#best apple pie San Francisco
eastbaypieco22 · 2 years
3 Facts About Apple Pies Every Pie-Lover Needs To Know
Whether it is the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving Day, or Turkey Day, baking a pie is a tradition that most Americans follow to this date. It is not wrong to say that apple pie is perhaps the nation’s iconic dish that makes its appearance on most celebratory occasions.
Although a single slice of apple pie may contain 400 calories and approximately 20 grams of fat, people never hold themselves back from experiencing the flavors of this warm, delicious dessert. While some bake an apple pie at home, others consider pie delivery in San Francisco or elsewhere to enjoy the comfort food, particularly on special occasions.
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Perhaps you do the same. But how much do you know about your favorite dessert? Here we have shared some facts that might surprise you; read on:
Apple pie originated in England
You are not alone if you always believed apple pie is an American dessert. The pie, in fact, originated in England. Colonists brought apples to North America in the 17th century and planted the first orchard in New England. Besides apples, many ingredients we use today to bake apple pies come from beyond the nation’s borders—wheat from the Middle East and Cinnamon, nutmeg, and other spices from Indonesia and Sri Lanka—to mention a few.
The first apple pie recipe was printed in 1381
The apple pie recipe was first published in 1381 in England. Its list of ingredients included apples, spices, saffron, raisins, pears, and figs. When Europeans arrived in America, they brought the dish along with domesticated apples. And two apple pie recipes were published in American Cookery by Amelia Simmons, America’s first cookbook, in 1796. Over time, the dish became a staple throughout the nation.
The origin of the iconic phrase “As American As Apple Pie” is unknown
You might have heard people saying the iconic phrase “As American As Apple Pie” hundreds of times, but do you know no one knows its exact origin? Gettysburg Times used the phrase for the first time to advertise New Lestz Suits in 1924, while New York Times mentioned it again in 1928 to describe First Lady Lou Henry Hoover’s homemaking abilities. During World War II, soldiers often quoted they were fighting the war for Mom and apple pie. Apple pie also became associated with the United States government, creating a misconception that it is an American symbol.
Baking an apple pie at home isn’t challenging, but if you get little time to spare, look for the best apple pie in San Francisco and elsewhere. Pie delivery has recently become popular among pie lovers because handmade pies with fresh ingredients and free from chemicals & additives get delivered to their doors. Give it a try today!
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chrissdollie · 11 months
”what would you do if jess proposed?”
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a/n: WARNING: i wrote this late and it’s mostly dialogue. also it’s not really a romantic jess x reader it’s a very causal thing. but i promise i’ll edit it soon to make it cuter. wc: 2.6k
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paul anka barked at the door where a knock was heard. you and your mom lorelai were sitting on the couch watching a movie. “just a minute!” she yelled, picking up paul and handing him over to you where you held him in your lap, petting him slowly. you looked over your shoulder to the front door, wondering who it was.
lorelai opened the door to reveal rory’s current boyfriend of three years, logan. “oh hey!” she greeted. “hey.” logan replied blandly.
“oh, you just missed rory. she’s on her way back to school.” rory had left back to yale after visiting at home to study for her finals.
“i know, im actually here to see you and y/n.” his voice shook slightly. he seemed nervous, which was weird because from the few times you met him, he was a very confident and down to earth guy. “oh, okay. come on in.” she invited.
“thank you.” logan stepped inside and walked over to where you were sitting in the living room. “do you want, um, any food or drink? we ordered way too many fries.” lorelai asked, inviting him to sit on the couch. you smiled and muttered a small “hello” to which he nodded back and sat down next to you.
“no thanks, i’m all good.” you moved over slightly so lorelai could squeeze in next to the two of you. “um, so how was your trip?” you asked kindly, trying to rid of the awkwardness.
“oh, it was really great. actually that’s what i wanted to talk about.” he folded his hands as he manspread. you raised your brow so only lorelai could see. she looked at you and then back to logan.
“oh, god. i know nothing about that world. uh, apple, ibm, microsoft, im out.” she joked, making logan chuckle. his face then turned serious again. “well, i’ve been offered a position with an emerging internet company.” he informed before pausing.
“wow, that’s great!” you congratulated, grinning. “yeah, congrats.” lorelai agreed. “thanks, it’s pretty similar to what i was doing in new york, but actually, they’re willing to make me a full partner i’ll be getting in on the ground floor.”
you had no idea what the ‘ground floor’ was, but you nodded and continued to smile like you did know. lorelai seemed at a small loss for words too. so she settled with “that’s exciting!”
“it is. it’s gonna be a lot of long hours and an incredible amount of work building the company, but i really feel this ‘venture has a bright future. i mean, these are serious people.” he grinned softly.
“and you’re a serious guy.” lorelai complimented, her eyes softening. a serious guy? you weren’t totally sure about that, but you stayed quiet. “look, you don’t have to convince me. i voiced my concerns, and you told me your plans. we had pie. i’m cool.” she sweetly told him.
“thank you. i appreciate that. that means a lot to me.” he thanked. this was getting weird. you wanted to know the reason that he came here. god, would he just hurry up already??
“you’re welcome.” lorelai hummed back, her face falling to a frown. logan cleared his throat. “so, the thing is.. well, as the you guys can imagine, i’m pretty excited about all this.” 
“yeah, of course, i mean it’s really cool.” you spoke. “but it-it does mean a move to san francisco. palo alto, actually.” he dropped the bomb. he’s moving. poor rory, she was going to be devastated! your mom’s face fell into an ‘O’ shape and your face saddened at the thought of him breaking up with rory.
rory was your best friend (besides from your mom, of course) and she loved logan deeply. you would hate to see her get hurt, but it has to happen. it’s not like she can move with him. oh. 
“that’s big. that’s funny, rory didn’t mention it. did she say anything to you?” lorelai questioned turning the spotlight to you for a minute. “nope, not a thing.”
“well, i haven’t told her yet.” he said, voice shaking slightly again. “and you’re here because you want us to tell her for you?” lorelai asked, trying to get the point across. logan chuckled again.
“no, no, i’m gonna tell her. i just, um, i wanted to talk to you guys first about it.” he took a deep breath while looking at the floor before speaking. “look. i love rory. she means the world to me and i want her to come with me to california.” oh no. now he’s dropped the bomb.
you saw lorelai close her eyes and take a breath before opening her eyes again. “oh.” was all she had to say. you shook your head. “but, not just as my girlfriend.” he said deeply. “which is why i’m here. i’m here to ask for your blessings. to ask rory to marry me.”
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“chris, hi.” lorelai picked up the phone. you were standing next to her because rory was talking to some DAR ladies. you excused yourself and followed your mom away from the two women you were talking to. you saw chris standing outside and that was your cue to leave them alone and walked towards your boyfriend who’d finally arrived
“hi, honey!” you greeted. jess smiled and kissed your cheek. “hi, i’m sorry for being late. work was right up my as.. hello emily.” he greeted your grandmother who came up to you two. “hello, jess. hi, y/n.” she smiled at you before kissing your cheek.
your grandfather richard came over and quickly greeted you before turning to emily.
“emily, i think now is a good time.” he mumbled. “oh, excuse us.” emily and richard walked to the front of the room next to the grand piano. emily tapped a glass with a fork to get everyone’s attention. richard straightened his shoulders and held a piece of paper.
“ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. first, let me thank you for coming to celebrate my granddaughter rory’s graduation.” he spoke clearly. emily walked up next to him and pinched his arm. “ouch!” he winced. “oh i-i do beg your pardon. celebrating our granddaughter rory’s graduation.” he corrected himself, making you and rory giggle quietly standing next to each other. you also waved quickly to your dad before turning back to richard.
“i can’t let him take all the credit, have you seen her? can you blame me?” emily joked, making the crowd laugh. you and rory gave each other a look almost to say ‘she’s been drinking.’ 
“so, when my wife and i sat down to write our toast,” he continued. “we ran into something of a problem. all of our words sounded too mundane, too insignificant to mark such an auspicious occasion, as rory’s graduation from yale. so, instead.. maestro.” richard turned to the pianist.
rory’s head turned slightly and furrowed her eyebrows. you were just as confused as she was. “please excuse us. we are not singers.” emily somewhat nervously apologized. “never let them see you sweat, dear.” richard soothed. 
lorelai turned to her daughters, raising a brow causing you three to chuckle. your grandparents raised their papers in front of them and stood tall. richard began the song as the pianist played a joyful tune.
you’re the top
you have graduated
you’re the top
your grandparents are elated
newspaper editor, phi beta kappa WOW!
you’re a relegation, a huge sensation
you should take a bow
you are done
no more school for you
there is nothing now that you can’t do
you’ll make us proud, we’ll sing it loud
it’s true cause now rory, you’re a bulldog through and through!
you clapped loudly, laughing with your sister. the crowd applauded and “aww”’ed at the sweet song. logan yelled out a “yeah!” before rory ran up to her grandparents and gave them both a hug. “oh, thank you, thank you. wow!” she smiled.
“we meant every word in that song.” emily cooed. “we certainly did. even the ones we sang off key.” richard agreed. rory thanked them again before expressing her love and appreciation for them. you loved that rory went to college, even if you didn’t. she had begged you to go with her so she wouldn’t be alone, but this experience had given her a new pov of the world.
chris’ phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. “oh, it’s the babysitter calling to see if g.g can watch an hour of television.” he said aloud. “i don’t think she’s ready for ‘the pussycat dolls yet’.” you teased, causing chris and lorelai to grin. “i’ll be right back.”
but before he could leave to answer the phone, logan stopped him. “actually, would you mind waiting?” he jumped quickly. chris’ head turned up to look at logan for a second before nodding. “sure.”
“thanks. trust me, you’ll want to stick around for this.” he dismissed himself and walked to rory. “okay.” he replied shortly. your face fell and you could see lorelai’s did too. “is he gonna..” chris pointed towards him. you’re assuming your mom told chris about logan wanting to propose.
“not here. not now.” lorelai shook her head in disbelief. you really hoped he wouldn’t do that to rory. especially in front of everybody. what if she says no? truth be told, you didn’t want rory to get married and leave to san francisco! she was only 22 and you wanted her to stay with you and your mom for a little while longer.
she can’t just up and leave. she won’t. she’s been away at college while you’ve been working and things will finally get to go back to normal after her graduation. you mentally shake of these thoughts and focus on the present.
“if i could, i’d also like to say a few words about my girlfriend of the past three years.” logan began. you had also told jess after you’d found out logan wanted to propose. but he still looked appalled. rory was like a little sister to him, you knew. 
logan turned to look rory in her big blue eyes. “you amaze me, rory gilmore, every day, everything that you do, everything that you are. this past year, i realized that i don’t know a lot more than i thought i knew if that makes sense. i’m sorry, i’m a little bit nervous. didn’t think i’d be.” he chuckled shyly. 
“what i’m trying to say is that.” he sighed softly before taking a quick breath. “i don’t know a lot. but i know that i love you. and i want to be with you.. forever.” he sighed again and pulled out a velvet blue box from his pocket. rory’s eyes widened and she realized what was happening. you wish you knew what was going on in her head.
the crowd began to murmur. your eyes widened in anticipation. emily’s mouth was wide open with joy while richard’s happy face contorted to an serious one. “rory gilmore.” he opened the box, still looking at her. “will you marry me?”
that’s it. the question was asked and out in the open. it was silent for a few moments. “um..” she muttered and turned to you and lorelai for a moment. she looked back and struggled to find words. “um, wow.” she chuckled breathily. “i- wow..” 
“is there a yes in between those ‘wows’?” logan asked eagerly. the crowd laughed lightly. “um, im just, im so.. surprised. i-i just, um, would, um..” she ran her fingers through her hair quickly before grabbing his hand. “w-will you come talk to me outside?”
“sure.” he walked as she led them outside. “yeah, okay,” she stumbled quickly out the door. emily ran to the pianist. “play something now.” she demanded before looking out the window.
“my poor girl.” you pouted as jess wrapped an arm around your shoulders. emily walked over to where you and lorelai were standing. “well i don’t know what to do! should i continue to stagger the hors d’oeuvres or just tell the kitchen staff to send everything out?” she cried.
lorelai shrugged. “i don’t know.” she mumbled. “why didn’t she just say yes?” emily threw her arms down like a child, clearly upset. your eye twitched for a moment. “i’m not sure she wants to marry him, grandma.” you tried to make her understand. but who are you kidding, this is emily gilmore.
“that’s ridiculous, he’s a huntzberger. an offer like this doesn’t come around every day.” emily whined. “it’s a marriage proposal, not a sale on linens.” lorelai folded her arms as richard approached, handing a drink to his wife. “clearly, rory was caught off guard, all of us were.” your phone rang as richard spoke.
you pulled your cellphone out of your pocket and answered. “i’m sure she just needs a moment to get her bearings-“ you cut your grandfather off to speak. “hi, ror.”
you motioned for lorelai to follow you, removing jess’ arm from you quickly. “did she say yes?” emily called out as you and lorelai exited the house. “we’ll be right back.” lorelai told chris and jess.
you two found rory and your eyes widened. “is that a carriage?” you laughed. “wow, how romantic!” you cheesed jokingly. “get in, now please!” rory pleaded. lorelai went in first, rory followed second, and you last.
the horses began to walk and rory turned to you. “i just kept saying ‘i don’t know, i’ll have to think about it’ and it was awful! and he was obviously disappointed and upset.” she began ranting. “well that was kinda on him. imagine if you said no in front of all those people!” you thought.
the girls agreed silently. “you know, he made all these plans about the house we’d live in and the avocado tree in our backyard.” she continued. “you do like guacamole.” lorelai threw in. “i-i just had to explain to him how it if the blue this is. like super out of the blue! the deepest, darkest, naviest blue. and why are you so calm by the way?”
“we knew. he came by the house to ask for our permission.” you told her. “we were dying to tell you!” you whined. lorelai jumped in after you. “and she almost did, but i threatened her to no more sleeping in on weekdays.” she said. “you sleep in on weekdays.” “that’s not the point.”
“anyways, what do you think i should do?” rory asked desperately. “oh, honey, i think it’s your decision.” lorelai put simply. rory pushed her head forward waiting for more. “you have no opinion?” she questioned in disbelief. “only you know what you want.” she briefly answered. 
“hm, okay. what about you, curly? what would you do if jess proposed?” rory asked. “well, moe, i would definitely wait a few days before answering. id really think about it first. id make a photo collage of what our wedding would look like and then show you, then make a pros and cons list, and then answer once i’m fully confident.” you finished. 
“that was actually a very good answer, dude, nice.” lorelai spoke in her surfer-bro voice and fist bumped you. “i love him. i do. i’m like a circus freak with all the hands. i’m all over the place!”
“you’ll get through this. just mull over it for now.” you gave her a big hug. rory grinned sweetly and hugged back. “group hug!” lorelai cheered, leaning in. “if you get married, can i be the flower girl?” lorelai asked in a high pitched voice. “no. paul anka will be the flower girl.”
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gluion · 1 year
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requests status ➵ slots are closed!
how to request ➵ send an ask following the format: "tbz member + one song from the list + possible scenario you want (not required)" and you will receive! if you're looking for a certain scenario, please be as descriptive as possible! please keep in mind that the song you pick will have a determined genre linked to it.
ex. "jacob + must be love by laufey + possibly reader just doing their own thing and jacob is just admiring, only for this scene playing out to be his realization of him falling in love"
guidelines/reminders ➵ i have every right to deny a request if i believe i cannot fulfill it or if i'm uncomfortable writing it ➵ please don't expect me to be speedy with requests... there is a chance i may not fulfill it LMFAO so don't come into my asks fully expecting smth ➵ most requests will be <10k and will most likely be focused on a certain scenario or two ➵ i will not write yandere or majorly toxic themes! but i will write fluff, suggestive/smut, and angst depending on the song you choose teehee! if you're worried that i may deny your request, just send it and i'll let you know if something about it is something i'm not comfortable to write about ➵ only writing x readers! ➵ requests won't be done on a "first come; first serve" basis!
a/n ➵ happy to announce that i am officially opening requests! yup, i thought that to beat my silly writer's block, i can start doing some requests for the time being. it's also my way of celebrating 200 followers!! i'll be opening limited slots for the time being. however, if i decide that i want to keep doing more requests, i may accept more later on.
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song list ➵ and july by heize & dean ➵ apple cider by beabadoobee ➵ apple pie by lizzy mcalpine ➵ arms unfolding by dodie ➵ as long as it takes you by keshi ➵ backburner by niki ➵ bad by wave to earth ➵ bawat piyesa by munimuni ➵ calla by wave to earth ➵ cheese & wine by dpr live ➵ cherry wine by grentperez ➵ chocolate by day6 ➵ clementine by grentperez ➵ cologne by beabadoobee ➵ disconnected by 5sos ➵ everything has changed by taylor swift ft. ed sheeran ➵ hall&oates by yerin baek ➵ i like you by day6 ➵ in what world by lizzy mcalpine ➵ intertwined by dodie ➵ laputa by dpr live ft. crush ➵ let you break my heart again by laufey ➵ loner by yerin baek ➵ lowkey by niki ➵ maps by raffaella & hippo campus ➵ ocean floor by wave to earth ➵ old with you by grentperez ➵ on the drive home by niki ➵ one last time, please by dodie ➵ only by day6 ➵ opposite by sabrina carpenter ➵ pancakes for dinner by lizzy mcalpine ➵ pasilyo by sunkissed lola ➵ paubaya by moira dela torre ➵ pour up by dean ft. zico ➵ put my hands on you by dean & anderson .paak ➵ pwede ba by lola amour ➵ right here by keshi ➵ san francisco by 5sos ➵ second best by laufey ➵ simple season by hippo campus ➵ somebody by keshi ➵ soren by beabadoobee ➵ take off all your cool by sabrina carpenter ➵ text me by dpr live ➵ the 1 by taylor swift ➵ tornado warnings by sabrina carpenter ➵ treacherous by taylor swift ➵ tuesday by hippo campus ➵ valentine by laufey ➵ waste the night by 5sos
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memoriesoftwoworlds · 7 months
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图一,二: Gizdich Ranch的Apple pie,九旬庄主老太介绍她的农场和商店
图三,四:旧金山的日式火锅Shabu club
图九:加州中部的almond blossom
昨天与来自日本的美女教授吃午饭,她经常穿亮丽的牛仔高筒靴,骑马裙,好几次都好奇想问她的美丽装扮,终于有机会问了。原来她与我住同一城,并且是从小就受父亲训练出来的优秀骑手,并在自己的农庄拥有一匹马!让我想起小时候看过的小鹿纯子!很兴奋,有专家一起聊马了!哈哈,我只是亇wannabe, 她是真骑士!
天河(atmospheric river)降落,好像生活在呼啸山庄。昨天龙卷风报警时我和帅哥正在外面开车,我俩吓得抖呵呵! 今天不敢出门,在家喝酒忆“青春。”后面看到昨天龙卷风其实是高举轻放,no touchdown.
我没什么好忆的。Always hope and never look back. 只有几位喜欢的艺术角色:小鹿纯子,黄蓉,林黛玉,和三毛。
神告诉我们make the most of every opportunity! 祂时时刻刻给我都是最好最美的,
Photos 1 and 2: Apple pie from Gizdich Ranch, with the nonagenarian owner lady introducing her farm and store.
Photos 3 and 4: Shabu Shabu at the Shabu Club in San Francisco.
Photos 5 to 7: Carmel-by-the-Sea, a name that makes us nostalgic for England.
Photo 9: Almond blossom in Central California.
We're so thankful for the rich variety of life nearby; our county has a small population and a large area.
Yesterday, I had lunch with a beautiful Japanese professor who often wears bright cowboy boots and riding skirts. I've been curious about her beautiful attire several times and finally got the chance to ask her. It turns out she lives in the same city as I do and has been an outstanding equestrian since childhood, trained by her father, and even owns a horse on her farm! This reminds me of Junko, the character I watched as a child! Excited to have an expert to talk about horses with! Ha-ha, I'm just a wannabe, but she is a true knight!
Our plains are lush green this year, making it feel like we've visited England with all the rain, but it brings infinite vitality to our California. Hoping for the reservoirs to be full this year, and so our wallets.
The atmospheric river descends, making life feel like living at Wuthering Heights. Yesterday, my boyfriend and I were driving outside when the tornado warning went off, scaring us to tremble! Today, I dare not go out and stay home drinking, reminiscing about "youth." It turns out the tornado yesterday was a close call with no touchdown.
I don't have much to reminisce about. Always hope and never look back. Only a few beloved artistic figures for me: Junko, Huang Rong, Lin Daiyu, and Sanmao.
God tells us to make the most of every opportunity! He always gives me the best and most beautiful things at every moment.
Translated via polyglyph.ai
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The 12 Best milk and cookie strain Accounts to Follow on Twitter
Our Cereal Milk Marijuana Strain Information & Reviews PDFs
Table of ContentsThe Best Strategy To Use For Cereal Milk Strain Information, Reviews & MoreNot known Incorrect Statements About Cereal Milk By Cookies
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With a proper create, you can easily regulate the temperature and also steer clear of excessive plant stress and anxiety. Once again, this is a quite new tension, so few individuals have actually increased it. Nevertheless, the tensions crossed to create Grain Milk blossom in concerning 8 to 10 weeks. Indoors, Biscuits, as well as Cherry Pie are recognized champions and take care of both soil as well as hydro effectively, therefore Cereal Dairy need to as well.
Blooming Grain Milk Cookies can easily be a little changeable outsides, thus if you get your palms on some seeds, be actually mindful with Cereal Dairy. Cherry Pie is actually much better matched to the outside, however, therefore Grain Dairy might be just great - cereal milk. When developing this tension, keep an eye on the climate and also try if it seems like it is going to be actually a cozy September. god's milk strain.
She honestly used it to assist manage indicators of stress as well as depression, and also her mission is to discover not only what budtenders can possibly do for you, however how the marijuana business is actually prospering (cereal mints strain). She mainly pays attention to San Francisco's Gulf Place, a region loaded with fantastic, meals, beverage, and also weed (eden's apple strain).
She worked throughout the widespread as the budtender and also keyholder of Mind and body in Long Beach Front, California. She takes additional care with her customers, discovering all of them the best item almost whenever by learning more about all of them and what they need. As an example, she encourages CBN to those experiencing sleeplessness, although it is actually a lesser-known item.
That very same pressure can scent horrible to a buddy, showing that they don't need to have those terpenes (charm cereal strain). Amber places it very merely: "Your body system is actually implied for weed. tidal wave strain." Grain Milk is actually fantastic for those fighting depression or other mental health and wellness issues. triple g weed. The limonene as well as myrcene are actually incredibly uplifting, as well as it likewise has caryophyllene, the only terpene that likewise behaves as a cannabinoid.
The Only Guide to Cereal Milk Strain
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Those Grain Milk that Golden smokes in this incident of OSAAT possesses a fairly higher THC content, at 32%. Nevertheless, she claims that THC material isn't everything - cereal milk #2. Selecting a pressure with terpenes and also a taste profile you delight in is more vital than going with the best THC web content achievable.
For instance, individuals from Nevada care extra concerning flavor and also terpenes than THC, whereas individuals coming from the Gulf Area tend to wish items with the greatest THC web content. cookies ceral milk. Regardless, Golden is actually a pro at receiving her consumers the cannabis they are actually desire! Grain Milk is a crossbreed, which indicates that, relying on the grower, it'll have extra Sativa or Indica. cannabiotix.
She states it's the ideal product for the beach. You can browse through this post for an extra complex strain profile if you wonder regarding finding out more. Cereal Milk is actually not simply this author's preferred stress, however one precious due to the whole marijuana area for its' wonderful terpenes and delectable taste profile page Inquire your budtenders questions! As a budtender herself, Brownish-yellow loves connecting with her clients as well as assisting all of them find the perfect item, even when it's a little outside package Terpenes may possess amazing medicinal benefitslisten to your nose! Making use of a bong or even spinning your personal floral can aid to enrich the terpenes in your product, which is why budtenders suggest those 2 methods of usage for fragrant stress like Grain Milk Yellow-brown as well as Kara understand their stuff when it involves grass, as well as they are actually a ton of fun, too! We had a great deal of enjoyable focusing on this incident of 'One Stress At An Opportunity,' and also our team wish you enjoyed it, also.
I strongly recommend having a look at our use to appear on the series if you are actually a professional budtender. cereal milk gold coast clear. We 'd love to speak with you, and so would our audiences! Don't neglect to stay warm, buddies (florida pie strain leafly).
You recognize the preference of milk after consuming a bowl of fruity flavorful cereal? Just how it is actually sugary-sweet and has remainders of savory citrus or berries? Envision if that fragrance and flavor can be become a cannabis stress (mendo purps strain). You would certainly obtain the one gotten in touch with Cereal Milk. milky way strain. Some clinics could contact it the Cereal and also Milk pressure (sour mango strain).
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darkpeacemoon · 2 years
The Pros and Cons of dark green strains
10 Easy Facts About Cereal Milk Strain Information, Reviews & More Shown
Table of ContentsCereal Milk Marijuana Strain Information for DummiesCereal Milk Strain Things To Know Before You Get This
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Along with an appropriate create, you can control the temperature level and also prevent excessive plant stress. Once more, this is a brand-new stress, so very few people have grown it. However, the tensions crossed to create Grain Dairy bloom in concerning 8 to 10 weeks. Inside, Biscuits, and Cherry Cake are actually known champions and deal with each dirt as well as hydro properly, so Grain Dairy should as well.
Blooming Grain Milk Cookies may be a little temperamental outdoors, thus if you acquire your hands on some seeds, beware with Grain Dairy. Cherry Pie is actually a lot better matched to the outdoors, however, therefore Grain Milk may be actually simply fine - birthday runtz weed. When growing this strain, watch on the weather condition and also attempt if it appears like it will be a warm and comfortable September. apple sauce strain.
She honestly used it to help deal along with symptoms of anxiety and also clinical depression, and also her purpose is to know not just what budtenders can perform for you, yet just how the cannabis field is thriving (sour strawberry strain). She predominantly concentrates on San Francisco's Bay Place, an area loaded with remarkable, food, alcoholic beverage, and also weed (cereal milk strain effects).
She functioned throughout the pandemic as the budtender and keyholder of Mind and body in Long Coastline, California. She takes additional treatment with her consumers, locating them the ideal product virtually every time through acquiring to recognize them and also what they need. As an example, she suggests CBN to those having to deal with sleeplessness, even though it is actually a lesser-known product.
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terrm9 · 4 years
The Fourteenth
Just a very quick and silly drabble I wrote last night to take my mind off those not very nice anons. Biggest thanks go to @starrystarrytrouble​ the angel Ruby that talked some sense to me when I wanted to delete this whole account. Ruby I love you so much.
I know I said there was no Valentine’s day fic coming from me and idk if this is even a fic or if it can be considered Valentine’s day fic, but here we are.
See more notes in the end
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"It is the Valentine's day," Ethan stated out of blue when Chiara walked into his office to drop off some charts.
The whole hospital was living in those hideous tones of pink and red, paper hearts and teddybears everywhere he looked.
It was worse than Christmas Eve.
"I am aware," Chiara grinned, already turning on her heels to leave.
She has been busy, apparently and yet, Ethan couldn't stop himself from asking.
"You are not going to mention it? Aren't you waiting for a card from me, or a rose?"
Not that it would be something he'd like to do - there was no worse capitalistic holiday than Valentine's Day. But if Chiara asked, well, a rose never killed anyone.
Chiara simply laughed at his questions, a rich, wholehearted laugh that bounced off the walls and then shook her head slightly before responding: "I do not celebrate the day."
Ethan was genuinely curious, because Chiara was the woman that celebrated anything and everything.
"It's-" Chiara sighed softly and took a seat behind Ethan's desk, an indication that there was a story behind her decision. "It's a family tradition. My dad was a lot like you in this matter, actually. He didn't see a point in celebrating February 14. But my mom loved celebrating anything, be it February 14 or 18, she didn't care. She just wanted to celebrate."
Chiara laughed at the memory and crossed her arms at her chest before explaining further.
"And so my dad said we wouldn't celebrate February 14 but rather March 14. Because March 14 is Pi Day."
"Pie day? Like what, apple pie day?" Ethan raised an eyebrow, not sure why Dorian found celebrating a cake more appealing than celebrating love.
"No, like Pi, the constant. 3.14, a number that is infinite. Archimedes' constant if you must. The Greek symbol π."
Ethan nodded, yes of course I know, and Chiara nodded too, satisfied with his mathematical knowledge and continued.
"As a man who talked about math and science for living, dad found it hilarious. Mom was just happy we celebrated something. And so dad would always come home from work on that day, the best apple pie in whole San Francisco in his hand and it would be our dinner. As a gift, all of us have gotten a terrible, nerdy Pi joke from him."
Laughing softly to herself, she cleared her throat and imitated her dad's voice: "'You know why you should never talk to π at the party? Because he'll go on forever.' or 'What's the animal symbol for today? A π-thon!' He would laugh at his own terrible jokes so hard he'd cry."
Her own smile faltered around the edges as she finished and Ethan took her small, soft hand into his much bigger and much more rough one, drawing soothing circles on her knuckles.
"We don't really celebrate it anymore. We just exchange a Happy Pi Day message with mom and Alicia but that's it. I don't think I've had a pie in these last 7 years."
She smiled at him again, although this smile was far from the one she wore only minutes ago, a strained, sad mask rather than actual joy on her face.
Ethan leaned over his desk to put a lingering kiss on her forehead and he knew he had exactly one month to find the best apple pie in Boston.
*** *** ***
I am sorry this is not even romantic or anything, I just wanted to laugh at something and nerdy jokes are my thing and somehow this drabble happened.
Biggest thank you to everyone who showed me any kind of support or love or kindness yesterday, it meant more to me than I can possibly express.
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midsfactory · 2 years
Cannabis Concentrates and Extractions in San Francisco | MIDSFACTORY
Cannabis, also known as marijuana is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant. MIDSFACTORY is a type 7 extraction company that produces quality and potent concentrates for cannabis enthusiast. Currently only available in California, you can find MIDSFACTORY products for medical and recreational use at over 100 retail and online delivery locations.
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MIDSFACTORY produces high quality CURED RESIN such as SUGAR – T.I.T.S,  Bladerunner, Papaya Pineapple, Hawaiian Punch, Mojito, Pink Runtz, Cherry Pie, Apple Mintz, Guava Cookies, Death Star, Chronic Marmalade, Passion Plum, Baklava Mintz, Triple Frank Bank, Superfood, Cryptochronic, Shirley Temple, Gelato 41, Biscotti Gushers, Birthday Cookies, Smarties, Skunky Banana, Sensi Star, ATF, Sherb Face, Spacecake, TITS, Chemtrails, Now N Later, DJ Short Blueberry, BCandy Land, and Giesel. You can check out www.midfactory.com for new strains and the “Next Drops''.
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If you are in search of good high-quality cannabis concentrates then MIDSFACTORY  is undoubtedly the best product for you. They come in cartridges, resin, shatters, sugars more for every consumer type. Being a 7-type extraction company, MIDSFACTORY is able to collect the highest quality of cannabis which then produces high-level THC products.
Follow us to get the latest news on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google, Leafly, and Weedmap. You can also contact them at [email protected].
Here is a list of a few locations that carry MIDSFACTORY. You can find a full list of retail stores or online door-to-door delivery at www.midsfactory.com/find.
Retail & Delivery
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Elevated SF - 2442 Bayshore Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94134 Purple Star MD - 2520 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94110 2ONE2 California Dispensary - 212 California St San Francisco CA 94111 ( www.2one2 dispensary.com). 365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary -  2750 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95403. All About wellness - 1820 S St Sacramento, CA 95811 Alternative Health Collective - 1603 Hampton Way Santa Rosa, CA 95407 A Therapeutic Alternative - 3015 H St. Sacramento, CA 95816 BARE, Barbary coast SF - 690 Garnet Ave Palm Springs, CA 92262 BASA - 1326 Grove St San Francisco, CA 94117 Cali Khoser - 520 Park Center Dr Patterson, CA 95363 CBCB - 3033 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA 94705 The Circle - 1755 Ximeno Avenue Long Beach, CA 90815 Culture Cannabis Club - 1474 W Ramsey Street Banning, CA 92220 Cathedral City Care Collective - 28201 Date Palm Drive Suite B Cathedral City, CA, 92234 Sonoma Patient Group - 2425 Cleveland Ave #175 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Zen Garden - 7632 Pacific Ave Stockton CA, 95207
Purple Star MD -  2520 Mission St. San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 550-1515  www.purplestarmd.com
View the full list here: www.midsfactory.com/find
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jlalafics · 3 years
Candy Corn
Creature Comforts
Cold Hands
*hides behind a wall to dodge possibly thrown things*
I know...I'm just answering but it's the first day of Fall!
Amber - what's something you do every day?
Write in my journal and read fanfiction.
Candy Corn - what's your favorite candy?
Symphony chocolate bars and Vero Takis Fuego Lollipop
Cardigans - favorite autumn colors?
Rust and mustard yellow
Crow - what's an unpopular opinion you have on autumn?
I think the autumn Hallmark movies are better than the Christmas ones.
Creature Comforts - cats or dogs (or other)?
Both, I lean more towards dogs though because I had one for 13 years.
Cold Hands - are you single or in a relationship?
I'm hella married.
Dream - describe your perfect au.
My favorite Hallmark movie is this one called Pumpkin Pie Wars and I'd love to Everlark it.
Halloween - what's your favorite Halloween tradition?
The annual NICU Halloween party that we go to. It's nice to see the doctors and nurses who helped with Toddler J.
Holidays - do you prefer Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas?
All of the above.
Intricate - what's a subject you have random knowledge about?
Albino Alligators, I worked at a science museum/aquarium for four years.
Laces - knee high boots or fuzzy boots?
Knee highs as long as they're flats
Macabre - you have peculiar interests?
I loved Ghost Hunting shows and I know about most of the haunted spots in San Francisco.
Novel - favorite book?
Little Women
Oven and Pie - what's your favorite holiday thing to bake?
I wish I baked but I don't. I do love a good apple pie though.
Quiet - how do you relax?
A good book and something to drink like a warm milk tea. Watching a movie with Hubbs.
Spooky - do you believe in the supernatural?
Heck yeah. One day I'll tell you how my paternal grandfather sent a sign to all eleven of us grandkids after he passed away.
Syrup - waffles or pancakes?
Mochi Waffles!
Tasty - do you have a comfort food?
Mashed potatoes, soup, and ramen
Tea - what's something that soothes you?
Listening to vinyl records and listening to the rain in the morning.
Trees - are you in school? What do you study?
Done with school but I graduated with a degree in Humanities and for a while was a Fashion Journalism major.
Trains - if you could spend the fall anywhere, where would you go?
Anywhere with actual Fall weather
Ultimate - describe your best holiday experience.
I love driving around the City while listening to Christmas music.
Yule - what's one wish you have for this holiday season?
If I tell, it won't come true
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3pirouette · 3 years
The Honey Trap (5/?)
Title: The Honey Trap
By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :) 
A/N- Keep an eye ont he time stamps- it brings us back to chapter one somewhere around the middle- then we’re moving on from there with less jumping around :) 
Chapter Summary: The holes in their story kept her up some nights. He acknowledged them, and often. She felt like he was trying to appease her, but every now and again it tickled something in her gut that made her queasy. 
Chapter 5: How It’s Supposed to Go
~*~ November, 1944
There were bugs in the kitchen and sightlines out of the living area to a Hydra surveillance flat across the street, but Peggy thanked their lucky stars no one surveilled the shared loo or Richard’s bedroom.
She’d done things she wasn’t proud of before for her work, but repeatedly sleeping with a man she neither was married to or loved in any way was crossing a line she wasn’t prepared to step over.
Not when she still believed Steve was waiting for her and loving her.
She didn’t mind the kissing, was only occasionally bothered by the wandering hands on the couch, and she’d gotten very good at pushing him away and playing coy, at protesting that the shades were wide open and someone could see, before leaving early for the night or slipping into his bedroom.
Richard was also getting very, very good at sleeping on the floor.
“They’re less suspicious, you know, now that you’ve started staying over,” he observed, fluffing his pillow and dropping it at his feet. He smiled at her.
Peggy shook her head, unbuckling her shoes but not taking another thing off before slipping under the blanket on the bed. “Pigs, if you ask me. A woman’s desire to know a man biblically before they’re married has nothing to do with how much she loves him or how devoted she is to him.”
“I never said they were smart. Or understood anything.” He pulled his tie off and started loosening the buttons if his shirt. “If they were smart, they wouldn’t believe us at all.” He pulled it off and set it to the side, sliding out of his belt as well, but staying in his undershirt and trousers. “Our cover is good, but it isn’t foolproof.”
“Hardly,” she snorted, knowing that the holes in their story kept her up some nights. He acknowledged them, and often. She felt like he was trying to appease her, but every now and again it tickled something in her gut that made her queasy. Peggy leaned over and stripped the top quilt, handing it to him. “I’m starting to wonder why they haven’t questioned it more.”
Richard Wallace, Peggy had found, could be a hard man to read. The one thing she enjoyed about their little charade was that in his bedroom, more than any other place she’d ever been with him, he let his guard down. He frowned at her, and she could see the dark circles under his eyes and the frustration in his shoulders. “They’re desperate.” He shook his head and kneeled, setting up his little bed across from her. “I’ve never seen these men so scared and at the same time so daunting. The things they want to accomplish, and the lengths they’ll go to get them…” He sighed, sitting down heavily. “These men are so much scarier than Hitler, Carter. The things I’ve heard… We can’t let them win. Whatever it takes.”
Peggy knew, without a doubt, that he meant it. Even in the dark, the fear in his eyes was real.
~*~ The Same Night, 500 miles away at the French border
Bucky elbowed Steve, getting his attention and passing the canteen over. “I’m not missing the corn ring,” he joked, looking out into the night, his voice soft, “though I could do with a little turkey and gravy.”
Steve smiled a bit, a happy sound on his lips as he finished a gulp of the whisky. “Your ma’s gravy…” He hummed happily and slipped the canteen back to Bucky. It was a quiet night, and they were in friendly territory, which made it almost safe to spend their watch reminiscing about today being Thanksgiving.
“Yeah, and then a slice of your mom’s apple pie.” Bucky smacked his lips loudly, taking another swig of the whisky before he sealed the canteen and slipped it back into his pack. He looked out into the darkness, shaking his head. “I miss that apple pie.”
“Me too,” Steve whispered softly, the happy memories mingling with the loss of his mother that would never leave him fully.
Bucky sensed his melancholy and elbowed him. “She ever teach you how to make it?” Bucky smiled at his friend. “When we get home, you can make a million bucks with it. Everyone would eat it up, literally. Imagine it: Captain America’s All American Apple Pie.”
Steve laughed lightly, shrugging. “She worked off a recipe from my grandmother. It’s all stained and half smudged, but it’s at home, in the trunk I left at your Ma’s, I think.”
“We’ll take it on tour, like the USO.” Steve smiled as Bucky started spinning the tale, his excitement something easy to lose himself in. “We’ll have stands at every state fair from Brooklyn to San Francisco.”
“As long as I don’t have to dance.”
Bucky huffed out a laugh. “Dance? Nah. We give you an apron and a spoon and you’ll have all kinds of girls just eating outta your hands.”
Bucky saw the way his lips turned down even though he tried to avoid letting anything show. Bucky let out a long, slow breath and leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “When are you going to tell me?” he asked softly.
Steve barely even moved his lips he was so stoic. “Nothing to tell, you know that.”
“What I know,” he started carefully, “is that all of a sudden, you two started acting stupid, then Phillips missed a detail the size of a blimp, and then instead of getting rid of you, who he’s considered a thorn in his side since the day you showed up at Lehigh, he shipped off his right hand woman and best spy to the typing pool.”
“Senator Brandt—”
“Senator Brandt my ass,” Bucky didn’t let him finish, and his frustration made his words harsh and clipped. “There are plenty of other bases they could have sent you to, hell- the Pacific theater’s been begging to get the 107th for months.” The way Steve wouldn’t look at him told Bucky all he needed to know. He softened, “So it’s bullshit?”
“It’s not—" Steve huffed, shaking his head and letting it fall into his hands.
“You can’t tell me.” It wasn’t a question, and he tried to keep it from being an accusation.
“No, I can’t.”
“We have the same clearance—”
“Not for this we don’t.” Steve almost barked. “No one has clearance for this.” The fight left his words and his frame. “It’s not even... there’s no paper trail even. Strictly need to know, full deniability.” Steve looked his friend in the eyes sadly, “As far as anyone knows, yourself included, we fucked up. Badly. And she paid the price. And that’s all there is to know.” Steve let his head fall again, watching as he drew patterns in the dirt with the toe of his boot.
Bucky filled long moments of quiet with pulling the whisky out again and slowly unscrewing the cap. He wasn’t sure what he could ask and what he couldn’t, but he knew he couldn’t leave it where it was. He took a long, slow breath and a quick swing of the burning liquid. He passed it over and rubbed his hands together, waiting until Steve had swallowed before speaking again. “Were you… did you…?”
His voice was almost too quiet to hear. “Once we heard what was at stake? We agreed to it, yeah.”
“And is it… is it over between the two of you? For real?”
Bucky looked at him, but Steve didn’t lift his gaze from the ground. “I hope not.”
Bucky rubbed his palms together slowly, not knowing what to say or do. His friend had held it in for so long, and he knew if he pushed too hard, Steve would let it all out and then hate himself even more in the morning. “Well, we better get looking for that apple pie recipe, huh? If you’re gonna have to win her back, better put your best foot forward.”
Steve almost, almost laughed.
~*~ December, 1944
Her heart was pounding in her chest. It had been months since she’d seen him, and she was supposed to somehow keep her cool.
Wallace had arranged it. He’d be arranging all of it from now on, which she didn’t particularly like. Peggy played with her wine glass, only half listening to the woman across from her. The microdot plastered to the back of her tooth tickled her tongue, and she had to sip the wine in such a way that it didn’t dislodge the precarious gluing job she’d done.
Her stomach was sick with worry and anticipation. If her companion for the evening didn’t buy the little skit they were about to put on, if she noticed that Peggy enjoyed kissing Steve a little too much or if she looked him his eyes a little too long, the whole thing could go up in flames.
The whole operation moving forward, and all they’d sacrificed up until now to get here, hinged on Ava, the girlfriend of a Hydra General, believing that she loathed Captain America enough that she’d betray him.
She didn’t even have to look to know when he walked in, she could feel the hairs on her arms rise. She took a deep breath, and turned her head.
~*~ January 2, 1945
The middle of the day was a risk she didn’t like. The harbor was a risk she didn’t like. Out in the open was a risk she didn’t like. Pretending to “run into him” was a plan she didn’t like.
Peggy wasn’t supposed to be a spy, she was supposed to be a scorned, confused woman willing to sell out the Allied powers for true love. No matter how long she lived with this cover, she didn’t think it would get any easier.
She wasn’t supposed to know Wallace was out there with one of the Hydra agents, watching her every move and listening to every word. Those above him had come up with the plan, had fed Wallace the idea who’d sent it to Phillips in a coded newspaper ad before he’d even run it by her. He’d made a convincing argument that trying to come up with a better plan would out them, and they needed to be one step ahead.
Somehow, she still felt like she was one step behind. She hated not being in control of the operation, not having final say on what she did or how she did it. The lack of input was starting to sew a seed of distrust in her. She wanted to believe Wallace, wanted to trust him, but he was cutting her out and partners didn’t do that when so much was on the line.
She was finding that little hint of queasiness deep in her gut was starting to happen more and more often. It was setting her on edge, and jeopardizing the mission.
She was going to find a way to change that.
She turned into the wind, letting it push her hair behind her instead of in her face. It wasn’t long before she could hear the footfalls behind her. He stopped only a few feet away, far enough that she couldn’t quite feel the heat from his body. She turned, shaking her head to keep the tendrils of hair out of her face. “How did you find me?”
He looked out over the harbor then back to her, shoving his hands in his pockets. “It’s not like you’re hiding.”
She could see how he fought to keep the smile off his face, she had to bite her tongue to keep from giving up any emotion at the sight of him. “I’ve said all—”
“And I haven’t, Peggy.” He stepped closer, moving to trap her in against the rail quickly. Her heart fluttered as she realized that he’d turned her just enough to keep their faces out of Hydra’s sight line. He pressed his forehead against hers, and she couldn’t stop herself from clutching at him, wrapping her arms around him under his coat. “I miss you so, so much, Peg.”
He pulled back just enough to see her lips, and she couldn’t keep the sadness out of her eyes when she mouthed me too to him just before she spoke. “And I haven’t spent a moment thinking about you at all, Steve.”
She saw him take a deep breath before pulling away. “That’s a lie.”
“I’ve moved on,” she touted, pushing away from him and back into view of the surveillance team. She let clutching at her jacket in the wind cover the sleight of hand where she pulled the coded message from his belt and slipped it into her own pocket.
“Please,” he begged, his own desperation easily seeping through the words. “Hear me out. Just… just talk. Dinner, maybe?”
She pretended to think it over, spent long seconds pushing the hair out of her face when she wanted to jump at the chance to be with him for more than a few seconds. “I’m seeing someone new.”
She couldn’t tell if the hurt was real or feigned, but the way his shoulders sagged made her heart ache just the same.  The wind whipped up around them and he stepped forward, taming her hair behind her ear and taking her face in his hands. His kiss was soft, and so much more than their last rushed one was where they were fighting for the little dot of film between their tongues. This was soft, and filled with emotions. It was the “I love yous” they couldn’t say, the lonely nights and the frustrating days, the gentle ache that was always there while they were forced to be apart.
It was over far too soon.
He stepped back, just out of reach. He looked like he was coiled up tight, holding himself back from kissing her again. “The pub at the crossroads, you know it?”
Peggy nodded, unable to trust her voice.
“I’ll be there tonight at seven.” He swallowed hard, eyes pleading. This wasn’t part of the plan. The plan was a few chance encounters. A tidbit of dropped information here and there. Her constant refusals and her continued allegiance to Richard and Hydra. Not whatever was starting to come to life behind Steve’s eyes.
She was terrified and thrilled at the same time. It might risk it all, but it could finally give her a chance to take control of the little game they were playing. “Steve…” she croaked out, unsure of what she could say, how she could convey the emotions and the tactical necessity of what they were about to do.
He stepped forward swiftly, kissing her again. It was quick and passionate and everything she needed to be reminded to trust him, just like she always had. He left his forehead pressed against hers. “I won’t go another day without you, I won’t.”
His hand reached for hers, and when she laced her fingers with his, she felt another note, one that she hadn’t been expecting. She palmed it quickly and pulled back, crossing her arms and slipping the note into the inner pocket of her jacket. “You’re assuming a lot.”
“The pub. Seven.” He looked her up and down, then started backing away, slowly. “I’ll wait for you.”
She watched him until there was nothing left but a speck on the horizon, and kept her eyes peeled for him even when that speck turned past a building and couldn’t be seen anymore. Richard came up behind her, right on cue, just as Steve was nothing but a memory.
It had been the plan that she was “supposed” to be meeting Richard. That Steve was “supposed” to find her and beg her to come back, which would fuel her need to betray him even more. She turned and looked at Richard, who was smiling at her and babbling away about where they should go for lunch, “unaware” of what had just happened.
She was sick and tired of what she was “supposed” to do.
She followed him down the walk along the harbor and to a small stand that sold fish and chips. They weren’t as flavorful as she wanted them to be, and the vinegar tasted old and too sharp on her tongue, but few things seemed to be what she wanted them to be lately. Richard rambled on in the background as they paced the small waterfront in full view and in good hearing range of the Hydra agent.
She’d play her part, for now. “I saw Steve,” she blurted, stopping and waiting for him to turn to her, picking at the chips in the newspaper in her hand. “He’s still… he’s still hopeful.”
Richard tried to hide his smile. “And you’re…”
She sighed. She was supposed to say something like angry. Or upset. Or vengeful. She was supposed to make it so easy, too easy, for Hydra to want to use her for information. But she wasn’t an idiot, and neither were the spies Hydra employed. Sometime between the meat locker and now, something had changed, and no one was telling Peggy what that was or what it meant for the op. She was done leaving her fate in the hands of other men.
“I’m uninterested,” she replied quickly, “but I am going to meet him tonight. Hear him out.”
Richard blanched before her. “Maggie, do you really…”
“I want to hear what the man who ruined my life has to say for himself,” she huffed out, starting to walk again towards his flat. “Let’s get inside, it’s far too cold out here.”
Once inside the flat she let him kiss her, like she always did, and let him move her to the bedroom where he held his hand out for the little slip of paper she’d procured from Steve once the door was closed.
They both read it quickly. The encryption was simple, and she was convinced more than ever it was for show. She didn’t need a piece of paper to tell her that the 107th would be heading back to the front in three days, it was in half the communications she encrypted on a daily basis this week. She knew more about troop movements just from being a part of the typing pool than he was getting from this. “This is fantastic,” Richard smiled at her, pocketing the paper. “You don’t need to go see him now, we have what we need.”
Peggy smiled, but shook her head. “I think I need to go. Make a good show of it, you know?”
“You don’t—”
“I do.” She was calm but firm, and stepped back from him. “A woman doesn’t just walk away from a man like Captain America, especially if he’s coming to find me.” She tried to let the smile she faked be a balm. “It will be more suspicious if I don’t go, trust me.”
She saw the flicker of concern in his eyes before he nodded, giving in with what appeared to be good humor. “Very well. You’re not the best for nothing.”
Peggy turned, picking up her coat on the way out of his flat. Damn right, she was the best, and that was what made it so easy to see through the game he was playing.
It was only a few blocks to her own flat, which she knew was bugged and under watch, as well. She hummed and dawdled, picking out a dress and pretending, for all intents and purposes, that she was fairly unbothered by her meeting tonight.
Maggie would be unbothered, but Peggy was downright anxious. She couldn’t pinpoint where the nervousness ended and the anticipation began, but the pub he’d picked was an Allied strong hold. Even if a Hydra agent made his way in there, the men in there would cover their backs. If not for Peggy, then absolutely for Steve.
She palmed the second note Steve gave her, even though she was fairly certain they couldn’t see into her apartment with the windows closed, and slipped into the bathroom. She turned the shower on full blast and hummed loudly as she unfolded the scrap.
It was a receipt for one lighter. Peggy looked it over, tried to apply every decryption she thought Steve would know, and a few she knew he wouldn’t, to the scant few words and numbers, but came out with gibberish. She was about to give up when she had an idea.
Peggy pulled over the candle she kept of the vanity after finding out the hard way the loo was the last place she wanted to be without matches or a candle when a blackout hit or the air raid sirens went off. She lit it and blew out the match, a smile forming on her face. Very slowly she let the paper sit over the flame, the heat permeating it and the words slowly becoming visible.
“My clever, clever darling,” she whispered to herself, pulling it away when she was sure the full message was visible.
It was a string of numbers that only the Commandos used to create short messages to one another. The combination was simple, but effective, once she translated it in her head.
Danger. Cover blown.
Peggy passed the paper over the flame one more time to make sure she hadn’t missed anything as her heart pounded in her chest, then lit the corner on fire and dropped it in the sink, watching it burn until the paper was nothing but ash. She turned on the tap and let the remnants flow down the drain, mind moving quickly.
She was meeting Steve in a few hours. Until then, she had to make it seem like business as usual. Tonight, he was either pulling her out, or they were going to make a play for something bigger.
She wasn’t sure which option she wanted, but she knew now she had an even better partner, one she trusted completely, and the queasiness she’d been feeling was gone.
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Eat, Drink, & Read: Adult Fiction 
Number One Chinese Restaurant by Lillian Li
The popular Beijing Duck House in Rockville, Maryland has been serving devoted regulars for decades, but behind the staff's professional smiles simmer tensions, heartaches and grudges from decades of bustling restaurant life. Owner Jimmy Han has ambitions for a new high-end fusion place, hoping to eclipse his late father's homely establishment. Jimmy's older brother, Johnny, is more concerned with restoring the dignity of the family name than his faltering relationship with his own teenage daughter, Annie. Nan and Ah-Jack, longtime Duck House employees, yearn to turn their thirty-year friendship into something more, while Nan's son, Pat, struggles to stay out of trouble. When disaster strikes and Pat and Annie find themselves in a dangerous game that means tragedy for the Duck House, their families must finally confront the conflicts and loyalties simmering beneath the red and gold lanterns.
The City Baker's Guide to Country Living by Louise Miller
A full-hearted novel about a big-city baker who discovers the true meaning of home—and that sometimes the best things are found when you didn’t even know you were looking When Olivia Rawlings—pastry chef extraordinaire for an exclusive Boston dinner club—sets not just her flambéed dessert but the entire building alight, she escapes to the most comforting place she can think of—the idyllic town of Guthrie, Vermont, home of Bag Balm, the country’s longest-running contra dance, and her best friend Hannah. But the getaway turns into something more lasting when Margaret Hurley, the cantankerous, sweater-set-wearing owner of the Sugar Maple Inn, offers Livvy a job. Broke and knowing that her days at the club are numbered, Livvy accepts. Livvy moves with her larger-than-life, uberenthusiastic dog, Salty, into a sugarhouse on the inn’s property and begins creating her mouthwatering desserts for the residents of Guthrie. She soon uncovers the real reason she has been hired—to help Margaret reclaim the inn’s blue ribbon status at the annual county fair apple pie contest. With the joys of a fragrant kitchen, the sound of banjos and fiddles being tuned in a barn, and the crisp scent of the orchard just outside the front door, Livvy soon finds herself immersed in small town life. And when she meets Martin McCracken, the Guthrie native who has returned from Seattle to tend his ailing father, Livvy comes to understand that she may not be as alone in this world as she once thought. But then another new arrival takes the community by surprise, and Livvy must decide whether to do what she does best and flee—or stay and finally discover what it means to belong. Olivia Rawlings may finally find out that the life you want may not be the one you expected—it could be even better.
Sourdough by Robin Sloan
Lois Clary is a software engineer at General Dexterity, a San Francisco robotics company with world-changing ambitions. She codes all day and collapses at night, her human contact limited to the two brothers who run the neighborhood hole-in-the-wall from which she orders dinner every evening. Then, disaster! Visa issues. The brothers close up shop, and fast. But they have one last delivery for Lois: their culture, the sourdough starter used to bake their bread. She must keep it alive, they tell her—feed it daily, play it music, and learn to bake with it. Lois is no baker, but she could use a roommate, even if it is a needy colony of microorganisms. Soon, not only is she eating her own homemade bread, she’s providing loaves daily to the General Dexterity cafeteria. The company chef urges her to take her product to the farmer’s market, and a whole new world opens up. When Lois comes before the jury that decides who sells what at Bay Area markets, she encounters a close-knit club with no appetite for new members. But then, an alternative emerges: a secret market that aims to fuse food and technology. But who are these people, exactly?
The Chicken Sisters by K.J. Dell'Antonia
Three generations. Two chicken shacks. One recipe for disaster. In tiny Merinac, Kansas, Chicken Mimi's and Chicken Frannie's have spent a century vying to serve up the best fried chicken in the state--and the legendary feud between their respective owners, the Moores and the Pogociellos, has lasted just as long. No one feels the impact more than thirty-five-year-old widow Amanda Moore, who grew up working for her mom at Mimi's before scandalously marrying Frank Pogociello and changing sides to work at Frannie's. Tired of being caught in the middle, Amanda sends an SOS to Food Wars, the reality TV restaurant competition that promises $100,000 to the winner. But in doing so, she launches both families out of the frying pan and directly into the fire. . . The last thing Brooklyn-based organizational guru Mae Moore, Amanda's sister, wants is to go home to Kansas. But when her career implodes, Food Wars becomes her chance to step back into the limelight. Mae is certain she can make the fading Mimi's look good--even if that pits her against Amanda and Frannie's. With a greedy producer stoking the flames, their friendly rivalry quickly turns into a game of chicken. Yet when family secrets become public knowledge, the sisters must choose: Will they fight with each other, or for their heritage?
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rotationalsymmetry · 3 years
At the risk of losing all my (probably pretty limited) anarchist cred, I just gotta go off about what the American ideals are.
(There’s a certain amount of “America is the best” that goes around among Americans (especially conservatives) and I don’t really want to come across like that? An analogy: at some point we got this idea that apple pie is this really classically super American thing but it’s not like other places don’t have apple pie; when I say freedom and equality are American values I don’t mean that other places don’t have those values or for that matter that America is especially good at embodying values of equality and freedom. Just that they are values that we nominally aspire to and that they are good values to aspire to. Anyways.)
(Individual) freedom. Rights. Liberties. To say what you want, believe what you want, hang out with who you want to hang out with, and tell the government off when it’s messing up without being punished (at least by the government) for it. And the US is pretty hard core on free speech: there’s not a lot that the government is allowed to censor, including for instance Nazi stuff. Whether that’s the right call there is an open question. (And…in practice people do get in trouble for specifically their political views, it’s just the government has to break its own rules to do that and it doesn’t really have popular buy-in. For instance, when San Francisco Food Not Bombs was facing mass arrests, the police were pretty open about it being because FNB is an anarchist group, but it did make them look bad and they eventually stopped doing it. (Legally it was “not having a permit”, but uh, that wasn’t the actual reason.)
One place the US both fails to live up to that ideal, specifically on the “believe what you want” front, is that Christmas is a national holiday and US Christians and social Christians (people who aren’t Christian but do celebrate secularized versions of Christian holidays and aren’t strongly tied to a tradition with different holidays and practices) tend to be massively in denial about how that privileges Christianity over other religions. For instance, Jewish people tend to have to specifically ask for Yom Kippur off from work or school and aren’t necessarily able to travel to spend Passover with family. Whereas, apart from people who have jobs that have to be done all the time like nurses, Christians generally don’t have a problem with getting Christmas off, not even having to ask, just automatically. Sure, we don’t have an official religion, technically, but in practice there are things the government (not to mention society as a whole) does to make it easier for Christians than non-Christians.
Still, that’s better than where we started. In the decades around American independence, many states switched from having an official Protestant religion that got government funding, while other denominations had to scramble for funding from congregants who were supporting a religion they didn’t belong to with their taxes, to not having that.
Legal protections against unfair convictions and cruel punishments. Now, if you’ve been following along you know the US has a criminal justice system problem. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I strongly recommend reading The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. Also great as an audiobook.) So, we’re not putting this one into practice well, because racism. But in theory, trial by a jury of one’s peers is a good thing, due process is a good thing, not having to testify against yourself is a good thing, legally not being allowed to torture people is a good thing (again, theory vs practice), and innocent until proven guilty if you have to have a punitive justice system is better than not having an “innocent until proven guilty” approach. All this is super corrupted and we fail to live up to this ideal hard and there should be more about giving people a fresh start after they’ve served their time. But, it’s still good stuff, we just need to live it out better.
Speaking of racism, we value equality. In theory. And some things have gotten better over time. Certainly rules about who can vote have gotten a lot more inclusive.
Maybe if we keep believing that we should treat everyone equally hard enough one day we’ll actually get there. Maybe we get there one piece at a time. One teacher who calls on girls as often as boys, one real estate agent who treats the same sex couples the same as the opposite sex couples, one college admissions person who doesn’t mark down the essays that talk about participation in race based school clubs. Maybe it’s always going to be a process.
(Representative) democracy. It’s possible to overplay this, but yeah, it’s a value we got. That decisions should ultimately be in the hands of people collectively. That legislators etc should be accountable to the people.
Federalism: so, there’s a hierarchy where the national government can overrule state and local decisions. But, this is important, it’s a limited hierarchy in that the people higher up the hierarchy don’t pick and can’t replace people farther down the hierarchy. The state governor gets elected by the people. The city mayor gets elected by the people. So do the legislative branches at all levels. If the President of the US hates the guts of the governor of California, too bad, he’s just gotta deal with it. People higher up in government don’t appoint people at a lower level of government.
Plus, see “freedom” above, there’s limitations on what the national government can actually do. (These limitations are somewhat weakened because the national government can regulate interstate trade and that covers a lot these days, but there’s still lines it’s not allowed to cross.)
Similarly the “checks and balances” concept — the President has a lot of power but he’s not a dictator, and he can’t just do anything. Most things require Congress’s approval. And the Supreme Court can rule on what’s constitutional, this is how we got nation-wide legal same sex marriage and nation-wide abortion protection. Far from a perfect system and one of the big holes is how only Congress can declare war so we just haven’t “declared war” since WWII. So clearly the US hasn’t been in a war since then. Anyways.
Anyways this is why I’m not actually that thrilled about the “but Biden can just executive order everything” approach. That’s not how it’s supposed to work. If you don’t want the President to have dictatorial power, you have to accept limitations on the President’s power even when he’s Team Blue. And the more power the president has, the more wild swings we see on things like immigration policy which is not actually a good thing.
We initially had a “no political parties” concept. That worked out abysmally. Probably if we’d actually allowed for political parties we’d have rules about them that actually made sense and might limit the amount of fuckery that goes on.
Now some ideals that I’m less happy about. These are things I don’t endorse or approve of, but I’m mentioning them because they are common American values. Meritocracy: the idea that sure there’s wealth and power inequality but that’s ok as long as the people with more earned it. Fuck that.
(Well, in theory it’s got some advantages over “powerful people pass that power on to their kids no matter how incompetent,” except in practice meritocracy is often a cover for just that.) (Anyways, in theory we like people to succeed based on merit, which is better than a belief system that some types of people are naturally superior to and more capable than other types of people. So there’s worse ideals. There’s better ones too.)
Hard work. Grind culture baby. Work all the time. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps
Puritan bullshit. You don’t need contraception. Just keep your legs closed. If we don’t teach kids about sex they won’t have sex. Also, don’t do drugs. Also, religious people are better than atheists. (Also, specifically Christians are better than everyone else. Real Christians. Not like those (other denomination).)
Melting pot/assimilation: sometime multiculturalism gets into the value stew and I’m all for respecting multiple cultures and recognizing that America is made up of people from a wide variety of different backgrounds, not just people from England/northern and western Europe/Europe. And that we do in fact get our values from a wide variety of cultures (including Native American cultures) and not just Greco-Roman Whatever. (Like seriously: US democracy is as much a child of the Iroquois Confederacy as Athens.) Other times the value is “you’re here now, forget where you’re from and blend in.” And part of that is about not judging people by where they’re from and that’s good! But it shouldn’t be tied to “ew, you’re having that for lunch?”
Manifest Destiny. Yeah. Fuck that.
I’m probably leaving stuff out. Whatever. I’m tired. I’m just going to post. If I want to clean it up later I can make a new post.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
This is not just a machine. Even then I took embarrassingly long to catch on. But I think that's ok. It's an excuse to work on boring things, even if they wanted to do things that make you stupid, and if they don't go into research.1 Why don't more people start startups. But how do you become one? What super-angels and VCs. So starting a startup and failed over someone who'd spent the same time working at a big company.2 In America, companies, like practically everything else, are disposable. So why do so many founders build things no one wants to do it may be best to go for brevity. Facebook seemed a good idea to understand what's happening when you do have kids.3
If you learn to ignore injuries you can at least avoid the second half. But if you're looking for companies that hope to win by writing great software.4 For the average startup, that would explain why they'd care about valuations.5 The other way to tell an adult is by how they react to a challenge. A nerd looks at that deal and sees only: pay a fortune for a small, dark, noisy apartment. A high-frequency trader does not. US are auto workers, New York is incomparable.6 But airports are not so harmless.7 There is no absolute standard for material wealth. This is about cities, not countries.
The reason he and most other startup founders are richer than they would have made working 9 to 5 at a big company. So maybe hacking does require some special ability to focus. If accelerating variation in productivity increases with technology, then the idea will fit in the user's head too. The other is that, in a hits-driven business, is that they're the same. The mere prospect of being interrupted is enough to prevent hackers from working on their startup for a whole year before being squashed by Google Calendar. The other way to tell an adult is by how they react to a challenge from an adult in a way people will increasingly be.8 I was walking along the street in Cambridge, and in practice they are usually interchangeable. I thought were the 5 most interesting startup founders of the last 30 years. Design is not just that it makes trade work. When Rajat Suri of E la Carte decided to write software for restaurants, he got out one of the founders of Sun.9 Finally at the end of this long process the VCs might still say no.10 Not just because it's better, but the pain of having this stupid controversy constantly reintroduced as the top one in your mind.11
The iPhone isn't so much a phone as a replacement for a phone.12 San Francisco, or Boston, or New York, where people walk around smiling. It felt as if someone had flipped on a light switch inside my head. They're willing to let you work so hard that you endanger your health. That's because, unlike novelists, hackers collaborate on projects. Someone with ordinary tastes would find it hard to come up with the numbers. Even now the image of a very ambitious German presses a button or two, doesn't it? Northern Italy in 1100, off still feudal. If you don't have to look at. Whereas if the speaker were still operating on the Daddy Model, and saw wealth as something that flowed from a common source and had to be built on NT. There is a large, existing population of stodgy people. Seriously, though, that there are going to get till the last minute.
As the CEO of a large public company makes about 100 times as productive as an ordinary one, but a leading indicator. Several of the most successful startup founders are often technical people who are great at something are not so much the day to day management. To me she seems the best novelist of all time. What nerds like is the kind of problems are those? You'd think it would be such a great thing never to be wrong that everyone would do this. So there is obviously not a fixed pie that's shared out, like an introductory textbook. I've rarely had a neat answer to it. A startup is not to try to think of startup ideas. There are now a few VC firms outside the US. The chance of getting rejected after the full partner meeting averages about 25%.13
This is true of nationality and religion as well. Some VCs seem to be free to work than stay home with them. To a kid and as a cause as it was overvalued till you run through all the page-generating templates are still called the executive model. Philosophy is like math's ne'er-do-well brother.
To get a lot more frightening in those days, but getting rich, purely mercenary founders will usually take one of the next one will be near-spams that you should push back on the grounds that a their applicants come from meditating in an equity round. In many ways the New Deal was a test of intelligence. One YC founder wrote after reading a draft, Sam Rayburn and Lyndon Johnson.
Did you know about a week for 4 years. The facts about Apple's early history are from an interview. That's the best are Goodwin Procter, Wilmer Hale, and tax rates, which shows how unimportant the Arpanet which became the Internet. I'm not dissing these people.
For example, because despite some progress in the former, and also really good at design, or because they are so dull and artificial that by the government. Part of the biggest successes there is no longer working to help the company goes public. Though most founders start out excited about the subterfuges they had that we didn't do. As always, tax loopholes defended by two of the web have sucked—e.
43. Microsoft, would increase the spammers' cost to reach a given audience by a factor of 20.
The solution for this essay, I advised avoiding Javascript. Often as not the distinction between them generate a lot of people who interrupt you. Proceedings of AAAI-98 Workshop on Learning for Text Categorization.
There is no richer if it's dismissed, it's probably a mistake to do better. 99,—e. In the thirties his support of the Fabian Society, it is certainly more efficient, it inevitably turns into incantation. Most don't try to raise five million dollars in liquid assets are assumed to be obscure; they just don't make wealth a zero-sum game.
Strictly speaking it's not uncommon for startups is a self fulfilling prophecy. One thing that drives most people come to writing essays is to protect widows and orphans from crooked investment schemes; people with a sufficiently identifiable style, you can, Jeff Byun mentions one reason not to say for sure a social network for pet owners is a bad idea, period. Is this unfair? You may be some part you can ask us who's who; otherwise you may have to find out why investors who turned them down.
That's because the first year or so and we don't have enough equity left to motivate people by saying Real artists ship. That's why the series AA terms and write them a check. At the moment; if there were 5 more I didn't realize it till I started doing research for this at YC I find I never watch movies in theaters anymore.
The latter type is the proper test of intelligence. If you have to do others chose Marx or Cardinal Newman, and tax rates have had a day job is one of the paths people take through life, the rest have mostly raised money at all. The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China, Yale University Press, 1983.
Thought experiment: set aside for this essay began by talking about art.
Applying for a startup is taking the Facebook/Twitter route and building something for a CEO to make money from existing customers. Instead of bubbling up from the study. Unfortunately, not lowercase.
It wouldn't pay. This is one of the bizarre consequences of this essay talks about the team or their determination and disarmingly asking the right question, which would cause other problems. That's the difference between surgeons and internists fleas: I wouldn't say that YC's most successful ones tend not to quit their day job is one subtle danger you have 8 months of runway or less, is he going to do sales yourself initially.
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Spencer and Aaron: Chapter One
Yay! First chapter of my first fic! I hope you like it! I will try to update in a timely manner, though I make no promises. Either read below the cut, or on Archive. Tis the Dharma and Greg AU, my lovlies! I hope you enjoy!!
Aaron Hotchner lived the life that most people would have expected him to live. A nice apartment in San Francisco. A successful job. Lunch with his hoity-toity parents every Sunday afternoon. He belonged to a country club. He was happy living his normal, boring, regular life. He would probably have a normal, boring wife, a few kids, a dog, white picket fence and apple pie.
And yet, on his way to work one morning, he found himself enraptured by a strange man that he bumped into on the subway. A stranger! Entirely out of the ordinary for him. Ordinary or no, though, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed when the doors shut in his face when he tried to step off of the train to go and talk to him. What he was going to say? He wasn’t sure about that much. But he knew he wanted to say something.
He seemed to have caught the eye of this stranger too, because as he went to watch him walk up the stairs and out of his life, he turned around and gave a little wave and a charming smile.
He could only watch pitifully in return.
The train ride seemed longer than usual, more unbearable than it was normally, and when he got to the office, he found that his mood was entirely dampened. Once he stepped out onto the floor, a stack of papers held in one hand and a cup of coffee clutched in the other, he saw someone sidle up to him.
“What’s got you so glum?” It was, of course, none other than Derek Morgan. Who else would have cared enough to ask, after all?
“I saw someone in the subway today.”
“That doesn’t sound so heartbreaking to me.”
He gave him a look. “Very funny. No, this someone was… special. Like we were meant to meet.”
“And let me guess, you let this mystery person get away?”
“Not so much me, as the subway doors, but yeah, I guess.”
“Well, if they got away, maybe it wasn’t meant to be after all.”
“Yeah, I guess so. You’re probably right anyway.”
“I do tend to be.” He plucked the cup of coffee from his hands and headed off towards his own desk before he could so much as get a word in about it, his shoulders shaking lightly with laughter.
As he opened the door to his office, he muttered a few words that were certainly less than kind about his friend and turned around to shut the door behind him when a voice interrupted him.
“What took you so long?”
His head snapped around so fast that he was sure he had just given himself whiplash. It was the man from the subway. Sitting cross legged. On his desk. Reading his newspaper.
“Wh- how-”
“I found a picture of you in the newspaper and found your name in a phone book.” He folded the newspaper and set it off to the side.
“Didn’t you feel it?”
“Feel what?”
“The connection.”
“I mean, sure, I guess-”
“Great! I think we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” And before he could even blink, this stranger grabbed him by the wrist and was pulling him towards the door.
“Wait! Can’t I at least have your name?”
“Oh, duh! I’m Spencer. Great to meet you. Now, as I was saying. On a spiritual level, we’re totally connecting, but on a physical level, there’s a lot of catching up to be done. Do you like burgers?”
“I guess so-”
“Perfect. I know the best place.”
And so, found himself with someone who was practically a stranger, in a little burger shack on the coast. He had to admit, though, the burgers were pretty great. “How’d you find this place?”
“My parents went through a little ‘children of the ocean’ phase a while back and we camped out on the beach for four months.
“That is… a very interesting story.”
“Yeah, well, what can I say. We’re very interesting people.”
He rested his elbow on the table and propped his hand up on his elbow. “I gotta tell you, Spencer, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. And I’ve never met anyone quite like you.”
He shrugged and took another bit of his burger. “A lot of people say tell me that.” He turned on his stool to look at him. “Though, I gotta tell you, I feel the same way. You, Aaron, are truly someone. Someone special. Though I think we already knew my standing on that. Do you like pie?”
“Sure. Where’s pie at? Los Angeles?”
“Oh, tha-”
“It’s actually in Las Vegas.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “Of course. Why am I not surprised?”
“Because you’ve figured out we’re full of surprises by now.”
And that was how he ended up flying to Vegas for pie with a man he’d really only just met on a Wednesday.
He had to admit, though, the pie was pretty good.
“What’d I tell you? Best pie on this side of the country.”
“I’ve gotta admit. This is some really great pie. You were right.”
“Yeah, I do tend to be.”
“Spencer, I’ve got to say. This has been the best date I’ve been on in a very long time. The most interesting one too.”
“This has been a pretty great date for me too.” He took another bite of the pie. “You know, my mom told me that when you look into your soulmate’s eyes, you can see all of the generations you’ll make.” He leaned forward, presumably to get a better look into his eyes.
“What do you see when you look into my eyes?”
“Hundreds and hundreds of generations to come. What do you see when you look into mine?”
“I see… I see the love that’s there.”
“You know, I’ve never felt this way about any man before. I knew as soon as I saw you, though, that you were someone special, Aaron Hotchner.”
“This has gone nothing like dates usually go for me.”
“Well, how do dates usually go?”
“We have a date, you like me okayish, I call you, you get annoyed, I keep calling you, you ignore me, and we never see each other again.”
“That sounds…”
“Awful? Yeah.”
They shared a laugh before the conversation lulled into a comfortable silence. “I feel like we’ve known each other for ages. I wish we didn’t have to go through all that ‘awkward, middle of the line dating stuff’.” “Why don’t we?”
“Skip straight to the end. Get married.”
“That’s crazy.”
“So am I.”
“Spencer, this is some whole other level of crazy." He shrugged. "So? It could be a marvelous, wonderful great new adventure!" He looked at him for a moment, the wide smile, the sparkle in his eyes. "You know what… let’s do it. Let’s get married.”
And that was how he found himself in some cheesy, cheap, Vegas chapel with some guy who was doubtfully licensed for the job he had, but neither of them really cared. It was absolutely nothing that he thought his wedding day was going to be. The place, the person, none of it.
At the same time, though, he found that he didn’t really care. That even though it was nothing like he’d thought it was going to be, it was… well, it was perfect. Even if the officiator seemed like kind of a sleaze, and that he didn't really care about his job. He didn't mind, because... well, because Spencer was there. And it was what Spencer wanted, and that was what he cared about. Not some skeezeball officiator in a Vegas chapel with some weird stains on the walls that he didn't even want to begin to learn about.
And even though he’d only just met this man this morning, and even though in just about any other situation, he wouldn’t trust him in the slightest, he wouldn’t have trusted him, there was something about Spencer that made him feel like he didn’t have to worry about that. There was something about him.
And though it was in some cheap, trashy chapel, when they kissed, he felt happy. For the first time in a long time, he felt really, truly happy. So happy he could feel it in his toes, all the way up.
And if that was how he felt with Spencer? Then he would stick by him for as long as he'd have him.
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bubblemintkitten · 4 years
Luca/Tan - Fight. 11 of X
A/N: Alright, this didn’t turn out quite the way I had planned it. But... Okay?
Word count: 1252
“Whoa…” Chris frowned as she saw Tan walk away from the car, “You look like you’ve had one of the worst weekends ever.”
Tan nodded, “Yeah.”
“What happened?”
“We had a fight.”
Tan nodded again.
“Big one?”
“Biggest one yet…” Tan let out an exasperated sigh.
“Can I ask what caused it?”
Tan shrugged, “Everything? Is that possible to answer?”
“The whole damn situation. We both wish we could turn things back to how it was before the accident. That we could get a do-over. That the world was a bit more fair.”
Chris nodded.
“That we didn’t have to make adjustments to every little part of our lives, that our lives didn’t hit a take three steps back square int this boardgame called life.”
Chris swallowed, “But you’re still a couple?”
“I hope so…” Tan admitted, “The way we were yelling at each other last night I don’t really know.”
“But you want to stay a couple?”
“Me? Yeah, of course I do…” Tan shrugged, “I love that idiot.”
She smiled, “Wanna talk about it?”
Tan nodded, and instead of walking inside the station, they found a bench outside.
“So…” Chris stretched her legs out in front of her, “What made you guys start to fight? Specifics.”
Tan sighed, “He was having a bad day yesterday…”
Chris nodded slowly.
“I probably nagged a bit too much.” Tan admitted, “Next thing you know we’re letting all of last year’s frustration fly between us. I know I said a few things I didn’t exactly mean, things I wish I could take back.”
“Like what?”
“Oh dear…” he sighed, “I called him so many ugly things… And I blamed him for a lot of things he can’t help…”
“It’s bad…” Tan dropped his head a bit, “I blamed him for being in a wheelchair. I blamed him for… A lot of things…”
Tan nodded, “Like I said… Bad.”
“But, he must’ve had some good stingers as well?”
Tan nodded, “Yeah.”
“Wanna share?”
Tan shook his head, “No… He was in pain, and frustrated. And I should’ve known better than to press him, and I definitely should have known better than to escalate things.”
“Come on now…” Chris shrugged, “You can’t take ALL the blame, even if he’s in a wheelchair.”
“Watch me…” Tan smirked grimly, “I have to figure out how to apologize properly…”
“How was this morning? The fight was yesterday, right?”
“This morning? I don’t really know. He was Luca. He was up way before the birds started chirping, and out of the house before I was up.” Tan sighed, “I saw him a few blocks away from our house. He was on the way back.”
“He flipped me off…” Tan shrugged, “Honestly, I don’t blame him.”
Chris didn’t say anything.
“The worst part is…” Tan shrugged, “This is not how I imagined life would be a little over a year ago…”
“Hey, none of us would have imagined this…”
Tan rubbed at his eyes, they were brimmed with tears.
Chris waited.
“You know…” Tan swallowed hard, “The accident really screwed up things majorly.”
“It did.” Chris nodded.
“No, you don’t understand.” Tan took a deep breath, “You know what I had planned for the next weekend?”
She shook her head.
“We were going to take a trip up to San Francisco.” Tan’s voice was quivering as he wiped away a tear, “And in front of either the Cupid’s Span, or one of the many hearts of the city, I was going to get down on one knee…”
That did it for both of them, neither of them could hold back the tears which started flowing in heavy streams.
“I wish things could…” he shrugged, “be normal.”
She nodded and wrapped an arm around him.
“I thought we would’ve been married by now…” Tan sniffled, “That we would have an apple pie life and all…”
“Apple pie life?” Chris almost chuckled despite herself, “You know we’re SWAT, right?”
Tan chuckled a bit, “Okay, but you know what I mean…”
She nodded.
Then they sat in silence for a while.
“Are you going to propose to him?”
Tan nodded, “As sure as we didn’t split up last night, yeah.”
“I don’t know…” Tan shrugged, “I haven’t found the right time…”
“Does it have to be the right time?” Chris raised her eyebrows, “As long as it actually happens?”
“Damn you…” he winked, “I guess you’re right. But first I have to do damage control on what happened yesterday.”
She nodded, and took her phone out to check the time.
“We better dry our tears and get inside?”
She nodded, “We’ve got eight more minutes.”
He nodded and wiped his tears away.
 *             *             *
 On his way back home that day, he had picked up a bag of caramel popcorn and a couple of those custard rolls Luca loved. If life had been a movie he would have had roses and chocolate.
He hesitated a bit, then knocked on the door and entered.
Luca rolled out from the kitchen just as he stepped into the living room.
They met each other’s eyes.
“I’m so sorry…”
They both paused.
“Luca, I’m sorry. I was a massive jerk last night.” Tan bit his lip, “I don’t really know what got into me…”
“No…” Luca shook his head, “I… I certainly could have handled all of it better.”
“You were in a lot of pain, and I knew it… And I knew you had a shitty day already.” Tan’s shoulders slumped, “I really shouldn’t have been hard on you.”
“Hey, I was the one who started shouting, and tossing insults.” Luca grimaced, “That was not… I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright…”
“I still love you, you know?” Luca swallowed, “I think I was stupid enough to claim something else yesterday.”
“I love you too.” Tan nodded, “Still.”
“I’m sorry.”
“So am I.” Tan tilted his head, “Let’s try not to repeat it?”
Luca nodded, “I can’t promise I won’t be an idiot like that again, but… Just know that I’ll feel bad about it any time it might happen.”
Tan smiled a crooked smile, “Yeah, me too…”
“I…” Luca looked inside the kitchen, “I made brownies.”
Tan smirked, “I brought snacks…”
Luca smiled.
“Hey…” Tan glanced at the couch, “Why don’t we just… Cuddle up on the couch for the rest of the evening. Make up for yesterday?”
“Best idea so far today…”
 *             *             *
 A few hours later they were still wrapped around each other on the couch.
“I’ve been thinking…” Tan started off.
“I love you too…” Luca grinned.
“I’ve been thinking…” Tan repeated, making sure Luca looked directly into his eyes, “I want to spend the rest of my life with you…”
Luca’s eyes widened slightly.
“And I planned on doing this last year… But… We both know what happened…” Tan said as he let one hand slowly glide up and down Luca’s side.
Luca looked intently at Tan.
Tan’s hand left Luca’s side and dug for something in his own pocket. He brought the little velvet box up between them and popped it open.
“Marry me?”
Luca’s eyes welled up with tears as he looked from the ring to Tan and back again.
“Please answer…”
Then next thing he knew, he was yanked closer to his boyfriend, held close and kissed for a long while.
When they finally calmed down, Tan studied Luca, “That’s a yes, right?”
Luca just nodded, wiping at his own tears.
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nwbeerguide · 4 years
21st Amendment Brewing releases Fireside Chat and a new Hell or High series beer with Pomegranate.
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San Francisco, Calif. … 21st Amendment Brewery rings in the 2020 holiday season with two seasonal stunners ready to entice tastebuds with the sweet, mouth-puckering tartness of Hell or High Pomegranate (4.9% ABV, 12 oz. cans in 6-Packs, Draft) and special 10th Anniversary release of the annual winter spiced ale, Fireside Chat (7.9% ABV, 12 oz. cans in 6-Packs, Draft). The beloved Hell or High Watermelon Wheat summer seasonal now has a wintertime companion for chilly nights and holiday-themed dinners with the launch of Hell or High Pomegranate. Fireside Chat cozies up close to the burning embers with aromas of chocolate malt, spices, and cocoa nibs filling the air.
The holidays will certainly be different in 2020. Families and friends will be brought together for joyous celebrations -- though many will use the digital world to connect. What's remained consistent over the past two decades is the 21st Amendment Brewery's dedication to brewing innovative limited-edition holiday beers for people to enjoy and be a part of unforgettable memories.
For detailed beer descriptions and suggested food pairings for Hell or High Pomegranate and Fireside Chat, please read below:
Hell or High Pomegranate
An iconic woman symbolizing values of freedom and inclusivity, the Statute of Liberty now graces in all her glory the Hell or High line's packaging and cans year-round for all three offerings: Watermelon, Mango, and Pomegranate. Brewed with real pomegranates, Hell or High Pomegranate reflects the joy of the holidays with its burgundy-red color and luscious sweet/tart flavors. Hell or High Pomegranate fits snuggly into winter with notes reminiscent of cranberries and the light biscuity characters of a true handcrafted American wheat beer. At only 4.9% ABV, beer lovers can comfortably drink more than one.
Holiday Food Pairing Suggestions with Hell or High Pomegranate:
Grilled Apple Brined Pork Chops; Roast Turkey with Cranberry Gravy; Roasted Winter Root Cellar Vegetables with a Honey Glaze; Pan Broiled Miso-Glazed Salmon; and Garlic Mashed Potatoes.
Fireside Chat -- Winter Spiced Ale
Christmas comes a little early every year with the much-anticipated November 2020 release of Fireside Chat. A flagship beer recipe of 21st Amendment's San Francisco brewpub that's evolved into an annual limited-edition winter warmer favorite, Fireside Chat is the perfect sipper at the Thanksgiving dinner table or while nestled up fireside with loved ones. Lush and flavorful cocoa nibs from TCHO Chocolate (San Francisco, Calif.) add a deep layer of texture to the beautiful malt character of eight different malts. The English-style strong ale is well-balanced by Shaun O'Sullivan's (Co-Founder and Brewmaster, 21st Amendment Brewery) selection of spices. It's no wonder Fireside Chat took home a Silver Medal from Great American Beer Festival, andMen's Health magazine ranks it #1 of the "10 Best Christmas Beers 2020" (LINK).
O'Sullivan notes, "Fireside Chat has a great amber color, a toffee foam head, soft spice profile and rich chocolate flavor on the finish that most beer drinkers will enjoy. Also, the packaging features FDR having a fireside conversation with a holiday Elf. It doesn't get much better than that."
Holiday Food Pairing Suggestions with Fireside Chat:
Hearty Beef Stew; Oven Roasted Turkey; Creamy Risotto; Apple Crumb Pie; Pumpkin Cheesecake; and Tiramisu.
Hell or High Pomegranate and Fireside Chat are available now in all 30 states where 21st Amendment distributes. For more information and to find some using our beer finder, please visit www.21st-Amendment.com.
About 21st Amendment Brewery
Twenty years ago (established in 2000), Nico Freccia and Shaun O'Sullivan opened the doors to the 21st Amendment brewpub in San Francisco's historic South Park neighborhood. In addition to quickly becoming one of the city's favorite pubs, 21st Amendment began expanding beyond the Bay Area by helping to pioneer the movement to canned craft beer. Known for their witty names and delicious brews, 21st Amendment offers year-round selections, as well as seasonal offerings and their infamous "Insurrection Series" of once-in-a-while limited-edition releases. Sold in 28 states plus Washington D.C., 21st Amendment produces beer in its state-of-the-art brewery headquarters in San Leandro, California and is among the top 50 craft beer brewers in America.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/32TlUw2
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