#ben scharf
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spilladabalia · 2 years ago
Spud Cannon - Thrum A Dum
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wwprice1 · 5 months ago
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More great Marvel covers for September!
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monsieuroverlord · 1 year ago
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January Solicits are posted!
source here
We're seeing the launch of the next phase of Krakoa/X-Men Era, including the Resurrection of Magneto, Rise of the Powers of X, Fall of the House of X, Dead X-Men (featuring the elected X-Men Team from the last Hellfire Gala) and Wolverine's Sabretooth War!
Also, Marvel Meow is making its print debut!
Wolverine #41 written by Ben Percy and Victor LaValle, art by Cory Smith and Geoff Shaw, main cover by Leinil Francis Yu.
Get ready for the showdown to end all showdowns – WOLVERINE VS. SABRETOOTH!
"It’s been years since these heavy hitters have crossed paths in the Marvel Universe, but as Krakoa falls, so rises SABRETOOTH – and he’s out for revenge! They threw VICTOR CREED in the PIT, but he’s free and, wielding an army of Sabretooths, will prove once and for all why he is LOGAN’s ultimate nemesis. Co-written by literary powerhouses Benjamin Percy (WOLVERINE, GHOST RIDER) and Victor LaValle (The Changeling, SABRETOOTH) and drawn by artistic dynamos Cory Smith (CONAN, GHOST RIDER) and Geoff Shaw (WEAPONS OF VENGEANCE, WOLVERINE: PATCH), don’t miss the inaugural issue in this multi-shipping saga leading up to the landmark issue #50!"
Marvel Meow #1
Writing and art by Nao Fuji, Variant cover by Chrissie Zullo
Marvel’s most fearsome – and furriest – heroes are here to save the day and beg for treats in the process! Follow Chewie, Liho, Alpine and the rest of the Avengers’ feline friends as they cause a few cat-tastrophes…and maybe vanquish some villains in the process! Whether it’s crashing Captain Marvel’s apartment or defeating Doc Ock, you can always count on these cats for some cute chaos! Collecting the hit Infinity Comic series from Marvel Unlimited and featuring a brand-new cover and exclusive new story!"
Resurrection of Magneto
written by Al Ewing, art by Luciano Vecchio, main cover by Stefano Caselli
"On Krakoa, resurrection from the dead was as easy as completing a circuit – but Krakoa fell. The time of easy miracles is over, and only the hard roads are left. Now it falls to Storm – as the epic conclusion to the Krakoan age looms – to bring their oldest enemy home to fight against the FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X…but after all he did, and all that was done to him, can Magneto bear to return?"
Dead X-Men
Written by Steve Foxe, art by Vincenzo Carratu, Bernard Chang, and Jonas Scharf, main cover by Pepe Perez
When the world turned against Krakoa, these five mutants lost their lives…but their mission as X-Men is just getting started. To preserve Xavier’s dream, they must accomplish the impossible – or die again trying! Spinning out from RISE OF THE POWERS OF X, discover…who are the DEAD X-MEN?!"
Rise of the Powers of X
Written by Kieron Gillen, art and main cover by R. B. Silva
Ten years ago, the mutants returned from their exile to try and reclaim the Earth from the forces of Orchis. They failed.  Now, within the victorious Orchis with their gauntlet choking the world, Nimrod and Omega Sentinel put their plan within a plan into action. They are to summon their binary god to consume everything in their accession. All that stands between them is the X-Men. What can they do? They’re the X-Men. They’ll find a way. That’s their power. So begins a story beyond time and space, with the rise of powers beyond our petty human intelligence. From writer Kieron Gillen (IMMORTAL X-MEN, UNCANNY X-MEN) and artist R.B. Silva (POWERS OF X, CAPTAIN AMERICA: SYMBOL OF TRUTH) comes half of the story that will bring the Krakoa Age to its conclusion!"
Fall of the House of X
Written by Gerry Duggan, art by Lucas Werneck, main cover by Pepe Larraz
Mutantkind has never had a greater fall. From the highs of Krakoa – their own glorious nation, a place where they were safe and happy – to the lowest of lows. Outlawed, hunted, killed, most of their kind missing or dead, and now, one their greatest leaders, Cyclops, is on trial facing a death penalty. Ready or not, the time has come for the X-Men to make their final stand against the forces that have struck them low. The day is now. The place is here. The tale of the house Xavier built will long be told…and few will forget this darkest chapter. From writer Gerry Duggan (X-MEN, MARAUDERS, UNCANNY AVENGERS) and artist Lucas Werneck (IMMORTAL X-MEN, TRIAL OF MAGNETO) comes half of the story that will bring the Krakoa Age to its conclusion!"
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torley · 2 years ago
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Don Black and Walter Scharf wrote the seemingly tender ballad "Ben" for the 1972 movie of the same name. It was the sequel to a movie called Willard, which was remade in 2003 starring Crispin Glover. In Willard, Ben is a pet rat trained by a human named Willard who has learned how to make rats do his bidding. Willard has the rats kill for him, but at the end of the movie they turn against him. In the sequel, Ben, a young boy befriends the rat, but the rat turns evil and recruits other rats Sound & Music https://www.songfacts.com/facts/michael-jackson/ben
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toastertoasterextra · 5 months ago
Heute Sonne
Brauche dringend einen Energydrink beim letzten zog sich mir die ganze Brust zusammen aber es ging gut so gut ging es mir alles war interessant kondensiert eindeutig (ich habe gelesen) jetzt im Café sehr laut es ist warm außerdem nichts hier ist so schön klar und scharf vielleicht würde Monster auch nichts helfen es gibt einen Tisch links mit drei breitbeinigen wohlrasierten Männern die Polnisch sprechen (glaube ich) rechts neben mir Russisch oder Ukrainisch (glaube ich) vor mir ein Typ mit Sonnenbrille Haare nach hinten gegelt rauchend (alle rauchen) begrüßt die halbe Nachbarschaft auf Italienisch (ja) und einen komplett beigefarbenen Alten mit Flecken im Gesicht auf Deutsch auch hinter mir wird Deutsch gesprochen sie mit überschlagender Stimme und viel Lachen diese Ausdrücke fallen
In den besten Jahren
die andere Seite
wie es sich weiter gestalten könnte
drittes Date
Werd ich aggressiv von
Männer meines Alters
rüber kommt der Kellner aus dem Brauhaus nebenan zu dem Typ mit Sonnenbrille und gegeltem Haar ernst oder aufgebracht besprechen sie etwas mit Stimmen die sie vom Straßenlärm übertönen lassen der Kellner steht vor dem sitzenden anderen der berührt ihn am kräftigen Unterarm nur mit den Fingerspitzen um einen Punkt zu unterstreichen ich schnorre eine Zigarette von den Frauen rechts dann kommen andere zum Tisch vorn und der Mann mit Sonnenbrille sagt mit kräftigem Kölschen Einschlag Isch ben en Sonnenkind
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horseweb-de · 6 months ago
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leinwandfrei · 1 year ago
Einblicke in ein System kurz vorm Zusammenbruch - "This is going to hurt" von (Dr.) Adam Kay
Der Betreuungssektor im Krankenhaus, der Altenpflege und insgesamt in der Medizin ist überlastet. Viele Beteiligte dieses Systems sind unterbezahlt, übermüdet, chronisch erschöpft und überfordert von den wachsenden Aufgaben sowohl im Behandlungszimmer als auch am Schreibtisch bei der bürokratischen Dokumentation der eigenen Arbeit. Diese Erkenntnis ist nicht neu und wirkliche Veränderungen sind trotz des groß inszenierten Beifalls für die PflegerInnen - wie zu erwarten war - nach der Coronapandemie dennoch ausgeblieben. Diese Lage ist für ganz Europa zu attestieren und nicht nur ein nettes Thema der politischen Satire. Der britische Komiker Adam Kay hat 2017 mit This is going to hurt seine Erfahrungen als Assistenzarzt veröffentlicht und zwischen 2004 und 2010 schon vor der noch strapaziöseren Pandemie einige besorgniserregende Eindrücke mitgeteilt. Auch der Brexit lag hier noch in der Zukunft Großbritanniens. Der Bestseller wurde in der deutschen Übersetzung unter dem etwas reißerischen Titel „Jetzt tut es gleich ein bisschen weh. Die geheimen Tagebücher eines Assistenzarztes“ veröffentlicht. Das Cover ziert ein Playmobilmännchen im Arztkittel auf türkisenem Grund. (Dieses Design wurde dann bei seinem zweiten Buch fortgeführt.) Damit verliert das Sachbuch in seiner äußeren Erscheinung etwas an Ernsthaftigkeit und entspricht damit dem stilistischen Inhalt. Vor einigen Wochen wurde die Serien-Adaption der BBC in Deutschland ausgestrahlt. Ben Whishaw mimt hier Dr. Adam Kay und folgt dabei einem Drehbuch von diesem selbst. Kay verdichtet hier seine (gar nicht so geheimen, sondern den Anforderungen an einen Assistenzarzt folgend dokumentierten) Erfahrungen in sieben Folgen. Zudem ergänzt er als Dramaturgie-Hilfe einige Details zur scheiternden Beziehung und dem Outing des jungen Arztes. Anders als die Zusammenstellung von Kays Erfahrungsberichte endet die Serie noch offen in Bezug auf die weitere Entwicklung seiner Karriere als Arzt. Der wahre Adam Kay hat nach einer besonders traumatisierenden OP schrittweise das System des N(ational)H(ealth)S(ervice) verlassen und ist heute Autor und Komiker.
Auch wenn der Vorwurf des nicht angemessenen Umgangs mit traumatischen Erfahrungen des Scheiterns innerhalb des Gesundheitssystems erst auf den letzten Seiten zu einer Anklage frei von Ironie, Sarkasmus und einer zunehmenden Distanzierung führt, ist dieser Lebensbericht in jeder Form niederschmetternd. Und die Serienadaption steht der Vorlage hier in nichts nach. Nicht ohne Grund wird von der BBC schwangeren Frauen das Ansehen der Serie nicht empfohlen. Letztlich lässt sie jede Hoffnung auf Wandel schwinden. Die Gefahren der oberflächlichen Qualitäten der Privatpraxen und die Risiken von Hausgeburten hebt der Autor dabei besonders scharf hervor. Auch wenn die deutsche Ausgabe des Sachbuches das populärwissenschaftliche Format des Textes stark betont und die Übersetzung des prägnanten Originaltitels zum billigen Slogan verkommt, teilt der Autor besorgniserregende Zustände eines implodierenden Systems mit. Der komische Aspekt der zu Teilen lapidar erzählten Schicksale nimmt bei der Lektüre stetig ab und reduziert sich in den sieben Folgen der Serie auf einzelne Momente. Irgendwann bleibt nur noch das Entsetzen übertünchende Lachen als Reaktionsmittel übrig – bis auch dieses verklingt. In ähnlicher Weise dürfte sich der Sarkasmus für Adam Kay langsam als Abschirmungsmittel abgenutzt haben. Dennoch gönnt man dem jungen Arzt in der Serie einen letzten erfüllenden Moment und lässt die Hoffnung auf eine Fortführung der Arbeit bestehen.  Die BBC-Serie ist keine typische Krankenhausserie wie Dr. House, The Good Doctor, Scrubs oder wenn man es kitschig mag Greys Anatomy. In all diesen Serien wird das Krankenhaus immer weiter zum Schauspielort degradiert, während Beziehungen und persönliche Probleme immer weiter in den Vordergrund rücken. Außerdem sind diese Krankenhäuser meist sehr gut ausgestattet und Personalmangel wird nur punktuell thematisiert. Die Arbeit dient gerne nur noch als Hintergrund für Dialoge oder um besonders abstruse Krankheiten vorzustellen. Aber This is going to hurt erfüllt die durch den Titel geweckten Ansprüche.
Ben Whishaw spielt einen stets auslaugten, übermüdeten und von einem Privatleben befreiten Arzt, dessen einzige Waffe gegen die ständige Überforderung eine harte Schale und dementsprechend harte Worte gegenüber den PatientInnen und KollegInnen bleibt. Nach einem Diagnosefehler sieht er sich mit einer Anzeige konfrontiert und versucht erfolglos alleine mit dem Trauma zurechtzukommen. In seinem Buch schreibt Kay ganz klar, dass es für diesen Fall 2010 kein Prozedere in britischen Krankenhäusern gibt. Viele schlaflose Nächte und ein Rückzieher des eigenen Oberarztes erhöhen den Druck auf Dr. Kay. Nur dem in Folge dieses Fehlers viel zu früh geborenen Kind gegenüber äußert er seine wirklichen Gefühle und Ängste, während sein Partner Harry immer nur ein ja, war alles gut als Antwort auf die Frage nach dem Arbeitstag bekommt. Auch die Anzeige und die möglichen Konsequenzen verschweigt er dem sehr entgegenkommenden Freund und erhöht damit seine persönliche Last immer weiter. Die Begeisterung für seinen Beruf aber kann er nie ganz ablegen und diese Ambivalenz in seinem Fühlen macht es ihm unmöglich sich aus der Situation zu stehlen. Könnte er aufhören Arzt zu sein? Der Adam der Serie müsste wohl klar mit nein antworten und dennoch wird Sarkasmus zu seinem einzigen Mittel, um überhaupt zurecht zu kommen. Natürlich haben die Serienentwickler Anpassungen für das Serienformat vorgenommen. So wird die Beziehung zu Harry viel mehr fokussiert und auf eine brechende Verlobung hin dramatisiert, die Beziehung zur Mutter wird negativ eingefärbt, die Homosexualität viel mehr als leises Tabu mit eingearbeitet, die Perspektiven von Kollegen, Hebammen und Oberärzten einbezogen und der Selbstmord einer Kollegin als Konsequenz des Systems und seiner Überlastung beispielhaft bis zum konsequenten Ende geführt. Die Ereignisse werden einer filmischen Dramaturgie angepasst und umsortiert. Dennoch ist das Gerüst der Buchvorlage erkennbar und die Anekdoten werden zu bitteren Nebenerscheinungen einer umfassenden Misere.
Wie kann ein Arzt mit mehr als 100 Arbeitsstunden die Woche, nahezu keinem Schlaf und nur gelegentlicher Nahrungsaufnahme Prüfungen bestehen, geschweige denn sicher und akkurat Diagnosen erstellen und operieren? Wie lange kann man so überhaupt arbeiten und wann bricht das eigene körperliche Gerüst in sich zusammen? Wie wenig Privatleben verträgt die menschliche Seele? All diese Fragen werden nicht nur in Krankenhäusern täglich aufgeworfen. Auch andere Branchen (Transportwesen, Paketzustellung u.a.) ächzen unter einem wachsenden Anspruch, bei versiegenden Bewerberzahlen und teilen ihr Schicksal mit Ärzten aller Fachbereiche sowie KrankenpflegerInnen, GeburtshelferInnen, AltenpflegerInnen u. v. a.
Adam Kay hat sich für die Flucht entschieden – nach sechs Ausbildungsjahren als Arzt im NHS. Das er seine Erfahrungen ungeschönt, wenn auch etwas komödiantisch überzeichnet, weitergibt ist ein wertvoller Beitrag für die Transparenz und Realitätssicherung in einer sich immer weiter verschärfenden und nach Investitionen schreienden Debatte. Auch nach der Veröffentlichung von This is going to hurt widmet er sich als Autor weiterhin dem Thema. Dies mag seiner persönlichen Lebenserfahrung geschuldet sein, ist aber zugleich ein Hinweis auf die anhaltende Notwendigkeit der Kritik am NHS und den Gesundheitssystemen anderer europäischer Länder. Wie fühlt man sich als „Kunde“ und Angestellter einer Pflegeeinrichtung, die nicht zur Versorgung und Heilung betrieben wird, sondern einen Gewinn erwirtschaften muss – mit OPs und Untersuchungen, die über Leben und Tod entscheiden können. Die Schulung in einem modernisierten kapitalistisch beeinflussten Vokabular ändert nichts an den systemimmanenten Problemen. Es ist ein Sinnbild der allgemeinen Verdrängung gegen welche Adam Kay mit aller Kraft anarbeitet. Und auch die BBC-Serie leistet ihren Beitrag in der Informationskette über schon lange bekannte aber nie ernsthaft veränderte Zustände eines wichtigen Versorgungsdienstes der immer älter werdenden Gesellschaft – einer gerechten und qualitativ hochwertigen Gesundheitsversorgung.    
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paulodebargelove · 1 year ago
Michael Jackson “Ben” (Sonny & Cher Show) 1972 [HD-Remastered TV Audio] 
October 14, 1972 - 51 Years Ago Today: Michael Jackson went to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart with his single, "Ben." This was Jackson's 4th solo entry following 9 entries as lead singer of the Jackson 5 (including 4 No. 1's and 2 to peak at No. 2) and this was his 3rd Top 5 solo single and first solo No. 1. It's safe to say that no recording act was hotter than Michael Jackson at this point in time as he had just celebrated his 14th birthday. "Ben" was the title song from the motion picture starring Lee Montgomery. Written by Don Black and Walter Scharf the song was also nominated for an Oscar. Jackson made his debut at the 1973 Academy Awards at the age of 14 and performed the nominated song. It lost to "The Morning After" from the "Poseidon Adventure" which was a hit by Maureen McGovern and the Oscar went to its songwriters, Joel Hirschhorn and Al Kasha. Jackson has scored 52 solo Hot 100 singles to date which include 39 Top 40's, 29 Top Tens and 13 No. 1's. His posthumous Top Ten, "Love Never Felt So Good," with Justin Timberlake peaked at No. 9 on May 31, 2014. Michael Jackson was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice - in 1997 as a member of the Jackson 5 and in 2001 as a solo artist.
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thejacksmit · 1 year ago
Short Takes at LYIFF: The North has a new film festival, and it's awesome
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This weekend indie cinema got its rightful moment in the spotlight, as the Lytham International Film Festival took over the iconic Lowther Pavilion. With features, shorts, and curated strands from festival partners - including our old mates at Beyond the Bar programming the 'After Dark' strand - this is a festival rooted in its Northern roots, with a view to going global. So what better way to showcase the best bits than with a return to the Short world of things?
Across the weekend members of the TheJackSmit.com family seen a lot of shorts, and as ever, we're gonna showcase the best ones here on the blog - because you never know how a career might take off from out of nowhere. It was difficult to narrow it down to just a few, but these were the ones which stood out.
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SYNOPSIS: Driven by the urge to prove the existence of an extinct creature, a father and his son head off into the wilderness. But soon the search becomes much more personal, when the son suddenly vanishes without a trace.
The Germans like doing the basics right - and this short from Ben Scharf does just that. In half an hour it has the makings of a feature, with some well thought out cinematography and writing. Importantly this short features young talent Cooper Dillon- who will be next seen in Hunger Games prequel The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.
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SYNOPSIS: A drug-dealing, Italian delivery rider resorts to robbing a South London burrito joint after his bike and drugs are stolen, little knowing he might be the one taken for a ride all along.
This was a neat short from Alessandro Farratini Pojani (who has shadowed names like Pete Czernin and Graham Broadbent behind the scenes), that has a distinctly British vibe but subverts the idea of a drug dealer trying to get his life back on track... by adding everyone's favourite food delivery service into the mix as he has the unluckiest night of his life. It gets the look and feel pretty much spot on.
SYNOPSIS: After grieving over the murder of his wife and son, prison guard Stan Ailor dines with the killer, Kenneth for his last meal. The two converse about the murders which leads Stan to getting the revenge he's been longing for.
LYIFF has its roots in the education sector - so to see Point Park University graduates make a short like this, on a similar kind of budget to UK students is nothing short of extraordinary. Going back in time to the 70s, what Carah Chafin did with writer/director of photography Lauren Keller's script, added in with the authenticity of the locations and those performances.... this is a cracker.
SYNOPSIS: After the death of her father, a troubled woman robs a dry-cleaning shop to make ends meet, but when the owner finds out, a secret from their past forces her to choose between doing what is right or following in the footsteps of her father.
Reading the EPK for this short, this is quite a personal film about honesty for its writer/director David Michael Maurer - and in 12 minutes it tells an incredibly powerful story. It was a worthy way to close the first session of shorts on day 1, and it is definitely making waves on the festival circuit.
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As well as the main festival selection, partners Director's Notes brought some of their featured shorts to LYIFF, and as much as we want to talk about things like crazy American dark comedy The Flute, BAFTA nominated short Stuffed and student effort Heart Failure... they are a bit too 18 certificate to be showcased here on the blog. But ultimately the filmmakers enjoyed a Northern welcome, the audiences lapped up each and every film, and the Q&As hosted throughout the weekend (hosted by LYIFF's festival director Ed Greenberg) got a lot of discussion going.
Filmmakers, listen up - you can be part of it next year
The 2024 Lytham International Film Festival is on August 23rd-25th - and applications for next year have just opened on FilmFreeway.
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jeffk-music · 1 year ago
‚Idle Eyes‘ is the first single from our upcoming album, Tar. 
The album will release on January 20, 2023 via Golden Antenna Records across all platforms.
Buy ‚TAR‘: https://goldenantenna.com/
Thank you to everyone involved making the music video!
Production verflimmert Film und Töne @verflimmert.film (https://www.verflimmert.com/)
Assistant Director ELENA HERRMANN
Director of Photography LEON BABUCKE 
1st Assistant Camera CIAN FLANIGAN, TOM NIKLAUS 
Costume Designer ELLEN LÜTKENHAUS 
Set Photographer REBEKKA FRANZ 
Location Support WASCHCENTER LEIPZIG (https://waschcenter-leipzig.de/,  REWO RECYCLING & REKULTIVIERUNG LEIPZIG GmbH (https://www.rewo- leipzig.de/)
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bchukerman · 1 year ago
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hayatheauthor · 6 months ago
Ah so you're looking for a more comprehensive response? 😂
There is a difference between wanting to acquire knowledge via self-study and seeking out accredited coursework.
My education is not a method to appease or put down people who disagree with my perspective, but an outlet to solidify and justify my beliefs, however since you’re so adamant about judging my credentials allow me to provide you with a more thorough answer, which will be the last you’ll hear from me.
A small note that you will see at the end of this post too:
The college courses enable me to better comprehend resources such as the UN resolutions drafted against Israel, the ICJ rulings, the humanitarian aid issues and distribution, the nuances of diplomatic rulings and how they have impacted the Middle East over the years. The free online courses are predominantly an outlet to streamline my research and teach people about what the ICJ, EU, etc. are, how to accurately site sources, etc. They are the first step, not the entire staircase.
A concise format wasn't to your taste, but luckily for you, I always keep a list of the books and research papers I read. The resources listed below are written by many acclaimed figures, from presidents to CIA intelligence, historians, political figures and more. Perhaps it will do you some good to divert from your Zionist propaganda and pick up some actual literature.
Anyone interested in learning more about Palestinian, Middle Eastern and Islamic history can take a look at the below resources too <3
First, the books. Each book, research paper, or online resource I consume is first heavily scrutinised for its authenticity. Since I was 13, I’ve read at least 40 books on this topic, some of the main ones being:
On Palestine:
"International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Rights-Based Approach to Middle East Peace" edited by Susan M. Akram, Michael Dumper, Michael Lynk, and Iain Scobbie
"Palestine, Palestinians and International Law" by Francis A. Boyle "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions" edited by Robbie Sabel and Clive Jones
"International Law and the Prosecution of Israeli War Crimes" by Valerie Oosterveld, Michael P. Scharf, and Paul R. Williams
"The European Union and the Arab Spring: Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in the Middle East" by Joel Peters
"Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide" by Ben White "Decolonizing Palestine: Hamas Between the Anticolonial and the Postcolonial" by Somdeep Sen
"The United Nations and the Question of Palestine" by Various Authors (UN Publications)
"The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Historiographic Essay" by Ilan Pappé
"Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom" by Norman Finkelstein
"The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt
"Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" by Jimmy Carter
"The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017" by Rashid Khalidi
"The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by Ilan Pappé
"Jerusalem: The Biography" by Simon Sebag Montefiore
"The Palestinian Nakba: Decolonising History, Narrating the Subaltern, Reclaiming Memory" edited by Nur Masalha
On Middle East History:
"The Middle East: 2000 Years of History from the Rise of Christianity to the Present Day" by Bernard Lewis
"The Great War for Civilization: The Conquest of the Middle East" by Robert Fisk
"Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians" by Chris Hedges and Laila Al-Arian
"Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II" by William Blum
"Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army" by Jeremy Scahill
"The Crusades Through Arab Eyes" by Amin Maalouf
On Islamic History:
"A Wolrd Without Islam" by Graham E. Fuller. Honestly I would recommend all of his books.
"The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922" by Donald Quataer
"Lost Islamic History: Reclaiming Muslim Civilisation from the Past" by Firas Alkhateeb
"The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain" by María Rosa Menocal
"Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes" by Tamim Ansary
"The Venture of Islam" by Marshall G.S. Hodgson
"The Great Arab Conquests: How the Spread of Islam Changed the World We Live In" by Hugh Kennedy
On general political topics related to Islam and the Middle East:
"Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media" by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky
"Edward Said and the Post-Colonial Theory: An Introduction" by Bill Ashcroft and Pal Ahluwalia
"Islamophobia: A Historical Perspective" by John L. Esposito and Ibrahim Kalin
"Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire" by Chalmers Johnson
"Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield" by Jeremy Scahill
"Islamophobia: The Ideological Campaign Against Muslims" by Stephen Sheehi
"Islam and the Blackamerican: Looking Toward the Third Resurrection" by Sherman A. Jackson
"Muslims and the Making of America" by Amir Hussain
Now, onto the courses.
Ofc free or online self-education available at a limited price is something a Zionist would frown upon for it contradicts your propaganda machine.
Your exact words were ‘incapable of reading anything more complex than an infographic,' not only showcasing your mindset but also your perspective on a person's willingness to educate oneself.
The college courses enable me to better comprehend resources such as the UN resolutions drafted against Israel, the ICJ rulings, the humanitarian aid issues and distribution, the nuances of diplomatic rulings and how they have impacted the Middle East over the years. The free online courses are predominantly an outlet to streamline my research and teach people about what the ICJ, EU, etc. are, how to accurately site sources, etc. They are the first step, not the entire staircase.
You chose to judge my capacity to academically and intellectually comprehend these situations and my knowledge of Middle Eastern and Islamic history, because your own sources probably water down to Zionist news outlets and propaganda machines.
Yes, I am allowed to speak up on political and humanitarian issues highlighted in my findings.
You are allowed to have contradicting opinions however your decision to resort to insults, name-calling, and belittling shows how unfit you are for such a complex intellectual setting. Your credentials and academic background are of little concern to me, for your tone in itself speaks volumes.
Perhaps you’ll actually take some time to learn about the topics you so passionately put down others for.
So when Israel does it it’s ‘self defence’ but when Iran does it it’s terrorism? At this point I’m not even surprised by western media hypocrisy
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thecomicon · 4 years ago
Night Of The Living Dead: Previewing 'King in Black: Namor' #4
Night Of The Living Dead: Previewing ‘King in Black: Namor’ #4
Cover by: Leinil Francis Yu Written by: Kurt Busiek Art by: Ben Dewey, Jonas Scharf “The Black Tide’s wave of devastation now threatens Atlantis itself. Namor, Dorma and Attuma may be the undersea world’s only hope, but unless they can shake off their utter defeat from last issue, they don’t even stand a chance. And worse, the one possible weapon they could wield against the Black Tide is in…
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fantomcomics · 6 years ago
What’s out this week? 7/25/18
JAKE IS DEAD. LONG LIVE LEAH. For those of you who are new around here: (W) - Writer, (A) - Artist, (CA) - Cover Artist, (C) - Colorist When I am able to easily find Inker and Letterer credits, those will also be included as (I) and (L), respectively. Consistency will be attempted. WELCOME TO A NEW ERA.
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Bone Parish #1 by Cullen Bunn (W), Jonas Scharf (A), and Alex Guimarães (C) Cover Art by Lee Garbett A NEW SPOOKY CULLEN BUNN SERIES!  A new drug is sweeping through the streets of New Orleans. One made from the ashes of the dead. Wars are being fought over who will control the supply, while the demand only rises. While the warring factions collide, users begin to experience terrifying visions of the dead coming back to life—through them.
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The Long Con #1 by Dylan Meconis (W), Ben Coleman (W), EA Denich (A/CA), and M. Victoria Robado (A) Five years ago, a cataclysmic event obliterated everything within a fifty mile radius of the Los Spinoza Convention Center-including the attendees of Long Con, the world's biggest (and longest) comic convention. But unknown to the outside world, the con-goers not only survived, they kept the convention going. Now, one survivor goes to investigate, possibly find the friend he left behind, and definitely not get stuck in there forever. Right?
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Fence TP vol. 1 by C.S. Pacat (W), Johanna the Mad (A/CA), and Joana Lafuente (C) COLLECTED ONCE AGAIN, because comics are super confusing and we are so sorry. If you like sports anime (#sportsanimetrash4eva), then Fence is a series for you!  Nicholas Cox is determined to prove himself in the world of competitive fencing, and earn his place alongside fencing legends like the dad he never knew, but things get more complicated when he’s up against his golden-boy half-brother, as well as the sullen fencing prodigy, Seiji Katayama. FENCING BOYS HAVING FEELINGS ABOUT OTHER FENCING BOYS.
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Mr. and Mrs. X #1 by Kelly Thompson (W) and Oscar Bazaldua (A) Cover Art by Terry Dodson Last, but certainly not least, Kelly Thompson (@1979semifinalist) has a sequel to her Rogue and Gambit miniseries coming out! It might not be the married X-couple we were expecting (but, honestly it’s the one we REALLY wanted). Rogue/Gambit ship 5evaaaaaa.
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graphicpolicy · 4 years ago
Preview: King in Black: Namor #5 (of 5)
King in Black: Namor #5 preview. As the Dark Tide threatens Atlantis, Namor, Attuma and Dorma make a desperate, dangerous attempt to save the undersea world #Comics #ComicBooks #KingInBlack
King in Black: Namor #5 (of 5) Kurt Busiek (A) Ben Dewey, Jonas Scharf (CA) Leinil Francis YuRated T+In Shops: Apr 14, 2021SRP: $3.99 The grand finale! As the Dark Tide threatens Atlantis, Namor, Attuma and Dorma make a desperate, dangerous attempt to save the undersea world – but even if they can manage it, it’ll come at a great cost. Learn the fate of Atlantis – of Attuma – of the Dark Tide –…
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cbjustmusic · 2 years ago
The #1 song from 50 years ago, Michael Jackson’s “Ben”. This song was Jackson’s first #1 single as a solo artist. __________________________ Ben Songwriters: Don Black and Walter Scharf
Ben, the two of us need look no more We both found what we were looking for With a friend to call my own I'll never be alone And you my friend will see You've got a friend in me (You've got a friend in me)
Ben, you're always running here and there (Here and there) You feel you're not wanted anywhere (Anywhere) If you ever look behind And don't like what you find There's something you should know You've got a place to go (You've got a place to go)
I used to say "I" and "me" Now it's "us", now it's "we" I used to say "I" and "me" Now it's "us", now it's "we"
Ben, most people would turn you away (Turn you away) I don't listen to a word they say (A word they say) They don't see you as I do I wish they would try to I'm sure they'd think again If they had a friend like Ben (A friend) Like Ben (Like Ben) Like Ben
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