#best camera for youtube video under 10
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alphagusdigitalgadgetblog · 2 years ago
The best Cameras for Youtubers In 2023 all budget
The best Cameras for Youtubers In 2023 all budget
Choosing the right camera is of utmost importance for YouTubers. As a content creator, your camera is your primary tool that directly affects the quality and impact of your videos. It is crucial to invest in a camera that aligns with your creative vision and meets the specific needs of your YouTube channel. Firstly, the right camera allows you to capture high-quality visuals. Video quality plays…
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jh-newman-opn · 6 months ago
The Moscow Fiasco
At the prodding of @quonunc, here is a quick overview of the incident I fondly referred to as "the Moscow fiasco" in a previous ask about the difference between Catholicism and Orthodoxy. It's a subject dear and horrifying to my heart after I wrote my undergrad dissertation on it.
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In short: this is to do with how the Moscow Patriarchate (Russian Orthodox Church, hereafter ROC) is entirely in bed with the Russian government, and how Patriarch Kirill (of Moscow and All Russia) has been responding to the ongoing situation in Ukraine (and former Soviet lands more generally). Picture will make sense lower down the post.
The slightly longer short answer is that Patriarch Kirill is entirely in favour of the Ukraine war, and the ROC clergy are under significant pressure to support that as an official church stance-- my dissertation topic started to germinate when, completely by accident, I came across a 10-minute video of a ROC priest explaining very slowly and carefully that when he met the Pope, he did not talk about Ukraine. Will link this video if I can find it again, but at present it's proving elusive. (EDIT: found it!!! It was the Metropolitan Hilarion of Budapest and Hungary. This video looks like a hostage video honestly £10 says there's someone behind the camera holding a gun to this man's head for legal reasons this is a joke).
The foundation for this belief is obviously completely political (and the history of how the ROC and Russian state are completely entwined is long and complicated to say the least!), but officially the ROC stance is that it's about reclaiming the historic Slavic spiritual unity founded on the Baptism of Rus' in the year 988 by Vladimir the Grand Prince of Kievan Rus' when Slavdom become Orthodox. Proponents of this "Russian World" theory (Russkiy Mir') basically argue that it's the influence of the West that has fractured the unified Slavic people into different, opposing nations, and that by "liberating" Ukraine of this alien ideology of nationhood, the Slavic Orthodox world will regain its historic unity under the common banner of Orthodoxy. All I will say on this is that these people have a very rosy view of Kievan Rus', but that's a post for another day.
This has obviously caused friction within the Orthodox world. Ukraine now has two Orthodox churches-- the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which is in communion with the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is in communion with the Russian Patriarchate. They are not in communion with each other, and Constantinople's decision to grant autocephalous status to the OCoU caused Moscow to schism with Constantinople. Constantinople is also accusing Moscow of heresy (specifically, ethno-phyletism). Moscow obviously denies this. Obvious question for the Catholics among us-- does this mean Russian Orthodox christians are no longer Orthodox? No, because schisms between Orthodox churches are not particularly unusual, and they remain within the general cloud of Orthodox communion links.
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The whole mess is then immortalised in the absolute monstrosity that is the Main Cathedral to the Russian Armed Forces, which is what I wrote my diss on. The YouTube video linked there is promotional material from Russian military-themed TV channel Звезда, and is one of the better sources of info on it-- a lot of English-language sources contain a lot of incorrect information on it-- either because they don't understand the cultural background, or just straight up lies from the Russian govt propaganda arm--, so take anything they say with a grain of salt. Kirill then gives televised sermons from this cathedral in which he talks about the glorious Russian martyrs of the Ukraine invasion, does his best to harmonise Stalinism and Orthodoxy, and oversees military parades for national holidays. This cathedral has a huge amount of weird symbolism and imagery, and I am super happy to talk more about the mosaics and propaganda going on there, because it's a lot (to say the quiet part out loud: pLEASE ask me more about this cathedral because the more I think about it the more scream-worthy facts about it I remember).
You may have seen memes with this picture of the Virgin Mary (below). Yeah that's from this cathedral. And it's a really really fucked up image. Like, more fucked up than you may think. Could have written my entire diss on this image alone and how shockingly awful it is. western orthobro converts who keep reblogging it as if it's somehow cool and macho are just showing how little they know and it's embarrassing.
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The militarism of the ROC since this whole thing has also gone bonkers and there's a huuuuuge amount of corruption and weird stuff going on. The tension between the clergy and the laity has been extremely high for decades, and has spilled over most notably in Pussy Riot's Punk Prayer stunt, an exhibition called Осторожно, религия! (beware, religion!), and some shenanigans in church-building more generally. On this particular incident I would point to the blessing of nuclear weapons and the canonisation of a patron saint of long-range nuclear missiles as key moments. The cathedral also has matching mosaics of Putin and Stalin, a fact that the Russian government very much wants you to think never happened (officially the mosaics were removed, but they absolutely were not-- muggins here found them and has the pictures to prove it).
The main takeaway from this topic is that situation is obviously complicated and the repercussions for everyone involved-- particularly Russian and Ukrainian laypeople-- are unpleasant to say the least. It gives something of a window into the Putin regime and its propaganda arm (Epiphany swim, topless horseriding pictures, Soviet-style policies, I could go on) more than anything else, because the situation inside the ROC is still quite obscure. From talking to people who know Kirill personally, it's not clear quite what he thinks is going on or why he's involved the way he is. Either way. Fiasco.
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museeeuuuum · 3 months ago
I promised you all a recap on YouTube, so here goes!
In 2024, my videos were viewed 72,517 times. I only posted 7 long form videos, but I did post many more Shorts in the last two months. My goal every year is to create at least 10 long form videos, but it's a lot of work!
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Creators get 55% of the income that YouTube generates from ads on their videos - this is adsense. I made $380.29 in adsense in 2024.
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I had one sponsor (Carr Mclean). I won't disclose the exact amount they paid me, but it was less than my annual adsense income. I'd love to work with them again in 2025, as well as any sponsors that I feel align with my channel.
This is the most income I've ever made off of YouTube. In an effort to improve the quality of my videos, I pay a friend to edit/proofread my script notes, and I've also paid for a *ahem* legal editing program.
Basically, I've put most of the money I've made back into the channel in one form or another.
Now let's talk hours.
Script-notes take anywhere between a few hours to a few days to bring together. If it's something that I feel I need another set of eyes on, I send it to my editor. Once the script is finished, I then spend about an hour putting my set together, setting up my camera, my microphone, and (if the video calls for it), putting a specific "look" together. My videos are generally under 30 mins in length, but it usually takes me about two hours to record. This is because I flub, I stutter, I don't read a line correctly, etc. I'd love a tablet with a teleprompter in the future.
Once I'm done recording, I then have to edit, which I have a love/hate relationship with. On one hand, it's tying up all of the loose ends and putting the polish on the project. But also, it can be extremely tedious and frustrating. Editing takes anywhere between 4 and 12 hours, depending on the length of the video, how many visuals I need to add, etc. Add another hour or two for writing the description, subtitles, creating a thumbnail, and other finishing touches. I'd love to create videos more frequently, but as you can see, it's a lot of work. I also have two jobs, so sometimes the energy just isn't there. But I do my best.
I love making videos. It's a lot of work to create the type of content I want to create. I'd love to upgrade my camera at some point so I can do more ~cinematic~ things when I visit museums and such, but I'm happy with my slow and steady growth on the channel. I'm so excited to read people's comments because I feel like my videos are finding other people who love museums and history. I feel pretty confident that no one else is talking about museums as consistently on YouTube, and I'm proud of the work I've put into the channel and I'm so so so touched that people even watch my videos. That nearly 4400 people decided to hit a button that says they wanted to see more of me.
I'm excited for 2025. I've set some goals for the channel, and I'm looking forward to having you all along for the ride.
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the-invisible-queer · 1 day ago
Can you give a basic rundown of Smosh? What do they do, why did you hate that one guy? What did you start watching them for?
I'm going to explain Smosh to the best if my ability. I am not an expert I just watch their videos every day.
Smosh is a YouTube empire* started by two best friends Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla.
*I say it's an empire because they're one of the longest lasting OG YouTubers and they have multiple channels that post regularly.
It started as one channel of them just goofing off and having fun lipsyncing or doing sketches.
I started watching probably around 2007 because that's when I got into YouTube. I has a crush on Anthony but then had a crisis when I found out his last name because that's my last name and I thought we're obviously cousins - it has yet to be confirmed so who knows?
Then Ian and Anthony sold their channel to Defy and while under Defy, a handful of new cast members were hired and more channels were made.
That's when Shayne Topp from iCarly comes in. NOW I couldn't stand Shayne. He was loud and obnoxious. He was a gym bro. He's the opposite of my type. I just hated him.
So I stopped watching Smosh as religiously as I did. Then when Damien showed up I fell head over heels for this dork who is definitely my type.
AND THEN a few years into the Defy take over, Anthony left Smosh.
That's when I stopped watching cold turkey for a few years.
AND THEN years after he left Defy shut down and Smosh was left "homeless" until Mythical (Rhett & Link) bought and saved them.
That's when I started watching again but I still couldn't stand Shayne.
I didn't start loving Shayne until I saw that he was actually being himself on camera. Still loud and obnoxious. Still very fit. But he's actually a HUGE fucking nerd who reads books, makes fun of himself, and majored in psychology in college*.
*It took Shayne 10 years to graduate college.
AND THEN Anthony came back to Smosh andn he and Ian announced that they bought Smosh.
For the last 6ish years I've been watching Smosh content regularly. I've only been watching them daily since Anthony and Ian bought Smosh.
Though I am sad about some of the main channel shows they killed. Bring back Let's Do This, Funeral Roasts and the reunions.
We need Trev, Ang, and Chanse's Funeral Roasts.
BASICALLY the best way to describe Smosh as a whole with all their channels is: comedy rooted in friendship.
They all genuinely seem to be friends, hanging out after work, showing up to weddings, etc.
I just love the vibes of it all.
Their gaming channel isn't even your run of the mill gaming YouTube channel. They do play video games but they mostly play board and table top games.
I just love Smosh with my whole heart.
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aryacollegeofengineering · 3 days ago
Struggling in Physics? Here’s What You Can Do to Succeed
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Here is a detailed guide to help you understand how to succeed in Physics, focusing on study techniques, learning strategies, and step-by-step preparation for GATE 2025 or any physics-related exam:
 Best Study Techniques for Physics Who Are Struggling With Physics
Understand the Syllabus Thoroughly:
Familiarize yourself with the syllabus to know what topics need more focus. For GATE 2025 Physics, the syllabus includes:
Mathematical Physics
Classical Mechanics
Electromagnetic Theory
Quantum Mechanics
Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Solid State Physics
Nuclear & Particle Physics.
 Focus on High-Weightage Topics:
Prioritize topics like Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, and Mathematical Physics because they typically carry more questions in exams1.
For example, Quantum Mechanics and Electromagnetic Theory are expected to have 9–10 questions in GATE 2025.
 Use Conceptual Learning:
Avoid rote memorization; instead, focus on understanding the underlying principles of physics.
Break down complex theories into smaller, manageable concepts.
 Practice Problem-Solving:
Solve numerical problems daily to strengthen your application of concepts.
Use previous years' question papers and mock tests to understand patterns and improve accuracy.
 How to Understand Physics Easily
Visualize Concepts:
Use diagrams, graphs, and visual aids to understand abstract concepts like electromagnetic waves or quantum mechanics.
Videos and simulations can also help clarify difficult topics.
 Relate Physics to Real-Life Examples:
Relating theoretical concepts to real-world applications makes them easier to grasp (e.g., thermodynamics in engines or optics in cameras).
 Master Mathematical Tools:
Strengthen your mathematical skills in areas like vector calculus, differential equations, and Fourier analysis since they are heavily used in physics.
 Break Down Problems:
Divide complex problems into smaller steps.
For example, when solving mechanics problems, first identify forces, then apply Newton’s laws systematically. 
 Tips To Score High In Physics
Create a Study Plan:
Allocate time for each topic based on its weightage and difficulty level.
Example: Dedicate more time to Quantum Mechanics and less to General Aptitude if preparing for GATE.
 Revise Regularly:
Use concise notes or formula sheets for quick revision.
Revise important formulas like Maxwell’s equations or Schrödinger's equation frequently.
 Mock Tests & Previous Year Papers:
Attempt mock tests under timed conditions.
Analyze mistakes and focus on weak areas. 
General Aptitude Section:
Don’t ignore General Aptitude as it contributes 15 marks in GATE exams. Practice logical reasoning and basic math problems regularly.
 Avoid Negative Marking:
Attempt only those questions you are confident about in exams like GATE, where MCQs have negative marking. 
Physics Learning Techniques
Use Standard Reference Books:
Classical Mechanics by Goldstein
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths
Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma
These books provide clear explanations of fundamental concepts.
 Interactive Learning Tools:
Use online platforms like NPTEL or YouTube tutorials for difficult topics.
Participate in discussion forums to clarify doubts.
 Group Studies:
Studying with peers can help you gain new perspectives and solve challenging problems collaboratively.
 Flashcards for Formulas:
Create flashcards for key formulas and laws (e.g., Planck’s constant, Lorentz transformations) for quick recall during revision.
 Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Physics
Step 1: Analyze the Syllabus
Break the syllabus into sections based on difficulty level (easy, medium, hard).
Focus more on high-weightage topics like Quantum Mechanics and Electromagnetic Theory.
 Step 2: Build a Strong Foundation
Start with basic concepts before moving on to advanced topics.
For example, master Newtonian mechanics before tackling Lagrangian mechanics.
 Step 3: Practice Daily
Solve at least 10–15 numerical problems daily from different topics.
Use past year GATE papers to understand recurring question patterns.
 Step 4: Take Mock Tests
Simulate exam conditions by taking full-length mock tests.
Review your performance after each test and work on weak areas.
 Step 5: Revise Effectively
Dedicate the last few weeks before the exam entirely to revision.
Focus on revising formulas, key concepts, and solving mock tests rather than learning new topics.
 Step 6: Stay Consistent
Follow your study plan rigorously without procrastination.
Consistency is key when preparing for competitive exams like GATE.
Struggling with Physics? By following these strategies step-by-step, you can build a strong understanding of physics concepts, improve problem-solving skills, and maximize your score in exams like GATE 2025 or any other physics-related test!
Source: Click Here
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nbaaholic80yt · 3 days ago
Most PAINFUL Court Slip Ever Caught on Camera During NBA Game!
Most PAINFUL Court Slip Ever Caught on Camera During NBA Game! ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More NBA Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@NBAAHOLIC80/featured ✅ Stay Connected With Me: 👉 TikTok: https://bit.ly/3yyGEsz ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 NBA Viral Moments - The Most Insane And Memorable Moments In League | NBA-A-HOLIC80 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHRZaurEX6M 👉 The Best Of NBA Bloopers - Reliving The Funniest And Most Memorable Basketball Fails | NBA-A-HOLIC80 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-KAi8-psPY 👉 Ja Morant's Best Plays Of The Season - A Highlight Reel You Can't Miss | NBA-A-HOLIC80 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSF_z-yCIho 👉 NBA Highlights - The Top 10 Crazy Plays That Left Us In Awe This Year | NBA-A-HOLIC80 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4-hWD-9Kzw ============================= ✅ About NBA-A-HOLIC80: NBA Basketball content, whether funny, highlights or just recaps of games around the league, the way it should be shown. NBA-A-HOLIC80 is an American brand founded in 2023. We produce some of the most entertaining NBA content on YouTube. I hope you enjoy it and subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@NBAAHOLIC80/featured ===================== #NBA #Basketball #NBABloopers #NBAMoments #BasketballFails #SportsFails #NBAViral #FunnyNBA #NBAGame #BasketballLife Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use © NBA-A-HOLIC80
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gizmoscoutdetails · 4 days ago
How to Make the Most of Your Mobile Comparisons
When looking for the perfect smartphone, making an informed decision is crucial. With so many options available, knowing how to compare mobile phones effectively can save you from buyer’s remorse.
The best phone comparison methods focus on analyzing key factors like performance, camera quality, battery life, and pricing. Whether you’re browsing a top phone review site or checking mobile phone specifications, understanding the differences between models is key.
Many phones also have phone name variations, which can be confusing. Here’s how to streamline your research and pick the best smartphone for your needs.
1. Define Your Priorities
Before diving into comparisons, identify what matters most to you. Are you looking for a gaming phone with a powerful processor? A budget-friendly device with long battery life? Or a flagship model with an advanced camera? By setting clear priorities, you can quickly eliminate phones that don’t meet your needs.
Consider factors such as:
Performance: Processor, RAM, and software optimization.
Camera Quality: Megapixels, low-light performance, and video capabilities.
Battery Life: Capacity (mAh), charging speed, and endurance.
Display: Refresh rate, resolution, and brightness.
Build and Design: Material quality, water resistance, and weight.
2. Use a Reliable Phone Comparison Tool
A best phone comparison tool or top phone review site provides structured insights on different models. These platforms often compare side-by-side specifications, helping you visualize key differences at a glance. Look for sites that offer:
In-depth reviews with real-world testing.
User ratings for a broader perspective.
Benchmark scores for performance analysis.
Detailed spec breakdowns for clarity.
Some trusted sites include GSMArena, PhoneGuideSpecifications, and DeviceDepthReviews, which specialize in breaking down mobile phone specifications clearly.
3. Compare Models with Similar Price Ranges
One common mistake is comparing a mid-range phone with a flagship device. While it’s good to see what premium models offer, focus on comparing devices within your budget. For instance:
Under $300: Compare phones like Samsung Galaxy A series, Xiaomi Redmi Note, and Realme Narzo.
$500 - $800: Mid-range competitors like Google Pixel A-series, OnePlus Nord, and iPhone SE.
Flagships: Samsung Galaxy S series, iPhone Pro models, and high-end Xiaomi and OnePlus devices.
4. Check Phone Name Variations
Manufacturers often release the same phone under different names in different regions. For example:
Xiaomi Redmi K60 (China) = Poco F5 Pro (Global)
Samsung M14 (India) = Samsung A14 (Europe)
Oppo Reno 10 (China) = OnePlus Nord CE 3 (India)
Knowing these variations helps avoid confusion and ensures you get the right version.
5. Read Expert and User Reviews
While mobile phone specifications provide an overview, real-world experience matters. Professional reviewers test features like camera quality, gaming performance, and battery endurance under actual usage conditions. Meanwhile, user reviews highlight long-term durability, software updates, and possible issues.
Where to Check Reviews?
YouTube tech channels (e.g., Marques Brownlee, GSMArena)
Top phone review sites like PhoneGuideSpecifications
Reddit and forums for unbiased user opinions
6. Compare Battery Life and Charging Speed
Battery performance is one of the most overlooked factors when comparing phones. A phone with a 5000mAh battery may still have poor endurance if it lacks optimization. Look for:
Screen-on time (SOT): Indicates real usage time.
Fast charging: Compare 33W, 67W, or even 120W charging speeds.
Battery drain tests: Check online reviews for actual results.
7. Consider Software and Long-Term Updates
Software plays a huge role in user experience. Some brands offer longer software support than others:
Apple iPhones get 5+ years of updates.
Samsung flagships receive 4 years of major Android updates.
Google Pixels promise quick updates and stock Android.
If you plan to keep your phone for years, go for brands with better software longevity.
8. Compare Camera Performance, Not Just Megapixels
A 108MP camera doesn’t guarantee better quality than a 50MP one. Instead, consider:
Sensor size: A larger sensor captures more light.
Optical Image Stabilization (OIS): Reduces blur in photos and videos.
Night mode performance: Some phones excel in low-light conditions.
Video recording capabilities: Check for 4K, 8K, or slow-motion options.
Comparing real-world camera samples is the best way to judge a phone’s camera.
9. Look at Network and Connectivity Features
A phone’s network compatibility can be crucial, especially if you travel. Some key features to check:
5G support: Not all phones support every 5G band.
Wi-Fi 6 or 6E: Faster and more stable internet.
Dual SIM and eSIM support: Useful for multiple carriers.
10. Compare Prices and Availability in Your Region
After narrowing down your options, check local prices and warranty policies. Phones are often priced differently across regions. Websites like PhoneGuideSpecifications offer localized price comparisons.
For example:
The Xiaomi 13T Pro might cost $650 in the US but $550 in Bangladesh due to local pricing policies.
The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is often cheaper in Korea compared to Europe.
Always factor in taxes, import duties, and warranty support when buying internationally.
Choosing the right smartphone requires more than just checking specs. By using a best phone comparison approach, researching reviews, and considering real-world factors, you can make an informed decision. Whether you’re browsing a top phone review site or evaluating mobile phone specifications, the key is to compare wisely.
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jcmarchi · 2 months ago
4K Live Streaming: Is it time to Produce My Events in 4K?
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/4k-live-streaming-is-it-time-to-produce-my-events-in-4k/
4K Live Streaming: Is it time to Produce My Events in 4K?
Discover the future of ultra high-definition streaming! Join us on this week’s Videoguys Live as James dives into the exciting world of 4K live streaming. We’ll explore the key benefits of 4K, tackle common challenges, and help you decide if it’s the perfect upgrade for your event production. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your live streams to the next level!
What is 4K?
4K is 3840 x 2160 pixels, which is four times the detail of 1080p (1920 x 1080 pixels).​
Increased pixel count results in much sharper and more detailed images, making every frame look crisp and clear.​
4K resolution enhances color depth and vibrancy, providing a more lifelike and immersive viewing experience.​
Perfect for sports events, concerts, and high-end corporate presentations.​
4K PTZ Cameras
Capture in Higher Quality​
Record in 4K even if you are producing HD​
Leaves room to make edits and keep quality or use a digital zoom when needed​
Available from most of our manufacturers:​ BirdDog, Canon, JVC, Marshall, Panasonic, PTZOptics, Vizrt​
​Software & Hardware with 4K Integration​
​NDI Technology & 4K​
NDI HX 3 High-Quality Video Transmission​: Low-latency video over IP networks​
Ideal for 4K Streaming/transmitting video on a local network​: Send your video anywhere on the open web, or a closed network​
Integration with Existing Workflows​: Seamlessly integrate more equipment into current production combing legacy cameras and NDI compatible cameras​
​NDI 6 Expands 4K NDI Capabilities​
NDI HX3 Efficiency​: Improved efficiency for high-quality, low-latency video transmission over standard Ethernet networks.​
HDR Support: Native HDR support for more life-like video with higher contrast and expanded brightness headroom1.​
10-bit Color Depth​: Native 10+ bit color depth support for smoother gradients, richer textures, and pixel-perfect precision​
Best Practices for using 4K
Network Requirements​
Advantages of using a 4K workflow​
Future proofing content​
Network Requirements​
Ensure you have a high-speed internet connection capable of handling the increased data rate of 4K streaming. A minimum of 25 Mbps per stream is recommended​
While wireless networks are convenient, wired connections (Ethernet) are more reliable for 4K streaming due to their stability and higher bandwidth capabilities​
Ensure your network is free from congestion by limiting the number of devices connected simultaneously. Use network management tools to monitor and optimize traffic​
AVC (H.264) and HEVC (H.265)​
Bandwidth at 1080p60​
H.264: ~ 62 Mbps | H.265: ~ 50 Mbps​
Bandwidth at 2160p60​
H.264: ~ 110 Mbps | H.265: ~ 84 Mbps​
Glass-to-glass latency​
Ultra low – under 100ms on average​
Top 5 Reasons Videoguys Recommends Netgear ProAV M4250 Switches
Engineered for AV over IP​
Netgear is committed to ProAV​
Easy to Configure (GUI)​
Presets for NDI HX3 & NDI 6​
Recommended by all of our partners:​ PTZOptics, Vizrt, Birddog etc​
Advantages of using a 4K Workflow​
Can stream and record in 4K – Picture looks clearer​
Better low light picture quality –More Pixels to see in low light situations​
Lossless digital zoom when exporting at lower resolution​
More options for Post-Production work, Especially with NDI 6.​
Future-Proofing Content​
Growing Adoption of 4K​
Ensuring content remains relevant and competitive​
Long-term cost savings by avoiding future upgrades​
Stay up to date with industry trends​
Growth of 4K content consumption and production​
YouTube, Netflix, major sports networks​
Bit Rate​
Facebook ​
1080 60p ​
4K 60p​
1080 60p​
720 30p ​
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candylommss · 7 months ago
Smartwatch Military Grade Tahan Segalanya ! Review Smartwatch Kospet Tan...
Link pembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/7zrofNuX3u
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
Smartwatch ini diciptakan khusus kamu yang keseharian nya bekerja di lapangan, seperti atlet, tentara, ataupun pekerja proyek, karena smartwatch ini sudah tahan di segala kondisi, seperti tahan panas, tahan beku, banting, tabrak, bahkan zat kimia ! karena smartwatch ini sudah memiliki sertifikat military grade !
SIlahkan tonton video untuk info lebih lanjut
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox TikTok : tiktok.com/mejaunbox Instagram : instagram.com/meja.unbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/mejaunbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
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karlykar · 7 months ago
Smartwatch Military Grade Tahan Segalanya ! Review Smartwatch Kospet Tan...
Link pembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/7zrofNuX3u Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg...Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl Smartwatch ini diciptakan khusus kamu yang keseharian nya bekerja di lapangan, seperti atlet, tentara, ataupun pekerja proyek, karena smartwatch ini sudah tahan di segala kondisi, seperti tahan panas, tahan beku, banting, tabrak, bahkan zat kimia ! karena smartwatch ini sudah memiliki sertifikat military grade ! SIlahkan tonton video untuk info lebih lanjut YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnboxTikTok : tiktok.com/mejaunboxInstagram : instagram.com/meja.unboxFacebook Page : facebook.com/mejaunboxTwitter : x.com/MejaUnbox smartwatch smartwatch terbaik 2024 smartwatch murah berkualitas smartwatch murah smartwatch gadgetin smartwatch t800 ultra smartwatch huawei smartwatch 200 ribuan terbaik smartwatch xiaomi smartwatch y68 smartwatch t500 smartwatch android smartwatch aolon smartwatch aolon gtr smartwatch amoled smartwatch amazfit smartwatch amoled murah smartwatch android murah smartwatch apple smartwatch aukey smartwatch aolon gt5 pro smartwatch tahan air smartwatch tahan air murah dibawah 500 ribu smartwatch tahan air murah smartwatch tahan air terbaik smartwatch tahan air laut jam tangan smartwatch tahan air rekomendasi smartwatch tahan air i8 ultra smartwatch tahan air jam smartwatch tahan air apakah smartwatch t800 ultra tahan air apakah smartwatch i8 ultra tahan air apakah smartwatch t55 tahan air apakah smartwatch t500 tahan air apakah smartwatch t800 tahan air apakah smartwatch y68 tahan air apakah smartwatch i8 pro max tahan air apakah smartwatch series 8 tahan air smartwatch murah berkualitas tahan air smartwatch murah anti air smartwatch terbaik 2023 anti air smartwatch murah berkualitas anti air smartwatch tahan banting smartwatch murah tahan banting smartwatch tahan air murah smartwatch dengan baterai paling awet smartwatch baterai tahan lama smartwatch dengan baterai tahan lama smartwatch terbaik 2023 baterai tahan lama smartwatch baterai paling tahan lama smartwatch dengan diameter kecil c20 military smart watch smartwatch baterai tahan lama murah smartwatch dibawah 50 ribu smartwatch outdoor 500 ribuan smartwatch murah berkualitas anti air g shock tahan banting smartwatch military grade smart watch military grade military grade smartwatch tamil military grade smartwatch in india best military grade smartwatch under 5000 lemfo military grade rugged waterproof smartwatch military grade smartwatch in bd best military grade smartwatch in india firebolt military grade smartwatch fire boltt military grade smartwatch ze x - military grade smartwatch amazfit falcon military-grade smartwatch for men amazfit t-rex 2 military-grade smartwatch best military grade smartwatch smart watch military standard kospet smartwatch kospet smartwatch tank m2 kospet smartwatch connect to phone kospet smartwatch camera kospet smartwatch review kospet smartwatch t3 kospet smartwatch 2023 new kospet smartwatch best kospet smartwatch kospet smartwatch tank m3 kospet android smartwatch kospet max gps android smartwatch with 4g lte kospet 4g android smartwatch kospet max gps android smartwatch kospet max s 4g android smartwatch kospet optimus 2 ultra 4g android smartwatch kospet prime 2 android 10 smartwatch kospet best smartwatch kospet tank t2 smartwatch bangla review kospet tank x1 smartwatch black kospet tank t2 smartwatch- black color kospet rock smartwatch bangla review kospet smartwatch price in bangladesh kospet tank m2 smartwatch bangla review kospet m2-bk/2 tank m2 smartwatch black kospet tank t2 smartwatch price in bangladesh kospet tank t3 bt calling smartwatch kospet optimus 2 smartwatch price in bangladesh kospet tank t2 smartwatch special edition – black color kospet tank t3 ultra smartwatch review bangla kospet tank s1 calling smartwatch kospet tank t2 calling smartwatch kospet tank m2 calling smartwatch kospet tank m1 pro calling smart watch kospet tank t3 calling rugged smartwatch kospet tank m3 ultra calling rugged smartwatch with gps kospet tank t3 rugged bluetooth calling smartwatch kospet tank m3 calling rugged smartwatch kospet tank t2 smartwatch- silver color kospet x1 smartwatch deutsch kospet tank t2 smartwatch deutsch smartwatch reloj inteligente kospet t2 monitor de sangre kospet tank t3 ultra smartwatch español kospet tank t2 smart watch sp edition black kospet tank t2 smartwatch - special edition kospet tank t2 smartwatch spc edition kospet tank m2 review
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jungjungan · 7 months ago
Smartwatch Military Grade Tahan Segalanya ! Review Smartwatch Kospet Tan...
Link pembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/7zrofNuX3u Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg...Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl Smartwatch ini diciptakan khusus kamu yang keseharian nya bekerja di lapangan, seperti atlet, tentara, ataupun pekerja proyek, karena smartwatch ini sudah tahan di segala kondisi, seperti tahan panas, tahan beku, banting, tabrak, bahkan zat kimia ! karena smartwatch ini sudah memiliki sertifikat military grade ! SIlahkan tonton video untuk info lebih lanjut YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnboxTikTok : tiktok.com/mejaunboxInstagram : instagram.com/meja.unboxFacebook Page : facebook.com/mejaunboxTwitter : x.com/MejaUnbox smartwatch smartwatch terbaik 2024 smartwatch murah berkualitas smartwatch murah smartwatch gadgetin smartwatch t800 ultra smartwatch huawei smartwatch 200 ribuan terbaik smartwatch xiaomi smartwatch y68 smartwatch t500 smartwatch android smartwatch aolon smartwatch aolon gtr smartwatch amoled smartwatch amazfit smartwatch amoled murah smartwatch android murah smartwatch apple smartwatch aukey smartwatch aolon gt5 pro smartwatch tahan air smartwatch tahan air murah dibawah 500 ribu smartwatch tahan air murah smartwatch tahan air terbaik smartwatch tahan air laut jam tangan smartwatch tahan air rekomendasi smartwatch tahan air i8 ultra smartwatch tahan air jam smartwatch tahan air apakah smartwatch t800 ultra tahan air apakah smartwatch i8 ultra tahan air apakah smartwatch t55 tahan air apakah smartwatch t500 tahan air apakah smartwatch t800 tahan air apakah smartwatch y68 tahan air apakah smartwatch i8 pro max tahan air apakah smartwatch series 8 tahan air smartwatch murah berkualitas tahan air smartwatch murah anti air smartwatch terbaik 2023 anti air smartwatch murah berkualitas anti air smartwatch tahan banting smartwatch murah tahan banting smartwatch tahan air murah smartwatch dengan baterai paling awet smartwatch baterai tahan lama smartwatch dengan baterai tahan lama smartwatch terbaik 2023 baterai tahan lama smartwatch baterai paling tahan lama smartwatch dengan diameter kecil c20 military smart watch smartwatch baterai tahan lama murah smartwatch dibawah 50 ribu smartwatch outdoor 500 ribuan smartwatch murah berkualitas anti air g shock tahan banting smartwatch military grade smart watch military grade military grade smartwatch tamil military grade smartwatch in india best military grade smartwatch under 5000 lemfo military grade rugged waterproof smartwatch military grade smartwatch in bd best military grade smartwatch in india firebolt military grade smartwatch fire boltt military grade smartwatch ze x - military grade smartwatch amazfit falcon military-grade smartwatch for men amazfit t-rex 2 military-grade smartwatch best military grade smartwatch smart watch military standard kospet smartwatch kospet smartwatch tank m2 kospet smartwatch connect to phone kospet smartwatch camera kospet smartwatch review kospet smartwatch t3 kospet smartwatch 2023 new kospet smartwatch best kospet smartwatch kospet smartwatch tank m3 kospet android smartwatch kospet max gps android smartwatch with 4g lte kospet 4g android smartwatch kospet max gps android smartwatch kospet max s 4g android smartwatch kospet optimus 2 ultra 4g android smartwatch kospet prime 2 android 10 smartwatch kospet best smartwatch kospet tank t2 smartwatch bangla review kospet tank x1 smartwatch black kospet tank t2 smartwatch- black color kospet rock smartwatch bangla review kospet smartwatch price in bangladesh kospet tank m2 smartwatch bangla review kospet m2-bk/2 tank m2 smartwatch black kospet tank t2 smartwatch price in bangladesh kospet tank t3 bt calling smartwatch kospet optimus 2 smartwatch price in bangladesh kospet tank t2 smartwatch special edition – black color kospet tank t3 ultra smartwatch review bangla kospet tank s1 calling smartwatch kospet tank t2 calling smartwatch kospet tank m2 calling smartwatch kospet tank m1 pro calling smart watch kospet tank t3 calling rugged smartwatch kospet tank m3 ultra calling rugged smartwatch with gps kospet tank t3 rugged bluetooth calling smartwatch kospet tank m3 calling rugged smartwatch kospet tank t2 smartwatch- silver color kospet x1 smartwatch deutsch kospet tank t2 smartwatch deutsch smartwatch reloj inteligente kospet t2 monitor de sangre kospet tank t3 ultra smartwatch español kospet tank t2 smart watch sp edition black kospet tank t2 smartwatch - special edition kospet tank t2 smartwatch spc edition kospet tank m2 review
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joimood · 7 months ago
Smartwatch Military Grade Tahan Segalanya ! Review Smartwatch Kospet Tan...
Link pembelian TERMURAH : https://s.shopee.co.id/7zrofNuX3u
Link Grup Komunitas Meja Unbox : Grup WhatsApp : https://chat.whatsapp.com/BiEQ2v8IDsg... Grup Telegram : https://t.me/+Yg5a0rFFgmc2ZDFl
Smartwatch ini diciptakan khusus kamu yang keseharian nya bekerja di lapangan, seperti atlet, tentara, ataupun pekerja proyek, karena smartwatch ini sudah tahan di segala kondisi, seperti tahan panas, tahan beku, banting, tabrak, bahkan zat kimia ! karena smartwatch ini sudah memiliki sertifikat military grade !
SIlahkan tonton video untuk info lebih lanjut
YouTube : youtube.com/MejaUnbox TikTok : tiktok.com/mejaunbox Instagram : instagram.com/meja.unbox Facebook Page : facebook.com/mejaunbox Twitter : x.com/MejaUnbox
smartwatch smartwatch terbaik 2024 smartwatch murah berkualitas smartwatch murah smartwatch gadgetin smartwatch t800 ultra smartwatch huawei smartwatch 200 ribuan terbaik smartwatch xiaomi smartwatch y68 smartwatch t500 smartwatch android smartwatch aolon smartwatch aolon gtr smartwatch amoled smartwatch amazfit smartwatch amoled murah smartwatch android murah smartwatch apple smartwatch aukey smartwatch aolon gt5 pro smartwatch tahan air smartwatch tahan air murah dibawah 500 ribu smartwatch tahan air murah smartwatch tahan air terbaik smartwatch tahan air laut jam tangan smartwatch tahan air rekomendasi smartwatch tahan air i8 ultra smartwatch tahan air jam smartwatch tahan air apakah smartwatch t800 ultra tahan air apakah smartwatch i8 ultra tahan air apakah smartwatch t55 tahan air apakah smartwatch t500 tahan air apakah smartwatch t800 tahan air apakah smartwatch y68 tahan air apakah smartwatch i8 pro max tahan air apakah smartwatch series 8 tahan air smartwatch murah berkualitas tahan air smartwatch murah anti air smartwatch terbaik 2023 anti air smartwatch murah berkualitas anti air smartwatch tahan banting smartwatch murah tahan banting smartwatch tahan air murah smartwatch dengan baterai paling awet smartwatch baterai tahan lama smartwatch dengan baterai tahan lama smartwatch terbaik 2023 baterai tahan lama smartwatch baterai paling tahan lama smartwatch dengan diameter kecil c20 military smart watch smartwatch baterai tahan lama murah smartwatch dibawah 50 ribu smartwatch outdoor 500 ribuan smartwatch murah berkualitas anti air g shock tahan banting smartwatch military grade smart watch military grade military grade smartwatch tamil military grade smartwatch in india best military grade smartwatch under 5000 lemfo military grade rugged waterproof smartwatch military grade smartwatch in bd best military grade smartwatch in india firebolt military grade smartwatch fire boltt military grade smartwatch ze x - military grade smartwatch amazfit falcon military-grade smartwatch for men amazfit t-rex 2 military-grade smartwatch best military grade smartwatch smart watch military standard kospet smartwatch kospet smartwatch tank m2 kospet smartwatch connect to phone kospet smartwatch camera kospet smartwatch review kospet smartwatch t3 kospet smartwatch 2023 new kospet smartwatch best kospet smartwatch kospet smartwatch tank m3 kospet android smartwatch kospet max gps android smartwatch with 4g lte kospet 4g android smartwatch kospet max gps android smartwatch kospet max s 4g android smartwatch kospet optimus 2 ultra 4g android smartwatch kospet prime 2 android 10 smartwatch kospet best smartwatch kospet tank t2 smartwatch bangla review kospet tank x1 smartwatch black kospet tank t2 smartwatch- black color kospet rock smartwatch bangla review kospet smartwatch price in bangladesh kospet tank m2 smartwatch bangla review kospet m2-bk/2 tank m2 smartwatch black kospet tank t2 smartwatch price in bangladesh kospet tank t3 bt calling smartwatch kospet optimus 2 smartwatch price in bangladesh kospet tank t2 smartwatch special edition – black color kospet tank t3 ultra smartwatch review bangla kospet tank s1 calling smartwatch kospet tank t2 calling smartwatch kospet tank m2 calling smartwatch kospet tank m1 pro calling smart watch kospet tank t3 calling rugged smartwatch kospet tank m3 ultra calling rugged smartwatch with gps kospet tank t3 rugged bluetooth calling smartwatch kospet tank m3 calling rugged smartwatch kospet tank t2 smartwatch- silver color kospet x1 smartwatch deutsch kospet tank t2 smartwatch deutsch smartwatch reloj inteligente kospet t2 monitor de sangre kospet tank t3 ultra smartwatch español kospet tank t2 smart watch sp edition black kospet tank t2 smartwatch - special edition kospet tank t2 smartwatch spc edition kospet tank m2 review
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afam24 · 8 months ago
Rather use the mobile app?
Aug 9, 2023
In the links below are references and more. You can save and review a little at a time. Very interesting rarities are shown with credible source that are not in video.  Finish reading captions on Tumblr if on Pinterest by tapping VISIT or picture's title. If you came here from YouTube, it's best to copy and paste this link to watch in Chrome. This is so you can click right back to the main post where you left off after watching any of the quick videos
Ancient Egyptian Art They Don't Show
(more complete version old notepin link.(Finish reading captions on tmblr if on pntrst by tapping VISIT or picture's title) parts 1 - 10.
Sub Saharan and some African American history parts 6 -10).
You may have to log in to tumblr to view all pictures and links (quick and easy sign up). Same with Pinterest https://www.tumblr.com/afcnamrcn23/714127248426483712/190-wall-paintings-ideas-ancient-egyptian-art?source=share .
This one connects directly to Tumblr if the link above has trouble (some Notepin links may not connect. The site is legitimate, but it's an older version from when the post was first made years ago)
compilation of Egyptian Nubians not included in previous links https://www.tumblr.com/shwat2013/659790664940257280/nubian-egyptian-people?source=share
There's a lot here, but near the bottom of this page is a must see video. "Oldest footage of Giza area 1897 (professionally colorized). Pay attention to each local resident that walks past camera.)
To see the old books showing Thutmose with hair scroll roughly halfway down. Just under the picture are links. https://www.tumblr.com/shwat2013/685592668210872320/the-girl-on-the-top-left-is-bishari-from-southern
Or scroll to roughly the fourth picture. (Finish reading captions on tmblr if on pntrst by tapping VISIT or picture's title) https://www.pinterest.com/shwat2013/tiye-mmy-type/
A little more understanding of the hairstyle (whether wig or not) 1 https://www.tumblr.com/shwat2013/700427514979516416/cultural-similarities-with-ancient-kemetegypt-and 2 https://www.tumblr.com/shwat2013/660526538515759104/simular-to-beja-in-appearance-afar-man-with-afro 3 https://www.tumblr.com/shwat2013/659635781063819264/man-of-the-early-dynasty-during-the-reign-of-pepi
For those with exotic and unfounded explanations for the look of Henuttawy or Ahmose Nefertari, Google Image "Black women with naturals",  and "black women with braids"
Bishari girls of Southern Egypt (1910) and Nodjmet of ancient Egypt's 20th dynastic period https://www.tumblr.com/afcnamrcn23/726105411957161984?source=share
We can't keep generalizing as wigs and extensions after seeing this
Were they once of a more East African appearance? When Queen Hatshepsut traveled to the land of Punt (pinpointed by modern historians to the Somalia - Ethiopia area), she referred to the place as ancestral.
The ancient Egyptian word for Punt Ta netjer (tꜣ nṯr), meaning "God's Land". ... Even old school renowned British Egyptologist, Sir Flinders Petrie, used a east African man to compare to pharaohs of the 12th dynasty in the 1930s book "Making of Egypt". Old pictures of Bishari/Beja people of Southern Egypt and North Sudan show a similar appearance and cultural continuity
From a old book by Flinders Petrie
More on Hatshepsut
There is a published picture of Thutmose the 1st, Hatshepsut's father, with wool hair on the mummy. The picture is in a 1930s published book
Click VISIT ir picture's title if on Pinteres to finish reading captionn and see a few more images and articles on the "black" African conne
World History Encyclopedia on Punt.
The Land of Punt was a region in Africa (most likely Somalia) referenced by inscriptions of ancient Egypt initially as a partner in trade an
Beja of Northeast Sudan near Egypt. Are they the archetypes or progenitors to the tan Egyptian type ..
Keeping in mind Hatshepsut's statement of the area being ancestral, and the Beja/Bishari people of Southern Egypt and North Sudan having a similar appearance, we can boldly say that the traditional hairstyles of east Africa looks exactly ancient Egyptian
Afar people
Shocking results from examination of ancient Egyptian skulls by an expert, known for her decades of forensics and anthropological expertise at University of Dundee Centre for Anatomy & Human Identification, Dundee, Scotland.
In a 90s or early 2000s documentary with "The mummy detective", she showed that one face was certainly more black by the skull measurements, and stated this is common in ancient Egypt
In the bottom 4 pictures we see an old published photo of Thutmose the first, Hatshepsut's father, with hair ( Flinders Petrie 1896 and John Ward 1902), but is now completely bald. The old photo of the two men are probably East or Central African (?...both areas have a source to the Nile after the Blue and White Nile split off) ). The young guys in the top old photo are of Bayuda desert in Sudan compared to Thutmose II (son of Thutmose the first)
Direct links to old books showing Thutmose the first with hair (3 links under picture)https://www.tumblr.com/shwat2013/660538009698140160/the-mummy-of-thutmoses-the-1st-with-hair-in-a-1902.
The White Nile is a river in Africa, one of the two main tributaries of the Nile, the other being the Blue Nile.  Could this stylized statue of Thutmose the first actually represent the black types of this area.
Possible Thutmose III type in Aswan, Egypt ...If he appeared "black".
Another "black" man from the same area... different appearance. Notice in these post, people from the area are used as comparisons for the most part, because if any were "black", the ones that live there now would obviously be the most immediate and direct descendants
The "blacks" in this region seemed to have inherited certain traits that one wouldn't commomly find on a West or central African. Similar scenarios are obvious in ancient times with the same admix between different "racial" types in the area. This is probably what we're seeing on some statues with narrow features
Both of them
Two Nubian Young Men Traditional Clothes Stock Photo 2341033763 | Shutterstock
Find Two Nubian Young Men Traditional Clothes stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, 3D objects, illustrations
Girls from the same area. Perhaps Hatshepsut as a youth or daughter look alike
Nubian children selling selfmade dolls, Thebes west, Luxor, Egypt Stock Photo - Alamy
Download this stock image: Nubian children selling selfmade dolls, Thebes west, Luxor, Egypt - BB8CMW from Alamy's library of millions of hi
Now we have to wonder how may bald mummies once had hair after seeing Thutmose the first. Was it a systematic effort way back then to hide it. Thutmose the first had hair that looks wool, but is now bald, His son Thutmose the second hair remains, and is loosely curled or wavey. Thutmose the third is bald, Thutmose the fourth hair remains and is straight
Dramatization plays by Legrand Clegg Clegg 1991. Hatshepsut is the 1st vid ( 4 minutes long)
. Dramatized video Play from Legrand Clegg 1991 Hatshepsut (4:00 minutes) Akhenaton and Nefertiti (7:00 minutes) Ahmose Nefertiti
Near matches to modern people in the area ( both black and tan)
The features and skintones of the darker complected Egyptians certainly reflect in ancient art.
Shocking ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for " face"
. Egyptian hieroglyph for face links https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/549994
Pre and very early dynasty evidence https://www.tumblr.com/afcnamrcn23/743862521639927808/pre-and-very-early-dynasty-evidence?source=share
Clear discrepancies in old pictures of early dynasty statues vs modern pictures of the same onehttps://www.tumblr.com/afcnamrcn23/741074431223513088/these-were-all-taken-between-the-latter-1800s?source=share
You must watch at least half of this to understand the possible reason why mainstream historians wanted to blot out and totaly "eclipse" the memory of black involvement in ancient Egypt (not saying all, but blacks were a major component to the old population)
See the old French definition of Barbarin or Barabra people of North Sudan and Southeast Egypt. These are obsolete ethnographical terms assigned to people of North Sudan and Southeast Egypt. The term was abandoned and considered offensive today. There are very important details about these people that the old world knew - and modern academia chooses to forget. https://txt.fyi/-/22141/f6ac87db/
Nubian and Kemet parallels
The top two are Taharqa of the Nubian period, and Senusret II of the 12th dynastic period in the bottom pictures. Both Nubian and Egyptian
It's like mainstream academia knew back in 1941 what they choose to block out and ignore today. Skip immediately over to 5:50 - 6:14 in this old newsreel
Sadat ( former Egyptian President 1970 - 1981)and his mother. https://64.media.tumblr.com/5f398a63c8ef51cfd2da9b47f685fcf2/1003de2cb093e986-6d/s250x400/2f796b2d5c64685aff815145cf4411a2bcc94fdb.pnj. 
This is a video from circa 1978 - 1980. Walter Cronkite of CBS sails the Nile with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. They talk about certain topics, and at one point, the Egyptian President remarks about how Nubians literally love the land and the Nile. Skip immediately over to 28:55 to 32:07 for the Nubian comments (the entire vid is 40 plus minutes long).
Clear discrepancies in old pictures of early dynasty statues vs modern pictures of the same onehttps://www.tumblr.com/afcnamrcn23/741074431223513088/these-were-all-taken-between-the-latter-1800s?source=share
Egyptian man ( "black" persuasion) talks about the monuments
Egyptian man wants his half of statue back from the British Museum #shorts
Aired on the Travel Channel in 1998 -2000(?), Egypt from an interesting perspective. The conversation on the black population begins at 2:19.
Oldest footage of Giza area 1897 (professionally colorized). Pay attention to each local resident that walks past camera.
For confirmation that tones in the video are present in ancient Egyptian art, Google image paintings of Djehutihotep ( painted stele, British Museum), Baqet III, Ankhtifi, Khety (BH17), governor Khentika (dynasty VI, reign of Pepi II, mastaba at Dakhla Oasis), Mentuhotep - "Son of It" Pushkin Museum, …
Quick reminder of how they look in art during that era of the latter early dynasty to middle kingdom (Ankhtifi, Baqet III Khentika Khety...) https://www.tumblr.com/afcnamrcn23/728943321932791808/15-hair-type-and-style-of-youth-in-old-assouann?source=share
Similar to the 1897 footage, a 1978 episode of IN SEARCH OF, called "Pyramid Secrets" ( hosted by Nimoy), the two times throughout the whole episode we get a close-up of modern Egyptian people, " black" citizens show up in the frame of the brief clips. There's no way of knowing if this was a conscious or subconcious desicions, but the location was in Northern Egypt - where the black phenotypes are scant
Clean, clear and unadulterated images from the video "MOST BEAUTIFUL NON-ROYAL TOMBS! WESTERN THEBES (LUXOR) EGYPT", as she walks through... These are wonderful and unbias. There's no way you can see these and not ask yourself... are the people who lean more towards a black appearance in the Aswan -Elephantine area being represented in these ancient paintings. Excellent images of women in the reddish brown hue. Unfortunately, the wife of Menna is already lightened because the video is from 2022. There's an image of her from 1994 by a Scottish photographer, where she's much darker....same hue as Menna (video at bottom of compilation)
Major discrepancies in past pictures of Menna a and wife xs new ones. The first is by a Scottish photographer from 1994
Very scrupulous YouTuber https://www.tumblr.com/afcnamrcn23/742361158666846208/excellent-pictures-taken-at-the-neues-museum-of?source=share
Young African American lady, who travels the world, gives her impression of the Nubian area of Egypt
Senusret's Nubian heritage
(For the ancient text showing his Nubian heritage, click link under pictures and scroll roughly halfway down compilation)
Overlooked statue of Amenenehat III in Cairo
Women with extreme color variation in the same scene
the women with variation
Painting from Nefferronpet circa 1448 - 1422, and women from a village near Aswan, Egypt From Nebamon and Ipuky Elephantine, Egypt Women
Black women hair and stereotypes https://txt.fyi/+/da770558
"negroid" etymology https://www.etymonline.com/word/negroid
3rd and 4th paragraph for mummies combined with tincture solution, between the 16th and 17th centuries (for the most part) https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-gruesome-history-of-eating-corpses-as-medicine-82360284/
Direct Tumblr link https://www.tumblr.com/shwat2013
Two more older versions on Tumblr in case other one doesn't connect (not as complete).Ancient Egyptian Art They Don't Show.(Finish reading captions on tmblr if on pntrst by tapping VISIT or picture's title). 1  https://www.tumblr.com/afcnamrcn23/714127248426483712/190-wall-paintings-ideas-ancient-egyptian-art?source=share 2 https://old.notepin.co/shared/lnpgmmb
Be sure to stop at the bottom where it says "More from @afcnamrcn23". Don't be distracted by the pictures and links under that. They will occur again so that you can continue with the main post in sequence
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servin-up-surveys · 9 months ago
survey #218
Are you more afraid of death or not completely living? Not completely living.
What are you most afraid of? Living alone on the streets.
If you had $100 dollars, how would you spend it? I'd save it.
What’s something you would love to have happen right now? Find a job that I can actually manage.
You were given the opportunity to get a new cellular device, what do you choose? I don't know phones, but something with a good camera.
How nice of a person are you, honestly? I honestly do think I'm quite nice, especially once you've earned my respect. But I'm much less patient with dumbasses than I used to be, and I'm less of a people-pleaser to some extent.
Is there anyone of your preferred sex who tends to mess with your head? No.
What have you recently gotten the most compliments on? My hair, since I dyed it lilac. It literally took around nine hours total (this was not done all at once for the health of my hair) because of how resistent my hair is to any sort of treatment.
Do and your best friend(s) act the same, or are very different from each other? We're similar in a lot of ways, but still different. He's even less social than I am, and is very in his own bubble/generally unaware of what people are thinking/feeling unless you're close to him. He's more open about what he thinks of you too, like if he thinks you suck, you're more likely to know than if I don't like you.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how shy are you? I'd say 9.
Have you ever fallen for your best friend? Yes.
Who was the last person you made plans with? Girt.
Are you currently wearing a charm bracelet? No, I don't like wearing bracelets, period.
Do you have any embarrassing usernames? I'm not embarrassed by those I have NOW, but I've certainly had embarrassing ones when I was younger.
Do you have a backpack in a shape of an animal? No.
Do you ever get called the quiet girl? I was in school. I'm still quiet, but it's not something people point out much anymore. The people I engage with know this already. Girt's extended family still does this though on the rare instances I see more than just his mom, sister, and Penny.
Have you ever itched yourself until your skin was raw? Yes. This is a smaller reason I don't shave my legs anymore, because I would scratch my shins to the point I would develop bad scars that lasted for years, and some are probably still there under the hair. This is the MAIN reason I don't shave downstairs, because it's not exactly socially acceptable to scratch that. If I experience it so badly on my legs, I probably would there, too.
Do you always clear your history after using the computer? I never do.
Have you ever had your food stolen by a bird? No.
Do you have any Christmas pajama pants? I have I think two, but one is my most comfortable pair of all and I wear them whenever they're clean.
Do you ever wear red lipstick? I have in the past for pictures; I never keep lipstick on because I don't have a good brand or anything and it comes off too easily. I think I look nice in it, though. Especially when I had red hair.
Did you go to high school with your current best friend? Yes.
Have you ever wanted to be vegetarian or vegan? Yes. I even tried vegetarianism for a couple months, but it doesn't work for me. I'm far too picky to have a healthy diet with it.
Do you like eggnog? Big no.
Who is the person you dislike the most? Sara, because she disgusts me on so many levels.
Girls, how old were you when you first got your period? I think Mom's said I was 12.
Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? I'm not employed, nor do I receive any government assistance money-wise, so I literally can't. I have nothing to give.
What is your favourite way to eat rice? As pork fried rice.
Do your parents know how to text? Yes.
Do you text your parents often? No. I live with my mom so there's no need unless she's not home, and Dad and I just don't talk regularly.
Do you watch Youtube videos often? Every day, almost all day. I'm doing other things too of course, but one's basically always on in the background. I have my windows sized to where I can watch videos and do whatever else.
Do you prefer to have a lot of friends? No, I prefer a small group of people I can truly trust. Not that there's anything wrong with a large group you DO trust, I just think it's rare to manage that.
Do you sleep with one blanket or many blankets? One. I change out the blankets favoring thickness depending on the time of year because of temperature fluctuations.
What is the FIRST thing you do when you wake up? Check the time.
What do you usually have for breakfast, if you do at all? Almost always cereal, but lately I've been making eggs for myself often.
Do you have any rituals you perform before you leave your home for the day? Not really. I mean, I'll go to the bathroom if I feel like I need to, but that's it.
Have you ever cried in front of your parents over a boyfriend or girlfriend? Yup.
What brand is your digital camera? Canon.
Who was the last person to cook something for you? My mom.
Do you talk to any of your ex-boyfriends/girlfriends? No.
Do you know where your best friend is? He's actually in Minnesota right now for a week-long event he's interested in. He never goes on trips like this so I'm proud of him.
Who was the last person to comment you on Facebook? My mom, apparently.
What is your display picture of on Facebook? Me w/ my lilac hair.
Have you ever kissed the same sex? Yes.
Have you stuck with your New Year's resolution? So, this year turned way more into a health (physical and mental) year than I'd thought it would. It's not necessarily a bad thing; I've made a lot of mental health developments, in a positive way. My photography has really fallen on the wayside when my resolution was to make this a year of photography developments, specifically in building a career. I mean I haven't totally given up on it, and I've recently made much more of an effort to be active on my photography Insta accounts, which has gone well.
Do you need to lose any weight right now? Yes, I'm considered morbidly obese. I'm trying and have been trying for a long time, but I'm just not consistent enough. My depression and stuff makes it all the more harder.
When was the last time you had a period? It's been around three months due to mayhem with my medications. First a maniac psychiatrist yanked me off everything at once with no weaning (which I know ROYALLY fucked up my system), and then I went back on them, then there was more tampering... I'm hoping I have one in July, even though I know I'm not pregnant because it's impossible, I just have peace of mind with a regular period.
How frequently are you inclined to read, and how much? It varies day-to-day, but I don't tend to go long without doing it.
How does the rain affect your mood, if it does? It can depress me, but I can also find it comforting.
Chipotle order? I don't eat there.
Thoughts on veganism? I think it's great, but I don't support extremists that shit all over people who aren't vegans.
Mythical creature you think/believe is real? None?
Favorite form of potato? French fries.
First thing you’re doing in the purge? Boarding up the house to the best of my ability and hiding with Mom with knives?
Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision? lmao hell no, I know one of my eyes is fine, but my right is the one that is absolutely abominable. It gets worse every time I go to the eye doctor too, and I wear my glasses all the time, except of course when I'm sleeping.
When was the last time you spoke to the last person you kissed? We're messaging on Discord.
Have you ever been your friend’s shoulder to cry on? Literally and even more often non-literally, yes. I like listening to people.
Grab your keys and tell me what each one is for. I have one key and it's for this house.
What is your wine of choice, if any? I've hated any wine I've ever put in my mouth. Which hasn't been many, but.
Is your bed against more than one of your walls? No, just one.
Have you ever made out in your room? Last time? Yes; that's my business.
Do you have a crazy aunt? Yes, my mom's sister. We don't associate with her because she's fucking batshit and even her kids don't talk to her.
Have you ever been to an art museum? Yes, I enjoy these a lot.
What fictional character/s remind you of yourself? Clearsight from Wings of Fire and so far Alderheart in the Warriors series. Basically, the characters that worry and overthink too much lol.
Are you afraid of spiders? No, I love spiders.
Are you afraid of snakes? I love snakes even more.
Do you often post about politics on social media? Yes, because morality is important, especially when people without any want to control the world.
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thecavalierblog · 1 year ago
Turns dream into reality by joining NDA: NDA 1 2024 Notification and Exam Date Revealed
NDA (national defence academy) is a perfect pathway for turnings dream of joining NDA into reality. UPSC (union public service commission) has issue NDA 1 2024 notification and exam date. Through this blog, we will define important aspect of NDA and will provide key details for NDA exam 2024.
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NDA 1 2024 Notification
Eligibility criteria:
 National Defence Academy requires a 12th class pass on the 10+2 school education pattern or an equivalent test administered by a university or a state education board.
The candidates who are appearing in the 12th class under the 10 +2 pattern of school education examination can also apply for this examination.
Candidates appearing in the 11th class exam are not eligible for this examination.
Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2024 as per guidelines given in Appendix-IV.
Application process:
Forapplication process you can read our blog, “How to fill NDA application” https://shorturl.at/bfhA1
For video guidance you can watch our YouTube video https://youtu.be/41OeTGZj1B0
Candidate can also go through official notification or NDA website page for more info.
NDA 1 2024 Exam Date:
The UPSC will be conducting an examination on 21st April 2024 for admission to the 400 vacancies in the Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of the NDA for the 153rd Course and the 115th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing from 2nd January 2025.
Preparation Strategies:
Aspirants must follow a proper study routine for succeed in the NDA exam. Plan your preparation for all subject such as general abilities, mathematics, English science and other subjects.
Keep yourself informed about general knowledge and current events. Take part in physical fitness exercises to get ready for the demanding medical and physical fitness exams. To ace the NDA exam, practice self-control, time management, and tenacity.
Candidate can also choose a best NDA coaching in India for their NDA coaching. Therefore, we at The Cavalier is the best NDA coaching in Delhi. We have help hundreds of aspirants to successfully place in the NDA. For more info, you can visit https://cavalier.in/
Dos and Don'ts for Exam Day:
Only a black ball pen must be used by candidates to write and mark responses on the OMR sheet (answer sheet). Any other colour of pen is not allowed. Avoid using an ink pen or pencil.
Candidates should be aware that any error, inconsistency, or omission in the encoding or filling out of the OMR.
It is absolutely forbidden to use any kind of mobile phone—even one that is turned off—pager, electronic equipment, programmable device, storage media (pen drives, smart watches, etc.), camera, Bluetooth device, or other related accessory—whether in operation or in standby—as a means of communication during the exam.
As there will be no arrangements for safekeeping at the examination site, candidates are advised to act in their own best interests and refrain from bringing any prohibited goods, including cell phones, or expensive or precious objects. The Commission will not bear liability.
The notification offers a guide for successfully joining the NDA, and the exam date is set for April 21, 2024. As the journey progresses, take advantage of the chance, put in a lot of study time, and go forward motivated to serve your country. The next generation of leaders is invited by the National Defence Academy to respond to this notification, take up the challenge, and set out on a journey that will turn dreams into a proud reality.
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theyoutubeg · 2 years ago
The Secret to Engaging YouTube Videos
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In the digital era, where attention spans are shorter than ever, capturing and holding the interest of viewers has become an art form in itself. YouTube, the world's most popular video-sharing platform, provides content creators with a global stage to showcase their creativity, expertise, and stories. But what's the key to standing out in the sea of videos and creating content that truly engages your audience? Let's unveil the secret to crafting compelling and captivating YouTube videos that keep viewers coming back for more.
1. Start with a Bang
The first few seconds of your video are critical. Hook your audience with an attention-grabbing intro that sets the tone and piques their curiosity. Whether it's a thought-provoking question, a visually stunning scene, or a surprising statement, make sure it's something that compels viewers to stay.
2. Know Your Audience
Understanding your target audience is essential. Tailor your content to their interests, preferences, and pain points. Research their demographics, watch patterns, and comments on your previous videos to gain insights into what resonates with them.
3. Tell a Story
Stories have an innate ability to captivate human minds. Weave narratives into your videos that take viewers on a journey. Whether it's a personal anecdote, a case study, or a fictional scenario, a well-crafted story creates an emotional connection that keeps viewers engaged.
4. Visual Appeal
High-quality visuals are a must. Invest in good camera equipment, lighting, and editing tools to ensure your videos look polished and professional. Use engaging visuals like graphics, animations, and b-roll footage to enhance your storytelling.
5. Value-Driven Content
Your videos should provide value to viewers. Whether it's entertainment, education, inspiration, or problem-solving, ensure your content addresses a need or fulfills a desire. Valuable content is more likely to be shared and recommended.
Discover the ultimate YouTube product that can turn your passion into six figures in under 90 days. Unleash your potential and start your journey to success today!.
6. Interactive Elements
Engagement goes beyond just watching. Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and challenges to involve viewers actively. Encourage them to participate, comment, and share their opinions.
7. Consistency is Key
Maintain a consistent posting schedule. Regular uploads help build anticipation and keep your audience engaged. Subscribers are more likely to tune in when they know when to expect new content.
8. Call to Action (CTA)
Guide your viewers on what to do next. Whether it's subscribing, liking, commenting, or visiting your website, clear CTAs encourage engagement and interaction.
9. Feedback and Adaptation
Pay attention to your audience's feedback. Analyze video metrics and comments to understand what's working and what isn't. Adapt your content strategy based on these insights.
10. Authenticity
Perhaps the most crucial secret of all is authenticity. Be yourself. Audiences connect with real people, not just polished personas. Show your personality, share your experiences, and let your passion shine through.
In the dynamic world of YouTube, the secret to creating engaging videos is a combination of creativity, research, and a deep understanding of your audience. By consistently delivering valuable content, captivating stories, and interactive experiences, you can unlock the power to forge strong connections, cultivate a loyal following, and stand out in the realm of online video content creation. for the best recommendation check above to discover the secrets to YouTube success .
Thanks for reading
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