#best travel destinations europe summer
kkginfo · 2 years
Baleshwar Temple: If you perform pooja at this temple on the second Monday of the month of Shravan, it is believed that the work done by Shiva will be fulfilled. | KKG INFO
Baleshwar Temple: If you perform pooja at this temple on the second Monday of the month of Shravan, it is believed that the work done by Shiva will be fulfilled. | KKG INFO
The owner of the cow saw Lord Shiva in his dream and said that he is here. It is said that a temple was built here after that. Let’s know full details about this unique temple.. Baleshwar Temple Raebareli Baleshwar Temple: India is a land of spirituality. There are many famous temples. One of them is the famous Baleshwar temple in Lalganj area of ​​Raebareli district. Historians say that this…
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theeagertraveler · 9 months
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The Eager Traveler - Preethi Chandrasekhar
The Eager Traveler by Preethi Chandrasekhar, I’ve lived in California for 30 years but I only discovered fall colors in California last year! Let’s face it,
Hi! I’m Preethi! I created The Eager Traveler blog to share my boutique travel adventures & tips for unique destinations. I have designed a career in Marketing where I can work remotely from anywhere in the world, thus allowing me the flexibility to travel whenever I want to. My mission is to inspire you to push past boundaries and explore the great outdoors, no matter your age, skill, or fitness level.
I love photography and my IG page features a lot of my travel photographs. So if you like travel photography drop by my Instagram and say hi! If you want to work with me, please email me at [email protected] for collaborations.
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itsmrshamilton · 2 days
If you can take a request for a Lewis Hamilton falling in love at first site for a fan he just met at a GP and eventually saw her again during the summer break she was taking a Europe solo trip & they kik it off #fluff
First Sight | LH44
a/n: Never been on holiday so my imagination worked overtime to get this right.
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Lewis Hamilton had not slept a wink. It was 4:59 a.m., and his alarm was about to go off, and he had not slept all night. This wasn't like him. Yes, he had nights when he felt too anxious to sleep well, but never had he laid in bed and still been awake more than 6 hours later. His eyes were burning, and his limbs felt very heavy each time he turned over to get into a new position. The bed was too hot but his room was too cold. The discomfort was slowly driving him insane.
The phone alarm rang loudly but failed to do its job of waking its owner up because he was already wide awake. Sighing in great annoyance, Lewis grabbed the device off the nightstand and silenced the blaring noise. Upon unlocking his screen he saw messages from his assistant updating him on his schedule for the day. He swiped the blocks then hesitated as he stared at his wallpaper - a recent picture of Roscoe lying on Lewis' chest as they rested on his bed. Roscoe's sweet face rolls were squashed upwards by the force of his big grin exposing his silly tongue. Lewis smiled softly as he looked at his best friend and made a mental note to video call home later and check in on Roscoe.
Peeking at the time, he sat up and began the process of getting ready for the day. He hadn't been looking forward to this race for a long time. His last qualifying race for the season in his second year with Ferarri. Things weren't going as well as he had hoped. Fred, his engineers and the car were all great but Lewis still hadn't won his 8th world champion title despite pushing weekly and winning more than a handful of the races. Despite his performance improvement from Mercedes, Lewis still had Max Verstappen breathing down his neck, chasing him down at every corner. The races were exhilirating for Lewis because this was what he loved, but the stress was creeping up on him. The Ferarri car was great, the strategies were another story.
When he was done preparing and packing, Lewis left for the car outside. Slipping on his sunglasses to try hide his dark eyebags, he prayed to his God that the day would go in his favour.
The screams and noise could surely be heard from the next town over. Yet they somehow increased in volume when Lewis stepped out of his vehicle at the track parking lot. He was exhausted and slightly grumpy but he knew that many fans had travelled from far to meet the drivers so he trudged over to the metal barriers to sign and pose for photos. Papers, magazines, helmets, caps and phones were shoved at his face by arms waving frantically. He smiled, complimented and signed. Colourful beaded bracelets were slipped onto his wrists, artists handed over their creations and photographers snapped away at his every movement. Overwhelming was an understatement but Lewis was incredibly grateful to have a fan base as supportive as his. The move from Ferarri was not easy but it had enjoyable moments created by those who wore the number 44 with pride every weekend. For these people, he would smile til his cheeks hurt and his teeth fell out.
"Thank you all for being here. I appreciate you all!" He shouted as he waved and retreated to the paddock entrance. Cameramen tripped over themselves as they made to move with him. Lewis Hamilton Fashion Week was still going on. Their flashes illuminated his soft sleeveless yellow cardigan, his sheer yellow tracksuit pants and his white sneakers. The irony only he could laugh at was the meaning of the colours against his current feelings.
Having had enough of the cameras, he turned right into a passage and began weaving his way between buildings to get to his destination. The photographers took the hint and disappeared but Lewis kept using the passages and gaps. Getting closer to the Ferarri building, he took a sharp left round a corner and walked right into someone who was looking down at their phone, completely unaware of their surroundings.
"Oof, excuse me. Apologies!" She exclaimed as both their phones went tumbling onto the paved ground. Lewis winced at the sound of his phone screen hitting the floor. He bent down to pick it up at the same time as she bent to get hers.
Lewis noticed that they had the same covers but as he straightened up to mention this, their heads knocked together. This time she winced at the sound it made.
"Oh, jeez. Ouch. Are you okay?" Lewis asked her when she yelped. He rubbed the side of his head tenderly. He took the time to look at her.
"Ow! Im sorry! Omg, this can't get worse. I'm okay. Are you-" She stopped when she looked at his face. She had the most beautiful eyes Lewis had ever seen on anyone. Her lashes framed them perfectly, making him want to stand there all day and study them intently til he could draw them from memory. Not that he needed all day, just these 10 seconds were enough to ensure that he would never forget her face.
Her braids were falling out of the high ponytail she had them in, and her necklace sat askew at the base of her long neck on her exposed bronze collarbones. He felt a little light headed at the sight of them. Her small mouth was downturned in a pout which made him slighlty upset that he was the cause of it. He took the time to eye the rest of her. She was all limbs. Tall, bronzed goddess in a yellow and red Ferarri top, jean shorts and sneakers. He couldn't remember where he was or what he was supposed to do today.
"Oh wow, you're Lewis Hamilton." She muttered to herself.
He snapped out of it and managed to send her small smile. He was still trying to remember how to use his mouth to produce coherent words. At his damn age he was standing there like a fool.
"I'm sorry about that. I didn't know where to go and felt a little embarrassed, so I stepped here to gather myself and contact Sheila, but my phone's acting up - my phone!" At that, she dropped down to pick up her phone but hesitated when she realised that both devices looked the same. Picking up both, she turned them over and grimaced at the sight of the cracked screens. She turned them on to differentiate by wallpapers. The one in her left hand had a picture of a cute dog.
"Uh, that's Roscoe. My dog." Lewis stated as he finally figured out how to work his tongue. He reached out to receive it from her.
"He's very cute." She smiled at him. He stared back. She raised her dark brows at him in slight amusement. "I'm sorry about your screen."
"Oh, uh, don't worry about that. Its always cracked. I'm sorry about yours."
"It's okay, mine is always cracked too." She laughed softly and looked down at it. Lewis noticed that the wallpaper was of her and another woman around the same age taking a selfie.
"Uh, you, uh, you mentioned being lost?" He cleared his throat. He didn't know why he was still standing here talking when he had somewhere to be for something very important. But to be honest, nothing felt more important than being here now, with her, whoever she was. It felt right.
"Yeah," she frowned. "I came here today with my friend Sheila but we got separated in a crowd and I stepped into this passage to call her but my phone is freezing up. I dont know where to go." She sighed in frustration.
Lewis hated seeing her upset. He questioned why he felt like he could move the moon and stars just to make her smile again again. His stomach was tingling in an uncomfortable way. He had spoken to many women in his lifetime so why was he finding it hard to function normally around her?
"You can use my phone." He offered it to her. "Or I can take you to the garage, and we could send out a broadcast for her to find you there? Might be easier that way." He smiled sheepishly and hoped she would take the invitation. He really wanted to spend just a bit more time with her.
Her gorgeous eyes lit up and put him in a trance once more. "The Ferarri garage?! With you! Oh my gosh, I would love that." She handed back his phone and his fingers brushed hers. His knees nearly buckled. He leaned on the wall next to them to seem cool and poised but really he was trying to regain stability after a bolt of electricity shot through him. He noticed that she jumped back slightly as well after contact.
"Cool, so we'll head there then? I'm sorry, I never got your name..." He said softly.
"Y/n L/n. Pleasure to meet you." She stuck her right hand out to shake. If he had looked away from her eyes for a second, he would have noticed that it was trembling softly. His big calloused hand grasped her small one and he shook it but held on afterwards, rubbing his thumb against the back of her hand.
"The pleasure is all mine." He murmured as his eyelids lowered sexily. His eyes darkened as another jolt of energy ran through him. The air around them in that narrow passage way crackled with electricity and the noise of the paddock vanished. In that moment it was just the two of them. Her eyes held his gaze but her smirking full lips put up a great fight to draw his attention away. He was mesmerised, enchanchted, gobsmacked. Utterly and completely in love with this Y/n L/n.
"Y/n? Y/n! Is that you? Hun, I've been looking all over! Where have been hidi- oh my lord." Another woman entered the thin area they were in and interrupted the moment. Lewis painfully dragged his eyes off of Y/n to look at her and recognised her as the lady in the wallpaper. Who he now assumed was Sheila, her friend.
"Y/n. Jesus, what are you doing...omg. Is this Lewis Hamilton??! What are you doing with Lewis Hamilton!?" She whisper-shouted at Y/n who had now released herself from Lewis' grasp and turned around. Sheila's eyes were huge with shock.
Y/n took her hands and shushed her quickly. "Sheila, this is Lewis. Lewis, this is Sheila." She pointed from the one to the other. "Lewis was going to help me find you but now that you're here, we can go. Can't waste these paddock passes anymore than I accidentally have." She laughed from embarrassment.
Lewis wanted to reassure her and promise to buy all the paddock passes to every race she wanted to attend. Instead he smiled at her and tried to think of something cool to say. "Hello Sheila." He greeted and received a squeak in reply. He opened his mouth once more but was interrupted.
"Thank you for the offer. I really do appreciate it. I'll see you up on the podium, yeah? Bye!" Y/n gathered her shocked Sheila and they walked quickly out of the narrow space and into a crowd. She looked back once to wave at him before they disappeared. Lewis stood there dazed.
There was a slight ache in his chest now that she was gone. And he rubbed his forehead when he realised that he didnt get any of her contact details. He would have to find her somehow, she had to be on at least one social media platform. He nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone rang loudly. Answering it, he was greeted by his assistant's voice questioning where he was. Lewis answered that he'd be there in a minute then began to make his way. He kept his head high so he could look for Y/n's hair. Unfortunately he didnt see her for the rest of the weekend despite asking around as well.
His grievances with Ferarri from that morning were forgotten. He ended up on the podium that Sunday, 1st place and did his best to squint into the crowd in hopes of recognising her face. Nothing.
It was with a very heavy heart that he accepted that he would never see her again.
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The humidity in the air was going to kill you. It felt like it was forcing its way into your windpipe and filling it to the brim so you couldn't breathe in any useful oxygen. You were being extremely dramatic but you couldn't help it. It was difficult to be in a good and optimistic mood when your hair had shrunk to tiny curls on your head. All that effort to blowdry an afro, gone.
"Sheila, I don't know where to go. It's so hot every where!" You whined into your phone.
Your best friend clicked her tongue at you in annoyance. You had been complaining since the first flight got delayed and had been 6 hours since.
"Y/n if you whine about one more thing, I promise you I will block your number. You are on vacation! Enjoy it!"
You sighed in mock annoyance. "I'm alone, though. Travelling isn't that fun without you."
"Uh uh. We are not doing this. You've been planning this solo trip for weeks, okay. You said it yourself that you need to experience solo living to better yourself. It's easier to grow without the influence of others. Remember, I tried to tag along, but you insisted!" Her reminder was gentle, but you felt like reaching into the phone and pinching her.
"I hate that you're right. I'm a big girl, I can do this." You said mainly to yourself.
"Atta girl! Now go find some hunky european natives and enjoy 3 weeks of bliss! I love you!" She squealed. You laughed at her nonsense and repeated the phrase back before ending the call.
She was right. You had gotten a job straight out of university and worked your ass off daily. The excitement of doing what you loved for a living was overwhelming, and it carried you through the first 6 years of work. But the excitement ran out, and you found yourself struggling to get out of bed due to burnout. Considering a change of career and lifestyle, you planned a solo trip to cleanse yourself of the stress. And now, here you were. Ready for 4 day stays in 5 gorgeous countries.
You arrived at your first destination about 2 hours ago, checked into your first hotel and unpacked already. The afternoon sun was blistering, which was surprising to you because, well, it was europe, but you guessed that the temperatures might be due to a heatwave. Of course, it was your luck to plan a 3 week stay during a heatwave.
Your stomach gurgled loudly. "That's a sign to get out of here and go eat." You mumbled to yourself.
After packing a beach bag and attempting to resuscitate your afro, you made your way downstairs to get directions to any nearby restaurants. The receptionists were very helpful, so you found yourself seated at a table under a large umbrella with a gorgeous view of the blue waves. Your beef with the stifling humidity was forgotten as you took it all in while having big bites of your meal. Life was good, and you didn't believe it could get any better than this. You ordered a drink to go and then made your way to the beach, which was slowly starting to empty out as the day went on.
Glass of sweet juice in one hand and your shoes in the other, you took your time walking the length of the beach to find a spot. The sea smelt divine, the sand between your toes was soothing, and the cool breeze that was picking up dried the moisture off your dark skin as well as your hair. Once you found your spot in a clear area, you began to unpack your colourful bag. Bending over to unroll your beach towel, you heard shouting before someone bumped into you, and you went tumbling face first into the sand.
"Oi! What is-" You were wiping sand off your face.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry about. I didn't see yo..." The familiar voice trailed off. "You! It's you!"
You cleared your your vision and opened your eyes to a shirtless Lewis Hamilton crouching before you. His hair was tied up, allowing you to stare straight into his honey brown eyes. His beautiful face was one of surprise, and his big smile was so contagious that you found yourself beginning to smile despite your previous frustration.
"I can't believe it! I searched everywhere for you after the grand prix. It's Y/n, right?" He offered you his tattooed hand as he stood up. You hesitated for a moment, trying to remember how your limbs worked before taking it and letting him pull you. It's like you weighed nothing to him.
"Yeah, it's Y/n." You confirmed breathlessly. His tattoos up close were delicious.
"That's great because I thought I was typing the wrong name into every social media app I know about." He laughed in embarrassment, and you couldn't help but keep glancing at his pearly whites, which were decorated with gold jewelry.
"Oh, I don't have social media anymore. It became too much at one point, so I deleted it. I rely on my friend to update me." You tried not to talk too much. His brows met for a second.
"Sheila, right? Yeah, I found hers, but you weren't even featured on her feed. Im sorry, by the way, for bumping into you -"
"Again." You inputed. Making him grin and chuckle softly.
"Yeah, again. We really should stop meeting like this."
"I don't mind it." You hadn't really thought of him much since meeting at the grand prix because you thought you'd never see him again. Sheila had nearly picked you up and thrown you into a trash can when she found out you didn't exchange details with him. If you closed your eyes, you could still perfectly see her flabbergasted expression.
The air crackled between the two of you, and the humidity that you thought you had gotten away from was suddenly back again. Sweat dripped slowly down your neck and into your cropped top. You could feel dampness on your palms. One of which was still firmly in his grasp.
There was a shout in the air.
He turned around briefly to investigate, and that's when you took notice of the american football in his other hand as well as a group of people waiting on the beach.
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise I was keeping you away from the game. I'll move my stuff, and you can get back to it." You didn't really mean that, but you thought that if you moved to a better spot, you could watch him play without being caught ogling him.
"No, don't do that. Come join us." His thumb began that thing of rubbing circles against the back of your hand. You felt your knees buckle a bit.
"I don't understand the rules of the game. But I can sit and watch?" You offered. His brows met in the middle once more before he shook his head and turned around.
"Yo, Miles!" He threw Miles the ball. "Carry on with the game, I'm out." Miles smirked as he caught the ball and nodded.
"We have a fire going nearby. It's going to get cold soon." He suggested. You tried your best to fight your smile and play hard to get. Which was unserious of you because Lewis was the man of your dreams currently.
"Is that how you ask a girl out, Lewis?" You raised an eyebrow and dropped his hand.
"Uh, no, I- um. I was trying to be casual with it? I wasn't sure if you wanted to have dinner with me. Ahem, I- I'm usually so much better at this." He scratched his neck, and you giggled at his flustered state. The Lewis Hamilton was stumbling over his words while trying to ask you out. He took a deep breath.
"Y/n, would you like to go to dinner with me later?" He looked nervous.
"I'd love that. Let me get my stuff, and we can leave." You smiled.
He crouched and picked up your bag as you rolled your towel and grabbed your shoes. He gently took the towel and shoes out of your hands and led the way to the fire his group had set up. You felt giddy with excitement and fought the urge to skip behind him.
Sitting side-by-side at the fire, you felt his eyes on you. The sun had set, the stars were bright, and the air was becoming colder around you. His friends had settled around the fire as well. There was soft chatter and laughter in the air. Lewis had arranged a blanket for the two of you so you sat wrapped up in it. You had chatted for a while about work, family, and friends, then fell into a comfortable silence. He was easy to talk to, and you found yourself laughing louder than you should have. You laughed even harder when he laughed at your laugh because his laugh was so contagious. Never in a thousand years did you think you'd be at a beach, cozied up with one of the greatest motorsport athletes of your time. You weren't a big F1 fan, but you sometimes watched races and read articles about it, so you knew enough to pick a team to support and drivers to cheer on. Lewis was one of those drivers, so the urge to fangirl violently when you first met was there, but now, after a mere hour or two, it felt like you'd known him all your life. There was a strange buzz in the air just like the one in that narrow passageway. You felt drawn to him. And safe.
"Earlier, you mentioned that you were looking for me?" You asked softly, turning to meet his gaze.
"You're really beautiful. I couldn't get you out of my mind that weekend. I had been struggling with the sport for a while, but after meeting you, things suddenly started to go right. I won every race after that, I'm on track for another championship. It's like my life turned completely around. Like you were the catalyst. Like you're meant to be in my life, like I was meant to meet you." He laughed humourlessly. "I may sound crazy but I feel alive around you. There's something here between us."
You were cuddled up so close that you could feel his heart pounding in his chest. "I feel it too." You whispered.
"I'd really like to figure out what it is. Find out what life with you could be like." He slotted his hand into yours. You couldn't hold back your grin anymore.
"I'd like that too." You leaned in and pressed your lips against his. He reciprocated immediately and pulled you closer. You felt fireworks go off inside your head. Your whole body was tingling.
He pulled back slowly but pecked your lips again. "Are you ready for dinner?" You grinned in response.
Sheila was going to be so proud that you had bagged THE ultimate european hunk.
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Whew! This one took a while. Can you tell I've never been to the beach, lol. Take note that Y/n did not swim in this fic! Cause I hate the thought of swimming in an ocean, lol. I struggled to write the last part👎but its done now so be nice. Dont forget to suggest a song!!
Thanks for reading! Please interact before you leave. Don't alter, translate, or repost onto another platform.
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lisbeth-kk · 1 month
May Prompts (27) Jealousy
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter27)
Summary: Rosie and Timothy travel the Greek islands. An intriguing experience on Santorini, puzzles and irks Rosie immensely. When Timothy doesn't react to her liking, there's only one option on how to move forward.
Twenty-Seven Years Old
To celebrate my birthday and my new fulltime job as a political risk analyst, Timothy and I went island-hopping in Greece. Liwia and her girlfriend had done it last year, and it appealed to us both. Having nothing but the flights planned, made me feel a bit reckless but it was quite freeing as well.
The only thing we’d decided on was to stick to the Cyclades and we started our journey by taking a ferry to the small island Antiparos. Several people who let out rooms stood waiting on the quay as we disembarked. An elderly and friendly looking man caught our attention, and the room he had to offer was more than sufficient.
Our first breakfast is one I’ll remember forever. The small restaurant was situated by the seafront where the fishing boats came in with their catch. Faded coloured fishing nets hung to dry in the sun, the scent of salt weaving its way to our nostrils.
Freshly pressed orange juice and the fluffiest omelette I’d ever come across, ensured the perfect start of our day.
We hired a moped to explore a little. The trip took us through a landscape of olive trees and flowers we didn’t have in the UK. Our destination was the famous cave with stalagmites and stalactites. The stalagmite at the entrance is apparently 45 million years old, the oldest in Europe. 
We were warm and a bit sweaty after standing out in the sun, while we waited for our guide. The air inside was pleasantly chill and got even colder as we descended the 411 steps to the heart of the cave. It was a mesmerising sight, and knowing that this was the nature’s own doing, left me amazed and humble.
At a cosy taverna we ate the best Greek salad to date. The ripe tomatoes paired with the salty feta cheese, olives, onions, the rich olive oil and the homemade bread, almost made me religious for a moment.
The beach close to our quarters, was small, secluded and blessedly free of crowds. We had taken a boat to a famous beach the day before, but we’d barely found a free space to lay down our blankets, so this felt like paradise in comparison. 
Another short boat ride away was the bigger island Paros. We took the bus to the other side of the island. I don’t remember anything else from that trip than the hours we spent in Naoussa. Several boats painted in bright colours lay bobbing in the water close to the restaurants that encircled the bay. It may sound simple, but it was the most beautiful view, and I couldn’t take my eyes off it. We sat there for hours, eating seafood and drinking Greek white wine. 
So far, it had been a “normal” vacation, or tedious as Papa would’ve called it. That all ended when we sat foot on Santorini. Getting a room was easy enough, and relieved of our heavy rucksacks we went for a stroll in the main street of Fira. Every other shop was a jewellery shop, and the necklaces displayed bore the resemblance to what pharaohs and Cleopatra wore. Heavy, massive and ridiculously expensive. For each shop they seemed to grow bigger and uglier. We had quite a laugh at that.
The most peculiar thing happened at the restaurant we had lunch. It was a terrace with a breathtaking view over the Aegean Sea. We’d decided to stay for a while and ordered more iced tea, making ourselves comfortable under the big parasol. We had both brought a book, and for a while we read in silence. A repetitive sound of paper being ripped, caught my attention.
An elderly woman had taken up residence at the table next to ours. She had short frizzy hair, more grey than brown now, her glasses were round with a white frame. The summer dress she wore had big patterns in green, red, white, and orange. On her feet were white flip-flops. 
“Stop staring,” Timothy whispered.
He startled me and I looked annoyed at him, but averted my eyes and took a sip of my drink. The moment the sound of ripped paper reached my ears again, my eyes were drawn to the spectacle at the other table.
The woman read a book too. A paperback. The curious thing I almost couldn’t fathom, was that whenever she finished a page, she ripped it out and placed it in a pile under her plate. Why would anyone want to do such a thing? What if you needed to go back some pages to look up something you’ve missed. It could never be read by another person, since she apparently left pages wherever she sat down to read. It bore no logic, and it irked me.
“Aren’t you curious about why she does it?” I whispered to Timothy.
“Not particularly. My book is far too interesting, and you won’t get an answer unless you ask her, and I guess you aren’t inclined to do that,” was his phlegmatic answer.
Timothy’s ability to turn off the world and disappear into his reading or writing, was admirable, but now it almost made me jealous of his book. I wanted to speculate with someone, solve this odd conundrum. There would be no more reading on my part after this, so I took out my phone instead.
Want to solve a mystery for me?
Pray tell! I’m bored to death and about to shoot the wall. P
Also available on AO3
Friendly warning: after 25 years the mystery is still unsolved. Don’t be shy about suggesting what the meaning of this appalling behaviour could be 🤭
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @raina-at
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Skiing - a beginner’s guide
I first went skiing in Switzerland with my friends nearly 10 years ago and I loved it. The feeling of the wind on my face, the speed, the adrenaline- it was exhilarating.
I’ve compiled a basic list of ski events, a semi-scandalous article and some of the best destinations in the world as well as some budget friendly ones.
Socialite ski events:
Since it launched in 2013, winter festival Snowboxx has been growing in popularity - and it involves flying out to the Alps for a week-long ski party.  It takes place in Avoriaz ski resort, Morzine, France each March, and this year saw a superstar lineup of artists performing in the mountains, including ex-Radio 1 DJ Annie Mac, Becky Hill, Jax Jones, Sonny Fodera and Andy C. 
The combination of partying to some of the world's best DJs, with the unusual day-activites of skiing and snowboarding, are making many turn away from the summer festival circuit in favour of the winter one. 
Hahnenkamm, Kitzbühel , Austria:
The Hahenekamm ski race weekend in Kitzbühel is arguably the biggest alpine ski event in the world. The world’s best take on the iconic Streif downhill track, which is historically the toughest ski race track on the World Cup circuit. A lot of the speed skiers consider winning races here as a bigger honour than the Olympics. As a spectator, the atmosphere is electric with fans around the world admiring some breathtaking ski racing.
X Games, Aspen, USA:
The world’s best freestyle skiers and snowboarders compete annually in Aspen. The event is a prestigious honour to win amongst action sports athletes and has propelled careers. Spectating the event is excellent because you can see most of the action from the viewing areas. The halfpipe events in particular are excellent to watch for this reason.
European Snow Pride, Tignes, France:
Tignes is home to Europe’s biggest gay ski week, with the European Snow Pride. Each day has a theme with nights of brit-pop to superhero days. Many international DJs are invited to play each evening party in the resort’s local clubs and bars.
Slightly scandalous tales: Things I Never Knew About Skiing Until I Was a Private Instructor in Aspen
Really interesting read. I was thoroughly entertained.
Popular ski destinations:
1. Whistler Blackcomb, Canada
Whistler makes it onto pretty much every ‘World Top 10’ list when it comes to ski resorts
2. Niseko, Japan
Located on the northern island of Hokkaido, this Japanese skiing destination is a snow-covered paradise. With a huge 15 metres of average snowfall, it’s no wonder that Niseko is the country’s premier ski resort.
3. Zermatt, Switzerland
As the highest resort in the Alps, it’s got the views. The incredible peak of the Matterhorn can be seen from just about anywhere on the slopes! It also boasts the greatest vertical drop in Switzerland, and there’s all year round skiing at the Matterhorn Glacier.
4. Courchevel, France
The resort is a part of the world’s largest alpine ski area, offering more than 600 kilometres of terrain and interconnected ski runs across 10 summits. The snow here is well-groomed, and there’s a legendary black run that’s considered to be one of the trickiest in the world.
5. Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy
Known only to the most dedicated, well-travelled skiers prior to the 1956 Winter Olympics, Cortina is a hidden gem in Italy’s Dolomite Mountains.
6. Baqueira-Beret, Spain
It may be a surprising destination for skiing, but Baqueira-Beret in Spain is one of the best places in Europe where you’ll find value for money for a ski holiday. You’ll be able to find affordable accommodation as well as some of the finest tapas restaurants in the country.
7. Ylläs, Finland
The arctic landscapes of Lapland are perfect for skiing. If you dream of snow-dusted trees, the magic of the Northern Lights, or the glow of the midnight sun, Ylläs is a unique winter resort that you won’t want to miss. As Finland’s largest ski resort, it’s got everything you need.
Budget friendly destinations
1. Vogel, Slovenia
An ideal spot for couples or families, this Slovenian spot is a truly beautiful and peaceful ski area. Overlooking Lake Bohinj, Vogel is part of the Triglav national park.
2. Livigno, Italy
Duty-free zone Livigno offers excellent slopes for intermediate skiers. But advanced skiers and snowboarders will be kept busy too – especially if they’re keen to explore off piste.
3. Poiana-Brasov, Romania
Poiana Brasov is Romania’s biggest mountain resort and certainly one of the nicest. The fairytale slopes, flanked by pine trees, are the perfect place to take your skis. With more than 24km of ski runs, there’s plenty to explore.
4. South Korea -Muju Deogyusan Resort
Muju Deogyusan Resort in Jeolla province is only 3 hours away from Seoul. So, if you want to spend your holiday skiing and still enjoy the city of Seoul, this is the place to go.
5. Niseko Ski Resort
Located in Hokkaido, Japan, Niseko Ski Resort boasts a total of four different resorts but with linked ski area. A single pass would give you access to all four resorts. One of the resorts, Mt. Resort Grand Hirafu has been officially named as Japan’s number one snow resort due to the wide array of activities offered.
6. India - Gulmarg
Gulmarg is a rare gem in the Himalayans that will undoubtedly take your breath away with its picturesque beauty. However, skiing in Gulmarg, Kashmir is not for the weak-hearted as the terrains are not suitable for beginners - to add to that, the ski lifts carry you to the highest point in the Himalaya at 13, 780 feet!
7. China - Nanshan Ski Resort
80km away from Beijing, Nanshan Ski Resort is perfect for skiing and snowboarding as the snow are neither too hard nor too soft.
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secretdestinypainter · 3 months
Traveling the most beautiful places this 2024:
“Visit to Europe (Vienna)"
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In my opinion, traveling is the most interesting thing that is liked by almost half of the people on Earth. Traveling is an adventure that broadens horizons, opens minds and enriches lives. It makes the person happy and fresh of any age, whether it’s about exploring exotic destinations, immersing oneself in different countries and cultures, or simply seeking relaxation in nature and embrace.
Traveling to different countries in a very short time is very difficult to memorize, and making all the events perfectly fully organized or managed is a big task, but having something that makes us memorize about our events in advance is a big support, like tinyti.me website makes this problem easier in today's world by making their website available for us to create events which help in perfect management.
I think Vienna is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. The historic core of the city is a massive UNESCO Heritage Site brimming with incredible museums, beautiful galleries, and sprawling Baroque palaces.
The city is a history buff’s dream. There’s an incredible café culture, a nearby wine region, tons of amazing eateries, awesome live music (including world-class opera), and much more.
I’ve been coming here for years and I never get tired of visiting. Technically speaking I love the city so much that I used to run tours here!
Naturally, I’ve stayed at countless hotels during my visits. Here’s my list of the best hotels in Vienna:
1. Hotel-Pension Wild
This two-star hotel is one of the few affordable lodgings in the city center. It has simple but bright rooms that feature comfortable beds, plenty of space, and large windows that let in a lot of natural light. The design is a bit dated (the carpeted rooms don’t look particularly stylish) but everything is clean and functional. Rooms include basic amenities like a flatscreen TV, desk, and free Wi-Fi. The bathrooms are pretty small, but they’re clean and the showers have good water pressure. The hotel offers a hearty continental breakfast and the owner is friendly and welcoming. If you’re on a tight budget, there are small, no-frills single rooms with a shared bathroom available as well.
2. Hotel Domizil
This boutique four-star hotel has small, clean rooms with décor that makes you feel like you’re back in Vienna’s imperial past. The rooms have plenty of light and lots of antique touches, such as wooden desks and tables, and upholstered armchairs. Rooms also have free Wi-Fi, a flatscreen TV, and a coffee/tea maker. The bathrooms, while not particularly fashionable (the tiles are kind of ugly), are very spacious and the showers have excellent water pressure. The breakfast, which can be included in the price, has tons of variety, including lots of different fresh breads and cheeses.
Located in the city center, I think this is one of the best value places to stay if you want to be in the center of it all.
3. Hotel Mozart
One of the few hotels in the Rossau neighborhood (just northwest of the city center), this budget-friendly three-star hotel boasts large rooms with lots of natural light. Rooms are spacious and decorated in light colors and feature hardwood or parquet floors. There are lots of other wooden touches too, such as desks/tables, and large wooden headboards. Free Wi-Fi is included, as is a flatscreen TV and AC (a must if you’re visiting in the summer). Some rooms include coffee machines. The hotel boasts a filling breakfast spread each morning with lots of fresh fruit and pastries. There’s also a bar on-site and the staff are always happy to share their tips and advice too.
4. Hotel Johann Strauss
Located in the Wieden neighborhood, this stylish four-star hotel is named after the eponymous 19th-century Austrian composer. The hotel is set in a historic Art Nouveau building that’s been entirely renovated, with rooms that have lots of natural light and a soft, welcoming color palette. Rooms include a flatscreen TV, minibar, coffee/tea maker, desk, and sofa. I really like that there’s a lot of art around the property, including in the rooms (naturally, much of the art is music centered). The tiled bathrooms are huge, with lots of light and great water pressure. I especially like that the breakfast buffet is enormous and features a lot of variety. The staff is exceptionally friendly too and happy to help you make the most of your stay.
5. Hotel Am Konzerthaus Vienna
Located in Landstrasse near the iconic Belvedere Palace, this luxe four-star hotel feels more like a five-star property. It has a chic lobby and large, bright rooms with super comfy beds. Everything is fashionable and trendy, with lots of rich colors from a darker palette. The large bathrooms are bedecked with dark tiles and are well lit, featuring plush bathrobes and relaxing rain showers. Rooms also include a flatscreen TV, desk, and coffee/tea maker. The breakfast buffet is huge and has a lot of options, but I especially love that the on-site restaurant has a Michelin star (it does amazing modern takes on traditional Austrian dishes).
The hotel is a perfect choice for travelers who want some luxury without breaking the bank.
6. The Ritz-Carlton Vienna
This is arguably the fanciest hotel in town. A five-star property right in the heart of the city, this hotel is spread across four historic palaces (yes, actual palaces). While the hotel feels palatial, it has understated décor with a chic minimalist design (think lots of white space with touches of color or artwork). The marble bathrooms are huge and the showers have perfect water pressure. The rooms are also massive and have big, comfy beds (as well as desks, AC, sofas, and electric kettles).
There’s also a gigantic breakfast buffet offered each morning and a free glass of champagne when you check in. The hotel also has a pool that plays music underwater, a fitness center, sauna, steam room, and three different spas on-site. In short, it’s the pinnacle of luxury in the city and the best choice for travelers looking to splurge on an elegant stay.
I hope this blog helps you a lot when traveling next time to Europe (Vienna), So, whether you're embarking on a solo adventure, a family vacation, or a romantic getaway, This spirit of travel guides you on a journey of exploration, discovery, and adventure.
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caustinen · 3 days
omg i love how ur hollywood au is coming along, i need moreeeee
hii i’m so happy you like it!! here are some domestic headcannons requested by another user, it got hits of spiciness at times so hope that’s okay <3
hollywood au domestic headcanons 🦋
Bucky brings out a softer side from Gale who has been hardened by life and put up some walls when it came to intimacy/trusting others and their love, and he’s so thankful to have found someone who makes him see the world as a gentler place. Bucky is passionate with everything he does, but with Gale, he found new ways to put all that energy to in a positive, inspiring things that helps him along in other aspects of his life as well.
John loves buying Gale flowers and his / later their apartment is always filled with beautiful boquets that make it alive (I’d think Buck would have stylistic but quite simple/Scandinavian style home). Gale keeps telling him he doesn’t have to buy him anything but as long as he gets that soft smile to his face as John presents him with yet another bunch they will be coming in.
Another big thing for John is physical touch, he always has an arm around his boyfriends shoulders or waist. Gale on the other hand is a great listener and gives wonderful advice, countering John’s temperament. And while he’s more careful about physicality in public, he’s surprisingly clingy when they’re home by the two of them which John absolutely adores, he might never ask for closeness with his words but he’ll find ways to seek physcal touch in other ways. Both of them value quality time over everything.
They have to strategize their dates well which sometimes threatens to suck the romance out of it, but when they manage to work around it that makes it even more romantic. Night walks by Seine when they’re travelling in Europe, small local venue concerts where no one cares about them… The rarity of those moments give them extra spice.
That being said, they do love a quiet night in just as much. There’s comfort in having the world have them as completely separate individuals during the days, the nights are theirs to share.
They both love to read and often read great parts aloud for each other. John could listen to Gale read for hours, finding it easy to stay put unlike usually, even if Gale is barely aware he’s even there when he gets really into it.
Gale doesn’t particularly like going to parties and he sometimes worries John will get tired of him because he’s not as outgoing but John is actually really content, he can party with anyone but he can only have these moments of peace with Gale ❤️ It also helps to throw all eyes off them because like noted in the og post Bucky being photographed with others keeps media off track.
Gale’s office is a good place to meet — John being seen there is ”likely place for him to be” since he has business there, and Gale’s office has seen both date lunches as well as John being bent over his table (…he on the other hand prefers to have Gale against the big windows since they’re so high up no one can see.) The fact that they weren’t caught by anyone else but Curt (Gale’s client and Bucky’s best friend who already knew) is a miracle.
John actually told multiple stories about their adventures together/about Gale in general in interviews before they went public but they made a joke out of it because John always tells about him with ”my friend Buck and I…”. After the relationship goes public fans love going back and trying to find all the clues from over the years.
They travel a lot too between Bucky’s filming schedules, they’re both really into history and love to see different sights all over the world (at times it’s the easiest to hide in plain sight in busy tourist destinations). Sometimes John drags them to beach resorts too tho if Gale seems extra stressed out — he always protest and wants to rather do city vacations but he always ends up loving it anyway.
(Their honeymoon is in a summer house of their friend on a private island and they sure make the most of it despite being public at the time — the privacy feels even more inviting because of it)
They are sometimes forced to stay apart long periods of time if John is filming somewhere and Gale can’t leave LA because of work but they always call and text goodnight, and because of their busy professional lives the time they do spend together is always precious and they never guilt the other about having to be away, they have a similar understanding of the importance of their careers.
They also go to the gym together which isn’t always the greatest because they are 1) competitive af and 2) chronically horny for each other, and the display of physical strength/beauty can be dangerous. Espescially if they’ve been busy layely; espescially if John happens to be bulking up for an action film and Gale is torn between wanting out-bulk him or let him carry him away from there.
Gale couldn’t care less about watching sports (he does go to some games every once in a while for Bucky but he’s always bored out of his mind) but he loves playing them, and they sometimes manage to arrange some friendly soccer or baseball or tennis etc with other friends too.
I kind of referenced this in one of the instagram things but it would be fun to imagine Gale getting pretty creative when seeing Bucky in different costumes/roles, like maybe he wouldn’t mind John bringing the uniform home one day. Bucky sees himself in the costumes for months but Gale might only come to set once or twice and be Thinking Thoughts later when they get home about it too.
I also hc that this Bucky would be very into fashion and style and loves shopping while Gale couldn’t care less, he’s wearing suits to work and something simple on his free time but John keeps dragging him along and making him suffer for hours in malls and boutiques as he tries go get him to try something on. After their relationship goes public Gale wants to present himself well and thus starts to wear more bold looks (he doesn’t have to worry about getting attention anymore either, so it’s actually kind of fun). John thinks it’s so over because the little he was able to concentrate on these things before is GONE (thinking about that Bikeriders premier cropped jacket and wide pants, Bucky would be nosebleeding and staring while some poor media people try to interview him)
Imagining them cooking each other midnight dinners when the other has to work late and slow dancing, bare feet in pyjamas in the kitchen in each others embrace were the first two images that came to mind so we’ll end with them 🖤
hope you keep liking this stuff!!
linking the other additions in case you missed something: john’s insta / gale’s insta / media+friends instas / first meetings / first i love yous 💘
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Calum flying you out to one of the Europe shows bc he knew you always wanted to visit that country
Hi Blanca! Thanks for the request. We're going with Spain because I'm a nerd and they have the longest break after that show with the 5 seconds of Summer show.
Gender Neutral Reader Insert. Fluff--so much of it.
Requests are now closed. Finishing up the last one from yesterday
Feel free to look through my masterlist for more.
Calum knows it’s ridiculous, but he does it because you like it this way--a hard copy backup of the flight information in addition to the app on your phone. He could call it overkill, but he’s not going to do that. Because it makes traveling easier for you. So he digs out the stapler from your desk and staples the pages together. 
Calum listens, catching the crackle of your phone from the kitchen. It cuts over the hum of the stove vent. “No, my toes are not food,” you laugh. No doubt it’s Duke at your feet as you cook. You’ve insisted on this break during the tour to spoil Calum. He’s just glad that his outfits are by no means tight fitting so he can enjoy every single thing with which you spoil him. 
Calum shuffles up from the offices to the kitchen. He keeps the itinerary at his side. He knows you may be a little annoyed at first. But he had the number to your boss’s line for a reason. And though this might not be for the reasons that he had it--mostly in case you got sick or godforbid injured--Calum’s sure that once you find out the location of the destination any annoyance you have will disappear.
“Smells good up here,” Calum comments, peering into the kitchen. 
You smile up at him. “It’s your favorite. And I could be a smidge quicker but Duke’s annoyed he’s not being fed right now.”
Calum laughs, knowing the old man is pretty fond of his schedule. Calum’s arrival was a small interruption and Duke will not let himself be ignored. “I’ll get it for him. But in the meantime, you should probably get packing.” Calum’s careful to put the flight itinerary on the fridge out of the way of the hot stove or the mess on the counter that he’s sure is tomato juice from your previous chopping.
“Packing? Why would I be packing?” you ask, giving the pot a good stir. A few more bubbles are popping up and you know soon you’ll need to turn the heat down. 
You spin to catch the paper Calum’s tacked up. The cabinets with Duke’s food squeak open. You’ve put all that you can think of on the hinges and nothing gets rid of the noise entirely. You read over the details--noticing you’re flying on what will be the date of the Lisbon show but going into Madrid instead--directly. 
“Cal, what the absolute hell is this? What am I reading?” you ask, a little concerned that you hadn’t seen this coming. Though, maybe you should’ve. Your boss normally had a standing 1:1 with you on Tuesdays but the one for next week had seemingly disappeared. Your plan was to ask about that on Monday, but this seemed to be the reason why the date was no longer showing up on your calendar.  
Calum presses a kiss on your cheek, arms winding around your waist. “A trip to Spain. Because you said you’ve always wanted to go.”
“Looks like a trip to Milan too? Just flouncing me around everywhere?” You laugh, turning back to look at him as best as you can. You can’t get more than a glimpse but Calum’s laughter is soft over your cheek. 
“I like to spoil you too. Besides, you haven’t taken a vacation outside the one we took what? Two years ago. I know you don’t like to take time off unless necessary, but I think you’d benefit from just a few days ago, baby. You know what they say about all work and no play.”
You snort, tapping at Calum’s stomach with your elbow. He releases you and you spin towards the stove to turn the burner down. “I’m just so used to sort of holding things down while you’re gone, you know? You’re gone for big chunks when you do leave that I just don’t think about myself? Not in a bad way. I don’t blame you. I just do what’s gotta be done.”
“I understand that. Just want you to have some time to enjoy yourself. Get out there, explore the world with me because I know you want to do that too.”
You do want that too. You want to not feel chained to your work and responsibilities, but letting go is hard sometimes. Maybe a surprise trip wouldn’t be all that bad. “Have you planned who’s taking Duke?”
Calum nods. “Yes, they’re free and able to watch him. Plants will be watered too. Got someone who will check the house too.” This is how your brain works. You need a plan, clear and concise of what’s happening. Calum can give you that, so he takes your hips in his hands to get your attention back to him. When you look up at him, he kisses your forehead before continuing, “Car’s will get you from here and one will pick you up at the airport. You’ll be getting to the hotel before us as we’ll be getting in late that night and you’re landing about late afternoon, but the hotel knows we’re in the same room. Duke’s getting picked up the day before. I’ve already emailed over the instructions though it’s not really necessary. Spare key’s already in the box and they have the code should they need to get inside for anything.”
A plan. A good one. You nod. “And what am I supposed to do for the few hours that you’re off in another country playing a show? Hmm? Mister-I’ve-Got-All-This-Planned.”
Calum laughs. “Plan what we’ll do with my days off. Explore. Send me pictures of all the shops you’re doing to drag me.”
Your gaze narrows, a playful smirk lifting your lips. “Goddamn you know me so well.” Stretching upwards, you capture his lips in a kiss. His cheeks squish a little in your grasps. “Thank you for planning this, baby. I appreciate it.”
“With honor,” Calum mumbles. “Your boss was very shocked to get a message from me though and I had to swear like fifteen times you weren’t sick or dead.”
You laugh. “Sounds like Tom. I think he gets freaked out even more so when I take time because it’s usually always super serious. Like the time we had to spend the night in the hospital thanks to my food allergies.”
“Yeah, no, we’re never eating at the restaurant again and I need you to not bring up the night I’ve ever seen you in such rough shape. You looked like a balloon. I was so scared.”
It was not a glorious night. You’d noticed an itchy throat after you ate dinner, but hadn’t thought anything of it as the spring blossoms had also been giving you issues lately. But when you woke up, hot and itchy, you felt something was wrong. You couldn’t halfway swallow and the bathroom lights revealed the hives across your chest and arms. You knew immediately that it was an allergic reaction and woke Calum. His panic was immediate but he calmed down enough to administer your epipen considering you hadn’t been able to do it yourself. 
The drive to the hospital was tense as Calum sped through a couple red lights. But you spent only a few minutes before you got checked in. An hour and a half of steroids and antihistamines rectified the situation but Calum was putting in the submission for the day off and emailing your boss on your behalf the second you got back to the house.
You pat Calum’s chest, before turning back to the dinner you’re preparing. “I know, baby. You didn’t like it and neither did I. I’m a-okay now though.”
“I got your epipen refilled too by the way. Please bring the new one for me?”
“Scouts honor,” you return. “Wouldn’t dream of leaving that thing behind.”
 “Good, good. But this weekend, you’re packing. Because you’re going on a trip. No ifs, no ands, no buts.”
“I’ll pack, no ifs, no ands, no buts,” you laugh, pulling the garlic knots from the oven. They’re a perfect shade of brown and you know they’re done. Calum brings the mats closer so you can set the hot tray down. 
“Oh, these look fucking amazing,” Calum gravels at the sight. “I’m so goddamn lucky to be loved by you.”
“Damn straight you are,” you laugh. 
Your suitcase rolls next to you, catching just a little at the bumpy texture of the sidewalk. The black truck is paused right outside the house and the driver jogs to catch up to you. You only have a carry-on suitcase and a backpack. Though you don’t travel often, you’ve helped Calum pack more than enough times to know the best ways to get tuck, roll, stuff and flatten all your needs into the smallest bag possible. It’s annoying to wait for checked baggage at times and for the few days you’ll be gone, you don’t feel the need to carry too much. 
“I can take that for you,” the driver greets, reaching out for the handle of the carry on. 
“Oh, uh, sure,” you laugh. It’s not heavy at all, but you don’t want to interrupt the kindness. With your case loaded in, you slip into the backseat and the drive passes in light conversation. The sun’s just barely peeking out from the horizon and you’re grateful that it seems to be an easy trip into the airport. 
At your gate, with your shoes still untied, you snap a picture to send to Calum. You anticipate that it’ll go unanswered for a while. But to your surprise, a couple minutes later after you tie up your laces, your phone shakes. Please don’t…trip ;D. See you soon! You hate that you snicker so much at the text. Another text comes in a minute later, Love you too, baby. Can’t wait to explore with you.
Your reply is swift, Love you too. Already plotting something! 
I expect nothing less. 
The flight is uneventful, but a little long. You’re glad for boring though, allowing you to grab a few extra hours of sleep that had been interrupted by the early morning flight. Spotting the car for you is easy--there’s a sign and flowers. Only Calum would ever do such a thing. But you sheepishly close the gap and introduce yourself as the person on the sign. 
The driver smiles, an accent painting their words, but they seem cheerful. “Welcome to Spain! I’ve heard it’s your first time.”
You nod. “If you have any suggestions on things to do, please do tell.”
“Oh, you’re very much in luck; born and raised here.” The drive to the hotel is filled with suggestions and places to check out. They’re suggesting both tourists' needs and spots that only locals are familiar with. Your notes app is littered with names, some misspelled, but you’re beyond grateful to have their perspectives. 
At the front of the hotel, you thank the driver yet again, profusely for the list. “Oh, you’re beyond welcome. Enjoy your trip!”
With your backpack, luggage and the flowers, you juggle your way into the lobby. At the front desk, you’re greeted with a bright smile and you manage to get your keys with ease. The room is cool as you’re already anticipating. The day of travel is catching up and you’re getting hungry. You look to see what’s close around you and decide to set out on foot. It’ll be a nice way to waste a little bit of time. Maybe you can scope out what’s close by to do as well. 
You find a little cafe close by--one actually being one that’s on your list from your driver. It looks cute and quaint with a patio for you to eat on. As you settle down, you snap a picture of your items. Safe and eating some food. Thanks for the flowers <3. 
Throughout the day, as you stumble across various shops and things, you snap a picture and send it to Calum. Your list of things to do with Calum narrows down a little as you realize some things are just for you really. You’ll share what you can with Calum, but you know that he’s going to want to take a much chill approach to the day than you. You’ll do a bit more with the time you do have so that way the time you have with Calum can be about enjoying each other’s company. 
As you wander, a park opens up in front of you. You’re thankful as you settle in a little deeper that you have a strong sense of direction. Perhaps, you’ll just take a minute to sit here, watch some people. It happens to be a beautiful day and you’re grateful for the good weather as you settle down near a fountain to take in the sight unfolding around you.  Most people are just passing through it seems. But you spot some sitting, chatting animatedly. 
God, I’m so jealous. Can we visit again together? Looks beautiful, Calum responds to one of the pictures from the park. 
You’d expect him to be performing at the very least by now, but you’re not entirely sure of the time difference. You’ve snuggle into the sheets, with the TV on in front of you. Definitely we can, you reply. 
As the night continues on, you can hear the streets coming alive. You’re not shocked as you’ve heard the night life goes long and hard in Spain. You’d want to join, but you have the second key to the room and you need to be here when Calum arrives. Also, the long flight today has gotten to you so you’re not sure if you’d have the energy to continue on anyway. But the TV and the laughter below start to blur together as your eyes drop and drop. 
A knock rings out through the room and you snap awake. It takes a moment to unravel yourself from the sheets, but once you do, you scurry over to the door. Through the little peephole you catch Calum’s buzzed head and swing the door open.  “Hi baby,” he smiles.
“Cal, hi,” you return, throwing yourself up into his arms. The hug is warm and tight--a feeling that follows you as you fall asleep that night wrapped in Calum’s embrace. 
The morning is a little slow--a lot of gentle kisses and soft tufts of laughter, but you finally unravel yourselves from the bed to do some light exploring before the car collects the entire group to head to the venue. In the excursions, you try to point out where you went yesterday and where you want to go tomorrow after the show. Calum’s input is relatively minimal and though you make sure he’s not being left out, he just shrugs, “Whatever you want babe.”
“You say that now, but just you wait,” you laugh after a sip of your coffee. “I don’t want a peep come tomorrow then,” you laugh. 
“Scouts honor,” Calum returns. “But, there’s something happening in the evening that the guys want to do.”
“What time?”
“Around 7 or so, I think. Think we’ll make it?”
You nod. “Absolutely, we can.”
Calum grins around his bite of fruit. “Sweet.”
The show goes off without a hitch--the whole day between soundcheck and getting ready for the show also passed with ease too. You’re excited that a few older songs make their way into the setlist, but don’t really take much of your sight off Calum. He bounces around the stage, a smile that hardly leaves his face. The sight makes your chest warm--knowing that he’s enjoying himself. It’s a feeling that you find yourself in often--a sense of calm knowing Calum’s happy with his life, knowing that you’re happy with it too. But you don’t take these moments of clarity for granted, when you get to see just how blessed your life is, you like to do your best to hold them to your chest, pressed into your ribs. 
“I like seeing you happy,” you whisper to Calum that night, straddled over his waist. Your fingers trace the ink decorating his chest. 
“I like seeing you happy too,” he whispers in return. His hands squeeze just a little at your thighs, as if to reassure you of the sentiment. 
That’s all the moment needs, content now to just trace shapes onto his body. Calum seems content too, eyes slotting close at your touch. You imagine all the adrenaline is leaving now. The effort of the shows catching back up with him. Before you can even think about it, the words are falling over your lips in a prayer, “i carry your heart with me(i carry it in/ my heart) i’m never without it(anywhere/ i go you go, my dear).”
In your mind’s eyes, you can see Calum’s handwriting in the margins of the page, an arrow detailed to the lines that are bracketed, us--you’ve seen the world even if you didn’t know it. i’ve never left home, even if i don’t know it. 
You can feel the gaze behind you, as you peer up at the sculpture in front of you. You know it’s Calum behind the cap. The glasses he’s dawned make his face look softer but somehow the lenses seem to magnify his eyes. You can see the blinks, watch his eyes widen when you catch him staring. 
“You’re supposed to be paying attention to the art,” you whisper. 
“I am,” he shrugs. “It’s an added benefit that I can touch the art I’m looking at.” Calum wiggles his eyebrows at you. 
“It’s still going to cost you and I’m not cheap,” you retort. 
“I think I’ll be able to afford the cost.”
“Just don’t misbehave in the cathedral. I do not need the saints to come alive and smite you.”
Calum laughs, taking your hand. “What a way to go am I right?”
“No, sir, you’re very much wrong,” you huff, following him into the next room. Your lunch is spent settled into a park--not the one you showed to Calum in the pictures, but thankfully there’s another good one close to where you two are. 
Under the clear skies, you and Calum work over your servings of patatas bravas. Though it did take a little translation via your phones to make sure none of the items were one you were allergic too. Your pen’s in Calum’s coat pocket, but it’s not a risk the two of you want to take. As you chase some of the sauce so it doesn’t land on your pants, you are tentative in trying to decide if you like it or not. Though with a couple more bites, you decide that it’s a dish you very much enjoy. Though with the basics, you think it would be hard to not love fried potatoes. 
Just as the sky gets a little more pinkish in hue, you and Calum find yourselves in a ride. You rest your head on Calum’s shoulder. “The guys are meeting us there right?” you ask knowing that Calum’s the one coordinating with them. 
“Yep, I think they might be there already. They were just a little closer than us.”
Your hum’s the last sound of the room before you pass thanks to the driver. As you step out you notice something floating up into the sky--yellow and red. “Is-is that a hot air balloon?” you question. 
“M-maybe,” Calum returns. “I was really hoping you wouldn’t notice that.”
“Are you taking me in a fucking hot air balloon?” you gape. It’s not fear though your heart rate does spike at the thought of being so high up in just a basket. 
“Maybe,” Calum answers again. “It’s a yes if you’re not mad.”
You laugh, taking Calum’s hand. “No, not mad. A little nervous, but do you know how cool I’ll be when I go back to work and say I’ve been in a fucking hot air balloon?”
“So cool,” Calum laughs. 
It’s scary at first, as the guide walks through the safety procedures. It’s the entire band plus you in one basket, but you’re all spread out so the weight is a bit more even. Michael let’s out a little shriek it lifts off the ground. “Holy shit,” he laughs. 
Ashton pats his back, but it’s much easier to not look directly down. If you keep your gaze and eyeline straight ahead it’s a little less scary. You don’t feel like you might plummet. Your hand is tight around Calum’s but he doesn’t complain once about the grip. His thumb soothes over the skin on the back of your hand. “Just breathe for me, baby,” he encourages. 
“If our tour manager finds out about this,” Luke laughs from the otherside of the balloon. You know there’s concerns about their safety at the forefront and also worry about the tour. But you can’t help but laugh that Luke’s first concern is about getting caught. 
“Don’t spill the beans then,” you return. 
“Touché,” Luke laughs. 
When your nerves settle, thanks to the steady climb with no issues, you can actually pick out parts of the landscape--the mountains, the city below you. It’s a gorgeous sight and your own awe bubbles up your chest in a round of laughter. “This is so insane,” you whisper to Calum. 
The corner of his eyes crinkle with his smile. “Yeah, it is, isn’t it?”
“Thanks for bringing me along.” 
“Wouldn’t want to share this with anyone else,” Calum returns, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
As you watch the expanse beneath you, the horizon that is endless, the trees that look like you could pluck them if you reached out, you’re amazed at how big the world is and how small you are in it. Yet, you don’t feel meaningless in all of the vastness. You’re still a piece of the puzzle--small, but not insignificant. You’ve got a place even if it’s just being a good human in all the madness of the world.  Even if it’s just to love and have been loved in the grand scheme of everything. 
“Look,” Calum offers softly, noticing what appears to be deer clustered together. It’s a little hard to tell from the height, but Calum would hazard that to be the animal. 
You laugh when you spot the cluster. “They look so tiny.”
“Yeah, a little bit they do.” Calum watches your pre-occupation, gaze floating around at the earth beneath you. With the tiny distraction, he reaches into his pocket and digs out the little box. His hands tremble just a little. But when you bring hand to your lips, he knows it’s you attempting to bring comfort. 
“Can-can you hold this for me?” Calum ask, holding out the box. 
“Yeah,” you start to answer without really thinking. But when you feel the shape and the soft texture, you look down at what it’s in your hands. This is not what you think it is. It’s not. It can’t be. 
“Holy fuck,” you hear from your side and look to spot Michael with his eyes wide. 
Calum clears his throat. “I know there’s probably a much smoother way to go about it. But I wanted to say that the time I’ve spent with you has been the most amazing. I could never conjure up someone better to spend the rest of my life with.”
Your can’t quite make Calum out with the blur of your tears until you blink and they clear. “Fuck,” you sigh out. 
Calum laughs. “Will you do the honor of letting me carry your heart with mine for the rest of our lives?” 
Time freezes, Calum swears. He waits, and waits, and the seconds feel like hours. He doesn’t think you’re going to say no. You’ve talked about getting married, knowing it’s a thing you both want. You’d even told Calum you wanted something small and intimate, but know that if Calum’s asking it would be okay to find a way to have the guys there as moral support. The conversations about marriage weren’t immediate, but they weren’t about a far off future. It was a tangible goal--though the two of you had mentioned that waiting for a quiet moment with the band would probably be for the best. So, no, Calum’s not scared you’re going to say no. He never anticipated that he’d ever shock you. 
“Scouts’ honor you’re not bullshitting me?” you ask, a small lump raising in your throat. 
“Scouts’ honor I’m not bullshitting you.”
“I’m nonrefundable,” you laugh and capture his lips in a kiss. Calum laughs into the kiss, but knows it’s a yes. When you break away, Calum slips the ring--a gold band with what looks like a rope pattern etched into the metal--onto your ring finger. 
You watch the sun catch the jewelry too--a glint passing over your eye and feel a squeeze in your chest, pressing at your ribs. You reach up and kiss Calum again as the guys erupt into cheers. Even the person conducting the hot air balloon cheers as well. 
When the balloon touches down again, the guys rush you and Calum in a group hug, laughing. “I swear he wasn’t going to do it. I thought he was going to wait for dinner later,” Ashton giggles. “Swear I was going to have to kick him in the ass to do it.”
You laugh, but when you look over to Calum you can see the sort of toll that asking too. You wind your arm around his waist. “Worried?”
“I was so scared I’d drop the ring from the balloon,” Calum admits with a laugh. 
“Oh, that would’ve been awful, but I would’ve still said yes.”
“Oh, you didn’t even say yes,” Calum howls. “You said, ‘I’m nonrefundable.’”
“Basically the same thing,” you laugh. “I mean at least from me, it is. But you didn’t drop the ring. It’s a win-win.”
“Imagine when you go back to work and you tell them about the hot air balloon and a proposal. You’ll be the coolest one in the office for at least three months.”
“Six months,” Michael tosses in.
You nod at the correction. “That part. Thank you, Calum. Couldn’t have asked for a better trip to Spain with my now future husband.”
Calum giggles. “Husband has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
“Oh, absolutely it does.”
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sovietpostcards · 11 months
I’m not sure if its late for questions but I suppose it can’t hurt to try. Where are typical places to go on vacation for Russians? For example, Americans often go to visit islands in the Carribean, southern states like Florida, and places in South America like Mexico. I’ve heard Australians often visit Indonesia. So what are popular vacation destinations for Russians? Is vacationing common or is it a thing only rich people really do? Like my family has only been on a couple actual vacations, mostly we go camping locally because its much cheaper.
Common domestic vacation destinations are the South of Russia (it's a small area and it's always crowded) - Sochi, Anapa, all towns and villages along the Black Sea coast and Azov sea coast. Kislovodsk and the whole Mineral Springs area - known for, you guessed it, its mineral springs. Kaliningrad - a small piece of Europe jammed between Lithuania and Poland where you can go without a foreign passport. Definitely Crimea - a top holiday destination throughout the years, so much coastline for the vitamin D deprived Russians.
Of out-of-country destinations, I can name Turkey (often cheaper than Sochi), Abkhazia. For the Asian part of Russia, I hear they go to China and Korea a lot as it's cheaper than flying to Europe/Moscow.
Taking vacations is a privilege I'd say. A lot of people can't afford it. For many the best possible destination is their grandparents' village. Still, a lot of people try to take at least one vacation in the summer and make some memories. 30% of Russians have a valid foreign passport (for travelling out of the country), so that kind of travel is way less common.
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cleostoohot · 2 years
*A confusing success story*
Hi Cleo. I’ve never done one of these before but something odd happened to me about three weeks ago and I was hoping you could help me understand. So I’m African and I attend a university in Europe. I flew home for summer and on the 2nd of this month I had to fly back to school. And I’m probably flying back home for Christmas this December. It’s a long flight about 7 hours from my country to Dubai and then 5 hours from Dubai to my final destination. So because I’ve been having to do long flights from home to school I’ve been desiring flying first class. It seems so comfortable and luxurious than sitting in economy for hours on end. Even in the airport, all the privileges that you get from being a first class passenger are so great and I wanted that to make travelling easier. But of course it’s really expensive and it’s not something that I was actively going to manifest because being able to afford a ticket to go home is a privilege in itself and I’m fine with that. Anyways so on the first flight to Dubai I was on the double decker plane where it’s business and first class on the top and economy on the bottom. And I kid you not I spent the entire flight sort of complaining to my self and just wishing to be in the top deck all comfortable and shit. Just basically doing all the things you’re not supposed to do when it comes to manifesting. And again I wasn’t trying to manifest first class or business class so I didn’t care. And even though I was uncomfortable I was sort of happy that people get to be comfy in first class I was happy for them and wishing I was them. So I get to Dubai wait 5 hours to connect and as I was boarding the plane the guy checking the boarding passes goes “Hold on one second you’ve been upgraded so let me change your boarding pass” HUH?! I was so confused and I asked him why I got upgraded and he just shrugged, he looked confused as to why I would even ask him that but hello???? this is Emirates are they really just upgrading random college kids to business class? So yes I got upgraded to business class and it was magical (I’ll dm you pictures of proof) It was everything I wanted and expected it to be but I don’t see why I was upgraded when I did the exact opposite of everything you’re supposed to do in terms of manifesting. Yes I have first class on my mood board and all but still I was in such a lack mindset so why did I manifest this still?
well first of all.. congrats😭 hope you enjoyed ⬇️⬇️
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and as for why it manifested. i honestly think it had to do with you constantly visualizing being in first class. because you could say something as simple as “i will never go on a rollercoaster” and by you saying that, you envision it. that’s my best explanation 😭. hey i just do the manifesting shit okay go ask sammy😂🤷🏽‍♀️. BUT! with that situation you should start affirming that things always work out for you and you always get what you want so that more things like that happen.
y’all better not inbox me worrying about “so if i envision what i don’t desire it will manifest 😧” NO! that’s all imma say.. i don’t wanna hear it
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gemsofgreece · 2 years
Santorini it's rightfully so famous globally as it was voted as the most beautiful island in Europe i visited also years ago and the view the sunset and the history is rich but what about Mykonos? I mean since when did it became that famous for rich people to go there and that expensive? Because I believe other islands are more lavish and beautiful than mykonos, not that it isn't but it's overrated
(Btw Santorini has been voted also as the most beautiful in the world several times, and it always makes it to the very top in all those types of lists) <- Because there is this Greek saying: If you don't flatter your home, it will fall on your head 😅 Anyway!
Ok let's talk about the catch with Mykonos.
When to and when NOT to travel to Mykonos:
The thing with Mykonos is that it actually caters to a very specific kind of vacation but it gets so much media exposure due to all the celebrities there that all people assume it must be the best place to see in Greece.
To answer your question, Mykonos has a very long history as a touristic destination. It must have been one of the oldest Greek touristic destinations, even before Santorini. It also helped that the island was promoted by Greek tycoon Aristotle Onassis and his wife Jackie Kennedy. Of course, tourism - especially abroad - at first was only accessible to the few rich people. That's how Mykonos started attracting more rich businessmen, famous celebrities and artists. Guys like the Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon Brando, Brigitte Bardot, Grace Kelly and the like were already visiting since the 60s - 70s. As a result, Mykonos also became very LGBT+ friendly decades earlier than any other part of Greece.
Mykonos nowadays keeps seducing famous and rich people, with very luxurious hotels and residences, top-quality restaurants and bars and shops of the most prominent fashion houses (ie Dolce & Gabbana have a summer home in Mykonos). Mykonos has the best fashion shops in Greece along with Athens. Given the whole atmosphere, it’s also become a nightlife and clubbing destination. It is very cosmopolitan. Finally, Mykonos also keeps its main town and settlements very well maintained and super polished down to the last detail.
So where’s the catch?
a) the price. The price is more often than not calculated for Hollywood stars, not for you and me.
b) the landscape. Mykonos has pretty nice beaches, above average in fact (although too organised and crowded) but other than that, Mykonos is a very arid and very flat island. Most of the Cyclades islands are arid but they have diverse, dramatic terrains that actually make them look awesome. Mykonos doesn’t have that. It doesn’t really have anything to see nature-wise except for the beaches.
c) lifestyle. If the lifestyle I described above is enticing to you, then great. But if you want authenticity, tradition, tranquility and to explore history without all that cosmopolitan noise around you, then Mykonos is not the place for you. Just to be fair, a part of the island has actually maintained its local traditional character and there the prices are more reasonable. Also, Mykonos is the closest starting point for Delos island, an uninhabited island that is an archaeological site in its entirety. It’s just that other islands are overall cheaper, more authentic and more  naturally beautiful.
But if you can spend money for leisure, you love art and following the lives of celebrities, want to party hard and see immaculate towns rather than natural landscapes or a traditional lifestyle and a very open LGBT+ environment is crucial for you, then sure it is very beautiful.
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Photo by dronepicr on Flickr.
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kkginfo · 2 years
Puri Ratha Yatra: Today is Jagannath's Ratha Yatra. | KKG INFO
Puri Ratha Yatra: Today is Jagannath’s Ratha Yatra. | KKG INFO
Jagannath Ratha Yatra is a very popular Hindu festival in Puri, Odisha. This festival is held on the second day of Shukla Paksha every year in June or July. This year the festival falls on 1st July. A large number of devotees from foreign countries had come to participate in this Ratha Yatra. Puri Ratha Yatra: The famous Ratha Yatra festival of Jagannath, the holy place of Puri in Odisha, is to…
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alpinefury · 1 year
Thanet Isle
Thanet is a former island, now peninsula, forming the north-eastern corner of the county of Kent.
Thanet is essentially synonymous with the Hundred of Ringslow, whose capital is the city of Ramsgate. It has become one of southern England's main transport hubs, as well as a popular destination for beach-tourism. It is sometimes referenced as Brabant Isle due to the high numbers of mainland Commonwealthers who have historically settled here across the past three centuries.
For those with culinary interests, spring and early summer are the best times to visit Thanet; whilst its beer and seafood can be enjoyed year-round its chief delicacy is its sparragrass, seasonal to that part of the year. Whilst truly international cuisine is more frequently found in the great Englisch ports such as Chatham, Dover, or Bristol, Artesian eateries are well represented across Thanet. For those with a sweet tooth, there are almost more pastlers in Ramsgate than in Calais. Thanet will likely never become one of the food capitals of the United Commonwealths, but one can certainly eat very well there.
For much of its history Thanet has been relatively obscure, serving principally as a convenient layover for various armed groups seeking ingress onto the shores of Grete Britein since the days of the Roman Empire. The Wantsoum, the now-silted channel separating Thanet from the mainland, provided respite from the treacheries of the high seas, as well as providing convenient access to the mouths of the rivers Themes and Medway. The island had little else to offer besides the quiet piety of its inhabitants and their fishing fleets.
This began to change after the foundation of the United Commonwealths in 1548. Almost overnight, Thanet became one of the closest parts of the Commonwealth of England to its brother Commonwealths on the European mainland, though this did not lead to an immediate transformation of fortunes. Whatever rise in maritime traffic across the 16th and 17th centuries Thanet saw was counterbalanced by the tendency of French privateers to raid the south eastern coastline during times of war, should they manage to escape Commonwealther squadrons sent to intercept. Likewise, it was still much faster to sail to Rochester than it was to travel from Thanet to Rochester by land.
It was the 18th century when fortune truly began to smile on this formerly obscure region. The conclusion of the Great Religious Wars was kind to all of England's southern coast. The county of Kent, not to mention the entire Commonwealth of England, was eager to take proper advantage of an unprecedented glut of commercial traffic directed to England from across much of Europe. This led to the attempted expansion of numerous previously-neglected harbours. One beneficiary of this was Ramsgate, a previously quiet hamlet on Thanet's south-eastern flank. It was an agonisingly slow project, begun in 1710 and only completed in 1812. Just in time, it turned out, to benefit from the earliest of England's cross-county railway lines.
The Kentisch Ironway, originally built to connect Rochester to the port of Dover, had already been extended to the north-east towards Canterbury in 1810. The decision was then taken to extend the line yet further to Ramsgate, and this work was completed in 1814. All of a sudden there was now real value in Ramsgate as a destination for cross-Commonwealth travellers, who could now alight at Ramsgate and take a train directly to Rochester. Within a few short years the former hamlet began to burst at the seams, and a period of frenetic expansion began. Other villages and towns of Thanet, themselves growing as a result of the island's sudden change in fortunes, soon found themselves swallowed up by Ramsgate's relentless need for growth. In the current era almost every significant town of eastern Thanet has been subsumed into Ramsgate, as reflected by the 1854 Borough Revision Act that, among other things, combined multiple previously rural parishes of east Thanet into a single urban borough governed from Ramsgate.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
1. Ryanair pilot strike: 88 flights cancelled on Monday and Tuesday at Charleroi Airport
Out of the 340 flights scheduled at Brussels' Charleroi Airport, 88 have been cancelled on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 August due to the strike by Belgium-based Ryanair pilots. Read more.
2. 'Growing moral conscience': Are travellers avoiding destinations for ethical reasons?
With a growing number of people taking the time to travel more mindfully, the best question of the year – where are we going on holiday? – increasingly calls for more thought and research, accounting for both environmental considerations as well as moral and sociopolitical ones. Read more.
3. Best in Town: Where to go for brunch in Brussels
There is nothing quite like starting your day a little too late with (a large amount of) delicious food and a good dose of caffeine. Some locals and tourists claim the Belgian capital isn't up to par when it comes to mid-morning feasts, but we are ready to prove them wrong. Read more.
4. Belgium named 5th most innovative country in Europe
Belgium has been named the fifth most innovative country in the European Union, with the success of its public-private partnerships and ability to attract foreign doctoral students making it one of Europe's five official "innovation leaders." Read more.
5. At least 51 Belgians died abroad last month
At least 51 Belgians died while visiting a foreign country during the first month of the summer holidays this year. However, this figure could be even higher as Belgium is not automatically notified about all its citizens' deaths abroad. Read more.
6. Rail revolution: Demand for train travel held back by structural obstacles
Taking the train instead of flying for European travel has garnered widespread interest beyond just carbon-conscious individuals. Read more.
7. Hidden Belgium: Panamarenko House
The helicopter platform on the roof is a clue. It was put there by the eccentric Antwerp artist known as Panamarenko. Read more.
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joanshomesmiami · 1 year
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Buy or Rent a Villa in Greece 🇬🇷
Greece has become one of the most popular travel destinations in the South of Europe for many reasons (see my previous post) and with an increase in governmental stability, beneficial corporate tax, the Golden Visa Program, affordable pricing & great rental income, Greece has seen an increase in foreign buyers as well.
Here’s more info on buying & renting a Villa on the best Islands Greek islands 🏝️
Villas start at €1-2m, Premium Villas start at €5/6m.
• As a foreigner expect to pay cash.
• You pay 10% down at signing, 10% in 2-3 weeks upon completing the survey and balance at close.
• Closing costs are for the buyer which are about 8/9% of the purchase price (includes tax, notary, lawyer, commission).
• The Golden Visa 🇪🇺 this is why many people buy in Greece. If you buy a property over €250k, you can qualify for this visa (you can be a joint owner of the property as well). This gives you a 5 year Greek residency, and you can travel unconditionally to any European country (Schengen) for 90 days per stay per 6 months. Renewable after 5 years.
• There are no rental restrictions. Rental tax is 22% on your profits if rented by a management company or 45% on your income above €45k if rented individually.
• Costs: property tax is about €1-2k per year up to €3k for a premium Villa. Utility fees €6-7k a year and insurance around €2k
• High season in Greece is from April until October (peak June-August).
• Price🏡💰
=> Our villas start at €10k/w (3-5 bedrooms) with an average of €35k/w. The Premium Villas range from €60k up to €175k/w (8-12 bedrooms) usually with full service included 🛎️
• Most villas have a 7 days minimum and 30-50% deposit.
• Book in advance 📅 (6 months preferred) as occupancy is extremely high during summer.
If you you’re planing on buying or renting a Villa in Greece let me know 🏡 I partnered up with my Sotheby’s colleagues in Greece and happy to assist you here! 🙌🇬🇷
#greece #greeceislands #greekvillas #greecerealestate #mykonos #santorini #paros #antiparos #mykonosvillas #sothebys #sothebysrealty
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annafshr · 1 year
Why Portugal is the best country to travel to?
Portugal is a hidden gem in Europe and a country that should be on every traveler's bucket list. From the stunning beaches to the rich history and culture, there are countless reasons why Portugal is the best country to travel to. Here are just a few:
The Weather
Portugal has a warm and sunny climate, with mild winters and hot summers. The country is known for its 300 days of sunshine per year, making it a perfect destination for beach lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.
The Beaches
Portugal has some of the most beautiful beaches in Europe, with over 1,000 miles of coastline to explore. From the golden sands of the Algarve to the Cascais and Estoril near Lisbon, there is a beach for everyone in Portugal.
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The Food
Portuguese cuisine is delicious and diverse, with influences from around the world. From fresh seafood to hearty stews and pastries, there is no shortage of delicious food to try in Portugal. The country is also famous for its wine, particularly port wine from the Douro Valley.
The History
Portugal has a rich history, with a legacy that spans centuries. From the Moorish influence in the south to the maritime explorations of the Age of Discovery, there are many historical landmarks and monuments to explore in Portugal, including castles, palaces, and museums.
The Culture
Portugal is a country with a strong cultural identity, with traditions and customs that have been passed down through generations. From the colorful festivals and Fado music to the stunning architecture and handicrafts, there is always something new to discover in Portugal.
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The People
Portuguese people are friendly and welcoming, and they are always happy to share their culture and traditions with visitors. They are proud of their country and are eager to show it off to visitors.
The Value
Compared to other European destinations, Portugal is an affordable country to travel to. Accommodation, food, and transportation are all reasonably priced, and there are many budget-friendly options for travelers.
In conclusion, Portugal is the best country to travel to for many reasons, including its warm and sunny climate, stunning beaches, delicious food, rich history and culture, friendly people, and affordability. Whether you are looking for a relaxing beach vacation, a cultural exploration, or an adventure in the great outdoors, Portugal has something for everyone.
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