#best $30 on ebay i ever spent
jackmkelly · 1 year
hello tumblr my new pride and joy just came in the mail
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lacomandante · 2 years
         I’ve been working on a really big gift for Assumpta that I plan on giving her when I see her, and that’s a USB with almost all of her films and shows from the start of her career to 1995. I’ve spent the last six years hunting down and finding everything that I could of hers, and have probably spent hundreds of dollars collecting rare and out of print DVDs. (Rossini! Rossini! is my crown jewel; that alone was $80. The last copy I saw was from 3 years ago, and was listed at $400- you can’t find it anywhere now). Surprisingly, I’ve found a big chunk of her obscure works on a Russian video website. Not entirely sure why but I’m not complaining whatsoever.
        In general I just like her stuff. Initially it started because I was looking to make edits and take screenshots for icons to use for rping Teresa. And it was incredibly difficult to track down her works. It STILL is sometimes. Her stuff from 1979-1995 is notoriously hard to find, and it really comes down to her works being foreign films and in a time period where things weren’t preserved well. Some films or shows I still haven’t found and likely never will. I search every foreign version of websites like ebay and amazon, or use their countries equivalent. i’ve visited so many shady websites and had to use vpn’s to even look stuff up. I couldn’t believe it when I found Adelaide on Vimeo, as only VHS or Betamax (who tf has a betamax machine anymore?) copies existed, often for $100+. I sent it to her and she was SO excited- she hadn’t seen that film in 30 years, since the premiere in 1991. And I decided I had to find all her works that I could if only to let her watch her own stuff again.
       It made me sad to think so much of her works are inaccessible due to the time in which they were filmed and copies not being preserved that even SHE hasn’t seen many of them. Nowadays you can find quite a few on Amazon Spain (which ofc I can’t access) and some are even being made into Blurays! It’s great progress. But media preservation and access to stuff like this is important to me in general. I got to speak with John Tams, who played Hagman and was one of the co-composers of the Sharpe series, about the music in the films that weren’t included on the official CD. He told me that because of the technology at the time, going from analogue to digital meant that archiving was barely possible or desired because of the amount of space it would take. Those songs now only exist in the films- the rest are completely erased from history and quite frankly it’s devastating to think too hard about it.
        So out of my list, I’ve managed to find about 71 of about ~90 films and shows/episodes of hers. Some I don’t think I’ll ever find. I’m still figuring out the best way to download videos online but I’ve ripped almost all my DVD’s and Blurays of hers, but I still have a ways to go.
        This post was just supposed to be me bitching about how I managed to rip Company and Enemy, but not Rifles and Eagle lmfao. I got a little sidetracked. But yeah I’m worried bc the Sharpe Bluray’s were damn expensive and bc I watched those two films SO much the disc is...a little worn. But I don’t want to completely rebuy the collection so I’m gonna keep trying 😭😭😭
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Revenge bag my beloved
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I’m going to write this post in a modified style of those weird green text things. I t’s just a personal account of how I spent New Year’s Eve; I’m putting it behind a “keep reading” link so it’s easy to scroll by, jokes about Rob Beckett looking like a lesbian shall resume shortly.
Problem - It’s New Year’s Eve - A massive pandemic is skyrocketing in this area - Best friend of 15 years wants me to come see him - Best friend of 15 years has been pretending the pandemic is over and seeing lots of different people in the last few weeks - I say no to best friend of 15 years - Best friend of 15 years tells me I am being irrational and paranoid and “I guess this is just the end then” of me ever being part of a social community because if I won’t come out now then I won’t ever consider the pandemic to be over and I’ll just hide in my house forever - Best friend of 15 years calls me, this leads to large fight that takes place partly over messages and partly over the phone, we hang up and then we exchange more messages and then he calls me again and we argue some more and it feels rather like we’re teenagers instead of both in our 30s - I also don’t want to see family because I’ve been to some stores in the last few days and don’t want to put older family members at risk - I don’t want to leave my bedroom, partly because I just don’t feel like seeing my roommate and his girlfriend, partly because I don’t know where they’ve been either so even my whole house isn’t really COVID safe - I resign to spending the end of 2021 by myself feeling guilty about messing up a friendship while listening to roommates and neighbours have social celebrations that no one should be fucking having right now, partly because the pandemic isn’t going anywhere in 2022 so there’s nothing to celebrate, and partly because the pandemic hasn’t gone anywhere so people shouldn’t be gathering to celebrate - I don’t even want to drink alcohol because I’m too sad about all this to enjoy it and I’m not going to waste alcohol on a night I won’t enjoy
Solution - Order a bunch of sushi (be sure to tip well for anyone who delivers food on New Year’s Eve during a pandemic) - Retail therapy in the form of ordering several hacked Pokemon games on eBay, to add to the ones I ordered last week, because I first played Pokemon (Yellow version on a GameBoy Colour that I still own) in 1999, have played it off and on ever since then, and have never completed a Pokedex, but 2022 will be the year I finally do that since I have now ordered hacked versions of gen I, II, III, and IV games, with modifications to allow the user to catch every Pokemon without trading
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- Eat the sushi while re-watching Wynonna Earp, a very self-indulgently fun show with lots of really cool women who wear leather jackets and fight demons and sometimes kiss other women - Download the Britcom holiday programming episodes that have aired but that I’ve not yet seen (strikethrough = watched, bold = downloaded but not watched, I’m very organized), so those are all ready to enjoy in the new year
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- Listen to my Gaelic Christmas music playlist - Appreciate that there are nearly infinite reasons why I’m lucky to be ending this year in my situation and not in a worse one, and this internet community and its lovely people are among those many reasons, so thanks to everyone who made last year better and let’s see what we can do about enjoying 2022 together
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blazehedgehog · 4 years
Thoughts on Nintendo making the Super Mario 35 game and 3D All Stars limited physically and even digitally?
It’s legitimately surprising how blind Nintendo is certain things. And even if they aren’t blind, they’re... ignorant, in a sense? Frugal to a fault? They’re dumb. Amazingly dumb. Let’s go with that. That's a nice way to put it.
I tweeted that I’d recently finished replaying Super Mario Sunshine a year or two ago (it took me roughly four years!) and that I’d burned through the PC port of Super Mario 64 not that long ago over the course of a single weekend. And that, because of this, I found it hard to justify paying $60 for the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection.
I don’t want this to sound like “because I played them for free, I don’t want to buy them.” I already bought and paid for Super Mario Sunshine on the Gamecube, and I own at least two, maybe even three copies of Super Mario 64 (original cart, Wii VC, Wii U VC). That's because Super Mario 64 is also one of the most influential games of all time. I know I say that a lot, but I'll repeat it as many times as I need to. Any third person action game made in the last 25 years owes something to what Super Mario 64 figured out -- analog character movement, how to set up the camera, all of it. Even if Super Mario 64 didn’t invent everything about 3D character movement, it probably still figured out a better way to do it. All modern game design roads lead back to that game. I will absolutely buy another copy of Super Mario 64.
But you have to do it right.
If you aren’t matching or or exceeding the work that fans are doing for free, then you are asking me to pay money for a worse quality product.
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I can play Super Mario 64 at wide screen, in 4K, at 60fps, with modern camera controls, thanks to the PC port. It sounds cleaner, and it looks better than the N64 game did. Even if you subtract the recreated textures and the high-def models and just play the game with the original assets, it’s still running smoother and plays tighter, but still feels like Super Mario 64.
A case could be made that these enhancements to Super Mario 64 are pretty big and would require lots of new work and testing (as if Nintendo couldn’t just account for that). But, then, what about Super Mario Sunshine? Now, the All-Stars version has been updated to run in widescreen, sure, but even more could be done without messing anything up.
Super Mario Sunshine as it shipped on the Gamecube ran at 30fps, but that’s not always how the game was shown. For a large portion of its development, Super Mario Sunshine actually ran at 60fps. At some point, Nintendo decided to cap it at 30fps, likely because it couldn't maintain a stable 60. Using the emulator Dolphin, and the right Gameshark/Gecko code modifier, it’s possible to restore Sunshine’s original 60fps framerate.
All the game logic under the hood was probably always running at 60fps, it’s just they capped the rendering at 30 for the final game. And yet, the All-Stars version seemingly retains the 30fps cap, even though the Switch could probably do 60fps in this game with both joycons tied behind its back.
For a company that constantly oversteps their boundaries when it comes to fighting the threat of piracy, they sure seem to be making an excellent case for why people should pirate their games, because they’re lowballing things like this and expecting consumers to gobble it up. Thank you Mister Nintendo, sir, for this generous offering of reheated table scraps.
No other extras, no other bonuses. You get these three games and a soundtrack player. Development history? Alternate versions, like Super Mario 64 DS? What about archival material? Concept art, or anything like that? A lot of people are over the moon about Nintendo history right now thanks to the Gigaleak. No? You’re not going to provide anything interesting or cool? Just a bare bones collection of three games presented basically as-is? Not even Super Mario Galaxy 2? Can't be too generous, after all. It's only been 35 years, and Mario's just one of the biggest, most important franchises in all of gaming. Gotta save Galaxy 2 for the, uh... next 3D Mario collection...?
The whole release date thing is just the final slap in the face. It’s Nintendo creating their own artificial scarcity. This is something I’ve picked up on regarding t-shirts -- I run a Redbubble store with shirts I’ve done, and the sales have never been stellar. In four or five years, I’ve made something like $18. Total.
Why? Because they’re always available. The few times I’ve actually encouraged sales a little bit is when I suggested some shirts might be getting retired, eventually. And when you think about it, that’s the entire crux of something like The Yetee. Either you buy this shirt right now, right here, today, or it goes away and may never come back. Limited edition stuff boosts sales because it forces people to make a decision.
It also boosts a festering aftermarket, where, because people know this is a limited edition thing, they can effectively “buy stock” that will effectively collect interest over time. Buy them at $60 now, mark them up for $80, or $90, or $120+ in a year or three. But then all that does is create a scenario where legitimate customers aren’t going to be able to buy the product, because the people who flip these in the aftermarket will have spent $1500 hoping to make a return of $2500-$3000.
You saw this with Amiibo. You saw it with the NES Classic and SNES Classic. It is TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY and every store front worth a penny allows “third party sellers.” Everything is Ebay now. Wal-mart, Newegg, Best Buy, Amazon, Target, whatever. You name a major retail brand, and they probably let some random goober scalp aftermarket products out of their garage. In many states, scalping tickets is banned, but online this is just “business.” I’m sure Jeff Bezos is elated you spent $230 on a Squid Sisters Amiibo double pack (original MSRP: $30). You don’t get to be the richest man in the world by forcing your best moneymakers to play fair.
Nintendo has taken many notes. The bare minimum of effort, for full price, and “oh, gosh, you better buy it now! It might not ever come back! The faster you give us your money, the better!”
Go jump in a lake. I get better and more features in an emulator and I can play these games right now, today, if I really wanted to. If you aren’t going to offer competitive features and business, then our conversation is over.
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toku-fangirl-dolls · 3 years
Meet the dolls, part 2!
Find part one here.
Here are my Truly Me/GOTY/CYO dolls!
1. Sarah (custom #6)
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Sarah is one of the oldest dolls in my collection--she and Samantha were my only childhood dolls. I saved up my allowance money for a whole year in the late 90s, and my mom ordered her for me through the catalog—this was before there was a store or a website. Child me was very disappointed that I couldn’t just mail in a wad of cash with my order. 🤣 I changed her wig a few years back to be similar to her original style, minus bangs—I find the dolls’ hair easier to style without them.
2. Mary Kate (#21)
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She is my mini-me…and oddly enough, the only Truly Me in my collection that I haven’t customized in some way. I got her at the tail end of my childhood collecting phase. I dress her a lot in Maryellen's clothes, because they look super cute on her, or in clothes that I like to wear (my own style is much more casual--jeans and t-shirts).
3. Bree (custom #26)
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Bree is based on my childhood best friend. She lived right across the street from me, and we spent many summer days playing with our dolls together. She had Addy, and later added Josefina, but was frustrated that there was no character that looked like her (and that’s one of the main reasons why I get frustrated with AG’s continuing lack of diversity). When I set up my doll displays, I always like to have Bree and Mary Kate together.
4. Luciana
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Luciana was GOTY the year I turned 30, so my husband took us to lunch at American Girl Place and I bought Luciana and her space suit as my gift to myself. I still think her space suit is the coolest outfit AG has ever released. (And yes, my husband fully supports my doll collecting hobby—he collects action figures, so our house has a lot of room dedicated to display space).
5. Grace
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I got Grace the first year I went to the AG Benefit Sale in Madison. She was honestly a bit of an impulse purchase--my favorite part of the benefit sale is the vendors' area, where they have crafters selling handmade doll clothes and accessories.
6. Claudia (custom #45)
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Claudia was an eBay purchase, one that I was a bit surprised to win. At first I wasn't sure what to do with her, and then I saw this purple wig and fell in love. She is named after Claudia Kishi from The Baby-Sitters Club, which was the book series that defined my childhood even more than American Girl did. She's the doll that I have the most fun dressing, because Claudia's fashion style in the books can charitably be described as "this shouldn't work but it somehow does." So I love mixing and matching different pieces of outfits together for her. I haven't really made detailed backstories for any of my dolls, but I imagine Claudia as her character from the books, only transplanted to the Dolly-verse. And instead of an older sister, who she fights with all the time, she is very close to her twin brother...
7. Eiji
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Eiji is also a re-wigged #45. His name is pronounced "Ay-Gee," which is fitting, and he also shares a name with the main character from one of my favorite TV shows. Unlike Claudia, my Eiji is not the same character (it would be mean to have him without his partner, Ankh). His shirt is from Courtney's collection, and his vest and bow tie are from the Our Generation movie theater set (I can't remember if it came with the theater itself or the snack accessory pack). He's got a summer job at the movie theater, which he enjoys even though it involves a lot of sweeping!
8. Nick (custom Nicki)
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Nick was a Goodwill find. I gave him a new wig because at the time I didn't have any other boy dolls, and I thought it would be neat to have one.
9. Emiko (CYO)
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Emiko was a CYO doll that I bought last year from the benefit sale, so she wasn't my own custom design. The benefit sale dolls are all overstock/returns, and I suspect she was returned because of her wig (there's a weft right in front that likes to fall in front of her eyes). I had an idea to turn her into a custom Sabine Wren from Star Wars: Rebels, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I have eyes that I think would be perfect, but I need to figure out what to do for her hair (nobody makes bob-length orange and purple doll wigs? Why?) For now, she is dressing up in a dress that I made to use up my last little bit of the gorgeous stained glass fabric from Beauty and the Beast.
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lissysagdollhouse · 4 years
The Saga of the Three Samanthas (long post)
The 1st Samantha (no pics in this section, sorry)
My first ever doll when I was 10 was a Samantha purchased at the American Girl Place NYC. I grew up very poor, even though we lived only a few hours from the city by train going there was a major event and It was quite the undertaking by my mother to make it happen. She took me and my best friend, and let me pick out any doll. I can't say how I chose Samantha. I was overwhelmed with the choices, I had read all the books and every doll in the collection had at one point or another been my must have, but honestly I never thought I'd get one at all. Anyway I chose Samantha, for whatever reason it was love at first sight. I was ecstatic, and I made her walk on the streets of NY in her little rubber shoes, I'll always remember that moment. It was the kind of wonderful moment I didn't have a lot in my childhood. I wish I had a picture of 1st Samantha. She was my cherished friend but life changes. Fast forward several years and I've gotten a scholarship to a 4 year college (an opportunity neither of my parents had) and I need money for books and other essentials which my parents can't help with, so as one of the only things of value I had I sold Samantha.
The 2nd Samantha
Life moves on, the money helped but I missed Sam. I spent entirely too much time on ebay hoping I'd find her there, even though I couldn't afford to buy her even if I did. A few years later my adult collection started when the same childhood best friend who was there the day I got the 1st Sam gifted me my 2nd. She was a doll from both our childhoods as said friend had gotten her from a family friend whose daughter outgrew her shortly after 1st Samantha. She was over 20 years old by that time and needed a lot of work. She was my first attempted doll repair and I messed it up so bad. In trying to repaint her face I stained half of it red she looked like she had a terrible sunburn. I now know I could probably have removed the marks, but at the time I thought she was ruined and was very upset. But she ended up inspiring a very creative custom. I'd read Rit dye could dye vinyl and was so curious if I could dye a whole doll. The answer is yes, meet Órfhlaith
I dyed her purple and molded elf ears out of air dry clay, and gave her new custom eyes from dollofakind on etsy.
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Here she is hanging out with her horse Sir Kenneth, as named by my best friend.
The 3rd Samantha
If you saw my last post you've already met her. She was a super lucky find, I got her for $30 in her full meet and the only problem was her wig had been cut. So I gave her 2nd Samantha's wig and she became the centerpiece of my new collection which has grown considerably since then. I love finding cheap dolls and bringing them back to life, all inspired by Samantha in her many forms.
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hobotalesaus · 4 years
Episode 3: A Hesitating Pulse Is Good Company
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I still remember the first time I came to Melbourne; I was about 18. Everything was foreign and weird and busy and sunny. ‘People are strange, when you're a stranger. Faces look ugly, when you're alone.’ I ended up in Collingwood, another planet to me back then. I found solace in a corner pub. The porch light was on and it was the closest thing to home as I could find. 
Living in the big smoke isn't for everyone, but certain people just fucking thrive. Jay is one of those people. Totally sober in the spot he lives, figuratively speaking. When I first met the bloke, he showed me through his place in his moccasins (yeah I remember mate) and pointed out different pieces of art, memorabilia, just stuff. The stuff that we fill our spaces with because we love looking at it and it's a puzzle of what makes us, ‘us’. This was the shit that he loves and you could see it straight away. Outside, there was this faint buzz of the city, with a heartbeat and tyre noise and the smell of god knows what. Maybe a police siren or some shit. It reminded me of a song, with the line "A hesitating pulse is good company". If I was to sum up Collingwood, especially in that house on that day, it would be with that line. "A hesitating pulse is good company". 
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Firstly, Jay is a bloody good bloke. My old man would always tell me the best way to approach somebody is like this: If you think you're a good fella, I do too, until you prove me wrong. Something tells me that Jay hasn't proven anyone wrong. 
Knowing this about him, we approached Jay recently about doing a story and he was more than happy to go with it, which actually sort of posed a problem; he's got so many fucking things on the go, and is equally good at all of them, that we were hard pressed to make room for it all. But we'll give it a red hot crack anyway. 
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Born in the early 90s, Jay spent most of his time as a young fella riding BMX like most of us did. Outside til dark, jumping kerbs, ruining your shoes by putting them in between the forks and the front tyre. Yeah we all did it. "How do you keep ruining your shoes so quickly??" the words rang out across the house and you knew you were about to get whooped. Street Sharks on the telly, poster of Matt Hoffman on the bedroom wall. How good was that? Then the natural transition (as if that isn't the best fucking pun I've ever heard) to skateboarding. "The first skate video I ever saw was a FLIP SORRY part. That got me so pumped up to go skate, the whole soundtrack and attitude was surreal! Skateboarding basically consumed my life from then all the way up til now," he says, and yeah, it fucking shows. "I tell you what, I had a few Margera decks growing up. But Geoff Rowley stood out for me, and still influences me for sure, even to this day."
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There's always been this weird connection between skating and motorcycles; we're not talking your $40,000 BMW touring bike or your Hyabusa. We're talking about Triumphs, Harleys, chopped up Honda's. Making noise and pissing people off. Literally giving the finger to anyone who gives you that greasy look. "I got into motorcycles when I was about 21 or 22, after a trip to the US. All I'd ever wanted to do was go to the U.S and skate all the spots I'd seen in the videos. I had organized with a friend from Geroa (check a map) to head over; his old lady owned a condo in Oceanside, Cali. They were kind enough to invite me over to stay." 
“We're talking about Triumphs, Harleys, chopped up Honda's. Making noise and pissing people off. Literally giving the finger to anyone who gives you that greasy look”
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"I took some photos of that chopper on this 35mm Minolta 201 I got for $30 on eBay.”
"So there we are at a skate park in California, and a mate of Ray's rolled up on this bad-ass cone Shovel chopper that he built himself. I didn't grow up around parents or a cool uncle who rode motorcycles, so when I was confronted with this dirty, leaky machine, I was fascinated. No foot pegs, looked like it hadn't been cleaned since the 80s. We were in the car on highway, watching him haul ass, weaving in and out of lanes, skateboard strapped to the sissy bar. That was it for me" he says, and you know that you had the same moment at some point in your life where you went "Yep, that's what I'm all about". He continues, "I took some photos of that chopper on this 35mm Minolta 201 I got for $30 on eBay. Turned out the mechanism to eject the film was broken so I lost it all. Still have the memories though. I came home to Australia and maybe a month later I went and bought a 2016 Sporty 48; because what the fuck do I know about building old motorcycles?" But who the fuck cares what it is right, as long as it's not a street bike. 
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This leads us into another jack of all trades moment with Jay; photography. "Sometimes when I'm feeling frisky, I whip out the old Nikon D700. I take 6 photos or maybe 30, and sometimes 1 will come out good. I'm not a photographer, I just take photos sometimes.", which is pretty much enough to sum it up. "I'm stoked with a whole bunch of photos I've taken, and that's all that fuckin' matters." Too right bloke. 
"Sometimes when I'm feeling frisky, I whip out the old Nikon D700. I take 6 photos or maybe 30, and sometimes 1 will come out good. I'm not a photographer, I just take photos sometimes."
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"Sometimes I paint, sometimes I get angsty sitting there for long periods of time trying to figure out colour blending and all the rest. I did the Knucklehead painting and that's pretty much where that ends." I was actually lucky enough to grab said Knucklehead painting, which takes pride of place in my lounge room. It's a wicked, dusty, rusty painting that tells you that the motor is as old as sin. Just how we like it. "I can't draw to save my life, but I spent what felt like 3 months working on it here and there." That led us to a pretty significant point in the story, with what I guess I'm trying to capture with these interviews. "Expressing yourself is a great way to be heard; you can tell a story through an action, a photo, a drawing..whatever. And without self expression, the world is a pretty boring place."  
“I was actually lucky enough to grab said Knucklehead painting, which takes pride of place in my lounge room”
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So, as far as the nitty gritty, I think a lot of us have seen Jay's scoot by now. That 48 Sporty we mentioned earlier was written off "trying to pull a wheelie leaving work", which is a pretty standard outcome I reckon. So the white beast is a 72 Sporty, which was stripped down and and built back up by David at Primal Garage, with some work being done by Sean at Bar-None Moto. He cut the rear fender struts, and had some solid bar machined up to look like suspension, but it is actually hard-tailed. He also lifted the tank a little, modified the seat pan that Sean made, fit a new rear fender so it tucked nicely around the tire. He also freshened up the bike by re-painting the tins pearl white, with champagne stripes fading to silver. He also chucked the Leviathan cross on the tank at my request. He finished it all off with a set of bad ass up sweeps! Sean smashed out new bars, sissybar, license plate/ brake light bracket, and gave Dave a good start on the king/queen seat pan. Now I have a sweet ass looking bike that I’ve barely ridden this year. Covid has been a struggle", he says, and those of you in Victoria can attest to the fact that this year has been a total write off. Not being able to get out, hit some pubs, roll the swag out beside the bike and sleep in the dirt; that's our lockdown. "I’ve gone damn near everywhere on that bike, I love it to bits!" 
“He cut the rear fender struts, and had some solid bar machined up to look like suspension, but it is actually hard-tailed.”
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There aren’t too many ways to describe riding a motorcycle to somebody who hasn't done it. And there's a difference again between riding in total comfort, heated grips, perfect riding position, had vitamins this morning, has a go-pro strapped to his head, has every supply under the sun in his bags, middle aged dentist on a touring bike. I'm talking about being stripped down of all fancy equipment, burning your legs, can't hear anything, welts on your face, hot, cold, numb fingers, sore arse, no fuel left, phone is dead, you're still 50kms from where you think the camp spot is but you know what? You could keep riding for another 1000kms because fuck me, this is what it's about. 
“..total comfort, heated grips, perfect riding position, had vitamins this morning, has a go-pro strapped to his head, has every supply under the sun in his bags, middle aged dentist on a touring bike.”
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The smell of a campfire, the taste of a bug on your teeth, the spine shattering crack from a pothole on your hardtail, losing your house keys somewhere in the last 2 days riding, unpeeling yourself from the bike and finally being able to stretch your hips as the locals stare. "Passing out in the dirt, waking up in the rain. Skateboarding was my first love, but riding motorcycles is one big adventure, and the best one I've been on in years." says Jay, as I think we all for a moment realize that from now on, whenever anyone asks "Hey, lets skip town for a night on the bikes", you're going to say yes regardless, for fear of never being able to do it again. 
"Passing out in the dirt, waking up in the rain. Skateboarding was my first love, but riding motorcycles is one big adventure, and the best one I've been on in years."
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If our readers are anything like us, and I think they are, living in the city is doable if there's an escape in between the chaos. "Pre-Covid, my girlfriend (Asti) and our dog (Luna) and I would head up into the mountains every other weekend. Find a cool spot to park and just walk around for awhile, explore. We could let Luna off lead and she loved it. I like shooting photos in the forest. Nature is the best". 
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"Camping holds a special place in my heart. I love the smell of a campfire, endless banter between mates, NO RECEPTION. Not showering for awhile is also a guilty pleasure. We've all had our fair share of wet-wipe showers". I'll be honest, as long as there's water near by, that's good enough for me. Winter or not. Which reminds me, little tip for painting the town brown in the bush; dig two little holes for your heels, stick a log or the shovel in the ground, hang onto it and lean back. Opens up the bowels. (You'll thank me I reckon). 
’’We've all had our fair share of wet-wipe showers"
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Everyone has a favorite camping story. I think as time has gone on, they don’t stand out as much as they used to, they're all great. Even when you ended up broken down in the rain, lost, hungry, hungover. Still better than a night in the city if you ask me. 
"My favorite camp spot was something not easily forgotten.  My girlfriend and I tripped out to Wilson’s Promontory one weekend. We paid to spend the night in the camp site which was basically a grass car park with no fires allowed and we decided that it just wouldn’t fly with us. We packed a couple of backpacks with the tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bags etc. We hiked a trail for an hour or so, scouting a suitable place to set up shop along the way. We eventually decided to veer off the trail, and head down through the shrub toward the ocean. We ended up finding the most insane spot! On top of a cliff, a nice flat piece of land on some moss covered rocks. Looking over the ocean. We were even graced with a sunset, right over the water, directly in front of us. Romantic as fuck, it was amazing. Golden hour blew us away. Not a single person in sight, but us. We got a little fire going and just marveled at what we found and where we were. That was the best camp spot for sure. If it were possible to accompany that with motorcycles, shit. I could have died right there and then."
‘’Even when you ended up broken down in the rain, lost, hungry, hungover. Still better than a night in the city if you ask me’’
“We packed a couple of backpacks with the tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bags etc. We hiked a trail for an hour or so, scouting a suitable place to set up shop along the way.”
I reckon that's a pretty good image to leave this story on. I think there's something special about people who can find solace in nothing, in no-one, just being content with what's happening at that moment in time. A sunset, setting off a car alarm with your pipes, burning away from a servo with a full tank of fuel. The big picture is made up of a million little pictures.
We always ask people what their life motto is; what they stand by. Jay gave us this. "Do more of what makes you happy. Whatever it is.”
Thanks bloke, it's been a time and a half. First beer is on me once the wall comes down.
"Do more of what makes you happy. Whatever it is."
All photos by Jay except for top photo by Sean (Bar-None Moto). 
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mercurialmilk · 5 years
Heyo, may I ask where do you usually buy the teacups?? they're so cute :3
my usual sources: craigslist, facebook marketplace, estate sales, value village, ebay 
VV is the most common one when I first started collecting. Once I figured out which brands I liked the most, ebay was the next best option. really, you just want to check in every few weeks to see if there’s anything in a reasonable price range that you like. The most $$ I've ever spent was $30 for a teacup/saucer. Most are $16-20. 
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bigballofstress · 6 years
Tony-Stark’s-Son (Peter Parker x Reader)
Description: For years you have been locked in a sniping war over eBay with the same account. Today, you finally meet the face behind the computer.
Author’s Note: This is actually based off something I saw where Peter Parker is apparently a huge fan of Captain America’s in the comics. I think the concept is hilarious, and I just had to write something for it, so here you all go!
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You smiled and straightened the Captain America pop figures on your dresser. You’d been collecting memorabilia for years — even before you’d actually met the man and become one of the avengers (the amount that you fangirled even scared you just a little bit). Your collection now, though, really was something to be marveled at. You even had an original Captain America poster from World War II with a big ���canceled until further notice” sticker on it hanging above your bed.
You walked back to your computer, biting your lip nervously. You currently had the highest bid on a vintage Captain America action figure. There were only 20 seconds left in the auction, and you were praying no one would come in at the last second to steal it from you — and by no one, you meant a certain ‘tony-stark’s-son’. The amount of merch he’d sniped from you over the years was just unspeakable. You shuddered even thinking about it.
Quickly, you pushed the unwelcome thought from your mind, choosing instead to watch in anticipation as the final few seconds ticked away.
5 — This was the moment of truth
4 — The moment you’ve been waiting for over the past week
3 — Oh my God, you were going to get it.
2 — You were totally gonna get it!
1 — No one could snipe this late, not even you — and you considered yourself an expert in the craft.
0. Congratulations, @tony-stark’s-son!
You stared at the screen in utter disbelief. It shouldn’t have been possible. You should have won. There’s no way he could have possibly sniped it so late! And yet, the words read plain and clear. You lost.
-Time Skip-
About a month later, you had calmed down a bit. Of course, it still stung like a bitch every time your eyes landed on the little spot on your shelf that you had cleared for the new piece of merchandise, but at least the edge had been taken away. Slightly.
But you couldn’t worry about that now. You were supposed to meet Tony’s new recruit today. You didn’t really want to. After all, the little twerp had stolen your place in the Civil War. Apparently you “weren’t ready yet,” and yet this new kid, who was the same age as you, was. You sighed and quickly readjusted the straps on the loose-fitting Captain America shirt — another score off of eBay and one that you had the great pleasure of taking right out from under tony-stark’s-son’s nose — which insisted on falling off your non-existent shoulders every other minute.
Your phone buzzed. ‘Come to the living room. I want you to meet someone.’ You scoffed and shook your head a bit. He said that as though you didn’t already know who it was. You picked up the device with a sigh — leaving your level was always such a chore — and entered the awaiting elevator.
“Hello, Ms. (L/N),” the automated voice greeted.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., what did we talk about?” You lifted a brow with a smirk.
“My apologies, my best bro.”
“That’s more like it!” You grinned. “Take me to the living room please. Tony wants me to meet his latest pet project.”
“Sure thing, my best bro,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded before the elevator started moving up.
You stepped out of the elevator to stand before Tony and his new pet spider. Wow, he was actually pretty cute. At least, he would be if he quit staring at you with his mouth hanging wide open.
“Since you guys are about the same age, I thought you could show Pete here around the facility.” Tony patted the still unmoving boy on the shoulder. “Pete, this is-“
“It’s you!” He screamed, pointing at you. You frowned and recoiled a bit.
“Do I know you?” You wrinkled your nose.
“You’re cap’s-beautiful-booty261! You’ve been sniping merchandise from me for years!” He was almost shaking.
You gasped in shock and jumped away from him. “YOU’RE TONY-STARK’S-SON?!”
“What?! Hell no!” Tony yelped, both hands up.
You rolled your eyes. “You don’t know what we’re talking about, Tony. Just go to your lab or something.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” Tony huffed, even though he was already walking to the elevator.
A moment of awkward silence passed between the two of you until, finally, you couldn’t bear it anymore. “How did you do it?”
Tony-stark’s — you mean, Peter — tilted his head a bit and frowned. “How did I do what?”
“A month ago, you sniped a vintage 1946 Captain America action figure from me with less than one second remaining on the clock. It shouldn’t have been possible. How did you do it?!” You pushed.
Tony-stark’s — damnit, you meant Peter — blushed and reached up to scratch the back of his neck. “Oh, that... well, I kinda set up this thing with my computer — a, uh... a program — that sends in my bid for an item with 0.562 seconds left, which is the exact amount of time it takes for eBay to process a request...” he trailed off, glancing over at you warily.
“That’s... that’s genius!” You finally said, staring up at him in awe. “How long did it take for you to set that up?”
“A-a few weeks, but it’s still got some bugs,” Peter stuttered a bit, still pretty shocked that you weren’t super angry at him. “I had to turn it off because it kept sending in bids, no matter what the price was. One time, it bid on a $500 dollar pocket watch. My aunt almost strangled me.”
You let out a chuckle. “I remember that item! I almost clicked bid on accident and saw my life flash before me eyes — particularly when Tony would have ended it.” Peter grinned, seeming to loosen up a bit. Suddenly, you were struck with what must have been one of the greatest ideas you’d ever had, and you grinned. “Hey, I could probably take a look at that program for you. After being forced to live with Tony, I learned a thing or two about computers.”
Peter returned your grin fully. “That’d be awesome. I could take you right now if you want.”
“Let’s go!” You agreed immediately, quickly making your way out of the building and bribing Happy to drive you to Peter’s apartment. The two of you spent the next hours working with the coding, eating some Chinese food that May bought after she almost set off the smoke alarm, and telling stories until about 11:30 at night, when Tony finally got annoyed enough to pick you up himself.
All in all, it ended up being a really good day.
You were standing at the door, saying your goodbyes with a silently fuming Tony standing behind you. You’d already hugged May goodnight and turned to Peter. You opened your mouth to speak, but before you could say anything, he held up a finger.
“I have something for you,” he said before running out of the room.
“What was that about?” Tony chuckled from behind you.
You shrugged. “No clue. Aren’t you the one who knew him longer?”
“Hey, you’re the teenager here!” Tony held his hands up. “I thought you all had a secret language or something that everyone under 23 knows.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, that’s called memes.”
Before you could continue the conversation, Peter came running back into the room, both hands behind his back. You lifted a brow in suspicion of whatever it was he was hiding. “I thought, uh... I thought maybe you’d like to... I mean, you ought to have... well, that is, if you want to... I mean... just... here.” He shoved something into your hands. Before you could so much as look at it, though, he was practically pushing you out the door, saying, “Ok, thank you, great to have you, we’ll see you soon, ok bye!” And shut the door, leaving you to stare at the wood where Peter had just stood.
“That was certainly strange,” Tony said. You only hummed in reply. “What’d he give you, anyways?”
You finally tore your gaze away from the door to look at the object in your hands. You gasped, hardly believing your eyes. Slowly, with trembling hands, you held it up to show Tony.
“Really? Some lame toy of Cap?” he scoffed. “Don’t worry, kid, I’ll get you a super awesome Iron Man toy when we get home. Now c’mon, Happy’s waiting.”
You followed him down the hallway, walking in a daze. You couldn’t believe he just gave it to you. More importantly, you had no idea why he gave it to you. One thing you did know, though, was that you would finally be able to fill that empty spot on your shelf.
You both stepped into the elevator. “Hey, you never really told me what you thought of Peter,” Tony said, pressing the button for the bottom floor.
You glanced down the hallway to Peter’s apartment, pressing the action figure to your chest, and smiled. “He seems nice.”
“By the way, you’re super grounded for staying out so late and not calling.”
“What the hell, Tony?!”
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k-u-z-u · 5 years
Can you do them all for us. I know it's a lot to ask but it's just easier like this. Thank you
Ah shit, here we go again. To who though? This is the 2nd time I do this, so you could at least send me a message you know. At least I would know who wants to know 200 informations of me :’D
200: My crush’s name is: @xedalist199: I was born in: 2000198: I am really: in love197: My cellphone company is: Huawei196: My eye color is: green195: My shoe size is: EU 39194: My ring size is: I don’t know tbh, I never wear ring.193: My height is: 171 cm192: I am allergic to: I don’t have any allergies.191: My 1st car was: I can’t even drive. :’D190: My 1st job was: waitress189: Last book you read: Eastern by Martin Kay188: My bed is: Not so comfy.187: My pet: fish186: My best friend: @sangeki-x185: My favorite shampoo is: Syoss pure184: Xbox or ps3: pc183: Piggy banks are: useless182: In my pockets: I don’t have pockets right now. If i have, usually nothing.181: On my calendar: Nothing because my life is boring.180: Marriage is: not meant to make you happy179: Spongebob can: make Krabby Patty178: My mom: too loud177: The last three songs I bought were? I’ve never spent money on songs before.176: Last YouTube video watched: A hungarian streamer’s highlights video.175: How many cousins do you have? 3174: Do you have any siblings? Yes, a brother.173: Are your parents divorced? no172: Are you taller than your mom? yes171: Do you play an instrument? No but I would love to.170: What did you do yesterday? worked, played[ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: yes168: Luck: yes167: Fate: yes166: Yourself: no165: Aliens: no164: Heaven: no163: Hell: no162: God: I just don’t care.161: Horoscopes: kinda160: Soul mates: yes159: Ghosts: yes158: Gay Marriage: yes157: War: no156: Orbs: yes155: Magic: no[ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: meh both >153: Drunk or High: drunk152: Phone or Online: both151: Red heads or Black haired: ahh booooth150: Blondes or Brunettes: both :’D149: Hot or cold: cold148: Summer or winter: winter147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: on me, straight but both ftw142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: pc139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor137: Coke or Pepsi: neither of them136: Hillary or Obama: Obama? :’D I’m not from the USA135: Burried or cremated: burried134: Singing or Dancing: singing133: Coach or Chanel: ugh never heard of Coach before :’D132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: I don’t even know them :’D131: Small town or Big city: small town130: Wal-Mart or Target: -129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: -128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure127: East Coast or West Coast: East126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: -[ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: It’s pointless.121: George Bush: -120: Gay Marriage: Two people who love eachother decide to spend the rest of their lives together. It’s just normal marriage.119: The presidential election: -118: Abortion: -117: MySpace: -116: Reality TV: It can be funny af.115: Parents: My parents? You don’t want to know what i think about them.114: Back stabbers: They are disgusting.113: Ebay: Usually trash.112: Facebook: It’s okay.111: Work: It’s good, if you are working you can buy stuff you want.110: My Neighbors: I never see them so they are ok. :’D109: Gas Prices: TOO HIGH108: Designer Clothes: Having them is just showing off.107: College: It’s aight.106: Sports: I’m not interested in it.105: My family: lmao104: The future: If it’s with my bf, it’s perfect.[ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: I don’t even remember.102: Last time you ate: an hour ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: on monday100: Cried in front of someone: last week99: Went to a movie theater: months ago98: Took a vacation: 2 weeks ago97: Swam in a pool: years ago?96: Changed a diaper: in august ugh95: Got my nails done: a year ago maybe, I usually do it for myself94: Went to a wedding: few years ago93: Broke a bone: never92: Got a peircing: never91: Broke the law: years ago maybe90: Texted: 2 minutes ago[ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: Me. I’m funny af.88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: nothing87: The last movie I saw: Gone Girl86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Living with @xedalist85: The thing im not looking forward to: my exams lol84: People call me: Dorina83: The most difficult thing to do is: Living without @xedalist82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope81: My zodiac sign is: Aquarius80: The first person i talked to today was: mom79: First time you had a crush: When I was 10yo.78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: @xedalist77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday76: Right now I am talking to: @xedalist75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I will never grow up sry.74: I have/will get a job: I kinda already have.73: Tomorrow: I’ll play league and rest FINALLY.72: Today: I worked.71: Next Summer: Hopefully will live with @xedalist70: Next Weekend: I’ll do nothing as well yaaay.69: I have these pets: fishes68: The worst sound in the world: Cardi-B’s voice67: The person that makes me cry the most is: -66: People that make you happy: @xedalist , @sangeki-x , @dark-blind-love65: Last time I cried: yesterday64: My friends are: the best63: My computer is: fast af yay62: My School: ugh61: My Car: I don’t have car.60: I lose all respect for people who: are violent.59: The movie I cried at was: Kimi no na wa58: Your hair color is: light brown57: TV shows you watch: Dance moms lmao56: Favorite web site: :) Tumblr :)))55: Your dream vacation: As long as I’m with @xedalist, everything is like a dream.54: The worst pain I was ever in was: -53: How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t like steak.52: My room is: aight51: My favorite celebrity is: Melanie Martinez50: Where would you like to be: with @xedalist49: Do you want children: yes ♥ @xedalist48: Ever been in love: so in love rn47: Who’s your best friend: question 186 pls46: More guy friends or girl friends: I’m okay with both.45: One thing that makes you feel great is: music44: One person that you wish you could see right now: @xedalist43: Do you have a 5 year plan: kinda yes42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no41: Have you pre-named your children: yeeees40: Last person I got mad at: mom39: I would like to move to: Canada38: I wish I was a professional: nail artist, yep[ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: I hate candy.36: Vehicle: car35: President: -34: State visited: -33: Cellphone provider: -32: Athlete: -31: Actor: -30: Actress: -29: Singer: Melanie Martinez28: Band: Mamamoo27: Clothing store: I don’t have a favorite.26: Grocery store: They are all kinda the same :’D25: TV show: Dance moooms24: Movie: K-1223: Website: still Tumblr:)22: Animal: cat21: Theme park: -20: Holiday: Christmas19: Sport to watch: -18: Sport to play: esport ftw17: Magazine: -16: Book: -15: Day of the week: Friday14: Beach: -13: Concert attended: -12: Thing to cook: cakes11: Food: everything hehe10: Restaurant: a hungarian one9: Radio station: I don’t listen to radio.8: Yankee candle scent: Never owned a Yankee candle before. Too expensive :’D7: Perfume: Avon Attraction6: Flower: hydrangea5: Color: blue, black4: Talk show host: -3: Comedian: -2: Dog breed: not a fan of dogs1: Did you answer all these truthfully ? yes
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g0dblessthefandom · 5 years
Live! From New York: A Brittana Fanfiction Ch. 2
Listen... I know it’s been a minute, but I promise there won’t be as long a gap until the next update. I swear. Catch up on FF.net and AO3.
Santana had been to 30 Rockefeller Plaza three times in her life. The first was when she first got to New York, and she and some of her friend’s had stumbled across the crazy idea that they wanted to go ice skating during Christmas. Santana hadn’t really known how to ice skate, but she’d given it a try, and broken her wrist. The second time was three years later when her parents visited from California, and insisted on going for the tour of NBC studios. They were obsessed with Kathie Lee and Hoda on the morning show, and it didn’t matter how much Santana protested, they were going, so she tagged along. She’d resisted the siren song of network TV for as long as she could, but once the NBC page pointed out the wall of signed photos from former hosts of SNL, they had her. She spent nearly $300 in the gift shop on swag, and yes, Mercedes had laughed at her for her lack of willpower, but it’d had been well worth it. She’d considered for a moment wearing her SNL t-shirt, but after about thirty seconds of wandering around her apartment, she figured that maybe that was coming on too strong.
The host dinner on Tuesday night was a tradition. Santana didn’t need to be told that. It was her first chance to make a big impression on the cast, writers and some of the crew, many she’d only seen on TV, and it was pretty important. Rachel had given her a long list of places that would impress even the snobbiest of connoisseurs, and for once, Santana was glad to have a friend who’s insane dietary demands kept her on the cutting edge of the trendy eateries in New York. Rachel and Mercedes sat in her dressing room, Michelin Eating Guides open and surrounding them, both shouting out suggestions as best they could, but Santana had yet to hear one that just sounded right.
“Oooh, how about Le Papillion?”
“Rachel, I’m trying to blow them away, not put them to sleep. That restaurant looks like the kind of place you’d take your mistress so you could avoid running into your side chick.”
Rachel took the comment in stride, thumbing through a few more pages. “The Grange? It’s got this lovely hunter’s lodge motif. I don’t  find it personally enjoyable, but the cast might.”
Santana grunted noncommittally and hit a few mindless notes on the piano she kept in the corner.
“Okay, how about the new Japanese restaurant by that celebrity chef? I heard that they flip the sushi to your table from across the room!” Mercedes said excitedly waving a glossy magazine high above her head.
Santana hit a few more notes, and suddenly closed the piano with a sharp snap.
She pointed to Rachel and Mercedes in turn. “I don’t want gimmicks. I don’t want tricks. I just want a place that will dazzle and inspire them!”
She stomped over to the couch and sat down in a huff, crossing her arms.
“Um, so…” Mercedes said, setting her magazine down and sitting forward to pat Santana on the leg. “I’m going to ignore that little outburst because you’re my girl, and I love you, but if you snap at me like that again, I’m gonna yank out your weave, and sell it on Ebay.”
There was a lightness in her voice, but Santana knew that she wasn’t far from the truth, so she grimaced and nodded, rolling her eyes for effect.
“Fine, ‘Cedes, but something has got to be perfect. If I can’t find it, I will never make this right.”
There was a whine in her own voice that Santana didn’t like, but she couldn’t help it. This was a big deal. This was a first impression, and in a lot of ways, it could be the first step on her path of Saturday Night Live fame. She didn’t want to want it as much as she did, but she did. She cleared her throat in an attempt to wipe the desperation away.
“I don’t know why you’re all worked up about this anyway, Santana.” Rachel said behind the latest copy of Fine Eats magazine. “It’s just a performance. You do it every night of the week and twice on Sundays. This is old hat stuff.”
“Yeah, but if she screws up it’s not just to the crowd of one theater.” Mercedes broke in  from behind her own dining magazine. “It’s in front of hundreds of thousands. Or at least whatever is normal for a Saturday night, I dunno. Could be millions.”
Santana laid across the couched, nearly knocking the magazine out of Rachel’s hands.
Rachel raised it above her head with a sigh. “Even then, it’s not even prime time! I sang backup for Sia last year at New Year’s and there were probably more people in Times Square alone than-”
“What’s this?” Santana exclaimed, rolling off the couch, and grabbing a magazine from the stack on the floor near the couch.
“What’s what?” Mercedes and Rachel said, nearly in unison.
Santana pointed at photo in the magazine, tapping the magazine emphatically. “Blaine Anderson!”
Mercedes was by her side in an instant, and nearly grabbed the article from her hands. “No fricking way. Are you serious? Blaine Anderson? The guy from Newberry Park?!”
“It’s gotta be. I remember that dumbass cowlick from anywhere.”
“Perhaps you’d like to clue me in, ladies.” Rachel sighed, folding her magazine primly in her lap.
“Oh yeah, Berry, I forgot that it was only recently that you started stalking us.” Santana quipped.
“I know that you’re joking, Santana, but I think everyone in the company agreed that you’re ‘joke restraining order’ was beyond the pale.”
“He ran this food cart in Newberry park, in our old neighborhood in Queens. He had a bunch of Filipino food, and it was pretty much the most delicious thing we’d ever eaten in our whole lives. We basically went there every day for three years, and then one day he said he was shutting down, and was going to open a brick and mortar place. We told him we’d be first in line, and gave him our contact info, but we hadn’t heard anything since.”
“Maybe that was your favorite place to eat, Mercedes, but I like to think that I had a bit more class than some fly by night operation.”
“Oh, well, I guess all the times that you texted  me desperately at midnight asking me to bring you some adobo chicken on my way home from work were hallucinations.” Mercedes shot back.
Santana buried her nose behind the glossy print, and wouldn’t meet Mercedes’ eye. “Yeah, well, whatever. It turns out he made it big, and now his place is one of the up and comers in Manhattan.”
“Well, good for him! I’m so proud. We should definitely make a reservation.”
Rachel stooped behind Santana and took a look at the magazine herself. “Filipino-American chef Blaine Anderson opens up Hapa an American/Filipino fusion restaurant that mixes both of Anderson’s heritages into one amazing dining experience. Good luck with that reservation, ladies, it says here that they’re booked out for the next six months.”
“Maybe for a peon such as yourself.” Santana snatched the paper away, and tugged on the page, tearing it out. “But we were there at the beginning, and I’m sure there’s no way he can refuse one of his original supporters a seat.”
Mercedes did some quick math. “It’s not just one seat, San, you’re taking the whole cast of SNL, probably plus some of the writers. That’s like 20 people.”
“Sure, I’m not saying that it’s going to be easy, but you’re talking to Santana Lopez. Writer and star of the most sought after ticket on Broadway. I’ll offer him a few balcony seats to Billie! and he’ll be sold.”
“I’m not sure if it’s going to be that easy, Santana.”
“Well, luckily Rachel, no one asked you.”
“Santana, she’s right.” Mercedes said. “And, if you remember correctly, it’s not like you and Blaine Anderson had the most cozy relationship.”
Santana smiled slyly. “And that’s why I’m not going to ask him. I’m going to ask the co-star of the most sought after ticket on Broadway. The woman behind the throne. One of the most talented, kind, and not to mention beautiful women that I know.”
Mercedes opened her mouth to reply, but Rachel interrupted her.
“Why Santana, that was the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me!” She swooned.
Both Santana and Mercedes gave her a glare, but moved on with the conversation.
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Lopez.”
“Aw, c’mon, ‘Cedes. You know how much this means to me. Having it at this place, this great, cosmopolitan establishment, on the rise, with amazing food… It’s a can’t miss! It would mean the world to me.”
“I don’t know, Santana…”
“And I would owe you one.”
A devious smile crept over Mercedes’ features, and Santana’s eyes grew wide. She was beginning to regret her decision, but Mercedes was already accepting, her hand out to accept Santana’s.
“Deal. I’ll get you and the cast into Blaine Anderson’s restaurant in a couple weeks, and you’ll officially owe me one.”
There was something about her tone that Santana didn’t like, but she was desperate. What she had said to Mercedes and Rachel was real. There was something in her that needed to make a good impression, and she wasn’t sure why, but she’d do anything to achieve her goal.
She swallowed audibly, but took Mercedes’ hand regardless. “Fine. Deal.”
Mercedes held her hand a bit tighter. “But you have to convince Emma to give up the tickets.”
Santana looked like she wanted to resist, but a thousand scenarios ran through her head and there wasn’t a single one where she figured she could refuse this request.
“Deal.” She said, defeated
Mercedes nodded with a satisfied smile, and finally released Santana’s hand. She stooped down and started gathering the magazines off the floor.
“Ooh, I can’t wait. I’m already thinking of what you can do.”
Santana bent over to help. “Yeah, whatever. You just focus on getting me in that restaurant and the rest will fall into place.”
Rachel had placed herself delicately back on the couch, and was fanning through a Vanity Fair.
“You do realize she’s probably just going to get you to watch the kids so she and the Mrs. can have a date night, right?”
Santana scoffed and watched Mercedes carefully. “Yeah, she knows that I would do that for free. I can already see that she’s got something more devious in mind. Deny it, Mercedes. I dare you.”
Mercedes laughed lightly, and placed her stack of magazines on the coffee table. The laugh took on an edge of the maniacal as she didn’t say a word, but just walked out of the room.
Leslie Jones and Artie Abrams both watched Brittany with a strange fascination. They talked, but didn’t bother directing any of their comments toward Brittany, who had been muttering to herself for the better part of an hour, and had been standing in the middle of her dressing room with a signed copy of the Billie! playbill for the better part of fifteen.
They watched her mutter for a few moments more and suddenly Leslie stood up from the couch.
“Girl, just leave it! Damn. I swear you’ve spent more time doing this than writing any sketch I have ever seen you in.”
Artie waved his hands in solidarity. “Les, she can’t hear you, girl. She’s in La La Land.”
“Well, she better get her ass out of La La Land, because we’re supposed to be writing something to take to pitch tomorrow, and I can’t even think with her running around like this!”
The weeks before Santana Lopez’s arrival had slowly whittled down to days, and now they were only a mere 72 hours away from her arrival at Studio 8H. While not everyone in the cast knew (or cared too much) about Brittany’s fascination with Santana Lopez, they had all found a bit of humor in her worsening condition. It was like watching someone very, very slowly sink into quicksand that they only notice after the fourth or fifth day.
“What do you think she’s going to do with it in the end?” Artie asked, with a kind of quiet wonder.
“I dunno. She’ll probably try and eat it or something.” Leslie cupped her hands around her mouth. “She’s not going to care if you have a totally normal thing in your dressing room, Britt. Honestly, she’s probably not even going to come in here.”
That last sentence was directed towards Artie, but Brittany’s eyes snapped to Leslie. “You don’t think so? I mean, I wasn’t thinking that it would be a part of a tour or anything, but I’d really hoped that she’d stop by. I could show her my table, and my computer and stuff.”
“Britt. Girl.” Leslie deadpanned. “Santana Lopez, is like on a whole other level right now. She’s won like a million awards, and was friends with President Obama. She’s on a whole other level of cool, my dude.”
Brittany tried not to let her face fall too much, but she couldn’t help but be disappointed. “Yeah, no, you’re right. What was I thinking?”
She placed the framed Playbill on her desk with a soft slap. Artie pushed his wheelchair closer, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Nah, Britt, it’s not like that. I’m sure she’ll come by.”
“Yeah, Brittany, she’s a star, but she seems like a really down to Earth person, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Leslie chimed in, quick to reassure her.
Brittany took a deep sigh, and dramatically slithered to the floor, her body in fluid motion, floating to the ground. Artie had to admit that he was always impressed with her control and grace. Even falling to the floor, she looked like a dancer.
One thing he did know from being her friend for just under a decade was how resilient she was. He leaned over and patted Brittany on the leg.
“It’s cool, Britt, don’t worry. How about we head over to Jane’s office, and see if we can’t make some comedy magic?”
Leslie and Brittany both looked up at him quizzickly.
“What?” He continued, puzzled. “I thought it would better than just saying, ‘Write some sketches.’”
“Yeah.” said Leslie, taking a large step over Brittany, and reaching out a hand. “You should probably stick to jokes, funny man. C’mon, Britt, let’s get out of here before we catch any of his bad jokes.”
Brittany took Leslie’s hand, but lingered a moment as she and Artie argued a bit as they moved down the hall. She would be the first to admit that she sometimes got caught up in her emotions, and maybe tended to exaggerate more often than not.
But, she was a performer, and she was a bit of a cut up, and it seemed sometimes that the only way that she could express herself was in a funny character, or voice or bit. She was like the world’s most outgoing introvert. But, at the end of the day, she really did want Santana Lopez to notice her. What came after that, she really had no idea. She stifled a heavy sigh that was escaping from her lips and took a right instead of the left, turning off into a less populated corner of 30 Rock.
It was nearly midnight, and the building was quiet, but that was par for the course. Most of the “late night” shows filmed at six in the afternoon, so around this time, it was usually only SNL writers left. They were still early in the week, so the crunch wasn’t on, but it wouldn’t hurt to hammer out a few sketch ideas before heading in for the night. Still, it was pretty early for the SNL folks, most didn’t get their motors really running until 10:30, and it seemed like a waste to stop working then.
Brittany snapped back into focus and looked around. Her feet had taken her almost all the way to her after-show-secret-hideout, but she frowned to herself. She hadn’t meant to come this way at all. How out of order did her brain have to be to bring her this way? She rocked quickly back and forth on the balls of her feet and thought for a moment. It was just a show, right? Just a show like any other? Then why was she so nervous? Why was she so worried? Why was she acting so weird? She frowned again to herself.
“A lot on your mind?”
The voice behind her nearly made her yelp, but she contained herself, and spun quickly to face it.
Sam Evans had been on the show for less than a year, but he was currently the resident heartthrob, and his abs brought a certain quality to the shirtless scenes, so Lorne was sure to make good use of them. Brittany wasn’t quite sure how she felt about him yet. He had to tendency to make sketches all about him, and was hired after his successful YouTube channel had several viral videos. He wasn’t a stand up comic, and hadn’t been to Second City, so he was a new beast entirely.
Brittany eyed him up and down. “Nothing to concern yourself with, Sam. Shouldn’t you be out vlogging or something?”
She kept her voice light, but there was a bite. She didn’t have anything against the guy, but it didn’t hurt to remind him who had seniority.
“Nah, I’m just working on some killer stuff for this week. Lorne couldn’t get enough of my stoner surfer guy on Update a few weeks ago, so I’m thinking of bringing that back.”
“Yeah, might want to watch out for that, don’t want it getting stale.”
A look of uncertainty crossed over Sam’s face before he spoke up again. “You don’t think it’s weird you’re wandering around on this side of the studio late at night? Not worried about ghosts?”
The last part of his statement came with the hint of a sneer, and Brittany had to keep herself from smiling. She and Artie had spent the better part of a month convincing Sam and Ego Nwadim (the two first years) that the studio was haunted. Ego had been humoring them (nothing wrong with a little hazing to promote team building), but it seemed to Brittany that Sam had actually believed her, and still refused to go in the third floor men’s bathroom alone.
“Whatever, Britt.” Sam said. The uncertainty had slipped away, and the cocky grin returned. “Hey, did you hear? Santana Lopez has sent out invitations for the Host Dinner. I just got mine a few minutes ago.”
He reached into his jacket, pulling out a gorgeous egg shell envelope. He waved it in front of Brittany and with a flash, she had snatched it out of his hands, and was pulling it open.
“Hey! That’s mine.”
She batted his hand away, and pulled the envelope open, removing a document that Brittany could only describe as ‘wedding Invitation fancy’.
“Holy hell. This is amazing.” She breathed, gazing down at the paper.
You Are Cordially Invited To Join Santana Lopez for the Inaugural Host’s Dinner
For Episode 848 of Saturday Night Live
Reservation at 6PM at Hapa
72nd and Columbus Ave.
Be there or be square!
Brittany clasped the note to her chest. “Oh my god.”
Sam’s eyes widened a little. “What’s wrong?”
Brittany sighed a little and smiled tightly. “She’s such a freaking dork!”
With that she raced down the hall, back towards the writer’s offices, doing a joyful leap every so often.
Sam watched her leave curiously. “But that was my invitation.”
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tomyo · 5 years
So I have life things right now but what if instead I just list off some shit I’ve done falling in love with Soul Eater 10 years ago.
Soul Eater was probable the first series I watched as the series was still airing. Not a huge deal nowadays but in 2008, all we had were some sketchy sites that would play four anime series in 360p. I think turnaround would still only be a week or two but it was so much more harder. I found the series when my site uploaded it as a Naruto episode by mistake.
Later on as I was reading the manga as it came out, I would go on just as horrible malware sites to look at the raws. 
Honestly, I stopped watching the anime around episode 30 initially because I preferred the manga.
I have some drawings somewhere planning to cosplay Maka in 2009 but I wasn’t that into it yet. 
Changed at the end of my sophmore year of school when I fucking crashlanded in crazy fan land.
Summer of 2010, I went on fanfiction.net from my dsi and read as many stories as I could until I fell asleep. My set up would either be propped up on my bed or floor with my bedding (it was hot and no fan and floor cool). I would sneak down stairs to grab an icecream cone. And then in the morning I would wake up to a dead DSi because I fell asleep when my body gave out.
Also since it was 2010 and smartphones were hardly a thing yet. I would print out novelas worth of fan fiction to read when my dad would drag me to see family who lived without internet and maybe one socket that had one three pronged socket. Rip environment.
Remember this really long drabbles collection. Sometimes it was 100 words, sometimes its a 10k Vampire AU that was so, so very tasty.
Maka Shop was a mispelling often made and I made my own AU based on that. I’m too much of a coward to share any fanfics I’ve ever made tho.
Was there for the blip that was ‘I’m writing this based on my criminology class’ hell fanfic. If you know it, you know it. If not. Good.
I was hype to buy a Soul plush from my local con that year and took embarrassing af photos with it because he was my first anime crush.
I also snuck into the one 18+ section of the one doujinshi booth at said con because there was only one book in the non
Niwatori and Kiss were legends, I own all of Niwatori’s SE doujinshi but now I’m onto finishing the Kiss ones I’m comfortable with own. Had managed to find Niwa’s old sites before she became pro.
Nowadays I keep up on Pixiv to see what still active SE doujin artists are up to and am desperately trying to collect their work.
Also holy shit, I nearly spent $90 on ebay at one point to get the official artbook but thankfully held out and got it for $15 a few years later.
Back into the timeline
Made OCs for an OCT and it was basically Soul and Maka
Followed a bunch of notable fans on DeviantART. Zraid was a big one. Was in love with Keiko-chan’s art. Also followed Dragula as they were releasing chrona centric doujinshi. 
I drew the characters a lot but didn’t post as much since I didn’t like how I drew them. There are tons of Maka and Soul scribbles from my notebooks though. I really expiremented because of how fluid Ohkubo was with his art.
Fighting dreamers pro did their soul eater group and made me determined to have my own. Lists exist somewhere of planning to go to NYCC when it was NYAF.
Started to get into Soul Eater cosplay. Determined to do Spartoi Maka. Bought a costume from Fanplusfriend for $180 on the outfit alone because no other listing existed. Still have my $1000+ limebarb quote when I nearly bought it through her (yikes)
I have still failed to this day to remake the outfit and scythe even though I try every katsucon. But I’ve done others tho.
Soul was the first case of me ever wanting to ‘crossplay’ (no longer accurate term)
Asked my mum for a white shirt from target that became the shirt I wanted to cosplay a splash page image of soul with. The white one with the red scarf
There was also the Soul Resonance Bad Romance parody skit when skits were big that was heavy inspiration.
Made a whole one up in my head to Don’t Stop by innerpartysystem. It had backdrop cutouts and lighting that I would never be able to do. Also like 20 person team beyond the cosplayers honestly.
Also wanted to do a high school centric amv to Arashi’s Troublemaker. 
Watched so many AMVS. Started to learn more about AMV culture because of it. Also Mentalprodigy is Soul Eater AMV god and I’m sad that she’s deleted some of them for good. ‘Insanity’ helped me get over a crush the next summer.
Tried making some of my own first CMVs. I put a lot of work into one of ‘If it really means a lot to you’ in which I tried making maka’s outburst from episode one match to the lyrics. Bad video quality but I’m still proud of it. Also did one to Be my escape and Lydia songs but most of them would never render properly because my computer was 2gbs on windows vista. Anyways here they are in case you were curious.
Lots of headcanons
Ponponpon came out and I immediately connected it to one off comment Maka makes about liking the PonPon dance even though she said it before Kyary’s debut.
Started estimating the main pairs ages based on info (Maka was 17 at the end of it fite me)
Designed a Kama Design and it turned out post end Maka was drawn with the same hairstyle so :OOOO
I hated wearing badge pins back then but I kept one of soul on my beret when they were popular.
Took up Piano for a semester at school. Sadly it was only a half year course but I spend a good amount of time trying to play Selenic Soul. Still remember a bit of how to play it. Also because of a Kiss image, I wanted and got a Melodica.
Started reading Bichi because I was DEADIATCATED
Fun fact: it has a proto version of like, every character. Maka is a maid.
Signed up on Nico Nico and Pixiv to start finding artists and video makers.
Recently found a whole bunch of old videos on Nico of Gangan CMs with a person dressed as Maka and its gooood.
When I joined in highschool , I had intent to start posting seasonal art and try to connect with japanese artists. Drew an unfinished NY art for the year of the rabbit with broken japanese.
I think I finished the Anime around this time??? We had just gotten Netflix. Hated the ending so much. ‘The manga is going to be so much better’
It was Book of Eibon Era so like, the best part before it all went down hill veeeery sloooowly
Genderbent chapters were fuuuuuuuun. Still about it
Soul Eater Not was announced and my body couldn’t take it. Loved it even though it was basically Kon in Soul Eater. It became harder to get even the raws because Yen Press was getting big and cracking down so I bought one of the books. 
Joined twitter to see if Ohkubo was okay during the Earthquake and Tsunami that hit Japan in 2011. This is a poor reason to worry about someone’s life but I was a dumb teen. 
After about a year and a half of non stop fixation, my interest went into a new direction because of Homestuck.
Fun Fact, I’ve seen huge crossover with the two. Every modern Soul Eater fan 200% was a Homestuck. ESPECIALLY IF YOU WERE INTO KAREZI.
Various Soul Maka supplement characters over the years: Ladybug and Chat Noir, Judy and Nick from Zootopia, Karkat and Terezi. Any strong female with a devoted male partner. 
Also some fave, I want Maka ships but I’ve watched soul eater enough already; Tonari no Kaibutsu and Kaiba. There is more but I forget :c
Fell down general obscure Soul Eater shit
Cosplay Meme because why the fuck not
Years of insisting groups never got me anywhere in college so I mostly solo and look it up on tumblr now and then
Manga ended so..yeah
Soul eater not comes and goes and everyone laughs. I still try to get peple invested in it because its the only time we get to see any Liz and Patty character development. Also lesbians >>
Get back in deep in 2017. Finally achieved buying doujinshi after a 7 year gap in availability. Have thus spent probably close to $500 on my collection and its sad. I spent so much money at Otaku Republic that they’ve sent me 3 freebie items since, a plush keychain, a pencil board, and a pass case that was actually useful and causes a bunch of intense moments of love for soul eater with my college peers.
Moved onto finding rare promo items in the mean time. Mouse? check. Speaker that looks like headphone illustration? check. Looking into an mp3 and rare instax as we speak. 
Did you know there was a calculator? Did you know there was a Lamp. And a fucking cd player.  
Debating learning how to drive a motorcycle and buying the same model as Soul’s. I hate harleys but man the aesthetic. God, one of my various information searching used to be on why soul could drive a motorcycle when most us law says you have to be 18. Why? who knows why. I was 17 and wanted the characters to be my age.
Started compiling Maka costumes. Episode 12 Maka? Check. Exams arc Maka? In progress. That one illustration for the chapter art? Check. Monster Hunter Promo art? Sure Why not. Black blood Maka, Halloween Maka, Halloween Fanart Maka, Christmas Maka, Shit why not deathbucks maka. 
Over the years many friends said they could be Soul for me and I’m sure none of them are prepared for if they actually do. The one case where it did happen...I was intense. It was bad.
After alot of internet digging, I finally found the site of Channel C who’s many people’s fav soul eater cosplayer. So many images that had been hidden away.
Realized when watching Mob Psycho 100 that I now recognize the Japanese VA. Sadly can’t say the same for Laura Bailey since I don’t watch a lot of anime anymore. 
Most importantly I had a feverish desire to make more soul eater art just before Ohkubo announce perfect edition.
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jabbubab · 6 years
11, 15, 21, 30, 47, 68, 70, 81, 92 and 100!
Thank you love
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 
Oh goodness, I think breaking it down I have 3 pairs of posh shoes including my favourite ever pair, 4 pairs of trainers and then a selection of old football boots I don’t use anymore. Oh and my slippers because slippers are the best thing
15. Favorite song? 
At the moment probably The Chain by Fleetwood Mac or y’know the F1 song
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 
Never in a serious emergency. I went in when I was young to the emergency walk in because I thought I was having a heart attack but it was just a panic attack which I wasn’t used to before
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 
2, but they’re quite thin
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 
It depends because the clothing I’ve spent the most money on is my Toro Rosso shirt from a few years ago but I think the most valuable would be my best suit but I got it on ebay for like £20 even though we’ve checked and its worth hundreds
68. Favorite school subject? 
History or computer studies because I’m a complete nerd
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 
No. Look, a shark isn’t going to roll up into my bedroom and start snapping pictures of me so it seems rude to do the same to it. They have their zone and I have mine. Stay in yo’ lane sharks
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ 
Sadly not
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? 
OH BOY HAVE I so many damn times. The girl names I’m set on are Grace, Elouise, Aurora or Isabelle and boy names are Alexander, Michael or Luke. I had a list somewhere but it’s gone
100. Color of your room? 
A very boring cream because when we moved to this house we were really rushed so I had to just get it done. I’m slowly covering the walls in stuff I’ve made though
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thispabulum-blog · 2 years
I Know That You're Timid
What's the Tea? Tuesday
Life is dumb right now and I'm having to focus more on responsible stuff instead of dating, so this is going to be another fairly short one. Also the guy across the street woke me up at 8:30 am using a chainsaw on his trees, so I'm not in the best mood.
How was last week?
Sunday was a good day. Cuddlebug went to work all day, and while he was gone I turned his bed into a small painting studio so I could funnel some of my stress into being creative. Lots of cartoon characters, weird memes, and I'm also working my way up to painting people which is very intimidating.
Once he was home for the evening we watched more Squid Game - including the most difficult episode with the marbles.
My emotions!
It's such a good show.
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Monday morning I woke up from weird nightmares, and did more painting. We finished Squid Games. I swear we're not the most boring people ever, except sometimes we are and that's fine, too.
Later I was feeling productive so I took nice pictures of the stuff he's selling on eBay. Helpful Girlfriend. Anybody want to buy some old Atari games?
We spent the afternoon cuddling and trying to pick a movie to watch, and because I was put on the spot I suddenly forgot both the titles and plots of every good movie I've ever seen. I failed at summarizing movies so badly that he asked me to show him trailers instead. We somehow landed on Blue Velvet, because I'm always down for watching weird shit. So after a quick Burger King run we started watching it, and...man, I just don't know. What can you say about David Lynch?
*credits roll*
Cuddlebug: *points at screen* That was a movie.
Me: That sounds right.
Cuddlebug: And we watched it.
Me: Yup.
Cuddlebug: I give that a "Movie" out of 5.
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Though I was having trouble staying awake throughout the movie - I'm starting to think big pasta dinners are fucking with my blood sugar - my couch sleepiness did not translate to bed sleepiness (as is so often the case), so I stayed up too late.
Tuesday morning I woke up to Cuddlebug on the phone making a doctor's appointment. Which...hot. Definitely playing into my Responsible Adult kink. But also fuck it was loud.
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He teased me about being grumpy, which I feel is a natural reaction to being woken up by someone shouting 6 feet away from you. But it was almost noon, so we won't hold that against him.
Then he went out to run errands and came back with baked goods. Cookies, red velvet whoopie pies, cream puffs, flan. He specifically brought me a slice of Italian Creme cake because he's a smart man and he knows the way to my heart.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Dr. Strangelove texted me to ask if I'd seen the new Doctor Strange movie. We've been texting infrequently and mostly superficially. I'm keeping the lines of communication open because we still have logistical things to coordinate for a while, and as Cuddlebug said a while back, it's always good to have less enemies.
While he was starting dinner, Cuddlebug and I started Baccano! (an anime that he pitched to me as "There are a bunch of people on a train. Some of them are immortal and some aren't"). We watched the first four episodes, and I'm gonna be honest, I still really don't understand what's happening. But it's entertaining, for sure, and I'm fine sticking with it. It's only 16 episodes, anyway, and he assured me it'll make more sense at some point. Do I believe him? Mostly.
Wednesday we did a good amount of couch cuddling and watching Rick and Morty while eating the rest of the baked goods. Then he made me a sandwich and took me home.
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Since then I've really just been applying for jobs, watching old episodes of John Oliver, writing, and painting.
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I've definitely got some fun things to look at tomorrow...
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indirispeaks · 6 years
1998 - 2018
“Read more” link because LONG.
I’ve always been a Siamese cat person ever since my dad surprised me on my third birthday with a tiny kitten hidden in his coat pocket.  I named her Smudge, and she was my cat from then until my first year of college 17 years later.  My parents don’t know what happened to her, and guessed she had slipped outside and gone off to die in private somewhere.  (When I was younger it was still acceptable to let the cat out to wander the neighborhood.  She’d always come in when I called for her.  
Our next cat wasn’t Siamese and it was my sisters who named her Smudge II.  I wasn’t as attached to her as I was to Smudge I.  She had horrible skin allergies and licked herself bloody so she had to wear a bib to let it grow back, she was on a special diet and everything but she only lived for 7 years and it was likely due to the medication she had to take.  
I had a snowshoe kitten at one point, but she died under anesthetic while being spayed.  I’d only had her 6 months so that didn’t hurt as bad. 
I left college and started working full time at the library and living on my own at  my coworkers farm.  In the chicken coop.  Whole other story, but I will say that it was utterly fantastic and appealed to my artistic nature.  I found a Siamese breeder nearby and went to see the latest batch of kittens. (Don’t worry, it wasn’t a kitten mill, it was just an elderly couple who loved Siamese and had four of their own, plus however many kittens were floating around.)  The kittens were outdoors when I found them and up til that point, I was set on getting a female...all my cats had been female. I had a little girl in my hands, baby-talking her, when a very determined little boy scaled my pants leg,velcroed himself to my chest, squealing demands.  My choice had been made for me, and I couldn’t resist those eyes and that “YeeeeeEEEEEeeeeEEEEEEEeeee!!”  like a little ambulance siren.  
I had to hide him from my mother until I found the best way to tell her.  She is NOT a cat person.  Poor Nikki had to spend a good hour with his head poking out of her purse that she’d hung on a fence during her tennis lesson...and then over the weekend at a friend’s house.  It worked out in the end, but he never forgave her for that.
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Not him, but I don’t have any pictures from his kittenhood because cell phones with cameras hadn’t been invented yet and I didn’t have a camera of my own. That’s the image I found that looks the most like him at 6 months.
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These are from last month.  I didn’t take any photos of him when he started deteriorating so quickly.  I don’t want to remember my sweet old man like that.  He would have turned 20 in four months. I wasn’t good to him in some ways.  My mother laid down the ultimatum that if he stayed in the house, he MUST be declawed.  (Which I will never go again to any cat of mine)  I left him for a month at my parents while I was off having a mid-life crisis 30 years early.  
But I fought for him.  He had kidney issues from age two?  Three?  I don’t remember, but he had to live at the vet’s office for a month so they could drain his bladder.  The surgery to fix it was 500 dollars, which isn’t as bad as today’s treatments that run up into thousands and thousands of dollars. I’d already spent 300 on tests and the bladder draining.  I was told that I shouldn’t “spend so much on a pet”  and I ignored that advice outright.  I put down my signed American Girl doll as collateral and he ended up having to have a full sex change.  Still my boy though. He’ll always be.
I said in an earlier post that he wasn’t doing well and was on medication for pain and thyroid issues...three weeks of treatment and he wasn’t showing signs of improvement....he was worse off.  Hunching and swaying, leaning against the wall when he walked or he’d fall right over.  Crab-walking, unable to groom the mats out of his fur and hated it when I tried to help.  God only knows how many times he fell off the bed.  I already had a lidded basket there so he didn’t have to try and jump from the floor, because that usually led to him smashing face first into the sideboard or slide, frantically trying to claw his way over the top, Indiana Jones style.  (His expression was hysterical and I fully admit that I laughed once or twice) I caught him almost every time, but I stopped letting him jump up on ANYTHING without my assistance.  
I made the difficult decision Saturday that the best thing I could do for him would be to give him a peaceful death, free of pain.  My sister Kelsey drove me back to the vet clinic in Derby, and I could not be more grateful.  I knew they would ask for his reason to visit when he checked in and if I opened my mouth to answer, I was going to lose it.  So Kelsey checked him in and then explained to the nurse and did most of the talking in general while I let Nikki explore the landscape in front of the building.  He always liked exploring every new place and watching out the window in the car to see what was happening in the world. I was numb and sort of going on autopilot and don’t remember what I said or if I said anything to anyone other than Dr Mork. I know I thanked her before we left. El Paso clinic were very professional and I am so grateful for that too.  The nurse took us back to one of the “Rainbow Bridge” rooms so we would have some privacy while we waited on the vet and she showed up just a few minutes later.  She was very patient and waited while I got and gave Nikki a drink of water and clipped off some fur to put into a vial.
She explained everything that was going to happen, that she would take him to the surgery and put an IV in, then bring him back.  I wish I’d gone with him, but I didn’t.  While she was doing that, Kelsey and I looked over the options they had as far as final services went.  I could afford everything, if the money from Ebay and Etsy had hit this morning instead of half an hour ago.  I’m going to reimburse her for that.  I chose to have him cremated and store his ashes in a carved wooden box, after having a paw print pressed into some clay.  I plan on keeping them together, probably on one of my shelves, until it stops hurting so much.  His ashes will then be buried in mom and dad’s back garden, under my window with my showshoe kitten, Watson, and Hibble. The pawprint will be hung on the wall to remind me of the good times we had.
She came back and I held Nikki in my arms while she administered an overdose of anesthetic. I told him how much I loved him and he was a good kitty and everything was going to be alright while he purred.  I watched him close his eyes.  I heard him sigh.  I felt him stop purring.
He’s gone.  I have had him half my lifetime, I would have done anything for him and he gave me so much.  He sat on my chest and purred when I came home from the hospital and was in such pain.  He would reach up and touch my chin with his paw until I smiled and told him I was okay.  He had a high prey drive and kept my place insect-free and routinely brought me severed cricket legs, half eaten spiders, and the occasional headless mouse.  He could knock flies off the wall.  I don’t know if he ate them or what but he sure whacked the crap out of them.  He volleyball spike-d a bird out of midair.  He was a good hunter.  He yelled until I let him in the bathroom when I was taking showers to supervise the process and then discovered the bathtub had the best acoustics for his 3 am impressions of the tortured, tormented wailing and howls of a thousand lost souls of the eternally damned.
I held him another few minutes, then wrapped him in a fleece blanket that had been provided, kissed him, and told him goodbye.  Then Kelsey and I left through the side door directly from the room...I guess so that we didn’t have to walk back through the small crowd of people in the waiting room.  I was still in a daze and disoriented and got completely turned around in the parking lot, unable to find where we’d parked.  I don’t even remember the drive back to Kelsey’s house.  She kept me distracted by giving me a make-over and take my one year photo for ‘before and after”  That’s another post entirely, but I was glad for the distraction.  It’s probably a good thing I have NINE different projects going, half of them needing to arrive at their destinations by FRIDAY.  That’s another thing I’m grateful for, it’s a really good way to keep myself distracted.  I don’t think I would have been able to sleep anyway....I really didn’t want to lay in bed and dwell on this.  Hopefully my hands hold up to the pressure, there’s tons of beading involved.
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