#best almond milk maker
aisharoy16 · 3 months
The Nutritional and Environmental Benefits of Making Your Plant-Based Milk with Cosy Up Multi-Maker
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In a world where health-conscious choices and sustainability are at the forefront of consumer priorities, plant-based milk has emerged as a popular alternative to traditional dairy. At Cosy Up, we believe in empowering individuals to embrace a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. Join us as we explore the myriad benefits of making your plant-based milk with the innovative Cosy Up Multi-Maker.
Why Make Your Plant-Based Milk?
Plant-based milk offers a plethora of health benefits, including being lactose-free, cholesterol-free, and often lower in calories and saturated fat than dairy milk. Making your plant-based milk at home gives you complete control over the ingredients, ensuring a fresh and nutritious beverage without any added preservatives or artificial additives. Opting for homemade plant-based milk also reduces reliance on single-use packaging, contributing to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
Introducing the Cosy Up Multi-Maker:
The Cosy Up Multi-Maker is your ultimate companion in the journey towards homemade plant-based milk perfection. With its sleek design and user-friendly interface, the Multi-Maker allows you to effortlessly create a variety of plant-based milks, from almond and cashew to oat and soy, with just the touch of a button. Say goodbye to store-bought cartons and hello to freshly made, customizable, plant-based milk in the comfort of your own home.
Step-by-Step Guide to Making Plant-Based Milk with Cosy Up Multi-Maker:
Creating your plant-based milk with the Cosy Up Multi-Maker is simple and hassle-free. Start by soaking your preferred nuts or grains, then blend them with water using the Multi-Maker's powerful motor. Strain the mixture using the included nut milk bag to remove any pulp, and voila! You're left with creamy, delicious, plant-based milk ready to be enjoyed in your favourite recipes or as a refreshing beverage on its own.
Nutritional Benefits of Homemade Plant-Based Milk:
Homemade plant-based milk boasts superior nutritional content compared to store-bought alternatives. Using fresh, high-quality ingredients ensures that your homemade dairy is packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Plus, you have the flexibility to customise your milk to suit your dietary preferences and nutritional needs, whether you prefer unsweetened, fortified, or flavoured varieties.
Sustainability and Environmental Impact:
Making your own plant-based milk with the Cosy Up Multi-Maker is beneficial for your health and the planet. By reducing reliance on packaged products and single-use plastics, you're minimising your environmental footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future. Additionally, using organic and locally sourced ingredients further reduces the carbon footprint associated with food production and transportation.
Cost-Effectiveness and Convenience:
Contrary to popular belief, making your plant-based milk at home is not only healthier and more sustainable but also cost-effective. While store-bought plant-based milk can be pricey, especially for premium or specialty varieties, making your own allows you to save money in the long run. Plus, with the Cosy Up Multi-Maker, the process is quick, easy, and convenient, allowing you to enjoy fresh plant-based milk whenever you desire.
Embrace the benefits of homemade plant-based milk with the Cosy Up Multi-Maker and embark on a journey towards better health and sustainability. By making your milk at home, you're nourishing your body with wholesome, nutrient-rich ingredients, reducing waste and minimising your environmental impact. Join us in revolutionising your dairy-free lifestyle and discover the endless possibilities of plant-based milk with Cosy Up.
Discover the Ultimate Nut Milk Maker and Plant-Based Milk Maker Machine in One – Cosy Up Multi-Maker! Elevate Your Homemade Nut Milk Game Today. Shop Now
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Courage, to make's love known
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Thank you so much @alienoresimagines for your extremely inspiring ask ♥️
“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them’’
- W. Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
John wakes slowly, rubbing his face on the pillow and blinking a few times, blearily taking in his surroundings before remembering where he is; in the New York apartment where he's going to spend the next six weeks of shows. An apartment paid for him by the company, if he may brag — and oh how much he likes being spoiled for doing exactly what he loves.
A pleasant ache echoes through his body, one of physical exertion in order to perfect his craft, and he stretches, shifting on the mattress until his bones and muscles start singing their soreness. Then he rolls on the side and partakes in his favorite morning activity: staring at his fiancé as he sleeps soundly right beside him.
His movements have not stirred Gale, who's still sleeping with half his face buried in the pillow, blonde hair sticking up in every direction like a messy halo and eyelashes so long and thick they brush against the soft skin of his cheekbones. He has one arm tucked under the pillow and the other one outstretched towards John, fingertips grazing his forearm. John cradles Gale's hand in his and places a soft kiss at the center of its palm, looking at him with a reverence that would surely make him blush if he was awake. He's not, though, and John doesn't find it in his heart to rouse him; they got back pretty late last night after the celebratory Opening Night dinner, and the past few days have been very stressful for both of them, John rehearsing for hours every day and Gale keeping him company in the theatre and going through his lines at the apartment — just like old times.
He's only managed to get a week off from school and today is his fifth day here; two more and he'll have to go back and John will be left alone in the apartment for six more weeks surviving only on video calls and good morning texts — and math puns, obviously.
John's tempted to roll him over in this obnoxiously large bed and wake him up in the best way possible, with hot kisses and a hand between his legs to get to the only thing better than Opening Night celebratory sex — that is The Morning After celebratory sex — but Gale really looks too soft and content to be disturbed. So, John resorts to his second favorite Morning After activity: searching the World Wide Web for opinions and reviews.
He shuffles out of bed, puts on a t-shirt and some pants and walks groggily to the kitchen. Despite living here for a little more than a month he's still not very familiar with the layout and organization of the apartment so it takes him a while to find the coffee maker and to open the right cabinet where Gale put the ground beans when he got there, but then he finally settles on a tall barstool with a steamy cup in hand — with almond milk because Gale got him hooked — and starts browsing.
He finds reviews from some of the major theatre magazines and he's relieved to read that the show was largely appreciated in all his aspects, from the direction to the set design and the costumes. Someone has even pointed out his performance as the highlight of the show, which has him giggle like a serious, professional actor shouldn't do; he can't help it, sometimes when someone tells him that he's good at what he does he still has to pinch himself to be sure that this isn't some years long dream.
When he's satisfied with the professional reviews he moves to the social medias to hear the feedback from the fans; TikToks, tweets, everyone seems to have enjoyed the show. There are even a few pictures he's taken with fans at the stage door, he finds them on Instagram and grins at the captions from his fan pages — he has fan pages, can you believe that?!
It's on Instagram that he finds the most interesting thing, an article that makes him spit out his coffee from its title only.
If you thought John Egan was hot, wait until you see his boyfriend!
Cold sweat gathers at the nape of his neck. The article comes from one of those damned gossip pages filled with paparazzi pics and fake news and that's probably what happened, he thinks trying to reassure himself, they must have taken some pics of him and Curt hugging outside the theatre. It can't be Gale because they're always very careful with their PDA, especially around shows when the paps are more likely out to get him. Yes, that must be it; they're gonna have a laugh about it and all will be fine, he thinks as he opens the link.
He's immediately greeted by a picture of him and Gale kissing outside a restaurant.
They haven't been careful enough, they didn't think the paps would follow them to the small, basically unknown restaurant they'd chosen for the celebration dinner and so they kissed on the sidewalk. Still, the picture is pretty blurry, Gale being barely more than a blond smudge of pixels, he could be anyone.
The relief lasts less than three seconds before he notices that it's the first of a series: there's another blurry kiss, then one or two of himself as he waves to someone inside the restaurant, and finally one of just Gale, clear enough to make out most of his features — his proud smile, the glint in his eyes, the mop of blond hair, the cut of his cheekbones.
Again, fuck.
John belatedly remembers the title of the article, about how hot his boyfriend is. Suddenly, all the worries about the article itself vanish replaced by a simmering anger: how dare people think they can judge Gale? He swears to god, if someone's written on the damn internet that Gale, his Gale, is ugly they're gonna have to deal with John's wrath.
He opens the comments, ready to be properly pissed. What he finds is... surprising.
Who's that??? Where was Egan keeping him???
Despite himself, John snorts. He thinks of Gale teaching algebra to high schoolers while John rehearses on a stage, of him cooking terrible dinners for John to comfort him when he gets home. Home, that's where he's keeping him.
How did Egan manage to bag a guy like that?? 🥵
He laughs less now, frowning, honestly offended by this gratuitous rudeness — Gale would find it amusing though, so he refrains to comment back.
Do they need a third? 😜
John huffs — as if. They've had enough troubles managing a relationship between just the two of them, they're definitely not the sharing type.
Does he like girls too? 🙄
No he definitely doesn't, thank you very much.
John grins mischievously at this one; yes, his boyfriend is hot, John knows it. He's getting even hotter as he grows older — there's some grey in his blond hair, so pale it's barely noticeable for anyone but John, who doesn't miss a chance to remind him of it bragging about his luscious, still completely brown locks. He's oddly proud that some random Instagram user finds him hot too, he could print out the comment and put it on their fridge for the moments when Gale feels down.
Aw what a nice couple 🥹🥹
Butterflies rouse in John's stomach and he finds himself blushing slightly at this comment, smiling like when someone compliments his acting. They're the two most important things in his life after all, acting and Gale; he's glad someone can see how much in love they are just from some blurry pictures.
Egan needs to have him cast in something!! I need to see that pretty face more often
To this one, John laughs out loud. Yeah, he wants to comment, been there, done that. Unless that guy is interested in minor, local performances, he's not going to see Gale's face on stage any time soon.
He hears a sudden noise from the bedroom, sign that Gale's woken up; the worry comes back, a gnawing sensation in the pit of his stomach. He'll have to show Gale the pictures, that's for sure, but how is he going to react? He's probably gonna be pissed, as he should.
John is going to pressure to have the pictures removed if Gale asks, of course, but by now they've already been seen by hundreds if not thousands of people; this is surely going to freak him out, hugely. He's so private, even the news of their engagement has been kept a secret to everyone who's not close family — John still wears the ring every day just not on his finger, but on a chain around his neck. What if this sudden exposure to the public makes him reconsider it? He's always said he's ok with John being a more public figure than him, but maybe...
No, John thinks shaking his head. He won't go there. They're not who they were at the beginning of their relationship anymore, they've grown together past the part where a single doubt could destroy everything. They're going to talk about it, plently, and decide together what to do.
He pours another cup of coffee and waits for Gale to pad barefoot to the kitchen, yawning ans with his hair all askew — he wonders what his fans would think of him now, as natural as he comes. For John, he's still the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
"Morning darlin'," Gale drawls. "How are the reviews?"
John smirks, passing him the coffee. "They're good, but the thing that's making the most numbers online this morning is you, love!"
Gale smiles, confused. "Are you practicing your math puns?"
"Come take a look," John simply answers, sliding his phone towards him. Gale picks it up, more confused, and his eyes widen as he takes in the pictures. "Those fuckers!" He says, outraged. "They followed us to the restaurant?"
"Maybe, or maybe one of them was simply passing by and took his chance. Read the comments, come on."
As he reads, Gale blushes in a way John finds utterly adorable. "They think I'm hot?" He asks.
John nods, solemnly. "That you are babe, that you are. Look, I'm gonna cal Lil later, tell her to work her magic to have those removed. She's my agent, that's what I hired her for and I know she's good with this kind of thing."
"Why do you want to remove them?"
It's John's turn to be confused. "Well it's a violation of our privacy, and I though you'd be pretty pissed about them," he says tentatively.
Gale nods, sipping his coffee. "It is a violation and I'm pissed at those paps, they should get a life and not bother ours. But the pictures are out, and by now they must have been seen by anyone. I don't think it would matter to have them removed. Besides, I kinda like the way people talk about us in the comments," he admits, still slightly blushing. "They're not judging, they like us."
"They like you," John points out.
"Yeah, but they also like us as a couple. See? Most comments are about us!"
"And that doesn't bother you?" John asks, perplexed.
"Well, it had to come up sooner or later, didn't it? I would have preferred to have more of a say in how and when, but since it happened..."
"So let me get this straight, you want us to be out in public, on the internet, at the mercy of strangers? Are you sure?"
"Why are you putting it so menacing?"
"Because people will judge — me, you, us. Not everyone will be utterly positive and supportive. I just want you to think carefully about that," John says. He'd have absolutely no problem posting a pic of him and Gale on his official profile right now, but he wants the other man to be sure.
Gale cocks an eyebrow at him. "Not everyone will be utterly positive and supportive, really? Is that not the story of our lives?"
John smirks. "You're right, as usual. So, what do you propose we do? Can I post a picture of us like, right now?"
Gale laughs. "Now, don't rush! Let's talk with Lil first, I'm sure she knows how to deal with a... how are the youngsters calling it nowadays? A hard launch?"
"Hanging out with teenagers is ruining you, Buck! How do you even know such a term?!" John laughs, then pulls Gale closer to hug his waist and nuzzles his face against his fiancé's stomach. "You know, you're incredible: a lifetime together, and you still manage to surprise me," he says, softly.
Gale strokes his hair, humming content. "And I'll keep doing it for the rest of our lives. Now, if you're finished with the reviews and don't have to go out so soon, why don't you come back in our bedroom with me? We haven't celebrated enough this morning, as far as I'm concerned..."
A few days later, a picture is posted on John Egan's official Instagram profile. It's a black and white picture of him and another man, one that the fans recognize as the mysterious boyfriend Egan was kissing outside a restaurant in the paparazzi pics that came out a few days ago. The private profile of the other man, one Gale Cleven from Wyoming, theatre aficionado and apparently math teacher, is clearly tagged in the picture.
But the thing that truly sends the fans rioting is the simple, teasing caption:
If you thought John Egan was hot, you should see his fiancé!
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Krumkaker are Norwegian cookies that my family makes each year during Christmas. They taste amazing and my best friend once ate at least seven in one sitting. You will need a krumkake iron for this recipe, or you can use a flat waffle iron, but the designs will not be as pretty. Pizzelle makers work too. You will also need a wooden cone to shape the cookies. Krumkaker are usually stuffed with cream, berries, jam, or chocolate, but you could also use them as icecream cones during the summer!
♡ 1 cup white sugar
♡ 1/2 cup butter, room temperature
♡ 2 eggs
♡ 1 tsp vanilla or almond extract
♡ 1 cup milk (or milk substitute)
♡ 1 1/2 cups gluten free flour
☆ In large bowl, cream together sugar and butter
☆ Add eggs and extracts and beat until fluffy. Then add milk
☆ Slowly stir in flour until everything is properly mixed
☆ Brush a small amount of vegetable oil on the krumkake iron, then heat it to medium heat. The oil should last a long time and does not need to be reapplied often
☆ Put about a tablespoon of batter onto the iron, closer to the backside and middle so it will spead out evenly. Let cook for around a minute. Irons are different so the time and heat might be different for you, use the first few krumkaker as tests to get the optimum temp and cooking time.
☆ When the batter has cooked, remove from iron with a spatula and wrap cookie around cone. It should be soft, but will harden in a few minutes. When cookie hardens, remove cone.
☆ Fill krumkaker with desired filling just before serving
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ladylilithprime · 2 years
Wipe The Sleep Right From My Eyes
Series: Fluff Is My Jamstiel
Fandom: Supernatural: 
Pairing: proto-Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel)
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Witch Sam Winchester, Hunter Novak Brothers, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, Domestic Fluff, Author Was Hungry
Summary: Sam woke up with a craving. Fortunately, it was one he could do something about.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 23: Crave
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THERE WERE TWO options available when one woke up in the morning craving waffles. The first was to go out somewhere and buy them from someone paid to make them for you, either from a grocery store or a cafe or restaurant that specifically offered breakfast foods, waffles in particular. The second option and, if you were in any way culinarily inclined, arguably the best option was to make them yourself. Either option required leaving the warmth of the bed and the warm bodies of your nightly cuddle companions, unless one of said companions also happened to be culinarily inclined and willing to get up instead and provide you with option one.
Sadly, this was not the case for one Sam Winchester. Two of his companions, while otherwise quite competent individuals when it came to research, analytics, or combat, were only marginally capable in a kitchen and should by no means be allowed to operate a stove unsupervised by someone besides each other. The third, arguably more competent in the kitchen when necessary, was currently a dog and showed no signs of wanting to wake up yet much less turn human and go cook despite the grumbling hunger prodding at her witch.
Getting up himself it was.
Extricating himself from the tangle of sleepy twins wrapped around him proved just as difficult this morning as it was every morning he had the pleasure of their company for the night. James Constantine Novak was practically an octopus in his desire to cuddle, and while John Castiel Novak was less grabby than his brother he was absolutely a heatseeker who would burrow in close to Sam's side to get as much transfer of warmth as possible. It had taken some getting used to, being in the middle of that night after night when they had finally taken that step of very literally sleeping together, and some nights Sam woke disoriented and needing to shuffle around until one of the twins was in the middle instead. At first he had woken one or both of them whenever that happened, but now they just grumbled sleepily and rolled together to make room on one side or the other.
Sure enough, with some minor discontented muttering and shuffling, Cas and Jimmy settled back into sleep with Jimmy wrapped around Cas like a koala. Sam twitched the sheets smooth over them both and shuffled out, making a detour to relieve himself before heading to the kitchen and getting down the waffle iron and a mixing bowl.
Flour, baking powder, and salt went into the mixing bowl, followed by the eggs, milk, honey, and a splash of almond extract. The batter was smooth and thick by the time the waffle maker clicked at him to let him know it had reached the required temperature, and a quick spritz of butter-flavored cooking spray on both sides of the waffle iron was all the prep needed before he was pouring in the batter and scattering a small handful of chopped pecans over the surface. The lid went down and Sam grabbed a large plate out of the cabinet for receiving completed waffles, then hunted down the whipped honey butter he'd made during Imbolc.
There were three waffles on the plate and a fourth in the waffle iron when he felt someone approaching him from behind. Cool rain... tingling... a star-filled void crisscrossed with electric spidersilk.... "Morning, Cas," Sam hummed just before the slightly shorter man pressed up against his back and wrapped his arms around Sam's waist, his cheek resting against the back of Sam's shoulder.
"Warm," the still mostly asleep man mumbled. Then, "O'el da'a'eluga'a oi maonaonasa paugao zaomadave zao'el..."
"I'll give you waffles even without the sweet-talking," Sam teased, not actually understanding the words but more than familiar with the adoring tone in which they were mumbled. That had been happening more frequently as well, Cas slipping into a language that neither Sam nor Jimmy understood, usually when he was half-asleep or, more worryingly, concussed. Sam had a sneaking suspicion he knew what language it was, too, since the one time Dean had heard Cas doing this he'd said it sounded like some of the things Sam used to mutter in his sleep which he never remembered the after but always coincided with a dream that turned out to be a vision. Since Cas never actually remembered switching languages, he was holding off on saying anything for now, but he knew that wouldn't last.
It never did.
A loud yawn preceded the sound of shuffled footsteps as Jimmy, deprived of both his human-shaped cuddle partners, wandered in rubbing his eyes. "Pa'cakes?"
"Pecan waffles," Sam corrected. "Had a craving. You two want anything on them besides the honey butter?"
"In the fridge."
And so another morning dawned.
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lifestyle-foodies · 2 years
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rgsathah · 1 month
Discover the Perfect Nut Milk Maker Machine for Your Kitchen
Why Invest in a Nut Milk Maker Machine?
One of the primary reasons to buy a nut milk maker machine is the convenience it offers. Making nut milk manually can be a time-consuming process that involves soaking, blending, and straining the nuts, which can be messy and tedious. A nut milk maker machine streamlines this process, Shop For Nut Milk Maker Machine allowing you to create smooth, creamy milk with minimal effort.
Another significant benefit is the cost-effectiveness. While store-bought nut milk can be expensive, especially for premium brands, making your own at home can save you money in the long run. Plus, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly what goes into your milk—no added sugars, preservatives, or other unwanted ingredients.
For those who are environmentally conscious, making your own nut milk is also a more sustainable option. You can reduce the waste associated with store-bought milk, such as cartons and plastic packaging, by reusing your ingredients and containers at home.
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Key Features to Look for in a Nut Milk Maker Machine
When shopping for a nut milk maker machine, there are several key features to consider to ensure you choose the best one for your needs:
Capacity: Depending on your household size and how often you plan to make nut milk, the capacity of the machine is an important factor. Some machines are designed for small batches, ideal for singles or couples, while others can produce larger quantities, perfect for families or those who want to make enough to last several days.
Ease of Use: The whole point of investing in a nut milk maker machine is to simplify the process, so look for a model that is user-friendly. A machine with a one-button operation, clear instructions, and minimal prep work will make your experience much more enjoyable.
Versatility: Some nut milk maker machines are multifunctional, Shop For Whistling Tea Kettles Online allowing you to make a variety of plant-based milks, including soy, rice, and oat milk, as well as soups, smoothies, and even nut butters. If you’re someone who loves to experiment in the kitchen, a versatile machine could be the right choice for you.
Cleaning and Maintenance: A machine that is easy to clean will save you time and effort. Look for models with dishwasher-safe parts or those that come with a cleaning brush to make the process hassle-free.
Durability: Investing in a well-built, durable machine will ensure that it lasts for years to come. Check reviews and product specifications for information on the materials used and the overall build quality of the machine.
Top Picks for Nut Milk Maker Machines
When it comes to choosing the best nut milk maker machine, there are several top-rated options on the market. Brands like Soyabella, ChefWave, and Almond Cow offer high-quality machines that are both efficient and reliable. Each of these brands has its unique features, so it’s worth doing a bit of research to see which model best fits your needs.
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sfrecipes · 3 months
Mayan Chocolate Ice Cream
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From: Full Tilt Ice Cream, Seattle, Washington
The headnote says, “Ice cream shop owners cater to a wide variety of food and flavor preferences. It is important for the nondairy-eating public to enjoy the ice cream experience as much as the dairy-loving ice cream eater. Full Tilt, as well as many other ice cream shops around the country, is producing creative vegan ice creams made with nondairy milks such as coconut milk, almond milk and rice milk. The creamy combination of coconut milk and spices in this chocolate vegan ice cream is a spicy and refreshing scoop for all to enjoy.”
Makes about 1 Quart  
3 ½ cups regular coconut milk
¾ cup sugar
½  teaspoon ground cinnamon
1⁄8 teaspoon ground ginger
1⁄8 teaspoon ground cardamom
¼ cup Dutch cocoa powder
Warm the coconut milk in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Whisk in the sugar, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom. Continue to heat the mixture over medium-low heat until the sugar is dissolved, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and whisk in the cocoa powder. Use an immersion blender or an upright blender to purée the mixture until smooth and no lumps of cocoa powder remain. Pour into a medium bowl, cover and refrigerate overnight.
Once chilled, pour the ice cream base into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Transfer to a freezer-safe container and freeze until firm, at least 4 hours.
Reprinted with permission from Scoop Adventures: The Best Ice Cream of the 50 States by Lindsay Clendaniel. Page Street Publishing Co. 2014. Photo credit: Lindsay Clendaniel
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The Sweet Scoop: Exploring the World of Ice Creams
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A Brief History of Ice Cream
The origins of ice cream date back to ancient times. It is believed that as far back as 200 BC, the Chinese enjoyed a frozen mixture of milk and rice. The evolution continued in Persia, where people made a sorbet-like treat by pouring grape juice concentrate over snow. However, it wasn’t until the 16th century that ice cream began to resemble the dessert we know today, with Italian chefs adding milk to the mix and perfecting the creamy texture.
Ice cream made its way to America in the 18th century and quickly became a favorite. By the 19th century, ice cream parlors started to appear, and the invention of mechanical refrigeration in the 20th century made it possible for ice cream to be enjoyed year-round.
Popular Ice Cream Flavors
Ice cream flavors are as varied as the people who enjoy them. Here are some timeless classics and modern favorites:
1. Vanilla: The quintessential ice cream flavor, known for its creamy, smooth texture and rich, comforting taste.
2. Chocolate: A close rival to vanilla, chocolate ice cream is a decadent treat for all ages, with variations ranging from milk chocolate to dark chocolate.
3. Strawberry: This fruity delight combines fresh strawberries with creamy ice cream, offering a refreshing, sweet taste.
4. Mint Chocolate Chip: A favorite for its cool mint flavor and crunchy chocolate bits, this ice cream is both refreshing and indulgent.
5. Cookie Dough: Combining the best of both worlds, cookie dough ice cream is packed with chunks of raw cookie dough, providing a delightful texture contrast.
6. Salted Caramel: A modern classic, salted caramel ice cream balances sweet and salty flavors for a sophisticated treat.
7. Matcha: This green tea-flavored ice cream has its roots in Japan and offers a unique, slightly bitter taste that pairs well with sweet desserts.
8. Pistachio: Loved for its nutty flavor and subtle sweetness, pistachio ice cream is a gourmet choice.
9. Cookies and Cream: Featuring chunks of chocolate cookies mixed into creamy vanilla ice cream, this flavor is a favorite among kids and adults alike.
The Latest Trends in Ice Cream
As tastes evolve, so does the world of ice cream. Here are some exciting trends that are making waves in the ice cream industry:
1. Plant-Based Ice Cream: With the rise of veganism and lactose intolerance, plant-based ice creams made from almond, coconut, or oat milk are becoming increasingly popular. These alternatives provide a creamy texture without the dairy.
2. Exotic Flavors: Adventurous eaters are turning to unique flavors such as black sesame, lavender honey, and even savory options like basil or olive oil ice cream.
3. Artisan and Small-Batch Production: There’s a growing demand for high-quality, handcrafted ice creams. Small-batch production allows for more creativity and higher-quality ingredients, resulting in superior taste and texture.
4. Functional Ingredients: Some ice creams now include health-boosting ingredients like probiotics, collagen, or adaptogens, catering to health-conscious consumers who don’t want to sacrifice indulgence.
5. Rolled Ice Cream: Originating in Thailand, rolled ice cream is made by pouring a liquid base onto a freezing-cold metal surface. As it freezes, it is spread thinly and rolled up, creating a visually appealing and customizable treat.
6. Ice Cream Sandwiches and Cones: Innovative ice cream sandwiches using cookies, waffles, or even donuts as the base, and creatively flavored cones are becoming trendy, offering a fun twist on the traditional scoop.
Making Ice Cream at Home
Making ice cream at home is easier than ever, thanks to modern ice cream makers and simple no-churn recipes. Here’s a basic recipe to get you started:
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Your choice of mix-ins (chocolate chips, fruit, cookie dough, etc.)
In a large bowl, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form.
Fold in the sweetened condensed milk and vanilla extract until well combined.
Add your mix-ins and gently fold them into the mixture.
Pour the mixture into a loaf pan or container, cover, and freeze for at least 4 hours or until firm.
Scoop and enjoy your homemade ice cream! Skeiicecream represents a fascinating fusion of art and food, offering a new way to appreciate the beloved dessert. As more people discover the joys of this innovative treat, it’s likely that skeiicecream will continue to gain popularity, inspiring both artists and chefs to push the boundaries of their craft.
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aisharoy16 · 3 months
Gift Ideas: Why Cosy Up Multi-Maker Makes the Perfect Present for Food Lovers
Looking for the perfect gift for the food lover in your life? The Cosy Up Multi-Maker might just be the ultimate culinary companion they never knew they needed! This versatile kitchen appliance can transform meal preparation from a chore into an enjoyable and creative experience. In this post, we’ll explore why the Cosy Up Nut milk maker stands out as the perfect present for anyone passionate about cooking.
Versatility and Functionality
A Multi-Functional Marvel
The Cosy Up Multi-Maker isn’t just another kitchen gadget. It’s an all-in-one solution
designed to simplify and elevate the cooking experience. This innovative appliance can grill, bake, roast, and even air-fry, making it a versatile addition to any kitchen. Imagine having the ability to prepare a variety of meals—from a hearty breakfast to a gourmet dinner—without needing multiple devices. The Cosy Up Multi-Maker can do it all, ensuring that every meal is a culinary delight.
Perfect for Any Recipe
Whether your loved one is a novice cook or a seasoned chef, the Cosy Up Multi-Maker will inspire them to try new recipes and cooking techniques. With its wide range of functions, it can handle anything from crispy chicken wings to perfectly roasted vegetables and decadent desserts. The possibilities are endless, and the results are always impressive.
Real-Life Scenarios
Picture this: it's Sunday morning, and you want to surprise your family with a delicious breakfast. With the Cosy Up Multi-Maker, you can effortlessly whip up a batch of fluffy pancakes, crispy bacon, and even poached eggs—all at the same time. Later in the day, use it to grill some juicy steaks for dinner or bake a loaf of fresh bread. This multi-maker truly shines in any culinary scenario, making it an indispensable tool for food enthusiasts.
Convenience and Ease of Use
User-Friendly Features
The Cosy Up Multi-Maker is designed with the user in mind. It features intuitive controls and pre-set cooking functions that take the guesswork out of meal preparation. Simply select the desired function, set the timer, and let the multi-maker do the rest. Even those who are new to cooking will find it easy to create delicious dishes with minimal effort.
Time-Saving Benefits
One of the standout features of the Cosy Up Multi-Maker is its rapid cooking technology. Meals are ready faster, allowing you to spend more time enjoying them with your loved ones. Whether you're preparing a quick weeknight dinner or hosting a dinner party, this appliance ensures that you won't be stuck in the kitchen for hours.
Easy Maintenance
Nobody enjoys cleaning up after cooking, but the Cosy Up Multi-Maker makes this task a breeze. Its removable, dishwasher-safe parts mean you can simply pop them into the dishwasher and relax. This hassle-free cleaning process allows you to focus on what really matters—savouring your culinary creations.
Health and Lifestyle Benefits
Healthier Cooking Options
In today's health-conscious world, the Cosy Up Multi-Maker is a game-changer. Its air-frying capability allows you to enjoy your favourite fried foods with significantly less oil, making your meals healthier without compromising on taste. Whether it's crispy fries or golden-brown chicken, you can indulge guilt-free.
Catering to Dietary Preferences
No matter what dietary preferences your loved one has, the Cosy Up Multi-Maker can accommodate them. It's perfect for those following vegan, gluten-free, or keto diets. The versatility of this appliance means it can adapt to any culinary requirement, ensuring that everyone can enjoy delicious and nutritious meals.
Rave Reviews
Customers who have tried the Cosy Up Multi-Maker are thrilled with its performance. One happy user shared, "I love how I can make a variety of healthy dishes quickly and easily. The Cosy Up Multi-Maker has become a staple in my kitchen." Such testimonials highlight the appliance's ability to enhance the cooking experience and support a healthier lifestyle.
Aesthetics and Design
Sleek and Stylish
Beyond its functionality, the Cosy Up Multi-Maker boasts a sleek, modern design that complements any kitchen décor. Its elegant appearance ensures that it won’t just be a practical addition but also a stylish one. This appliance looks as good as it performs, making it a gift that will be appreciated for both its utility and its aesthetic appeal.
Compact and Convenient
Despite its multifunctionality, the Cosy Up Multi-Maker is compact enough to fit comfortably on any kitchen counter. Its space-saving design means it won't clutter the kitchen, and it can be easily stored away when not in use. This makes it perfect for those with limited kitchen space.
Visual Appeal
High-quality images of the Cosy Up Multi-Maker in action can truly showcase its potential. Imagine vibrant photos of sizzling steaks, freshly baked muffins, and air-fried veggies, all prepared effortlessly with this appliance. These visuals not only demonstrate its versatility but also inspire culinary creativity.
From its unparalleled versatility and user-friendly features to its health benefits and stylish design, the Cosy Up Multi-Maker is the perfect gift for any food lover. It's a thoughtful and practical present that will be cherished and used regularly, bringing joy and convenience to the recipient's culinary adventures.
Ready to impress the food enthusiast in your life? Consider gifting them the Cosy Up Nut Milk Maker and watch their culinary creativity soar. Visit our website to learn more and make a purchase today!
Happy gifting, and may your loved ones enjoy countless delicious meals with the Cosy Up Multi-Maker!
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dnstore · 7 months
৫ সেকেন্ডে জুস তৈরি করুন এই জুসার মেশিনে | Best Miyako Juicer Machine In Bangladesh.
Top best brands miyako juicer machine price in Bangladesh. Buy Miyako Cold Press Juicer, Slow Juicer for Fruits and Vegetables, Extract Coconut Milk and Almond Milk Easily, Fruit Juicer Machine, Compact Design, Orange Juice Maker at Lowest Price.
Shop Name: DN STORE
Shop: 1-2, And 21-22-23, (Ground Floor), Biswas Builders, New Market City Complex, New Market, Dhaka-1205
A cold press juicer machine, also known as a masticating juicer, is a type of juicer that operates at a slower speed than traditional centrifugal juicers. This slower speed helps reduce heat generation, oxidation and nutrient loss, resulting in higher quality juice while retaining more nutrients and enzymes.
Cold press juicers work by crushing and then pressing fruits and vegetables to extract the juice, rather than using high-speed blades like centrifugal juicers. This gentle process helps preserve the product's natural flavor and nutrients.
When looking for a cold press juicer machine, consider factors such as:
1. Juice Quality: Look for a juicer that produces high-quality juice with minimal oxidation and nutrient loss.
2. Yield: Consider the juicer's ability to extract juice from a variety of produce.
3. Ease of cleaning: Choose a detachable juicer that is easy to clean, as this will make the juicing process more convenient.
4. Durability: Choose a juicer made from sturdy materials that last longer.
5. Price: Cold press juicers can vary widely in price, so consider your budget and find a juicer that offers good value for money.
Popular brands of cold press juicers include Omega, Hurom, Tribest and Covings. Be sure to read reviews and compare features before buying to find the best cold press juicer machine for your needs.
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masterbakerdubai · 8 months
Ingredients Used In Chocolate Making
To create chocolate, a combination of carefully chosen ingredients is needed to get the right flavor, texture, and quality. The main materials used in the making of chocolate are emulsifiers, sugar, cocoa butter, milk solids (in the case of milk chocolate), and cocoa beans. Let's examine these essential elements:
Cocoa Beans: Cocoa beans are the main ingredient used to make chocolate. These beans are picked, fermented, dried, roasted, and then processed into cocoa mass. They are obtained from the cacao tree. The flavor profile of chocolate is determined by the cocoa bean, and various types contribute distinctive qualities.
Sugar: Sugar is an essential component of chocolate because it adds sweetness to counteract the natural bitterness of cocoa. Depending on the required texture and sweetness level, various forms of sugar, such as powdered or granulated sugar, may be used in varying amounts.
Cocoa Butter: The fat that is removed from cocoa beans during the process of creating chocolate is known as cocoa butter. It helps to give chocolate its velvety, melt-in-your-mouth texture. For a smooth, creamy texture, premium chocolate frequently has a high percentage of cocoa butter.
Milk Solids (for Milk Chocolate): Condensed milk or milk powder can be used as milk solids in milk chocolate. The chocolate gains a creamy, milky flavor from this addition. The amount of chocolate flavor depends on the ratio of cocoa solids to milk solids.
Emulsifiers: By keeping the cocoa solids and cocoa butter from separating, emulsifiers like lecithin help to stabilize the chocolate. This guarantees a uniform and silky texture. During the tempering process, emulsifiers also help the chocolate's flow characteristics.
Flavorings and Additives: To improve the overall flavor, some chocolate variants may contain extra flavorings like vanilla, spices, or natural extracts. These are optional and added in accordance with the preferences of the chocolate maker or the demands of the particular recipe.
Optional Additions: To produce a wide variety of chocolate goods, chocolate manufacturers frequently add flavor-enhancing ingredients like almonds, dried fruits, or other inclusions. These additions give the chocolate further layers of flavor and texture.
A careful blend of cocoa beans, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifiers, milk solids (for milk chocolate), and optional flavorings or inclusions is required to create the art of chocolate production. Check for the best wholesale chocolate products supplier in Dubai. The diverse and pleasant world of chocolate is the product of expert processing techniques combined with an exact balance of these ingredients.
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eazy-group · 8 months
Keto Mason Jar Ice Cream & Berries
New Post has been published on https://eazywellness.net/keto-mason-jar-ice-cream-berries/
Keto Mason Jar Ice Cream & Berries
You don’t require an ice cream maker to make this deliciously creamy dessert. Our ice cream and berries recipe contains only the best ingredients for a smooth eating experience and sweet aftertaste.
Traditional ice cream is incredibly high in sugar, making it unsuitable for a keto diet. However, our keto-friendly ice cream and berries is a fruity and sweet substitute to this classic dessert and are presented in a beautiful mason jar for dinner guests or special occasions.
The addition of almond milk balances out the richness of heavy whipping cream, and while there’s raw egg yolk included, you won’t be able to detect it with the addition of the allulose and vanilla extract. Best of all, you won’t even need any fancy equipment to make a delicious sweet treat, just place all the ingredients in the mason jar (don’t forget the lid) and shake until combined. Once it’s had enough time to chill in the freezer, you’ll get a keto alternative to ice cream that tastes just as good but doesn’t leave you feeling bloated and heavy. 
While it’s perfectly fine to serve the ice cream as is, adding some fresh raspberries on top can add some tartness that cuts through the intense sweetness. Feel free to substitute it with any berries of your choice.
Yields 2 servings of Keto Mason Jar Ice Cream & Berries
The Preparation
2 cup cottage cheese
1/4 cup heavy cream
3 tablespoon cocoa powder
3 tablespoon allulose
2 tablespoon peanut butter
The Execution
1. Gather and prep all ingredients.
2. In a small container or jar, add heavy cream, almond milk, and allulose.
3. Add in the egg yolk and vanilla extract.
NOTE: If are are concerned with raw egg yolks, you can heat the mixture to 140F in a saucepan over low heat. Continuously stir until it comes to temperature, then add to jar to shake.
4. Seal with a lid and shake vigorously for 5 minutes. You really want to shake this up hard so that everything combines well and the volume increases as the cream whips.
5. Add fresh or frozen raspberries into the mixture, then place in the freezer and chill for at least 3 hours.
6. Once ice cream is at the consistency you want, take out and enjoy!
This makes a total of 2 servings (or 1 full meal) of Keto Mason Jar Ice Cream & Berries. The serving comes out to be 258 calories, 24.1g fats, 3.8g net carbs, and 3.5g protein.
NUTRITION CALORIES FAT CARBS FIBER NET CARBS PROTEIN 0.50 cup heavy cream 405 42.8 3.2 0 3.2 3.3 2.00 tablespoon unsweetened almond milk 4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.00 large egg yolk 55 4.5 0.6 0 0.6 2.7 2.00 tablespoon allulose 11 0 0 0 0 0 1.00 teaspoon vanilla extract 12 0 0.6 0 0.6 0 2.00 ounce raspberries 29 0.4 6.8 3.7 3.1 0.7 Totals 516 48.1 11.3 3.8 7.5 6.9 Per Serving (/2) 258 24.1 5.7 1.9 3.8 3.5
Keto Mason Jar Ice Cream & Berries
The Preparation
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoon almond milk
1 large egg yolk
2 tablespoon allulose
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 ounce raspberries, fresh or frozen
The Execution
Gather and prep all ingredients.
In a small container or jar, add heavy cream, almond milk, and allulose.
Add in the egg yolk and vanilla extract.
NOTE: If are are concerned with raw egg yolks, you can heat the mixture to 140F in a saucepan over low heat. Continuously stir until it comes to temperature, then add to jar to shake.
Seal with a lid and shake vigorously for 5 minutes. You really want to shake this up hard so that everything combines well and the volume increases as the cream whips.
Add fresh or frozen raspberries into the mixture, then place in the freezer and chill for at least 3 hours.
Once ice cream is at the consistency you want, take out and enjoy!
This makes a total of 2 servings (or 1 full meal) of Keto Mason Jar Ice Cream & Berries. The serving comes out to be 258 calories, 24.1g fats, 3.8g net carbs, and 3.5g protein.
Copyright 2023 | Ruled.Me
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jacqartpress · 10 months
Best Nut Milk Makers (2023): Nutr, Soyabella, Almond Cow, MioMat
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ericvanderburg · 10 months
Best Nut Milk Makers (2023): Nutr, Soyabella, Almond Cow, MioMat
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chocolatemelanguer · 11 months
 Heavenly Homemade Hot Chocolate: A Cozy Winter Treat
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As the temperature drops and winter arrives, there's nothing quite like a steaming mug of hot chocolate to warm your soul. Forget about the powdered mix – homemade hot chocolate is a luxurious and comforting treat that's surprisingly easy to make. This recipe will guide you through creating a cup of hot chocolate that's rich, creamy, and simply heavenly.
For the Hot Chocolate Base:
2 cups of whole milk
 1/2 cup of heavy cream
 1/4 cup of granulated sugar
 8 ounces of high-quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa or more), finely chopped
 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
 A pinch of salt
For Garnish (Optional):
 Whipped cream
 Mini marshmallows
Chocolate shavings or cocoa powder
1. Prepare Your Chocolate:
   Start by finely chopping your high-quality dark chocolate. The better the chocolate, the richer your hot chocolate will be.
2. Heat the Milk and Cream:
    In a saucepan, combine the whole milk and heavy cream over medium heat. Stir occasionally to prevent scorching. Heat until it's steaming but not boiling.
3. Add the Chocolate:
   Remove the saucepan from the heat, and add the finely chopped dark chocolate to the hot milk and cream mixture. Let it sit for a minute to allow the chocolate to melt.
4. Whisk It Smooth:
   After a minute, whisk the mixture until the chocolate is completely melted and the hot chocolate is smooth and velvety.
5. Sweeten and Flavor:
   Add the granulated sugar, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt to the mixture. Whisk until the sugar is fully dissolved and the flavors are well incorporated.
6. Reheat (if needed):
    If your hot chocolate has cooled slightly, you can gently reheat it over low heat, stirring continuously. Be careful not to let it boil.
7. Serve:
    Pour your hot chocolate into your favorite mug. Top it with a dollop of freshly whipped cream, a handful of mini marshmallows, and a sprinkle of chocolate shavings or cocoa powder.
8. Enjoy:
    Find a cozy spot, wrap yourself in a warm blanket, and savor your heavenly homemade hot chocolate. It's the perfect treat to enjoy on a cold winter's day.
Tips and Variations:
Customize Your Sweetness:
Adjust the sugar to your taste. If you like it sweeter, add more sugar, and if you prefer a darker, less sweet hot chocolate, use less sugar.
Flavor Enhancements:
 Experiment with additional flavors like a pinch of cinnamon, a shot of espresso for a mocha twist, or a splash of peppermint extract for a festive touch.
Dairy-Free Options: You can make a dairy-free version using almond milk, coconut milk, or any other non-dairy milk substitute. Just be sure to choose dairy-free chocolate as well.
Keep it Warm: If you're making hot chocolate for a group, consider using a slow cooker to keep it warm throughout your gathering.
Homemade hot chocolate is a delightful indulgence that's a world apart from store-bought mixes. It's perfect for cozying up by the fireplace, a movie night, or simply to treat yourself on a chilly day. Enjoy the creamy richness and the satisfaction of knowing you've created a comforting classic from scratch.
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refrigafreighters · 1 year
6 Food Guidelines For Breastfeeding Mothers
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As you embark on this lovely trip of parenthood, it is actually essential to nourish your body system with the appropriate meals to sustain both your welfare and your baby's development. Breastfeeding demands additional energy and specific nutrients, and also helping make prudent meals options can easily create a notable distinction in your overall wellness as well as the high quality of your bust milk. Within this write-up, our team'll explore 6 necessary meals recommendations that are going to aid you remain healthy and balanced and guarantee your baby obtains the best nutrition throughout this priceless stage.
1. Keep Hydrated with Water and also Herbal Teas
Hydration is actually critical for all individuals, yet it ends up being a lot more essential for breastfeeding mommies. Bosom milk manufacturing relies upon an appropriate intake of fluids. Goal to consume alcohol at the very least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to maintain suitable hydration. Furthermore, plant based teas like fennel, chamomile, as well as fenugreek may be beneficial, not only for moisture yet also for promoting healthy lactation.
2. Embrace Nutrient-Dense Foods
To give your body with the necessary nutrients, concentrate on taking in nutrient-dense foods. Include a wide array of fruits, vegetables, entire grains, slim healthy proteins, and well-balanced fats in your diet regimen. Foods flavorful in omega-3 fatty acids, including salmon, chia seeds, as well as walnuts, are actually specifically valuable for human brain development in breastfeeding babies. There are actually several inquiries about can you eat spicy food while breastfeeding, it is actually important to bring in enlightened options.
3. Do Not Skip Breakfast
As a busy mother, it's effortless to disregard breakfast, yet starting your day with a nourishing food is vital. A healthy and balanced breakfast kickstarts your metabolic process and offers you with the power needed to maintain your child throughout the day. Opt for a balanced meal, such as whole-grain salute with avocado and eggs, or even a fruit product and natural yogurt smoothie mix.
4. Restriction High Levels Of Caffeine and Spicy Foods
While it is actually risk-free to consume intermediate quantities of coffee throughout breastfeeding, extreme intake can easily result in irritation as well as rest disorders in both you and also your infant. Spicy foods items may additionally induce digestive system issues for some little ones. Be mindful of your high levels of caffeine consumption as well as look at steering clear of highly spiced meals if you see any sort of damaging results on your baby.
5. Treat Wisely
Recurring snacking may be a lifesaver for breastfeeding mothers who demand additional calories. Be mindful of your snack choices. Go for healthy and balanced possibilities such as almonds, seeds, new fruit products, as well as yogurt. These snack foods provide important nutrients as well as aid keep your energy degrees steady throughout the time.
6. Take into consideration Galactagogues
Galactagogues are actually substances that advertise lactation. Including specific foods like oatmeals, fenugreek, as well as maker's fungus in your diet might aid boost milk manufacturing. Talk to a health care professional before incorporating galactagogues in to your diet regimen, especially if you possess any kind of actual health disorders.
Being actually a breastfeeding mama is a gratifying knowledge, but it additionally comes with tasks, featuring caring for your very own health. By complying with these 6 food ideas for breastfeeding mamas, you can easily guarantee that you as well as your baby are acquiring the necessary nutrients demanded during the course of this unique stage. Don't forget to keep hydrated, decide on nutrient-dense foods, and also welcome a well balanced diet plan to sustain your general health as well as your little one's growth.
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