#best caribbean islands to visit
infostylerave · 1 year
See The Top Caribbean Destinations To Visit To Unwind
Here is a selection of the top Caribbean destinations to visit for a calming, soothing effect on your mind and body
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top-10s · 2 years
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youtubevideopromotion · 9 months
Welcome to the enchanting world of the Dominican Republic, where dreams become reality and tropical wonders await! Join us on an unforgettable journey as we explore the 7 most beautiful destinations that make this Caribbean gem a traveler's heaven. From pristine beaches to vibrant culture, we'll take you on a virtual adventure through the heart of this tropical paradise. For more click here
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tj-dragonblade · 4 months
Dreamling Fic Masterpost
In honor of Dreamling Week, here's an updated masterpost of everything I've written for them so far, split into SFW and NSFW. Each section is arranged oldest to newest. Links go to Tumblr posts, and each Tumblr fic post has the direct AO3 link also.
You can also find me HERE on AO3.
(Read More for length so it's not ridiculous when pinned)
💕🌼The Fluff and Assorted Other Offerings🌦️❤️‍🩹 If it's rated M there is a brief spicy passage somewhere in the fic but not enough to warrant the full E
Use Your Words Rated T, ~2500 words Hob finds mistletoe hung in the bar. Dream is. Insistent. That they adhere to tradition.
Old Acquaintance Rated G, ~800 words It’s New Year’s Eve at the New Inn, and Dream and Hob are on the same page
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: velvet Rated G, 165 words One of Hob's favorite things about Dream
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: memory Rated G, ~230 words Dream is distracted by a memory
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: thread Rated G, ~200 words Hob loves his grey hair
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: daydream Rated T, ~800 words Hob's daydreams are not the only distracting ones
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: enthusiasm Rated G, ~200 words Enthusiasm is one of Hob's defining traits
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: trust Rated T, ~1500 words Dream finds Hob cooking for him (aka The Spicy Omelettes one)
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: grass Rated G, ~330 words A date in Fiddler's Green
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: fireplace Rated G, ~170 words Generic hearth metaphor
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: strong Rated T, ~3400 words Dream helps a drunken Hob get home (aka The Drunken Confessions one)
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: teach Rated T, ~520 words Dream teaches Hob how to summon him; self-immolation discouraged
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: vague Rated M, 465 words Sometimes Dream speaks vaguely. Sometimes he is Very Direct
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: glasses Rated T, ~330 words Sometimes Hob wears Glasses
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: yesterday Rated G, ~470 words Time works different in the Dreaming
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: recovery Rated T, ~2900 words Dream is dating; Hob works hard to just be a good friend while watching it fall apart (aka The Thessaly Breakup fic)
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: friend Rated T, ~1800 words Dream contemplates friendship, Hob, and the blurring of boundaries
In the Morning Light Rated T, ~1960 words Dream visits Hob on a rainy morning
Anticipation Rated T, ~700 words Dream chooses Hob’s Halloween costume (spoiler alert: it's the Wavemother's robe from BG3)
Untitled Knight Hob/King Dream Scene Rated M, ~1300 words A synopsis-plus-scene-draft of a potential Knight Hob and King Dream AU that in all likelihood I will never actually go back to, but I like what's here so it goes on the masterlist
The Keeper and the Traveler Rated G, ~1700 words Not-Exactly-Human AU. A campfire folktale about finding what you didn’t know you were searching for, or something like that. Inspired by Nightwish's 'The Islander'
I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm Rated M, ~6900 words It’s winter in London and Hob is interested in sharing various cold-weather human experiences with his distinctly-not-human boyfriend
Shampoo Rated G, ~550 words Fluffbruary 2024 prompt 'Scent'. Big changes also mean small changes, and sometimes a loss can bring gain as well
London Fog Rated M, ~3500 words Sequel to Caribbean Sunset. Human AU. Dream does his best to ignore Possibilities while he copes with returning from holiday
Before I Go Rated G, ~850 words Fluffbruary 2024 prompt 'Evening'. A Season-of-Mists-style leave-taking visit, some time later in their relationship
Vogue Rated M, ~750 words Fluffbruary 2024 prompt 'Photography'. Human AU. Dream comes home and Hob greets him with a camera.
☂️The Umbrella Boys series, a Human AU☂️ A Sweet Romance Beginning in a Queue Rated T, ~4500 words 🎶Bus stop, wet day, he’s there, I say, ‘Please share my umbrella’🎶 Love Rain Down On Me Rated M, ~2300 words 5 times those Three Little Words go unspoken, and one time they do not.
Chaos and Calm Rated G, ~1550 words Searching for rain boots and meeting friends in the park. No real plot, just meandering domestic parenting vibes.
🔥🌶️The Spice and the Smut🌶️🔥 (aka The Stuff You Hide in the Pantry at Work For) 😉😘
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: snack Rated E, ~1800 words Hob comes home to find Dream waiting from him in the traditional murder-widow robe
Built For You Rated E, ~820 words Hob questions Dream on some particulars of his waking world anatomy
Insatiable Rated E, ~3100 words Dream gets rimmed and railed within an inch of his life
Of Cutoff Shorts and Classic Cars Rated E, ~4300 words Hob has made some very distinct wardrobe choices on a hot day. Dream approves.
Little Indulgences Rated E, ~1000 words A spot of fun with lingerie and sex toys
Caribbean Sunset Rated E, ~5500 words Human AU. Hob hooks up with a beautiful stranger on a Caribbean cruise
My Song Can But Borrow Your Grace Rated E, ~6800 words Fanfic for Flatter the Mountain Tops by Teejaystumbles (linked in the post). Dragon AU. Hob wants Dream in dragon form to fuck him while he stays in human form; Dream is beginning to see there’s more to it than just a size kink.
Appreciation Rated E, ~4300 words Sequel to Anticipation. Hob wears the costume (the Wavemother's Robe from BG3); Dream has his fun.
On the Edge of a Waking Dream Rated M, ~3900 words Monsterfucktober Bingo Square 'Ghost'. Human AU. Dream never believed in ghosts until his boyfriend became one
The Beauty of the Beast Rated E, ~3100 words Monsterfucktober Bingo Square 'Were-creature'. Recently-turned werewolf Hob wants to protect Dream from this new side of him. Dream is. Not interested in being protected.
Ambrosia Rated E, ~4000 words An exercise in celebrating the human messiness (and messy humanness) that Dream finds so attractive in Hob
Customer Service Rated E, ~4500 words For the Dreamling Week 2024 June 5 prompt 'Dirty'. Human AU. Mechanic Hob's just trying to fix the rich guy's Porsche but the rich guy is looking at Hob like he's a five-course meal
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sweetsaffron7 · 2 years
Sweet like mango
Namor x goddess!reader fluff
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Summary: You had always remained loyal to your promise to stay ashore, despite a certain god’s best attempts to persuade you otherwise
1.6k words
Warnings: slightly suggestive at some points. Other than that pure fluff
Author’s note- The reader is a woman of color implied to be of a browner skin complexion. The place she rules is a made up country in the Caribbean Sea.
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You never grew tired of this.
The long pathways of sand that stretched far around the coast of the island, tucked underneath the shade of many trees. The sleek texture of the leaves beneath your fingers as you foraged for any fruit that would be viable. The feeling of his gaze as you went about your tasks.
It was your job to look after the resources of your people, a people that dwelled on an island safe from the hands of the outside world. One much like the African nation of Wakanda, hidden to all outsiders; though that never stop him from coming. Everyday you’d stroll around the shores of your quaint island and everyday he’d make it a point to see you: It was from him that you even knew what Wakanda was. You weren’t the kind of goddess to meddle in the business of other nations, so a lot of your knowledge about the outside world was through what he told you. On his visits he’d bring stories of foreign lands along with more gifts than you could manage. Necklaces, gold, Talokan’s finest pearls littered your hut. Despite your best efforts, he insisted you accept his gifts and you never had the heart to turn them away. He liked to jest that one day he’d bring enough jewels to fill up your entire island, to let anyone who sailed by know just how much he cared for you.
“Must you always watch from the waters?” Your voice broke the air in what sounded like but a whisper. You stood just off the edge of the sand, waves flowing gently at your shores and making ripples as they returned to the ocean. He was there and you were sure of it. A gentle breeze made its way through the trees, taking pieces of your knit skirt with it. Comfortable silence settled between the two of you as you waited for him to reveal himself and it wasn’t long before he did. He heard you, he always did. His black hair stuck to his face as he rose from the waters, bronzed and covered in heavy jewelry. Before you was K'uk'ulkan in all his glory.
“Ma'lob Ja'atskab K'iin, in yakunaj” (Good morning, my love)
He knew you couldn’t understand what he was saying and yet he refused to stop speaking his language to you. Maybe the absence of understanding was apart of why he did it. Maybe it allowed him to be comfortable saying the things he wouldn’t dare slip off his tongue if he knew you’d understand.
“K'uk'ulkan”. His name fell from your mouth with ease, the way it had thousands of times before. You never tired of seeing your water god, not when he came to your shores looking the way he did. Namor sauntered slowly up to you with a small brown box cradled in between his fingers. Those green shorts left little to the imagination, not that you were complaining.
“How have you been” he asked genuinely, eyes finding yours as he slides his had gingerly around your waist. His fingers moved cautiously around the gems of your waist beads, testing how far you’d let him get as if he had never touched you before. It wasn’t until he was close enough that you could see the state he was in. Battered, bruised, littered in cuts.
He hadn’t visited you in a week which was unlike him. In the event that his duties as king would tear him from you for longer than he liked, he would always make sure you knew. Worry crept up your spine when he hadn’t paid you a visit in 3 days time and you waited desperately for any sort of sign. A smoke signal, a message in a bottle, anything, but nothing ever came. You suspected something dubious was going on with him. Your suspicion was correct.
“What happened to you”
You saw the way his eyebrows raised slightly, as if he didn’t expect you to ask.
“What would it matter if I told you, in yakunaj”
“You leave without a trace in the ocean and you expect me to not want answers? Do you think just because you’ve returned that I’m not owed an explanation?”
You had a point, he couldn’t deny.
“I had a run in with the Wakandans, their new queen is a formidable warrior. I have done things I don’t know if I’m proud of. Things I’d rather not tell in fear you would look at me differently”.
“Does war follow your actions K'uk'ulkan?” You had to know your chances of loosing him. The brown in his eyes soften as he gazed upon you, his hands gripping your waist with more force as if he’s scared you’ll blow away with the wind. The sun made the brown of your skin dance beneath his finger tips, a sight he wouldn’t trade for the world. To him, your beauty could not be matched by any woman, land or sea.
“Not anytime in the near future. Not with the Wakandans. Despite my wrongdoings I have secured an ally for Talokan”. His response seemed to calm you and he took notice of this. As much as you tried to deny it, you did have feelings for him.
This encouraged him to lean into the dip of your neck, inhaling your scent. Honey and mangos with a hint of cinnamon, a smell he would burn into every fiber of his brain had the heavens above allowed it. Opening the box he slowly removed its contents, a beautiful Amber necklace with a pendant surrounded by Talokanil pearls. You didn’t flinch as his wet hands turned you away from him, moving to clip the necklace on with ease. You saw the admiration in his eyes as he scanned down the valley of your breast to look at where the necklace rested. It was beautiful against your complexion and sat comfortably on the knit bra like top you wore. To colonizers your dress was primitive, to him, it was beauty in it’s purest form.
“I count every hour until I am able to see you again. Will you not return to Talokan with me to save me of the pain of having to live without you”.
Would you go with him? You truly didn’t know. Your duty was to your people, to your island, who were you to abandon them? The gods had given you life to serve the islanders and your power of growing plants on a whim served the people well. At a moments notice you could conjure up rows of fruit trees to feed the village. Despite this, you couldn’t help your mind when it wondered to thoughts about what it would be like being his queen. Adored by him and his people. He had walls covered in tapestry depicting you, what would it be like to wake up to them in his embrace every morning? The feeling of him kissing up the side of your neck pulled you out of your thoughts. As much as you’d love to spend every waking moment like this, you knew it wasn’t possible.
“We both know that cannot happen. I have a duty to my people and yours deserve a queen that is one of them”. The words left your mouth so quietly you had to second guess if you had actually said them. His response assured you that you did. That wasn’t the answer he wanted.
“What would lead you to think you are not one of us? You can breathe water like us, swim like us, eat like us. I’d never let the name Namor come from you, is that not testament enough to your place in my life?”
“I am neither your enemy nor your people, what am I to call you? Surely the better of the two names”
“In yakunaj would suffice”. A smile graced his face as he pulled away from your neck. Watching as small purple bruises burned into the brown of your neck.
“I will not call you a name if I don’t know what it means”
“And yet you call me K'uk'ulkan without a care in the world. Do you trust that it’s meaning is good? Or is it that you trust me, lòol (flower)”
In all honesty, you didn’t have an answer. He must have taken your silence as confirmation of your trust as he worked to push you up against the mango tree behind the two of you. He did it with more force than intended but you were quick to catch the mango as it fell, not without accidentally bruising it. It’s juices flowed onto your hands and covered you fingers with its sticky substance. Namor’s eyes darkened as he watched you attempt to clean the mango’s residue from your hands after placing it to the ground. He gently gripped your hand and brought it up to his mouth, eyes meeting yours. He began to slowly suck the juices from your skin in a way that set your body a blaze. Everything about the scene was seductive and you enjoyed it more than you felt you should have. You tried your best to mask the shock as he slowly dropped to his knees before you.
“Maybe I need to use a different approach to make you change your mind”
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
A month in the Caribbean. Came back for work for February and first week of March then immediately heading back to Tom in London with Noon. When I tell you girlfriend Z is so damn adorable! I love that she’s in love. Both of them.
I know right?? 2.0 Tomdaya has definitely been about them prioritizing each other. 💯
We saw that early on....
Tom flying out to LA and spending months on the set of EU S2 with her
Taking their baecation up north
Attending a wedding together 🥰
Going on several days together (ie. LA, NYC, etc
Tom surprising Z in Italy while she was over there for work ❤
Them spending time with each other just about every weekend while they were both filming their respective projects in NYC and Boston (TCR & Challengers)
Tom visiting Zendaya in Budapest, Jordan, and wherever else the heck Dune Part 2 filmed last year rofl 🤣
Them spending a full MONTH together on a private island with each other in the Caribbean
Now... Zendaya is BACK with Tom visiting him and his family over in London, and she's even brought her freaking DOG with her (which leads me to believe that she's probably going to be there for at least a little bit)
So yea.... They're definitely prioritizing each other in 2.0, and we love that for them! 🥰 They found a compromise and a way to make things work for them. ❤
And see, this is precisely why I keep telling fans to just CHILL, relax, go with the flow, and TRUST Tom and Zendaya and realize that they know what is best for them. Just W.A.S.!
Just a week ago, some anons were complaining that Z hadn't visited Tom in London, or were bitter that Tom was staying in London instead of accompanying her to all of these awards shows in LA. 🙄 Some were even assuming or calling for their breakup lol 😒
Chiiiilllle.... Meanwhile, Tom and Z have already long-since planned that they would see each other after she got through with her obligations in LA and in Paris.😅🤣 Imo their plan made way more sense to me, especially since now we know that Tom himself was also very busy with his family obligations, attending events for his brothers, going on a trip with his buddies and brothers, and doing the TBT event himself. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Like, you all have to START TRUSTING Tom and Zendaya.
I feel like SOME "fans" are just waiting on edge 24/7 for their impending breakup even though there's nothing of the sort to even suggest that at all! Idk if that's due to the trauma from July 17th 👀, being a newbie shipper, or just being an anti in disguise, but whatever it is, it's annoying, and I personally do not intend to spend my Tomdaya 2.0 shipping time being anxious or waiting for the other shoe to drop like that 24/7. 🙄😒 These two are practically married to each other at this point rofl. 😂
Believe me, when a couple has broken up, there WILL be MAJOR signs.... (massive unfollows of ppl on their end, no more likes on posts, no more visits or pics of them together for over 6 months at least, them being spotted out getting cozy with other ppl - 👈🏾 this is honestly the BIGGEST and most reliable sign right here lol🤭) ...
When a celebrity couple splits, believe me, the signs are there. 😏 So unless you start seeing THOSE signs all at once, you really don't have to worry about TZ at all.
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themculibrary · 9 months
Short Stony Fics Masterlist
5 Times Steve Was Insecure, + 1 Time Tony Was (ao3) - kenzithewriter E, 3k
Summary: 5 times Steve was insecure, starting with joining the Avengers, and continuing over time as his relationship with Tony progresses, and then +1 of Tony being insecure with Steve.
American Pie (ao3) - aven_garde E, 5k
Summary: There's a mission that requires Steve to strip down to his underwear. His American flag themed underwear. Tony is very interested.
approval (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor G, 2k
Summary: Rhodes is coming to visit Tony for the weekend, and he's also meeting Steve, Tony's new boyfriend, for the first time.
Borderline (ao3) - nix_this E, 4k
Summary: Sex. With feelings. Also, fisting.
Caffeine, Otherwise Known as the Key to Tony Stark's Heart (ao3) - sol-nox (parasoling) T, 3k
Summary: A new coffee shop opens across the street from Stark Tower. Steve is the hot, sweet and predictably clueless owner. Tony tries to do what he does best.
cute quaterbacks (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor T, 1k
Summary: Steve and Bucky grew up as childhood best friends and are now roommates in college. Bucky dares Steve to bring a date to one of his upcoming football games after Steve suggests he could date anyone he wanted to. Enter Tony Stark
Distraction (is a “D” word, so it’s okay) (ao3) - ChancreDoll M, 3k
Summary: Steve and Tony return to base after a terrible battle. Tony attempts to distract Steve from his grief with reason, sex, and finally his unique form of Tony Stark humor (and caring).
Flirt with Me (ao3) - holmesintardis E, 2k
Summary: In his own way, Steve finally comes to grips with Tony’s incessant flirting. Tony can’t say he doesn’t love Steve’s methods.
Hot for Teacher - ceealaina T, 3k
Summary: Tony is the established physics teacher, Steve is the truly terrible new guidance counsellor. It’s not quite love at first sight (but it’s a pretty close thing).
Just Come Home (ao3) - Pearl_Unplanned T, 3k
Summary: It had been four months since Tony had last seen his Alpha. It was supposed to be a normal mission, infiltrating A.I.M. But something must've gone wrong, because they'd lost all contact with Steve, the day he was supposed to be back. He was going to tell his Alpha the second that he was home that he was going to be a father.
Only, Steve didn't come home.
(Or pregnant Omega Tony is scared when his Alpha goes missing. When they do find Steve, four months later, he isn’t alone, and the Rogers-Stark family will never be the same.)
Lifesaver (ao3) - copperbadge G, 1k
Summary: Steve really, really hates being sick.
me and you +1 (ao3) - samandbucky N/R, 4k
Summary: Steve discovers that he's pregnant after the events of Civil War, but he doesn't get a chance to tell Tony because Team Cap is currently in hiding, and Steve can't risk calling Tony and getting the others in trouble. Steve is trying to get through the pregnancy, but it's hard when he doesn't have Tony around. He's grateful for Natasha and Sam's support, but it's not the same.
quiet golden shores (ao3) - JenTheSweetie M, 3k
Summary: A few months ago when Tony had thrown out casually, “You could always visit my place in the Caribbean,” Steve had asked if he meant a private island, and Tony had dismissed, “Nah, it’s just a compound on an isolated peninsula,” and Steve had been about to roll his eyes even before Tony added, “Private islands are excessive, I sold all of mine in the 90s.”
Stuck With You (Seriously?) (ao3) - Jaune_Chat E, 2k
Summary: Steve and Tony are drugged, captured, and wake up in a very compromising position. There's really only one way out. Sex.
In other news, Tony thinks the Avengers need better villains. ;)
Triple Date (ao3) - upquark T, 3k
Summary: Tony has a cunning plan to get a date with Steve. Darcy's in it for the food.
Unburied (ao3) - attenuata E, 3k
Summary: Steve and Tony meet up after a long time away from each other. Tony has been repressing all his feelings and when he sees some women try to hit on Steve at the bar they're at, he can't control his jealousy. Will he confess his attraction to Steve or just be a dick?
voglio sentirti (ao3) - lackluster_lexicon E, 4k
Summary: Steve returns to Stark Tower ten months after leaving Tony in Siberia.
Wanderer (ao3) - 51stCenturyFox M, 1k
Summary: Tony jerks away like he's awakened to find himself taunting an alligator with a raw chicken, and almost falls on the floor.
"You sleepwalked," Steve says, stating the obvious,"into my bed."
We're Going Off-Script (ao3) - ishipallthings T, 5k
Summary: “Or, maybe you just need practice?” Steve blinks at Tony’s question, confused. Maybe Tony needs more sleep than he thought. He’ll have to check with JARVIS.
“Practice - at dating?”
(Steve needs help in the dating department. Tony is happy to help out, because he’s a very good friend. That’s definitely the only reason.)
why stop now (ao3) - Zekkass E, 4k
Summary: Tony's an alpha, Steve's an alpha, they shouldn't work.
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dramioneasks · 10 months
Hello loves!!
Can you give me dramione recs where draco is a big drama queen or sassy?
The Island by Frumpologist - E, WIP - An accident with a smuggled Portkey sends Hermione and Draco to an unknown deserted island. It’ll be fine—all they have to do is figure out how to survive both the island and each other until help arrives… if it ever arrives.
Hermione Granger and the Runes of Renewal by AlulaSprinkles - M, WIP - “But he’s dead,” she whispered, fear slowly gripping her. He was gone, though. He was really gone this time. Right? “If he’s dead, the curse… it can’t possibly live on…” Malfoy gave her an almost sympathetic look and shook his head slowly. Dread filled her stomach. Because as she thought about it, she knew Voldemort would ensure any curse he cast outlasted even himself. Always in the pursuit of immortality, including in his darkest magic. *** Or: Draco Malfoy is up to something--Hermione just knows it! Determined to get to the bottom of his mischief, Hermione's shocked at what she discovers. But, with time running out, can she and the school’s most infamous snake uncover the secrets of Hogwarts castle before its too late?
The night round by Neevea - E, one-shot - Hermione and Draco in an empty corridor , what could even happen ?
Not Done With You Yet by slytherindiaries - E, 2 chapters - After being dumped by Ron, Hermione attends a wizarding speed dating event where she bumps into none other than Draco Malfoy.
Firewhiskey and Vanilla by slytherindiaries - E, one-shot - Theo cocks his head to the size, studying the Gryffindor. “Draco’s my best friend, you know.” Hermione freezes as panic wells up inside, threatening to overflow. “And what does that have to do with me?” “It means I know everything about him. All his secrets.” He leans in and sniffs her hair lightly. “Tell me, is that…vanilla I smell?” Where Theodore Nott meddles and Hermione and Draco almost get caught.
Whinge and Binge by teh_kris_eh - T, one-shot - Join the lovely humans who married the members of our favorite trio as they meet up to whinge about the trouble their spouses just can't seem to avoid over a glass of wine.
Rivers of Whiskey and Honey by charingfae - E, one-shot - Draco has been pretending to date Hermione for two months and four days. Which, in his mind, is two months and four days too long, and one eternity short of long enough. He isn't prepared to run into her on his solo morning walk after their latest 'date'. Or for her to trail her fingers down his arm and lean in to kiss him... Cozy, fluffy, smut.
What Dreams Were Made Of by AutumnWeen - E, 2 chapters -
9:00 am Floo call with bloody Theo (Again) 11:00 am Arrive at resort 12:00 pm Visit the beach at Granger’s insistence 3:20 pm Drink cocktail laced with fucking Amortentia while with Hermione Granger (FUCK!) 4:00 pm+ Nap, shower, get dressed 7:00 pm Rehearsal Dinner (Whatever that is)
Draco and Hermione traveled to the Caribbean as part of Theo and Luna's wedding party. Everything was going fine until they decided to try the couple's signature drink created by the resort. Nowhere was it mentioned that one of its ingredients was Amortentia.
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latest-trends-2024 · 13 days
Escape to Cuba without Leaving St. Augustine: Paladar Cuban Eatery
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Imagine stepping into a vibrant Cuban marketplace, the air filled with the tantalizing aromas of roasted pork, freshly baked bread, and sweet guava pastries. Now, picture experiencing that same sensory delight without leaving St. Augustine, Florida. At Paladar Cuban Eatery, you can embark on a culinary journey that transports you straight to the heart of the Caribbean island.
Paladar Cuban Eatery is more than just a restaurant; it's a portal to the rich and flavorful world of Cuban cuisine, and thus it is the best restaurant in St Augustine to visit and enjoy delicious, healthy and fresh food. From the moment you step inside, you're immersed in a warm and inviting atmosphere that reflects the vibrant spirit of Cuba. The decor, the music, and even the friendly staff all contribute to creating an authentic Cuban experience.
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clairelsonao3 · 8 months
Get to Know Tag
Thanks to @thatndginger (post here) for tagging me! I (sometimes) relish the opportunity to talk about myself. Or remain mysterious about myself, depending on the question ...
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: This is that "mysterious" one I promised.
Favorite color: Blue. Officially cerulean blue, but when it comes to clothing, navy blue.
Song stuck in my head: "Son of a Preacher Man" by Dusty Springfield. My friend was teasing me the other day for saying I wanted to try singing it at karaoke night. I haven't decided yet if I will.
Favorite food: Bread, which is unfortunate because I can't really eat it anymore. Of the things I do eat regularly, probably cheese. No specific kind, okay?
Last song listened to: "Splinters" by Shal Marshall. Full disclosure: I'm sitting in a bar I regularly visit on my Caribbean island (working, I swear!) and someone requested this. I vocally concurred.
Soca: it's the best genre you're not listening to!
Dream trip: Sailing the South Pacific. Although I was thinking the other day that a trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway would be fun.
Last tv show/movie: I honestly don't remember. I did turn on Netflix a few days ago, but this just demonstrates how little I pay attention to anything I watch.
Spicy/sweet/savory?: Savory. Sweets are good, too, but I generally avoid sugar these days. I only tolerate spice (in food, that is...)
Last thing I googled: "SBA business loans." It was for work. But I should probably check whether romance novelists qualify.
TEN PEOPLE??! Get real. But if these people care to participate, I'd love to know more about you! (Sorry, posting the template is too much work. You'll figure it out).
@snakebites-and-ink @generic-whumperz @heartinthehospital
@mj-iza-writer @mysticstarlightduck
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mywisdomexchange · 20 days
Diving into the Deep: A Scuba Enthusiast's Guide to the Best Destinations
As a seasoned scuba diver, I've had the privilege of exploring some of the most breathtaking underwater worlds on Earth. From the vibrant coral reefs of the Caribbean to the mysterious depths of the Pacific Ocean, each dive has been a unique and unforgettable experience. In this blog post, I'll share my top picks for the best scuba diving destinations and offer insights into what makes each location truly special.
The Caribbean: A Coral Reef Paradise
The Caribbean Sea is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, warm temperatures, and diverse marine life. It's a scuba diver's dream come true, with countless islands and atolls offering world-class diving opportunities. Here are a few of my favorite Caribbean destinations:
The Great Barrier Reef, Australia: The world's largest coral reef system, the Great Barrier Reef is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit for any scuba enthusiast. With its vast array of marine life, including sharks, turtles, and colorful fish, it's a truly awe-inspiring experience.
Cozumel, Mexico: Located off the Yucatán Peninsula, Cozumel is a popular diving destination known for its healthy coral reefs and abundant marine life. The island offers a variety of dive sites, suitable for all levels of experience.
Bonaire: This Dutch Caribbean island is a diver's paradise, with pristine reefs and crystal-clear waters. Bonaire is also home to a marine park that protects its underwater environment.
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The Pacific Ocean: A World of Wonders
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth, and it offers a vast array of diving experiences. From the tropical waters of Southeast Asia to the cold, nutrient-rich waters of the Pacific Northwest, there's something for everyone. Here are a few of my favorite Pacific diving destinations:
Raja Ampat, Indonesia: This remote archipelago in Indonesia is considered by many to be the most biodiverse marine ecosystem on Earth. With its pristine reefs, crystal-clear waters, and abundant marine life, Raja Ampat is a must-visit for any serious scuba diver.
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Maldives: This island nation in the Indian Ocean is famous for its luxury resorts and stunning beaches. But beneath the surface, the Maldives offers some of the best diving in the world, with vibrant coral reefs and a diverse range of marine life.
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador: The Galapagos Islands are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a natural laboratory for evolution. With its unique marine ecosystem, including sea lions, penguins, and giant tortoises, the Galapagos Islands offer a truly unforgettable diving experience.
The Red Sea: A Hidden Gem
The Red Sea is a relatively small body of water, but it offers some of the most diverse and vibrant diving in the world. With its warm waters, nutrient-rich currents, and unique marine life, the Red Sea is a hidden gem for scuba divers. Here are a few of my favorite Red Sea destinations:
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt: This popular tourist destination offers excellent diving opportunities, with a variety of dive sites suitable for all levels of experience. Sharm El Sheikh is also home to the Ras Mohammed National Park, which protects some of the most pristine reefs in the Red Sea.
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Hurghada, Egypt: Another popular Red Sea destination, Hurghada offers a wide range of diving experiences, from shallow reefs to deep wrecks. Hurghada is also a great place to learn to scuba dive.
Safaga, Egypt: This quieter Red Sea destination is known for its pristine reefs and abundant marine life. Safaga is also a great place to spot pelagic species, such as tuna, marlin, and sharks.
The Mediterranean Sea: A Classic Destination
The Mediterranean Sea is a classic diving destination, with a long history of maritime exploration. While it may not have the same level of biodiversity as the Caribbean or the Pacific, the Mediterranean still offers some excellent diving opportunities. Here are a few of my favorite Mediterranean destinations:
Gozo, Malta: This small island offers a variety of dive sites, from shallow reefs to deep wrecks. Gozo is also home to the Blue Hole, a famous underwater sinkhole that attracts divers from all over the world.
Croatia: The Croatian coast is home to many beautiful islands and coves, offering a variety of diving experiences. Croatia is also a great place to explore ancient shipwrecks
Cyprus: This island nation in the eastern Mediterranean offers a variety of dive sites, suitable for all levels of experience. Cyprus is also home to the Zenobia wreck, a large cargo ship that sank in 1998 and is now a popular diving destination.
My Personal Experiences
I've had the privilege of diving in many of these destinations, and each one has left a lasting impression. One of my most memorable experiences was diving with manta rays in the Maldives. These majestic creatures are truly awe-inspiring, and it was a privilege to swim alongside them in their natural habitat.
Another unforgettable experience was diving with hammerhead sharks in the Galapagos Islands. These sharks are incredibly graceful and powerful, and it was a thrill to watch them swim through the crystal-clear waters.
Tips for Scuba Divers
If you're planning a scuba diving trip, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your experience:
Get certified: Make sure you have the proper training and certification before diving. There are many reputable organizations that offer scuba diving courses.
Choose the right destination: Consider your experience level, interests, and budget when choosing a diving destination.
Pack the essentials: Make sure you have all the necessary equipment, including your dive computer, mask, snorkel, fins, and wetsuit.
Respect the marine environment: Be mindful of your impact on the marine environment. Avoid touching or disturbing marine life, and be careful not to damage the reefs.
Dive with a buddy: Never dive alone. It's always safer to dive with a buddy who can assist you if necessary.
Enjoy the experience: Most importantly, relax and enjoy the experience. Scuba diving is a fantastic way to connect with nature and explore the underwater world.
Scuba diving is a truly rewarding activity that offers countless opportunities for adventure and exploration. Whether you're a seasoned diver or just starting out, there's a destination out there that's perfect for you. So pack your bags, grab your scuba gear, and get ready to discover the wonders of the underwater world.
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Dinotopia Lost
Alright, so a while back I made a post describing how sentient predatory dinosaurs were handled in the original Dinotopia books. I mentioned a novel called Dinotopia Lost that actually focuses on the predators of the Rainy Basin along with an intriguing premise about pirates landing on the normally peaceful island, and how I considered making a post about it should I get the opportunity.
Well, that opportunity is now.
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Written by noted sci-fi writer Alan Dean Foster, Dinotopia Lost can best be described as a crossover between Pirates of the Caribbean and The Lost World: Jurassic Park.
...no, I'm not kidding. It's a pretty accurate description of the book.
Swept up by a freak storm, the pirate ship Condor, lead by the fearsome Captain Brognar Blackstrap and his first mate Smiggens, is marooned on Dinotopia. Deciding to make the most of their impromptu visit, they come across a family of Struthiomimus and immediately take them captive to sell them to the highest bidder, believing them to be a rare species of animal. Naturally like all dinosaurs on the island, they are sentient, but aren't able to communicate this at all to the newcomers. To make matters worse, the pirates not only decide to make a foray into the dangerous Rainy Basin, but they also kidnap a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex.
One of the Struthies manages to escape her bonds and manages to relay the incident to Treetown, securing help from Will Denison, a Skybax rider and one of the protagonists from the original books. Along with a Protoceratops named Chaz, the three make their way into the dangerous Rainy Basin in pursuit of the pirates. Things get complicated though when the juvenile Tyrannosaur's gigantic parents are on the prowl, and tension begins to run within the ranks of the pirates. Along with an oncoming monstrous storm on the horizon, it's a race against both time, man, and beast as the heroes try to rescue the captives from Brognar's clutches.
Already the premise is pretty intriguing. Dinotopia as a setting is depicted as a utopian society where pacificism is the norm. So the idea of a group of pirates, a decidedly not pacifistic career, landing on their shores is quite an interesting scenario. Does it work?
...well. Actually, it does. Captain Brognar and his crew (especially Smiggens) are arguably the stars of the novel since the first half details them exploring the wilderness and encountering dinosaurs for the first time. Thing is, the majority of them aren't portrayed as your typical swashbucklers. They're a motley crew that comes from many nations, all brought together since society had rejected them (one almost got arrested for stealing bread for his family). While Brognar comes the closest to being your stereotypical pirate captain, the narrative makes it clear that he's the one that brought everyone together, a figure that the crew both admires and fear in equal measure for his courage, his temper, and his surprisingly quick thinking. He's not exactly the best person to work under, but you can understand why anybody would respect him.
His first mate Smiggens is the opposite. He's the only one that comes from a learned background, which puts him at odds with the others when he gets curious about the island they landed on. Including Brognar, though the captain does have a good deal of respect for his reliability. It's also Smiggens who's the first to realize that the Golden Age of Piracy is ending since their fleeing from a galleon was got them in this mess in the first place. Hell, it's a fact many of the pirates do admit as the story progresses and that many of them, outside of Brognar and his most violent followers, actually resent their lot in life. Brognar's just that much of an influence that they believe they don't have much of a choice. They're not entirely bad people, just caught up under really bad circumstances.
Their opposites in the Dinotopians bring this out. The novel does a decent job of introducing the society they live in. Especially with Will Denison as a daredevil looking to make a name for himself. He's reckless, taking the opportunity to go save the family without much backup aside from Chaz and Keelk (the escaped Struthiomimus). But he's not completely out of his depths since he's had his fair share of adventures in the past, and works more as a diplomat than an action hero you might expect from a story like this. Especially once he gets to the Rainy Basin and encounters the pirates where he tries to negotiate with them to...varying degrees of success.
His opposite is Chaz, a young translating Protoceratops who has a bit of a chip on his shoulder due to an incident involving Will's father and the famous translator Bix when they initially arrived in Dinotopia. Chaz is stuffy, not really used to going out into the wilderness and hasn't gotten the experience of his peers. He does mean well mind you, but he's not gonna be happy about it. Thing is, he's not one to back down and when Will is captured by the pirates, he's one of the most adamant that the human gets rescued. Even braves the teeth of the carnosaurs to translate for Will.
As for the carnosaurs, they're the other real stand out stars in this novel. Like I mentioned before, how Gurney handled them as choosing to live like their ancestors but aren't above negotiation is handled well here. The society of the Rainy Basin denizens are given a lot of focus which is actually very engrossing. For one, there are laws that basically say that everyone that ventures into the Rainy Basin is fair game for the carnosaurs (which makes sense given the amount of warnings and common sense everyone practices around that place). Even then, the carnivorous dinosaurs don't actually hunt most of the time since most of their diet consists of dying dinosaurs that have made pilgrimages to various graveyards throughout the rainforest (won't stop them from hunting, but it's explained as an innate predatory instinct). They also deeply respect the boundaries of each other, actively avoiding fights and even eating alongside one another if there's enough meat for everyone.
And they do have a strict code of honor. Crookeye and Shethorn, the two parent tyrannosaurs, willingly work with Will to find their kidnapped daughter after some negotiations. While Will is a bit nervous about working with them, Chaz assures the humans that no carnosaur will go back on their word. While there is some tension due to the understandable worry and anger of the parents, they do come to respect Will, Chaz, and Keelk. Even giving them names in their tongue, which is a great honor in itself. They naturally consider the party friends by the time they depart ways.
Turns out giving the heroes names in their tongue is the best thing they could've done since Will is able to use what he's learned of their language to communicate with Prettykill, the juvenile. Prettykill has just as much of an attitude like her parents, but amplified by her poor treatment and being separated from her family. It's a very understandable emotion that Will is able to sympathize with. It's especially easy for readers to see the tyrannosaurs not necessarily as monsters but a concerned and scared family trying to get back together. Especially since we get a foil in Keelk, the Struthie who is worried sick to death about her parents and siblings being held captive and almost runs herself to death trying to get help.
Which honestly one of the big themes of the novel: looking past the surface and finding what unites instead of dividing. The carnosaurs do have a form of society that, while different from the civilized Dinotopians, still have a lot of the same customs and values. The heroes and tyrannosaurs are united in their concerned for their loved ones being kidnapped and wanting to do the right thing. Even the pirates are humanized, with Will's previous experiences being a newcomer to Dinotopia being used as a comparison to how the pirates view the dinosaurs as either animals or monsters. Hell, Smiggens actually ends up wanting to stay in Dinotopia since he knows there's no future for the crew in the outside world, and manages to convince the vast majority of the crew along with Will's convincing. Plus the majesty of Dinotopia awes them into rethinking their violent ways.
A particular favorite character of mine is a good example of this: Tarqua. Tarqua is an elderly Deinonychus who had chosen a life of an ascetic. He's the first dinosaur to speak directly to the pirates, even causing them to pause a bit when he demonstrates his capability to use martial arts.
...yes. This book has a Deinonychus who meditates for most of his time, delivers some actually relevant philosophy (making him a literal Philosoraptor) and knows martial arts.
And yes, it's just as awesome as it sounds.
As a whole, I definitely believe Dinotopia Lost is worth a read. The themes and story are well executed and the characters while not perfect (a vast majority of Brognar's crew aren't that well developed and Will only gets involved around the mid-point) are still able to carry the story and are well done and developed overall. I really do think Foster does a good job of bringing Dinotopia, in particular the Rainy Basin, to life and does justice to such an interesting concept.
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
btw how did people find out that Hamilton was from the west indies? or he never tried to keep this a secret?
because he definetly knew that people had opinions (read: xenophobia) about people that came from there, so I'd imagine that he'd try to keep this information to himself, but seeing how much Adams used this to swear him on the press, aparently people were quite aware of this
He couldn't have necessarily kept it a secret even if he wanted to, Hamilton still had relations with the West Indies even after moving to the colonies. His boyhood best friend, Edward Stevens, was also from the West Indies and many knew him to be close with Hamilton, or Ann Mitchell. Not to mention, Hamilton worked with others, like William Seton, on the matter of helping his father leave the Caribbean. And I'm sure others knew too like the Livingstons' Hamilton stayed with when he first arrived.
Also, in part, he seems to have just told people, likely when it arose in conversation. In a journal record from Henrietta Liston, dated the 6th of May, 1796, she writes about Hamilton visiting her; “We were visited by, & very frequently met another Man of Emenence in this Country Col: Hamilton; once Secretary of the Treasury, [...]—Col: Hamilton is by Birth a West-Indian; by Profession a Lawyer; & has retired from publick business to the practice of his Profession.” [x]
And in another journal extract, A. B. Thompson talks about Hamilton from what was written in Samuel Baldwin's ‘Diary of Events in Charleston, S.C., From March 20th to April 20th, 1780’;
Mr. Baldwin, after he left College, at the age of sixteen was appointed Usher in a school at Elizabethtown. Alexander Hamilton, then a lad from the West Indies, was among his pupils, and Mr. B. speaks of him as a remarkably sprightly boy, and thinks from his familiarity with the classics that he had received good instruction in the languages before he came to this country.
Source — Proceedings, by New Jersey Historical Society
In an account from Theodorick Bland - who spent two months at Morristown in the spring of 1777 - She writes about Washington's aides in a letter to her sister; “Col. Hamilton, a sensible, genteel, polite young fellow, a West Indian” [x] So, I doubt he was being secretive about it, and it wasn't like one day something leaked and everyone found out.
While on the subject, I think there is room for a conversation about the people who misunderstand Hamilton's shame of being illegitimate, to his heritage on the island. Because they are two different subjects, while both were a burden on his name for quite some time, it doesn't mean he lumped them together, and neither should people when revisiting history. He did know about the prejudice against West Indians, as it was commonplace in the Colonies especially in the North (I talk about this more here and here). But he wasn't really concealing it at all. While he sure as Hell wasn't waving it around with pride per se, it wasn't necessarily a hush-hush topic. And while some can speculate that perhaps Hamilton wasn't as shameful in the beginning until he started getting bashed in the press, considering the dates of the previously mentioned records are primarily around the war. He still says it frankly in later years too, even after getting insulted for his illegitimacy;
My father now dead was certainly of a respectable Scotch Family. His father was, and the son of his Eldest brother now is Laird of Grange. His mother was the sister of an ancient Baronet Sir Robert Pollock. Himself being a younger son of a numerous family was bred to trade. In capacity of merchant he went to St Kitts, where from too generous and too easy a temper he failed in business, and at length fell into indigent circumstances. For some time he was supported by his friends in Scotland, and for several years before his death by me. It was his fault to have had too much pride and two large a portion of indolence—but his character was otherwise without reproach and his manners those of a Gentleman. [...] A Dane a fortune-hunter of the name of Lavine came to Nevis bedizzened with gold, and paid his addresses to my mother then a handsome young woman having a snug fortune. In compliance with the wishes of her mother who was captivated by the glitter of the [___] but against her own inclination she married Lavine. The marriage was unhappy and ended in a separation by divorce. My mother afterwards went to St Kitts, became acquainted with my father and a marriage between them ensued, followed by many years cohabitation and several children. But unluckily it turned out that the divorce was not absolute but qualified, and thence the second marriage was not lawful. Hence when my mother died the small property which she left went to my half brother Mr Lavine who lived in South Carolina and was for a time partner with Mr Kane. He is now dead.
Source — Alexander Hamilton to William Jackson, [August 26, 1800]
And judging by this letter, it becomes apparent that Hamilton was more ashamed regarding his bastard title, rather than his Creole one. It's been speculated that the myth of ‘Rachel and James getting married but legal complications didn't consider it official’ was something Hamilton may have been told by his parents. Whether he later found out it was false or not, he continued to use it anyway. The point is, he would rather lie about his illegitimacy than his heritage (Also probably because he couldn't lie about it at that point).
The characterization of aversion to these topics from Hamilton usually stems from this false letter, and in John C.'s biography where he says he, “rarely as he alluded to his personal history,” [x] but goes on to talk about his father's time at a Jewish school and his birth. This is again why I think Hamilton was moreso reserved about his illegitimacy or childhood since this uncomfortable stray from the topic is usually always directly related to his parent's marriage rather than the Carribean itself. Especially since he seems comfortable joking about his Creole title with his family;
Give my love to Angelica & assure [her] that I did not leave her pye out of resentment for her having changed its original destination; but because it was impossible to take it with us without abandonning a basket of Crabs which was sent to my care for Mrs. Rensselaer. It has always been my creed that a lady’s pleasure is of more importance than a Gentleman’s, so the pye gave way to the Crabs. It was a nice question, but after mature reflection I decided in favour of the latter. Perhaps as a Creole I had some sympathy with them.
Source — Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [1801]
He even did this with friends, holding himself apart from Americans in a letter to Rufus King;
To see the character of the Government and the country so sported with, exposed to so indelible a blot puts my heart to the Torture. Am I then more of an American than those who drew their first breath on American Ground? Or What is it that thus torments me at a circumstance so calmly viewed by almost every body else? Am I a fool—a Romantic quixot—Or is there a constitutional defect in the American Mind? Were it not for yourself and a few others, I could adopt the reveries of De Paux as substantial truths, and would say with him that there is something in our climate which belittles every Animal human or brute.
Source — Alexander Hamilton to Rufus King, [21 February 1795]
Overall, it wasn't a secret and the impression you get from mentions of his heritage by others is that he seems to have spoken about it often. But I do think Hamilton was more reserved about his illegitimacy rather than being born an islander. Not that he was extremely proud about either. Hope this helps!
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incompleteguide · 6 months
nicest beaches we know
we did a review of dune: part two as our main article for the substack, so as a thematic spin-off we made a list of the nicest beaches we know (because we’ve been there):
1. stormalong bay at disney’s beach and yacht club resorts, walt disney world (united states)
a lot of people traditionally picture beaches as the sandy (or pebbly) spots where you spend time outside of the water. if you’ve clicked the link above, you’ve obviously seen that stormalong bay is categorised as a swimming pool. however, and it’s a big however, this swimming pool feels like a miniature water park - including a beach that transitions into the more lively elements, like a waterfall pool. still, the fact that you can feel the sand under your toes keeps you feeling beachy.
2. kamari’s “black” beach, santorini (greece)
kamari has much to offer - its historic dig site hosts what assassin’s creed: odyssey would like to tell us is home to atlantis, for instance. its black beach is better for folks who have less time. sure, the sand isn’t legitimately black (the only time we’ve ever seen that was in sri lanka, after the 2004 tsunami, so not a great memory). but it’s eye-catching, and this beach is a peaceful place in the off-season. visit between november and april for low crowds, but also few amenities.
3. preethipura beach, wattala (sri lanka)
colombo itself doesn’t have the best location for beaches - galle face and its adjacent “beach park” are far too urbanised and inauthentic to qualify for this list. drive out to wattala though, and you get more of a view. colombo’s skyscrapers grace the horizon, but the soft sand underneath feels more than just a couple of miles away. by now the genuinely black sands of the christmas day tsunami have washed away, leaving crystal clear water hugging the pristine beige shoreline.
4. hengistbury head, dorset (united kingdom)
about two miles east of bournemouth, is christchurch, a beautiful little town, which has marshes and a river mouth that connects to hengistbury head, a far superior beach to what bournemouth can offer. it takes nearly an hour to traverse its mile of undisturbed smooth sands and dunes. Its most easterly point offers ferry access to mudeford harbour. it’s the most quintessentially english spot, but shockingly desirable, with some of the beach huts, which have no amenities, available for weekly rent of up to £600 a week. if you’re going to visit, you’ll find it you can do it as a day visit or stay a few towns in land much cheaper (my childhood association with the area was down to us having a caravan). worth the view of its cliff sides full of nature reserves though!
5. seven mile beach, grand cayman
there isn’t a whole lot of culture to dig into on grand cayman, the largest of the cayman islands. its beaches though? they are spectacular. the caribbean has truly earned its reputation for white, fine sand and turquoise, yet transparent water. seven mile beach is walkable, providing several hours worth of beachcombing entertainment, and you can easily swim, or depart on a snorkelling adventure from there. avoid hurricane season, and ensure you have some kind of shade alongside sunscreen for protection.
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samithefungus · 2 years
Hi, I love your works and your writing style. Then I saw that in your description you have the Italian flag, so I assume you are Italian; I'm Italian too and I wanted to know which part of Italy you are from exactly?
Anyway I wanted make a request if I could...
I've read your work where Briefcase and the Reader (his boss) are dating and you mention their marriage a couple of times...
I wanted to ask if you could actually write something about their marriage, because now I'm curious 
Thanks in advance
Thank you Anon for your request, I I tried my best, hope you like it. <3
Anyway yes, I'm Italian, precisely I'm from Rome.
Briefcase x Boss Reader (Part 2?)
WARNINGS: Little mention of panic, but nothing more
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-By now you and Briefcase had been engaged for a long time, that's why Briefcase had decided to take ask you to marry him
-He bought the ring and did his best to keep it hidden from you until he found the right time to propose to you
-He wasn't very good at this, let's say you were able to guess that he was hiding something, but you didn't understand what
-Briefcase asked Brendon for help with ideas about how to propose, but in the end they both agreed that the classic proposal would be fine
-It would soon be your engagement anniversary, and Briefcase had arranged a dinner for the two of you
-Brendon advised him to propose there, and Briefcase found it a wonderful idea
-On the day of your romantic dinner Briefcase was really agitated and you noticed it clearly, but you thought it was because of work since you were full of things to do at that time
-At the end of the dinner he got up and stood in front of you and then got down on one knee and pulled out the ring
- "Will you marry me?" He said
-You put on the ring (implying a yes) and then you looked at him
-Briefcase, not receiving an answer, began to fidget and completely panicked
-You kissed him on the cheek and whispered, "Yes, I want to marry you"
-His eyes grew wide with joy and he blushed
-Everyone at work celebrated for your wedding
-Honestly, it bothered you a little; you knew that all this was just to work less and you would have even accepted it if it weren't for the fact that you were swamped with work at that time and in addition already behind on some deadlines
-You still decided to celebrate a bit and then send everyone back to work
-You and Briefcase decided to get married at the end of May, which was when the workload was less for the company and so your absence would not get in the way of other employees
-Brendon helped you with the organization of everything; you gave him the contacts with the people who published his novel; he owed you this a little bit
-Brendon is now an emerging writer, and that's why Briefcase can no longer call him Unemployed Brendon, so he started calling him 'Freelance Brendon'
-You scold him by reminding him that Brendon is helping you with your marriage; instead Brendon doesn't mind much, still better than Unemployed Brendon
-You and Briefcase decided to do something quiet without too many invitations
-Basically it was: you, him, Brendon (who was his brother's best man), your family, a few of your friends, and [Insert friend/family member who was your best man]
-During the bouquet toss you put too much force leaving it and because of these it ended up on Brendon's head, who was very confused about that while Briefcase started giggling
-After the cake and greeting the last guests, you and Briefcase were finally able to go and enjoy your first wedding night
-Although it wasn't a big wedding, it was the most memorable day of your life, and so was Briefcase
-After a few days you left for your honeymoon
-You and Briefcase decided to take a cruise
-Initially you wanted to go to the Caribbean, but it was not recommended at that time of year, so you opted for a cruise among the Mediterranean and Greek islands
-You visited islands like Madeira or the Canary Islands, and then went to Malta and Cyprus, making several exceptional stops in cities such as Genoa, Marseille, Valensia, Ibiza and Palermo when you visited the Mediterranean islands and then Venice, Mykonos and Santorino when you visited the Greek islands
-It was a wonderful vacation and for each place you visited you bought more than one souvenir, some that you gave to Brendon as a gift
-When you returned from your honeymoon you finally moved together in the house you had bought for the you two and now live there as a happy married couple
I wrote this after a long day of school (+ lots of homework), so if there are more mistakes than usual, I apologize. <3
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helianskies · 2 years
Diálogo prompt 25, spuk, definetly possessive england😍😍😍😍😍😍😍, if it is posible, pirate spuk
hello anon! sorry for casually sitting on this but. it's here! 🍪 happy birthday to me! :D the full fic is also on ao3 if you'd rather read it there <3
Watching is far from enjoyable. 
Arthur sips from his cup, drink soured by his surroundings and company, and he tries not to break under the pressure of revellers and their song.
Wedged next to him in a corner is perhaps his only friend on this earth beside his own ship, dearest João, Portuguese by birth and reckless by nature. They crossed paths about a month ago in Curaçao, and agreed to meet again elsewhere in the Caribbean—their current haunt. It's been nice to catch up. It's been nice to see him, to see how well he is and how he has been thriving out here. 
What has not been nice, however, is that their shared visit to this humble, little, inconsequential, speck-on-the-map of an island has been marred by the presence of another. The presence of someone like them, lawless, shameless, restless. 
João knows Antonio only in passing—reputation precedes them both, a whisper in salty wind, a threat across fine borders. But to Arthur, Antonio is more than a mere whisper; he is a scream, a deafening cry in the midst of battle, a creeping howl in the dead of night. And right now, that very thing, who has finished joining in with the revelry and singing, saunters over all too confidently and comes to stand within arm's reach. 
Only a small table separates them. Arthur could fumble for his flintlock, João could jab him in the leg with a blade. Perhaps they consider it. Perhaps only Arthur does—who truly knows?
"You are both looking very bored in this sad little corner," Antonio remarks as a hip sinks and he leans on one leg more than the other. It emphasises a pretty curve, as well as his pretentiousness. "Is this an age thing? Or do you just have nothing to celebrate?"
Arthur, who is quite sure he is younger than the Spanish weasel stood before them, does his best to not scowl too hard, though he feels his distaste is already known. João, on the other hand, gives a gentle, amused scoff as he continues to drink; he is better equipped, it seems, to deal with such comments (or to not deal with them, really).
“Come on,” the Spaniard implores, “you may as well join us, no? I might even buy you both a drink, if you’ll indulge me.”
A glance is shared between the two friends. Arthur senses the other’s inclination—the offer of a drink is something João has never before turned down, as far as he knows—and so the blonde turns to the intruder and asks, “What exactly are you celebrating?” to which Antonio’s smile appears to turn.
“We sank a unit of naval ships in the early hours of the morning on our way over from Grenada,” he tells them. “The crew’s just started a week’s worth of drinking and… libertinaje, much to their delight.”
“Any navy in particular?” João then queries. 
Antonio’s eyes shift away from Arthur, though he still feels as though he is being watched as the answer leaves the other’s mouth: “British, without a doubt.”
It almost makes him feel sick. Arthur’s only salvation is that he has had his own run-ins with fellow countrymen, and the need for survival and prosperity turns any flying flag invisible when cannonfire is involved.
Still, Antonio proceeds to offer them that drink. Again, Arthur and João look at each other for a silent response, and, defying all his own expectations and instincts, Arthurs finds himself agreeing with both of them, and being dragged from his seat over to the front bar for a freshly-filled tankard.
How time passes in the way it does, Arthur does not entirely understand. One drink turns into two turns into five. For a short while, the three of them are at the heart of a pirate choir. Arthur loses his hat, his jacket, his inhibitions, while João and Antonio watch on and join in and are then lost in the alcohol-induced haze that the Brit’s mind creates. 
Songs blend into each other, as do faces, as do conversations. Whispers whizz around the room like pestering flies. At some point, Antonio breaks out into something more folkish than sea-faring; hands clap along and the few who understand the seemingly heartfelt lyrics join in. But Arthur is not drawn to his voice so much as his body, his waist, his hips. It feels dirty. It feels filthy. But he also can't help it…
…like he can't help the blooming warmth he feels when his hat appears to suddenly materialise on Antonio's head, and he wears it so wonderfully that Arthur dares contemplate what he would look like wearing only the hat…
…like he can't help but shiver, almost, as fingers glide across and around his cheek, a passing caress as the song and its siren dance around him as part of a performance that, God, Arthur wishes could be private, for him, for only him…
…like he can't help how violently his mind turns when performative affections are directed elsewhere and João plays into them and Arthur suddenly doesn't know which one of them he wants to gut first, or if only one deserves his wrath…
The song ends. Another begins. And with it, the Brit feels like he blacks out. 
He can't be sure how much time he has lost by the time the three of them return to their corner—their quiet, boring, sad little corner tucked away by the stairs up to the inn rooms above (stairs already taken by some of the Spanish men, notably). 
Arthur finds himself in the chair against the external wall. To his right, Antonio and João are in the middle of an on-and-off hysterical fit of giggles quite unbecoming of men of their repute. Only, Antonio has in fact made himself comfortable on the other’s lap (he doubts João has even realised, or that he simply doesn’t care—doesn’t think much of it) as he listens to whatever absolutely made-up adventure João is telling him about.
For reasons he cannot quite place, it makes Arthur feel… uneasy. He does not like that they are so close, and so open. Innocent as it may be, his mind wanders. It imagines things that could happen (that could be happening right under his nose!) and plays out scenes that only make him feel worse. He sees wandering hands, dangerous eyes…
“You,” Antonio says, João apparently having finished his tale, “are trouble, and trouble that hides itself well. I’ll have to watch myself around you, eh? I’m scared to turn my back!”
His fingers twirl João’s hair, curling around and around and around. Arthur hates it, but still does not know why. Antonio glances at him (he can smell it on you) and his smile turns easy, lazy, before he returns to the other Iberian and whispers something in his ear. 
The way his unknown words make João laugh is terrifying. Arthur feels only fear and damnation. Antonio pulls back, continues to toy with the other’s hair and the Brit’s feelings, and time, once more, makes fools of them all.
More drinks come, but Arthur is no longer tempted, unlike his companions. He watches them drink and slur and stumble, and, as the tavern steadily empties, he finally suggests to João, the most far-gone, that perhaps it is time to call it a night. 
Fortunately for him, João does not protest and Antonio even agrees. He helps Arthur get João to his feet, then out of the building, and down the lane towards the docks. Arthur cannot pinpoint precisely when it happens, but at some point, they are met by one of João’s own crewmates who offers to escort the other all the way back to bed—the penultimate offer of the night that does not get refused. 
That leaves Arthur and Antonio alone. That leaves Arthur alone with Antonio, and the thoughts that still plague him.
“On that note,” Antonio says, “I think maybe I ought to, uhh… also go back…” He turns to Arthur, still smiling away, perfect, annoying. “It’s been kinda nice, though. I really did not expect you to join us."
Arthur shrugs. "You know what they say about keeping your enemies closer."
The other scoffs, but smiles, like he has been bestowed an honour. And then he asks, "Where are you, then?"
"Standing next to you…?"
"I… meant your vessel."
"Oh, uhh… Jus’ down there,” he replies. “You?"
Antonio hums, and then throws a gesture outwards, forwards, sea wards. "There," he replies, unfazed. "I'm out there…"
Arthur is perplexed. "Out… there?"
"Yeah," he says and sighs. "I don't like docking too soon after arriving somewhere in case we have to make a quick getaway, but… something tells me I should not risk rowing." It makes him snort, somehow amused by the peril. "Back to the inn for me, then." Antonio turns to Arthur. "I will not keep you any longer.”
Yet, as Antonio turns to walk and in fact does start to walk, Arthur is met by a breeze, and wafts of various images—of hats, of only hats, of sensual hips and whimsical whispers, of rum-spiced lips, of conquest and victory—that plunge him into action. 
"How about," he calls after the other, "you skip the inn, and join me instead."
It makes Antonio halt, twist slightly on his heel, and regard him somewhat sceptically. "On your ship?" he asks, as though it is a ridiculous thought. "Why, so you can kill me and dump my body at sea?"
"Hadn't crossed my mind."
"I have more rum onboard."
"So you can get me even more drunk and then kill me?"
"It would make it easier," Arthur concurs, "but I haven't got murder on my mind, this evening. Too drunk for it myself. If you're not interested though, I suppose I'll just… entertain myself—"
"Are you really asking me to board your ship for a… friendly drink…?"
It takes a moment for it to form, or perhaps for Arthur to recognise it, but Antonio's smile returns to his face. It makes the Brit's stomach flutter with anticipation and thrill.
"Alright," Antonio replies as he starts to step back towards him, a bit unsteady, even if he tries to play it off, "I will come with you. But I also reserve the right to shoot your brains out if you try anything funny, Kirkland. Satisfied?"
The blonde concedes, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Satisfied," he agrees, and with that, he gestures for Antonio to go ahead and walk with him.
Of course, 'satisfied' is only the tip of the iceberg of what Arthur is feeling. 
As soon as Antonio walks by, and Arthur becomes the only thing standing between him and the mainland, he feels a rush of something he can't describe. But it feels good, he knows that much—and that is all he needs.
The walk is largely carried out in silence. Arthur lets Antonio go up the gangway first, mindful to watch the other's steps (for even if there is some rope railing, he could still potentially fall into the water), and greets him on the main deck with a firm clap to the shoulder, before the silent walk continues.
He guides Antonio up to the quarter deck. He guides Antonio through a door. He guides Antonio then through another door, and then, still speechless, they are alone in the privacy of Arthur's quarters. 
"Nice," is the only word that initially comes from the Spaniard. His eyes dance around the room, grazing over the dark wood, the scant furniture, the candles that Arthur forgot to blow out before leaving for shore…
(Perhaps not a bad thing.)
"I expected more…"
Arthur is taken aback. "More?" he asks. "More what?"
"Just more ," Antonio replies. He takes a few steps further in, contemplates the rear musty windows, and then takes a seat quite abruptly on the bed. "I do not intend to be rude, I just mean… I expected more extravagance. More gold, more colour."
"Well," the blonde returns, "at least I now know what to expect on your ship."
"Ahh, you got me there. But where is the fun in stealing and plundering if I do not occasionally display my trophies?"
Perhaps Arthur should have expected as much from someone like Antonio. The Spanish have a thing for all things shiny and golden, almost like magpies, clever, resourceful and greedy. 
"Come on, then," Antonio calls, retrieving Arthur's attention. "I believe there was a promise of a drink? I fear I am already starting to sober—and I have been known to be a lot less pleasant when dry."
Arthur tries not to smile too suddenly, or sharply. "Then we'd better see to that, hadn't we?"
The gesture is welcomed with a rather delicate smile, which stirs the fires in both Arthur's chest and groin. A stranger would not look at that man and think him guilty of everything from petty theft to serial murder. Arthur wonders if there are scars across his body, however, that paint a different picture…
He pours them both a drink. The room is silent and he can feel eyes watching him. As amber liquid fills up small glasses, he hears some movement, shifting, or shuffling—nothing of great concern, but as it is the only noise other than trickling rum that he can hear, it sticks out, awkward. Though, what if Antonio conceals a weapon? What if, foolishly, Arthur has invited Antonio onto his boat only for the other to attempt the kill? 
The thought vanishes as fast as it appears, and Arthur lifts both glasses from the cabinet surface to rejoin his guest. Surely Antonio would not be so brazen or stu—…
Antonio is on the bed. As in, comfortably on the bed. Lying on the bed. He’s propped himself up against the pillows, legs crossed, quite relaxed. And, brazed indeed, pats the other side of the bed next to him—an invitation to join him once more.
This time, Arthur does not feel that tug to refuse or hesitate.  
He brings Antonio his drink and feels a sort of… spark, he believes, as they briefly connect. If the other feels it, too, it does not show; Antonio merely thanks him, and wastes no time in downing the drink he has been handed.
“You didn’t have to drink it all in one go,” Arthur marvels, even if it is how he would drink it, too.
Antonio agrees, nevertheless: “I expected it to be diluted,” he says. “Well done you for, uh… not doing that. Makes a nice change…”
“What can I say?” Arthur not-so-humbly replies as he returns to the cabinet and retrieves the decanter, having a terrible feeling they will need it. “I am a man of quality.”
The Spaniard snorts—a sudden reaction that he tries to fend off but ultimately fails to mask. Arthur would usually have felt offended, but… he, too, is amused by his peer. Prior to today, he had thought the only thing Antonio laughed at was death. How wrong, it seems, he has been.
All the same, Arthur offers Antonio a top-up. The other accepts, on the condition that Arthur finishes his own glass before refilling one.
“I would hate to be ahead of you,” is his reasoning. “More ahead of you than I think I already am, at that.”
So Arthur obliges. He mimics Antonio’s own drinking method, unfazed, and instantly pours them both another for good measure. Once more, he is thanked. Once more, he is left amazed by how easily the other puts it away, empties his glass.
For a split second, he wonders why Antonio does it—if he feels a need, perhaps, or if it is mere habit—but the thought is washed away by spiced rum, and sure enough, the drinking sees time make fools of them both.
Before Arthur knows it, the supply depletes, rare laughter comes to fill his room, boots and jackets get discarded as the atmosphere settles, and they are both left lying together on the bed. When it happens, Arthur feels so light yet so heavy, and the room moves in funny ways whenever he moves his head. Antonio can’t be much better off. 
And yet, at some point Antonio suddenly swings his legs off the bed and announces his departure, and all of that alcohol starts to fester and bubble inside of Arthur with just as little warning. 
Antonio stumbles. How could he not? He stumbles as he stands, just as Arthur stumbles as he sits up and demands to know, “Where are you going?”
“Back,” comes a fatigued response. “I have k—" He stops to hit his chest, fending off something that Arthur simply hopes is not vomit, and then resumes: "I have, uh… kept you up for long enough, I think, and there is a bed patiently waiting for me."
Yes, a demon within Arthur bellows, mine. 
Compelled to action, he does not give Antonio a chance to collect his boots.
"Stay," he says—urges—reaching over to the other but not quite able to grab anything (he does not want to look entirely like a fool). "Or have I bored you that much?"
"I would hesitate to call you a bore," Antonio assures him. "If anything, I…" He glances back at the Brit, and Arthur notes the crease in his brow. "I wonder if I have bored you."
Arthur is adamant, "Absolutely not. Why would you think that?"
"Because," Antonio says, "you have spent an entire evening staring at me, being teased by me, entertaining me… and yet, nothing has happened."
"L— Like what?"
"You tell me." 
"You invited me onto your ship," Antonio reminds him, returning to the bed and perching precariously on the edge. "Bearing in mind that you and I do not have the nicest history together, if you really did not intend to kill me, then why am I here?" He leans in. He looks so… "You… tell me."
Arthur feels backed into a corner. "Does there have to be a reason other than the one I gave you?"
Antonio, in turn, reacts as though he feels the same. "The reason you gave is nothing but a lie—and not a good one at that," he remarks. "As amicable as we have been, we certainly required the alcohol."
"But I—"
"The truth is, I am confused," he presses, however. "I am confused by you and your behaviour… Because if you had invited João to join us as well, maybe I would understand my being here, mmh? But if anything, the fact that it is just you and I, and that you want me to stay… it does not make sense."
"Maybe I just want the company," Arthur tries to reason. "I've enjoyed this evening, against all odds. I just thought you were enjoying it, too…"
"And I have, I just— I think I expected more from you."
Arthur knows what he means, yet doesn't at the same time. He feels somewhat offended that Antonio feels let down in any sense—that he feels entitled to more than simple camaraderie—but while the devil on his shoulder natters away about etiquette and enemies, the much more understated angel whispers other devilish words in his ear: just tell him.  
On the one hand, he doesn't want to. To admit the things he has felt through this evening and to admit them to Antonio's face would be akin to burying himself alive, surely. Perhaps even under hot, burning sands. Perhaps in an iron coffin, dumped at sea.
On the other hand, however, would it… be so bad? Antonio is evidently not above flirting with men, so is it so far a push to think he may go beyond just flirting? Beyond a smile, a touch, a kiss?
Arthur is not given a chance to find out of his own volition. 
"I will leave you to sleep," Antonio announces again.
But this time, Arthur is able to take a hold of him before he can leave; he seizes a hand—a wrist—a forearm—and pulls Antonio back down—back to him—and seizes the opportunity just as firmly. 
"You want to know what I want?" he asks, not anticipating nor allowing for an answer. "I want what you so willingly give to others, yet not to me."
Antonio considers him—glances up and down—and asks, "Meaning?"
"I have seen you, and not just tonight, get very, very friendly with many, many men," he replies. "João, more recently. But I have also seen you amongst the Dutch, with the likes of Francis, and even the locals—"
"What's wrong with Francis? Francis was good fun…"
"—and I am feeling left out. You give them your attention, your affection, maybe even more," he goes on irrespective, "but I am left with only scorn and jest."
Antonio raises a brow. "If you consider us enemies, is that not what you should expect to receive?"
To which Arthur, following a soft sigh, says, "I no longer care what we consider each other. Not tonight, at least."
"Then why? Why are we here?" the Spaniard seems to beg him to explain. 
"Because I want you," Arthur finally concedes, shame gone and replaced only with fantastical whimsy. "I want you, in so many ways, and I want you all to myself, Antonio."
For what feels like an age, they only look at each other. Arthur cannot tell if he has confused Antonio, or has unsettled him, perhaps, or if he has only amused him and made a mockery of himself in turn. But he has said what he needed to—what the other needed him to—and he can hardly retract his stat—
"Then take it."
He blinks. His grip loosens. His tongue ties. "I, uhh…"
"Don't play the fool," Antonio warns, however. "If you want something in life, Arthur, you should know by now that the best way to have it, is to take it. No?" He leans in—maybe even crawls across the bed to bridge the small gap between them—his body so close, so near—God, his eyes, his lips, his—! "When you are ready, cabrón. Best to do it before the rum wears off if you want to be intact come morning…"
Something about the threat riles him up, and in a good way. Whether or not that is something to worry about is a thought that does not even cross Arthur's mind. Instead, his free hand (the other maintains its hold, fearful of letting go) finds the Spaniard's face, finds his hair, finds his neck, and reels him in.
Antonio is a siren. He must be. Little else can explain the intoxication that Arthur feels as they kiss—as hands dare to roam, as hunger urges them on, as Antonio starts to palm and tease at Arthur's unsuspecting groin.
And that is only the beginning…
* * *
The sun rises faster than is welcome. 
Arthur wakes as he normally would, feeling groggy (not helped much by the contents of his stomach) and wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. And he could, of course. He could go back to sleep, ignore the morning, and return to his dreams with no real consequence…
…but next to him lies a prize that he fears may yet scarper if he lets his guard down.
Really, the fact that Antonio is there at all is a surprise—a delight. The other appears to still be deep in slumber, as far as Arthur can tell, and he would prefer it to stay that way for a little while longer. 
Last night (or earlier that morning, he supposes) has made him think. Some things were said (and done) that he has been unable to escape both in the sleeping and waking world, and as Antonio sleeps on, Arthur’s mind continues to work. It continues to debate. It continues to argue against itself. And all the while, Arthur himself tries to decide which voice—an angel’s or a devil’s—to listen to.
The decision is a difficult one to make. But, in the end, all it takes is a final glance at Antonio, at his unworldly serenity, at the hints of Arthur that linger on his bare skin, and at the window that casts out towards the sea… and he knows what he must do.
Arthur moves carefully and cautiously from the bed. He finds some clothes—a temporary fix—and ventures out of the cabin and out into the breaking day. 
On the deck are only a few of the crew. Everyone else, it seems, is sleeping off the night before (admittedly, the sea air seems to do something for Arthur’s head, refreshing, sobering) and, after checking with the quartermaster, Arthur receives confirmation that everyone is accounted for. Arthur has never been so glad to have an organised and rather responsible man helping him at the helm.
Nevertheless, he has not left his guest unattended without reason. He passes onto the quartermaster a simple order. He is given the assurance that it will be carried out as fast and smoothly as possible. He thanks the other, and, when asked why such an order is required, gives only a strategic advantage as his answer. And then, with nothing more to add or be questioned, Arthur parts and returns to his quarters. 
There is little else to do. Antonio sleeps, and so Arthur watches. He stays with him. He may even lay there next to the other’s resting form and hold him in a way he had not held anyone before, just to ensure he stays asleep and at peace for as long as possible. 
The reasoning is simple. 
If you want something in life, Arthur, you should know by now that the best way to have it, is to take it.  
Those had been Antonio’s words, unmistakable, and unexpectedly inspiring. 
So that is exactly what Arthur intends to do: to take that which he desires for himself, and to not look back when the island, his dear friend João, and Antonio’s ship all disappear into the misty Caribbean horizon.
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