#best coffee Switzerland
wonderwomemes · 1 year
So there is this bakery that makes the best damn Laugengipfeli i've ever had and pretty decent coffee too. And as a Bonus, you get to drink it out of this cursed cup because turnes out that apparently a printed Spizubub just looks like a murderclown with bloodsplatters. Cheers!
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afeelgoodblog · 20 days
The Best News of Last Month - August 2024
1.Negative Power Prices Hit Europe as Renewable Energy Floods the Grid
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European power markets are experiencing a notable shift as renewable energy sources, particularly wind and solar, become a larger part of the energy mix. On Wednesday, power prices in several European markets, including Germany, dipped below zero due to a surge in green electricity production.
2. Taiwan introduces ban on performances by captive wild animals
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Live performances by wild animals held in captivity, including performances by dolphins, tigers, and other non-domesticated mammals, will no longer be permitted in Taiwan under new Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) regulations.
3. FTC bans fake online reviews, inflated social media influence; rule takes effect in October
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The FTC voted unanimously to ban marketers from using fake reviews, such as those generated with AI technology, and other misleading advertising practices.
The ban also forbids marketers from exaggerating their own influence by, for example, paying for bots to inflate their follower count.
4. Chinese drones will fly trash out of Everest slopes
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Come autumn, Nepal will deploy heavy lifter drones to transport garbage from the 6,812-metre tall Ama Dablam, south of Everest. This will be the first commercial work an unmanned aerial vehicle does in Nepal’s high-altitude zone.
The heavy lifter from China’s biggest drone maker, Da Jiang Innovations (DJI), will take on tasks traditionally handled by Sherpas. Officials believe it will help reduce casualties on Everest.
5. Swiss scientists have found a way to use the whole cocoa fruit to make chocolate and not just taking beans and discarding the rest.
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Kim Mishra (L) and Anian Schreiber (R) cooperated on the new chocolate making process
Food scientists in Switzerland have come up with a way to make chocolate using the entire cocoa fruit rather than just the beans - and without using sugar.
The chocolate, developed at Zurich’s prestigious Federal Institute of Technology by scientist Kim Mishra and his team includes the cocoa fruit pulp, the juice, and the husk, or endocarp.
6. Six-year-old boy found in Vietnam forest after five days
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A six-year-old boy who was missing for five days has been found deep in a forest in Vietnam. Dang Tien Lam, who lives in the northwestern Yen Bai province, was playing in a stream with his nine siblings on 17 August when he wandered into the hills and got lost, local reports said.
He was found on Wednesday by local farmers who heard a child's cry while they were clearing a cinnamon field close to the forest.
7. Lego plans to make half the plastic in bricks from renewable materials by 2026
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Lego plans to make half the plastic in its bricks from renewable or recycled material rather than fossil fuels by 2026, in its latest effort to ensure its toys are more environmentally friendly.
The Danish company last year ditched efforts to make bricks entirely from recycled bottles because of cost and production issues. At the moment, 22% of the material in its colourful bricks is not made from fossil fuels.
That's it for this month :)
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lafrexniere · 26 days
It was and is You - CL16 - part 1.
Note: First of an idea I had after Monza today, and didn't realize how long this would end up so it's going to be in three parts!
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You had just gotten back from a run, feeling messages vibrating on your watch the whole time. When you arrived to the front of your apartment building you took a breath before stepping inside and looking through your phone. It was your three best friends in your group chat together discussing some vacation plan for you four to go on. 
Mila: We have to do this pleaseeeee
Allie: Italy sounds fun
Liv: Okay I’m in, where’s Y/N
There was some discussion about seeing some sporting event in Italy, and if Mila was organizing it was definitely racing. It was offseason for the four of you, and training was getting a little exhausting, the four of you needed a nice break from running, cycling and swimming in Switzerland, and it wasn’t skiing season. You had exhausted all of your summer activities. 
You: I’m going, definitely!
The four of you got on a call and booked your hotel rooms, and figured out splitting up the cost of the rental car and tickets for the weekend. It was Wednesday and you had to be there by Friday. You planned to leave tomorrow afternoon and arrive at the Hotel thursday night, you would split up the driving between you and Liv as you two were the ones not as into this F1 thing.
Thursday morning came and the four of you met at the rental car center. 
“Ahh there you are!” Mila exclaimed, pulling you all into one big group hug.
“To Monza!” Allie shouted throwing her fist in the air. You and Liv laughed at their excitement.
“I brought you two something,” she grinned at you and Liv. She pulled two red hats out of her purse and handed one to both of you.
“You both packed red right?” Allie said sternly.
“Yes of course,” you nodded.
“Yeah we got your thousand messages,” Liv rolled her eyes. The four of you explored the parking lot finding your car and loading it up with your bags.
“Do you want first shift?” Liv asked you.
“They are gonna be screaming the whole way either way, but sure” you smiled. You hopped in the car plugging the address of the hotel you had booked into the GPS system and were on your way. After a long way of driving hearing blah blah blah with the occasional giggle and squeal it was finally your turn to take a break and not get distracted by the stuff going on in the backseat. 
“So this whole race thing, why is it three days?” you asked. You shouldn’t have asked because it became a whole big long talk, you heard this and that about this person and a lot of mentions of Ferrari.
“Oh Y/N you are going to love it!” Allie said. 
“Sounds fun,” you said putting the hat you were given on. 
“And that’s where it stays,” said Mila cheering. You four continued the rest of your ride and finally after many karaoke songs later you had finally arrived at the Hotel. You four had gone up to your respective rooms and spent the night hanging out in Mila and Allie’s room. They were trying their best to educate you on the race and what was going to be happening during the weekend. You would be seeing a practice, qualifying, and the actual race itself. It was pretty easy to follow along with the more they explained, you even thought you would be able to talk about someone with it if they asked you, however you still knew nothing about the specific race or Ferrari. It was getting late and you and Liv went to your room.
You woke up early the next morning, before Liv, before Mila or Allie. You went to the elevator and went down to the lobby to get some coffee to clear your early morning headache. You were alone, somewhat sleepy in the elevator when it dinged and stopped. A man joined you in the elevator, there was something familiar about him. You exchanged a smile noticing that he was your type. You two stood awkwardly in the elevator until he broke the silence. 
“Nice hat,” he said.
“Oh thank you, it’s Ferrari,” you smiled before realizing the same logo was on his shirt, “sorry you know that already,” you laughed.
“You going to the race?” he asked.
“Yeah, it’s my first one, can you tell?”
“Maybe,” he laughed. 
“My friends pulled me into it for this weekend,”
“Well I’m sure you’ll have fun.” The elevator dinged and you were in the lobby. 
“Are you going too?” you said walking out beside him. He nodded.
“I’m getting coffee do you want one,” he asked.
“Sure,” the two of you sat down, he pulled the shirt he was holding on over his other shirt, and putting the hat he was carrying on as well. 
“What’s that for?” you asked.
“Oh nothing, maybe you’ll see?” he smiled. He began asking you some questions about yourself, but when you asked about him he gave vague answers.You knew one thing, his name, Charles. He realized the time and had to go after your conversation.
“Will I see you at practice today?” you smiled.
“Definitely,” he said rushing out of the hotel. You waved with a half smile at his abrupt leaving. You had felt that there was at least a little chemistry, but were also attracted to the mystery of him. You finished your cup of coffee and headed back up to your room, finding Liv, Mila, and Allie all waiting. 
“There you are Y/N, I was worried you had wandered off,” Liv said as you got back.
“Aww your wearing your hat, good,” Mila said.
“We would have been able to find you,” Allie said. 
“Relax I was just getting some coffee with this guy I met in the elevator,” you shrugged trying to pass it off as nothing.
“Guy, what guy?” Liv asked, as you began getting bombarded with a million questions that you couldn’t answer, you could only give his name. 
“No way, like Charles Leclerc,” Mila squealed.
“Who?” You asked.
“Oh my god you’ll see today, he’s so dreamy, Y/N if it was him you have to tell us, we have to meet him,” Allie chimed in.
“Omg stop, there gonna be delusional now,” Liv laughed. The four of you continued getting ready sporting your red hats. You had chosen a black skirt with a white tube top, and a sweatshirt just incase there was a breeze. The four of you were all somewhat matching and were off on your way to the track. You found your seats and there was cheering surrounding you as different drivers came on and off the track. There were screens lighting up showing you the parts of the track you couldn’t see from their seats.
“Wow they are fast, they didn’t look this fast in the videos,” Liv yelled over all the noise.
“Isn’t it cool,” Mila yelled back. You all nodded and tried your best to communicate with eachother. Practice had finished and you and your friends rushed down to some spot where you could possibly see the drivers. Mila and Allie wanted their hats signed. As drivers started rolling out you saw him, the same brooding eyes and dark hair from the morning, he noticed you in the crowd smiling at your screaming friends through the fence, Liv even took her hat off and started waiving it at him when she saw him. He came over and signed the three hats, asking Mila,
“Come on your friend doesn’t want her hat signed,” he smiled at you. You thought she was going to faint after he talked to her.
“Come on Y/N, hand it over,” she yelled at you. You took your hat off and handed it to Charles through the fence. Within a second he was done signing there’s but yours he took a bit longer on. He handed the hat back to you and winked.
“See you tomorrow - CL16” was written on the hat followed by a phone number. Your friends swarmed you trying to get a glimpse of what was on your hat, but you hid it quickly until you got back to the hotel. 
“Y/N Please,” they all begged and pleaded.
“Fine, but none of you can take the number,” you gave a strong look.
“Number?” Mila screamed. You turned the hat to show them what was written filling all of them with shock. You quickly turned it back after it had been almost enough time for them to memorize the number. 
“So are you getting coffee again,” Allie asked.
“I don’t know, honestly, but now I know why he was being so secretive,” you shrugged.
“Well you have to text him now,” Liv nudged you.
“I know I know,” you said hitting the air, to brush it off. The two of you talked about this the rest of your night, but made sure to kept your voices down in public. As the day was coming to a close you sent him a message
You: Coffee again?
Charles: Same time?
You: Perfect
Charles: It’s a date 😊
You drifted off to sleep smiling about what was waiting ahead of you the next day.
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alotofpockets · 11 months
Starting over | Leah Williamson
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Pairing: Leah Williamson x Wälti!Reader & Lia Wälti x Sister!Reader
Summary: After a rough year you decide to move in with your sister. Moving from Switzerland to London was a big step but your sister's friends and teammates quickly took you in as their own.
Warnings: panic attacks
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | words: 2.5k
Your flight from Switzerland to London was about to land. After having a rough year back home, you decided to quit your job and move to London to get a fresh start. London wasn’t a random destination, your sister Lia has lived there for years. You’ve always loved it there when you visited, so when you felt like getting out of Switzerland for a while, London was an easy decision. Lia was waiting for you at the gate, you went in for a hug after not having seen her in person since the world cup. After grabbing your bags from baggage claim, she drives you home and helps you settle in. Since you had a long day, you head to bed after catching up with your sister a little.
The next morning you're sitting on the couch, scrolling on your phone as Lia is getting ready for practice. "I got it." You yell to your sister when you hear the doorbell ring. “Hey, welcome to London once again! I hope I remember your coffee order correctly.” Leah says as she walks in with a tray of coffees. Over the years you had met many of your sister's teammates, you had seen the most of her best friend Leah though. “It’s perfect, Leah, thank you.” You say as you greet the girl with a hug. You catch up with her for a moment while your sister continues getting ready for practice. 
Your first day in London was mostly spent walking around, and exploring the city. You’ve visited and stayed with your sister before, coming to a few games, and also just to spend time with her but you always went to the places she had grown to love. You wanted to experience the city through your own eyes and find places of your own as well. A small restaurant caught your eye, so you decided to go there for lunch. It looked out on a small pond filled with ducks. You loved seeing nature all around you. 
Lia texted you an hour after lunch letting you know some of the girls would be coming over for a movie night, and that you were of course invited to join them. Lia’s friends and teammates were great, so you were excited to see some of them again. That evening your new home was filled with laughter, something you found very comforting. Leah, Beth, Viv, Katie, and Steph were scattered around the living room with both you and Lia. Bowls of snacks cover the table as the movie plays on the TV. You become quiet once a scene comes up that triggers you. At first you try to shake it off, and continue the movie, however you weren’t able to. So, you grabbed two of the empty bowls and made your way to the kitchen. Leah had noticed your sudden change, and followed you with some empty glasses. 
She found you in the kitchen trying to regulate your breathing. Leah quickly made her way over to you, “Come on, let’s sit down.” She says as she guides you to one of the chairs at the dinner table with a hand on your back. “Do you remember when Lia was having her little photoshoot moment on the beach and that big wave came crashing over her?” It takes you a moment to remember but as soon as you do, you nod your head, still breathing too irregularly to speak. “She was so mad that her outfit got soaked.” Leah continues, trying to bring your focus to more fun memories. “Or that time when she tried to feed a cow in one of those Swisse fields and it tried to eat her hand?” You managed a laugh at that thought. Leah took that as her strategy to get you out of your panic attack working. “What about that time you joined us in playing a friendly match and I slipped in the mud?” You finally caught your breath a bit. “You-” Talking was still a bit of a struggle but you continued trying. “You were covered head-” Another deep breath, “to toe.” Leah smiles, “Yes, it took multiple showers and laundry cycles for me and my clothes to be ridden of the horribly smelling mud.” You laugh with her, feeling your panic attack fade bit by bit. “I am definitely not playing on that horrible field ever again.” Leah continued, giving you space to catch your breath. She noticed your breathing returning to normal, and stood up to grab you a glass of water. With shaky hands you take a few sips before placing it on the table. “Thank you, Leah. How did you know?” 
“My brother used to get them too. His therapist always told us that distracting him and making him think of a memory would make it easier for him to get out of it.” You nod along. “Are you okay?” She asks while placing her hand on your knee. “Yes, I think I’m okay, thank you.” Leah tells you to stay put while she fills the bowls and cups back up. Luckily the other girls hadn’t seemed to notice you were gone longer than was needed to refill everything, since they were too invested in the movie. You sat down on the couch again, Leah settling beside you once again. She nudged Katie, “Can you hand me that blanket?” Noticing that most of the girls had made themselves comfortable with one. Leah put the blanket over herself and offered to drape the other half over you, which you happily agreed to. 
The movie continued on but a part of you seemed to not be able to let go of your panic attack. You started kicking your leg up and down, Leah noticed and reached out her hand to you in comfort, placing it on your thigh. You took a deep breath after the contact, only then noticing what you were doing. Leah let her hand linger in hopes of offering some kind of comfort. You lay your own hand down on top of hers and give it a squeeze, showing your appreciation. She turns her hand around and holds yours, rubbing her thumb over the back of your hand in a soothing motion. 
The movie comes to an end, and everyone helps clean up. Leah stays by you while the rest of the girls bring the dishes to the kitchen, you’re both folding blankets and tidying up the living room a bit. “Does Lia know?” Leah asks softly, making sure no one could overhear you. You shake your head, “No, not that they’re back at least.” She doesn’t question you but you tell her anyways, “I used to have them more often in high school.” Leah nods along as she continues her way around the living room. “Are you going to tell her?” Before you can answer Beth and Viv walk back into the living room. 
“Alright we are heading home.” Beth announces. Both girls go around and give everyone a quick hug. The rest of the girls joined you in the living room as well. After Viv gives you a hug she invites you to the party her and Beth are throwing on friday, to celebrate both of them returning to Arsenal after their injuries. You accept the invitation and wave them off. Katie, Steph, and Leah decide to call it a night too. You hug Katie and Steph first, and when you give Leah a hug you whisper to her, “Don’t worry, I’ll tell her tonight.” She gives you a quick squeeze before letting you go and moving out of the door with Katie and Steph. The door closes and you head straight to your room, exhausted from the panic attack. 
Lia follows you to your room, sensing that something is off. She knocks before opening the door when you say come in. Watching you lay in your bed staring at the ceiling, she remembers the countless times she laid beside you on days your panic attacks got the best of you. So, without hesitation she lays down next to you. You must have laid there for a good half hour before you spoke up. “They’re back Lia, the panic attacks, they’re back.” She turns to her side and looks your way, and places her hand on your arm. “Thank you for telling me, y/n. You know that I will always be here for you but have you looked into getting a therapist here maybe? I know it helped you a lot back in high school, plus I know how tough this past year has been for you.” Your sister had always been your rock, so you knew she would be there for you no matter what. “Yes, I found one online that looked nice but I haven’t been able to push myself to make an appointment.” Lia understood how hard it was to make that step, so she offered to do it with you. With your introduction appointment made, you called it a night.
The rest of your week had so far consisted of the introduction appointment, going on walks, spending time with your sister. Today you were making your way to a small restaurant to have lunch with Leah. She had texted you after movie night if you would be interested in seeing a different part of London. You started the day off with some lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon following tourguide Leah around, while she showed you all around some of her favorite less popular places in London. You haven't laughed like today in a long time. It honestly felt like you had known Leah for ages. You had of course known her for some years now but you never before had spent one on one time with her, always seeing her in group settings including your sister. Leah enjoyed the day just as much as you did, happy to share the stories she knew about the places you visited. When it was time for you to go your separate ways to get ready for Beth and Viv’s party, you hugged each other goodbye and made your way home. 
Lia noticed the change in your appearance by the smile that wouldn’t falter, she was happy to see you were feeling better today. “How was your day out with Leah?” She asked curiously. You told her that you had a great time, and shared where Leah showed you around. You got ready for the party and drove to Beth and Viv’s. Their place was filled with loved ones, the whole Arsenal team was there along with some of their friends and family. 
You were making your way through the crowd to get to the drinks when you ran into Leah, “Hey stranger, long time no see.” You joke, she laughs at your cheesy joke and joins you on your way to the drinks. You find a place to sit and start talking with Leah. On the other side of the room Katie nudges Lia and points your way, “You know Leah is totally crushing on your sister, right?” She follows the direction Katie is pointing in and sees the both of you laughing. “Yeah, I think my sister is crushing on Leah too, actually.” Lia had a feeling after today, now seeing the way you lit up around Leah, confirmed her suspicions. Back in the day she would’ve been annoyed if you had a crush on any of her friends but she felt herself rooting for the both of you, the two of you would make a great pair. 
After a while you excuse yourself to go find the restroom. Manuela decides to step in Leah's direction, “So, are the rumors online true?” Leah furrows her brows, “What are you talking about?” Manuela laughs, “Nah, I’m just messing with you but apparently the internet seems to think you have a thing for Lia now.” Leah shakes her head, “They always read into every little thing they see online don’t they.” She laughs, having heard her fair share of rumors about herself over the years. “Plus, I kinda have a thing for the other Wälti sibling.” Manuela looks over and she bursts out laughing as she meets your widened eyes. “And that’s my queue.” She says leaving a confused Leah and a shocked y/n behind. Leah turns around and finally understands her teammates' reaction. “You heard that then?” She says as a blush takes over her cheeks. You nod, and take her hand, leading the both away from the busyness.
Leah studies your face when you come to a stop in the hallway. “Don’t worry, the feeling is reciprocated, Leah.” She smiles and pulls you closer by the hand that you’re still holding. Her eyes dart between your eyes and your lips. “Can I kiss you?” You feel your heart start beating faster. “Yes.” Leah smiles and lifts her free hand to your cheek, pulling you in the rest of the way. Your lips meet in a sweet kiss, you both smile into the kiss and share a moment before you kiss her again. This time however the kiss gets interrupted by Katie walking into the hallway, “Ahh this is so cute. I knew you two had a thing for each other!” The Irish woman squeals. “Shut it, McCabe.” Leah warns. “Let us first tell Lia before you share it with the world, please.” Katie lifts up her hands in surrender, “Don’t mind me, love birds, just getting some fresh air.” She says as she moves past you out of the front door. You both laugh at the interaction, knowing you would have to tell Lia soon, because you both know that Katie would not be able to keep her mouth shut about something like this. 
After figuring out what this meant for the both of you, settling on dating for now, you told Lia together that same night, not wanting to do anything behind her back since you both had such a close bond with her. Lia was happy for the both of you and immediately gave you her blessing. She thought you would be great for each other and was just happy that she wouldn’t have to watch the two of you pine for each other without telling each other that you like the other. 
When the party was over, Leah walked you back to your car. Lia gave a quick hug and sat down in the car, giving the two of you some space to say goodnight. “Drive safe, text me when you get home?” She asks, “I will, you do the same?” Leah nods, “Of course. Goodnight, y/n.” You lean in to place a kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight, Leah.”
Her message about making it home safely followed mere minutes after you had sent her yours. You continued texting her with a smile on your face, you talked until you could no longer keep your eyes open and fell asleep.
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cloveroctobers · 7 months
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A/N: This will probably flop since it’s basically a ghost town in this tag but here I am! Plus it was also requested for me to write for Bode (again) lol which I don’t have a problem with, we love that guy over here. They’re wrong for going on break after giving us what they gave us! I also just want to say that I really miss Max’s curls but here it goes!!
PROMPT IS FROM HERE + I’m using: 18.  “Damn, I hate pollen.” + 8.  “IT’S A DEER!” “Yeah, and?” “I CAN SEE IT!”
<- read my previous anthology prompt here.
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Eve was lucky you loved her.
Being up this early on your first day back in Edgewater to give her a ride to Three Rock (her car was in the shop) was a lot to ask! Not really! but what kind of friend would you be if you didn’t complain a good portion about it on the ride up to camp?
“If I get you an iced coffee, would you love me again?” Eve pinched the space in between her brows, elbow resting against the car door.
You hummed while using one hand to tap on your chin, “Add in a Mozzarella, Pesto, and tomato bagel then we’ll talk.”
Eve twisted her lips upwards, “…that’s a thing? Whatever happened to a simple cream cheese with eggs and avocado?”
“You’re lucky I’m not asking for a soft boiled egg stuffed with caviar.” You respond as you reduce your speed once you cross the bridge, spying the familiar deli spot up ahead.
Eve scoffed as she side eyed you, “oh yeah, Switzerland done made you bougie.”
Which earned a laugh from you as you pulled the Toyota 4Runner into the small parking lot. If you weren’t a bundle of nerves you would have got out of the car with Eve to see what changed about the deli you spent many afternoons in with your old friends. However you let your mind wander a bit as you stared out into edgewater’s view.
You were home…except your childhood home was just a memory now that your divorced parents no longer resided in Edgewater. So you crashed at Eve’s although you were completely fine staying in a hotel since Jake talked you out of an air bnb after watching some movie called, “Barbarian,” and you were tired of hearing the statistics and other real life horror stories he pulled out of his ass. Eve was your number one best friend and she was more than willing to open up her place for a friend like you.
As you took up a interest in archery and later turned into a professional Archer, you were inspired to see what the world had in store so the sooner you got out of Edgewater, the better it was for you. Some just didn’t get it (your parents mainly, with your mother being an orthopedic surgeon and your father a fire chief before his MS took over) and expected you to start your own roots here. It was kind of a thing here in this small town, that you were to begin again and build your own legacy. However you were in the tiny group of odd’s that wanted more than the expectations hanging over your head.
Which is why you were proud to say that you’ve been participating in the Olympics every few years because of your passion for archery. Of course you had people down your neck all throughout your career but you still stood as tall as you could.
Now you were back home in the place that was full of doubts but the tightness in your chest wasn’t as noticeable the closer you got to camp.
“Thanks for dropping me off, I appreciate it.” Eve starts as she spots a few inmates hanging around on the yard already, “If you stick around for a minute I’ll even do you a solid and send Bode your way. Since I know it’ll be difficult otherwise.”
Taking a deep inhale you say, “I still can’t believe he’s here.”
“Yeah well…if he stays on the right track this time he’ll be out even sooner.” Eve tells, “He’s still a big pain in all of our asses but I think it would do him some good to see you…you did come all this way.”
It’s been years since you last saw each other but you came back for Riley’s funeral and you reached out to Bode when he moved away to a few towns over and changed his last name. You tried to be there even being ocean’s apart but when Bode felt low, it always felt like he wanted to take the world on his shoulder’s and find a way to make it spin again. Yet that landed him in prison and Eve had no problem filling you in on everything in between.
Would he even want to see you? It’s not like your relationship turned sour or anything…it’s just been awhile being in contact with each other. You weren’t nearly this anxious seeing Eve and doubted you would be when you had lunch with Jake and Cara—which was still weird to you—But being near Bode was different from everybody else and you knew that.
“I did…didn’t I?” You loll your head to face Eve, who studies it for a moment before dipping her head.
She tapped her hand against the outside of the door, whispering into the spring air, “it’ll be fine. He’s in a much better headspace and you’re still family no matter where you disappear off to, you got that?”
A watery smile goes Eve’s way before she leaves you to collect yourself. You’re pulling your mirror down from the sun visor, patting underneath your eyes and beginning to second guess yourself. You were here for two weeks and there was no way that you planned on not seeing Bode. You ran into his parents just last night at the bar, craving some wings before heading to Eve’s, just to be received with warm arms and classic banter from the Leone’s.
They were the parents you could talk to more than your own. If you weren’t crashing at Eve’s then you would definitely be at the Leone’s but then Bode and Cara happened so that’s when some of the distance was created. They didn’t last, like most teenage relationships but out of respect you felt like it was the right thing to do.
It felt right being back, even if it was only temporary.
Maybe that’s just how you had to view Bode’s situation. He wasn’t a temporary kind of friend although you couldn’t socialize as much but you tried to be hopeful. Even climbed out of the car pacing back and forth, not paying much attention to anyone around until you spotted the green dust decorating the navy car.
Scowling in disgust, you swiped the arm of your jacket around the hood of your car before cringing at the greenery you wiped on your sweatpants afterwards.
“Damn, I hate pollen.” A voice comes from behind, which makes you slowly stand up straight and glance over your shoulder.
There he was.
Bode Leone, standing in the flesh, hands deep in his jacket pockets, and a small smile on his lips.
You fully turn to face him and tilt your head to the side, “Didn’t I tell you once before that Orange isn’t your color?”
Bode lifts his shoulders with humor in his blue-green eyes as he motions towards the spot on you, “yeah, well maybe green isn’t yours either.”
You scoff as you motion to your outfit, “what? You don’t think I’m pulling it off?”
The blond chuckles as he takes a step towards you, “As long as you don’t start itching then sure, whatever you say.”
“Oh,” you scratch at the back of your hand and shoot a glare at the man who’s got crinkles by his eyes now, “why did you have to go and say that Bode! Now I’m doing it!”
“Sorry! It’s just that I sorta remembered that you were sensitive to almost everything including air.” He says to you, teasing somewhat, now standing face to face with you.
Rolling your eyes you couldn’t help but to smile at that. You didn’t know what it was growing up in high school, you were highly allergic to almost everything which landed you in the nurses office a lot but it seemed to relax as you reached your twenties and moved away. You always joked that maybe it was Edgewater that was making you sick. Yet the longer you stood in this town and interacted with not only Eve but Bode, you knew that wasn’t completely true.
“It’s good to see you, Bo.” You lightly shove his shoulder back while he nods in agreement, “can I give you a hug?”
Bode blinks the furrow of his brows away as if you were being ridiculous, “of course you can.”
And you’re cradling the back of his head while his fingers are at your spine, swaying from side to side in a firm but gentle squeeze. Then he’s burying his nose into your shoulder and the feel of the embrace tells you that this was meant to be.
When your eyes open, you realize that you could live just fine in Bode’s arms. You remember your final kiss goodbye in Drayscott, one month before you left the country and one month before Bode attempted to pull off a robbery—it was the sweetest thing—the kiss obviously! because it should have been happened. It didn’t come out of nowhere, it was full of intention, full of wonder and love but you were aware that it wasn’t the right time to be something more.
Maybe some day it could be.
Little did you know, Bode kept that memory not far away. He was kicking himself for the what if’s but when he manages to pull himself out of the blue, he thinks about the best possibility being you.
The both of you could be good together, could see the world together and he wasn’t sure how it all looked but he was willing to imagine.
A gasp makes Bode pull away, alarmed.
“IT’S A DEER!” You point, over Bode’s shoulder.
He glances over his shoulder to in fact see the said brown animal, peering at the two of you, “Yeah, and?”
“I CAN SEE IT!” You attempt to lower your voice but the excitement got the best of you as you almost bounce on your toes.
Bode’s still lightly has a hand resting on your waist now, as they watch the beautiful creature sniff at the grass and carried on deeper and away into the woods.
“Are you telling me they don’t have deer out in Switzerland?” There’s amusement in Bode’s voice as he peeks back at you.
“I’ve been in the city mainly but it’s been awhile since I’ve really been one with nature, you know? Which reminds me, I’ll have to make time to go off roading with this baby one of these days. Or hiking.” You jam a thumb back at the car.
Bode nods, “you’ll be careful won’t you? Don’t get so easily impressed with animals, not all of them will have the best intentions.”
You were an animal lover back in the day, so much to the point you wouldn’t dissect a frog sophomore year, which landed you in the principal’s office.
“What?” You blow a raspberry, “I’m like freaking Princess Aurora. Animals love me.”
Bode squints his eyes, “…didn’t you get bit by a goat when we were like what? Fourteen?”
“You’re really killing my vibe man and I don’t like that.” You yank on the end of Bode’s hair who laughs again.
He raises his hands in surrender and grips your wrist from his head, “alright, alright. My bad but if it makes you feel better, I still have that scar after that horse kicked the shit out of me when we had too many drinks partying at Tamsin Kadoka’s farm.”
Bode nods, “yeah, right on my lower back and it’s shaped like Utah.”
You meet each other’s gaze before bursting out laughing in unison at yet another memory. He’s gripping your shoulder again while he’s got your attention, “just promise me when you’re out there in those woods that you’re careful. I’d hate it if something happened to you.”
“Well the feeling is mutual, Bo.” You state, “you just had to go on and choose firefighting huh?”
Bode shrugs, “Must be in the Leone blood.”
“Yeah, must be.” You murmur, staring at him like there’s stars getting ready to rise in your eyes and Bode can’t help but to lean forward to place a lingering kiss on your forehead.
His facial hair pricks you but you don’t mind.
“Leone!” A guard calls out, which means your time is up for now.
You hold his hand, interlocking your fingers, which he squeezes with a smile to match, eyes wandering all over your features, almost as if to tell himself that you are in fact really here.
“Until next time?” He questions.
You smile, “See you soon, Bode.”
And he grins at you, those crinkles by his eyes returning before he slips his hand from yours.
This was brief but sweet and you’re mentally kicking yourself for thinking that this could go wrong.
You’re watching Bode walk away from you and he can’t help but to jog backwards to get another look at you. Almost as if you would disappear again and you would never see him again. When he turns back around, heading to the guard on shift who announces the inmates need to get ready for line ups inside at the bunks, he meets up with Cole on his way.
“Who was that?” Cole nudges his chin in your direction.
You’re seated in the driver’s seat, window down, leaning on your arm as you watch the men in Orange make their way back inside.
Catching Bode’s eye, you wave before rolling your window almost all the way up and pull away from the camp site.
“Someone i would like to give the world and more to once im out of here.”
Cole is smirking but appreciates the honesty as he claps Bode on his shoulder, already knowing what that look is for. “Then let’s make it happen, Leone! Nothing sweeter than having something on the outside to fight for, you know?”
“I agree.” Bode pulls his gaze from your retreating car, finding himself standing up straighter as they awaited for Eve to start their day.
When Eve’s brown eyes set on Bode’s, he just barely tips in his head in thanks, which the woman echo’s as she carries on along the line.
Bode already can’t wait for the next day he can get reconnected with you in person again so, he bites his smile away.
⋆˙⟡♡✿ ⋆˙⟡♡✿ ⋆˙⟡♡✿ ⋆˙⟡♡✿ ⋆˙⟡♡✿ ⋆˙⟡ ♡
Continue with my spring anthology prompts here.
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mythunderstorm · 1 year
Gott, ich liebe dich | MS47
mick schumacher x fem!reader
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This is just a fluffy something, no drama no nothing. I just want to daydream about me and Mick living our best life LOL
word count: 656
Idk this has literally no purpose and the ending is kinda rushed and weird but I wanted to post again hahah
Warnings: maybe the slightest mention of a breeding kink, if you squint.🧍🏽
And i’m pretty sure there are some grammar mistakes
(Btw I know Gina‘s not pregnant but let’s just pretend for the story😭)
„You know you don’t have to help me with all of this, right y/n? You’re a guest like everyone else.“
„If you think I‘m gonna let you prepare everything on your own you really don’t know me well Corinna!“ you say laughing, continuing to cut the tomatoes for the salad. Corinna wanted to host a nice summer garden party to finally get family and friends together again on this absolutely beautiful day. Even your parents would attend and travel to Switzerland after not seeing them for quite a while.
It’s still early, the temperature is nice and not too hot, which makes preparations a lot easier. Mick and Gina are sitting in the garden, soaking up the early morning sun and enjoying the quietness before all the guests arrive in a few hours.
„I‘m gonna bring Mick a new coffee and check if Gina needs something, i‘ll be back in a second“ you say, smiling at Corinna before you walk towards the backyard.
Your boyfriend has his back to you, you smile, holding the hand with the coffee cup in front of his chest while leaning against his back, giving his neck a small kiss.
„Hey Schatz“ you can hear him smiling. „Thanks for the coffee, you’re a sweetheart.“ „Oh I know“ you giggle, kissing his cheek.
You turn to go back inside but Mick is fast to catch your wrist, pulling you back. „Staay!“ he whines. „You‘ve been running around all morning, just stay here for a bit.“ Mick says while giving you actual puppy eyes. You giggle. „I can’t Mickey, someone has to help your Mom with preparations!“ while saying this you can see from the corner of your eye how Gina is starting to get up so you turn to her, giving her a disapproving look. „Don’t you dare Gina! Sit back down, let me bring you a juice and RELAX. You won’t lift a finger today, alright?“ „If you say so“, she laughs.
„You know you don’t have to do this, right? You’re not here to be mom’s little helper in the kitchen“ Mick suddenly says. You give him a soft look, caressing his cheek with your hand. „Ich weiß Baby. I enjoy helping her, it’s no problem.“ I know Baby
You lean up, giving Mick a soft kiss.
„Gott, ich liebe dich“ you can hear him mumble. You smile. „Ich liebe dich auch.“ God, I love you + I love you too
With that being said, you go back to help Corinna, but not without bringing Gina her well deserved juice.
A few hours later everything is prepared, the food is ready to be devoured by the guests and the garden is decorated, with the help of Mick. The sun is standing high on the sky when the first people arrive at the Schumacher home.
More and more people find themself in the beautiful garden but Mick is nowhere to be seen. After running around all morning you are craving a hug and maybe some kisses from the man who stole your heart years ago.
You go back into the house, trying the kitchen first and running into Corinna.
Before you get the chance to open your mouth, she smiles „He‘s in the living room sweetheart.“
You smile back. „Danke!“ Thanks
“Hier bist du! I’ve been looking for you baby.” There you are!
Mick chuckles, “Sorry Liebling, I fled all those people who claim they’ve changed my diaper at least once while I was a baby.” Love
You giggle while embracing your boyfriend in a loving hug. “I think you’re safe now”, you mumble against Micks neck, “everyone is focused on Ginas growing baby bump.”
“Just wait mein Schatz, soon everyone will be focusing on you!” my treasure
You laugh, lightly hitting the back of Micks head “Yea, you’d like that huh?”
Mick places a small kiss right under your ear while squeezing your ass. “Oh I’d very much like that.
yea i‘d let mick knock me up tbh
ik this is so short, i‘m trying to write sth longer in the future😭 ideas who i should write about??
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sadesluvr · 4 months
Platonic! Lemon + Tangerine Headcanons (GN!)
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aka the babygirlification of two assassins (i literally birthed them it’s true)
You come across the twins as a civilian - in this case you work at a coffee shop. When they walk up to the counter you’re a little shocked, not because of anything they’ve done but the fact that one of them is bleeding. 
“Woah, are you alright?” You say, gesturing to the dark-skinned man’s shirt.
“What? Oh, I’m fine. I don’t bleed.”
It’s in your better judgment not to question it. The man next to him - classically dressed and spouting a moustache - sighs before smiling at you and ordering: one black coffee, and a hot chocolate with a chocolate chip cookie to be precise.
From behind the counter you can hear the moustached man mention something about his friend ‘eating all that sugar’, whilst he brushes it off, going on about ‘rewards’ before somehow talking about Thomas the Tank Engine?
The man isn’t even halfway done with his drink when you can see his eyes brighten, snapping his fingers with every sip.
“Ah, mate…You’ve gotta try this, init? That barista makes it proper - good layer of milk and cream, the right temperature for sipping…None of that hot water shit they used to give us in school!”
You smile to yourself, and once he’s done he comes up and thanks you personally, leaving a generous tip :)
The rest is history:
Lemon is the type of guy to come back to something when he enjoys it. When the Twins are in town, he’s definitely coming to your store, and you’re the only one who can make his hot chocolate. No exceptions.
From there you actually learn their names - Lemon and Tangerine. Tan is cordial enough, but you definitely click with Lemon the most
They ask you about your day, if you’ve been busy, all of that. It’s nice to have a familiar face in their line of work
Sometimes they stay until closing time, and if you’re shutting up they ALWAYS walk you home
Thomas the Tank Engine initiation rituals…The engine Lemon decides to give you is forever stuck onto your uniform as a badge of honour
Making fun of Tangerine for being grumpy and only liking black coffee… He orders a muffin just to shut you all up
“Would you two grow up, would ya? Can’t beat a classic Victoria sponge anyway.”
The one time you offer them to have a meal at your house it’s the sweetest thing ever: takeout or home cooked, they lap it up whilst they tell you crazy stories about their travels
They would LOVE home baked/cooked goods in particular though, it makes them feel 'normal' and like a family
They'll always bring you gifts from the different places they’ve been!! Ex. A Momomon from Japan or a snowglobe from Switzerland
I feel like Tan gets comically angry if he opens your fridge and sees that you only have oat/almond milk…He can’t get over the fact that it’s a ‘fucking NUT, it’s not proper milk’
Lemon using you as a parent, telling on Tangerine for everything- "I'm telling them that you stole from that vendor. You said you were trying to kick that habit, mate."
You figuring out that ‘outside contractors’ means something shady, but you don’t care bc they’re your friends
Tangerine is better with pets than Lemon, who isn’t really fond of them. Your animal will either love Tan or hate him, and there’s no in between
Being worried when they disappear for long periods of time :(
They're not the best at comfort (Tangerine in particular) but they try. Lemon suggests a relevant Thomas episode to help you get through it
Your watchlist is filled with animated/children's films
If there’s a stray/abused animal they find on a mission, they’re bringing it back to you. Surprise, you have a pet!
Them having your back. Tangerine is definitely beating up someone for you, and they’ll give you a bit of cash if you’re ever running behind on rent.
Them having a tiny photo of you in their jacket/wallet to look at and remember the good times missions <3
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Hi. I like your stories... Can I ask you for a fic where Bucky has his eye on reader (she is Tony's sister) so he avoids her and she thinks he doesn't like her. But when he realizes that she feels something for him, he shows her how much he likes her 😏😏
Greetings from Bavaria Germany
Sorry this has take so long. I've had major writers block and I haven't been very well recently. Thank you for your request.
I'll show you, Doll...
Bucky Barnes x F!reader
Warnings: 18+ readers only, swearing, oral (m-receiving/f-receiving), face fucking, fingering, unprotected sex, rough sex, spanking, light choking, hair pulling, protective reader of Bucky, some mean creepy guy, nick/petnames (sweets, sweetheart, Doll, baby, princess)
Despite what you may think, Bucky doesn't hate you. Quite the opposite actually. He's pretty sure he fell in love with you the moment he laid eyes on you.
"Steven!" Your stern voice echoed across the parking lot startling Steve, Bucky and Sam. "You can't just leave!"
The three men watched you as you walked towards them, your heels clicking against the concrete. By the look on your face, you were pissed.
Steve gulped as he turned to face you, "Y/N, you can't stop-"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, "I'm not stopping you, dumbass."
"Oh, right. You're joining us?" Steve asked taken back.
"No. I can't do that to, Tony, but I'm also not taking his side." You offered him a small smile. "You could say I'm, Switzerland." You joked making Bucky smile.
Sam frowned in confusion. "What's that mean?"
"It means she neutral." Bucky gruffed as he glared at him before looking back at you lowering his face so his hair fell forwards to cover his light blush.
You smiled at him before looking up at Steve. "He's cute." You mouthed at him making Steve roll his eyes. "I only came to say goodbye. I'm not sticking around to watch everyone fall apart."
Steve nodded, "Where are you going?" He asked.
You shrugged, "Maybe I can find, Bruce... He's had long enough to cool down." You joked making him smile. "I wanted to give you this." You slipped your hand into your purse and pulled out a cell phone. "It's untraceable and has my number in. Just call, if you need me, okay?" You handed it to Steve. "I'll find you." You looked over his shoulder to Bucky and smiled softly. "Any of you."
Steve nodded and wrapped his arms around you. "I'm gonna miss you, Sweets." Steve whispered as he gave you a squeeze, kissing the top of your head.
You gulped, felling a lump form in your throat. "Of course you are. I'm the best." You smiled and pulled back from him, cupping his face. "I love ya', Cap." You smiled caringly up at your friend.
Steve nodded, "I love you too, Sweets." He whispered.
You drew in a deep breath and walked over to Sam. "Want me to drop in on the family for you?"
Sam nodded. "Please." Sam hugged you.
You pulled back and looked at Bucky. "It was nice to finally meet you, Mister Barnes."
Bucky nodded.
"He doesn't hate you." Sam sighed as the pair of you walked into the kitchen.
Once again he was trying to convince you that Bucky didn't hate you and that was just his face.
You pouted, "Sure feels like it." You grumbled, looking down at your watch. "I gotta go."
"What about your coffee?" Sam asked as you began to leave.
"Can't. Got a meeting." You waved goodbye to him and left the kitchen, your heels echoing down the hall as you walked away.
Sam shook his head as he walked over to the refrigerator to grab some fruit for his breakfast, muttering to himself.
"She gone?" Bucky asked as he got up from behind he counter making Sam jump.
"What the hell, man?" Sam frowned. "Why were you down there?" He asked puzzled.
Bucky shook his head and went back to making his breakfast and protein shake.
Sam stared at him for a moment before closing the refrigerator door and walked over to him. "Do you hate, Y/N?" He asked.
Bucky frowned, "No. Why?"
"Well, you were hiding from her." Sam raised his eyebrow at him.
Bucky scoffed, "I wasn't hiding."
"You literally were!" Sam pointed down to the floor. "And, you asked, 'She gone?'. That's hiding."
Bucky shook his head. "I don't hate her, Sam."
Sam rolled his eyes, "Right. Sorry, I forgot. You love her."
Bucky huffed, "Don't be ridiculous."
"I'm not." Sam smirked. "I know what I see and I see you too afraid to talk to the pretty girl." He teased.
Bucky glared at him. "I'm not afraid, I just don't want to talk to her."
Sam smirked at him. "Really? So you don't stare at her like a love sick puppy when she's not looking? And you don't blush whenever she smiles at you? And you definitely don't get jealous when some other guy touches her, right?" Sam asked with his arms folded over his chest.
Bucky glared at him. "Shut up."
Sam rolled his eyes, "Just talk to her, would ya'."
Bucky grumbled and grabbed his things before leaving the kitchen.
Sam shook his head with a heavy sigh. "I don't need this." He said to himself.
Sam knew how Bucky felt about you, anyone from space could see that Bucky was head over in heels for you, just like you were for Bucky. But the pair of you were completely oblivious to how the other felt and it was irritating as hell. Sam had had enough of the pair of you pining after one another, so he was going to make sure you finally admitted the truth to one another.
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Bucky scowled at his reflection in the restroom mirror. He was going to kill Sam for doing this to him. Sam should be the one doing this stupid gala thing with you, not him.
Bucky couldn't focus around you. He never could. You were just so beautiful and sweet, every word you spoke mesmerised him. He often found himself completely ignoring anyone else around him when you were there. You turned him into a mess. He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and kiss you until you were dizzy, but he couldn't. He felt too guilty. It wasn't fair, why did you have to be a Stark?
"Fuck," He closed his eyes as he leaned against the countertop and let out a heavy sigh.
You closed your eyes and drew in a deep breath as you finally managed to escape the hoard of boring rich people that had surrounded you. Finding a quiet spot by the back to hide for a little while whilst you waited for Bucky to return.
You hated these things with a passion but it was your job to do now Tony wasn't there.
"It's good to see you again, Y/N."
You closed your eyes with a groan before looking up at the sound of a familiar and annoying voice.
"Hunter." You rolled your eyes.
"C'mon, Stark, don't be like that." He smirked at you as he leaned against the wall opposite you.
"You'll have to forgive me, I don't like you." You smiled.
Hunter sighed, "I'm not that bad of a guy, sweetheart."
You frowned, "No? So you haven't tried to slander my brother's name before or steal his work?"
He chuckled, "You really dislike me more than that frozen piece of history you're here with?"
You narrowed your glare at him. "Excuse me?"
"I'm just saying, no matter how many times we've crossed paths doing business, he killed your parents, right? Compared to him, I'm a really good guy." He grinned as he held his arms out at his sides.
"Go to hell." You hissed and turned to leave but Hunter grabbed your arm. "Let go of me."
"Everything okay?" Happy asked as he came to a stop just behind you.
You nodded. "I'm just saying goodbye to, Mr Taylor."
"Don't be like this, Y/N. Tony, isn't around anymore, you're free to make your own decisions now. Why not let me show you how good for you I can be." He smirked down at you as he leaned closer. "I'll make you see stars, Princess."
You growled as you tugged your arm free before pushing him back from you. "I was always capable of making my own decisions about you. And I highly doubt your talentless hands could do anything magical, Mr Taylor. And, another thing, Sergeant Barnes, isn't to blame for all the horrendous crimes he was forced to commit. A much darker and evil group of people are to blame and I will not stand for you trying to further tarnish a good man's name. He doesn't deserve it... Expect a call from my lawyers, Mr Taylor." You nodded at Happy again and he swiftly moved in front of you and made Hunter walk away.
You let out a heavy breath as you rubbed your arm where the bastard had squeezed.
"Drink this." Bucky's hand appeared from behind you as he offered you a glass with amber liquid swirling around inside.
You looked at him over your shoulder and smiled thankful. "I'm sorry if you heard any of that, James."
He shook his head. "It's fine."
You frowned, "It's not fine, James. You've paid the price for things you had no control over and you're making your amends." You sighed softly. "You know that I don't hate you for what happened, right? I don't blame you for their deaths." You looked up at him with sad eyes.
Bucky gulped as he looked down at the floor. "Tony, did."
You rolled your eyes, "He was a stubborn idiot that wouldn't admit out loud that he'd come to realise he couldn't blame you for what happened." You offered him a soft smile as you placed your hand on his arm. "I think it's time we left."
Bucky shook his head, "If you're not ready then we don't have to. I'm fine."
"Are you kidding me? I was ready to leave the moment we got here." You huffed making Bucky smile. "And I'm starving. I've even eaten like thirty stupid canapés."
Bucky chuckled as he nodded. "Yeah, they're not meant to be filling." He gave you a small smile. "Wanna get a cheese burger?"
You let out a tired sigh as you and Bucky entered the elevator back at Stark tower. "Thank you for tonight, James." You smiled at him warmly.
"Bucky." He corrected. "You can call me, Bucky... Please." He smiled back a little.
You nodded, "Thank you, Bucky."
"You're welcome. I won't say it was my pleasure because it wasn't. I hate those kind of tnings." Bucky looked down at his feet nervously.
You groaned. "Me too..."
Silence briefly settled between you before Bucky cleared his throat. "Thank you for saying the things you did. It's nice to have someone who isn't, Steve or Sam, say them."
"It was all true." You said. "... It was nice to talk to the real you." You smiled.
Bucky huffed, "I don't know 'bout that... The real me died a long time ago." He frowned.
You shook your head. "No he didn't. He just, grew up. You've been through a thousand lifetimes of pain and heartache. You fought and struggled to get to where you are now. You might not have found your happy ending just yet but you're still here, searching and not giving up." You smiled softly at him.
Bucky gulped as he lowered his gaze to the ground. "I don't hate you." He blurted out making you look up at him.
Bucky sighed as he turned to face you. "Sam, said I've been giving off 'hate vibes'." He rolled his eyes dramatically making you laugh, "And, if I have, I'm sorry because I don't hate you..."
You smiled, "Oh, good. I was starting to think I had done something."
Bucky shook his head. "It's just me. Sometimes, well, all the time, I don't know how to act around you." He chuckled and ran his hand over the back of his neck. "I get all flustered."
You smiled even more. "Me too."
He looked up at you with a furrowed brow. "Wha'cha mean? You never stop talking." He chuckled.
You nodded with a deep breath. "True, but it never makes any sense." You blushed. "I can talk about work or missions or science perfectly fine, but the moment I have to talk to you like... To impress you or... Flirt, I'm useless. And if you catch me looking at you, I'm just a mess." You shook your head with heavy sigh.
Bucky began grinning as he watched you lower your blushing face and avoid eye contact with him. "If I'm in a room already and I hear you coming, I tend to run or hide." He admitted feeling his own face redden.
You looked up with a soft smile. "When, Sam, told me you were joining me this evening, I changed my outfit four times because I wanted to make sure I looked nice for you." You blushed even more.
Bucky shook his head with a smile. "Why would you want to look nice just for me, doll?"
"No reason." You crossed your arms over your chest.
Bucky raised his eyebrow. "No reason, huh?" He smirked as he turned back to face the elevator doors. He leaned down close to your ear, "So it's not because you want me to bend you over and fuck you stupid?" He asked with a shit eating grin.
You gasped and turned to look at him. "Buck-"
Bucky crashed his lips against yours cutting you off. He pressed his body against yours until your back hit the elevator wall, his hands gripping your hips as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. Eventually he pulled back from you letting you breath, "Just me?" He asked smirking as he rested his forehead against yours.
You breathed in deeply shaking your head. "Not just you." You let out a breathy giggle. "So does this mean you don't hate me?"
Bucky slid his hands over your hips, pulling you closer. "Why don't I show you how much I don't hate you, doll?"
You nodded, "I like the sound of that." You smiled softly up at him.
He leaned down and gently pressed his lips against yours, smiling into the kiss as you gripped the front of his suit jacket and pulled him closer to you, slipping your tongue into his mouth.
The elevator doors opened effectively cutting the kiss short making you both pull apart. Bucky took your hand and quickly lead you out of the elevator and down the corridor towards his room. As you came to his door, Bucky gently placed his hands on your hips and pushed you against the door.
Bucky then cupped your cheek with his flesh hand. "Still want me to show you, Doll?" He whispered.
You nodded, "More than anything." You smiled at him.
Bucky pressed his lips against yours as he crouched down just enough to wrap your legs around his waist before he opened the door and stepped into his room. As the two of you kissed Bucky kicked the door shut with his foot and lead you over to his bed.
He bent down and gently placed you back onto your feet. "God, you're beautiful." Bucky whispered against your lips.
You managed to push his jacket off his broad shoulders before having to stop and let out a breathy moan as Bucky ran his lips over your bare shoulder and neck. You fumbled with the buttons of his shirt as he licked and sucked your throat. You huffed in annoyance as you tugged on the material making Bucky chuckle against your skin. You managed to unfasten the buttons and began to push it off his broad shoulders and down his thick arms. Bucky tested up as you gently pressed your lips against his skin that were littered with scars.
"You don't have to do that, Y/N. I know it's ugly-" Bucky's eyes closed  with a moan as you ran your tongue over his left nipple before kissing the scars across his peck.
"They're apart of you now, Bucky, but they don't make you any less beautiful." You looked up to him as you cupped his face and brought him closer to kiss.
Bucky slipped his tongue past your lips as his large hands began caress your body as he pushed your dress from your shoulders. The material pooled at your feet as Bucky wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you until you wrapped your legs around his waist.
He gently laid you down onto of the mattress before he broke the kiss only to kiss his way down your neck to the tops of your breasts. He slipped his right hand around your back and skillfully unhooked your bra, pulling it off and throwing it over his shoulder. "Sweetheart... you're just, beautiful." He whispered.
You drew in a sharp breath and closed your eyes as Bucky cupped your breasts in his hands. The difference between his hands as he kneaded them and lightly pinched your hard nipples made you moan softly. Bucky leaned down and wrapped his lips around your right nipple making you moan even louder and push your chest out closer to his face. Bucky smirked against your breast as you slowly rolled your hips against his thigh. He pulled off you with a pop and moved his lips to your other breast.
"Don't tease, James, please." You whispered, threading your fingers through his short hair.
Bucky chuckled as he left your breast and began to run his tongue over your soft skin, lightly nipping and sucking as he made his way down your body to your lace covered pussy. "And where's the fun in that, Doll?" He sent you a wink before he tugged your panties off. "Fuck," He pushed your legs apart and settled between them as he licked his lips. He could practically smell your arousal already.
You let out a soft moan, your head falling back into the pillows as Bucky ran his tongue up the length of your slit. He pushed your thighs apart wider with his large hands as he dived in and began devouring your cunt like it was his favorite meal.
"Oh, God," You arched your back as he sucked on your clit.
"C'mon, beautiful," He moaned against your core as he lapped at you. "Cum on my face." He shook his head, brushing his facial hair against your thighs.
You moaned loudly as he reached up with his right hand and pinched your nipple, giving a twist as he shoved his tongue inside your slit. Your eyes screwed shut as you felt the coil snap and you came with a cry.
Bucky didn't stop lapping at your pussy, drinking up every last drop before he pulled back with a smirk. "Got another, Doll?"
You nodded with a hum. "I'm not done yet, Sergeant." You smirked back at him making him chuckle.
Bucky moved his right hand to your hip, "Good."  He ran his metal index finger up your folds making you gasp at the cold sensation. "Because neither am I." He said as he slowly pushed the didget in making you moan softly. Bucky closed his eyes with a breathy moan. "Fuck... baby..." Bucky pulled his finger out and popped it into his mouth, moaning at your taste before he put the other in so the two were equally lubed before he slipped both fingers in side of you.
You let out another deep moan as his thick fingers laid inside you. "Please, Bucky..." You squeezed your legs together around his hand.
Bucky chuckled. "So. impatient." He pulled his fingers out, twisting his hand as he did before pushing them back in with a smirk as you moaned. He watched your face as he did this a few times, thinking you were the most beautiful person in the world.
He leaned forwards and began licking your clit as he moved his fingers in and out of you.
Your back arched again as Bucky curled his fingers, finding that spot inside of you that made your toes curl as he sucked on your clit. "Bucky, I-" You cried out as you came all over Bucky's hand.
"Fuck, baby... can't wait to be inside you..." Bucky pulled his fingers out of you and once again sucked them clean.
Bucky then stood from the bed and pulled his pants and boxers off, having gotten rid of his shoes and socks earlier along with your heels.
Your eyes widened and your mouth watered at the sight of him. You'd always had a feeling Bucky was well endowed but seeing for yourself just how much of him there was, was a little shocking.
"You just gonna stare at it?" Bucky smirked at you as he stroked his cock.
You shook your head and got off the bed and dropped onto your knees before him. You looked up at Bucky as you bit your bottom lip and gently wrapped your hand around his shaft. Bucky's head dropped back as you licked his leaking tip before you wrapped your lips around it, moaning at his taste. He let out a soft moan as you gave his shaft a playful squeeze.
"Fuck-" Bucky closed his eyes briefly.
You began to bob your head slowly. Bucky moaned, his eyes falling shut again as you used your hand to slowly pumped him.
"Faster, please," Bucky begged as he moved his hips trying to hold back.
You bob your head faster as you moved your hand in time, all the while wat hung Bucky's face.
You pulled off his cock with pop, keeping your hand moving. "You don't have to hold back, James. Be rough." You smirked up at him.
Bucky licked his lips as he stared down at you. He had to admit to himself, seeing you on your knees in front of him, naked and asking him to be rough, did make it harder for him to control himself.
He began smirking to himself as he pushed your hand away and took a hold of his cock in his hand. "Open up, doll."
You grinned up at him before you opened your mouth wide.
Bucky pushed his cock all the way into your awaiting mouth, moaning deeply as his tip hit the back of your throat. He gathered your hair into a makeshift ponytail and began fucking your mouth.
His head fell back as you reached up and dug your nails into his ass cheeks pulling him closer as you swallowed around him and moaned.
"Fuckfuckfuck-" Bucky screwed his eyes shut as he came in your mouth.
Bucky pulled you off his cock only letting you catch your breath for a second before he was reaching down and picking you up.
"Was I too rough?" He whispered as he gently placed you back onto his bed.
You shook your head with a soft exhale, "Not at all." You reached up and cupped his cheek.
Bucky smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips as he settled between your legs.
You wrapped your arms and legs around Bucky as he took himself in his hand and carefully ran his tip through your slick. Your breath caught in your throat as Bucky began to push himself inside you. He made sure to go slow, not wanting to hurt you as he filled you. He stopped as he heard you whimper. "Doll?" Bucky pulled back to look down at you.
You shook your head and cupped his cheek. "I'm fine... You're just, so big." You giggled at him making blush.
"Okay... but I'm going slow."
You nodded and leaned up to kiss him. Slowly Bucky pulled out of you before pushing all the way inside of you.
Bucky kissed your neck as he slowly moved his hips, letting his dick fill you over and over.
"Fuck," Bucky breathed against your neck, "You feel so good, sweetheart."
You moaned as he licked and sucked your neck. You tangled your fingers in his hair and tugged lightly. "Please, Bucky... Harder." You begged.
You let out a needy whine as Bucky pulled out of you completely.
"Turn around. Now." He ordered.
You quickly turned around, only to have Bucky manhandle you when you weren't fast enough.
You cried out in pleasure as Bucky quickly pushed his cock back inside your pussy. He let out a deep moan as you squeezed around him and began moving his hips at a brutal pace. You moaned loudly as Bucky slammed into you. A loud crack echoed across the room as he slapped your ass with his right hand making you cry out and screw your fingers up in the bedsheets.
"Fuck, baby-" He moaned. He reached forward and wrapped his right hand around your throat. He pulled you back so your back was against his chest and turned your face so he could crash his lips against yours. His left hand slid around your body and began kneading your breast as he continued to fuck you hard and slow. "You feel so fucking good baby."
You gasped, your reached up and wrapped your hand around his wrist. "Yes! Fuck, James!" You cried out as Bucky squeezed your throat.
Bucky growled loudly as he fucked into you hard and fast.
"FUCK!" Bucky yelled.
"Oh, Bucky!" You cried out.
"That's it! C'mon, doll. Let go. I'm right there with you." Bucky moaned. He pressed his fingers against your clit and began rubbing tight circles as he felt you clench around him.
You tugged on Bucky's hair as you came hard around his cock.
"FUCK!" Bucky moaned loudly as he came, catching himself before his full body weight crushed you.
The pair of you fell onto your sides as you caught your breath. Bucky smiled against your hair as he slowly pulled himself out of you. He leaned over your side, pressing a kiss to your shoulder then your neck, kissing his way over to your lips making you giggle. He hovered over you with a playful smile. "Still need convincing, Doll?"
You nodded with a giggle, "Maybe a little."
Taglist: @gh0stgurl @fangirlfree @chrisevanseagletattoo @lewisroscoelove @calimoi
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chelseachilly · 10 months
do you want to build a snowman?
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pairing: reader x ben chilwell request: "ok so you and ben have a daughter around 3 or 4 and its her first time seeing snow so they take her outside to build a snowman :)" - anonymous warnings: fluffff, dad!ben word count: 2k
author’s note: thanks for all the requests!! i'm really getting in the flow of writing rn (and inspired by the holidays) so i'm going to do my best to write as many of them as i can! ❄️
“Is Daddy gonna be home soon?”
It’s not the first - or the second, or the fifth - time your daughter has asked this question since she woke up this morning. 
Ben left for training shortly before 8, and neither you nor your daughter Sophie were awake yet. You could’ve happily slept a few more hours, but Sophie woke you up not long after to excitedly announce that it had snowed overnight.
In her four years of life, your daughter has never seen a significant amount of snow, at least that she can recall. It snowed quite a bit on her first Christmas, but she was far too little to remember that, and since then there’s been nothing but a few flurries here and there or a light dusting on the rooftops.
She’s quite fascinated by the concept from watching movies and TV shows featuring winter activities and is currently deep in a Frozen phase, which means she’s obsessed with the idea of building a snowman. 
Over the past month as the weather got colder, you and Ben had tried to keep her expectations low as you weren’t sure you would get enough snow to make this dream a reality. You could tell it was killing Ben to disappoint her - he hates denying his little girl anything - and a few nights ago you caught him looking into booking a holiday to Switzerland or Finland or anywhere she would be guaranteed some snow.
Thankfully, today her prayers were answered, and you were fully prepared to bundle up and go outside with her before you even had your coffee, but she insisted on waiting for Ben. It was their plan to build the snowman together, Sophie told you, and she stuck to her decision even when you reminded her he wouldn’t be home for hours.
It‘s been pretty adorable watching her anxiously await her dad’s return all morning, pacing around the house and checking for his car in the driveway often. You can tell how badly she wants to go out and play in the glistening white snow, and the remarkable restraint she’s showing is a testament to how much of a daddy’s girl she is. 
“Not too much longer, sweetheart,” you assure her as you beckon her to come cuddle with you on the couch where you’re doing a bit of work on your laptop. “He texted a while ago and said he’ll be here as soon as he can.”
“Alright,” Sophie sighs. “Can you put on Frozen?”
You’ve watched this movie more times than you can count lately, and once already today, but you remind yourself that you signed up for this when you chose to be a parent as you’re queuing up Disney Plus once again. 
Later, when you’re nearing the end of the film and you’ve given up on doing any more work as long as your daughter is screaming the lyrics to each song, you hear the sound of the front door opening and closing. 
The movie is quickly abandoned as Sophie darts toward the foyer to greet Ben. You’re not too far behind her, though by the time you reach them she’s already in her dad’s arms.
“Daddy, it snowed!” Sophie exclaims, her little arms wrapped around Ben’s neck. “We have to build a snowman!”
“I know, darling,” Ben laughs, giving Sophie another squeeze before gently setting her down. “Why don’t you go get your coat on while I say hello to Mummy?”
Sophie nods and eagerly runs toward the closet to fetch her winter coat. As Ben drops his bag and makes his way over to you, you can see how tired he is from training. When he cups your face to give you a kiss, you can tell he’s also freezing. 
“How was training, baby?” you murmur, placing your hands on his to warm them up. 
“Cold,” Ben sighs. “Forgot how brutal it is training in the snow. I’m glad the gaffer let us go home early, though.”
“You and me both,” you smile, leaning in to kiss him again. “Maybe you should warm up a bit before going out to play with Soph?”
“No, she’s been waiting for me all day,” Ben says. “I’ll be fine.”
You know there’s no changing his mind, especially when Sophie comes running back into the room in her adorable little puffer jacket that nearly swallows her whole. You help her zip it up and grab mittens, a scarf and a hat to keep her warm, as well as some for you and Ben. 
Once you’re all ready to face the cold, you head out to the garden together. You and Ben have matching grins on your faces as you watch Sophie excitedly run through the snow for the first time, a core childhood memory being created right before your eyes. 
She gets to work right away on her snowman, rolling the snowball she’s formed as long as she can before it gets too heavy for her and she has to accept Ben’s help. 
You join in on their efforts, occasionally taking a break to take some photos of your daughter and husband that you already know are going to be your new phone background.
After some hard work - certainly for a four year old - the snowman is completed with a carrot nose and hat that you had prepared just for this occasion. 
“He looks great, Sophie!” you exclaim. “What’s his name? Olaf?”
Despite it being a fairly safe guess, Sophie looks at you like you have two heads.
“No, Mummy, Olaf doesn’t have a hat,” she reminds you very matter-of-factly. “His name is Tom.”
“Like Uncle Tom?” Ben chuckles, referring to his best friend and her godfather.
Sophie seems to contemplate this for a moment before shaking her head.
“No, because I want him to be Tom.”
You and Ben look at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. You both blame your daughter’s stubbornness on each other, though deep down you know it’s from both of you, but at times like this it’s both hilarious and adorable. 
“Fair enough, sweetie,” you say, bending down to give her a kiss on the forehead. “Now, I think some hot chocolate is in order. Ready to go in?”
“No, we have to make snow angels!”
Of course, this was another activity she had seen in films that she was dying to try for herself. 
“Alright,” you chuckle. “Why don’t we make snow angels while Daddy goes and warms up? He’s been out in the snow all day.”
The pout on Sophie’s face quickly tells you that she is not happy with this plan, and Ben swoops in before you can say anything else.
“I think I have a few snow angels left in me,” he smiles, picking Sophie up and balancing her on his hip. “Babe, can you start the hot chocolate while we finish up here?”
You raise an eyebrow at your husband but accept his proposal nonetheless, placing a quick kiss on both his and Sophie’s cheeks before heading inside. 
As you’re warming up the milk on the stovetop, you look out the window where Ben and Sophie are still playing, her excited giggles loud enough that you can hear her through the windowpane. 
Your heart is threatening to burst from the sweet scene, overflowing with love for your daughter and admiration for your amazing husband. No matter how tired he is from training, if he’s upset about a loss or injured or anything else, he always steps up for Sophie. You’ve known since you met him that he would be a great dad, but ever since you became parents, he’s continued to exceed your expectations.
Just as you’re pouring three steaming mugs of hot chocolate, you hear your family come in through the back door and begin to strip off their winter gear. 
To your delight, Sophie runs straight into the kitchen and hugs you tightly.
“I made five snow angels!” she exclaims as you run your hand up and down her back in an effort to warm her up. “Daddy made some big ones, too.”
“That’s amazing, love,” you smile, kissing her head. “You want some hot chocolate?”
“Yes! Can I put the marshmallows in?”
“Of course,” you say, lifting her up onto the counter and passing her the bag of mini marshmallows.
As much as she’s a daddy’s girl at heart, you also get your fair share of moments when your daughter seems to only want her mother. You know how special her bond is with Ben, and you really can’t blame her for how much she loves spending time with him, but you still cherish the little things that just for the two of you - making hot chocolate with extra marshmallows being one of them. 
You carry the tray of drinks into the living room with Sophie trailing behind, and find Ben already there getting the fireplace going and arranging some pillows and blankets.
“This looks cozy,” you smile, setting the drinks down and sitting on the floor across from him, Sophie following your lead. “Thanks, honey.”
“Thanks for making the hot chocolate, my loves,” Ben responds, glancing over at the tray that holds two regular Christmas mugs and one with the Frozen characters on it. He picks that one up and pretends to take a sip. “I assume this one is mine?”
“No, Daddy, that’s mine!” Sophie squeals, making both you and Ben laugh as he carefully passes it back to her. 
You all sip your drinks in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth of the sweet beverages and the burning fire. 
“So, did you enjoy your first snow, Soph?” Ben asks. “Was it everything you hoped?”
“It was amazing!” Sophie confirms. “Thank you for playing, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome, angel,” Ben says with a soft smile as Sophie climbs into his lap and he kisses her rosy cheeks. 
It’s not long before she drifts off to sleep, tuckered out from playing in the snow and comforted by her dad’s embrace and the sound of you and Ben quietly talking about your days. 
Once she’s fully passed out, Ben carefully shifts her tiny frame over in his arms to make room for you on his other side and beckons you over. With him laying back against the sofa and you now laying against his chest, both of you watching your daughter sleep peacefully, you’re not sure you’ve ever felt more content. 
“That little girl absolutely adores you,” you comment, nuzzling further into Ben’s warmth.
“She must get that from her mum, then,” Ben jokes, making you roll your eyes for a moment before kissing his jaw, then his cheek.
“Mhm,” you nod, smiling as you reach his lips and kiss him slowly. 
When you pull back, Ben gazes lovingly at you for a moment before his eyes return to Sophie, her little hand curling around the material of his hoodie in her sleep.
“Babe?” Ben murmurs, and you nod again. “How would you feel about trying for another one?”
It takes everything in you not to betray yourself with a grin as you think about the tiny Christmas onesie and pregnancy test you boxed up and placed under the tree yesterday while Ben was picking Sophie up from daycare. 
It’s less than a week until Christmas - you can make it that long. 
“Let’s talk about it after the holidays?” you say for now, pressing another kiss to Ben’s lips. 
He nods with a smile, though you can see his mind wandering with thoughts of another little one to play in the snow and curl up by the fire and watching the same movies over and over with. 
It’s been the greatest joy of your life raising Sophie side by side with him, and you absolutely can’t wait to do it all again. 
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sturniozo · 8 months
In The Shadows II
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“But why do you have to leave the country?” My boyfriend, Luke asks. He’s been my boyfriend for two years. I haven’t told him about what I do, how could I?
“I told you, it’s a work thing.” I say as I continue to pack my suitcase.
“What does a planner at a stock company need to do in Switzerland?” Luke sits in the bed next to my suitcase.
“It’s not really something I can discuss.” I put the last few things in my suitcase.
“You’re not doing something illegal, are you?” Luke asks as he looks me in the eyes.
I take a breath. “No, of course not.” I say as I close my suitcase.
“You don’t tell me anything!” He groans and lays on the bed.
“You’re acting like a child.” I set the suitcase down on the floor.
“Why Switzerland? Why so far? How long will you be gone?”
“It’s for an important client, and it might be a while.”
“Give me your best guess.”
“Three months?” I shrug. That’s the average amount of time it takes for something like this.
“What kind of stock has clients that need you to go across the world for them for three months?” Luke asks, starting to raise his voice.
“It’s not something I can discuss, Luke.” I sit down next to him on the bed.
“What about me? How am I gonna live?”
“It’s not like my bank account goes with me. You can still use your card to my account.” Luke has no job. He got fired from his job at a computer store for playing video games on the new ministers instead of doing his job. It’s been 16 months since he was fired. It’s the main reason he moved in with me, since he lost his apartment. Now I solely take care of everything while he plays video games all day.
Not that I mind, I make more than enough for the both of us. Although, he doesn’t exactly know that. He thinks I make a regular salary, because that’s what I put into the bank account I created just to get him off my back about having a card for my bank account. Every two weeks I add a regular amount to the account to make him think I got paid.
At first I thought it was a mistake. Every time I “got paid” he’d spend all the money on something stupid. It didn’t actually matter, but I had to make him think it did or else he’d get suspicious about what I really do for a living.
“Yeah but isn’t there inflation difference between America and Switzerland? What if you spend all the money on a coffee or something and I’m left broke?” Luke asks.
I sigh. “It’s all paid for by the client, you don’t have to worry about that.”
A private jet. I stare at the plane as the worker load suitcases and boxes of items onto the plane. I don’t even know what’s in the boxes, just things my father decided I needed for my cover.
I look through the folder my father gave me, exposing my contract and my cover. I’m to pose as a newlywed woman with my husband, Matt. I roll my eyes just at the thought.
My dad bought a house in Switzerland under our fake identities, so the things in the boxes must be what we’re moving into the house. Our cover is art. We need to go to Finley Wilson for art to decorate our new home with. We need to befriend him, and find who he’s closest to, who he loves the most, and report back to dad.
I put the folder back into my purse and board the plane. Matt’s already there, drinking the scotch, I didn’t expect any different. I set my purse down in a seat and sit down.
“How was the drive?” Matt asks while pouring another glass of scotch. He hands it to me and I only set it to the side, ignoring it completely.
“We’re only fake married, I’d prefer it if we didn’t talk outside of what we have to keep our cover, thank you.” I pull out the folder to read up on Finley Wilson.
“The best assassins keep up their cover even in private.” Matt says before taking a drink of his scotch.
“We haven’t even officially started our cover, so I don’t need to speak to you at all. As far as I’m concerned, until we leave American soil, we’re still just y/n l/n and Matthew Sturniolo.”
Matt stays silent for a moment. He shifts in his seat and looks over at me. “You’re very interested in the case file.” He says, breaking the silence.
“The best assassins study up on their cover and their hit before going in.” I say without looking up from the file.
Matt rolls his eyes. “It’s a long flight, we should go over the specifics of our relationship.”
“We’re a newlywed couple, just bought a house in Switzerland and we were looking to decorate it with art when we heard about Mr. Wilson’s collection.”
“Yeah, but how did we meet? What made you fall for me?” Matt smirks and leans back in his seat.
“What’s not to fall for? The lack of empathy or the inevitable betrayal?” I glare at him for a moment before looking back at the file.
“Is this about Montana? Y/n, that was five years ago!”
“Oh, was it? And what’s your excuse for never calling? For never explaining? Maybe it was because you knew there was nothing to explain. You’re just an ass who only cares about himself.” I snap at him.
Matt closes his mouth and leans back in his seat. He twirls the scotch around in his glass before looking at mine, still full from when he poured it. “Still not a drinker, huh?” He asks with a light laugh.
“Nope.” I say sternly, still reading over the case file.
The sound of the intercom goes off and the pilot says “This is your pilot, captain Jones, telling you to prepare for take off in five minutes.”
Matt smiles at me. “Well, Mrs. Sturniolo.” He moves to the seat next to mine. “Let’s see our new home, shall we?”
“We haven’t left American soil yet, Matt.” I set down the file. “Besides, I have a boyfriend.”
“Oh you do? I thought you were scared of commitment. Who’s the lucky guy?” Matt asks with a laugh.
“You’ve met him, actually.”
“I have?” Matt looks at me confused before it dawns on him. “Oh, god. Don’t tell me it’s Luke Pelton.”
“What’s wrong with Luke?” I ask.
“He’s a fucking moocher. He got fired from what, two jobs before the computer store job he had when I knew him. Does he even still have that job?”
“Well, no-“
“Jesus, how many jobs has he had since then?” Matt laughs.
“None, he lives with me and I got everything.” I shrug.
“Yeah, seriously, and what’s wrong with that? For years women did the housework while men were the breadwinners, I don’t see anything wrong with the roles being reversed.”
“Does he do the housework, though? Because that would be a surprise!” Matt laughs again.
I roll my eyes and look out the window, clenching my jaw to keep quiet. He’s right, Luke doesn’t do the housework. He doesn’t do anything. But I don’t mind it.
“What does he think you do anyway?” Matt asks while taking a drink of his scotch.
“He thinks I’m a planner is stocks.” I shrug.
“And he’s dumb enough to believe that? Where did you say you were going?”
Matt’s jaw drops. “You told him the truth?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I? I didn’t tell him what I was really doing.”
“And if someone wanted information out of him?”
I laugh. “It’s fine.”
“I suppose you’re right. Anyone who does any research on that man will figure out that he’s got a pea brain.”
I throw the scotch glass Matt had given me at him and it breaks against the wall. “Hey!” Matt yells. “That’s $8k scotch!”
“Don’t fucking talk about Luke like that.” I spit at Matt.
He raises his hands in surrender and sits back in his seat. The plane starts moving and Matt just smirks at me. “Now, now you’re Mrs. Sturniolo.”
TAGS: @sturniolopookie @savageking3 @tastesousweet @jko3005 @sturniolo0ntop @cheesesoda @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer
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sc0tters · 1 year
Second Chance | Nico Hischier
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summary: you take a chance staying in town when Nico comes back and things take an interesting turn when your ex shows up at your door for your birthday.
song: Betty - Taylor Swift
request: yes/no
warnings: mentions of alcohol, being tipsy, swearing.
word count: 2.2k
authors note: wrote this on the plane whilst watching Mama Mia, so this literally feels like she could be my baby. All geographical information is from Wikipedia and some personal experience as I’ve been to Switzerland but not Naters! If you want to check out any more of the celly playlist you can do so here.
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It had been over four years since you last saw Nico.
Every time he came back to Naters you made the effort to be out of the country as you were still friends with Nina who would let you know her brothers schedule in the hopes of it bringing you two back together.
You two had dated from the time you were sixteen until you were twenty. It was safe to describe you as a couple madly in love. You had even gone as far as to prepare to move to New Jersey the moment you graduated from university.
But that plan was quickly halted when you got a call from your best friend who told you that she had your back through everything that was about to come up. It turned out that after a big win against the Islanders the Devils players decided to go and celebrate. Nico wanted to celebrate with a girl and that girl wasn’t you. Twitter went wild at the news because Devils fans had seen you at the draft and got a front row seat to hear him gushing about his girlfriend who he loved so dearly.
When Nico didn’t answer the fifteen calls that you sent him, you took the biggest step of your life and broke up with him. You had always worried that Nico would find a girl in the States, one that might have been prettier, taller, skinner, one that just wasn’t you.
So when those fears became a reality yeah it hurt. But you didn’t let yourself mope around in the pain because all of your friends had formed a circle of support around you.
This year you knew the possibility of seeing Nico was there, yet it was your twenty fourth birthday and you wanted to spend it with your friends. So you stayed in Naters.
Nico had been back for two days before when he found himself sat in your cafe at what used to be your table. It was the little corner table for two that had the perfect view of the floor to ceiling windows that watched the street.
The hockey player almost spat out his coffee when he saw you. Your friends had taken you to get your nails done as they made an effort to make this day full of fun for you.
Four of your best friends followed behind you as you made your way into the cafe “Mila!” You cheered as the barista had gotten your drinks ready for your arrival.
The hockey player shivered as he shrunk into his seat trying to hide behind his menu, yes he wanted to see you but your friends were a different story. The boy liked the group because they were so good to you, but fuck they absolutely scared the crap out of him.
He had been so caught up on watching you leave that he haven’t even had time to process that you were because you were already off again to go to the next part of your day but not before you sent the barista a smile and a “see you later.” Nico jumped out of his chair as he had ask Nina what was going on tonight.
The Devils captain almost knocked his sister off of her feet when he finally found her “Nico what the-” Nina complained as she rubbed her elbow.
Nico couldn’t even let his sister finish her sentence “what is y/n doing tonight?” He asked as he placed his hands on her shoulders.
Nina felt shocked that her brother genuinely didn’t know “it’s her birthday you idiot,” she pointed out as she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.
The hockey player felt guilty that he had forgotten the date. He used to make sure that he was around for you birthday, making it the best day of your life but now it was something that was just another day.
Thoughts swarmed the Swissmans mind going a mile a minute. That moment was when the penny dropped for Nico, it was like he was finally realised that he was about to lose you forever. You had gone from his arms years ago but now it seemed like you were being erased from his life “where is her party?” Nico cocked his head as ideas came to him that were probably so far fetched that you’d laugh if you ever heard them.
Nina seemed to share a thought process similar to the one that you would have had “what are you planning?” She furrowed her eyebrows not enjoying where this was going “please,” he begged causing his sisters heart to break.
Nico wasn’t one to ask for favours usually preferring the idea of sorting out his problems alone which is why it made her realise how serious he was “I’ll send you the location-” Nina couldn’t even finish her sentence before Nico engulfed her into a hug “thank you!” He cheered as he spun his sister around.
She did have to warn him though “just remember that if she doesn’t want to forgive you there’s nothing you can do about it.” The reality behind that was harsh but truthful. It had been four years since you last saw him, Nico made his debut for the club, became captain, and experienced multiple injuries during that time.
As Nina watched her brother walk off at speed, she only hoped that her words didn’t fall on deaf ears.
Nico had spent two hours planning his course of action, he really did try to come up with this elaborate and romantic gesture but that didn’t work out.
He knew that it wasn’t something you would want, so eventually he landed up with a bouquet of your favourite flowers and a hopeful smile at your door.
You were totally oblivious as you made your way to the door laughing as the birthday sash needed to be readjusted as you held onto your plastic crown. It was that perfect stage between tipsy and drunk where you were still coherent but walking in a straight line was not going to get you very far.
He didn’t even need to knock because you had already opened the door “oh,” was all that you could say as you looked him up and down. You had never gone out of your way to look him up but he was the star boy of your town so pictures of his achievements were everywhere making sure to always keep you in the loop wherever you looked.
His hair and facial scruff as you liked to call it had both grown longer “can we talk?” He pleaded as he sent you a genuine look, it was something that seemed to sober you up.
You stood there as you weighed up your options “not out here,” you shook your head as you knew that your neighbours had a love for gossiping.
Nico’s eyes went wide “not in there,” he knew that your friends would grill him alive if you weren’t there to stop them.
Letting your fingers run through your hair you sighed “follow me,” you sighed as you shut the front door and began to walk to the back of your house.
At one point when the boy began to slow down you locked your hand with his making sure that he kept up your pace, a smile formed on your lips when you heard your friends dancing to the music meaning that they were totally oblivious about your missing presence.
Nico was surprised to see how big your house was, simply because you always said you wanted to live in an apartment and here you were with a garden.
There was a bench that sat behind a hedge that you pulled him to before you finally dropped his hand letting your fingers smooth out the creases on your dress “you’ve got five minutes Nico.” It felt like a punch to his gut hearing you call him by his first name. Usually he was Neeks, my little star -his personal favourite-, Hischier was another option but that was for when you were mad at him.
You couldn’t help but grow somewhat irritated as you crossed your arms looking at him. Your mind was like a flower field, sure it took time for you to heal but you eventually did and now those flowers had grown into a full blossom. But here Nico was ruining through it ruining them in the process.
Nicos mouth grew dry “I never meant to hurt you.” He confessed as he slouched in not the bench next to you.
Your lips smacked against each other sending him a scoff “isn’t that ironic,” tears began to well at your eyes.
It made him feel guilty with how cold you now were “schatzi-” he reached out to grab your hand “don’t schatzi me,” you got up as you shook your head.
Words were caught in your throat as you hiccuped “I loved you, I waited for you even supported you through every big move you made.” You poked your finger at his chest as you got up.
All Nico could do was watch in silence as you continued “was I not enough for you?” You asked as tears began to stream down your face “when did you stop loving me?” A sob left your lips causing the boy to jump off of the bench.
His hands were quickly on your cheeks wiping the tears off of your face “I never did,” he croaked out as you let out a soft laugh.
Your eyes were filled with nothing more than sorrow “why’d you kiss her then?” It was a question that you had never gotten the chance to ask him that because he didn’t return those calls.
Nico had played this moment over in his head thousands of times but they never had you in that crown on your birthday in your garden “it’s a long story.” He blurted out as he shrugged.
It caused you to hit his hands away from your face “knew this was a mistake,” you scoffed as pulled the silver crown from your head letting it hit the grass as you began to walk away “I didn’t kiss her!” Nico called out causing you to stop dead in your tracks.
You sucked at your teeth “what?” You used the back of your hand to wipe your nose as you sniffled.
Nico nodded as he took the few steps that you had “that girl tripped over me and when I tried to help her she kissed me.” He explained as his fingers rang along your hand.
Speechless was only how you could describe the feeling “by the time I got her off it was too late and the cameras had gone off.” The boy shrugged as he pursed his lips into a thin line.
You wanted to reach up to hit him in that moment “why didn’t you say anything!” Your mouth fell agape. There was something in your gut that told you he was telling the truth.
Nico let out a chuckle “you blocked me by the time I woke up.” He pointed out reminding you about what you had done.
You furrowed your eyebrows “Nina and I are still friends.” It felt like he almost could have tried harder if he wanted to.
The boy tucked your now slightly messy hair behind your ear “thought it was best if you hated me.” Nico confessed as he took a large gulp like he was swallowing a bitter pill “you were meant it go so far and I didn’t want to hold you back.” It was no secret that you had turned down the idea of going to work at what was your dream company at the time because you wanted to move to New Jersey once you graduated.
You turned you head in a mix of amusement and annoyance “you, the captain of a fucking NHL team thought you were gonna hold some girl in Naters back?” You could have laughed at the thought and at the boys logic.
Nico ran his fingers through your hair before they locked under your jaw “you were never just some girl to me.” He confessed causing you to smile.
Yes your next move was stupid but somehow you didn’t regret it, you let your hands land on either side of his face “and you were never going to hold me back.” You mumbled as you kissed him. It was fulfilling, like that moment you find perfect snack to just hit that unknown spot of hunger.
Nico almost picked you up in his efforts to still hold onto you. To him this felt like a dream, one that he never wanted to wake up from “what are you doing next month?” The Devils player asked as he cocked his head with a guilty grin on his face “why?” Your tongue ran over your lips as you smiled thinking that this was a very Nico question.
You hadn’t even talked about the next steps and here he was asking you about your plans for the next month.
“Because I think it’s about time I showed you around Jersey.”
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peachesyeo · 8 months
regrets ── matz
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💌 parings: ceo!hongjoong x fem!reader x bestfriend!seonghwa 💌 genre: angst 💌 contains: misunderstandings, guilt, unsaid crushes (please just open your mouth and confess), major character death, reader has regrets. 💌 word count: 1.5k words
:̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? :̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞? :̗̀➛ 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? (for all works)
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You were nervous.
You took a sip of your coffee, your eyes on the silver ring that had accompanied you for five long years. You put down the cup, placing the ring on your finger. It slides down easily.
You placed your fingertips on the table. The ring slides down again, landing on the table with a dull thud.
You picked the ring up, rolling it between your fingers. Its design was simple, with only yours and Hongjoong's initials engraved on the inner part of the ring. Your eyes moved over to the file on the table. and you gripped the ring tightly.
"Y/n." You looked up. Hongjoong settled in the seat opposite yours, and your hold on the ring was tighter. "Hello, Hongjoong." You greeted, as though Hongjoong was a friend you rarely met up with, rather than someone who you have been married to for five years. You guestured to the cup of black coffee on the table, to which Hongjoong flashed you a smile, thanking you. "Thanks. What did you call me for?"
You pushed the file towards Hongjoong. "This."
Hongjoong put his cup down, reaching for the file. Opening its contents, you saw his brows climb higher and higher into his hair, and when he looked at you, you forced a smile. "I think it's the right time that we... You know."
"Divorce?" Hongjoong's voice was serious. "Was it because of Hwa?"
Seonghwa, your best friend and your husband's... boyfriend. The both of you have been friends since young. Five years ago, Seonghwa had asked for your help. You will pretend to marry Hongjoong, because both Seonghwa and Hongjoong's parents had opposed to their relationship. You agreed, only because you had a crush on Seonghwa, and wanted him to be happy.
But you fell in love with Hongjoong too.
Hongjoong is a nice man. He is gentle, kind. Seonghwa is the same. Your heart aches, knowing that the two men are not someone that you could have.
Why does it hurt so much?
Why do you have to fall in love with someone that you knew you could never have?
How could you betray Seonghwa's trust? How could you fall in love with your best friend's lover?
"No... Well, it's been five years..." You shrugged, trying your best to sound as nonchalant as possible. "And both mum and dad aren't around anymore..." Hongjoong's parents has passed away the year before. "Besides, I've met someone else." You lied.
Hongjoong's grip on the file tightened. "You've met someone else?" He repeated. "Does Hwa know this?"
You shook your head. "No. But we did put this in the contract. If I ever met someone in the future, I am free to end it."
Hongjoong merely stared. The both of you sat in silence, until he broke it. "I'll talk to Hwa-"
"You don't have to." You said firmly. It took almost all your courage to talk to Hongjoong about this. Once you see Seonghwa, you might finally break down. "I have a plane to Switzerland in two days, so I hope that you would settle this as soon as possible."
"So sudden?" Surprise was filled in Hongjoong's voice. You nodded. "Yeah. So if you sign it now, I'll hand it over to to Attorney Jeong."
Please. Please sign it. If I stay any longer, my heart will break.
"Okay." You almost heave a sigh of relief at Hongjoong's answer. Swiftly, he signed his name on the paper, passing it back to you. "Thanks, Hongjoong."
You stood up to leave, but Hongjoong called you. "Y/n?"
You took a deep breath before turning around. "Yeah?"
Hongjoong shook his head. "Nothing. Stay safe, Y/n. I hope you're happy."
You gave him a bright smile. "You too... Take care of Hwa for me, won't you?"
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Seonghwa had not expected the call from Hongjoong.
"Y/n did what?" He stood up from his chair, his alarmed. "No, reject her. You signed it? Joong! Are you an idiot?"
On the other end of the line, Hongjoong rubbed his temples. "I told you that you shouldn't have let her sign that with me five years ago!" He said, looking towards his office table. At the front of his desk was you in your wedding dress, with him and Seonghwa standing behind you. "If we told her ealier-"
"I can't marry her, you know that!" Seonghwa argued. "If that nasty woman knew I marry the woman I like, she would hurt Y/n just to control me!" He said. "I have to protect Y/n, you know that very well!"
"She told me she's in love with someone else, Hwa." Hongjoong leaned back onto his chair, his voice filled with tiredness. Seonghwa paused, veins popping in his neck. "We've already hindered her happiness for five years. It's time to let her go."
Seonghwa's stepmother was a controlling woman. For years, she had tried to take control over Seonghwa's life. After he took over his late father's company, his ambitious stepmother quickly find ways to sabotage him, so her own son could have the company instead. Knowing that she would try to hurt those around him, Seonghwa approached his other best friend Hongjoong to protect you.
He pretened that he and Hongjoong couldn't be together and wanted you to marry Hongjoong, but it was an excuse. As the wife of the CEO of Kim's Operations, his stepmother would not dare to offend Hongjoong and hurt you.
Little did he know that in the meantime, Hongjoong had fallen in love with you as well. The first time he saw you in that wedding dress... And Hongjoong knew he was head over heels for you. But he was scared to fall in love with you. He knew that Seonghwa likes you, so how could he fall for his bestfriend's crush? So he forced himself to overwork, just to avoid seeing you at home.
"I will stop her." Seonghwa finally spoke, ending the call. Hongjoong put his phone down, letting a long sigh out. "Y/n..."
None of them want to lose you.
Seonghwa grabbed his coat, rushing out of his office. "Secretary Song, prepare for a trip to Attorney Jeong's lawfirm."
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You feel strangely at peace as you left the firm.
The sun was hidden by the clouds as you strolled on the streets. Your phone vibrated, and you took it out.
15 missed calls from Seonghwa.
Ignoring it, you put the phone back into your pocket. You must not let Seonghwa distract you anymore.
It's time to let go, Y/n-ah.
You stood before the traffic lights, waiting for it to turn green. As you waited patiently, a child rushed out from behind you, following by the panicked screams of his mother. You watched in horror as the child rushed into the middle of the oncoming traffic, and without thinking, you went after him, pushing the child into safety. But as you did, a long screech sounded from your left. You turned your head around, only to see a white flashing light of an incoming van...
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"Why is it taking so long?" Seonghwa tapped inpatiently on his thigh. Secretary Song craned his neck in front. "There seemed to be an accident ahead, Boss."
Seonghwa glanced at his watch. He might be able to intercept you if he runs over to the firm now. "I'll alight from here. Pick me up when I call you." He ordered, opening the car door. As he hurried over to the firm, he could see paramedics arriving on the scene, and a police car stopping by the side of the junction near the firm.
"...young woman, such a pity..." A bad feeling swallowed him as he heard two on-lookers whisper. His legs slowed down.
"What happened here?" He hear himself ask one of the on-lookers. The woman sighed, pointing towards a woman and her child, who was wailing loudly. "Her child ran onto the streets and a young woman saved him, but she got hit by the van... Such a young soul..."
Seonghwa was not listening anymore. His heart pounded in his chest as he spotted something on the ground. Like a zombie, Seonghwa made his way towards the warning line, where the police were stopping reporters from taking photos. Seonghwa pushed a reporter out of his way, muttering under his breath.
"Sir, you can't go in!" A policeman stopped him, but Seonghwa could see it now. A phone, with a familiar butterfly charm hanging on it, laid on the ground.
He knew that charm. He made it for you himself.
His ears were ringing, but his voice was calm as he spoke. "I'm the victim's friend." He said. The policemen before him exchanged looks, and allowed him to walk in.
Seonghwa couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. He don't know how he did it, walking over to the body that was lying in the body tent.
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Hongjoong frowned.
There was a sudden pain in his heart. His subordinates stop discussing, all looking to him in concern. Noticing the silence, Hongjoong looked up to everyone. "Why did you stop?"
"You look unwell, Sir." Someone spoke. "Would you like to continue the meeting another day?"
Hongjoong placed his hand on his chest. "No." He decided. "Let's continue the meeting."
The meeting continued, and so did the ache.
But Hongjoong didn't know that the ache might last for a longer time.
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sorry not sorry ^^ i've been sick lately, so here's a little fic for you to enjoy!
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➳ pernament taglist: @wonwooz1 @kwanienies @yeodeulz @enhacracy @leyittara @lonewolfjinji @sousydive @joshuahongnumbers
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dewitty1 · 9 months
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Fic Recs Wrap Up December 2023 ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚・*:.。.♡⑅୨୧̩̩̩̥✼• .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
All Things Go by iota @sorrybutblog
Draco’s back at Hogwarts by court order. Harry’s back for no particular reason at all. Some things change, some stay the same. Neither expects to spend eighth-year living in close quarters, playing rugby (poorly), staying up late, sneaking around, and finally figuring it all out. Rec Post
The Inconvenient Death(s) of Harry Potter by nv-md (ANW815) @nv-md
Harry and Draco have spent the decade since the War avoiding each other, even as they’re forced to work together at the Ministry and their friend groups begin to alarmingly overlap. But what happens when Harry meets a tragic end (in a manner of speaking) and Draco’s the only one who can save him? Or Harry won’t stop dying, Draco’s had too much coffee, and there’s more than enough time for them to make a mess of each other’s lives. Rec Post
Constellations on your skin by shushu_yaoi_lj @orange-peony
“I’m going to get my scars removed,” Draco announces on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. “Who are you seeing?” Blaise asks. “The best Healer out there,” Draco replies with a little shrug. “Harry Potter.” Rec Post
and the world is tumbling down by thewakeless @thewakeless
Draco is thirty-five and content. He’s a writer, a painter, and has built a life for himself totally separate from the one he envisioned as a sullen, fearful boy at Hogwarts. Everything is calm—until his house begins trying to kill him. Rec Post
The Cursed Manor by AhaMarimbas @mars-bar81
Ophelia’s been a paranormal investigator for almost ten years, and she’s starting to run out of haunted and cursed sites to explore. When her eclectic roommate and assistant reveals that he owns a large, cursed Manor, Ophelia finds a lot more than just a new career opportunity. Rec Post
The Unknown Door by waterwings @amywaterwings
There is something wrong with the Bellcrest. The heart of the place beats rotten. Everyone says so. Where Draco is a magical property manager, Harry is a recluse, and they’re definitely not hiding from their problems in the run-down flats of the Bellcrest. Not at all. Not one bit. Rec Post
Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm by flightinflame @flightinflame
Eighth-year offers Draco a brief respite before he returns to Azkaban. With a restricted wand, and memories of a girl who shouldn’t exist, he has very little hope for the future. But when Harry brings Teddy into the school, and proves to be utterly clueless, things change beyond anything he could imagine. Rec Post
Historians by oknowkiss @oknowkiss
It’s the Dumbledore’s Army Reunion Holiday, and Harry’s found himself in hot water with his friends once again, after telling them he has a boyfriend he definitely does not have. In an attempt to fix things, he’s made it his colleague on Level Nine, Draco Malfoy’s problem too. Featuring a ski chalet in Switzerland, a pair of bunk beds, and an agreement that should’ve been simple, were it not for all the bloody feelings getting in the way. Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well!(ノ゚∀゚)ノ━☆゚・*:.。. .。.:*・.*・。゚*:・゚✧
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Draco's First Holiday by Meowfoy @resilientkitteh
Draco catches Blaise cheating, breaks up with him and decides to leave his French Villa behind to swap houses with a woman named Hermione and her husband Ron. His relaxing vacation becomes far more interesting when a handsome stranger (Harry) knocks at his door in the middle of the night. They meet and get to know each other, and suddenly Draco feels much better about his decision to leave France behind for Britain.
Englishman Extraordinaire by BlueSundayCake @bluesundaycake
When Draco's life goes to shit, he gets scammed. Maybe it's for the best. Who doesn't love new beginnings?
Letters by CoffeeDragon87 @coffeedragon87
When Harry Potter turned eleven he received a letter that changed his life forever. When Harry Potter, now a dashingly handsome bachelor, Head of the Auror Department and loving godfather, is thirty-five history repeats itself.
With and Without You by Shewhxmustnxtbenamed @shewhomustnotbenamed
Harry and Draco realize that they’ve been living in the same building for the past five years, hiding from the Wizarding world in Muggle London for a variety of reasons. They grow unexpectedly close and Harry realizes that Draco’s relationship with his boyfriend is abusive, spiraling as he tries and fails to figure out how to help. In Harry’s rejection of the Wizarding world in general, he has fallen out of touch with his friends and his magical abilities, but has to reconnect with both in order to find himself again.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all & I hope 2024 is good to you! Happy New Year! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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lilkumquat27 · 1 month
may i perchance request finlay or addair hcs :3c
Definitely gonna do Finlay cause she a favourite of mine. I’ll do Addair after.
- She seems like she would be mean, but when you get her talking it feels like home. And she has an amazing raspy laugh. Like a vocal hug.
- She’s the rig mom.
- One of the hardest workers on the rig. Doesn’t complain nearly as much as everyone else. ‘It is what it is’ Is her phrase. If she won’t fix it, likely no one will.
- You get her in a room with Roy with a few beers you got one of the best comedic duos.
- She is universally liked. No one messes with Finlay. Not even Rennick and Addair. She’s basically Switzerland.
- A lot of people forget she is the only woman on the rig. As she can definitely hang out with the boys.
- She is 56 years old.
- Certainly a Capricorn.
- She is a dart master.
- Finlay has the best poker face. Might as well bet low if she’s at the table.
- She actually enjoys crochet and crafts. She’s a talented artist.
- She married a man twenty years older and had her children with him. Unfortunately he passed away a few years before the events of SWTD. She’s accepted it, but she will likely never love again.
- Jokingly chases the boys with a ladle (or really any tool she can get her hands on) if they try to mess with her. Of course, they run away screaming and begging for forgiveness. (She doesn’t really chase. Just walks menacingly like Michael Myers lol)
- When the guys are talking vulgar humour about women, she just ignores it. She knew what she was getting into working on a rig.
- She gives the greatest hugs.
- Finlay rarely ever gets angry. When she does, pray to your sky daddy.
- She is actually pretty chummy with Rennick. In fact, he even unloads his stresses with her. She enjoys having her smoke breaks outside Admin by the installation module. He’ll usually comes out to have a chat with his coffee.
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nicohischierz · 1 year
our summer: nico hischier x player! reader 
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quinn didn’t say anything as he and nico drove to his parents house. he had messaged his mother on the way that he had a guest on the way. 
when he arrived ellen gave nico a small smile before directing him towards the guest room she made up for him. “you guys will figure this out,” ellen told the boy, squeezing his hands. 
that night, nico researched the best ob/gyn in new jersey and asked some of the team for their recommendations.
nico spent the whole night talking to erik about how to prepare for a babies arrival. when asked if you were pregnant nico declined.
his response was “we just want to prepare ourselves for the future”
no one really believed him but they knew you’d tell them when the time was right.
nico wasn’t mad. no he was excited to be a father but he was disappointed in himself for not noticing how you felt back in switzerland.
because if he did then maybe you’d be cuddled into him and discussing baby names instead of sleeping on two different beds in two different places.
when quinn came back home you were in the kitchen, a jar of pickles open in front of you. “where did you go?” you asked, taking a bite of the sour vegetable. 
quinn thought about possibly lying to you but he decided against it. “nico stopped by,”
you faltered, almost droppping the pickle. but instead you just smiled at quinn and nodded. “i dropped him off at my mothers, you can talk to him tomorrow,” quinn offered.
“the coffee shop, at 10:30,” you mumbled before heading off to your room.
nico was at the coffee shop before you arrived. he pulled out a chair and made sure you had everything.
“i’m sorry,” he started.
“i’m sorry that i made you feel like you had to leave and do this one your own. i should’ve payed more attention to you, my mum told me you weren’t acting like yourself but i thought it was because of the contract,”
nico leaned across and grabbed your hands, enclosing them in his.
you didn’t say much.
you just stared at him.
“i want to keep it,” you managed to get out.
“jack said i can stay with him and luke. nico, i’m not going to force you into taking care of the baby if you don’t want to but i want this,” you rambled.
nick squeezed your hands.
“i want to do this with you. if there was anyone in the world that i was going to start a family with, i’d want it to be you,” he answered.
that evening, nico moved his bags into your room and quinn and jack’s lake house. the three brothers gave nico a lecture on how to act.
when the two of you were getting ready to go to bed, you called your coach and told him you were pregnant. he congratulated you and then informed the two of you that you’d have to go speak to hr about what the plan was.
the next people to find out were alex turcotte, trevor zegras and cole caufield as they arrived at the lake house soon after you and nico. to your surprise, ty smith showed up at the door and you broke down.
the group all looked towards a frightened ty and then to a laughing jack. nico also tried smothering a laugh but it didn’t work.
“i’m sorry, it’s the hormones,” you excused yourself to grab a tissue.
alex caught onto it first. despite your attempts to hide alex managed to make out the little bump you had growing.
“no way!” he exclaimed, running over and giving you a hug.
the other three just looked at you and alex in confusion. it wasn’t until alex asked to put his hand on your stomach did they understand the situation.
“you’re pregnant?”
“you two are going to be parents!”
they all exclaimed clambering to give you a hug. you welcomed all of them, holding onto ty a bit longer than the others.
“listen right now you guys and the organisation are the only people who know. so please, i am begging you not to say anything until i announce it,” you pleaded.
they all nodded.
trevor kept staring between your stomach and your ankles. “did you know your ankles swell up,” he blurted.
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ladylooch · 1 year
ur doing gods work! can you write about nico & the reader crossing paths again after not seeing each other for a long time? <3
Crossing Paths with Nico Hischier
A/N: Ya know, the fan fic won't write it's self ( I know I've tried to convince it), so I'm happy to do it!
Word count: 1.0k
Warnings: lil angsty, swearing
Breaking up with Nico Hischier was the single hardest and most devastating thing you’ve ever done. 
You didn’t want to. 
But you didn’t see how this was going to work.
You were being promoted to the DC office of your advertising firm. It came with a private office, a huge pay bump, and a whole portfolio of dream clients.
The only thing it wouldn’t come with was your boyfriend. 
When you told Nico, he was ecstatic for you. He urged you to take it. He refused to listen to any of the concerns you had because he assumed you would stay together. Every night the month before your move, you agonized in your bed next to Nico while he slept. The logistics were starting to feel too difficult. Nico was sure you would find ways to see each other, but you knew the reality of life in DC was going to monopolize your time. Nico was used to you giving because his jobs took so much.
So you gathered up the courage to sit him down the night before you left and told him your concerns.
“Babe, this distance is going to be nothing for us. It’s temporary too.” The corporate office for your firm is in Manhattan. Nico has latched onto the idea that DC is a stepping stone for you. A temporary fork in the road until yours both meet again.
“Neeks.” You quietly say, squeezing his hand. Nico freezes, sensing where this is going. “I love you, but-“
“No, don’t say it. Don’t do this. Let’s just try and see how it goes.”
“I can’t.” Your voice breaks as you watch the tears fill his eyes. He sucks in a deep, unsteady breath through his nose. His mouth crumples and you feel a piece of your soul die on that brand new leather couch he bought so you would have more room to cuddle together. “I’m so sorry.” You cry as he stands up, dashing his fingers through his hair in despair. He begins to pace before he whirls back towards you.
“You said forever.” Nico spits. “When did you turn into such a liar?”
If your heart had any intact pieces left, they shattered at those words.
Two years later, you’re snapped out of the memory from the building across the street by the barista calling out your name. You’ve moved back to Jersey and are at the local coffee shop in Hoboken you frequented when Nico lived in that building. It’s been so long, you don’t think it’s possible he still lives there anymore. You grab the latte, bringing it over to the station by the window to grab a straw and a lid. 
“You know, most people grow out of adding extra sugar into their lattes.” A voice murmurs to your right. You turn, choking on your breath when you see Nico.  “But I guess you’re not most people.” You snort out a laugh, eyes squinting excitedly at how good he looks. 
“I just can’t quit big sugar. Keeps me employed.” You joke, stepping forward into his stretched out arms and giving him a hug. You both linger together. “Wow, do you still live here?” You point to the building.
“No I moved up a few blocks, but still walk down here from time to time.”
“Best espresso in the city.” You quote him.
“Yeah, still not Switzerland though.”
“Maybe you should open your own shop.” 
“You gonna do the advertisement for me?”
“Sure, I’ll even give you the friends and family discount.” He chuckles. 
“You look… wow.” He finishes in a whisper, taking in your professional dress, tights and heels. You’re decked out in blacks and reds, like he used to love on you. “My colors.” He would grin before kissing your lips.
Nothing about Nico has changed. He’s still sweet as honey.
“You too. Looks like you put some muscle on. Maybe Luca has finally stopped teasing you about growing into your pro body.”
“No, he’s never going to give that joke up. Not when he can still lift more than me.”
“Well, the work never really ends.” Your phone dings in your hand. You look down, seeing the reminder that you have 15 minutes to get to your client’s office. “I, uh, have to go.” You show him your phone. You could stay here with him for hours, truthfully, even though it wouldn’t be good for your heart. The one that never quite stopped loving him.
“Yeah, me too. I’m on my way to practice.” 
“It was really good to see you, Neeks. I still watch Devils games all the time. The team is really turning into a premier contender.” You both walk together towards the door, then outside, pausing on the sidewalk.
“Yeah? You cheer for me?”
“Yeah, but sometimes I cheer more for Jack.”
“He misses you.” He confesses.
“I know; He calls.” Nico closes his eyes with regret, shoving his free hand deep into his jacket pocket. He adjusts his grip on his cup.
“Look… Ah.. I know you gotta go, but I want you to know I’m sorry about the way we left things.” 
“Me too. I should have stayed here with you.”
“No. But it would have been nice if you had wanted to try long distance.” He winces after he says it, like he’s worried he crossed some imaginary line on the sidewalk. I slowly nod, stepping backwards towards my destination. 
“I’m back in Jersey now.” You’re not sure why you tell him, except that you want him to know you’ll be around. His eyebrows raise in surprise.
“You’re a year ahead of the plan.”
“I had some extra motivation.”
“Money?” He tilts his head, coy smile on his face.
“Yeah. We’ll go with that. I’ll see ya.” You wave. He returns yours, staying rooted to the sidewalk. He’s still there watching you when you turn back around for one more moment.
“Hey Nico.” His brown eyes are curious. “My phone number still works. Ask Jack if you need it again.”
“You gonna answer if I call?”
“Yeah. On the first ring.”
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