#benjamin poindexter x you
everythingsf1ne23 · 6 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞
 | 𝘉𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯 𝘗𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘳 
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 💌:
enjoy my lovelies <33 ~Jess
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 📝:
in which, Dex took her by surprise by asking her out on a date and this is how the date goes 
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘗𝘰𝘷:
When Dex asked me out, I must admit I was quite surprised as I thought that I wouldn’t be pretty enough for him but here I am in my apartment getting ready, 
I’ve treated myself to a short sage green dress for this date, I decide to pair it with white platform heels, my handbag and lastly I put a white bow in my hair.
Afterwards, I start my makeup and I check the time, 6:30pm so that means I only have half an hour to finish getting ready, 
I do my makeup quite natural and I finish off with a spritz of perfume. 
Just after I finish getting ready, the doorbell to my home rings indicating that Dex is here, I practically run to the door with excitement.
I lock the door to my house and I turn to face Dex, he is dressed up real nice.
“Wow you look absolutely stunning!” Dex exclaims and I could feel my cheeks turning rosy 
“Thank you, you’re looking very handsome” I reply as he takes my hand into his own
“No problem and thanks, I don’t get told that very often”
“Well you should be told that and hopefully I’ll be able to tell you more often”
I say without thinking and I look over to see Dex smiling
“That’s obviously only if you still like me and my company after this date” I tell him and he looks directly into my eyes,
“I’ve been crushing on you for ages, I don’t think I could ever get tired of you and your company” 
The two of us continue walking hand in hand while talking for a few moments,
“So where are you taking me for our date?” I ask Dex with a soft smile.
“I remember you telling me that you love Italian food so I assumed that an Italian 
restaurant would be a good option
 for this date”, my heart melts I can’t believe that he remembers me telling him that especially after I only said it once 
“That sounds amazing!” I respond.
We’re now at our table, it has a window view which is nice ‘cause I like looking out of windows but something tells me that tonight I won’t be looking out that window very often as I’ll be looking right at the beautiful man in front of me.
I quickly look through the menu and I pick out carbonara as that’s my favourite,
“I’m gonna get the carbonara, what are you gonna have?” I ask him out of curiosity and also because I love how he speaks.
“I’m thinking of having the spaghetti bolognese”, Dex replies and his eyes are on me again 
“That’s a great choice!” I exclaim with a bright smile and then we order our meals
“You’re always so bubbly and kind, I really admire that about you” I watch Dex smiling at me and he has a glimmer in his eyes,
“Aww I always try to be” 
“I’ve been thinking about this date all week” Our meals come over quicker than expected to us and we tuck in straight away
“I have to, I’ve been so excited but honestly I wasn’t expecting you to ask me out, I thought that you would have went for someone prettier than me” I reply with honesty in my voice, suddenly Dex reaches across the table and he takes my hands into his
“You’re joking right? There’s no girl like you here, I mean you’re kind, honest and really pretty, you don’t find those qualities all in one girl very often and it may be too early to say this but I’m saying it anyways, honestly you might be the one for me”
I didn’t realise I was crying but after a while, I felt my cheeks getting wet and Dex reaches over to me with a tissue
“Are you okay?” He asks softly and I nod 
“Yeah I am, I’ve just never felt this loved before” I wipe my tears away with my tissue and I sigh as I’ve probably ruined my makeup 
“Well you deserve to and I’ll make sure that you feel loved everyday”
“Really?” I ask taking another bite of my carbonara 
“Yes of course I will”
The both of us finish our meal asking questions about one another, we take glances and smiles at each other every so often 
“I’ve had a great time with you”, I tell him as we exit the restaurant 
“I’m glad that you did” 
We notice that it’s raining outside but thankfully my house is quite close to the restaurant, I notice Dex sighing as he knew that he would have to walk back to his apartment in the rain
“You can stay with me tonight if you want, I wouldn’t want you getting a cold by getting all wet from this rain” I suggest to Dex
“Okay that would be actually great” 
Dex and I reach my house, I fumble with the keys for a few moments but then I find the right key for the front door, 
“I’ll sleep on the sofa if that’s okay” Dex tells me, 
“You could share my bed with me” 
I reply with a flirtatious smile and with that, Dex joins me to my bedroom.
We change out of our wet clothes and afterwards we lay beside each other in my bed,
“You know I couldn’t ask for anyone better than you Dex” I speak out and I turn my head to look at him 
“You’re genuinely the best thing that’s ever happened to me”, my heart melts once more after I hear him say this,
I feel so comfortable around Dex so I ask him,
“Usually I wouldn’t ask this after a first date but can I kiss you?” 
I watch his face light up,
“Yeah I’d really like that”
“Oh would you?” 
I tease him while leaning in 
“Yes obviously” I press my lips against his, it feels so right like it was meant to be,
we pull away after a few moments 
“I really enjoyed that” Dex tells me with a cheeky grin,
“I’m glad ‘cause there’s plenty more for you pretty boy” 
And with that, I lay on his chest as we fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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fallingfavourites · 1 month
the long awaited mag edits are so back baby
@petertingle-yipyip ex is literally my all time fav xreader ever (i say as im 50 chapters behind with reading)
oh help I meant to post this on @favouritesarefalling ... well okay ig 😭
sc: .yhvxy / fromlightwood / vilictoriaaaa.wp (all on tiktok) - diggorq (on ig) - clips & talks / 7diiamond / various yt videos (all on yt)
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 1 year
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x Reader)
organized fanfic with links to chapters, for easier access (ongoing)
You and Matt met in the courtroom. Now, you may think that Matt was a knight in shining armour and defended you in the name of all United States laws, but that was not the case. Matt was totally destroying your client, and you wanted to tear him into pieces right then and right there, because with Murdock as your rival, your head is on the firm's plate with each case. Did Matt care? No, he only cared about bringing justice, he was a human-machine, driven by the need to bring righteousness no matter the cost. Or was he just that? What happens when you get involved in Fisk's business and Daredevil's lies against your will?
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Clash in the Court
The Losing Team
Start Of Something Better... or Worse?
Shadows of the Past
Not Again
Strange Thoughts
Into the Ring
Union Allies
Bitter Company
Innocent Get What They Deserve
Mixing Business
Coffee Delusions
Crack in the Walls
Back when it all made Sense
Karma is a...
Breaking rules is fun (and dangerous)
The Big Call
Unexpected Encounter
Things are about to change
Old Friends, New Beginnings
Jealousy, Jealousy
In the Blood
Smoking Day
Time is a Fragile Thing
King's Right Hand
Chasing Wind in the Dead of Night
Deadly Dance
Chasing Wind in the Dead of Night, pt. 2
World on Fire
I don't want to be a part of this
Grasping the Straws
Better if you Do
Lawyers, Guns and Money, pt. 1
Lawyers, Guns and Money, pt. 2
bad idea, right?
Poisonous Affair
Nelson v Murdock
running away is all I know
Guilty Crimes
Field Day
my world was falling apart
The ones we left behind
not the best lawyer, but a goddamn good criminal
All 'thanks' to the Devil
this might've been just a dream, right?
Another night in Hell's Kitchen
of first dates and men
Dogs to a Gunfight
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amberlynnmurdock · 6 months
Carnival Games
Pairing: Benjamin Poindexter x Reader
Summary: Based off this lovely request about Dex impressing his North Star by winning a bunch of carnival games. Your boyfriend is the best sniper and he takes that skill to the carnival.
Genre: FLUFF. So much fluff that I really wish Dex had this love in his story *heart clutch*
Words: 2.5k
A/N: This was so fun to write, also the ending might be REALLY CHEESY but IDC, Dex fluff is so fun and cute I was literally giggling writing this lol Thank you for the request, anon! I hope you love it! <3
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He wasn’t sure if it was because of the intense training he did in Quantico or if it was simply just because of his nerves, but Dex could never fully be relaxed no matter what environment he surrounded himself in. Even at home, he was always on high alert. Checking windows, making sure his curtains completely covered them. It was second nature for him to grab the knife he kept under his pillow when he heard a strange noise down the hall. It was second nature for him to scan any crowd and look for potential threats. 
So being surrounded by loud noises, flashing lights and the smell of funnel cakes wafting in the air was definitely a less-than-ideal situation for him to be in. He’d never willingly go to a carnival—in fact, he’d rather go through the intense training he did when he first started at the FBI than buy a ticket to go to a place like this. The only reason he was here now, surrounded by these squished crows and children running, people on dates and families—God, that was the worst to see—was because of you. You were the only person he would let succumb him to this kind of torture. And you had no idea. 
At least Dex had the option to wear his baseball cap tonight. It somewhat helped in blocking out the crowds but at the same time, he needed to see everyone at every angle. Most importantly, he needed to see you. You were practically dragging him through the crowds, holding on tightly to his hand, looking back every once in a while to make sure he was okay. Overall, Dex wasn’t okay, but the moments you gave him your attention, he somewhat was. Everything around him became white noise when he focused on you. He longed for the moment it was time to go home so it can be just the two of you. 
“I’m so excited,” you looked back at Dex, whose eyes were darting between people and rides. He had that familiar look on his face you knew all too well—he was overwhelmed. You had asked him probably ten times if he was okay with going to the Brooklyn Carnival and each time, Dex said yes—even though you knew better. He wanted to so badly do the things you wanted, but the price of that was his comfort. You made a note to yourself that if you did catch him getting overwhelmed—like he was now—you’d pull him aside to bring him back down. 
“Hey,” you stopped in your tracks, pulling Dex by his hand closer to you. He was startled by the sudden stopping as he focused his dark hazel eyes on you. 
“Is everything okay?” Dex asks, “Did you see something?”
You shook your head softly, touching his cheek. “I’m okay. Everything is fine. Are you okay?” 
Dex nods his head, averting his eyes from the people that surround them. “I’m okay if you are.”
“We can leave—“
“No,” Dex interrupts you. He won’t let his nerves get in the way of your date. “I want to stay.”
“Okay,” you smiled, reaching up to kiss his cheek. “Let’s go.”
You grabbed his hand again and pulled him closely through the crowd, passing the rides, food stands, and entertainment until you reached the games. Different booths surrounded the area. There were more kids around and families waiting in line for different games. The image of them all sent a pang to Dex’s heart. It was a reminder that he never had this kind of childhood—a childhood full of laughter and cotton candy and games. He can’t think of that right now, not when you’re laughing and smiling at the same thing he sees. Dex smiles at you because you’re the only thing that can make him smile right now.
“What should we play first?” You squeeze his hand a few times and meet his eyes. Dex sighs in exasperation, looking around at all the games. His attention falls on a ring toss game in front of them. 
“How about that one?”
You smile. “Sure.”
Dex was the one who led the way this time. He grabbed your hand and pulled you between people, watching them carefully, and shooting them daggers if they weren’t moving for you. At the booth, a man in his late 50s smoking a cigarette asks for two tickets from both of you to play. Dex carefully pulls them from his back pocket and hands him the tickets. 
“Alright,” the man grunts, “throw all five rings on the bottle and you win a little teddy bear.”
Dex squints his eyes and takes the rings from the man, handing them to you. You squeal in excitement and squeeze Dex’s shoulder. 
“Okay, me first,” you demand. Dex laughs lightly and steps out of your way. “I want that little teddy bear.”
“You’ll get it,” Dex encourages you. He glances at the small stuffed animal hanging from the top of the board. 
You shuffle the rings between your hands and notice each ring has a different size, obviously to show the level of difficulty to get it around the bottle. Still, it seemed easy enough, like throwing a frisbee. You squint your eyes to level the ring to the top of the bottle and flick it quickly, successfully getting the biggest—easiest—ring around the bottle. Dex smiles to himself and crosses his arms, beginning to feel more engaged with the game. 
“Just got to get four more, darlin’,” the man chuckles from the corner of the booth. He didn’t see it, but Dex shot him an intimidating glare. 
“I got it,” you reply. Dex shifts in his stance and watches you carefully. 
You level the second ring up and flick it a little too fast, flying right over the top of the bottle. You sigh in defeat—at least you have three more. Dex shifts again and watches intently. 
Without fail, you manage to miss every single last ring. Your cheeks heat in embarrassment, in a funny way that a carnival game could make you emit such an emotion, but also because your boyfriend happens to be one of the top snipers in the FBI and he just witnessed you miss each attempt. You look at Dex, shake your head, and roll your eyes in good nature.
“Oh, whatever. Your turn,” you laugh as you step aside. Dex maneuvers around you and dismisses the mocking expression on the man’s face. 
“No teddy bears yet,” he laughs. 
Dex is determined, and it’s almost comical how easy it is. 
You can’t even count the number of seconds that go by when all five rings easily land around the bottleneck by Dex’s doing. You jump up to him and squeeze his shoulders.
“DEX!!!” You squeal, “Let’s go!!”
Dex wraps his arm around your shoulders and brings you close against him. He looks up at the man under his baseball cap and smirks. 
“The little teddy bear, please,” Dex demands. 
“Alright, alright,” the man waves in defeat as he reaches for the small bear at the top of the board. “Here you go.”
Dex takes the bear from him and hands it to you with a smile. 
“You earned it,” Dex says in a low voice.
You reach up and kiss Dex on his jaw. “Let’s play another game.”
Dex laughs. “Your choice.”
You walk Dex to the middle of the path, one hand in his, the other holding the teddy bear he won for you. You look around each booth until your jaw drops and your eyes widen on the biggest stuffed duck you’ve ever seen and immediately know you must have. 
“Oh my, God, Dex,” you gasp, walking to the booth like a magnet. “I need to win that giant duck.”
Dex follows your gaze and lets out a loud, genuine laugh, only you could cause him to have. Because of course, you need that giant stuffed duck. It had to be half his size, and so round you could probably use it as a pillow. Its orange legs flopped beneath its giant yellow body. Something like that brought no joy to Dex but seeing you excited over it did. 
“I’ll go first though,” you say to him. “I do want to earn one of these things.”
“All you,” Dex gently bumps your shoulder in encouragement. 
You walk up to the booth and ask the older woman how to win the giant stuffed duck. She laughs and playfully punches the stuffed animal among the smaller ducks that people are more likely to win. 
“No one’s won this thing in all the years I’ve come here,” she says. “You’ve got to shoot every moving duck on this platform in under two minutes. There’s 15 ducks. The more ducks you shoot, the faster the machine goes. If you can manage that, you’ll win this giant duck. If you only hit, let’s say, five of them, you win a rubber ducky.”
“Okay,” you nod carefully, pondering your technique in hitting all the ducks. “We’d like to play.”
“That’ll be three tickets.”
You look at Dex who already is reaching for the tickets in his back pocket. He hands the woman the tickets and goes back to watching you from behind. It’s a seated game, with a fake gun attached to the table that shoots tiny rubber bullets. The gun is locked in this position to ensure it stays facing the game, with a little movement to swirl around. You take a seat in front of the fake gun and place your hands on it, realizing you’ve never held something even remotely close to a weapon. A thought dawned on you that Dex does, quite often for his job, and for some reason that tugged your heart. You hoped a game like this didn’t make him uncomfortable. So when you looked back at him once more and he offered you the tiniest of smiles, that tells you all you needed to know. 
The woman went out of the way and flipped a switch to start the game. The tune of Ring Around the Rosie started to play from the speakers as the ducks on the board began to move around. You aimed at one of the ducks in the top row and hit it smack in the middle. The clock was ticking, and the more you hit the ducks, the faster the machine moved, making it impossible to aim and shoot at them all. As soon as the timer dinged, the machine stopped and a mocking tune played from the speakers. 
“Damn it! So close,” you said in exasperation. The woman chuckled. You got up to meet Dex who was already handing her the tickets so he could play. 
You stood behind Dex as he took a seat in front of the fake gun. Dex didn’t even look at you as he sat down and focused on the game, which made you smile. It was funny to see a tough and seasoned FBI agent as he was getting competitive over a silly carnival game—it meant a lot to you that he was only doing it just so he could win you a stuffed animal. It meant even more that he seemed to be having a good time. 
The woman started up the machine again just as Dex rolled his shoulders to relax. His fingers twitched on the trigger of the fake gun. Once the music started playing, Dex wasted no time in shooting at every single duck at moved, proving that the speed of the machine had nothing on his skill. You watched from behind him with your mouth open in amusement. Even the woman was stunned, as she stood in the corner of the booth and stared at each duck go down in under one minute. 
“Well,” the woman sighed as the machine began to play victorious music. “That’s a first.” 
Dex let out the breath he was holding once the fake gun locked in place and the machine of ducks reset itself. He placed his hands on his thighs and watched as the woman unwound the giant duck stuffed animal from the prize board. You were already waiting for her at the corner of the booth in excitement. When she finally brought it over, you gave it a big squeeze and went over to Dex. 
“Dex!” You said in excitement, “I can’t believe you did it! I mean, I can believe it, because my boyfriend is the best sniper in the FBI, but you really won it for me!” 
Dex stood up from the seat, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in the crook of your neck, your bodies separated by the ridiculously large duck. He held you even tighter. 
“Thank you,” he whispered against your skin. That’s all he needed to say for you to know what he meant. 
As the night went on, you and Dex played as many aiming games as you could find. And every time you played, you played the best you could—but when it was Dex’s turn, you always left the booth with another stuffed animal. On the way out of the carnival, Dex asked if you could stop at a funnel cake booth to take some home. That wasn’t a hard request to grant. 
Now, sitting in the car of the subway, Dex sits with the giant duck in his lap as you carry the rest of the stuffed animals in your arms. 
“I’ll probably donate all this,” you sighed, feeling a bit tired. 
“That’s nice of you,” Dex replies, turning his head to look at you. When he looked forward again, he saw the reflection of you both sitting with the stuffed animals in your hands. Dex looked the silliest, with the giant duck in his lap. You laughed and rested your head on his shoulder, ignoring the powder from the funnel cake on his denim jacket. 
“We’re keeping the duck, though,” you said, resting your eyes. 
Dex laughed and held it tighter in his lap. “We worked hard for it.”
“I hope you had a good time, Dex,” you whispered. “Thank you for coming with me.”
“You’re welcome,” he said, matching your tone. “I did have a good time.”
In the reflection again, he sees you take a deep breath as you finally let yourself fall asleep on his shoulder. He looks around the car of the subway—not many people are on. Not many threats to worry about. He kisses your temple before focusing on your surroundings again until the subway reaches your stop. 
When the two of you finally reach Dex’s apartment, you set the stuffed animals on his couch carefully but carry the duck into his bedroom. You placed it perfectly in the middle of his bed and smiled to yourself. Dex wraps his arms around you from behind, burying his face in the crook of your neck again. You lean into his warmth as he caresses your body softly, his strong hands moving up and down the length of your torso. 
“I’d play all those games again to win you more ridiculously sized ducks,” Dex whispers. “And I’ll never miss one shot.” 
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takenbypeter · 3 months
A Letter From the Heart
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Ben Poindexter x reader
Words: 911
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You hadn’t meant to find that letter. You didn’t even know it existed. It was honestly all by chance that you found that neatly folded piece of paper. 
You were hanging out with Dex that afternoon, (just as you’ve done so many times before), and in knowing you’d be arriving soon he decided to clean himself up with a shower after an…intense work day, so that’s where he was when you had entered his apartment. 
“Dex, I’m here!” You shouted, stepping near to the bathroom, while he shouted back a, “hello,” back followed by a, “be out soon!”
You gave a single nod to yourself before setting your bag down in the spot Dex had designated for you. 
You had been left alone in Dex’s place many times before, he trusted you. In the whole fourteen months that you’ve been together, he had no reason to doubt you. 
The only difference compared to the other times was that right now your phone was boring you. There was nothing to do and you were bored of the few games that you had on your phone so you just glanced around a little. 
With your hands held together behind your back as if you were at a museum you walked around briefly looking at the pictures he had of the two of you along the walls. 
While you strolled down memory lane you came to a stop, as a frame that hung across the room caught your eye. 
You tilt your head to one side then the other before coming to a conclusion. The frame was crooked, (which was very unlike Dex).
Swiftly making your way to the picture you notice something white sticking out from behind the frame. 
Shifting the frame some more you realize it’s a letter. Of course you then lift the frame off and once you do you realize your name is actually on the letter.
Taking the piece of tape off from the frame you take the letter and set the picture down before opening the paper. 
You didn’t know what to expect from this letter. 
Why did it have your name? Why was it hidden away? Why was there even a letter like this?
Your questions slowly became answered as you began to read the letter. 
On the first line was your name plus the date, (which was listed a short time after you two started dating.)
My new therapist says it’s important to write any strong feelings down so that’s what I’m doing now.
Okay, here we go. 
I have strong—intense feelings for you and I’ve never had them before, not like this.
I constantly have you on my mind and I don’t know what to do about it. 
When I’m not with you I feel dull and empty. 
I don’t like it; feeling angry and scared all the time, it’s exhausting. 
When I’m with you though I feel light.
I feel like I’m who I’m supposed to be. 
I hated who I was before you and I’m scared of reverting back to that person. 
I’m scared that one day, I’ll wake up and you’ll be gone. 
Scared of what I’ll become if that happens. 
I know I’m too much. 
Too intense. 
Too rigid. 
I just hope you can see past that and one day love me for me. 
I will always love you for you even if I end up scaring you off. 
Hopefully one day I’ll be strong enough to tell you this to your face.
Love, Benjamin Poindexter
You stared at the letter, eyes reading it again, almost as if the first time wasn’t enough. You’re so enthralled by his words you almost didn’t notice Dex stepping into the room. Almost. 
When Dex came into the room he immediately spotted your hands. From seeing your name sprawled across the outside material he knew exactly what was on that piece of paper. 
What he didn’t know was what you thought about it. Even with all the time you’ve been together he still found himself wondering, were his emotions too much? Did you find the letter weird? Had his words scared you off? He knew it was a bad idea to listen to that quack of a therapist. 
“You wrote this?” You asked, despite already knowing that he did.
Dex could feel his mouth dry as your eyes seemed to bore into him, waiting for him to say something—anything. Thankfully, he didn’t have to think long though. 
“Dex, this is really sweet.”
Your words seem to hit Dex, “…sweet? You don’t think it’s…extreme?” He lets out a single yet embarrassed laugh at that word. “I mean I wrote this after three weeks of being together, doesn’t that ring sort of weird?”
He knew the answer was yes, it had to be yes.
But all you did was shake your head at his questions…before nodding it, “I guess it may seem a little rushed but I think it’s nice.” You glance back down to the letter, a smile unconsciously being drawn to your lips, “Or maybe I’m just weird and I think it’s sweet because I’ve never gotten a letter like this before.”
The same smile that you wore appeared on Dex’s face as he watched in fondness. One, because he could easily see how much this meant to you, and two, because he’d gladly write you a hundred letters if he knew how happy that’d make you. 
But for now just one was enough. 
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art-by-jas · 7 months
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𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: Benjamin 'Dex' Poindexter x Reader
Rᴀᴛɪɴɢ: G
Wᴏʀᴅ Cᴏᴜɴᴛ: 560
Is it beta'd? No. Is it readable? Questionable considering I wrote it at midnight while being sleep-deprived. I just wanted to write something for him now that I saw he's coming back. I've missed him so much. Look this isn't much and I'm not used to writing but enjoy and comment if you'd like more.
With the day off from watching that idiot, Fisk, Dex decided to spend it with you. He picks you up from work most days, with today not being any different. He would rant about how dangerous the subway can be without him there to keep you safe. 
You would place your hand on his cheek, stroke his cheek with your thumb, and tell him how lucky you were to have a boyfriend like him who cared so much about you.
Swerving carelessly through the streets of Hell's Kitchen, Dex constantly checks the time, making sure you’re not waiting too long for him to come get you. He arrives at your workplace in record time, surprised that no cop tried to pull him over. 
Dex finds parking in front of the building before pulling out his phone to let you know he has arrived.
Oɴ ᴍʏ ᴡᴀʏ!✨
He looks down at his phone, at your response, and reflects on how good everything is in his life. 
Hattley met with him this morning and complimented him on the most recent case he successfully closed, as well as his speed and efficiency. There was no one quite like him in this line of work, and he took pride in that.
Once in a while, Dex still listens to his Dr. Mercer tapes, hearing how she advised him to find someone new with a good heart who he could look up to, and that is where you entered his life.
Perfect you, altering his whole point of view. When he first saw you, you took his breath away. It took several attempts to work up the courage to approach you and speak with you. Those first few times, it was just Dex staring at you from a distance or watching you from his van through his binoculars. Once he got the nerve to talk to you, everything went smoothly, and it did not take him long to fall for you.
He looked over the building's main doors and noticed you power-walking to his car, a big smile on your face. Dex could not help but mirror the expression; you always bring out his playful, romantic side. Your outfit swayed in the spring breeze, making you look that much more beautiful.
"Hey, honey," you say as you open the passenger door and get in, "thank you for picking me up. I know you're probably busy with work."
Butterflies flutter around his rib cage in response to your voice. He adores everything about you. 
“It’s no problem, seriously. I can’t have my girlfriend take the subway or, worse, walk all the way home by herself. " What type of boyfriend would I be?" Dex chuckles.
You lean over and peck his cheek with your warm, soft, and plush mouth before kissing him on the tip of his nose. His eyes close, and his smile grows. Heat rises along his cheekbones, and the blush spreads down his neck. He loves how much attention and care you have for him. He’s never had anything like it.
"I'm just so lucky to have you, Dex. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend," you say with a grin.
Dex reaches over and takes your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. He brings your hand to his lips, kissing it gently before starting the car and pulling away from the curb.
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rphunter · 1 month
21+. She/Her. Looking for 21+ writing partners for my five biggest fandom obsessions right now.
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. Third person, past tense and typically around 200-400 words. I work full-time during the week so I can't guarantee daily replies. I try to get them up as soon as I can, which may only be a day or could be closer to 3-5 days, so patience is a must. I don't expect perfect grammar but average to above average is what I tend to look for. I may ask for a writing sample, and you may ask me for the same.
I'm mainly looking for canon x canon pairings but canon x OC and OC x OC are on the table. MxM ships are my preference. I'm open to taking on a limited amount of MxF. As far as plots go, as long as it makes sense within the universe, I'll generally be okay with it. I'm okay with keeping things clean or writing NSFW/smut. Just let me know what you're looking for there.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have my favorite ships for each, but I'm open to discussing plenty of others.
Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3):
Arvir (m!OC ; Tiefling ; Cleric of Bane),
Elkantar (m!OC ; Durge ; Drow ; Sorcerer)
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Wyll Ravengard
Doctor Who (DW):
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Interview with the Vampire (IWTV ; TV show only):
Lestat de Lioncourt
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU):
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Nathan Summers
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
The X-Files (TXF):
Alex Krycek
CGB Spender/The Cigarette Smoking Man
Fox Mulder
John Doggett
Walter Skinner
Like this post, if you'd like to work something out, and I'll get back to you ASAP.
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prpfz · 23 days
She/Her. 21+. Looking for various fandom roleplays. 🐺
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I like to stick to Tumblr for plotting. I write in third person, past tense and usually around 200-400 words. I work full-time during the week so daily replies will not happen. I try my hardest to get them out within 2-3 days. I do not double and have no triggers.
I'm open to MxM, FxF, and MxF ships, although MxM is my strong preference so please at least be open to discussing MxM pairings, even if we end up going with something else. I'm mostly looking for canon x canon pairings but am willing to discuss some canon x OC. I lean towards romantic pairings and writing NSFW/smut (with a healthy dose of plot). Neither of those are a requirement, though.
I'll just be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have a lot of favorite ships. I'm always open to doing others. There's only a slight chance I'll turn a ship down.
Baldur's Gate 3:
Arvir (male OC ; Dark Urge Tiefling ; "Cleric of Bane")
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Wyll Ravengard
Doctor Who:
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Fourteenth Doctor
Harry Sullivan
Ian Chesterton
Jack Harkness
Second Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Game of Thrones (TV Show or the ASOIAF Books):
Beric Dondarrion
Davos Seaworth
Daenerys Targaryen
Jaime Lannister
Margaery Tyrell
Lyn Corbray
Petyr Baelish
Robb Stark
Roose Bolton
Sansa Stark
Stannis Baratheon
Tywin Lannister
Interview with the Vampire (TV Show Only):
Lestat de Lioncourt
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Frank Castle
Loki Laufeyson
Nathan Summers
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Movies or Game):
Drayton Sawyer/Slaughter
Johnny Sawyer/Slaughter
Nubbins Sawyer/Slaughter
Tex Sawyer
Tinker Sawyer
The X-Files:
Alex Krycek
CGB Spender/The Cigarette Smoking Man
Fox Mulder
John Doggett
Walter Skinner
If you want to work something out, please like this post and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Please only like this post if you actually want to do something.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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canonrpfinder · 1 month
21+. She/Her. Looking for 21+ writing partners for my canon x canon ships for my five biggest fandom obsessions right now.
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. Third person, past tense and typically around 200-400 words. I work full-time during the week so I can't guarantee daily replies. I try to get them up as soon as I can, which may only be a day or could be closer to 3-5 days, so patience is a must. I don't expect perfect grammar but average to above average is what I tend to look for. I may ask for a writing sample, and you may ask me for the same.
MxM ships are my preference. I'm open to taking on a limited amount of MxF. As far as plots go, as long as it makes sense within the universe, I'll generally be okay with it. I'm okay with keeping things clean or writing NSFW/smut. Just let me know what you're looking for there.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have my favorite ships for each, but I'm open to discussing plenty of others.
Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3):
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Wyll Ravengard
Doctor Who (DW):
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Interview with the Vampire (IWTV ; TV show only):
Lestat de Lioncourt
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Marvel/Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU):
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Nathan Summers
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
The X-Files (TXF):
Alex Krycek
CGB Spender/The Cigarette Smoking Man
Fox Mulder
John Doggett
Walter Skinner
Like this post, if you'd like to work something out, and I'll get back to you ASAP.
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roleplayfinder · 7 months
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST. I write on Discord but like to plot on Tumblr. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I work full-time during the week so replies won't happen every day. I try to get them up as soon as possible and don't really expect more than 1 reply a week out of my writing partner because sometimes that's all I can do myself. Because of my limited amount of free time, I don't double.
Please read everything and be 21+ to interact!!!
What I'm Looking For: Threads for my five-ish biggest fandoms right now. I prefer canon x canon but will take on some canon x OC (I'm just picky with those so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). I'm open to MxM (my big preference for my male muses), MxF, or FxF. I like canon and canon divergent plots the most. As long as a plot could reasonably happen within the universe, I'll likely be okay with it. I'm open to writing NSFW/smut and do prefer romantic ships, but I'm also okay with keeping things clean.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom and some of my favorite ships (with my preferred muse in italics, if I have a preference). I'm more than open to discussing other ships, however. There's only a small chance I'll turn one down.
All characters will be 18+!
Doctor Who: Delgado!Master, Dhawan!Master, Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor
Eleven x Jack
Eleven x Clara
Five x Turlough
Fourteen x Jack
Two x Jamie
Ten x Jack
Ten x Simm!Master
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore (FB era), Barty Crouch Jr (Golden Trio era)., Cedric Diggory (Golden Trio era or AU where he survives), Cormac McLaggen (Golden Trio era or post-Hogwarts), Gilderoy Lockart (any era), Severus Snape (any era), Theseus Scamander (FB era)
Dumbledore x Grindelwald
Dumbledore x Newt
Dumbledore x Theseus
Barty x Lucius
Barty x Draco
Cedric x Harry
Cormac x Ron
Cormac x Hermione
Lockhart x Snape
Lockhart x Quirrell
Snape x Lucius
Snape x Harry
Snape x Lupin
Theseus x Newt
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon: Alliser Thorne, Benjen Stark, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister, Yoren
Beric x Thoros
Daemon x Laenor
Daemon x Criston
Daemon x Viserys
Daemon x Laena
Daemon x Rhaenyra
Dany x Margaery
Dany x Jorah
Jaime x Sansa
Margaery x Sansa
Margaery x Roose
Margaery x Stannis
Margaery x Joffrey
Petyr x Renly
Petyr x Sansa
Robb x Roose
Robb x Jon
Robb x Theon
Roose x Stannis
Roose x Tywin
Roose x Sansa
Stannis x Davos
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Andrew!Peter Parker, Ray Nadeem, Remy LeBeau, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Dex x Ray
Dex x Billy
Dex x Matt
Dex x Karen
Billy x Frank
Billy x Karen
Bruce x Tony
Bucky x Zemo
Carol x Valkyrie
Eddie x Venom
Frank x Matt
Frank x Karen
Loki x Grandmaster
Loki x Thor
Loki x Mobius
Cable x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Tobey!Peter
Andrew!Peter x Matt
Andrew!Peter x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Male MJ
Andrew!Peter x Gwen
Gambit x Wolverine
Gambit x Rogue (canon female or genderbent male)
Tony x Strange
Tony x Tom!Peter
Tony x Steve
Wade x Wolverine
Wade x Dopinder
Wade x Comics!Peter
Wade x Matt
Wade x Colossus
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Charlie Hewitt Jr., Drayton Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer
Johnny x Leland
Johnny x Sonny
Johnny x Nubbins
Johnny x Julie
Nubbins x Bubba
Nubbins x Sissy
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. It may take me a few days to get back to you because I'm both wary and weary of being shadowbanned for sending too many similar messages at once.
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darkrpfinders · 23 days
She/Her. 21+. Looking for various fandom roleplays.
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I like to stick to Tumblr for plotting. I write in third person, past tense and usually around 200-400 words. I work full-time during the week so daily replies will not happen. I try my hardest to get them out within 2-3 days. I do not double and have no triggers.
I'm open to MxM, FxF, and MxF ships, although MxM is my strong preference so please at least be open to discussing MxM pairings, even if we end up going with something else. I'm mostly looking for canon x canon pairings but am willing to discuss some canon x OC. I lean towards romantic pairings and writing NSFW/smut (with a healthy dose of plot). Neither of those are a requirement, though.
I'll just be listing my main muses for each fandom. I have a lot of favorite ships. I'm always open to doing others. There's only a slight chance I'll turn a ship down.
Baldur's Gate 3:
Arvir (male OC ; Dark Urge Tiefling ; "Cleric of Bane")
Gale Dekarios
Ketheric Thorm
Wyll Ravengard
Doctor Who:
Eleventh Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Fourteenth Doctor
Harry Sullivan
Ian Chesterton
Jack Harkness
Second Doctor
Sixth Doctor
Tenth Doctor
Game of Thrones (TV Show or the ASOIAF Books):
Beric Dondarrion
Davos Seaworth
Daenerys Targaryen
Jaime Lannister
Margaery Tyrell
Lyn Corbray
Petyr Baelish
Robb Stark
Roose Bolton
Sansa Stark
Stannis Baratheon
Tywin Lannister
Interview with the Vampire (TV Show Only):
Lestat de Lioncourt
Benjamin Poindexter
Billy Russo
Bruce Banner
Bucky Barnes
Frank Castle
Loki Laufeyson
Nathan Summers
Andrew!Peter Parker
Ray Nadeem
Tony Stark
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Movies or Game):
Drayton Sawyer/Slaughter
Johnny Sawyer/Slaughter
Nubbins Sawyer/Slaughter
Tex Sawyer
Tinker Sawyer
The X-Files:
Alex Krycek
CGB Spender/The Cigarette Smoking Man
Fox Mulder
John Doggett
Walter Skinner
If you want to work something out, please like this post and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Please only like this post if you actually want to do something.
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findyourrp · 11 months
21+. She/Her. Looking for some of random fandom roleplays. Please be 21+ to interact! 🎃
I prefer plotting on Tumblr and writing on Discord. I write in third person, past tense. Semi-lit/lit (2-4 paragraphs). I try my hardest to reply daily. Depending on how the work week is going, it may take 2-3 days to hear back from me, though. NSFW/smut greatly preferred (with a healthy dose of plot) but not necessary.
I'm mainly interested in canon x canon pairings (MxM, FxF, or MxF). I'll take on some canon x OC (only MxM or FxF). I like canon or canon divergent plots. As long as the plot makes sense within the universe, I'll generally be okay with it.
I'll just be listing the muses I'm most interested in writing as at the moment. I can write others for most of the fandoms. I have my favorite ships but I'm open to discussing doing pretty much anything.
Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Sixth Doctor
Fantastic Beasts: Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones: Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon
Ghost BC: Cardinal Copia, Papa Emeritus IV
Grand Theft Auto V: Michael De Santa, Steve Haines
Harry Potter Franchise: Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cormac McLaggen, Gilderoy Lockhart, Oliver Wood, Severus Snape
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bucky Barnes, Frank Castle, Loki Laufeyson, Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Andrew!Peter only), Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Saw Franchise: Mark Hoffman, William Schenk
Scream Franchise: Dewey Riley, Jill Roberts, Mickey Altieri, Richie Kirsch
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Shane Walsh
If interested in working something out, please message me (highly preferred) or like this post and I'll message you.
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 7 months
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Words: 3176 (chapter 49)
a quick update to break yet another writer's block * sighs *
Tumblr media
49. Another night in Hell's Kitchen
"Who's this fancy looking fella?" Foggy asks, taking in Matt's appearance when you two come to the office minutes before the work day begins.
"You like it?" Matt slowly spins around, showing off his new navy blue suit, paired with a dark red tie with small black dots.
"Did you sell your kidney or something to buy this? Jesus, you're making me look like a subway worker." Foggy laughs, coming to touch Matt's suit to feel the material.
"Nah, got a good deal." Matt smiles, adding, "all the glory should go to y/n, she managed to bargain a smaller price."
Your cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and you quickly turn around from Foggy and Karen to hang your coat. "The owner is a friend of my mom and well, your blindness really soothed his character."
"Wait, wait. I think I'm missing something." Foggy stands, one hand on his hips, and intently looks at the two of you. "I think I need an explanation."
"Y/n invited me for Thanksgiving dinner and we raided the shops later." Matt shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal to hang out with an employee... On a holiday. At her parent's house.
"I just couldn't let him be sullen the whole weekend while we're all away." Making way towards the kitchen for coffee, you also escape curious glances, and soon, clients start coming, pilling up in the lobby with Karen. You don't get a chance to talk with Matt until noon, as he spends most of the time with Foggy, talking to clients and running around the lobby to print documents. You, however, continue to work alone in the office until the lunch break, and just when you thought you were all going to grab a bite, and you could have a chance to smoke a cigarette or two, three loud bangs on your office door, ruin all of your plans.
"I'm sorry... But your son has been involved in..." you raise your eyebrows at the short-haired black woman and her 16-year-old son, "an armed robbery?" 
"Yes, I've already mentioned it four times."
"Sorry, I'm a bit... Not well today. So, Paxton, could you please tell me what exactly happened? If you want to stay out of jail, I need to hear every single detail." 
Paxton's mother crosses her arms, clearly unhappy with the treatment she was receiving, while Paxton was sitting on one of the armchairs, not particularly bothered by the whole situation. "Nothing. My mother is exaggerating." He shrugs, looking out through the window.
"I'm sorry, he's joking, right sweetheart?" His mother tries to gently touch his arm, but Paxton slides away as far as he can. "He told me everything last night. That's why I came here without an appointment. I noticed how many people are here, I am so glad you could take us in during your break."
"Mrs Harris..." You begin, tapping your pen on your notebook, "enough with the pleasantries. I need the details so I could tell you if I'm able to help you and Paxton. Now, please, talk."
"Remember that article a couple of weeks ago about how five men robbed a jewelry store?" She asks, casting her eyes to the ground; you give her a negative answer and wait for a more detailed explanation. "Well, Paxton was involved in it."
"What did you steal?"
"Rings, necklaces, earrings. I found a box of them in his room." She answers for Paxton.
You look at the boy, noticing a small smirk he just bit away. "What were you planning to do with them, Paxton?"
"Sell. It's all gold." He rolls his eyes.
"I need money." Paxton says in a hurtful tone, sending a glare towards you.
"What for?" Your question hangs in the air heavily. "Why is a teenage boy so in need of money that he must go rob a jewelry store? Tell me, do you work somewhere?"
"No, the money that I bring home is enough." Mrs Harris answers for her son once more, and you look at him in thought.
"Is it drugs, Paxton? You need more money for a dose, don't you?" He stares back at you, visibly irritated. "Is it cocaine? Or marijuana? Do you smoke with your criminal friends after school? Where'd you get the guns from?"
"Excuse me, but these are false accusations, Miss y/l/n, I-"
You hold your hand up, and continue to look right at the boy. "It is drugs. Bloodshot eyes, runny nose. You keep buying those eye drops in hopes of concealing it, but they don't work, do they?"
"How do you know?" He finally asks after failing the staring contest.
"I had my fair share of experience with drug addicts. Now, if we cleared this one up, where'd you get the guns and who were your accomplices?"
"I can't tell you. I made a promise." He protests in vain.
"Addict's promise is nothing more than an empty talk. Did they threaten you?" You're met with silence and uneasiness from Mrs Harris. "Paxton, we're bound by an attorney-client privilege. Whatever you say, stays in this room. I can only advise what's best for you in court."
"I think you're lying to me."
"Yes, okay? I had to keep my mouth shut so they would give me my share." You rub your forehead in thought, when Paxton speaks up again, "we found some guns in an abandoned place, it was like a warehouse or something. We only came there to threaten the owner, but then Joey fired a shot and... We didn't want to hurt anyone."
"Did you hurt someone?"
"No, the bullet went through the display glass, but we got scared and ran away." Paxton was still restricted, but after you assured that it stays between you three, he opened up. 
"Did anyone see you?"
"No, we wore masks."
"Can you tell other names? Besides Joey?"
He hesitates, cracking his fingers, afraid to meet his mother's eyes. 
"He's agreed to help us, in exchange for a full immunity." 
"Did he give any names?" Mahoney asks, flipping over the papers.
"All of them." You answer, looking over at Mrs Harris and her son, still in your office. Matt and the rest of the office returned from their lunch break, and Matt was awkwardly hanging around Karen's desk, listening to you and Mahoney talking on the phone from time to time. Karen was pushing him to get a grip and finally start taking money from the clients, rather than doing everything for free; yet he kept pushing back with the same old arguments. 
"Well, I need you to come to the station, so we could take the statement, only then I can guarantee a full immunity."
"Alright, we'll see you soon, Sergeant."
You enter Josie's before seven, pushing through the thick crowd to the pool tables, old rock music is blaring through the speakers on full volume. Some guy almost spills his drink and starts apologizing profusely, so you quicken your step until you finally see familiar faces of Nelson and Murdock. "Apologies for the delay, Mahoney held us up." You sigh, stopping in front of the pool table to watch how Foggy misses a perfect shot.
"He likes to do that a lot." Foggy comments, trying to cover up his incredible failure.
"What happened? You were gone the whole afternoon." Matt fixes his glasses, directing his movements elsewhere, although he wanted to at least put a comforting hand on your shoulder... But not in public. 
"Uh... Whiskey neat?" You ask him, snatching his drink without waiting for an answer, and when the alcohol burns your throat, finally reply, "so basically, the warehouse where the kids found guns belong to the irish, yes, yet another gang in Hell's Kitchen. And the police are on the lookout for them, but it seems that they went into hiding." You put an empty glass on the table next to you, and touch Matt's shoulder, "Next one's on me."
"Wait, so what happened to the kids?" Karen asks, sipping her own drink, which you notice to be the same brand of  beer that Matt keeps buying for himself.
"We all talked, but of course, their parents weren't happy with the charges, so none of them confessed, but Paxton's on tape, and he still has the full immunity on the table." 
"And the store owner?"
"He didn't recognize any of them, but he did recognize the stolen jewelry that Paxton brought with him. At least they were smart enough to wear masks, but if Mahoney pulls out a search warrant, it's over for them." You sigh, plopping on the chair nearby. "I'm dog tired and I can't believe I've walked all the way from the station here."
"Hey, it's time to relax now, we've got all gang here!" Foggy puts his hands on your shoulders and shakes, a bit too strong for your liking.
"Nelson and Murdock are finally back!" Karen lifts her bottle and cheers when Matt's shot goes right into the hole. 
"That's a pretty damn good shot there, Murdock." You comment, and Matt's cheeks slightly blush. You quickly check him out, relaxed and laid back, his jacket ditched somewhere on the chair, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and his strong arms exposed. If you could, you'd take him right here in the filthy bathroom of Josie's bar; but you can only bite your lip and wait for Josie to bring you a drink.
Matt laughs, "I only got lucky this time."
"He's been riding on that luck the whole evening, don't trust his words." Foggy comments and goes around the table to find the best position for himself again.
***  The evening goes by quickly, you've already lost the count on how many drinks you have consumed in those couple of hours, the bar is nowhere near empty, on the contrary, it only became fuller. Foggy has won two out of six rounds against Matt and has been glued to his beer ever since, apart from an occasional bathroom break, and now it was Karen v Matt in the 'grand pool battle', as Foggy called it. 
Your phone vibrates and you pull it out of your purse, confused. 1 new message. You can't help but look around the bar, before opening the message from an unknown number. Maybe Todd has come back to haunt you again?
U/N: hey, just wanted to check in, how are you?
You: sorry, who's this?
You see three dots appear and disappear multiple times, and at last, the person texts back, you quickly sober up.
U/N: It's Poindexter.
U/N: don't mean to appear like a stalker, but got your number from the case documents.
You: Oh
Dex clenches his jaw tightly, and Ray turns to look at him, clutching his phone. "You alright?"
"Yeah, yeah." Dex answers, briefly looking around where they have parked their car. Dex and Ray were on a lookout mission tonight, and after a long afternoon of contemplating, he finally gathered enough courage to text you. And your response wasn't as warm as he expected it to be.
After two long minutes, which felt like an hour to Dex, you finally started typing something. Ray side-eyed his partner with rising interest, pretty much because he has never seen him staring at his phone like that. Dex's small smirk to your message added more suspicion to the already boiling pot.
You: does this count as a part of your job, agent? 
Dex: not when I'm off duty.
You: are you off duty now?
Dex: well, I guess you caught me this time.
Matt listens to the sudden liveliness of your phone, slightly confused, but then Karen appears next to him and offers to teach how to play pool 'correctly', despite the obvious fact that he's been playing with Foggy the whole evening. You watch them from behind a half empty glass of whiskey, catching the way drunken Karen allowed herself to boldly touch Matt. You shouldn't be mad or jealous... Theoretically... Because you two weren't public or official. But theory aside, you were biting your cheek to refrain from a sarcastic remark. Matt couldn't help himself but smile awkwardly when he felt Karen's fingers sliding along his arm; her closeness was too much for his liking, especially in front of you; but your attention was somewhere else already.
You: didn't think feds worked overtime.  You replied cheekily, but then added, I'm ok. Thanks for asking, Dex.
Dex's response was quick, you don't know a lot about us then. I guess everything that happened was very hard for you. 
You get a fresh glass of whiskey, thinking over his message. It was strange, that when your life has finally settled, weeks after Teneke's murder, Dex decided to text you. Although there was some truth in his words, it was hard, the nightmares weren't the fun part of the whole thing too... But it was all in the past now; with Matt by your side, you allowed yourself to relax and not think of all the bad things that happened in your life since your return to Hell's Kitchen.
You: it was, yeah. If we're already on this subject, how are you?
Dex: I'm good, thanks.
And he was, especially when you texted back. His smile, even though a brief one, didn't go unnoticed by Ray. Dex wanted to text something else, keep the conversation going, but his mind was blank, especially when it came to making small talk; although he was now guarded by his phone and safe from any first-hand awkwardness, Dex still didn't know how to deal with the sudden stress. But his self-pitying session got interrupted by your message, so, what are you up to right now? So, you did care after all. Enough to not let this conversation die.
Dex: on a lookout for a bad guy, pretty boring. And you? Hopefully something more exciting.
You: in a bar, drinking my salary away with the bosses. How bad that bad guy is?
Dex: pretty bad in my opinion. Don't drink too much, you won't feel well tomorrow  :)
You lock your phone and notice that Foggy and Karen were already dressed up.
"Look who's off her phone already, you missed all the fun." Foggy says, buttoning his coat up. 
"You're leaving already?" 
"Yeah, Karen's afraid to go home alone and I-"
"I am not!" Karen giggles, steadying herself against the pool table. Matt laughs, leaning on the pool cue and sips his beer. 
"Huh, maybe I should head home as well... Just want a cigarette so bad, haven't had one the whole day." You sigh, and say your goodbyes to Foggy and Karen. The bar is still full, Josie's been running non-stop, and you think to yourself if it's always like this on a Monday night.
"That leaves just two us now, huh?" Matt says, striking the white ball into the red one. 
"Isn't this just so romantic?" You laugh, walking closer to Matt, and whispering in his ear, "those shouting ones really know how to create an atmosphere...Full of sweaty bodies and that stink of cheap beer." 
"I'd say this is perfect." He laughs, handing you the pool cue. 
"No, I don't play." 
"Come on, let me teach you." 
"Really? And how will you do that?" 
"With your help, of course." Matt laughs into your ear, and puts his hands around your shoulders, positioning the cue in your hands. "Now, turn where the white one is." You do that, noticing that there's a green ball right behind the white one. "And now, you strike that ball into another one, like that." He pushes the cue with quick, powerful movement, still holding your hand. 
"It went in!" 
"See, it's easy." He smiles, forgetting that he was gonna ask you who was texting you this late in the evening. You celebrate for a moment, but then grab Matt's hand, asking to go home. And who was Matt to refuse your ideas, when he knew how tired you were?
As you were waiting for a taxi outside, Matt was standing so close to you that you smelled his perfume mixed with all the smells of the bar even through your burning cigarette. 
"Listen, I wanna ask you something, y/n." He begins, shuffling his feet on the sidewalk. "Do you... Would you like to go on a date tomorrow evening?" 
"A date?" You ask again, averting your attention from the passing cars. "Matt, we've been together for like a month."
"I know, and I haven't asked you on a date once, that's on me." His warm hands found yours and squeezed affectionately, "let's go to some nice place, maybe not too expensive," you laugh and it's like music to his ears, "I would choose it myself, but unfortunately," Matt gestures to his glasses, "I'll put on my best suit, and you could put on that silk dress I helped you choose... What do you say?" 
You wanted to kiss him right now and never let him out of your arms, "I have one place in mind... I just hope that it will be as romantic as Josie's." 
He laughs, throwing his head back, "so, that's a yes?"
"Affirmate, Mr Murdock." You kiss him on the cheek, leaving the biggest smile on his face. 
"Hey, I told you I'm sorry, I tried to reason with my mother to not go to that lawyer!" Paxton's voice rings in the dark alley, four dark figures hovering above him menacingly.
"So you had to tell our names to save your own ass, didn't you?" Joey asks, kicking Paxton's thigh with enough force to earn a loud cry. 
"I was busted either way. She cracked me about the drugs, I can't be in jail for having drugs in my house, please!"
"You're just a pussy, Paxton. I always knew you were the weakest link." Toby says, pulling the hood off his head. "We could've sold that gold for good money and taken more guns from the warehouse, but it's all busted now. And whose fault is that?"
"Guys, please," Paxton shields his head from another kick, "I beg you, stop, I'll take everything back, I promise-"
"I don't take promises from a snitch. We should just kill you right now." Joey says, picking up a brick from the ground, and gets hit by one of Daredevil's billy clubs, which bounces off to knock out Toby. The rest of the gang look around in panic, until they notice a dark figure on one of the rooftops, and another billy club flies through the air and knocks them out as well. 
"Please, please, don't kill me, Daredevil!" Paxton lies back down, keeping his hands in the air. 
The devil of Hell's Kitchen lands on the ground switfly with little effort and picks up his billy clubs, agonizingly slowly stalking towards Paxton. "Call the police, call your lawyer first thing in the morning, leave no details, you understand? Drop the shady business or I won't be so nice the next time we meet." Matt rasps out, in case Paxton has heard him speaking in the office.
"Okay, okay, I'll do it, please don't hurt me anyone." Paxton cries out, holding his bruised side. 
"Make the call right now, Paxton, I won't ask again."
The boy pulls out his phone, screen almost shattered from the kicks and dials the emergency number, fearfully looking at his knocked out friends and Daredevil himself, standing and looking right at him.
Another typical night in Hell's Kitchen.
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amberlynnmurdock · 7 months
Give Me Your Pain
Pairing: Benjamin Poindexter x Reader
Summary: The first time Dex sees you cry, he decides he never wants to bear witness to it ever again.
A/N: LOL so I was really sad before and actually started crying because #healing and #heartbreak and I wanted to channel that into a fic and what better way than to use Dex for it lol literally the most random drabble ever hope you like it
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The first time Dex sees you cry, it catches him off guard, even for a skilled federal agent like himself. He’s in the kitchen, washing the mugs the two of you had just shared coffee out of, when he turns off the sink and questions if his mind is playing tricks on him. 
He places the white mugs on the drying rack and pauses in his movements like a sleuth to listen better. It’s hard to tell from where he’s standing, so he slowly inches toward his half-shut bedroom door. He stops in his tracks when he hears sniffling coming from you, accompanied by the most quiet sobs he’s ever heard in his life. 
Dex stands still for a moment, unsure of what to do. He’s never seen or heard you cry—he almost wondered if you were even capable of emitting such a heavy feeling, a feeling that came all too easy to him. He could hardly bear the weight of his sadness—he’s learning he can’t bear it when it’s coming from you. Not you, not someone like you who shouldn’t know this kind of pain, whatever may be causing it. 
He’s still standing there, frozen in his movements. Caught between wanting to burst in there and hold you, and standing right here wondering if you needed space like he did. If Dex didn’t know better, he would’ve done the latter.
Slowly, he pushes the door open. 
“Hey,” he cooed, slowly stepping inside. And when he sees you on the edge of his bed, face in your hands and shaking, a part of himself inside crumbles. No, he never wants to see you like this again. It’s something he’s not sure he can take. 
“Dex,” you softly cry, wiping your tears. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” Dex questions, confused by your apology and not wanting to take it; he doesn’t need it. He finds his place next to you on his bed and wraps his arms around your fragile frame, bringing you into the crook of his neck. 
“What’s wrong?” Dex whispers in your hair, breathing in the fresh scent of your hair. 
“I’m just sad,” you manage to say through your tears, though it feels like a ball is in your throat. It feels like a cement block has replaced your heart. And you can’t stop shaking in his arms. 
“Okay,” Dex nods. He understands your answer and doesn’t pry anymore. “What do you need me to do?” 
“Just hold me,” you whisper, clutching at his shirt. Dex can do that. He can do that forever if you ask. 
“I have you,” Dex murmurs, words he wished he heard himself when he was down and out, which he spent most of his life feeling. I have you. “Lay down with me.” 
He feels you nod your head against his chest, a wet spot forming from your tears on his shirt. He holds you close as he gently lays back and brings you down with him. You cuddle into his chest and he wraps his arms around you holding you tight. It’s all you need, this right here. Laying with Dex in his bed, him holding you close, letting you cry for as long as you need. He closes his eyes and envisions himself soaking your pain so it would go straight to him. He can handle pain better when it’s not you bearing the weight. 
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takenbypeter · 1 year
heey!! can i request something with poindexter? some fluff, or it can be anything you want 😩🥺
No More Lonely Nights
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Poindexter x reader
Words: 977
Number 14: "I saw something today and it made me think of you."
Authors note: thank you for requesting!! And for Poindexter nonetheless 💛
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Working overtime. Most people would hate just the thought of it, but not Benjamin Poindexter. Dex welcomed overtime, or rather anything really to distract his brain from his own thoughts. The only thing he hated about overtime was the fact that it took time away from you. He despised the thought of you sitting all alone in your shared apartment, with him not to hold you as it got darker and darker into the evening. Despite you claiming it was always okay when he worked overtime, he would always feel guilty. Sometimes even afraid that one day it would become one night too many of you spending it alone and then something in you would just snap, suddenly deciding it to be better to find someone who was able to be there for those lonely nights.
Whenever he got those thoughts he’d quickly find his relaxation audio file. And along with that he’d try to remember your words the first time he had those thoughts. “Dex, for me there is nobody else, I only want you.” He’d remember how you then pinky promised him to stay with him and just like that his anxious thoughts would subside. They’d never leave, just decrease.
Tonight was just like any other night of overtime. Dex worked late and as soon as his shift was over he rushed home, it was late but most of the time you were still up.
His keys jingled into the lock and he messed with it a little, twisting the key back and forth until the lock finally turned open. “Hello…?” He whispered into the room.
But all he saw was darkness. His expression shifted for a moment as he felt a jump of fear, he let out a little breath telling himself that you probably were fine before flipping the lights on. “Love?” He questioned but only received silence in response. His eyes were drawn to the light coming from the bottom of your shared bedroom.
Without hesitation Dex’s feet head straight for the door and he twisted the knob and there you were, sleeping soundly.
You looked so comfortable curled up into the center of the bed. Dex came to the side of the bed admiring your half moon silhouette for a moment before he dropped low into a squatting position, eyes moving from your silhouette to your face. He didn’t even try to resist the smile that instantly tugged on his lips while he gawked at the way your cheek looked all squished against the sheets.
The next thing he noticed was how peaceful you looked, did he look that peaceful when he slept? He wondered for a moment before his eyes fell to your arms, or rather what lay in them.
Wrapped in your arms was the pillow that Dex typically slept on and again the guilt hit him. There you were all alone hugging a pillow to sleep, when it should’ve been him here with you. He shook his head collecting his thoughts, he didn’t know what to do. All he could do for now was get ready for bed. After preparing himself, he came back to the bed and slid his arms under you, the movement made you shuffle causing Dex to freeze mid movement, but you quickly settled back down. He moved you over and then held your arm up. Sliding the pillow out from your grip he slipped under the covers and put your arm around him and joined you in slumber.
Night went and morning came and just as quickly as morning came so did the afternoon. You were already done with your work for the day and were currently occupied with the television shows that you’ve seen multiple times when you heard the apartment door open from behind you.
Taking a quick look, your eyebrows furrowed slightly confused, “Dex! You’re here early?”
He set down his bag and began speaking from the open kitchen area, “yeah, I felt bad about leaving my girl alone all night yesterday, so I came early today.” You heard his footsteps approach and stop right behind you before he leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of your head causing a grin to spread on your face. Distracted by his small yet sweet act of kindness you missed the box that was in his hands as he walked in front of you to sit on the other end of the couch.
“Also, I saw something today and it made me think of you."
Curiosity sparked through you as you then noticed the box, “oh?” You questioned while he put it in front of you and nodded towards it with a small smile, “open it.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. Your hands reached towards the cardboard box lifting the top off. Inside the cardboard lay a stuffed animal. Your smile widened, revealing most of your teeth now as you held up the fluffy material.
At the sight of it you already fell in love but still the question left your mouth, “a stuffed bear?” You questioned, eyes never leaving the animal.
“Yeah. I um,” he paused, brain figuring out his next phrasing, “this is for those late nights, when I can’t make it home and you’re all alone and,” you notice his eyes cast downwards as he talks and the skin in between his brows creasing deeper, no doubt him trying to collect his thoughts. You put your palm on his hand that rested stiff on his knees.
“Dex I love it, thank you.”
Dex grins that adorable grin that you love and you lean forward giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“It’s only for when I’m not here though, when I’m here, you’re all mine,” he teases, eyebrows lifting while you let out a hearty laugh squeezing the teddy bear tight to your chest.
Dialogue Prompts
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darkdoverpseeker · 11 months
21+. She/Her. Looking for some of random fandom roleplays. Please be 21+ to interact!
I prefer plotting on Tumblr and writing on Discord. I write in third person, past tense. Semi-lit/lit (2-4 paragraphs). I try my hardest to reply daily. Depending on how the work week is going, it may take 2-3 days to hear back from me, though. NSFW/smut greatly preferred (with a healthy dose of plot) but not necessary.
I'm mainly interested in canon x canon pairings (MxM, FxF, or MxF). I'll take on some canon x OC (only MxM or FxF). I like canon or canon divergent plots. As long as the plot makes sense within the universe, I'll generally be okay with it.
I'll just be listing the muses I'm most interested in writing as at the moment. I can write others for most of the fandoms. I have my favorite ships but I'm open to discussing doing pretty much anything.
Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Sixth Doctor
Fantastic Beasts: Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones: Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon
Ghost BC: Cardinal Copia, Papa Emeritus IV
Grand Theft Auto V: Michael De Santa, Steve Haines
Harry Potter Franchise: Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cormac McLaggen, Gilderoy Lockhart, Oliver Wood, Severus Snape
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bucky Barnes, Frank Castle, Loki Laufeyson, Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Andrew!Peter only), Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Saw Franchise: Mark Hoffman, William Schenk
Scream Franchise: Dewey Riley, Jill Roberts, Mickey Altieri, Richie Kirsch
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Shane Walsh
If interested in working something out, please message me (highly preferred) or like this post and I'll message you.
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