#besides from the other skz members of course
berrypiie · 2 years
minho is so
god hes so pretty
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skzstannie · 2 months
"They found her"
SKZ -> ot8 x 9th member fem! reader
This is a part 2 to this fic, but it can be read as a stand alone as there's not much reference to the original fic.
genre: hurt/comfort, angst wc: ~3,800 words cw: kidnapping, guns and gunshot wounds, hospitals, some brief cursing
Summary: Since the incident, the guys have been extremely over protective of you. You heed their warnings, but still go out unaccompanied by security on your vacation, only to have to pay the price for your poor decisions.
A/N: Hiiii, ik I've disappeared off the face of the Earth again, but I've brought gifts back with me this time. This one's a bit heavier, but it's the long awaited part 2 to "Did you know?", so I hope you guys enjoy. I hit 500 followers since the last time I posted, so this is kind of a celebratory post as well. Thanks guys!
Masterlist | Happy Scrolling!
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The time has come around again when JYP has given you and your members some well-earned personal vacation, and you've chosen to spend that time back at home with your family and friends.
Upon hearing about your vacation, your childhood friends started blowing up your phone, asking about when you'll be in and if you wanted to hangout. Of course, you've missed them just as much and gave them all the details of you're arrival.
The day of said plans has finally arrived, and you couldn't be more excited. You and three of your closest friends have decided to go to this cute breakfast cafe for brunch, run by all your favorite stores for some shopping, and then round your evening out with some bar hopping.
"You have got to see this!" Ha-Yoon, a friend you've known since grade school, explodes from beside you in the passenger seat, fanning herself. "Look at how hot this guy is? Think he'll give me his number if I DM him?"
"Are you being for real?" Dae cringes from the backseat, leaning forward to get a closer look at your friend's new internet crush. "He's kinda ugly."
This elicits a bickering match for the remainder of the drive, with you and your remaining friend, Soon-Bok, rolling your eyes at their silly banter.
You decided that you'd pick them all up from their homes, figuring that you'd get to spend some more time with them that way. You didn't really think about the fact that perhaps more time was synonymous with too much time. Just because you hadn't seen your friends in months, doesn't mean that they didn't see each other literally every single day.
With a clear of your throat, they stop insulting each other's fantasy love interests, both squealing when they realize you've pulled into the parking lot for the cafe.
The four of you get out of the car, you pulling your keys out of your purse to lock the doors. While walking towards the doors of the cafe, you're hit with a strange feeling- like someone's watching you.
Immediately, you whip your head around in search of anyone getting a little too nosey, but you come up with nothing. You keep your guard up though, knowing you can never be too sure.
Since the stage incident a few months back, you've been feeling a little paranoid. Understandably so, especially since the mean and threatening comments never subsided. It's gotten to the point where the staff have begun to send out a few extra security guards each time you leave the JYP building. In fact, JYP gave you all this nice little vacation in hopes it'd help some of the comments die down. To your dismay, they have not.
The guys have been incredibly protective since then, and you're actually grateful for it for once. Their constant questions about your whereabouts and wanting to tag along with you everywhere you go used to annoy you, but you'd never think to complain about it now.
Just this morning, having told them about your exciting plans for the day, they sent a barrage of texts telling you to be careful. Chan practically demanded you take a security guard with you, but for the sake of your friends' comfortability, you declined. Was it stupid? Possibly, but you're only wish for this vacation is to make things seem normal again. Having constant security around is not normal.
You placated Chan by telling him that your family knows of the places you'll be, and your family and the rest of your members all have your location at all times. He was reluctant, almost threatening to fly himself to your home just to go out on your little excursion with you, but he eventually gave way, not without first lecturing you about how important your safety is- like you didn't already know that.
~ ~ ~
"And then he pushed him down the stairs! How crazy!" Dae finishes, your eyes widening at how her story ended. She had just finished telling you all about how her boyfriend got into this big fight with a guy at the bar the other day. Apparently, the random man thought it acceptable to lay his hands on Dae, and her boyfriend did not appreciate that.
"Your boyfriend is so hot," Ha-Yoon comments, her eyes looking dreamily off into the distance.
"Excuse me?" Dae questions, raising a brow at Ha-Yoon's confession.
"I mean-"
"Ok!" you interrupt, pushing your chair back from the table you've all been sat at. The brunch was nice, catching up with your friends was much needed and the food was warm and comforting, but enough is enough, and your friends are starting to get a bit squeamish. "I need to use the restroom quickly, then we can head to the mall? Does that sound ok?"
There's a chorus of yesses, and they shoo you off into the restroom, picking up their phones to distract themselves until you get back.
You make your way to the back of the cafe, noticing how the bathrooms are secluded down a small hallway in the corner of the restaurant. Your eyes glance out the emergency exit door, and you tilt your head in confusion upon seeing a large white van sat outside it. It is not parked in a parking spot; it's just parked directly outside the door.
You quickly do your business, not wanting to keep your friends waiting for too long, and head back out to the front of the cafe. Stepping outside the restroom, a hand is immediately thrown over your mouth, a piece of foul smelling cloth pressed up against your nose. You try to scream, but this only causes you to inhale more of the chemical.
You fight, attempting to throw an elbow behind you to dislodge yourself from the person's vice like grip, but this only leads to your elbow being grabbed at a painful angle. You whimper slightly as the person pries your elbow behind you, and it almost feels as if your arm could snap if you were to move another inch. You become lightheaded, and it's hard to keep your eyes open and your mind alert. Unable to fight any longer, you give in and slump down into the arms which hold you captive.
~ ~ ~
"She's been gone awhile, I'm gonna go-" Soon-Bok is cut off by an alarm inside the cafe going off. All the customers heads perk up at the noise, their attention drifting to the employees.
The waitresses look to one another in confusion before one makes their way over to where you went for the restroom a few minutes before. The cafe is silent as the waitress disappears, looking for where the alarm would be coming from.
It's silent for another minute, before there's an audible gasp. She comes back with your purse in one hand and your cracked phone in the other.
Your three friends quickly get up from their seats, rushing over to the waitress. "Where'd you find this?" Dae asks, her eyes tearing up.
"Just outside the bathroom. I was just able to catch a glimpse of a van speeding off. Do you think someone was taken?" she asks, her eyes widening at the thought.
"I think- I think our friend was kidnapped," Ya-Hoon whispers.
~ ~ ~
"This is why I said she needed a security guard with her! This would have never happened!" Chan snaps at their management in anger, rising up from his seat in the meeting room.
Upon hearing about your kidnapping, the rest of your members were immediately brought back to the JYP building. They were all livid.
"Chan, I understand you're upset, but there's really nothing we can do now but wait-"
"Wait for what? Huh? Wait for her to just magically appear here?" Minho cuts off the head of security, his face red with anger.
"Of course the police are on the case and doing everything they can to find her. As for the eight of you, you are not to leave this building until we get all of this under control. Do you hear me? We do not need more than one missing member." JYP is stern as he speaks, leaving no room for discussion. "This meeting is dismissed. We will update you all if we hear anything."
With that, everyone else clears out of the room, leaving your eight members.
"This is awful," Felix says, his head hanging in his hands.
"No shit, Felix, why not state more of the obvious," Jisung narrows his eyes at Felix.
"We can't turn on each other," Changbin butts in, deterring them from getting into it any further. "We have to stick together and just wait this out. She's strong; she'll be ok."
"But what if she's not," Hyunjin speaks up for the first time since they got back. He's been huddled up against Jeongin since they got there, his head hung low. It's obvious he's been crying with the way his cheeks are stained with tears, his eyes red from how often he's rubbed them.
"We can't think like that," Chan says, moving over to Hyunjin. He lays a comforting arm around his shoulders, and Hyunjin immediately moves to the comfort of the leader, turning his head to hide it in Chan's chest. "They saw the van leave, it couldn't have been too long before the police were there. They'll find her, and then she'll be right back here with us."
"To never be let out of our sights again," Seungmin grumbles from the couch, wearing a similar expression to that of Felix's.
"Correct," Minho agrees, leaning back in his chair.
~ ~ ~
"Seungmin, you have to sleep. Staying up for 72 hours straight is not going to make her come back any faster," Chan lays his hand on the back of the boy's neck, slightly rocking him side to side.
"Maybe not, but I'll be the first to know when they find her," he counters, his bloodhsot eyes meeting Chan's. "You're one to talk; you haven't slept either."
Chan just sighs in response, plopping down on the couch next to him. It's quiet between the two of them, but neither are complaining about it. The peace is nice after what they've been through the past few days.
"Hyunjin hasn't stopped crying. Jeongin and Felix have had to take turns laying with him," Seungmin breaks the quiet, his soft voice travelling throughout the practice room. "Han hasn't eaten since we found out."
"I know, I've been trying to get everyone up and moving, but no one's interested."
"Chan, we're not expecting you to be the hero. We know you're in pain, too, and it's ok to act like it," it takes Chan a minute to process what Seungmin had said, but as his brain takes time, he realizes that it's been so long since he's cried, so long since he's truly let his emotions out.
With another moment passing, Chan's breath quickens and tears spring into his eyes. Without another thought, he turns his head into Seungmin's shoulder and cries. He cries for you, and how scared you must be right now, and he cries for the rest of his members, knowing how bad this is hurting them. He cries because he can't take away their pain or yours, not this time.
~ ~ ~
"Wake up." You feel a cold splash of water hit your face, and you're abruptly brought to consciousness. Your eyes open quickly in response to the cold, but you squint once you're hit with the blinding light coming from the ceiling light above you.
You try to talk, to say anything, but you quickly become aware of the duct tape placed snuggly over your mouth.
You gain some more proprioception, feeling the tightness of the rope around your wrists and how your ankles are tied to the legs of the chair you're currently sat on.
"Hey!" Your attention is brought to the large man standing in front of you, and your breath hitches in your throat at the sight of the gun in his hand. "Eyes here. And quit squirming so much!"
You freeze at that, stilling your movements. "Now listen here," you hear another guy say from across the room. You are just noticing him for the first time, and you realize that this guy in front of you must be the brawn of the operation. "We need some money. A lot of money. So, if you want to make it out of here alive, you need to call your family and have them bring us 350 million won. No less. Think you can handle that princess?"
Tears well in your eyes at the mention of death. You can't die like this, at the hands of these awful people. But you also know you don't want to get your family involved. So, deciding this is your best bet, you sit stoically. You look straight ahead, your focus unwavering.
"The silent treatment, huh?" You can see out of your periphery the man at the desk across the room stand from his chair. He makes his way towards you, but you pay him no mind, keeping your blank stare on the wall in front of you.
"If the threat's not enough to get you to talk, maybe this will be." He's quick to take the gun from the other man's hand, and before you can even flinch he's pointed it at your lower leg and let off a shot.
You choke on your own spit when the pain registers. You close your eyes and strain your body not to react, but there's only so much you can do. The tears you were successfully keeping at bay before now slide freely down your cheeks. Your hands are in tight fists behind your back, and you feel you may pass out from the white-hot pain radiating from your calf.
Your consciousness teeters, and all words being spoken by the men sound gibberish in your state. Just as you feel you may fall completely unconscious, you're startled by a loud bang from behind you. Your eyes lazily drift to the men, and you see their gazes widen before they quickly raise their hands in surrender. You make eye contact with the one that shot you, and that's the last thing you see before your eyes shut, your body and mind going completely numb.
~ ~ ~
The practice room door is flung open, bringing Chan out of his sleepy state. "What the hell? Be a little quieter would you," he mumbles, rolling his eyes at Jisung who stands in the doorway. For the first time since the news, Chan is attempting to get some sleep. It wasn't exactly on his own accord, though. After the constant hounding from the rest of the members, and even a threat from Felix that he'd sneak melatonin into his water, he decided it would probably be best for him to try and get some shut eye; he'll be of no use to anyone if he's delirious with sleep.
"They found her."
At this, all of Chan's previous drowsiness vanishes. He sits up from the couch faster than he ever has before, his joints cracking with such a sudden movement. "What?" he asks for clarification, fearing it might be too good to be true.
"They've found her. She's on the way to the hospital right now," Jisung's contagious smile makes more sense now, Chan wearing a similar expression.
"Where are the rest of the boys?" Chan stands from the couch in a rush, quickly slipping his shoes on.
"They're in the meeting room. They just bought our flight there, we're leaving now."
~ ~ ~
"Thank you," you tell the nurse, taking the small cup of water from her hands. It's been a few hours since you woke up from your unconscious state. Upon arriving at the hospital, they immediately took you into surgery to remove the bullet from your leg. Thankfully, it missed all the important stuff, leaving your bones completely in tact. You're left with some muscle damage, but the doctor assured you with some physical therapy you'd be back to normal again.
You're now laying in bed recovering. The wound has been stapled and is wrapped tightly. You have your leg resting on a couple pillows, hopefully to help prevent the swelling. Beside you on the couch is your family, having come in immediately upon hearing the news. Some silly K-Drama is playing on the T.V, but it's enough to keep your mind occupied for now, so you're thankful for it.
Nobody confirmed it for you, but you were sure your members were well on their way. Your family told you that you had been kidnapped for a few days. You told them you only remember being awake for a few minutes, but apparently they kept knocking you out again and again.
After talking with the police, you find that they were using you for ransom, and they kept knocking you out because they didn't have everything squared away yet; whatever that means, you're not quite sure.
As if on cue, the door to your room swings open, revealing Chan and Minho. They're out of breath and sweaty, looking as if they had just run a marathon.
You're given no time for formal greetings as they both launch themselves at you, throwing their arms haphazardly around you until you feel like you're squished beneath them. Your mom makes a protesting sound, but you wave her off with a gesture of your hand. They missed you, and you missed them. They weren't hurting you or anyone else by hugging you.
"You're never leaving our sights again," Chan says, his cheek pressed against the top of your head.
"Never ever," Minho agrees, his torso laid lightly across your lap.
"I'm okay-" you start, only to be cut off by an angry looking Chan. His face pops into view at your words, eyebrows furrowed.
"You are indeed not okay! You were kidnapped, unconscious for hours on end, and then shot! How are you possibly trying to convince us that you're ok?" Minho stands up at his outburst, laying a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm alive, and that's okay enough for me."
With your response bludgeoned into their minds, they both collapse on top of you in another hug.
You bask in their warmth a bit longer, only being interrupted with the door creaking open. Felix and Hyunjin stand there, teary and red-eyed.
"Your time's up," Hyunjin sniffles, moving out of the way of the door so the two can exit.
"We'll be back," Chan leans down to kiss your forehead while Minho grabs your hand, giving it an assuring squeeze.
They leave, and Felix and Hyunjin scurry in after them. They crowd around your bedframe, hesitant to even lay a hand on you.
"Hey," you whisper, reaching over to grab both of their hands, "I'm okay."
Hyunjin breaks down in sobs, and it only takes Felix a minute before he's right there with him. You let go of their hands and open your arms to welcome them in for a hug. Both of them hesitate again, but eventually bend down to give you the gentlest hug you've ever received.
"Does it hurt?" Felix mumbles, his arms tightly wrapped around your shoulders.
"They've got me on some serious meds, so no. It probably will when I come off of them, though. I haven't tried to walk-"
"And you wont either. Not for a long while," your mom cuts in from the couch.
"Thanks for your input, Mom."
"No problem," her gaze shifts to the boys, "She's been moody since she came out of surgery. They say it's because of the meds." They both let out a huffy laugh at that, and while you're absolutely dying to argue, you're just thankful to see Hyunjin and Felix smile.
There's another knock at the door, and all your heads snap to Changbin and Jisung. "Our turn," Jisung says, gesturing for Felix and Hyunjin to get out.
"We'll see you soon," Felix says before making his way to the door.
"Love you," Hyunjin says, hugging you for a second longer.
"Love you, too," you tell him, and you watch as he gets up and walks toward the door.
Once they're gone, Jisung and Changbin come into the room.
"Chan is never letting you out of his sight again; you know that, right?" Changbin asks, pulling up a chair beside you.
"Uh, not just Chan, all of us," Jisung argues. "You know how when girls go out they all have to, like, go to the bathroom together? That's about to be us bestie."
"Um, ew," you grimace just thinking about all your privacy being stripped from you.
"We'll wait outside, of course," Changbin says, trying to make you feel better.
"Oh, how thoughtful," you sass back, giving them a sarcastic smile.
"But for real though, are you ok?" The atmosphere turns serious at Jisung's inquisition. "We were all worried sick about you."
"I guess I could be better, but I'm gonna be just fine. Doc said some physical therapy and I'll be good as new."
"Did you know they didn't even realize you were an idol at first?" Changbin says, piquing your interest. "They said they thought they just picked up some random person at the cafe. Apparently that's why they kept you knocked out for so long; it made things more complicated."
"I did not know that, actually. The police only gave me a quick run down, said they'd be back later for some more questioning and to give us some more information."
Another knock is heard at the door, and you look to see Seungmin and I.N standing there, the last of your boys. "Our turn now, move along," Seungmin says, tapping his foot impatiently.
"That's our cue, we'll see you later." They both lean down to give you a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room.
Seungmin and I.N come in, seeming even more urgent than Chan and Minho did earlier.
They both come crashing down on top of you, all concern for the wires attached to you out the window.
Wanting to tease them, you say, "What if I was, like, seriously hurt? And now you two just came running in here like a pack of wild animals?"
"Give me a break, everybody said you were fine and that you were accepting hugs," Seungmin throws back, giving you a firm poke in the side.
You bark out a laugh at that, a smile gracing your features. "They also said that you hadn't smiled yet. So there," Seungmin nuzzles his head back into your shoulder, and you feel him breath a sigh against your neck.
"We missed you," I.N says from the other side where he's latched onto your arm.
"I missed you guys more."
"Not possible, I'd never seen any of the guys so worked up before. Chan didn't sleep the whole time you were gone, and as soon as we convinced him to, they found you," Seungmin says.
"Well, I'm here now," you comfort them, rubbing a hand on each of their backs.
"And we're never letting you go again."
~ ~ ~
Part 1
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arafilez · 6 months
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ꔫㅤㅤ ❜[ skz ot8 x any reader ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤangst, fluff ㅤ warnings insecurities, arguing, crying, cursing ㅤ﹢ㅤ300 per member wc
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Silent treatment, that one thing you hated from the bottom of your heart. And Chan was giving it to you, for a small mistake.
Well, you wanted to transfer some pictures from his laptop to your phone and you almost deleted his song drafts. Almost! But he caught you in the act of restoring everything and screamed so loud it could be heard down the street.
Then an argument broke out where he argued about you being careless and you argued about how they are not deleted and that is what matters. He argued back about how they could have been and then it led to a cold war.
Right now, you were both just giving each other silent treatment, both of your egos too big to back out. But now you were contemplating whether you should because you missed him, it has been two days since you both talked.
Just then Chan entered the room as you swiftly got up and you both simultaneously spoke, "I am sorry." You were beyond relieved at this as you jumped into his embrace and he stumbled back trying to hold you.
"I am so sorry, I am stupid," you said as he stayed silent. You looked at him narrowing your eyes as he shrugged saying, "If you are waiting for me to disagree, it will be a long day."
"Well then Chan, fuck you," you said as he smirked, "Yeah we need to make up for the two days."
Placing a small kiss on your lips he said, "We need to make up for the kisses and cuddles not done in two days too," and you nodded in agreement.
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You hung your head low thinking of ways of apologising to him. Even though it was not your fault you wanted to apologise first because it was too much for you to handle.
It was not your fault that the bartender was flirting with you, you did try to wave him off.
But that persistent person did not leave you alone which made Minho pretty angry. He stared at the bartender poking his tongue inside his cheeks before he left dragging you out with him.
And you two didn't even have any argument before he started the silent treatment.
You have poked him, literally, many times and stood in front of him blocking his way trying to make him talk but all was in vain. So now you were thinking of newer ways.
You made some cold coffee for yourself and sat down sipping on it lightly and suddenly Minho took it out of your hands and took a sip sitting beside you. "You know we are indirectly kissing," you half joked wanting him to break but nothing.
What tortured you more was the fact he was doing everything he usually does, except talking to you and of course, was depriving you of any physical affection.
You clung your body to him, hugging him sideways and you thought he would get away but he made no attempts to. "Come on, forgive me already, it was not my fault," you whined right beside his ears but he acted like he was deaf, eyes glued to his phone.
"Min please, you know I can't handle silent treatment, my mom did it too and trust me it hurts, like a bitch. It is one of the reasons I never give anyone silent treatment. You know these," hurt was evident in your voice as you said all those.
Still, when you got no reaction you just had enough and got up going to your bedroom. Tears pooled your eyes because you always thought the worst and now you felt like he would leave you.
Minho, on the other hand, realised he had gone overboard and with your overthinking mind you had now broken down. He threw the phone on the sofa ran up the stairs and urgently knocked on your door.
Before doing the second knock he pushed the door, seeing it was already unlocked just to see you standing on the balcony, blinking your eyes rapidly to stop the tears.
He went up to you and hugged you from behind he kissed your neck. He felt you relax in his embrace and cleaned your tears dry before kissing you on the nose.
That was enough for you to realise he was joking and he would never leave.
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"How about you ask Seungmin to give you a ride home?" were the last words Changbin said to you over the phone. Now you were sitting in the car with him staring out the window.
There was an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air and you knew why. All because he was angry and jealous. And angry Changbin is scary Changbin.
You were laughing along every time Seungmin decided to destroy his members with his sarcastic lines, especially Changbin. But Seungmin accidentally made fun of him for being chubby which hurt him.
What hurt him more was you laughed along before you realised it now after that Seungmin hugged him which made him forgive him at once but when you decided to try that he just walked away.
And then after spending another half an hour with the 00' liners you decided to go home and here you were, in his car, when he is still angry.
"Changbin I am sorry, I didn't mean to," you said apologising to him again but he ignored you, again. You sighed throwing your head back on the car seat.
You gazed at him longingly, your eyes tracing his every feature as you put your hand on his which was free. "You look hot, driving with one hand," you voiced out unintentionally before widening your eyes in realisation.
He chuckled lowly before saying, "That is one way of making me talk." "Oh my god, you talked," you screamed in delight and you saw him pull the car to your house.
"Changbin I am sorry we joked about your insecurity, it was cruel of us," you said, being truly sorry for what you and Seungmin did.
"It is okay, mistakes happen, just I hope you don't repeat it," he says looking at you and smiling, dimples visible on his lower cheeks as you melted due to his smile.
"I promise, we won't, ever," you assured tracing your fingers along his knuckles. "Good," he smiled before leaning in and kissing you as you held his cheeks firmly, kissing him back. He parted for air but then you pulled him back, his laughter dying down in his throat.
And inside the safety of the metal bubble, a beautiful love was growing.
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Hyunjin was being overdramatic, again! It was a regular phenomenon by now, but this time it was getting out of hand. He was screaming his lungs out just because of his hair.
You both went to the grocery store before to buy some ingredients and when you were walking home rain started pouring. Now, there was no shadow in the alley and thus you both started running. But, by the time you reached your home, you both were fully drenched.
He started screaming as soon as he entered saying he was wearing an expensive hair product and now his hair will be all ruined due to it getting wait. He blamed you for not taking an umbrella to which you replied that you were not suitable to know it would rain.
Your constant sarcastic replies and eye rolls pissed him and thus you both broke out in a big argument. And then you both were screaming curses at each other forgetting what the argument was about anyway.
And now you both were sitting across each other on the couch giving the very infamous silent treatment since both of your egos were too big.
You were aware that Hyunjin was a sensitive person and constantly feared if he would start crying. If he did, then you would break instantly and you knew it very well.
And he did break down after a few minutes, sniffing lightly, trying to keep as quiet as he could. That broke your heart. All the times before he had wailed out loudly like a child.
But this time he was quiet, trying not to gain your attention and make you feel guilty. But now you were feeling guiltier than usual.
You got up from your side and sat down beside him and saw his tear-stained face. "I am sorry," he croaked out and you instantly hugged him repeatedly saying that you were sorry too.
You kissed his tears dry and placed a kiss on his nose, his two eyelids and a longing one on his lips. You pulled back but he pulled you back making him sit on his lap.
"Works like a charm," he smirked as you groaned but deep down you knew those tears were real. "You don't have to hide your pain like that Hyunjin," you whispered as he smiled at you.
"I love you," he blurred out and you replied, "I love you more." "Impossible," he said as you laughed lightly in his embrace.
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You and Han were throwing angry remarks at each other because of a stupid argument. At this point, none of you even remember what the argument was about.
After one point a very sudden stop came to your argument when you received a call from your mother. When you finished talking with her you noticed Jisung had already gone to bed.
You sighed softly before you made your way towards the bedroom and saw him sleep on one corner of the bed face turned away from you. You quickly did your night routine and sat up on the bed flicking the light switch off.
The cool breeze of the air conditioner blew in the darkroom as you contemplated your sleeping positions for a few minutes. Then you scooted closer to him before placing a hand on his hair.
Gently stroking it from the back you put another of your arm around his waist. "Ugh, I hate arguing with you, you are too irresistible to resist," you murmured as he turned towards you taking you by surprise.
"Yeah, you scared me," you laughed but he gave no response as you realised he was giving you the silent treatment. "No, please, not the silent treatment," you whined as his eyes bored into yours.
"Come on Ji, please," you threw a small tantrum throwing your body into his arms but he didn't hug back. Suddenly you thought of a plan as you started tickling him.
"Oh my god, stop," he screamed out throwing you off his body as you laughed heartily which he joined soon after. "You make it very hard to stay angry," he said in between his laughs.
He jumped over your body kissing you all over your face as you lay on the bed giggling. Giving a longing kiss on your lips you both smiled like two teenagers in love.
You loved the way you loved him, and you would gladly do it for life. So would he.
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"Well sometimes Mr Brownie Lee, I would like a brownie too," you screamed at him as he briskly ignored you flipping through the television channels.
"Oh do not even think of silent treatment," you whined as he gave no reply or acknowledged your presence. "You know what, I will make some myself," you said as you left the room gloomily.
Felix got a little concerned about you using the kitchen but let you nevertheless. After a few moments, he heard a scream as he ran towards the kitchen.
Walking inside he saw you holding your hand under cold, running water and a knife with a little blood beside it. "Why can't you be safe?" he grumbled holding up your hands and gently rubbing them underwater.
"Hey, you are talking," you exclaimed happily as he sighed kissing your forehead softly murmuring a soft 'I am sorry' in his deep voice.
"It is okay," you hummed out as he suggested, "Let's make them together after your finger is healed." You nodded in agreement, your insides bubbling in happiness.
"By the way, what were you doing with a knife for making brownies?" he asked being genuinely curious as you laughed nervously saying, "You do not have to know."
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"No Seungmin you do not understand. I have nothing with you not holding hands or any other affection in public. But even behind the doors, you do nothing. It is not fine, I have given you three months to loosen up but sometimes I will get impatient too if you keep being so unresponsive to every affection," you screamed finally getting rid of all the frustrations in your mind.
For the first two months, it was okay, but now you felt impatient. You just wanted a simple kiss or just a hug but he did nothing. Nothing.
Seungmin stayed quiet, absorbing your every word before he left the room and slammed the door after entering the bedroom. You sat down on his couch contemplating whether you should just leave and go to your apartment or you should apologise right now. But your alter ego said otherwise as it felt you did nothing wrong.
You clutched your head in your hands thinking of ways to approach him because he would never do it to you. 'There you go, making the first moves again,' a part of your mind screamed and you just wanted to cry at that moment.
It was already two hours as the fight had ended and you were still there. You went up to drink a glass of water and after drinking you made your way towards his room.
Entering it you started talking, not exactly apologising but profusely trying to make him understand all your points as he stayed silent, not even looking at you.
"Fine, if you want to give the silent treatment, it is okay, I guess I deserve it," you sighed and left the room, well, tried to.
Seungmin quickly pulled you by your hand making you sit beside him on the bed as he said in a loud, clear voice, "I am sorry."
"Oh," you were surprised at the suddenness as he continued rambling on about how he should have been more compassionate and tried to understand how you feel. He also said that he would be more affectionate from now on.
His never-ending speech was boring you so you quickly pecked his cheeks and he stopped talking, staring at you with those puppy eyes.
You thanked the gods for making these kinds of ideas actually work in real life but the thinking process was cut off again.
Seungmin leaned in towards you, his lips ghosting over yours as he asked with a whisper, "May I kiss you?"
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"You are always busy, you either have a big project coming up, or you have tuitions, or you have college classes. I realise it is hard for you and thus I do not meddle with anything you do. I do not drop you off at college because you are afraid of scandals. I do not meddle when you mix with your friends. I just want some time for myself, please. Is it too much for you to give? Because if it is then we should break up. I mean I am an idol who hardly gets any time and whenever I do, you are busy. In the next months, we will be on tour and I will not see you. But you know what? Nevermind!" Jeongin inhaled sharply after the long speech.
He left the room leaving you dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. Your mind has stopped working as you thought of multiple ways to make this up.
You closed your laptop and scurried towards your room only to find it locked and you could hear Jeongin's sniffles from inside which broke your heart.
You felt guilty for what you have done because he was right. He was not those annoying boyfriends who were all over their partners' lives.
He did give you space, a lot. But you have just been increasing that every day. You sat down outside the door leaning on it as you could still hear him crying.
You patiently waited for him to open but he ignored all your calls and messages. An hour later he did open the door.
But he wasn't talking. You made multiple attempts to get him to talk and make him stop giving you the torturous silent treatment but none worked.
"Please Innie, I am sorry, I promise I will make up for every single moment I have missed, just please don't leave, I can't live without you," you choked out as a tear rolled out of Jeongin's eyes.
He turned to you hugging you before saying, "Do you know how much I love you to leave you?" you cried with him as his shirt got wet and whispered 'I love you too'.
Maybe, this time, you both will give effort to this relationship.
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ꔫㅤㅤ ❜ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤit was supposed to be really angsty but meh i can't write without fluff ꔫㅤㅤ ❜ [ taglist ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤ@haneagerr @jeonghanfr ㅤmain mlistㅤ skz listㅤ navi ㅤ add to taglist
© arafilez on tumblr. please do not copy and repost my work as your own.
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maxidentscene · 2 years
skz habits that shine through when they get comfy with you
⚘ genre. fluff
⚘ members. ot8
⚘ hi I didn’t proofread this at all so I apologize in advance
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chan always saves you a seat, and I mean always
“Oh, they decided to come with today?” Hyunjin wondered aloud as he saw Chan reserve a seat on the couch for you specifically. Everyone else found their own spots around the empty space, all knowing him too well
“Not positive but they said they’d stop by,” Chan shot the members a small smile, pleased with how everyone accommodated quickly, whether it meant them lying on the floor or sat on top of each other
You were more than surprised to enter the apartment a half hour late to the movie only to see that Channie had, yet again, managed to keep a spot reserved all for you
It tugged at your heartstrings. You were sure that he’d do this for anyone else he cared for, but that just meant that you were one of those people to him. Skipping over to your seat, you threw yourself onto the couch with a dopey smile, “you really made Seungmin sit on the floor for me?”
“He’d do it just to do it,” you heard Seungmin grumble from underneath you, shaking your head and clinging to Chan in an instant
lee know sits on the bathroom floor and talks about anything and everything with you while you shower
You weren’t sure when this routine started, but it was almost mandatory for Minho to seat himself on the tiled floors beside the shower after you’d get in
He claimed it was boredom, he didn’t feel like lying on the couch and waiting on you. “What if I drop some ice cubes in there?” He laughed more to himself than to you, enjoying the reaction it got out of you from behind the curtain
“I’ll start locking the door when I come in here,” you tested him, a smile planted on your face as you heard a dramatic sigh in defeat. “Tread carefully.”
You couldn’t see it, but you knew that he had his eyes rolled to the back of his head in annoyance, the shadow of his figure visible through the shower curtain. The two of you stayed like that until you were finished, as soon as he heard the water stop, he excused himself
It was always amusing to picture him waiting right outside of the door like a puppy, tail wagging and patiently waiting for you so that he could join you in whatever activity you planned next
changbin allows himself to be himself in your presence
Not only is Changbin a hard worker with a lot of responsibility, he also has personal schedules to keep up with and oftentimes, it’s hard to be around other people while watching your every move and making sure to not come across a wrong way
Of course, he can count on the rest of the kids to help him feel comfortable and he doesn’t have to put up a front when with them but that’s about it. With everyone else, he always had to filter himself, always had to be 100% present which was genuinely tiring
But with you? Someone new, someone who he was still taking time to learn and explore? He could allow himself to zone out completely. He could do his own thing when you were around without worrying about being interrupted
“Bin,” you called his name several times from the kitchen, wondering what he had been up to and what he wanted to get for dinner. However, when you found him sat down and working on some work on his laptop, you knew it was best to let him go
He acknowledged this too, the way you accepted the fact that he needed time alone to do something that he was really invested in. Changbin was full of so much love for you in that moment
hyunjin puts his freezing hands all over you when he’s cold
Although this happens almost every day, you still can’t hide a shriek every single time Hwang Hyunjin strikes. This man seems to be coldblooded or something because he is always seemingly freezing to the touch, even holding his hand out of nowhere can be a jumpscare
“Hyune!” You resist the urge to instinctively kick out as he runs a cold hand underneath the hole of your pants and up your leg, chasing the warmth of your body heat. His head is thrown back as he laughs, entire body shaking as if your suffering was the funniest thing in the world. “Give me warnings!”
You’ve come to notice that he doesn’t do this much with anyone else, though. Not even the guys he’s been with 24/7 for several years. “How come it’s only me?” You ask when he does it again on a following day, to which he just shrugs
“Why would I want their warmth?” His voice is laced with fake disgust but his words were genuine, he’d rather be freezing than have to warm up with the help of someone that isn’t you, as corny as it may sound
Ever since his explanation, you suppress your complaints, understand that this is a very unique but fond form of affection from your boyfriend. It’s annoying and you’ll never get used to his feet being pressed up against your back at random moments but you wouldn’t want to tolerate it for anyone else
han kisses. that’s it.
You’ve seen it, he’s a huge kisser whether it be a shoulder kiss or a head kiss and that doesn’t stop when it comes to you. If anything, it’s intensified because you’re just so endearing to him
“Hannie,” you can’t hide the pouty tone when you lift your finger up to his face, a very visible paper cut presented to him. He nearly flies out of his seat, quick to place the most gentle kiss
“That was fucking disgusting,” you hear one of the other residents of the dorm comment from afar, biting back your giggle as Han stands proudly to defend himself
It was evident to everyone that he has become a totally different person for you, he was already a big ball of love but it just seemed that he couldn’t keep his hands or his lips off of you. He was such a sap now that he had someone that he craved affection from so strongly
You loved it, undeniably. Loved the stupid random kisses placed on your arm or your shoulder whenever you were trying to get something done. Loved the pecks behind your ear even when they tickled. Loved the smooches all over your face when you had just finished crying
felix takes all of your Instagram pictures for you
He’s a natural at taking pictures, he loves taking them and especially so if they are of you. It’s a give and take in your relationship, being each others personal photographers wherever you go
Lix describes it as documenting all of your fondest memories together and you couldn’t agree more, you must always take a picture when out no matter how extravagant the date was. Let it be a small picnic or a big trip, every day you spend together is precious to him
“Flash a smile,” Felix orders and you obey, giving him the biggest smile he’s seen all day, loving the way he gets giddy behind the phone. “So pretty!”
Absolutely has worked out all of the perfect angles, majority of your best pictures of yourself were taken by the one and only. One thing about him is that he will never disappoint
The type to deadass get on the ground just to get the perfect shot, he does not care how extra it may seem. You are a work of art and you deserve to be treated and admired as such,at least that’s how he sees it
seungmin makes sure to order food for the both of you whenever you feel too nervous to do it yourself
He could already tell by the way that your lip was caught between your teeth, you weren’t feeling too excited to order your ice cream. The both of you stood in line, a few people ahead of you, your eyes anxiously darting across the board and trying to quickly come up with your order
“What’re you thinking of getting?” Seungmin swings your arm back and forth with your interlocked hands, grounding you and bringing you back to Earth. “Tell me and I’ll take care of it.”
Your legs felt like jelly, you were sure that the lopsided smile you sent back at him looked silly but you were smitten. There was no denying the comfort that he brought you so easily. After telling him your order, you snuggled into his arm a little deeper, maybe as a way of thanking him
As long as he could see the way your eyes sparkled when you got your treat, it didn’t matter what he needed to do. Anything was worth it to him. It amazed you how he could read you so easily
“Is it good?” He wiped the corner of your mouth with a napkin, massaging the back of your neck gently as you gave him a rather aggressive nod
jeongin takes a shit load of selfies whenever you leave your phone lying around
You could be gone for 30 seconds or an hour, as long as Jeongin could get his hands on the camera button on your phone, you’d have at least 20 new photos in your gallery
This time around, he was pleased to find a folder filled with all of the selfies he’s taken on your phone throughout the years. It made his heart a little warm to see that you hadn’t seemed to delete any of them and it also made him wonder if he should even keep the tradition going
“I saw that you’ve kept all of my pictures,” he smiled up at you from his spot on your lap, ignoring the dialogue of the movie you were watching together. “All of them? You haven’t deleted a single one? I think I should stop and spare your storage.”
It was hilarious, your reaction came a lot faster than he expected. You denied him instantly, shaking your head and grabbing at his hands, you would’ve gotten on your knees and begged if he weren’t laying on you. “I’ll buy as much storage as I need, please don’t stop.”
It was cheesy. Yeah, it was super cheesy, but god, it made him feel so warm. So good, so fuzzy, you made him feel so many things that he hasn’t felt before and he loved it. He loved knowing that you adored him
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daceydeath · 2 months
Not Like This
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Pairing: Han x Reader Word Count: 3.9k Genre: Angst Warning: Swearing, Online Bullying
You had known the risks when you allowed your friendship turn into a relationship with Han. Dating an Idol was far from ideal never getting to go on normal dates, never going anywhere he might be recognized, lying to Stay that you were just part of their team. You knew the risks but he was worth it, at least you were mostly sure he was worth the risk.
You had met Han by total accident almost two years ago when he literally bumped into you while he was out shopping with Felix and Seungmin, spilling his coffee down the side of your top. At that time you had heard of Stray Kids but you weren't a proper fan. You had no idea who he was as he apologized again and again just thinking he was a cute but flustered boy. He had liked that, there was no pressure for him to be Han from SKZ he could just be Jisung and his members were just two friends laughing as he got flustered when you told him it was fine you could change when you got to work at the boutique in the mall. After convincing you to give him your number you had gone to work changing into your uniform and almost forgetting all about the incident until a text popped up reintroducing himself and asking if he could replace the shirt or at least buy you coffee.
That seemed like a lifetime ago now, you had been friends for a whole year before you could even admit to yourself that you had fallen for him and another six months before he confessed his feelings for you and you became a couple. Chan had sat down with the both of you to go over what dating as an Idol with their level of success was going to look like. No dates in the daytime only at night, no dates where anyone could recognize him, if you were out together it would be best if other members were with you, you would need to pretend to be staff if Stay started to ask questions and you could only go public with the relationship if the company allowed it. You hadn't loved the idea of sneaking around but you loved Jisung so you were willing to try and if all else failed you could hopefully go back to being friends again.
You had quickly gotten used to just having dates in the dorm, movies and take out, and visits to the company where you would either sit watching him practice or hang out in the studio with him while he wrote lyrics, composed songs and worked with his members. Han only came to your place when he was able to spend a day or two with you to limit the chances of people finding out where you live which was always special you could just kick back and relax with each other not needing to worry about anything in the outside world just the two of you in your own little bubble. But all that is peaceful cannot remain peaceful forever.
You were sitting in the studio watching them go through choreography for the upcoming world tour, it was going to be the first time you and Han were going to be separated for any real length of time and you were a little nervous about how it was going to go, for his part he had been trying to hide the tension he was feeling about it behind the stress of preparation but you knew him better than that. He had gotten clingier over the past few days asking you to be around him as much as you could and you had even taken a few days off work to do that but as you watched him practice your phone started beeping with a bunch of notifications.
"Could you put that on silent please?" their manager smiled at you not scolding you as much as asking.
"Of course I'm so sorry" you whispered, embarrassed that you had distracted everyone. Looking at your phone to silence it you saw messages from your friends and even a few from co-workers all linking an article to you, clicking it opened a gossip website with the headline 'Han Jisung dating staffer' and photos of the pair of you. In one he was only standing beside you but as you scrolled it became clear that someone had caught the pair of you.
"Fuck" you gasped almost dropping your phone when you got to a picture of him kissing your cheek and the hateful comments that accompanied the article.
"Baby? What's happened?" Han instantly appeared in front of you brow furrowed looking both concerned and confused. You handed him your phone which was still vibrating with notifications as he took it.
"Someone found out" was all you mumbled pulling your legs up to your chest and leaning your forehead on your knees. Han didn't say anything, he just handed your phone to Chan who had called a break the moment he saw you curl up on yourself.
"What's this?" he mumbled, taking the device from Han to hand it on to the manager to look at.
"I'm so sorry baby" Han whimpered, crouching down and engulfing you in a hug "But it will be fine it doesn't matter if people know about us".
"People knowing is one thing" you sniffed looking at Han with wet eyes "But the comments saying they want me to die, that I need to watch myself, that I'm just a slut who is going to ruin your career..." you trailed off the words dying in your throat as you swallowed thickly.
"They said what!" Han yelled, snatching the phone from his manager and scrolling to the bottom to look.
'It would be better if she just killed herself now, he's mine not hers'.
"Who does she think she is stealing my man like that, would be a shame if something happened to her'.
'If he leaves skz to marry her I'll find her and pour acid on her'.
"She's ugly and fat. Why would he want to be with her?'.
'This must be a joke like she could get him'.
'Bitch better hurry up and disappear before she fucks up Stray Kids'.
The comments kept flooding in, peppered with Stay defending you and wishing you well.
"We are going to have to issue a statement but I will have to speak with someone higher up first" their manager sighed softly looking saddened by what was being thrown at you.
"Don't worry we will make sure you are safe" Chan said seriously looking at you with gentle eyes as Felix sat beside you hugging both you and Han as you felt the first tear escape your eyes.
"How would they even get those photos?" Changbin asked incredulously "They are from the hallway of our dorms apartment block"
Collectively the kids decided to cut practice short and to try to help you both out, since you were trying your hardest to stop the tears flowing down your cheeks and Han was going into panic mode having not ever seen you look so shattered.
"How about we all go back to our dorm?" Minho suggested "we can sit down, have dinner and give everyone some time to figure out what we are doing" . His voice was soothing as he spoke, making you feel the icy fingers squeezing your heart stop clenching quite so hard.
"Great idea" Chan nodded as he began packing away Han's gear for him, leaving Han to do nothing but hold you and help you to stand up for the walk to the van. You looked at the others noticing the anger and shock on their faces.
"You should be rehearsing for the tour, not concerning yourselves with me" you sniffled.
"You are one of our family, we will always look after are family first" Chan smiled encouragingly at you.
"Besides, Hannie won't be able to do anything outside of looking after you now" Changbin soothed.
Han pulled the hood of the hoodie you were wearing over your head as you left the studio as he moved you towards the garage where the vans were waiting. Chan had both his and Han's gear, Felix had taken your phone back from the manager and was trailing behind you turning off your notifications so that you wouldn't keep getting updates from friends while Hyunjin and Seungmin were talking about the best way to hide you from the world. You just stayed silent your mind spinning with how everything was about to change, you had always thought eventually when you were both ready Han would have to make it public knowledge that you were together but you had always thought that stay would be supportive they were always supportive of everything the boys did, not paying attention you stepped into the garage and slid into the van you could hear them discussing something and Han getting angry but you couldn't get out of your own head so you just waited until his arms around you again.
"I'm so sorry baby, I love you" Han whispered again and again into your hair as he held you against his chest.
You didn't speak for the entire drive back and neither did anyone else. You were wondering what his company was going to do or say, what was going to happen once someone figured out who you were and where you worked or worse where you lived. Scenarios where you had to take time off work or move kept running through your head making your anxiety spiral despite Han's constant reassurance. Pulling up to the apartment block garage there were already press waiting making Han tense up further.
"They are going to close the garage doors before we exit the van so it looks like it's empty and waiting for us to come out of the dorm. Then the driver will park us right in front of the elevator and I will get out, once the door opens the rest of you pile out and straight in. Alright?" Chan instructed his voice stern but not enough for you to think it was directed at you. Nodding you just followed their lead, the clicking of cameras and the calling of names from both reporters and fans just background noise as you were shepherded between the van and the back of the elevator with the four of them acting as a human shield for you. You didn't want to think how many times they had practiced that to perfect it in the years since they debuted but you knew that there had been several instances where at least one of them had come under attack before.
Han led you through the hallway to the dorm door with Minho leading the way as though you might somehow have forgotten all the times you had been there before. His hand was squeezing yours in reassurance and yours squeezing his in acknowledgement as no words were uttered until you were all in the dorm.
"I'll speak to our manager again. Do you want to order the food?" Chan broke the silence looking at Minho.
"I'll order food, someone order snacks too please" Minho agreed.
"On it" Felix smiled, pulling his phone out to order you all the goodies he could think of.
"I think it's best if you either delete your socials for now or don't go on your phone" Hyunjin spoke quietly to you "It will help you not be exposed to too much".
"Yeah...thanks Hyunjinnie" you swallowed your voice hoarse.
"Here let me baby" Han offered, taking your phone and frowning when he saw the sheer amount of notifications on your apps "after this is over you will probably need to set up anonymous ones".
"After this is over I might not have social media" you replied dryly.
"Management are going to put out a statement saying that the article is incorrect and that legal action will be taken against any and all netizens throwing around hateful comments" Chan huffed "I think they want to talk to Han and you about whether to confirm or deny your relationship but first they are going to try to calm the comments down".
"You mean the ones where they want me to kill myself or the ones threatening to kill me?" You snapped before instantly looking guiltily up at Chan "Sorry I didn't mean to sound like that".
"It's completely fine, none of us are going to be mad at you, you're the one getting slammed with hate comments right now" Changbin interrupted "and we have all had that happen to us we know it's awful".
You sat silently while they all discussed things Han trying to find out if people had learnt who you were from one manager, Chan looking into hotels they could put you in where you could remain anonymous, Felix and gone down to pick up the delivery of snacks, which the security in the foyer agreed to just hand into the elevator so no one actually saw him.  You knew it was too early to be thinking this deeply over things, the entertainment industry was a hive of scandal. Something would appear in another day or two that would sweep this back under the rug but until then you were left to think the worst.
"Did you want to call one of your friends to get you some clothes and things? you will need to either stay in our dorm with us then maybe a hotel for a little while" Han suggested desperately trying to get you out of your head for a moment.
"Yes, I can do that" you nodded, picking up your phone to call the one friend who knew about Han, Hari, you wandered into the kitchen to give yourself some space as you called her.
"Oh my god are you alright? where are you?" she just about shrieked when she answered.
"I'm at the dorms" you replied sullenly "I'm alright-ish I guess".
"I was so worried about you, I went to your house to see if you were there and there were people all over the place" she continued sounding worried.
"Great" you hiccuped tears falling again as you lent against the kitchen counter facing away from the guys.
"I read the article and I read the comments, they are just jealous bitches" she tried to lift your spirits a little.
"What else have you read?" you gulped back a sob threatening to erupt from your throat.
"They know your name, and where you live they are outside your apartment block waiting" she admitted you couldn't hold it anymore as the first quiet sob came out followed by another then another as you slid to the floor before Han was at your side taking your phone.
"Hari?" he asked looking at you then back to the others panicked.
"Can you bring as much stuff you think she is going to need for a week. I'll come get it from you" he asked as Minho came and helped him get you off the floor.
"I will, but you look after her, Han Jisung" she warned as she hung up.
"Here, come sit and tell us what happened" Minho softly said while Innie  went to get you something to change into.
"They know who I am, they are outside of my house" you wept feeling stupid for being so upset by this but also being so overwhelmed you couldn't hold it in.
"Right, we will need you to stay here tonight, then we will get you into a hotel for at least a week while we get this sorted out" Chan nodded, still trying to get things in order.
"I'm so sorry Chan" you hiccuped "you guys are supposed to be excited to go on tour not dealing with my messes".
"Nonsense" Seungmin butted in grinning "like Chan said you are part of the family, part of the team and besides we like you more than him anyway".
"Seung, you do not like me more than Ji" you smiled faintly "you just like my cooking more than his"
"Facts" Jeongin yelled as he walked back in with the first part of the dinner delivery. Han looked relieved as the corners of you lips curled upward as Minho started serving up the food and making sure you got the best bits of everything he had ordered
"Now eat and then get some rest while we make sure we get this dealt with as easily as we can" Minho instructed handing you some chopsticks and your food without letting you argue. You sat on the couch with your food not really wanting to eat anything with the way your stomach was spinning but you tried anyway putting a small piece of beef in your mouth and chewing slowly to look like you were eating. Han sat so close he was touching you, Chan and Minho were both flicking texts and emails off and Hyunjin was on your phone making all your profiles private before silencing the apps and uninstalling them. You were feeling less like wallowing in fears and more yourself as the boys all talked about random things like movies, anime, games and stupid edits they had seen online.
"Here baby" Han whispered, taking your chopsticks and putting them aside so he could take over feeding you.
"You do need to eat" Hyunjin smiled softly "I know how hard it is with all this poison being thrown at you but you need to keep your strength up". Nodding you opened your mouth for Han to put another bit of food in you knew Hyunjin had been through a really hard time previously so he knew and you appreciated that he was trying to help you.
"I guess we need to figure out how to get back to the dorm?" Changbin asked quietly, not wanting to make you upset again.
"I'll swap rooms with Han" Felix replied between mouthfuls.
"Huh?" you blinked brows quirked in confusion.
"You and Han can stay here tonight, I'll go back with the boys then we swap back when we figure it out".
"Thanks man" Han whispered, still looking deeply troubled by what was happening.
"Thank you Felix" you sniffed, smiling a little at him "you're too kind to me, you all are".
"Han is family, you are family" Chan soothed looking at you as you opened your mouth for another mouthful of food, but shutting it quickly as your phone rang your eyes wide until you saw Hari's name.
"Hari?" you answered, swallowing hard.
"I have a bunch of stuff for you, like your essentials and clothes, did you want me to bring it to the boys dorm? Do you want me to take it to my place for someone to pick up?" She chirped into the phone, sounding hopeful.
"Um, I don't know, can I put Ji on to decide?" you stuttered as a hand took the phone out of yours.
"Hello Hari?" Minho spoke gently to your friend as she explained she had your things but wasn't sure how to get them to you "I'll send a manager to get them so everyone remains anonymous" he typed Hari's address into his own phone and thanked her again before handing the phone back to you.
"Why don't you go wash up one of us will get you some clothes to sleep in" Chan suggested taking in your haggard looking eyes.
You nodded, standing up and wandering down the hallway towards the bedrooms as bathroom, Felix following so that he could get you some towels and show you where his room was so he could grab you a shirt to sleep in and some of his sweatpants. Handing everything to you he opened the bathroom door and left you to your own devices. The hot water on your skin felt nice to begin with but after a while was scalding your skin, but you didn't move to turn the temperature down only to slide down the tiles to cry the last of the tears you had left to shed, you were sure that the company were going to tell you to separate and that you wouldn't see Han for a long time and it was killing you to think that you might have found your one only to have him ripped away from you by a third party. You didn't hear the door open or close and you didn't really even notice that the water had stopped but you could hear the pain that laced Han's voice as he spoke to you in hushed whispers.
"Oh baby, what have you done to yourself?" he whispered, helping you from the shower and wrapping you in the fluffy towel Felix had given you. He dried your reddened skin gently hoping it would return to your normal color and not become anything worse.
"I'm sorry Ji, I'm just so scared I'll lose you" you mumbled your throat dry from your hiccupping and sobbing.
"You will never lose me baby, I love you, only you" he hushed as he dressed you in Felix's clothes not loving the sight of you in them but grateful that Felix was trying so hard to help.
"But..."You continued.
"No buts, nothing on Earth would take me from you. I am yours" he soothed wrapping his arms around you to pick you up and carry you across the hall to Felix's room before laying you down. "I'm going to let the others know you are going to bed now and I'll be back in to cuddle you" he kissed your forehead softly then softly padded from the room.
You laid still on Felix's bed, it felt weird to be in another members room and clothes but you knew that the feeling would fade once you were in his arms hoping Felix could forgive you, you decided that is this was your last night with Han you were going to have to make it count even if he said he would stay beside you. You knew that if it came down to it and it was you or his career he would pick his brothers, his family, his Stay over you and you couldn't fault him for that he had worked so hard he shouldn't have to throw it away on just one stupid girl. You were still stuck in your head when he came back, wrapping you in his arms and pulling you to him tightly.
"I know you are lost in your head but I love you" he murmured "I love you so much, I will never stop loving you".
"I love you to Ji" you whispered back through the darkness of the room.
"Whatever you need to ease your mind tonight I will do" he continued his fingers combing through your still damp hair. You laid there quietly trying to focus on the feeling of his touch letting it dim the thoughts in your head
"I don’t want this to be our last night together" your whisper cracked as you admitted your fear to him. “I don’t know what I would do without you in my life”.
"It won't be our last night baby, we will have all the nights forever" he swore “There is no one else I am ever going to want to spend my life with, only you”. Rubbing his hand up and down your arm to soothe you, you clung tightly to him knowing that if you could stay awake you would get to at least keep the memories from the next few hours for the rest of your life if he ended up being taken from you, but your eyes were growing heavy with exhaustion and it was only a matter of time before the outside world would end up deciding what the rest of your life would look like.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading this my loves, this has been sitting in my wips for ages but I finally finished it. As always my world is made brighter by your likes, reblogs and comments xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz @armystay89 @damnyouficc @roamingpolar @tara-skyhold @bakedlilgoonie , @krishastumblernow , @mrsseals16 , @fawnpeaks @leeknowinggg @uno7 @tanzen-ist-gold
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hee0soo · 1 year
Backstage Scare
Summary:You visit your boyfriend while he´s touring with the boys but not everyone knows who you are to them!
Request: by @andjeoidjavo
Soo, I thought about a SKZ scene, where the reader is the gf, but gets in a situation where she needs to be kinda saved? Like someone was getting to close to her and wouldn’t leave her alone; being a bit more touchy and aggressive/disrespectful? And another member was there to protect her? Like, it got sooo bad that the member had to physically intervene?
Idc who the bf is tbh, but I think I kinda want to see the interation between the member and the gf, like she is a part of the family and they all love her and respect her☺️
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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You and your boyfriend hadn´t seen each other in a while now. Him being on the second World Tour with the members and you staying at home because of your work!
But now you had a few days off and were determined to join them at least for 1 or 2 tour stops! The members all knew about your arrival and were very excited to see you again after not having seen you in a while.
Of course you had kept in contact with them through texts but nothing could beat the joy you felt when you were hanging out with them.
Chan had been the most excited to see you, having insisted that he would pick you up from the airport with the manager! He wanted to be the first one to hold you before his members could whisk you away from him again.
The manager had made him wait in the car as to no cause a scandal, which he petulantly accepted. He could have been told to wait at the hotel or venue after all! That was not something he wanted to risk even in the slightest…
Now that he was sitting in the car, waiting for you to walk through the door of Terminal, he couldn´t sit still anymore. The poor boy did his best not to rip the car door open and run to you when he finally managed to see your figure!
Patience is a virtue is what the manager told him when he had gotten out!
He couldn´t care less about it at the moment but also had the group to keep in mind. To the fans, you were just a member of the staff and you both wanted to keep it that way. At least for now!
After your luggage was finally stowed into the trunk, you finally opened the door and climbed onto the back seat. The door had barely closed when you got pulled into the strong embrace of your boyfriend.
“I missed you too Channie!” you laughed as he hid his face in your hair. Your arms engulfing his torso while doing so.
The manager only shook his head fondly as he watched the reunion through the rear mirror!
“Oh you have no idea how much I’ve missed you! How was I  ever able to handle the members without you by my side!”
His face came into few when he pulled back to look you in the eyes.
Not having the power to resist his brown chocolate orbs anymore you put your hands on his cheeks and kissed him softly. Chan could almost taste the longing in your lips and he was sure you could too!
You were going straight to the venue as the other members were already waiting for their leader to go over the sound check together and the drive took about an hour until the car arrived at its destination. Giving to you more than enough time to catch up on what was going on in your lives without anyone interrupting.
Well besides the boys, who had started spamming the groups chat like crazy halfway through the drive!
Getting greeted by the members could be compared to getting swarmed by a bunch of over excited puppies nipping at your ankles for attention and you were happy to give them said attention any time!
Soon after, sound check started and you made yourself comfortable on a couch next to one of the managers.
You could feel several security guards eyeing you carefully as you talked to the him but ultimately left you alone.
It only became a problem when you had to search for the rest room to freshen up for a moment. The manager had pointed you to where you had to go and you quickly went there.
Sound check was almost over at that point so you guessed that the boys were already going to be back stage by the time you came back.
You did your business, washed your hands and left again, wandering the hallway to find your way back to where you were going to wait for Chan.
It took you a while to find your sense of orientation again, walking into the wrong direction 2 times before you found the right way.
Apparently one of the security guards who hadn´t seen you yet found the way you were wandering a bit to suspicions for his liking!
“Who are you and what are you doing here?”
His stance was defensive and you took a step back as he got in your way.
“I´m a- friend of the boys. The manager knows who I am. You can verify my identity with him if you´d like.” You answered politely befor attempting to push past him.
The man didn´t budge.
“Did you think I’d believe that little story of yours?” he asked gruffly and took another step towards you.
“It´s not a story! The manager can verify that, so can we please go talk to him?”
The guard shook his head in disbelief.
“This is a restricted area and I don´t see a badge anywhere on you so no, you will not get anywhere near the artists or their manager any time soon! And now LEAVE!”
Anger started bubbling inside of you. Not at the guard, he was only doing his job! But at you for not bringing the staff badge you had been given by the manager earlier.
“Sir I understand that you are just doing your job so please could you just get the manager to verify that I DO belong here and that he has the staff badge! It’s with the manager! Who, again, can tell you exactly who I am!”
Without waiting to receive an answer you tried to get past him again but the guard roughly grabbed your arm. It hurt but not too bad that you had to scream. Instead you tried to squirm your way out of his hold to get away from him!
“Let me go!”
“If you won´t leave on your own accord then I will make you leave!”
His hold tightened significantly and pushed you wards the exit while you whimpered at the sudden pressure on your arm.
“She said let go!” came a dangerously calm voice from behind you and the guard.
The man either didn´t hear it or completely ignored it but you recognized your boyfriend in a heartbeat!
You looked over your shoulder to see him, Changbin and Felix walking over to where you were led away.
Changbin was the first to react. The small rapper skipped over to grab the guards arm that was holding yours tightly!
Surprised by the sudden touch, the man’s head whipped around.
Chan who had walked up to where Changbin was holding the poor man! He let go and you used the chance to slip past him and behind Chan! Felix wrapped his arms around your shaking form, shushing you as silent tears had started to run down your cheeks.
“She belongs to us and if you want to keep your job I’d suggest you scram now!” the leader told the man. You had only ever heard that tone from him when it was about the member’s health, safety or treatment before!
The man took the advice to heart and left quickly to lick his wounds.
Chan turned back to you.
“Can you show me your arm baby?” he asked gently as he looked at your anxious face.
Felix took the arm you were holding and held it so Chan could see well.
The skin was red and it would definitely bruise a bit.
But with the hugs of your friends and kisses of your boyfriend, you were sure that it would heal quickly before you would go home again.
An added plus was that Chan would not let you out of his sight for the remaining time you had together!
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joongbin · 1 year
i need a male × jeongin smut where he and the fan boy have some interactions during the show, but they somehow met each other by the night and then...wow.
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꒰ you were a fanboy of jeongin, why wouldn't you be? you thought you had no chance with the idol, but one night changed those thoughts immediately.
+ pairings: btm!yang jeongin x top!fanboy!reader
× warnings: possible one night stand, dubcon?, both are slightly drunk, reader is amab, unprotected sex, they use spit as lube.
# genre: smut.
& smut req fuiyohh
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You finally got front tickets. You had been trying for MONTHS, but they were always sold out within seconds, but today you were lucky.
You screamed in joy, staring at your screen in relief. You can finally see your bias, Yang Jeongin. He was the cutest, talented member, that's why he was your bias.
You could easily be called his ultimate fanboy. You had an entire TikTok account about him and how you have every single one of his photocards and merch, you were basically known as his ultimate fan.
You wore a mask, baggy and light shirt and some pants you found. You of course, brought your lightstick with you that had Foxyi.ny on the screen along with the cute hoodie thing for it.
You grbbe your album, just in case. You grabbed your your favourite photocard of him that was in a Foxyi.ny case.
You stared at it before getting inside the car that was going to pick you up, since you were feeling a little lazy to drive.
You sat comfortably, making sure your lightstick was working and connected to the app, then you updated your friends on what you were doing since they just wanted to make sure you're safe.
Getting a little distracted, you didn't even notice you had already arrived to the venue. You made sure everything was in your bag, before thanking the driver and getting out of the car.
You waited a few minutes in the crowd, fumbling to put in your earplugs because you know how wild STAY gets when SKZ goes on stage.
And you were right. The moment they stepped on to the stage, numerous screams from STAY just filled the venue up. You had to cover your ears while screaming, even if you had the ear plugs in.
You looked at your one and only Jeongin. He looked so good on stage. You were basically admiring him, smiling ear to ear as you kept interacting with him whenever he's not performing.
Little small waves, connecting hearts, him recording a video on your phone, probably everything a fan would imagine for. You immediately set your phone wallpaper to you connecting hearts with him.
That would be your closest interaction.
He's an idol and you're just a fan. That was the relationship, no more no less.
Or, that's what you thought.
You were at a bar with your friend because it was her birthday, and you wanted to celebrate it with her. She just got heavily drunk and hanging out with someone while you sat at the seat you were always at.
You weren't exactly a fan of the smell of the alcohol in front of you. Then, you felt someone beside you. You said your friends name, before you turned to look at them.
It was him. The Yang Jeongin. You called out his name, before he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“ You're that .. guy from earlier .. ” He said, his voice raspy. It just .. made you feel something, your idol in front of you, being all touchy.
But you didn't know what to do. Yeah, he looked absolutely euphoric looking at you with those eyes, but was this even right? You were soon dragged to a room at the bar, as if the bar knew that people would have sex at the place.
He pressed you against the bed with absolute lust in his eyes, grinding on you as he let out a whine. You didn't expect for him to even do that, but it definitely lit something inside you.
Your dick grew hard in your pants, just like the other's was. He was starting to moan from the pleasure he was getting just by grinding on you.
Jeongin clashed lips with you, making out with you as he tried to reach his high, but couldn't. It just didn't feel good enough.
“ Please... ” He muttered.
Your hands snaked to the back of his head before gripping on his hair softly, earning a soft moan from him.
You flipped him around, making you go on top of him. He looked so beautiful under you, a wet patch on his pants that was probably his precum. You stroked his cock from his pants at an agonizingly slow pace, making him raise his hips up to get more friction.
You held him by the waist, slowly picking up your pace to please him.
“ Better? ” You say, he nods vigorously, eyes shut as he enjoyed the pleasure you were giving him.
You didn't really expect to see your idol in such a state, much less that you were making him feel this way. Such sensation made you feel .. powerful. You loved the way you had control over his pleasure.
Your hand stopped and he opened his eyes, panting lightly as he looked at you. You stripped him of his pants, taking off his underwear as well.
He looked at you with anticipation, you looked at him with a smirk before turning him around, his ass facing you.
“ So cute. ” You squeezed at his left cheek, his whines were just like music to your ears.
“ Please .. please .. fuck me. ” Jeongin whined even louder as you spat in to his hole and fingered him. The room didn't have lube, and you weren't expecting to fuck anyone, so spit was probably your second option.
Once you thought it was done, you lined yourself up with his hole before inserting it in slowly, making sure he wasn't uncomfortable or hurt.
He moaned, back arching as you make him take your full length. You and him panted before you started moving, slowly.
“ You're so tight, angel. ” You say, fucking into his hole as he moaned louder when you hit his prostate. You were absolutely in love with his moans.
You wanted to hear more of it.
Jeongin's dick started to twitch, his words slurring more and more as he slowly reached his climax. His thighs shaking.
“ Baby- please, ngh! I'm close.. ” You couldn't even tell what he was saying, but it made you fuck him faster, making him reach his high faster.
You panted behind him, reaching your high also. You shover your cock deep inside him as you came inside of him, him cumming along with you with a long, loud moan.
You both panted and were tired. His legs were shaking as he fell, his cock still leaking a little bit of cum. You kissed him on his cheek with a smile.
That cock drunk smile was so beautiful.
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Being a pack means sticking together-in more ways than one. And when one member of the pack is missing, everyone feels it, but especially the head alpha. Chan's never been good at expressing his emotions, or coping with them. Luckily, he's got eight people on his side to take care of him when he can't.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, OT8, SKZ!pack, SKZ!abo, Poly!SKZ, SKZ x you, SKZ x reader, Bang Chan, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin, Y/N, SKZ imagines, SKZ reactions, SKZ scenarios
Genre: Fluff, Light Angst
Title: Before You Know It
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“It’s just a week.” You say with slight consolation, as you snap the last closure shut on your suitcase, and zip up the final pocket of your backpack. 
Jeongin whines-a sad, plaintive sound-and Felix groans, as Hyunjin complains heatedly, “Yeah, but a week is gonna seem like a lifetime, noona!” 
“I know.” You glance up at the trio of omegas with a slight grimace, and step toward them, giving them what you hope is a convincing smile as you tousle Jeongin’s dark hair. “But I promise, I’ll be back before you know it.” 
“Don’t leave us, noona.” Jeongin begs, clasping warm fingers around your wrist so you can’t pull away, as the scent of yeast and baking bread sharpens noticeably in the air. “The hyungs will make us do things with them, because they don’t want us to mope around and be sad, and god forbid I have to go to the gym with Changbin-hyung.” 
“Or cook with Minho-hyung.” Hyunjin visibly shudders. 
Minho appears in the doorway then, pointing a warning finger at the suddenly contrite omega. “I heard that, Hwang Hyunjin. Kitchen duty. All week.” 
Hyunjin groans, and Felix gives him a sympathetic pat on the top of his head. 
Changbin joins Minho in the doorway then, glancing over his shoulder, taking in your current predicament, trapped between the three whining omegas, and shoots you a clearly sympathetic look, before clearing his throat. 
“You need to get going soon, or you’re gonna miss your flight, baby girl. Pass me your suitcase.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” You sigh out, though you know he’s right, and untangling yourself from Jeongin’s grasp, doing your best to ignore his sad whine at the loss of contact, you sling your backpack over your shoulder, rolling your suitcase in Changbin’s direction. 
He lifts it easily, and disappears, presumably in the direction of the car. 
Minho offers the omegas a shrewd look as you cross the room to stand beside him. 
“You three. Find something else to do. (Y/N) needs to get her ass to the car before Christopher has an aneurysm.” 
“I swear to god-” Hyunjin rolls his eyes, heaving a sigh as he pushes himself up off the bed. “-he’s like a dad in that regard.” He pitches his voice lower in a representation of the head alpha, scowling his face into a serious expression as he waves a finger between the other two omegas. “‘You know the saying when it comes to the airport, Hyunjin, three hours early, or consider yourself late.’”
“Is that supposed to be me?” 
Chan appears then, letting his hand drop affectionately onto Minho’s shoulder, as he glances at Hyunjin, one dark brow disappearing into the curls of his bangs. 
Hyunjin snorts. “Of course it is, hyung.” 
“Hyung.” Jeongin whines out, bounding up and across the room to throw his arms around Chan’s middle. “Don’t let noona leave.” 
“Ah, Innie.” Chan cards his hand through Jeongin’s mop of hair, where the omega is currently burying his nose into his ribs. “This is a good opportunity-a great one even-for (Y/N), yeah? She’s been invited to this conference because she’s one of the best in her program, and we should be nothing but proud of her for it.” 
You offer him a grateful smile, and he tilts his head, watching you for a moment, as Jeongin mumbles against his sweater, “Yeah, I know. Still sucks though.” 
“It does.” Chan agrees quietly, and something melancholy flickers across his expression, quick enough to miss, before he leans over to press a kiss to the youngest omega’s head. “But she’ll be back before we know it.” 
“Okay.” Minho interrupts, reaching forward and taking your backpack from you before you can think to protest, giving the remaining members of the pack a sharp look as he ushers you toward the waiting door. “Noona really needs to get going now. Say ‘bye noona!’” 
“I love you, yeah?” You manage to brush your fingers with Hyunjin and Felix’s outstretched hands as Minho pulls you out of the room, calling over your shoulder loudly, “I’ll video call every night, okay? I’ll be back soon!” 
Chan murmurs something beneath his breath to Jeongin that you can’t quite make out, and then the omega is slinging his arms around your waist for one more quick hug before retreating back to the older omegas waiting on the bed. 
The smell of bread lingers in your nose, even as you step outside into the crisp Autumn morning air. 
Changbin is leaning against the car, trunk still popped, deep in quiet conversation with Seungmin, when you all emerge, but they both look up at your exit from the house, and Changbin steps toward you, taking your backpack from Minho and placing it with your already packed suitcase. 
“All ready?” 
You nod, biting your lip, and Changbin offers you the hint of a smile, before he crushes you to his chest in a strong hug, and you let yourself enjoy the feel of his warmth for a moment, the smell of smoke in your nose, both a contrast to the chill bite of the morning air. 
“You’re gonna be great.” He murmurs into your hair, nose brushing the crown of your head, and you manage a nod. “And don’t worry. We’ll be fine.” 
You sniff, and he squeezes your arms with the warm palms of his hands, before he releases you, turning to shut the trunk. 
Seungmin steps up to you then, straightening your jacket, and looks you seriously in the eye, his lips a thin line. 
“If you embarrass us, or the department, in front of all those big wigs, I’ll personally have Minho-hyung murder you.” 
You laugh, the sound slightly watered down, and throw your arms around the beta. 
“I’ll be sure to name drop you before I do anything even slightly embarrasing.” 
He grins now. “You would.” 
You grin back. “Only for you, baby.” 
There is the jangle of keys as Minho tosses the set to Chan, who has once again joined you all, ball cap pulled low over his face, breath steaming in the cold air. 
He rubs his hands together and glances in your direction. 
“Almost.” You assure, before you turn to Minho, who suddenly looks like a cornered feline ready to bolt at any moment. 
“Minnie.” You wheedle, stalking toward him, even as he backs away from you, eyes flashing dangerously with his glare. 
You practically tackle him with the force of your hug, and you hear the air leave his body in a little oomph of sound, even as you bury your face in the jacket he wears, the smell of spiced amber tickling your nose, lulling your worried brain into a sort of safe space, at least for the moment. 
“I love you.” 
“God.” You can hear the smile in his voice, even though his actual words are dripping with feigned sarcastic annoyance. “I hate it when you’re sappy like this.” 
You tilt your head back and grin up at him, and he crinkles his nose in disgust. 
“I know.” 
He sighs, like the weight of the world is suddenly on his shoulders, and shoves you away, back toward the car. “I love you too or whatever. Now get going.” 
You take a step back, giving him a little wave. 
“Tell Jisungie bye for me, okay? And that I’ll call tonight?” 
Minho nods and waves you toward the car with his hand, rolling his eyes. 
“Yeah, yeah. So you’ve said. He has a break from clinicals at noon, text him from the airport and tell him yourself.” 
Chan opens the passenger door of the car for you, and you slide into the seat, the blast of the heater a welcome warmth on your feet, as you wave to the pack members standing on the front lawn, and then to the trio of omegas just visible in the front window, noses pressed to the glass. 
Chan closes the door, saying something to Changbin and Minho, muffled and unintelligible through the glass and over the sound of the radio, and then he crosses in front of the car to slide into the driver’s seat. 
Turning to you, he offers you the hint of a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. 
You glance out the window, waving one last time to your pack, and take a deep breath. 
The car lurches into motion and heads off down the street. 
Chan is tapping his fingers against the steering wheel along with the beat of the music, and your exit is looming dangerously quicker and closer, when you finally decide to ask. 
“Are you okay?” 
His gaze jerks to you, and he looks almost guilty, before he blurts out, a little too quickly, “Yeah, why do you ask?” 
You shrug and let your gaze drift out the window, to the cars blurring past, the giant green signs announcing the approach of the airport. 
“Because I know you.” You reply simply, not looking at him, even as your wolf twitches its ears in sudden interest, the smell of petrichor growing heavy and damp in the small space of the car. “And I know how you are.” 
“And how am I?” 
Out of the side of your eye, you see the corner of his mouth lift into the start of an amused smile. 
“Selfless.” You answer immediately, and Chan’s head jerks in your direction, surprise washing across his face. You glance at him now, expression serious, even as the car angles to take the exit for the airport. “You fake it til you make it, because you want everyone else to be okay first, even if that means shoving your own emotions and worries down deep to deal with later-or maybe even never.” 
He opens his mouth to protest, and when he speaks, the words are a stammer, “No-I don’t-that’s not-” 
You level him with a stern look. “That’s exactly what you do.” 
He sighs, long and heavy, and stares out the windshield, fingers once again tapping on the steering wheel, but in an almost anxious pattern now, no longer keeping to the beat. 
There are a few moments of silence, the airport now looming, and then you let your hand drop onto his thigh. 
He chuckles beneath his breath, though his knuckles are tight around the steering wheel as he maneuvers the car into the drop off lane. 
“You sound like Minho.” 
You smile, tight lipped, and watch as he finally pulls the car into an empty space at the curb, sliding it into park before sighing once more and turning to you.
He turns off the radio and opens his mouth as if to speak, but no words come out.  
You tilt your head and watch him, the people and traffic bustling busily past your stand still, but inside the car, it’s just silence, and things unsaid, and the smell of heavy incoming rain. 
“I don’t-” Chan starts, his voice quiet, and he clears his throat, glancing away from you now, eyes scanning the passengers streaming into the airport. 
He tries again. 
“I don’t want you to feel bad for going.” 
Your fingers squeeze around his thigh, and he blows a hiss of breath past his teeth, glancing down at your hand, before he threads his fingers through your own. 
“I know. I don’t.” You assure, squeezing his hand once more. 
He flicks his gaze up to yours and offers you the hint of a tight lipped smile. “You know how I get-a little too protective and entirely too worried for my own good. I just don’t like the pack being split up, it puts me on edge. But I’ll be fine.” 
“Are you sure it’s not just because you’re going to miss me like crazy?” You tease, trying to lighten the mood, as you lean over and nudge your nose into the side of his neck just below his jaw. 
“That too.” Chan chuckles, letting you nuzzle against him for a moment, scenting him, as he presses a kiss to the crown of your head. 
The smell of wisteria and rain mixes pleasantly, and you relax again him, if just for a moment. 
Finally, you sigh regretfully, and pull back from him, offering him a silent apology with your eyes as you glance down at your watch. 
“You have to go.” He nods, something brief and unreadable flashing across his gaze, before he offers you another half hearted smile. “Go on then.” You twist the door handle, even as Chan gets out to unload your luggage from the trunk, helping you into the straps of your backpack, before you take the handle of your suitcase in your palm. 
He’s watching you fondly, a little sadly, and you throw your arms around him for one last petrichor soaked hug. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
He pushes you away from him gently, in the direction of the doors to the terminal, and motions with his head for you to get going. 
You do so, reluctantly. 
“Now get going, and make us all proud, Little Miss Scientist.” 
You grin at him over your shoulder. 
“No promises.” 
Chan tilts his head and grins, his eyes crinkling and dimples appearing. 
“You’ll definitely be the sexiest scientist there, if that’s any consolation.” 
You roll your eyes and wave.
“Yeah, yeah. You’re just biased.” 
He arches a brow at you. 
“So what if I am? I’m also right.” 
You point a finger in his direction as the sliding doors automatically open up before you, and the wave of heated, airport air washes over you, along with a million unknown, overwhelming scents. 
Your wolf whines, instantly on edge, and you pull your mask up over your face. 
“Take care of yourself, Christopher. Or I’ll sic Minho on you.” 
It’s Chan’s turn to roll his eyes and wave now. 
“I’ll be fine.” 
One last wave in his direction, and you disappear into the airport. 
Chan is not fine. 
He’s spent two days in the studio cooped up, not eating enough and definitely not sleeping enough, when your call comes in. 
He picks up on the third ring. 
“Hey!” “Hey.” Chan forces a bright cheeriness into his greeting that he doesn’t feel, grimacing at how fake it sounds, even to his own ears. 
Thankfully, you don’t seem to notice. 
“Oh my god, it’s so good to hear your voice.” 
He leans back in the desk chair, creaking beneath his weight, and stretches his arms above his head, feeling his back slot back into place. 
He gets a whiff of the smell of his own body as he does so, and cursing his hypersensitive nasal capabilities, tells himself that maybe it’s time to go home and take a shower. 
“How’s D.C?” He asks instead, because he doesn’t want to think about that, not right now. 
“Oh my god.” You repeat again, voice rising in pitch and volume with your excitement, and Chan can practically see you waving your hands with your words in his head. “It’s amazing, Channie. There’s so many brilliant presenters and I’ve learned so much, not to mention, it’s been incredible to see things I’ve only heard about in theory done in demonstrations and-” Chan’s eyes feel heavy and tired, and he glances at the bright light of the computer screen-the unfinished song currently taunting him, the cursor blinking idly-and catches a brief reflection of himself, all pale skin and dark circles bruising beneath his lash line. 
He rubs a hand across his face, if only to rid himself of the sickly reflection, and rakes his fingers through his hair. 
“Mmm.” He hums a sound of acknowledgement beneath his breath as he hears you say his name, and suddenly feels all too guilty for letting his exhaustion tune you out. “Yeah, I’m here, baby.” 
There is a brief pause, the silence trickling down the line of the call, and then your voice, quieter now, more serious. 
“Binnie says you’ve been spending a lot of time at the studio. Working on your new stuff.” 
“Yeah.” He replies, without really thinking, before he clears his throat and forces a bit more enthusiasm into his words. “Yeah! I’ve been making some good progress I think.” 
“That’s good.” He hears the hesitation in your tone, and his wolf growls low in agitation. “You’re taking care of yourself, right?” 
Chan doesn’t like lying to you, he doesn’t, and his wolf absolutely abhors it if the low rumble of a threatening snarl starting deep in his throat is anything to go by, but he doesn’t want to worry you, doesn’t want to dampen your trip, doesn’t want to have to explain to you why he’s sitting in the studio for the second day in a row, wearing the same clothes, hasn’t even been home, nothing but the wane, cold light of the monitor to keep him company, a thread of a dozen unread messages the only testament to the actual depth of his solitude. 
So instead, he forces a lightness into his words that doesn’t at all reflect the tired, dull ache in his bones, in his head, and lies through his teeth. 
“Yeah, I’m taking care of myself, baby. Besides, that’s what Minho’s for.” 
He hears you let out a breath, heavy with relief, and then the smile is back in your tone when you reply. 
“You’re right. He won’t let you starve.” 
The pounding behind his left eye is starting to hammer into a crescendo. 
There is the sound of a door opening through the speaker, a few hushed words, and then your voice, apologetic, regretful. 
Chan’s wolf is torn between feeling protective and absolutely miserable at the sudden shift in atmosphere. 
“I’m really sorry, baby. But I’ve got to go. The next panel is starting soon.” 
Chan swallows hard, his throat feeling coated with sand. 
“Yeah, no. I get it. Go save the world or whatever.” 
You laugh, and it’s honestly the most beautiful sound Chan has heard in two days, though it sounds like it’s somewhat underwater and he can barely keep his eyes open now, the headache hammering away at the inside of his skull with a vengeance. 
His fingers find the power switch for the monitor and flip it, and the room is plunged into darkness. 
“I love you. I’ll see you this weekend, okay?” 
Chan stares up through the darkness at the ceiling, the phone held loosely in his fingers, warm against his ear. 
His entire body aches. 
“Yeah. Can’t wait.” 
You make a kissing sound through the phone, and the line disconnects. 
Chan sits there for a moment, in the dark silence, the phone still held beside his ear, and closes his eyes, the exhaustion making his body feel heavy, useless. 
His wolf whines, pacing circles, and he finds himself searching for any hint of wisteria, any lingering shell of frost, but all he finds is the mustiness of his own studio, and the smell of bitter rain. 
“You look terrible.” 
Chan manages to sling his backpack close enough to the closet to count, and kicks off his shoes without really looking. 
Seungmin will berate him in the morning, but right now, he can’t even convince himself to care. 
Everything inside of him is being pulled toward the thought of a warm shower, and then the familiar cozy comfort of his bed. 
Sleep. That’s what he needs. 
“Thanks.” Chan manages to reply, though the words sound slurred, even to his own ears, and Minho looks less than impressed. 
“I saved you some dinner if you want it-” The other alpha intones blankly, reaching to pull open the fridge for Chan to see. 
Chan’s entire body revulses at the thought of food. 
“No.” He shakes his head, and his vision is blurry, and it’s hard to focus on the outline of his boyfriend against the sudden, bright light from the refrigerator in the dimly lit kitchen. “I’m just gonna head to bed I think.” 
“Please tell me you’re gonna shower first.” 
That’s Hyunjin, sitting cross legged on the counter top, his nose crinkled in slight disgust-presumably at Chan’s musk-even as he helps himself to some of whatever batter Minho is currently making for baking. 
The elder swats the omega’s hand away with a wooden spoon. 
“Hwang Hyunjin, I’ll pull off your fingers.” 
Chan doesn’t even hear the luna’s retort, already stumbling out of the kitchen and down the hall blindly toward the end of the house where his bedroom and bathroom reside. 
He manages to make it down the hallway and up the stairs without falling-a considerable accomplishment considering his eyes are already half closed-but his traitorous feet slow, and then stop, outside of a door that is most definitely not his. 
Why are we here? He asks his wolf silently, the exhaustion making his brain cloudy with confusion. 
And then, he smells it. 
Wisteria. And frosty pine. 
The confusion muddling his brain is gone in an instant, swept away like wisps of clouds in the face of a head wind, and Chan is suddenly on full alert, every inch of his body tingling, his nerves electric. 
Mate, his wolf whispers, and he reaches for the closed door, letting his fingers skim over the cool knob of the handle. 
It might not help, of course he knows this, the logical part of his brain is already balking at the idea, but he lets his hand turn the knob anyway, and before he can second guess himself, steps into the quiet, dark of your room. 
The scent, your scent, that lingers, instantly has every muscle in his body relaxing. 
The headache that has seemed to plague him for the last two days is suddenly quiet, no longer knocking at the inside of his skull. 
Mate, his wolf hums contentedly, and something inside of Chan has him taking a few steps toward the bed, his fingers trailing over your neatly tucked comforter, that is, until they touch something unexpected, something slick and cool, almost like plastic. 
Curious, Chan reaches for the lamp resting on the bedside table, and flicks it on. 
In the middle of your bed is a plastic grocery bag, neatly folded into a square, and on top, a note with his name on it, printed neatly in your easily recognizable handwriting. 
Chan reaches for it, his fingers trembling slightly. 
I know how hard this is on you, even if you won’t show it. 
Sorry I stole this, but I think you’ll be glad I did. 
P.S. You’re welcome to sleep in my bed while I’m gone if you want. Ask the omegas to cuddle pile you. That always makes me feel better. <3
He sets aside the note and carefully unfolds the bag, his familiar, worn, black Nirvana hoodie falling into his lap as he does so. 
He chuckles fondly, because of course that’s what you had stolen, his fingers kneading the soft fabric affectionately, and then it hits him. 
The smell. 
He raises the hoodie slowly, disbelievingly, to his nose and takes a deep whiff. 
Pine. Wisteria. The faint notes of the perfume you always wear. 
His tired, overworked body suddenly feels like putty. 
His wolf purrs. 
“I thought I’d find you in here.” 
Chan looks up at Changbin’s voice, the other alpha standing in the open doorway, and he suddenly feels weirdly guilty, like he’s doing something wrong, sitting in your room, on your bed, with his hoodie in his lap, drenched in your scent. 
But there’s no judgment on Changbin’s face-just quiet, affectionate understanding-as he says, “I know it’s hard on you, you know. Not having us all together.” 
Chan chuckles, a sort of self-deprecating, humorless sound, and glances down once more, watching the way his fingers disappear into the black fabric draped over his lap. 
“What gave it away?” He asks dryly, glancing once more up at Changbin, who is watching him knowingly now. “The dark circles? Or the stench?” 
It’s Changbin’s turn to chuckle now, coming to sit beside him on the edge of the bed. 
“All of it?” He shrugs, glancing sidelong at the head alpha with a smirk, before he playfully bumps their shoulders together. 
Chan appreciates the normalcy of it all. Changbin’s never made a big deal out of things, and it’s one of the many things he appreciates about the quiet, stalwart alpha sitting beside him. 
“But it was mostly the return to the old pattern of holing up in the studio for two days and shutting everyone out that really sold it.” 
Chan winces and rubs at the back of his neck, shooting the other alpha an apologetic sort of look. 
“Yeah, sorry about that.” 
Changbin shrugs. “All good. We know how you get. No one took it personally.” He grins. “Well, maybe Hyunjin, but he’s a little dramatic in the best of times.” 
Chan laughs. “I’ll make it up to him.” 
“I’m sure you will.” Changbin replies with a wink, sitting back on his hands on the bed, as he lets his gaze fall to the hoodie still cradled in Chan’s lap. “She leave you that?” 
“I mean, it’s my hoodie.” Chan defends instantly, but he sighs and nods anyway. “But yeah.” He raises the fabric to his nose and takes another experimental whiff, the strong smell of your scent filling his nose and instantly relaxing his tired muscles. “It helps, I think.” 
Now it’s Changbin’s turn to lean over and take an experimental whiff of Chan. “Yeah, you definitely smell less stressed.” He grins, crinkling his nose. “But also. You really need to shower.” 
“I know okay?” Chan complains, biting back a smile, even as he huffs an irritated breath. “That’s where I was going before I got sidetracked, I swear.” 
Chanbin pats his shoulder with a knowing smile, and stands from the bed, the mattress creaking from the sudden movement. He pauses in his trek back to the door to glance at Chan over his shoulder. 
“Minho’s worried about you.” His brow furrows, and he offers the head alpha a sympathetic look. “You should really consider eating something before you go to bed. I know it’d make us all feel better.” 
Chan sighs, and then finally nods, because now that he’s sat down for a moment, his stomach is starting to grumble with the telltale cramps of hunger pangs. 
“Okay. Yeah. Tell him I’ll be down after I clean up.” 
Changbin gives him a teasing salute before he leaves. “Yes, sir.” 
Chan sighs, his body heavy with exhaustion now that he’s given himself a moment to relax, and forces himself up from your bed, hoodie clenched tightly in his hands.
His head spins slightly as he stands-whether from hunger or exhaustion or both-and he takes a moment to right himself before he heads off back down the hall toward the bathroom. 
God, he really needs to take better care of himself.
When Chan finally reemerges back downstairs-clean and feeling slightly less morose and disgusting than before, wrapped safely in the comfort of his nirvana hoodie and your scent-the pack is gathered around the kitchen table. 
The younger members are chattering loudly amongst themselves as they play some sort of card game, Minho swatting their hands out of the way affectionately as he sets down a fresh plate of Hotteok in the middle of the table. 
No one has noticed Chan’s quiet entrance yet, no one but Seungmin, who sidles up to him from his spot beside the refrigerator, leaning against the counter beside him in silence as they both observe the excited going ons of the pack. 
Finally, the beta breeches the comfortable silence between the two of them, not looking at Chan as he asks casually, “Did you finish the song?” 
It takes Chan’s sluggish thoughts a moment to catch up to the question. “What?” 
“Your song.” Seungmin glances at him now, a slightly amused look in his eyes, as the corner of his lip pulls up into something akin to the start of an exasperated smile. “The one you were working on. You know? The reason we didn’t see you for two days?”  
Chan feels as if he’s trying to force his thoughts through gelatin on their path to his mouth, but he finally manages to say, “Oh. Yeah. That song. No. I didn’t finish it. Still working on the bridge.” 
Not his most articulate work, but it’ll do. 
“Hmm.” Seungmin merely hums beneath his breath in acknowledgement, turning away from Chan once more to watch the ensuing battle at the table. 
Chan follows the beta’s gaze as Jisung’s voice rings out from the table, his offended glower and outraged fury directed across the table in Hyunjin’s direction, the said omega looking particularly smug. 
“It’s entirely legal, Jisungie. Maybe you’re just shit at this game.” 
“Take it up with someone who cares, asshole.” 
“I will. This is unfair play on the field! Where’s my call?!” 
Beside Chan, Seungmin sighs. 
He glances to the head alpha with a look in his eyes that very clearly says help me, and pushes himself up off the counter. 
“Unfortunately, that’s my cue.” 
Chan watches as Seungmin crosses the several feet to the kitchen table-and the current fight-and leans over to look at the cards, before he promptly tosses one of Jeongin’s brightly colored socks into the middle of the table and announces blankly, “Unfair Play. Retract your card, Hyunjin.” 
“Hah!” Jisung looks vindicated, crowing loudly in triumph, as Hyunjin rolls his eyes and reaches for the offending card, adding it back to his hand. 
Duty done, Seungmin once again retreats back to his quiet spot beside Chan. 
“Good call.” 
Seungmin glances at him sidelong and offers him a sloped grin. “I like to think of myself as impartial, but sometimes, I just side with Jisung to fuck with Hyunjin.” 
Chan chuckles and glances back to the resumed game. 
“Also a good call.” 
Chan glances up at the call of his name, and Minho appears beside them now, plate held in his hands. It takes a moment for Chan’s brain to register that he’s holding it out for him, watching him sternly and expectantly. 
He takes the offered food from the other alpha and nods his thanks. 
“Thanks, Min.” 
Minho huffs.
“It would’ve tasted better if you were here to eat it hot, but warmed up will have to do.” 
Chan bites back a smile as he lifts his chopsticks, and decides just to thank the other alpha once again, feigned annoyance and all. 
“Thank you, Min.” 
Minho grunts in affirmation beneath his breath and leans up against the counter beside them. 
“God, it smells so much like noona over here that even I can smell it.” 
Jisung appears now-having wandered away from the game-and wrinkles his nose in dramatic distaste as he takes a loud sniff of the air. 
Chan holds out his arm-clad in the soft, thick fabric of the scent culprit-and let’s Jisung take a small whiff. 
“I literally can’t even be in the same room with you right now.” 
Seungmin jostles his elbow into the other beta’s ribs. “I’m gonna make you tell noona to her face when she gets back that you don’t like her scent.” 
“That’s not true!” Jisung squawks, glaring at the other beta now. “It’s just that that hoodie is overpowering currently.” 
“Han Jisung.” Minho says sharply, but he ruffles the beta’s hair affectionately in a direct contrast to his words. “That hoodie is the only way your hyung is going to sleep while (Y/N)’s gone, so let it go.” 
“I like it.” 
Jeongin pops up beneath Chan’s arm now, burying his nose into the fabric of the hoodie and Chan’s chest, and the head alpha chuckles under his breath as the youngest omega nuzzles against him. 
“Me too, Innie.” He tousles the boy’s hair, giving him an affectionate smile. 
“Do you want to sleep in our room tonight, hyung?” Felix asks, watching Jeongin cuddle against the head alpha with a soft, fond smile. 
“Is no one playing the game anymore?” Minho asks with exasperation, as Hyunjin appears at his side, looping his arm around the older alpha’s waist. 
“No. Also.” He looks pointedly at Chan now, who is leaning his cheek against Jeongin’s hair, obviously getting sleepier by the moment. “I think an omega cuddle pile is exactly what you need, hyung. Felix is right.” 
Chan feels so relaxed like this-surrounded by the smell of you, and the warmth of his hoodie, and the safety and comfort of his packmates-and his eyes are growing heavier by the second, his body melting into Jeongin’s hold. 
Who is he to resist the offer of an omega sleepover? 
“Okay. Yeah.” He nods, barely able to keep his eyes open, as Minho takes his empty plate and Changbin shepherds everyone toward the hall. 
“C’mon. We can clean up in the morning. Let’s go to bed.” 
As they all file down the long hallway, Jeongin’s arms still around his waist, Felix at their side, Chan glances over his shoulder to Hyunjin and asks sleepily, “Did (Y/N) put you all up to this?” 
Hyunjin looks dramatically offended. “What? No.” He considers for a moment, tilting his head, and then grins at the head alpha with a shrug. “Okay. Maybe. She just said you have a hard time when the pack isn’t all together, and to make sure you take care of yourself.” 
Chan’s beginning to sense a pattern, but he’s too tired to fight it right now. 
He lets the omegas tug him into their room and push him down on the bed. 
Jeongin immediately curls up against his side, face buried in his chest, and Chan lets himself nose sleepily at the youngest omega’s hair. 
The smell of cinnamon warms his nose. 
Hyunjin waits until Felix has snuggled up against Chan’s other side, arm looped over his waist, nose in the skin of his throat, and then he glances between the trio. 
Felix nods and hums sleepily beneath his breath, “Ready.” 
Hyunjin turns out the lamp and the room falls into darkness. 
The bed creaks as Hyunjin crawls over to join them, Chan feels him settle down on the opposite side of Felix, the warmth of his hand finding Chan’s in the darkness, and then Jeongin’s soft voice asks drowsily,  “Hyung, do you want to call noona in the morning?” 
Chan finds himself nodding, his nose brushing the soft locks of Jeongin’s hair. 
“Sure, Innie.” 
The youngest sighs and cuddles up to him once more.
“Okay, good.” 
Hyunjin squeezes his fingers. 
“We’re glad you’re home, hyung.” 
Chan can feel his eyes drifting closed-the cocktail of the omegas’ scents and their warmth-already lulling him to give into his exhaustion. 
“Me too, Jinnie. Me too.” 
“You sound better today, Channie.” 
Chan glances at the phone in surprise, your words echoing over the speaker, catching him off guard. 
“Do I?” 
“Yeah.” You state again, and Chan can almost see you nodding thoughtfully, even though you’re thousands of miles away. “Brighter. More yourself. I’m glad.” 
Chan ruffles Jeongin’s bedhead, and Felix rests his chin on the alpha’s shoulder, pressing a kiss to his cheek softly, affectionately. 
“Yeah, I guess so. I feel better.” 
“I’m glad.” Your tone is warm, genuine, and Chan feels nothing but loved. 
Hyunjin appears, sticking his head in from the adjoining bathroom, his voice raised so you can hear him from across the room, through the phone. 
“Yeah, Jinnie.” 
“Weigh in on something.” 
Felix groans, and Jeongin snickers, and Chan has no idea what’s about to happen. 
Hyunjin comes into the room now, tube of moisturizer still held in his hand, even as he takes up the phone and begins to pace back and forth purposefully. 
“Would you say that stacking a +2 on a +4  is allowed?” Chan gets it now, and he rolls his eyes as well, even as Felix burrows down beneath the covers, his nose peeking out, watching the Luna, as if worried another fight is about to break out. 
Luckily, it’s still early enough that Jisung is nowhere to be seen. 
“I mean, I guess it depends on what game we’re talking about here?”
Hyunjin stares dead ahead at the wall, as if contemplating murder, and then drops the phone back onto the bed without a second glance. 
“You’re dead to me.” 
You laugh, and the sound makes Chan’s insides all fuzzy with fondness even through the censorship of the phone speaker. 
“Wait, wait, Jinnie-listen-” 
It’s all gonna be okay. 
They’re gonna be okay.
He’s gonna be okay. 
And you’ll all be back together again before he knows it, Nirvana hoodie and all. 
💗 Taglist: @hosh1kwon @carolinexkpop @blithevix @sunabokuto @wildflower-at-heart @faericals @5sos-wdw @hyuneyeon @studyingthemind @illicee @maddmartian @binnie--baby @xwinchesterprincessx @ley-lani59 @lady---boner @rosegaming117 @meivida @sai-kida134 @cutecucumberkimberly @aroseharder @spideyweirdo @coureurs-de-bois9 @unfiltered-starlight @sixswaggy @shimmeringmoons22 @thatgirlangelb @beautifulcolorgarden @runningthroughlifestay @dearalice @patat-boi @stay-berry @laylasbunbunny @misxing-you @sawadabegum @changbinsrightboob @maliamaiden @sunnibearr @bkirsted @jamlou512 @latinxmochi @goquokka @leeknowsw0rldd @yoongihan @simeonswhore @rubberduckieyourtheone @chanlovesme @janvibutbetter @starlostjimin @vampcharxter @dadonbabysworld @cursed-mars-bars @lexiluness @nanaberry6 @yoongisleftearring
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lyramundana · 9 months
imagine minho and jisung during the years as 'friends' in skz, but the truth is that they were secretly a couple, they kiss. they fuck. it's normal, a couple thing, but then one day the company finds out. they needed to stop, asap.
why? well south korea sucks, and the homophobia it's pretty normalised. they decide to stay friends, for the group, for the imagine.
Jisung one day was out, he met a stay, a cute stay. they talked for hours, jisung felt his heart full again, but then when he went back home, he saw minho in his room, leaning on his bed with a jisung's shirt on because he wanted to pass one night with jisung, 'nothing weird' minho says in the texts. jisung just stayed beside Minho the whole night.
the months passed, and jisung stayed in contact with that stay, they started to be in a relationship and jisung decide that it's the right moment to present her to the other members, he present her as 'his girlfriend'. minho feels his body hurt for jealousy. he starts to hate the stay. he wants jisung just for him and him only, but jisung seems so happy.. so happy with the girl beside him.
and that's true, jisung really feel the love for the stay, but why he feels that something is missing? his minho it's missing, jisung miss the guy that was beside him since the start of everything.
one night minho is that drunk, trying to forget about the scene of Jisung and the stay kissing in front of the members and him, trying to forget the taste of jisung's lips against him. but it's so hard. so hard to keep it together that he decide to go and visit jisung, without knowing that the stay it's there too.
what you think would happen? jisung and the stay keep fucking? minho join? jisung makes minho watch to punish him for not talking? rough and jealous sex? 👀
Ohhh you love angsty drama, don't you? Fine by me, dear~
Stay! Reader isn't blind. Being part of the fandom first she was always aware of the insane chemistry between Jisung and Minho, in fact she was a huge supporter of their ship. She also noticed the sudden distance they had one day and felt something terrible wrong.
Her meeting with Han wasn't exactly the what she dreamed with. She found him in a bar, drinking and mopping, alone in a corner. It was a shock no one was around him, not even bodyguards or someone to check him. Isn't he an important figure? Shouldn't he be accompanied when he goes to these places? And what got him into this state?
She sat with him and listened to him. Had he been sober he wouldn't have said anything, but he was at his worst and desesperatly needed someone. That's how she found out what happened and let me tell you, she was horrified. At the boys' pain, at the company's cruelty, at the whole country for forcing them into this. She spent the whole night by his side, comforting him the best she could, and that's how their relationship started. Not the best start, surely, but it only got better from there.
Jisung isn't someone to open his heart just to anyone, but the girl sat with him without asking for anything and helped him out discreetly. She was a Stay, and surprisingly enough, that only made him feel more at easy with her presence. She must really love him unconditionally if she didn't think less of him after catching him in such a deplorable state. That was impressive...and soothing.
He wanted to see her again, and she was worried for him with the terrible situation, so they agreed to meet often just to talk. She got to meet the human side of her bias, the real Han Jisung. He found a reliable friend in her and a shoulder to cry on shamelessly. It felt good to vent with someone that wasn't one of the members. He needed an space outside that circus, and Stay! Reader provided him that.
She became what he needed the most in that time. And of course, the closer they got, their feelings started to change. She healed his soul, but she couldn't erase his love for Minho...not like she wanted to.
You see? Stay! Reader knows Jisung loves her sincerely, but she also knows he still loves Minho with the same intensity. She's not sad or jealous about it, quite the opposite, she's resolved to push her the boys back together. It's what they deserve, JYP's crusty ass be damned. And so she begins to form a plan. She asks Jisung about his real feelings, throws hints about how she wouldn't mind an open relationship, purposedly creates situations where he and Minho are left alone, etc. She's truly playing matchmaker here.
She wasn't expecting Minho to appear in that specific moment, with her clothes discarder and Jisung between her legs, but it was also the best time to pull her final move. So, to answer your questions:
jisung and the stay keep fucking? Absolutely. Boy is far too gone to stop. He knows someone is watching them, but hasn't realized who is it yet and his mind is too busy focusing in chasing his orgasm to turn his head. When he cums, is when Stay! Reader finally makes him look and let me tell you, among the mess of feelings he's experiencing now, shame is not one of them.
minho join? Yep, but he doesn't take the first step. Stay! Reader motions him to get closer and he follows with trembling legs, body on fire, like he's under a spell. She grabs his hand softly and persuades him into joining them, letting go of the pent up desire and passion he's been repressing.
"It must have been so hard, right? Forget about it. You're here now, and Sungie is here too. You don't have to hide anymore"
jisung makes minho watch to punish him for not talking? He punishes him for it, yes, but not by watching. He rails Minho into the bed after ripping his clothes, still high off his last climax and cock still hard. It's Stay! Reader that watches them going at it, touching herself at the living fantasy.
rough and jealous sex? You bet, darling. It's going to be messy and rough.
Good thing is that they reach a somewhat peace truce in the end. Minho discovers a few things about himself, like he never actually hated Stay! Reader. Turns out he developed a crush on her too and didn't know how to cope with that fact plus his already existing feelings for Jisung. But now it's resolved, don't worry.
They still have a lot to talk about, but that can wait until they're done exhausting each other, right?
Tagging my lovelies @channieandhisgoonsquad @2chopsticks2eyes @moonlightndaydreams @queenmea604 @roseykat @skzms @thightswideforhanin @noellllslut because I feel they might be interested in this take.
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skzoologist · 8 months
It was a bit(e) of a mistake
word count: ~1.3k
genre: crack
warnings: none
summary: Filming their Halloween special was always a hazard for Bae, now more than ever.
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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This day of the year came again, something that Bae both looked forward to and dreaded at the same time.
Because his band members were notorious for teasing him more than usual, forcing the poor makeup artists to hurry and try to cover up his heated up skin, before the situation got so bad it would become straight up impossible. The poor staff members were all familiar with it, learning to enjoy it more than anything, if their amused smiles and laughter were anything to go by. And through it all, Bae couldn’t do anything, his only choice was to silently accept it and try to shoot their Halloween special video for their beloved fans, hoping that his cheeks only looked like they had too much blush applied to.
He tried in the past, but it didn’t work. All it got him was a firm place in SKZ meme compilations, something that wasn’t exactly his aim, to be quite honest.
“What do you think we’ll be dressed up as this year?” - Seungmin asked from beside him, breaking Bae out of his stupor. “Well, probably not something we already were in the past, so I’m curious too.” - Jeongin replied, sipping on some caffeinated drink he found in their break room. “I hope it’s vampires, that one was fun.” - Felix added in as he entered the room, plopping right next to their maknae and immediately clinging to him. “Oh my god, you’re right, we should be vampires again! The fans loved it, didn’t they, Bae hyung?” - Jisung excitedly said, wiggling his eyebrows at the mentioned male.
Bae, of course, silently shook his head in denial, even though his mind instantly relayed to him the clips of all the videos STAY made, some cool, some… on the more questionable side. His skin already started darkening, something his very ‘kind’ friends pointed out to him gleefully.
“I agree with Jisung, the stylists did a really great job.” - it was Minho this time, a devious grin already forming on his lips. “Of course you do, you couldn’t keep your hands away from him in those black leather pants.” - that expression of Chan’s was frighteningly starting to look like the one Minho had, making Bae do a double-take. “Please, as if you were any different.” - Hyunjin said as he rolled his eyes, his lanky form draped over Felix as he was watching the boy’s phone. “Says the pot to the kettle.” “Yah!”
In the blink of an eye a playfight broke out between the three, everyone else watching it, even though they were just as guilty as the participants. It was a miracle in itself that Changbin hadn’t joined in, opting to instead continue snacking in their limited breaktime. Jisung somehow managed to avoid it all, quietly standing back and enjoying the show while sipping on his own chosen beverage. Based on his dangerously rising energy levels, it had to have been coffee, adding to Bae’s increasingly worsening stress levels.
“Can we have ONE occasion where you guys aren’t flirting, teasing and just straight up grabbing at each other?” - Bae muttered out into his own hands that rested on his face, only the ones sitting next to him hearing it.
While he didn’t get a vocal answer, something he didn’t really hope to get -he wasn’t that naive-, Felix just sympathetically patted his back in a fruitless chase of comfort.
Soon they were whisked away, their stylists moulding them to the image in their heads, turning them into the idols their fans knew and loved. Bae always loved it, obediently sitting in the chair and letting the professionals work away on him, covering up any imperfections and painting on his skin. His long hair always got the same treatment, sometimes even having two people work on it at the same time. This time the dark strands were hanging free, some taken to be braided and clipped to stay in place.
He felt like a work of art himself.
A very miserable work of art.
He truly couldn’t help the deep sigh that resonated from his chest, the notion not at all new to him. His red eyes followed the excited form of the others joyfully darting around the room they were soon to be filming in, somehow even Chan joining them, instead of trying to wrestle the others into his hold to calm them down. Bae dreaded fully stepping into the room, knowing fully well what was about to happen once he did so.
The stylists thankfully crafted a less daring outfit for him this time, granting him that classy, old time vampire look with a hint of that usual kpop industry shine. His skin was fully covered up, nothing to bashfully try and hide, yet his neck was delightfully peeking out, two little painted on red dots revealed in the right angle.
Of course, this didn’t stop the others from flustering him the moment they noticed him, latching onto his rigid form every chance they could get. No matter how hard Bae was trying to act unaffected, to dodge them and their hands, his mask was starting to crack. It didn’t help that Minho was using the short moments when Bae was distracted to do what he was the best at: hunting butts. Even his little discipline, Seungmin, joined in, causing Bae to have a smaller brain aneurysm.
He didn’t think it could ever get worse, until he felt a presence behind his back, sharp pain in his neck following it close behind. A strangled little shout left his lips, sounding more surprised than anything.
Bae didn’t know what to think, as he stood there, silent, just like the perpetrator, all the while the others were laughing so hard, he was becoming slightly concerned for their well-being. But soon his brain rebooted, his eyes darting to the side, discovering dark strands of hair and round cheeks. 
A dangerous idea popped into his head, the taste of revenge too sweet to think of the consequences. Thus, he turned around, caging the mischievous little quokka in his hold and he bit, his two fake, elongated teeth sinking deeper than the others into his prey’s flesh.
A small sound took Bae’s attention away, his head urgently tearing away from Jisung’s neck and looking at him with wide eyes.
“Did you just fucking moan?!” - his voice was raised, something that didn’t happen a lot. “Hey man, I don’t kinkshame you.” - it was all the reply he got before his face shifted, his arms holding the man in his hold the furthest away from him he could.
Laughter bounced around the room, accompanied by thuds as some people fell down from the force of it. Some members were trying to form sentences, but failed as no word that left their mouths made sense. Even the staff members joined in, some desperately trying to hide their laughter, some entirely giving up on the impossible task.
“Holy s-shit, I, I have never seen, I-, Bae hyung look so disgusted, and, and h-he lives with Gymracha!” - it was Felix’s deep voice that succeeded first, riddled with laughter and wheezing, his lungs desperately trying to gather in air.
Seungmin and Jeongin were quick to agree, doubling over again, joined by the resident cat and weasel. All the while the mentioned members looked at the young aussie offended, but the memory of what just happened replayed in their minds once again and took their attention away, blessing them with another bout of laughter.
“I am giving you up for adoption, Jisung.” “Wh- wait, wait, Hyung, I’m sorry, please come back!”
As Jisung went out to chase after Bae, the others scraped themselves together, watching them with joy still swimming in their eyes.
“Now I wish I did it sooner.” “Me too Seungmin, me too.” - it was Felix who replied, but it was clear they were all thinking it.
“I guess I’m giving you all up for adoption then, bye.” “Wait, naur, Bae come back–”
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skzstannie · 5 months
"I've been wanting to do that for so long"
SKZ -> Minho x fem!reader
genre: best friends to lovers, fluffffffy wc: ~1,200 cw: none :)
summary: You and Minho are finally able to make something of his consistent flirty behavior.
A/N: Hiii! A little shorter than normal, but I wanted to get something out while I work on the requests I have. Hope everyone is doing well! Please feel free to leave feedback in the comments and like/reblog- it's truly appreciated!
Also, I know a lot of you like the angst, but don't worry! The request I'm working on has lots of it 👀👀
Masterlist | Happy Scrolling!
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"Please tell me we don't have to watch another one of your chick flicks tonight," Minho groans, walking into the living room from the kitchen, two bowls of popcorn in hand.
"Of course we do, do you even know me?" you tease, sinking back further into the couch. You watch as he crosses in front of you, gently setting the bowls down on the table before throwing himself down onto the couch beside you.
It's your and Minho's weekly movie night, and the two of you decided to do it at your apartment this week. Not that the dorms aren't a fun hangout place, it's just sometimes your sensitive eardrums need a break.
The two of you have been friends for forever; you actually met back in elementary school. Your box of crayons was missing the pink one, and Minho became your knight in shining armor when he valiantly and bravely gave you his. From then on, he's been by your side. Need an errand buddy to run to the store with? Minho will come. Need someone to edit your college essay? Minho will do it. Need someone to cry with you on your couch once a week while you indulge yourself in different romantic fantasies? You know Minho will be there every time.
You try not to subject him to your rom coms every week, but it's so easy and fun to immerse yourself in other people's love lives, even if just for an hour and a half.
Your love life is close to non-existent. Minho, and occasionally his band members, are the only male interactions you ever get. You're not necessarily the most outgoing person, so it's hard for you to meet new people.
Not that you're necessarily complaining, I mean, you're so grateful for the friendship you have with Minho, but sometimes you wish it was more than that. His consistent teasing doesn't help your constant delusions. He's always flirting with you, calling you pet names and telling you how beautiful you are. You know it's nothing more than teasing, so you try not to let it affect you.
"How about this one?" you ask him, hovering over The Kissing Booth. You've seen it a million times, but it's one of your favorites; you'll never pass up an opportunity to watch it.
"I couldn't be more indifferent," he comments dryly. You roll your eyes at him and press play, playfully tossing the remote at his side.
"Do that again and I'm snatching it up and changing it," he glances at you, his face blank of emotion. You keep your eyes on the screen, holding back a smirk.
As emotionless as your best friend could come off sometimes, you know he always means well. You are more similar than you'd like to admit, and you know just as well how hard showing other's your emotions can be.
~ ~ ~
"Haven't we watched this one before?" Minho interrupts, his finger pointing accusingly at the screen.
"You've got to be kidding me. Where's that damn remote?" his hands sweep over the couch cushions in the dark room, and he looks to you when he comes up with nothing. His narrow eyes meet your innocent ones. "Give me it. I am not watching this one again; it was terrible."
"You didn't think it was terrible 10 minutes ago when your eyes were practically glued to the screen," you counter, holding the remote tightly in your clasped hands.
He scoffs, reaching out towards you. His fingers grasp around your arm and give you a rough pull, making you topple over into him. You let out an embarrassing squawk when you both slip to the floor in your impromptu wrestling match.
You find yourself underneath him, his hands still pulling roughly at the remote.
"Give it to me!"
"No! I want to watch this!"
The struggle continues for a few moments, you desperately trying to protect the remote while Minho sits above you, practically manhandling you.
In a quick lapse of judgement, you let up a little, allowing Minho to pin your hands to the ground above your head. Both of you are breathless as you lay beneath him, a playful smirk gracing the beautiful face in front of you.
Your eyes are wide as you lay there. You expect him to get off you, but he doesn't. He unwaveringly holds his position above you.
You catch his big brown eyes switch between your eyes and your lips, and you feel your breath hitch in your throat when he leans down slightly.
It's silent between the two of you as he slowly comes closer, his gaze remaining on your lips.
Your heart drops when he brings his lips to your ear instead. "I win," he whispers, before casually plucking the remote from your previously pinned hands. He gets off you, adjusting his clothes before he plops back on the couch, immediately exiting out of the movie.
You lay there another moment, thinking about what the heck just happened and whether you're going to let him get away with it.
You sit up abruptly, staring at him with disbelief. "What the hell was that?"
"What?" his gaze remains on the T.V. screen, and you find his nonchalance irritating.
"What do you mean, 'What'?"
"We wrestle all the time, what are you on about?"
Your jaw drops at his statement. "Yes, we do, but not- not like that," you let out a flustered chuckle, shaking your head at him.
"I don't know what you're talking about." When he speaks this time, you're able to catch the slightest upturn of his lips.
"You're messing with me," you tell him, not believing his actions could've been all innocent.
He finally breaks his gaze away from the T.V., setting the remote down beside him. "Now why would I do that?"
"Because- because that's what you do! You're sarcastic, and you're sly, and- and..." your frustration gets the best of you, and you bring your hands up to cover your face. You feel your cheeks burn red with embarrassment.
"What did you think was going to happen? Did you want me to kiss you like Noah did to Elle?"
You rip your hands away from your face at that, your jaw dropping at his suggestion. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me," his voice is steady, his eye contact strong as he stands his ground. "We've been doing this long enough. I just want to know if this is reciprocated."
"If what's reciprocated?"
"You know, this- this thing between us. Is it reciprocated? Like, do you like like me like I like like you?" He raises an eyebrow at you, waiting for an answer you're hesitant to give.
"You're not messing with me?" you're cautious as the question leaves your lips.
"No, I'm not. How can I spell it out for you," he pauses, bringing a hand up to his chin in an exaggerated manner. "I like you. I have a crush on you. I want to be your boyfriend. I-"
"Ok, ok!" you cut him off with a laugh, "I do."
"You like me back?"
"Yea, yea I do."
His actions are quick as he drops to his knees on the floor in front of you. He rushes you, his body moving over yours. His hands grasp your wrists, pushing them above your head.
His legs rest on either side of your hips, pinning you down.
"Ok, let's try this again then."
You let yourself get lost in his eyes as he leans down towards you again.
When his face is close enough for his nose to rest against yours, he brings his lips to yours.
He pulls away when your both breathless, a look of mirth on his face.
"I've been wanting do that for so long."
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srslyscary · 3 months
heyyy, do u do x black reader if so could you do a fluffy lee know fic. where him and reader are just apart of a silly friend group with lots of mutuals and lee knows always kinda just had a lil thing for reader.
but then reader is kinda just noticing lee know is there and then just boom. fell in love immediately idk…
lowkey like mutuals to lovers if that makes any sense?…
a lover’s eye
| Contents: SFW , reader is written as she/her but can be considered gn, friends to lovers, made up friend names, black!reader, lee know is referred to as his biological name
tysm for the request anon!! I love this idea so so much. I’m not all that sure if you wanted me to add reader & Lee Know in a SKZ friend group or a random one so I just stuck with the random one! i hope this is okay! I had the idea of them both having feelings for each other but not realizing it till “now”.
I also hope you’re well and taking care of yourself! much love <3
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“minho, dude… you’ve been staring at her for the past 10 minutes.” a voice spoke, pulling the male out of his small trance.
“…huh? staring at who?” He said, looking over to his friend. “YN— who else? you’ve been giving her googly eyes ever since she first arrived-“
Minho shushed him loudly with a glare on his face, looking as if he would smack the other male. “Ya- Injae! How many times do I have to tell you to keep it down? Loud mouth.” He sighed, looking back over to the female he was previously eyeing. “I wasn’t staring. I was just— admiring her!”
“Yeah— Kay. Dude If you have a thing for her It’s no biggie, I mean the whole friend group can kind of tell. Besides YN of course— I wouldn’t say she’s oblivious but.. it’s also obvious she doesn’t have a clue.” Injae stood up from where he was sitting, looking for the other members of the group. YN was currently talking to Jia, one of the girls of their friend group.
Their little group consisted of the silliest kids around the block. Jia, Injae, YN, Eunji, Rae, and of course Minho. They were all very close with one another, sharing memorable experiences with each other. YN was rather unique, some would say. Although all were Korean, YN was the only black female who could speak fluent Korean. To Minho… that’s what made her so special. Just her presence made his body and chest feel weird.
“Ya, Injae. Do you think the weird feeling I get when I look at YN.. relates to me having a ‘thing’ for her?” Minho tilts his head slightly, looking at the girl’s features as he waited for his other friend to talk. “Well yeah, I mean it’s just normal to feel that way when you’re crushing on someone.”
“You idiot. i know It’s normal. I just— i wanted to make sure. That’s all.” He looked down at his lap from where he was sitting, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers. Injae looked down at his friend, and chuckled. He looked back to YN, and all the friends that were surrounding them. They were all gathered around waiting for the Rae to arrive since they planned to have an ‘out day’ today.
“Just tell her how you feel man. I’m sure she’ll—“ “Don’t even finish that. It’s not that simple.” Minho leaned his head back , running his fingers through his hair. “And why not? It’s not like you guys aren’t friends. You talk to her everyday, and you’re both in the same friend group.” Injae sighed irritably, checking his phone. “Goddamnit.. where the hell is Rae? He was supposed to be here an hour ago..”
Minho took this time to think, to really think about what decisions he should make. YN was beautiful, stunning even. She had the face and voice of a goddess, she was funny, and never failed to make him smile at least a tiny bit.. even if the jokes weren’t directly to him. It wasn’t like YN hadn’t noticed him, part of what Injae said was true— he talked to her everyday, trying to spark up some conversations.
“Yo, Minho.” A finger tapped him, yet again bringing him out of his own little world. Looking up, he saw that exact goddess. She eyed him down with a blank look, her shadow against the sun made her look like a real angel. “Whatcha still doin’ sittin’ down? Rae jus’ got here. Cmon.” YN chuckled, smiling at the male with the softest eyes. Oh how he loved those eyes..
“Sorry. Got lost in thought.” He said, getting up from his place of rest. YN waved her hand as if dismissing him, looking at him one last time before walking ahead. Minho caught up to the girl, as the rest of the friend group walked together. “Soo..”
“Got sum to say say?” She said, taking her phone out to look at herself. “No, it’s fine.” “Aight.” Minho watched her trinket with the small features on her face adjusting whatever she needed. God, she was so beautiful. Her brown skin that shone in the sun, her perfect curves, her pretty face, she was simply so divine to him. “Minho, you’re staring.” YN was finished checking herself out, looking at him again as she noticed his looks a while ago. “What?— I wasn’t staring, there was just something on your shoulder.“
“Yeah right. You’re dog shit at lying. I caught yo ass in the act. Y’know you can’t hide shit from me, Min.” She shook her head, looking forward. In truth, she herself wanted him to keep looking. Everytime she looked at him, she felt a little spark go off somewhere in her. She enjoyed his presence as much as he did her, even if both didn’t know of it.
Soon the friend group arrived to their little destination, a small carnival next to a bridge. Water laid low under the bridge, the sun setting only slightly. “Hell yeah! The carnival! Let’s go!” Rae yelled as he ran ahead inside. “Rae wait for us!” Eunji yelled right after as she dragged Jia along. Injae laughed as he turned to Minho and YN. “You two coming?”
YN turned to the bridge with a blank face, “Nah. I think imma go over there. Take a look at the view.” She pointed back to the bridge, with a small smile and a hand on one hip. “Sure— Minho?” Injae turned his head slightly to the male, who looked quite conflicted. “I uh— I think I’ll stay with YN.”
Injae looked surprised but chuckled, shaking his head. “Alright cool. I’ll save some snacks for ya!” He waved, running ahead to catch up with the others. YN waved, turning back to the bridge with a smile. Minho turned with her, but kept his eyes on the girl. The sunset made her look as if she was in a movie, the wind blowing against her hair.
“Yo, Minho— cmon. I wanna go see the view.” She grabbed his hand, walking ahead with quick speed. Minho simply let her, realizing they were basically holding hands. His heart quickened— he was actually holding her hand? He was almost ecstatic, even if his face said otherwise. YN continued to pull his hand until they reached the bars of the bridge, keeping their hands held together and looking down to see the water.
“Ain’t it pretty Min?” He only looked at her, not giving her an answer as his hand tightened with hers. “Mmh— what was the question?” He looked out into the view, watching the sun set. “The view, dumbass. You’re supposed to agree that the view is fye.” She said shaking her head. “Fye?”
YN looked at him, laughing. Her pretty lip gloss on her plump lips, her skin that was nearly sunkissed, her smile— he noticed it all. The girl stopped laughing, looking at him with a soft smile. Her heartbeat quickened at that moment, swallowing with the little shallow breaths she let out. “Min—“
“I love you.” He interrupted quickly, eyes widening as he realized what he just said. “Wait wait I- i didn’t mean to say that—“ he quickly said, letting go of her hand to back up slightly. He looked down at his shoes, frowning as he looked flabbergasted. And so did she, shocked that those 3 words even came out of his mouth. Minho didn’t even know why he said that, it was just the spur of the moment and he felt like he should say something, but not THAT. She shook her head again, looking at his head.
“Funny.” She grabbed his hand again, intertwining them. “That’s real funny coming from yo ass. Never thought you wouldeva say that to me.” She said smiling at him, as she waited for him to look up. Minho looked up, his eyes met with YN’s. And there that feeling was again, his heart was racing— the world seemed to slow down for that slight moment.
“Love you too Minho.” She tilted her head, her hair blowing in the wind once again. “wait really?” She nodded, smiling even brighter. “Thought it was obvious? I liked you for a while. You’re just my type I guess. You’re fine as hell, and I’m always smiling with you. I thought maybe you didn’t like me like that, ‘s why i’m kinda iffy on having conversations with you.” Minho held her hand tight, looking at the view. “So.. you’re saying you wanna.. be together?”
“If YOU wanna. I’m aight with whateva—“ “I want to.” She looked at his side profile, watching him gaze out at the last rays of the sunlight. She chuckled, or really giggled. “Now i can officially call you my man.”
“…hm. I guess I can call you my girl now.”
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kokinu09 · 5 months
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Let Go of the Reins || CHAPTER 1
pairing seungmin x fem!reader
genre strangers to lovers, romance, fluff, slight angst later, happy ending, social media, not meant to be, someday
summary Australia is considered home for two of the eight members. When two tour dates are scheduled for the land down under, the boys can’t help but want to spend a bit more time there to visit family and do a little sightseeing. So how do they convince the company that they need to stay a couple weeks? Filming some SKZ Code episodes.
A local riding school just outside the city with amazing reviews for their skilled instructors and beautiful horses is hosting a very popular kpop group to film their experiences. Y/N knows the group well and she just so happens to be their star working student.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
previous | masterlist | next
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The drive to their destination isn’t too bad. It’s actually very beautiful. The transition from the city to the more rural areas into the natural Australian landscape. Vast grassy fields, rolling hills, and lush, green forests all brimming with wildlife and gorgeous views.
They’re heading to a small riding school about an hour out of the city. Chan had told them about it vaguely in the chat earlier. Seungmin is sure he didn’t even know much about it other than what they’re doing and where they’re going.
As the vans pull up, he takes note of how big the place seems to be. They’re only at the entrance and the sheer amount of grounds they’ll be covering is already making him feel exhausted.
He looks around at the others when they’ve all filed out. Of course Chan is over talking to one of the staff, pointing in all different directions he assumes is him getting as much information as possible. Minho is hung back near Han in their little introverted huddle waiting for instructions. Felix’s bright eyed smile as he looks around makes him chuckle from the blatant contrast between his own dread and the older’s excitement. And the other three were currently bickering and placing bets on who they think will get bucked off.
“Mm, I don’t think Hannie-hyung would. He’d just let the horse take over before disagreeing with it.” Jeongin decides. Hyunjin hums in agreement beside him.
“You’re right. It will definitely be Changbin-hyung before anyone else.” He adds.
“HEY!” The older boy shouts indignantly. “The horses are going to love me! What are you talking about?!” Changbin continues to loudly defend himself for about a minute before Chan appears to intervene, gathering all of the boys closer.
“Ok, it’s almost time for the host to come get us for instruction. Today will mostly be us getting to look around and learn the do’s and dont’s.” Chan explains before turning to look pointedly at Changbin. “But let’s try not to startle the horses with too much yelling, yeah?”
Changbin gawks but is ultimately left speechless without an argument to stand on. The other two boys that had placed bets snicker. “See?” Hyunjin laughs, earning an elbow from his elder.
What was surprising was the lack of cameras following them around. Seungmin had first noticed when they were led to the entrance of the main barn to meet the inspector but he didn’t say anything.
Now that they are fully inside and being taught about the equipment they’d be using, it feels strange. They’re so used to seemingly being recorded at all times that the moments when they’re not, they automatically are just waiting for the cameras to show.
“I thought we were recording SKZ Codes. Where’s the camera crew?” He whispers the question to Chan.
The leader’s eyes flicker over to him then back towards the instructor. “We are but the host’s insisted that the first day be used solely for institutional purposes for our safety. Tomorrow will be more fun, I promise.” He offers a smile of reassurance.
Seungmin hums in understanding and pretends to tune back into listening, even though all of this is incredibly boring to him.
“Minho, look!” Han alerts in excitement, completely interrupting the poor woman talking and all eyes turn to where he is pointing further down the barn.
A mother cat lounges about as her three small kittens pounce and play nearby. A chorus of delighted and amused sounds erupt from their group. A few of the members, Minho included, abandon their seats all together in favor of playing with the kittens.
Seungmin even got up in favor of distracting from the monotonous lesson about horse equipment.
“Oh, you’ve found little Miss Cali and her babies!” The woman says lightly. Minho already has all three kittens circling his crouched legs as he scratches their mother’s head. “And it seems they really like you!” She laughs.
“I would hope so! He’s our resident cat whisperer!” Han teases as he coaxes one of the kittens to come his way instead.
“Don’t be dramatic,” Minho scoffs. “I just treat them with respect and they appreciate that.” Then he smirks. “They’re not like dogs just desperate for attention.”
“Hey!” Seungmin gawks in offense. But he gets brushed off with a wave of Minho’s hand as if he hadn’t meant it towards him, even though he definitely did. The younger just clicks his tongue in annoyance.
Chan is too busy apologizing to the nice lady for the interruption and giving her a vague translation of what the members were saying to notice when Seungmin slips further from the members and the cats. And neither had the rest of them.
He didn’t stray far at first. Just slipping further into the barn to see some of the horses still in their stalls. Even getting to pet a few of them on the nose if they were close enough to the door. He smiles to himself at the peaceful moments he gets to share with these gentle giants on his own for once.
Not that he doesn’t enjoy experiencing things with the members. Because he does! It’s just rare to have a moment alone even when they aren’t filming. Lucky for him, his fellow members are easily distracted and, without the cameras watching their every move, he could enjoy one of these seldom quiet instances.
The further from the group he got, the more his curiosity peaks at the sounds coming from outside. The distant neigh of excited horses and the almost rhythmic pounding of against the dirt. What would it hurt if he explores just a little more?
So he glances over his shoulder, to make sure no one has missed him yet, then continues to wander out of the barn.
The air outside is refreshing, even with the humid heat. It’s better than inside the stuffy barn. Someone must have cut the grass recently because he can smell it mixing with the kicked up dirt. A light breeze hits his face as he takes in a deep breath and keeps walking further from the confines of the barn.
“Arena?” He wonders aloud when he reads a sign nailed to a pretty white fence. The only arenas he’s ever been to were for concerts or sports. What could an arena be for at this riding school?
The fenced area is surrounded by trees and greenery, almost as if they are trying to keep it hidden from the general attendees for their services. His interest peeks again, curious what they could be hiding.
He pushes on, the grass under his feet turning to dirt as soon as he crosses the fence’s threshold. The vast space seems filled with obstacles; red and white horizontal bars held up by sturdy posts, barrels strategically placed exact distances apart, and even a couple weird standing curtain-like fixtures.
“Oh, some kind of training arena,” he murmurs to himself, walking up to the closest jump obstacle just to look at it. He hasn’t seen these kinds of things in person after all. It’s much bigger than what he imagined watching it on a little phone screen. But the horses also seem bigger, so he guesses he just isn’t used to all this yet.
Suddenly, he hears the fast approaching sound of hooves pounding against the ground. “Oh shit,” Seungmin curses, his eyes go wide with panic as he bolts upright and pushes himself backwards as quickly as he can. If he trips over his own two feet just as the horse clears the jump and he’s face-to-face with a huge animal that could crush him in an instant, then that’s between him and the dirt under his ass.
But the massive creature skids to a stop before he can be trampled and the panicked voice of the rider drifts over the irritant neighs.
“Oh my god! Are you ok?”
He looks up and thinks he might be dreaming. An angel atop her white stead, the Australian sun casting a halo around her silhouette as she watches over him. Maybe he did die and go to heaven.
It’s a miracle that you stopped in time. Your heart thrumming in your chest with panic that you’d almost accidentally run someone over and worry that this not-just-a-somebody but Korean fucking idol is actually hurt because of you.
“I’m so so so sorry!” The words coming out without even a breath in between as you hop out of the saddle, rushing to help him up off the ground and back onto his feet.
Seungmin still hasn’t found his voice even as you frantically check him over for anything visible, all the while the word sorry becoming your new catchphrase. But his silence almost makes you worry even worse than if he was scolding you.
With a huff you finally straighten to look him in the face, eyes big and round and scared. “Please tell me you’re alright.”
It was only then that you realize just how scared he must have been; his eyes wide and almost sparkling (what you could only assume is from unshed tears because why else would his eyes be so big and beautiful), face flushed (maybe he’s embarrassed that you’re seeing him so vulnerable?), and lips slightly agape (the shock seeming to still have a tight grip on his tongue). That has to be the only explanation as to why he is looking at you like this.
He finally blinks a few times as he breathes out a laugh at how much fuss you’re making over this. “I’m fine, don’t worry,” he assures, brushing off the dust from his pants.
“Oh thank god!” You dramatically sigh. “Your company would kill me if anything happened to you!”
“Ha! Gee thanks!” Seungmin laughs humorously.
“Wha—? Wait! No! Not like that!” You laugh along, relieved that he’s able to joke about the situation. But that’s kinda the problem here though, isn’t it? Your features shift from a lighthearted smile to very serious in a matter of seconds. Your lips pressing into a hard line. “What are you doing in the arena? You could have really gotten hurt!”
“Don’t be dramatic. I was only looking around.” Then he smirks. “And besides, nothing bad actually happened.”
You huff out an annoyed breath. “Yeah! ‘Cause my horse and I have been working together for a very long time.”
“My hero~!” He coos teasingly.
“Shut up,” you glare but the blush heating your cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed. “Anyone less experienced as a rider might not have stopped in time and you would have been trampled!” The scold coming out much more concerned than you intended.
“But again, I wasn’t and everything is fine,” he brushes it off and your cheeks heat up for a completely different reason.
“Where are the rest of the boys. We are having a safety meeting before anything else.” You demand, grabbing his wrist as you stomp towards the barn. Maybe dropping your hold when he catches his footing and is able to keep pace with you. (Or maybe it was out of embarrassment, you’ll never admit the truth.)
“Hey, w-wait!” It’s his turn to grip onto your wrist to stop you. “You obviously know who I am,” you snort as if to say ‘yeah no shit’, which makes him chuckle but he has to know. “But I didn’t catch your name.”
You’re sure the look on your face is so dumb because you just stare at him as if he’s joking for a few long seconds. Why on earth could he want to know your name? You’re just some girl who teaches riding lessons. A glorified stable hand. Nothing special. But he is patient as he waits for your response, an eagerness clearly bubbling just beneath the surface.
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amor1st03 · 1 year
Did My Heart Love Till Now? | Han Jisung
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Han Jisung x fem!reader
friends to lovers, college au, fluff, little bit of angst
warnings: some suggestive jokes, alcohol consumption, teeny tiny bit of jealousy, like one swear word, think that's it let me know if I missed anything
word count: 10.8k (it's a long ik so buckle in lmao)
in which: your university puts on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and you're excited to be playing alongside your long time crush Hyunjin. Things get a bit complicated when Jisung is thrown in the mix
a/n: I swear I'm gonna start working on some fics for the others members soon I'm just obsessed with him rn tbh lmao but anyway this took me forever to write I just couldn't seem to sit down and write large chunks of it but I finally finished it so hope you enjoy :)
Skz masterlist
You couldn't believe how lucky you were to have been cast in the play.
You had pushed your way through the crowd of people to get to the bulletin board to look at the names on the casting sheet. Romeo, Hwang Hyunjin, of course. But then you looked at Juliet's casting and your jaw dropped. Your own name was beside it. You couldn't believe it, you had got the part! A large smile spread across your face. Not only did you get the main lead but you also would be playing love interests with the guy you had been obsessing over since you started university.
You looked at the other cast members to see who else you would be working with. You were pleased to see your best friends Felix and Jeongin were in the play too as Benvolio and Paris. Bangchan had been cast as Lord Capulet, Minho as Lord Montague, Seungmin as Friar Laurence, and Changbin as the villain, Tybalt. You also saw that Romeo's best friend, Mercutio, would be played by Han Jisung. How fitting.
Jisung and Hyunjin had been friends since high school so the two of them playing best friends in the play would require next to no acting. Mercutio also was a rather playful character which would fit Jisung well. You had only spoken to Jisung a handful of times. You majored in English and Drama combined while he studied music but you shared one class together that you had a few times a week about writing poetry. Jisung had decided to join this class because he thought it might help to understand language better and also help him write his songs. Songs after all were technically just poetry with music behind it.
You had shared nothing other than civil conversations but he was a nice enough guy. He was a bit of a class clown, trying to make people laugh but he was always nice to everyone and on top of that never let his 'class-clown-ing' get in the way of his grades.
You were excited about the play but a little bit nervous. But you knew you could do this, you had worked so hard at studying the play and had rehearsed for weeks for the audition. All you had to do was just focus on the play. And, hey, it also gave you the chance to get closer to a certain Hyunjin, right?
You avoided eye contact as you made your way into the theatre for the first script reading. You made your way onto the stage where the drama teacher had set out a circle of chairs with a script placed on each one. There were a few students already sat down and talked amongst themselves. You picked up a script and took a seat, away from everyone else, hoping Felix and Jeongin would get here soon.
When Han Jisung entered the room, you were the first person he spotted. He had spoken to you a few times but nothing other than small talk, really. But he knew he wanted to get closer to you for the play. He wasn't sure why he was so intrigued by you but he found it fascinating that, despite you being usually reserved and quiet, when you were on stage you were a different person. He put his intrigue down to the fact that he wanted to learn from you as it was his first time doing the show.
Every year your school did some play that everyone was allowed to audition for, not just the drama majors. In last year's play, you had played one of the secondary roles but Jisung had thought you stole the whole show. You were truly incredible. He was so glad when he read your name on the casting list next to Juliet because he knew you would be perfect. Especially alongside one of his best friends, Hyunjin. Hyunjin had always had a flare for dramatics and he believe that you and him would do a great job as the titular characters.
Jisung made his way across the room to you and up onto the stage. He took the seat next to you and smiled as you turned your head to face him.
"Hi, Jisung," You said with a soft smile.
"Hey, I don't know any of those guys is it alright if I sit with you?"
"Yeah of course it is, but aren't some of your friends in the play as well?"
"Oh yeah, they are but I'm sure they'll join us soon." Your stomach flipped, you knew Jisung was friends with Hyunjin and the thought of him sitting with you made your start to feel a little flustered and he wasn't even here yet.
Focus, Y/N. Be professional, you told yourself. That was when Hyunjin happened to walk into the theatre laughing along with some of his friends. You had a moment where your mind went blank as the boy beside you waved his friends over. As Hyunjin approached, you felt your heart race. Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself, putting a small smile on your face as Hyunjin sat down beside Jisung.
You're playing his love interest, for god sake, you cannot, I repeat cannot act flustered around him, you kept telling yourself.
"Hey, guys this is Y/N, she is in a one of my classes." They all greeted you, introducing themselves. You already knew all of their names, of course, how could you not? You were living most of the people at your university's dream right now, surrounded by what most considered to be the hottest group of guys to ever come to this school.
"You were in the play with me last year, right?" Hyunjin spoke up looking over at you. You just simply nodded with a polite smile on your face. "You were one of the secondary characters but your monologue was truly amazing."
"Oh, thank you, you were amazing last year too."
"Thanks," Hyunjin replied, "I'm looking forward to working with you." You felt your cheeks warm up.
"I'm looking forward to working with you too. All of you." You looked around at the group of boys and smiled.
Rehearsals were going well as the weeks seemed to fly by. You had grown to like all of the boys, hanging out with the group even outside of rehearsals. Jisung and yourself had picked up a weekly routine of hanging out to practice, your characters never interacted in the show but you both enjoyed filling in to help each other learn your parts.
"I'm so glad you agreed to help me out with this, Y/N. I've never done any acting before this," He said, looking up at you from his seat on the floor, watching you perform one of Juliet's monologues. The two of you had booked out one of the drama rooms at your university for practice after your classes had finished for the day.
"Well, you're a natural," You said, sitting down next to him.
"So are you and you give really good advice too. After I saw you in last year's play and auditioned for this one I knew I wanted you to help me with it."
"Using me for my talents, are we?"
"Yes, absolutely."
"Jisung!" You hit his shoulder softly.
"I'm kidding. I enjoy hanging out with you sometimes. That is when you aren't hitting me."
"Shut up. Now come on, show me how you're getting along with the Queen Mab monologue."
He stood up and began his monologue. You watched in awe as he spoke with enthusiasm. When he had finished he was happy to hear your round of applause.
"Wow, like I said you're a natural. Almost on par with Hyunjin," You teased as you handed him his water bottle.
Hyunjin. That was something that was weighing on his mind. He knew that you were shy but now you were comfortable around all the guys but something was different about Hyunjin. Something twisted in his stomach, he wasn't sure why.
"You like him, right?" He asked after a moment of silence.
"Hyunjin. You like him, don't you?"
"Oh my god, is it that obvious?" You asked, sounding a little flustered.
"A little, but I don't think anyone else has noticed. But I did." You put your hands in your face.
"I'm so embarrassed."
"Why? You can like whoever you want. You wanna talk about it? I won't tell anyone." You smiled softly.
"I don't know, I've liked him for a while, but it wasn't until this play that I really got to know him."
"Yeah, he's a really great guy. And you're a great girl. You'd look good together," He said sincerely but, for some reason, couldn't look you in the eye. You both sat in silence for a moment before Jisung cleared his throat. "Well, anyway, I'm going out to eat with the guys, um, do you wanna come?"
"I can't just intrude like that."
"You wouldn't be intruding, they all like you plus Changbin messaged me earlier to say Jeongin and Felix were invited and I know you are best friends with them. Look, I'll message the group chat and ask if you can come too just to make sure so you don't feel like you're intruding." You still looked hesitant. "Hyunjin will be there."
"Okay, I'll come." Jisung couldn't help feeling a little disappointed at how quickly you agreed at the mention of Hyunjin.
"What do you mean you've never watched it?"
"I just haven't!"
"We are literally performing the play and you haven't watched the 90s version?"
"Nope, never interested me before this."
"But a young Paul Rudd's in it."
"That's not a reason."
"I beg to differ." The other guys around the table laughed as you and Jisung bickered. Chan looked between the two of you with a strange look in his eye which didn't go unnoticed by Jisung but he decided to ignore it. "I'm going to force you to watch that film even if I have to tie you to a chair."
"He'd probably enjoy that," Minho piped up earning another wave of laughter while Jisung's eyes went wide in shock.
"Minho, you're disgusting," Jisung practically shouted.
"Jeez, Jisung, will you quieten down a little, you're gonna get us kicked out," Changbin said in between laughs.
"I hate you guys." He slumped down, putting on a dramatic pout.
"Aw, you love us really," Hyunjin threw an arm around him. "Isn't that right, Y/N?" Hyunjin smiled at you which you quickly returned.
"Of course it is." You leaned in on the other side of Jisung and pinched his cheeks teasingly. You missed the look Hyunjin sent Chan's way. Jisung swatted your hands away but a small smile graced his lips.
"Alright, alright, enough," He said with a soft laugh. "Let's order some food, I'm starving."
After you had all eaten the majority of you headed back to campus as most of you lived in the student accommodation, only Changbin and Bangchang broke off as they rented a place outside of the campus.
You reached the campus and the group started getting smaller and smaller as each person left for their own building. There were 3 student accomodation buildings, Seungmin and Lee Know left for the first one where they shared the room. Felix and Jeongin did the same thing when you reached the second building. That left you, Jisung, and Hyunjin to walk to the third building. Jisung had been so excited when he discovered that you lived in the same accommodation as him, even more so when he found out you were only on the floor above him. You were equally excited when he told you his roommate was Hyunjin.
"I'll walk you to your room."
"It's one floor, Ji, I'll be fine."
"Ugh, fine, don't say I never offer to do anything nice for you," He teases.
"See you later, Y/N," Hyunjin says with a smile as Jisung waves you goodbye, heading towards their room. You then make your way up to your own.
"Honey, I'm home," You joked as you walk through the door to find your roommate and friend, Lily sitting on the sofa watching a film.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yep, it was really nice to hang out with the guys."
"Next time invite me, I wanna ask Changbin for his number."
"First of all I wasn't originally invited, Jisung invited me, I don't know if a plus one can bring a plus one and secondly, just ask him he will 100% give you his number."
"You really think so?"
"I do."
"Alright, the next time I see him around I'll do it." You wish you were as brave as Lily and could just ask Hyunjin out like that but you knew if it went wrong rehearsals and the play would be awkward. You sighed, sitting down next to her on the couch.
"What are you watching?"
"Me Before You, I'm only five minutes in you wanna watch it with me?"
"Why did we decide to watch this?" You asked, tears streaming down your face, turning to your friend only to find her fast asleep. "Oh great, I get to cry about it alone." The movie was devasting, it truly broke your heart.
It's just a film, get yourself together, you told yourself. Once you had calmed down a little you headed to the bathroom to splash some water on your face to calm yourself down further. You had a love-hate relationship with sad films. They were masterpieces while at the same time the most soul-destroying, heart-crushing films ever.
You took a blanket from your room and placed it over Lily, not wanting to wake her before getting ready for bed. You were beginning to feel sleepy but the second your head hit the pillow you felt wide awake. You were awake for what felt like hours when you checked your phone to see the time. It was 1am, you knew you had to get up early but there was no way you were going to get to sleep anytime soon. You were too restless to sleep
You decided maybe some fresh air would do you some good so you slipped out of bed replacing your pajamas with a hoodie, sweatpants and some trainers. You quietly made your way out of your room, past Lily who was still fast asleep on the sofa, and out of the front door.
You reached the roof of your accommodation building to find someone was already up there. You recognised him instantly and silently moved towards him.
"Boo!" You shouted, grabbing his waist and making him jump. Jisung jumped and turned around to face you.
"Y/N, you gave me a heart attack, I thought I was about to get murdered!" He said clutching his chest and closing his eyes, trying to calm his racing heart. Not that it ever calmed that much whenever you were near him which he was beginning to find extremely strange.
"Oh, come on, it was a little funny." You said laughing. Your laughter died off as Jisung sighed.
"No, it wasn't."
"Was too."
"Was not." He said, but contradicting himself with a smile, opening his eyes to look at you.
"Was too." His smile dropped when he looked at you.
"Hey, are you alright? Have you been crying?" His hand reached out to rest on your shoulder.
"Crying?" You questioned. "Oh, yeah, don't worry about it, Lily and I were watching a sad movie earlier but she fell asleep leaving me to weep alone."
"Ugh, how dare she!" Jisung joked in a mocking voice.
"Exactly, how dare she. Anyway, why are you up at this time?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Just restless. Just thinking," You replied as you leaned on the railing of the roof. Jisung leaned next to you.
"Just the play and stuff."
"Oh, right."
"Why aren't you sleeping?" You asked.
"Just thinking about stuff too."
"What stuff?"
"Nothing in particular, just can't seem to shut my brain up."
"Ah, I see. You usually struggle to shut your mouth too."
"Hey, you're mean!" He said, his hand going to his chest again, over his heart.
"But honest," You reply, turning to him with a smile.
"Whatever, if you don't want my company I'll just leave," He said with a huff, turning to leave. You rolled your eyes with a smile grabbing his arm and pulling him back.
"Don't be silly, you know I like spending time with you." This earned you a smile from him.
"Well, how about we do something tomorrow? Maybe, uh, you know if you want to, you could show me Romeo and Juliet 'cause as I said earlier, I haven't seen it."
"Yeah, that sounds good. Is straight after rehearsals alright? We can walk back together and you can come over to mine. Lily will be at work so we can watch it without her pestering you for Changbin's number." He laughed at this a little.
"You have his phone number, why don't you just give it to her?"
"I don't know, I feel like we aren't close enough yet for me to just be giving out his number to anyone."
"You know he has a bit of a thing for your friend right?"
"Oh, I guess I will give it to her then. Look at us doing cupid's work and playing matchmaker." You nudged his shoulder with your own a little. He smiled softly at you.
"It's getting late and we need to sleep, we have rehearsals bright and early tomorrow," Jisung said, looking out at the view from the rooftop. You admired him for a moment before agreeing and you both turned to walk towards the door.
"Let's hope we can practice Juliet's death scene so I can just nap through it."
"Say something!" Jisung shouted at the TV screen as the two of you sat and watched Romeo an Juliet. He groaned as he watch Romeo drink the poison as Juliet, who was very clearly alive if only he looked down at her, watched him. "This film is so annoying! She could have stopped him!"
"Looks like someone is really invested."
"Juliet's an idiot!"
"Thanks," You replied dryly.
"Sorry but it's true."
"It's all pretty dumb when you think about it really though, they meet, fall in love, get married, and then die all in the space of about 5 days and on top of that, all this causes 4 more deaths, besides their own." Jisung looked at you for a minute, processing everything you just said.
"You're right but damn Shakespeare was talented to make such a stupid plot be that good."
"Yeah, I'll give him that."
When the end credits rolled you turned to the boy beside you with a smile.
"So, did you like it?" You asked him.
"I did, it was actually really good, I love how they still used the original script but the setting and stuff were modern, we so should have suggested doing a modernized version of it."
"Right? That would have been so cool. Plus I wanna see your version of Mercutio wearing a glittery bralette singing Young Hearts Run Free."
"Dream on," He laughed.
"Maybe I will," You teased.
"Are you flirting with me right now?" He replied, with a mischievous look on his face.
"Dream on," You replied, using his words from before.
"Oh, I see what this is. I'm practice, right? For Hyunjin."
"Shut up. No, I would never flirt with him, I'm too shy around him."
"True. Which is so dumb because I'm sure he would like you back if you just opened up to him a little."
"Felix said the same thing. But I've tried, I've made some progress, before I couldn't even make eye contact with him now I'm playing his love interest and actually talking to him."
"I'm sure it will happen. I just want you to be happy, Y/N."
"I want that for you too." You both sat there smiling at each other for a second. Jisung's eyes briefly flickered down to your lips. He'd hoped you wouldn't notice but you did. You felt a strange twist in your stomach. You continued gazing at each other for a moment longer before Jisung's phone pinged with a notification. He broke eye contact, clearing his throat slightly and reaching for his phone from his pocket.
"Speaking of Hyunjin, he just messaged me to see if I want some of the food he's made, do you wanna come too?"
"Ah, no, Lily will be back soon and I promised I would eat with her. You go ahead."
You walked him to the door, feeling a little disappointed he couldn't stay for longer.
"See you tomorrow."
"See you," You watched as he turned away from you and walked along the hallway before you shut your door. You thought back to your conversation about Hyunjin.
You realised that the entire time Jisung was with you, until he brought Hyunjin up, you hadn't even thought of him.
The months had flown by as the first performance of the play neared. Movie nights had become a weekly thing for you and Jisung, each week alternating between the two of you picking a film. As much as you were enjoying the rehearsals for the play, your movie nights were always the highlight of your week.
Speaking of the play, you were almost ready there was just one thing you needed to practice: the kisses.
You had practiced the scenes but every time it got up to the part where you and Hyunjin were meant to kiss you just awkwardly skipped over it and continue the scene. Hyunjin had spoken to you about it and you both agreed you would book a drama room and practice it.
You were a bundle of nerves as you worked your way through the first kiss scene. You had thought about kissing him millions of times and this would finally be it. You had dreamt of this moment. And yet, something felt off.
"Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged," Hyunjin said his line before leaning towards you. "Ready?" He asked quietly. You only nodded, looking into his eyes.
His lips met yours and they were soft. It was a good kiss. Gentle and sweet, enjoyable. But that was all. You felt nothing. You pulled away, feeling disappointed and annoyed. It wasn't him, you were certain, there was something wrong with you. All you had ever wanted was to be kissed by him and when it finally happened there was no butterflies, no fireworks. Not even a spark
"Was that alright?" He asked.
"Y-yeah, it was good," You replied with a small smile. He smiled back with a strange glint in his eye. "Um it's getting late and I've got plans with Jisung, it's our movie night. Why don't you practice the monologue you were talking about earlier that you said you wanted to practice?"
"Oh yeah, can't keep him waiting." He smiled again in a weird way but you couldn't understand it. "Do you want me to walk you back?"
"Oh, no, there's no need, it's not a long walk after all and there's no point you going back yet unless you are heading back to your place. You might as well use the room while nobody else is. See you later, Hyujin." He waved you goodbye as you quickly left.
When you finally arrived at your flat you found Jisung resting on your door, waiting for you. He heard the sound of your footsteps approaching and looked up from his phone.
"Hi, sorry I'm late, practice ran a bit late."
"No worries." You took your keys from your pocket to open your door, not noticing the way Jisung was studying your face.
"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.
"Talk about what?"
"Whatever it is that's up with you. I know you, Y/N, I can see something's bothering you." You sighed, looking at the boy next to you. He had a delicate smile on his face. Had he always been that handsome?
"I'll tell you inside." The two of you made your way through the door once you had unlocked it. You threw your bag on the counter before heading to the sofa and dropping down on it with a sigh. Jisung sat down next to you.
"So?" He asked you.
"We practiced the kiss." You weren't looking at him and he was grateful because he was certain you would have seen the way he frowned.
"And it was good but I felt nothing. I think it's my fault though because I was just so nervous and in my head about it all that it was probably awkward. I've liked the guy for what feels like forever and I blew it because I was too scared to properly kiss him."
"So, you need to gain some confidence to kiss him properly then you think it will feel right?"
"I think so but I'm not sure how to gain confidence, I haven't kissed anybody before today in ages." That was when an idea sprang to your head. It was stupid you knew it. But it might just work, you told yourself. You turned to Jisung.
"I've got an idea. It's dumb and you can totally say no but what if we kissed?"
"What?!" His eyes widened.
"Like, just to practice so I can gain some confidence and then next time I kiss Hyunjin I'll be able to kiss him back and not just stand there awkwardly. Actually, it's stupid, sorry, I shouldn't have sugges-"
"I'll do it. I'll kiss you. It doesn't mean anything anyway, right?" Jisung tried to ignore the way his heart dropped as those words left his lips. "If it'll help you, I'll do it."
"Wait, seriously?"
"Okay, alright." You both turned to face each other. Gently, he placed his hands on your arms, leaning in. He was hesitant, but the way his eyes flickered between your own and your lips made your heartbeat begin to race.
Your lips finally met his and your breathing hitched in your throat. You brought a hand up to cup his face, softly stroking your thumb over his cheek. His kiss was delicate but full of passion, his lips fit perfectly with your own as you kissed him back. A kaleidoscope of butterflies erupted in your stomach. This felt right. This is what it was meant to feel like when you kissed someone.
You both pulled away, gasping for air, with flushed cheeks and soft smiles. You remained close, your hand still cupping his face.
"That was really good, thank you." Jisung suddenly became aware of what had just happened. He pulled away, out of your reach.
"Yeah, no problem," He replied, trying to act nonchalant. He cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's my turn to pick the film right?" He asked as he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Your heart dropped at his dismissal of the moment you thought you had both shared.
"Yeah," You said quietly, turning to look at the TV as he picked a film. You weren't really sure of what he picked because the entire time you were watching your mind was elsewhere thinking about the fact that you and he had just kissed. You turned to look at him, his eyes fixed on the TV screen. Your hand came up to your mouth, replaying the kiss again and again.
That was what it was meant to feel like when you kissed someone. And you knew it.
Jisung regretted the kiss the second the two of you had pulled away from each other. Not that he hadn't enjoyed it. He certainly had. He had been waiting for ages to finally kiss you but he wished that the first time he kissed you would have been when you felt the same way that he did. Not as a practice to help you kiss his roommate, who you had liked for years.
The kiss had plagued his thoughts since then. It was now three weeks later and it was the final dress rehearsal before the first show.
It was the first scene where you and Hyunjin kissed. Jisung hadn't seen the kiss before as the two of you would avoid it but now he knew that you had been practicing it. He watched as your eyes flickered from Hyunjin's eyes to his lips when the two of you leaned in and your lips met a wave of jealousy washed over him. He tried to maintain a calm disposition but inside he wanted to scream.
Why him? Why not me? He wanted to ask you.
But he knew he wouldn't, for your sake. He wanted you to be happy. Even if that meant he had to watch you be with his best friend. He watched as you kissed Hyunjin. The kiss looked perfect.
But it wasn't. You could pretend there was love in that kiss, but it was just acting. You knew deep down that nothing could recreate the emotions you felt when you kissed Jisung.
You tried to imagine him instead of Hyunjin but your mind was not strong enough to fake that kind of emotion. Sure the kiss was good but it wasn't like the kiss you shared with Jisung.
As the scene ended, you wanted to cry. Everything was all messed up. You knew Jisung didn't feel that way about you. Hell, you had only just figured out you felt that way about him. He was helping you out in your pursuit of Hyunjin. He had no idea that you had in fact fallen for him a long time ago, it had just taken you a while to notice.
You wished it had been him from the beginning because the way you felt about him was different from the crush you had had on Hyunjin. That had been you, admiring from afar. This was so much more. You wished the kiss you shared with Jisung had meant something to him, because it meant a lot to you.
When you pulled away from Hyunjin, you looked over his shoulder, at Jisung in the wings. He had a soft smile on his face. He wanted to show he was happy for you, hoping you wouldn't take notice that the smile never reached his eyes.
You exited the stage at the end of the scene, coming face to face with Jisung.
"The kiss looked great," He said, avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah?" You asked rather sadly.
"Yeah." He nodded.
"Jisung, I-"
"I'm on in the next scene so I better get ready to go on."
"Oh, right." You smiled softly, stepping aside.
You watched as he stepped out on the stage and performed. He really did have a natural talent for it. When the scene concluded he left the stage via the opposite wings. You were so busy watching as he walked away that you almost missed your cue. Luckily, Bangchan had been there to push you out on stage.
"Stop staring at Jisung and get on stage." He lightly nudged you, his words leaving you a flustered mess as you quickly composed yourself for the scene.
When the dress rehearsal was finished, you quickly packed your bag ready to leave.
"Hey, we're going to grab a coffee, you wanna come?" Felix asked you.
"No, thanks for the offer though. I'm really tired and just wanna get home but I'll see you tomorrow at the library, 11am."
"Yep, alright, we'll see you later," Jeongin said as he and Felix waved you goodbye.
You were about to leave when Hyunjin approached you.
"You were really great today, the show is gonna be perfect."
"You did a really good job too, Hyunjin." You noticed your sudden ease around the boy. Usually, you would become all flustered and your heart would be racing a mile a minute. Guess you really were over him.
You didn't see Hyunjin's glance at Jisung on the other side of the room, who was standing looking at the two of you sadly.
"So, what's going on with you and Jisung?"
"What? Nothing."
"Well, in that case, maybe after the first performance I could take you out on a date." A couple of months ago these words from Hyunjin probably would've made you faint. It had been all you ever wanted. But when you thought about the idea of going on a date with someone, the person you imagined wasn't Hyunjin, it was Jisung.
"Hyunjin, I'm flattered, really, I am. You know I used to like you, a lot, and I still think you're a really great guy but I just don't feel that way anymore, I'm sorry," You said to him, apologetically. He looked at you with a smirk.
"I knew it."
"Knew what?"
"You like Jisung."
"Oh my god, you don't just like him, you love him."
"Ah, don't say it out loud." Your hand came up to his mouth covering it. Across the room, Jisung watched the interaction between you and his best friend. His hand tightened around the strap of his bag as he felt jealousy swirling in the pit of his stomach.
"I knew you had feelings for him, I just had to get you to admit it," Hyunjin said more quietly now, as you removed your hand from his mouth, revealing his smile.
"Alright, I do love him, but it doesn't matter, nothing is ever going to happen between us. He still thinks I like you and is clearly not bothered by that."
"Y/N, are you blind? Is the way he is looking at us right now not a dead giveaway." You couldn't stop yourself from turning your head to look in Jisung's direction. He quickly looked away, glancing at anything other than you before heading towards the door and leaving the room.
"There goes your chance to tell him today, it's alright, you can try again tomorrow."
"I will not be telling him anything."
"Yes, you will."
"No, I will not. At least not yet anyway."
"Come on, Y/N. Just tell him because I don't know how long I can keep quiet about this."
"Give me until the last show."
"Alright, deal but if you don't tell him, I will."
"This is peer pressure!"
"It's for your own benefit."
"Hyunjin, you're so annoying."
"I may be annoying but I make one hell of a matchmaker."
"Alright, I'm leaving now."
"See you later, I'm gonna go find Chan and tell him you finally admitted your feelings."
"Chan knows about my feelings?"
"We've been talking about you and Jisung for months. We knew about your feelings before even you did."
"You kissed him?!" Jeongin said, in shock.
"Yes, but it wasn't like that. It didn't mean anything, not to him at least. He agreed to help me practice for my kiss scenes with Hyunjin." You explained as you and your two best friends left the library. You had been studying together for a few hours but were tired now and wanted to go to a cafe to relax for a little while instead.
"Okay, first of all, do you really think he agreed to kiss you just for practice? I highly doubt that, the guy is obviously smitten with you. And second of all why didn't you tell us any of this earlier?" Felix asked.
"I don't know, I had to find the right time. I didn't want to tell you at rehearsals. Honestly, I would've kept it to myself but I wanted to get it off my chest to someone, especially after Hyunjin made me admit it to him."
"Hyunjin knew before us?!" Jeongin said.
"Will you keep your voice down? This is why I couldn't tell the two of you at rehearsal, he can't keep quiet, I didn't want Jisung overhearing our conversation about him." You pointed accusingly at Jeongin.
"You know what, I knew something was up with you two." Felix smiled at you.
"Nothing is up with us. He doesn't feel that way. I won't be telling him. Hyunjin is trying to get me to confess but I'll find a way to keep him quiet."
"Find a way to keep him quiet? Jesus, you're gonna have to murder him, Y/N."
"If I must."
"You scare me sometimes." Jeongin looked at you with a concerned expression.
"I agree with Hyunjin. You should tell him, what could go wrong?" Felix asked.
"Are you insane? I ruin everything with him? I lay my heart out for him and he tears it to shreds?"
"Jisung's a nice guy, he wouldn't do that."
"Fine but he could still reject me and break my heart regardless of how softly he let me down."
"I think he feels the same way for you," Jeongin states simply.
"Yeah, well I don't."
"He's definitely in love with you, he can't seem to keep his eyes off of you in rehearsal."
"You're imaging things, Felix."
"You think I wouldn't notice when some guy is ogling my best friend?"
"Shut up, he does not love me."
Pretending things were fine between you and Jisung proved harder said than done. After realising your feelings for him you felt a lot shyer around him. But he still seemed to be his usual bubbly, chatty self. You would never know Jisung's struggle to maintain this facade.
"You nervous about the first show tomorrow?" He asked you as he sat down on the sofa next to you with a bowl of popcorn. You were over at his apartment as Lily had asked if she could have the apartment for a few hours. She and Changbin had gone on a few dates recently and she wanted to have her own movie night with him, but you knew from her tone, that they probably wouldn't end up watching whatever movie they picked. You didn't really fancy sticking around to find out. Instead, you asked Jisung and Hyunjin if you could crash at their place to which they agreed. Hyunjin was in his room, while you and Jisung had decided to watch a movie together.
"Yeah, a little," You replied. It was true you were anxious about it but right now you were more nervous at the close proximity between you and Jisung. Your heart fluttered as his leg nudged yours. "What about you?"
"Really nervous but excited as well."
"We'll be fine. The entire cast and crew have worked so hard for this, it'll be okay."
"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be great." He smiled at you before clearing his throat and turning his attention back to the TV. "Anyway, what do you wanna watch tonight?"
"I thought it was your turn to pick?"
"It is but I'm feeling nice."
"Alright, how about 10 Things I Hate About You?"
"Yeah, we can watch that before, I've never seen it."
"What? First Romeo and Juliet and now this? How have you never seen it before? It's so good, it's one of my favourite films of all time. It's fitting actually because it's based on the Shakespeare play The Taming of the Shrew. And there's this one scene where the male sings for the female lead in front of everyone. Oh and the poem scene near the end makes my heart ache every time. And I'm rambling and spoiling it for you, I'm sorry." Jisung doubted that he could keep the look of affection from his face and at that moment he didn't care. He loved the way you rambled on about things you liked, he found it the most adorable thing ever.
"No it's alright, I think it's cute." You felt your cheeks up at his words, noticing how close his face was to yours. You could just lean in and kiss him.
Just lean in, your heart told you, but your brain kept you from doing something so stupid.
"Well, yeah, my point is it's really good but if you want to watch something else we can, it is meant to be your night to pick."
"We'll watch that, it does sound good." 
You weren't even halfway through the film when you felt yourself grow tired and felt yourself drifting off. You hadn't been sleeping too well, thoughts and worries about Jisung keeping you up late at night. Even your dreams were filled with images of the boy beside you. Dreams where he cruelly broke your heart. You knew he wouldn't do that to you but it still hurt.
Jisung's body stiffened when he felt your head fall to his shoulder. He heard your steady breathing before realising you were asleep and relaxed a little, adjusting the blanket the two of you were sharing.
He continued to watch the movie, trying not to move too much so as to not wake you. You had been right about the movie, it really was great. He liked the scenes you had mentioned. He imagined himself serenading you with a marching band. Maybe one day he would sing to you one of the songs he had written about you. He would do it in a heartbeat if he was certain that you loved him too. Because it was love. It had taken him a long time to come to terms with the fact that like had turned into love. It, of course, hurt him to know you liked his best friend but he wouldn't change his feelings, even if he could. He quite liked the fall. Loved the way it felt to love you.
When the movie had finished you were still fast asleep. Jisung carefully maneuvered his way off of the sofa laying you down gently. He crouched beside you, looking at your peaceful face. It was the first time he had seen you look so peaceful in the last few days.
He had noticed something was up with you but when he asked you just dismissed him He hadn't wanted to pry so decided would wait until you came to talk to him first about it. He gently stroked your cheek and sighed. What was he going to do? He felt so helplessly in love with you. He knew was drowning but instead of saving himself, he was diving deeper and deeper.
He didn't want to leave you to sleep on his sofa so instead he gently picked you up in his arms and carried you to his bedroom, laying you down on his bed. He pulled the covers over you as you began to stir.
"Jisung?" You asked.
"It's alright, Y/N, you fell asleep so I carried you to my bed. I'll sleep on the sofa," He whispered softly. He turned to leave when he felt your hand grab his. He turned back to look at you.
"Please stay." Your eyes looked into his with a sense of pleading.
"Okay." You let go of his hand and he moved to the other side of the bed. He got under the covers, keeping a safe distance from you. But you turned onto your side to face him and moved closer. He turned to look at you. He wanted to reach out and touch you, kiss you, but he knew better. So instead he settled for admiring your features, his eyes tracing your soft smile and bright eyes.
"Goodnight, Jisung," You whispered, shutting your eyes.
"Goodnight, Y/N," He whispered back.
Jisung was the first to wake in the morning. The two of you had somehow moved even closer in your sleep. He wanted to start every day like this.
He knew you both needed to get ready for school but when he checked his phone there was still plenty of time so he decided to let you sleep for a little longer. He carefully moved away from you, getting out of bed. In the kitchen he found Hyunjin making himself some breakfast.
"Good morning."
"Morning Jisung, Y/N still asleep?"
"Yep. I'll wake her up in a bit but I can tell she's been really tired recently so I'll let her rest for now." He sat down at the breakfast table after getting some cereal for himself.
"That's so sweet of you, you guys are such a cute couple."
"It's not like that, Hyunjin."
"Not yet. But I have a good feeling about you two."
"Trust me, it'll never happen."
"Why? Because of her feelings for me." Jisung's head whipped up to look at Hyunjin.
"You know? If you know why not let her down easy instead of toying around with her? I swear to God if you hurt her, I-," He began to raise his voice. Hyunjin rolled his eyes.
"I thought you were smarter than that. I'm not playing around with her, I know that she used to have feelings for me, as in past tense."
"How do you know for certain she doesn't still like you?" He asked skeptically.
"Haven't you noticed her change in attitude toward me? She isn't as shy anymore. Besides I had my own theories about her feelings so I decided to put it to the test so I asked her out."
"You what?!"
"I asked her out. And guess what? She said no because she likes someone else and, well, I know who I'm putting my money on." Hyunjin had promised not to tell Jisung about your feelings for him but he wasn't telling Jisung that it was definitely him, he was just hinting, right? He was only trying to help. Watching you too pine after each other was becoming pretty unbearable.
"You think it's me? Yeah, right."
"Look, all I know is you were the one spooning with her all night, not anybody else."
"We weren't spooning!"
The first show went incredibly smoothly, of course, there was the usual stress of making sure you remember lines and cues, costume changes, etc but nothing went wrong. Jisung had managed to busy himself with neatening up his costume or being in his dressing room listening to the dialogue over the speakers during the kissing scenes. When it was time to gather on stage and do the final bow you stood next to Hyunjin and Jisung. Jisung was sure the whole audience could hear his heartbeat when you took his hand. You were sure the audience would notice how you were hesitant to pull your hand away from Jisung's. Part of you hoped he would notice too.
The curtain began to close as the cast celebrated and the audience continued to cheer. You turned to Jisung and threw your arms around him pulling him into an embrace. His own arms slid around your waist and you couldn't help but think that this felt right. Holding him like this.
After every show, this routine continued. When the final show came around you were feeling sad and scared. You feared now that the show was over you wouldn't see everyone you had grown close with as much anymore. Mostly, you feared you and Jisung would grow apart.
The curtain finally closed as the atmosphere on stage was still buzzing with energy. You smiled at Jisung who still had his arms around your waist from the hug the two of you once again shared.
"You did amazing!"
"Thank you, but you were just perfect, absolutely incredible." His words made you smile. You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush.
"Thank you." You looked into his eyes and everyone else on the stage seemed to disappear. You could have sworn he was leaning in but he stopped himself. You both pulled away a little awkwardly.
"So, uh-"
"Hey, you two are you coming to Chan's party tonight?" Hyunjin asked, seeming to appear out of nowhere.
"Yeah, I just need to go home and get changed."
"Okay, cool, I brought something to wear so I'm gonna head straight there and help set up. What about you, Jisung?"
"Yeah, I'm coming too but I'll go home with Y/N first, I forgot to bring something to change into as well." His mind flashed to the outfit he had carefully picked out last night and had in fact put in his bag. He just wanted an excuse to walk you home.
"Cool, I'll see you both there," Hyunjin said, before turning away from you both.
"See you," You and Jisung called after him, both replying in unison.
Your phone pinged while you were finishing up your makeup and you opened it to see a message from Hyunjin.
Hyunjin: Don't forget the deadline.
Y/N: What are you talking about?
Hyunjin: Your confession
Y/N: You were being serious about that?!
Hyunjin: Of course I was, you should do it tonight, at the party
Y/N: Okay fine, only because I really wanted to say something today after the final bow
You were interrupted by Jisung knocking on your door, ready to take you to the party. You quickly message Hyunjin to tell him Jisung was here before heading toward the door.
You had picked a nice dress, nothing too fancy but it looked amazing on you. As you opened the door, Jisung stared in awe.
"Wow." He blushed, realising he had said this out loud. "Sorry, I uh...you just look...wow."
"Thanks, Ji, you're looking pretty good yourself." And he was. But, to be quite frank, Jisung could be wearing a plastic bag and you'd still think he was hot.
"Ready to go?"
"Yep, come on." You locked your door, before taking his arm.
The walk from your accommodation to Changbin and Chan's apartment was only ten minutes long but it felt like time froze when you were with Jisung. You kept stealing glances at him as Hyunjin's messages on your phone kept popping up in your head.
"Jisung I..." You trailed off as he looked at you with those gorgeous eyes.
"What is it?" He asked softly. For him, the question was more of a plead for you to say the one thing he so desperately wanted you to say: I love you.
"Jisung, I..." Your mind flashed back to the nightmares you had been having about being rejected by him. In the dreams he was cruel, nothing like Jisung you knew. But just because he was kind didn't mean he wouldn't reject you. And it certainly didn't mean it wouldn't hurt all the same, even if he was nice about it. You couldn't confess what you really wanted to say so you confessed the next best thing. "I don't want us to stop being friends now that the show is over." It was bittersweet for Jisung. He was happy you didn't want to lose him but he wanted more than just friends.
"Of course, we'll still be friends, you can't get rid of me that easily." He smiled at you.
"Good. I don't wanna be rid of you anytime soon."
You had lost Jisung somewhere in the crowd of people.
The two of you had been dancing with Jeongin and Felix when Jeongin started to feel sick. You and Felix helped him to the bathroom. He never was a good drinker and you made a mental note to remind him of this tomorrow, as you gently patted his back as he was sick. Felix beside you was trying to be a supportive friend but you could see the way he was grimacing so you asked him to fetch a glass of water from the kitchen. When Jeongin was feeling a little better you both helped him up.
"I'll take him home, you stay here, go have fun."
"No buts, go have fun with Jisung."
"Fine but text me if you need anything and message me when you both get home safe."
"I will, see you later."
Once they were out the door you turned back to the crowds of people. You wanted to find Jisung sooner rather than later because, honestly, he was almost as bad as Jeongin when it came to drinking. You were pretty tipsy but not drunk yet, Jisung on the other hand was one shot away from passing out the last time you saw him. You had been searching for what felt like forever when your phone pinged. You had hoped it was Jisung but it was Felix telling you himself and Jeongin were home safe.
"Well, two home safe, one to find," You murmured to yourself, continuing your search.
Struggling to find him because of the sheer mass of people, you headed to the kitchen to get yourself a drink instead when you met Hyunjin.
"Have you told him yet?"
"I tried to but I couldn't do it and now he's too drunk and I've lost him in the crowd of people. But please don't tell him, I promise I will tell him, eventually."
"Fine, I won't tell him, but I'm rooting for you."
"Y/N, I found you! My favourite person in the entire world!" Jisung had stumbled into the kitchen looking for you. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, pulling your back into his chest in a hug. He rested his chin on your shoulder, his warm, flushed cheek against yours.
"Speak of the devil," Hyunjin said with a smile.
"Oh, Hyunjin, you're here too." Jisung pulled away from you but came to stand next to you with an arm around your shoulder. "Sorry, was I interrupting something? I know you like him, Y/N," He whispered to you.
You don't know anything, Ji.
"Yeah we were just talking about you actually. But anyway, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go dance, leave you two be." He winked at you before moving away.
You turned to look at the boy beside you. He had a silly grin on his face as he engulfed you in another hug.
"You're drunk, come on, I'm taking you home, you've had enough." You were the only thing keeping him upright so you wrapped an arm around his waist and wrapped his around your shoulder before helping him out of the apartment. The 10-minute walk must have taken at least 30 with you practically having to drag Jisung.
"Where are your keys?" You held out your free hand that wasn't supporting Jisung.
"Not telling." He said with a giggle.
"I'll leave you out here in the corridor."
"You're mean," He said but reached into his pocket, pulling out his keys and handing them to you.
Once you had got him inside you managed to get him to his bedroom. You took his shoes and jacket off but knew it would be too much of a struggle to get him changed.
"I'll get you some water, stay here." He nodded, lying his head down. You quickly got a glass of water for him before returning to his room, pacing it on the cabinet beside his bed. "Here, now get some sleep, message me if you need anything. Goodnight, Ji."
"Please stay."
You smiled slightly.
"Deja vu," You said, thinking back to the time you had asked him to do the same thing. "Alright." You took off your own shoes and jacket before slipping into the bed, next to him. There were a few minutes of comfortable silence, you thought perhaps he had fallen asleep. You reached out and gently stroked his hair. Jisung's eyes remained closed but he spoke up.
"Why him?" He asked.
"Why Hyunjin? Why can't you love me? Because I love you." Your breathing hitched in your throat.
"Jisung, you're drunk."
"Yes, I'm drunk, but that doesn't mean I can't be honest." You stayed silent for a moment. Do you confess? Do you tell him how you really feel? But what if he woke up in the morning and told you he never meant it, he was just drunk?
"Can't you kiss me? Just once. Not as practice for a play or to make kissing someone else feel better but as a real kiss. A kiss from a girl to a boy who's totally and utterly head over heels for her." And in that moment, you wanted to kiss him. More than anything. You cupped his face but didn't kiss him. You leaned your forehead against Jisung's.
"I don't like Hyunjin anymore," You whispered in the dark. "And I can't kiss you, not properly, it would be wrong of me because of how drunk you are right now." You laughed, thinking about how drunk he really was.
"But for now, I hope this will do." You leaned up and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead. "If you remember this, and mean what you say, Ji, tell me you love me again." He hummed in agreement as sleep overtook him. You sighed, looking at his peaceful face before finally closing your eyes.
You were the first to wake the next day. You smiled remembering last night and hoped that Jisung would remember too. It wasn't long after that Jisung began to stir.
"Good morning." He smiled at you as he stretched out.
"Morning, how are you feeling?"
"Everything's fuzzy." You laughed lightly.
"Have fun last night?"
"I'm assuming so and, by the looks of things, I'm guessing you had to help me home." Your smile faltered. Of course, he wouldn't remember. He probably didn't even mean it, you thought to yourself.
"You can't remember?" Jisung picked up on your sad tone.
"I remember playing beer pong with Changbin but everything's hazy after that. Why, did something bad happen?" You ignored his question, moving away from him.
"I've got to go," You said, quickly getting up and reaching for your shoes and jacket.
"What is it? What's wrong?" He asked, sitting up and watching as you frantically pulled on your jacket.
"Nothing's wrong, I've just got to go."
"Did I do something last night? Please, Y/N, tell me. Did something happen?"
"No... nothing happened. It was nothing." You quickly hurried out of the room as Jisung scrambled to get out of bed.
"Morning Y/N-Oookay," Hyunjin, who was sitting in the living room, said as you raced past him and out of the door without a word.
"Y/N!" Jisung called after you, rushing out of his room. He turned to look at Hyunjin. "What did I do last night? I can't remember but Y/N is upset about something."
"I don't know, but I'm sure it'll come back to you then you can sort out whatever is going on."
What am I not remembering?
All week you had been avoiding Jisung and he knew it. Other than the few classes you shared, he never saw you. Even in these classes, your conversations were short and awkward. If he asked you to hang out you would always apologise and say you already had plans. You even canceled your movie night that week saying you had to study for a quiz in one of your classes.
It was hurting Jisung and he became irritable, snapping at his friends.
"I'm not the one avoiding you, no need to snap at me!" Hyunjin said. "She's literally on the floor above, just go up there and ask her why she's avoiding you."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
Because I just can't." Hyunjin groaned.
"Whatever, I'm going to bed, I don't wanna deal with your grumpy ass right now."
Jisung turned back around to face the TV to watch the film he had put on. Alone. He had put on 10 Things I Hate About You again, thinking back to how cute you were when talking about it. But as he watched he found he couldn't focus and grew bored. It wasn't right without you. He turned it off before dragging himself to the bathroom hoping a nice shower would clear his mind. But it didn't. Eventually, he made his way to bed. He lay in the darkness, looking up at the ceiling, trying to think of something, anything, he could have done that had made you avoid him. He turned on his side looking at the side of the bed you had once laid on.
"What am I not remembering?" He asked himself, out loud.
He closed his eyes, trying to focus. A hazy image of you helping him home and into bed cleared in his mind. His words echoed in his head. Please stay.
He reached up and touched his hair as he remember you doing the same that night. But try as he might to remember more, he had exhausted his brain and he was beginning to get a headache. He sighed in defeat as he could remember no more, deciding to sleep instead.
You were in his dreams. There were words of love whispered in the dark and forehead kisses. Jisung sat up suddenly. He thought at first it was just a dream but it felt too familiar, too real.
He jumped out of bed and threw on the first pair of shoes he could find, running out the door and along the corridor. He just prayed that nobody was planning on attempting to break into his and Hyunjin's apartment that night because they would be greeted by an unlocked door. He raced up the stairs, running two at a time before he finally came face to face with your door. He frantically knocked. He heard shuffling inside.
"Who is it? I'll ring the police, I swear to god."
"Y/N, it's me?" He heard the door being unlocked.
"Jisung? What the hell are you doing here, it's like 4 in the morning?"
"I'm sorry but I really need to talk to you."
"No, please, it's important. Please, don't push me away," He pleaded with you.
"Fine, but be quiet, Lily's sleeping.," You sighed, allowing him into your apartment. You locked the front door and led him to your room, shutting the door. You sat down on your bed as he stood awkwardly fidgeting with his hands.
"What's up?"
"You've been avoiding me. It's been bugging me because I knew that something was wrong and it was to do with the party but I just couldn't remember. I was able to piece together small interactions last night before bed, like me asking you to stay but I just couldn't remember everything."
"Please, just let me finish," He said as he sat down next to you on the bed, looking straight into your eyes. "But then I fell asleep and I had a dream but it wasn't just a dream it felt so familiar. I'm hoping it's not my mind messing with me but that night you asked me to repeat my words if I remembered that moment and truly felt that way. Well, guess what? I remembered. So I just came over to tell you, I love you, Y/N." You stared at him with a shocked expression. The hopeful glint in his eyes began to fade as you sat there, not saying a word. You felt the tears start streaming down your cheeks.
"Y/N, are you alright? I'm sorry. Shit, did I remember wrong? Oh god, and I just confessed."
"No, you remember everything just right. You did as I asked." You leaned forward, wrapping your arms around him. After a moment of shock, he hesitantly placed his own arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"Does this mean you feel the same way?"
"I do, I love you, Ji, of course, I love you. I think I have since that first day when you sat next to me at the script read." You pulled back slightly to look at him. He smiled at you, brushing away your tears. "And the night of the party, when we were talking about the kiss, I wanted so badly to tell you that the kiss wasn't nothing, it was what made me realise I loved you. I was just scared to tell you in case you woke up and said it was just the alcohol talking." He smiled brightly at you again.
"I can't tell you how happy you've just made me. Does this mean I can take you out sometime?"
"Of course, you can." You leaned in to hug him again.
"Hey, Y/N?" You pulled back to look at him. "How about that kiss now?"
"Oh, you mean this one?" You kissed his forehead and looked back at him. He rolled his eyes playfully as you giggled lightly.
"Haha, very funny." Your soft laughter died away as you just looked at him. Admired the way the light from the moon landed on his skin, the way his eyes sparkled as he looked at you, the way his lips look just too kissable. Your hand cupped his cheek. "Come here," He whispered, barely audible, as he pulled you onto his lap. You leaned in to meet his lips.
And as you kissed him you thought back to everything that had happened in the past few months and just how lucky you were to have been cast in the play. As you kissed him the whole world faded away and you were just a girl kissing a boy who was totally and utterly head over heels for her.
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kaiso-woo · 7 months
I Already Have Seven...
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-> Masterlist
PART 15 of my ‘Stay Series’ - a long hypothesised journey of a relationship between Bang Chan and Reader.
WC: 5.1k | Synopsis: The end of Stay Series. It's been a journey guys. I'm gonna cry.
Chris + Reader Minho + Jinhee Jisung + Suhwa Changbin + Kirsten Hyunjin + Soraya Seungmin + Yeonjoo Jeongin + Ashley Felix + Hailey
Notes: Fluff, FLUFF, FLUFFFFFFF + CHILDREN, Established Relationships (Everywhere) Second Person Narration, Skz Fluent in English, Idol!Chan, CaféOwner!Reader, Fem!Reader, Pet Names (Jagiya, Jagi, Baby, Babe, Love... etc.)
Here for a reading marathon? Head right back to the start!
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Overall ‘Stay Series’ Synopsis: Bang Chan experiences the suic!des of Stays, so when you lot choose to die, he dies right along with you. Reader is the “antidote” to this condition.
!!Casual reminder this is entirely fictitious - Chris/Christopher in my work does not represent the actual Bang Chan - this is purely my imagination and nothing more - this goes for all other SKZ-Members too!!
It’s been about a month since Christmas, and true to everyone’s agreement, the next family gathering was to be at Felix’s place. Despite his protests and attempts to change the location of the monthly meeting, the plan went ahead. At varying times around 10.00am the Skz Family pulled up in their cars, carrying food and entertainment such as board games and other bits and bobs.
Felix’s face disappeared from his window and he sprinted to his front door, flinging it wide open with a dashing grin to welcome Changbin and Kirsten inside. “Hey Yongbok! How’s your girl?” Changbin teased and Felix slammed the door in his face. There was none of course. No one yet.
“You can stay outside till everyone else gets here now,” Felix huffs, locking the door swiftly. “Yah! Yongbok!” Changbin yelled, knocking rapidly on the door. Kirsten grabbed his arm and shook her head, “It’s your own fault Bin.”
Eventually, the rest of the Skz Family had pooled around outside, mingling and laughing with each other per usual, trying to wring details out of Ashley and Jeongin for their wedding; “no spoilers.”
Much to everyone’s surprise, you and Chris were the last to arrive, laden with an unnecessary load of Tim Tams. “Look if we’re going to be at Felix’s place, then Tim Tam’s are a must,” Chris jokes, chucking a packet to Hyunjin. “You have no idea how dead set he was on getting these - such a pain in the ass,” you grumble as Chris abandons you to greet his boys.
“Do they even sell them here?” Suhwa (Jisung’s gf) asks, ripping open a packet in curiosity and taking an experimental nibble, “Ooh, these aren’t bad.” “What do you mean, ‘aren’t bad’? Tim Tam’s are my religion,” Ashley giggles, taking a packet for herself.
Yeonjoo (Seungmin’s), pipes up from beside your shoulder, “Did you get them from that one international store?” “You bet. Christopher bought every last one.” “Ooh, that place is great, I go there all the time,” she smiles, gratefully accepting the packet you hand over to her.
Normally, you would have argued with Chris that buying every single packet was excessive, but for one thing, he probably missed the sweet treat, and two… maybe you were craving them as well.
Finally, Felix opens the door again, this time with an oven mitt on his hand. Clearly he’s been baking something. “Everyone here? Good, because my apple pies have just finished baking and they taste better when they’re hot.” “You got ice cream in your freezer?” “Probably.” “Probably? How do you not-” “I might have eaten it all.”
“How has Felix not snagged a women yet? All this baking is enough to win anyone over.” “You don’t snag women.” “That’s not my point! Can you not smell the pies?” “Smells like heaven.”
“You’re heaven.” “No, I’m hell.” “Jinhee’s hell, not you.” “And what, Minho’s Satan?” “Was that sexual innuendo intentional or is my mind just fucked?” “Your mind is fucked.” “Nice to know.” “You’re welcome.”
Chris has already slipped into the house, pulling Felix into a one armed hug before standing by the doorway to help usher people in. “Oh shoot,” you whisper, just as you’re about to follow the train line spilling into Felix’s humble abode, “Soraya, tell everyone I’ll be with you all in a second; I left my phone in the car.” She nods and without another word, you swivel on your heel and march back along the path to your car.
Since you were the last couple to arrive, naturally your parking was a little further away. In hindsight, this trip back to your car was absolutely worth it, because the next moments were to be the happiest of your life to date.
Chris performs a headcount as the Skz Family filtered through, his smile wide as he greets everyone he hadn’t gotten around to yet. “Thirteen… fourteen…” he murmurs, as Hyunjin and Soraya walk in together. You haven’t walked in yet, and he frowns as he pokes his head around the door, searching for you. “She left her phone in the car,” Soraya grins, grabbing onto Hyunjin’s shoulders so he could drag her along.
“Were you counting us?” Hyunjin laughs, placing his hands on top of Soraya’s happily. “You didn’t know he did that? There’s so many of us, I’d be more surprised if he didn’t,” Felix interjects, bemused, his voice as deep and resonating as usual.
“Yongbok! Are you cutting these pies up or am I?” Jisung yells, and from the way there’s an explosion of chatter from the kitchen, Chris can tell everyone is just as eager to try some.
Felix shakes his head and disappears down his hallway, serenaded by obnoxious cheers and chanting of his name as he joins the others. “So… technically, there’s sixteen members of the Skz Family now?” Hyunjin asks, continuing his conversation even after Felix has left.
Chris and Soraya both frown, mentally trying to count everyone. “There’s only fifteen of us. Sixteen when Felix finds someone,” Soraya points out, but her eyes dramatically widen in realisation.
“No there’s sixteen,” Hyunjin insists, “Technically.” Soraya pinches his shoulder then, causing the man to yelp in surprise, “I’m right though!”
“Hyunjin, I’ve been counting heads ever since we debuted, I’m pretty sure there’s only fifteen of us. There’s just Y/N left,” Chris chuckles, swinging the door shut slightly out of polite habit. He would open it for you once he saw you nearby.
“That’s why it’s technically because she counts for two,” Hyunjin elaborates and at this, Soraya yanks on his pony tail slightly. “Shush Hyunjin- he doesn’t know yet-” she hisses, kneeing him in the ass and encouraging him to move onwards quickly.
“Why wouldn’t he know? Isn’t he the first person she’d tell?” Hyunjin rambles, his hands flailing about in a panic. “Did you listen to a word I said yesterday?” “If you were telling me this while I was trying to paint you gardening then I was most definitely not listening.” “I told you during dinner, idiot.” “You said to not congratulate him yet- not that- oh.”
Chris’ heart has stopped working. He can feel his chest constrict tightly, and his breath cease to exist. You count… for two? In a daze, Chris’ hand disappears from the door knob, leaving the door still slightly open, and he drifts down the hallway.
When he appears in the kitchen, Felix is still busy dishing out the apple pie, and Soraya is whisper-yelling at Hyunjin for his stupidity. In a rare moment of silence since everyone’s mouths are full of food, Chris doesn’t struggle to have his question heard.
“Do you mean to tell me… that my wife is pregnant?” He croaks, standing with his hands stiff to his sides. All at once, heads whip around to stare in shock at Chris, and it doesn’t take a genius to confirm this statement. Their expressions melt from surprise, to panic in seconds.
“And you all knew…?” Chris finishes, his eyes wide with disbelief. “Okay so who the fuck couldn’t keep their mouth shut?” “In my defence- I didn’t know he didn’t know-” “I told you. Loud and clear!” “Hyunjin!! You’re really asking for a slipper to your head.” “I get why he was part of Paboracha now.” “What do you mean was he still is.”
This was what you walked into as you let yourself inside Felix’s house, peering out from behind your husband and frowning at the noise. “What’s going on here? You left the front door open.”
The silence after your statement is profound, and you take in the guilty expressions of the Skz Family, and then finally the stiff posture of Chris with his back turned to you.
You tap him on the shoulder and he swivels slowly to face you, staring hard, his mouth a thin line. “Are they lying to me?” He asks, and your mouth slowly opens in understanding, a breathy chuckle escaping your lips. Someone’s let it slip.
“That would be quite the elaborate lie,” you grin, casually strolling past Chris and picking up a plate of apple pie. “Yeobo,” Chris groans, rubbing his face in his hands and trailing after you, “I want a proper answer.” 
You can feel the excited tension in the room, fizzling from one person to the next as you munch on Felix’s apple pie, eyeing your husband from head to toe. It’s all you can do to stop yourself from grinning like there’s no tomorrow.
“Y/N are you fucking pregnant or-” Chris begins, and with a cheeky giggle, you interrupt him. “Yes Christopher. I am carrying your child.”
If he wasn’t frozen before, he certainly is now. His hand is stuck in his hair, mid-way through brushing it in frustration, his eyes are wide and shimmering, and his mouth is parted in a permanent ‘oh’. Finally, he breathes out two whispered words, “Holy fuck.”
The rampant yells make you flinch, and you almost drop your delicious plate of apple pie. You’d think they were celebrating the world being saved from an impending doom with how loud and celebratory the Skz Family was being. You watch in amusement as they dance around each other, shaking you and congratulating Chris obnoxiously.
“Holy fuck,” Chris repeats, suddenly moving and pacing around in a state of shock, both his hands in his hair, “Holy- Jesus fuck.” Chris turns back to stare at you, and at your grin, it’s like the life is breathed back into him.
“You’re pregnant?!” He yells and when you laugh and nod, he disappears into another room, but you can still hear him yell in disbelief, “You’re fucking pregnant? Since when were you pregnant? Holy shit.” 
Chris returns in view, and his pace is suddenly more frantic. “Are you serious?” He grins, from over by the couch, but you don’t even get a chance to respond. The delirious joy that has broken onto his face is a sight to behold as he sits down onto the coffee table, squishing the sides of his face.
“This isn’t a dream, yeah? I’m awake right?” He asks, standing back up in seconds and dashing over to you. “You’re pregnant? You’re carrying a child. You’re carrying our child,” he asks, clutching your face and kissing you roughly.
“Yes, honey. I am carrying our child,” you laugh, pulling yourself away from him so you can breathe. And he’s gone again, disappeared back out into the hallway, yelling to himself. You watch in a complete state of bliss as he reappears and scoops you into a joyous hug, twirling you around. Thankfully you had put your plate down, your intuition telling you that it would be dangerous to keep it on you with him in this state.
“You’re gonna be a Mum!” Chris laughs, kissing you with your face between his hands again, “We’re having a kid- you’re gonna be a Mum- I’m gonna be a Dad-“ he breathes, his voice dying in his throat with his forehead pressed to yours.
“I’m gonna be a Dad,” he repeats, his eyes wide as they drill into your own. Chris suddenly sinks to the floor, his hands trailing the shape of your body as if you’re guiding him down. “I’m gonna be… a Dad,” this time, when he repeats it, it’s like the realisation has properly sunk in. 
You drag your fingers soothingly through his hair to try and shake him out of it, but he merely continues to stare at your feet. “You okay?” You ask him, bobbing down to meet his eye level.
“Fuck if that isn’t the scariest thing I’ve ever said in my entire life,” Chris whispers, and you’re startled to see his eyes shimmering with tears, “I’m gonna be a Dad.” “You already are a Dad.”  “Yeah you raised us!” “Best Leader! Best Leader!” “Best Dad! Wait that doesn’t have the same ring to it…” “Best Father?” “Hey that works!” “Best Father! Best Father! Best Father!”
Chris lets his tears trickle down his cheek, and he reaches for you blindly, pulling you into a hug on the floor as he cries his tears of joy into your neck. “Thank you,” he whispers, kissing you wherever he can, “Thank you so fucking much.”
“Why are you thanking me? You put this kid here,” you grin, hugging him tightly. Chris pulls away in disbelief, his arms still snug around you, his eyes crinkled with an undeniable joy.
“Thank you for loving me.”
Your reason for telling the Skz Family and not your husband first? Because for the rest of the day, Chris refused to let you lift a finger; because for the next few weeks, he’d refuse to let you cook a single thing; because for the next few months Chris would consistently pout and try his hardest to make your defences cave when you tried to do chores. That was on him. He was doing those. Please let me do the dishes? Please? “I’ll actually get on my knees and beg.” “Chris - I am not fragile, I can still do chores.” “Please?” “Christopher.” “You should be resting~ Are you drinking enough water? Craving anything? Please let me do the dishes. Please, honey?” “I never thought I’d say this, but stop saying please.”
You’re woken abruptly from your peaceful slumber, arms wrapped around Chris’ chest, by a heavy weight crash landing into you. Immediately your brain kickstarts itself into defence mode, burying yourself under the covers and inadvertently suffocating Chris too. You sense two of them, two little munchkins bouncing on the bed.
“Aughhhh,” Chris wheezes, clutching his stomach and poking his head out of the duvet, “You hurt Dad.” Someone wriggles under the blankets between you, and you kiss his forehead affectionately with a smile. “Good morning Cameron… how was your sleep?” You ask him, his big brown eyes wide under the covers.
“Fantastic! Now get up!” He nips, pressing his face to yours impatiently. “Juni- Juniper- sweetie, I can’t breathe,” Chris coughs, his arms jolting out of the blankets to hoist the youngest off his stomach. The little one had been having some fun using her Dad as a mini trampoline.
“Dad~ let’s go~ I want to play with Uncle Fewix!” She giggles, slinging her arms around Chris’ neck as he tumbles out of bed, carrying her.
Cameron kicks the covers off the pair of you, nodding his head excitedly, “Yeah, Uncle Felix is down at the beach already! And Minsung Uncle’s are cooking breakfast on the barbecue!!”
“Juni… where’d you put your hat?” You ask, crawling out of bed and rummaging through the drawer full of her clothes. “I’ve got it. Here.” Someone’s arm waves briefly at the doorframe, showcasing the hat before it disappears again.
“Alex, have you seen my sunnies?” Chris yells to the eldest son, the one who had only bothered to show his arm. This time, he pokes his head around and points towards the window which overlooks the beach. “If you squint hard enough, you’ll notice that Uncle Minho is borrowing them,” he grins, flashing his dimples. Mr Steal Your Girl 2.0.
Chris quite literally throws Juniper onto the bed, making her scream in delight, and tackles Cameron with a brief tickle at his ribs before turning away to find a pair of board shorts. You’ve managed to change into a bikini already, fastening your pace at the insistence of your younger son. 
“Where’s my-” “If you’re looking for your beach dress it’s on the couch!” Alex yells suddenly, and you smile in disbelief. That kid.
You’re braiding your hair in the bathroom when Chris bursts in and slams the door. You look at him surprise, but he only places a gentle finger to his lips and winks.
“Where’s Dad? CamCam~ did you see Dad?” Juniper pouts, talking on the other side of the door with her slightly older brother. “No? Where is he? Have you seen Mum? They’re taking too long.”
Chris’ grin is manic as he flings open the bathroom door and roars, his hands poised in the air like a lion, scaring the absolute shit out of the two kids. Juniper screams and dives for the bed, but little Cameron, after getting over his initial fright, raises his fists and glares at his Dad.
“You wanna fight me old man? Come on,” he boldly declares, and Chris pretends to crack his neck. “Did you become Seungmin’s student? You’re on you little ratbag,” he laughs, raising his own fists and bouncing around playfully, “Go on, show me what you’ve got.”
You watch as the two dance around each other, Chris feinting punches and Cameron landing actual ones, to which your husband fakes serious injury. Juniper emerges after a while and helps with her tiny little kicks.  “Hey- hang on-” Chris dramatically gasps, “I can’t take two of you!!”
Alex walks into the room then, already shirtless and in board shorts. He swoops in and hoists his little sister onto his shoulders, smiling at her giggles. “Want me to get Dad?” He asks, his mischievous smirk emerging, and Chris holds his hands up in defence.
“Nahnahnahnah- foul play-” Chris yells, as the Alex-Juniper formation chases Chris out of the bedroom, Cameron hot on their heels, laughing his little head off.
It doesn’t take too long for Chris to return to the bathroom, having sent the kids down to the beach on their own to meet up with the Skz Family.
“Morning beautiful!” He smiles cheerfully, dragging a hand through his already sweaty hair before planting a firm kiss on the top of your head. “And good morning to you too,” you smile, sighing into his familiar embrace with his head on your shoulder, “You going for a swim?”
It’s currently Summer break, which meant the Skz Family had hauled away their suitcases and children to the vacation house collectively bought by them all. It’s quite literally like a getaway mansion, with more rooms than you can count, a swimming pool, theatre room, massive kitchen, outside kitchen, games room etc.
The best part however, is easily the fact that it’s backed straight onto the beach; walk out the front door and journey down the patio stairs and you’ve got sand between your toes. As you step out into the sun, Chris at your shoulder, also just as exposed as his eldest son, you smile at the wondrous sight before you.
Multiple families, which are basically just one big family, playing around and lounging under umbrellas by the water. Chris is watching your gaze, and he nudges you out of your reverie.
“We made it, hey?” He smiles, nonchalantly wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Mhm,” you hum, eyes sparkling as you wrap your own arm around his waist, “We did.”
All the Skz Members are married now. Even Felix. To everyone’s surprise, he was the 4th out of the group to marry, falling head over heels for Hailey and even producing their own daughter before anyone could blink. All had their own kids too, and plenty of pets. 
The dogs were having fun at the waters edge, gleefully fighting each other for the toys that a few of the kids were tossing into the water. The cats were lounging back under the patio, unwilling to go anywhere near the sand; most of them where Minho’s and Jinhee’s, well… mostly their daughter’s cats. 
Seungmin and Ashley were both reading a book on some beach chair’s, Yeonjoo right beside Seungmin munching on a slice of watermelon. Jeongin was sat on the sand in front of them, helping his youngest daughter Freya build a sandcastle, while Katy was searching for shells to decorate it. 
Felix has a whole hoard of children, young and older, chasing him with water guns up and down the beach. Meanwhile Jisung and Minho have managed to drag the barbecue down by the water and are busying themselves with breakfast. There are kids and adults swimming in the water, wives sunbathing. Two human’s are paddle boarding, some kayaking. 
You think you can see Changbin out on the jet-ski, towing some kids behind him on sea biscuits, their screams of joy… or terror, audible from where you’re standing. A little to the side, it looks like Hyunjin’s got an impromptu audience, as kids wander over (and adults, let’s be honest) to check up on his progression as he paints the ocean, his twin daughters trying to ‘photobomb’ the picture.
It’s chaos, but it’s home.
It’s indescribable, this joy, this happiness. Something that, unfortunately, very few actually experience; the complete satisfaction and contentment of knowing that if you died today, you’d have no regrets.
What about your kids? Oh, of course it would be tragic to leave them behind, but as you look around at Alex, who’s strumming his guitar and singing dutifully to a gaggle of kids who are practically his cousins; as you smile at Cameron, who’s racing a bunch of other kids in a makeshift hundred metre sprint along the sand; as your heart melts at Chris and Juniper, playing in the ocean… you know that even if you were to disappear, they’d be okay.
Your gaze focuses on Chris and your daughter, watching as he holds her below her armpits and spins her around in the water. “You ready to go under?” He asks playfully, wriggling her like a worm, “I’m gonna count okay?”
“You go with me!” She yells, kicking wildly as Chris pulls her completely out of the water, as high as he can toss her before catching her again.
“Alrighty, let’s go!” He exclaims, “Three! Two! ONE!!” - and they both disappear from sight, vanishing into the depths of the water. Juni resurfaces first, her Dad’s arms holding her up high, but Chris is still lost below the waves.
“Daaaaaad! Don’t drown!!” She squeals, kicking her little legs again. Chris bursts out with a gasp and hoists his daughter onto his shoulders, walking both of them over to you, “Have some watermelon with your Mum and Auntie Yeonjoo, yeah? Dad’s gonna go for a quick swim by himself, is that okay?” He laughs, while Juni tugs at his hair, pretending to direct his actions.
You hold your arms out for her and pop her onto your knee, accepting the offered watermelon from Yeonjoo and holding it up for Juniper to eat. “Anyone up for a race?” Chris calls, and Hyunjin throws his head back with a laugh, “A race? You know no one is going to beat you, Poseidon.”
“Oh well shame, you’re all getting into the water,” he grins back, diving for Minho and hoisting him over his shoulder. Minho’s face is of utter disappointment, accepting his sad fate of being dumped into the salty sea. Chris doesn’t have to drag the rest of the boys down. They follow, and Changbin pulls the jet ski to an abrupt stop close by, abandoning ship and leaving the kids he was towing to scream and yell in outrage at being left stranded.
They’re the older ones. They’ll survive.
You women gossip with each other while the men fool around in the sea, and as you watch them, it’s almost like the rest of the world doesn’t exist to them. It’s just them, the original family, enjoying their time together.
Chris is the last one to leave the water, the others eventually needing to retreat for a drink. He’s drifting with his back to the beach, the waves idly swaying him backwards and forwards. He’s lost in thought, you know this much, gaze consumed by the distant horizon and never-ending blue of the world. Juniper hops off your lap, having finished her slice of watermelon, and skips away to join her friends by the sandcastle Jeongin had made.
You take this rare opportunity to join Chris and disturb his time alone, slipping into the water and welcoming how refreshing it is against your skin.
Lauren, Felix’s eldest, plops herself down on the sand next to Alex, humming along to the tune he’s busying himself with on his guitar. The gathering he had earlier, dispersed, the little one’s getting bored and deciding it was time to annoy the aunt’s snoozing on some towels.
“I bet you my share of my Mum's cake for dessert tonight that your Mum is about to attempt to drown your Dad,” she prods, nodding her head towards you and Chris.
“Aunt Hailey made cake?” Alex asks, pausing his song to stare at his parents, “Sure - but if Mum sprints away and Dad chases after her, I get your share of tomorrow’s dessert too.” Lauren shrugs and begins to a dig a hole between her legs in the sand, “It’s a deal.”
Sure enough, you do just as Lauren predicted, using your element of surprise to quite literally jump onto Chris’ back and topple him face first into the water. Alex, as your own son, wins this bet though. In seconds you’ve sprinted away, diving into the water as fast as you can as Chris emerges, spluttering.
Hyunjin is absolutely right. You can’t out-swim Poseidon. 
Lauren sighs and fills her hole back in with sand, resting her chin on her hand, “How do we live up to that?” “Hm?” Alex questions, turning to look from his parents to the girl next to him. “Your parents, I mean. They’ve been together for how long, and they’re still so playful?”
Alex frowns and looks around for Felix and Hailey, Lauren’s parents. “Mate, have you seen your parents?” He laughs, strumming a random chord on his guitar.
Lauren’s nose scrunches in disdain, “They’re just cuddly 24/7. I want what your parents have.”  “You’re twelve, calm down,” Alex snorts with a raise of his eyebrows. “And you’re fourteen, your point?” She scoffs, kicking sand onto his feet.
“You have plenty of time. You think my parents got to where they are just like magic?” He elaborates, putting his guitar down carefully onto his lap. “Who knows?” Lauren shrugs, then changes the topic abruptly, “Are you training to become an idol?” Alex nods, “I have an audition soon.”
“How come none of us know? I only guessed because I see you practicing all the time,” Lauren asks, gesturing to borrow his guitar. After a second, she quietly begins to strum her own tune. “The adults know… but, I didn’t want to make the younger one’s sad.”
“And me? You weren’t planning on telling me? I’m basically your sister.” Alex shrugs, his eyes hawk-like as he watches her play, already analysing her technique for feedback, “You proved yourself that I didn’t need to. You figured it out eventually.”
“You’ve got some big shoes to fill,” Lauren smiles, turning back to watch you and Chris. Who knows since when, but you’re now sitting on his shoulders, wrestling with Suhwa sitting atop Jisung. “As if your Dad isn’t the Lee Felix.” 
“I’m not trying to be an idol,” Lauren recoils, nose scrunching, “There’s eight of them here already and you’re about to become another.” “Eight retired idols.” 
Both of them lapse into silence, staring out at the large pack of family members in thought. “Dad was worried about me wanting to be an idol, actually. He’s supportive, but he doesn’t want me to feel like I’m stuck in his shadow.”
“He has every right to be worried. For one thing, he’s your Dad. For another, just as my Dad is Lee Felix, your Dad is Bahng Christopher Chahn.” “Yeah but I’m Bahng Alexander Korain, and I can forge my own path.”
Lauren smiles at him then, and it’s this moment perhaps, that sets them both off on a journey to stardom. “And I’m Lee Lauren Seolhee, and maybe… I’ll forge my own path alongside you.”
There are many kids, and therefore there are many stories. As the author, I have complete creative liberty with them. Some may grow to be academic genius’, some to be athletic gods. Some might start up their own business. Some simply look to add to the Skz Family. What I chose to write about to finish this series however, is the beginning of the next journey.
This is simply because, as all proposed circle of life’s are, happiness comes and goes. It is spread, universally from one person to the other. And in this universe, where you and Chris have successfully achieved the peak happiness, and accomplished your dreams, the circle of life continues. Now it is the turn of Alex and Lauren, and all other kids of this generation to extend their happiness to others, to give just as Chris did, to love just as Skz did.
Alex and Lauren will eventually debut in the same experimental group. A combination of male and female idols in one overarching group. This group will co-produce songs and episodes, participate in promotions and schedules together, but also complete separate productions as sub-unit male and female groups.
Alex, debuting as A.K-Rain (forever undecided on A.K or Rain or K-Rain for short), will go on as the maknae and lead dancer of the male sub-unit, while Lauren, debuting as Seolhee, takes up the role as leader of the female sub-unit. The whole Skz Family will attend their first concert.
And as you look at Chris’ shining face, proud to the max, you’ll come to the conclusion, that you’d do it all over again - relive your relationship right from the beginning, just to see this very expression again on his face, in this moment.
You’ve done it. You made it. You both… made it.
And that my fellow readers, brings Stay Series to an official close.
Below is the full list of children I quite literally randomly generated (I lied I thought hard about them on a walk with my dog). I am aware, that most of them probably wouldn’t have an English name, but I am not Korean and my head was spinning with the effort of trying to figure it all out (who would and wouldn’t have an English name) and incorporate it into the writing - so I just gave everyone everything.
It’s not too important to be honest, but it felt necessary to invent them all. Felt complete. Please, just as a reminder, this does not represent Skz, I can’t predict the future idfk if they’ll have kids or not.
*ages during this particular fic
CHRIS + READER Bahng Alexander (Alex) Korain - Male, 14 Bahng Cameron (Cam) Daeshim - Male, 8 Bahng Juniper (Juni) Yeji - Female, 4
MINHO + JINHEE Lee Amelia Soo - Female, 11
FELIX + HAILEY Lee Lauren Seolhee - Female, 12 Lee Benjamin (Ben/Benji) Kunwoo - Male, 10
JISUNG + SUHWA Han Imogen (Immy) Hyerim - Female, 8 Han Jasper Joontae - Male, 5
CHANGBIN + KIRSTEN Seo Luis Beomsoo - Male, 9 Seo Nicole (Nicki) Yumi - Female, 6
HYUNJIN + SORAYA Twins!! Hwang Samara Yewon - Female, 11 Hwang Sophia (Soph) Yeonhee - Female, 11
SEUNGMIN + YEONJOO Kim Ethan Minjae - Male, 7
JEONGIN + ASHLEY Yang Katy Miyeon - Female, 10 Yang Freya Eunju - Female, 4
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺
-> Parallels -> Masterlist
A/N: No more official updates :'), just bonuses left now. - Kaisowoo
31 notes · View notes
dadonbabysworld · 2 years
Skz Reactions: You take your engagement ring off
Author’s Note: This is one of the most difficult but interesting stories I’ve written. I hope you guys like it. I forgot to mention the inspiration behind this was from @yangfleurs and her writing. Anyways, please let me know your favorite members story :)
Genre: angst & a lil hurt/comfort
Word Count: 5,052
Warnings: Mentions of motion sickness, fear of flights/heights, forgetting to eat, cursing, not wanting to get out of bed, home sickness, jealousy, other kpop groups besides skz, degrading words, previous death, and trauma.
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It was stressful to be with Chan because he doesn’t spend much time at home. You rarely see each other but he makes up for it in his own ways. Most days are spent overthinking though.
Chan spent so much time helping you gain confidence and the ability to communicate. He is proud of the steps you have made in this journey even if it is against his own judgement.
He wanted to get you out your comfort zone a bit by taking you on vacation. The issue is you didn’t feel comfortable with flights over four hours. You get too in your head on top of getting motion sickness every time you fly. Longer than four hours is torture.
“I just don’t see the big issue babe. It’s only a six hour flight. I will try to find you some medicine for your motion sickness.”
“I don’t feel comfortable doing that Channie…”
“Babe you’ll love this place though. You like tropical weather and we can go surfing and stuff. It will be fun. Just you and me.”
“Chan we can go anywhere to have fun. I just cannot do it.”
“I already paid for it babe..”
“WITHOUT TELLING ME?! Chan! Now I have to go on a trip because you paid for it. Way to guilt me into going..” You got up from your seat next to him.
“Hold on. You know I didn’t do this on purpose.” He grabs your hand, looking up into your eyes.
“What? Did you think I was just gonna have nothing to say?” You questioned. He didn’t say anything simply looking away.
“You mister communication is important and boundaries are normal thought nothing about the future?! Respect my fucking boundaries Chan.” You pull away from him and place the ring in his hand before leaving.
He sits there looking at it for a while before coming into the living room.
“I think we should just call off the wedding.” Chan suggests.
“And what makes you say that?” You ask. Of course he didn’t come out here to apologize.
“You gave the ring back… you must not want it.”
“I gave it back because you didn’t fucking respect my boundaries. It is a warning. The next time you will lose me. Chan I don’t force you to experience discomfort or face your fears, and you shouldn’t do either of those things to me. If I forced us to go skydiving, you’d be upset.”
“No I wouldn’t. I’m not a giant baby like you. I actually can do things that make me uncomfortable. It’s about growth which you obviously don’t want if you’re never willing to do anything.”
You nod slowly and lean back. You see how he really felt about the situation. He doesn’t wanna get married to you. He is easily willing to call it off and insult you as well.
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It was not a smooth journey for you and Minho to finally be engaged. Several on and off situations, the contacting each other on different accounts, and all the other bullshit got you where you are today.
You were not expecting to be engaged at this age especially after being so temporary with him before. You don’t even have a relationship date anymore because y’all were not together so much.
Minho was a lover and close to you, but somehow he still manages to push you to a level of rage you shouldn’t be feeling. He was just irritated so much. Every little situation made him mad, and his anger can be a lot.
He is working on his anger, but today was just a lot for you both. Being that you both had different schedules, you split responsibilities in order of who had time to do it. You took care of the pets in most cases. Besides dinner, Minho fed them dinner instead of you.
You just had forgotten to give them breakfast. They were more vocal than normal when he arrived home. You were in the shower. Knowing he would be home around that time, you got yourself together after having a breakdown to try to make yourself presentable.
He feeds them before coming into your shared room. “Baby?” He yells into the bathroom. “Yes?”
“Did you feed the babies? They seemed really starved.”
Oh shit. After being glued to the bed all of today, you realized you truly neglected all your responsibilities for today. “No.. I forgot!” You yell back. He sighs and comes into the bathroom. “Babe! You can’t keep forgetting about them. It’s the second day in a row. I might as well feed them all at night!”
“Well do that then!”
He growled as he grabbed the make up remover from the cabinet. “What the fuck do I need you for then? Can’t even care for our cats let alone future children.”
You cut off the shower and pulled the curtain back. “That’s not the same and you know it. I will literally remember our child.” You step out the shower and grab a towel.
“How do I know that? You can’t remember my children now. They’re important to me. I’m starting to think you’re jealous of them.”
“Jealous? Of some cats? Let’s be so fucking for real Minho.” You tell him drying off. You grab your lotion from the sink.
“Yes jealous. You get jealous over anything. Also, let’s not act like you have the maternal gene. You obviously let them starve today. Like I’m pretty sure you wish I would be nicer to you like them but then you do shit like this.”
“Shit like this?”
“Yes! Be unreliable like how are we gonna build anything together when you gon forget the nail’s then act like it’s not a big issue. Be making me question if you’re wifey material.”
You just leave the bathroom after that comment. You sit your engagement ring on the dresser as you get dressed. Hopefully he gets the message that you’re irritated with him. You go into the kitchen to check on the cats and to apologize to them.
As the cats crowd around you to get pet, minho comes into the room with your ring in hand.
“So now we’re forgetting our rings?” He asks.
“I’m not motherly and not wifey material right? Are you really surprised?”
“You’re a fucking child! Stop being stupid and put the damn ring on. You really mad at the truth. You need to work on yourself.”
“You didn’t even ask why I didn’t feed them. I’m DEPRESSED Minho. You don’t even give a fuck.”
“How would I know that?!” He yells in your face.
“MAYBE IF YOU GAVE A FUCK!” You say as tears roll down your face. “I fucking hate you. You’re a selfish bitch.” You push him away as you grab your coat and leave the house slamming the door.
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Changbin constantly makes you wonder if you were good enough for him. It was your difference in personality and lifestyle that made you wonder if you guys were compatible.
You didn’t argue much though. Just lots of misunderstandings. Nothing gets too out of hand. That is why you are shocked at the lack of care he has right now.
“What do you mean we can’t live in another country? I literally have been living here for you for years Changbin. I wanna spend some time home if possible.”
“When we get married, I want to start a family. We can’t be uprooting our family like that. It’s not good for a baby or children to leave super young.”
“Then let’s wait for them to get older before coming back. We will be leaving before I get 30 years old.”
“That’s asking a lot. We are secure here.”
“And asking me to move half way across the fucking world wasn’t a lot Changbin?!”
“Don’t start cursing and yelling. Let’s try to have a conversation not an argument.”
“Now you’re gonna tell me what to do? Why would I wanna get fucking married to you? We don’t even want the same things. You’re not willing to even compromise.”
“Compromise?! You just want it to go your way! You decided to stay here. How is that my fault? Be for real y/n. You really think I’m not compromising. You aren’t even understanding what I’m trying to say because you are so caught up in what you want to say in response.”
“Since I’m so uncompromising and not understanding. Marry someone else.” You throw the ring at him and walk away. He catches it and glances at it before walking up to you. He grabs your arm and leads you out the door.
“Let me go Changbin.” You try fighting with him, but his grip is too strong. He forces you to get into the car before getting in himself and driving off.
“We are gonna talk this out or you can leave and never come back again.” He states as he watches the road. He had no doubt you would just talk. You don’t really want him to be out of your life. That is unrealistic. You love him.
“I want to see my family Changbin… I want to go home.” You are nearly crying at this point.
“I understand that. I want that for you. I just don’t think we should be having a baby and doing that. We might just have to hold back on having children and getting married.”
“I just need this for my spirit. I want to do all those things with you. I just do wanna spend at least a year home. My parents are getting older. I wanna make sure they are okay and know if they are sound enough for us to stay living so far away.”
He just nods taking in everything you said. “I love you, and I am willing to do that with you. You have to acknowledge that we could go broke. I probably won’t be able to get a job so fast especially not knowing much about the land or culture…”
“Changbinn I’m not asking you to be perfect. I know this is going to be rough, but we have each other. I will try to make this as smooth as possible for us.”
He sighs and nods. “Okay but if we’re going broke within the first few months we have to leave. Promise me.”
“I promise Binnie.”
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You knew Hyunjin’s emotions very well because he was very open about them. His facial expressions revealed everything anyways.
That’s how you knew he was serious about this. You never once took Hyunjin for the jealous type. He was very secure in your status with him. Maybe it was that the guy was another idol.
You had attended a private party with the boys and lots of other famous celebrities were also invited. You decided to wear a simple red dress and heels. Nothing flashy as you were always impressive even in the worst clothes.
Hyunjin stayed by your side as much as possible. However, he didn’t expect you to get in a conversation with Hongjoong as soon as he walked away.
It was a simple conversation. He came over to ask what group you were in, but you cleared up any confusion.
“Oh no. I’m not an idol. I’m here with Hyunjin. That’s my boyfriend.” You explain to him.
“Oh okay. I was just wondering because I never seen you around. I saw you with Chan earlier, so I was wondering if he was hiding his friends from me.” You laugh and shake your head.
“I am friends with Chan, but he is also like my brother. Anyways, I’m y/n nice to meet you.” You bow a little.
“I’m Hongjoong from ateez. Oh here comes your man. I got to get going.” He says walking past Hyunjin and bowing some.
“Hongjoong” he says bowing back before walking towards you. He grabs your arm and leads you to the bathroom. He locks the door once you both are inside.
“What the hell Hyunjin?”
“What the hell to me? What the hell were you and Hongjoong talking about? And why did he leave when I was approaching?!” He questioned, getting close to your face.
“First off”, you push his face back “Get the fuck out my face. Second off, why are you being so jealous right now? We talked about being an idol. He thought I was an idol, but I’m obviously not.”
“So he was trying to talk you up when I left? Fucking-“ Your laughs cut him off. You back into the wall laughing.
“What is so fucking funny?!” He yells.
“You. Look at you all jealous over nothing. I thought you were more secure and confident than this.” You inform him.
“I thought you were more trustworthy and beautiful than this. You look so ugly right now.” He says with a face that read disgust.
"If I'm so disgusting Hyunjin, find someone else to marry then!" You spat at him throwing the ring in his face and walking out the bathroom. Some of the idols in the room seemed to stop and stare in that direction.
He was embarrassed and angry. Chan came over to him and tried to talk him down, but Hyunjin locked the door behind you as he paced inside the bathroom. Tears of anger flowed down his cheeks.
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You haven’t seen Han in a few days. He comes home when you are already sleep, and he leaves before you could even wake up. He has been sleeping in the guest room. He tries to be discreet, but the bed hasn’t been made the same for a few days.
He must be mad about the argument and what happened. You never expected the silent treatment from him though. Your texts and calls left on delivered. He hadn’t blocked you just ignoring you on purpose. You tried to have a friend call, but he wasn’t answering anyones calls apparently. That was what you thought until you checked in with Jeongin.
You had went to get coffee together. Jeongin loved spending time with you because you were his friend. He knew something was wrong as soon as you were in his presence. He was just waiting for you to mention anything.
“Have you seen Jisung?” You ask him sipping on your coffee.
“Yes. He was in the studio yesterday with Chan. We recorded some guide’s yesterday nothing heavy.”
“Did he say anything to you about us..? Or anything alarming?”
“He didn’t say anything besides the song. The quietest I’ve seen him in months. He normally cracks at least one joke.”
You sigh. The tears were fighting to fall. Maybe you pushed him too far by not wearing the ring anymore. It was serious at the time tough. It was the only way you thought of getting your point across.
“What happened between you two?” Jeongin asks lowly.
You slowly start to explain what happened. It was truly a regular day. You had spent time together doing errands. After seeing families together, Jisung had a lot of baby fever. This wouldn’t be an issue normally; he just would get over it quickly. This time it felt a little overwhelming.
“Babeee are you sure we can’t just have one?” He questioned as he played with your hair.
“Yess. Children are not something I want at the moment, and we agreed on it. You want to get married first anyways.”
“We’re engaged.. that is good enough. I want a mini me or you. I love babies.”
You mumble “I don’t…” He side eyes you. He kisses your neck. “Come on baby. Don’t be that way.”
You push his head away and stand up. “No Sung.” He smacks his lips before watching you. “Damn we can’t just.. yk either?”
“No and you aren’t even taking me seriously.”
“Because I don’t understand the hold up, we’re secure right now. I won’t wait forever.”
You look in his eyes for any sign he was kidding. You turn to leave, placing your ring on the dresser. “How’s this for forever?” You ask before leaving out the room.
Jeongin gasps. “Damn y’all are done forever?”
You sigh and put your face in your hands. “I didn’t mean it.. I was hoping it just stopped the conversation. Apparently, it stopped all conversations.”
“Y’all need to talk. Try to fix that. He is gonna burn himself out working so much.”
“I can try, but he literally doesn’t even come home if I’m awake. He isn’t answering my texts or calls. I don’t know Jeongin.”
“Go to the studio then. He is constantly napping in there, so he will probably be working or sleeping. Either way you have him trapped.”
You end up at the guys studio thanks to Jeongin. You watch him through the door as he works. Lots of papers are spread around the room. He has written so much lately. Han always writes lyrics down on paper. Not too keen on keeping a virtual document.
You knock on the door before coming in. He panics almost before seeing it was you. You sit next to him in a chair as he continues. There you sat for ten minutes. He doesn’t acknowledge you, look at you, or anything. You could see some of the lyrics he wrote. It was different songs. One about being angry; another about apologizing for the pressure on you.
“Hanji.. I miss you. I know work is important, but can we please talk?”
“About what? We have nothing to talk about. When I find a place of my own, I will be out of your hair. For now I’m just working to make money for myself.”
“You don’t have to find a new place Jisung. I-” he cuts you off. “I need to find a new place because apparently we’re single forever.”
“I’m sorry I took the ring off. I didn’t mean it seriously.”
“Then just don’t say it. You don’t do shit like that on a whim. It really hurts… it has been so hard to be without you. I’ve seen you, and you don’t even seem sad without me.”
“Just leave please. I have work to do. Also, I still don’t have anything more to say. We argued, but you really hurt me. You threw the ring down like it was nothing.”
“I am trying-“
“LEAVE! I don’t want to hear it. You’re stressing me out and making me anxious.. just please leave.”
You nod and grab your things to leave. You look back at him from the door once more before leaving. He didn’t once look at you. Even by accident.
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Felix and the boys didn’t go out often to clubs and things. Being celebrities and having busy schedules, they rarely had the time. When it does happen though, you don’t attend. Clubs aren’t your scene.
You prefer to spend time at home with your’s and Felix’s cat. He is very happy to have you home to play and nap together. Felix thinks it’s okay that you stay home. When he catches you two cuddling sometimes because he stayed out late, he finds it endearingly cute. Two babies.
Today though Felix came home rather drunk. He stumbled through the door putting his keys on the hook before sliding off his shoes. As he is going to hang his jacket, he sees you on the couch. He is startled and grabs his chest.
“Oh fuck y/n… say something next time. I almost died.”
You squint at him. Felix has great reflexes and senses so how drunk is he? “Are you drunk?”
“Maybeee” he hums putting his jacket on the coat rack.
“Did you drive home?” Silence. If looks could kill, he would be dead from the glare you are sending him. Even with his back turned he could feel you.
“I’m sorry. I needed a way home.” He quickly apologizes and approaches you. He grabs your hands.
“Felix.. don’t be drunk driving! Is the car okay?!”
“Yes I only hit like one curb on the way home…”
“Felix! You know drunk driving is bad. I can’t believe you. Ask one of the guys next time to take you home. You could have killed someone or worse died!”
“But I didn’t. I’m here and everyone is safe.”
“You are not taking this seriously… you know I don’t play about this.” You warned him time and time again about drunk driving. A drunk driver killed your best friend in high school. It happened right after school as you guys were going to get boba together.
“It’s not that serious though? Everyone is okay. Babe I’m fine. I will go get the car fixed tomorrow okay?”
You tear up and push his hands away. “It’s not fine. How could you be so reckless after what I told you? Do you not care? I can’t even think about you rn. I don’t even want to.” You take the ring off and place it on the table before going in the bathroom and locking the door.
Felix stares at the ring before tearing up. How could you take off the ring he gave you? Did he fuck up that bad? Then it hit him. He cries softly to not attract attention from you. He felt like an asshole for almost making you relive your childhood trauma.
He comes and knocks on the door. “Babe I’m sorry for what I did. I shouldn’t have driven home drunk and made you worried. It is a big deal, and I’m sorry I possibly reminded you of the traumatic situation you experienced with your friend.”
You come out the bathroom after two minutes and hug him. You both had been crying. He rubs your back and kisses your head. Maybe he did care..
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You had talked with Seungmin about your past before. Your relationship with your parents and siblings made you the way you are now. Sometimes you cut up on him. It wasn’t on purpose; it was your fight or flight kicking in.
He found it a little daunting at first because he didn’t expect it from you. He thought you were just sarcastic to be funny, but he soon came to realize you were conditioned to be that way.
You had a lot of issues you two were working with. One being deciding your love language since you were lacking a lot growing up. The two things that outweighed everything is words of affirmation and acts of service.
Seungmin didn’t understand you in that sense of wanting to do things for him. He was certainly more independent than most men you ever met let alone dated. It was nice sometimes, but you never get to show him any love.
“Min do you want breakfast?” You questioned as you were making your own food.
“No it’s fine. I will just have some yogurt and fruit.” He responded from the bathroom.
“I can prepare it for you if you’d like. I’m already in here, and I know you have a packed schedule today.” You offer wanting to be useful.
“No it’s fine. I got it. You relax. You have to work today just like I do.”
You just huff and continue making your breakfast. It felt wrong to not make him breakfast or do anything for him to help him get ready. The guilt was eating you alive even though he doesn’t see anything wrong in him caring for himself.
“Babe are you tired of me?” You ask him as he comes into the room. He shakes his head as he opens the fridge. “No not at all. Why?”
“Why can’t I ever help you in the morning? You don’t want me to iron your clothes, help style your hair, make you breakfast, clean up after you… you do everything on your own.”
“So that means I’m tired of you?” He questions as he looks at you. He had his yogurt and fruit in hand.
“Yes…? You just don’t always make me feel wanted. I don’t understand why you want me. I’m not doing any good for you.”
“I love you. I really do. I don’t need you to do those things for me. I just want you to be there for me mentally. I want a companion.”
“So I’m a pet?”
“Babe don’t start this. I love you and I’m not tired of you end of story. You don’t have to be living like you were with your mother. The weight of caring for the whole house is off your shoulders.”
“I just want to love you Seungmin…” your tears finally fall from your glossed over eyes. “I just want to feel wanted. I just can’t help but overthink this.. like how can you not want me to help you? Am I too incompetent in your opinion?”
“Why would I ask you to marry me if you are incompetent y/n?! You think of yourself so lowly and that is the problem. You shouldn’t need to care for me or have me talk your head up to feel worthy.” His words sting. How could he just invalidate your love languages.
“You know what? It’s fine. I don’t need this invalidation right now. Just eat your breakfast. I’m gonna go get ready for work.” You leave the kitchen with your food and close the door to your room.
After a while, you go in the kitchen and leave your plate in the kitchen before leaving the house for work. Seungmin sighs after hearing the door close. “No good bye huh?” He questions out loud. He goes into the room to grab his bag and phone charger. The shine of your engagement ring from the dresser is bright when the sun hits it. You left it there for him to notice.
And notice he did because you returned home to his ring next to yours. He didn’t send any texts or call once. You just nod and get in the shower. Once he returned, he did the same as you watched television in the living room.
You waited for him to get out the shower. You approached him as he got dressed. “So you didn’t wear your ring today?” You asked him. He nods and looks at you. “You started this. I’m only doing what you do.” You shake your head. ���Sure.. I don’t invalidate your love language but you do it to me.”
He sighs, “you’re not gonna give this up are you? I only said the truth.”
“Okay whatever. I should just let it go because nothing ever matters to Seungmin.” You say grabbing the ring and going in the living room.
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You stayed with Jeongin because you had fell on hard times, and he was your supportive boyfriend. Well, he was your supportive boyfriend.
It had been slightly hard on him supporting the both of you. Jeongin had expensive habits. He bought lots of clothes. As well as, he was a gift giver. His love language was gift giving for others. Also, he was barely home before so he saved lots of money on food. He ate out with the rest of skz, but you needed to eat at home.
You didn’t know he was struggling at all to make ends meet. You found out after overhearing him tell Chan. Chan was trying to be supportive and help him figure out ways to make things better. The guilt was heavy on your mind though. Jeongin didn’t seem happy anymore with you.
This must be the last straw. You feared the conversation with him. He asked you to wait up for him tonight. Normally he joins you in bed around 11 pm. You sat on the couch wrapped up in a blanket. Mind running kept you up at odd hours anyways. You haven’t gotten much sleep after finding out the news.
He walks in shortly after 10:30 pm. He sits next to you after leaving his shoes at the door. “Hey y/n.” You clear your throat before looking at him. “Hi Jeongin.”
“You’re probably wondering what I wanted to talk about. I just wanted to keep you in the loop. I don’t think I can afford to.. have you keep staying here.”
You heart dropped a little, but you were expecting this. “What am I supposed to do Jeongin? We’re supposed to be getting married. Is it not weird for us to suddenly not live together anymore?”
“You might have to start working then. It’s been months. The job market cannot be that dead.” He claims, sitting back to look at you.
“I wish it wasn’t but it truly is. I would literally have to go back to school to do anything. All the jobs that are constantly hiring I just don’t have the skills for them.” You explain to him. You felt tears forming in your eyes and your throat starts to be close slightly.
“Well maybe you need to do that. I just know I can’t do it for right now. I love you for sure, but I need something more than you’re giving me. Love isn’t paying the bills. I need you to leave.”
“Today?” You ask him as the tears ran down your cheeks.
“Preferably. I don’t wanna feel guilty and go back on my word.”
You just nod and wipe your eyes. “I don’t think I can do this Jeongin. I can’t pretend like I haven’t noticed the looks you have been giving me. You don’t love me the same, and it hurts to know you’re probably using this as an excuse to cover up your true feelings.” You explain through sobs and heavy breaths. He looks down at his hands, in a way, he confirmed your true fear.
“It’s okay though. It was good while it lasted. I will miss you, but I won’t be a dummy for you.” You get up slowly and place the engagement ring in his hand. You go into the room you both shared and packed the minimal amount of things you have. You don’t look at him before leaving.
He sits there looking at the ring for a while before placing it on the table. He goes to shower. He felt somewhat guilty, but he was glad you didn’t make a bigger deal about it. He would miss you as well.
Taglist — @kflixnet @l-luvr @lino-jagiyaa 🐶 @moonmukamiamajiki 🤍 @kpflyn
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