#best couch cleaner machine
housekeepinginfo · 2 months
The Best Couch Cleaners - According To Our Testing
Spills and stains happen, but you can clean them up with an upholstery cleaner. These cleaners work on many things, like furniture and car interiors. We tested 23 cleaners to find the best ones for you.
We looked at how well they work, how easy they are to carry, and how quiet they are. We also checked their value and how easy they are to use.
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otterlyfoolish · 9 months
Toriko Roommate HCs
A bunch of Headcanons of on being roommates with the Toriko characters. Semi-shitpost purely because I'm doing this to get a laugh out of it. Pretty platonic stuff. Not edited, I hate editing!
Word count: 2.5k
(Heavenly Kings & Komatsu)
I could see him living with someone else if he wasn't able to live in his candy house anymore. It'll probably because they refused to keep making them.
Eats the fridge out. He also eats the ice in the freezer. Nothing is left.
Gone as soon as you step away from the vicinity of the kitchen area.
Don't worry about it too much, he'll leave enough for one serving. Just one. It's for you so you have something to eat for the next meal.
Your shopping trip for one now has to turn into shopping trip for two. If you have a list of stuff to buy hung up on the fridge somewhere, he'll start writing on it. The list of items in his handwriting is more than double of whatever you buy to eat.
He makes up for it though. Causally slams down a massive stack of cash to cover for the cost of it and then walks out to go get lunch with Komatsu or something. 
Invites you out to eat sometimes. Expensive restaurants are just as likely as chance as the local noodle joint. 
You have a pet? No. You had a pet.
Your pet would naturally gravitate towards towards him
He would probably take it on a walk even if it was a pet fish or bug. 
The worse part is that he doesn't even feed it, they just like him more than you. An natural animal's person. 
You'll find them napping together. 
He's a shedder. Blue hair everywhere, he has so much hair it blocks up the vacuum cleaner. 
His clothes are also spread about the place, but when he notices them, he'll chuck them in the washing machine. 
He probably isn't home too much. But you know when he is because you can find a pair of muddy footprints leading up to your front door. 
When he is home, he might bring some people over - he's a social guy when he isn't out hunting or eating
Sometimes might bring over Komatsu. You'll find the two of them sitting on the couch watching some cooking show. These are the best days because he usually stays until dinner and makes all three of you food to eat. 
His brothers might come over. Coco is a delight to have. Sunny is snippy, but you can tell he cares somewhat. Zebra… You're afraid that he won't stop at emptying your fridge, and will start chomping down on the metal container. 
You could probably grow used to being his roommate, there's nothing too bad, just a collection of a lot of little things.
I don't even know how you convinced him to be roommates with you - I cannot imagine a scenario where he would do this. 
But it barely even matters since you won't see him. Like at all. You'll have to live with him for a couple years before he even thinks about starting to warm up to you.
Almost always in his room. He's deathly silent too - you won't hear a single thing from him ever. The absolute most you'll hear is him talking to some sort of bird outside his window(?) You still aren't really sure who he's talking to, but you occasionally hear some bird sounds.
On the rare occasion you see him outside, he's reading a thick book about something you'll need a master's degree to fully understand. He'll simply greet you and return to reading. Don't stare too long or he'll retreat back to his room. 
You have no idea how often he's at home, purely because you have no idea if he's even home or not from how much noise he makes. The only way you could really tell is seeing if his shoes are gone or not. It's unsettling, borderline frightening. 
Extremely respectful of the shared space - no dishes in sink, the place is well-maintained, there's barely any indication that you live with another person. The only thing that's his is the massive bookcase that takes up a fair chunk of the room. 
If he likes you, he'll let you read some of the books on the shelf. Just under no circumstances do you dog-ear the pages. Your privilege will be revoked instantly. The bookshelf will be replaced with one that requires a lock, or even worse, moves to his room and you will truly never see him again. 
If you're friendly enough with him, you could possibly invite him to watch something together on the television. 
If you ask him what he wants to watch, you'll end up watching a three-hour long documentary on something - pray it's a topic you like or you might not make it out awake. 
If you fall asleep during it, he'll just turn it off, and probably won't accept any other offers to watch stuff with you. It's not that he's offended, it's more so he sees it as redundant if you're not even going to be awake.
Don't worry about it too much, if you like playing puzzle games on a console, he might come out and watch you play. He won't say anything though, even if you get stuck. If you want help, you have to ask him.
Never brings guest over. Though, guests will sometimes make their way over. 
Toriko and Komatsu are the more common ones. They usually come bringing food. It's a good day when they come to visit because they will share food with you. 
Sunny is rarer, if you see him, it's usually urgent and Coco will leave alongside him immediately. You probably won't see him for a week at least.
Once, and only once you met a man covered in blood, half naked with a ripped jaw. You fainted at the sight.
Coco later told you that that man was his 'baby brother'. You still don't know if it was fragment of your imagination.
A stickler that he seems to keep doing is showering in scalding hot water. If you forget and just jump in, your skin will burn. 
Apart from that, he's a fairly good roommate? He'll leave you alone, and won't cause any fuss unless you're doing something he really, really doesn't like.
Passive aggressive as hell
If you shed a lot of hair, and aren't diligent on vacuuming it up in time, he'll gather all of it up and place it in front of your bedroom door.
If you leave the dishes undone for too long in the sink, he'll do the same thing  - leave it at your door to trip up on. 
You'll probably have a lot of petty arguments with him. Nothing serious. 
He's a good roommate in other ways though.
He's probably not against sharing his skin care products with you if he doesn't hate you too much. He'd probably even give you tips on how to help or maintain it.
But do not ask him to borrow any or his hair products. None. 
You will never see a bug in your living quarters ever again - he will eliminate the cause effective immediately. 
The same applies to rats, or any pests of any kind. He will not tolerate having any of these things in his home, so you'll also be safe from it.
If you watch TV, he might come in uninvited and give you running commentary on the people's appearances or the show itself.
"Really? That shirt with those pants?"
…Even though he's kind of a fashion disaster himself. The only reason he can pull it off is because he has unrivalled confidence in himself.
"…Gross. He's obviously having an affair with the girl at his workplace. The story isn't even good."
He'll still watch shitty dramas as long as you keep it on the screen.
You think that he secretly enjoys it.
"…Are you seriously watching Toriko eat absurd amounts of food for entertainment?"
Insert scoff here.
He might actually just turn the TV off for this one.
Just remember to turn down the volume if you're watching late at night - he will be very upset if you interrupt his beauty sleep.
Rin has a pair of spare keys to your place. You'll see her in and about even if Sunny isn't home at the moment. The two of you sometimes trash talk him, but she mostly just waves at you and continue doing… whatever she's doing at your place.
Sometimes when she comes over, the place smells 10x better. You're not sure what magic she works, but you swear it could be drugs.
Overall, not a bad roommate, but could certainly be better. 
…You really wanna do this? Alright.
I'd recommend buying sound-proof headphones and sound-proofing your room.
It doesn't actually help that much, but it's really just for your own peace of mind.
Also team "Empties the fridge", but doesn't stop there. 
You're concerned he might actually just eat the fridge. Whole. Unhinge his jaw like a snake and crunch it like nothing.
Jokes about eating your pet if you have one.
He makes half threats about eating you if you don't buy food everyday.
Doesn't even matter if you do buy food every day since he probably won't be there the next day
If Toriko had muddy footprints, he has bloody ones. Do Not Ask. He'll answer you, but you won't like the answer he gives you. Just save yourself the horror. 
Police will absolutely come by a couple times a month purely because of your neighbours calling them on him.
Maybe it's the bloody footprints. Maybe it's the fact he broke the 'tiny' doorway on the way in.
When they explain that they thought that he was going to kill you, you laugh but wonder if the police would even stand a chance if he was going to kill you. 
It doesn't help that he leaves for weeks at a time and comes stumbling in covered in gore he hasn't really bothered to clean off yet. 
You don't even really know what to do in this situation apart from explain that he's a roommate.
No, he's not trying to kill you.
No, he is not holding you hostage.
Yes, you would like for them to stop coming at this point. 
The few redeeming qualities are:
Your home is completely safe. You will never worry about a break in - he can hear anything happening for miles and miles. In fact, if anyone were break in, it would be him. 
Yes, he's done it before after losing his keys.
Yes you just woke up, walked out to see him covered in blood, waved at him then went back to sleep.
Yes, you are far too desensitised to blood now. 
Rats and other creatures are too afraid of living in your home - pests will actively avoid living there. Just be careful about your pet running away from home if they're able to. (They'll get used to him eventually)
He will sometimes bring back an absolutely massive chunk of meat - . You may eat it if he likes you enough.
But if you eat it, you have to help him cook it. No matter how good you are at it, he'll just shake his head.
…He's probably thinking that Komatsu could do better.
In my opinion, the best roommate on this list. Purely because he is the most normal on this list. 
Will cook for you. You will cry tears of joy. Weep. You will be grateful simply because of how tasty it is.
He'll be organised with the kitchen, it'll pretty much always be full.
Just… If you move anything, remember where it came from, because he'll get pretty upset if you keep doing this. He likes a system to his madness.
The fridge will be fairly stocked, but he'll keep a list of what he needs on a paper stuck to a magnet. It'd be appreciated if you could buy these items when he can't.
You don't get to spend a lot of time with him. Between being Toriko's partner and running his kitchen at Hotel Gourmet, he doesn't have a lot of free time.
When he comes home, it's late at night. The two of you should be asleep.
In fact, he tells you that you should be asleep at this time. Fucking hypocrite.
When you do get to spend time with him, he's probably in the kitchen tinkering around with something new he bought at the World Kitchen or something Toriko had swung by to give him.
If you really wanna spend time with him, you should just pull up a chair to the counter.
If you're close enough to him, he'll invite you to help make dinner.
Don't worry, he'd give you something really, really simple to do.
There is no room for disappointment.
If he isn't experimenting, he'll probably be watching some sort of cooking show. (A massive part of his personality is just flipping cooking and I love it so fucking much) You're welcome to join him watching the show.
Just be careful since he will be asking you what you think about contestants three's pie crust. He will not be satisfied with a half-assed answer.
He'll have a notepad on his lap, and he'll be taking notes whenever something interests him.
His notes are very neat, so you can read them, but you aren't sure if they make much sense.
Toriko is a common sight in your home. He'll just sit on the couch with a bag of food he took out of the fridge. He'll give you a nice big grin while waving at you with your lunch plans in his mouth.
Komatsu will probably scold him a bit, but you know that nothing will change. You'll probably see him in two weeks doing the same thing again.
Since he isn't home often, and he's a pretty likable, you'll probably start doing his portion of his chores after long enough. He insists you don't have to, but you'll probably end up doing it.
He also gets you to get rid of the spiders. Don't kill them though, after meeting Toriko, he'd avoid doing these things. Just put them outside.
Don't try to scare him even as a joke - he will scream his lungs out and your neighbours will think that a murder had happened.
Also… be careful you don't join his fucking harem.
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bomberqueen17 · 9 months
the saga isn't quite over yet tho
So, the kitchen. Well it still needs painting but also now I have to put everything away. We ate dinner Friday night over at dude's mom's house because all our food was there and also we didn't have chairs in the new kitchen yet.
Yeah. We gotta go find chairs.
First I want to start off with this detail.
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[image description: a close-up of the white tiled wall, where it intersects with the ceiling, one of the cabinets, and the stainless steel vent hood over the stove. The tiles are staggered in a regular pattern, but there is a tiny, maybe half-inch-wide segment of tile next to the cabinet in every other row, which I know Jim had to painstakingly trim off and carefully adhere like that, so that it looks like the pattern goes behind the cabinet.] I pointed those out to Jim and said I loved them, and he smiled and said they were a pain in the ass but there's no other way to do it, and I said I would always always look at them and think about what a pain in the ass they had been to do.
Anyway. Friday evening we brought the cat over and she realized with delight she could not only get to her window but also then traverse the entire expanse of cabinet, daintily picking her way over the stove to go over the sink and stare out that window too. She's not likely to get into stuff and clearly did not enjoy crossing the stove, so I'm not super worried about her actually getting into trouble. We made do, sitting at the counter on a combo of the folding stool and dude's work chair which is adjustable to... not high enough but... well at least it's sort of comfortable.
There is a pile of very long trim pieces that is shoved into the living room and is sort of preventing use of about half the couch, so I didn't have anywhere else to sit all evening, lol. Good thing the chair was comfy, and I didn't totally mind it being too low.
But I was resolved that Saturday we were getting chairs somehow.
Saturday morning we got up and got ready, and discovered that our coffeemaker, a Mr. Coffee in excess of 15 years of age, had developed a fatal issue. Dude's mom only has a little one-cup Keurig and so we brought our machine over, and in the move it developed a crack in the pipe that brings water from the heating element to distribute it over the grounds. This is not really repairable. I had to kind of convert it from a drip to a pour-over, and stood there with the kettle carefully pouring water through the basket. RIP Mr. Coffee, you served us well and long.
Dude opened Wirecutter and looked up drip coffeemakers. He also researched stainless steel cleaners for me, and confirmed our itinerary with me.
We hit the road and got to Target before 9am. We got a bin to fit under the sink for recyclables, we got the last bits of shelf liner I still needed, we got a dish drainer (a nice, new, small one so we could retire the large decaying bamboo one we got also 15 years ago). We got hot glue sticks, randomly, because I need some. And we got the Cuisinart coffee maker that Wirecutter had said was the best drip coffeemaker for most people.
Then we went to Big Lots in case they had counter-height stools. They didn't.
Then we went to a different commercial region ten minutes away. (That's how it works, there are little clusters of shops along various roads and there's different ones in different areas. This other cluster also had a Target but an inferior one.) We went first to a plaza with a Petco, to get the special cat food Chita likes that isn't at the grocery store, and next door to that was a Harbor Freight, that sometimes has good rolling stools, but they did not have anything suitable. Next to *that* was a Raymour & Flanagan furniture store.
Well. When we entered the furniture store, we unwittingly passed through some kind of portal, as it was much larger on the inside than on the outside. We wandered, dazed and lost and slightly overheated; we sat in some chairs and they weren't quite right, those were too hard, these had nail head designs on the backs that dude didn't like, these were a dark wood that matched nothing in our house. The saleslady found us and asked to help, and we tried to show her the first ones we'd looked at, which had been sort of close to what we wanted, but we could not find them and roamed a long time, together with her, finding new rooms full of other furniture, lost and weary. Finally she just searched their website, and found that nothing answered the description we'd given her and that she was sure she'd also seen somewhere around here. She gave us her card, and we stumbled back out into the morning, feeling like we'd sojourned a thousand years in the fairy world.
We went to Homegoods, which I'd been to the week before, and they'd had some stools that I thought sounded a lot like what Dude was describing as his desired seating item. So I led him straight to them. They had a total of six stools in their display. Four of them were of one set. And Dude was like "Oh yeah! Just like that!"
So we pulled one out and sat on it, and it was comfortable enough, and the right height, and functional, so we said probably we should get these. And we went over and got some kitchen storage thingies, some lazy susans and a drawer organizer thing and whatever, but then we came back to these stools and there was an employee there and we asked her if we were supposed to just shove these in our cart or what and she was like oh hang on and got a guy from the back to come take them to the front, and he was like "your name's on 'em so just say those are yours when you check out". Bada-bing. We got two of them, apparently Nautica brand, which I've heard of but don't know anything about. Sure!
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[image description: a view into the trunk of a hatchback (Subaru Forester), showing two gray-upholstered wooden stools crammed in 69-style to the left (in the progress of being crammed in, there's Dude's arm in the middle pushing the second one), and to the right is a Target bag and the box of a coffeemaker and the recycle bin and all the shit we got at Target jumbled into the corner.]
Triumphant, we set out for home, but there was another furniture store on the way home and Dude wondered if we ought to go see, just to see what they had. So we did, we went in and I beelined for the recliners.
See, the thing is, Dude's mom has a recliner in her living room. And it's the throne, where she watches TV. And Chita loves to sit on it, it's where she spent most of the time we were staying there. And I sat in it mostly because that's where the cat wanted to be, but oh wow, it was comfortable. And lo... when I stood up, my hip was in the right place, and there was no pain, unlike when I unfold myself from shrimping on the couch and have to put myself back together every time.
And yeah my general pain levels were way down the whole time we stayed there, even though the mattress is way too hard and ought to have fucked me up pretty good. And...
shit. I'm the kind of middle-aged that needs a recliner.
And they had one, at Ashley, and it was on sale for enough that the delivery fee and taxes still made it come out less than the sticker said. But they can't deliver it until late January. Which is fine because our living room is full of kitchen furniture and I have to finish putting all of it away.
So. New kitchen and also new living room furniture. But I'll worry about that later.
Now we could go home triumphantly and get started putting stuff away.
The chairs are yet another neutral, but it's a coordinating neutral, they kind of match the countertops, with a creamy-white kind of base color flecked in grays. We have made no progress thereby at choosing a color for the kitchen-- I had been prepared to accept a boldly-colored item and have to pick colors around it, but no. We remain classy, tasteful, and neutral, and I'm going to have to do something about it.
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[image description: A bay window with a glossy countertop in front of it, and in front of that are a pair of counter-height stools, with cream-upholstered seats and backs, and wooden legs.]
I think I need a better lamp to go on this windowsill. There's plenty of lighting in the room, but no non-overhead light for this space, and nothing controllable from this end of the room. I'm vaguely considering a tiny chandelier if I can find such a thing, that would be fun.
I also think it would be fun to install some kind of art piece up there in that chunk of wall between the trim and the ceiling, you see that narrow band there? It's like six or eight inches by like. 48 inches. I'll measure it later. A slogan would be funny but I also just had the idea of like, a mini Bayeux tapestry only depicting some other kind of event, not sure what.
I'll put it on the list, LOL.
Anyway-- the really critical things are 1) that it turns out our gray kitchen coordinates beautifully with our gray cat, who is of course the most beautiful, and 2) our gray cat can hop up on these stools and thus is able to avail herself of Attention and Snuggles. (I had worried I'd have to get her a stepstool I'd have to then leave set up, so she could reach this window.)
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[Image description: a gray and white cat is encircled within a man's arms on the kitchen counter, and has the back of her neck pressed against his face, her eyes closed in contentment.] She was rubbing her ear against his nose, which is a thing she for some reason loves to do.
So. All is well. I've been putting things in cabinets and taking them back out, and running everything I possibly can through the dishwasher, and to my astonishment haven't wrecked a thing yet I didn't intend to (I already know from being at my sister's that a certain category of plastic container will mostly melt in there but that's fine if you're just trying to get it clean to recycle it, it's not like it gets onto other things). And Dude realized the dishwasher has an app, so he paired his phone to it.
At Middle-Little sister's prompting, we've named the dishwasher Suds MacKenzie, since it lets you pick a name and that's the funniest one we could think of.
We retrieved our groceries from Dude's mom's house and cooked dinner and set off the smoke alarm so now we've really broken it in.
The stove is *really level*. For the record.
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firstdegreefangirl · 1 year
It's Dirty Work (getting laundry clean)
“So you put the softener in there, close the lid, we’ll set the dial to cold, and then … start!” Lucy pushes the button and claps her hands together when the washing machine starts whirring. “See? It’s not so bad.”
“Yeah, you know what I usually do to start my laundry? Give it to the doorman, and he takes it to the dry cleaner. Then in three days, it’s hanging back outside my door. All I have to do is bag up the dirty clothes and pay the bill at the end of the month.”
“You said you wanted to learn how us ‘normal people’ live,” Lucy spins around, pulling a couple of wine glasses out of the cabinet. “Besides, now you have 47 minutes to regale me with more stories from your upper-crust lifestyle.”
“Well first of all, my wine doesn't come out of the same fridge as my lunch meat.” But he takes a glass anyway, when Lucy offers it, and follows her to share the sofa.
By the time the buzzer goes off on the washing machine, signaling the end of the cycle, they’ve almost forgotten there were clothes tumbling at all. Aaron startles, sloshing the last swallow of his wine up the sides of the glass. Mercifully, it clings to the edges but doesn’t spill as Lucy starts laughing.
“God, it’s been ages since that buzzer has scared someone. It used to get Jacks –” She cuts herself off and backtracks. Some memories aren’t for Tuesday afternoons. “Anyway, that means the washer is done. Or you can turn it off and just set a timer on your phone or whatever.”
“OK, but it just went off. Why would I set a timer for something that’s already finished?”
“No, you – if you don’t like using the buzzer, you can set a timer next time instead.”
“You like that thing?”
“I like that it holds me accountable for actually getting up to start the dryer.” Lucy leads him back to the laundry room and walks him through transferring the clothes from one machine to the next. A couple of times, she stops him and explains that sweaters dry flat, jackets dry best hung up and blankets lose their fluff if you’re not gentle with them in the wash.
Then they’re back on the couch, wine glasses refilled, debating the merits of watching Legally Blonde versus The Parent Trap and considering a takeout order.
“OK, what about this: Ethiopian food, Legally Blonde, maybe we make cupcakes after?” Lucy looks over her shoulder, like she’ll be able to X-ray-vision her way into the cabinets. “I’m pretty sure I have a mix.”
“Or we skip the cupcakes, order Greek and get baklava. While we watch Parent Trap.”
“Greek. Baklava. Legally Blonde.” Lucy counters.
Read the rest on ao3 here!
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nobodyatall6 · 7 months
Rings, Part 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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“I’m a weak man.”
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“That’s an interesting way of pronouncing ‘serial adulterer’.”
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Don found some balled up socks on the floor and chucked them at Nina, who dodged easily.
“Shut up. This is serious.”
“Why do you want to marry her anyway? She seems like a drip to me.”
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“I love her.”
Nina cocked her head and squinted at him, considering.
“I think I do believe you,” she said after a moment. “But only because you love anyone who lets you put your tongue in their mouth.”
He looked around for more socks to throw at her, but there wasn’t anything within arm’s reach.
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“But that doesn’t mean you have to marry her,” Nina continued. “Is it the money? You gonna quit the hospital and become a house husband in that big haunted mansion?”
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That thought honestly hadn’t occurred to Don. In fairness, almost nothing about After had occurred to him. He never really made a habit of thinking beyond the present moment.
“It just…seemed like the thing to do,” he muttered, finally.
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Years ago he had taken Nina to a carnival, because that seemed like the sort of thing people do, taking their girl to the fun fair and winning her a big stuffed bear or something. But he hadn’t been able to ring the bell on the test-your-strength machine. He had been embarrassed, but she had taken the mallet from him and told him it wasn’t about strength, it was about accuracy. The closer you hit to the middle of the button, the higher you go.
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CLANG! Straight to the center. Right in the heart. She hit it every time.
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“But I mean, christ. Monday? That’s soon.”
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“I didn’t know about that part when I proposed,” he grumbled. “I thought it would take, like, ages. People take months to even set a date. Pick out, fuckin’…table settings. Rich people especially.”
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“Ohhh, I see now,” Nina said, arching her back languidly over the arm of the couch. Don watched her tank top wrinkle over the curves of her body. No matter how many times she did that, it was still sexy.
“You thought you’d end up in a perpetually-engaged, wedding-planning limbo where you wouldn’t have to make any decisions, would keep her happy by saying yes to everything she wanted, and could just keep things the way they were for ages.”
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“But you didn’t count on the power of Daddy’s old-country Catholicism and now you’re getting married in two days and you’re panicking because everything is supposed to change and you can’t even stop yourself from boning your cleaner.”
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CLANG! Straight to the center. Right in the heart. She hit it every time.
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He did his best to snort derisively. “Oh, piss off, Sigmund Freud. You’re just jealous that I found someone who isn’t you.”
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She smirked and rolled off the couch. “I have no reason to be jealous when it comes to you, Don Lothario.”
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“You’ll never change.”
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
37 Platonic/Generic Prompts Ask Meme
From my 141 prompts (plus links) post
A mix of normal/standard AUs and a few Funky Ones. Send one or more characters and a prompt, and maybe you'll get a drabble!
Reminder: You send prompts to people in the ask box, not through replies.
Accidentally texted the wrong number
Roommates accidentally adopt a cat
A friend needs to sleep on the couch
Trying to be polite about the terrible meal a loved one cooked
Planning a Baby Shower
Planning a Bachelor/ette Party
Wedding planner and client
(Consoling someone who was) Left at the Altar
(Consoling someone who was) Cheated on
Just won the lottery
Ascended to godhood
Emergency Room Meeting
Maid/Janitor/Cleaner who witnessed something illegal
Private Investigator
Vigilante and rescued victim
Need some help hiding the body
"I would kill for you. Please ask me to kill for you."
One bets the other to do some parkour
One begs the other to not do some parkour
Lab Partners
Heist Team
Snowed in together/Hurricane Party/Other Weather Isolation
Custom Couturier
My best friend just got turned into a baby
My best friend just got turned into a pet
Just hit a stranger with my car oh my god please be okay why the FUCK do people have their brights on
Seeing your best friend's ex at an event and making a Scene about it
Just saw an ex at an event and started having a panic attack, and you pulled me aside to calm me down, are we best friends now?
Genderswap AU
Trans AU
Role Swap AU
Can't wear my glasses (lost, damaged, at a bath house where they'd fog up, whatever) and you need to lead me around
Karaoke Party
Someone on a horrible date needs an extraction
One just walked in on the other with an arm stuck in the vending machine that ate their money
And the other sections of the 141 Prompts list:
50 Romance Prompts
26 Family Prompts
28 Setting Prompts
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paytato435 · 10 months
Chapter 10: The Bug
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Learn to Fly
Mikey was starting to get on Casey’s nerves.
“Hey, Casey, Casey, heeeeyyyy…” Mikey waved at him from under a mountain of blankets on the couch. Casey begrudgingly pulled his headphones off to listen to him. In doing so, the invisible barrier he’d built up around himself dissolved.
“Are you going to actually ask me what you want now?” Casey asked with a little irritation as he pushed the vacuum cleaner over the living room rug.
He wasn’t really in the mood to talk. Especially if Mikey was also going to try and get him to open up again, even though they’d both agreed to pause his unlicensed therapy sessions.
This wasn’t the first time, but Casey had woken up at four in the morning and couldn’t fall back asleep. The nightmare that had forced him awake wouldn’t let go of him, and the only thing he could think to do was to make himself busy. 
Blasting the angriest music he could find through his headphones and straight to his core, Casey decided that every speck of dirt in the lair was his sworn enemy. While all of his clothes were in the washing machine, he had bleached and scrubbed coffee stains off the kitchen counter, found dishes left out to go in the washer, scrubbed the ones that were particularly crusty, and then swept the whole first floor shared space. Switching the laundry over, he moved to mopping, even going so far as to move the furniture around halfway through to get to otherwise neglected areas. 
It was probably the struggle Casey had in moving Splinter’s recliner that had disturbed the box turtle. The look on his face when he saw Casey cleaning made it look like he didn’t recognize his own home. Still drowsy but probably just looking for an excuse to be around someone, Mikey curled up onto the couch and played video games as Casey mopped the rest of the room. While it didn’t bother him so much that Mikey shared the space with him, it had started to get on his nerves when the turtle kept glancing over at him like he wanted to say something, but refused to do so.
“Well, now you’re going to vacuum, so maybe not…” Mikey hummed nervously.
“Mikey, tell me what’s going on already!” he snapped, perhaps a little too harshly.
“Ok ok, it’s just, I’m worried you’re gonna say no.”
“Clearly.” Casey huffed, twirling the power cord.
“Can you… can you teach me how to fly?”
Casey opened his mouth to answer, but then closed it again. How was he supposed to teach Mikey how to fly?
Mikey rocked his head back and forth laterally in deliberation. “It’s just… I talk to Draxum about it but he doesn’t care about it that much. He’s way more into technical magic stuff? Like spells and stuff.” Mikey gagged a little. “But you said I could fly so… I was hoping you had some pointers for me.”
Casey glanced up at Donnie’s lab and remembered the conversation they’d had about his future tech before. If he was being fair, he should probably turn Mikey down. He could just say he didn’t know anything, but then again, Mikey wouldn’t figure it out for years….
Damn, Leatherhead was right, he was a hypocrite.
“Wait really?!” Mikey squealed. “You can help???”
“I don’t see why not, but we need to go over a couple things. First thing of course, is that I only have what you’ve said about the subject, I don’t really get it myself.”
Mikey nodded.
“Second, you might want a helmet.”
“A helmet?”
“The first time you did this you gave yourself a concussion on the ceiling.”
“Ok that’s fair,” Mikey pouted. “Raph! Can I borrow your helmet?”
“Shut up!” came Leo’s response, who was still trying to sleep. It seemed Leo had not been kidding about not being able to sleep the night before. Casey hadn't either, of course, but he felt it would be better to pass out vacuuming a floor than to lie in bed hoping he wouldn't have anymore nightmares.
They were both low odds, but he tried his best.
Hearing no response from the snapping turtle, Mikey poked his head behind Raph’s curtain and snatched his football helmet.
“Seems he’s done a night patrol,” Mikey shrugged, putting the helmet on. “Alright, show me how it’s done!”
“Show… right…” Casey rolled his eyes and sat down in the center of the living room, and invited the box turtle to do the same. It wasn’t odd for Raph or Donnie to go out late at night now without them, but it was odd that Raph would still be out beyond sunrise. It was nearly seven now.
But Mikey was nearly bouncing around from his seat on the floor already, so Casey put the thought aside.
“Ok, so in your own words, the ninpo that allows you to fly is a force that lifts you up. It’s not like it makes you lighter or anything, it’s more like… magnetism,” Casey explained, hoping that made any sense. “The greater force you apply, the higher you’ll go. And if you want to stay up in the air, you gotta make a force that is constantly pushing yourself into the air. So your first objective is to force yourself up into the air without jumping.”
“Without jumping?”
“Without jumping. Ideally, you shouldn’t have to move any part of yourself. You’re only pushing with your ninpo.”
Mikey screwed up his face in thought.
“You alright?” Casey asked, concerned.
“How am I supposed to not do anything?” Mikey asked. “That doesn’t make any sense. I use my hands to extend my chains and to open portals. I draw runes for magic circles…”
“Oh! You’re not doing nothing,” Casey clarified. “You’re moving your ninpo.”
“Moving it?”
“Yeah, like you’d move your arm? You can move it right?”
Mikey looked at Casey like he was speaking a different language. He didn’t even know that? Even Casey could feel his ninpo, even if he couldn’t do anything with it.
“You can move your ninpo like it’s a physical thing,” Casey explained. “It comes from here,” Casey placed his hand over his chest. “And it can shift around you… uh… like water?”
“Like electricity,” came a voice from upstairs. Donnie was hanging over the railing.
“You know what he’s talking about, Donnie?” Mikey asked, inquisitively.
“Of course. I can’t use my ninpo without moving it,” he explained. “Everything I build comes from the inside out. I thought your chains would be made the same way, or Raph’s clone jutsu.”
“Oh! So the projection is physical. That makes sense,” Mikey nodded. “But I don’t really think about that part much. They usually just… kind of happen.”
“You just do things without knowing how they work,” Donnie rolled his eyes.
Mikey smiled sheepishly. “If you put it that way, yeah.”
“Well, if you want to fly, you need to think about how it works,” Casey told him. “Flying is all about control. It’s like riding a skateboard; once you get used to it you don’t have to think about it so much.”
“You know how to skateboard?” Mikey asked.
“No, that’s just how you explained it to me,” Casey sighed. “There weren’t a lot of good places to skateboard in the future. I have no idea what you were talking about, honestly.”
Mikey deflated. Casey saw Donnie sneak into the kitchen. It was coffee time; for a moment Casey mourned the loss of the now spotless kitchen.
“So I need to feel my ninpo…” Casey turned back to Mikey, who was now squeezing his eyes shut in concentration.
Mikey’s nunchucks jumped out of thin air and dropped into his lap.
“The force you used to fly didn’t really materialize,” Casey pointed out. Mikey scowled at him.
“Can you move your nunchucks without touching them?”
Mikey opened his eyes and looked down at the weapons in his lap. They didn't seem to move at all, but it looked like he clearly expected them to. 
Instead, they caught on fire.
“Ah!” Casey scrambled back in surprise.
“This is dumb,” Mikey grumbled as the flames quickly dissipated. “How is it supposed to move independently from me?”
“It’s not independent of you, it is you. Like another arm.”
Mikey started wiggling his arms at the chains. 
Oh, this was going to take a looooong time.
Casey leaned back on his hands and watched Mikey fidget for a bit while he turned his attention to the energy inside himself. Like the ghost finger feeling he had when he was a turtle, he could visualize the connection from his brain to his ninpo. He didn’t have a great hold of it, but if he focused, he could feel it… rippling? The most he could do was acknowledge it was there.
“Casey do you have ninpo too?” Casey’s head snapped up, eyes wide. He hadn’t noticed Mikey was watching him.
“What? No. How would I have ninpo?” Mikey narrowed his eyes, but if Mikey couldn’t even feel his own ninpo, he shouldn’t even be able to know Casey had it.
“Then why do you look like you’re trying to find it too?” Oh. Yeah… “Was I trying to teach you how to use it in the future?”
Even on his best days, sometimes Casey was an open book.
“Ok, it’s not a sure thing…” Casey couldn’t help but notice Mikey’s eyes light up. “…and I don’t want to get into the details…” he shrugged. He could tell part of the truth. “You guys are my family, you know? Master Michelangelo thought my mom and I could get it like April did.”
Mikey's shoulders rose and his eyes got big with excitement. “That would be so cool! But does that mean…?”
“I don’t know if I have it,” he lied, shrugging. “Mom never figured it out either. I still try sometimes. It'd be really cool to have.”
“No no no, not that!” Mikey shook his head. “We’re literally family! You’re Hamato just like us! And April! Oh that’s so awesome!”
“Well yeah, I kind of thought that was obvious. I was…” Casey caught himself. “…I grew up around you guys. Why do you think I’m here? You guys are my whole world.”
Casey remembered when Sunshine had caught him in his lie; that he had said his family was dead. Why had he said that? They were right here! It wasn’t exactly the same, but they were still his family, right? He didn’t just want to protect them, he wanted to be a part of them. They were the reason he was here. Seeing Mikey that excited by the idea made Casey want to melt into a little puddle.
“Casey… I think I can see you,” Mikey said, turning his head to one side.
“What do you mean? I’m right here.” He didn’t know why, but he was smiling.
“You’re pink.” That normally would have made Casey freak out, like when Angel pointed it out. But for some reason, it just made him chuckle.
“I was wondering when you’d figure it out,” he cradled his head in his hands and anchored his elbows to his knees.
“You knew?”
“Of course I knew!” Casey told him. Master Michelangelo would never shut up about it.
“But when we went shopping…”
“I’m not going to start wearing pink clothes just because,” Casey shrugged. “That’s a you thing. People don’t just wear their heart on their sleeve all the time.”
“Why would you hide that though?” Mikey asked, looking a little betrayed.
“Same reason I don’t tell you other future stuff. It doesn’t matter until it happens.”
“Yeah but… it’s you.”
“You can’t tell everything about someone from their color, Mikey.”
“Well yeah but…”
“You see me because you know me,” Casey smiled. “That’s more valuable than me just giving you the answer.”
Casey could see the gears spinning in Mikey’s head.
“That’s deep man,” he eventually let out with a sigh.
“How do you see me anyway? Master Michelangelo never really explained it.” He wondered if Angel saw it the same way.
He briefly wondered if she was doing okay.
“It’s like,” Mikey tapped his chin. “Man, I don’t know! That’s probably not good…”
“Is it like looking without your eyes?” Casey guessed. If it was anything like he felt…
“Yeah! That’s it exactly!” Mikey nodded his head excitedly.
“Now just move your chains without your arms,” Casey smirked.
“Ooohhhhh,” he said as if finally understanding (after Casey had only told him it three times). Mikey looked down and noticed his weapons had vanished while he wasn’t paying attention.
They popped back into existence and Mikey stared at them again, but nothing happened.
“This is hard,” he groaned, leaning back onto his hands.
“Yeah, I never got it.”
“Got any other advice?”
“Do you remember learning how to use your hands?” Casey asked him.
“Me neither. That’s all I got.”
When Donnie came out of the kitchen with his coffee, he saw the two boys lying on their backs, spread eagle in the middle of the floor.
“What are you guys doing?”
“Becoming one with the universe to discover the secrets of Hamato ninpo,” Mikey answered cryptically.
“There’s also a spider spinning a web in that corner,” Casey pointed to the south east corner.
Donnie took a sip of his coffee and shuffled back upstairs.
“April’s coming by in an hour,” he called down.
“Cool,” the dum-dums on the floor both said at the same time.
To be honest, Donnie had planned to work on Leo’s katanas all day, but the call from April last night had caught him by surprise. She hadn’t told him much, just that she needed to see him as soon as possible, and it was very important.
So Donnie was up three hours earlier than usual, trying desperately to not look like he’d stayed up all night when April showed up.
“An all-nighter again, Donnie?” Crap. She knew him too well.
“How could you tell?” He asked, blinking too slowly, gripping his coffee mug like it was his lifeline, and struggling to push the lab door open all the way open so April could come inside.
“I have my ways,” she smiled brightly. Then she gave her signature wink and edged past him to crash into a new futon that he’d gotten specifically for situations like these; it was becoming more and more frequent that people would come in just to hang out with him while he was working. Conversation was optional, friendship was not. He was tired of people leaning over his shoulder all the time, so this was the compromise the family was trying out.
“You said this was urgent,” Donnie raised an eyebrow. “You seem pretty relaxed for quote ‘as soon as possible’ end quote.” 
April stretched out on the futon and gave him a cheeky smile. “It is very important. Time sensitive too. Are you free this evening?”
“I have projects I could be working on, but I can make time.”
“Good!” She sat up and pulled out her phone. “I have something that needs looked into. Do you remember the herbicide scandal I uncovered over the summer semester?”
“The stuff you used against the Krang in the subway tunnels, yeah. Are you still…?”
“Professor Boringson’s missing,” April’s expression turned serious. “I’ve been keeping away from the lab just in case, but he’s been taken off the staff directory online. All mentions of him are completely gone. It’s like he didn’t even exist.”
Donnie pursed his lips. That was suspicious.
“Where did he go?”
April shrugged. “I wish I could’ve bugged him like you offered, but the whole department’s been on high alert since I broke in. Something weird is going on there; really weird.”
“So you want me to go check it out?” Donnie surmised.
“Please? I would go but I don’t want to risk getting in trouble with the school…”
“No that’s fine, I get it,” Donnie assured her. “I can get in and out easily."
“Oh, you don’t have to do that… on your own, I mean,” April spoke up. Donnie tipped his head to one side and furrowed his brows in confusion. She had a small smile on her face. “I have a way to get you in.”
Donnie had a feeling her idea wasn’t something he’d like.
“Don’t look at me like that!” she snapped at him.
“What do you mean?” he narrowed his eyes all the more.
April sighed and looked back down at her phone again. “I have a friend who will let you into the building. He’s got a bio lab there tonight.”
“A class on a Saturday night?”
April shrugged. “Yeah, that’s kind of what got me thinking about all this. We’re in a group chat and he was talking about the odd time of it. Turns out there’s a new teacher there taking over for Boringson with some… interesting habits.”
“Like what?” Donnie asked.
“Like… making long unhinged emails to her students about why yokai should return to the ‘underworld.’”
“Yeesh. She sounds like a super villain.”
“Yeah, even Tim thought it was a little strange. So I asked if he could let you into the building tonight after class. The doors lock shortly after the class starts, so I figured he could let you in and you’d be free to snoop without having to break in.”
“His name is Tim?”
“Or Timothy, I’ll send you his contact info. The class should get out at 8:30, he can text you the details.”
Donnie’s phone pinged as she sent him the number.
“And Tim Or Timothy is fine with just letting some stranger into the building? Does he know about…” Donnie gestured to himself. “...this whole situation?”
April gave him that same smile she had when she first walked in. He realized this must be the reason for her good mood. She was plotting something.
“Oh, Tim’s a good guy; I don’t think he’ll mind at all,” she shrugged.
“There’s more to this story, isn’t there?” Donnie asked with suspicion.
But April didn’t let him continue the conversation, because it was at that moment she decided to notice the forge he had put together in the corner of the room. It was huge and difficult to miss, but she gasped and “Ooo what’s that?”-ed to divert his attention.
And let’s be honest here for a moment- what’s more important, figuring out April’s secret agenda or monologuing about his new special interest for the next hour? April was always a good listener; it was an easy decision to make. By the time he had explained every detail of his plans for Leo’s new katanas, he had completely forgotten about her knowing smile. Well, until he showed up to the university in the evening, that is.
The Bug
Donnie: Would the east entrance be an acceptable door to use?
Tim Or Timothy (presumably): ?
Donnie: You are April's university friend, yes?
Tim Or Timothy: Oh! You must be Donatello. Yes, the east entrance
Donnie: I will wait there then.
Donnie had arrived at exactly ten minutes before Tim's class was released, and, after confirming where they would meet, had quietly stashed himself up in a tree and out of sight of any on-campus security. It wasn't the most comfortable accommodation, but it did afford him a good vantage point to see students leaving via the adjacent main entrance.
A minute past 8:30 and they began heading out in groups and singles, taking their time to their cars, toward the station, or on foot. All completely oblivious to him.
As he watched them, he felt that pang of otherness settle over him again. It didn't matter that people now knew and somewhat acknowledged that mutants existed, their worlds would still be very different from each other for a long while yet. That included stares longer than his beak, and people awkwardly shuffling away from him when he tried to visit a bodega the other day with his hood down. That had been an uncomfortable situation- but he felt he needed to go out… for science. He wanted to know how people would see him now. That particular collection of data had not calmed him down.
It felt like nothing had changed.
Mikey and Leo had been going out everyday for a week and were fine; surely he was missing something. Or maybe they just handled it better? It felt like they were leaving him behind. Maybe he should have started eleventh grade with Leo instead of diving headfirst into college applications.
He was almost considering it when he noticed a shadow move at the east door. Holding on to the feeling of apprehension, he quickly sent a text to confirm it was Tim at the door.
As if in response, the door opened and a young man with a dark head of messy hair leaned out and looked around. Before the presumed Tim could close the door in confusion, Donnie dropped down out of the tree and landed gracefully upright about ten feet away from him.
"Holy-" but the teen caught himself by throwing a large hand over his mouth. His eyes however, betrayed him as they seemed to bug out of his head in surprise.
Before he could say or do anything else, Donnie stepped up and took the door from him. Technically it didn't matter if it was Tim or not; he was in anyway.
The presumed Tim backed up to let him in, and the soft shell wasted no time entering the building, blinking his eyes as they adjusted to the bright fluorescence.
"Uh, hi." 
Donnie turned his head just slightly toward him. 
"You are Donatello right? I didn't just let some stranger into the school?"
"Yes, and yes you did," Donnie nodded. "Thank you." 
Without another word, Donnie began to slink down the hallway, but he didn't get very far before he realized he was being followed.
"Did you want to risk getting caught sneaking around after hours, too?" Donnie asked, not bothering to turn around.
"I… uh…" Donnie didn't wait for Tim to answer, and turned down a hallway that should lead him to the stairwell up to the second floor.
"Wait!" His ask was too loud. Donnie pivoted and stepped up into Tim's personal space. The surprising maneuver led the human to take a cautious step back. "Sorry… I just…"
Donnie twirled his wrist in a gesture for Tim to get what he wanted to say off his chest.
"April asked me to tag along with you," said the human nervously.
Donnie's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, but remembered the odd way April had been acting earlier today.
"And why on earth would you agree to do that?" Donnie asked, genuinely curious. Surely April had told Tim what they were doing could be dangerous. What was he going to do that would help Donnie anyway? He only needed to get inside.
Tim shifted uneasily from one foot to the next, clearly nervous. "She didn't tell you anything, did she?"
"She said you'd let me in," Donnie answered.
Tim sighed and pulled out his phone, clearly looking for something to explain away his impulsiveness to follow a strange mutant turtle around a school after dark.
Tim finally tapped open an image and showed Donnie the screen. It was an image of the TurtleTank parked by Repo Mantis Salvage; likely from the last time Donnie had visited the place before it was temporarily shut down.
"April said you built it. She said you'd let me take a look at it if I kept an eye on you."
"What?!" This time Donnie was too loud. "That's ridiculous! Why would she say that? My own sister, handing out tours of my…" Donnie dragged his hands down his face in frustration. 
"I mean, you don't have to, I don't want to be a bother…" Timothy put his phone away, looking apologetic. "She really shouldn't have-"
"No, no, it's fine," Donnie interrupted, trying to sound sincere but definitely coming off as rather irritated. "I'm sure she has her silly reasons. Just be quiet ok?"
"You know everybody's left, right?" Tim tipped his head to one side. "Even the staff and janitors are gone."
"I don't care, I haven't snuck out like this in weeks!" Donnie answered before turning and flipping dramatically into the shadows. He lowered his goggles and scuttled along the wall like a bug until he could peek around the next corner. Tim just casually walked along behind him.
"April also said you'd want to know more about Dr. Aderman," Tim said as they finally reached the stairs to the next level.
"The replacement professor?" Donnie asked as he jumped up to the second floor and perched on the railing as he waited for Tim to jog up to him.
Tim nodded. "I'm not usually one for gossip, but it seems she has a pretty bad reputation around here already. Class was a bit… scary." The human tapped his fingers together nervously.
"April mentioned a bizarre email."
"Yeah. Turns out there's a… another person like you in our class and she's not all too friendly to them."
"Wouldn't that violate school policy?" Donnie asked, turning toward the hallway he remembered April describing to him. At the center of the building there would be a lab with a simple card reader lock he'd need to break.
"Technically there isn't a policy yet," Tim shrugged. "But it really doesn't look great for the school."
Then why was she even here? Even if Donnie didn't feel comfortable around humans, he at least knew that Universities tended to have some of the most inclusive people among them. It went with the territory of being educated, he theorized; a proper scientist should be open to all possibilities. He didn't like the sound of this one.
Donnie approached the classroom April had mentioned, but noticed that even through the glass, it had been completely repurposed from the last time she had been there. They'd probably have to look around some more, but it wouldn't hurt to check here first.
A quick glance at the card reader told him it would easily be broken into with the right magnet strip, but he wondered if it would be better to just disable it altogether so there was no record of the door unlocking in the first place. That was probably the safer option. Systems going briefly offline were more overlooked than suspicious entries.
Donnie could see Tim's eyes light up in wonder as Donnie's little robot arms popped out from the back of his shell and started disabling the card reader. It took everything in himself not to smirk. Even if he was April's friend, he still didn't trust him.
Within ten seconds the door was open, and the two of them slipped inside. Donnie began to move about the lab/office methodically, but Tim stayed back, looking around like a lost puppy.
"So… what are you looking for?" He asked as Donnie chanced by him to open a few cabinet doors that were disappointingly empty.
Donnie's snout twitched as he moved on. "April didn't tell you?"
"She said you were looking for information on Aderman, but her office is back downstairs."
Donnie turned to face Tim with a mildly annoyed look that included his lips firmly pressed into a thin line.
"You couldn't have said that before I broke into the wrong room?"
Tim scratched the back of his head. "You looked like you knew where you were going!" He smiled sheepishly. "I didn't want to stop you."
Regardless, Donnie continued his search around the room, just in case there was anymore evidence of the herbicide.
"There was a particularly dangerous herbicide being kept here a few weeks ago," Donnie explained, rifling through a desk filled with unrelated papers and bars of unused staples. "April discovered it was rather good at damaging the aliens that invaded the city."
"Wha… how did she discover that?" Tim asked, looking concerned.
"Trial and error of course," Donnie smiled, remembering her retelling of her encounter with the sister Krang. "She threw many things at it beforehand. Baseballs proved to not be so effective."
"You mean she fought one of those things?" Tim's eyes were about the size of April's aforementioned baseball.
"She did. She took its eye out with the herbicide. But now we're trying to figure out where it came from, and why someone was making something so dangerous."
"Wow, she's pretty impressive," Timothy noted, seeming to completely overlook the dangerous situation he had volunteered himself for.
Wait, why had he wanted to do this again?
"Why do you have a picture of my tank?" Donnie asked suddenly, catching Tim off guard.
"Oh, well… it's really cool!" the human said with what appeared to be genuine interest. "I just took a picture of it when I went by the salvage yard… ok maybe I took a few…" he suddenly looked a little nervous.
Donnie narrowed his eyes, not that Tim could see with his goggles on.
"Are you stalking me?"
"What?! No! It's just… how do I explain it…" the human tapped his fingers together again. It appeared to be a nervous habit. “I just thought it was really cool…”
"You…" Donnie's voice trailed off as realization struck him. "You're a FAN!" All at once the super secret stealth mission he had before him was thrown to one side as his voice rose in excitement.
"That's why April set me up with you!"
Timothy scratched the back of his head and blushed a bit. "I guess so? You know there's a small online community of people who look for your vehicle around town? They have all kinds of crazy theories as to who you are and what it does."
"What it does?! It does EVERYTHING," Donnie's eyes sparkled. "And if you are so inclined, I will gladly tell you more about it when we find that herbicide," he added, turning his head to do a final sweep of the room.
Tim chuckled, and Donnie nearly jumped in surprise.
"What? Are you not interested?"
"No no, I am!" Tim assured the turtle. "I just didn't expect you to be so excited."
Donnie stood upright and began to walk back out of the office backwards. "Of course I'm excited I-"
But he didn't get to complete his sentence, because in his elated buffoonery he had completely forgotten their circumstances, and bumped clumsily into someone standing behind him.
"Oh, hi… Dr. Aderman…" Timothy squeaked. Donnie saw Tim take a step back in surprise, and that he was looking up at someone much taller than himself.
Slowly, Donnie turned around. Sweet Galileo she was HUGE. If he had to guess, Dr. Aderman was six foot six and two hundred fifty pounds of pure muscle. She had flaming red hair braided down either side of her head, bright green spectacles, and a nasty snarl on her face. She looked like she could easily wrestle Raph, nevermind the small, gangly soft shell that Donnie was. In the words of his most beloved twin brother:
“Eugh boy.”
Donnie skittered back into the classroom and jumped over a table to put more space between them. Aderman followed him into the classroom, shutting the door behind her. That was surely a threat if he had ever seen one.
“Well this sure is a surprise,” Aderman giggled, taking a step forward. “I can’t believe you just decided to find me yourself!”
“Please tell me that you aren’t implying that you know me,” Donnie grimaced.
“Hardly, but it’s hard to forget four little freaks defiling the light of God.”
Oh, so she was a religious nut too. Cool. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”
“I’m going to finally cut you open and get a good look at what goes on in that disgusting little head of yours.”
Donnie had a hard time figuring out how the two statements were related.
“As much as I love research,” Donnie took a nervous step back. “I’m totally fine keeping my insides inside, thanks oh god I really don’t want to think about that…”
“Just what are you, exactly? What made you?” she wondered aloud, lowering her head to get a better view of him in the dark room. If he had listened to anything April and Tim had said, he figured it was not in his best interest to answer that question honestly. Speaking of, he glanced over to Tim and saw that the poor guy had backed himself up into a corner on the opposite side of the room. Donnie immediately regretted letting the human tag along with him. The last thing he wanted to do was drag more people into this mess. How was he supposed to get them out?
As he continued to try and put distance between himself and the woman, Donnie quickly realized he was running out of classroom. He glanced over at the second story windows to his right. He could easily break out that way, but Tim?
“You tricked me!” Donnie blurted out, pointing an accusatory finger at Tim.
“What?” Both Tim and Aderman looked confused.
“You set me up with your smooth talking about science and engineering!” Donnie wailed. “How could you?! Humans are the worst!” He raised his hand to his brow in a mock swoon.
He really needed to take some acting lessons. Simply imitating Leo’s dramatic flourishes probably wasn’t the greatest sell. But it didn’t matter because at the very least it made Aderman do a double take to glance at Tim before Donnie leapt for and broke through the window screaming at the top of his lungs: “You’ll never get me aliiiiiiiiiive!”
Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for Tim, he supposed, Aderman dove out the window behind him with greater speed than he expected.
“Get back here you filthy little bug!” she roared, grabbing a hold of his ankle as they went tumbling out. He realized then that his battle shell was still in robot arm mode, so his jet pack was not ready to lift him up. He had prioritized stealth this evening, but thinking back on how loud he had been talking about his tank, perhaps he hadn’t, actually. Stupid stupid stupid.
Raph was really going to chew him out for this.
And Leo would never let him live it down.
The two of them crashed into the ground, Donnie thrown face-first into the dirt, no thanks to Aderman’s desperate reach. He let out a pathetic little puff of air from his lungs, but forced himself to his feet quickly as he could already hear Aderman lumbering up to him.
“Stupid little…” she grumbled and took a swing at him, but Donnie was ready for it. His sparkling new tech bo was already out and spinning, the glow of purple mystic light from it forming a shield between himself and his assailant. It hadn’t fared so well against Krang Prime, but a punch from a human (even an especially large one,) did not stand a chance. Aderman’s fist collided with the shield with a sickening crunch.
She screamed in pain, swearing profusely and shaking her hand out as Donnie took the offensive. He decided to go for a low sweep, knocking his staff into her knees and toppling her over. Unfortunately, it seemed her grubby hands had a habit of clinging onto things, because she was again somehow able to reach out and grab him as she went down, dragging him with her. The soft shell yelped as the woman bear-hugged him while at same time cursing about how awful and gross he was. In the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but think she was being a little over dramatic about that, but he wasn’t really in a position to critique. She rolled over and pinned him down with just her left hand on his head, his arms pinned under him.
“You disgusting little turtle thing-” but she froze when she saw the ring of purple mystic artillery surrounding her, all aimed pointedly at her head.
“You wanna rethink those words, sasquatch?” Donnie grumbled, spitting out dirt.
To his surprise, the doctor started cackling. “You’re full of nasty surprises, aren’t you?” She raised his head in a move to slam it down again, which Donnie took as permission to use what would questionably be considered semi-lethal force.
But when he pulled the trigger, so to speak, nothing happened. Instead of throwing him back down, she pulled her face to his and smiled wickedly. “Oh honey, did you think I’d be caught by that? Unfortunately, I have a few nasty surprises of my own.” All of his mystic tech had somehow vanished, and when he tried to reach for it again, he could see dazzling purple static dance around in Aderman’s eyes. It was the last thing he saw before he ate the dirt again.
Saturday Morning Sillies Comic
Prev. Masterpost Next
Notes: Thank you so much to @pinetreevillain for letting me borrow Timothy for this chapter of my fic! Here he is! I'm internally screaming, it's very loud inside my head rn. This has been marinating for over two months, so I hope you like it! I kept my promise; Timothy is fine! Donnie on the other hand, is not. oops (T-T)7
Additionally, this chapter has a comic to alongside it that I posted all the way back in September, heehee! It's so important that I linked it twice. Bet you didn't see that coming did you? I'm very sneaky.
This also marks the beginning of "shit hitting the fan" part of the story for Snapper and Stinkpot. We are officially out of the exposition, baby!
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teardownit · 1 month
What is the HDMI loop-out function, and why is it different?
Some electronic devices have different names for similar functions. This is based on a broadly understood mix of technical terms and marketing titles. For example, in the early 2000s, everything had to be 'HD', no matter what product you promoted. Then 'HD' and 'Full HD' became less fashionable and more like a technical term for the exact resolution of a display, 1280×720 and 1920×1080 pixels, respectively.
The same thing happens for the HDMI splitter function. It basically is, as the name suggests, splitting the signal from one HDMI input to multiple outputs. As HDMI is not an analog signal, it cannot really be split with a Y-cable. But still, there are a bunch of passive (i.e., those that require no external power supply) splitters out there on Amazon. I'll suggest leaving them for the tiniest field of applications when both (no more than two, really) monitors are extremely close together and the budget for the installation is close to zero. Passive splitters use very little power, as some is provided alongside the digital video signal. But they are very dependent on the cables and their lengths to sustain this load. Funny enough, a cheap and simple splitter requires decent-quality cables to operate, with no guarantee of this kit being reliable. So, I suggest we leave this type of splitter outside our article.
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Back to better-designed equipment: active HDMI splitters. Usually, those are small boxes with an external power adapter, used in small installations with a couple of TVs for 24/7 usage in small businesses like nail salons or gyms. Active splitters ensure that if the displays are different, the splitter picks the appropriate resolution and frequency. Active splitters can be used with longer cables, be reliable, and deliver the best possible experience for the viewer.
Moreover, it's splitters job (well, part of it) to help both the source and the display or projector make all the hadshakes. A splitter adds complexity to the connection, so it has to not mess up the HDMI and HDCP connections. A standalone splitter has to support all the EDID signatures and HDCP certificates to establish a proper connection. So, as it often is, the best additional equipment is the absence of it.
This is the reason behind the 'loop-out' function. It represents, in its core, the integration of a splitter into an active extender, switcher, or something of that sort. It is aimed at a very specific use case: local monitoring. This can be useful if we use a smaller display for keeping an eye on the output signal and, in addition, as troubleshooting equipment for the extender itself. Extenders, matrixes, switchers, twisted pairs, and HDMI cables could be finicky, but the first step is to check the source, as it is the input for the extender.
'Loop-out' is common amongst INRIKS devices and can be used in different cases.
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pic from Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:TVs_for_sale.jpg Author: ProjectManhattan
Modern Pinterest-inspired gaming setups for small apartments call for a solution like that. This is an entertainment multipurpose machine for Steam and Netflix. The source is usually a PC with more or less tasteful RGB lighting all over it. And then it outputs to two monitors: a regular PC display and a remote TV or projector, usually in front of a couch and a coffee table. Technically, this requires a splitter and a high-quality 4K extender. Using one device instead of two means fewer wires, a cleaner desk, and lower latency. The local monitor is connected to the 'loop-out' HDMI, and the TV uses the extender's in and out ports.
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pic from Blackmagic website https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicvideoassist
The less obvious use case is professional video production. We are all tired of YouTube reviewers constantly testing any piece of tech they lay their hands on in terms of filming, editing, and rendering video content. But it is indeed a big part of modern-day marketing; professional video equipment is much closer to the everyday office worker than ever before. Streaming live events or hosting webinars is a common thing, and it requires monitoring. On the higher end of the price range, a 7-inch RED monitor will set you back $2600. Cheaper options are not that cheap either. So, if we set up a display in the hallway and a smaller one from Amazon for the cameraman, then that little aux monitor can be hooked up to the 'loop-out' HDMI of an extender.
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Pic from alibaba.com
The next and obvious environment for a loop-out is any lecture hall. From the smallest classroom to the largest theater, a professor needs to see exactly what is shown on the screen behind her or him. The only worse thing than showing something wrong during the lecture is being unaware of it. Most schools need a splitter for the stand, want some simplicity and rigidity, and prefer their equipment to be cheap and easy to replace if broken or lost.
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Pic from website LG business Solution https://www.lg.com/global/business/commercial-tv/lg-43ut662m-mea
For small businesses, splitting HDMI could be an afterthought. From a salesman's (or that tech-savvy friend's) point of view, when a coffee shop or a nail salon adds a TV, it's easy to say, "Buy an extender for it." It's significantly less easy to then add, "You will need an HDMI splitter box to go along with it." It saves some unnecessary hustle to have such a splitter integrated for the screen near the reception, which used to be hooked up with a cable to some source like a TV box.
To wrap this up, 'loop-out' is a nice thing to have if one needs any type of local monitoring. A simple, exactly 1×2 integrated splitter is a cost-effective way to deal with such cases, adding around 5 to 10 bucks to the price of an extender compared to 20 to 30 for a standalone unit. To my taste, it is just neater, with less cable clutter and no need for an extra socket.
====== Eugenio S
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thecobuildersapp · 1 month
How to Clean Your Couch | Step-By-Step Guide & Tips
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Having a clean couch not only increases the glory of your home but also makes you feel comfortable and healthy. Because, we all spent most of the time on the couch while watching TV, sometimes taking a nap in the middle of the day, gossiping with family or friends and of course when we have guests at home. 
Your couch is one of the most used pieces of furniture in your home. Over time, it can accumulate dirt, dust, and stains that look so bad and dirty that, makes you feel uncomfortable and unhygienic at your own home. The thought of how to clean couch might seem like a tough task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right tools and techniques, you can keep your couch looking fresh and new. Whether you're dealing with everyday dirt or deep stains, this guide will walk you through the best ways to clean your couch.
Steps to Clean Your Couch
Vacuum Your Couch: Start by vacuuming your couch to remove loose dirt and debris. Use the upholstery attachment to get into crevices and seams. This is the first step in how to clean a couch and should be done regularly.
Check the Fabric: Before you apply any cleaning solution, check the care label on your couch. It will tell you what type of fabric you’re dealing with and what cleaning methods are safe to use.
Spot Clean Stains: For small stains, use a mild detergent mixed with water. Dampen a cloth with the solution and gently blot the stain. Avoid rubbing as it can push the stain deeper into the fabric.
Steam Clean Your Couch: Steam cleaning is an effective way to deep clean your couch. A steam cleaner uses hot water vapour to loosen dirt and kill bacteria. Make sure to use a machine designed for upholstery to avoid damaging the fabric.
Deep Clean Your Couch: For a thorough clean, use a deep cleaner. These machines to clean couches are available for rent or purchase and can make a significant difference. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and test a small, hidden area first to ensure it won’t damage your couch.
Dry Your Couch: After cleaning, it’s essential to let your couch dry completely. Open windows or use fans to speed up the drying process. Sitting on a damp couch can lead to mildew or mold growth.
Effective Ways to Clean Your Couch
The best way to clean couch depends on the fabric and the type of dirt or stains you’re dealing with. Here are some tips for different types of couches:
Fabric Couches
Use a vacuum and spot clean regularly.
Steam clean every few months for a deep clean.
Use a fabric protector to prevent stains.
Leather Couches
Wipe down with a dry cloth regularly.
Use a leather cleaner and conditioner to maintain the material.
Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the leather.
Microfiber Couches
Use a vacuum with a brush attachment.
Clean with a solution of water and rubbing alcohol for stains.
Fluff the fibers with a soft brush after cleaning.
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Tips To Clean Couch
If you want to make your couch clean, consider these easy-to-clean couch tips:
Slipcovers are a great way to protect your couch from stains and spills. They are easy to remove and can be machine washed.
When buying a new couch, look for fabrics that are resistant to stains and easy to clean. Materials like leather and microfiber are good options.
Regularly vacuuming and spot cleaning your couch will prevent dirt and stains from building up. This makes deep cleaning less frequent and more manageable.
Clean Couch Using By Machine 
Using a machine to clean your couch can save time and effort. Here are some popular options:
Upholstery Cleaners: These machines are designed specifically for cleaning couches and other upholstered furniture. They use water and cleaning solutions to lift dirt and stains.
Steam Cleaners: Steam cleaners are versatile and can be used on various surfaces. They use hot steam to break down dirt and kill bacteria.
Wet/Dry Vacuums: These vacuums are great for cleaning up spills and can handle both wet and dry messes.
Always make sure to carefully follow instructions and test a small area when using any machine to avoid damaging your couch.
In conclusion, Keeping your couch clean is a simple task and doesn't take too much time if you know the right way and tool to clean it. This is a matter of a few seconds. But, after applying all the methods as much you know and you can, still you see that your couch looks bad and dirty you need to call The CoBuilders. As we have the knowledge and expertise of making the couches as new as it was earlier. 
Still In Doubt & Confused about How to Clean Couch? Reach Out To Us Via Text Box Without Any Hesitation. We are 24/7 Available to Help You & to Get You Out of Trouble. 
We Feel Proud When Our Customers Get Satisfactory Services From Us.
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lompocwinefactory · 2 months
Removing Red Wine Stains Is Not A Cause For Panic
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What if you drop a glass of red wine on your tile floor?
Imagine that you are hosting a party for some of your best friends. The atmosphere is bubbling with the excitement of everyone chatting and mingling with each other when all of a sudden you hear a crashing sound and see the sight that every host prays will never happen; a glass of red wine has taken a swan dive and landed not on your tile floor where it is easy to clean up but on to your very embarrassed guest and all over your furniture. It would appear that Murphy’s Law has struck again, but don’t panic, it is possible to get red wine stains out!
Do not panic
The first thing to do (aside from not panicking) when cleaning red wine spills is to remove the excess spillage. If the wine has been spilled on a couch or carpet take an absorbent cloth (something you don’t mind being stained) or paper towel and blot the excess wine, do not rub in any way! The point of blotting it to remove the wine without working it further into the fabric. If it was a piece of clothing that has been spilled on, remove the article and blot in the same manner.
The way to remove stains
Once the excess wine has been removed it is very important to rinse the carpet, furniture or clothing to dilute the wine before it has a chance to set in. The best method for this is going to vary on what exactly where the spill is. For clothing or other items that are easily removed, pour cold water from the backside. For items such as carpets and sofas pouring water directly onto the stain and blotting with an absorbent cloth immediately works best.
There is a good chance that this will not take the stain out completely. Carpet and furniture cleaner very well may need to be used. In the past, I have had much success with Resolve cleaners for carpets, and for laundry, there are many stain removers that should be helpful. A little trick my mother taught me which works wonders is Lestoil. I know some of you may be thinking to yourself that you always thought Lestoil was a floor cleaner, but when diluted with water and used as a soaking agent it works wonders on lots of stains including grease (when mixed with hot water) and wine (when mixed with cold water).
Do you need professionals?
Of course, even with all your best efforts, there is always the chance that the red wine is going to be so stubborn that you need to call in the professionals. Carpets and furniture sometimes are dry clean only but it is still best to remove as much of the stain as possible while it is still wet because this will make it easier for the professionals to remove the remnants.
The key to ensuring effective stain removal is time. Do not let a stain sit for days or weeks before deciding to try to remove it and don’t wait a week before ringing a carpet cleaner because by then it might just be too late and the stain is now a permanent fixture. The same goes for clothing, don’t wait to wash your shirt or pants. I once watched a friend take a shirt out of the washing machine become horrified at the fact that the red wine didn’t come out of her top. When I asked her when she spilled on herself, she told me that it was from a week before. No wonder the stain didn’t come out!
In the end, there is always going to be the possibility that the stain has decided that it never wants to come out or it will not come out completely. Taking the proper steps the moment a spill occurs can greatly reduce the chance of a permanent stain. There is no easy way to prevent spills and stains, aside from slipcovers or not serving red wine at social events, so when a spill does happen remember to stay calm, work quickly, and to blot.
Lompoc wine factory is a Co-Op Style facility that allows individual winemaking, production, and custom crush services. We also offer temperature controlled storage, label services, and so much more to help develop your wine brand. Contact us today for a private tasting, tour, or residency opportunities!.
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skkscleaning · 5 months
Sofa Dry Cleaning in Gurgaon: What to Expect and How to Prepare
Furniture for your home in Gurgaon does not get damaged easily, but it is as important to keep it looking like new as it requires quite some maintenance and care. Sofas, particularly, are hard to clean as they will, for the most part, be the primary section of the living room that gets the most use. Dirt, dust, and stains that usually build up over time may leave your sofa looking desaturated and dingy.
Indeed, although household routine procedures such as direct vacuuming and spot cleaning can be managed, this might not be enough, and more thorough cleaning can be required. This is the time when sofas dry cleaning in Gurgaon can be of great help in this situation. In this post, we’ll learn about dry cleaning services as well as provide tips on what preparations are required for the sofa to give the best outcome
What is Sofa Dry Cleaning?
Sofa dry cleaning works by using special cleaning solutions and equipment so that it becomes deeper and doesn’t need water to operate. A rigorous dry compound is squeaked into the fabric of your sofa during the dry-cleaning process. It actually dissolves dirt, dust, and stains. Among these methods, waterless dry cleaning is actually a particularly convenient way for handling delicate or sensitive garments that may otherwise get damaged by these substances.
What to Expect from Professional Sofa Dry Cleaning Services
Saving your time and energy and making sure your sofa is fresh and odor free in addition to the fact that it now looks original as the very moment prior to using it is what you will definitely love when you use the latest technology to let the professionals handle this work for you. Here's what you can expect from the process:
Pre-inspection: When we, the cleaners, visit your location to assess the dirty areas of the sofa and to find which method of cleaning will suit the sofa cover, the cleaning process will be done effectively.
Pre-treatment: Throughout the whole cleaning process, the cleaners will assess whether the said treatment is necessary. Pre-treatment of stains and other soiled areas are done by applying special solutions, helping the fabric absorb the solution completely.
Dry cleaning: This dry cleaning compound, along with the upholstery cleaner, will be used on the machine and directly on the sofa's fabric and fibers, creating a wide gap for the pollution to get absorbed.
Extraction: Secondly, they enable the cleaner to run its course, rendering it capable of sucking all the dirt. Use our AI to write for you about any topic! You can use Artificial Intelligence to generate content for your website or blog. The next step is the chemist sends on the potent vacuo to pull out this enormous mass of mud, dust, and carcinogens.
Post-inspection: The next step is to look over the couch to see if it is still in good condition. They check that the cleaning was done very thoroughly and that there are no leftover stains or flaws.
How to Prepare Your Sofa for Dry Cleaning
To ensure the best results from your sofa dry cleaning in Gurgaon, there are a few steps you can take to prepare your sofa beforehand:
Remove any loose items: Before you start getting your sofa to cleaner, take out any loose items (throw pillows, blankets, or decorative items) that are on it.
Vacuum: To rid your couch of dust and grime, use the vacuum to clean up any pieces of dirt visible on the surface.
Spot clean: If your couch has got small blotches or spills, clean them immediately so that they do not set in.
Check for any damage: Check the sofa closely for rips, tears or other damages worth mending before vacuuming.
At the SKKS, we provide ecologically friendly sofa dry cleaning ghaziabad to the locals of Gurgaon and the adjacent territories. Our experienced employees are equipped with the latest machines and technologies that ensure top-quality results and excellent results that are best suited to the core requirements of your sofa. One-time deep cleaning is available, and we can offer periodic maintenance services. Whatever you require, we will be here to serve. Connect to us immediately to learn more about our Sofa cleaning Services   and the effective solutions we have for your furniture cleanliness.
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maxxmesii · 6 months
Maximizing the Lifespan of Suede Products: Essential Care and Maintenance Guidelines
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Suede products may last a lifetime if cared for and maintained properly. To extend the life of your suede shoes or jacket, take some actions to protect them. Optimal care is avoiding extended exposure to sunlight and following regular cleaning and conditioning regimens. Using protective sprays can help protect the material, and keeping suede products in well-ventilated spaces is recommended.
However, occasional intensive cleaning of suede may be required to remove persistent stains or ugly markings, such as those left by spills or footprints. Purchasing suede cleaning products may appear to be a straightforward solution, but it may be expensive and time-consuming. To achieve better results, choose the Best Dry Cleaner Near Me.
●     Time is valuable.
Making the effort to clean suede might be inconvenient in a busy life with many responsibilities. Fortunately, AZ Dry Cleaners' professional cleaning services that specialize in suede care provide a solution, allowing you to save hours of tedious stain removal on your suede shoes. Instead, you may use that time to complete other tasks or just relax and watch some Netflix.
●     Avoid dangerous DIY approaches.
The internet is saturated with bad suede cleaning recommendations. Using the improper method may result in additional expenditures in the long run. Home treatments, particularly for tenacious stains, can harm suede products. Rather than endangering the investment you've made in your suede shoes, couch, or jacket, it's better to use expert cleaners like us.
●     Experts excel at this.
Each stain poses a distinct issue. There is a specialized strategy for each type of spill, such as water, oil, grease, soda, or red wine. While you might be able to blot out most stains at home, specialists are significantly better at dealing with difficult suede stains. Best Dry Cleaner Luton provides a complete solution backed up by the skills required to properly treat specific stains.
Caring for Suede: A Complete Guide
So you've recently gotten a gorgeous suede jacket. What happens next? Keeping suede's attractiveness demands appropriate maintenance, and the first step is to study the manufacturer's label for any particular recommendations.
Waterproofing: Before you wear your suede jacket for the first time, be sure it's waterproof. Suede is extremely sensitive to water damage, which can be permanent. Waterproofing not only protects your jacket from moisture but also helps prevent stains and makes washing easier.
Suede Brush: Invest in a quality Dry Cleaner Luton to quickly remove any debris or dust that may have settled on your jacket before it becomes embedded. To keep the suede's texture, always brush in the grain direction. Uncertain about which brush to use? Please feel free to contact AZ Dry Cleaners for recommendations.
Proper Storage: To avoid dust gathering, store your suede goods carefully. To preserve them from environmental conditions, store them in a box or hang them in a protective garment bag.
Avoid Washing Machines: Despite any appealing DIY instructions you come across, do not wash your suede jacket at home. Submerging suede in water, especially when highly dirty, can cause permanent damage to its delicate fibers, reducing its aesthetic appeal.
Summing Up!
Our suede dry cleaning services use a professional-grade solution that is carefully used to cleanse this delicate material, ensuring its longevity for years to come. Have a limited amount of time? Suede Cleaning Service Hitchin offers complimentary pickup and delivery services. Simply supply us with your instructions, and we'll do the rest.
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steamexperts · 7 months
The Benefits of Professional Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning is one of the best ways to sanitize and refresh your carpets and rugs. It kills bacteria and lifts dirt that can contribute to offensive odors in your home.
You may be considering buying a steam cleaner for your home or renting one. Before making a decision, weigh the pros and cons of each option based on your cleaning goals.
Cleans Dirt and Germs
Steam cleaning is a chemical-free way to blast away dirt, grime, germs and allergens. The high temperature of steam denatures proteins and disrupts cell walls of bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew and more, leaving surfaces clean and sanitized.
A variety of attachments make steam cleaners suitable for a variety of surface types, including windows and mirrors, wood floors and painted surfaces. For delicate surfaces, it is a good idea to test the surface for water damage or colorfastness before using a steam cleaner.
Steam is also effective at removing stubborn stains from carpet, upholstery and mattresses. It can even dissolve grease and food residue on stovetops, ovens and microwaves. In the bathroom, a steamer can sanitize a toilet, blast away hard-water stains from showers and tubs, and deodorize and freshen tile and grout. The use of steam reduces the need for chemical cleaners, which can be harmful to children and pets and cause allergic reactions in some people.
Removes Allergens and Smells
Steaming removes a wide range of allergens from carpeting, including dust mite droppings that trigger asthma and allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose and itchy skin. It also eliminates germs, mould and mildew.
Unlike shampooing, which leaves chemicals and detergents behind, steam cleaning uses only natural water heated to high temperatures. The dry vapor produced by steam cleaners dries quickly, leaving no opportunity for the growth of mold, mildew and other odour-causing microorganisms.
For allergy sufferers who want a full-proof way to clean and maintain a sanitary environment without harsh chemicals, we recommend finding a reliable steam cleaner manufacturer that offers cost-effective, quality products such as Dupray home steam cleaners. These powerful machines provide effective, all-natural cleaning for floors and other surfaces and they don’t contain toxins or volatile chemical solvents. They can also be used in bathrooms to neutralize odours and reduce bacteria, mould and germ build-up. They are ideal for car interiors too.
Extends the Life of Your Carpets
Carpets and couches get a lot of unavoidable, daily traffic. They also act as a sound and heat insulation, making them indispensable in homes and offices.
Over time, however, they start to look worn and dirty. Dirty carpets can also become a breeding ground for dust mites, bacteria and allergens that can cause health problems.
Professionals use steam cleaning machines that spray high-temperature water (often over 200degF) into the carpet, rinsing out dirt and detergent residues. The cleaning solution is then extracted from the carpet, leaving it clean and smelling fresh.
Regular steam cleaning is a powerful way to extend the life of your carpets and keep them looking and feeling like new. Be proactive with your carpet maintenance, and take steps to prevent damage by vacuuming frequently, putting down mats, moving heavy furniture around occasionally, and having a full steam cleaning once or twice per year. By doing this, you can avoid premature carpet replacement and save money in the long run.
Saves You Money
Professional steam cleaning are generally more expensive than do-it-yourself machines, but they can provide more consistent results and longer-term savings. Before making a decision, evaluate your cleaning needs, desired features, and available budget to determine the best option for you.
Unlike chemical-based cleaners, steam cleaners use only water vapor to clean and sanitize surfaces. This can significantly reduce the amount of cleaning products and water needed to effectively clean a surface, saving money in both product and utility costs.
Additionally, steam cleaners typically dry quickly, allowing users to immediately reuse the surface they were cleaning. This feature is especially useful in professional environments where downtime is a concern, and it can also help save time and money on utility bills. Lastly, because steam cleaners don’t require chemicals, they are often considered an eco-friendly cleaning solution.
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choice1carpet · 8 months
How to Get The Desired Cleanliness of The Couch Without a Machine
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, our sofas often bear the brunt of spills, stains, and accumulated dust. While professional sofa cleaning services like Choice 1 Carpet Cleaning offer an efficient solution, there are times when you need to tackle the mess promptly at home. In this blog, we'll explore effective methods to achieve the desired cleanliness of your couch without the need for a machine, focusing on sofa professional cleaning techniques and the use of a couch steam cleaner.
1. Assessing the Fabric
The first step in ensuring a successful sofa cleaning process is to identify the fabric of your couch. Different fabrics require distinct cleaning approaches. For example, a cotton sofa may react differently to cleaning agents compared to a microfiber one. Understanding your sofa's fabric will help you choose the appropriate cleaning methods and products.
2. Preparation is Key
Before diving into the cleaning process, it's crucial to prepare the area. Remove any loose cushions and vacuum the entire couch to eliminate surface dirt and debris. This initial step not only ensures a cleaner result but also prevents dirt from spreading during the cleaning process.
3. Spot Cleaning for Stains
For specific stains like spills or pet accidents, spot cleaning is highly effective. Create a mixture of mild detergent and warm water, then gently blot the stain with a clean cloth or sponge. Avoid rubbing vigorously, as this can damage the fabric. For stubborn stains, consider using a specialised upholstery cleaner recommended for your sofa's material.
4. DIY Couch Steam Cleaning
One of the most efficient ways to deep clean your sofa without a machine is by using a couch steam cleaner. These handheld devices emit steam that helps break down dirt and stains, providing a thorough clean. Start by filling the steam cleaner with water and allowing it to heat up. Once ready, pass the steam cleaner over the entire surface of the couch, paying extra attention to stained or soiled areas. The steam not only cleans but also sanitises, making it an ideal solution for a hygienic sofa.
5. Freshening Up with Baking Soda
Baking soda is a versatile and cost-effective ingredient that works wonders in freshening up your couch. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the entire surface and let it sit for at least 15-20 minutes. This helps absorb odours and eliminates any lingering smells. Afterward, use a soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda.
Regular Maintenance
Achieving and maintaining a clean couch involves regular upkeep. Vacuum your sofa weekly to prevent the build-up of dirt and dust. Additionally, rotate and flip cushions to ensure even wear. Following these simple steps will extend the life of your sofa and keep it looking fresh and inviting.
While professional sofa cleaning services like Choice 1 Carpet Cleaning offer unbeatable expertise, taking matters into your own hands can be both cost-effective and rewarding. By assessing your sofa's fabric, preparing the area, and utilising techniques such as spot cleaning, steam cleaning, and baking soda freshening, you can achieve the desired cleanliness without the need for a machine. Keep your couch looking its best with these DIY tips and enjoy a clean and inviting living space.
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peterjacksonsblog · 9 months
Get a sofa-spa at home for its long-life and deep cleaning
It is often easier to trace a stain on the sofa which has light-coloured fabric. However, you might not trace hidden stains under dark-colored sofa fabric. No matter what, whether light or dark, a stain on the sofa would certainly make it look grimy. So, you should take the initiative to get it cleaned with the help of experts. Especially, if the stain is not vanishing properly, and every time you try to clean it end up with more stain highlighting. Therefore, sofa deep shampoo cleaning Dubai can help you with the perfect and effective removal of stains. You can consult the experts and ask them how to restore it to a neat and clean condition.
Why choose professional sofa cleansing?
You might think back of mind why it is important to hire experts when DIY is available. Well, it is uncertain that a DIY approach would derive exceptional results. Since there are many stains and spots which may remain untouched and untraceable. Consequently, you will not get the desired outcomes and satisfaction as well. Thus, it is a good decision to consult sofa deep shampoo cleaners Dubai to serve your purpose. Professional sofa cleaning specialists have shown proven results than DIY methods because:
Shampooing of sofa involves the use of industrial equipment with a balanced amount of water • A brush is used to scrub the solution into deeper layers of the fabric • Then the equipment is used to dry the sofa to ensure no shampoo is left inside.
Therefore, the process needs the expertise to make sure the sofa is not left at risk of mold growth. It could result in a funky color and can leave an unpleasant odor.
Benefits of hiring sofa shampoo cleaning
Swift and professional
The no.1 reason to engage with expert-handed service of sofa deep cleaning Dubai is a swift and professional approach. It could be a time to arrange an event like a birthday or anniversary party at your home. So, having a sofa with stains would definitely not let you create an impression on your guests. That’s why professionals can provide you with speedy cleansing of the sofa. They deploy the shampoo with industrial-grade cleaners to remove stains and odor from deeper layers of fabric. Moreover, steam cleaning of the sofa works impressively to kill hidden bacteria, allergens, and pathogens.
Modern cleansing apparatus
The time of traditional sofa cleaning practices has gone for a good cause. Now, a sofa cleaning task is not limited to just a wet fabric and liquid cleaner. You can seek modern machines to be used on the fabric of the sofa to suck away all the dirt and grime. Also, the steam machine can make a really great difference when it comes to removing stains and allergens from the fabric. Therefore, sofa deep shampoo cleaning in Dubai would certainly deliver an intense mode of cleansing. Hence, it can restore the freshness and glossy shine of the fabric to restore its impressive looks.
Maintaining sofa’s life
A sofa or couch is the main component of home furniture that adds value to your property. Therefore, keeping it in good condition would certainly require you to opt for the professional service of sofa deep shampoo cleaners in Dubai. Thus, by deploying industrial-grade cleaning solutions, experts can remove stains, hidden germs, and dark spots. Subsequently, you can get the sofa restored to its original condition of new. Thus, expert cleaning will also help in improving the life of the sofa in upcoming years. With the right maintenance, you can keep your sofa in perfect condition and make it enduring.
Clean all sorts of sofa fabric
You need to take the right action to sustain the value of fabric. Leather, velvet, and jute are some common fabrics of the sofa and you need to deep-clean it for exceptional cleansing. Thus, with the help of sofa deep cleaning in Dubai, you can serve the purpose to get the best results.
To sum up
Smiles Cleaning is the top-rated company for sofa deep shampoo cleaning in Dubai. We have trained staff and a set of modern tools for deep stain and dirt removal for any type and size of sofa. So, reach us to get the best cleaning results for your key home furniture.
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regalcouchcleaning · 9 months
Couch Cleaning Melbourne Services: The Importance of Regular Maintenance
In the bustling city of Melbourne, where residents lead busy lives and take pride in their homes, maintaining a clean and inviting living space is paramount. One often-overlooked aspect of home maintenance is couch cleaning. Your couches are more than just pieces of furniture; they are the centerpieces of your living rooms, providing comfort and aesthetic appeal. Regular couch cleaning in Melbourne is not only about keeping your home looking its best but also ensuring a healthy and hygienic environment for your family. In this article, we will delve into the importance of professional couch cleaning services in Melbourne and why they should be an essential part of your home maintenance routine.
The Significance of Clean Couches
Health and Hygiene
One of the most compelling reasons to invest in couch cleaning services is the impact on your family's health. Couches are a breeding ground for dust mites, bacteria, allergens, and even mold if left uncleaned for extended periods. These unseen intruders can cause a range of health issues, especially for those with allergies or respiratory problems. Regular professional cleaning not only removes these harmful elements but also improves indoor air quality, making your home a healthier place to live.
Prolonged Couch Lifespan
Couches are a significant investment, and you want them to last for years to come. Regular cleaning and maintenance can extend the lifespan of your couches by preventing the buildup of dirt, stains, and odors that can deteriorate the fabric or leather over time. By opting for professional couch cleaning in Melbourne, you can save money in the long run by avoiding premature replacement.
Enhanced Aesthetics
Cleanliness is not only about health; it's also about aesthetics. A clean couch looks more inviting and visually appealing, instantly elevating the overall ambiance of your living space. Melbourne residents take pride in their homes, and a well-maintained couch can become the centerpiece of any room, enhancing its beauty and charm.
Stain Removal
Life is full of unexpected spills and accidents, and couches often bear the brunt of these mishaps. Professional couch cleaning services in Melbourne have the expertise and specialized equipment to effectively remove stubborn stains. Whether it's red wine, coffee, or pet stains, you can trust that they will do their best to restore your couch to its former glory.
Odor Elimination
Over time, couches can develop unpleasant odors due to a variety of factors, including spills, pet dander, and general use. These odors can be difficult to eliminate with regular cleaning products. Professional couch cleaning services use specialized techniques and products to not only remove odors but also prevent them from returning, leaving your couch smelling fresh and clean.
Why Choose Professional Couch Cleaning Services in Melbourne
Now that we've established the importance of keeping your couches clean, let's explore why it's beneficial to opt for professional couch cleaning services in Melbourne:
Expertise and Experience
Professional couch cleaners in Melbourne are trained and experienced in dealing with a wide range of upholstery fabrics and materials. They understand the unique cleaning requirements for different couch types and can tailor their approach accordingly. Their expertise ensures that your couches are cleaned effectively and safely.
Specialized Equipment
Couch cleaning professionals have access to state-of-the-art cleaning equipment and tools that are not readily available to the average homeowner. These specialized machines can deep clean upholstery, extracting dirt, dust, and allergens from deep within the fabric or leather. This level of cleaning is difficult to achieve with DIY methods.
Customized Cleaning Solutions
Each couch is unique, and professional cleaners can assess the specific needs of your couch before deciding on the most appropriate cleaning method. Whether your couch is made of leather, suede, microfiber, or any other material, they can provide customized cleaning solutions to ensure the best results.
Time and Convenience
Cleaning your couches on your own can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. Professional couch cleaning services in Melbourne save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your life. They can complete the cleaning process efficiently, leaving you with beautifully cleaned couches without the hassle.
Allergen and Dust Removal
Professional couch cleaning goes beyond surface cleaning. It involves thorough allergen and dust removal, which is essential for maintaining a healthy indoor environment. Couches often trap allergens and dust particles, and professional cleaning ensures that these contaminants are effectively eliminated.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning
Many professional couch cleaning services in Melbourne use eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products that are safe for your family and the environment. This eco-conscious approach aligns with the sustainability values of many Melbourne residents.
In Melbourne, where residents take pride in their homes and prioritize a clean and healthy living environment, couch cleaning services play a crucial role. Regular professional couch cleaning not only enhances the aesthetics of your home but also promotes the well-being of your family by eliminating allergens, bacteria, and odors. Additionally, it extends the lifespan of your couches, ultimately saving you money.
Investing in professional couch cleaning services in Melbourne is a wise decision, considering the expertise, specialized equipment, and customized solutions they bring to the table. So, if you want to enjoy the beauty, comfort, and cleanliness of your couches for years to come, it's time to make professional couch cleaning a part of your regular home maintenance routine.
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