#beowulf part 3
funeralgrove · 9 months
Tell us about beowulf
BEOWULF!!!!!!!! get ready for a long post I could write 500 page essays on this man I love him so much <3
So to talk about Beowulf I'm also going to have to talk a little bit about my take on the illagers, and how the cult is structured in my interpretation of the lore.
Beowulf is from the Minecraft: Dungeons timeline, which I interpret as being retroactive to the base game (that doesn't really matter, though, I feel like I could squeeze him into any timeline, as his story is kinda isolated, for lack of a better word.)
He was born and raised until the age of 14 in a mansion to the far, far north, in the tundra. Instead of being located in the dark forest, the mansion is located in the ice spikes. The region is simply regarded as The North/Northern Territory, the illagers within that mansion "own" everything that the snow and ice touches throughout the (very large) region.
While his family was, for the most part, non-magical, they had a powerful rank within their cult sect, and were essentially the right-hand men to the leader of said sect. What his family lacked in magical skill, they had in military might.
As a result, Beowulf grew up privileged compared to other illagers. Unlike most others, he had access to an education (an abysmal education, but an education nonetheless), fresh(er) food, and a somewhat comfortable bed to sleep in at night.
Despite these advantages, he was still heavily mistreated by those around him, both by peers and by people in positions of power.
He has always been considered a bit of a black sheep within his family. While he was never necessarily a "bad" kid, as a child he never seemed to have much interest in continuing on the family legacy (pillaging, terrorizing the innocent) and would struggle with following the direction of his mother and father.
At 14, his father would have him enlisted in their cult sect's pillager army, believing it would correct his son's "odd" behaviors [and, because of their family's status and notoriety, he would be expected to enlist at some point anyway. (Note: Beowulf has multiple developmental and learning disabilities; such as autism, ADHD, severe dyslexia and dyscalculia.)]
He would spend the next 16 years of his life stationed at outposts located all across the tundra, rarely visiting home.
At 30 he would be stationed at Whistling Peaks, a possibly haunted mountain-top outpost that had been previously abandoned for the past 70 years.
Shortly after the arrival of the pillagers, a weeks-long blizzard hit the tundra, locking the already severely under prepared platoon inside of their outpost. Threats of starvation, freezing to death, and cannibalism became very likely possibilities.
Eventually, though, the blizzard would end and the clouds would part. The clearing of the snow revealed a village down, deep in the valley below the outpost.
Desperate for resources and food, a group of pillagers would head into the valley to beg from the villagers. Hesitant, the villagers would agree to share... as long as the platoon agreed to their conditions.
The pillagers were now tasked with keeping the village safe. They were not allowed to loot or destroy, must do night patrols, and drive any unwanted mobs or players out of the area. 
Beowulf is of the pillagers who were put into town to do night patrols.
Slowly, the villagers and illagers would start to mingle together, the barriers that separated them had begun to break down.
Prior to their assigned night patrols, Beowulf and his group would often head into a local tavern for food and drinks. There he would meet Lucrezia, the head barmaid and general manager of the tavern. He was immediately head over heels for her.
Meanwhile, she barely acknowledged him.
Eventually, through his very awkward attempts at flirting and getting to know her, Lucrezia would acknowledge him. They would begin talking and become friends; Beowulf would walk her home every night after her shift at the tavern.
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beauzos · 7 months
reading The Odyssey translated by Emily Wilson rn and i'm really liking it. The Iliad was good, but The Odyssey is a lot more interesting to me because it isn't 500 pages of dudes fighting. physically and verbally. there's great compelling character stuff in The Iliad but it's just one big prolonged fight scene innit.
i really just like. idk. journeys i guess. a lot of the moments are obviously really iconic in Western culture and it's fun seeing the actual source of these tales. Odysseus is also a great protag, and there's more of a proper protag in this than in the Iliad, where it's more of an ensemble cast, and so it feels more focused because of that as well.
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oh sick! I love Frankenstein!! read it last year for school and wrote sooo many essays on it it was fabulous
It's incredibly sick! It's diseased and unhealthy! It's downright unwell!
My school for all it's benefits is a little bit horrible at exposing us to the classics so I'm taking it upon myself to read them on my own time, and the Frankenstein emails are just add a little fun to it all! It's nice to get to see others' thought and to supplement my own conclusions and thinking with that from others. Maybe I should join a book club hmm.
Anyway, I will not be writing any essays for any classes over Frankenstein--unless it comes up in a later college class, but for now I will be enjoying the experience :)
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Writing Notes: Allegory
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Allegory - a story that alludes to other literary works or comments on common conditions of life.
When a work or its passages are allegorical, they are similar to an event, character or setting in a story that is universally known: a fable, a parable in the Bible, or a Greek myth.
Allegories have 2 levels of narration occurring at the same time: the actual events, characters and setting presented in the story, and the ideas they are intended to convey or the significance they bear.
3 Literary Forms that you might use when discussing allegory:
Fable. A fable is a short story, often featuring animals with human traits, to which writers attach morals or explanations.
Parable. Parables are most often associated with Jesus Christ, who used them in His teachings. They are short narratives that exemplify religious truths or insights.
Myth. Myths are stories, either short or long, that are often associated with religion and philosophy and with various races and cultures. They embody the social and cultural values of the civilization during which they were written.
When writing about allegory, determine whether all or part of the story is allegorical.
Sustained allegory. This occurs when a story’s allegory continues throughout the work, from beginning to end. The sole purpose is to convey the dominant idea. The idea is emphasized rather than the story’s actual (literal) details. For example, The Pilgrim’s Progress is a story about Christian’s difficult journey from his home in the City of Destruction to his new home in the Heavenly City. But the main idea is about the rigors and trials of Christian life.
Episodic allegory. This occurs when a story contains an allegorical episode or passage. The passage is based on both the actual (literal) events in the story and the allegorical elements. For example, during one scene in the film Star Wars, Darth Vader imprisons Luke Skywalker, and Skywalker must exert all his skill and strength to get free and to overcome Vader. This temporary imprisonment signifies those moments of doubt and discouragement that people experience while trying to overcome obstacles. Similar heroic deeds have been represented allegorically in the stories of Jason and the Argonauts and Beowulf and Grendel.
When analyzing allegory, ask yourself the following questions:
The application of allegory. Does the allegory (fable, parable, myth) refer to anything or anyone specific? Does it refer to an action or particular period of history? Or does the allegory refer to human tendencies or ideas? Does it illustrate, point by point, particular philosophies or religions? If the allegory seems outdated, how much can be applied for people living today?
The consistency of allegory. Is the allegory maintained consistently throughout the work, or is it intermittently used? Explain and detail this use.
Do extra reading and research:
To understand allegorical implications in a story, you have to become familiar with the source of the similarities.
Allegorical sources include world history, classic works of literature, and archetypal ideas, such as the “quest” or “coming of age.”
You might need to use a dictionary, encyclopedia, or other reference book. For example, you would not recognize that the musical West Side Story is allegorical unless you were aware of its similarities to a classic work of literature: Romeo and Juliet. Thus, to see certain implications in West Side Story, you have to have a general grasp of Shakespeare’s play.
Remember: As long as the similarities are close and consistent, your allegorical interpretations of the story will be valid.
If these writing notes help with your poem/story, do tag me. Or send me a link. I'd love to read them!
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2deadkat · 5 months
If you've read them, thoughts on the Geronimo Stilton Kingdom of Fantasy books?
Okay I have a bit of a weird but fond history with that series, I’ve only seen the first two books so I’m not all that qualified to talk about it in-depth.
But I’ll tell you my history first, I used to carry the first kingdom of fantasy book everywhere I went on family trips. I treated that thing like the holy grail and just speed through every page imaginable, I’ll tell you this I really like the presentation of the series.
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Especially with its own script and all the doors to the different kingdoms. That’s one thing the franchise in general is good at. Also I had an old friend of an older sibling of mine who used to share that book with me…and I vividly remember her telling me the pages with each world door being scented so while I carried that book everywhere I was practically a book sniffer 💀. To this very day I still don’t know if it’s true each door was scented or if it was merely a childhood lie…
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Now my thoughts on it despite only officially “reading” two and skimming through the rest of it with a friend at a bookstore (bestie shout out if you’re reading this ✌️), the whole idea of it is really interesting and it’s fitting for someone like Geronimo. I like the world building of the series, and it’s basically a collection of every fantasy world trope ever in an endearing way. I can’t get over the fact that he enters the world illegally every time by drugging himself on chamomile tea and getting knocked out while his sister of the seven roses just gets actual passes 😭 but power to him for capitalising on his drug trips because I was actually so shocked when I found there were 14 of them…I’m not implying that they’re bad but it’s not just a series for me and I’m just shocked that there’s this many of them, I’d personally stop at three books but I can respect the fact that it has its own lore going on.
Geronimo gets more power and respect as a character but I’ll never get over the fact that there are actual humanoids existing in another plane…also I heard it’s more batshit insane in the untranslated Italian books which is…wow, respect.
I was really obsessed with the dragon king and the whole dragon world and I would keep rereading that section every time <3 I swear I used to read that Beowulf part specifically with all the dragon facts. I was a huge dragon kid back then.
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Okay a bit of gross trivia: Going through my old copy of the book, it literally has the sweat stains of kid me’s hand on the exact page of that illustration because I admire his whole design and deal so much…to this very day it is still the coolest dragon design I’ve ever seen.
So overall, it’s really interesting, I like the whole world they’re going for, but it’s not for me to consume as a full series entirely. And even if I do start again with the other books I don’t have the childhood wonder anymore to dive into it like kid me used to…so unfortunately I don’t have the same attachment a bunch of other people might’ve grew up with…
Sorry, guess I’m more interested in a mouse version of the Office…or parks and recreation 😔 but the first book holds dear to me with its immersive world building and recently I just found it lying in one of my family’s house’s many book shelves so I am thankful for that.
Also man I forgot how some of these spreads go hard…
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dmc-questions-anon · 3 months
Not enough done with the fact that technically Agni and Rudra, Nevan, and even Cerberus (either one or all of them, if we assume the weapons limit only exists as a game mechanic and Dante technically has all his weapons with him all the time; he uses Cerberus in a cutscene, even if you don't have it equipped, so presumably it's possible) could've potentially seen/know what happened with Dante, Lady, and Vergil at Temen-ni-gru, right up to the very end. Especially assuming all said Devil Arms Dante carries are still awake/sentient enough to be aware of and comment on whats going on around them, kinda like how Balrog is in DMC5.
This kinda ties into my "Nevan and Trish should be friends and bond over being previously evil demons together", as part of my idea that Trish could help Nevan turn good, but also just like. The idea of Devil Arms being conscious and having their own awareness and personality is such a tasty idea, imo, especially if they can all revert back to their physical form like Balrog is said to be able to in the pre-DMC5 novel (once Dante gets him strong enough- which apparently using a Devil Arm to kill demons with them does, which is another thing I wish was expanded upon).
Only exception to this would probably be Beowulf, since based on the description of the Devil Arm, I'm not sure how much of Beowulf's soul/consciousness was even LEFT in said Devil Arm after Vergil killed him.
Thanks for the ask!
I haven't thought much about that before, but you're right! Nero and Nico visit Enzo's shop where Agni and Rudra are and are told a very over-exaggerated, comedic, and even downright inaccurate tale of how DMC 3 went down (they are totally the type to tell a story completely wrong because they think they're version is "more interesting" than what actually happened, plus they are only privy to details concerning Dante after he acquires them).
Really love the idea of Trish and Nevan being friends too. Give Trish Nevan campaign 2024.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Part three of which asteroids i like to check in a solar return chart and why, please?
asteroids i like to check in solar return charts and why (part 3: asteroids that aren't getting more attention than this edition)
:) hello, manon, it only seemed fun and fair to mix this request with a request you made about a year ago that became a series! TIME TO BLEND IT ALL TOGETHER!
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armstrong (6469): where your physical efforts are rewarded with monetary and mental gains.
bella (695): where you are the most beautiful AND/OR where you find / are surrounded by beauty.
beowulf (38086): where you are heroic/humble/strong AND/OR where you attract glory.
cancelli (5842): where you need care AND/OR where you need to care for others.
chekhov (2369): where you wish for simple life but experience drama.
cheshirecat (6042): where you make false assumptions AND/OR where you frustrate those around you.
constantia (315): where you need routine.
cucula (2731): where you make a lot of the same mistakes.
educatio (2440): where you appear to be the most knowledgeable.
eureka (5261): where you make a life altering discovery.
fay (4820): the possibility for air travel this year.
hehe (200002): where/how you can find harmony in your life.
isolda (211): where you may have an identity crisis AND/OR where you are hopelessly obsessed with others (sign can indicate who).
jubilatrix (652): where you make light of life when all seems hopeless.
kafka (3412): where you doubt yourself AND/OR your anxiety/dread about life.
karma (3811): where you should pay it forward to gain maximum benefits.
lova (868): where you experience devotion AND/OR where you could meet your next romantic partner.
madhatter (6735): where you tend to drive people away AND/OR where you are constantly worried or stressed to the point of madness.
nostalgia (3162): where you may have some deja vú or past memories arise.
ortrud (551): where you are wrong about everything.
ovidius (2800): where you inspire others but are isolated from them as well.
plato (5451): where your beliefs rule your reality.
santa (1288): where you experience child-like joy AND/OR where you need to remember how lucky you are as well as where to remain grateful for what you have.
tardis (3325): where you have the opportunity to go anywhere.
whiterabbit (17942): where you are constantly late or anxious, where you pique others' curiosity, AND/OR where you should follow a sign to discover an extraordinary opportunity.
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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rrcraft-and-lore · 5 months
Calling Tolkien nerds - curious about something: Reading over texts and came across:
"All except the Witch-king were apt to stray when alone by daylight. And all, but the Witch-king, feared water, and were unwilling but in dire need, to enter or to cross unless dryshod by a bridge."
We know the Nazgul can/do walk in daylight, just not much, and that their powers are at least diminished by it.
"Of Khamûl it is said here that he was the most ready of all the Nazgûl, after the Black Captain himself, to perceive the presence of the ring, but also the one whose power was most confused and diminished by the daylight."
Unfinished Tales, Part 3, Ch 4, The Hunt for the Ring Notes 1
What inspired this I wonder though? Not crossing moving waters is a theme common in many a monster/demon myth from cultures, same with sunlight hurting monsters/demons - I'm wondering if there is any specific lore Tolkien drew from (creature specifically) on/for that one. Don't just say Norse - no shit. The Hobbit is Beowulf.
Not my point. I've gone into the etymology of Nazgul before and the Arabic ghul, as well as other sources.
But, just curious on that. Maybe it's a shot in the dark.
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ageofbajabule · 1 year
Dawn of Love | Chapter 2
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Josh Kiszka x F! Reader
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: Arguing, Fluff, Anxiety, Self doubt, Making out, Alcohol consumption, Partying, Talk of Virginity,(no 18+ in this chapter. be on the lookout for the next one), (also please let me aware if I miss any, I always try and double check as I do my final edits)
Series Masterpost
Read Chapter 1 if you haven’t!
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AN: I just want to make a quick note! I would like to try and have a new part posted on Saturday’s. I can’t promise that it will be updated every Saturday, but just know that I put a lot of thought and work into this. Hence why it may take a little longer than normal. I also work 3rd shift so I try and write in my free time as much as I can. Thank you all for being so patient and understanding❤️
March 2014
It had been a month since the dance, and since Josh and you had officially become a couple. Throughout the month, Josh has been nothing but sweet. Leaving you little notes in your locker, doing the same in return. It was hard only having one class together, so you were only able to see each other during lunch and poetry.
You spent most weeknights together and spent every weekend together - whether you were at his place, or he came over to your house. You had been helping him more on his film as it finally completed and you both were getting ready to present it to everyone you cared deeply about.
“Sunshine! Can you hand me the hard drive please?” He turned towards you, as you grabbed the hard drive, placing it in his hand.
“This film came out really well Josh.” You smiled softly, kissing his cheek.
“Couldn’t have done it without your help mama.”A blush crept on his face as he chuckled softly.
“So my family is going to come over Friday night to watch the film with all of us.” You smiled nervously.
Your dad always thought the film dream you had was silly, but you truly had a passion for it like Josh had. And it often resulted in arguments with your father. You had applied to different colleges for a filming and photography degree. With Josh’s help of course, he had applied to most of the colleges you did too.
“Has your dad said anything…” He trailed off, unsure about how to go with the conversation.
“Well we didn’t argue if that’s what you’re trying to ask.”
He stood up wrapping his arms around you in a hug. “He’ll eventually see how important film is to you. You’re going to be amazing.” He smiled, kissing your lips softly.
You kissed him back, then pulled away slowly hugging him tightly before parting away.
“Come on, we should probably head out to the garage. Jake wants to get another practice in order to be ready for Saturday’s gig.” He rubbed your arm.
You nodded, following behind him out to the garage. You opted on sitting on the couch, sitting next to Valerie - the girl Jake had recently started going steady with.
“Hey!” You smiled softly at her,
“Hey Y/N! Are you excited for Saturday?” She shifted her attention towards you.
“Yeah, this will be the first gig I see them perform. It’ll be a very different atmosphere.” You rubbed your hands together.
You and Val had sat there watching the guys play a couple songs from their setlist they had made up. Josh always made you proud no matter what he did, but seeing him perform with his brothers was something else.
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The week had gone by, and Friday was here already. Your poetry class felt longer than usual today, Josh and yourself sat in the back of the classroom. Mr.Zawalski had wanted to finish the film Beowulf, so you and Josh decided to just watch the film as you wrote notes back and forth to each other.
Is your family still planning on joining us tonight?
Yeah, but my dad has been in a mood the past few days. :(
It’s okay, he’ll open up eventually. I think this film will show him. :)
I’m just glad I have your support <3
Of course Sunny, always <3
Then Mr.Zawalski turned the lights on in the classroom, causing everyone to groan from the harsh lighting adjustment. You folded your note between you and Josh stashing it into your folder.
“Do you want a ride home?” He smiled at you,
“If it’s not an issue, I don’t want Jake getting his panties in a bunch like the other week.” You giggled remembering them bickering about practice.
“He can suck it. I just don’t want my baby to ride the bus.” He smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, walking over to your locker to gather your things to head home.
“What’s the matter Sunny?”
You melted at his nickname for you. It always drove you crazy, no matter what.
“I just. I’m really worried about my dad’s reaction. Especially because I think I’ve decided on where to go for college…” You walked out to his car with him, Jake hadn’t gotten to the car yet.
“I know how much his support means to you Y/N… And I want you to know that you will not disappoint him. Just show him how much this means to you.” He rubbed your shoulders.
“And you not only have your mom and sister’s support, but you have mine, the guys, my sister and even my parents.” He chuckled softly, caressing your cheek.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m making the wrong choices…” You put your head down in his hand.
He lifts your face up to meet his gaze. He pushes a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“Sunshine, you’re not making the wrong choices. You’re following your heart. And that is most important.”
He smiled, leaning forward and placing his lips against yours softly.
“Can we go?”
You two pulled away to see the voice coming from Jake, leaned up against the car chuckling softly as he watched the scene in front of him.
You blushed and nodded, getting into the passenger seat. While Jake sat in the back and Josh got in the driver's side.
Josh then dropped you off at home, after reassuring him you would be at his house later to watch the film you both worked on. Walking into the house, you could hear the television playing the news as your father sits in his normal spot on the couch, staring at the tv intently. Your mother on the other hand was finishing up the days work of cleaning the house, while your sister sat in the living room doing her homework while trying to ignore the sounds of the tv.
Walking into the mud room you set your things down, taking your shoes off and walking into the living room sitting down.
“Hi pumpkin.” Your dad smiled at you softly.
“Hi dad, how was your day?” You smiled bringing your knees up to your chest wrapping your arms around them.
“Oh it was good, how was your day?” He turned the volume of the TV down.
“It was good…” You smiled softly,
“What time must we be at the Kiszka’s tonight?”
“Josh wants to start the film at 7. It’s about an hour long…” You chewed the inside of your cheek nervously.
“An hour? Wow… I’m impressed.” Your father replied in a sarcastic tone.
“Yeah. It was going to only be a 30 minute film. But Josh had insisted on using an idea of mine to the film and extend it.” You placed your feet, getting ready to stand.
“Pumpkin… I just. I don’t know-“
“Honey! Someone is on the phone for you.” Your mom yelled for your dad, giving you the chance to leave the room.
You felt tears at the brim of your eyes. You had decided to take a shower, to make yourself feel somewhat better and get ready for tonight.
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It was around quarter to 7 and your family was ready to head over to Josh’s. You had packed a small bag, considering you would be staying the night to help the guys tomorrow for their gig.
Your sister and yourself got in the back of you dad’s pick up, as your mom got into the passenger side. Your dad drove off to make the way to the Kiszka’s.
Upon arriving your dad had gotten out, helping your mom out of the truck while you and your sister followed behind them. Your father knocked on the door, and Kelly had answered it. “Hey! Welcome, come on in. Karen is finishing up making drinks and getting popcorn ready.” He motioned for everyone to file in.
You had immediately made way to Ronnie’s room setting your bag in there to make your parents aware you would in fact not be staying in Josh’s room tonight. Not that it would matter, since you would be sleeping in the basement anyways.
Walking out of Ronnie’s room you ran into Josh - making him fall back a couple of inches from the sudden impact.
“Oh, sunny. You scared me.” He chuckled, clenching his chest.
“I’m sorry Joshy…” You giggled, grabbing his hand rubbing circles.
“It’s okay mama.” He smiled, kissing your cheek.
“Josh… I don’t think he’s going to like it. He was ready to go on about how film isn’t a good career choice…” You sighed.
“Y/N. You are going to be amazing. Don’t let one person’s judgment dictate your dream.”
He caressed your cheek looking into your eyes - giving you one of his most reassuring smiles he could muster.
“If anything, only you can judge your choices. No one else.”
“Thank you… Thank you for being so understanding about everything.” You sighed feeling a little bit of relief, grabbing the hand that rested on your cheek, squeezing it gently.
“Now come on, we have a film to show.” He giggled dragging you downstairs to the living room with him.
You opted to sit on the loveseat with Josh, while your parents sat on the big couch with Karen and Kelly. Everyone else made themselves comfy on the floor or pulled a folding chair from the closet.
Josh had held your hand the entire time while the film played. Rubbing circles into your hand to keep you calm as he could tell you were tense from what your father would think of your work.
Once the film had finished everyone in the room was cheering and clapping on the film. You smiled, hugging Josh tightly.
“My god, you kids are going places!” Karen shot up from the couch hugging both you and Josh.
“Thank you mom.” Josh smiled at her,
“Thank you Mrs. Kiszka. It means a lot.” You smiled softly, looking over her shoulder to see your parents making their way.
“Sweetie, you are absolutely brilliant. Amazing work to both of you.” Your mom smiled, pulling you and Josh in for a hug.
“I’m proud of you pumpkin. You as well Josh.” He smiled, sticking his hand out to shake Josh’s hand.
The two of them shake each other’s hands smiling back at one another. Kelly had chimed in congratulating the two of you on your work. Then you had walked your family out to the truck to say goodnight before heading back into Josh’s.
“Thank you guys for coming and watching it. It really means a lot to me.” You smiled softly.
“Sweetie, you will always have our support. No matter what!” Your mom kissed your cheek, hugging you tightly.
“I still think you should reconsider your major…” You dad put out flatly, giving you a deadpan look to show that he wasn’t budging about this matter.
“Dad…” You groan,
“Y/N… I just. I want you to be realistic here. How many directors or filmmakers are successful right away?”
“Just say you don’t believe in me dad. It would hurt a lot less…” You felt the tears forming in your eyes.
“It’s not that I don’t be-“
“Really! Cause it sure seems like it… All my life I was trying to figure out who I truly am and what I want to do with my life. And the moment I do, it's not good enough for you! I’ve always done everything to make you happy dad, it’s my time to do what makes me happy…” You spit out at your father as you wiped the tears away that spilled out of your eyes.
“Y/N, we will continue this discussion at another time.” He said sternly.
“No, I’m tired of discussing this. I’ve made up my mind of what I’m doing with my life. Whether I have your support or not…” You turned on your heels,
“I’ll be home Sunday afternoon…” You then walked into Josh’s house shutting the door behind you.
Running to the guest bathroom, locking yourself in there quietly crying to yourself - until you heard a soft knock.
“I’ll be out in a minute…” You sighed softly.
“I’ll get us some hot chocolate, okay?” He said through the door.
You heard him shuffle away, as you turned to look at yourself in the mirror - wiping away the tears that were there. You resituated yourself making your way to the kitchen.
“You okay mama?” Josh was finishing up making the two of you hot chocolate.
You nodded, “I’ll be okay.” You smiled at him as he handed you a mug.
“You can talk about it whenever you want. Not now, but whenever you’re ready.” He smiled and kissed your forehead softly.
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Morning came pretty quickly, and was filled with absolute chaos. The guys ran around making sure they had everything they needed for tonight's gig. Going over setlists, and making sure everyone’s gear was in tip top shape.
“Jake everything is loaded up. It’s going to be fine!” Josh pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You don’t tell me that everything is going to be fine. This is the first real gig we have! This is the start. This is my dream!” He yelled at him.
“Really Jacob? It’s not just your dream.” He threw his hands up,
“I didn’t mean it like that…” He sighed,
“I understand how important this is to you Jake. I really do. But you need to loosen up, being all tense and worried doesn’t make things better for yourself.” He patted his shoulder.
“You’re right, I’m sorry… It’s just. I don’t want this to affect how we go about this road…” He rubbed his face.
“If it makes you feel any better, Val will be there!” You chimed in, smiling softly.
Jake chuckled, nodding his head. “Yeah, that does…”
You smiled softly, dragging Josh with you. “Listen, I know you guys are going to be amazing tonight. And you’re going to kill it!”
Josh smiled as a blush crept up on his face. “Thank you, sunny…”
“Anytime Joshy…” You giggled, kissing his lips softly.
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Jake suggested he drive over to Fischer Hall, while Val sat in the front and you and Josh sat in the back. Sam and Danny had rode over with Kelly and Karen, with Danny’s parents to follow them.
You all arrived about an hour before they would start so they had time to set up, and get everything in tune before the show started for them.
After everyone was settled, people had started to come into the small venue. You offered smiles to the guys.
“You guys are going to be great.” You hugged them all, then once you made it to Josh a blush crept onto your cheeks.
“You guys act like you never kiss in front of us…” Sam started laughing with Danny.
“Shut it Sammy.” Josh snipped at him, then turned towards you smiling, kissing your lips softly. You kissed him back then pulled away.
“Break a leg handsome.” You giggled softly.
Josh chuckled and went with the guys onto the stage. They lit the room up with their presence making everyone cheer them on.
You sat by the parents with Val - cheering the guys on with them.
After they performed a couple songs they finished their small set. Getting a great response afterwards makes your smile widen. You saw Josh coming over to you all flustered.
“That was amazing!” You giggled.
“It was exhilarating.” He chuckled, “Let me help the guys clean up and we can get out of here.” He smiled and ran off to help the guys.
April 2014
The twins' birthday was coming up on Wednesday. But Karen wanted to throw them a party this weekend, since they were turning 18. She had stressed how important it was that her babies have a great party, and one to remember. You have been helping out in any way.
It was hard to keep it a secret from Josh, you hated to keep secrets. But this one was just for a surprise party - so one secret wouldn’t hurt.
It was Tuesday the day before the twins' 18th birthday. Josh has been completely asking you all the questions about what you had planned. And of course you had to tell him he would have to wait and see.
“But sunny…” He groaned, walking to your locker with you.
“No ‘buts’ Josh. I’m not saying another word about your birthday.”
You opened your locker, seeing a bouquet of flowers and a note - blushing, you picked up the note reading….
To my sunshine, will you go to prom with me?
You turned to Josh, “Yes.”
He smiled, pulling you in for a hug kissing your lips.
“I know it's a month away… And I should’ve asked sooner.”
You stopped him, “Josh, it’s okay. I’ve had my dress since the beginning of the month.” You giggled softly.
“Oh, okay… I guess that's some relief.” He laughed nervously.
“And I think my mom may have already sent your mom what I was wearing. So I think they already had an idea that we would be going together.” You shook your head at their antics.
“I’m glad they’re ahead of it.” He kissed your cheek.
“I’ll see you later mama.” He winked and made his way to his morning class.
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It was finally Josh and Jake’s birthday, you all decided on skipping school and going on a hike. Classes lately haven't been filled with many lessons considering you graduate in the beginning of June. And missing a day wouldn’t hurt, you just wouldn’t let your parents find out.
You all made it look like you were heading to school, but changed route and went towards where the boys family lake house was. Once arriving you had gotten out of the car, looking at the house.
“She is something…” Josh came up beside you chuckling.
“I’ve never seen anything like it.”.
“We like to come up and get away… Helps us get creative, or just to clear our minds. But we spend most of our summer days here.” He rubbed your arm.
“Well, I’m sure it’s lovely. But I’d really like to get on this trail that Jake and you were talking about.” You kissed his cheek softly.
He shook his head and walked over to Jake grabbing his gear. You did the same, tightening your laces to your shoes, and putting your bag on your back.
“So how long is this trail exactly Jake?” You stood up, soaking in the fresh air.
“About 2 miles, so a 4 mile hike today.” He smirked at you.
“But the view is nice when we get to the end of the trail. See’s over the lake and everything.” Josh chimed in.
“You might just have to carry me on the way back down.” You giggled grabbing the small lunch bag.
They both started walking on the trail, following in between them. Jake played music from his bluetooth speaker. The trail was pretty flat for most of the first half, then the other half the trail got a bit uneven and mainly stones created a path.
You felt absolutely winded, it wasn’t exactly hot out. But the temperature today was enough to make you sweat from the hike. You were a little behind Jake and Josh, it's not like you grew up in an environment to partake in hiking trips. But you wanted to spend time with both of them.
“Y/N, you alright back there?” Jake turned around, smiling softly.
“I’m okay, this is just new for me. I’m not like you monkeys…” You giggled softly.
“We’re almost there, sunny.” Josh came down beside you, rubbing your back.
“Just drink some water.” He pulled out a water bottle and opened it for you.
“Thank you…” You smiled softly, taking a couple sips from the bottle, closing it up and following them the rest of the way.
Once you made it to the end of the trail, there was an overpass that looked over the lake. It was beautiful, Josh wasn’t lying.
You set your bag down pulling out the big blanket to set on the ground, and pulled out the sandwiches you made for them. Handing them out, they smiled and said their thanks munching away. You sat down eating away at yours.
After finishing your sandwiches you had pulled out a small cake that you somehow managed to fit in the cooler. You pulled it out putting some candles lighting them, walking over to the twins.
“Happy Birthday to you!” You giggled softly.
They both sat up smiling, then blew the candles out.
“Thank you, Y/N!” Jake smiled,
“Thank you, sunny.” Josh blushed smiling softly, he kissed your cheek.
“Of course! I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.” You sighed softly, setting the cake on top of the cooler, cutting slices up for them.
Jake then pulled out a joint that was pre-rolled. “Shall we?”
Josh nodded timidly, “That depends….did you actually get some good shit for once?”
“The shit that knocks you on your ass? Yes, yes I did.” Jake chuckled, lighting it up. He took a couple puffs before passing it along to Josh.
Josh took a couple hits, then passed it to you. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He smiled softly.
“I do, I just… Never have…” You looked down ashamed of yourself.
“Hey, it’s alright. All you do is place it between your lips, inhale a little then exhale.” He handed you the joint.
You nodded your head, doing as he said. You exhaled, and coughed a good bit as Jake grabbed the joint from you.
“She’s a champ!” He chuckled softly, patting your shoulder.
“Woohoo sunny!” Josh smiled, kissing your cheek.
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Saturday came, and you had opted to take Josh out for brunch to get him out of the house for his mom to set up for the party. Jake was already out with Val for the morning and early afternoon, making it easier for her to decorate the house.
“So what does Sunshine have planned for me today?” Josh chuckled as he buckled himself in the car.
“Brunch, maybe a little walk around downtown? And then cake at your place.” You smiled at him as you buckled yourself, putting the car in gear to drive.
Josh took over the aux in the car, immediately playing his playlist. He started off by playing John Denver’s Sunshine On My Shoulder. You gave him a look, shaking your head slowly.
“Oh come on sunny!” He grabbed your hand and kissed it softly.
“It’s a song I can dedicate to you now, until I write a good one about you…”
“You’ll write me a song…” You blushed,
“I’d write you a million…” He smiled softly, then began belting out to the song.
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high
If I had a day that I could give you
I’d give you a day just like today
If I had a song that I could sing for you
I’d sing a song to make you feel this way
The drive to downtown was nice and filled with laughter and singing. Josh’s voice always blew you away, he was just a beautiful person to be with.
You stopped by a local diner, heading in to sit at a booth. The two of you had ordered your favorites, and ate in bliss. Enjoying each other’s time with one another, after brunch. You two decided to walk around downtown. It was only 2pm and you have another hour and a half to kill before making your way back to the Kiszka’s.
While walking downtown Josh pointed out a record shop, pleading you to go in with him.
“Okay! But we can’t spend the whole day here.” You giggled as he was practically dragging you in.
He chuckled, walking into the store with you. It was a pretty big store with a wide collection to choose from.
You went to the disco section, immediately searching for a copy of ABBA’s self title. It was the only edition you needed to complete your collection. You had all their other pressings available, but every time you went searching you had no luck finding it.
And to your avail, there is no self title available. You sighed, looking over the rest of the selection of great disco vinyls.
“What’s wrong, sunny?” Josh came up behind you rubbing your arm.
“Still no luck in finding the self title of ABBA…” You groaned looking up at him.
“We’ll find it one day.” He chuckled softly, kissing the top of your head.
You nodded and made way to find a couple records for him, you had already had his gift wrapped up and in your car. But another gift of two wouldn’t be an issue, you thought to yourself as you grabbed two of what would definitely be Josh’s favorites.
You had checked out with a pressing of An Evening with John Denver and a pressing of Port of Morrow by The Shins. Josh had a very interesting music taste, and you loved that about him. He was always showing you different indie artists, as you showed him your favorite rock artists.
After having a successful shopping spree in the record shop, it was finally time to head back to the Kiszka’s.
“Come on Josh!” You smiled, watching him check out.
“So what did ya get?” Josh whispered in your ear, coming up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. Holding you flush against his chest.
“You’ll see later.” You smiled softly, getting into the car and heading back to his place.
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When the two of you had arrived, Jake and Val had pulled up too. Perfect timing you thought to yourself. You gathered the small gifts you had for both Josh and Jake. Heading to the door with them.
You let the twins enter the house first, hearing everyone yell ‘Surprise!’ and ‘Happy Birthday!’ The twins chuckled, smiling softly at everyone present.
“Thank you everyone!” They said in unison.
You came in behind them with Val. “Did you know about this?” Josh asked you, smirking.
“I may have helped your mom…” You giggled softly.
For the next hour or two, everyone was socializing and eating. Karen knew how to make a feast for any special occasions. You truly enjoyed her cooking, in fact you found it better than your mothers.
You handed Jake his gift, allowing him to open it. He unwrapped it, revealing a Jimi Hendrix ‘Are You Experienced’ vinyl.
“Holy shit! Are you serious Y/N! Thank you!” He smiled and gave you a hug.
“It’s nothing, really.” You smiled softly, hugging him back.
“It’s not nothing! This is very thoughtful, thank you.” He then went back to sit next to Val opening her gift.
Josh then pulled you into the basement, away from everyone. You smiled, handing him his gifts sitting on the couch next to him.
“Happy Birthday, Joshy…” You blushed watching him go through the shopping bag from today’s finds.
“Sunshine! These are great!” He smiled, then went to grab the one that was wrapped.
“This one was a little bit harder to find… I’m not going to lie, but you kept talking about it. And I just had to deep dive…” You chewed your lip nervously.
His eyes lit up, as he tore the wrapping paper off. Revealing an original pressing of John Denver’s self title. Josh hadn’t been able to find a copy at all, and it was driving him nearly insane.
“Y/N… This…” He smiled looking at you, placing it on the table in front of the two of you.
He cupped your face in his hands kissing your lips softly.
“I love you…”
He said it. He said it first… You had been worried to have said it too soon, or too late. But, right now was the perfect time for it to have happened. You felt your stomach flutter from his words.
“I love you too…” You giggled, kissing his lips softly again.
May 2014
Prom was here. And to say you were stressed, was an understatement. You had recently completed your admission to Michigan State University after discussing with Josh your plans for the future. He was beyond excited for you and had also enrolled into Michigan State.
The two of you would be pursuing the same degree, therefore you would have pretty much the same courses. You were happy that you wouldn’t be completely alone at college, and that you would have someone you know there.
All morning you had been waiting to get your hair done, then your makeup to follow suit after your hair was done. Your mother was making sure everything for your senior prom was going smoothly. Even though you had reassured her multiple times that you were okay and everything was fine.
Hoping she isn’t like this for your wedding one day…
After leaving the salon, you headed back home to finish getting ready. All that was left was the dress. It was absolutely stunning - opting for a print color, you had decided on a sky blue gown.
It was strapless and flowed beautifully, though it wasn’t a ball gown, but it stood out from most dresses that were available for this prom season.
You slipped it on, then put your heels on. Looking at yourself in the mirror, putting on your necklace and earrings. Giving yourself a final touch up on your lipstick, then making your way down stairs.
Your mother was at the bottom of the steps, waiting for you to take you to the golf course where Josh and his family would meet you to take pictures together. You had wished Josh could’ve picked you up beforehand, but didn’t want to cause an argument.
As you were heading out the door, your father followed behind helping you into the car making sure your dress didn’t get caught in the door. You smiled buckling yourself, as your parents drove to the course.
Once you had arrived, you got out meeting Josh and his family. Along with Jake and Val’s family, it was a beautiful sunny day for prom. Most cases it had rained on prom for others in the past, but today it didn’t.
“You look extravagant sunshine!” Josh smiled, holding your hands in his kissing your cheek softly.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” You giggled softly, then Karen came over handing Josh and you, the corsage and boutonniere set. It was white rose assortment again, like it was for the Valentine’s dance. You giggled softly remembering that night.
“What is it, sunny?” Josh smiled as he slipped the corsage on your wrist.
“Just remembering our first dance together…” You blushed, as you helped pin his boutonniere to his tux. He smiled, and kissed your cheek softly.
“Alright kiddos! Come on, time to get some pictures of you all.” Karen smiled, getting her digital camera out, your mother did the same.
The two of them kept taking pictures, in front of the ponds, the trees, the garden. You name it. You were already exhausted and the fun of the evening hadn’t even started.
“Mom, I think that's enough pictures…” Jake groaned, fidgeting with his tie.
“Oh alright! I just can’t believe my babies will be graduating in two weeks!” Karen cried out teary eyed, as the twins pulled her into a hug.
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Prom was what you expected it to be. Another dance in which everyone dressed to impress. The only thing that made it sentimental was that it was the last dance for your class. Sure you only had a handful of friends, but you were all going to different schools and some were even moving out of state to pursue their dreams.
Jake had gotten invited to an after party, inviting you and Josh to join him. In which the two of you couldn’t turn down. But before heading over to the after party you had stopped home to change into a more party-like fit, and an overnight bag to stay the night at Josh’s.
Your parents had been more lenient about you staying over at Josh’s considering they trusted him and yourself. But they also knew that they couldn't necessarily control your life as much, as you were turning 18 right after graduation.
Pulling up to the party, Josh and you had driven over with Jake. Val couldn’t join as she had cheer practice in the morning for her upcoming competition. The house was a lakehouse that wasn’t too far from the Kiszka's lakehouse. It was about the same size, maybe a tad bit bigger.
But after all it was Gabe Sanders throwing the party - his parents were loaded with money. The house was filled with probably the entire senior class, and anyone who attended the prom. The music was loud, there was alcohol everywhere. Definitely a different vibe then what you were used to.
“It’s gonna be alright Y/N, it's our senior year after all! And besides I’m sure we’ll go to some college parties.” Josh chuckled softly, rubbing your waist to comfort you.
“I don’t know, I guess it’s just because I’ve never really attended parties like this before.” You quipped walking into the house.
The scene in front of your eyes was like straight out of a movie. People were crowded everywhere, red solo cups in everyone’s hands. Couples lounged together not caring that people saw them hooking up. You made your way to the kitchen with Josh, as he got you a cup of Tequila Soda.
Josh had been around alcohol more frequently than you, so he already had an easy drink to go for. You smiled softly as he handed you a cup, taking a sip you felt the alcohol run down your throat feeling the burning sensation.
“It’s good isn’t it!” Josh smiled softly,
“I’ll manage.” You giggled softly, as he threw his arm around your shoulder.
The rest of the night Josh and you had a couple drinks, definitely now under the influence. He decided to take you to a bedroom upstairs.
Josh and you hadn’t even gotten past 2nd base yet - it’s not that you weren’t ready to take the next step, you just were scared of what he wanted as well. It’s a topic the two of you haven’t generally come across yet. But in the end you knew that when the time was right, it would happen.
The two of you giggled as you made way to the bedroom, kissing and whispering sweet nothings to each other. The two of you sat on the edge of the bed unsure of what to do next. Nervous as all ever, Josh rubbed your shoulder reassuringly.
You smiled and pressed your lips against his, deepening the kiss with him. His hands rubbed your waist, while your hands were tangled in his hair.
Then you heard a floorboard creek,
“Oh my god!” You knew that cracky voice from anywhere.
“What the hell Sam! How did you even get into this party?!” Josh turned away from you, shifting his attention towards his little brother.
“Because the older ladies love me Joshua…” He wiggled his eyebrows.
Josh then picked up a pillow chucking it at Sam.
“Get out Samuel!” His face was beet red.
Sam zipped out of the bedroom, shutting the door on his way out. Josh sighed softly, turning back towards you.
“I’m sorry about that, I should’ve locked the door.” He chuckled nervously.
“It’s okay Josh, really… Besides, I think it's best that our first time isn’t under the influence…” You trailed off, caressing his cheek with your thumb.
He nodded, “You’re absolutely right, sunny… I want our first time to be more meaningful and at a proper setting.” He kissed your cheek softly.
“Come on, we should probably leave soon. Especially before Sam gets into any trouble…”
Josh stood up, putting his hand out for yours. Taking his you intertwine your hands walking downstairs to regroup with Jake and Sam heading back to their place.
June 2014
The last two weeks of school had dragged, it felt longer than usual. But alas, graduation was here. The morning felt absolutely hectic and long, as your mother was frantic on planning your graduation party. Why did she have to have it the same night as graduation, beat you. But you didn’t want to upset her and not have a graduation party.
The assigned seating was based on height, those graduating that were in choir were separate from the rest of the graduating class. Therefore Josh was in the choir section, leaving you and Jake to sit by yourselves. You and Jake were a couple rows away from one another. Then you were next to your good friend Mallory.
The ceremony was a complete bore, talking about how to make sure all the choices you make in life are never taken for granted. And to always remember where you’re from…
Before you knew it, everyone was placing their tassels onto the other side of their caps.
“Congratulations to the 2014 Class of Frankenmuth High!”
The principal smiled, clapping his hands. All of the students threw their caps in the air, catching them afterwards. You found Jake and Josh immediately after the ceremony hugging them tightly.
“Oh sweetie!” Your mom was in tears, flailing her arms to wrap you into a hug. You smiled softly at her, hugging her tightly. Soon after your father engulfed you into a hug.
“Congratulations pumpkin! You’re a high school grad!” He kissed the top of your head.
“Thank you guys…” You smiled softly, going to hug your sister Olivia.
“Congrats sis.” She smiled softly,
“You’re up next…” You giggled, squeezing her more into the hug.
Josh made way back to you after finding his family, he pulled you into a tight hug, kissing your lips softly. You blushed, kissing him back softly in front of everyone, pulling away.
“My mom wanted to get some pictures of all of us.” He chuckled softly.
“What a great idea!” You mother chimed in, standing next to Karen to get pictures of you two and then Jake to join as well.
“Come on now! Smile!” Karen had motioned for you and Josh to pose.
He pulled you by the waist, keeping his hand rested on your hip drawing circles with his thumb. You smiled, placing a hand on his chest taking what seemed like a hundred pictures.
“Alright, one more couple picture then a group picture! Don’t be shy now.” You mother giggled, then Josh and you giggled kissing each other softly for one last photo.
Jake had then joined in, making you stand in the middle like a twin sandwich. You ruffled his hair a bit, fixing his cap and then posed for a couple more pictures that suited both the parents' liking.
“Okay! Can we please go, don’t want to be late to my own graduation party….” You giggled softly.
Your mother gasped, “Oh my god! I almost forgot... Let’s hurry home and get you ready!”
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The graduation party your mother had planned for you went well. Part of your graduating class showed up to join the fun, which included games of cornhole, horseshoe, and some good ole campfire songs.
As the night drew nearer, everyone had left the party leaving you to help clean up with your mother. Josh had also stayed behind to help clean up, where Jake had gone to take Valerie home.
“Thanks for helping…” You smiled, tying up the trash bags.
“Of course sunshine, I’d help anytime.” He flashed a smile at you.
The smile you loved most, when his eyes crinkled and his dimple was visible. You’ve started to notice more little things about him, the things you had grown to love even more about him.
The way he laughed, the way he talked, the way he looked while peacefully sleeping after a long night of band practice. The way his hair rested, just above his shoulders… The way his honey golden brown eyes stole your breath away. He always knew how to make you smile, and how to make you laugh. He wasn’t just any ordinary guy. He was Josh. Josh had become a safe space for you…
And he had no clue how much you loved him… How much you care for him, and how much he meant to you. Josh was like a missing puzzle piece that fit your puzzle to life that you were trying to figure out. And there he was all along.
After taking the trash out to the trash cans, Josh had asked you to go on a drive with him. And which of course you agreed to go.
“Where exactly are we going?” You giggled softly, as he sped off to wherever he had planned.
“Just trust me!” He smiled softly, rubbing your hand with his thumb reassuringly.
A 20 minute drive later, you had pulled up to what seemed to be an abandoned cabin. You got out of the car, waiting for him to join your side.
“You’re not planning on killing me, are you?” You looked at him.
“Now what kind of gentleman would I be to bring you all the way out here to do such a thing.” He chuckled softly, earning a giggle from you.
“So… What’s special about here?” You looked at him questioningly.
“This is where I come to get away and have time for myself… I’ve always been drawn to this location. Whether it's the energy that resides here or whatever higher being is calling to me… I don’t know…” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Josh…” You placed a hand on his cheek, rubbing it softly. “There is no need to get nervous or shy around me…” You kissed him softly.
He pulled you in closer, kissing your lips back softly.
“I just… I love you, and figured I’d show you a spot that could be ours… and perhaps, one day we can buy this land and make this a cute winter holiday home.” He chuckled nervously.
“Mr. Kiszka wants to get a holiday home with me?” You blushed, poking his chest softly.
“Perhaps one day… When the time is right of course.” He smiled, grasping your hands softly intertwining them. “One day, I’ll make you mine forever…”
“You’re sunshine forever…” You smiled softly, leaning in to kiss him once more.
The start of your summer break had just begun. And there was so much left to experience before starting college. You were nervous to say the least about starting this new chapter in your life. But having Josh by your side helped ease the anxiety. Or would it…
@lyndszee @laneygvf @sacredthefran @starcatcherry @fkfearandliveyourlegend @hi-hi-hello11 @gretnavannfleet @themoreyou-love @gvfmuse @meetingthestardust @myleftsock @jordie-gvf-admin @radmads-gvf @twistedmelodies @thunderstomp-and-tequila @sinsofstardust @jakesdogss12 @vanillabear27 @dharma-divine33 @holybananafuck @thecoldwind
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savebatsartedition · 3 months
And So We Fall - Fully Animated Fandom AMV
Warnings: Eyestain, flashing lights, minor injury, and minor spoilers for SOME of the fandoms included. (All of them are listed below in order.) 
There are unfortunately two small visual glitches and an audio glitch in this recording. You play have more luck with the scratch link (IF you have a beefy computer). The other recordings I tried to do crashed my computer. 
I ran out of tags to tag everything so I picked four random fandoms to not tag.
Scratch link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/504709298 Originally shared: Jul 12, 2024 
(More notes under the cut.) 
Instructions: If you couldn't tell from the DSMP part, I've been working on this for a WHILE. ^-^' (For reference: As of 2024, I have been working on it for at LEAST four years.) 
 It's a little off time, and it's kind of scuffed but yeah.
Please don't steal or recolor or trace or anything! None of that! 
Fandoms: Dream SMP (Ranboo lore) Pokemon DPA (Koya) Hetalia (Germany, Italy, Japan, England, Russia, France, China, America.) 3rd Life SMP (Grian) Warrior Cats (Jayfeather) Gameknight999 (Gameknight999, King of Griefers) Pokespe (That part where Gold got thrown in the lake) Miraculous Ladybug (Cat Noir and Ladybug) HTTYD Books (Windwalker) PJO (Percy + Hades and Persephone) Magic Tree House (Jack and Annie) Beowulf (Grendel's Mother and Beowulf) Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (Link + the gate of time) Kirby's Epic Yarn (Prince Fluff and Kirby) Servamp (Litch and Lawless) Series of Unfortunate Events (Sunny) Norigami (Yato +Yukine in sword form) Pokemon Anime (Ash) Brother Bear (Kenai, Bear Form, then human form) My Little Pony (Rainbow Dash) Hamlet (Hamlet) Spiderwicks Chronicles (Mallory, Simon, Jared) Animaniacs (Yakko, Dot, and Wakko) A to Z Mysteries (Josh, Ruth Rose, and Dink) Warrior Sheep (All of them, focus on Wills, the phone) Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog) Dungeon Meshi (Chilchuck)  Hermitcraft 8 (Impulse, Pearl, Mumbo, Scar, Grian) Prodigy Math Game (The Puppet Master) Disney's Fairies (Vidia + Mushroom with pixie dust) How To Train Your Dragon Movies (Toothless pre film) Scratchcraft (Mallonations, Stormlordzeus) The Iliad (Achilles and Patroclus) Shark Wars (Velenka, Goblin) Me :3 
Sorry to Cleopatra in Space, Amulet, Narnia, Danny Phantom, Harry Potter, Wild Cratts, The Hobbit, Foxcraft and all the other things I like very very much but didn't even get into this amv. Also sorry to the parts, Pokespe in particular, which are way too short for how much I love them. :") 
Notes and Credits: @savebatsfromscratch (me) for the animation and code. Scratch bitmap is the program of choice. The Stupendium on YT for the song. The creators of the characters.
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tiikerikani · 4 months
Throwback Not-Thursday (2012 v 2024)
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Gerrin Goblinkicker, Dwarf Hero (sculpted by Bob Olley)
This was the last figure I painted before starting up again in 2020.
I'm known to be insufferably/irredeemably stuck in the past, so unlike normal people who might strip and repaint their earlier figures, I painted a whole other copy. This dwarf figure is still in production, so I didn't need to wrangle one from eBay at stupid prices. I even happened to have a matching base (they had come in a 3-pack and I still had the other 2—these are discontinued).
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On the old version the middle of the shield is just off-center if you look at the model from that corner and it just feels like something is wrong. For the new version I decided to place him along the diagonal of the base instead of the side. I think this way it is clearer which direction he's facing—though it's actually the feet that are aligned to the diagonal and not his face, so it's still kind of off.
I considered painting a whole pattern onto the shield instead of leaving it plain wood, but I didn't want it to be too different from the old version, so I just changed the shield boss to brass/bronze for contrast.
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I had placed him too far forward too; I think I was trying to center the feet on the base instead of the figure overall.
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I used the same static grass from a plastic film container of it that I got from somebody. I have no memory of where it's from and this is the only figure I have that uses it. I wonder if it's from 2000/1 when I'd just learned to paint, since a pinch of grass on the base appears to have been typical on Warhammer figures from that era. Maybe I used it on Battletech figures I painted for my classmates at $5 a pop. Anyway, it sits on a bed of green stuff instead of a thick layer of PVA glue (which shrinks so you'd need a lot of it to fill up the hollow base, but that's how I did things back then. didn't know any better).
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The base blue paint on the old model was Ral Partha's Dragon Blue (highlights in Sky Blue). I still have the Dragon Blue pot and wanted to use it but the paint doesn't stick to the primer anymore so I guess it's dead. It's a bit drowned in black wash on the 2012 model, and here's what I did on the new one:
Speedpaint Beowulf Blue (as you do because, you know, vikings). I didn't shake it enough so it came out a bit purple
Thin layer of Ultramarine Blue
Wet blend Wolf Grey into Ultramarine for first highlight
Gorgon Hide for second highlight
The green base was a bit trickier since the Army Painter Warpaints do not have a match for it (maybe the new Fanatic line does, dunno). But I made it work with a solid coat of Greenskin and then Speedpaint Shamrock Green (the latter of which is a decent match).
P.S. The old Ral Partha Bronze paint is really more of a brassy color. It's not orange-ish at all.
Bonus: Super-black background tutorial (kind of)
When you take the photos, use a sheet of black velour / flocking as the backdrop; Green Stuff World sells these in various sizes but the material is originally used in other things that need to be super dark, like telescopes, so you can probably find it in places where astronomy stuff is sold.
You'll never get all the dust and speckles out of it with a tape roller so just remove as much as you can.
Editing the pictures—I use GIMP:
(Optional) Crop your image. You can do it now, or at the end like I do.
Adjust levels and do color corrections as needed.
Fuzzy select the black area around the figures. 10% tolerance worked for me, but go lower if the figures are dark. You want to avoid picking up parts of the miniatures.
Invert the selection.
Copy and paste to a new layer and put it at the top. This layer will be transparent and contain just the figures and a lot of dust speckles.
Create a new white layer and put it under the transparent layer. Now you can see all the speckles against the white background.
Clean up background with eraser tool.
Hide the white layer and create a black layer. (Or just put the black layer above the white one.)
Clean up any stray dust with eraser tool.
If fuzzy select was overzealous and took out too much (you can flip the solid layers on and off to check), copy/paste those areas back in from the original picture.
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kaibutsushidousha · 7 months
Any guesses on what creation myth would TM use whenever they decided to expand on Egypt mythology?
Established things it needs to conciliate:
How all of Sakurai's pharaohs are incarnations of specific gods.
Whatever Meteo is cooking with Anubis in Requiem.
Sanda's associations between Typhon and Set.
Number 1 is easy, it's only up to the character designer to add visual elements of the Pharaoh to their respective gods. Iskandar's and Ptolemy's parts are already partly justified in-universe by Ptolemy's Interpretatio Graeca scheming.
Number 2 we don't have enough details to elaborate.
Number 3 is the real problem because I can easily imagine the Interpretation Graeca angle being taken too far and turning the Egyptian gods into alternate faces of the Olympian spaceships. That'd be really lame.
Since Sakamoto hasn't illustrated Set yet, the best thing we have for an image of an Egyptian god in its purest state is Anubis in Requiem.
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The default portrayal of Egyptian gods is as humanoids with animal heads, but it seems like Type-Moon makes them look completely like the animal their head is depicted as. I'm guessing that before they were worshipped into godhood, they were outstandingly strong mythical beasts or natural spirits. Think Lugh Beowulf for example.
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alrikhart · 1 month
@fharzai location: an undisclosed location in the Lysaran wilderness notes: post-character quest <3
It was cold when Alrik awoke; his body jolted upright with a start. He sat upright and tried to get his bearings as Alrik tried to make sense of what had happened. Where he'd been, what he'd seen. Beowulf, Asbjorn, the four Alessia - Alrik's mind swirled, and then it hurt with the early etchings of a headache.
A breath came, and then it went. Alrik's eyes adjusted to the low light of the predawn as he saw the faint lines of trees and old stones, casting their shadows across the canvas of the tent.
Fharzai looked peaceful, perhaps rousing, but Alrik could not yet say. At least, not in this light. He reached toward the druid, expressing some gratitude for all the other had done for him as late by affectionately brushing his fingertips along Fharzai's temple and into a gentle stroke that grazed his hairline. Alrik felt himself smile, something that rarely happened without a conscious decision on that part. As quiet as the assassin could manage, he grabbed his trousers and crept barefoot and shirtless from the tent.
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The runes on his body had changed, some of what had been taken from him had returned, but with new, more intricate, patterns that Alrik could only recognize from the dream he'd just been roused from. The stones here were well-hidden among a rocky outcrop and after the day of slipping around them, and deciphering their designs, they'd retired. Alrik gave himself a once-over, then he stepped into his trousers and went about gathering wood to rebuild the fire.
Knelt before the coals of their fire from the night before, Alrik turned one hand over another as he drew together threads of fire. This alone would have raised the hair on the back of his neck a few years ago - witchers could follow threads of magic, the most skilled could recognize the intricacies of a weave and trace it back to particular casters. It was a rudimentary beginning, but he turned his hand toward the pit and watched with satisfaction as the fire caught over the coals and began to eat at the fresh logs.
Alrik heard stirring, then the telltale sound of the tent opening as he peered back at Fharzai's bushy-eyed face as he poked his head out of the tent. "Did I wake you?" Alrik asked as he rubbed his hands together, unbothered by the chill of the morning. Lysara was too hot, he didn't know how anyone here lived like this.
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hiljametsa · 5 months
Proposal for Reconstructed English
The thesis at the heart of this proposed reconstruction process is as follows: The English language, in its earliest recognizably attested form, that is Old English, or Anglo-Saxon, is a full and capable language, able to adequately and generally express the experience, internal and external, of its speakers and writers. It is fit for new life in the contemporary world. In the evolution of English, the language has lost much of its original lexicon and grammar. This is to be restored to it, according to its earliest attested meaning and usage. Orthography is to be formed according to what standards are discernible in Middle and Early Modern English, in order to increase legibility to contemporary speakers. Certain native letters (þ and ð) are to be avoided for this reason, but their usage may be preferential. Syntax is to be formed along the lines of original usage, but may be adjusted for legibility. Phonology will be largely untouched, as the vast chasm of English phonological diversity is now as frustrating to descriptive efforts as it has ever been in the past. This is not a second attempt at what has heretofore been called “Anglish”, which is in general a lexical swap-out project intent on the removal of Latin-derived words from the vocabulary of Modern English. In Reconstructed English, Latin derived words which appear in the language pre-1066 will remain firmly in the lexicon. Where native Old English alternatives exist for latinate words, the native will be preferred. Where this occurs with other Germanic languages (almost solely Old Norse), both the native and non-native will be equally retained. Primary lexical and orthographical preference is to be given to Old English and Middle English, with reference preceding thereafter to Old Norse and German.
Primary influential texts include: Beowulf, the Exeter Book, The Anglo-Saxon Gospels, The Ormulum, Chaucer, and the Wycliffe Bible.
Example Text of Reconstructed English:
Our Fader, thou the eart in héavenum Thín Name béa yhalwed, Thín Rích become, Thín Will béa yworden, so on éarthen as in héavene. Yíve us today ouren daylían bréad, And foryív us oure gyltes, as we foryíveth ourem gyltendum. And ney ylæd us into costnungum, Ack aleís us from evile. Amen.
Example paradigms, noun, verb, and adjective:
Héaven - m. heaven, sky. From OE heofon. Sing., Pl. N. héaven, héavnes A. héaven, héavnes G. héavenes, héavena D. héavene, héavenum
Halwen - to hallow, make holy. present, past 1. ic halwe, halwed 2. thou halwest, halwedest 3. he halweth, halwed plr. halwíeth, halweden part. halwend, yhalwed sub. halwe, halwed halwen, halweden imp. halwe halwíeth inf. halwen halwene
Our - our, of or belonging to us. masc., fem., neu. N. our, our, our A. ouren, oure, our G. oures, oure, oures D. ourem, oure, ourem
Plr. N. our, our, our A. our, our, our G. oura, oura, oura D. ourem, ourem, ourem
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consistentsquash · 11 months
Author Love Letter!! Eldritcher <3
Gosh. I love eldritcher's works. One of the funniest/kindest/brilliantest folks in fandom and I am just excite when I get a new fic from them because it's guaranteed to be fresh/different/unique/empathetic and just 100% written with heart and emotional connect. Even the darkfics/smutfics are just really soulful and beautiful.
Because the majority of their fic in 2023 are not HP I don't want to do a fic deep dive here. You can check my 2022 letter for those! But everybody should read the fantastic Birds of Paradise, about the friendship between Fawkes and Albus Dumbledore. Definitely in a nutshell shows a lot of the emotional richness of eldritcher's writing.
Eldritcher writes a lot of Problematic (affectionate not derogatory!!!) Because of their fic I read the following Really Problematic works.
Anne Carson. I mean! Really problematic. Lots of gender.
Beowulf. Nobody told me it was super problematic. Anyway, I read Beowulf because Ossuarium is technically Beowulf fanfic. I ship Grendel/Grendel's Mom because it's pretty much every single Ossuarium dragon/dragonrider ship ever. Also I am Team Modthryth if anybody cares. Also I don't really do anything outside Heaney version because English. Heaney is a hero.
Tempest. Also super problematic because Prospero did some serious Not Good stuff. Also Sycorax and Caliban is pretty much the same vibes as Rubicon parental relationships.
Piranesi. Idk how this happened. But this happened.
Lots and lots of other stuff. The Easter Eggs. Rocky Horror Picture Show coded in a Asoiaf fic. Love love love for the ingenuity and absolute why the heck not attitude.
2023 was an amazing year for me with eldritcher's works. Loved the fics, loved the books they got me hooked on, loved the folks I met reading the fics and the books. It was super brilliant to have a lot of challenging books to read and discuss with other folks/understand different perspectives/see the common patterns and things like that. It's like movie analysis when you can have a lot of fun if you are doing it with the right folks. I feel like it's incredible to enjoy the good parts of a franchise when you have a writer who can work it out. Ossuarium can be technically called Beowulf fanfiction but it's also the best deconstruction of the pseudomedieval fantasy genre/that part of the asoiaf canon I have actually read.
Everything is Beowulf. Also I support Modthyrth Wrongs.
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flyingdorito · 1 year
Just finished rwby volume 9. And damn, what an episode!
I have way too much questions about Summer. She lied? To go on a suicide mission? Raven is smiling, that's new! And she opened a portal. A fucking portal! To someone. Qrow. The Branwens knows how she died. They saw it happen!
Also, we got red like roses part 3! Ruby's whole fight is a reference to the red trailer, and that's wonderful, I loved it. The red silhouette on a black and white background, the shining rose referencing the cross, the cat looking like a beowulf... That's some work of art.
Can't wait for next volume, I have so much questions
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