#vulpes is very short okay he is not tall
200 Followers Masterpost Pt. 1
First up, some Vulpes headcanons, because I’m selfish.
Vulpes is a lover of the arts. After years of scrounging the wasteland in search of novels and plays, he finally has a collection he’s proud of. His bookshelf was first filled when his mentor, Joshua, brought him back books from his travels. The first was a collection of Roman mythology. Vulpes was immediately enthralled and asked Joshua (secretively of course, he didn’t want the other recruits taunting him) to bring him back more.
Since Vulpes was a tribal before being taken away to become a legionary, he has a tattoo somewhere on his body, just one. Maybe he got more as he grew older and advanced within his tribe, but he was a young boy when taken, so he has only one. Most of the time, recruits either have none or too many tattoos when they become decanii so this does not happen to them, but when Vulpes became a decanus after training, his tattoo was branded over with the Legion bull. A Six who is enamored with Vulpes will often trace this–the mess of ink and burn–while they lay with him.
Vulpes enjoys messing with the courier. He likes seeing them squirm when he says something about killing or blood. He goes into lots of detail, especially if he can see he’s bothering them. “You’re sick, Inculta,” Six will say. He’ll touch his forehead and fake a pout, “Hmm, I don’t feel ill.”
Vulpes’ tribe had a bird-related name maybe, and as a little boy he had long hair. Feathers were put in his hair and designs painted on his pale skin in mud. He used to jump from rocks and pretend he could fly in the few seconds before his feet hit the dirt. He was never a fox or a spy until the Legion.
He’s terribly incapable of being romantic. He only expresses his love either in no ways at all or violent, destructive ways. A kiss from him would make an emotional six cry. His love is sometimes painful, but other times he touches with such a slow, gentle grace that it takes Six’s breath from them.
He’s also short and would not tower over any of his enemies like Lanius. He uses his eyes and his scowl to intimidate. A taller six would make fun of his height, laughing and making a point of bending their knees just a bit to look him in the eye.
Now to Butch!
He’s loves to cuddle. Any chance he gets he'll find a space for him to wrap his arms around Lone and place his head on their shoulder. Wears socks to bed and likes to have a good smoke before going to sleep and one when he wakes up in the morning. Can't go travel the Capital Wasteland without a cigarette.
He has a portable hairdresser company. When Lone and him meet random wastelanders and travelers, he'll appear from behind Lone and pull out his scissors and dyes. "Want a  hair cut? Only twenty caps. It'll be the best damn haircut you ever got!"
We got 100 more followers in the time when I first made this an idea, so I had to change the title!
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hmratking · 5 years
Mr. Vulpe
Children ran throughout the over-filled shelter on the last day of the year, but their laughter warmed the hearts of those who were living there for the night, as well as the volunteers who had given their time to help the less fortunate. Every belly had been filled and everyone had something warm to cover them for the night. As for the children, they had just received a toy each, late gifts from Greatfather. The children didn’t care that their gifts were late. They just cared that they had not been forgotten. 
The shelter’s keep, Mr. Doan, smiled and turned to the gentleman standing behind him. “We are so very grateful for your wonderful donations, Mr. Vulpe. I must admit, I had heard some rather dubious things about you, but you have proven time and time again that you are a very generous man. Thank you so much. These families will not be cold or hungry tonight.”
The ebony man smiled and looked at the life glowing within the shelter. “I only aim to give back to a community that has taken me in.”
“May I ask if the rumors are true? This money is often…dirty money?”
Evan Vulpe laughed and patted Mr. Doan’s shoulder. “It’s best not to ask, Mr. Doan. Instead, be grateful. I enjoy doing this.”
“Of course, Mr. Vulpe. I was only curious, but we are very grateful. Were you once in need?”
“My family was very lucky. We had unfortunate run-ins with criminals, but we survived. Unfortunately, I have lost my entire family. It is in their honor that I do this.” Evan shook Mr. Doan’s hand and silently bowed out. “There will be more gifts coming to the orphanage soon.” He smiled and walked out of the shelter. 
Standing outside the shelter, a tall, slender woman leaned against the wall and smiled when Evan appeared. She was dressed in a golden, shimmering jumpsuit that fit the contours of her body, and a white mink around her shoulders. her short brown hair was cascading over her shoulders and when she took a step, her golden heels clicked with assurance. “Did it all go well, my love?” she purred with a smile. 
“It did. They are quite happy and ready to ring in a new year.” He adjusted his black wool coat and reached to take the woman’s hand. “I like seeing them happy, Simoora.”
“Shall we go to one of the many parties you’re expected to be at? I know people are dying to see the famous Mr. Vulpe.” Simoora draped an arm around his shoulder and reached in to kiss him with her gold-tainted lips. 
“Yes, let’s go. I can see you’re dying to start dancing.” He chuckled and as they took several steps, he stopped and cleared his throat, “Baby, go on ahead and tell our host that I have been caught up with business.”
“Is everything okay?” Simoora’s eyes began to dart around him cautiously.
“Yes, baby. Go on ahead. I won’t be long, and I’ll bring some friends.” Evan kissed Simoora and she smiled, walking ahead of him. She was a trained assassin and he wasn’t worried about her at all. He walked backward and into an alleyway. “What is it?”
“Sir, you were right. It seems they are planning something against Stormwind,” a tall draenei woman said as she hid in the shadows. Her skin was already luminescent, but the shadows subdued the brightness. “The talk has suddenly shifted from Silvermoon to Stormwind and He has been going back and forth with his guards. Something’s coming up.”
Evan looked to the other figure in the darkness. “And you? You haven’t heard anything?”
The man stepped forward a bit. “Sir, they used the Flea for their travels.”
“Don’t say that name aloud!” Evan hissed. He calmed himself and nodded. “It isn’t safe. We may have tried to eradicate their rodents from this city, but one thing about Him is true: He does have eyes and ears everywhere. Why haven’t you gone with them, Isaac?”
“They haven’t taken me yet, sir. For some reason, I am not requested. I have been requested for Her activities instead.” Isaac smiled at Evan and continued, “You were right. The Queen is something else…”
“Will you shut up?” Once more, Evan closed his eyes, shook his head and took a breath. “Alright, they won’t attack tonight. He has a lot of business that needs his attention at this time. No, he will need some more time. Whatever He has planned, it will wait until the new year has started. And when he does, we will all be in the safest place: Dalaran.” Isaac and Katya looked at each other while Evan smiled.
“Sir,…you don’t mean…” Katya started.
“We’ll be at the only place that vermin wouldn’t dare attack: Delirium.” Evan chuckled and he reached out to pat Katya’s shoulder. “It’s foolproof. We need to find out where and when they plan on attacking. Isaac, start getting the information we need. With luck, they will fail and we will retaliate.” Evan looked out at the streets filled with revelers preparing to enjoy the evening before the new year. “And if all goes well, they will protect me too. That was His problem. He didn't have the right people behind him.” 
Evan stepped out of the alley. “Come, friends. let us enjoy the evening for now. Maybe we can visit Delirium for fun.” He looked at Isaac, “Well, at least we can. You’re already working for them.” Evan laughed and led the draenei and human down the street and toward the first party they were set to attend. 
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(soft mention: @loveherdekay​ )
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