#benirus manor
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@tes-summer-fest 24, day 3: ghost
Me and the bestie go checking on that nice house I purchased. It's a killer deal and comes with furniture, ghosts, and curse.
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Already showing signs of madness? Nah. I bet everyone will do this kind of thing. Right? Haha...
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dirty-bosmer · 3 months
Spacious bedroom for 1! Prefurnished, 10 minute walk to Anvil docks, 1500 septims a month!!!
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Room for let in our gorgeous, pond-side Anvil manor. Has a private entrance through the basement, which is so far underground you'll be practically in your own zipcode (you're welcome to use the basement for personal storage, but we can't take responsibility for anything that goes missing from the crates). Door is keyless entry, unlocked via sigil. Very large and very quiet! Perfect for studious young mages. Preferably no necromancers as the previous occupant was a lich, and he left quite a mess. Soured us on the undead, sorry!
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In the interest of full disclosure, we did find some ghosts in there upon moving in, but we've successfully exorcised the spirits so they shouldn't pester you anymore. We tried sweeping out the spectral mist, but it's quite stubborn. If that bothers you or you’re allergic, we're willing to shave a couple hundred drakes off the rent!
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shandars-sorrow · 8 months
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Basement Library at Benirus Manor.
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sylvienerevarine · 4 months
hi I wrote another Oblivion short story about Sacha and the Adoring Fan (or Ben, as he's known in the Sylvieverse). you know that thing where your surrogate mom becomes a terrifying demigod. very relatable.
Benirus Manor was short on insects in the winter months, and so Benethir was understandably surprised when the first violently-purple butterflies swooped through the sitting room. Surprise gave way to bone-deep fear when the insects multiplied, seemingly out of nowhere, until they formed a vast, swirling cloud that produced screeching not-quite-music. Out of this cloud stepped a tall figure in a purple waistcoat.
Benethir knew about Sheogorath, of course. His parents had taught him a few useful things before they’d died. What he didn’t understand was why Sheogorath now had the blue-gray skin, sharp nose, and wavy dark hair of his erstwhile employer and guardian, Sacha Llervu.
“What’s that look for?” the god of madness demanded, eyeing Ben’s dropped jaw and wide eyes. “Oh, right, the butterflies. Bit of a different mode of transport for me, but it’s good fun. Now, come on, don’t tell me you don’t recognize me when I’m dressed well for once.”
The notion that Miss Llervu somehow was Sheogorath was impossible to consider, so Ben didn’t consider it. “You’re lying. You stole Miss Llervu’s face, somehow, and you’re trying to make me lose my mind. It won’t work.” Unless it already has. 
“I get it, you’re confused. Trust me, so was I. But I’m not trying to trick you, Ben–I wouldn’t do that. It’s me. Good old Sacha, in the flesh.” She looked at one slim gray hand and grimaced. “Kind of.”
Ben folded his arms stubbornly. “Fine, then. Tell me something only Miss Llervu would know.” It was a stupid question–Sheogorath could undoubtedly look into his mind and dig out a memory–but he couldn’t think of a better test.
To his surprise, Sacha’s face softened. “You used to draw pictures for Agronak, before he died,” she said quietly. “They weren’t masterpieces, but he loved them. Used to hang ‘em up around the Bloodworks, and Owyn was always peeved about it, but didn’t feel like he could argue with the Grand Champion. Good times.”
Tears rushed into Ben’s eyes before he could stop them. “It’s you,” he choked out. “I believe you, but…why are you like this? Why are you a… a…”
“Daedra? That’s a long story,” said Sacha. “Here’s the gist: I did a favor for the old Sheogorath, and he decided to retire to the realm of Order and passed the job to me. I won’t say it was an easy adjustment, but here we are.”
“So that’s what you’ve been doing, this entire time? I don’t understand, Miss Llervu.” Ben scrubbed furiously at his damp eyes. “You were a famous knight, a hero, and then you just disappeared. There were all sorts of horrible rumors–people said you’d become a thief, a murderer. Even that you had joined the Dark Brotherhood. Then nothing. People thought you’d died. I just…I don’t understand why you didn’t come back.”
“I didn’t come back because I couldn’t, lad,” Sacha said quietly. “Those rumors you heard…most of them were true. I thought if I did the Nine a favor, they’d bring Marty back, but they didn’t. So I went down a dark path. You wouldn’t have wanted to be around me.”
I always want to be around you, he thought. You’re the only family I have. He didn’t say it aloud–some things you just couldn’t say to Sheogorath.
“But listen, Benny boy, I didn’t just come here to apologize,” said Sacha. “I came to offer you a job.”
Ben frowned. “Didn’t you already give me a job?”
“A better job, ya dumpling. Actually, less of a job, more of a title. How would you feel about being a duke?”
“A…” He couldn’t even finish the sentence, the notion was so absurd. “Of what?”
“Of Mania, naturally. Prettiest part of the Isles, if you like excessive sunshine and rude women. Our old Duke–he was another Bosmer, incidentally–defected when the Greymarch got a little too interesting for his taste, and long story short, he’s dead now. So I thought to myself, who better to take over than my loyal ward Ben?”
“You’re joking.” Ben searched her face, frowning. “Aren’t you?”
“Serious as the grave, duckie. ‘Course, you’d have to move to the Isles, but it comes with a flash new mansion and a good chef and a whole host of interesting neighbors.” Her smile faded slightly. “It’ll be hard to come back here often, you understand, but I’ll try my best to make it happen. You could live a good long life in the Isles, and as for me–well, I’ve got used to having you around, it seems. You’re a good lad.”
Ben hesitated, thinking. The notion that he of all people should become a Duke of Oblivion was…well, it was madness. 
Then again, what did he have in Cyrodiil? A big empty house. Few friends, no family. Living vicariously through brave gladiators going to their deaths in the Arena. He would never be offered an opportunity like this again, least of all from the only adult who gave a damn about him.
“Well, Miss Llervu, if you’re offering me a job, I guess I’d better accept,” he said. It was difficult not to squeal, but he managed it. “Shall I get packing?”
“Not much need, unless you’ve got a few sentimental things to take. We’ve got Oblivion’s finest tailors in New Sheoth, and a good smith besides.” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “By the way, with all this going on, I reckon you’d better stop calling me Miss Llervu.”
Of course, she wasn’t Miss Llervu anymore, not really. She was so much more now. Ben allowed himself to mourn for a moment before speaking. “Very well, ma’am. What should I call you?”
“Dunno,” said Sacha vaguely. “How about Mum?”
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wizardsimper · 10 months
I don't know if it's the effects of the current economy or what but the Benirus Manor quest in Oblivion is so real because rather than vacate my haunted house that I bought for a super low price I'd just track down the last surviving member of the original family who owned it to lift the curse
Ain't no way I'd ever find a deal on a house as good as that again
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inkoherentwriting · 2 months
trying to assuage my worries about my dental appt tomorrow and about not tagging everyone in my wip wednesday that i meant to by thinking about how funny in effect it would be to be velwyn benirus in a world where fariel bought the manor
velwyn just enjoying that his "loose ends" are tied up and then the angriest 5 foot something bosmer comes in, punches his table in half, and demands he help her fix the spooky ghost curse problem
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elavoria · 2 years
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tesinktober2022 prompt 26: house
One of Ani’s tables of keepsakes in Benirus Manor.
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treppo · 2 months
Rating Homes in Oblivion - Benirus Manor
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nine-blessed-hero · 1 year
Two Foxes
Universe: TESIV: Oblivion Warnings: None Words: 500 Context: I was inspired by @thenopequeen's tags on this post: "#anvil is home once I have completed the thieves guild #i like to imagine that I go to corvus for advice sometimes". I banged it out in like 2hs between laundry loads so LMK if you spot any spelling errors. Available on AO3
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"Oh, and the Hero of Kvatch called by last night," Dairihill said, "asking to speak to his Lordship. However, your Ladyship and Lordship had just gone in for dinner, so I felt it prudent not to bother his Lordship." Millona Umbranox nodded, as she shifted the papers on her desk. "Did you catch that, dear?" she asked, over her shoulder. "Yes, my love," Corvus replied from where he lounged on the other side of the room, drinking coffee and pursuing the latest Black Horse Courier. "Curious they asked for you?" "I'm sure it's just a social visit. They are, after all, responsible for ending my amnesia and bringing me home." "Mmm. You'll have to invite them to dinner. I never did get to thank them properly." "Of course, my love. Dairihill, do you know if they're still at Benirus Manor? I'll take a walk down after breakfast." "I believe so, your Lordship. Speaking of breakfast – since it's a lovely morning, I took the liberty of having it laid out on the balcony." "Capital!" Corvus stood, readjusting his robe. "Will you join me, your Ladyship?" Millona glanced around to see Corvus extending a hand, giving her a boyish smile. She squeezed his hand. "In a moment, dear. I've a few more items to cover, and then I'll be out." "Very well, my heart," Corvus said, kissing the back of her hand.
Outside, the morning was already warm and bright. A salt-scented breeze ruffled his hair, as if it was glad to have him back in the castle. Beyond the crenelations, the sea glittered like a spray of diamonds on blue silk. "These are damn fine strawberries." Corvus startled, head whipping towards the table under the bower, hands reaching for an absent knife. "How d'you think they grow 'em so sweet?" the Hero of Kvatch asked. Their feet were propped on the table, and they held up a half-eaten strawberry for consideration.
Corvus smoothed down his dressing robe, regaining his decorum as he took a seat opposite the Hero. "I believe," he said, reaching for a slice of bread and the butter dish, "it has to do with the fertilizer used. Good to see you again, my friend. To what do I owe the honour of this visit?" "Ah, Foxie. Let's eat first, maybe?" "Millona will be out soon. I'd rather not alarm her by finding a stranger at her breakfast table." "Didn't I just hear her inviting me to dinner?" The Hero grinned. Corvus rolled his eyes, a small grin of his own creeping onto his face. "Touché. However, I don't think this is quite what my Lady wife had in mind. Your business, my friend?" The Hero lowered their legs, leaning in with a serious expression. "Very well, my Lord Corvus. I need some advice, regarding the Guild…"
Above, the gulls wheeled in the puffy periwinkle sky while below, the surf crashed against yellow cliffs. And in Castle Anvil, two Foxes conversed over strawberries.
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talsgarthewanderer · 11 months
Hello, followers! If I started posting more about my ESO adventures, would you be interested in them?
Like, I play ESO a lot. I play on my own account with 10 characters AND my sibling's account with their 6 characters AND occasionally on our parent's account with THEIR 6 characters. (I'm keeping my family gender neutral here because I dont know whether they'd want me putting them on blast to all of you)
I mostly just think that it would be fun to talk about the lore and environment and stuff as though Talsgar himself is traveling around Tamriel. There's so much content in ESO and very little of it conflicts with what we're familiar with from the main elder scrolls games (in that, there is definitely stuff that conflicts, but when you compare it to everything else that is lore-compliant, it's really quite a small amount), so I think it would be fun.
Plus, maybe I could convince some of you who are on the fence about playing to make an account next time they have a free-to-play event where you don't have to buy the game or any of the DLCs just to bop around and see the sights. I've put the story of how I, personally, got into playing ESO under the cut, so you dont have to read it if you dont want to lol
What got me into ESO was seeing a post on here with gifs of the city Shimmerene on Summerset, the biggest island of the Summerset Isles. Those gifs made it look gorgeous--the colors were vibrant, the water looked realistic as heck, the plants also looked realistic as heck, and the architecture was compelling to me as someone who studies classical antiquity.
Then, when I was getting a tattoo a few weeks later, I was able to chat with my tattoo artist about ESO and its pros and cons. He had recognized me as an elder scrolls fan several months earlier when I had gotten the Oblivion mages guild seal as a tattoo, so I figured he was a good person to talk to and thus I made an appointment specifically with him for another tattoo. And during my actual appointment, man was tattooing my spine and gushing about how fun the game was, how intuitive the gameplay is for someone who was used to playing Dragon Age games and could never really get hooked on Skyrim, and how ESO actually motivated him to go back and give Skyrim and Oblivion a try. It was super fun talking with him and I realized that if ESO can attract non-Skyrim folks, then it must be at least a decent game. Of course, it then took 2 more years of me researching the game to figure out if it was still a subscription-based model to play the base game.
Luckily, by the time I was doing this research, they'd actually switched from a subscription for the game itself to a subscription for a thing called ESO+, and the base game was actually available for just a single purchase of the game. I brought the idea up to my parent, who was almost 60 at the time and needed something other than skyrim or fallout 4 to play, and they were like, "we'll just get ESO plus because you want to see Shimmerene and it's part of a DLC that's included in ESO+ that we would have to buy separately without it."
And I gotta say, in person, Shimmerene is better than those gifs. My parent and I ended up going all over Tamriel in the first hour of playing, going to random places just to look at them, new and familiar alike. We went to Anvil and I was mad that Benirus Manor was a BANK, and not a house for sale. We went to Windhelm and I was like, "damn, everything's made of wood and the citizens are so much nicer to my dark elf." We went to Vivec City and I was like, "hold on there are only 3 cantons, wtf," and then we went to Balmora and it looked almost exactly the same.
And then we went to Elden Root and were like, "holy shit, thats the biggest tree I've ever seen in my life," which, we live in california and have seen the actual real life redwoods. The devs of ESO somehow made the elden root tree absolutely towering and evoke that same majesty that the redwoods evoke.
We went to the city of Daggerfall and it was delightfully medieval european, and then we went to Wayrest, and it was essentially just a bigger Daggerfall. We went to Rivenspire and immediately left because it was a blasted hellscape of dead trees and vampires.
We saw the swamps of Shadowfen, the jungles of Valenwood, the Alik'r Desert of Hammerfell, the snowy tundras of Eastmarch and Wrothgar. And ash-covered Vvardenfell and southern Morrowind.
Going to Mournhold and seeing the tribunal temple again was WILD. And Almalexia NOT in a murderous rage chasing me through the place.
Going to Vivec City and seeing them floating serenely above their throne.
Seeing Sotha Sil in the Clockwork City alive!! and talking!!!!
Seeing the cherry blossoms of summerset and auridon, the stuck-up high eleven nobles turning up their noses at my little dark elf not for being a dark elf but for not being a high elf, which was weirdly refreshing after skyrim.
Seeing several different kinds of Khajiit furstock! Big senche-rahts! Tiny alfiqs! Towering pahmers! Absolutely mind-blowing.
Also having to walk everywhere? because you gotta discover places to fast travel back to them, like in skyrim? Arduous as heck, because the land is so big and you are so small, and there are so many places to visit, and you have to explore them all. You just have to.
Anyway, thats my propaganda for playing ESO.
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Inspire by @hannah-heartstrings' comment XD
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And I'm thinking about @the-sunlit-earth's comment
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So I checked the UESP. Unlike normal ghosts, the Benirus Manor Ghosts only do magic attacks and not melee attacks. That means, if Acelta is really lucky, it's possible for him to absorb all spells and not take any damage. He could live cozily with all 3 ghost in the manor.
I actually play the game just to test it, and it works!!! :D
But! These ghosts also have this on touch attack, which is Damage Fatigue and Drain Fatigue. So if I don't have Restore Fatigue Potions on me, I'll rag doll and stay down. Especially if all three of them are casting the Drain Fatigue spells on me in turns, I'll never gonna get back up.
Double But! Ghost can't open door XD So after they run out of magicka for frost spells, and are getting close to cast their on touch spells on me, I can go to a different room and close the door. As simple as that.
Unfortunately we cannot rest or making potions when enemies are near by. And respawning ghosts come with resetting the house, which cannot satisfied my hoarder needs ^^'
Fortunately the guild halls are close by for resting, and I have a storage chest just out side tutorial exit.
In conclusion! Those ghosts are not a problem for an experience alchemist/restoration mage, such as Acelta. This is doable!
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wispstalk · 2 years
what does Coradri get up to in the fourth era?
In Kvatch she learned a little of the carpenter's trade and turns toward building furniture while living in Anvil. Tanis left them Benirus Manor, a shitload of gold, and a bunch of valuable trinkets and books, so she and Rona live pretty comfortably. They travel often and provide for all the various street urchins and unwanted children they've taken in.
She and Rona have 60 lovely years together, and after Rona passes she does eventually remarry a nice Dunmer lady who moved to Cyrodiil following the Red Year.
By the events of Skyrim, her family is huge and confusing and spread all over Tamriel. She lives in Solitude with a multigenerational contingent of her grown adopted children, THEIR descendants, and some OTHER children they've collected along the way... and Proudspire Manor becomes a semi-legal orphanage operating outside the official purview of the Jarldom. She's got a bit of a libertarian streak.
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energyprison · 3 months
just moved into benirus manor! you wouldnt believe the deal i got on this place
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somnaliusfern · 2 years
I'm really enjoying some random NPCs now that I'm replaying Oblivion and doing all the side stuff too. Since my mods are actually working this time, I'm trying a companion mod too to enhance my immersion for NPC Relationships because that's the most fun part of RPGs for me.
- Velwyn: Idk I love him. Underrated. From what I can see his family is middle class from his clothing (perhaps formerly upper probably given the manor and the Lich) and I assume they make mead (Benirus Mead). He foists his manor off on the first sucker (HoK) he can so he can go live his life and join his family in the Imperial City. He's just so relatable? "Layabout" I mean of course, he's depressed; he lives in an Inn in a pretty dead town trying to sell a manor that he can't stay in and no one wants. (On that note, wish Anvil felt like more than an abandoned suburban development .) Sure he misleads us, but I don't hate characters for lying or being interesting in plotlines. He helps out with the sealed portal and runs out bc he's really not great in a fight, but he helps and he sounds genuinely happy that everything worked out for you after and likes the HoK. I drag him around as a companion and he yells the most comedic stuff tbh when there's combat. I consider that for benefits for him, he is hopeful her growing fame will rub off on him and present some opportunities for his future. Ana finds him relaxing to be around and a good source of humor (albeit often at his expense). "The manor... Is Finally Cleansed." FR I might be the only person setting this dude as essential and dragging him everywhere for companionship. I'm a fan.
- Maglir: I remember him from Skingrad but last time I didn't do all the factions with Anadrya (she's not really fighter/warrior type but tbh actually I'm kinda living for this knight imagery stuff in some of the content). He's genuinely funny, I was dragging him around with Velwyn so someone would be there to actually be of help in combat. I actually really like him--he's kinda loose about morality which I actually prefer in companions really. I picked up something I shouldn't have and he was like "Oh! I didn't see anything!". I just like his voice-acting, and I love bosmer. Not sure if his family is legit, and I'm hoping he doesn't end up crooked in the quest-lines moreso (ofc I covered for him, dude just follow me around and I'll do most of the work just hang out and don't die). I was in a player home with him and Velwyn swapping out gear from my closet in the bedroom, and he says something like "I have a feeling we're about to be getting much closer." What a great little angry smarmy dude. Like give us a quest instead to help him with his (family) life or something. I mean, he just wants money and stability, super relatable.
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shandars-sorrow · 2 years
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While staying at the Count's Arms, Nadira was presented with an enticing offer from Velwyn Benirus...that went somewhat awry. At least now the Al-Tahuds have an estate within Anvil walls.
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Avarenya: Your house is haunted!
Lorgren Benirus's Lich: I know. We had the ghost installed when we built it.
Avarenya: Uninstall it!
Velwyn Benirus: I don't know how to uninstall a ghost!
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