#best telecom training institute in india
Offering online telecom certification courses through Institute of Telecom Trainings is an excellent approach to assist people in acquiring the abilities and information required to succeed in the telecom sector. Participate in our online telecom certification courses to advance your telecom career. Arm yourself with the abilities and information need to prosper in this fast-paced sector.
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asquaretechnologies · 6 months
Guide to a Successful Career Path in Cyber Security
In our hyper-connected digital world, the demand for skilled cyber security professionals is higher than ever. As technology continues to advance, so do the threats to our digital infrastructure. If you’re considering a career in cyber security or are already on this exciting journey, this guide will help you navigate the complex landscape and carve out a successful career path in Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking.
Your journey into the world of ethical hacking starts with a blend of education, skills, and a passion for ethical cybersecurity. This guide, tailored for admission into ethical hacking, will help you unlock the potential for an exciting and impactful career. Embrace curiosity, stay committed to learning, and embark on a journey to secure the digital world ethically.
India faces a growing threat from cyber attacks, with a rise in incidents targeting key sectors like finance, healthcare, and government institutions. The nation’s increasing digital reliance and a surge in internet users make it an attractive target for various cyber threats, including ransomware and phishing scams. To counter these challenges, the Indian government is working on enhancing its cybersecurity measures through initiatives such as the National Cyber Security Policy, emphasizing the need for awareness, collaboration, and technological investments.
Recent Cyber-attack in India
State-owned telecom operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has allegedly suffered a data breach including sensitive details of fiber and landline users of BSNL. The compromised data include email addresses, billing details, contact numbers. The breach, involving sensitive information not only compromises the privacy of the users but also places them at risk of identity theft, financial fraud, and targeted phishing attacks.
The hacker claims that the number of rows of data to be around 2.9 million, which indicates a high probability that it is a single website that may have been breached. The sample data structure available on the dark web points to possible exploitation of a SQL (Structured Query Language) Injection vulnerability.
SQL injection, also known as SQLI, is a common attack vector that uses malicious SQL code for backend database manipulation to access information that was not intended to be displayed. This information may include any number of items, including sensitive company data, user lists, and private customer details.
To secure ourselves and our nation from these kinds of cyber attacks, learn cybersecurity and become a hero.
What is Cyber security and Ethical Hacking?
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at  accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users via ransomware; or interrupting normal business processes.
Key components of cybersecurity include:
Network Security: Protecting computer networks from unauthorized access and cyber-attacks through the implementation of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other security measures.
Information Security: Safeguarding sensitive information and data to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
Endpoint Security: Securing individual devices such as computers, laptops, and mobile devices from malware, ransomware, and other threats.
Cloud Security: Ensuring the security of data and applications stored in cloud environments, including data encryption, access controls, and secure configurations.
Incident Response: Developing and implementing plans to respond effectively to cybersecurity incidents, minimizing the impact and facilitating recovery.
Security Awareness Training: Educating users and employees about cybersecurity best practices to reduce the risk of human-related vulnerabilities, such as social engineering attacks.
Ethical hacking involves an authorized attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer system, application, or data. Carrying out an ethical hack involves duplicating strategies and actions of malicious attackers.
Key aspects of ethical hacking include:
Penetration Testing: Conducting controlled simulated cyber attacks to assess the security of systems, identify vulnerabilities, and provide recommendations for improvement.
Vulnerability Assessment: Evaluating systems for weaknesses, misconfigurations, or other security issues that could be exploited by malicious actors.
Security Auditing: Examining the security controls, policies, and procedures of an organization to ensure they align with best practices and compliance standards.
Red Team vs. Blue Team Exercises: Red teaming involves simulating a real-world attack to test the organization’s defenses, while blue teaming involves defending against simulated attacks and improving security measures.
Reporting and Recommendations: Ethical hackers provide detailed reports of vulnerabilities and weaknesses, along with recommendations for mitigating risks and enhancing overall cybersecurity posture.
Different Types of Cyber Attacks
Description: Malicious software designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems. Examples: Viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, spyware.
Description: Deceptive attempts to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, often through fake emails or websites. Examples: Email phishing, spear phishing, vishing (voice phishing), smishing (SMS phishing).
Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS):
Description: Overloading a system, network, or service to make it unavailable to users. Examples: Flooding a website with traffic, using botnets to amplify the attack.
Man-in-the-Middle (MitM):
Description: Intercepting and potentially altering communication between two parties without their knowledge. Examples: Eavesdropping on Wi-Fi communications, session hijacking, DNS spoofing.
SQL Injection:
Description: Exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications by injecting malicious SQL code, often to gain unauthorized access to a database. Example: Modifying SQL queries in input fields to manipulate database responses.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS):
Description: Injecting malicious scripts into websites, which are then executed by users’ browsers. Example: Embedding scripts in input fields that are executed when other users view the affected web page.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF):
Description: Forcing users to perform unintended actions on a web application in which they are authenticated. Example: Tricking a user into clicking a link that performs an action (e.g., changing their password) without their consent.
Zero-Day Exploits:
Description: Targeting vulnerabilities in software or hardware that are not yet known to the vendor or have no available patches. Example: Exploiting a recently discovered flaw before a fix is developed.
Description: Encrypting files or systems and demanding payment (usually in cryptocurrency) for their release. Example: WannaCry, NotPetya, CryptoLocker.
Social Engineering:
Description: Manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions that may compromise security. Examples: Impersonation, pretexting, baiting, quid pro quo.
IoT-Based Attacks:
Description: Exploiting vulnerabilities in Internet of Things (IoT) devices to gain unauthorized access or launch attacks. Example: Taking control of smart home devices, using IoT devices for DDoS attacks.
Password Attacks:
Description: Attempts to obtain passwords through various methods, such as brute force attacks, credential stuffing, or password spraying. Examples: Dictionary attacks, rainbow table attacks, credential stuffing.
These are just a few examples of the many cyber threats and attack vectors that individuals and organizations face.
Importance of Cyber Security
Cybersecurity is crucial in safeguarding individuals, organizations, and nations against a myriad of digital threats. It plays a pivotal role in protecting sensitive data, financial assets, and critical infrastructure from unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber attacks. As our dependence on digital technologies continues to grow, the importance of cybersecurity becomes paramount in ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information, ultimately preserving trust in online systems and fostering a secure digital environment.
Why Choose Cybersecurity as a Career?
High Demand for Experts: The demand for cybersecurity professionals is soaring globally. Organizations across industries are actively seeking individuals with the skills to safeguard their digital assets from cyber threats.
Diverse Career Opportunities: Cybersecurity is not a one-size-fits-all field. With specializations ranging from ethical hacking and penetration testing to incident response and security analysis, there’s a niche for every interest.
Impactful Work: As a cybersecurity professional, you play a crucial role in securing sensitive information, ensuring data integrity, and safeguarding individuals and organizations from the devastating consequences of cyber attacks.
Jobs for Ethical hacker and Cyber Security Professionals
Information Security Analyst:
Responsibilities: Monitor an organization’s networks for security breaches, analyze security measures, and implement solutions to protect sensitive information.
Skills: Network security, vulnerability assessment, incident response.
Penetration Tester (Ethical Hacker):
Responsibilities: Conduct controlled cyber attacks to identify vulnerabilities in systems, networks, or applications, and provide recommendations to strengthen security.
Skills: Penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, ethical hacking.
Security Consultant:
Responsibilities: Advise organizations on their overall security posture, conduct risk assessments, and recommend strategies to improve security.
Skills: Security consulting, risk management, policy development.
Security Engineer:
Responsibilities: Design and implement security solutions, configure firewalls, and monitor for security threats.
Skills: Network security, security architecture, firewall management.
Incident Responder:
Responsibilities: Investigate and respond to security incidents, analyze breaches, and implement measures to prevent future incidents.
Skills: Incident response, forensics, threat intelligence.
Security Analyst (SOC Analyst):
Responsibilities: Work in a Security Operations Center (SOC) to monitor security alerts, analyze data, and respond to potential security incidents.
Skills: Security monitoring, log analysis, threat detection.
Security Administrator:
Responsibilities: Manage and configure security tools, enforce security policies, and ensure the integrity of IT systems.
Skills: Security administration, access control, identity management.
Cybersecurity Manager/Director:
Responsibilities: Oversee an organization’s overall cybersecurity strategy, manage security teams, and ensure compliance with industry regulations.
Skills: Leadership, strategic planning, risk management.
Responsibilities: Develop and implement cryptographic solutions to secure data and communications.
Skills: Cryptography, encryption algorithms, key management.
Security Software Developer:
Responsibilities: Develop secure software applications, identify and fix vulnerabilities in code, and contribute to the creation of secure software products.
Skills: Secure coding practices, software development, code analysis.
Threat Intelligence Analyst:
Responsibilities: Collect and analyze threat intelligence data to identify potential cyber threats, assess risks, and provide proactive measures.
Skills: Threat intelligence, analysis, risk assessment.
Security Trainer/Educator:
Responsibilities: Educate individuals or organizations on cybersecurity best practices, conduct training sessions, and develop educational materials.
Skills: Training, communication, cybersecurity knowledge.
Why Choose Our Institution?
Cutting-Edge Curriculum: Our cybersecurity program is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the latest threats and defenses. The curriculum is regularly updated to align with industry standards.
Hands-On Training: Gain practical experience through hands-on training, simulations, and access to state-of-the-art cybersecurity labs. We believe in equipping our students with the skills needed to tackle real-world scenarios.
Industry Connections: Our institution maintains strong ties with industry leaders, offering students opportunities for internships, networking, and exposure to the latest trends in cybersecurity.
Admissions Open – Secure Your Future !
Now is the time to take a step towards a dynamic and rewarding career in cybersecurity. With the digital landscape constantly evolving, the need for skilled professionals is greater than ever. Don’t miss the chance to join our institution and become a guardian of the digital realm.          
DURATION 5 MONTHS (4 Months Training +1 Month Internship)
 Introduction to Cyber Security 
 IT System Infrastructure
 Network Security
 Offensive Security
 EC-COUNCIL V12 Modules.
 Internship in VAPT (Vulnerability assessment and Penetration testing)
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marwahstudios · 1 year
Prof. N.K. Goyal on the Board of ICMEI
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Noida: Prof. N.K. Goyal now on the board of ICMEI- International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry informed Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI while mentioning Goyal’s all qualifications and achievements to the members of the Chamber in a close meeting at Marwah Studios, Film City Noida.
Prof. N.K. Goyal is President, CMAI Association of India (CMAI), which is India largest ICT association of India with 48,500 members and 54 MOU partners worldwide. Prof. Goyal is the only person in the world having being honoured five consecutive years at world’s largest Consumer Electronic show called CES, Las Vegas.
CMAI – Association of India Communication Multimedia and Infrastructure, is also known as organizers of ICT World Communication Awards, National Education Summit and Awards, Global ICT Forum, training and formation of Cyber Security-Ethical Hacking and safe web development. CMAI has so far trained more than 10,000 delegates in Cyber security and CMAI interacts with more than 1,00,000 Educational Institutes.
Prof. N.K. Goyal is also the Chairman Emeritus of Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association of India (TEMA); Vice Chairman, ITU APT India; Chairman CTIA, India; Ambassador for India and South Asia, Commonwealth Telecom Organization, UK; President Cyber Security Association of India( CSAI); President Association of Educational Institutes and Universities( AEIU); and is actively involved in policy formulations and development of industrial policies specially related to telecom, mobile, cyber security, ICT, education and skills development sector.
“I am much obliged to President Sandeep Marwah of International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry for nominating me on the board of ICMEI and for the life membership of International Film And Television Research Centre. I will give my best to the organization,” said Prof N.K. Goyal accepting the IFTRC membership
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skill-shiksha01 · 1 year
Best Data Science Courses in India
India is one of the countries where Data Science or Scientific Computing & Data Analysis (SCADA) training is hugely demanded. This has led to a huge number of data science courses being launched in the country and made it more competitive for potential students. But which course can you choose from? This question is not easy to answer, as there are many factors to consider before coming up with a final choice. Data science is becoming an integral part of companies. Therefore, you can't afford to stay behind. You have to get trained on these technologies in order to keep pace with the technology world. Data science should not be a new idea for you as an individual, but it is rather a question of getting knowledge about it and improving your skills in this field. That's why it's important that you learn from the best data science experts when it comes to India.
There are a lot of opportunities in the world of data science. If you have the right skills and the right aptitude, you can get yourself a job anywhere in the world. In India, there are many companies who are hiring people with the right skills and experience to work with them. These companies are looking for individuals who have a good understanding of data processing and analysis. They want individuals who can help them improve their business operations as well as generate new revenue streams for their company.
It is important that you know what these companies are looking for so that you can act on it and get yourself an interview with one of these organizations. Here are some of the best data science courses in India:
1) Data Science + Research from IIM-B: This course covers all aspects of data science from theory to practice. It also includes topics such as machine learning, big data and cloud computing. This course is ideal for students who want to learn about data processing and analysis techniques that can be applied in different fields like healthcare, financial services or manufacturing industries among others.
Master's in Business Analytics: This Masters program will give you all the necessary skills required for working as a business analyst or consultant at large companies across various industries such as banking, telecoms etc.
IIT Bombay - Data Science & Analytics (BTech)
IIT Kharagpur - Master's in Data Science & Analytics (MDS)
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad – Master's in Business Analytics with specialization in Data Science (MBA).
Data science is a branch of computer science dealing with the design of techniques and algorithms to extract knowledge from data. It deals with data analysis, data mining, machine learning, and knowledge discovery in databases. Data scientists perform a wide variety of tasks. They might be apart of the research and development team, performing research on novel algorithms; or they might be apart of the analytics team, transforming data into information; or they might be apart of the business development team, searching for new opportunities. Data science is considered a multidisciplinary field, drawing on computer science, statistics, data analytics and graphic design. Data science is a relatively new field and is still in the process of growing and being defined. Data science is a branch of computer science dealing with the design of techniques and algorithms to extract knowledge from data.
There is a great demand for data science courses in India. Data science is the application of scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge from data in various forms, either structured or unstructured, similar to data mining. It is an ever-growing field of science with interests spanning business, government, research, education, and more. So, there is a huge demand for courses that help people get a foot in the door and start learning to gain a better understanding of the field. The best data science courses in India prepare students to take on roles like data analyst, data scientist, data engineer, etc.
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aryacollegejp · 1 year
Why Data Science is a Good Career in India
Is data science a good career in India?
Economic Times dated February 28, 2019, says that almost 97,000 jobs in analytics and data science are vacant in India and the Lack of skilled workers is the reason for vacancies, also there is a good data science scope in India so you have a new job opportunity in case you are searching for a job or want to switch from your present job. 
Data Science
Best Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan says Itis a combination of mathematics, programming, statistics, and design also this combination is used to manage digital data collection Technically speaking, Data Science involves data inference, algorithm development, and technology to solve complex problems also you do research and analyze data to help companies grow by predicting growth, trends, and business insights from a large amount of data. 
Scope Of Data Science 
Data science uses conventional tools, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, paving the way for fertile research He says that this research leads to having a deeper insight into the market micro-structure culled out from huge transactional data of customers also Data Science and the rising demand and institutes that train people in data science. 
Need For Data Science Professionals In India 
United States in recruiting data science professionals. Bengaluru is the topmost city in India to have more data science and analytics jobs and Delhi NCR and Mumbai follow also Data Scientist jobs wanted in India on Naukri, so LinkedIn shows 2,000 + job vacancies for data science. Interestingly, 97% of analytics jobs advertised in India are full-time based and 3% comprise part-time, internship, or contractual jobs, so data Science skills are most required in the 21st century.
Industries That Use Data Science 
India is spread across several industries:-
Sectors, where Data Science is employed, are
Traffic/Road Accidents 
Companies that Recruit Data Scientists 
AB InBev 
BRIDGEi2i Analytics Solutions 
Cartesian Consulting 
Envestnet Yodlee 
Publicis Sapient 
Tredence Inc. 
Wipro Ltd. 
ZS Associates 
Fractal Analytics 
Leading Data Scientists In India 
Top data scientists in India:-
Joy Mustafi 
Ritika Bhattacharya 
Kiran R 
Dr. Pulak Ghosh 
Ravi Vijayaraghavan 
Dr. Sunita Sarawagi 
Praful Chandra 
D J Patil 
Shailesh Kumar 
Ujjyaini Mitra 
How To Become A Data Scientist? 
5 steps to starting your career as Data Scientist:-
Do a certificate course in Data Science from a reputed professional institution 
Various statistics or machine learning methodologies are used in the industry and there are a lot of free statistics/data analytics/data mining courses available in Coursera, edX, MIT open, etc. 
Familiar with programming languages like R and Python. 
Understand the various business applications of Data Science. 
Participate in various Data Science competitions 
Do internships in Data Science companies 
Some Data Science Jobs That Are Vacant 
97,000 Data Science jobs are vacant in India due to a lack of skilled professionals and Now it is your chance to capitalize on the opportunity also You have to properly get trained in Data Science skills and fill the skill gap that is created, So companies that have posted large openings for Data Science in 2019 are, 
Wells Fargo
Dell International 
EClerx Services 
Roles In The Field Of Data Science Are:-
Data Scientist
Data Architect
Business Analyst  
Data Administrator 
Business Intelligence Manager 
Data Analyst
Data Analytics/Manager.
Top Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan have many courses in Data Science, It involves studying unstructured data and voluminous data to render better business decisions and It is a new development in computer science that keeps evolving rapidly also you can harness the wealth of opportunities provided by Data Science in India to get lucrative jobs, So data Science refers to the theories, collective processes, concepts, technologies and tools that help to analyse, review and extract key information from raw data.
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careerprogram · 2 years
Top 7 Master’s Courses At TISS You Can Consider Regardless of Your Stream
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The oldest institute in Asia to provide education in social work is India’s pride, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). It was founded in 1936 as the ‘Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Work with a humble 20 students. In 1944, the institute received its present name and in 1964 was recognized by the Government of India as a deemed university under the UGC.
Coming a long way since then, TISS today has 4 campuses in Mumbai, Tuljapur, Guwahati, and Hyderabad, where it offers more than 50 master’s degree programmes along with a host of diploma, M.Phil, and doctoral courses. Considered to be amongst the best institutes in the nation for social sciences, its admission process is equally selective and competitive.
Here is a glance at the top Master’s courses offered by TISS that students from different courses and streams can consider:
1. Master of Arts (Human Resource Management & Labour Relations)
One of the most popular courses offered by TISS, the Master of Arts (Human Resource Management & Labour Relations) or MA (HRM & LR) course is considered to be an equivalent to an MBA Human Resources degree and witnesses widely successful placements each year.
The MA (HRM & LR) course involves the study of the critical areas related to contemporary human resources management, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the core functions of management and business. The course has plenty of practical training, case studies, and simulation games with an emphasis on conceptual clarity. Topics studied include Management of Human Resources, Organisational Behaviour, Financial Management, and Labour Welfare.
Go for this course if: you are interested in learning a more holistic style of human resource management, supplementing your knowledge of management with that of society.
Career Options after M.A (HRM & LR): These include roles in IT, banking and finance, management consultancy, manufacturing, telecom, public sector, retail, and pharmaceuticals.
2. Master of Arts (Development Studies)
According to the UN, by 2030 around 85 percent of the world population will be living in developing countries, and as such, the MA Development Studies programme is of great importance. The course covers a host of topics, examining the historical changes in the configuration of states, social institutions, and civil society in developing nations, especially the effects on the vulnerable sections and environment.
Taught by a qualified faculty from multiple disciplines of economics, psychology, political science, policy studies and geography, the topics studied include Methods of Social Research, Development Economics, Development and the Social Sector and Political Economy of Space, Development and Uneven Development.
Go for this course if: you are interested in helping to improve society, and wish to understand the issues and challenges that hinder growth in developing communities, as well as the consequences of policies.
Career Options after M.A Development Studies: The course prepares you to work in research with academic institutions, in civil services and similar administrative fields of the government, in organizations facilitating development, in research firms in the corporate sector and in development journalism.
3. Master of Arts (Media and Cultural Studies)
The field of media is enticing and has many institutes across the nation, however, the Master of Arts (Media and Cultural Studies) is a unique course designed to help you develop a critical perspective of media, understand the impact of media on society, and also learn practical media production skills.
The MA (Media and Cultural Studies) degree has a strong research focus and provides practical training in video production, from research, scripting, direction, camera, editing and sound, enabling you to produce your own documentaries and short skills. Topics studied include Journalism Practice, Video Production, Web Design, and Gender, Media and Culture.
Go for this course if: you are interested in media, whether journalism, video, radio or web, but also want to understand the broader level implications of different media practices on the society.
Career Options after M.A Media and Cultural Studies: You can look to enter fields like include film and television production, journalism, independent media practice, NGOs, governmental agencies and advocacy and research.
4. Master of Arts in Social Work (Public Health)
The flagship course of TISS, social work, has evolved into the Master of Arts in Social Work course, with an impressive 14 specializations, out of which the MA Social Work (Public Health) holds special appeal, as anyone from any stream (having completed any BA course) can make a difference in public health without a medical degree.
The MA Social Work (Public Health) will develop skills to analyze health issues in societal contexts at micro and macro levels, and work towards protecting health. Considering the massive gaps in the formal health system, which may take decades to rectify, public health social workers aid people at the grassroots level, making interventions for individuals and communities. Topics studied include Introduction to Health and Mental Health, Community Health Processes and Practice, and Social Action, Networking and Advocacy.
Go for this course if: you have a passion to help people feel better and improve the overall health of communities through perseverance, care, and management, even without a medical degree.
Career Options after M.A Social Work (Public Health): You can work as a health social worker with government institutions, non-governmental organizations, research-based organizations, hospitals, counselling centres, and disaster areas.
5. Master of Arts (Social Entrepreneurship)
The field of social entrepreneurship has grown rapidly in recent years, as professionals with business knowledge and entrepreneurship skills tackle societal and environmental problems to score a profit while improving society.
The M.A Social Entrepreneurship degree provides an overview of a wide variety of subjects, including economics, business, management, leadership thinking, polity, sociology, problem-solving and venture creation. Topics studied include Social Sector Perspectives and Interventions, Marketing Management for Social Ventures and Strategic Management.
Go for this course if: you have an interest in becoming a successful entrepreneur while also helping society through your work and innovative ideas.
Career Options after M.A Social Entrepreneurship: Opportunities include working with existing startups in management roles, campaign managing, ideation, and operations. Other job opportunities include working with government initiatives for social welfare, NGOs and of course, to start your own entrepreneurial initiative.
6. Master of Arts (Women’s Studies)
According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2018 by the World Economic Forum, India ranks at number 108 out of a total of 149 nations in terms of gender equality. The MA Women’s Studies course will prepare you to fight for equal women’s rights in an effective and knowledgeable manner, boosting the living circumstances and opportunities for women across the nation.
The MA Women’s Studies course is taught by talented faculty from backgrounds such as economics, medicine, anthropology, sociology, science studies, political science, education, philosophy, legal studies, language, and literature. Topics studied include Feminist Science Studies, Identity, Women’s Citizenship and Governance, and Feminist Legal Studies.
Go for this course if: you want to bring about a change in the women’s rights movement, and work towards gender equality using knowledge, analytical skills, and field-based skills.
Career Options after M.A Women’s Studies The course empowers you with an understanding of women’s rights and thus you can work in the development sector, women development, activism, journalism, in the government in civil and administrative functions, in national/international organizations working on gender issues and women’s rights, and in academia as researchers and teachers.
7. Master of Arts / Master of Sciences (Climate Change and Sustainability Studies)
Climate change and sustainability are both factors that are impacting the world at an alarming rate, especially as the global population grows. The M.A./M.Sc. (Climate Change and Sustainability Studies) is a degree that studies the impact of human society on the climate and environment, and addresses ways to mitigate the dangers of climate change while boosting sustainability initiatives.
The M.A./M.Sc. Climate Change and Sustainability Studies course emphasises the understanding of ecology and economy and their correlation. Socio-political sustainability, economic development, human development, and poverty are taught, with a focus on the issue of climate change, combining theory with substantial fieldwork. Topics studied include Sustainability Studies, Energy and Climate Change, Mitigation and Basic Concepts in Economics & Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.
Go for this course if: you have a deep concern for the environment, climate and sustainability and want to make a difference amidst the growing climate issues.
Career Options after M.A/M.Sc Climate Change and Sustainability Studies: Options include working with development organizations, government agencies, civil society organizations community-based organizations, sustainability organizations in the public and private sector and in academia.
Summing Up
TISS is one of the top destinations to pursue studies in the social sciences in India, with numerous courses available for students regardless of their stream. Social sciences offer a plethora of job opportunities that will help you change society.
Looking for career counselling for graduates then connect with us.
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venkteshwara · 3 years
B.Tech College in Meerut-Venkateshwara Group of Institutions
The School of Engineering & Technology at SVU, is an epitome of academic excellence coupled with latest learning strategies to produce engineers for the 21st century. 
The Institute is on the Delhi Dehradun highway, well connected with rail & roadways. The 60 acre lush green campus provides the proper setting of learning with application.
SVU under VGI has state-of-the-art infrastructure studded with modern laboratories & workshops which enable real learning, making us the best B Tech Colleges in Uttar Pradesh.
India is the superpower of the 21st century. With the largest youth population in the world, India will be the technical powerhouse of the world.
SVU lays emphasis on imparting key skills has arranged the best engineering infrastructure in the country. We equipped the labs with latest machinery & tools to provide hands on exposure, making us the best B Tech Colleges in Meerut.
The faculty is a blend of academic & industry veterans. This ensures the student learns key concepts through application.
To provide in demand skills, they prepared the curriculum in consultation with industry experts. This ensures we are teaching industry needed skills. This practice helps in enhancing employability, making us the top B Tech Colleges in Meerut.
Over the years the need of IT engineers has increased manifolds.
SVU has dedicated computer labs with latest computers & servers to train on specific software. The IT lab is accessible to hostellers 24/7 to sharpen coding skills.
We have hired industry trainers to provide in demand skills.
Engineering is about application & innovation. To enhance employability of student’s internship is part of curriculum. This guarantees students apply theory in actual life situations.This helps develop key competencies required in the market & augmenting their chances of employment making us the best B Tech Colleges in Meerut.
Diploma in Engineering
Board of apprenticeship Training (NR) under the Ministry of HRD & Department of Higher Education, Government of India (GOI) has approved the Polytechnic programs of this top B Tech Colleges in Meerut.
We offer Diploma in Engineering in Computer science, Civil, Mechanical, Electronics & communication, Mechanical (Production, Automobile, R&M), Electrical, Chemical & Refrigeration & Air-conditioning technology at SVU.
The Diploma prepares the student for a career of his choice. With India becoming the innovation hub of the world, a Diploma Engineer finds lucrative employment, making us the best B Tech colleges in Meerut.
With rising incomes, A.C. penetration has increased. This has prompted companies to hire specialists for refrigeration & Air-conditioning. The practice oriented course prepares the student to be efficient air-conditioning engineer.
This trade has tremendous demand in Arab countries, opening immense possibilities making us the best B Tech Colleges in Meerut.
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech)
VGI offers B. Tech in Computer science, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electrical Engineering & civil Engineering at Sri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula.
The B Tech is the most sought after course, as engineers are responsible to develop technologies for the welfare of society.
Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Over the years, the demand for computer engineers has increased. With India being the IT hub of the world, a career in Computer Engineering is stable & rewarding. Keeping this in mind, the college has sophisticated Labs, dedicated servers, interdisciplinary courses to produce quality computer engineers making us the best B Tech Colleges in Meerut. We lay emphasis on live projects by students so that they can apply concepts in actual situation.
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Mechanical engineering opens the gate for career as automobile engineer, design engineer, Industrial engineer, Thermal Engineer, in product design & development, CAM, manufacturing engineer or material engineer.
Companies employ highly paid engineers at automobile companies who have a stable career.
Civil Engineering (CE)
We require civil Engineers to develop the living & travel landscape of the country. With scarcity of space, high-rise buildings are the need of the hour. With India undergoing rapid infrastructure changes, civil engineers are in high demand.
The fast expressways & highways connecting the length & breadth of the country have augmented the need for a B Tech in Civil and made us the top B Tech Colleges in Meerut.
 Electrical Engineering (EE)
Electrical engineers design electrical circuits for better electrification & reduce power loss. With GOI emphasizing on Electric Vehicles, a B Tech in electrical is a hot career. Companies the world over are investing in R & D to develop electric vehicles.
Skilled electrical engineers will develop the next electric car which will be a gift to humanity, making us the best B Tech colleges in Meerut.
Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)
Electronics & communications engineer will develop the next generation smartphone. With India amid communication revolution, a B Tech in electronics is highly employable. Countries the world over are striving to develop latest technology like 5G & 6G. This avenue opens up a plethora of job prospects for electronics engineer.
A skilled electronic engineer can find a lot of opportunities in telecom companies making us the top B Tech colleges in Meerut.
Master of Technology (M.Tech)
The two years M Tech course in Civil engineering offers specialization in (Highway, structure & environment engineering).
M Tech is available from Information Technology (IT), Computer Science, Mechanical engineering with a specialization in (Thermal, production & Mechanical core), Electrical Engineering (Power System & power electronics) & electronics & Communication Engineering with specialization in (EC Core & VLSI). An M tech opens career in research & teaching.
The department offers a 3 years BCA & MCA & a 1 year PGDCA course.
A BCA can take up career in business process outsourcing, software development & networking. Similarly, an MCA being masters can find lucrative options as software developer, technical lead, Principal Architect, full stack developer or Database administrator.
The excellent infrastructure offered helps to refine his application skills & makes us the best B Tech colleges in Meerut.
VGI Meerut is an information center for Sri Venkateshwara University. All the above courses, their classes, enrollment, examination process are conducted at Sri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula U.P.
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vaishu25 · 4 years
5G Technology Career Opportunities In 2020
Wow, 5G is being developed soon and coming in the next couple of years.
So just imagine how will the technology improve?
Here comes few people, Bro we can download the movie fast?
5G is not just about enjoying the network speed, bringing a great user experience, improving the technology, and many more. 5G is the new up-gradation in wireless data communication which was started with 2G.
Let’s discuss few career opportunities in 5G 
5G Network
5G would be 10x times speedier than the present 4G Network. 5G brings a big change in wireless technologies.
In future 5G is the best option to choose for telecom engineers and the people who are interested in learning Telecomm courses.
Where 5G fits into evolution if wireless technologies and will learn great ideas to implement new business ideas and opportunities. You can prepare business plans for 5G services and products.
5G Career Opportunities
It is said that in the coming years over 20 billion devices will be in use globally in a couple of years which work on 5G networks. We are now already seeing that many latest smartphones are enabled with 5G Support.
The 5G launch is likely to come and start through the LTE Protocols and LTE Advance, So here there will be a huge demand for telecom engineers. And the telecom industry is also being opened for many employment services.
A report by global research says that 5G supports over 22 million jobs globally in 2035.
Already who are working as telecom engineers in 4G networks will be upgraded to the 5G network with proper training from researchers.
Today many organizations are investing towards 5G trails, the opportunities for telecom industry are likely to increase.
Learning 5G will give you a beautiful career path in the telecom industry. Many industries are invested in 5G they are looking to hire people who know advanced technology like 5G.
For companies hiring people who know 5g is the best way.
Upgrading to 5G
There are few types of 5G telecom courses are listed down from beginners to professionals.
Learning 5G from the best training institutes will help you to learn practically. Learning with practical knowledge will help you succeed in a telecom career.
In India, Niwisha Info Solutions is the best 5G training institute that helps to learn from basic level to advanced level of 5G courses with practical training. It is located in Ameerpet, Hyderabad.
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Being up to date with new technologies, protocols, and trends is crucial in the continually expanding field of telecommunications. We at Institute of Telecom Training, one of the top telecom training institutions in India, provide telecom training courses at affordable costs. Begin your journey of knowledge, exploration, and empowerment by enrolling with us in the greatest training programme in India.
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kanika3ri-blog · 4 years
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Outside, looking for the highest paid job, disappointed? Please smile, now you will have a new Golden Gate in 2020 that will help you to have a higher salary.
You think I'm joking, but that's not true. Have you ever heard of an Amazon Web Services certificate online that gives you the opportunity to make a career?
If you've heard about this before, you might not be looking for a well-paid job. You have a lucrative compensation package at the top of this company, so you are already in a demanding position.
Today, AWS (Amazon Web Services) is part of Amazon's well-known cloud computing platform. Do you know? Cloud computing will be the way of the future and store all the data in today's world.
This makes it easy to unlock apps in different parts of the world in just a few clicks. This will allow the customer to experience less delay and low cost.
So, if you're looking for a career as a farmer for AWS, the world's leading cloud platform. Then you will land on the right page.
Yes, when you read this article you will learn the top 10 things:
1.     What are AWS?
2.     What is AWS's goal?
3.     What is an AWS certificate?
4.     AWS certification types
5.     AWS Approval Blessings
6.     Company recruit AWS certified experts.
7.     What does the AWS certified do?
8.     AWS Certified Salary in India.
9.     AWS certification Future.
10. Get the best knowledge of AWS for your future!
1.    What are AWS?
AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a popular cloud services platform that is currently used by many organizations and individuals around the world.
AWS offers 100+ services worldwide. This includes storage, transportation, database, network and content transfer, management tools, developer tools, media services, analytics, machine learning, security, identity and consistency, application integration, AR and VR, customer engagement, business performance, Internet streaming, desktop and application streams, and game development.
AWS supports a broad, high-security and low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud. AWS contains a wide range of great analytical data and application services.
As a result, increasing recognition of the modern digital market and changing the work of AWS have made this the most common problem in recent years.
 2.    What is AWS's goal?
Why Amazon Web Services is a key cloud for companies like Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, IBM Blue Mix and Alibaba:
 1)   Modifications
2)   Good flexibility and temperament
3)   First Class PaaS Offerings
4)   High level of security
5)   Big Schedule Feature
6)   Continuation.
7)   Global architecture or world leaders.
8)   Good Pricing
 3.    What is an AWS Certificate?
Since 2013, Amazon Network has launched "AWS certification" and global demand has grown rapidly.
Do you know? AWS has taken the computational skills cloud to a new level and has been adopted as a gold standard around the world. This helps to build a real career on a computer.
Thus, testing certification is a way to manage Amazon's software solutions for Amazon's most popular clouds and use the technology needed to design the IT market.
Therefore, if you pass one or more cloud checks nationwide, you'll see confirmation for AWS.
4.    AWS certification types
It is a software programmer, program engineer, system administrator, data administrator, senior data analyst, or professional sales/acquisition. In fact, you use AWS certificates to create successful providers.
Amazon Web Services Certification Training (AWS) has two main categories:
There are three areas of the certificate: architecture, development and processing. This certificate is available at three qualification levels, including stocks, concords and specialists.
·       Aws is a certified cloud policy.
·       Developers certified from THE Whites and Associates
·       AWS certified system administrator system.
·       Aws Validate Designer Assistant (Additional Solution Troubleshooting Certificate)
·       AWS DevOps are certified as an engineer.
·       AWS's solutions and professional designers were evaluated.
AWS Professional Certificate: This professional certificate recognizes best practices in information technology, especially in the field of information security, network ingress and big data.
Check professional plus great data.
·       Extended networks that support AWS.
·       AWS has been investigating security and experts.
·       AWS confirmed Alex Squires.
·       AWS certified machine learning machines and experts.
 5.    AWS Approval Blessings
If you are still wondering why you need to create an AWS certificate, you should see the importance of AWS approval. AWS certificates have sufficient work to follow.
There are unrecordable blessings from AWS proven, some of the following:
·       In the AWS cloud has been approved, the company's capability and intelligence confirm.
·       Did you know this? AWS Official declaration of international verification and technology certificates.
·       If you have AWS certificates, there are many parts of the MNC that are there to interview experts like you.
·       This teaching is known as a certificate and trust that is well prepared throughout the operation.
·       The biggest blessing to benefit from the evidence is to give confidence and a vote on the day of his career.
As part of the training courses, the employee can deal with a network of such peers and thoughts.
6.    Companies that recruit AWS certified experts
The future work of the Ministry of AWS is brilliant and great. As a result, many organisations have advanced the strategy, as many services offer their customers. Some groups include:
·   Adobe
·   Airbnb
·   Alcatel-Lucent
·   AOL
·   Acquia
·   AdRoll
·   AEG
·   Alert Logic
·   Autodesk
·   Bitdefender
·   BMW
·   British Gas
·   Canon
·   Capital One
·   Channel 4
·   Chef
·   Citrix
·   Coinbase
·   Comcast
·   Coursera
·   Docker
·   Dow Jones
·   European Space Agency
·   Financial Times
·   General Electric
·   GoSquared
·   Guardian News & Media
7.    What does the AWS certified do?
The Amazon Server Certificate (AWS) will open the golden door for higher payment tasks. So, if your strategy approves, there are many job opportunities at your disposal. Let's look at the highest positions in the AUS you can submit for an AWS certificate.
·       Operations Support Engineer
·       Software Engineer
·       System Integrator
·       Cloud Developer
·       DevOps Engineer
·       AWS Solutions Architect
·       AWS SysOps Administrator
·       Senior AWS Cloud Architect
8.    AWS Certified Salary in India.
 According to My Payscale.com, who was in business for the past year or year, had a lot of leaks in 397,015. The professional will be paid through the telecom industry up to Rs.424,266.
9.    AWS certification Future.
AWS has been becoming one of the most demanding services for the industries and hence, giving rise to professionals. In IT sector, it gives a high boost.
10.Get the best knowledge of AWS for your future!
The first step in the handbook, which includes the Amazon Web service, is a virtual expert who can plan, and reinstall the AWS ecosystem. Yes, It’s would be beneficial if you get certified from a good institute before looking for a job.
If you are working with an alternative badge without a diploma in your profile, you cannot accept the agreement.
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Pursue the Best Networking Courses Training with Job Guarantee
Everyone wants to build their career and future perfect. If you also think about this and want to make your career successful then you can pursue training for the most demanding course in India. Nowadays all types of networking courses are very demanding in the field of IT. You can pursue the best course training with job opportunities. Most of the networking courses certification is offered by Cisco.
Firstly you aware of what is Cisco and what does it do? Cisco stands for Computer Information System Company and it is also a US multinational company that is known for design networking devices and provide certification for all types of networking courses. Its headquarter is located in California. Which develops, manufactures and sells networking hardware, telecoms equipment, and other IT services and products over the world. In networking courses,  you will gain knowledge and improve your skills in the networking field.
Some of the following field where you can choose your path as per your interest-
Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT)
Cisco Certified Technician (CCT)
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA)
Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)
Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP)
Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE)
Cisco Certified Design Expert (CCDE)
Cisco Certified Architect (CCAr)
All the above mentioned 100% job guarantee course which have very demanding in networking sectors. Also, you can learn the best course as per your interest. In India, there are many training firms are available which provide the best training with a job. So join the best institute for attending training and achieve certification for them.
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educationmantra · 2 years
Which is the best B. Tech. (Electronics and communication engineering) college in up?
IIMT Engineering College is one of the best engineering colleges in Meerut, UP, Delhi NCR, North India offering B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering branch. This institute is well known for its all engineering courses. B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication engineering is the most popular course of IIMT Engineering College. In Uttar Pradesh both government and private universities and colleges offer top quality outcome base education which is offered to all the students. It includes IIT, NIT, IIIT and state universities, deemed universities and private universities. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalaam Technical University is a State University for technical education. Under the flagship of AKTU so many private colleges or institute have taken the affiliation of running engineering under graduate and graduate programs.
 The ranking of any college or Institute is based on lots of parameters. These merits are chosen after complete investigation. There are a few major components based on which different institutions are evaluated. These includes factors such as  institute foundation, public significance and reputation, training quality, education advancement and placement, instruction quality, position cell administrations, workforce skill, and so on.      
 Here in IIMT University we take utmost care to follow the lines of perfection to shape the lives of all our students. For this we have a highly efficient and dedicated team of faculty members. Our teachers are highly experienced in the field and have top academic excellence in terms of doctoral degrees. They mentor the students in every possible manner to reach the pinnacle of success. Other than imparting academic knowledge, they also help to mold the personalities of students in such a manner that they become ready to take on challenges of life.
 B.Tech. ECE is a four year degree program which can be pursued if a student has cleared 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as main subjects. This course gives students an opportunity to make a successful career in the fast-growing telecom industry, where students get a decent remuneration at entry level itself, which increases as the student gains experience and expertise. Media and Entertainment industry is the biggest employer for Electronics and Communication engineers. Along with this, the government sector has also proved beneficial in terms of job provision for degree holders of this program. Organizations like MTNL, BSNL, Civil Aviation have been hiring Electronic and Communication engineering students for many years.
 It involves the study of design, analysis, and application of electronics and communication circuits. B.Tech. ECE focuses on concepts and designs of underlying hardware systems which are used in areas such as telecommunication, energy and electronic sectors. It is based on research, design, development and testing of electronics in various systems. The core topics include an understanding of analog transmission, basic electronics, solid state devices, microprocessors, digital and analog communication, analog integrated circuits, satellite communication, microwave engineering, antennae and wave progression. Course Structure of B.Tech. ECE is an introductory course for electrical engineering students where students study a series of core courses along with elective subjects which cover the concepts of telecommunications, energy and electronics sectors.
The Electronics & Communication department at IIMT Engineering College is not just the best one in Uttar Pradesh but is also among the leading ones in the country. The curriculum is designed in such a way that it enhances technical know-how, ability to think on your feet, and people skills. As a result, the who’s who of the hi-tech industry offer excellent paying jobs to students graduating year after year.
 If anyone wants to take admission in top institute of AKTU, the candidates have to appear in State level entrance exam called UPSEE Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination. On the basis of the score in examination, one can put their choice in the counseling. In case you are interested for doing B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering then IIMT Engineering College would be the best option for you. IIMT Engineering College is one of the top colleges in Meerut. Electronic and Communication is sole of digital world. IIMT engineering college is a best top rated engineering college in Meerut, UP, Delhi NCR, North India offering B. Tech. in Electrical and electronics branch. This institute is known for its Engineering courses. B. Tech. in Electrical and electronics is the most popular course of IIMT engineering college.
 Which is best B. Tech. (Electronics and communication engineering) College in Meerut?
 In this zone everyone wants to take admission in top institute of AKTU, IIMT Engineering College is a best engineering college in Meerut, UP, Delhi NCR, North India offering B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication engineering branch. The candidates have to appear in State level entrance exam called UPSEE Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination. On the basis of the score in examination, one can put their choice in the counseling. In case the candidate is interested for doing B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering then IIMT Engineering College would be the best option for you. IIMT Engineering College is one of the top colleges in Meerut. Electronic and Communication is sole of digital world. IIMT engineering college is a best top rated engineering college in Meerut, UP, Delhi NCR, North India offering B. Tech. in Electrical and electronics branch. This institute is known for its Engineering courses. B. Tech. in Electrical and electronics is the most popular course of IIMT engineering college.
 IIMT is well known for its engineering courses. B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication engineering is the most popular course of IIMT Engineering College. In Uttar Pradesh both government and private universities and colleges offers top quality outcome base education is offered to all the students. It includes IIT, NIT, IIIT and state universities, deemed universities and private universities. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University is a State University for technical education. Under the flagship of AKTU so many private colleges or institute have taken the affiliation of running engineering under graduate and graduate programs.  
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) is one of the oldest and well-established department in our College. It offers Undergraduate programs (4 years), Postgraduate programs (2 years) and Doctoral programs.
The ranking of any college or Institute include all things considered colleges are based on lots of the parameters. These merits are chosen after complete investigation. There are a few components based on that we evaluated the institute are institute foundation, public significance and reputation, training quality, education advancement and placement, instruction quality, position cell administrations, workforce skill, and so on.      
B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering is one of the leading undergraduate programmes at IIMT Engineering College, with a distinction for scientific rigour and development. ECE Dept. has well equipped labs and has ample resources in computing. The department has strong collaboration with industries and reputed institutes. The faculty members of ECE department are versatile in many diversified fields. They have good research potential and are committed teachers. There is a great demand from business, industry and education for graduates who can handle computers with confidence and are able to communicate. The Department of Electronics Engineering will provide you with the education and training you need to meet this demand from the most theoretical courses to those that deal with applications at the cutting-edge of modern technology.
The ECE program encourages students to work in research groups to undertake an inventive research project, and outstanding students are often rewarded with seed money, patent support, conference travel allowance, and other benefits. It involves the study of design, analysis, and application of electronics and communication circuits. B.Tech. ECE focuses on concepts and designs of underlying hardware systems which are used in areas such as telecommunication, energy and electronic sectors. It is based on research, design, development and testing of electronics in various systems. The core topics include an understanding of analog transmission, basic electronics, solid state devices, microprocessors, digital and analog communication, analog integrated circuits, satellite communication, microwave engineering, antennae and wave progression. Course Structure of B.Tech. ECE is an introductory course for electrical engineering students where students study a series of core courses along with elective subjects which cover the concepts of telecommunications, energy and electronics sectors.
On the basis of the score in examination, one can put their choice in the counseling. In case you are interested for doing B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering then IIMT Engineering College would be the best option for you. IIMT Engineering College is one of the top colleges in Meerut. Electronic and Communication is sole of digital world. IIMT engineering college is a best top rated engineering college in Meerut, UP, Delhi NCR, North India offering B. Tech. in Electrical and electronics branch. This institute is known for its Engineering courses. B. Tech. in Electrical and electronics is the most popular course of IIMT engineering college.
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sidtmpune · 2 years
About MBA in Data Analytics
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The two-year full-time residential MBA in Symbiosis Pune's flagship program spread throughout 4 semesters and extended specializations in Marketing, Human Resource Management, Finance, and Operations Management. SIDTM is a constituent institute of Symbiosis International University and is one of the Best Symbiosis Colleges for MBA. It gives full-time Post Graduation Programs in Management.
Symbiosis International University conducts Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP) for the MBA course. At SDTM, colleges work on growing their college students in the region of world-class Telecom and ICT Business Leaders to deal with any complicated commercial enterprise scenarios with confidence. MBA Data Analytics trains college students for changing semi-structured, Big Data structured or unstructured facts into useful insights that assist in operational and strategic decision-making approaches across numerous sectors along with banking, financial services, e-commerce, telecom, retail, etc.
It is a 2-year post graduate course where college students acquire experience and understanding concerning numerous analytical tools. The curriculum of MBA Data Analytics consists of post-graduate Information Security in Business, Predictive Analytics, Big Data, and Cloud Computing and E-Business, Data Visualization and Decision-Making Systems, Python for Data Science, and Marketing Analytics. Successful postgraduates in the MBA Data Analytics program can value the potential of data, source and describe data, build Big Data Ecosystem, manipulate and process data and create data models.
Students also are allowed to study the realistic factors of analyzing a large data set. MBA Data Analytics offers a complete aggregate of managerial and technical information that will assist scholars to tackle future challenges. The program gives the primary knowledge of numerous components associated with data and insurance concepts and it will assist the scholars to get big exposure to the Worldwide financial competition.
The curriculum of MBA Data consists of Analytics Data Visualization, and Decision-Making Systems, Python for Data Science, and Marketing Analytics. The college students may also have potential job roles like Data Analyst, Data Engineer, Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Analytics Consultant, Risk Analyst, Healthcare Data Analyst among others.
Besides these, they also can establish their profession as a professor or lecturer in reputed schools or institutes. Some of the top-most MBA Banking and Insurance recruiting companies in India are Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS), Wipro Technologies, HCL Technologies, Mahindra Satyam, Deloitte, PayPal, Dell, Infosys, and, lots more. The MBA Data Analytics graduates’ applications may also range from INR 4,00,000 to 20,00,000 per annum. Depending on the student's skills, expertise, and knowledge in the related field of study and job positions this income package may increase.
MBA Data Analytics graduates can undertake an M.Phil. or double Master of Philosophy program in associated areas. It will assist them to gain a higher knowledge of the diverse problems associated with the sector of interest and it will additionally provide them with better job possibilities with a decent amount of salary.
Enrolling for a Ph.D. Data Analytics or an associated area is also what a scholar may also opt for after their MBA in Data Analytics. Undertaking this program will enhance the research abilities of the task and could bring about better jobs in addition to research possibilities with better salaries and experience.
Aspirants who are taking MBA in Data Analytics in India can also appear for diverse competitive exams for numerous civil service jobs, through Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), state PSCs, Staff Selection Commission (SSC), and many other government competitive exams.
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sandeeprahejafamily · 2 years
Purchasing a House in Mohali Has Its Advantages - Sandeep Raheja
The Tri-Cities of Mohali, Chandigarh, and Panchkula is viewed as one of India's main ten IT urban communities. Beside that, the city includes a ton of instructive establishments and a proactive legislative construction, making it one of the locale's most particular urban areas. Considering these components, it's straightforward why Mohali is perhaps the most well known spot to put resources into private land. Different variables that contribute fundamentally to the Property available to be purchased in Mohali include:
Development in the Real Estate Market
At the point when an individual considers buying a land property, they think about two elements. The first is the living climate, and the second is the resale worth of the property. Mohali has all the earmarks of being a suitable land venture since it is a quickly rising city in North India and a middle for the telecom and IT areas. Besides, land costs are sensible and will effectively squeeze into your spending plan. Accordingly, buying an extravagance private property in Mohali is basic, permitting you to partake in an agreeable and well-off way of life with the best conveniences.
A Peaceful Way of Life
One of the grounds Mohali is a famous travel fascination is that it flaunts different places of worship and hallowed areas, including Vaishno Devi Mata Mandir, Gurudwara Amb Sahib, and Gurdwara Sant Mandal Angitha Sahib. There are different gardens like Silvi Park, Sukhna Lake, and others. The city offers a wide scope of work possibilities and instructive foundations while staying a long way from the commotion and clamor of an enormous city like Chandigarh. It permits individuals to carry on with a more loosened up way of life. The city, which is situated in the Shivalik reach's lower regions, has magnificent climate.
Mohali has phenomenal transportation, both inside the city and to local spots. The city is kept associated by means of a vehicle framework. There is a transport administration in the downtown area just as a train station in Phase 9 modern area. Mohali additionally has a worldwide air terminal, which is basically a Chandigarh air terminal extension.
A Sports Fan's Dream
Mohali is otherwise called the Punjab state's games capital. Though the Mohali arena, home to the Punjab Cricket Association, is notable, the city additionally includes a hockey arena and around eight games multiplexes with an assortment of conveniences like swimming, table tennis, and volleyball. The Punjab Warriors, a hockey group from the Hockey India League, play their home games at the expert hockey arena in Mohali.
Incredible Alternatives
Individuals may effortlessly find the best house in Mohali, with choices going from 1 BHK to 3 BHK homes available to be purchased. Because of the city's foundation development, a few trustworthy manufacturers have fostered a few momentous undertakings in the city. It's quite easy to find the best 3 BHK pads available to be purchased in Mohali that additionally accommodated your financial plan and have the absolute most noteworthy offices that one could want to live easily.
Fostering a Career
Mohali is likewise home to an assortment of instructive offices, like the Indian School of Business (ISB), Chandigarh Engineering College (CEC), Army Institute of Law, and the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), among others. Countless organizations have likewise settled in Mohali. This implies that assuming somebody chooses to migrate to the city, they might be sure of a lot of occupation possibilities!
Mohali is presently not a little town eminent exclusively for its vicinity to Chandigarh. The city's huge enhancements have attempted to welcome Mohali on the guide, making it a well known area for Flats available to be purchased in Kharar Mohali. For more details https://sandeeprahejafamily.blogspot.com/
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ashokgehlotofficial · 3 years
Mr. Sam Pitroda (Innovations advisor to former PM Sh. Rajiv Gandhi) addressed at 'Rajasthan Innovation Vision (Rajiv-2021)' program as the key speaker:
Honourable Chief Minister, Honourable Ministers, government officers, ladies and gentlemen greetings from Chicago.
It is indeed a special honour and privilege for me to be with you to remember our great leader Rajiv Gandhi on his 77th birthday. I want to compliment the government of Rajasthan and department of IT for all the great things you are doing. Unfortunately it seems that someone has hacked my computer just at the time I started to speak, so I am talking to you through my mobile phone. My computer has been locked up. I am sure it is someone who didn’t want me to talk to you but I am delighted we are connected.
Rajiv Gandhi planted so many important seeds during his short tenure putting India into 21st century everything we are enjoying today, directly or indirectly has roots in the Rajiv Gandhi era.
I can tell you from my side he gave meaning to my own life, he gave me an opportunity to work in India for IT and telecom, technology missions, then India had only two million telephones.
Credit goes to Rajiv Gandhi and his vision, his political will and the support he gave all of us to take India into 21st century with great zeal, pride and opportunities.
Rajiv Gandhi’s vision was really to focus on great human capacity in IT and telecom.
He launched CDOT to train hundreds and hundreds in modern technology related to microcomputer, software, systems. He also created C DAC for advanced computing so India could make our own super computers. His idea was to take technology to help poor people at the bottom. He launched technology missions related to water, literacy, immunization, cooking oil, telecom and milk production, because of his initiative we could eradicate polio. Reason we are large manufacture of vaccine is because Rajiv Gandhi decided to produce in India.
We are also the largest producer of milk in the world.
Then we didn’t have all the advanced software, people had not even heard of computers, laptops were just coming out and we were heavily criticised by many that we are wasting time and energy going after computerization and telecom.
His idea was to use e-governance to improve justice to improve education, health, public services, financial systems and to improve efficiency of the government using modern technology tools.
All the things you talked about today in your various presentations, those things have roots in what we started in mid 80s.
He was a man in hurry, he wanted IT and computers to help us in railway reservations, in agriculture, in governance, in justice and many other areas.
I am delighted that Rajasthan government is fairly advanced in many areas and I am sure Rajiv Gandhi would have been proud of what you are doing in Rajasthan today. We still have a long way to go, we have to create a new mindset. Rajiv Gandhi thought about scientific temper, logical thinking, rational approach and I am concerned that today institutions are being captured. Civil society has very little role to play and scientific temper is not encouraged. Rajiv Gandhi would have been very disappointed today to see where we are in these three areas.
Rajasthan can show us a way in many of these IT areas related to government by really essentially improving justice, improving productivity & efficiency and taking IT to the next level to benefit people.
During Corona crisis, zoom calls, video conferencing and working from home, learning from home, students are now taking lessons online so corona crisis was closer to IT and telecom.
We lost Rajiv Gandhi too early, If Rajiv Gandhi had been around India would be very different. Today we are a nation of connected billions, we still think in the old paradigm. We need to really understand the role of hyper connectivity, role of IT and telecom in restructuring everything.
I am happy that you have ticked up Rajasthan to a great leap forward in IT, e-governance and improving public service. I want to once again compliment you all, want to thank Honourable Chief Minister for this opportunity, want to really apologise for the inconvenience caused because of some technical difficulty but I am convinced somebody tried to hack and block me from having this conversation. My computer is completely locked up, I’ve to use mobile phone to talk through face time. It is kind of late here, it's 2:15 or 2:30 I have another call, zoom call at 7 :30 in the morning so I would cut short. Once again thank Honourable Chief Minister, organisers for this opportunity and all the best in your efforts to take IT to improve Rajasthan, next time when I come, I promise to come there to really have a longer chat on IT with the minister and secretary to CM, lot’s of things that happening in this field. I am deeply involved in many of these things and I will be happy to share my experiences.
राजस्थान इनोवेशन विजन (राजीव-2021) कार्यक्रम में मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में श्री सैम पित्रोदा (पूर्व इनोवेशन सलाहकार, पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गांधी जी एवं डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह जी) का सम्बोधन:
आदरणीय मुख्यमंत्री जी, आदरणीय मंत्रीगण, अधिकारियों एवं सभी उपस्थित जन, सभी को शिकागो से मेरी शुभकामनाएं।
यह मेरे लिए अत्यंत ही गर्व का विषय है कि मैं आपके बीच में अपने महान नेता राजीव गांधी जी का उनके 77वें जन्मदिन पर स्मरण कर रहा हूँ। राजस्थान सरकार और आईटी डिपार्टमेंट के द्वारा किए जा रहे कार्यों के लिए उनकी सराहना करता हूँ। दुर्भाग्य से ऐसा लगता है कि किसी ने ठीक उसी वक्त जब मैं बोलना शुरू कर रहा था, मेरा कंप्यूटर हैक किया इसलिए मैं अब आपसे मोबाइल फोन के जरिए बात कर रहा हूँ। मेरा कंप्यूटर लॉक हो गया है। मुझे विश्वास है कि कोई यह चाहता नहीं था कि मैं आपसे बात करूं लेकिन मैं खुश हूँ कि हम कनेक्टेड हैं।
राजीव गांधी ने अपने अल्प कार्यकाल में भारत को 21वीं सदी में ले जाने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण कार्यों का सूत्रपात किया जिसका फल आज हमें मिल रहा है। परोक्ष या अपरोक्ष रूप से इनकी जड़ें राजीव गांधी के समय में हैं।
अपनी तरफ से बता सकता हूँ कि उन्होंने मेरे जीवन को मायने दिए, मुझे भारत में आईटी, टेलीकॉम, टेक्नोलॉजी मिशनों में काम करने का मौका दिया। तब भारत में मात्र 2 मिलियन टेलीफोन थे।
बड़ी तादाद में ल��गों को सॉफ्टवेयर और सिस्टम्स से जुड़ी मॉडर्न तकनीक में प्रशिक्षित करने के लिए CDOT को लांच किया। C DAC बनाया ताकि भारत खुद के सुपर कंप्यूटर बनाए । उनका इरादा तकनीक के इस्तेमाल से गरीब व्यक्ति की मदद करने का था। उन्होंने जल, साक्षरता, टीकाकरण, खाद्य तेल, टेलीकॉम और दुग्ध उत्पादन के लिए तकनीकी मिशनों को लांच किया। उनके प्रयासों से हम पोलियो को खत्म कर पाए। वैक्सीन के हम बड़े उत्पादक हैं इसका कारण है कि राजीव गांधी ने भारत में उत्पादन करने का निर्णय लिया।
हम दुनिया के सबसे बड़े दुग्ध उत्पादक हैं।
तब हमारे पास एडवांस्ड सॉफ्टवेयर नहीं थे, लोगों ने कंप्यूटर का नाम भी नहीं सुना था और लैपटॉप तो बस आने शुरू ही हुए थे और हमारी इस बात के लिए काफी आलोचना हुई थी कि हम कंप्यूटरीकरण और टेलीकॉम के पीछे समय और ऊर्जा बर्बाद कर रहे हैं।
उनका विचार ई-गवर्नेंस के माध्यम से न्याय में सुधार लाने, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, पब्लिक सर्विसेज, वित्तीय सेवाओं में सुधार लाने और सरकार की कार्यकुशलता को मॉडर्न तकनीक से जरिए सुधारने का था।
आज विभिन्न प्रेजेंटेशन के जरिए जिन भी विषयों की बात हुई है उनकी जड़ें उनमें हैं जो हमनें 80s के मध्य में शुरू की थीं। राजीव जी जल्दी में थे, वे चाहते थे कि आईटी और कम्प्यूटर की मदद रेलवे रिज़र्वेशन, खेती में, गवर्नेंस में, न्याय में और अन्य क्षेत्रों में ली जाए।
मुझे खुशी है कि राजस्थान सरकार कई क्षेत्रों में आगे है और मुझे विश्वास है कि जो काम राजस्थान में हो रहा है उसे लेकर राजीव गांधी अत्यंत ही गर्वित हुए होते। हमें और आगे जाना है और नया माइंडसेट तैयार करना है। राजीव गांधी साइंटिफिक टेम्पर, लॉजिकल थिंकिंग तथा रैशनल एप्रोच के बारे में सोचते थे और मैं आज चिंतित हूँ कि संस्थानों को कंट्रोल किया जा रहा है। सिविल सोसाइटी का रोल बहुत कम हो गया है एवं साइंटिफिक टेम्पर को प्रोत्साहित नहीं किया जा रहा है। राजीव गांधी बहुत निराश होते यह देखकर कि इन तीन क्षेत्रो में हम कहाँ हैं।
सरकार से संबंधित कई आईटी क्षेत्रों में जिसमें न्याय में सुधार, उत्पादन में सुधार और कार्यकुशलता होगी और लोगों के हित में आईटी को नेक्स्ट लेवल ले जाया जाएगा ऐसी उम्मीद राजस्थान देता है।
कोरोना संकट के समय जूम कॉल, वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग हुई घर से काम करना देखा गया, विद्यार्थी अब ऑनलाइन लेसन लेते हैं।
हमनें राजीव गांधी को बहुत जल्दी खो दिया, यदि वे आज होते तो भारत बहुत अलग होता। आज हम आपस में जुड़े हुए बिलियन लोगों का देश हैं, हम अभी भी पुरानी सोच रखते हैं। हमें पुनर्निर्माण के लिए हाइपर कनेक्टिविटी के बारे में, आईटी और टेलीकॉम की भूमिका के बारे में समझना होगा।
मुझे खुशी है कि आपने राजस्थान को आईटी, ई-गवर्नेंस और पब्लिक सर्विस में लंबी छलाँग दिलवाई है। एक बार पुनः आप सब को बधाई देता हूँ। माननीय मुख्यमंत्री जी को मुझे इस अवसर को प्रदान करने के लिए बधाई देता हूँ और तकनीकी समस्या के कारण होने वाली असुविधा के लिए माफी चाहता हूँ लेकिन मुझे यकीन है कि किसी ने मुझे हैक करने और इस बातचीत से ब्लॉक करने की कोशिश की। मेरा कंप्यूटर लॉक्ड है और मुझे मोबाइल फोन के जरिए फेस टाइम यूज करते हुए आपसे बात करनी पड़ी है। यहां शिकागो में लेट हो चुका है और रात्रि में 2:15 या 2: 30 बज रहे हैं। मेरी सुबह 7:30 बजे दूसरी कॉल है, ज़ूम कॉल है इसलिए मैं अपनी बात समाप्त करता हूँ। एक बार पुनः माननीय मुख्यमंत्री जी को, आयोजकों को इस अवसर के लिए धन्यवाद देता हूँ तथा राजस्थान में आईटी के उपयोग से सुधार लाने के प्रयासों के लिए शुभकामनाएं देता हूँ। वादा है कि अगली बार जब आऊंगा तो मंत्री जी एवं मुख्यमंत्री जी के सचिव के साथ आईटी और इस क्षेत्र में हो रही बहुत सी चीज़ों पर विस्तृत बातें करूंगा। बहुत सी ऐसे विषयों में मैं गहराई से जुड़ा हुआ हूँ एवं अपने अनुभव बांट कर मुझे खुशी होगी।
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Top B.Tech, BCA, Engineering Colleges in Gajraula, Moradabad, Uttar, Pradesh, UP | Best University in Uttar Pradesh (UP), India
Sri Venkateshwara University (SVU) is Best University in Uttar Pradesh (UP), India nurtures engineers for the 21st century. The institution believes that it should fulfil its commitment to providing quality technical personnel for the nation’s development. To achieve this, the institute works tirelessly to create an environment where young minds innovate & strive to excel in new technologies.
The perfect ambience of the college encourages budding engineers to shine in their field to make us the top Engineering Colleges in Uttar Pradesh (UP).
The college has invested heavily to create world class infrastructure that comprises modern labs & workshops where young minds endure to learn new technologies. The hi-tech machines in the laboratories help students to remain abreast with latest trends, thus enhancing their knowledge base.
We equipped the computer center with latest software & hardware for training on key technologies. Library has over 3000 books & resources which enlighten young minds to innovate, thus making us the top Engineering Colleges in Moradabad.
The AC seminar & conference halls allow for enriching expert talk, which helps the students to broaden their knowledge base.
We have meticulously chosen the faculty with industry experience to pass on the crucial skills to our students, making us the top engineering college in Gajraula. They encourage the students to question & practice the concepts by application in labs, thus sharpening their skill set. Majority of our faculty are experts in their field who are passionate about training on key technologies.
Our unique specialty is Internship. Through an internship, students apply concepts in actual life situations, making their job ready. We have partnered with blue chip companies to provide internship for the students. If a student performs well in an internship, he may receive a job offer.
This top Engineering Colleges in Uttar Pradesh (UP) enhances the employment potential of our students through internship. This concept helps us to realize our vision of quality employment for every Indian youth.
SVU believes in creating an environment of experiential learning. To achieve this, we encourage students to develop prototypes of technologies learned in class. This way, we intend to develop skilled engineers. The course delivery happens through –
Activity Simulation
Industry Expert interactions
Industrial Tours
International Faculty Inputs
Case Studies
Surprise Tests
Soft Skill Inputs
Model Making
Group Discussions
This experiential learning nurtures engineers who can develop new technologies. We at SVU believe in learning for life. This can happen through active participation of students in labs, workshops & collaborative learning exercises to make us the top Engineering Colleges in Gajraula.
The choice based credit system (CBCS) allows students to choose their courses from the prescribed courses that comprise core, elective or skill based courses. This allows for a mechanical engineer to learn to program languages, thus widening his employment base.
SVU is the only university that has a course committee. This committee updates the curriculum according to industry demand. This helps us to include the hot topics & discard the outdated ones. They hold discussions with industry body to prepare personnel for the future. This way we train them on latest tools making us the top engineering college in Gajraula.
To achieve the holistic development of its students, the college organizes annual fest. The cultural committee encourages students to take part in dance, drama, skit & fashion shows, thus enhancing their personality & social skills.
The University has a separate hostel for boys & girls with nutritious catering facilities through mess. Our cafeteria is neat & clean & is open from 9 to 6 pm. The college has its own gym, large playgrounds for sports, chess & snooker hall for recreational facilities.
Courses Offered
·Diploma in Engineering
·B Tech
··M Tech
Career Prospects
The institute offers 3 years Diploma in Engineering in –
·Computer science,
· Mechanical,
·Electronics & communication,
· Mechanical (Production, Automobile, R&M),
· Electrical,
· Chemical &
· Refrigeration & Air-conditioning.
Board of apprenticeship Training (NR) under the Ministry of HRD & Department of Higher Education, Government of India (GOI) has approved our diploma programs.
Diploma in Engineering
The Diploma prepares the student for a career of his choice. With India becoming the innovation hub of the world, a Diploma Engineer finds lucrative employment, making us the Top Engineering Colleges in Uttar Pradesh (UP).
With rising incomes, A.C. penetration has increased. This has prompted companies to hire specialists for refrigeration & air-conditioning. The practice oriented course prepares the student to be efficient air-conditioning engineer.
This trade has tremendous demand in Arab countries, opening immense possibilities for trained engineers.
Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech),
We offer B. Tech in –
·Computer science,
·Electronics & Communication Engineering,
· Mechanical engineering,
·Electrical Engineering &
·Civil Engineering
The B Tech is the most sought after course, as engineers are responsible to develop technologies for the welfare of society and one of the Top B.Tech Colleges in Uttar Pradesh (UP).
Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Over the years, the demand for computer engineers has increased. With India being the IT hub of the world, a career in Computer Engineering is stable & rewarding. Keeping this in mind, the college has sophisticated labs, dedicated servers, interdisciplinary courses to produce quality computer engineers, making us the top colleges for engineering in Moradabad. We lay emphasis on live projects by students so that they can apply concepts in actual situation.
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Mechanical engineering opens the gate for career as -
·Automobile engineer,
· Design engineer,
·Industrial engineer,
· Thermal Engineer,
· In product design & development,
· Manufacturing engineer
··Material engineer.
Companies pay mechanical engineers well & they enjoy a stable career.
Civil Engineering (CE)
We require civil Engineers to develop the living & travel landscape of the country. With scarcity of space, high-rise buildings are the need of the hour. With India undergoing rapid infrastructure changes, civil engineers are in high demand.
The fast expressways & highways connecting the length & breadth of the country have augmented the need for a B Tech in Civil, making us the top engineering college in Gajraula.
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Electrical engineers design circuits for electrification & to reduce power loss. With GOI emphasizing on Electric Vehicles, a B Tech in electrical is a hot career. Companies the world over are investing in R & D to develop electric vehicles.
Skilled electrical engineers will develop the next electric car which will be a gift to humanity, thus making us the top B.Tech Colleges in Moradabad.
Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)
Electronics & communications engineer will develop the next generation smartphone. With India amid a communication revolution, a B Tech in electronics is highly employable. Countries the world over are working to develop latest technology like 5G & 6G. This avenue opens up a plethora of job opportunities for electronics engineer.
A skilled electronic engineer can find a lot of opportunities in telecom companies, IT companies, Department of Telecommunication GOI & can also immigrate overseas.
Master of Technology (M. Tech)
The two years M Tech course in Civil engineering offers specialization in –
·Highway Engineering
·Structure Engineering
·Environment engineering.
M Tech is also available in –
· Information Technology (IT),
·Computer Science,
· Mechanical engineering with a specialization in (Thermal, production & Mechanical core),
··Electrical Engineering (Power System & power electronics) &
· Electronics & Communication Engineering with specialization in (EC Core & VLSI).
An M tech opens up a career in research & teaching. We employ them in the R & D department for developing new technologies.
The department offers a 3 years BCA & MCA & a 1 year PGDCA course. Making us the Top BCA Colleges in Uttar Pradesh (UP).
A BCA can pursue a career in business process outsourcing, software development & networking. Similarly, an MCA being masters can find a lucrative job as a -
· Software developer,
· Technical lead,
· Principal Architect,
· Full stack developer
·Database administrator.
· Cloud Architect
· Business Analyst
· Web Designer/Developer
· IT Architect
·Software Consultant
·Manual Tester
· Network Engineer
· Ethical Hacker
· Quality Assurance Analyst
· Project Manager
The excellent infrastructure offered helps to refine their application skills, making us the top engineering colleges in Moradabad.
Hon'ble Chancellor Dr. Sudhir Giri at shri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula Uttar Pradesh (UP), India
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