#best association of apartment owners
nextlegal · 3 months
How to Choose the Best Lawyers for High Court Cases
The importance of hiring competent legal representation cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to navigating the complexities of high court cases. Whether you're facing a criminal charge, civil dispute, or other legal matter, having the right lawyer by your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. In this blog post, we'll discuss some essential tips for selecting the best lawyers for high court cases.
1. Specialization and Expertise
When searching for a lawyer to represent you in high court proceedings, it's crucial to look for someone with expertise in the relevant area of law. High court cases often involve intricate legal principles and procedures, so you'll want a lawyer who has specialized knowledge and experience in handling similar cases.
2. Track Record of Success
A track record of success is another essential factor to consider when evaluating potential lawyers for your high court case. Look for attorneys who have a proven history of achieving favorable outcomes for their clients in similar situations. This could include winning court cases, negotiating settlements, or obtaining dismissals of charges.
3. Reputation and Reviews
Researching a lawyer's reputation and reading reviews from past clients can provide valuable insights into their professionalism, communication skills, and ability to deliver results. Look for testimonials or reviews on their website, third-party review sites, or legal directories to gauge the experiences of others who have worked with them.
4. Communication and Accessibility
Effective communication is critical when working with a lawyer, especially in high-stakes legal matters. Choose a lawyer who is responsive to your inquiries, keeps you informed about the progress of your case, and takes the time to address your concerns. Accessibility is also important, so make sure the lawyer you choose is readily available to meet with you and discuss your case as needed.
5. Personalized Approach
Every legal case is unique, so you'll want a lawyer who takes a personalized approach to your representation. Avoid attorneys who use a one-size-fits-all approach and instead seek out someone who will take the time to understand your specific circumstances, goals, and concerns. A lawyer who tailors their strategy to fit your individual needs is more likely to achieve a successful outcome in your high court case.
Selecting the best lawyer for your high court case requires careful consideration of factors such as specialization, track record, reputation, communication, and personalization. By taking the time to research and evaluate potential attorneys, you can increase your chances of securing effective legal representation and achieving a favorable outcome in your case.
Remember, the decision you make regarding your legal representation can have far-reaching implications, so it's essential to choose wisely. Don't hesitate to schedule consultations with multiple lawyers to discuss your case and determine who is the best fit for you. With the right lawyer by your side, you can navigate the complexities of the high court with confidence and peace of mind.
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mytheoristavenue · 1 month
Being the Secretary for T, T, & T Hero Agency
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You had only been working at the combined agency of Tsukuyomi, Tentacole, and Tail-Man for nearly a month at this point and being one of their only employees apart from themselves, you definitely had your work cut out for you.
All three of them had their quirks, but thankfully, you were beginning to figure them out. For example, they all liked to have coffee when the got into the office, and expected you to have it ready when they arrived.
Tail-Man took his coffee blonde with extra hazelnut creamer. Tentacole took his mostly plain, with milk and a bit of sugar. And lastly, Tsukuyomi took his entirely black, and in large quantities.
"Good Morning, Miss (L/N)," Tail-Man would greet, always coming through the door first. "How are you this morning?"
"I'm good, sir, thank you!" you'd respond with a kind smile. "Your coffee is read on your desk and there's muffins in the break room." You'd nod as he thanked you. "Oh, and I set your mail on your desk beside your mug! You've got some fan mail to answer, and you have a meeting with the owner of a local junior league dojo at ten. They'd like you to visit their class later this week!"
"Thanks for the heads up," he'd grin waving sheepishly, headin'g to his office "Go ahead and send 'em in when they get here."
"Yes, sir!"
Nearly every single day, when Tail-Man would leave you to go to his office, Tentacole would stride in, quiet, but typically in a rather cheerful mood.
"Good morning, sir," You'd smile, watching him wave back.
"Any appointments today?" he'd ask, stopping by your desk on his way in.
"None for you today, but you all have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Hero's Association." You'd answer, handing him a stack of envelopes. "Here's your mail for today. You're starting to gain popularity, it seems. Lots of fanmail today."
He'd always simply wave off your flattery, quickly changing the subject. "Coffee?" He'd ask sheepishly.
"On your desk, muffins in the break room."
He'd give you a warm, yet concealed smile. "You're the best,"
"I know."
At that time, Tsukuyomi would enter, moody and dramatic as always. He didn't tend to stop in to talk with you, normally nodding in passing but today was different for some reason. He walked right up to you, looking down on your sternly.
"Cancel my appointments, hold my calls." He commanded firmly. "Please." It was almost as if the last bit was obligatory, something he'd forgotten he had to say.
You simply nodded. "Done, everything's on your desk, muffins in the breakroom." You said with a calm smile, knowing he liked interactions short and sweet. "Have a good day, sir."
The way you addressed him made his feathers puff up and he eyed you as a hawk would a mouse. "See me later, my office."
His tone was demanding and made you worry you might be in trouble. For what, you weren't sure. The other two heroes seemed to adore you as their secretary, surely Tsukuyomi couldn't make the decision to fire you alone...
Could he?
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irkimatsu · 3 months
So I've got a request that may be odd but interesting. Reader/Husk where things start off with Husk being an Overlord and Reader a lowly sinner down on their luck, but after a long period of separation (things going sour, Alastor's doing, or whatever sounds best to you) they reunite and rekindle their relationship when Husk has lost everything and is working at the hotel, and Reader has risen the ranks to become an Overlord themselves. GN Reader is fine, thanks for your time!
Oh god help me I made this one angsty. I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted!
3.2k words (help), angst with a happy ending, SFW besides the usual swearing you expect from Hazbin fics. Reader finds Husk again after a decade apart, a tearful reunion is had, oh god help me
You stand in the middle of a grand ballroom, with a live band playing acoustic music and food and drink as far as the eye can see. Dozens of demons fill the hall, the most influential Sinners in the Pride Ring joined by their associates and servants.
It’s not the first time you’ve been to one of these gatherings, but it’s your first time here while on the other end of the leash.
You have to admit, it’s somewhat lonely here at the top. You’re not completely alone; like everyone else here, you’ve brought along your favorite contracted soul, who has just brought you a glass of champagne and earned a pat on his head for his troubles. But as you sip your drink, you can’t help but remember something with a smile.
He’d spit this out and ask where the scotch was…
It’s so strange not having his strong arm pinning you to his side. You can still see the charming expression on his face as he speaks with another Overlord, even as his tail waves as a warning to everyone who speaks to him. You know what that tail is saying without him needing to open his mouth.
“I’ll respect you if you respect me, but if you even think about trying anything with my pet, you’re dead.”
A lot of servants here are openly fearful or disdainful of their owners, but Overlord Husk never made you feel anything less than cared for. Sure, he had needs from you, but you enjoyed fulfilling those needs, especially knowing that he’d back down if you asked. He was cocky, spoiled, and reckless, but he adored you and always made sure to show it, both to you and to anyone who dared suspect that you were only a trophy he’d happily gamble away.
Then one day, he was just… gone. You woke up in his bed in the mansion like so many other mornings, and immediately you noticed that you couldn’t feel the faint bindings of his leash around your neck. You searched the mansion for him, but instead, you found Alastor reclining in Husk’s favorite lounge chair, sipping rye from one of Husk’s own glasses.
“Husker is no longer in need of your services, my dear. You’d best be on your way.”
He wouldn’t explain things any further than that, and you never heard from Husk again. What happened to him? Why would he just leave you like that, after years of calling you his most precious treasure…?
You need to shake those thoughts from your head before you have a breakdown in the middle of the party, so you join a nearby group of Overlords you can’t identify by name, intending to nod along and pretend to participate in their conversation. They appear to be discussing that rehabilitation hotel that Lucifer’s daughter started up. You continue sipping your drink and listening, hoping they don’t notice your silence.
“I still think it’s a foolish idea…”
“They did a wonderful job fighting off those exorcists, though. Imagine, we may never have to worry about another extermination thanks to that hotel!”
“Did you see any of the battle?”
“Oh, heavens, no, I never dare leave my shelter during an extermination, and I certainly don’t want to watch such a thing on TV!”
“Well, I caught some of it on the news, and would you believe, I could have sworn I saw the Gambling Demon fighting with the rest of Charlie’s crew!”
You try your damnedest to hide your shock at that news. At the very least, you manage to avoid dropping your glass.
“The Gambling Demon! Staying at Charlie’s hotel?! Surely you’re mistaken! And here I thought Alastor had him killed!”
“Oh, he looks different to be sure. He’s gotten a lot thinner, a lot scruffier. But how many tuxedo cats with giant wings do we have flying around in Hell? It had to have been him!”
“What do you suppose he’s doing in that place? Surely that old drunk doesn’t think Heaven would ever take him?”
“What kind of people does Heaven take, anyway…?”
As the discussion drifts away from the Gambling Demon, your attention drifts away from the discussion.
You’ll need to drop by that hotel sometime soon.
It takes you a few days to get away for long enough to stop by the hotel. Who knew Overlord business could be so exhausting? No wonder Husk needed your help with stress relief so often. But finally, after days of wondering, you find yourself standing outside the doors of the recently rebuilt Hazbin Hotel.
Surely it was all rumors, a cruel game of telephone meant to get your hopes up before harshly striking them down. You wouldn’t find him here. Not here, of all places. As far as you know, he’s dead.
But still, you have to know…
With a deep breath, you steel your nerves and push the door open. You’ve barely stepped into the lobby when a cheerful voice starts calling out to you.
“Oh! Hey there!” A group of demons are sitting in a circle of chairs, and all of them are now staring at you. Most of them are strangers, but you do recognize the one who’s enthusiastically waving at you as Princess Charlie herself.
You also recognize the winged cat who is currently staring at you with wide eyes and mouthing something inaudible. He’s much thinner, unhealthily so, and he doesn’t appear to be taking nearly as much care of his fur as he used to… but it can’t be anyone else, can it?
“You’re just in time!” Charlie says as she launches out of her seat and runs up to you. “We were just starting today’s trust exercise! Would you like to join us? It’s a perfect way to see what the Hazbin Hotel is all about!”
She’s speaking so quickly you can barely follow her.
“Oh, right, introductions! My name’s Charlie! What’s your name?”
You tell her your name, and she squeals with glee as she takes your hand. “Come on, come sit with us! Let me introduce you to everyone! This is Angel Dust, and Niffty, and Husk…”
You don’t remember any of the names she says after Husk’s. It really is him. The instant you lock eyes with him, you can’t look away. He’s frozen stiff, only the slight twitches of his tail showing that he hasn’t turned to stone.
“...and we have plenty of open rooms! What size bed do you like? Do you smoke? I know it’s hard to quit, and we’ll help you with that, but before then I can make sure you get a room with a balcony-”
“Charlie!” A girl with long white hair laughs and grabs Charlie’s hand to pull her back down into her seat. “Calm down! I think you’re freaking them out!”
“Sorry, Vaggie, sorry!” Charlie says. “It’s just always so exciting to see a new guest!”
“I don’t think it’s Charlie’s fault,” says the pink spider sitting on Charlie’s other side. “Seems like they just got distracted by our bartender. You like him, don’tcha? I know he’s cute, but don’t try pettin’ him, he bites.”
Husk must be stunned if he’s not reacting to a joke about his cat form. You’ve seen him punch other Overlords for that.
A bartender, though… that part doesn’t surprise you at all. But why here?
“Did you want to get a room set up first?” Charlie asks you. “I can help you pick one out, then we can come do the trust exercise! Oh, I can’t wait to get to know you!”
“I’ll take care of ‘em,” Husk says as he rises to his feet with a grunt.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, Husk! I can-”
“I’m the concierge here, ain’t I? Takin’ people to their room is part of my job.”
“Normally you complain when we ask you to check people in,” Vaggie says.
Husk shrugs at Vaggie’s observation as he heads toward the hotel’s bar. He grabs a box from beneath the bar and shakes it. “So, what size bed? You want a balcony?”
“Um… king?” you say, not sure if it’s an option. “Balcony is fine.”
“Mmm…” he stirs the contents of the box around with his claws for a moment, then takes out a key card and reads it. “Right, here’s one. Fifth floor.” He puts the box back where he found it, then pulls out a book and a pencil. He flips through the book for a specific page, then scribbles something inside it. 
He writes your full name perfectly, despite you not saying it directly to him.
Once that’s taken care of, the book also returns to where it came from. “C’mon.” He heads to the stairwell, and you follow.
What should you say to him? Should you say anything? Should you give him the first word? He doesn’t appear to be taking it as the two of you silently climb the stairs.
You reach the fifth floor, and your hotel room, without either of you saying a thing. “This is it.” He swipes the card and opens the door for you. “Look good?”
It’s a fully decorated room, with potted plants and wall art and a comfortable looking bed. It’s not entirely to your taste, but you can tell whoever designed it took great care with it.
“Don’t mind the art, you can replace that if you want. You might be staying for a while, so make it yours.”
“All right… thank you.”
Over a decade, and that’s all you can say to him?
You expect him to leave you to get settled in, but he keeps standing there, propping the door open. “Hey, uh… do I… know you, from somewhere?”
Your heart gives a single, heavy thud. “I think so… if you’re who I think you are.”
“Can I come in?” he asks. “Talk to you for a minute?”
“What about Charlie?” you ask.
“She’s patient,” is all he says before walking into the room. You follow him in and shut the door behind you. He’s standing in the middle of the room now, not looking at you. He seems to be at a loss of what to do with himself.
“...it’s really you,” he finally says, still facing away. “Before you said your name to Charlie, I thought… it couldn’t be…”
“Husk…” is all you can say. How long has it been since you’ve said that name? It feels so wonderful rolling off your tongue. At the sound of his name, he finally turns around to face you.
“...I missed hearing that…”
Your head is in conflict over what you should do now. Hug him and promise not to lose him again? Slap him and ask where the hell he’s been all this time? Break down crying, overwhelmed with thoughts of how you just spent the last ten years assuming he was dead?
“What happened…?” is all you can manage to say, without moving an inch.
His ears tilt down and he grumbles to himself as he grips his arms. “I didn’t want… didn’t mean… I’m sorry. He wouldn’t… I couldn’t…” he takes a deep breath. “...a lot’s happened since the last time I saw you.”
“Can you tell me about any of it?” you ask.
“Can we sit?” he asks in return. You nod in agreement, and the two of you sit on the edge of the hotel bed.
“How much do you know already?” Husk asks.
“Not much,” you say. “I went to sleep by your side one night, and then I never saw you again. That’s all.”
“Do you remember what I told you that night?” he continues.
“That you had a big meeting the next morning, but that I shouldn’t worry about it and you’d be home soon…” The gears start turning in your head. “What happened at that meeting…?”
“I lost,” Husk says. “I lost everything to Alastor. The money, the casinos, the mansion, the staff… even my own soul. A few bad hands, and that was it.” 
You once again remember seeing Alastor that day, and your hand goes up to your throat. “Did you lose me to…?”
“I didn’t lose you to anyone!” Husk insists. “I promised I’d never bet your soul, didn’t I? I didn’t bet it then, either. He didn’t want me keeping you, said a pet didn’t need a pet of his own… but there was no fucking way I was letting him have you. Letting you go before he took everything from me was the best thing I could do for you.”
“And you couldn’t tell me?” Tears are welling in your eyes. Are you relieved? Angry? Where has he been?
“He wouldn’t let me!” Husk says, defensive. “Wouldn’t even let me near any of the property I used to own! I couldn’t tell anyone from those days what happened! He wanted everyone to think he’d killed me!” He needs a few breaths to calm himself down. You barely recognize your old Overlord in his current face; he looks so lost and tired. “Believe me, I didn’t just give up. I looked for you when I could, but I didn’t know where to begin, especially when I couldn’t even get into my own casinos anymore. If I had any idea where you were, I swear I would have found you…”
If he still doesn’t know where you’ve been, then clearly he forgot to check somewhere vital. “Have you been keeping an eye on the Overlords recently?”
“Like I want anything to do with that fucking group ever again,” he spits out. “I still hate how I lost everything, but I know it’s for the best that I got out of there with some dignity intact… wait.” He sits up and stares at you. “Is that where you’ve been?”
You smile and nod. He chuckles in response and leans back on his hands.
“Heh… should’ve known you’d find another Overlord to take care of you. I just hope they’re good to you… I may not be as powerful as I once was, but I’ll still kill anyone who tries messing with you. I ain’t breaking my promises to you, not even now.”
“Husk…” you say with a shake of your head. “I’m not on anyone’s leash anymore. Not since I lost you.”
“Eh?” He raises a large, red eyebrow. “Then what are you doing, hanging around with Overlords?”
“Well… I am one now,” you said. “After you left, I had to fend for myself. I started a business, made connections with the people you used to know, and now… here I am.”
“No shit… you as an Overlord,” he says. “Not surprised you managed to climb that high, if that’s what you wanted. I just hope you’re playing fair. Not like some of the other scumbags with that title.”
You can’t help but wonder if he’s including himself in “scumbags”.
“Of course I play fair,” you say. “I learned a lot from you. It’s ruthless work, but it doesn’t mean I have to mistreat people for it.”
“Good to hear,” he says. “Good to know some people down here don’t let power completely fuck ‘em up. What kinda souls you own?”
“I try to make fair deals,” you say. “Hiring people to work in factories, using contracts to protect company secrets, that sort of thing. I think my people are happy where they are. I try to make it less awful than it could be, at least.”
“Got any pets?” Husk continues.
“Pets…? Oh.” It takes a moment for you to catch his meaning. “No, no! I’m not interested in that sort of thing. Everyone just works for the company. No personal relationships.”
“Huh… shame. Having a pet is a lot of fun. Getting to spoil ‘em, seeing ‘em smile when you’re around… pissing off other Overlords who don’t understand why their souls hate them so damn much, but your pet can’t keep their paws off of you…” He sighs and closes his eyes. “It was nice, having you by my side. I regret a lot of shit from back then… but I don’t regret having you. …at least, as long as you don’t regret it. Was I good to you back then…?”
“You were amazing,” you assure him as you lean against him. “Amazing enough that… that I can’t see myself with a pet of my own. I don’t belong on that side of the leash… and I don’t belong on anyone else’s leash, either.”
“...you know I’m washed up,” he says. “I ain’t got shit left. No money, no influence, just a damn chain around my neck forcing’ me to do the bidding of a sadistic freak who thinks I’m an animal.”
“Husk…” You can’t help but hug him tight as you hear just what he’s been going through in your time apart.
“I can’t spoil you anymore. I can’t take you to parties, I can’t buy you expensive gifts… that shit’s over now. You’re staring at… well, you’re staring at a withered old husk.”
“Can you still sing to me?” you ask. “And dance with me? Perform tricks for me?”
“I… maybe?” he says. “I’m out of practice. Haven’t had a reason to do any of that for years.”
“But could you?” you repeat.
“I mean… I’d like to… I’ve missed it.” He smiles again, his eyes staring off into the distance. “I still remember how you’d smile when I sang your favorite love songs…”
“I always loved your voice,” you say. “I still remember what you sound like when you sing. I think about it sometimes…”
“Yeah?” he says. “...I think about it too. You smiling as I’d sing to you, and… and hold you…” You’ve been waiting ever since you leaned in, but finally, his arms are wrapped around you. “And tell you that… no matter how much I lost… I’d never lose you…”
You never saw Overlord Husk cry before. Such a prideful man surely couldn’t cry. But as he rests his chin atop your head, you can hear his breathing start to hitch.
“I’m sorry…”
“It wasn’t your fault,” you assure him as you nuzzle his neck, just the way he loved all those years ago. A purr assures you that it hasn’t changed.
“If I knew that day… that when I left, I wouldn’t be coming back… I would have stayed in just a little longer.” He rests his claw on your chin and tilts it up to look in your eyes. Now you can clearly see the tears pricking the corners of his own. “Would have at least kissed you goodbye…”
“You did kiss me goodbye,” you say. “That night, before we went to sleep, the last thing you did was kiss me…”
“...and I promised I’d be back,” he finishes. “I kissed you goodbye for a day. Not a decade.” His claws run down your face, just as gentle as ever. “Could I… do that now?”
“Don’t kiss me goodbye,” you say. “Just kiss me.”
He grants your wish, lightly placing his lips against yours. He finally lets his tears fall, but the way they stain your cheeks doesn’t make you pull away. If anything, they’re just another reminder for you that he’s here, along with his warmth in your arms and the sound of his soft moans vibrating against your lips as he keeps kissing you.
“Charlie…” you murmur. “Charlie’s waiting for us-”
“She’s patient,” he repeats as he pushes you down to the bed. “I’m sure she’ll understand me wanting some quiet time with an old friend.” He offers no further argument before resuming his kisses, and you have no further reason to protest.
“I love you, Husk,” you manage to whisper between kisses.
“I love you too, doll. Always have.”
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sageyxbabey · 2 months
Whiskers & Wishes - Gaz x Reader (2)
help, it's again.
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two of the images used are renders done by loneghostwolf88 (@loneghostwolf) and BettyBRenders3D
Gaz x F!Reader, eventual smut (final chapter only).
this is: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | TBA
Gaz knows you very well - he's been in love with you for the better part of a year. So when he jilts the wrong woman and ends up being turned into a cat for his troubles, surely the person who knows him best will recognise him, even like this... right?
You know Gaz very well - you've been pining over him for the past year. So when he disappears without a trace and a strange cat appears at your apartment, the little coincidences that remind you of Kyle are just your anxious mind making false connections... right?
Read on AO3 or below the cut!
When your eyelids fluttered open the next morning, you were greeted by the rise and fall of a fluffy chest and hazel eyes that peered into your own.
A deep inhale – a resigned sigh.
“Good morning,” you groaned and promptly shoved your head back into your pillow. Why was your fluffy little feline friend still in your apartment – let alone in your bed? Maybe you’d been wrong; he didn’t have a home to return to. But he’d looked so well taken care of last night, with bright eyes and a shiny coat. Plus, he’d recognised the cat door on your balcony and how it worked. Perhaps he’d had owners up until recently… there wasn’t a collar on him, after all.
A wave of fury washed over you at the thought, and you scowled into the pillows. Your daze was interrupted by an odd pressure on your lower back. You turned and saw the cat gently making biscuits on your lower back; his claws kindly tucked away like a gentleman. 
“Thank you, pretty kitty,” you chuckled in a sleep-hoarse voice, one arm stretched back as you caressed his soft ears. The cat just purred and stared back at you with those wide, hazel eyes that strangely reminded you of…
He should’ve been on a plane halfway across the country, but you knew he’d have replied to your message overnight. He always did. It was something you loved and hated about him in equal measure. You revelled in his attention, but those little tastes made the way you hungered for the real thing even worse. 
You checked your phone. Nothing. You opened every single app with a text chain with Kyle, but the only new messages were the ones you’d sent him about the cat. They were all left on delivered, not even read. 
“Strange,” you whispered to yourself.
It was at that moment that the cat started meowing furiously. 
“Well, excuse me, cranky!” You blinked in surprise before turning back to your phone. The torrent of noise continued.
“Mrrp!” You felt fur brush your cheek before a brown paw struck out at your screen like lightning.
You gasped and jerked your head around, your cat still bapping at Kyle’s contact photo. 
‘Demanding little beast’ , you thought.
“Are you hungry? Is that it?”
A low, frustrated “Mrrow…” was the only reply.
“If you want something, you don’t need to get violent about it…” you groaned as you clambered out of bed, “Sassiest cat I’ve ever bloody met.” You tossed your phone on the bed before stumbling into the kitchen.
— — —
Well. Shit…
That was all Kyle could think of as he stared at your abandoned phone. Smacking at his own face when you checked your messages had been, admittedly, a half-baked plan to get you to connect the dots. But until he had something more solid, there wasn’t much more he could do than get you to associate real-him with cat-him . 
You were right about one thing, though. He was hungry.
He brushed up against the soft skin of your legs until you picked him up like you had the night before. He didn’t like being so far away from your face. He was used to being taller than you – used to leaning his head over your shoulder to get you flustered, used to looking down into your gorgeous eyes and not being able to contain his smile. 
He settled for being cradled into your shoulder instead. 
You reheated some of last night’s chicken and placed it on a dish in front of him… on the ground. 
Absolutely not. He was not about to eat from a plate on the bloody floor. It was just plain demeaning. He blinked up at you, desperate to convey his disgust.
“Come on, baby, it’s the same stuff as last night. What’s the problem?”
Kyle padded over to your little dining table and leapt up onto one of the chairs, his head barely peeking over the edge. 
You stared at him with one hand on your hip, the other clutching your tea.
Your jaw dropped. “You cannot be serious.”
Kyle flicked his elegant tail.
“You are the weirdest cat I have ever seen,” you grumbled as you picked up the dish and placed it on the table before him. You shook your head and sat down opposite him with your mug.
 It was a strange parallel version of a scene he’d lived dozens of times before, sharing drinks and conversation after he’d spent the night on your couch, having found reason after reason to stick around until you told him it was too late for him to go home. Christ, of all the times to be unable to speak with you, this fever dream of a situation was definitely the worst.
He heard you sigh as he ate. He didn’t need to look up to know you’d have your face rested in one hand, eyes half-closed in sleep. Your cheek squished up and oh-so kissable. 
“You didn’t go home last night, mister.” Kyle felt your finger rub behind his ear, turning his face until you brushed his cheek instead. “You must belong to someone, a stray could never be as audacious as you are and survive.” 
‘Oi!’ he thought. A little chirp came out of his mouth.
“Don’t argue with me. You know I’m right.” He licked your finger in retaliation.
“No collar, though, and no one in this building knows you.” You sighed, lips pursed in thought. “I’ll have to take you to the vet, hmm? See if you’ve got a microchip.” 
Kyle bristled at the suggestion as you stroked his neck fur, oblivious. On second thought, he knew there was no record or microchip to be found. If you learned this and kept him, it would give him more time to find a way to communicate with you. Plus, he wouldn’t have to live on the streets while waiting to become human again.
He hopped onto the table and wove around the dish to nuzzle his head under your chin. ‘Come on, normally it takes you five seconds after spotting a stray before you’re crying to me about how you want to take it home,’ Kyle thought as he sat up and looked at you with the widest eyes he could manage. ‘I’m fucking adorable, get attached to me!’
You let out a small ‘aww’ and cradled his face in your hands. “Sweet little guy,” you cooed before you kissed his forehead. 
Mission success.
You massaged his cheeks with your fingertips and kissed his forehead again. “Aren’t you so handsome?” Kyle’s chest rumbled with a purr against his will. Maybe there were a few perks to the whole ‘cat’ business, after all.
— — — 
The cat had been surprisingly cooperative when you’d gotten him ready for the vet. 
He jumped into the box of his own free will and stayed put the entire walk down to the car. He sat upright in the passenger seat with refined posture as you drove to the vet, his thick chest fur like a cravat tied around his neck. 
This animal just seemed so… human. You felt like you were going mad each time you had that thought.
He was perfectly polite in the waiting room and during the initial check-up – he’d only sent you one murderous glare when the doctor pressed on his hips and belly to check for lumps. 
“I’m not picking up a microchip, and there’s no record at our practice of a cat with his description who isn’t microchipped.” The vet’s voice was gentle as she moved to put the scanner back in a drawer. “I agree, it’s doubtful that he’s a stray based on his appearance, health, and what you’ve told me.” You looked down at the feline as he pushed his head further into your hand, waiting for you to run your hands down his neck and shoulders. 
“He’s such a sweet thing,” you murmured, “I can only imagine how worried his owners must be, but I don’t understand why he didn’t just go home last night. It’s literally what cats do!”
“Unfortunately, it’s more common than you might think for people to take collars off family pets and dump them or leave them behind when moving.” The vet sighed. “You’re more than welcome to search for the owners, but if you want to hold onto him in the meantime, I suggest you have him registered with us under a name and consider a collar. 
“Plus,” she smiled, tilting her chin at the cat, “It’s obvious he adores you.” 
Your eyes flicked down to the ball of deep brown fur nestled up to your arm, big eyes boring into your own.
“I think that’s an excellent idea.” You smiled up at the other woman. “What do you think?” you cooed down at the little cat, who now sported an unimpressed glare. He chirped.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
When you left the vet’s, you had a cat registered as Mister with a collar to match, some wet cat food, cat toys, and a litter box. You hoped it wouldn’t take too much encouragement for him to use it.
— — —
There was no force in Heaven or Earth that could make Kyle use a fucking litter box. 
He’d diligently suffered through the poking and prodding like a good little soldier, he’d sat patiently when you’d bought feathery little playthings, and he’d even kept his temper when you’d placed a collar and tag with your phone number around his neck.
Although, he’d had to remind himself to be mad about the collar, repressing the satisfied feeling in his gut at the idea you’d staked a claim on him, something that announced him as yours for everyone to see. It had to be some side effect of this cat business. Yes, that was definitely it…
But the one thing that had immediately tipped him over the edge was the litter box. As soon as you’d picked up the repulsive thing, Kyle’s reaction was to huff out, ‘Absolutely fucking not!’  
Unfortunately, all you had heard was a long, low growl with his ears pinned to his skull.
Two days later, you would come running into your bathroom after hearing the toilet flush when you were home alone. Instead of coming face-to-face with an intruder, you made direct eye contact with Kyle as he stood on your toilet seat with his back paws, his front half leaning on the half-flush button. Both of you froze.
He blinked at you.
You blinked at him.
‘Please,’ Kyle thought, ‘Surely this is weird enough for something to click in that pretty head of yours.’
“Holy shit,” you mumbled. “I’ve seen this in YouTube shorts, I didn’t think anyone ever actually taught their cats how to use the bathroom.”
Kyle adored you, but he was starting to question your intelligence.
He displayed the same aversion to the cat food, constantly begging to sit at the table with you and eat whatever you were having. Eventually, you’d caved, and now you made him a dinner mix of rice, vegetables, and meat. He still made you pick him up for at least a little while when you cooked. He craved the sound of your heartbeat against his ear and the smell of your hair when he nuzzled into your neck. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend he’d found you like this after a long day of work, coming home and wrapping his arms around your waist while you told him about your day. He could pretend it was a certainty that you would share the same bed as him, that he was allowed to hold you, to kiss you, to feel you. A universal constant.
But then you would scratch behind his ears and call him a “Spoiled little baby,” and the cold water of reality would drown him once again.
Later that night, Kyle heard you try to call him.
“Look, I just–” Your exhale was fragile. One hand covered your eyes as you stood half in moonlight and half in shadow, painted like a sinner at confession. 
“If I did something wrong when you were last here, Kyle,” Your voice broke over the letters of his name. No bullet could ever hurt him more than that sound.
‘Never! You could never,’ he thought.
“I’m so sorry. I know you’re probably just really busy, and you can ignore this–” You paused to regain your breath, your face crumpled under the pressure of your pain.
‘I’m not ignoring you, darling. I’m still here.’
“But please,” Your eyes locked onto his across the room, but you did not see him . “Please just let me know that you’re okay.”
‘I’m still here!’
Kyle watched you hang up the voicemail and sink into the couch. Guilt settled heavily in his chest like a stone. ‘Please,’ he thought, ‘God, anyone, fix what has happened to me so I can comfort her properly.’  
Nothing changed.
He would make do. For you, he could always make do.
Kyle bounded into your bedroom and jumped onto your bed, nudging at your spare blanket until it fell to the floor. He began to drag the blanket out into your living room, one corner in his mouth. He tripped over the damn thing a few times, the fabric much heavier than his smaller body. 
Christ, being a cat was fucking inconvenient.
Your head perked up at the drag of fleece over your carpet, and you looked shocked. You reached down to pull the blanket up around you. “Thank you, baby,” you mumbled at him. Kyle’s skin felt too tight. 
Gaz shook himself out and leapt onto your couch, huddling down beside your face. Kyle rubbed his face against yours, laying little licks across your neck and cheeks. Eventually, your breathing calmed, and you pulled back to look him in the eyes. “Sweet little thing,” you whispered. He could hear that sandpaper-rough exhaustion in your voice. His stomach felt like it was trying to escape his body.
‘I’m sorry,’ Kyle had never wanted to wrap himself around you more.
— — —
Your heart had split somewhere between the third dial tone and the voicemail beep. Fear had clawed its way inside you, dragging you down from where it was anchored into your chest. 
Kyle would never ignore your messages for no reason, which meant that either something was very wrong or he was upset with you, and he wasn’t meant to be out in the field for at least a week, so the only other possibility was that you were stupid and you had–  
The unravelling thread of thoughts was shattered by Mister dragging a blanket towards you. 
‘What a smart creature!’ you thought at the time . ‘Did his previous owner teach him this? Can cats be taught things like this? Where the fuck did he even know where to find this blanket!?’
“Thank you, baby,” you managed through tears, curling up under the warm fleece.
Mister settled in next to you and rubbed his head against you, licking stray tears from your neck and cheeks. You marvelled at how brilliant this cat was. It was as if he understood what you were feeling. You took his head in your palms and moved back to look at him.
“Sweet little thing,” you whispered. Your voice sounded too quiet. 
Mister let out the softest, smallest mewl you’d ever heard. The tiny sound slithered into the crack in your chest, and you didn’t think you could survive it. There was a strange guilt at the idea your sadness was infecting your poor cat.
“Aww, sweetheart!” You chuckled weakly, “Are you worried about me, Mister?”
“Mrow,” Mister pressed a paw against your forehead. You let out a wet laugh and took the small thing in your hands, “Look at your little toe beans!” You sniffed, running your fingertip over the sensitive pads before pressing on the middle of Mister’s paw. His claws shot out around your finger, and it looked oddly like he was holding your hand. This time, you let out a genuine laugh, the sound devoid of tears.
The awful roiling in Kyle’s gut finally subsided.
“What a big, scary guy, huh?” You carefully kissed his paw before letting go, pulling Mister further into your arms before the exhaustion of the day took hold of you right there on the couch.
— — — 
Gaz’s heart rate had reached an unhealthy speed when you’d called him that. 
Big, scary guy.  
God. You’d kissed his palm, too. It didn’t matter if this was not his actual body. He could feel it all the same. 
And yet, you had no idea. He knew then that he was fucked. He was horrifically and hopelessly in love with you. It was a truth carved into his soul. 
He was in love with you, and he was still a fucking cat.
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jamneuromain · 7 months
I have an idea omg. We need more of Lloyd and reader... What about a situation when Lloyd got injured, like he kicked someone's ass , got his knuckles bleeding, or maybe he got a cut or smth... and the reader though she's aware of her blood-seeing problem ofc decided to help him, trying to fight her hemophobia best she could because Lloyd needed her help. Or it can be quite the opposite, the reader got hurt in some way, bleeding a bit, and Lloyd decided to help her because he knows her reaction to seeing blood and all. What do you think?😬☺
Hi Elena😌❤️ (sorry that it took so long I accidentally deleted my draft ... and took very long to recover from the devastating fact :l
Your "Lloyd got hurt" idea certainly is very interesting....👀
So, what would happen if Lloyd got hurt and he has no one else to turn to but his secretary with hemophobia...🤔
Bleed Out
Lloyd Hansen x You
Warning: Mob AU, Mob!Lloyd, Secretary!Reader (Driver!Denny Carmicheal), Graphic Depiction of Blood and Violence (I guess Lloyd is a warning of his own?), Reader has hemophobia (fear of blood), a lot of cursing.
Summary: Lloyd is under your protection for now.
A/N: This is the sequel to A Whiff of Blood, Thank you for all your love to Mob!Lloyd<333
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One thing, one particular feature you like about the apartment you're living in, is that this little condo - along with the rest of the building and five other blocks in the vicinity, belongs to a high-end resident community that has strict security guard patrol schedules and limited key-card access. These precautions resulted in rocket-high market prices and a rather wealthy neighborhood, as the owner of these buildings forbids renting, for every keycard that could access the front gate, elevators, and their matching apartments, accompanied by facial recognition embedded in the little chip. When you get home every night (or afternoon, if you are lucky), you have to press your keycard and stand before the camera before the gate grants you inside. This brings quite some comfort for you, working for a mob boss named Lloyd Hansen, and knowing that his associates are basically "wanted" by rival gangs for the valuable information they possess.
While it is impossible that you could afford such an exquisite apartment with your salary, though very well-paid, you are truly grateful because Lloyd signed this condo - his condo - to you without a word (or asking a dime from you) when you told him during your final interview that you will be needing a week to relocate before starting the job.
That's when you made up your mind that Lloyd Hansen is a boss worthy to work for.
It's not a big place. Having two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Decorated in white, black, and grey, clearly matching Lloyd's taste when he asked his lawyer to give you the key card and have you move in.
You've lived here for three years now. Adding soft cushions and light-colored sets to the tedious design here and there. Like the sunflower tablecloth and daisy plates and bowls. Like the pink polka dot sheets and duvet covers. And the fluffy slippers, taken out from the cabinets, ready to be put on as soon as fuzzy socks don't work their magic any more.
You are finishing washing the mug you just used. After putting it on the racks, you wipe your hands with a clean cloth. It is a workday tomorrow, and you intend to sleep early to wake up with a fresh spirit to deal with your (sometimes) moody boss. Treating yourself to a nice little read in the bedside lamp radiating yellow glow - another decoration that you feel much needed for this place, you reach out to turn off the lamp when there's a sudden rush of knock on your door.
You zip your mouth shut.
The news two weeks ago, about a woman who was curious about the baby crying at her door, was yanked out of her apartment as soon as she opened the door, being raped and killed in her own bed.
You are smart enough not to ask "Who is it", letting this unexpected guest learn that a young female is at home.
When the unexpected visitor doesn't hear your reply, they knock on the door more fiercely, nearly knocking your heart out of your throat.
You remember the tutorial online: Approach the door with caution, and check the surveillance camera. If there's no one in sight, call the cops. If there's anything out of the ordinary, like a baby or a kitten by the door, call the cops.
In summary, call the cops.
Your fingers hover above your phone, having the police number on speed dial, when you turn on the surveillance camera monitor by the door.
A very bruised, cut, and tired Lloyd, having a gun in his hand, banging on your door as he winces in pain.
"Goodness gracious-" Your gasp gets stuck in your throat. Opening the door in an instant, there's nothing else in your mind than keeping him alive. Your goosebumps on high alert as Lloyd's eyes scan over you. You pull him in, checking that the hallway is secure, before closing the heavy door as quietly as possible.
You turn to him, "Mr. Han-" Your words stop mid-sentence as you feel the need to fight the bile down your throat.
Yes. Mr. Hansen is very much covered in the one thing you hate most in the world.
Blood splattered on his chest, his ridiculous choice of the blue-white striped polo shirt and cuts littered over his face and bare arms. His pants are dripping. Some crimson-colored liquid will stick permanently onto your floor and your beloved carpet.
Redness, some stained into near-brown, all over his figure.
You hold your breath, not letting the iron taste linger to make matters worse.
Lloyd walks, more like limps to each of your rooms - now that you can breathe a little while the blood smell is gone temporarily, and convince yourself that it's just ketchup on your boss (though you doubt that trick works) - and inspects each of them with his finger on the gun's trigger.
Taking in the whole situation, three things pop into your mind.
Lloyd is in desperate need of medical attention.
You are most likely to faint as soon as he returns, seeing this amount of blood.
Lloyd wouldn't knock on your door if this isn't desperate for him as well.
As Lloyd approaches, you are wrecking every brain cell to work a way out of this.
" 'S anyone here?" He asks, pulling the safe of his gun back on, before plopping down on your couch and groaning because he most definitely pulls one or two, if not a few of his wounds.
However, one of THE most brilliant ideas comes to you when you are holding your breath.
You shake your head, raising one finger to tell him you need a moment - or you hope that your running off conveys the message, and dash towards your bathroom.
Lloyd sags down on the couch, not even bothering to get up or turn his head to watch whether you've pulled out a gun pointing at him. You probably wouldn't do so, since you chose to pull him in, instead of letting him bleed out by your door.
When you appear in front of him again, his body briefly stuns a moment, before emerging in a burst of full-blown laughter. He laughs so hard that his laughter turns into coughs, which leads to him pressing his hand over his chest in case he tears his wounds further.
You place your hands on your hips. Compared to him, you are least amused by your idea.
You smoothed your hair back and put on your scuba diving goggles from a paid leave last year. Lloyd personally oversaw your two-week vacation, paying from your hotel suite to your travel expenses, and even ordering you full scuba diving equipment for your one-hour scuba lesson.
Of course, you weren't actually interested in becoming an expert, but the scuba equipment was too nice to be thrown away.
"Not funny." You breathe through your mouth. Even though the orange plastic - or glass, you don't quite know which - changes how the bloody Lloyd looks in your eyes, it still doesn't completely change the idea that Lloyd is, in fact, covered in blood, as much as you don't want to think about it. And it definitely doesn't block the smell of blood, which probes the nerves at the back of your nose whenever you breathe through your mouth.
Lloyd scans your "outfit", his laughter slowly dials down, eventually turns into a lazy smile ghosting his lips, "You're right. It's not."
It's over 10:30 pm, and you usually would have been sleeping, or lying on your bed, at least. But no, you are stuck in the living room with your boss who's about to die any minute, and you are only able to stand in front of him, alive and thinking, with a fucking scuba mask on.
So, fuck this.
You roll your eyes at your cold-blooded boss. "Should I call your doctor? Or send you to the hospital?"
The smirk disappears.
Although he didn't say "no" to the hospital, by now you've realized the hospital choice was crossed off the board, as he chose you instead of ringing the police - which will no doubt lead to an investigation since Lloyd is the most notorious mob in Los Angles.
You search for the first aid bag that you stocked away when you moved in. It has rarely been used.
"Doc's dead." He murmurs, but loud enough for you to understand. He spoke with a sadness that only appears when he has lost one of his people. "I took Jared to his clinic."
You know Jared, he is one of the muscles working for Lloyd. He helped take care of one of Lloyd's rivals, Brewer.
"The deal with the Russian mobs tonight went wrong, but we got out in one piece." Lloyd explains curtly, "I got him to Doc's place to get stitched up. But we were attacked... Doc died, so did Jared."
So... two of his people.
Medical alcohol and Q-tips were picked from the bag, then a roll of gauze. You place those on the coffee table.
"I think you need something bigger than a Q-tip." He chuckles, unbuckling his belt, removing his pants. You open your mouth wanting to argue it's probably best that he doesn't move right now, but you silence yourself when you see a flesh wound -
Blood trickles down his thigh, leaving a scorched round hole on his leg. You turn your head to the other side as soon you feel the need to hurl. Even with your goggles on, deep down, you know that it's blood, not ketchup, nor some red paint oozing from his body.
“Don’t puke on my shoes. Crocodiles died for it.” A strangled grunt comes out of his mouth when he finished speaking, having your heart tug in the slightest of agony.
The belt he took off just now is turned into an instant tourniquet on his thigh. The blood drips slower than it did, but it keeps ruining your carpet.
“Yeah, I bet the crocodile spirits hate you right now.” You mutter under your breath, snatching a face mask from the first-aid kit, taking a small inhale after you put it over your face.
Much, much better now.
Lloyd snorts out a short laugh, “You look like one of those bird-man in the Middle Ages when they are battling the plague.”
“Yeah well,” You place your hand on your hips, feeling somewhat braver to deal with this bloody mess all over your living room, “You’re about to bleed out on my couch, so let’s start with you telling me what else I can help with.”
Lloyd spares a glance at you when he’s busy rolling the gauze and pressing it onto his gunshot wound, his expression uninterpretable. Though you would guess that he is mildly impressed.
“Got any liquor? Something strong?” He raises his brows almost challengingly, “I don’t see any painkillers here, so … Bourbon? Whiskey? Scotch? Anything?”
You do have a bottle of whiskey that your cousin gave to you when you moved in. He’d come to visit and lend a helping hand from time to time. You take two glasses from the cupboard and half a bottle of whiskey.
You could use some liquid courage with a murder scene and your psycho boss in the middle of this lovely condo.
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With the aid of whiskey and your patching and cleaning of the rest of the wounds, Lloyd is able to sleep through the night soundly without worrying about being a rigid corpse in the morning.
Yawning, and accidentally stretching his patched-up wounds, he allows a string of curses to flow out of his lips. Judging by the sunlight peeking through your curtains, he’d say it’s 9 or 10 in the morning. Last night, he was tired when the adrenaline gradually faded away, and he did not have the chance to take a close look at your – used to be his – place.
You did not put this place through any major changes, just some minor traces, reminding him that he is, in a sense, invading this cozy little apartment with his banged-up body.
With a decent set of fresh suit, shirt, and tie on the chair beside the bed.
Faint murmurs come from the other side of the door, Lloyd tenses up immediately, pulling his gun under the pillow, where he stocked last night, and turns the doorknob slowly.
“… shut up.” He hears you smack someone’s arm jokingly.
Your voice blends in with the voice in his memory of last night, when he winced in pain as you tried to take out glass shards from his forehead with a pair of tweezers, when he swung another gulp of whiskey from the bottle.
“Fucking hell, woman, I swear you’re trying to scoop my brains out rather than finding the glass pieces.” He grumbled.
“You’re lucky I didn’t kick you out, Mr. Hansen. Now I’m kindly asking you to shut up so I can take care of your wounds before it could get any worse.” You said impatiently, having struggled between the discomfort in your stomach and your determination to get him patched up, but adjusted your attitude soon after, keeping your mouth shut and pushing his upper body so he would lean on the couch and be still, while you turned on the flashlight to search the little glass piece on his forehead.
The warm and shallow breath fell on the ridge of his nose. It was broken, sure, tingling and itching, but it also meant that you were close, close enough to kiss-
“Cuz, are you sure that-”
The male voice is cut off when Lloyd in a black suit appears in front of you and a young man. One of his hands behind his back, you know far too well he’s holding the gun and will shoot your cousin’s brain out if you don’t explain quickly.
“Morning Mr. Hansen. This is my cousin, Connor Ashborne, studying at UCLA Med School.” You smile politely towards your boss, “I called for him to check up on you, since you refused to go to any doctor with a gunshot wound. He’s here to provide professional medical assistance.”
“Mr. Hansen,” the young man extends his hand for Lloyd to shake, “I’ve heard of a lot of things about you.”
“Lots of bad things, I hope.” Lloyd throws in a comment half-sarcastically, plopping himself down on the couch, ignoring your cousin’s extending hand, “Shit.” When he stretches his wounds again, the gauze must have clotted with his flesh for this level of pain.
“Cuz?” Conner turns his choice to your hand, “It’s your call. I can’t force your boss to do anything.”
“Yeah, me neither.” You mutter, “He’s more stubborn than a bull with eyes on the red flag.”
“Careful there, sunshine.” Lloyd gulps down some whiskey, numbing the pain in his thigh, “I can hear ya’ loud and clear.”
You silently shrugged towards your cousin, letting him know that you could not be of help any more than he did. “You should probably head to your classes.” You speak softly towards Connor, “Say hi to your sister for me, will you?”
“Sure thing, cuz. Remember those antibiotics and pain meds for the... patient in the kit.” He pulls you into a hug, “No need to thank me, I know, I'm one of a kind.”
Yeah, he's a one-of-a-kind dick when he wants to be. You can't help but smile knowing that his ego bloated after coming to your aid.
“I’ll see you around Christmas, yeah?”He asks.
“Around Christmas.” You confirm, patting his back.
Connor shoots you a wink and a “Bye, cuz”, grabbing the bicycle helmet on the kitchen counter and rushing out of your apartment like a gust of wind.
"A-hem." Lloyd clears his throat.
You let out a long exhale, realizing the big problem-o is still sitting on the couch like he owns this place – he indeed still does, as you have helped combing through his real estate. He owns the whole residential community – more specifically, has a lot of shares in the company which runs this residence, at the very least. Putting your best, and most professional courtesy on, you ask Lloyd, “I’ve called Denny earlier this morning. He’s now driving around the block. Denny has driven to your place and picked up the usual breakfast from your cook. Should I call him and tell him to come up? Or you’d like to head to the office right now?”
“Tell him to come up. I’ve been shot. It seems fair to skip work this morning.” Lloyd has the usual smug smile on his face. Stepping into his crocodile shoes onto the floor, spreading his arms over the couch, he looks down at the ground before narrowing his eyes and raising a sharp question: “You’ve had the carpet thrown out?”
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Of course, you’ve had the carpet thrown out. Or you would throw up five times per hour.
You thought so when carrying the blood-soaked carpet downstairs, after making sure Lloyd was asleep around midnight. As his secretary, it is your job to make sure he doesn’t have to worry about anything besides his business.
You carried the carpet downstairs, avoiding cameras as carefully as possible, with your ridiculous scuba goggles and face mask on, and dumped the carpet, into another residence trash can two blocks further. With his blood and his scent on it, it is easy to lure those henchmen away if they bring hounds to search for Lloyd.
Lloyd does not go down without a fight, that you were certain. You were also certain of the fact that the transaction gone wrong would make relative parties involved less than happy, hence the ambush at Doc’s place. If they struck once, it seemed possible that they would strike again, knowing that Lloyd was hurt.
Also packing hydrogen peroxide, a powerful bleach, and a pack of Q-tips with you, you carefully erased the traces of Lloyd’s blood from the street to your residence building, and inside the elevator.
“Miss Y/L/N!” The security guard exclaimed on seeing you back inside the building. He was smart enough not to comment on you pulling your scuba goggles and face mask off, but smiled warmly, “A rough night?”
You smile back, “Hi Henry. I hate to pull ranks on you, Henry, I really do. But in less than ten minutes you are going to get a call from your boss, who has gotten a call from his boss, asking you to do exactly what I tell you to, which is to make a copy of the surveillance footage of the security cameras, and delete the original copy stored in the computers stored somewhere in this building. You are also going to tell me whether anyone has dropped by when your shift ends this morning, who looks suspicious, asking questions even though they don’t live here.”
The smile froze on Henry’s face, “Miss Y/L/N, it’s against the company orders…”
Just then, the phone on Henry’s desk rang, which Henry took the minute it made a sound.
The smile turned to a serious frown.
“…Yes. Yes, Sir. I’ll see to it.” He hung up the phone after a polite “Good night”, straightening his security guard uniform, and moved around the desk, “This way, Ma’am.”
After burying your head in the toilet bowl and throwing up almost half an hour ago, you had used your cell phone and called Lloyd's business partner up ahead, told him that Lloyd had issued a command to erase surveillance camera footage of a specific building and asked to keep a copy.
His business partner, hauled up from his bed because of this phone call in the middle of the night, knew better than to refuse.
… and that was why the Russian mob drove through the block later that morning at 1 a.m. and did not find a trace of Lloyd taking shelter in your condo after circling the area for quite some time.
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Taglist (Also tagging those who might be interested): @stargazingfangirl18 @sarahdonald87 @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @magnificentsaladllama @biteofcherry @petalj @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @thezombieprostitute @yiiiikesmish @warriorblu @vonalyn @notathingjustthere @lokislady82 @irishhappiness @toozmanykids @alicedopey @cakesandtom @universitypenguin @openup-yourmind @helenaeisenhower @wilsons-striped-ties @tittittoee @bean-is-reading
Find A Whiff of Blood Masterlist here 👈
Questions? Comments? Requests? 👉Send them to my inbox 👂
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laurasimonsdaughter · 3 months
Dear Magisowo, id like some legal advice if you have any.
I’m a wizard and have recently acquired and renovated my home into a proper wizard tower. However problem is I’ve been getting harrased by the local HOA, them complaining that my tower is an “eyesore” and “disturbing” their neighborhoods image. My tower was built perfectly legally, I’ve got all the proper building permits and followed all local county tower laws. That still isn’t enough for them as they’ve sent countless “inspectors” who’ve found nothing, and have been sending threats of legal action. Is there any way to get them to stop and do their threats actually hold weight?
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Good morning!
That sounds like a horrid situation and let us assure you: this so-called Homeowner Association hasn't got a leg to stand on. Of course neighbours are always free to band together for purposes of mutual support - like establishing a feral griffin watch or communal herb garden - but legal rights are only granted in the case a HOA of owners that share communal real estate. As is the case with apartment complexes where one buys an apartment instead of renting it.
If your home is a detached building and you obtained the proper planning permission, your tower construction is perfectly legal. I imagine these people are threatening to report your building to the urban aesthetics commission, but if you have your papers in order the municipality will have ran your plans by them already. Besides, wizard towers are protected under the Occult Habitat Provision, as studies have shown they are a requirement for performing certain types of magic and frequently attract endangered magical species.
We advise passing this information on to the individuals that are bothering you, asking them politely to stop, and if need be warn them that you will treat their actions as intentional harassment if they continue. We will send you an example of how to keep a log to build a harassment case, if worst comes to worst.
We absolutely can not recommend contacting the Wizard Orb Assistance Helpline (WOAH) and inquiring after the latest neighbour-repelling wards that they have on file under Occult Commons. That would be irresponsible from a community building perspective and as such we would under no circumstances advise you do such a thing.
All the best,
~ the MagISoWo Team  
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Once Upon a Time 5
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Andy Barber
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The uneasy interaction follows you around the rest of the day and into your next. As you try to relax and forget about everything outside your apartment, your mind can't help but stray back to Andy. Not what he said, more the look on his face. You know the next time you see him will be less than pleasant.
Great. You always get anxious about work but now you have a whole new pest. You start to think you said something wrong. Gave him some idea that you were doing anything but your job. You're paid to be helpful but he's just another one of those ‘professionals’ who doesn't see your work as work.
You huff and puff as your time off comes to a pitiful close. Your stromach is squirming at the thought of walking through those doors the next morning. You brew some chamomile and retreat to bed in a futile effort to settle down.
Your sleep if fitful and unrewarding. The morning greets you, painful and gray. You get up, get washed, and get dressed.
Your eyelids droop on the train ride, prompting you to stop by the cafe for an early medium roast. As you approach the facade of the bookstore, you see a figure at the doors. Your heart flips before you recognise them. It's Mr. Pine.
He punches in the security code on the pad before slipping the key in the slot. He peers over and greets you with a smile. You could hug him. This place has been rather empty without him.
“Good morning,” he pulls open the door and steps back in his gallant way to wave you ahead of him.
“Morning,” you reply as you sweep into the store ahead of him.
The censor triggers the lights and illuminates the eerily vacant space. Pine closes the doors, locking them from the inside. He strolls forward casually, easily cafching up to you with long strides.
“Good to be back,” he preens, “and how have you been?”
“Okay,” you answer, “how about you?”
“Very fine. Some family matters,” he explains ligthly, “but much better than they were.” He walks with you up the center aisle, “why just okay?”
You shrug and hesitate. It sounds like he has a lot going on. Besides, you're only an associate, he must have much bigger issues as the owner.
“Oh, just tired. No big deal,” you assure him.
“Ah yes, I find this time of year rather draining,” he agrees as you near the back of the store, “should require support however, you know I will do my best to accommodate.”
“Thanks, Mr. Pine but I think I'll survive,” your force a smile, “better get clocked in.”
You stop and peek towards the employee lounge. You'll go that way and he'll head off to the back office. He doesn't. He lingers as if he can sense your doubt.
“Of course, but please, take some time to enjoy your coffee. It smells wonderful and I should hate for it to go cold,” he says. He's the nicest boss you've ever had, it's too bad he hasn't been around.
“Thanks, erm…” you purse your lips as you contemplate your sudden spark of boldness, “actually, I almost forgot. There's been someone asking for you. A man.”
“Oh,” he tilts his head curiously, “did you direct them to Colin?”
“I offered but they were insisting on you. I don't know if it was business or not so…”
“Did this man give a name?” He slants a brow.
You cradle your coffee with both hands and swallow. You feel like a snitch, like a child taddling. You nod, “yeah, Andy?”
He's quite as a line etches between his brows and he hums, “ah, he was here?”
“Several times,” you confirm.
“Hmm, curious,” he muses and the tension quickly slakes from his features, “well, if he should appear again, you will fetch me. I'll be certain he does not continue to ask after me.”
“Oh, yeah, thank you, sir,” you let out a breath of relief. It's a bit cowardly but you just can't deal with him again.
“Certainly, but…” he raises a long finger, “did he bother you very much?”
“Me?” You echo.
“Yes, he wasn't rude, was he?”
“Not really, just a bit… pushy.”
“He is that type,” he scoffs, “well, he shouldn't be hounding my place of work, it's wholly inappropriate and unfair to you and the other staff. It shall be dealt with.”
“Thanks again,” you say, “I'm just gonna… put my things away.”
“Yes, yes, don't let me keep you,” he feels along hia jacket and slides his phone from his pocket, “I have a call to make before opening.”
He sets off and you do the same. You feel a little less addled but not entirely relieved. Something about Mr. Pine's reaction makes you suspicious. He's usually unshakeable but you saw that fine crack in his veneer.
You're not entirely certain Andy is a fond acquaintance. It's hard for you to see the two men getting along, almost complete opposites in their demeanour. The more you think about it, the more Andy seemed ready for a confrontation each time he asked for the elusive owner.
Whatever happens, hopefully, you're not the one dealing with the fallout.
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shunshunrika · 1 year
jjk! boys as Bumble matches
ft. Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Kento Nanami, Toji Fushiguro, Yuuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro.
content : aged up! characters, suggestive texts, mentions of alcohol, not proofread
mdni, ageless blogs dni~~~
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Satoru Gojo, 28
Highschool Teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College
'Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one!' ... is my favorite quote from a suspense thriller I watched when I was a kid. I have a big ego and even bigger...heart! If you are into movie watching and mochi-shop hopping, hmu~
🔗 6'3 (190cm)
🏛 Apolitical
🍼Children: Don't know yet
🔍Looking for: Something Casual, Open to Long Term
🍷Drinks: Never
🐶Pets: Human by the name of Megumi
INTERESTS: 🧁, 🎥, 🎮, ⚾, 🕶
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Suguru Geto, 28
Director at Geto and Associates
Baby, are you a curse? Because I want to delve into the occult for you~ Apart from my philanthropic ventures to help humanity, I frequently engage in stand-up comedy and on the spot 'aura-readings'. I would really like to get to know someone nice and genuine and make them my family *wink wink*
🔗 6'2 (187cm)
🏛 Politically inclined
🍼Children: Want many - looking to grow my 'family'
🔍Looking for: Marriage
🍷Drinks: Socially
🐶Pets: Cursed Spirits~
INTERESTS: 👨‍👩‍👦, ⛩, 📚, ♠, 🎀
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Kento Nanami, 27
Accounts Clerk at Tokyo Department of Finance and Commerce
Humble, hardworking guy looking for a meaningful relationship. Would love to go on a date to a museum or a theatre play to get to know you better. Would prefer if we take a few dates to see how things go. If you have any requests or conditions before hand, let me know - I will accommodate them to the best of my ability. Looking forward to having a great interaction.
🔗 6' (183cm)
🏛 Liberal
🍼Children: Want someday
🔍Looking for: Long Term Relationship
🍷Drinks: Frequently
🐶Pets: One Siamese Cat
INTERESTS: 👔, 🖥, 📰, 💹, 📐
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Toji Fushiguro, 37
Freelance Killer - (hmu for prices!)
If you have an answer for 'What was the best night of your life?' be prepared to have it changed. A hands-on dad. No, not the father kind, the 'my princess is taking me so well' kind. Into the strong, no non-sense typa gal. Would appreciate if said gal can handle a drink or two with me. hmu and I might take you along on to a gym sesh.
🔗 6'2 (188cm)
🏛 Don't Care
🍼Children: Already have 2
🔍Looking for: Something Casual
🍷Drinks: Frequently
🐶Pets: One Pet Curse/Weapon Purse - and you will probably become my pet too
INTERESTS: ⚔, 🥷, 🏋,🔒, 🍷
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Yuuji Itadori, 20
College Student (Mechanical Engineering) - National Institute of Technology, Sendai College
Hi! I am Yuuji! Ace Athlete at Sendai College! Also a proud puppy dad! Beneath my cheerful and carefree demeanor lies an unyielding resolve and a heart full of bravery. Yeah, I'd like to mention I have won multiple bravery awards as a teen (subtle flex) If you'd like, Let's go on rock climbing or to an arcade to see if we're compatible! Don't panic if I tickle you or slap your back too hard!! I'll give you a piggy back if you get tired!
🔗 5'8 (173cm)
🏛 Apolitical
🍼Children: Don't know yet
🔍Looking for: Short Term (Open to Long Term)
🍷Drinks: Socially
🐶Pets: One Shiba Inu!
INTERESTS: 🦮, 🚀, 🧗, 🎢, 🪄
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Megumi Fushiguro, 19
College Student (International Relations) - University of Tokyo
Hello. I am Megumi Fushiguro. I am currently a student and looking to date someone long-term. I don't have many conditions or an ideal type but I'd like for the person I date to have unshakable resolve as I find it to be huge, huge turn on. :) I am into coffee shops although it's an overdone date trend. If you want, we can do indoor games and chill at my home. hmu if you want my number!
🔗 5'9 (175cm)
🏛 Liberal
🍼Children: Want Someday
🔍Looking for: Long Term
🍷Drinks: Avoids, Black Coffee for the win.
🐶Pets: 10 animals that come with my technique
INTERESTS: 🍵, 🏫, 📚, ✈, 🎧
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Disclaimer: All the pictures used were taken from Pinterest, credits to respective owners! Let me know if you want to add explicit credit.
© shunshunrika 2023, please do not translate, modify or republish my works
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flowerandblood · 1 year
My Best Friend (5)
[modern! club owner • Aemond x fem!reader]    
[warnings: smut, sex content, fingering, kissing, fluff]
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[description: Aemond has his own club and often does business at the home of one of his business associates. There he often meets his younger sister, with whom he develops a deeper relationship through shared secrets.   This is slow burn love story.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist    
Aemond woke to the sound of someone taking a shower. The sun was shining brightly and it was very warm. A real summer morning. He looked around and tried to remember, where he was. 
He was on their couch again, realizing, he had arrived yesterday for Klaus's birthday. He rubbed his temple, trying to remember exactly what he'd done last night, and froze.
"No. It was probably just my drunken dream." He tried to calm himself down, but his heart was pounding. 
As if through a fog, he saw her gaze, warm cheeks, hair, felt her lips and tender, delicate hands. He clenched his jaw at the thought. 
Then he realized, that when he finally lay down on the couch he couldn't sleep, because of how turned on he was, so he just relieved himself with his hand. His eye flicked to the floor, where a rolled-up handkerchief lay. He buried his face in his hands and made a low, frustrated sound.
The sound of a hair dryer was coming from the bathroom now. Aemond shuddered, suspecting, that Y/N was drying her long, dark hair. Automatically, his nostrils remembered the scent of her shampoo. 
He squeezed his eye shut, wondering, what he should do when, she come out. Maybe he should just get up and drive straight to his apartment? The option of running away tempted him, but part of him felt, that he shouldn’t left without explanation. Though he didn't know, what really happened between them.
He flinched as he heard the bathroom door open. Y/N walked down the hall into the kitchen, their eyes met. Aemond was relieved as she smiled as usual, but she couldn't hide her slight embarrassment. Her hair was still slightly damp. She was wearing the same pajamas he'd seen earlier, with a black T-shirt that said "Depeche Mode" and shorts, that showed off her slender legs.
"Good morning." She said with honest smile. 
He could see, that she had trouble looking at his face. 
"Like I promised, I got up on time." She said feisty, the corner of her mouth raised even higher, although he could see, that she was also fighting a headache. 
"What would you like to eat? Maybe sandwiches?" She answered herself, looking around the kitchen for an idea. “Klaus is probably in agony, I didn’t want to wake him, so there is no point in preparing anything warm.”
"Sandwiches sound good." He answered calmly, his voice less confident, than he would have liked and even lower than usual, slightly hoarse. He cleared his throat, and she nodded, taking his approval as a signal for action.
He watched silently as she put on the water for tea and turn on the coffee maker. How she took rolls out of the haversack, and from the refrigerator lettuce, ham, tomatoes, chives, and a whole host of other vegetables, that she obviously wanted to use. She spread them all over the counter, her hands trembling slightly, but her face showed no nervousness.
She shivered as Aemond stood up. Calmly, unhurriedly, he walked to the kitchen and tossed his rolled-up handkerchief into the wastebasket. Y/N stared at him and suddenly she understood, what that meant. 
Her eyes widened, as her cheeks burned and she turned away immediately, trying to focus on her task. Aemond saw her swallow hard. She knew, what he was doing, when he came downstairs. This made him question, what she was doing. 
She was two years younger than him, Klaus had never mentioned her having a boyfriend. For some reason, the idea, that she was probably much less experienced than he was - if any - turned him on. To control his flow of thoughts, he moved closer to her.
"Can I help?" He asked, looking at the little mess, that she had created on the counter from all the products lying around. 
Her pupils widened as she saw, how close he was to her, but to his amusement, she tried to keep a serious face. She pursed her lips, and he could see her trying not to smile, feeling, that the situation between them was comical to say the least. For some reason, he had an overwhelming urge to tease her, to make her ashamed.
"Hmm, you can cut the tomatoes, if you want." She said, forcing her usual smug voice and pushing the vegetables closer to him and handing him the knife. He took it from her without a word and began to do, what she asked. 
Y/N was standing next to him, their shoulders touching even though, there was still plenty of space in the kitchen and they didn't have to stand so close to each other. She was a head shorter than him, if she wanted to lean against him, her head would land on his shoulder. 
Aemond watched from the corner of his eye as she worked, layering the buns with different ingredients, varying them each time, so that no sandwich was the same. He tried to think only about cutting, but he felt her herbal hair shampoo again, which already reminded him so much of her, that instead of calming down, he began to feel warmth in the lower abdomen.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked suddenly, arranging the tomato slices on each sandwich, where she'd told him to. She looked at him, surprised by his question, and nodded, looking at him gratefully.
"Yes, thank you. And you?" She asked, arranging sandwiches on plates. Aemond thought about his answer for a moment, letting out a low hum.
"At first I couldn't sleep." He said and felt her twitch. The corner of his mouth went up. "But I managed it somehow." He finished, glancing at her reaction. 
He heard her swallow hard, but she didn't dare to look at him. 
"And you?" He asked, surprising her again and receiving a puzzled look. "Did you fall asleep right away?"
She stared at him with wide eyes, her mouth opened as if she wanted to say something, but she closed it and tightened it, blushed, and looked away. He knew, she understood, what he was implying. He himself began to understand Klaus more and more, and why he constantly teased and tormented her. Her reactions were worth it. 
He stared at her for a moment and, seeing her thrashing around, decided to take pity on her. He leaned down slightly and pressed his nose to her cheek, just as she had done to him yesterday. Y/N froze, he felt a shiver go through her. He himself felt the immediate reaction of his body to their close contact. The difference was, that this time, they were both sober.
"There is no reason to be ashamed." He spoke softly, his voice so close to her ear making her flinch slightly. "I was thinking about you too."
For a moment, all he could hear, was the pounding of their hearts. He had no idea, why he was doing this to her. He desired her physically, but there was more to it. What she gave him yesterday. 
He didn't know how to call it, but he wanted it again. That heat in the chest, those tender, quickened breaths. He stood there, waiting for her reaction. A few seconds passed, before she turned her face towards him. Their noses were touching now. 
She raised a hand tentatively, her fingers trembling, as she touched his face. The tips of her fingers touched part of his scar, which was visible from under the eyepatch. She swallowed hard, running her fingers up and down from his scar to the corner of his mouth. 
He felt a heat in his chest, his hand went under her hair, his fingers tightening lightly on the back of her neck. He began to massage her skin with his thumb and she exhaled softly, her eyes expressing everything. 
Holding her neck steady, he leaned in slightly, their lips touching spontaneously. They were more brushes than kisses, both of them with their lips parted, breathing deeply. 
Y/N dared to run her hand through his hair, stroking it and pulling his face to hers. He purred contentedly into her mouth. He pulled her closer to him, searching for a real, sticky kiss, their movements accompanied by a light clicking each time. 
He moved closer to her, the bulge in his pants now pressing against her belly. Y/N sucked in a breath, but only a soft "Shhh..." between kisses came out of his mouth. 
Suddenly, Aemond broke away from her. She looked at him with a hazy, questioning look. She didn't have time to ask why he stopped, though, because he tugged her arm lightly, turning her back to face the counter, and he stood behind her, hugging her. 
He brushed her hair from her neck with one hand, and placed the other in a safe place on her stomach. His fingers gently traveled up and down her shirt, as he placed gentle kisses on her neck.
Y/N inhaled faster, as she felt his hardness against her buttocks. Instinctively, she placed her hands on the tabletop, looking for any point of support. Her legs felt like jelly. She felt, that his breathing was also accelerated and she was not the only one affected by their actions.
"Have you ever slept with a man?" He asked softly, his nose touching her ear, his hand finding its way under her shirt and touching the bare skin of her belly. 
Y/N made a short, high-pitched noise and shook her head after a second. Aemond groaned, pulling her closer to him. 
"If you want me to stop, all you have to do is say No." He whispered, his breathing getting heavier, his hips pressing harder against hers, seeking any pressure. 
"It doesn't matter at what point. Understand?" He asked, gripping her neck tighter. 
She nodded, her eyes closed and clenched, breathing heavily. Her reaction made him grunt in contentment, his hips rubbing against her, sending an instant wave of pleasure. 
His nose traveled from her cheek to her neck, kissing her more and more lustfully. His hand, stroking her belly steadily, went down slowly, to her panties. She let out a sudden moan and he paused, to give her a moment to protest. When he didn't hear it, he went down with his fingers and was delighted to find, that she was all wet.
His touch there made her all tense, her hands clenched on the counter, her buttocks pressing harder against his throbbing manhood. 
"Easy." He whispered between breaths, trying to calm her down. "Have you touched yourself like this before?" He asked in between the slow movements around her clit, that practically made her spasm. He hadn't done anything to her yet, and he felt both he and she were on edge. 
Y/N only replied a soft, broken "Yes". Her cheeks were red with embarrassment. Aemond smirked, then realized, that they were both rubbing their bodies against each other. He sighed with pleasure in her ear.
Taking advantage of the fact, that his fingers were already covered in her fluids, he slid them down, massaging her entrance. 
"Spread your legs." He commanded softly. Y/N leaned in even further, her mouth slightly parted, eyes squeezed shut, fighting with all her might to keep quiet. 
He slid the tip of his finger inside her, and a low moan escaped his chest as he felt, how tight and hot she was inside. He wondered, how he was going to get inside her, without tearing her apart.
Instinctively, he began to search for her pleasure point, gently exploring her structure with his finger, sliding it in and out in a calm, steady motion. She moved her hips to the beat of his fingers, his touch and his hard cock pressing against her from behind, completely clouding her mind. 
Suddenly she felt his finger glide over the right spot inside her, near her entrance, and she let out a startled groan, that made Aemond smile to himself.
“That's what I was looking for. It's okay. It's okay, little one." His words made her walls tighten around his finger. 
Aemond groaned as he felt Y/N getting closer to fulfillment. She was moving faster and faster, moaning sweetly. He stopped abruptly, gently slipped his finger out of her, and she sucked in a breath, startled and confused. Her cheeks were all red, her breathing ragged and fast. 
He spun her around, grabbed her hips, and lifted her up, walking with her toward the stairs to the second floor. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, surprised, staring at him with wide eyes. He opened the door to her room and placed her on her bed. He closed the door behind him, turning the lock with the key.
He turned to Y/N and she stared at him with wide eyes, trembling. He walked over to the bed, undoing his belt.
"Do you want to continue?" He asked low and calm, his eye dark with lust. 
Y/N looked at him and swallowed hard. She didn't know why, but she wanted to do it with him. She had always liked him. She valued and admired him. She thought him a very handsome, beautiful man, and the scar in her eyes only added to his mystery. 
She knew, that he was experienced and that he wouldn't hurt her. That if something goes wrong, he'll stop. Place between her thighs throbbed with pain, she felt so close to fullfilment. 
She nodded and they both groaned. Aemond sat down on the bed in front of her, took off his shirt quickly, and encouraged her to do the same.
"I want to see you." He whispered, looking at her expectantly. 
She stared at his chest and muscles. She could see, that he was training and keeping fit, and he was a lot bigger than her. The sight of him made her feel even more tight down below, and wordlessly, she did as he instructed. 
She pulled her shirt over her head and laid down with her arms folded on either side of her head, staring at him with her mouth slightly parted. Aemond stared at her for a moment. He wanted to remember this sight. 
Involuntarily, his hand reached for one of her soft, firm breasts. They both moaned as he squeezed it, Y/N throwing her head back, her hand going to his, encouraging him to keep going. 
His thumb teased her nipple, and she moaned softly, trying not to make any loud noises, knowing, that Klaus was sleeping a few rooms away. Aemond leaned over her suddenly, and she wrapped her arms tightly around him. They kissed, his tongue squeezing over her lips, meeting the muffled moan of her pleasure. He pressed his chest against hers and purred into her mouth.
He broke away from her after a while with a quiet, wet click and went down a little lower, grabbing her shorts and panties at the same time. He looked at her, and when there was no objection, he slid them off her with one, firm motion and tossed them aside. 
Her own nakedness embarrassed her, and she turned her face to the window, breathing heavily. His hand on her jaw forced her to look at him. 
"Spread your legs." He said low. She knew, that he was on the edge himself. 
The sound of that sentence made her shiver, and she did, as he asked, all red. Aemond grabbed her thighs and lifted them higher, swung one of her legs over his shoulder, lifting her buttocks. 
Y/N gasped in surprise, tensing up all over her body. She had never been so exposed to anyone, her whole body was shaking. Aemond felt it, ran his hand gently over her leg, which was on his shoulder, and kissed her thigh softly.
"Easy, little one. Easy." He said, kissing her lower and lower. “It’s okay.”
She realized, what he wanted to do and swallowed deeply. As she felt his kisses on her entrance and his tongue forcing its way inside, she threw her head back and pursed her lips tightly, suppressing the hard moan, that became a low, guttural sound. 
She breathed heavily, as she felt him speed up, moaning as softly as she could, his tongue pressing against the spot, where his fingers had previously pressed.
"Aemond..." She moaned softly, as if she was about to cry, her hips moving fast, her hand buried in his hair. Normally, he would have teased and tormented her, but not now. When he felt she was almost at her climax, he stopped abruptly, a sound coming from her mouth answered him, as if he was hurting her.
Aemond took his wallet out of his pants pocket and took out a condom, tossing it on the sheets beside her. Her chest heaved up and down rapidly, as she watched his pants and boxers being pulled down without taking his eye off her. She realized, that they were really going to do it and felt excitement mixed with immense desire. 
She watched as he put a condom on his swollen, large cock. She settled back and swallowed, looking at him expectantly. Aemond moved toward her and bent his elbows over her head. They stared at each other for a moment, their noses touching. Y/N threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him to her, planting tender kisses on his lips, that made him sigh in contentment.
His heart was pounding like crazy. He brushed her lips, preparing himself and her for what was to come. He took his manhood in his hand and placed his tip at her entrance. 
"Wider." He pleaded, and she immediately opened her thighs, letting out a soft moan, as he pressed against her. They both took a deep breath as he entered her slightly. She was so tight and hot, that he couldn't think straight. 
"Wait" She said softly, drawing in a breath, her face showing discomfort. Aemond stopped at once, the only sound in the room was their rapid breathing.
 He looked at her fair face, slightly parted lips and thought, that he had never been so soft with anyone. He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eye. 
"Everything's all right?" He asked quietly. She nodded, swallowing hard. She touched his cheek with her hand, stroking it steadily, trying to relax. After a long moment, she moved her hips slightly towards him. He let out a soft sigh and kissed her.
What he was doing now, was not the way, he used to have sex with other women. Today, with her, he wanted something different. He moved inside her again, softly, trying to slide his cock deeper inside her. 
She pressed her eyes and lips together, gripping his arm painfully. He paused again to let her get used to his size and the way he stretched her. He kissed her with a purr, and she kissed him back with sigh, relaxing a bit. He pushed his hips deeper and moaned loudly as he felt that somehow, he fit all of him inside her.
"Fuck..." He gasped low, as his cock throbbed all over. He was too turned on, and her walls were giving him too much pressure. His eyebrows expressed concern, and he squeezed his eye shut. 
Y/N looked at him and stroked his cheek, both of them breathing heavily. She kissed him lightly, again and again, and they lay there for a while, just kissing. Birds chirping could be heard from behind the slightly open window, and pleasant summer air flowed into the room, now more crisp and cool. 
He moved his hips slightly, and a soft moan escaped her lips. Encouraged, that her face no longer showed either pain or discomfort, he began to slide lazily in and out of her, as if he had all the time in the world. He noticed, that the frequency of his movements corresponded to the ticking of the clock.
The pressure inside her was incomparable to anything else. The air tightened in his lungs, as he entered her again and again. Her hips began to move, thrusting out to meet him. Feeling it, he involuntarily sped up and they both moaned loudly.
"Aemond...please, don't stop" She pleaded, feeling, that she was close again and wouldn't survive, if he refused her once again. 
Her words made him thrust deeper into her, moaning, though he tried with what little of his willpower, not to do so with all the strength he had. Her walls were clenching around him, his movements becoming faster and uncontrollable. 
He got up, so that he was kneeling in front of her, still inside her, took her hips in his hands and began to thrust inside her harder, panting heavily. For Y/N the change of position was bliss, his cock pressing down on the place, that felt so good, begging for fulfillment. She moaned softly, trying to contain herself, but he wanted to hear her, and his every thrust proved it. He felt, she was close. 
“Such a sweet girl” He said in a low voice, panting heavily, as he felt her clench more and more, knowing, he wouldn't last much longer either. “... show me. Come one my cock like a good girl you are.” He said, fucking her loudly and mercilessly with wet slaps, being so close to his fulfillment.
That sentence from his mouth, at that moment, was the end for her. Her body twisted backwards, she took a deep breath, as if she was drowning. Her hands clenched on the pillow behind her back and she moaned loudly, as her orgasm flowed through her body in strong waves. 
"Fuck!” He groaned loudly, looking pleadingly at her with his mouth parted. Her steady pressure of orgasm, combined with his thrusts, made him come so hard that he bent over, panting like a wild animal. His orgasm felt like an eternity.
He involuntarily entered her lightly a few more times, feeling her whole body soften. Breathing heavily, he released her thighs and lay forward, resting his face next to hers, partly on his hands so, he didn’t crush her completely.
For a few minutes, they both just breathed loudly with their eyes closed. He was still in her, the feeling of her warmth around him made him reluctant to slid out. 
Y/N lightly stroked his hair, which was now completely messy, and he just hummed softly in approval. She turned her face towards him and he opened his eye. Their foreheads touched. They looked at each other in silence. Warmth could be seen in their eyes.
"Everything's all right?" He asked quietly, feeling completely drained. Y/N smiled at his question, her eyes brightening.
"Yes." She replied just as quietly. "But I hope Klaus didn't hear us. If it's possible." She said with amusement, her hand lazily running through his hair. His thumb lightly stroked her cheek. He laughed at her words.
“It's unlikely. Although, if he did, we'd probably already know about it."
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linkemon · 2 months
Start in your head (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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"ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʙᴀʟʟᴇᴛ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛꜱ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅ." ᴍᴀᴋꜱɪᴍ ᴡᴏɪᴛɪᴜʟ
ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ: ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ:
ᴘɪʀᴏᴢʜᴋɪ ɪꜱ ᴀ ʀᴜꜱꜱɪᴀɴ ᴅᴇʟɪᴄᴀᴄʏ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ
ꜰᴏᴜᴇᴛᴛᴇ́ ɪꜱ ᴀɴ ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ꜱᴛᴇᴘ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴏʀᴍ ᴀ ᴘɪʀᴏᴜᴇᴛᴛᴇ
ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ɪɴ ᴇɴɢʟɪꜱʜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ. ɪ ᴛʀʏ ᴍʏ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ʙᴜᴛ ᴀɴʏ ᴛɪᴘꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇᴅ.
[Reader] looked around the rink. She had been coming here for a week in a row and these visits promised to be a new, quite interesting tradition. Partly because she enjoyed teasing Yuri on most occasions and it was an interesting new form of an old game. Whenever the boy saw that she came to stare, he immediately gave her the best kind of taunts. The day before yesterday, he even deliberately extended the training to see if the girl would leave. However, he failed to achieve the intended effect and she returned with him chattering all the way.
— What are you doing here again, you idiot?
— Nice to see you too, Plisetsky. — She grinned so widely that Yuri swore her jaw was about to stretch.
It was hard for him to admit it to himself but deep in his heart he was surprised at her behaviour. Most people hated him from the beginning (or didn't want to be friends with him after some time). He weeded out a lot of those individuals who fit into the two categories because he didn't want to associate with them. Apart from his fans and family, with whom he already had problems, he was left with only a small group of people who wanted to see him and whom he allowed to do so. And she was slowly starting to belong to that group.
— I told you not to come. — He started unlacing his skates.
— Nothing new. — She leaned against the board. — Today we're going to town.
— For what reason? — he huffed.
— They opened a Russian food stand near the park and are selling pirozhki.
This was his weak spot. [Reader] knew well how much Yuri appreciated his grandfather's delicacies.
The boy was aware that the taste probably wouldn't be as good as what he usually ate but the thought of a warm buns after training almost made his mouth water.
— Okay, let's go. — They better be edible, though — he muttered.
The walk to the park consisted mainly of [Reader's] monologue but it was nothing new. Since the ballerina arrived with Lilia Baranovskaya, he managed to say goodbye to silence for long moments.
—... and then I do a pirouette, and she says... — she stopped abruptly. — Wait a second!
The skater was about to comment on how he wouldn't freeze like a fool on the street in sub-zero temperatures when he saw where the girl had turned.
— Who is sweet and charming? Who is? You are!
[Reader] was just lifting an adorable, furry, ginger ball into the air. The kitten snuggled into her shoulder, clearly craving warmth.
At the same time, his second, less trusting companion appeared around the corner and, after sniffing the girl's shoes, he gave up her company in favour of Plistesky.
He looked a bit like Potya, so he started stroking his fluffy head without hesitation. He already missed his pet.
— I don't think they're strays — [Reader] said, examining the collar that should have a contact address on it.
Before she could add anything, a young couple with a child turned from the main street into an alley.
A little girl who was missing several baby teeth stopped shedding tears as soon as she found the kittens. As if on cue, both of them obediently jumped from the teenagers' arms and wandered over to her.
She mumbled a thank you, which her parents told her to repeat, and then disappeared.
— It's a pity. — [Reader] glanced at her now empty hands.
— It's not a pity. They found the owners.
— I know but still... — An unfinished thought hung in the air.
Without any further obstacles, they finally managed to reach the booth. The girl had to admit that it looked quite pretty in the pastel colors of the Russian flag, lit by a row of light bulbs.
While standing in line, she managed to argue with Yuri three times. The customers closest to them looked at them strangely and parents covered their children's ears. And when they reached the ordering stage, she was afraid that the seller simply wouldn't serve the two of them because his murderous look indicated exactly that. However, nothing like that happened and she received her pirozhki.
The girl sniffed it, and then reluctantly bit into her portion.
— Wow, it's sooo good! — She looked at the filling, trying to guess the composition of the it in the dim light of the lamps.
— Tch — he snorted. — My grandfather makes better ones — he said but he ate the rest of his portion.
After this trip, it turned out that it was the first but not the last.
[Reader] liked Russian food so much that she dragged the boy to the booth every day, ordering new delicacies.
The system added a new item to the menu every day and worked quite efficiently. When they were halfway through the list, one fateful afternoon occurred.
It was starting to get dark. The boy's training was almost over and the girl still hadn't shown up at the ice rink. Baranovskaya stood by the board, which never happened at this time. As usual, she was accompanied by a careful look and a frown.
Yuri drove towards her in a fluid movement.
— Was [Reader] here?
The question, short and to the point, required the same type of answer.
— NO.
— If she does show up, tell her to come to me. It's true that she took second place and she can do better but for God's sake! Instant break down? We have to fill out these papers and she disappears right after the competition. — She waved the stack of papers angrily and walked away.
The skater had no desire to return to training. He left the rink, wondering if [Reader] had told him anything about the ballet competition. However, he came to the conclusion that despite letting some information out through the other ear, he would still remember something so important.
It was hard for him to admit it to himself but the ballet mistress's words and tone worried him.
He searched the Internet for recent news. The photo in a recently published article showed the lucky winner of the gold medal. However, it was not [Reader]. He managed to find an amateur video showing the performance of the girl and her competitors.
He called her once but only silence answered on the phone.
With quiet hope in his heart, he decided to go to the park. It was a bull's-eye. It's true that the girl, although she didn't choose their usual bench, didn't really hide. Her cheeks and nose were pink from the frost, and delicate snowflakes settled on her hair. Moreover, she was bathed in the dull light of the park lamps. She would have looked beautiful if the image hadn't been spoiled by her red eyes from crying. [Reader] held the unfinished pirozhki in her hand, her eyes fixed on the dead center. She only broke out of her trance when she saw familiar shoes and their owner a few meters in front of her.
— What are you doing here, idiot? Baranovskaya is looking for you — he huffed.
— Then call her and tell her I'm here — she replied in a flat voice.
Yuri was speechless. The girl had never seemed so emotionless to him.
— I won't handle things for you, call her yourself — he provoked again.
— I'm not going anywhere. — She shrugged. — Nothing will happen if I don't sign these papers. I want to quit.
— What exactly? — He frowned.
— Ballet. — She bit into her food. — I've spent a lot of time here today thinking about it, and I think it's a pretty good idea. No more training and competitions. I will finally be able to return to normal school. Plus, seeing family every day sounds good too. I won't have to spend half my life abroad. By the way, you're a damn hypocrite. You kept saying that I was dragging you here by force and now you came of your own free will.
This was too much for the boy. Her condition, so different from what he had been accustomed to over the past weeks, was getting on his nerves. He couldn't deal with it.
— Have you gone completely crazy? — He asked in the coldest tone [Reader] had ever heard from him.
Yuri pinched the bridge of his nose, sighed, and then sat down on the bench next to her.
— I saw both performances online. You may be on a similar level but you are better than her. Just look at your fouetté at the end. Those damn judges must have been blind when they gave you half a point less.
The girl raised her head to look at his face. She had rarely seen him talk about something with such conviction. She was ashamed to admit it but she didn't suspect Yuri of ever being able to give anyone a compliment. For that reason, however, this one had a stronger effect on her than most she had heard about her dancing before.
The Yuri's green eyes seemed sincere. The decision she had made that afternoon now seemed to her like a less than fantastic vision, driven by the impulse of failure.
— I'm grateful but...
— If you think I'm just saying this because I want to comfort you, then...
— That's not what I meant — she quickly denied. — I appreciate what you said but I still need to think about whether I want to enter the next competition. Go back and tell Lilia not to worry.
— But if you do, just know that at the next competition I'm going to sit in the audience and watch you beat the crap out of all of them and...
— Yuri!
The boy rolled his eyes and stood up from the bench. [Reader] did one of the most spontaneous things she had ever done. She ran to him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.
— Thank you again — she whispered and returned to her seat.
The Russian smiled to himself, feeling a feeling of warmth spread throughout his body.
That night neither of them could sleep.
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hwalloween · 1 year
Burning Memories | (seonghwa smut)
Pairing: King!Seonghwa X Queen!Reader Synopsis: Every night he woke up with guilt consuming him alive. Every night you were there to nurse him with your love. Genre: smut, angst and fluff Word Count: 2.8K Warning: SEONGHWA HAS PTSD!!!!!!! Recaps of war, battle, death, traumatic situations. crying seonghwa. unprotected sex. sorta dom reader? they take the lead cause hwa is too depressed to do so. they kinda take turns on who's dom so no specific power dinamic. creampie. marking. biting. grinding. teasing. mutual body worshiping. very passionate lovey dovey romantic smut. Tag: - A/N: i'm sorry this is sad but i also tried my best to make it a bit fluffy
The vision of the pitch black sky, a cloud of smoke blocking the rays of sun that seemed to glow red that day. Not as red as the water, hundreds of ships sinking and getting lit on fire with people inside, a battle spreading itself across the entirety of the bay. The gravel got carried away and moved around as the bodies of hundreds got pulled across the ground in an inhuman feast of violence and blood, the screams and sounds of metal going against each other terrorized anyone who was near. 
The kingdom was falling apart, the near death of the Park dynasty bloomed over people's heads as they ran and tried to hide, but to no avail, only to be turned into shreds and nothing more than a founding memory to those who cared. Houses were destroyed, animals were killed and people were dead, the crimson color that once brought pride to the family now coloring the horror of the historical scene. The only thing remaining was the huge castle, slowly getting torn down and destroyed by the rivals that invaded and took control over what once was the most powerful kingdom in the entire world. 
"Seonghwa!" A far, but noticeable, scream took the young king's mind out of the pitiful sight of his mourning lands, the familiar tone sending a shiver down his spine as Seonghwa's eyes frantically searched for its owner. His heart sank as he looked back into your desperate eyes. 
You were stuck on the highest tower of the castle, the one that was threatening to fall as fireballs were thrown in the structure, causing earthquakes and more smoke to pile up. Hundreds of enemy soldiers surrounded the place, a horde of them swallowing the front door and invading it. It would take minutes for them to get to you and take your life, there was no way Hwa could save you in time. 
"Seonghwa!" He could feel the tears falling from his face as he watched you look around, trying to find a way out and into his arms. His sword had slipped from his fingers, knees giving in as he fell onto the ground, the image of your imminent death happening right before his eyes, like a slow movie. He could do nothing as the castle got invaded, the screams and fire approaching the end of the tower, ready to consume you whole. 
"Y/N… Forgive me…" His voice barely came out, a flood of tears streaming down his cheeks. His body was frozen in place, he could try, but he couldn't move or leave. 
"Seonghwa!" The desper, the anguish, the dread in your voice haunted his mind, the realization that the love of his life was going to die slowly sinking in. He was known to be a stoic king, with not much expression, which was why seeing the sadness, the feeling of loss and grief hit him and make him cry was so sad. He could only sob and scream in pain, the blurriness from the tears stopping him from watching your inevitable death as you screamed his name one last time. 
He jumped in the bed, sitting straight up, heavy breathing. A sheer layer of cold sweat glistened in his whole body as his confused and scared eyes associated what had happened before them. You still left your hand resting on his chest, worried as your husband had been screaming and crying for the past half an hour in his sleep. You gently moved your hand, softly touching his cold, yet burning hot, face, fingers grazing his skin and caressing him "Hwa? My love? What happened?" 
His head finally snapped back to reality, eyes meeting yours as his breathing calmed down. The moonlight shining through the huge window accentuated the tears gathering on his eyes, his lips trembling before his whole body flew into yours, arms caging you in a tight hug. He held you as if he was scared of losing you, as if he could've never hugged you again, as if you were a miracle happening before him. You returned the hug, palms rocking up and down on his naked back as you shushed him, feeling his trembling figure start to crumble under your tender and fond touch. 
It had not been too long since Seonghwa had returned from a battle. A war. The biggest and most nasty war that ever existed in history. A war that took away millions of kingdoms, that took away millions of lifes, that took away the Seonghwa you used to know. He was one of the only survivors of your kingdom, coming back from the chaos a different man. You had learned he had lost his best friends on the battlefield, he watched every single one of them die as they took their last breath in the name of the dynasty, in the name of the kingdom, in the name of Seonghwa, the king. Seonghwa had witnessed what anger and greediness did to a man, what are the consequences of the words that they, the powerful ones, had. He would never be able to take the image of his most trusted men, Hongjoong, spread on the ground, lifeless eyes and torn apart torso, the sword Hwa had gifted him right by his body. 
Seonghwa had changed, and he was suffering. Countless nights he woke up crying and screaming, cursing himself and heavens for letting them go. For letting the war happen. For knowing that it could've been you if he had not won in time. God, the thought of losing you too, he cried and weeped just as the sheer idea of it. And he felt it in his dreams, always waking up in a cold sweat and pounding heart, hands gripping the sheets as his eyes poured out his feeling in hot tears across his face. 
Every night, you took care of him. You nursed him back to sleep, you reminded him that the war was over, and now he was safe, in your arms, on his bed, in the castle. And tonight seemed to be no different. 
"Everything is calm now, my dear. There's no need to fear…" You said quietly, one hand gently feeling his dark locks as he cried out on your shoulder, his tears wetting your nightgown, arms holding you tightly against his body as he trembled in pain "I'm here, there is no more rush to be made, the war is over" You kissed his temple, feeling as he hid his face on the crook of your neck, his inconsistent breaths and sobs making your heart ache. You would never grow tired of taking care of him, of making him sleep again, of being the one he ran to at nights. He was your king, your husband, your love, your Seonghwa. 
"I-I…" His voice was weak, barely coming out from his burning throat "I-I'm…" He couldn't form proper sentences, the burning memories of death and hate imprinted on the back of his mind like a haunting ghost. He swore he could see the innocent eyes of his comrades on the mirrors, asking why he had not saved them 
"You're safe, my love" You took his face between your hands, thumbs caressing his wet cheeks. His round eyes were puffy and red, the streams of tears staining his handsome features. How could he be so stunning, even when in despair? "You're in our bedroom, with me. It's been months since you came back, the threat is gone" You glued your forehead with his, letting him close his eyes as his breathing slowly came back to normal, his arms still wrapped tightly around your waist, pulling you close and into his lap. 
"I-I thought I had lost you…" The weak tone on his timbre made your heart sink, his words barely coming out above a deep whisper "I thought… I have failed you…" 
"You could never, Seonghwa" His face leaned into your gentle touches, his dark irises meeting yours as he dived into your stare. He loved looking at your eyes, getting lost into their depth as he wondered what thoughts went through your wonderful mind "I would never feel failed nor disappointed by you, dear" 
His stare shifted between your lips and your eyes, quietly waiting for your consent. One hand slid to his neck, pulling his face closer and letting your mouths meet in a passionate kiss. Seonghwa was always an intense kisser, leaving you breathless without needing much work, and this time was no different, his arms pulling you even closer and letting your bodies stick to each other like glue. Your hands squeezed his tired shoulders, fingertips grazing through his honey skin as you palmed his whole torso, feeling every little scar and skin dent he had across his toned muscles. You could still feel the effect the nightmare had on him, his trembling fingers too shy to move from your thighs, resting on top of the sheer fabric of your nightgown, driving you crazy. You gently nibbled at his bottom lip with your tongue, silently pleading to dive onto him, so he could forget at least for now how terrific his dreams were, feeling as he let out a breathy moan when your tongue searched for his on the kiss. His finger pads toyed with the hem of the huge dress covering you, slowly bunching up the material so he could feel your skin better. His calloused hands kneaded with the plush flesh of your legs, eagerly traveling up so he could hold your waist and pull you down, making your bare core grind against his clothed bulge. 
Your hips slowly rocked against his, feeling as he grew hard under you. You weren’t in a rush, wanting to take your time as you took care of him in one of the many ways you knew how to. You let your lips search for his skin, peppering his face and necks with feather-like kisses as you felt his body rest against the bed’s headboard, his head thrown back as breathy sighs and shallow moans left his mouth. Your hands gently caressed his arms, running all over his torso as you found your ways to his undergarments, gently toying with the fabric of the waistband before lifting yourself up slightly, pulling the piece of cloth from his legs and feeling him hiss as the cold air hit his dick. 
“You’re safe here, baby” You held his face, gently caressing his cheek as you let your hips sit on top of his, your folds gliding through his hardening shaft as you rode him, the teasing making both of you moan quietly “I’ll always protect you, Seonghwa” You could feel your wetness coating his cock, his nails digging half-moon marks on your skin as he whined at the feeling and at your words, the sensation of just being loved making his skin burn hot and mind slowly ease into a better place. His eyes open briefly, staring back at you as you connect your foreheads, just soaking the feeling of being intimately close. 
"I love you… so much" His voice sounded hoarse from the constant screaming, but that didn't bothered you a bit "You're my everything" He whispered into your lips, capturing your mouth in yet another intense kiss as his hands pulled your nightgown up, taking it off of your body so he could admire you properly. He took his time letting his gaze scan you over, taking in every little detail about your body, details he had known for many years, yet still couldn't get enough of it. He pulled you closer to him, your bare chest hitting his and your hips grinding back into his groin, his cock threatening to slip inside your folds at any given moment. You felt his legs shifting around, the sudden sensation of being filled up to the brim by his dick making you throw your head back in surprise, your warm walls welcoming him and instantly gripping around his length. You moaned, hiding your head in the crook of his neck as his hands roamed around your back and butt. 
"You take such good care of me…" His low tone sent shivers down your spine. His voice never ceased to turn you on "I couldn't imagine a life without you, love…" He started to calmly move his hips, yours rocking against him unconsciously as the sensation of his cock filling you up and then briefly leaving you caused your head to get fuzzy. He wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly while he kissed your temple, tears still gathering around the corners of his eyes "Please, never give up on me" 
You lifted your head up, staring back at his glimmering eyes as the coil underneath your stomach started to build up, the delicious sensation of him dragging along your clamped walls causing you to moan his name as you straightened yourself up, holding his face with your hands.
"I could never, Hwa" Your lips brushed against his, his beautiful moans fanning your skin as you took him all in inside you, slowly dragging your hips against his while feeling his cock twitch in need inside your folds. His thick shaft split you open, the sensation never failing to amuse you, and his head hit your spongy spot with ease "I-I would never leave my king" The stutter in your voice from the sudden halt of pleasure running through your body made Seonghwa's coil get tighter. The way your voice whined his title, as if he was superior than you, as if you should serve him, he could feel his mind spiraling into neediness "W-Would never betray your majesty" Your lips left a soft peck on his, a breathy moan erupting from your throat as you felt two of his slender fingers press against your sensitive bud, rubbing circles and causing the sharp stings of pleasure run through your body again. He could only watch in awe the sinful view before him, your flushed face whining as you grinding yourself against his hand and swallowing his dick with your slick pussy, body covered in goosebumps and sensitivity. 
Seonghwa let his mouth travel along the lines of your neck, covering your skin with love bites and marks as he felt his high approaching like a charging truck. His tongue traveled south, directing his kisses towards your chest, feeling as your back arched when he licked a stripe across one of your sensitive nipples. You could only do so much, moaning his name as your hands tried to find balance in his shoulders, fingernails digging red marks across his skin that he would later admire in the mirror.
You could feel the knot on your core threatening to snap at any given moment, and as Hwa’s thrusts started to get sloppier and more hectic, you assumed he was close as well. 
“Y-Y/N, I-I’m-” He moaned out, looking back at you with glistening doe eyes, asking for your permission to cum. It never failed to amaze you that the king, the man that had all the power of the world on his hand, always asked you, no, begged for you to cum. 
“I-I know love, I’m too” You rested your forehead against his, brushing the hair strands that glued to his forehead during your love session “Cum with me, Hwa” You whispered against his lips, giving him a chaste kiss as you felt a wave of pleasure crash through your body. Your vision painted in white as your legs shook, your whole body going achieving a high end before coming down. Slowly, your breathing evened with his, the feeling of weight settling in while you opened your eyes, and you could not help but smile a bit when you saw Seonghwa again, resting against the headboard, face flushed in red and eyes closed, chest heavily rising up and down. You leaned a bit, nuzzling your nose against his cheek as a way to bring him back from his own high, giggling quietly when he opened his eyes in a startled manner. Your smile, however, took away any and every possible feeling of guilt, sadness or dread he had on his body, his own smile creeping up on his lips before kissing you, the warm fuzzy sensation of your love making his heart thump on his chest. He wouldn’t trade anything in the world for that feeling. 
“Thank you…” His hoarse voice was even lower, causing him to clean his throat a bit before continuing “Thank you for… Not giving up on me…” You could sense the hurt in his tone, even if he could feel his heart was happy, you knew the wound would take time to heal, and the scars would be there forever. You held his face again, letting your foreheads yet again rest against each other before kissing him on the same intensity he always did, taking your time and allowing it to be slow and gentle, like him. You briefly stopped the kiss, mumbling quietly against his lips.
“I’ll always be here, dear. I’ll never leave your side”
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memphisflash · 4 months
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
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Pairing: Evelyn Harper (OC) x Elvis Presley
Word count: 2,4K
Chapter summary: Evelyn gets her next dreaded assignment; taking out the one and only Elvis Presley.
Chapter warnings: Talks of vampire victims and murder. Other than that, none.
A/N: I suck at summaries, but don't let that throw ya! It gets more fast paced and interesting in upcoming chapters, promise. ♡
Main m.list | Series m.list
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Ever since I was a little girl, the world had always been full of monsters, ghouls and demonic creatures that went bump in the night. These were the kind of monsters that wouldn’t vanish into thin air as soon as I’d turn on my night light, these were the kind of monsters people would tell ghost stories about around the campfire to scare the living hell out of each other.
To the outside world, it was nothing but folklore, fairytales… but to me, they were part of my every day life.
It’s safe to say that I never had a normal childhood.
With my father being the Chairman of the Vampire Hunters Association of Las Vegas, I had been training to become the murder weapon I am today since the age of six. I don’t know anything else other than this─never set foot inside of a public school, never been to one of those college ragers that one would see in the movies. But even though my parents always shielded me from the outside world, it wasn’t like I was completely disconnected.
I live in a normal apartment in the city, hang out with my handful of friends now and then, and have to make those dreadful trips to the supermarket once a week like any other human being. The only difference between me and a normal twenty five year old was the floor to ceiling weapon covered walls that were hidden behind the clothing in my small walk-in wardrobe.
I am content with my life as much as one can be and even if I wasn’t, it’s not like I have much choice. My whole future has been laid out for me since I was brought into this world.
To follow in my fathers’ footsteps- that is my faith, my destiny.
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Las Vegas was the perfect place for a vampire to settle down.
The city drew in a lot of tourists from both in and out of the country who were often very naive and looking for some kind of adventure to escape their dull lives back at home, making them easy and quick targets for anyone with a craving for blood. Any vampire that came to the city knew about the VHA Headquarters being located just on the edge of the city and the amount of hunters that could pop up around any corner, but one could simply say they did not care.
Vampires had always viewed themselves as the superior species, considering their kind to be on top of the food chain─they liked to be feared, both by human beings and other supernatural creatures that roamed the Earth. Las Vegas was pretty much a never ending buffet for them and they weren’t going to let anyone, especially not hunters, drive them away.
The vampires in the city were reckless and careless and while they usually did not care about being exposed, I did.
I cared about the unsuspecting humans they would so savagely suck dry and as a hunter, I felt it was my duty to protect the people.
And a damn good hunter I was. One of the best in the company due to the many years of being in this line of work and I felt, perhaps arrogantly so, I’d seen it all.
But when my father called me up into his office and gave me my next assignment, I couldn’t help but stare at him as if he had grown an extra head.
On my way to his office, I already figured it must’ve been someone of importance or an ancient one, but never in a million years had I expected this.
A politician with newfound blood cravings? Sure. Casino owners who already had one foot in their graves by mingling with the mafia? Wouldn’t be the first. But Elvis fucking Presley? Definitely not.
‘’F-father-‘’ I started as I looked up from the folder with information in my hand, but I was cut off before I could even get a proper word out by my father who held up his hand and got up from his seat behind his desk.
‘’Elvis Presley is one of the old ones, Evie. Not ancient, but old nonetheless. Approximately 200 years old, maybe even older, feeds on humans daily,’’ he informed me, using the nickname I despised, as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, showing off some scars that decorated his skin.
Battle scars, as he called them.
Christian Harper was at one time the country’s best hunter. He’d kill any monster in sight and while there had been a few missteps in his career, he never failed. Many vampires are now rotting away in hell with the help of my father’s hand.
Nowadays, the older vampires knew not to mess with him and the young ones feared him like humans feared the creatures of the night. Ironic, really.
Christian Harper was a force to be reckoned with, but he was getting older, stopped going out in the field a long time ago, and right now I was wishing I was in his position. There weren’t many moments I wished such a thing, because I knew how much he had gone through in his life, but right now in this very second, I’d kill to be in his shoes.
I watched as he sat down on the edge of his desk in front of me, crossing his arms. ‘’He has recently started his residency at The International and he hasn’t been sitting still,’’ he sighed as he nodded to the folder in my hand.
I looked down at it again and turned the page.
The pictures of dead bodies covered in blood and bite marks didn’t phase me since I was trained not to and it hadn’t been the first time in my life I’ve seen bodies molested in such a manner, but it still made me angry. It didn’t matter who the predator was that had done such a cruel, inhumane thing.
Most of the people in the pictures were young girls, in their beginning or mid twenties, dressed in skimpy dresses. These were girls that had been brutally murdered outside of the hotel ever since Elvis’ arrival in Las Vegas, and I did not even want to think what he did to them behind closed doors.
Vampires were predators. They liked to toy with their prey before they struck and made the kill.
‘’He’s not alone. A person like Presley doesn’t wander around on his own, especially not in a city like this, so the chance that The International is swarmed with vampires right now is very big,’’ my father said as I closed the folder, sighing deeply as I sunk back in my seat, throwing my head back.
I wasn’t surprised Elvis Presley was a vampire, no one is ever who you truly think they are, nor was I doubting my skills when it came to taking him out, old or not, but I knew the world would probably stop turning when this man would die. He was world famous with a very protective fanbase that would go through fire for him.
They had no idea that he was a cold blooded murderer with questionable table manners─they saw him as the pioneer in the music industry, a good person, their King.
Once his fans and whatever supernatural ally he worked with would find out the VHA killed him, I was going to have to be a lot more careful in my daily life. An old, powerful vampire like him was never alone. They always had back up plans, other species that he probably formed alliances with because unfortunately for human kind, vampires weren’t the only monsters that crawled the face of the Earth.
I didn’t feel good about this assignment, and I was about to protest and even decline, until my father spoke up again.
‘’Get your team together, Evie. I know you’re capable of succeeding,’’ Christian smiled at me as I looked at him again with worried eyes, but I kept my mouth shut, unable to tell him that this was one of the few assignments I did not want to do.
‘’I want you to do this one with Eli and Ruby. Proof to me that you’re ready to move your way up,’’ he said as he nodded to his big leather chair on the other side of the desk. The spot that I’d be taking, the spot that I wasn’t so sure about anymore. I loved my father and the company. I had accepted what my life was like a long time ago, or at least I thought I did, but sometimes I couldn’t help but feel like there were parts of my life missing. Not only because I had been spending every minute of my every day training myself and new hunters or slaying vampires.
It was a weird feeling I couldn’t quite put my finger on─as if I was partly living a life that wasn’t mine.
Something was missing, I was sure of it, but no matter how long I’d think about it, I couldn’t wrap my head around it.
‘’Fine,’’ I eventually mumbled, getting up from my seat as I put the folder under my arm. ‘’When do I start?’’
‘’Tonight?!’’ I exclaimed in disbelief as I widened my eyes at him.
My father smiled, nodding as he stood up straight. ‘’People’s lives are at stake here, sweetheart. Don’t take too long with this one,’’
I sighed deeply through my nose, nodding as I swung open the door, frowning as I heard two people shuffle backwards. Closing the door of my fathers’ office, I looked at Eli and Ruby, the two people I considered my closest friends in the company, standing there with innocent smiles as if they hadn’t eavesdropped the whole conversation.
‘’This is gonna be goooood!’’ Eli exclaimed in a sing-song voice as he rubbed his hands together, grinning from ear to ear. ‘’I’ve always wanted to meet Elvis Presley and staking him would look so good on my resume,’’
I chuckled softly as I rolled my eyes, patting the blonde male’s shoulder. I started walking down the hall, opening the folder again as they appeared on my side, looking over my shoulder.
‘’He’s quite beautiful for a vampire,’’ Ruby mumbled, ignoring the disgusting look Eli gave her.
The picture of the vampire that was hanging by a paperclip on the first page of the folder was of him walking backstage at the newly opened International Hotel, dressed in a chocolate brown suit. He wore the brightest smile I’d ever seen on a man, his blue eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. As if he was in on something no one around him was- and that was probably the truth.
He had a certain aura around him, one that almost made you believe he was nothing but a handsome man with a charming smile and a great voice. And it was also an aura that felt familiar in a sense that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.
Looking into those eyes even in a photograph made a shiver run down my spine, which I managed to hide from the two hunters next to me.
Elvis Presley didn’t look like a bloodsucker, but then again, they never did.
Vampires had the ability to walk among men, blending in crowds with their daylight rings and their great fashion sense. They looked like any other person on the street, hiding their demonic faces behind human masks.
And he was no different, he couldn’t be. Just like the others, he was nothing but a cruel demon hiding behind humanity.
‘’Aren’t they always?’’ I sighed as I shut the folder swiftly while walking into one of the weaponry rooms, flicking on the lights. I threw the folder down and tied my hair up, picking up a few pointy stakes from the holders in the wall.
‘’You’re not looking forward to this one, are you?’’ Ruby asked as she walked closer, leaving Eli behind by one of the tables to look through Elvis’ information.
I looked at my best friend and chuckled softly, throwing the stakes into a sports bag before I put my hands on my hips.
‘’I’m not, no. I’m not worried about him, but about the aftermath. This man is practically a God in people’s eyes,’’ I sighed as I shook my head a little, turning my head to stare absentmindedly at the weapons on the wall. ‘’What if this means the end of the VHA? We will probably become the hunted by the people we are trying to protect,’’
‘’Hey, ofcourse not, Eve,’’ Ruby said as she took a step closer to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. ‘’The humans will never find out the cause of his death, I’m sure his management is smarter than to risk exposing themselves or us. And whatever other monster he has standing up for him, we can take them on. I am absolutely positive about this and you know I’m always right,’’ she grinned as she bumped her hip against mine, making me bite my lip to hold back a smile.
I knew she was right─the company would survive this, but I had no idea if I would survive the company. My fathers’ words about having to proof myself were hanging above my head like a storm cloud for some reason, but I was still a hunter and a hotel full of people were at risk, so I was going to get this job done no matter what.
I hoped, at least.
‘’Besides, aren’t you the girl who killed an ancient one once? You got this,’’
I laughed softly at her words and the way she squeezed me in her embrace.
The ancient ones were hard to kill, seeing they had lived for quite literally thousands of years. I had succeeded in killing one of them when they tried to cause chaos in the city and while I had been out of work for two weeks after that because my body simply gave up on me and I wasn’t so lucky to heal rapidly like vampires did, the fucker was still dead so I was sure this was going to be a walk in the park.
‘’You’re right. I got this, we got this,’’ I said as I broke myself free out of Ruby’s grip, laughing as I walked back over to Eli to get him away from the folder and to the walls with weaponry to get ready.
Elvis Presley wasn’t an ancient vampire, but he would soon proof to be harder to kill than I anticipated.
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woonova · 11 months
◟﹙ 🎡 ﹚kim sunoo ﹕oneshot ﹙ @woonova ﹚
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ʚɞ ゚˖  written to say something by twice
ʚɞ ゚˖  genre fluff, high school au
ʚɞ ゚˖  synopsis annoyed at the fact that he would now have to take a different bus because of his teacher's actions sunoo saunters into the afternoon with a displeased mood, that quickly changes once he catches sight of you heading towards the empty seat next to him
ʚɞ ゚˖  warning none i'm aware of, plz notify me if you find any
ʚɞ ゚˖  wc 0.95k
rin's notes ! tumblr’s algorithm works best with reblogging so plz consider reblogging and liking my posts
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SUNOO WAS STARTING TO GET ANNOYED. Slowly, but surely, his eyes were forming into sharp creases and the furrow of his eyebrows grew deeper with every passing minute — forming a deep line in the center of his forehead.
He was meant to leave this dreary building an hour ago — happily finding a seat next to the bus' window as he listened to the soothing melodies that were emitted from his dark coloured earbuds. He grumbled to himself as he stepped out of the building, clearly upset at the fact that his extra lesson's teacher had kept back the class for an extra hour. He would now have to take a different bus that took a longer route, which he was obviously not very keen on doing.
The wait was a short one, it seemed as if as soon as he sat at the waiting area, with an irritated expression and a pout etched on his lips, the bus driver decided to arrive and end his misery. 'It could be worse,' Sunoo thought as he stepped up the worn out steps. The bus wasn't crowded and still had a decent amount of seats left, which Sunoo grinned at — at least he wouldn't have to give up his beloved window seat.
But alas, all happiness and excitement turned to nervousness as tension raked along his body like a thick blanket. He sat upright, anxiously pulling his eyes over your advancing figure.
You seemed tired, exhausted even. Hair pulled back into a messy updo, loose curls escaping — creating a beautiful frame for your face. Your face that carried a drowsy expression, lips pulled into a small pout and eyes slowly hoping for an empty seat to earn its visibility. And before long, you were seated at the far end of the bus, situated in the last row away from all noise and distraction. In an empty seat next to him.
Kim Sunoo was never in your group of associates. Sure, you had seen him lurking around the campus, his bright eyes and radiant smile instantly setting him apart from the rest, but you had never been one to actively seek out an interaction with the boy.
Likewise, you were never a member in Sunoo's large group of friends. Yes, he had seen you around many a times, to the point where his friend, Jungwon claimed he had a special eye just for you. But, unlike you Sunoo had always wondered what you were like under your mask of indifference. He thought of how beautiful your smile would be and the sound of your laughter as he relayed to you one of the many jokes that passed around his circle.
As you sat next to the peachy boy you could almost instantly clock the tension in the air. His shoulders were stiff as he held his backpack close, almost afraid to come any closer than he already was.
"Are you okay?" a soft voice called out and Sunoo abruptly turned to find its owner. He was so baffled that you were even speaking to him that he disregarded the fact that his weird behaviour was evident to you. While you were worried because you were sure of the fact that if he didnt relax soon he would probably face whiplash.
"Calm down, im not gonna hurt you or anything. It's just that you looked a little frightened." you later voiced out after the small pause of silence. Sunoo let out a breath as he relaxed in his seat, becoming hyper aware of his behaviour towards you. He cleared his throat before responding, "Umm yeah, i'm fine." internally cringing at the way his voice sounded.
"Cool, wouldn't want you passing out on me now."
And Sunoo let out a small chuckle at this, "Yeah, cool."
After your unexpected interaction you both fell into a comfortable air of silence. His thick blanket seemingly, slowly slid off leaving him comfortably perched on his seat as he stared out the window, hoping to get away from your gaze. He was falling back into his regular routine. Sweet melodies traveling through his earbuds as he gazed out at the unfamiliar scenery.
Contentment, that could be the word to describe his state as he lightly hummed to himself, creating a beautiful harmony for whoever heard it. You were still seated next to him, your face still carrying that tired expression but now you were a bit more relaxed. And Sunoo couldn't help but think he was the reason as he physically felt you calm down beside him. Your head unconsciously traveling towards his shoulder, as your grip on your own backpack loosened.
And with this newfound knowledge Sunoo continued his actions. He slowly reached upwards to fix your body against his, so that you wouldn't have to worry about a neck ache later in the afternoon and pulled your bag closer into his lap. Never stopping the soothing noises that came from his mouth. You both stayed like this until the end of the ride, sat in soothing tranquility as a blanket of peace wrapped around you.
You awoke from a light shake on your shoulder, it was Sunoo. "Uhh were almost at my stop so I thought i'd wake you." his voice was ever so quiet as if he was afraid to pull you out of your peaceful state.
"Oh yeah no worries, i'm sorry for you know...." you trailed off at the end of your sentence growing a bit shy because of your current situation.
"Don't worry it's not a problem. I'll always be here if you need a shoulder to lay on." He offered you a sly smile.
"I'll hold you to it then."
"I would be sad if you didn't."
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ʚɞ ゚˖  sponsors @hyfenet @k-labels @en-web @k-films
© https://...woonova | 2023
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excessive-vampires · 2 months
Dealing with Demons Chapter 10: Something Unnecessarily Personal Part 1: Riley
Masterlist with CW
Taglist: @demyxdancer @softvampirewhump @d-cs
Cliff Mason no longer lived at his last known address, surprising none but disappointing all. The team went to investigate anyway, looking for anything that might suggest where he was or what he was trying to do. Well, the team minus Riley.
Riley was stuck in the library looking up everything the Bureau had on symbolism based rituals involving demons. As far as Riley could tell, the Bureau had absolutely nothing. At least nothing in the database or the few relevant books they could find.
Unlike the lack of information on demons, the reason the shelves were so bereft of information on symbolism based rituals was because not a lot of information existed.
Normal rituals followed a known set of rules, but the rules for symbolism based rituals depended on, well, symbolism and the associations and intent the caster brought to the table. So that meant that each ritual was different, and Riley had to go through the collection of old spellbooks at the back of the shelves hoping that someone somewhere had tried to do the exact same thing in the exact same way and then had their notes confiscated by the Bureau. Which was unlikely, since not a lot of people attempted symbolism based rituals. The outcomes tended to be unpredictable in unexpected ways.
Riley slammed shut another useless book and put their head down on their desk. It was the end of the workday and all the other researchers had gone home, so no one heard them as they let out a frustrated groan. They should be out with the others. Well, probably not seeing as this was all they could do to help and someone had to do it, but they wanted to be out with the others. They wanted to be good for something other than research. If only they could cast spells! Then they could train to be more useful out in the field. Mike and Sil were always facing horrible dangers and Riley just had to sit there in the library and hope their best friends didn't die.
"Oh, so you get to nap while the rest of us investigate? I always knew you researchers were slackers."
Mike's teasing brought Riley out of their rapidly spiralling mindset. They lifted their head and smiled in relief. "Hey, what did you find?"
"A whole lot of nothing. Mason knows how to clean out a place, there was no sign of his plans, and nothing Sil could use for a tracking spell."
"You're kidding."
"No toothbrush, no hairbrush, not even a coffee mug. I've moved into places that had more of their last owner left in them than this apartment."
"Are you sure the landlord didn't clean it out?"
"Mason had the rent for the place paid in advance up through the end of the year, but no one's seen him around there since April."
"Damn. I'm sorry, Mike."
"Yeah, well, at least we're not completely out of leads. Avi's with Sil trying to remember everything they can about the room they were summoned to since it wasn't that place's basement."
"How did it go? Working with Avi without..."
"Without you as a buffer? Well, Sil kept things professional, which helped a lot. If not for her, me and your demon might have had a fistfight to determine who got to be the funny one."
Riley laughed then stopped abruptly as Mike's words caught up to them. "Th-They're not my demon!"
"Relax, I'm just giving you a hard time. They did complain that you weren't there, though."
"Yeah?" Riley was curious despite themself.
"Yeah, kept going on and on about how you're the only one on our team that knows anything true about demons."
"Oh god, what did you say?"
"Hey, why assume it was me? Sil could've messed up!"
Upon seeing Riley's incredulous face, Mike looked down at the floor. "Okay yeah, it was me. I asked them if they used to be an angel. And you don't have to tell me why I'm wrong, they went on a huge rant about how the difference is arbitrary and sin and virtue are human societal constructs and seriously, Riley, they would not shut up."
Riley's chest felt tight as they were struck with a sudden jealousy. And not because Avi's rant would have undoubtedly contained information about demons that the Bureau didn't know. Mike and Sil were Riley's team and they had spent the day... not having fun but at the very least bonding with Avi. Angry tears started to well up in their eyes.
"So, did you find anything?" Mike looked at them critically. "Riley?"
"Oh, um," Riley wiped the tears away. "I didn't find anything either. I guess today was a bust for all of us."
"Are you okay, Riley? Did something happen?"
"No, no, I'm just frustrated about the lack of leads."
"Yeah, me too... I hope Clara's okay. To go through what happened with Bell and then this..."
"Don't worry, we'll find her and get her home and her and Jessica will invite us all to their wedding."
"Yeah, that'd be nice. Ian's been complaining that I haven't taken him anywhere fancy lately."
"I can't imagine you in a fancy setting, Mike, it's just not computing."
"Hey! I can clean up nice when I want to."
Riley didn't doubt it, Mike was a good-looking guy underneath the lack of care put into his appearance. But that didn't mean Riley was going to stop teasing him. "Sure you do."
"Aw, screw you, Riley."
They both laughed.
"Come on," Mike said. "Let's go and report our lack of progress to Coleman."
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aces-and-angels · 5 months
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(from left to right) meet agnes park and jina davis- founders of park & davis ✨
more info on them below the cut:
attended the same law school as eli byrne and sadie mcgraw + were associates at the same law firm early in their career
after realizing that management (senior partners) refused to promote any of them despite their hard work- sadie hatches a plan to takeover the firm for themselves
the takeover involved buying-out the current senior partners (and blackmailing one of them after they unearth one of the partner's affair)
eli's family comes from old money, so he was tasked with gathering the funds for the buy-out. his father only granted enough cash to take hold of two spots at the top
sadie betrays agnes/jina out of their pact to become named partners to secure her place with eli
ousted by their former colleagues, agnes and jina are forced to fend for themselves and seek work elsewhere
to quote queen bey for a second: "the best revenge is your paper"
agnes and jina split off- finding work in different sectors of the law, slowly amassing an impressive roster of clients
never quite makes it to the top of their firms apart, looked down on by their male counterparts -> they join forces years later and start their own firm: park & davis
jina davis (she/her):
a well known name in the tech industry, represents several high-profile moguls, developers, and companies
born in bangladesh and immigrated to america at the age of 7; raised by her single father, who was an electrical engineer turned restaurant owner (after his education credentials weren't transferred/accepted). she and her two older siblings helped run the restaurant
agnes park (she/her):
after splitting from sadie/eli, went on to pursue a career in environmental law. worked for non-profit organizations for many years before switching over to banking
financial expert of the firm
born in busan, south korea and adopted by an american family; raised as an only child
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