also the living creatures who looks just like you.
You didn't dare to move. If they could just leave it would be better. You're thankful to them but...
"Hmm." You heard the voice and you were definitely sure it belongs to a man. A more comforting relief hugged you as you heard him go out of the room leaving you. You gripped on the mattresses and counted to 100 just to be sure he's gone.
"Shit. That was close." You almost laughed emerging from the heavy stained mattresses pushing the dead creature off letting its body fall on the dirty floor.
"I would've never won a fight with you." You tell the dead creature as you hopped down the stack of 5 mattresses. You crouched down and slowly started to examine its large and grotesque body. White crumbly skin, with bones sticking out of it. You could tell from the mutation that the former person died atleast 5 years ago. As the years passes the mutation involves.
3 days to year 1, still recognizable but has completely lost human function. 5 years in, just a grotesque monster like the one beside you. 6 to 10 larger. Far larger than others, can't see or smell but has evolve hearings and moves at a rapid pace. You're fortunate enough to have never encountered one but you're not sure what you'll do if you ever meet one-
"Hands behind your head and turn around." Fuck. He crept up to you without you noticing. It's enough to tell you he's a dangerous man and death will come soon to you if you didn't comply.
"I have no weapon-" "Stand up." You gave up and just complied slowly standing up as you put your hands behind your head.
"Turn around." He says. You're in no position to fight. And by his enormous shadown you know he's over 6ft. There's no way of winning this. You slowly turn around and was immediately faced by a gun. Your eyes focused on the muzzle and you knew death was in front of you.
"I-" You tried to speak as you crane your neck up but you were hushed by yourself as soon as you met his gorgeous yellow eyes. He's the most handsome man you've ever seen. Not that you've seen many men since the chaos started. He's a lot older than you but he's just so beautiful. Most people were dressed in ruined clothes but he was so neatly dressed you almost thought he's from a different reality.
He tilts his head to the side examing your bloodied state. You were almost embarassed because you're covered in dogs blood while he's just perfect, the embarrasing feeling soon faded when your survival instict told you not to be in such an awe for a stranger. But it's hard not to be at utter awe. He looked nothing like the raiders, bandits or cannibals you've encountered before. He looks so handsome and he took your breath away.
"Name?" He asked stepping back from you and lowering his gun down. You were surprised to see such action from a man like him. If you were him you would never have lowered your gun down. It meant one thing. He doesn't see you as a threat unlike you who sees him as the dictator of your life.
"I have no weapon with me. I barely have any supplies just let me go-"
"Did you go to school before all of this shit happened I was asking for your name." His bluntness stunned you and almost made you want to slap him but you knew better.
"Why don't you thank me for saving you earlier?" So, he knew. He knew that you were hiding under the mattresses but tricked you into thinking he's gone.
"Thank you sir." He almost laughed. Sir? He knows you fear for your life and he might just use it to his advantage.
"Thank you ain't 'bout cut it." He says making you look at him in utter disbelief.
"I just told you! I have no-"
"I need you to help me carry the supplies I've found. I've eliminated all of the disgusting creatures lurking around." He explains as he tucks his gun to his waistband. You have two choices. Comply or die. We all know what you choosed.
"How long till we arrive-"
"Not long." He's been saying that for atleast two hours. He made you carry three boxes full of heavy medicines he found not lending you a hand. You were scared of getting chased by the creatures specially knowing that you won't be able to ran away from them whilst carrying the heavy boxes thankfully, the gigantic man in front of you found an underground tunnel that seems to have no creatures lurking at all.
"Oh god." You lost your balance due to the uneven ground and the boxes almost fell to the ground. It would’ve been a disaster. Unexpectedly, he instinctively caught the heavy boxes with ease. He let you regain your stance before stacking the two boxes he caught on the top of the box you were able to hold on.
"You're fucking clumbsy, surprised you made it this far." He says looking back to you his voice filled with amusement. You mentally rolled your eyes before continuing on following him. The tunnel is no wider than 5ft forcing you to tail behind him. He held his pistol that has a flashlight attached to it with his right hand ready to shoot any creatures that might jumped out.
"You need a shower you smell horrible." He says out of nowhere turning his gun towards you. The light from the flashlight made you squint your eyes shut and you internally cursed him from doing such thing. He lightly chuckle before turning forward resuming the journey.
"Yeah, l'd love to have some shower but may I remind you we're in a world where survival is more important that a shower." You sounded so offended he laughed.
"What the hell was funny about that!" You tried to kick him but your short legs didn't reach him. You huffed in dissapointment. It would've been funny if he tripped. But you doubt your kick would make a damage to a man like him.
"You souded so offended."
"I am sir. I am offended."
"Well, don't be. Since we are almost in my place."
"You've been saying that for more than an hour."
"2 hours and 40 minutes to be exact."
The two of you emerge at the streets of Tokyo. Panic immeditely filled you knowing that the creatures are active in the central city more than anywhere else. Your heartbeat started to rise as you look around the ruined streets. Cars crashed around and stores destroyed. You know you've been in Tokyo when you were younger although not much memories comes to you. Surely though, a few years back Tokyo wasn't like this. Wasn't so destroyed and lifeless. Cars flipped around or on top of one another. Streetlights crashed to establishments, it's just depressing.
"The horde just passed those fuckers won't show up until two weeks from now." He snapped you out of your panic state. You nervously nodded and tried the breathing technique you've read from the worn out newspaper lying on the hospital before you noticed the creature he killed.
"Thanks" He says taking the boxes from you careful not to let it come close to his suit because of the blood from you. It's been years since you've had company. And despite his rude comments about your smell you were sad that the journey you two had came to an end. You turned around ready to head somewhere safe for the night.
"Where are you going?" You look back to him.
"I'm done. I've repayed you."
"I need these boxes settled." You tried to act irritated but deep inside you were happy because you're still able to spend some time with him.
The two of you went behind an alley and he opened a back door to an establishment. You stepped in and he locks the door before switching the lights on. You thought he's living in a ruined place like the others but you were far wrong. His place was definitely a restaurant before all of this happened. The chairs and tables are still kept clean. A grand piano, chandelier, bottles of wines, the place was breathtaking. You've been into many places but it's the first time you've seen such a beautiful and well kept place like his.
Everything was so beautiful to you but the thing that caught your eyes was the enormous empty aquarium. You forgot the fact that he was with you and ran in front of it looking at it with amazement.
You closed your eyes as you try to imagine the fishes that used to live there. You've seen some pictures of famous aquariums in the past and since then you've always wanted to see one.
The man smirked as he placed the boxes down. He sat on one of the round sofa's in front of the aquarium and admire your innocents.
"You like it?" You turned to him and nodded. Despite of being almost an adult you couldn't help acting like a child whenever you're presented things you weren't able to experience or enjoy. Your eyes glimmer with joy as you went closer to the aqurium touching the glass leaving a bloodied handprint. Your eyes widen as you realized what you've done. You expected him to be angry to you for doing such thing but no. He didn't say anything. So you figured he didn't mind. You close your eyes once more and the rare fishes you've seen in the books appeared in front of you.
The man sat quietly with his legs crossed and arms in front of his chest. He was talking to god as he watches you. Thanking him for letting a man like himself find you in a world like this.
"How did you find this place?" You asked him with a smile. He was drawn to your peculiar acts. A normal person would never find any joy in seeing an empty aqurium.
"I own the place." He watches as your jaw dropped.
"That's freaking cool! So were you here when the aqurium had fishes?" You asked energecticly eager to know his answer.
"I was, I had nine sharks and hundreds of fishes back in the day." He answers you. His face didn't show it but he was reminiscing the old days where his restaurant was busy with high profile customers. It was quiet a memory for him.
"Nine sharks!?" You jumped in surprise making him laugh.
"Is it really that impressive?"
"Are you kidding me? I'd do anything to see a shark!" The man uncrossed his legs and leaned forward.
"I have pictures."
"Really? Can you please show me sir?" He smiles softly unfitting for a man like him.
"Sure, but you need to take a shower first." Your smile drops. Is he mocking you again? It's impossible to take a shower. You'll need to wait for rain just to take one and it being spring doesn't make it easier.
"Where would I take a shower! Just please! I won't touch the pictures just show me I beg you." He chuckles and went out of your sight climbing stairs that leads to the second floor. You sighed in disappointment you really wanted to see the pictures. You were about leave when he came down with towels and new clothes.
"Come, this place has running water." You almost laughed. No place has running water.
"Running water? Is that some slang used around here sir?" You asked him and he looked at you confused.
"I don't know what you mean."
"It's impossible to have running water is what I meant." He shakes his head before pinching the bridges of his tall nose.
"Come with me and I'll show you." You followed behind him and the two of went to the second floor where he has his own room. You were careful not to touch the furniture not wanting to ruin them. Mutated dog’s blood never dries and it pisses everyone.
He opens the door to his room like the whole place it's kept clean.
"I have no girls clothes so you'll have to wear one of my shirt and about the underwear I uh... briefs or boxer?" He asked you awkwardly as he opens the door to his bathroom.
"I don't mind, either will work good sir." He nods. The two of you entered the bathroom and again your mouth dropped. Marble floor, bathtub, sink, a wide shower room. He's living like a normal person and you couldn't believe it. And the best part? Running water.
"How?" You asked in amazement.
"I'm smart, I built a system which collect rain waters purifies them into drinking water or bath water." You bit your lip. If only you're smart like him then maybe you'll have an easier life.
"Are you okay with me using water? It's spring and rain doesn't come very often."
"I got enough supply for 3 months." He simply answers as he takes out a boxer from the drawer. Placing his shirt and the boxer on top of the sink. He points at the shower and you nodded.
"Thank you sir."
He was waiting downstairs with the photo album on his lap. He's never flipped through it after the chaos erupted scared that it might trigger something in his mind. He wasn't thinking when he agreed on showing you but having it on his lap now certainly gives him a different type of anxiety.
"Sir." You snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Thank you for the bath, I've never had such a comfortable time doing that." His shirt was far too big for you. Your long light brown hair drapes over your back and your legs are on display for him. It's been years since he'd been with a woman- no. He knows you're not a woman yet. Not from the way you act in front of him. Every woman he knew would fall down on their knees for him.
Now that the blood was out of your face he could truly see your beauty. Light pink colored plump lips, bushy eyebrows that makes your face stuck out more and a cute button nose. He could tell you're not past 20 because of your round face and small body that will still surely grow. When he didn't respond you simply walked over to him and sat down beside him.
"Is that the photos?" Your voice was filled with excitement. He didn't know if he could control himself around. You're just so innocent.
"Y-yes." He covered his hardening cock with the album.
"Thank you so much!" You inch closer to him your eyes glued to the album. He gulped before opening it.
September 9th 2016. He was standing in front of the aquarium behind him are exactly 9 sharks and like he said hundreds of fishes.
"You're so lucky..." You leaned forward tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes went to your face and he imagined kissing you. But he held himself back not wanting to scare you away.
He continued to show you photos telling you the stories behind them and you were so absorb you forgot that there's a thing called time. You two went on hours and hours talking about his restaurant before all of this. You were immeditely thrown in despair when you realized it's night time.
"I've really had fun sir thank you so much." You thanked him standing up.
"It's already dark, stay here." It was an offer you didn't think you'll hear from anyone. You look at him puzzled. Is he a cannibal? Did he just do all of that just so he could butcher you?
"I would love too but... you're not doing this for free are you?"
"I'm not."
"But you already know I have nothing-"
"You could repay me in other ways."
"Oh, yeah I forgot about the boxes!" You turned around ready to take care of the boxes earlier but was stopped when he grabed your wrist pulling you down to his lap. You instantly felt something hard on the crack of your ass. You read many books and news paper about how the world came to an end but not once have you read about sex or masturbation. You never had someone touch you. Let alone touch yourself. Leaving you confused of what's really happening. Getting your period was even worse. You thought you were infected and just waited for your death. Only that it didn't came. You only found out about mensuration after seeing pads and you being the eager learner you went to a ruined book store to read about women's body.
"Fuck, doll. I've been so hard for hours." He groaned on your ear as he slightly rubbed himself against you.
"S-sir, I don't know what we are doing." He stopped. For the short period of time he has been talking to you, you didn't seem to be the one to tell lies.
"Tell me, have you ever touched yourself?" He asked you. You didn't respond. Touch yourself? You didn't understand.
"I don't know sir. I don't know how you define that." He chuckles before pulling you closer to him making you gasped. His large hand found its way inside the boxers he lent you.
"Have you even touched yourself like this?" His fingers slowly rubbed on your clit making you feel things you've never felt before. You leaned your head to his shoulder closing your eyes.
"I- no no sir. I've never." You manage to say while your hands gripped on his arms.
"You like it doll? You like being touched by me?" He whispers on your ear before giving it a gentle bite making you moan for the first time.
"Is it something people used to do?"
"All the time." He answers you as he turns your head to the side kissing you. Your eyes opens wide as you realized what's really happening. His tongue enters your warm mouth and you try to pull away but he didn't let you. He kept tasting you. You tasted so sweet and so fullfilling. Maybe it's because he hasn't got laid for awhile or maybe it's because you're just the one for him. You frantically tap on his arm stopping his assault on your mouth and your cunt.
"Don't fight me doll, don't you want to feel good? For once in your life before you get mauled by those creatures?" His words made you submit yourself to him.
"I... I want to feel good." You shyly says turning your face away from him. He smiled in triumph before kissing your neck.
"Good girl, now. Listen to me and I'll make you feel good okay?" You nodded. He instructed you to lay down on the table and you did. He stood between your legs and towered over you. Liking how easily you submitted yourself to him.
"It will hurt a little but after that short amount of time you'll feel good, can you endure pain?" You nodded. You've broken bones before this sure will be not as bad right? He took off the little clothing covering your lower body and bent down as he spreads your legs wide open for him. His mouth instantly salivated at the sight of your perfect cunt.
"Fuck, you're so fucking beautiful." He compliments you making you feel special. No one has ever told you that. He didn't waste any second and dived into your pink soft folds. You expected pain but there was none. It was all body shaking pleasure.
"F-fuck! Sir-"
"Taiju, My name is Taiju." He says in between licking and sucking you. You tried to pull yourself away from his mouth overwhelmed resulting into him holding you down. He's experienced and it makes you wonder what else could he do.
That question was soon answered after he made you cum 3 times before moving on your boobs. His face was wet with your orgasm and it was a mystery to you. Did you pee on him? Or was that salt water?
"Shit!" You groaned when he bit on your nipple before twirling his tongue on it. He unbelts his pants pulling them down and stroking himself with his right hand while his left played with your nipple giving it the same attention as the other one which he has his mouth on. You had your eyes close totally consumed by the pleasure and he used this as an opportunity to slam his big fat cock inside you. You felt like you were hit by something. Like a metal or a baseball bat. He was far bigger than two fingers and even with being prep it's an unavoidable pain. Your eyes teared up and he immediately placed a kiss all over your face.
"You're doing good." He wanted to move so bad. To violate you and fuck you until you’re passed out. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He let you adjust and only moved when you nodded.
"F-fuck, so tight." He groan on your shoulder placing a bite hard enough to leave a mark. You never thought you'll like doing these kinds of things. You're grateful to have experienced it before dying. The first few thrust was painful but as time passes by you quickly became a moaning mess.
You were afraid that the table will fall apart because of his rough thrust but it served its purporse.
Taiju had your legs on his shoulder relentless fucking you and occationally shoving his cum covered fingers on your mouth instructing you to suck on it. He loves it. He loves how obedient you are.
"T-Tai! I'm"
"I know wait for me okay?" You nodded. His movements became faster and faster. The smell of sex and the sound the two of you are making will surely attract a creature thankfully there's none on the perimeter that night.
"Shit!" He says as he pulls out cumming on your stomach while you squirt your juices on him. His heavy body fell on you as you two struggles to catch your breath.
"That was amazing Taiju thank you." You said underneat him before kissing his chest. He prompt himself up with his elbows and kissed you passionately.
"You were amazing doll." A bright smiled appeared on your face pleased to be praised by him.
He carried you to his bed and the two of you fell asleep instantly. Taiju felt different. You being wrapped around his arms and yours wrapped around his waist awaken a demon within him.
The next morning you woke up earlier than him and changed into your old stained clothes. You smiled at him. He looks so beautiful and all you want to do is spend more time with him but in this world that doesn't happen. The fairytales in the books you've read from the ruined shops aren't real. There's no prince charming or Mr, Darcy. You quiety went out of the room and headed towards the back door. The boxes from the day before still remained on their place.
You wanted to stay. To be with him for a little longer but enough is enough. You have a place to return to. And he doesn't need a burden like you. Everyone in this world is only looking out for themselves and there's no doubt he'll abandon you when it comes to push and shove. You sighed looking at the aqurium one last time before turning the door knob and pushing the door open.
"Eh?" It didn't open.
"Is it stuck?" You try again but nothing.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" You turn around. Unlike yesterday he was furious.
"Taiju-" He harshly grabbed you throwing you to the round sofa. You were startled by his sudden actions. You wanted to retaliate but he's far more stronger than you and the only thing you could do is back away to the couch as he comes closer to you.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"
"H-home-" Slap. He slapped you. The couch felt so different now. Yesterday the two of you are just casually talking about the past and now-
"You're not going anywhere. You're mine." He grabbed your chin and pulled your face closer to his. Your eyes are filled with horrors as you realized. He's not normal.
"Do you understand me doll? You belong to me now."
He's not mutated or infected but you know there's a far worst future waiting ahead of you all because of him.
Thank you for reading!!!
Don't copy.
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shibamisaki · 3 years
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shibamisaki · 3 years
This is really sad for me but the thing is this account has too many problems. Such as not being able to reply on my own post and other people's post. Drafts missing. And not being able to message people so I've decide to create a new one. I'm gonna tag the people who's always liking and showing me support but if you're not tagged that doesn't mean I don't appreciate you because I do!!!
This account had a good run thank you all for your support.
NEW ACCOUNT MochizukiMisaki
I know there's series here that aren't finish but the new account will be more neat and hopefully more engaged with other blogs. Again sorry for the incoveniece thank you so much.
@4leafcloverwithawhitecraneforyou @llggll @yoonbeans @missuniversequeen @simpingforle0valdez0414 @bontensbabygirl @no-name-jack @levistiddies
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shibamisaki · 3 years
This is the embodiment of if 1+1 is 2 what is the weigh of the elephant which ate the tiger in the bus earlier yesterday.
Have you seen the new leaks? Any thoughts on them? I just can't believe that we're finally getting Sanzu's backstory!!!!
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Tokyo revengers 240 spoilers: read at your own risk
Warning- I go on a bit of a rant here
I have many thoughts, most of them bad ones, I honestly hate this reveal at the moment. Like I'm happy that we're finally getting that Sanzu and Senju bsckstory but these panels are just giving me a headache. At the moment it just doesn't make any sense.
Gotta admit when I first saw the panels below I assumed it wasn't a real flashback. I actually thought it was going to be Sanzu or Senju imagining what their childhood could've been like. Like in a perfect world they would've all been friends.
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But then I saw this
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And that theory just crumbled up.
Which then gives me a lot of questions, like I really don't understand how they could've been close childhood friends but nobody ever brings it up??? Obviously Sanzu didn't do anything to make them hate him otherwise he wouldn't have been allowed in the gang so what happened to just make them not hate him but not like him either??? And why does Sanzu seem to love Mikey but not Baji, what happened there?
What's even worse is that the whole situation we're in now is because of Mikey trying to save his friends, that's the whole reason toman was ended. So why is Sanzu in the Kantou manji gang and then bonten? Is that implying that Mikey doesn't consider Sanzu to be one of his friends?? Does Mikey even remember Sanzu from his childhood???
And how the hell does Senju fit into all of this!? What could she have possibly done to cause all of this. Mikey has his dark impulses because he lost Shinichiro then a bunch of others so unless Senju was somehow involved with Shinichiro's death then I can't see how she is to blame.
The only way I can see her being involved is if she somehow caused their friendship to go bad. Maybe they did something reckless and she told an adult who forced them apart? Even though for some reason Takeomi and Shinichiro are still allowed to be friends???
Like I get why other people will like this because it'll probably show why Sanzu follows Mikey and why Senju seems to feel sad about Sanzu. But at the moment there are just way too many plot holes with this reveal. I'm really hoping that the new chapter will clear up all the plot holes, I suppose we'll just have to wait until Tuesday to figure this all out.
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shibamisaki · 3 years
I was literally about to cry when you said that you can't log in.but anyways congratsヾ(・ω・*)ノヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ(^∇^)ノ♪( /^ω^)/♪♪
Thanks lovely❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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shibamisaki · 3 years
Can you log in now? Or you can make an annoucement and make a second acc and reblog all of you works
Thank you babes! I'm doing my best to save this account!!!
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