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coffee-pearls · 2 years ago
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Von Live-Vorstellungen bis zur Kaffee-Verkostung ist wirklich alles dabei! 01.10.22 um 13:00 bis um 18:30 Uhr Rosenhöfe, Berlin #Jemen #kaffee #specialitycoffee #kaffeeraritäten #jemenkaffee #kaffeeliebe #coffeepearls #coffeefestival #internationlcoffeeday #october1st #berlin #berlincoffee #coffeeberlin (at Rosenhöfe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjAT3_jKimt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thecoffeepausediary-blog · 6 years ago
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My favourite romanian barista Adii working the syphon magic in Chapter One, Berlin.
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96behindtheshots · 7 years ago
Berlin Coffee Trip vol 1
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Postanowiłam w końcu udać się w odwiedziny do koleżanki z którą jakiś czas pracowałam. Obie lubimy kawę, więc cel  był spójny. Odwiedzić w weekend kilka berlińskich kawiarni. Dzień pierwszy to spotkanie z Anią z ( http://chce-mi-sie.blogspot.com ) w The Visit - The Coffee Roastery ( https://visit-coffee.com ) przy Adalbertstraße 9 oraz spacer przez wieczorny Berlin. Kawiarnia/palarnia The Visit spełniła moje oczekiwania. Świetna kawa (Brasil, El Salvador, Burundi). Przyjemnie otula czekoladą i wiśniami. Połączenie klasyczne lecz przyjemne. Lubię czekoladę. Wnętrze dość sterylne. Jak dla mnie bardziej do pracy -niż popołudniowego odpoczynku- łatwo byłoby się tutaj skupić. Jest też dostęp do wifi. Nic nie rozprasza. Można zasiąść przy jednym ze stolików lub na drewnianych “schodach” ciągnących się pod jedną ze ścian prawie do sufitu, a na pewno aż do neonu. Załoga bardzo przyjazna i otwarta. Jedyna rzecz która zasmuca mnie przywykłą do tego, że w Polsce kawiarnie są czynne do wieczora to godzina zamknięcia. Jak wszystkie berlińskie kawiarnie, które są czynne do późnego popołudnia, The Visit zamykana jest o godzinie 19:00. No, ale nie ma co się długo łamać. Jest czas na spacer!
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wing-pang · 5 years ago
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Hey everyone I am kindly to introduce our new arrival : recyclable stand up pouch. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 •They are soft plastic and rough matte finish •They have resealable zipper will be added one way degassing valve. •There is laser cut between the tear notch for clear tearing. •There are 3 colors to be optioned : black/pink/grey •Low MOQ •Ready in stock Welcome customized dimensions Welcome personalized design🤝🤝 Stay tuned ! pink and grey will appear in the next post.🧐🧐 #coffeescrub #coffeepower #coffeehouses #organiccoffee #rösterei #torontocoffee #vancouvercoffee #sydneycoffee #sydneycoffeeroasters #melbournecoffeeroasters #brooklyncoffee#recyclablepackaging #recyclable #biodegradable #biodegradablepackaging #groundcoffee #organiccoffee #coffeescrub #kaffa #torontocoffee #vancouvercoffee #newyorkcoffee #seattlecoffee #berlincoffee #cafefrance #berlinkaffeeomsk #londoncoffeeshops #roasterycafe https://www.instagram.com/p/CA71qHBhjm5/?igshid=leslnxbmvtj2
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cafeculturapuebla · 7 years ago
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Por tiempo muy limitado, contaremos con huéspedes muy especiales. #cafeculturapuebla #coffee #specialtycoffee #puebla #tazasconhistoria #berlincoffee #barcelonacoffee (en Café Cultura)
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milanlifebites · 7 years ago
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☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕ #berlininstagram #berlinfoodstories #berlinfoodguide #berlincoffee #berlinboom #sanktoberholz #rosenthalerplatz #berlinmitte #cozyday
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cafe-tschuesch · 6 years ago
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WHATZ GOING ON THERE??? 👉NEW #SPINACHcurry -VARIATIONS ON THE PLATE 🤩 JUST ASK FOR 🍄🍄🍄 #MushPALAK OR 🍌🍌🍌 #PalakBanananaA - YEAH! 🤘 🌴🍦🍍 ..COME BY FOR AN #iceCOFFEE, sipping from a #GLASSTRAW! ❄🥃❄🥃❄🥃❄ #FRAPPÉ #FREDOespresso #FREDOcappuccino #AFFOGATOalCAFÈ ..with #OAT #SOYA OR #MILK BUT DEFINITELY #iceCOLD! ❄❄❄ 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍 #tschüsch uP your #HOTBERLINDAY 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 #VEGANICE #COLDCOFFEE #BERLINCOFFEE #CAFEBERLIN #VEGANICECREAMBERLIN #NEUKÖLLNIFORNIA #indianfoodberlin #foodieberlin #greenchili #spicyfoodberlin #spicyornot #riceHILL #SPINATindisch #KeinOrtFürNazis #glastrinkhalme #halmstraws (hier: Neukölln, Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0TIc3MoC3W/?igshid=1lz6zezdb75os
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t00muchcaffeine · 6 years ago
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Repost @beanadonna with @get_repost ・・・ A quick evening pick-me-up in @fiveelephant Mitte spot, with single shot of Brazilian espresso and the Mitte version of their famous cheese cake☕️need to come back to try the original, Kreuzberg one! #berlincoffee #specialtycoffee #thirdwavecoffee #manualbrewonly #alternativebrewing #manmakecoffee #humansofcoffee #perfectdailygrind #kawa #blackcoffee #espresso #coffeebrewing #peoplebrewcoffee #coffeeculture #coffeecommunity #coffeeshots #coffeeprops #coffeeart #caffeine #coffeeholic #coffeeshopvibes #thingsaboutcoffee #berliner #mitte https://www.instagram.com/p/By7ovechm83/?igshid=w5jjku5afsdy
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easyfications · 6 years ago
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I had a nice weekend and a nice coffee. Tomorrow off for two long weekends and a small holiday in between. Life’s kinda decent, huh? ☺️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #berlinweekend #berlincoffee #coffeeinberlin #19grams #trescabezas #friendsandlovers #bestcoffeeberlin #alexanderplatz #bikingaround #funtimes #europawahl #sawmanydogs #goodthingscometothosewhowait #outwiththeoldinwiththenew #summerwhereareyou #☺️ (at 19grams Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByC9pttofsj/?igshid=vdyfft0gbaq
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chronicledlatteart · 8 years ago
working on sundays has its perks, generous customers come in spurts, euros flying out of wallets and purses, feeling the holy trinity after church, help your neighbor for what it's worth #latteart #latteartist #latteartgram #latteartist #cafe #caferacer #espresso #flatwhite #cappuccino #cappuccinoart #coffee #coffeetime #coffeevibes #coffeesesh #coffeeplease #barista #baristas #baristalife #baristadaily #baristaswag #classybaristas #thetrendybarista #freepour #freepourart #specialtycoffee #thirdwavecoffee #berlincoffee #hamburgcoffee
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iammodernvintage · 8 years ago
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Best Cafe hands down 👌 #silo #silocafeberlin #berlincoffee #flatwhite #ilovecoffee
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bulgarkizi · 6 years ago
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Snoopy latte art anyone? ☕ Don't forget to visit our website at www.coffeetized.com. All sorts of coffee accessories at discounted price today 🖥️ . Link on bio: @coffeetized @coffeetized @coffeetized . 🎁 Free shipping worldwide 📷 by @leekangbin91 _______________________________ #coffee #coffeetized #coffeegram #coffeelover #coffeetime #coffeepitcher #barista #baristalife #baristaart #latteart #blackcoffee #freepour #espresso #specialtycoffee #coffeesesh #coffeeculture #coffeegeek #coffeeaddict  #espresso #roasting #berlincoffee #coffeegram #coffeebreak #cafe #baristaskills http://kahveaski.com/detail-instagram/BrfAoWVghB9
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thecoffeepausediary-blog · 6 years ago
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Did you know Berlin has a Finnish third wave cafe? Yes, it does! Populus has not only fantastic coffee, but some Finnish pastries and, of course, simple, minimalistic nordic interior. A beautiful spot by the canal to stop for a cup of great coffee.
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neonmondays · 6 years ago
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Don't worry! I did drink #Coffee #berlincoffee (at Bonanza Coffee Roastery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoR7BBihQBq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14pnuwbklu08l
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goodcoffeeproject · 6 years ago
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@fiveelephant in Berlin is such a great spot to sip and chill ☕️👍📷 @40by40 ••••••• #specialtycoffee #berlincoffee #berlincafe #goodcoffee #goodcoffeeproject #colddripcoffee #blackcoffee #fiveelephantcoffee #fiveelephant (at Five Elephant Coffee & Cake) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnfe45zjujY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ewmabxqycpjp
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jonadesign-uk-blog · 7 years ago
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Projection time. Adding the finishing touches to the paint work for my latest project. @fjord.coffee . . . See the finished work on Sunday at @markthalleneun . . . #berlincoffeefestival #fjordcoffee #build #make #events #shows #create #berlincoffee #design #projections (at KAOS Berlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnI5s0wgreN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vuazwo8k9c82
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