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Rákóczi Square, Berehove, 1942. From the Budapest municipal photography company archive.
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Zelensky visits Zakarpattia, holds talks on security and meets with Hungarian community

President Volodymyr Zelensky held a meeting on the security and economic issues facing Zakarpattia Oblast during his visit to the region on Aug. 2, he announced on social media.
“Zakarpattia will be one of the drivers of economic and social growth,” Zelensky said.
The meeting addressed the oblast’s “strategic border issues” and “facilities for the rehabilitation of our soldiers.” Economic concerns were also discussed, namely “business relocation and job creation.”
Zelensky also visited the city of Berehove, where he had the opportunity to meet with the Hungarian community and hand out honors to soldiers. According to President Zelensky, this was the first such meeting with representatives from Ukraine’s Hungarian community.
“We are all citizens of Ukraine: ethnic Hungarians, ethnic Ukrainians, and all our other national communities,” Zelensky said.
Zakarpattia Oblast borders Hungary, and hosts a significant Hungarian minority. Roughly half the population of Berehove is Hungarian.
The president thanked the Hungarian community specifically for their contributions to Ukrainian defense.
“We have just started our dialogue,” he said.
Earlier in the visit, Zelensky addressed the heads of diplomatic missions, announcing the beginning of training for F-16 pilots and growing support for the G7 joint declaration on security for Ukraine.
‘Uncertainty and despair’: War taking heavy toll on mental health of Ukrainians
Viktoriia Borodai can not recall the last time she experienced “real joy.” She has lived in “uncertainty and despair” ever since Russia’s all-out war forced her to flee Kramatorsk, her hometown in Donetsk Oblast, last March. Seeking shelter in different towns across Ukraine and watching how Russia…
The Kyiv IndependentDaria Shulzhenko

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Dopo Roma, Trieste e Cuneo, la quarta città italiana per numero di deportati nei campi di concentramento e di sterminio nazisti fu la città quarnerina di Fiume.
Le leggi razziali colpirono particolarmente gli ebrei fiumani: esse decretavano infatti la revoca della cittadinanza italiana per tutti gli ebrei italiani che l’avessero ottenuta dopo il 1919, e Fiume era stata annessa all’Italia solamente nel 1924. Dopo la promulgazione delle leggi, circa 350 ebrei furono costretti ad abbandonare Fiume.
Tra questi Elisabetta Reich, che fuggirà a Firenze ma verrà denunciata e deportata ad Auschwitz nel 1944, dove perderà il marito e il padre.

Elisabetta Reich ad Abbazia, in Istria
Dopo la resa incondizionata dell’8 settembre, Fiume verrà occupata dai nazisti.
La meravigliosa Sinagoga Grande di Fiume, opera dell’architetto ungherese Leopold Baumhorn, che durante la guerra era stata protetta dalle autorità italiane, verrà distrutta dai nazisti il 25 gennaio del 1944. La più piccola sinagoga ortodossa, costruita dall’architetto ungherese Győzo Angyal e dall’architetto italiano Pietro del Fabbro, verrà invece risparmiata.
Dei 243 ebrei rastrellati e deportati solo 19 sopravviveranno e faranno ritorno a Fiume.
Tra questi l’antifascista Angelo Adam, sopravvissuto agli orrori di Dachau. Tornato a Fiume, ormai occupata dai titini, verrà da questi ucciso insieme alla moglie Ernesta Stefancich e alla figlia diciassettenne Zulema, perché contrario alle mire espansionistiche jugoslave. Medesima sorte subirono tutti coloro che non supportarono il piano d’annessione della città alla Jugoslavia, fossero essi filo-italiani o autonomisti. Tra i fiumani filo-italiani assassinati dai titini a guerra finita vi furono anche il senatore Riccardo Gigante, sposato con l’ebrea Edit Therney, e Carlo Colussi, mentre tra gli autonomisti si ricordano Mario Blasich, Nevio Skull, Giovanni Rubini, Mario De Hajnal, Giuseppe Sincich, Gino Sirola e Radoslav Baucer.
Tra gli ebrei fiumani sopravvissuti alla Shoah ricordiamo le sorelle Tatiana (1937) e Andra Bucci (1939), deportate ad Auschwitz e scelte come cavie per Josef Mengele. Il cugino Sergio De Simone (1937), di sette anni, sarà invece assassinato a Neuengamme.

Tatiana e Andra Bucci con Sergio De Simone
Arianna Szörényi (1933) fu deportata prima con la famiglia alla Risiera di San Sabba, poi ad Auschwitz-Birkenau, a Ravensbrück e infine a Bergen-Belsen. Tra i suoi familiari deportati, solo il fratello Alessandro tornerà vivo da Buchenwald.
Arianna Szörényi all’età di tredici anni
Goti Bauer (1924), nata Berehove ma cresciuta a Fiume, fu deportata prima ad Auschwitz e infine a Theresienstadt. Sarà l’unica sopravvissuta della sua famiglia: perderà i genitori, la sorellastra e il fratello Tiberio.

Goti Bauer
La memoria degli ebrei fiumani e istro-quarnerini in Italia sembra essere legata quasi esclusivamente al mondo ebraico e giuliano-dalmata, quasi come vi fosse stata, immediatamente dopo il 1947, una damnatio memoriae nei confronti della storia di quelle terre perdute. Terre che, anche se molti italiani lo hanno dimenticato, erano italiane non solo per motivi legali, ma anche per motivi storico-culturali e demografici, e nelle quali l’italianità sopravvive ancora grazie alle Comunità degli Italiani ivi rimasti.

Pietre d’inciampo bilingui a Fiume
Gli ebrei a Fiume dal ’600 al ’900
Ebrei di Fiume in transito a Udine per Auschwitz 1944-1945. Riflessioni
Elisabetta Reich, ebrea di Fiume, sopravvissuta ad Auschwitz
Sopravvissuto a Dachau e ucciso nelle foibe, l’incredibile storia di Angelo Adam
Alice Salvatore: «Vi racconto chi era Nevio Skull»

Fiume. Tempio Israelitico
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Zatopený #lom nad Berehovem. #Zakarpatí #Berehovo #Berehove #Beregszász #koupání (v místě Berehove, Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgZdUXKMJPU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#strom #stromwear #sportwear #fitness #fitnessblog #motivation #followme #like4like #lifestyle #inspiration #instamood #strong #powerful #strength #hardwork #workout #daily_motivation #morning #gm #slavutych #zdolbuniv #berehove #gadyach (at Khmelnytskyy, Ukraine)
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Iboya Popp holding photos of her murdered husband. David Popp, Al Jazeera
It all began in April 2018 when a neo-Nazi group calling itself C14 launched a violent assault on a temporary Roma camp in a park in Kiev. Lesia Kharchenko, from Amnesty International, tracked the tweets that followed: “Roma people were just taken out of their homes and they had to run away. They were attacked by a group of young people who had gas sprays and other things, but because nobody had died at that time, there was not a lot of reaction from the state and then there were other attacks.”
“There were 17 of us who were stabbed. When they were stabbing David my mind went blank. I didn’t understand anything… I was crying: ‘Don’t hurt the child! Don’t! He’s a child!'”
Uniquely in this unfolding crisis, police did at least arrive and arrest the culprits. However, the alarming truth is that, on a number of other occasions, not only have the police stood by and allowed such attacks to take place but, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in some cases, they have actually participated.
"If you will go to a Roma community and you ask: 'Do you face discrimination in your everyday life?' they will not even be able to answer because they don't see it any more. They are so used to it."
- Zola Kondur, coalition of Roma NGOS
“These conflicts with the Roma nationality always take place because the Roma mostly live by robbery… without work, by drug trade, by fraud. They must be taught to live according to the law of the country in which they live. That’s it.”
- says Ilya Kiva, a former paramilitary and presidential candidate in next year’s election. Such views are not uncommon.
"If they have no documents they won’t get [an] education. They can’t get medical help. They can’t get hired. So, they have no resources to live a normal way of life.”
But since the attacks began, most Roma migrants have fled the cities and returned to Transcarpathia. Yet, even in places like Berehove, there is danger. While we were filming there, we came across Amelia Rakoshi, an elderly woman carrying a photograph of her daughter through the muddy streets and crying inconsolably. She invited us back to her shack where she described how her daughter Isabela had been brutally killed just a short distance from the Roma settlement. An unknown assailant had cut her throat.
"Here the police have a strong bond, they are not interested in this case. When I asked them about the investigation into my daughter’s murder, they said there was no one in the office. Another day they said they were all on holiday. They cover for each other and they are not interested in my case at all.”
The authorities’ refusal to treat this murder as a hate crime, Amelia’s neighbours told us, is just another example of how Roma community has been abandoned by the state.
source | 2018 | By Glenn Ellis and Viktoryia Kolchyna
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Here is another cultural heritage post in support of Ukraine.
Next site, the Great Synagogue in Berehove in Zakarpattia Oblast. Built in the late 19th century, it survived WWII & was used as a synagogue until 1959. It was confiscated by the soviets then. They covered the building with a concrete shell, so the original building is still there, you just can't see it. It was converted into a theater & cultural center. It now has a huge drapery covering the front of the building, showing a picture of the original building hiding under the concrete shell. #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraïni 🇺🇦 🌻

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"The Bakaiev family hangs out in the dorm room that became their house at the Bethelen Gabor Hungarian Lyceum in Berehove, Ukraine, March…". Photo by Eduardo Leal https://www.instagram.com/p/CcU-yWvjRfG/
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Ecumenists brought aid to the attacked settlement in Transcarpathia
Ecumenists brought aid to the attacked settlement in Transcarpathia
The Hungarian Ecumenical Relief Organisation is helping with generator, food and hygiene kits in Volotsk, fifty kilometres from Berehove, which was hit by a rocket attack last night. According to a statement, the attack also damaged the local kindergarten building, which provides temporary shelter for refugee families with children, and broke windows in several properties. As a result, OCHA…

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Ukraine border town sees refugee influx, Hungarian exodus
Ukraine border town sees refugee influx, Hungarian exodus
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to an influx of refugees into the border town of Berehove in the Transcarpathia region, and an exodus of its ethnic-Hungarian population fleeing conscription. The post Ukraine border town sees refugee influx, Hungarian exodus appeared first on The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News.
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Termální #bazén #Žajvoronok #Berehovo #termalnibazen #termalnilazne #Berehove (v místě Berehove, Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWQbABprXbS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Когда то очень давно, тогда когда не было в той стране иностранных автомобилей. Существовали две основные марки: Волга и Жигули, при чем первая была гораздо круче по статусу. У дяди была такая же 21-ая модель, так я в ней в гараже проводил огромное количество моего школьного времени. Но это отдельная история😆 Но сегодня я встретил машину как говорится «с завода», которую своими руками восстановил (я даже представляю из чего) мой уважаемый человек. В этой машине всё новое☝️ И это очень круто🤘 (at Berehove, Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVANnnIoQz3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#strom #stromwear #sportwearх #fitness #fitnessblog #motivation #followme #like4like #lifestyle #inspiration #instamood #strong #powerful #strength #hardwork #workout #daily_motivation #morning #gm #slavutych #zdolbuniv #berehove #gadyach (at Hola Prystan)
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01-06 A photo of ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych is turned up-side-down at the main entrance of the local administration building(called White House) in Uzhgorod town, in the ... http://dlvr.it/Q96cjc
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