battinson-love-mail · 1 month
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Same energy
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battinson-love-mail · 2 months
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battinson-love-mail · 3 months
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other actors: I sent live rats to my costars and drank sewage water bc I’m a method actor
rpatz: I played sonic everyday —but only the dark version— to really get in the headspace
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battinson-love-mail · 4 months
Honestly if you want to know why Batman is necessary in Gotham City just remember that the Gotham City Police Department had a banquet honoring Commissioner Gordon and they ordered a cake from “Crazy Clown Catering.” Honestly, guess who jumped out of the cake, much to the surprise of the entire Gotham City Police Force, who by all logic should have an entire division devoted to Clown Felonies by this point
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battinson-love-mail · 5 months
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battinson-love-mail · 5 months
i’ve always thought reddit is a hellscape but my friend just sent me this and yk what maybe i’ll give it a chance
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battinson-love-mail · 5 months
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battinson-love-mail · 6 months
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battinson-love-mail · 7 months
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battinson-love-mail · 8 months
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battinson-love-mail · 9 months
Finally watched The Batman (2022) and it was very good, do recommend, but I'm also annoyed at everyone who was like "omg it was so on point of them to make the villain an incel!" because he was very clearly an accelerationist. and while I realise it was a lot of people just using the only Very Online White Man Terrorist word they knew the difference matters because while the ideologies frequently overlap they aren't the same and framing it as incel shit does a disservice to the film's showing you how he became an accelerationist. and in the current climate him being an accelerationist means the film is saying more than if it meant for him to be an incel and i just, argh, this is what studying the very online far right and having a film degree does to you
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battinson-love-mail · 10 months
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battinson-love-mail · 10 months
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Oh he thinks he's so funny
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battinson-love-mail · 10 months
My ideal beginning to a Batman movie:
We start with a slow pan down to Gotham as Oracle narrates
“Ask your average person who Gotham’s most famous citizen is, and you’ll get the same response every time: Bruce Wayne. Everybody’s heard of Bruce Wayne. You’ve probably heard his name a million times before. But there are some things that the average citizen doesn’t know about him. See, to the people of Gotham, Bruce Wayne is a rich kid who never grew up. They think he’s a buffoon, an airhead, a moron. But the truth is…”
*Batman bursts out of a window, screaming, on fire*
*record scratch, freeze frame*
“…they aren’t entirely wrong about that.”
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battinson-love-mail · 11 months
every time i see batman i get the urge to hold my heart and fawn, like an old church-going woman who wears fake pearls from belk when she hears her nephew caught the winning pass at the high school football game. i’m so proud. i feel like a mother lovingly watching her baby swing around on the jungle gym, telling random strangers all about how he’s grown so much recently, i can barely buy enough clothes to keep up! like every time i catch the silhouette of those pointy ears, i’m like, “ahh, there he is. dominator of the rental space in my heart. my big fuck-up baby. he had a feeling today and didn’t immediately lock himself in a cave to scream at the bats, and i’m proud of him for that. at this rate, by 2054 we’ll graduate him to two feelings. my tiny justice turtle is doing so well, i believe in him. i love him and if you take that from me i will slit your abdominal cavity with an exacto knife and feed your bloated organs to a herd of pigs.”
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It was so fuckin’ real.🔊
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Losing my goddamn fucking mind over how Batman 1966 gave Catwoman a sidekick in one episode and named her Pussycat.
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