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starsprae · 5 years
Wildtree, the beginning of a love affair
Wildtree, the beginning of a love affair
This is the story of how starsprae intuitive healing arts has become Jessica Eastman Lane, RN and Wildtree Rep. wildtree.com/jes
Okay. I know some of you might be wondering where the pretty pictures of my Tarot spreads are. To be honest, I still do a daily card draw on most days, but time for my Tarot has gotten very slim because of school, life and most recently, Wildtree.
The idea behind me…
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starsprae · 6 years
March 9, 2019
Green calcite for my heart. I feel like I have done so. much. work. in the shadows dealing with Nick’s death and our relationship as it is now. We are definitely connected through the veil. He speaks to me regularly, especially through music, which was always our common ground. It is just tough. We were estranged when he died, so to feel him close now, to dream about the Nick that was/ is my soul…
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starsprae · 6 years
Metatron Spread, Starchild Tarot, March 3, 2019
Metatron Spread, Starchild Tarot, March 3, 2019
My goodness it has been a very long time since I have been able to write to you all dear ones! I am in the middle of my school semester, just finished my Public Health Nursing course yesterday and have just a moment to take a breath before I start Workplace Diversity…
I have been spending perhaps too much time in the shadows as of late. The weather, coupled with the recent death of my ex-husband,…
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starsprae · 6 years
new moon energy swirling! February 3, 2019
new moon energy swirling! February 3, 2019
I feel the new moon this cycle so incredibly strongly. I am excited to finally sit down and write! It seems like forever since I have been here; I have been working diligently on my school work- 9 hours altogether yesterday for my public health nursing course!! eiiiiieeeee!!! I keep reassuring myself that finishing my BSN is the ultimate in self-care and it will be over soon, after fall semester…
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starsprae · 6 years
Full Moon Tarot Spread January 20, 2019
Full Moon Tarot Spread January 20, 2019
This morning before Phoenix gets here I am going to do the full moon tarot spread from Biddy Tarot using my Spiritsong cards. I woke feeling the need for a meatier reading this morning and I thought why not do the full moon spread? It won’t be nearly as ritualistic as I usually try to do these types of spreads, but at least I will delve into some juicier information from my intuition.
I have been…
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starsprae · 6 years
January 19, 2019, "What do I need to see today?" Reversed Ten of Shells, Pelican
January 19, 2019, “What do I need to see today?” Reversed Ten of Shells, Pelican
I haven’t written in a couple of days because of my responsibilities to my children in the mornings. I have also been a bit carried away by my responsibility to school. I keep reassuring myself that I am nearly finished, I will be graduating at the end of fall semester this year. I am ready to be done. To have my time and my life back. It has been a long haul. I had some interesting experiences…
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starsprae · 6 years
January 15, 2019, "How do I better navigate this murky aftermath of conflict energy, this negative addict-brain swirl?"
January 15, 2019, “How do I better navigate this murky aftermath of conflict energy, this negative addict-brain swirl?”
Man it is a rough spot since I was getting ready to leave work yesterday night. I have seemingly firmly landed in a space where I feel shaky and unsure. As if I am not on solid ground. It started when I realized I was on call today. It was on my calendar, but somehow I skimmed right over it. I am also on call Saturday and next Monday. Call is an interesting beast. It is mastering a state of mind…
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starsprae · 6 years
January 13, 2019, "What can I do about my anxiety today?"
January 13, 2019, “What can I do about my anxiety today?”
I am experiencing a morning where I am waking up spun. I think I slept well. The littlest little stayed with his dad last night because of the snowstorm. It was  his idea to keep him another night and for us to stay off the roads. I had to think about it for a few hours before I agreed. I got so much done yesterday, with school and home, you would think I would feel good- relief. But instead I…
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starsprae · 6 years
"How is it today?" January 12, 2019= Reversed Seven of Feathers, Cheetah
“How is it today?” January 12, 2019= Reversed Seven of Feathers, Cheetah
It feels so strange to type 2019. My world has changed so much in the past handful of years, the past handful of months. Truly. My heart is finally starting to understand the expanse of the grief that I need to have space to experience related to Nick’s death. I have never felt more of a need to focus on myself, my children, my home.
The question that revealed itself to me today is “How is it…
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starsprae · 6 years
XIX The Sun; January 10, 2019
XIX The Sun; January 10, 2019
“Where am I going today?” XIX The Sun. I am downstairs at the dining room table instead of in my room (littlest little is still sleeping- which is a special gift to me today from the universe!) and thankful that I still had my Universal Rider-Waite deck on the bookshelf for just this occasion.
I really enjoy being in my room now for my readings in the morning, but on mornings that I have Phoenix…
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starsprae · 6 years
January 9, 2019= Queen of Crystals, Hedgehog
January 9, 2019= Queen of Crystals, Hedgehog
“What does my focus need to be today?” Queen of Crystals, Hedgehog, comfort and prosperity. This card is here to remind me to nurture my connection to Mother Earth today. Stay focused on practicality and protecting myself and my family from negativity.
Queen of Crystals corresponds with Queen of Pentacles in the Rider-Waite deck. Traditionally, Queen of Pentacles strongly represents the female…
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starsprae · 6 years
January 8, 2019 and a compromise with Reversed Crane as my daily totem
January 8, 2019 and a compromise with Reversed Crane as my daily totem
This morning I am conducting my morning tarot/ blog ritual from the comfort of my bedroom. My now-oldest son, Pierce, and I have been at odds regarding my outward display of spirituality in the main part of our home. Before this morning I have been completing my morning tarot/blog ritual from the dining room table. This has been extremely offensive to his 15 year old senses and we have been in…
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starsprae · 6 years
January 7, 2019= Two of Crystals, Kangaroo
January 7, 2019= Two of Crystals, Kangaroo
Balance and adaptability is what this card represents. Makes sense for my focus today, considering that I am starting back to school today at Avila. I will be done at the end of the Fall semester this year if all goes according to plan. Finishing my BSN (finally!). I have been a registered nurse since 2006 and in the field of nursing since 1999. After Oscar died I decided it was time to go back…
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starsprae · 6 years
7th (and final) day of the self-love challenge=
7th (and final) day of the self-love challenge=
“What do I love most about myself?” I am not going to lie, this has been a difficult question for me to answer, and I see my inner conflict (V of Swords!!) reflected in the cards. After my post a few days ago when I was talking about how my Universal Rider-Waite deck was feeling stale, I did a lot of research and I landed on a completely different tarot deck as my second than I thought I would. I…
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starsprae · 6 years
6th day of self-love challenge= VII of Cups, January 4, 2019
6th day of self-love challenge= VII of Cups, January 4, 2019
“What do I love most about myself?” VII of Cups. This card is full of choice and mystery. I love that my life is full of choice.  This is an opportunity to narrow the choices down and focus on what is truly important to me.
I love that the shadow work I have been doing surrounding self-love has begun healing my relationship with Nick, through my subconscious mind while I am dreaming. I love that…
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starsprae · 6 years
4th day of self-love challenge= Reversed V of Swords!
4th day of self-love challenge= Reversed V of Swords!
“What do I love most about myself?” Reversed V of Swords. Unreal. I even picked this card from the middle of the deck! This card has been stalking me since I started learning tarot a month or so ago… conflict. This is the sixth time I have drawn this card since the beginning of December. It isn’t always reversed, but it pops up regularly. Yes, my life has seen too much conflict. I am beginning to…
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