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delmana · 2 years ago
Nowadays, many of us do not want to age. Or at least look visually young and avoid wrinkles at all costs. There are a lot of curious beauty products that are supposed to help us do that.
Wellbox S LPG System [2] Removes cellulite, punishes sagging skin and helps remove stubborn fat
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CurrentBody Skin Face, Neck & Décolleté Set [3] Tightens the skin thanks to LED light therapy. Reduces visible fine lines and wrinkles and improves skin tone and texture.
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NuFACE Mini Face trainer [4] Force the face skin
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Anti-wrinkle straw [5] Fits horizontally to your lips, eliminating the wrinkling of your lips when using the straw.
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Face lifting machine [6] Stimulates muscles and achieve a facial lifting and tightening
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All these products are designed to help us avoid wrinkles or smooth wrinkles again. What is also noticeable, all these products are aimed primarily at women. On the pictures that advertise the products are exclusively young and the ideal of beauty in the modern world, corresponding women. But why do women in particular want to look young?
One theory is our genetics. In the past, young people were responsible for reproduction. The survival and continued existence of a family or group, was then only possible if as many and healthy children were born. The young generation was responsible for this. So a man would pair with the younger ladies so that he would give birth to as many children as possible. This ensured the continuity of his lineage.
Another reason is social media today. They show us daily that women can still have super smooth skin at the age of 50 or 60. But also in advertising or on television, we often see only one type of woman: young, good-looking and no wrinkles on her face. These images shape our ideas of the female self. The image of the woman is often created from the perspective of the man and portray her as incredibly young. Aging is thus evaluated as something negative, and youthfulness corresponds to an essential value of beauty in our society. At the same time, the aging process is not considered a normal part of life and youthful appearance must be protected. Externally, youthfulness is manifested mainly in the skin, which should be smooth, firm and wrinkle-free.
"Praise is due to those who, despite their age, are still fit and independent, who look much younger than they are, who are still attractive for their age, in which age does not really take place at all - at least not visibly" [1].
[1] https://www.grin.com/document/171215
[2] https://www.currentbody.de/products/wellbox-s-slimming-anti-ageing-device
[3] https://www.currentbody.de/products/currentbody-skin-complete-led-kit
[4] https://www.currentbody.de/products/nuface-mini-facial-toner?variant=39249656119341?cur=eur&overlay=false&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3Ov65JGG_gIVlM13Ch1JbwgYEAQYASABEgLXl_D_BwE
[5] https://www.fruugo.at/anti-falten-strohhalm-wiederverwendbarer-glastrinkhalm-1-set/p-145174888-306287541?language=de&ac=KelkooCSS&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_6zC0JGG_gIVhdZ3Ch3WPgMhEAQYASABEgIq9vD_BwE
[6] https://www.fruugo.at/shxx-electric-v-formig-dunnes-gesicht-abnehmen-wange-maske-massagegerat-gesichtslifting-maschine-v-line-lift-up-bandage-therapie-gerat-amq-xq71/p-123600190-259799523?language=de&ac=KelkooCSS&asc=pmax&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkJDVk5KG_gIVgc13Ch1ATAG0EAQYCiABEgLP7PD_BwE
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geschenkemaxx · 5 years ago
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Sonne tanken und sommerliche Getränke genießen. Mit unserem neuen Glas-Trinkhalm macht es gleich doppelt Spaß. Jetzt neu im Store ab 1 Stück bestellbar. Mengenrabatt ab dem 2. Strohhalm. GeschenkeMAXX ...persönlicher ist das #strohhalm #trinkhalm #glastrinkhalm #gravur #ökologisch #nachhaltig #spülmaschinenfest #wiederverwendbar #geschenkemaxx #persönlicheristdas #einfachfreudeschenken (hier: GeschenkeMAXX) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-wVHvHKRCy/?igshid=1n61hbmbbihve
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style---id · 6 years ago
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Enjoy your eco-conscious summer – stock up with our colorful new arrivals! LA VAGUE Smoothie party
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cafe-tschuesch · 6 years ago
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WHATZ GOING ON THERE??? 👉NEW #SPINACHcurry -VARIATIONS ON THE PLATE 🤩 JUST ASK FOR 🍄🍄🍄 #MushPALAK OR 🍌🍌🍌 #PalakBanananaA - YEAH! 🤘 🌴🍦🍍 ..COME BY FOR AN #iceCOFFEE, sipping from a #GLASSTRAW! ❄🥃❄🥃❄🥃❄ #FRAPPÉ #FREDOespresso #FREDOcappuccino #AFFOGATOalCAFÈ ..with #OAT #SOYA OR #MILK BUT DEFINITELY #iceCOLD! ❄❄❄ 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍 #tschüsch uP your #HOTBERLINDAY 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 #VEGANICE #COLDCOFFEE #BERLINCOFFEE #CAFEBERLIN #VEGANICECREAMBERLIN #NEUKÖLLNIFORNIA #indianfoodberlin #foodieberlin #greenchili #spicyfoodberlin #spicyornot #riceHILL #SPINATindisch #KeinOrtFürNazis #glastrinkhalme #halmstraws (hier: Neukölln, Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0TIc3MoC3W/?igshid=1lz6zezdb75os
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