#best steak salad recipe
thisislizheather · 1 year
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I adapted this Food & Wine steak salad recipe and I can’t describe how much I love my version better. A perfect summer meal. I promise you.
Romaine lettuce (or whatever leafy green you like)
Grilled halloumi, chopped (or shaved slices of parmesan)
1/4 cup red onion, sliced
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon maple syrup
Kosher salt
1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
2 cuts of steak, grilled (your choice)
In a large bowl, whisk the red onion with the rice wine vinegar and let stand for 10 minutes. Whisk in the olive oil and mustard and season with salt, pepper and maple syrup. Add the tomatoes and lettuce and toss to coat. Lay the sliced steak atop the salad and pour a little of this basil vinaigrette onto the steak if you’re feeling fancy.
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
Hi! Thank you for the health advice! I would love to quit or significantly reduce carbs, I also feel like it's heavy on my body, but so many meals revolve around grains (sourdough bread mostly) and I guess there's a craving aspect to it too... Could you give advice on what you're eating instead?? I have lots of eggs, fish, occasional meat, plenty of fruit, just enough veg haha but i find it hard to imagine going without carbs (or grains more specifically cos I have no prob with vege carbs). Especially in winter 😋 Thank you for any help 🙏🙏
I feel like society has normalised feeling heavy and lethargic after meals, but its amazing you have noticed this and want to change!
You may want to cut carbs gradually (no starches - breads, grains, rice, pasta, potatoes).
I would recommend looking into GI index to see what foods are high glucose, following Hormone Balancing recipes, juices etc (usually very low carb and support women's health). Listening to podcasts on microbiome, or even a tiktok search.
Introducing pre/ probiotics: I make sauerkraut (which is basically cabbage / onions in water and salt left to ferment for a few days - lots of variations on this), also just made my first batch of Kefir (I stay away from store bought Kefir as its pasturised and all the good stuff has been killed off during this process). I mention these as a healthy gut is going to support you as you remove carbs and introduce more wholesome foods.
Omlette (spinach / onion / parsley )
Scrambled eggs w/ coconut oil
Buckwheat porridge w/ blueberries (buckwheat is a seed not a grain so low glucose index)
Avocado salad (seeds, olives, rocket, tomatoes, cucumber) +tahini
Nuts, olives, blueberries, blackberries, watermelon
Main meals:
Veg + Protein (Broccli, kale, butternut squash, courgette, carrots, asparagus, cabagge, peppers). I do different variations of veg to mix things up, sometimes i do Chinese style stir fry, I try to add garlic and ginger as much as possible into the veg. Protein is usually grass fed steak, whole fish - seabream, sea bass, mackerel, cod fillet, wild salmon fillet, or turkey breast fillet. I make chimichurri sauce to add some extra flavour to the fish.
Protein + lentil / chicpeas dish. I have a stew a few days a week to break up the veggies because they do get boring after a while.
Bone broth. I boil the bones, and have as a little side dish with veggies but this isn't really filling enough for a main meal.
I make beetroot juice, and also watermelon juice, tumeric + ginger shots throughout the week. I try to throw in flaxseed and chia seeds where possible.
I cut coffee/ decaf all that and now only drinking fresh mint tea, slice of lemon + hot water, fresh juices (within the hour of making), and water ensuring 2l per day.
Number one thing that had to go was oats. So if you are having a morning crash I suggest cutting the carbs first thing. I know there are suggestions (glucose goddess) that fat with carbs or when you eat them (having carbs after veg can help) but personally i think its best to cut them.
I hope this helps! Its a full lifestyle change that has honestly helped so much! It's a commitments, but investing in feeling good and your health will make you feel so good and wholesome! xoxoxo
*I used the free 1 month trial of MyFitnessPal app to track my calories/ meals to ensure I was getting enough food - for some this might be extreme but super helpful to see what’s going on.
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petalsinfall · 3 months
what are some meal recommendations for someone who’s never been consistently a ‘healthy eater’ but wants to start? do you have any personal favorite meal recipes? thanks!
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I ❤️ chicken, it’s the best source of protein imo, my fav dish is steak with grilled onions, I’d rec Pinterest for simple protein meals, tuna salad is the best to!
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 3 months
First of all, I really love this IF, it's well written and I'm adding my MC to my collection of "Main Characters from IFs that have become figuratively or literally monstrous and are dealing with the detachment from/loss of humanity in decidedly unhealthy ways" which is something I absolutely adore :)
On an unrelated note, ever since people started going crazy for Alistair and his pasta (and Secretary responding to asks with recipes), I've been tempted to post my own recipe for spicy seafood pasta. But I'm like a vampire in that I need to be invited in to talk about my bullshit, lol
Pasta Noodles – It’s best to use a larger, tube shaped pasta like ziti, rigatoni, or penne. But any pasta will work. My kids love the rotini spiral pasta noodles so I use that a lot. The larger tube shaped pastas work best because they soak up all that sauce and get inside the pasta.
Garlic – Use any kind of garlic you like. Fresh cloves garlic that you mince or press. Chopped garlic from a jar. Or my personal favorite is to use garlic pasta from a tube.
All-Purpose Flour – This is what forms the roux (or a thickener) to help thicken the milk and chicken broth when it’s added.
Salt & Pepper
Chicken Broth – I use reduced sodium chicken broth.
Whole Milk – I have used all milks from skim milk to half & half milk. Any milk will work but just note that the lower the fat percentage is than the longer it will take the sauce to thicken. Which is why I mention whole milk in the recipe. Because it’s yummy, makes it so creamy, and it has enough fat to help the sauce thicken quickly.
Dried Parsley
Fresh Shredded Parmesan Cheese – Buy a wedge of parmesan cheese and shred it yourself for best results. I have experimented using the pre-shredded parmesan cheese and it leaves the sauce kind of gritty and not smooth. The cheaper, grated parmesan cheese is just too salty and does not produce a smooth sauce.
– While the pasta is cooking prepare the creamy white sauce. When the pasta is done you just combine them together and dinner is ready.
– Use any pasta you want! I will say that the larger pastas do much better in this dish. Like rigatoni pasta, rotini pasta, penne pasta. I usually always use rigatoni or penne pasta because my kids love the shape of it and it’s large so it holds all the sauce well. Rotini is another one we use often.
– I always use the garlic paste that comes in the tube. You’ll find it in the refrigerated produce area of the grocery store. Super easy because you don’t have to get a cutting board out to peel garlic. Just squeeze it in and you’re done.
– I have made this with all milks. Skim milk all the way to half & half milk. They all work fine. The higher the fat percentage is, the faster the sauce will thicken up. Which is why I recommend using whole milk. So you can use the milk that you prefer or whatever is in the fridge.
– PLEASE use a parmesan cheese wedge and shred it yourself. It makes a huge difference. I would not recommend getting the pre-shredded parmesan cheese as it does not melt nicely into the sauce. You end up with a gritty sauce that is not smooth. A wedge of parmesan cheese is about the same price as the pre-shredded bagged stuff, so buy the wedge.
– This is definitely filling enough as a meal. Add a green salad and maybe some garlic bread and you’re set. It also makes a really great side dish too. Maybe with some steak or chicken.
Easy Garlic Parmesan Pasta is a family favorite 20 minute dinner recipe! This is my family's most loved & requested recipe. Pasta noodles covered in a creamy garlic parmesan white sauce.
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f10werfae · 1 year
What is lumberjack!henry and readers daily life like??
Daily routine consists of (just a few snippets):
- Morning cuddles for at least an hour or two until he hears her stomach rumbling, on the occasion after a night of cockwarming he’ll fuck her away and they’ll fuck all morning (maybe even all afternoon too)
- Whenever shy!reader showers you best believe she has a guest every time, with Henry offering to scrub his sugar cube clean, giving her scalp massages etc Shy!reader will usually reward him back with a nice blowie
- Tuesdays and Thursdays Shy!reader is dropped off by Henry to hell out at her grandparents’ sweet shop whilst Henry is out of town collecting wood for his business, he’s back by 7/8pm that same day with a new present for his baby
- Lunch is usually shy!reader’s responsibility, she’ll use whatever they bought at the farmer’s market, whatever they’ve grown out in the fields and her grandmother’s secret recipe cookbook to come up with new delicious meals. Whilst Henry takes care of Dinner, cooking meals such as pasta, fish, salads, burgers, steaks etc Once they even made their own cute pizzas (Y/n’s was a heart shaped pizza)
- Every few days Henry and Y/n will take a walk into the town just to see what’s new and in stock, and it ends with Y/n being absolutely spoiled by her grumpy lumberjack because he just wants to give her the whole world
- Sometimes even the littlest things such as going to the toilet is a team job. When shy!reader is simply pissing on the toilet, Henry will be sitting on the bathroom counter just sweet-talking her while she’s so clearly confused and embarrassed by his presence. Even though she does the exact same thing to him.
- At night they give Marly the kitten her cuddles, before Y/n begins her skincare routine which Henry has now adopted because he hated having to wait alone for 10 minutes for her to put “stupid creams” on as he would say. Henry is a BIG PILLOW-TALKER, saying what he wants for their future, how many babies he wants, how he’s going to fix up the cabin for their babies, praising her on the things she did that day and asking her what she wants to do the next day.
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rumiracle-whip · 1 year
Ranking jrwi pcs by how much you can trust them in the kitchen
Rumi/Elena - grew up in a bakery, canonically cam cook a decent steak (hard), has an eternity to do basically nothing but get better at cooking, those pastries are probably heavenly
Thanatos - makes some mean deviled eggs, i bet if he gets mad enough you could use his body for kbbq
Chip - hes like, decent, can cook a few things really well, extremely good at taking very simple/cheap ingredients and making something really good out of it. doesn't go out of his way to cook though (he thinks he's bad).
Peter - hes a little bit of a disaster but hes getting better, has a great chocolate chip cookie recipe and hes always assigned to make the salad at dinner parties and potlucks. sometimes he makes a recipe from his childhood and its always some form of mid century abomination but i forgive him for it
William - the best cook of the prime defenders the same way that jay is the most reasonable of the riptide pirates, he can cook a few things decently and won't burn the kitchen down but thats about it
Kian - I don't think he's GOOD but hes not BAD. He mostly eats out but if he has to he can make pasta for himself or something, also a master at making breakfast for all those one nights stands he keeps having
Rolan - he can make your classic college meals, but mostly raw meat, he eats a lot of raw meat, bug moment
Dakota - all this dude eats is pizza, he can make digornios but thats like...it
Gillion - can cook eggs and nothing else, he's not even good at it
Rand - Has not cooked a day in his life, if someone walked him through the steps it probably wouldn't end in disaster but I wouldn't trust him to know the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon
Vyncent - by Fauna standards hes an okay cool but by prime standards hes abysmal, stay five feet away from his cooking at all times it might be actually toxic to humans
Ashe - Has started a fire by trying to boil water before
Jay - She will cause an explosion, please whatever you do do not let her cook she's going to make that bodyswap curry from revolutionary girl utena or something
Exandroth - if you let him cook the resulting dish will be composed of worms and other bugs (living), writhing flesh (of indeterminate origin and he won't tell you) , the souls of the damned (screaming) and a sauce made of distilled light (tastes like if you licked a battery and a lemon at the same time). if a mere mortal so much as tasted it they would go insane. not advised.
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kabillieu · 2 months
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Making dinner is, as always, a struggle. I'm doing so much better than I used to, but it still gives me daily anxiety and I have a difficult time with motivation and inspiration. And yet--still I like to eat. And good food at that.
I have so many IRL and online friends who are amazingly talented, creative, and flexible cooks. I wish I had even a fraction of many of your talents! But I can usually follow a recipe, and I have gotten better about the planning that goes into cooking. I try to strike a good balance between ignoring my family's pickiness and accommodating them. I've cooked some good meals lately, many of which are repeat dishes, and I just wanted to record them here. So here's what we've had in the last week and a half or so.
BLTs on sliced sourdough from the grocery store bakery with Caesar salads. I ate the rest of the sourdough toasted with butter over the course of the week and now may have high cholesterol. Worth it.
Balsamic chicken thighs and mushrooms over rice with broccoli . I make this recipe all the time. It's like a sweeter chicken adobo, so Dominic loves it, and my kids like it too. It's just really, really good.
Roasted sweet potato and black bean tacos with a bagged Southwestern style salad. For this dinner I had to modify my kids' plates because they are knuckleheads who won't eat tacos or sweet potatoes or black beans or salad. But this is what I wanted to eat, so I made the exact dinner I wanted for myself. Even though it was an easy meal, it took forever to get all the food on the table. I made my plate last and then dramatically dropped it before I could sit down, creating a HUGE, dangerous mess with shards of plate everywhere. It was VERY sad, I cut my ankle, but Dominic cleaned it up and I made another taco and everything was fine.
Ina Garten's skillet-roasted chicken and potatoes with green beans. I've made this recipe before, and it is WONDERFUL. I skip the buttermilk marinade because I just don't have time for it, and it is still good. I stir fried the green beans with olive oil, garlic powder, and Lawry's seasoning because that's how @thebarbaricyawp made green beans for us when she and G visited us over the 4th, and I always copy her because she is the best cook I know.
I also made Eric Kim's cold noodles with zucchini for lunch a couple times because I love his recipes but also because I love zucchini and my family acts like I'm trying to poison them when I make it. It's a fun recipe and satisfies my need for novelty as well as zucchini.
Last night Dominic grilled steaks, and I made the sides, and everything was delicious. I made more green beans, mushrooms, horseradish sauce, and these roasted potatoes. The potatoes were excellent. I made the horseradish sauce by stirring together roughly equal portions of sour cream, mayonnaise, and prepared horseradish, and it is so incredibly delicious every time.
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swampstew · 1 year
KIᒪᒪEᖇᑕOOK - ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 4
Welcome to Raven's Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Join us in the family room as we sit around and browse our phones, and eat some Girl Scout cookies as we begin tonight's story. Rated Mature for language. Minors DNI.
Special special special thank you to @basilisa-scorpii for beta reading; and thank you to my main squeeze @icy-spicy for dropping the best acronym I've ever heard in my life! If you're a fan of King of the Hill, you might find a familiar line🤭 And I cannot believe I actually forgot to include @quinloki who inspired Killer and Kid in swimsuits that sparked this chapter's theme - that insta reel is still in my bookmarks🤤🤤🤤
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Killer directed and organized the tributes the crew had brought to his shared house with Kid, Wire and Heat. Today’s live stream was going to be a special one – the weather had finally gotten warmer for longer and their unused pool needed some TLC. So did Killer’s Summit E-470 propane powered grill.
His beloved cooking space.
Shaking his head excitedly, he finished typing up the recipe list he planned to pin on the live stream’s chat board. Everyone brought their own side dish, dessert, or drink specials. Killer only planned to show off cooking meat on the grill. That was easy enough to instruct on air compared to the delicious smorgasbord of food that was piling all over his kitchen.
Drooling at the overwhelming smells, he helped carry the food outside. Sneakily taking small bites out of the Hawaiian macaroni salad, watermelon feta salad, and a whole pollo asado taco, he began setting up the camera equipment.
“Alright is everyone set and comfortable? Starting the live stream in 5 minutes!”
The crew shouted out in acknowledgement before resuming their laid-back activities. A party’s a party after all. 
Rocking the, quite frankly, sluttiest pair of low-rise swim trunks that really only served to cover his goods. They were blue of course.  Killer pulled his hair into a high ponytail and waited on his housemates to bring out the meats and beer. A blue and white striped face mask was covering his lower face.
Kid brought out the steaks and burgers. He was wearing obnoxious yellow swim shorts that stopped at his lower thighs. In equally tacky theme, a cartoon rooster was displayed in the center of the shorts with dialogue off to the side. It read: Don’t stare at my cock.
God’s be damned, Killer wanted to beat him up.
Wire stepped out in a speedo that was entirely too natural looking on him, walking with grace that one wouldn’t have thought the tall man had at all. However, it wouldn’t be Wire if he wasn’t wearing some type of netting – a fishnet crop top covered his broad chest. 
Heat, always copying inspired by Wire’s fashion sense, was also wearing a fishnet crop top in blue with matching swim trunks.
The assignment was simple –look ridiculously ripped, as possibly allowable without violating TikTok’s guidelines and terms of service. So far they were all in line with the rules, but as always the risk lied with Kid. Killer glared at the text on swimsuit and considered kicking the redhead in the dick for always acting like one.
Heat handed the grill master his apron: a simple blue cover with pockets, with a custom jolly roger embroidered in the center. The symbol resembled Killer’s mask with two scythes crossing behind it. A small chef’s hat hung off the skull’s head.
“Thanks Heat you did an amazing job!”
Going Live In…
“Hey everyone, KillerCook here with a special episode of Faffaffaffa-Food with Killer. Today, we’re having a pool party~ And every good pool party is composed of three important elements: food, drink, and fun. Drop a ‘hey!’ in the chat to all of our co-workers and friends!”
The i-pad was going off with all the pinging notifications from viewers trying to say hello. In the background, the crew began cheering and hollering, pushing each other into the pool and going back to their conversations as Killer dived back into his show.
“For drinks, we’re knocking back classic beers while we stand over this grill.” Killer slapped the hull of the steel frame. “This gas-powered baby can grill so much food but she’s also hot to handle. Propane may be a clean burning fuel, but she can also be a dirty girl. Which makes beer the perfect accompaniment to keep cool.”
Killer took a step back from the heated grill and began to put on his apron. The notifications were going WILD and he didn’t need to check them to know why. Sweat was already beaded on his body, running between the grooves of his tanned and toned muscles. Cheeky smirk hidden behind the thin, fabric mask, Killer tied the apron off and stuck a steel straw in the beer can. Expertly tucking the straw under his mask without disrupting the way it sat on his face, Killer took a refreshing sip.
“Saturdays are for the crew, don’t you agree, guys?”
His housemates whooped and cheered behind him and again the notifications went off as the men moved their positions to be seen more clearly. Lavishing the attention and sounds of microtransactions tipping them, they clashed their beer koozies together and flexed for the camera.
“Wire, please pin the recipe note to the chat board. Since everyone contributed a little something to this party, I made a digital recipe book for you all to enjoy our favorite foods! While I grill the meat, Heat and Wire will take you all to the table to show off our spread, you’ll get to see the people we see on a near daily basis, and maybe get a glimpse at how intense pool volleyball can get!”
“Hey Killer, can I read off a comment?”
“Hng, yeah go for it.”
Wire grinned, “404errorbrainnotfound asks, ‘Will you be showing off your meats, my good sir?’”
Alas, Killer was not wearing his helmet so his flush was visible to the camera. From cheeks to chest.
Kid stepped up. 
“Oh yes, but not just his. I’ll be showing off mine, as will Wire and Heat. Lucky viewers today, ain’t that right, Kill?” He slapped Killer’s back forcefully.
“Yes, and since you’re so eager to talk about it, how about I turn it over to the reigning Boss of our enterprise, PunkNeverDied69?”
Kid gave Killer a confused look as he was pushed to camera center. Killer only walked away, turning his neck and face just enough to give him a ‘fuck around and find out’ look.
“’Kay. So.” He grinned, shaking it off. “Am I showing off the beef or sausage first? White or dark meat?”
The sound of notifications pinging aggravated Killer so he turned up the commercial-free summer playlist. Returning to his beloved grill, he exchanged his fabric mask for his helmet. So much for going casual, he thought . 
“So now that you know our set up, it’s time to grill. The beef and chicken wings were pre-marinated, the hamburger meat has the seasonings worked in, the shrimps are-” he waved his hand at the platter of raw shrimp- “shrimping. I’ll be rotating out different items to cook as efficiently and quickly as possible. Don’t want the other food to spoil, and I definitely don’t want to stand in the heat longer than I need to. Heat, Wire, I’m handing it off to you now. Kid, grab me a piña colada.”
The camera view became rocky and shaky as everyone moved around. Finally, Heat turned it face forward so he could address the audience. 
“Hey guys, look at this insane buffet! Comment which ones you wish you could be eating right now!” 
Panning the camera at each dish for 10 seconds, Heat hovered over the table while Wire gave a brief summary of the dishes, their components, and his own taste review as he and Heat sampled the plates.
When they reached the crew, they were asked to vote on everyone’s favorite dish and/or drink.
“Whoever made the piña coladas is on one, mate! Shit’s STRONG!” House giggled.
“The bruschetta’s real tasty,” Dive said as she dived back into her plate of said snack.
“We really like this cheese and bean dip!” Bubblegum held out the bowl he was sharing with Pomp, U.K., Reck, Hop, and Moai; purple corn chips falling from their hands as they eagerly snacked on the appetizer.
Jaguar bounded to the camera with a plate of salmon ceviche, “Nu-uh, this is by far the best dish on the table!”
“Are you all high?! The tzatziki potato salad is the best dish no contest,” Boogie had his nose upturned at the others, who all in turn deadpanned him back.
“Who the FUCK brought JUST BEANS?!” Disc-J yelled from the table.
A small argument broke out over the real best dish at the table, which quickly grew violent as shoving commenced. It took Kid yelling profanities across the yard to settle the dispute.
Wounded egos were quickly forgotten as Hip came out carrying a platter of homemade popsicles and Compo brought out a deep pan of tres leches rum cake.
Out of piña colada mix, Gig swapped out the double barrel drink dispenser with two new flavors: peach daquiri slushie, and strawberry margarita on the rocks.
Heat panned the camera to Killer who was hard at work grilling shrimp, chicken, and hamburgers; he was happily swaying to the music and occasionally taking a sip from his beer bottle with a lime wedge inside. His back muscles tensed every time he flipped and swapped out food, his hip flexors tightened for every bump his waist made to the beat of the playlist.
“OI! LET’S BREAK THE VOLLEYBALL TIE FINALLY!” Papas smacked the water ball into the pool as Emma secured the net.
“FUCK YEAH, LET’S GO!” Kid cried out, taking a running leap and cannon balling into the pool.
Wire took over filming since he’d been legally barred from playing pool volleyball anymore. A story he teased the audience with but ultimately did not spill how or why. 
Flipping the perspective from Killer’s grilling and gossiping to the quickly intensifying competitiveness of the volleyball game, Wire was having a hard time choosing a scene to focus the camera on: Killer’s hilarious quips of Kid’s top 10 blunders or rather filming Haikei spike the volleyball right into Oscar’s face.
Wire’s indecision was decided quickly as Killer’s excited shout grabbed his attention. The food was done! Calling Heat and Kid out of the pool, Killer began piling the last of the grilled veggies onto a separate platter. Noe and Mosh tagged in as the back-ups, got a STERN mini lecture about the pride of the team, and were pushed into the pool by Kid.
Killer sat the phone on the camera stand to finish off the live stream. With the help of his housemates, they held all the meat platters for the audience to see while Killer listed them off. Beef kebabs, cheeseburgers, loaded hotdogs, sweet and spicy ribs, Italian lamb chops, seven-spice pork chops, tri-tip with chimichurri, Hawaiian style ribeye, Harissa grilled chicken, grilled shrimp skewers, blackened shrimp, and grilled cauliflower steaks.
Kid, almost drooling eyed it all before a suspicious look came over his face, “Hey Kill, not that I’m complaining, but isn’t this a little too much food? We’re still not done with the dishes on the tables.”
“Hmmm, yes, I was wondering when you would notice that,” Killer mused. Tapping the phone’s screen so he could check the time, “Ah and they should be here in 3…2…”
“HEEEEEEYYYYYY KIIILLLLEEERRR!!! JAAAAAAAAAGGGGGYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY” A way too happy to be here sounding voice rang out off camera. Kid looked as if he got kicked in the balls.
“You invited THEM?” He hissed, a vein in his forehead threatened to burst.
Sanji called out, “I know you said not to bring too much so I only made pesto mozzarella chicken sliders, rotisserie chicken salad, crab cakes, and that creamy poolside pasta I know you like!”
“I brought tangerine creamsicle cake!” Nami smiled sweetly.
“I brought a barrel of tequila,” Zoro huffed, carrying the barrel over his shoulder as the Straw Hats came through the wooden fence gate that surrounded the property’s yard. 
“And I brought COLA!” Franky whooped, following right behind Zoro.
“I didn’t bring anything because I assumed Sanji or Killer would ensure to provide enough for everyone,” Robin said shamelessly, pulling back her wide brim hat to send both men a wink.
Sanji and Killer sighed happily.
Killer, Heat and Wire worked quickly to make room and place for all the cooked dishes over the tables, sending Kid to bring more furniture to accommodate the additional meals. Kid was cursing the entire time as Luffy hung off his back, trying to hold his attention to tell him about his latest adventures. Finally grappling the little freak off him by yeeting him into the pool, Kid sought refuge behind Killer who was removing his apron as he started the sign off.
“I hope you all enjoyed the live stream today; I know I had a lot of fun. Gonna go ahead and end it here because I’m FAMISHED! Tune in next time when I whip up a fun summer dessert – lemon blueberry cheesecake. It’s easy to prepare and like everything else I make, slays. This has been Faffaffaffa-Food with Killer.”
He moved to turn the live stream off when he was distracted by Kid clearing his throat and backing away from him.
Kid smirked daringly at Killer before turning that cocky look to the camera, “Little self-promo here, you can find me at my new OnlyFans account, KillerCoc —AUGH!” 
Killer tackled Kid into the pool before he could finish the sentence.
The camera fell off the stand as Heat tried to end the stream. The notifications were blaring frantically as comments poured in before he successfully closed the app and turned off the phone. Wire turned off the wi-fi for good measure too. 
Bonus: The comment section
BarbzisthatGorl:  WHAT DID HE SAY?! WHAT IS THE ONLYFANS?!?!?! WHAT IS HIS ONLYFANS PLEASE!!!!!!! KillerCook: His account was reported for spam and got locked down, sorry can’t help you! PunkNeverDied69: Judas😡
TheO-FaceisREAL:  I would purposely drown to have PunkNeverDied69 give me CPR (Clenched Pussy Resuscitation). Scream_Maim_Fire: He would purposely let you drown too.
Smokkadakush: Heat, you looked great out there! What was your favorite dish from the table? FlamingHot420: Aww. I loved the grilled watermelon with tajin seasoning, thanks for asking!
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daffodilhorizon · 9 months
Vegan Masterpost
Want to make a change for the animals, for the planet and for your fellow humans? Here's how to start: 1. Replace your favorites with plant based ones. Look up vegan recipes + your fav meals. Stop buying animal products and start buying alternatives! That's basically it! You're probably going to start getting exposed to a bunch of new plants and flavors to cook with. Embrace the fun! I'm not going to lie, you will probably crave animal flavors and textures at first. There's nothing wrong with having these cravings, just accept they are normal and will go away. 2. Look up vegan nutrition needs. You will probably need to supplement with B12 (found in fortified foods, such as fortified cereals or nutritional yeast). This is fine. Supplements are a good things! We put iodine in salt, and most carnist cereals and cow's milk are fortified for a reason. Take advantage of modern efficiency and accept that fortified foods and occasional supplementation is normal and healthy. My doctor recommends everyone where i live to take vitamin D daily, due to the lack of sunlight. Getting nutritional needs met in the most efficient and cruelty free way is good, actually. If you have specific needs around allergies or are dealing with an eating disorder, talk to a vegan nutritionist if you can afford it, otherwise consult with the vegan community and do your best.
3. Start using a cronomoter if that feels okay for you mentally. A lot of vegans don't eat enough at first! We need to load up on those delicious carbs and protein rich foods and keep consuming fats. 4. Integrate yourself into the community! Join vegan facebook groups, vegan hobby groups, vegan book clubs, follow the vegan tag. Follow animal sanctuaries on every social media. Seeing animals as animals and not objects is a big step in being vegan and seeing how happy these animals are in fulfilling caring environments is a positive reminder of the difference you're making. The hardest part of being vegan is the reaction from non-vegans. If you feel supported through the vegan community, you're much less likely to feel strong in the face of non-vegan pressure to conform or "cheat". A lot of us are genuinely pretty welcoming, probably because vegans are more likely to be liberal, poor, nonwhite, and lgbt+ than average. 5. Educate yourself! Read through vegan books, watch educational videos about what animals go through, and/or look at the vegan boot-camp. You are not required or expected to put yourself through watching animal violence, but if you have trouble connecting to the animals and think you can deal with it, it can help you realize how horrible and violent their lives and deaths are. I personally have not seen Dominion nor do i plan to, i have no need. The only people who need to be watching that stuff is non-vegans who are dismissive of the suffering animals go through. 6. Prepare yourself for a lot of unprompted excuses and defensiveness around non-vegans! Here's some lists of common "gotchas". You'll have them memorized within the first 3 months because of how often you'll hear them. There's also vegan debaters on youtube if that's your jam. Remember, you can always disengage and say "honoring my personal values is important to me and you should respect that" if you don't know what to say or don't want to argue. NOW FOR THE FUN PART Replace WHAT with WHAT? TEXTURES: make sure to get extra firm tofu! ground beef -> textured vegetable protein steak -> seitan steak recipes shredded chicken -> jackfruit sliced chicken -> soy curls, Tofu Fish textures -> watermelon (seriously) Unagi -> eggplant Bacon -> Tofu or rice paper Popcorn Chicken -> breaded soy curls lunchmeat -> vegan lunchmeat, or make your own with seitan/tofu Tuna or chicken salad -> chickpea salad Fried Chicken -> Fried Oyster Mushrooms or Tofu pulled pork --> Jackfruit Cow's milk -> any non-dairy milk! You can also make your own very easily Butter -> margarine Cheese -> vegan cheese, or make your own! Eggs -> Tofu, or mung bean egg, eggy yolk recipe In Recipes: Replace eggs with flax seeds or yoghurt, aquafaba, silken tofu, applesauce, banana, pumpkin, chia, baking soda & vinegar Flavors! Beefy -> Basically just salt with some umami Chickeny -> kinda salty, kinda herby Bacony -> liquid smoke, salt, and some sweetness Eggy -> use black salt Cheesy -> nooch please! Sweet -> maple, agave
7. If you drink alcohol, check barnivore to make sure your wines and beers weren't processed using fish guts! 8. Don't purchase any new products made from taking from animals. This means looking for cruelty free grooming items, cruelty free textiles, and avoiding animal exploitation like purchasing from breeders or riding horses. Obviously, necessary medication is the exception. 9. Be extra kind to animals in your real life :) They deserve extra love. Learn to put spiders outside and how to deal with "pests" by preventing them. 10. You are now vegan! Welcome! We're happy to have you! :D You will probably stumble a little bit or not know things like how some sugar is processed with charr from animal bones! That's okay, just keep learning and keep your eye on the positives.
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voidlightcomix · 3 months
Feast Your Eyes: Fandom Cookbook Recipe Review #4
Visiting Tstxoke’u - Avatar: The Official Cookbook of Pandora
Tonight's menu: sourced from Avatar: The Official Cookbook of Pandora
Appetizer: Totem Dip, pg 140
Main Dish: Supercharged Steak, pg 46
Side Dish: Shoreline Salad, pg 116
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Full review under the cut!
Aurum Leuci’s Log:
[Begin recording.] Hey. Aurum Leuci here. Finally, I’m somewhere I recognize. I made it to the Multiversal Culinary Research Institute’s outpost on Pandora, and finally managed to figure out what was wrong with the portal generator- the navigation crystal had a hairline fracture and would’ve exploded after a few more jumps. Thankfully, since I made it here, I’m having a new crystal shipped in from off-world. Should be here in a day or so, and once I’m sure the machine is fixed I’m going back to my usual jet-setting habit across the multiverse. In the meantime, I’m visiting an old friend, a Na’vi from the Sarentu clan, who goes by Tstxoke’u, which I think vaguely translates to “nameless”. It’ll be a nice little while to catch up with an old friend. I’ll be sure to put in a good word for you, and bring back some shell fruit if I can. Aurum Leuci out. [End log.]
Please see this post for my full review scale!
Appetizer: Totem Dip
Difficulty: 5/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Immersion: 5/5
Time: 5/5
End Result: 5/5
Okay, so, this dip (and the freshly-made pita that was also part of the recipe) was the best part of this meal. The dip itself is delicious, it’s garlicky and creamy and the earthy flavor of the beets really balances it all out. The red makes it very visually striking, and topped with parsley and a little feta, it’s really quite a centerpiece. It was surprisingly easy to substitute in vegan ingredients for the yogurt and cheese. The only difficulty I had with this recipe is that the garlic cloves I was originally using turned into literal coal in my oven (that was on me), so I ended up substituting in quite a bit of garlic powder. Regardless, it’s a great dish, and the pita recipe included makes just enough for a small family meal (one for each of us). Definitely making it again in the future- super, super tasty. And even though you’ll definitely have leftovers, it’ll be good spread on some toast or crackers. (I’m looking forward to having some for lunch tomorrow.)
Main Dish: Supercharged Steak
Difficulty: 5/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Immersion: 4/5
Time: 5/5
End Result: 2/5
I really, really wanted to like this dish. It’s innovative, not something I’ve seen done before, and the cookbook made it look really, really delicious. But… in terms of how it turned out, I really don’t have many good things to say about it. The roasted beans and tomatoes were good, but the cabbage steak itself… left a lot to be desired. Aside from… how it actually turned out, this recipe loses one point on “immersion” because it was, for some reason, in the “RDA rations“ section of the book. While there’s a lot of great vegetable dishes in there, this one seems the least like what Earth soldiers would eat on an alien planet! The fact that it fit in so perfectly with regular Na’vi dishes like the totem dip and shoreline salad makes it kind of a weird placement. Otherwise, this recipe was pretty easy. I think if I ever make it again I’m putting it in the oven for longer.
Side Dish: Shoreline Salad
Difficulty: 1/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Immersion: 5/5
Time: 1/5
End Result: 0/5
Hooooo boy. Okay. The Shoreline Salad. It looks impressive, and it was genuinely very easy and quick to make. It sucked (none of my family liked it, and I have texture and taste issues with seaweed. I TRIED to like it, I promise) and really could’ve used more flavor. Even with the hot pepper flakes, it was kind of just… a bland, slimy mess. But wait, you’re probably saying. AJ, if it was easy and quick to make, why did you rank the “difficulty” and “time” scores so low?
Well. My dad was helping me clean up and dispose of some leftovers (mostly cabbage), and we also had a lot of the Shoreline Salad left, so he put it down the garbage disposal.
Do not do this. Seaweed, unlike cabbage, will swell up and clog your whole sink. It will take you an hour of pouring vinegar and baking soda down your drains to remove it. An hour you will never get back. An hour you will hold against seaweed for all time. We did not know this when we put it down the sink.
We did eventually get it clean, but given how bland and.. kind of gross it was? This recipe wasn’t worth it at all. Be advised, if it weren’t believably something that fish people would eat, I would rank this much, much lower. Make at your own risk.
Tune in next Wednesday (6/19/24) for another fandom cookbook review!
Thanks for tuning in the past couple weeks! Your likes and reblogs mean a lot to me. :) - AJ
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
Greetings from Finland! (Or I suppose it could be considered Eastern Skyrim) What are some of the spices or ingredients that could be used in food making from each race? I plan to make up a recipe of my own. And how about most famous meats for every race? (And possibly their real life counterparts for some of the meats?) Best wishes, thank you!
Hello! You can find a list of commonly used Tamrielic spices here. With regards to meats, there are a range of different meats preferred by the races based on geographic regions and subsequent availability.
Summerset favours fish over most other meats, but the High Elves also farm a range of more common mainland Tamrielic livestock such as cows, chickens, sheep, and deer. However, indrik heart is the most prized of all meats, and is highly sought after due to the illegality and difficulty of killing these magnificent beasts. The preparation and consumption of indrik heart is purportedly painstaking, and is a closely guarded secret of Altmeri gourmets. It is my goal to one day try this coveted dish!
Guar, bantam guar, and chickens are the main meats favoured by Black Marsh Argonians, primarily due to their ability to cope with swampy conditions. Grilling, baking, and frying are the most common ways of preparing these meats, whether they're served on their own, with noodles or saltrice, or salads.
If it's meat, the Bosmer will eat it. Whether it's wild boar, deer, timber mammoth, or even monkey, all game is fair game in Valenwood! Timber mammoth steak with blue timber mammoth cheese sauce is one of my favourite foods in Tamriel.
If there's one race who's mad about mutton, it's the Bretons. While High Rock is also known for its pork dishes, today I'm focusing on all things mutton. Mutton stew, mutton chops, mutton casserole, and even Orcish-inspired mutton curry are favourites both at home and in taverns. One of the more popular ways of consuming the meat is a mutton and rosemary sausage, that is served fried with eggs, goat cheese, and roasted artichoke hearts.
Aside from guar, the Dark Elves love nix-hound and nix-ox in equal amounts, with the former being more akin to crocodile or turkey in texture, while nix-ox is named such due to its uncanny similarity to beef in flavour (though not in texture). As they are bugs, however, you're not going to get thick steaks or drumsticks as you would from other animals. Instead, nix-ox and -hound are best served minced or stewed. A staple dish in Dunmeri households is nix-hound casserole, made with finely minced and baked nix-hound with saltrice, hackle-lo or ash yams, and scuttle.
Imperials love beef the same way that Bretons love mutton. However, the most unique and exciting beef you can find in Tamriel is Cyrodiilic wagyu, a special kind of fatty, marbled beef that is exquisite as it simply melts in the mouth with a rich, meaty flavour. Whether it's served as tender filet mignon or thinly sliced as carpaccio, Cyrodiilic wagyu beef is an expensive but absolutely divine treat.
There are many exotic meats that are native to Elsweyr, and jerboa is probably the most popular. These small (and unfortunately very cute) rodents are delicious when deep fried or roasted in moon sugar sauce, though their small size means you'll have to eat a few to fill up. If you don't mind picking bones from your teeth, jerboa is a must-try for adventurous foodies.
Beef, chicken, elk, goat, horker, rabbit...in Skyrim, if it moves, we're probably eating it. However, the consumption of specific types of meat, and whether it's processed or fresh, really depends on where you are in the Province. Major towns and cities are more likely to eat fresh farmed meats like poultry, mutton, and beef, while rural areas rely more on wild game. Whether it's Markarth barbequed goat skewers or Dawnstar horker casserole, there's a whole new world of regional dishes out there for meat lovers visiting Skyrim.
Echatere, chub loon, horker, and mammoth are the cornerstones of Orcish cuisine, and they're enjoyed in abundance. Wrothgarian Orcs in particular love their echatere, which are lovingly hand-reared or hunted in the wild. Either way, it's delicious, albeit with a rather acquired taste and gamey aroma. Echatere meatballs topped with crispy chub loon bits and an echatere cheese and frost mirriam gravy are a timeless classic hailing from the region.
If goats were ever to become an endangered species, the last place they would disappear would be Hammerfell. Anyone who's visited the Alik'r will know that despite the sandy, Oblivion-hot depths of the desert, these hardy creatures will survive just about anything. As a result, goat meat plays a central part in Redguard cooking. Goat koftas, kebabs, shawarma, curries...no matter what form it's in, you're bound to have a tasty, meaty meal no matter where you are in Hammerfell.
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deepspacexavier · 25 days
I haven't seduced you through food in a while... that's terrible. There's no way I'm losing my touch 😞
(Sidenote there's no way I [or MC] will let Xavier leave Earth until he's tried some of our best meat dishes. Like where exactly do you think you're going and you haven't even had a South African braai, Argentine steak, Southern US BBQ etc etc??? 214th Spring deadline be damned.)
*today takes you to a Central Asian restaurant to try samsas. They're basically a clay oven/tandoor baked regional pie filled with meat and spices. This Uzbek restaurant specialises in them and the recipe is to die for. It'll be served with a spicy tomato chilli sauce, cucumber salad and tea.*
*He's ecstatic*
Can we come back soon? Are you done? Can I finish that? I'll help you.
We should get some to-go. I'll clear space in my fridge. What else do they have? We should order one of everything...
...I love you by the way.
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dudeshusband · 10 months
I keep forgetting you are also vegetarian!! What sorts of things do you make (if you dont mind talking about it)
I need ideas since I can't really eat most of what my family makes lol
i like to cook from scratch so i don't know how helpful I'll be but I'll lay out some of my favorites
i eat a lot of pasta tbh. fettuccine alfredo, meatless spaghetti (or if i can find the tofu meatballs, that), pasta primavera. I'm trying some mac and cheese with gochujang in it, I'll let you all know how that is.
easy as hell feta tomato pappardelle
not to be cliche and say salad but the nashville hot pickle and spinach dijon make me (a salad hater) like salad. they sell these at walmart or raley's.
i make a vegetarian noodle soup with vegetable broth sometimes. depending on where you are, there's an amy's brand one that's canned. zuppa toscana is a fun one to make if you have veggie italian sausage (i wouldn't put white wine in it. i rarely put wine in anything.)
also korean and indian food is usually vegetarian by default. japchae is really good. it's very vegetable-heavy. i make a cold soondubu (it's usually hot but this is a very good cold for hot days version). this is kong-guksu, which is a peanut sauce ramen dish (better than it sounds).
my favorite indian dishes are palak paneer, tikka masala (i make it with cauliflower or tofu depending), chana masala, basmati rice, and naan.
falafel is vegetarian, and you can make yellow jasmine rice vegetarian easily by making it with vegetable broth instead of chicken broth. and of course, there's hummus and baba ganoush
if you like mushrooms, they're a good substitute for steak on philly cheesteak and this recipe for vegan po' boys is phenomenal.
i make black bean burgers from time to time (i usually buy them bc I'm lazy but they're fun to make). also, black bean and corn tamales are very good. quesadillas are easy too. or cheese enchiladas. they sell vegetarian refried beans too. if not, pre-boiled (or canned) whole pinto beans + vegetable shortening.
we have decent vegetarian sections at the stores i go to. i find safeway and sprouts (I'm not sure if this is a national chain or not) have the best options. i wish i lived in la or sf where all the vegans are.
when in doubt, you just buy nacho fix ins. not healthy but fun and everything that needs to be hot goes in the microwave.
if you need any more recipes or ideas, let me know.
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mariacallous · 11 months
Huevos haminados (slow-cooked Sephardic eggs), fried eggplant slices inspired by iconic Tel Aviv restaurant HaKosem, and quick tahini sauce are the key elements of sabich — an Iraqi Israeli sandwich that is arguably the best Jewish ‘wich ever. Stuff into fresh pita and drizzle with amba (a fermented mango condiment). Some also add slices of boiled potato, pickles, and/or Israeli salad.
Note: You will need to make the huevos haminados ahead of time; they cook for 8-12 hours. The tahini sauce recipe makes about two cups. Store in the fridge for a couple of days and use for cauliflower steaks, or drizzle over roast vegetables.
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feralwifey · 4 months
i used to live with my leftist vegan parents and have recently been married and moved out! im so exicted to cook and be a wife but the problem is i have never cooked meat and dont know where to start (and i still struggle with being sad/grossed out when i handle meat) i would really love some encouragement, prayers, and maybe recipes! i want to be good to my husband and future children..
Hi! Congratulations and I hope you and your husband will have many happy and blessed years and lots of babies!
I used to be vegan and vegetarian so I get it lol
The thing is I don’t really ever look at recipes for meat. I don’t know how well you can cook, but depending on what kind of vegan household you come from you either cooked everything from scratch or ate very badly, I’m going to assume you’re the from scratch kind of family so I hope you can figure out the amount of seasoning you like.
So steak is intimidating for a lot of people, but it’s very easy. You warm up your pan, use a very heaped tablespoon of butter and let it melt. In the meantime you season your steak ( or even better you season it a few hours before and keep it in the fridge) we like to use salt, pepper and a little garlic powder. If you want to you can add a bunch of fresh rosemary or even fresh peeled garlic to the pan with the steak for some extra flavor. Most people like their steak medium. That takes around 4 minutes on each side. I like mine 5-6 minutes that way there’s only very little pink left. Most people don’t like that though. When you flip over the steak you then use a spoon to get some of that butter from the pan on top of the steak and finish frying it.
Most people like to have steak with any kind of potato, or fried eggs, brussel sprouts or a salad on the side.
Pork chops with or without bone work basically the same way. You just fry it longer until it’s nice and crispy on each side.
Each meat has a certain temperate that it needs to reach to be done, you check with a thermometer. You can google that for each meat you cook and that way know for sure without having to cut into it. I personally don’t use a thermometer and after I think it could be done just cut into it to make sure.
Chicken. Ideally you get chicken that still had the bone it just has more flavor, I’m not really a fan of chicken breast because it tends to be kinda bland and more dry than the rest of the chicken. You can obviously make a whole chicken. This is how I do it.
I make compound butter. Using a stick of butter, adding whichever herbs I have at home. Fres rosemary, sage, anything really. If I’m lazy I just use dried oregano and basil too. It really doesn’t matter it’s just a preference. Cut them, mince some garlic, add some salt and then just mix it together. Then I prep some onion, just peeling it and cutting it into big chunks, save some of the herbs if they were fresh, peel some more garlic and cut some lemon into whatever sized pieces. You dry the chicken with some paper towel, take the butter into your hands and rub it all over the chicken and also lift the skin and stick some underneath. Sometimes the chicken is too wet and the butter will slip off the skin. Then you know you need to make sure it’s more dry. However it I’m lazy I just do the best that I can because it’s still going to taste good even if it’s not covered perfectly. I also after I smeared the butter on the chicken add just a little bit extra salt and pepper, we like it salty. Then stuff the chicken with the prepped garlic, onion, herbs and lemon and put it into a preheated oven at 400f. After 15-20 minutes I lower the temperate to 350 and from there on it should take another hour and maybe 15 minutes if you have a 4lbs chicken. If it’s smaller it will take less time and the other way around. On the side we like to have some garlic bread and any roasted vegetables.
You can do any chicken like that. Chicken thighs are our favorite and I season them with a dry rub of paprika, a small amount of turmeric, pepper, salt, garlic powder, oregano and basil. In the oven they take around 45min at 400f they become very crispy and juicy. Make sure to get them with skin and bone though.
Meatloaf is also very easy. I use 2lbs of ground meat, grass fed though because it tastes better and is better for you. Season with plenty of salt, some pepper, a small amount of paprika and garlic powder. Then I cut around half an onion or a whole onion depending on size into small cubes, sometimes I also use carrots and cut them into little cubes as well. Then I mix everything together using my hands and shape it into a big log loaf thing. We like to add a little ketchup on top sometimes and make mashed potatoes on the side. It takes around an hour or a little less to cook at 350f.
Also something else we love to eat that’s very easy is salad with canned tuna when it has to be really quick. Any kind of salad, any kind of vegetables work. I like cherry tomatoes, chickpeas, olives and romaine lettuce. Tuna in water, open the can and let the water run out, put it on top of your mixed salad and as a dressing I like tahini mixed with lemon, salt and pepper and garlic powder.
You can easily also make tuna salad sandwiches by mixing the drained tuna with enough mayo but not too much so it’s basically only mayo and kinda liquid. You want it still to be pretty solid. Add your seasonings, you can also add sliced onion, pickles, mix it together. Put it between some bread and other lettuce, tomatoes or cucumber doesn’t really matter whatever you prefer. Very easy, quick and delicious.
I prefer to make things in the oven when it comes to dinner. Less active cooking time (I have a toddler), and less dishes. If you want more elaborate meals like ribs, stews or whatever feel free to send another ask this is pretty long already and I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed but still wanted to give you some examples. I hope this helps! I’ll pray for you and your husband and your cooking journey 🙏🏻
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persianatpenn · 1 year
Make Shirazi Salad with Me!
Hi everyone! To learn more about Persian culture and food, I decided to make Shirazi salad, a staple side salad in Persian cuisine, for dinner with my friends this weekend. Despite Shirazi being only composed of a few ingredients, it is packed with flavor and made up of beautiful colors.  
The three main ingredients featured in every Shirazi recipe I encountered were tomatoes, cucumbers, and red onions. In addition to these fundamentals, the recipe I followed called for fresh mint, salt, olive oil, and sumac. It also included an ingredient known as Ab Ghooreh, which is 'an unripe sour grape juice,' but unfortunately, I did not have it on hand (Manfre).
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One of the main features that sets Shirazi salad apart from others is the finely chopped vegetables, which make for a refreshing and crisp salad. Due to their small size, the vegetables quickly absorb the salt, citrus, and sumac flavors. Shirazi is best served cold, ideally shortly after adding the dressing.
Here is the recipe breakdown:
Red Onions
Mint Leaves
Olive Oil
Ab Ghooreh (Optional)
Begin by washing the vegetables and mint leaves.
Finely chop the tomatoes, red onions, cucumbers, and mint leaves. 
Combine all of the chopped ingredients in a medium sized bowl. 
Once the vegetables and mint have been added to a bowl, add freshly squeezed lemon, salt, and a pinch of sumac. If you have it available, add Ab Ghooreh during this step.
Make sure all of the ingredients are well combined. 
Serve the salad chilled for the best flavor!
Shirazi salad is incredibly versatile and can be served alongside any dish, whether it's rice or steak burritos, as my friends and I did. I learned about how similar it was to Fattoush, a salad primarily featured in the Middle East. The main difference between the them is that Fattoush has fried bread and lettuce. Removed from these differences, I noticed that the flavors of the Shirazi salad mirror many of the flavors found throughout the Middle East. Many of the dishes in my culture also include sumac and strong sour flavors.
Overall, the salad was a huge hit amongst my friends! I was scared of chopping off my fingers while trying to cut the vegetables small, but absolutely loved how easy it was. Shirazi is a tasty, quick way to include vegetables in your diet!
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Manfre, Ayeh. “Shirazi Salad.” Cooking With Ayeh, 22 Nov. 2022, cookingwithayeh.com/shirazi-salad/.
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