#best kirby character imo
ex-vespidae · 1 year
every so often I will watch videos about Sectonia and just start crying and dying again
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docgold13 · 3 months
Who is your favourite Wildstorm character and why?
that's a tough question.
I guess my favorite is The Authority... although specifically The Authority under the creative team of Warren Ellis and Frank Quitely.
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The storyline where the team goes up against a rogue version of Jack Kirby and it ended up as parodies of the Justice League battling parodies of the Avengers... that was just insane.
The book was crass and often ghoulish, but also widely imaginative and beautifully illustrated. It was kind of a (slightly) less cynical iteration of The Boys (the tv show not the comic).
Frank Quitely seems to have a talent for bringing out the best in the writers he works with. Grant Morrison, Ellis and Mark Millar all offered up their best works when in tandem with Quitely's art (IMO).
Ellis and Cassidy's Planetary would have been my favorite, but the creative team's inability to meet publishing deadlines made reading the book annoying. Years would go by between issues.
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imperiuswrecked · 11 months
How do you think Doom's dictatorship should be portrayed? I'm personally always very uncomfortable when writers try to go the "benevolent autocrat" route, and after making online friends with an F4 fan whose parents and extended family actually suffered under such a regime (and who is imo rightfully furious whenever writers try to depict Doom's rule as being actually good or "worth it"), in addition to everything going on in Eastern Europe right now and the alarming rise in nationalist and authoritarian-leaning politics/politicians/ parties/voters all over the world, I'm admittedly even more critical of that depiction. It just seems incredibly irresponsible, disingenuous to how real-life human hierarchies/economies/politics/psychology actually work, and disrespectful to the past, present, and future victims of these regimes. (Not to mention the fact that Lee/Kirby, two Jewish WWII vets, were pretty explicitly satirizing the very concept of "benevolent dictatorship" with Doom in their original F4 run, and being Doom's two daddies, they'd probably know best.)
But that's just my opinion, and I'm curious to what extent (if any) that you agree with me, as a fellow Doom connoisseur. Thanks, and I hope you and your loved ones have a safe and blessed rest of your week. <3
Thanks and I hope you and yours are healthy and safe as well ❤️
While I don't personally know the other F4 fans you speak of, or what the full context is around their feelings for Doom, I do understand why they and you might be uncomfortable with characters like this and that's fine since you don't have to like characters, and if they want to be mad at writers for portraying Doom that way then that's their right but I don't agree with them. I'd personally rather Doom be a benevolent autocrat than the writers try to inject hilter dictatorship into Doom's character/imagery. I find that very disturbing for a character like Victor to be subjected to, because Nazism isn't something I take lightly and definitely feel it's inappropriate for a character with Victor's background to ever be linked with.
I'm gonna put this really simply; it's fiction. Doom can be a benevolent autrocrat, be beloved by his people, have little children throwing flowers in his path, and be a villain to the Fantastic Four at the same time and be depicted as a good thing for the Latverian people because it's fiction.
There's a time and place for discussion when it comes to how fiction affects real life, but it doesn't work in Doom's case because showing Doom in this light does not mean any writer endorses an autocratic ruler nor will have an impact in Real Life because there is no such thing as a real life benevolent dictator who gives his country and people free healthcare, education, safety, security, prosperity, and the freedom to worship whom they please/live their lives in return for their complete obedience and being unable to critize Doom's rule. It's literally never happened in real life. There is no such thing as a good government in the entire world, because there will always be a time or government or leader who has harmed their people or other people in all manner of ways. There is not one single country in the whole world that gives equal rights to every citizen, doesn't harm people either physically or through their laws/government system, and provides everything every single person needs with justice and fairness.
You say it's disrespectful for writers to portray Victor in this way but disrespectful to whom? Disrespectful to people who suffered under real life dictatorships? They don't have to like the character or agree with the writer, but I've already established that a fictional character/story doesn't take precedence over real life suffering and I hope people understand there is a line of separation between enjoying fiction that has flaws/isn't good/has darker elements vs real life. As readers it's our responsibility to determine what we can and cannot handle in fiction.
Disrespectful to the characters? Latveria is fictional, the characters are all fictional, if we take into context the history of Latveria in the 616 and look at Victor through the eyes of the citizens of Latveria, both Romani and non Romani citzens, then to them Victor is a hero, he led a rebellion and resistance against the rich and powerful ruling royal class of Latveria who were absolutely horrible to their citizens.
If we are continuing in the context of the 616 universe, "how could Doom's people love him/look up to him even though he's set on world domination" then you have to acknowledge first that world domination isn't feasible in the real world at all, that's a non issue, and second that Doom wasn't created out of thin air, he didn't wake up one day and go "well I'm gonna take over my country and then the world" He was built from the oppression and crimes against himself and his people by the ruling class of Latveria. Kirby and Lee's origin for Victor isn't one of a tyrannical overlord deciding he's in charge, it's the story of a boy outcast from the main society because of his background, oppressed by the government/ruling class, orphaned as a child, and hellbent on gaining power because of his circumstances.
If you feel Victor is satire then that's your interpretation but I personally feel that silver age villainy is an era comic readers have outgrown and shouldn't apply to today's character, because by that logic then Magneto would still be seen as an allegory for mutant supremacy because that's how Kirby and Lee portrayed him, but instead over time he was transformed into a character who's past suffering had a righteous (if flawed at times) cause. Both Doom and Magneto were made in the same era but while Victor's past was laid out from day one, Erik's past was created so much later.
Just like the Mafia Boss with the Heart of Gold, who is a totally bad guy but he protects his people/loved ones is a fictional and very popular trope, it's unrealistic in the real world because Mafia/Mob/Crime bosses make their living doing things/crimes that hurt others.
Anyways I think it's a non-issue that Victor is portrayed as a benevolent autocrat. I think it's interesting to have him be portrayed as such because it fits into his characterization of him believing that all people who don't have his level of intelligence are beneath him and he must treated as children or sheep he must herd and care for. It fits with his ego being so large that he believes that him being in charge is the only path forward. It's a great way to study the character too because Victor is very fascinating to me.
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fruitkingfrog · 5 months
sorry if this is a strange question but you're like ceo of new gods stuff, what is the recommended reading order of new gods? i want to start at the beginning (yknow jack kirbys start) but i feel it may not be that simple
aaaa thank you thank you tbh I think fourth world IS that simple.. pretty much the original stuff
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #133-148/ New Gods / Forever People / Mister Miracle (Jack Kirby 1970s)
New Gods 1984 reprint issue #6 part 2
DC Graphic Novel #4 - Hunger Dogs
That will give u The Core of the series and IMO the best parts. The only other new gods comic i really enjoy is Orion (2000), but to me thats more of a "fix-it" for NGv3/NGv4/JKFWJB volumes in between and not a good direct follow up. i havent read any post-kirby Forever People at all yet, and i stopped reading Mister Miracle when Dematteis became the main writer, I can't stand his scott and barda. some of the Showcase issues have New Gods stories that are pretty good, I know theres one about Lightray confronting a Lightray Church, and one w Orion about a Shadow creature. This list on LOGC i think has everything chronologically, but keep in mind i was using DCUguide and hand-organizing wiki appearances when I read it
Oh and Honourable Mentions
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom. part of it's own timeline, but presents an alt universe where Shilo is biological legacy to the Mister Miracle title and Scott/Barda's existence is questionable, Modern Shilo is definitely his own character from original Shilo, also heavily features Oberon, and includes a brief but MUCH more in-character, respectful, fun&sexy take on New 52 Orion. I dont love everything about it but its a fun read and only like 6 issues i think!
Bug! The Adventures of Forager. parody-adventure comic that explains that Forager didn't die during CO, he was just displaced from the universe. Plays around with a lot of old Kirby stuff
Solo #7 (Michael Allred). Same author/artist, but about a decade older than Bug!. Features a 2-page parody with Orion, Lightray, Forager, and Scott taking bets on what things Scott can escape. One of the things that made me really want to give Fourth World a shot
Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015 movie & shorts + digital comic). Not a Fourth World story, but features Bekka as a lead. an alternate universe where the Pact never happened, New Genesis became corrupt and desperate, and a deathly betrayal leads Bekka to Earth to become Wonder Woman, alongside (effectively Lor-Zod) Superman and Kirk Langstrom vampire Batman. A scrapped sequel story would have had Bekka return home and introduce Lashina as Wonder Girl. Recommended more if you're looking to flesh out Bekka, this does it better than her Yellow Lantern run, but its not very kind to the Fourth World. The ultimate "dark" Justice League though, hands down.
1 day ill actually get around to
thank u for the ask!
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[ID: Pencil on paper of Orion from DC Comics, he is unmasked, pointing and yelling at something in the top right corner. End ID]
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lorekeeper-backset · 9 months
The funniest thing about Kirby: Right Back at Ya is there's an entire episode dedicated to both educating you on the basics of how a cartoon is made and also serving as a scathing (okay scathing May be a strong word) critique of the animation industry with the citizens of Cappy Town as overworked and underpaid artists, Tiff as a writer with a creative vision, and Dedede as an obstructive executive crushing that vision in favor of what he wants. It's like, this is the silly Kirby show of debatable quality you Don't expect this kind of stuff from it.
The best line in the episode, imo, is when Dedede declares himself the producer and another character asks what a Producer does to which a third character responds "A producer doesn't do anything." Like, they really just went and said that.
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otaku553 · 2 years
Hi! I'm dropping in to say I really really love your art! It's all so pretty and elegant!
Who is your favorite Genshin character(s) and Kirby character(s)? What do you like about them?
Please have a great day! You're awesome!
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I’ve already answered the genshin favs, but I want to talk more about why I like them :D
For kazuha, beyond his design being imo the best in the game, I also really like the duality in his character where he is nice and gentle and writes poems but knows how to be lethal and ruthless when he needs to be. I think it’s definitely something that must come from his experience as a traveler and as being a wanted fugitive and being on the run. His character is such a good buildup of his personal experiences- the contrast between his formal politeness and brutality mirrors the contrast between his noble upbringing and his time as a vagrant wanderer running from the law :) I think a lot of people mischaracterize him as a soft boy which I don’t complain too much about but I really enjoy seeing the less nice side of him!
As for albedo, man. He has so much lore. He’s so formal and isolated but he so clearly enjoys the presence of friend and people, since he probably lacked those before in the strict guidance of Rhine. I think he’s just somehow a really relatable character when it comes to his social interactions- in that he distances himself from them but still loves them, in that he’s content just sitting aside listening to conversation. Not to mention the way he gains and loses interest in things and is an artist!
Homuncular nature is pretty much my love letter to albedo’s character lmao
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As for Kirby. I’m gonna be basic and say it’s Kirby and Meta Knight.
Meta Knight definitely came first! I actually got into Kirby from trying out some smash fics and those brought up often Meta Knight being banned from brawl tournaments, and. Well. Who doesn’t like an overpowered character, yknow. Add on that this character seems deathly afraid of showing his very cute face and takes a mentor-like position to Kirby and boom, you’ve got a character archetype I really enjoy! (Characters with cuter appearances than they try to maintain who are powerful and wish not to be underestimated due to appearance)
As for Kirby it’s just really difficult not to like them. They’re very uplifting! At first it was just the way that they faced gods head on with a smile on their face, and then in my own interpretations they became someone with the responsibility of the universe on their impossibly small shoulders, who tries their best and must succeed.
I specifically enjoy these two characters together because in any configuration, they’re both usually good for each other and help the other heal. Kirby gives Meta Knight hope after all the devastating losses he’s faced, and Meta knight gives Kirby much needed training to hone and control their abilities, and supports them when they need it most. Anyways meta dad meta dad
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desultory-novice · 1 year
oh my god i just had A Thought. ok so in star allies there's a celebration image called "rockability and blues" which has taranza reaching out to the dimension mirror with sectonia in the background and joronia on the other side of the mirror, and when dedede finds the mirror he instantly encounters his mirror world self, so. what if sectonia is somehow mirror world joronia and joronia is still in the mirror world somewhere. that probably wouldn't hold up canonically but it would still be cool
Honestly, seeing as how the OG, Dark Meta Knight, successfully sealed Meta Knight in the mirror world for a time, it's not that farfetched of an idea!
I think the only thing standing in the way of that theory being super plausible is that I imagine Director Kumazaki would probably prefer Sectonia be "responsible" for her own evil deeds and face the outcome of them, rather than the Sectonia we fought being an evil mirror clone while "our" sweet Joronia did nothing wrong. Sniffle...
(My many years as an anime/game fan has taught me that generally speaking "They were just controlled/brainwashed/body-swapped" is not a very popular lead in for "...which is why X did nothing wrong!!" A lot of creators want their characters to take SOME responsibility, even if the situation got out of their hands really quickly.
I think that's why most of Kirby's "sympathetic" last bosses all have serious character flaws. Hyness was stabbed in the back by his planet and put under immense pressure to care for an entire subset of a population, but the way he channels his anger is still considered "unjustified." Magolor "just" wanted to build the galaxy's best theme park, but there was some darkness there, a larger than normal dose of ambition, that allowed the Master Crown to sway his thoughts.)
It is still incredibly fascinating! Particularly when it comes to imagining what a Mirror Joronia's personality was like BEFORE she started body-swapping like mad. Joronia might have always been fascinated by the idea by being stronger, more beautiful... the perfect queen, but never really been able to act on it? Just like Meta Knight fights against his powerful love of battle, in contrast to Dark Meta Knight who doesn't let anything or anyone take him away from the fight. So Mirror Joronia would be the one to go, "...Why don't I just take someone ELSE's strength? Someone else's beauty?" 
And of course, then they could still go into the mirror-verse and rescue Taranza's Joronia. Hey, if the novelization of Planet Robobot let Susie's papa survive Star Dream exploding (:handwaves like wild:) that would be a decent way for a potential Triple Deluxe novelization to have a similarly happy/bittersweet ending. Taranza giving his thanks to everyone while saying something like, "The Joronia I know is still out there. I just need to find her."
Of course the novels went ahead and canonized her death before she even got to appear in them sooo...
You know, at the same time, I can't shake the feeling that anything could still happen on that front? Does everyone remember the Kirby Twitter account having Magolor talk about DMK and the Dimension Mirror kinda recently? Sure, they say it's because DMK's mask was popular the time but what if it was a hint we'll be revisiting that plot later? Sectonia seems pretty popular amongst the (non-brought back to life) last bosses. And look what popularity did for Magolor!
I also get the feeling that Kumazaki may have more to say about her down the line? RtDL as a game was very "chatty." TDX was light on talking (way too light, IMO) and I feel like that was to make-up for RtDL's bevy of dialogue.
But you know that, even if we didn't see a lot of world-building in game, Kumazaki did a LOT of writing and thinking about that story. (The friggin' sun stones, man. Their petals are the same as the Master Crown's leaves...)
Kumazaki also loves his girl bosses. Drawcia was from a spinoff game, but look at her now! She's the only "spinoff" game character to get a dress-up mask! She has, for all intents and purposes, been bumped up to "basically canon." An honor not even Fluff has gotten.
Sectonia, like Drawcia, keeps appearing in these unexpected places. Getting a nod from Ohmoto and Kumazaki at the music fest and such. (Or getting her pre-corruption name dropped in Gourmet Fest. No one asked them to do that, but they did.)
So I don't know.
It's probably not a bad idea to keep an open mind as to her status...
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channel-eclair · 14 days
u know i think a big issue with third parties in smash bros and the series focusing almost entirely on third parties these days (aside from the game becoming a huge corporate copyright mess) is that we hardly ever get Not The Face Of The Series characters anymore
imo something that adds so much fun and flavor to smash bros is like.. the "not absolutely main characters". like jigglypuff, rosalina, robin, greninja, bowser jr, sheik, palutena, meta knight, etc
yeah theyre important to their series, but theyre not mario or link or pikachu. and having characters like that land in such a special place like smash bros gives these characters such a special lasting prescence in nintendo history
but then sakurai realized "wow, adding third parties makes me more money" and threw 90% of the series' uniqueness and passion out the window
like almost every new character in recent time is just... The Main Face Of Their Series. and its kinda boring tbh. we just have a boatload of one character series now with a character thats kinda just, whatever
like idk anything about street fighter, tekken, and fatal fury. but ive looked at these games rosters and they have SO MANY NEAT CHARACTERS! street fighters got chun li and juri and an ohohohoh rich lady, tekken has some sorta robot android girl, fatal fury has tons of cool characters
and then we just get...
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regular dude mcgee
those sure are uh. those sure are characters i guess. honestly the first time i saw terry in smash i thought he was an alt costume of ken. these sure are regular dudes with regular designs i guess. of all the character designs in video games, these sure are some of them
like how am i supposed to care about sora when aqua is right there. how am i supposed to be invested in cloud when vivi and freya are there.
imo the most interesting characters on the fighters pass are joker, min min, and pyra/mythra (i adore byleth so much 3h is a masterpiece but i do think they shouldve gone with edelgard overall, even if im a golden deer fan forever, byleth is one of the best parts of ultimate to me 100%)
joker is great because instead of just being jack frost the mascot of SMT, or instead of using every persona ever, hes just... joker from persona 5 with arsene. hes not the representative of an entire series, hes just the main character of persona 5 and i LOVE THAT
min min is amazing because she won the arms popularity tournament at the end of the games support cycle. rather than just using spring man, they went with the characters fans loved the most
pyra and mythra are so much more interesting than rex and really represent xenoblade 2 so perfectly and were the best possible choice by far
like they just have so much more Flavor and Passion than just. heres the kingdom hearts guy doing everything youd ever expect him to do i guess.
and i know itd be dumb to expect them to put in a third party side character over the main character, but i think it raises the overall issue that modern smash bros is "quantity over quality". the roster feels messy, the single player feels empty, the game releases without things like home run contest and spirit descriptions (and still hasnt added spirit descriptions even though the fans wrote their own at this point lol)
so honestly i think the ultimate solution is just to reboot the series and focus on fleshing out each series
put nintendo first above all else. flesh out all the nintendo series. give zelda reps that arent the triforce trio, give kirby some modern rep, freshen up fire emblem and pokemon (these two series should still have a lot of reps, but more variety beyond swords and gen 1), rework outdated movesets like luigi and ganondorfs, give pikmin alph as an echo and a pikmin 4 rep
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this was the slogan of smash bros. this is what its supposed to be
THEN we can talk about third parties... but honestly like? fleshed out third parties. put sonic first, and then add shadow. then maybe go to mega man, and have protoman or bass as an echo. then the next series. take it one step at a time rather than give us half empty shells of these series
if all smash does anymore is focus on main face "hype" characters, its going to feel like playstation all stars battle royale in no time tbh. honestly it already kinda does and its awful. stop doing that sakurai
also prioritize story mode + more single player content + trophies/spirits with descriptions so that the game isnt doomed to die when its online service inevitably ends please
that is one of my biggest and dearest wishes for the switch 2. smash bros needs its whimsy and soul back
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gemapples · 1 year
Even though I like the idea of Kirby talking I really adore how Kirby is a silent protagonist bc like ?? I think Kirby not feeling the need to ask or say anything shows how much he trusts and wants to help magolor immediately instead of going “ermmm why can’t you do it yourself” or “ur story is a bit shady” and other stuff and,,,,,,sniff,,,,,,,,,,,thinking abt their relationship is making me sad,,,,;;,,;;,,,((;☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️euueueeuewqahhhhhh☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️and magolor giving one final mission request for Kirby in the true arena,,,,,.,,☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️WAHHHHHHH the Kirby magolor bff brainrot is Real
YEAHHH tbh i love kirby both ways, both him talking and being silent fit him very well (imo at least??!!) so by extension i just like to imagine he talks occasionally but other times he just doesnt really feel like it so he won't say much or anything
i think kirby would be way too nice for that though fhgdkfg he's a very unassuming character and just wants the best for everyone and to help no matter what; i personally think even if magolor seemed really obviously suspicious, like when he yells at you, kirby might say something like "are you feeling okay you seem a bit off :( " i think the novel does an exceptionally good job at portraying this !!! bc they make kirby naive and very good-hearted but also notably picking up on important things
magolor and kirby being best friends post rtdl is actually my life blood i would pump out 346384967 drawings of them in a row if i had the power to do so
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yellowhollyhock · 8 months
Hey since you’re the Donnie expert would you say this is ooc for him? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2181404/1/In-Between
Ooh I’ve actually seen this fic before and I enjoyed it. Donnie is written well, especially for it being a time of stress, he’s withdrawn, passionate about his beliefs, annoyed with verbal conflict. Looks like Donatello to me
Now, personally, I find Raph to be a little out of character. I think I get why, though, he had a role to play in the story and I don’t think it would have stung the same coming from someone else?
This got long so I’m putting in a cut
So Raph. Maybe I’m wrong, I mean he’s stressed out too having just lost their home, but I don’t think he would just straight up call Donnie a coward unless he was specifically provoked (and maybe not even then, he seems to have a soft spot for Don). Also if he did, I think Leo would say something. But maybe that’s just because I always see those two as perfect, lol. Idk I feel like this fic was really giving Donnie the front seat, and maybe the others got a little flattened to fit into the background, if that makes sense? Which, you know the show(s) do that too sometimes, when one character has their turn to shine the others act for Plot even if their personalities have to bend a little. Not so much in 2003 though (I am biased)
I also personally think Donnie was a lot more affected by Kirby’s disappearance, even though he knew he was safe. I think he still would’ve worried about the life Kirby left behind and probably felt responsible. I mean, this is the turtle who saw Angel get hurt in the Darkness Within episode, and while I personally (as you might know if you’ve seen my posts about Donnie) headcanon them being close later, he didn’t know her well at that point. He gets attached to people quickly and feels immediately responsible for them. We see that with the whole Underground City arc that came just before this as well.
I personally see Raph and Don as being very close, that’s a pretty big thing in the fandom actually. But I can respect that the family dynamics look different depending who’s watching, and that not all family dynamics can be shown in one fic (I have one myself that centers around Raph and Leo fighting even though I always keep saying I wanna see more of their friendship and less needless conflict). I guess I just can’t see the Raph and Donnie I have in my head failing so spectacularly to listen to each other. Then again, they are teenagers, but then again again they’re very mature for their age, especially when it comes to each other. But then again again again, they’re in a very stressful situation and most adults wouldn’t be at their best.
I feel like I have not given anything close to a clear answer. Here is a sentence: good fic, good Donnie characterization, did Raph a little dirty imo.
I looked at some of the other fics by this writer and there’s some really good stuff. I think I just see Raph as more mature than this writer generally seems to. Idk there are probably other Raph lovers reading my fics wondering what I did with his temper. In canon he always seems reasonable to me, even though I know he is supposed to come across as a hothead. In my head he’s only mad when people deserve it, it’s not that he get mad real easily just that when he does he has a hard time self-regulating. So it is a little off putting for me to read about him coming after Don for what seemed like no reason. But you know, sometimes with siblings it is like that. Reasonable people have off days and there’s no place like home to be at your worst (idk about you guys but my friends wouldn’t believe the things my siblings had to put up with).
Okay overall straight answer lemme try: this is a good well written fic. Donnie is in character. The rest of the brothers, especially Raph, seem a little ooc to me. To be fair I’m a little bit obsessed with Raph and Donnie’s dynamic, so I have strong opinions, but at the end of the day they’re just that: opinions.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
srry if this is a weird question but what batman stuff would you recommend to someone with no real prior knowledge of it? followed you bc of kirby knowing nothing about batman but it looks like a lot of fun and ive considered getting into it. im not sure where to start with it though. do you have any favorite stuff thats like. "oh if you're new to the franchise you GOTTA check x out first"?
The best thing about Batman is it has absolutely no consistency. Really the characters tend to change depending on the writers and artists. So go apeshit! I got into it by getting sick and binging every Scarecrow comic i could find online in my brief periods of consciousness LMAO
Also keep in mind I am still very much bullshitting my way through Batman and DC in general EFGUIEWWEF
But the ones I would recommend aka the ones i started with:
The Long Halloween
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13 Issues. One of the most iconic Batman stories, and one of my personal favorites. Specifically it centers around Harvey Dent, Carmine Falcone, and Batman all trying to identify stop a killer called "Holiday" from offing another member after member of Gotham's biggest crime family.
The art is absolutely gorgeous and captures tone perfectly. It also showcased a handle of the Batman rogues on the side and is REALLY fun trying to guess who the killer is alongside the characters. It also has a sequel: Dark Victory!
Here's the link to read it
Batman: The Audio Adventures
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This is my personal favorite Batman media. It's an official podcast focused on the 60s Batman! Which means its a lot goofier than a most of current Batman.
It's a dark comedy podcast, but don't let that fool you. It knows when to take itself seriously, and features a small handful of the Batman Rogues! Also my favorite detail is that it takes the guise of a radio show- complete with fake ads that hold foreshadowing and funny gags! It does a great job of capturing the chaos of Gotham with the constantly interchanging multiple storylines, but keeping it understandable.
Also this podcast is entirely free. You can find the entirety of it on Youtube, HBO Max, and Spotify.
Arkham Series
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If you prefer video games or playthroughs instead of comics, I highly recommend the Arkham games! There's Arkham Origins, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight. They all have VERY interesting and well done versions of the characters and are a blast to play.
I recommend starting with Arkham Asylum, since its the first released of the games and is much easier to jump into than the others, imo. You basically play as Batman dropping off Joker to the asylum as usual, but everything goes wrong and ends with all the inmates taking control of the Asylum, leaving Batman to uncover Joker's newest plan and fighting through the Asylum hes been trapped in.
Arkham Asylum is normally $20 on Steam, but it has a free demo you can play. Also the games tend to go on sale pretty often and you can usually get the whole series for less than $10
Batman: The Animated Series
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I have to recommend this one. It is the most iconic Batman media and has done so much for the characters and series. It's a fun series with lovely animation and surprisingly heartfelt episodes.
It has some of my favorite interpretations of the villains and one of my personal favorites of Batman! It doesn't pretend Bruce Wayne is heartless and beats the shit out of criminals for the hell of it. It's a great watch!
You can watch it on HBOMax with a subscription, but since streaming services are a parasite, you can also find it on PrimeWire.
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Ok, to preface
this spawned from the Kirby movie poll and was way too long to be a reply so I'm putting it here. It's very long, you can ignore this if you want, I just had to put this somewhere and I figured as a fellow Kirby fan you might enjoy my crazed ranting.
My original comment:
Imo crystal shards would make for the best adaption because it hits all the right notes that could make good movie:
-squad of loveable and dynamic characters
-premise with a clear goal
-iconic locations
-incredible final boss
-ending without any loose ends
Return to Dreamland (for a movie adaptation) is iffy because I can't imagine any voice for Magolor that doesn't sound absolutely cursed, and I feel like the ending doesn't work as well in a movie format...
(And that's where the original comment ended. I then proceeded to go completely off the rails and wrote like a whole essay on a random concept that will never happen)
(Spoilers for Return to Dreamland Deluxe below)
...UNLESS- hear me out- what if they adapted the bad ending from the True Arena. Not only could this be done in such a way that it is interesting for people who already know the story, but people who don't know the story already or don't pick up on the whole possession aspect still get a conclusion. To them it would feel like an epic battle and though they might question why it feels sad/desperate or why it seems like it's not a true victory, there isn't the same feeling of "where did magolor get yeeted to". (I mean there is- but like, not in the same vein, they could even make the portal at the end more subtle if they wanted) Also just imagine being at the climax of the movie as a kirby fan and all the sudden you notice something is different.. familiar.. and then BOOM Magolor Soul. Perhaps the Magolor battle happens like normal but then once the characters beat the regular boss fight instead of ending it transitions to the eyeless phase of Magolor Soul. I'm not sure exactly how it would work out pacing wise. I also have no idea how they would choose to write the ending, but this leaves room for them to write an ending that is slightly different. Plus it could end on a bittersweet tone (which is like, my personal favorite type of ending.)
I think as a representation of the Kirby franchise this would actually work really well because you have a lot of staples of the modern Kirby games
-the dream quartet/dream team entirely present (something that crystal shards would be missing)
-A story with a relatively tame beginning that ramps up a whole lot towards the end
-Dreamland/Popstar as a primary setting (not necessarily a staple of modern Kirby but important for getting the audience to care about the world Kirby & co. are protecting especially if it's the first Kirby movie)
-A soul boss
-Another Dimension
-Mentions of the ancients
-A tragedy (I mean we've gotten a few happy endings but there is still tragedy that occurs along the way)
-A what if/alternate universe scenario
Finally, and this is the last point I swear! Doing this would clearly set the movie in an alternate timeline that can't interfere with the canon of the games. Which would make the movie a lot more enjoyable as a fan because even if it's "canon" it's not in the same timeline/universe. Much like the "what if" modes it can provide more context/substance to the main story without ever taking place in the main universe.
Anyways, that's it. Thank you for coming to my TED talk
Context: The Kirby Movie Poll
Anon this is so cool!! :0 /pos
Mod is obsessing over this- thank you for sharing this with them! :D /pos
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
Have you seen the Mark Waid Doctor Doom manifesto? Someone posted it on CBR Forums (Mark Waid's Doctor Doom Manifesto (plus extra material) (cbr.com), and I thought it was an interesting read. Some really interesting discourse in the comments below, too. Just thought you might be interested! :) <3 Love your blog, btw
Hey, thanks for the love and for the link. I did take time to read it over and I have to say this doesn't change my mind about Mark Waid as a writer. Firstly, I think he's a good writer, he's great with characters, and I enjoy most of his work. Big fan of his Wally West/The Flash run.
I think Waid should stay away from writing Doom forever.
Like I'm so serious, I do not like his Doom writing and I feel his thoughts on Doom are very black and white, he sees Victor as a villain, but not like a complicated villain with shades of gray. He's stuck on the early iterations of Doom's character, and he admits further on that he sticks with what the early stuff was and imo if a writer, especially a comic writer, doesn't take into account the general sum of a character and only focuses on one era ignoring any character growth or developments then that's not a writer I want writing my favorite characters.
By the way, the truism that Victor von Doom is, despite his villainy, a noble man is absolute crap and I can point to about a thousand moments in Stan and Jack's run that bear this out. A man whose entire motivating force is jealousy is ridiculously petty, not grandly noble. Yes, Doom is REGAL, and yes, whenever possible, Doom likes to ACT as if he possesses great moral character, because to him that's what great men HAVE, and yes, we HAVE seen Doom exhibit a sense of honor from time to time— —but when I hear Doom say "it does not SUIT him to" do this-and-such, what I hear is, "it has nothing to do with my hatred for Reed Richards, so it's not worth my time." Remember, most of the reportage we've heard about what Doom will or won't do COMES. FROM. DOOM. I think "Doom the Noble" would tear the head off a newborn baby and eat it like an apple while his mother watched if it would somehow prove he were smarter than Reed.
I know Waid says he's read a lot of Doom, but that last line totally defies the fact that no, Doom would not do that. Doom literally adopts Kristoff as his ward, he's not gonna kill a baby just to spite Reed. And I absolutely hate Waid's writing of Victor and the arc where he has Victor kill Valeria for power and then wears her skin as armor. Then again, I think that if Waid wasn't so set on reinforcing his belief that Doom would do the most vile things and actually put in space to account for character growth then he would actually be a good Doom writer. Doom has a moral code and Waid ignores it.
Why has even the pre-scarred Doom always been driven to be the smartest, the most clever, the best? Look at how he grew up! Gypsies are outcasts, derided and shunned; of course Doom grew up eager to prove himself.
That's not true. Not even in in the Kirby & Lee run that Waid worships. Like literally in Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 2 we see how Victor struggles, he's not doing all that stuff to prove he's the best. He knows he's the best. He works to fight against those who have hurt his family, his people. And that I think is where Waid totally misses the mark, and it's because he restricts himself to just one version of Doom. Imagine if Magneto had been kept the same way as Kirby & Lee made him, if someone wrote Magneto that way, then wouldn't all the fans who read Magneto's growth, or Claremont's additions, be mad at a writer who only chooses to focus on an early interpretation of the character? Why does Magneto get to keep his growth but writers like Waid and Slott are so stuck on keeping Doom as a silver age villain? It makes no sense to me as a comic fan who loves comics and its characters and their stories to see them constantly try to stay true to an outdated version of a character who frankly is so much more interesting when they add the gray in that was present to begin with. Anyways not to rant on but I just pick and chose the parts of Waid's stories that I feel works and ignore what I feel doesn't fit the character. Waid isn't the end all be all of Doom's writing, he wrote one part of an ongoing saga and as someone who prefers to rationalize characters based on the sum of all their parts I just do not care about Waid's thoughts on Victor because to me he's proven time and again that he views Victor through a very narrow lens and can't comprehend that Doom is an Anti-Villain.
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amongussexgif · 8 months
idk why but I made a roster for SSB6. I was bored, okay?
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characters or sorted by series, series are sorted by when they were introduced to smash
explanation for some picks and misc ordering stuff below cut
I'm gonna start with why I picked the characters I did. First new character is Impa. Zelda needs a fourth rep, and another Link just isn't the right choice. Sheik has stayed her time, but I feel it should either be the Impa from Hyrule Warriors or Purah to play with some Tears of the Kingdom shenanigans.
Bandana waddle dee is here because Kirby's core four has been incomplete for LONG ENOUGH! This is justice for my boy!
Mewtwo was put in as a placeholder for a new starter. throw in the grass type starter from whatever the most recent Pokemon game is.
Colgate Toothpaste from Fire Emblem is there bc Fire Emblem deserves three reps. Marth to rep classic games, Robin (and I suppose Lucina) to rep the franchise's golden era, and Colgate to rep modern fire emblem.
Tails and Knuckles are in because I said so. The Sonic franchise has interacted with Nintendo so much that it only feels right to add the rest of Team Sonic.
Noah was added as a second Xenoblade rep, replacing Pyra/Mythra.
Alucard replaces both Belmonts as a Castlevania rep. He just fits better imo.
For other odd roster choices, Isabelle steps up as Animal Crossing's main rep. It just feels right to have Isabelle there instead of... generic self insert main character. Wolf and Lucas were demoted to echo fighters for obvious reasons.
Geno was added as standalone DLC not only because Geno is awesome, but also because having 11 DLC characters would bring the total number to 56 (including random), which can be neatly sorted into a 14x4 grid
The first wave of DLC was the more "kid-friendly" wave. Open with Crash for the old timers, Eggman to round out the core sonic cast (except Amy, but oh well), Rayman because he got ROBBED in Ultimate, Shantae because she's cool and unique, and The Knight to rep the Best 2D Video Game Ever.
Wave 2 is the slightly more mature characters. Open with Bridgett because we love her, 2B because I couldn't think of anyone else, Travis to open the door for truly mature characters. Master Chief is the big one, obviously. I couldn't care less about Halo, but I feel like it might happen. Nintendo likes money and they've added Microsoft characters before. Joker's there as a placeholder for whoever the Persona 6 protag is. I put them on the end to close it out with an echo fighter.
I kinda wanted to be on-brand and put in amongus but I just can't see it being functional in a platform fighter.
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stupidgalaxybrain · 2 years
Yeah, I think a month's long hiatus is enough time. Kirbytober wore me out man, but hopefully I can post here and there still.
I've actually had this on my mind for a while now, but I thought I'd list out my ships, from most to least popular. My blog won't be too shippy, but I wanted to give you guys a heads up in case you either really love or hate any of these pairings.
#1: Metadede
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At this point, Metadede is probably the #1 ship in the fandom, so it's no surprise I'm on this extremely full bandwagon. Could you consider it a bandtrain? Anyway, they're great together imo. Honestly, I don't have to explain this one because the ship is everywhere. You get the idea.
#2: Kirribbonfluff (Kirribbon and Kirfluff)
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Technically speaking, Kirfluff is significantly more popular than Kirribbon, but I love both, and who says you have to choose? They're just so wholesome together. Like, the fact that Kirby cherishes their mementos of their journeys with them (the medal and the sock) is so cute! Plus, this ship is 3 relationships for the price of one, and Prince Fluff and Ribbon I can easily imagine having an interesting dynamic.
#3: Darkroach
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You've heard of the "sworn partners", now get ready for the "shadowy partners"! (Yes, that's the actual name of their celebration picture together. Nearly lost my mind when I found that out). People already ship Daroach and Meta Knight together, but I think Meta Knight's rigid (if somewhat confusing) moral code would keep him from fully accepting Daroach's... career, but that's not a problem with Dark Meta Knight. And they're both massive drama kings so that's fun too.
(The trajectory of their relationship in my head is entirely made up on headcanons, so it'd take an entire novel to fully capture the dynamic I'm envisioning, but we'll get there later lol)
#4: Taranzolor (Or Magoranza, I've seen both)
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This one's not that big, and that's because it's absolutely dwarfed by Marxolor (Marx/Magolor). I have nothing against that ship at all; it's just that when I look at Marx and Magolor I physically can't imagine them as anything other than platonic. With Taranza and Magolor though, I feel they're both characters who have a lot more in common than either of them would like to admit, which makes for a really interesting dynamic. Powerful magic users who think they're very smart(tm) who hold a lot of guilt/regret over their respective mistakes. Honestly in my head this relationship is a rivals to friends to lovers kind of deal. Of course, their relationship wouldn't start until a while later in the timeline, whenever that might be, because Taranza needs to get used to not being in a toxic relationship, and Magolor needs to learn to stop making toxic relationships.
#5: Chupun
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I'd hazard to call this a ship when it's pretty much canon ChuChu and Nyupun are together. Still, I love them both a lot despite their minimal screentime, and I really want the fandom to put more thought into the animal friends. They're only as boring as we let them be, and I adore ChuChu. To me, these two are childhood best friends, with ChuChu being super outgoing and Nyupun being really shy. ChuChu takes her under her wing (tentacle?) and the rest is history! But seriously, I'll lead a one-woman army on making cute Chupun content. (Is there a ship name already, because otherwise I'm using this)
#6: Flamcisca
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I think this is the only controversial one on the list. TO BE CLEAR: When I hear the "Mage Sisters" I think nuns. If you believe they are related, by blood or otherwise, I entirely understand why you don't ship this one, and I also understand why this ship isn't popular because of how easy it is for interpretations to lead one way or another. With that out of the way: I think these two are great. Fire and ice lesbians? Hell yeah! Flamberge seems to adore Francisca and Francisca misses spending time with Flamberge during missions. So much of their dialogue and pause descriptions are related to each other that Star Allies kind of does the work for me on showing why they're a great couple. I'm surprised more people haven't made stuff for them, but like the disclaimer at the beginning indicates, I'm not that surprised.
#7: Sailor Goo
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Well folks, we have reached it. The true rarepair of the list. I've seen all the ones listed before at least once, but Sailor Dee and Gooey is, as far as I can tell, a Stupidgalaxybrain exclusive. I blame my Tomodachi Life island for starting this... but then it also worked with my headcanons for Kirby Fighters 2... and Gooey visiting the Halberd fairly often with Dark Matter Blade... so yeah. I imagine Sailor Dee is very disciplined and hard-working as part of Meta Knight's crew, and Gooey is the exact opposite of that, which would really allow her to take a break once in awhile. (I hc Sailor Dee as a girl because why not)
You have made it to the end! Thanks for reading! In the future I might make more in depth posts about any of these ships, so if you're curious just ask me. And because I always want to prioritize people's comfort, you have every right to block me or the tags if you're not a fan of anything on this list. Otherwise, see you guys around. I'm happy to be back.
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chdmeeksmartins · 1 year
Scream Ask #3: A random make you choose ---1. Tara or Sam? (And why?!) 2. Tatum or Kirby? 3. Scream 2 or Scream 5? 4. Scream 4 or Scream 6? 5. Jill Roberts or Stu Macher as Ghostface? Good luck :)
1.) Sam, easily. I think she’s a way more interesting final girl than Tara, and her personality is stronger and better explored in canon as well imo!
2). Kirby! I love Tatum, but I like Kirby’s energy more. Even beyond her being a survivor — she’s just a more fun character even in Scream 4 🤷
3.) Scream 5, easily!
4.) Scream 6, but I fucking LOVE Scream 4! They are by far the best sequels since the original.
5.) Jill, easily. She’s my ultimate fav killer.
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