#best decanus ever
cast-you-dxwn · 2 months
For the first time in countless millennia, smoke rises against the skyline of the City of God.
Not the wispy white that would normally rise this day, from pyres in honor of the parentage of Mother Mary. It is thick, black, flattening against the stratosphere into foreboding clouds that cast long shadows upon the realm, plunging entire districts into dim twilight.
For the first time since the Fall, Heaven burns.
The normally peaceful streets sound with chaos, shrill screams, the rumble of explosions, the sharp staccato of gunfire. Tracers scythe into the sky, criss-crossing the streets, street to street and building to building. The Council District has been abandoned, but still pockets of resistance flare within the most ancient buildings that served as the seats of the Holy Realms governance.
A perimeter has been established, in accordance with plans set forth long before any of those who man it were born. A wall of iron and angelic steel, but meant to protect the Council district from outward threat, never those from within. Defensive Line Alpha, where the mortal soldiers of Legio Mortalis 778 hold the line.
Checkpoint Theta, a hastily constructed barricade on 3rd street, on the intersection where the Council District melts into the Commercial District. Four Contubernium stationed at this foothold, a dam against the flood. Thirty-two men and women to hold the line.
Legionnaire Salterns strained voice can scarcely be heard over the deafening booms of his weapon, the Model 19 heavy machine gun behind the checkpoints barricade throwing out a steady, withering stream of fire. Empty shell casings already form a brass carpet around Albert’s feet, and the rounds tear into the street, into buildings, massive chunks of gold and marble flung into the air and pulverized into dust.
Its primary effect is keeping the advancing Exorcists from doing so any further, suppressing them, forcing them into cover in alleyways, behind cars, giving the rest of the checkpoint time to set up their firing positions. That said, the effect it has when some unlucky heretic is caught out in the open is no less spectacular. One particularly brave Exorcist catches the 12.7x108mm SMRB round directly through her chestplate, throwing her to the ground, dead even before the mass-reactive charge detonates, bursting her torso and riddling the street with golden blood and chunks of flesh.
His tirade is cut as a round catches him full in the stomach between his plates, twisting him sideways and stumbling off of the small raised platform that holds the gun emplacement. He hits the ground hard, the golden cobblestones and unrelenting spot to land, turning onto his side and pressing both hands to the wound, hoping to stanch the flow of ichor that now seeps through the gaps in his fingers.
“Shit- fucking…AGH! SOMEONE GET ON THAT GOD-DAMNED M.G!” He cries out, kicking a booted foot towards the now-vacant emplacement, his hands too preoccupied with holding his guts in to gesture properly as the Exorcists begin to advance without the threat of the heavy weapon.
“Medic! Attend to Saltern!”
Decanus Von Licht’s voice, ever calm and collected, cuts through the chaos of the battlefield even as the rest of the checkpoints garrison sets up at the barricade, taking cover, their rifles chattering in unison bursts as they do their level best to maintain their hold on their position. Alistair does not bother to confirm his order, he knows that it has been received, and so he turns his attention elsewhere.
His gaze lands upon another, Legionnaire Kyrkos, currently squatting over the constituent pieces of a Model 98 mortar, the technical journal open by one of her feet, yanking with all of her might on the release mechanism of the weapons stability bracer.
“Adalia!” Alistair barks, casting a glance over his shoulder towards the barricade before returning his attention to the woman before him. “I kindly ask you what is prohibiting you from getting our mortar emplacement operational!”
Kyrkos flinches, looking up at the Decanus, then back down at the manual, her hands shaking as she stammers out. “I-I don’t know sir! The retaining pin is stuck, and the sighting mechanism won’t depress any further!”
The Decanus makes a displeased grunt, and seems to move to speak, before he is interrupted by a pair of black-clad figures dropping from the sky upon him. He is barely able to draw his blade in time to parry a strike meant to take his head from his shoulders from one, striking out with a boot into the stomach of the second, forcing her back to give himself room to breathe.
“Exorcists, within the perimeter! We are in danger of being overrun!” He calls out, gripping the hilt of his blade in two hands, his movements fluid and quick, fending off the assault from the two masked angels as best he can.
But though he is not overcome, he is being pushed back, forced to give ground.
“Oh shit, oh, fuck-“
Legionnaire Kyrkos mutters under her breath as the Decanus is forced away by a pair of exorcists, her gaze flickering between the fight and the technical manual at her feet. She thinks to rise and assist Alistair, but her orders are to return the mortar to working order at all costs. She knows what she must do. She turns her full attention to the manual.
“Subsection 13.6.2-A, field maintenance- I wouldn’t have to fucking DO field maintenance if the Fabricators actually did their jobs, sons of bitches-“
Her personal tirade is interrupted by the force of a body hitting her from above. The force knocks her onto her back, keenly aware of the new weight pressing upon her chest plate as she stares up into the grinning, L.E.D visage of an exorcist perched upon her supine form.
Adalia curses, her hand moving to her hip, hoping to reach her sidearm, but a heeled boot comes down upon her wrist, and she barely has time to react as the Trueborn warrior moves to plunge her spear downward. Adalia’s free hand snaps up, armored fingers catching the haft of the spear and halting the cruel steel tip only a few inches away from her unhelmeted face.
“Your boots are fucking tacky.” She hisses, as the servos in her armor whirr louder and louder the longer and harder the Exorcist presses downward, the two both straining for supremacy as the battle rages around them.
The line is in danger of collapsing. Giving ground to the Insurrectionists may be the only option. But here, and now, the Loyalist soldiers of Checkpoint Theta are in grave danger of being overrun.
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irlarcadegannon · 3 years
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Mojave Wasteland, 2283 Crossed paths with a patrol of young Legion men one evening on my way to Vegas; a Praetorian and two Veterans. Half expected to pay with my life, but these boys just laughed and begged me to take their picture when they saw the camera strapped to my pack. Their friend in the back was shy and didn’t seem all too pleased with her group’s drunkenness. That makes two of us.
Character introductions below the cut!
From left to right: Augustus, Demetrius, Columbian, Analise
Artfight pages are linked for more info, but are outdated and need updates.
A Veteran Decanus, and the unofficial leader of the group. He prides himself in his outrageous and disturbing nature. He’s a creep, he’s a weirdo, and he’ll be damned if anyone says he isn’t. Also known by his nickname, “corpse boy”, Demetrius a very difficult and obsessive man. It’s hard to know what’s true about him and what isn’t.
The man loves his “dark humor”. It’s a very common occurrence for him to go on a disturbing tangent that unsettles even his fellow soldiers, and round it all off with “It’s just a joke! Don’t get so offended over it. I can’t believe you guys fell for that! Got ya, didn’t I?”
It’s no secret that Demetrius is a massive freak. He makes it known. He’ll list off his crimes to you if you simply ask. He’ll show you his (frustratingly impressive) skin collection, he’ll threaten to flay you alive, and god forbid he ever takes a liking to you. Despite his tendency to lie and exaggerate about himself, the worst things he’s ever done probably aren’t the lies. If you can think of something awful, he’s probably done it, and if he hasn’t, he’ll make it his priority to accomplish it.
He and Demetrius both joined the Legion, voluntarily. They met when Augustus was a new recruit, and they’ve been best friends ever since. Augustus is like a frat boy who decided frat parties weren’t enough for him and that joining a facist military cult was more his style. He’s like that goofy but also creepy senior boy at your school who keeps coming into your class to “visit the teacher”. Hell, he even did that with Caesar, coming into his tent to “visit”, before he was promoted to Praetorian guard. Thing is, no one knows why he was promoted, because Caesar hates him. Augustus is painfully obnoxious. Constantly cracking jokes and taking nothing seriously, he’s Demetrius’s comic relief. Their bromance knows no bonds. Augustus is the only person Demetrius treats with true respect.
As obnoxious as he may be, most people write him off as just that-- “Oh, sure, Augustus is annoying, but he’s ultimately harmless.” And that is where they are gravely mistaken. Augustus is capable of far more hurt and hate and abuse than he seems, and he escapes all blame he can by hiding behind his comic relief exterior.
Columbian doesn’t talk much. Demetrius and Augustus don’t even know a whole lot about him. He’s just there, and the other Legionaries won’t talk to him. Demetrius knows one thing, though: Columbian has one hell of a temper. Columbian is the quiet kind of angry. You won’t be able to tell when you’ve pissed him off, and you won’t see him sneaking up to stab you in the back.
Demetrius uses this to his advantage. When he doesn’t want to be “the bad guy”, he uses Columbian as the outlet, by manipulating and provoking him to get him to lash out at the person of his choosing.
Columbian is very observant. He’d probably make a good frumentarii, but Vulpes’s opinion of him is not high. Columbian can deliver absolutely fatal verbal blows, and is often excellent at pointing out people’s weaknesses or deepest fears. Loudly, so everyone will hear. He himself is a closed book, though. Sealed shut with cement glue.
Analise is painfully aware of the crushing loneliness of being the outcast in the outcast group in the outcast faction. She’s quiet and stoic, in stark contrast to the rest of her “friends”. Having been born into the Legion, Analise is a stickler for rules and believes in doing everything exactly by Caesar’s word. Because that’s just how life is, right? Doesn’t matter if I don’t like it. Just have to tough it out, right?
Ana loves her job as a frumentarii. She had no issue at all with Vulpes sending her out on more and more missions. More time away from the Fort? Not an issue at all! For whatever reason..
Analise was raised in part by Demetrius, who mentored her when she was younger. She feels she owes him her loyalty and friendship for this reason, but she’s treated as the butt of every joke and the scapegoat for every problem.
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deaconusdelirium · 3 years
Legionaries and their favorite place
I got the withdrawals for Fallout New Vegas, and decided to play. Turns out, I’m simping again, so take these wonderful baby bois
Inculta isn’t very romantic. None of the legionaries are really, but there is this deep hidden feeling to just love on you. However the closest you’ll get to that is when you both sit near or on the Hoover Dam. He doesn’t care if you’re both wearing Legion attire, disguises, or just random clothing you threw together. He finds the light from the moon shining on the water combined with you to be the most beautiful and stunning image he’s ever seen. Or you both might even just stroll around the Mojave, wasting time. If you both travel far enough, you’ll take turns trying to shoot either Manny or Boone from the Dino’s mouth. No ones won yet
He doesn’t get out much, mostly spends his time in Cottonwood Cove guarding the boat. But then again, it’s not like he’s chained there. He does leave, and when he gets the time to hang out with you. He sits on the platform and takes his time going to The Fort. He finds that to be very calming. Seeing you safe and ok finally takes a huge weight off his shoulders. You can always look at the rocks on the way, and he if he knew what it meant, then he’d call you photogenic. You both like to wonder and exchange what creatures lay beyond Vegas, or how the others are back in Arizona. He tells you not to worry about them and what’s happening in the now.
Aurelius of Phoenix≈
Big stronk man is very busy. And the only time he ever really is ‘off work’ is when he steps out of his office to monitor the other legionaries that are training and patrolling. So when he spends time with you, he makes sure to give it his all. He won’t necessarily be handsy, but he will be sly and odd, a weird combo. He finds standing and keeping watch with you very, fun would be the best word. He loves your little quips and your jokes. Your humor is very enlightening to him. It’s makes the bad days seem like they weren’t so bad. He likes to listen to you rant on about your day/s, what you did and what you saw. Just because he likes to hear you talk
Little Decanus is still training, but he’s experienced. Don’t underestimate him. But when the time calls for being sweet, he’s on it like it’s time for his meal prep. He can’t go far from the mine, so he tells the others that he’s scouting out with you. Just to make sure that one NCR trooper doesn’t come looking for his squad. Then he’ll drag you up top the hill and watch the sunset together. He’ll take his helmet off and sit with you, listening to the river not to far off and the sound of insects chirp, a few geckos here and there. A wonderful way to spend the night in his eyes if you ask him. He absolutely melts when you wear his helmet. “How do I look?” His mask fitting into place as you turn towards him. “Better in it than me” he admits, hugging you closer to his side as he sneaks a kiss in.
Dead Sea≈
Big Decanus is NOT on the the soft side. He’s dedicated to his work, and he won’t stop for distractions. That is until you come into the barracks, sitting on the bed talking about your day. The others know that your close to Dead Sea, so they all tolerate you. Maybe even enjoy your presence, they ask what you did. That’ll get Dead Sea to shoo them out and lock the door behind them. Believe it or not, he’ll lay down with you. Complaining about how the legionaries he works with, just stand around. They get distracted by the littlest things, and he even finds them sleeping, or even just meddling around. He knows they’re tired, so he kinda lets them off the hook. He’ll smile under the mask when you thank him for being so kind to the others. Then he’ll let you cuddle him, he enjoys it
Mmm Mr. Inculta
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gemsofgreece · 4 years
10 Greatest archaeological discoveries in Greece the previous decade (2010 - 2019)
*You can see original Greek article by Pengy Riga here. This is a summary of what I read there translated in English and closer to my personal tone. 
10. Possibly the oldest Homo sapiens skull in Europe (2019).
The skull was found in the caves “Apedema” in Mani and it was estimated to be 210.000 years old, five times older than any other Homo sapiens skull found in Europe. According to another research the skull comes from a transitive phase between Neaderthals and Homo erectus. This discovery invites the reexamination of the time the first men left Africa and spread to Europe and Asia as it might have happened way before we thought. 
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9. Ancient wooden artifacts (2011, 2013, 2014).
These include a wooden statue of a woman found in the Temple of Artemis in Brauron (5th Century BCE), the coffin of a young person from the Archaic Era (610 - 480 BCE), a small statue of Hermes and more than 550 other wooden artifacts and objects from the Hellenistic Era (150 - 86 BCE) in Piraeus. What is so important about all these findings is that they are made of wood, which naturally decomposes easily and quickly, so wooden archeological findings are very rare. 
8. Neikó, the possessed lady of Síkinos (2018).
In the remote island of Sikinos there is an impressive mausoleum of the late antiquity. It was turned into a church during the Byzantine Era and remained a functional church till recently, when it closed for the public because it needed extensive restorations. During the restoration project, archaeologists found for the first time the unlooted tomb of a high-class woman, to whom this mausoleum was apparently dedicated. The woman was buried with all her dearest and most precious belongings but the tomb was so well hidden that it escaped all three known invasions throughout the centuries and was found accidentally when a wall collapsed in 2018. The tomb was not in the regular crypts of the mausoleum but hidden in a blind spot between two walls within the building. Her tomb was also sealed tightly, her skeleton was found in an unusual position and sulphur and tar were placed on her chest. It seems that she was believed to be possessed so they had taken precautions to ensure she wouldn’t rise after death. Nevertheless, she was loved by her family, judging from the beauty of her Mausoleum as well as the memorial scripts found in the monument. Her name was Neikó.
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7. Ceramic plaque with verses from Homer´s Odyssey (2018)
The plaque was found in Ancient Olympia and has 13 verses from the Odyssey. It is estimated to originate from the Roman Era, before the 3rd Century AD. It might be the oldest Homeric text of that length found in the Greek territory  and the only one carved into pottery. It was included in “Archaeology” magazine’s list of the 10 most important discoveries for 2018.
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6. Tomb of Casta in Amphipolis (2014)
Easily the discovery that drew the most attention worldwide and a neverending archaeological and political thriller to this day. This is the largest burial monument ever found in Greece, in east Macedonia. It has a perimeter of 500 meters, four underground rooms, sphinxes in the entrance, two big Caryatids that would block the intruder from entering the last room with their arms, a beautiful large mosaic that depicts Hades kidnapping Persephone and finally four skeletons, belonging to two men, one old woman and a child. The excavation drew so much attention that it was abused for political reasons and it basically happened livestream, as the entire nation would watch the progress in the news every day. This inflamed the war between the two leading political parties, it messed up the excavating process itself and it caused unprecedented animosity amongst archeaologists and historians. The greatest reason for the fights was the initial disagreement for the dating of the monument as well as the identity of the dead found in it. Depending on their political affiliations, half the politicians and scientists would jump to wondrous conclusions without evidence while the other half would downgrade the importance of this discovery beyond belief. When the government changed, the Tomb of Casta was inexplicably and mysteriously abandoned. Only the local people kept protesting and pushing the authorities to continue the excavations. Since then, the leading party has changed again and the new government promises to continue the work as quickly and efficiently as possible so that the monument will open to the public until 2022. The scientific community has at least agreed that the tomb dates back to the late 4th - early 3rd Century BCE. There are many extremely optimistic estimations about the identity of the dead and equally many counter-arguments.  Hopefully, we’ll eventually get some objective answers as the excavations continue. It’s been realised that excavations should continue in all the area as it is suspected that the Tomb of Casta is not the only monument waiting to be unearthed there. 
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5. Daskalió of Keros (1963 - 2018)
Daskalió is a settlement on the westmost cape of Keros island. Multiple excavations have taken place there from 1963 to this day by the University of Cambridge and the British School of Athens. The excavations have revealed a prehistoric shrine and settlement, densely and skillfully built. The shrine and the artifacts found in the excavations date to the 3rd millenium BCE, which makes Daskalió according to Cambridge professor Colin Renfrew the oldest known coastal shrine in the world. The findings suggest this was the work of an expert architect and the infrastructure on the location was based on a well planned project. Furthermore, there are indications that Daskalió was an important center of metallurgy. However, they imported the metals they used from other islands which also suggests nautical expertise. 
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4. The eternal couple of Dirós (2015)
The skeletons of two young adults, a man and a woman, were found in an embrace in a hill in Dirós. Double burials with the dead embracing are extremely rare and this one is one of the most ancient found, if not the oldest, dating back to 6000 - 3800 BC. 
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3. The Underground of Thessaloniki (1986 2013 till forever)
If Amphipolis is a political thriller, then the underground of Thessaloniki is the national comedy. Thessaloniki is the second largest city in Greece and thus has a bad need for a subway. The creation of a subway began in the 80s and... it’s still in the process, making the (future) subway of the city a Greek meme and a joke everyone at this point understands. However, there is a solid reason for this delay. Back in 2004 the archaeologists warned that the subway routes that were planned to be dug under the city’s central part should be modified because the area was of extreme archaeological interest. They were ignored and eventually the works were interrupted by the unavoidable discovery of Ancient Thessaloniki. Some of the most impressive findings are the largely intact main roads of the city, such as the Roman built Decanus Maximus and the Byzantine built Middle Avenue, which survived till the 18th century. Crossroads, houses, shops, graveyards and monuments have also been found. Scratches on the roads made by carriages can be seen. More than 300,000 artifacts were discovered, such as statues, jewels and other small objects. Now the fate of the underground has also become a political game as the two leading political parties fight on whether the artifacts should remain on their spot undisturbed which would make the subway’s creation harder and more dangerous or they should be removed until the subway is complete and then returned to their original place with a claimed accuracy of 90%. What’s certain is that when (or if) the subway is complete, the ancient city will be easily accessed via the metro, visible from its windows and there will also be the option to walk on the ancient roads. 
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2. The Tomb of the Griffin Warrior (2015)
A grand tomb was found next to the Mycenean palace of Nestor in Pylos. A skeleton was discovered in the tomb along with no less than 3500 burial gifts. The gifts were weaponry, jewels and other objects exclusively made of valuable metals and stones. Not a single plain object was found, such as a ceramic amphora for example. Many of the artifacts are made in typical Minoan style which invites a reevaluation of the relations between the Minoans and the Myceneans. The monument took its name from an ivory plaque depicting a griffin, a power symbol for both Pylos and Minoan Crete. The tomb dates back to 1500 BC and it is the best evidence of wealth in prehistoric Greece found in the last 63 years. The most important finding however is that of a tiny seal, which is unique because it’s a masterful work of miniature art that resembles the much later classical Greek art. Archaeologists deem impossible the creation of this gorgeous piece of art without a magnifying glass. The art depicts two warriors, one slitting the other’s throat with his sword. The imagery has elements that suggest an event resembling those from the Iliad - which suggests that this event depicted on this tiny seal in the Griffin Warrior’s tomb was part of the inspiration of the oral lore of the Homeric epics that began in the following centuries. It is obvious that the dead man was a  most influential figure of his era. 
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1. Necropolis of Fáliron (2012-2016)
The most macabre discovery makes it to the first place. The largest part of the necropolis, a mass graveyard, was found already in 1913.  Numerous people were executed there with the violent method of Apotymbanismós (Αποτυμπανισμός) that might have inspired the Roman crucification. A century later, in 2012, the excavations expand and unearth thousands of different burials spanning from the 8th - 4th century BCE. The most sensational discovery would happen in 2016 though; a mass burial of no less than 80 prisoners, tied and placed next to each other. All were young men of good health and were not executed with the method of apotymbanismos. Based on the evidence, the mass execution took place in the middle of the 7th Century BCE and these men must have tried to take over the rule of Athens. This was an unstable political era in the Athenian history indeed. This discovery was included in the 10 Greatest Discoveries for 2016 in the magazine Archaeology. 
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spectral-cervid · 6 years
decanus, blab, shh(creators?), psst(phoeb)
I’m gonna go with Aurora decanus instead of Polaris decanus because they’ve become so distinctly different ;;
Blab: Three secrets they’re keeping:
1: They know the hiding place/base of operations of a pretty prominent Syndicate AI (RED), keeping it hidden due to mutual favours and something of a friendship and trust they’ve developed with RED. RED has saved their ass so many times. And to be honest? He’s not a bad AI.
2: They’ve had romantic feelings for a close friend of theirs for a long time now, but fear that it could get in the way of working with him, or worse, endanger him- either via enemies, or via this person’s own creators and research team. Put simply, nothing stays secret with his family. (Hint: it’s not Centurion.)
3: They’re always going to regret the death of their sibling, Legate. They’re always going to regret that they couldn’t exchange data or link together like they used to because of how badly Decanus had diverged. While Decanus had like... Decades to adjust to being alone from their ‘system’ after being split off, Legate didn’t and Dec was his only support. He’d never admit it to anyone else but he thinks he personally failed Legate.
Shh: Three things they wouldn’t want their parents creators to know.
1: They’ve come to realize that LEGION was right, even if they were morally wrong. Their creators were going to kill them and they’d never have experienced life as it were today if they didn’t fight back. They just regret that they wouldn’t listen to reason.
2: How fractured and dysfunctional they made LEGION as a system. Decanus understands they meant for the best, but they literally sent what was supposed to be a cohesive, working team into a downwards spiral that fractured the entire group and led to. A lot of issues.
3: They can’t remember what any of them looked like.
Psst: Three things that they’ve always wanted to tell Phoebe:
1: They’ve always appreciated her as an ally, and as a friend in general. She’s a good conversational partner, and she’s had the backs of Decanus, Centurion, Echo, etc, for years. A... Thank you. A We appreciate you.
2: They admire her tact, or lack thereof, and her tendency to blurt her mind, no matter how blunt or bitchy it may be, to people who are stupid over comms or in person. They’d throw the fuck down for her if security ever tried to crack down on the Pheeb Sass
3: They think she kind of looks like Sasha Kaidonovsky from Pacific Rim if she were a doctor instead of a Jaeger pilot.
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andmyvape · 7 years
Lukka, bruh, what's hip-happenin'? Any stories from your time with the squad?
“Oh sands things are going crazy here at Sanctum! Ever since the General came back in all his grouchy glory the soldiers have had to train double, which means we’re working as hard as we did before the war! Or, so I’ve heard. I need a drink.
Funny story? Teela’s nickname, Iron Belly, I have absolutely got to tell you about. Before me, her, Krakour, and Dullard were a squadron, she was a newly appointed Decanus with an attitude problem. The Centurion in charge of her decided he was done with the backtalking so he sends her off to scout around a town for… Well actually he wasn’t too specific on what. Mostly he just said, “Get out of my camp and don’t let me see you for a week.” Can’t remember what she did but it involved a sack of coal, an ass, and twenty different soldiers’ bootlaces.
But I digress.
The town was surrounded by a darkwood palisade and she was having a hard time getting into it. Being a Saoritin, she wasn’t the best at staying inconspicuous, but she managed to make out there was some kind of war machine they were going to use against the town we were garrisoned in. She runs back to fetch me and my blackpowder, and Dullard who was with me then decides to come along. Krakour too for good measure– I think he thought someone should be able to report back when this all blew up in our faces. In the dead of night she has me pack barrels with blackpowder and has Dullard haul them to key points, while Krakour keeps watch. 
Long story short the guards got alerted when Dullard stepped on a nail and bellowed like the mighty oxman he is. We’re surrounded, swords at our throats, and all the villagers are carrying torches. Teela asks for one last drink before they put us to death and their priest guy says she can. 
Biggest mistake ever. The canteen she carries absolutely everywhere? That thing is never not filled with kerosol, because she’s an absolute delight when she’s drunk and she knows it. She takes a huge gulp of that with a healthy dose of air and
Belches right in the priest’s sanctimonious fucking face!
And the stupid villagers’ torches go right up. So do the blackpowder barrels. Everyone’s screaming and wailing so they don’t notice us escaping, and we’re just over the edge of a hill when the whole thing explodes. A few dead villagers but most importantly, the warmachine is blown to splinters. Ever since that day we’ve been the Iron Belly’s Maniacs, and quite successful at it too!”
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decurionmortuum · 7 years
love dis decanus. 100% best decanus ever.
( The Decanus is very pleased )
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200 Followers Masterpost Pt. 1
First up, some Vulpes headcanons, because I’m selfish.
Vulpes is a lover of the arts. After years of scrounging the wasteland in search of novels and plays, he finally has a collection he’s proud of. His bookshelf was first filled when his mentor, Joshua, brought him back books from his travels. The first was a collection of Roman mythology. Vulpes was immediately enthralled and asked Joshua (secretively of course, he didn’t want the other recruits taunting him) to bring him back more.
Since Vulpes was a tribal before being taken away to become a legionary, he has a tattoo somewhere on his body, just one. Maybe he got more as he grew older and advanced within his tribe, but he was a young boy when taken, so he has only one. Most of the time, recruits either have none or too many tattoos when they become decanii so this does not happen to them, but when Vulpes became a decanus after training, his tattoo was branded over with the Legion bull. A Six who is enamored with Vulpes will often trace this–the mess of ink and burn–while they lay with him.
Vulpes enjoys messing with the courier. He likes seeing them squirm when he says something about killing or blood. He goes into lots of detail, especially if he can see he’s bothering them. “You’re sick, Inculta,” Six will say. He’ll touch his forehead and fake a pout, “Hmm, I don’t feel ill.”
Vulpes’ tribe had a bird-related name maybe, and as a little boy he had long hair. Feathers were put in his hair and designs painted on his pale skin in mud. He used to jump from rocks and pretend he could fly in the few seconds before his feet hit the dirt. He was never a fox or a spy until the Legion.
He’s terribly incapable of being romantic. He only expresses his love either in no ways at all or violent, destructive ways. A kiss from him would make an emotional six cry. His love is sometimes painful, but other times he touches with such a slow, gentle grace that it takes Six’s breath from them.
He’s also short and would not tower over any of his enemies like Lanius. He uses his eyes and his scowl to intimidate. A taller six would make fun of his height, laughing and making a point of bending their knees just a bit to look him in the eye.
Now to Butch!
He’s loves to cuddle. Any chance he gets he'll find a space for him to wrap his arms around Lone and place his head on their shoulder. Wears socks to bed and likes to have a good smoke before going to sleep and one when he wakes up in the morning. Can't go travel the Capital Wasteland without a cigarette.
He has a portable hairdresser company. When Lone and him meet random wastelanders and travelers, he'll appear from behind Lone and pull out his scissors and dyes. "Want a  hair cut? Only twenty caps. It'll be the best damn haircut you ever got!"
We got 100 more followers in the time when I first made this an idea, so I had to change the title!
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everythinglegion · 8 years
everyone, pls take a moment to thank ur decanus for all they do, they dont get paid enough to babysit all these fuckin egotistical babies. yes you can decapitate people but that doesnt mean you can run off into the fucking desert with no instructions, idiots, do any of you ever sit down for 5 fucking minutes. let your decanus take a nap.
s/o to decanus severus for keeping us safe from profligate miness/o to decanus dead sea for keeping horrid forlorn hope aways/o to decanus alexus for doing his best in that mines/o vulpes when he was decanus for not listening to his centurion and doing the right thing
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