#best Jordan 4 reps
cameroneartha · 2 years
The popularity of the Jordan 4 series makes genuine Jordan 4 reps sneakers Jordan 4s expensive. It is therefore recommended that you purchase Jordan 4 replicas. On this page, Jordan 4 reps you can find the entire collection of fake Jordan 4s offered by best Jordan 4 reps Jordan Reps. These sneakers Jordan 4 sneakers are PK God Sneakers.
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bajoop-sheeb · 1 year
*banging two pans together, screeching at the top of my lungs*
and I’ve seen a lot of gay tv shows. seriously, 4/5 of the main characters are explicitly confirmed as queer so far, and only 4 episodes are out. But the coolest thing by far has been the portrayal of Jordan Li, a bi-gender shapeshifter. I love that their powers didn’t make them genderqueer—their powers merely reinforced their identity. WNODIBEVJBXBSHX
At this point I’m eating the drywall
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I literally have not seen a character with they/them pronouns in a show with this much money behind it before. I literally have not heard the phrase “pronoun fuckery” spoken in any show before, periodt
And best of all, the characters’ identities aren’t the sum total of their stories; their queerness is treated as matter-of-fact even if other people around them are occasionally assholes about it. I certainly wasn’t expecting such good rep from The Boys, but after seeing the original show I realize that perhaps I should’ve known better
Anyway, WATCH IT. Not a request :)
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karinyosa · 11 months
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from @villageauntie on instagram: “was asked to share ideas of what people who are unable to attend physical gatherings can do to support. these are some of the things i came up with. please feel free to add more in the comments.
yes, i am purposefully leaving out certain words and flags so this post can stay in the feed. but you know who and what this post is for”
id under the cut.
image 1 ID: white title text against a dark gray background that says "nine things you can do" with the subtitle "i was asked to compile a list of suggested activities for those who are unable to attend protests or who are not active on social media. these are from my own experience and those taken from history. i invite you to explore additional ways to support and share them in the comments".
image 2 ID: title says "pray tahajjud". subtitle says "wake in the last third of the night and pray. pray without ceasing. pray like you mean it. prayer is not the least we can do, it is the best we can do. know that your prayers reach. so reach inside and use your limbs and your tongue to supplicate to the one from whom all mercy descends. pray. pray. pray".
image 3 ID: title says "provide childcare". subtitle says "many who are active in the struggle are also parenting young children. offer to watch the babies so that both physical and digital organizing can take place. you can offer to watch children in your home, at the community center, a house of worship, or even outside. just offer it and make it free".
image 4 ID: title says "get educated". subtitle says "read books on palestine, on sudan, on the struggles of oppressed people worldwide. study anti-colonial thought. watch documentaries. study about makandal. read june jordan, kwame ture, amilcar cabral, james baldwin, toni morrison, marc lamont hill, and others. read more, scroll less (unless you are scrolling to get informed). read, digest, reflect".
image 5 ID: title says "educate others". subtitle says "organize a study circle. talk to your friends. interrupt falsehood with fact. have meaningful conversations with coworkers. ask questions, listen more. use what you have read to empower your family. read to their children. answer their questions. use your voice to help others to know and never forget".
image 6 ID: title says "prepare meals". subtitle says "make food. buy food from a local restaurant that is trustworthy. buy fruit. take it to your neighbors, to the masjid, to those who are or will be actively protesting. feed the people because nourishment is important and food is a way to show love and support".
image 7 ID: title says "organize fundraisers". subtitle says "if you have something you can make/sell, use it for a fundraiser. food, quilts, artwork, services, whatever. sell it and donate it to reputable charities providing support. something is better than nothing. no amount raised is too small". as an addition from me, i've also seen people do free art for people willing to commit to calling their reps every day. and for places to donate, i've seen lots of people talking about humanitarian organizations, but two more that i'd like to suggest are the palestinian social fund (palestiniansocialfund.com, their about says "The path to liberation requires material support that is directed toward self-sustainability. The Palestinian Social Fund raises unconditional funding for cooperative farms in Palestine through grassroots efforts. These farms are started by youth who are returning to the land to reclaim food sovereignty and control their own destiny.") and palestine action (palestineaction.org), who participate in direct action activism against weapons trading with israel, mainly focusing on the company elbit.
image 8 ID: title says "engage in arts activism". subtitle says "write poems. paint, sew, sing, dance, create. the artists are desperately needed. make work that amplifies the moment and educates. pour your heart into your craft with the intention to help. art can do what other activism cannot. say it with your craft".
image 9 ID: title says "participate in digital organizing". subtitle says "use your devices as organizing tools. set up a weekly zoom. invite speakers to engage and educate. engage in digital campaigns and letter writing. harness the power of technology for the greater good".
image 10 ID: title says "write letters/essays". subtitle says "write to your elected officials. flood their interns with letters and calls. write essays and post them to your substack/medium/local paper. people are looking to be informed. add your voice through the written word. people will read".
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grumpycakes · 1 year
DAY 4 • October 20, 2023 • Third Vote, bye bye Jordan
< Previous (Day 3 Oops No Vote)
So for some reason they planned this vote at 10am (cause they hate the west coasters??? Oh. Oh wait yeah, they probably wanted to make it more inconvenient so people want to get it done.)
Also C-Span hecked up??? And didn’t come on till a bit into ten and while the ALTERNATE CHAPLIN WAS ALREADY PRAYING.
This guy is NOT NICE CHILL LADY CHAPLIN. He sounds chill, but he said shit about "We need more of you (God)," and "[Lord] Lead us in your will." which again AGAIN. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. AT LEAST nice Lady Chaplin asks god to lead us for what is best for the people. WHERE IS OUR NICE LADY CHAPLIN.
They do the pledge and then do their "Call of the House" (head count buzz in to make sure they have a Quorum/majority of the reps). This also serves to find out what the total number is to base the needed votes for a majority. This is why they let the timer lapse around as long as it was going, to make sure they have all the votes possible for better chances at getting majority.
C-Span actually had journalist/reporters going today??? Which they hadn't all week. But good info was had that I'll add in the takeaways. Made me jump tho during roll call rofl.
We hear that one Republican is out on a """Fact Finding Mission to Israel""" and he is one that votes Jordan so, not great for that. Apparently NORMALLY there are 435 seats for a majority of 218 votes needed, but there's been 2 vacancies so that's why it's been 433. 2 Democrat Representatives are out (V. Gonzales and Payne, no word why but not really an issue). Roll ends with 427 Present (Which would mean 214 to have a majortiy but by final vote it was 429 votes, so really only 4 ppl MIA instead of 6 and 215 needed)
lolol So McCarthy gave this nomination speech for Jordan and like, I know they don't hate each other but I hope that hurt.
Says, contrary to Dem talking points, Jordoran is an effective legislator (WHICH GETS FUCKING LAUGHTER, AMAZING)
Continues that the Speakership is about compromise and working long hours to get it done (implying Jordan can and has done these things) GETTING MORE LAUGHTER AND CHATTER and McHenry even fucking calls us to order about it lol
"Democrats are attacking Jim" because they don't want secure borders (my dude it is YOUR PARTY not electing him)
Called Jordan selfless (DOUBTFUL)
Quotes people who worked with or under him (stupid and ofc only the good ones)
Goes into an example of Jordan and like, man I hate the way McCarthy speaks/tells stories/way he talks. Grates on my nerves
We've got a job to do (yeah, yet you seem incapable so far)
Does more Jabs at democrats cuase he's exhausting and desperate to blame anyone but his party
BLessedly not the longest but still annoying
Clark, Rep of Massachussets is here to give us a speech (OOOooo she's new to me)
Blah blah 212 consistently, we rock and are united
Republicans are disconnected from the people
Pointed out Jordan voted against healthcare for Mothers, chlidren, elderly and Veterans (haha which got angry dissent noises, sucks to suck)
Also notes he voted against lowering the cost of insulin multiple times
That he's a reproductive healthcare extremist
Reminds us Jordan's an election denier, misinformation spreader, and a threat to our democracy
American people want us to work for them and re-open the house, but the republicans keep fighting each other instead
blissfully short and with a good pace and snappy delivery, I like you Clark
The fucking dems started chanting Jeffries name again and this time McHenry tried to gavel them back to order but tHEY STARTED CHANTING LOUDER FASTER TILL THEY DEVOLVED INTO CHEERING. and Honestly, go off since you have to keep coming back to this bs
VOTING COMMENCES 429 Present • 215 To win •
Jordan can only lose 3 votes
NOTABLE VOTES (key: *change in voing, + same as last vote)
Bacon - McHenry * (Voted for McCarthy last vote, AND WE'RE OFF)
Bilirakis - Jordan +
Bost - MIA/Votes Jordan on recall
Buchannon - Donalds + (-2 votes)
Buck - Emmer + (-3 Jordan can't lose any more votes)
Chavez-DeRemer - McHenry* (-4 murmuring from crowd cause Jordan has lost)
Cohen - "For the 18th time Jeffries" (gets laughter about it)
Conolly - Did his long sentence for Jeffries
D'Esposito - Zelden + (someone tried to clap about it rofl)
Diaz-Balart - Scalise +
Elllsey - Mike Garcia +
Ferguson - Scalise +
Fitzpatrick - McHenry* (NEW DEFECTOR WEE WOO WEE WOO)
Fox - MIA/Votes for Jordan on recall
Garbarino - Zelden +
Gimenez -McCarthy + (loll one of the few that doesn't switch to McHenry)
Gonzales (T) - McCarthy +
Gonzales (V) - MIA/does not vote on recall
Granger - Scalise +
Hunt - MIA/does not vote on recall
Isa - Votes for Jordan but is standing in the democrat side, so the house is temporarily confused at a vote for jordan coming from there, laughter ensues)
James - Donalds* (Voted for Candace Miller of MI last time)
Hearty cheers when Jeffries votes for himself, lack luster cheers and polite clapping when Jordan votes for himself
Kelly PA - Scalise* (Oh we decided against Boehner this time???)
Kiggans - McHenry* (haha i'm loving all these people dropping McCarthy for his bud)
Kilde - gets claps for voting Jeffries, unsure why
LaLota - Zelden +
LaMalfa - Jordan + (sticking to it)
Lawler - McHenry* (voted for Granger last time)
MccCarthy - Jordan (gets none attention haha)
Miller-Meeks - McHenry* (Voted Granger last time)
Molinaro - Zelden* (NEW DEFECTOR WEE W-)
Payne - MIA/does not vote on recall
Pelosi gets claps for voting but they're not crazy
Rutherford - Scalise +
Scalise - Jordan +
Spartz - Jordan +
Stauber - Westerman +
VanOrden - MIA/Does not vote on recall (out)
Vargas - yells Jeffries and gets laughter for it
Womack - Scalise +
Recall happens and McHenry does the normal, talk to vote talliers if you missed voting or need to change ur vote.
429 Voted • 215 to win
Jordan - 194 votes (HE LOST 3 MORE PEOPLE)
Jeffries - 210 votes (2 dems missing)
Scalise - 8 votes
McHenry - 6 votes (McHenry laughs as he gets cheers for it and does gently call for order)
Zelden - 4
Donalds - 2 votes
McCarthy - 2 votes
Emmer - 1 vote
Garcia (M) - 1 vote
Westerman - 1 vote
NO MAJORITY, NO SPEAKER CHOSEN McHenry immediately calls recess
The thursday closed meeting was 4 HOURS and Jordan had a SECONDARY MEETING with the holdouts for 2 MORE HOURS after that. DURING that meeting Jordan was REPORTEDLY told "He'd never be speaker."
Spartz had said that she'd back Jordan one more time, but if he lost again she would vote for someone else.
Jordan supporters said something to the effect of, It's not Jordan's fault Republicans who don't vote for him are getting death threats, it's their fault for not voting for Jordan. (AND LIKE HELLO???) Another Republican lady was like, I get death threats all the time, and I'm sorry for them but suck it up, so .. a lot of sypmathy.
Gaetz and the other 8 repubs that voted to ouster McCarthy (sealing his fates as none of the dems would vote for him) have come forwar offering themselves if that's what it takes to get Jordan nominated. Offering that they'd take sanctions and removal from the conference (basically getting kicked out of the party though they're saying they'd still be repubs??? and it would kick them off of their committee seats... so could we do it anyway??? llol). Gaetz says that he thinks this BS is actually GOOD GOVERNING (sure Jan) and tHEN ASKS, What else do they want, except a pound of our flesh?" (Which like... they want NOT FUCKING J JORDAN AS THE SPEAKER)
Jeffries did a Press conference and offers bipartisan stuff but like, man am I sicsik of that being kinda empty cause the Repubs will never and the Dems wont sacrifice human rights, so it's a moot point.
A lot of Republicans were defending this BS by pointing out how may times McCarthy had to run the vote but like THAT WAS ALSO BAD AND A SHIT SHOW
It was PROJECTED that Jordan would lose 5-8, 10max, voters, he only lost three but still
Brian Tyler Cohen made a interesting correlation of Jordan being an election denier making sense as he was refusing to accept his losses.
The Republicans held another closed door meeting (THEY'VE BEEN CALLING THEM ""FAMILY MEETINGS"") where they held an anonymous vote as to whether or not Jordan should continue as the nominee. HE FUCKING LOST in his OWN PARTY'S MEETING.
HE HAS removed himself as a nominee. We are back to square one.
McHenry announced that they were taking a 72/weekend break and would be back on monday to do a candidate forum (to some dissent, and many lawmakers just WANT THIS DONE WITH)
The repubs that have offered themselves as tribute
(With the assumption that they are boilerplate Repubs. over LGBTQ+, Abortion, Taxes, Immigration, etc etc. *Election denier means they have made statements, did not support the ratifying of the electoral college votes, voted against impeachment and investigations.)
Tom Emmer - not an election denier at minimum, current GOP Whip (assistant leader)
Kevin Hern - Already tried before Scalise got nominated and dropped out (election denier)
Austin Scott - Was close to Jordan in numbers for the repub speaker nominee (didn't argue electoral college shit and has said USA voting is solid, but didn't go after Jan 6/trump)
Byron Donalds - the dude the Fuckaround 8 kiiinda backed against McCarthy in JAN. (election denier)
Jack Bergman - apparently wanted to challenge Jordan but didn't, JUMPED when jordan was out (election denier)
Jodey Arrington - only said he was considering, but apparently others have brought him up as an option (election denier)
Mike Johnson - has been calling around to see if ppl support him as speaker (election denier)
Pete Sessions - ALSO jumped when jordan was out (election denier)
So ends our sordid tale of Jim Jordan. May he feel stupid about this for the rest of time.
No Republican speaker is going to be good but jfc can we not have literal government destroyers????
I guess the pass on the budget was for 45 days, we have spent 18 (to be 20) of them on this bs.
SHOULD I KEEP NAMING THESE VOTE 2, DISASTER BOOGALOO since it is still technically the 2nd speaker vote of this congress, or should I name it something else now that Jordan is out?
Next (Starting Over) >
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stevenobrion · 1 year
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millylouedward · 10 months
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date - Book Review
In the famous words of Ruby Sutherland, "Read queer all year."
I am gay. So is this book. We are a match made in heaven.
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date has two main lovers, obviously, and then a circus of side characters who aren't really relevant to the romance at all. And that's fine. It's like when you're a little kid in church and you have a crush on the girl in choir. There's a whole bunch of people singing, but to you, it's only you and her. I swear I'm not speaking from experience (but I will save my religious trauma for another day).
Last year, I went into my first day at a new job. They took me into a room to do fingerprinting because this was an office that required security clearance. I was already riddled with anxiety but ya girl was pushing through. I'd made it all the way to 11 AM. I was on a damn roll. And then, the fingerprinting scanner wouldn't accept my fingerprints.
I kept trying the three fingers that wouldn't take over and over again. I began to think, what if I'm stuck here forever? What if I won't be able to keep this job? What if I died and I'm in hell and this is literally hell? Next thing I know, my heart is racing. My vision is getting blurry. I'm sweating like a possum in headlights. I puke into the nearest trash can, in front of my new boss.
Suffice to say, this was the worst panic attack I'd ever experienced. So when Stevie practically puked all over Iris, I was like, damn, she's so me.
I love the GAD rep in this book. Anxious girlies unite! And what's crazy about that first big panic attack that we see Stevie go through, is that it feels so real. I didn't notice we were even heading in that direction until it happened. That's exactly what anxiety is like for me. I don't notice my frantic thoughts or my racing heart until my body warms and I feel the vomit coming up my throat. The author has such a strong grasp on what it's like to have a panic attack that I almost had to wonder if she got inspiration from me (she didn't).
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Let's talk about the spice. And no, I don't mean nutmeg. Iris Kelly Doesn't Date is sexy. Like blushing, covering my agape mouth, looking away from the screen sexy. I had to shield my screen from my cats for fear that their baby eyes would be exposed to such nasty smut, I mean that in the best way possible. I don't really read books for the smut though. It's fun and all, but I'm here for the romance damn it. I want to see this couple defy all odds to be together!
Ashley Herring Blake, I love you and your writing, but this book is too long, there are too many things happening, and there are too many characters. I get it, the fans want to see everyone from the previous books return. But I had a difficult time remembering who was who outside of the famed Delilah, Claire, Astrid, and Jordan. Everyone else was a blip to me. And between the play, the fake dating, the sex/romance lessons, the anxiety, the book writing, the New York, the Malibu trip and Adri stuff, there were just too many plots, none of which were fleshed out enough. Neither Stevie nor Iris really have the time to think and feel and take control over their stories because so much stuff is just happening to them. I like that in a YA adventure, but not so much in an adult romance. It was a lot to follow for me. I think if the author had cut some of these side plots down and fleshed out the others, it would've been a 5 star read for me. It's still 4 stars though!
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Folks, this concludes my Goodreads reading challenge. I cannot believe I made it all the way to 52 books this year. At some points during 2023, I really didn't think I would make it all the way. But here we are, 52 whole books. I'm not done yet, though! I want to finish the PJO series before the year is up and maybe get through Chalice of the Gods. I have a couple library books available now too but had to delay those so I could finish this one. Keep an eye out for my best books of 2023 list soon!
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missdailyer · 10 months
Best Reps Jordan 4 Sneakers for Boys
If you're on the lookout for a pair of shoes that combine comfort, style, and affordability, the journey begins with finding the right retailer. While it may seem like a simple task, the plethora of options available can make the process a bit overwhelming, especially if you have specific requirements. In this blog, we'll explore the world of Jordan 4 Military sneakers, delve into the realm of Jordan 4 Reps, and uncover why Jordanreps stands out as the best replica website.
Street-Ready School Sneakers As the school year kicks off, finding the perfect pair of sneakers becomes a priority for students. The versatility and stylish appeal of the Jordan 4 Military make it an ideal choice for those looking to blend streetwear into their school wardrobe. The clean design and comfort make these sneakers suitable for long days on campus.
The Ultimate Boy's Gift: Jordan 4 Sneakers Whether it's a birthday, holiday, or a special occasion, gifting a pair of Jordan 4 sneakers is a surefire way to make any boy's day memorable. The iconic design, cultural significance, and streetwear appeal make these sneakers a standout gift choice for young sneaker enthusiasts.
How much Replica Air Jordan 4 sneakers cost?
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G5 Jordan 4 Retro Military Black, DH6927-111 $84
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【Merry Chrismas】 G5 PK Air Jordan 4 Retro Canyon Purple (Women's), AQ9129-500 $46.9
Whether you're embracing streetwear culture, looking for school sneakers, or searching for the perfect boy's gift, the right pair of Jordan 4 sneakers can elevate your style game without breaking the bank. Choose wisely, stay stylish, and step confidently into the world of iconic sneakers. Jordanreps stands out as the best replica website.
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gelucas206 · 10 months
AJ4 Retro Midnight Navy_Affordable and Elegant
In the dynamic world of fashion and footwear, sneakerheads are always on the lookout for the latest styles that blend iconic design with affordability. The Jordan 4 Retro Midnight Navy is one of those gems that has captured the hearts of sneakerheads around the world. Combining a classic aesthetic with affordable appeal, these sneakers have become a must-have for those looking for the perfect blend of style and cost-effectiveness.
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The Midnight Navy Jordan 4 Retro effortlessly blends a timeless silhouette with a rich color palette, making it a great choice for sneakerheads. The deep navy hue, complemented by a subtle pop of white, creates an understated yet striking look that easily pairs with a variety of outfits. Whether you pair them with casual streetwear or create a casual ensemble, these sneakers will add a touch of elegance to your wardrobe.
Affordability is a key differentiator for the Jordan 4 Retro Midnight Navy. In a market where exclusive releases tend to be pricey, these sneakers offer a refreshing alternative. Sneakerheads no longer have to spend a fortune to own a stylish pair; the Midnight Navy Jordan 4 Retro proves that fashion-forward footwear is affordable for everyone.
One of the standout features of these affordable sneakers is the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into each pair. From the premium materials used in construction to the attention to detail in the iconic Jordan 4 design, every aspect reflects this commitment to quality. Even though these sneakers are affordable, they don't sacrifice the durability and comfort that sneakerheads demand.
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The Midnight Navy Jordan 4 Retro pays homage to Jordan Brand’s rich heritage while introducing a modern twist. The unmistakable Jumpman logo, coupled with classic wing accents, adds an authentic touch that will resonate with fans of the iconic sneaker line. The fusion of traditional and modern design makes the Midnight Navy Jordan 4 Retro a versatile choice for sneakerheads of all ages.
The popularity of these sneakers transcended the confines of traditional sneaker culture. Celebrities and influencers alike have been spotted wearing the Midnight Navy Jordan 4 Retro, further fueling the buzz around this affordable and stylish footwear option. The design's versatility allows it to blend seamlessly into a variety of fashion aesthetics, making it a wardrobe staple for those who appreciate style and substance.
For seasoned collectors who are new to the sneaker world or looking to expand their collection, the Midnight Navy Jordan 4 Retro provides an excellent entry point. Its iconic design, affordable price, and broad appeal combine to make it a standout choice in the competitive sneaker space.
All in all, the Midnight Navy Jordan 4 Retro is proof of the ever-evolving landscape of affordable and stylish sneakers. These sneakers shatter the notion that high-quality footwear is expensive, offering the perfect blend of design, durability and affordability. As the sneaker world continues to embrace diverse styles, the Midnight Navy Jordan 4 Retro has become a symbol of approachable elegance, making it a must-have for fashionistas who want style without compromising their budget.Repsshoes is one of the best rep websites online where you can get Christmas discounts. ​
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Opinion | The House GOP’s sham hearings are fizzling before they even begin
The GOP’s conspiracy theories and unhinged accusations work best when Republicans are in the minority, when they can throw out half-baked accusations and make leaps of logic with little consequence.
When they are in the majority, however, they must show their cards about supposed Democratic scandals. And that is already proving to be a problem for right-wing performance politicians for four reasons.
First, most voters don’t want lawmakers to spend time spinning scandals. A recent CNN poll found that 67% of voters (including 74% of independents) don’t like the way Republicans are handling their job. 73% (including 48% of Republicans and 76% of independents) say Republicans aren’t paying enough attention to the country’s real issues. Likewise, a CBS poll earlier this month found that less than one-third of Americans want Republicans to spend time investigating President Biden. Every hearing that Republicans devote to distractions highlights their failure to tackle real issues.
Second, it is hard for Republicans to explain to an audience not already steeped in right-wing conspiracy theories what the heck they are talking about. At least the Benghazi matter and the bollixed Fast and Furious program were events worthy of oversight. The cockamamie Hunter Biden “scandal,” by contrast, is a mix of convoluted, illogical accusations, as former FBI special agent Asha Rangappa explains in a Substack post.
In an actual hearing, unlike an interview with a captive right-wing media host, one has to explain the alleged scandal in a way that is comprehensible to those who haven’t spent hours soaking up bogus talking points. Democratic committee members will be able to channel what average voters are thinking: “What in the world are you talking about?”
Third, Republicans have a problem with evidence — or the lack thereof. The administration has already told Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the Oversight Committee, that it would not provide documents from the ongoing investigation of classified materials found at Biden’s home and office. Likewise, the Justice Department told Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who is leading the House Judiciary Committee, that it would follow long-standing practice and not turn over information about ongoing criminal probes. So what now?
Republicans can grouse all they like and even send subpoenas, but they will have difficulty getting their slim House majority to find any Biden official in contempt of Congress. Beyond holding a hearing complaining about not being allowed to muck around in pending criminal cases, there is not much Republicans can do.
Moreover, in a revealing interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Jordan couldn’t exactly explain how Democrats have “weaponized” the federal government. Consider this exchange about Jordan’s claim that the FBI has “targeted” parents:
NBC News host Chuck Todd: Well, I want to unpack a little bit. You talk about the FBI abusing powers when it comes to parents and school boards. School board members were getting death threats. These weren’t idle things. These weren’t parents just yelling and screaming. These were actual —
Jordan: Do you know how many parents —
Todd: — death threats to elected officials. And the FBI got a tip. Should they not look into a death threat when an elected official gets a death threat?
Jordan: School board writes a letter on September 29th, five days later, the Attorney General of the United States issues a memorandum to 101 U.S. attorneys offices around the country saying, “Set up this line that they can report on.” Sixteen days later, Chuck, the FBI sends out an email to agents all across the country saying, “Put this designation on parents. Report it on the snitch line that the attorney general set up.” So all that happens. Think about it, Sept. 29, Oct. 4, Oct. 20. That all happens in 22 days. When have you ever seen the federal government move that fast?
Todd: There were actual death threats. Congressman, literally —
Jordan: I understand.
Todd: — this is —
Jordan: Chuck, but let me just finish this. Twenty-five parents get reported on that snitch line. They all get investigated. FBI shows up to their door and guess how many have been charged. How many have been charged? Zero.
Todd: Then the FBI did its job.
Jordan: Zero.
Todd: Did the FBI not do its job?
As Todd pointed out, it’s not much of a scandal for the FBI to investigate tips and not arrest anyone. Even worse for Republicans, the videos of MAGA true-believers threatening public officials are a vivid demonstration of how conspiracy theories can whip up violent rhetoric. Democrats should be happy to discuss the subject.
Fourth, there are rakes aplenty for Republicans to step on. Each time a Republican screams that the government has been “weaponized,” Democrats should be prepared to go through the litany of real GOP abuses and outrages while in power: the failure to audit Trump’s taxes, the Justice Department’s pointless John Durham investigations, GOP governors transporting of unwary asylum seekers out of state and the abusive arrests of African American voters in Florida, to name a few. Simply because these issues are not the majority’s designated topics does not prevent Democrats from talking about them in hearings.
It seems Republicans imagine their hearings will be some sort of payback for the revealing, substantive and gripping investigation conducted by the House Jan. 6 Committee. But a major reason those hearings were so effective was the personnel. There were no disruptive Republicans on the panel, and there were plenty of whip-smart Democrats. Those same Democrats will be present on Republican-led committees. Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (Md.), for example, will be the ranking member on Comer’s Oversight Committee. Even the Democrats’ far-left flank should prove useful. Whatever one thinks of her politics, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), the No. 2 Democrat on the panel, has ably demonstrated her proficiency in hearings.
In addition, Democrats have set up a rapid response group, the Congressional Integrity Project, to fire back at Republicans. The group will point out which Republican officials participated in the 2020 coup attempt and which refused to testify before the Jan. 6 hearing. Knowing the media will likely give equal time to critics of the hearings, Democrats might receive plenty of oxygen to air Republicans’ dirty laundry.
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waynerussel · 1 year
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cameroneartha · 2 years
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pkstockxnet · 10 days
Jordan 4 reps from pk stockx win by being cheap and high quality,and pk god batch air jordan 4 fake are best in all fields of jorfdan 4 replicas.
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gelucas206 · 10 months
The LJR Air Jordan 4 Retro Lightning - A RepsShoes Marvel for a Stylish Christmas
As the yuletide season draws near, sneaker enthusiasts are on the hunt for the perfect fusion of style and exclusivity to elevate their holiday fashion game. The LJR Air Jordan 4 Retro Lightning emerges as a distinctive choice, seamlessly blending the iconic Jordan 4 silhouette with a striking lightning-inspired design. In this article, we explore the unique features of these sneakers and guide you on where to buy them, making it a RepsShoes marvel for a truly stylish Christmas.
Electrifying Aesthetics: The LJR Air Jordan 4 Retro Lightning captivates sneaker aficionados with its electrifying aesthetics. The bold yellow and black colorway, reminiscent of lightning bolts, adds a dynamic and energetic vibe to the classic Jordan 4 silhouette. This eye-catching design makes the Lightning edition a must-have for those seeking a sneaker that stands out during the festive season.
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Replicate Excellence: Repsshoes have become synonymous with replicating iconic designs with exceptional attention to detail. The LJR Air Jordan 4 Retro Lightning is a prime example of this replication excellence, capturing the essence of the original release. For sneaker enthusiasts who value craftsmanship and authenticity, Repsshoes offer an opportunity to own coveted designs without the premium price tag.
Sneaker Culture Celebration: Sneakers have evolved into a cultural phenomenon, representing more than just footwear. The LJR Air Jordan 4 Retro Lightning seamlessly aligns with sneaker culture, blending heritage with contemporary style. The lightning-inspired design, coupled with the classic Jumpman logo, makes these sneakers a symbol of celebration and individual expression, perfect for adding a touch of flair to your festive wardrobe.
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A Stylish Christmas Companion: The LJR Air Jordan 4 Retro Lightning isn't just a pair of sneakers; it's a stylish Christmas companion. The vibrant colorway and unique design make it an ideal choice for holiday festivities. Whether you're attending Christmas parties, family gatherings, or enjoying a festive night out, these sneakers effortlessly elevate your style and make a bold statement during the holiday season.
Where to Buy Rep Shoes Websites: For those eager to get their hands on the LJR Air Jordan 4 Retro Lightning and other Repsshoes, there are several reputable websites specializing in replica sneakers. One such option is "Repsshoes," a trusted online platform known for its extensive selection of high-quality replica sneakers. Reps Shoes is the best repsneakers website to buy Mango reps, LJR reps and PK reps, which are the replica sneakers by 1:1 with top quality and lower price, they are the most popular brand by sneakerhead.
Conclusion: In the realm of Repsshoes and sneaker culture, the LJR Air Jordan 4 Retro Lightning emerges as a vibrant and stylish choice for a festive Christmas. Its electrifying design, coupled with the rich heritage of the Jordan 4 silhouette, makes it a standout addition to any sneaker collection. As you gear up for the holiday season, consider adding the LJR Air Jordan 4 Retro Lightning to your wishlist, and explore reputable rep shoes websites to make this stylish Christmas companion yours.
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woodardwen · 2 months
monica sneakers
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ralphwoon · 2 months
jordan 4 reps
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cameroneartha · 2 years
With a steady jumper at the buzzer, best Jordan 4 reps Jordan helped the Chicago Bulls defeat the Jordan 4 reps Cleveland Cavaliers with 44 points. Back then, Jordan 4 reps sneakers the Air Jordan 4 black and red was worn under the feet, and its iconic last shot is still talked about today! At Jordanreps, Jordan 4 sneakers you can find an extensive collection of fake jordan 4. The sneakers are PK God Sneakers.
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