#ben is trying to help but he is possibly failing
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people-call-me-haystack · 3 months ago
It was completely fine don’t worry
I just realized something.. I rarely do anything bad, I get pretty good grades, when I can’t hang out with my friends I go to the library..
I’m the lamest loser in the losers club
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mxtantrights · 11 months ago
Hi! Can i ask some quick enemies to lovers with Jason Todd? Which is not much "enemies" but two prideful people that won't admit they have feelings for each other and they like... have similar personalities. It can be sfw or nsfw, it's up to you <3
Byee, thanks.
(Maybe reader also being a vigilante too hehe)
a/n: thank you for this amazing request. I was about to have so much fun with this!!! (also kinda left it open so if there is a desire for part two, just leave me a message!! <3)
It doesn't hit either of you like a brick wall or a train like it should. No. Because why would it? Love doesn't hit you over the head in the middle of the night. It happens slowly.
It happens when Oliver asks you to cut home early because you almost missed a step and went over the rooftop of a building. Which you deny but you know it happened because Oliver is never really one to say 'go home'. So you take his orders. Oliver shakes his head as he watches you go. Ever since he told you that some of the team from Gotham was coming to Star City to help a case you've ben off your game.
It happens when Jason doesn't see the trip wire. Dick has about seven seconds to clear the room and drag Jason with him. The two of them get safely away from the loud bomb. Bruce is talking over the comms, asking if everything is alright. Jason grumbles out some sort of response. Dick knows he's not on his A-game because he's part of the crew going to Star City, where you operate.
It happens when you come face to face with Red hood after not seeing him for a few months. The last time you saw him he saved you from a round of gunfire. You couldn't figure out if he saved you because it was the right thing to do or for some other reason.
It happens when the two of you have to guard a safe house for a couple of hours. There is nothing to do. It's mindless boredom. It's endless. It's so boring and Red doesn't make it easier because he doesn't try to converse with you either. You try to make small talk but he seems to talk in grunts or just silence.
It happens when the mission goes wrong. The informant is nipped on someone else's patrol. You and Red are called in to figure out who did it and to track their every move. You spend about eight hours by his side and say about ten words to him.
It happens when you two find the culprit and are faced with a difficult decision. Take justice into your own hands or hand them over to the Oliver and Bruce. Red leaves it up to you.
And for some odd reason, that's when you realize it. At that moment it dawns on you. Like the final crumb of sand falling in a hourglass. You like Red. You like him even if he doesn't speak a word to you, or if you fail and fumble in front of him.
You try your best to keep it to yourself.
But it's hard to do that when he seems, different.
After that night when he left the choice up to you, he seems to be another version of himself. A version you didn't know existed. He greets you, he tries to make small talk, and he gives you compliments and praise.
Oliver and Bruce notice it too. They keep their smiles and shit eating grins to themselves. Honestly the two of them honestly make this a thing amongst themselves. Who can get the ball rolling first?
Bruce asks Jason about it one night after patrol. To which Jason replies with a stern 'no' and nothing else. Oliver asks you when he takes you out for lunch and you also tell him a simple 'no' and move on.
It keeps happening like this. Red does something that makes you think maybe, sort of, possibly. But you don't take that step. And Red goes through the same thing about you. And talks himself out of telling you anything.
One day though, it does come to an end.
You're in an alley in Gotham. You're not on a mission. You're just a civilian in this situation. A civilian who wants to take an alleyway cut instead of walking two blocks. It's safe to say that when you get held up at gun point you regret not walking those two simple blocks.
What goes down, goes down fast. You manage to get the jump on two of the scumbags. But one of them does have a gun. They aim it right at you and the shot should hit you but it doesn't. It doesn't because of someone.
Red hood stands between you and the gun. The bullet flies off his patted amor chest. You watch as all the guys in the alleyway scurry like rats. You're left there, wide eyed and shocked.
Red Hood turns to you and offers you a hand up. You take it, and try to think of something to say. Anything. A thank you. A sorry. Something that should leave your mouth. But all you can think about is how he's saved your life again.
And that's the word you say. 'again'
It catches him off guard. So much so that he takes a step back. You think you might've said the wrong thing. But then again, you think to yourself that he won't really know what you're talking about. You're seeing him as a civilian. He's never seen you as a civilian. He doesn't know who you are.
But he could now.
He could now.
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chronicbeans · 1 year ago
Romantic Lucifer x Overly Kind and Sweet Sinner Reader Headcanons
I love him so much OMG. I wanted to play around with this dynamic to lol. Basically the exact opposite of the type of sinner he's probably used to seeing.
TW: Mentions of depression and anxiety, angst and fluff, mentions of past relationships
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• Chances are, you're very much a dreamer. Any type of dream, too, not just the desire to strike change in the world around you. Be it daydreams, goals, hopes, or anything along those lines, you're probably a dreamer. Those characteristics in a person are what catches his attention. He used to be that type of person, before everything changed once he was cast out. Although he doesn't necessarily like dreaming, anymore, he can appreciate it when others do it. Now, most of his own dreams are just concerned worries for his daughter's safety, longings to fix his relationship with her, and creating the worst case scenarios for his life. It's pretty obvious why he doesn't like to dwell on his own dreams...
• Your dreams, however, are rather interesting to him. Especially since you are a sinner and were not born into Hell. He doesn't necessarily look at sinners very highly, however, you are pretty different. You aren't a bad person, or at least not as bad as the rest of the sinners he's met. And the things you dream of? They're amazing. It's not that they're something he's never heard of, either. It's just that he's never heard of them from a sinner, before, or anyone else in Hell.
• As odd as it sounds, your dreams, even if they're just stories you've dreamed up or a hope to better yourself in some small way, give him a little glimmer of hope. He lost all hope over the years of him being in Hell, in large part due to seeing the worst in humanity... The sinners. So, despite him feeling different towards you, don't expect him to actually like you. You also shouldn't expect him to actually feel very hopeful just by you being so different. It's more like a little piece of coal that's gotten a bit hot, but hasn't sparked or ben set alight, yet. He barely even notices it's there.
• What you should expect, however, is for him to spend more time around you. He wants to see you fail to change his mind, or live up to the tiny hope that you're different and can live up to fulfill your dreams. He wants to see you slip up and show that you're not really this kind person you show yourself to be, and then be able to go on his way proudly, knowing that his depressive views on sinners are right. He doesn't even have the intention of using it to prove to Charlie, his daughter, that sinners are irredeemable. He just wants to snuff out what little hope he has before it can stand up and hurt him in the long run.
• That's not the case, however. Not at all. Instead, you just keep being kind. You check into his daughter's hotel to try to better yourself. This results in him spending far more time at the Hazbin Hotel, since now you're there, as well as causing him to spend more time with Charlie. He watches you genuinely try to get better, give Charlie pep talks to lift her up when she's down, and even try to get along with Niffty. It's a truly strange sight to behold for him... A sinner who is so kind and relaxed. He's truly wondering why you are in Hell, at this point.
• Though, the breaking point is when he overhears a conversation between you and Charlie. One that involved how you heard about the Hazbin Hotel, how you met Lucifer, and why you decided to try to see if the hotel could help you. Shockingly, you list off the fact that you wanted to see if you visiting the hotel could bring Lucifer over to visit, since you had noticed how he seemed to hang around you, and you wanted to see if it could help him and Charlie spend more time together as a reason for you going to the hotel. That, alongside the generic reasons of wanting to better yourself, needing a roof over your head, and wanting to possibly see if you could go to Heaven.
• In that moment, he tenses up, looks over towards your direction for a brief moment, then pretends like he didn't hear a thing. He doesn't know how to respond to such a thing. It's so overwhelmingly... selfless of you to even think of the fact that you coming to the hotel would also have the chance of helping Charlie and himself. That, and he's also embarrassed of the fact that you noticed him showing up a bit more often in your life, despite you two still being acquaintances. Then again, thinking it through, it should've been obvious. Not only is he royalty, he is the Lucifer. Everybody has probably heard about him, or the whole story about the Garden of Eden. So, the snake and apple themes of his outfit do help people who do not know what he looks like be able to identify that it's him. He was that famous snake. He is Lucifer.
• That's when he finally decides to let himself hope. Not necessarily for himself, for any other demon, for the sinners as a whole... Not even for you to better yourself and reach your dreams. No. He's just going to let himself hope that this you that you portray yourself as is the real you. This likeable person you seem to be may be real. So, he decides to officially consider you a friend. He lets himself loosen up, crack a few jokes, show you his duck collection... Or at least a few of them. It would be difficult to bring his entire collection to the hotel.
• Throughout it all, your kind self stays the same. There are times you seem to be angry, frustrated, or saddened, of course. However, that kindness always shows through, as well as your dreams and hopes. You ramble about those two topics, even acknowledging that while Lucifer may not believe in you, you do and that's all you need. Not only that, but you even show interest in the things he talks about. You point out your favorite rubber ducks in his collection, you listen to him as he plays music, you crack your own jokes in response to his. You even try to fill him in on a few of Charlie's interests to help him understand her better.
• Slowly, overtime, he begins to feel very conflicted... He can tell that he's beginning to feel more romantic emotions towards you. Yes, Lilith has been missing for several years, now. They're practically, if not, already separated. He's unsure of whether or not she's even going to return, much less if she'd be the same person she fell for. He mostly just worries about how Charlie would feel if she found out. Sure, their relationship isn't the best, still, but it's getting better. He doesn't want to accidentally mess it up by having moved on to someone else. Sure, Lilith hasn't talked to either of them in a long time, but he wouldn't be surprised if Charlie still love, cares for, and looks up to her mother. Nor would he be upset. Lilith was an amazing woman, after all...
• However... Lucifer knows all too well, by now, that simply not confronting the problem won't make it go away. He's ran away from many of his problems, or just hid from them, and it hasn't helped him. So, he takes the leap to ask if you are currently looking for a relationship. He silently crosses his fingers, hoping that it's a yes, maybe, you're open to one but not searching... anything but a no...
• And it's a yes! You can practically see him looking relieved as you do so. You can already guess at this point what his next question is going to be, so you decide to pop it yourself, asking if he wants to go on a date sometime. He practically looks like he's about to have a heart attack, having not expected or planned for you to ask him first, nodding happily with a shocked expression. However, he feels the need to wait until he sees how Charlie feels about everything before planning and scheduling it all out.
• However, once you do end up going on your date, it's not what you expected from a ruler of Hell. It's not bad, though. If anything, it's better! You were slightly scared he'd feel the need to be overly stuffy and formal to impress you. Instead, he brought you to his place to have some homemade dinner. It's just you, him, a rubber duck, and some nice food. Yes, he brought a rubber duck with him to the table. It's his security duck. It's so unapologetically him and that's what you love about him. His personality. The moment he placed that duck into the dinner table and said what it was for, all your worries were washed away.
• Your relationship is filled with a mixture of your own interests and his combining in fun and quirky ways, as well as more soft and emotional moments. You love to listen to his jokes and music, he loves to engage in whatever interests you have, and he comes up with amazing ways to mix the two of your interests to make the relationship feel more special. Do you love to write or make art, like paintings, pottery, or drawings? He'll write music based on your works, be it the stories you create or the emotions your art conveys. Do you like to collect something as a hobby? He likes to collect his rubber ducks, so you both can spend time chatting together about each other's collections, or even set them up in cute positions and take photos of them together! Is it gardening you like? Maybe you can try growing an apple tree, then you two can try making caramel apples with them!
• With all those cute moments, though, do come the downsides... Though, you never let them stop you. He has his moments where his fears, anxieties, and sadness do take over. He's scared of losing you, be it you breaking it off with him of, worse yet, Heaven taking you away. He's scared of you seeing any flaws in him. He's scared that you might be upset that, even if he knows he was ready to move on from Lilith, he does still miss her. After all, a relationship may end quickly, but feelings can linger for decades... However, he's worried you might not understand that. Time and time again, however, you still find new ways to shock and lift him up, again. Be it you letting your actions speak for themselves, you talking to him, or you simply listening to him vent about it. It's gotten to the point where you can look at him, and just tell when he's not alright, which you are pretty proud of.
• Usually, when he's upset, you can find him talking to his ducks about it. That, or playing music... usually to his ducks. If you couldn't tell, his ducks are a huge form of comfort for him. They can't judge him, they can't talk back in anyway that makes him upset, and they can't leave him. Plus, he's so used to talking to them when he's alone, that it's just second nature to do so.
• He has a lot of fears and insecurities. Though, he has two major ones. One is that you're going to hate him for still missing Lilith, sometimes. As mentioned earlier, a relationship doesn't just fizzle out quickly, usually. She just left, one day, and he's pretty much stuck dealing with his emotions for her for as long as they last, at this point not even sure if she'll come back to talk to her daughter, much less him. Just because he still misses her, though, doesn't mean he doesn't love you... He's terrified that you might not understand that, though. He's usually reassured, though, by you showing an understanding of his situation and the fact that he does truly care and love for you...
• However... the other fear he has is that Heaven might take you away. Be it an extermination killing you, or what he personally sees as worse, you being redeemed and going to Heaven, or Heaven taking you for some other reason. Sure, you'd be dead if you got killed during an extermination, but at least he'd have the chance to protect you from it. You being redeemed or being taken to Heaven for whatever reason, though? That's never really happened, before. It may or may not be possible, but if it is, he doesn't know what to expect? What if God, himself, comes down to take you to Heaven? He's fought Him, once, and failed miserably. He can't protect you from that, and if you go to Heaven, who knows if he'd see you again? It'd be like Lilith going missing all over, again, but worse because he knows where you are and that he can't join you. You're so kind and sweet that Lucifer can't even use the thought of you being irredeemable to calm himself... Sometimes, actually, he even wonders if God put you in Hell on accident.
• Oftentimes when you hear him talk about this, you try to think of some sort of reply. You are trying to better yourself, yes. You did go to the Hazbin Hotel to try to be redeemed, even if you did leave it to stay with Lucifer. You are also more than aware that you're drastically different from all the other sinners. The only real reply you can think of is that you wouldn't want to leave him, so why would God try to take you away when you care about Lucifer more than Him? You aren't necessarily sure just how much it helps, but it is something, which you hope is better than nothing.
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munson-blurbs · 9 months ago
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Living After Midnight (Failed Rockstar!Eddie x Motel Worker!Reader)
♫ Summary: Eddie asked you on a date. Maybe. Possibly. But you definitely accepted. (5.6k words)
♫ CW: slowburn, strangers-to-lovers, angst, anxiety, parental conflict, poverty, mentions of sex, Reader wears a miniskirt, drinking, tipsiness, idiots in love, eventual smut (18+ only, minors DNI)
♫ Divider credit to @hellfire--cult
chapter ten: this foolish lover's game
“I’m telling you: it’s a date.”
Nora flicked through the items on the clearance rack, searching for something in your size. She pulled out a floral shirt, wrinkled her nose, and promptly put it back. 
“It’s 1993. A guy and a girl can hang out without it being something romantic,” you retorted, trying to ignore the fuzziness that filled your head at the potential classification of your upcoming night out with Eddie as a ‘date.’
“Very true. But that’s not the case here.” Nora sighed at the limited clothing choices and at your stubbornness. She stalked over to a rack of regularly-priced skirts, evidently on a mission. “And you know it, too, which is why you asked me to help you choose a new outfit.”
You had done that, though you definitely regretted it now. It had been so long since you’d actually gone out with friends that you really did need new clothes, but you had no idea where to start. 
Enter Nora: best friend extraordinaire. She was just as great at finding clothes that flatter your figure as she was at being a study buddy. Her opinion mattered to you; it was necessary, especially considering the way you currently teemed with self-doubt. 
She plucked a denim miniskirt from the lineup and held it against your waist. “Go try this on,” she said. You reached for the price tag, almost certain that it was out of budget, but she clamped her hand over yours. “My treat. Now, go.”
There was no arguing with her, not while she was shooing you into the dressing room. She clasped your shoulders as she steered you towards a curtain, yanked it open, and shoved you inside. “I’ll wait here,” she said.
You closed the curtain once again, unbuttoning your shorts and letting them fall to the thin carpet below you. 
The skirt hung on its hanger, buttons all along the front, and it was impossible not to imagine Eddie being the one undoing them. His nimble fingers would dance across the seam as he positioned himself between your legs. You could practically feel his hands as they crept further upwards towards that dangerously sensitive part of you—
“Can we stop by the food court when you’re done? I’m dying for one of those cinnamon pretzels.”
The sound of Nora’s voice instantly cooled your heating skin. “Y-Yeah, sure,” you stammered. 
Focus on that, you silently reprimanded yourself. Focus on Auntie Anne’s or Orange Julius or Panda Express—not Eddie tracing his tongue along your inner thighs. 
You stepped into the skirt, warding off any lingering Eddie-related thoughts. Monday night would be like hanging out with Nora or Ben. There was no need to worry about your hair, or your clothes, or your makeup. Eddie was a friend, and only a friend, despite what absurdities your other friends planted in your head. 
With the last button fastened, you allowed yourself to glance at your reflection in the mirror. The denim hugged your curves delicately, providing just a hint of what laid beneath without giving too much away. It looked odd paired with the old t-shirt you’d thrown on this morning, but the right top would make a world of difference. 
Nora clapped her hands together the moment you opened the curtain. Her brown eyes lit up, and a soft squeal of excitement emanated from her throat. 
“You’re gonna have Eddie eating out the palm of your hand,” she declared, reaching out to give you a little spin. 
You gently pulled away from her as though it would offset the fluttering low in your stomach. “I told you, it’s—”
“Yeah, I know. Just two friends going to the bar, pretending they don’t wanna bone each other.” Nora rolled her eyes, already sick of the will they-won’t they song-and-dance. 
You ducked back into the fitting room to change out of the skirt. “He doesn’t wanna bone me.”
“But you wanna bone him?” 
It came out as a question, but you knew she meant as a statement. 
“First of all, stop saying ‘bone.’” You hissed, tugging your shorts back over your legs. “Second, Eddie and I are friends, and he’s taking me out for graduation. End of story.”
Nora’s sigh was audible from the other side of the curtain. “Not ‘end of story.’ You didn’t answer my question. Do you wanna b—have sex with Eddie?”
Your hesitation was enough of an answer for her, and though you couldn’t see her face, you were certain she was grinning when she announced, “I knew it!”
“It’s not like that,” you protested. The fitting room was suddenly far too crowded and depleted of oxygen despite you being its only occupant. You threaded the teeth into your shorts zipper and grabbed the skirt, now heavy in your hand. “Yeah, he’s pretty cute, but—”
“But nothing. C’mon, just admit it: you like Eddie.” You could detect a hint of exasperation in her tone. Frustration, even, or confusion as to why you continually denied yourself life’s small pleasures. 
You couldn’t answer that, either. 
Protest died with the subtle twitch of your lips that gave away the truth. You hated your tells, the ones that swiftly uncovered the feelings you worked diligently to stifle. And you knew that if Nora kept pressing you about this crush, you would eventually break down and divulge it all. 
Not just your burgeoning romantic feelings towards Eddie. Not the way you told bad jokes just to see his lopsided smile and the nose crinkle that often accompanied it. Not the multiple occasions when you caught yourself staring at the muscles in his arms and ached to kiss right along the hardened edge of his biceps. 
Once you said those thoughts out loud, gave them the weight of spoken words, they became real. Able to hurt you when he inevitably didn’t reciprocate them. 
And that terrified you. 
“You have a big ol’ crush on him,” Nora continued, “and he has one on you.”
“He doesn’t have a crush on me,” you mumbled, purposely averting your gaze from hers.
Through peripheral vision, you could see her raise one brow. “Says who?”
Says the song lyrics about his ex-girlfriend. But that was too much to explain, so you slapped on a tight smile and shook the thought away. “Never mind. Let’s just pay for this.”
Nora swiped her credit card with an ease that only comes with the luxury of not having to worry about paying the water bill. She never had to dip into her own savings to keep the lights on. Buying her friend a miniskirt for a maybe-date wasn’t going to affect her grocery budget. 
“I have the perfect pair of Docs to go with this. You can borrow them,” she said, pointedly adding “for your date.” She was either oblivious or didn’t care that the cashier was eavesdropping on your conversation. 
“Not a date.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Nora plucked the bagged skirt from the cashier, flashed her a grateful smile, and shoved it in your direction. “Just answer one question for me—are you gonna wear lace panties underneath this, or cotton?” 
When you once again failed to look at her, her grin widened.  
“That’s what I thought.”
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On Monday evening, you found yourself poised in front of the mirror, still fogged from your shower. The inky blue sky leaked into your room through the time-worn blinds, the sun almost fully faded into nighttime, which meant that Eddie would be knocking on your door at any moment. 
The hem of your black fitted t-shirt met the waist of your skirt, the slightest gap between the two fabrics. It wasn’t scandalous by any stretch of the imagination, but it still conveyed one message: you wanted Eddie to look at you. Wanted him to notice your soft skin the way you noticed his flexing muscles, with awe and more lust than you cared to admit. 
Did it all reek of desperation? What if Eddie was wearing the sweatpants he’d donned to remove the wallpaper? Just the possibility of him looking at your own outfit, at the effort you put into your appearance, and realizing you’d interpreted a friendly gesture as a date had you cringing. 
No, this was a bad idea. You had to back out, now. Claim that you weren’t feeling well, maybe even take some ibuprofen in front of him, and promise a raincheck. You did feel the familiar throbbing that accompanied a tension headache, so it wasn’t a total lie—
Knock knock. 
Sweat overrode the antiperspirant you’d lathered on, flooding you with a nervous heat. You frantically wiped your slick palms on the bed sheet like a cat at its scratching post and opened the door. 
Eddie's eyes widened and his tongue brushed over his lower lip. There was no hiding the way his gaze dropped to your exposed thighs, drinking in every ounce of visible skin as though it was the only sustenance he’d ever need. His stare was hungry, if only for a moment, before his words broke the trance. 
“You look…good. Pretty.” He swallowed thickly and forced himself to meet your eyes. “Sorry…just not used to seeing you all dressed up.”
Pretty. Eddie Munson thought you were pretty. The notion sent serotonin surging through you, a soft giggle passing through your lips. It was embarrassing, this schoolgirl crush, the way a simple word from him rendered you pathetically speechless.
A barrage of compliments perched themselves on your tongue, waiting to be untethered. He looked good, too; beyond that, he looked handsome. His cream colored shirt was baggy around his torso but clung to his biceps, drawing your attention to the vein that ran up his forearm. 
You willed yourself to say something, anything, to reciprocate his kind words.   
He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, mirroring your nervous energy as he gently rocked from the heel to the toe of his Reeboks. “We should get going,” he said.
Opportunity slipped from your grasp; anything you said now would seem like pity. Your only response was a nod as you locked the door and started towards the lobby.
Pretty. Pretty. Pretty.
Mom stood behind the desk, flipping through the check-in sheets with the  cap end of a pen clenched between her teeth. She looked up, blinking in rapid succession when she saw you and Eddie approaching. You weren’t sure what surprised her more: you going out, or the man accompanying you.
“Well, don’t you two look nice!” She grinned, though the smile didn’t quite reach her tired eyes. “What’s the occasion?”
“Just getting a drink,” you said as casually as you could. “Celebrating my—the wallpaper.” It was a lame finish, one that Mom didn’t quite believe, but she lacked the energy to push further. 
Guilt panged in your chest, not just at the lie, but because part of you felt like you were taking advantage of her exhaustion. You couldn’t tell her the real reason for the celebration; bile rose in your throat at the thought. Instead, you smiled and promised to be home before the start of your shift. 
“I’ll make sure she behaves,” Eddie added with a mischievous edge, not sexual in nature but still had your stomach doing somersaults. “I know she can be quite the troublemaker.”
Mom laughed at this, so pure and genuine that you were half-tempted to ask Eddie if you could stay here and talk with her all night. Maybe he could break the news to her, since they seemed to get on well enough.
You felt her watch as Eddie opened the door for you and gave the tiniest bow to let you pass, though you didn’t dare look back at her. Not because she wouldn’t approve—just the opposite. Looking at your mother would confirm what you already knew deep down: she’d be beaming at the sight of you going on a date. 
If that’s what this was. 
Eddie shuffled to walk right by your side, sneakers scuffing against the broken pavement. A flicker of hope ignited within you that he would do something to confirm that this was, in fact, a romantic endeavor and not just two friends getting a drink. Perhaps an arm slung over your shoulder or a hand laced with yours. 
There was only the gentle brush of his fingers against yours, knuckles grazing one another as they nearly slotted together. It was taunting, the way they could be a perfect fit if given the chance. 
You almost went for it, almost grabbed hold of his hand yourself, but fear had you in its own grasp. Even if the benefit outweighed the risk, you couldn’t stop picturing him tugging his hand away from yours in a humiliating show of rejection. 
“You okay? You’re not, like, mad at me again, are you?” Concern creased Eddie’s brows, and your heavy heart realized that the last time you were this quiet around him was after the argument. 
“Not at all. Sorry.” You shot him a reassuring smile. “Just lost in my own thoughts.” You sent up a silent prayer that he wouldn’t ask you to elaborate on those thoughts. 
Luckily, he just tilted his head towards you, his eyes taking on an even more doe-like quality than usual. “That’s the problem with you smart people: you’re always thinking too much.”
You laughed as you nudged him, your right shoulder colliding with his left. He stumbled slightly, quickly catching himself before he could fully lose his balance. 
“Hey!” He yelped, rubbing his upper arm. The muscles beneath it flexed at his touch. “Don’t damage the merchandise.”
“I wouldn’t dare. I…” You shook your nerves loose and faced him, speaking before you fully lost yourself in his full, waiting lips. “I’d never damage merchandise as priceless as you.”
Eddie stopped in his tracks, the compliment seemingly rebooting his brain. Was it too forward? No, it couldn’t have been; he’d called you pretty just moments before. And it wasn’t as if you’d been forward enough to say he was sexy (though he was) or accidentally emasculated him by pointing out how adorable his soft dimples were (another fact). 
His exhale was a disbelieving chuckle. “I, uh, don’t think anyone’s called me ‘priceless’ before. ‘Worthless,’ maybe, but…” He trailed off in an attempt to contain it as a lighthearted joke, but it was anchored by an undeniable truth. 
If you could, you would wash away the ego-marring stains left behind by those who hurt him. Scrub and scrub until it was once again pristine as though they’d never been tarnished by self-doubt. 
“Priceless.” You said it definitively, leaving no room for further argument. 
Eddie ducked behind his hair, letting the curly locks dangle over his mouth to mask his flustered smile. You were willing to bet that a blush was spreading across the apples of his cheeks. 
Curiosity loosened your inhibitions enough for you to reach out and tuck a few strands behind his ear. Sure enough, a delicate pink tinged his skin. You wanted to kiss it until your lips grew swollen from where his stubble scratched them raw.
Doing that would require something far more potent than inquisitiveness. 
There was a decent crowd that night, not as packed as the weekend would have been, but there were enough people that only one empty stool remained in front of the bar. Eddie gestured to it, offering you the seat just as he had on the subway last week. 
You tucked the denim fabric of your skirt behind your thighs as you sat. Eddie watched every movement, an unreadable desire darkening his expression, as if he wished it were his fingers on your skin. 
Your smile seemed to snap him from his trance. He waved down the bartender, who held up her forefinger to signal she would be right over. 
A shadow draped over you as you scanned the liquor-cluttered shelves, bathing you in a welcoming darkness. Protection. Eddie’s arms framed your torso, his hands planted firmly on the bartop. And when you lightly grasped his wrist, your thumb rubbing against the soft hairs on his arm, you could have sworn you felt the tension leave his body in one swift exhale.
“What are you gonna get?” The grainy pop music playing from the speakers and a cacophony of neighboring conversations muffled his voice, and he had to shout just to be heard. 
“A vodka tonic.” Simple, classic, and most importantly—not expensive. Though you probably should let him be the judge of that, considering it was his treat. “If that’s okay?”
Eddie laughed softly and nodded. “It’s your night, Heiress.” The tip of his tongue swiped over his lower lip. 
He ordered your drink first, then placed his order for whatever beer was on tap before declining to open a tab. Your chest went slightly concave; you should have followed his lead and ordered the cheaper option. 
As if sensing your guilt, Eddie pulled back enough to look you in the eye. “It’s your night,” he repeated, grabbing your short, stout glass and placing it in your hand. He raised his own taller mug, proposing a toast. “To a badass future social worker and all of the lives she’s gonna change. For the better,” he added quickly. 
Before he could clink his glass to yours, you locked eyes with him. The brown eyes that steeled themselves against you the night he first checked into the motel were now pillow-soft, beckoning you to fall. He may not have even been aware of it himself. 
“To the coolest rockstar I know,” you said, allowing the lips of your glasses to touch. “And the second-coolest guest to ever stay at the motel.”
Eddie raised a brow. “Second?”
“You really think you’re cooler than Phyllis?”
“Touché.” He relented with a smirk, taking a swig of his drink that left a foamy mustache on his upper lip. Without a second thought, he licked it away. 
The movement enraptured you: his tongue swiping over his skin, leaving no residue in its wake. That same tongue that peeked out from his mouth when he was focused, a simple muscle, but it held your attention for a beat too long. 
“Are you…” Eddie gestured towards your vodka tonic, and you realized you hadn’t even taken a sip. 
Cheers to embarrassing yourself ten minutes into the date. Non-date. Whatever it was. 
The vodka’s bitterness and the bubbles from the tonic water seeped into your tongue. You savored the burn as you swallowed. It had been so long since you’d had a drink, and just the first taste had you buzzing. If you didn’t pace yourself properly, you’d be tipsy far too soon. 
The sound system crackled and microphone feedback shot through the bar. You and Eddie winced in unison, each taking a gulp of your drinks. 
A man in his mid-thirties, balding with a goatee, stood at a makeshift stage at the back of the bar. “Welcome to Music Mondays here at The Brink. That’s right…it’s karaoke night!”
There was a smattering of applause that didn’t  match the emcee’s enthusiasm, but he remained undeterred. 
“Sign up here with your name and your song, and we’ll get started in a few minutes. Drink that liquid courage and come on down!” The microphone screeched once more as he slid it back into the stand. 
You turned to Eddie, your eyes wide with mischief. “You’re gonna do it, right?”
Eddie scoffed. “Fuck, no. I’m not getting up there and making a fool of myself.”
“But it’s my night,” you reminded him. “You said so yourself.”
He looked poised to argue, one hand gripped tightly around the mug’s handle, his mouth ready to say no. But then you batted your eyelashes and pouted, all in jest. A dramatic showing that you didn’t expect would convince him. 
A wry smile betrayed his tough exterior as his thumb ghosted your lower lip. Lightning crackled at his touch, soft as it was, illuminating your bones and surging through your veins. When he pulled back, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat, a light red stain tinged his skin. If he noticed it, he made no attempt to wipe it off. 
“It is your night,” he mused, gaze flickering to your mouth before promptly returning to your eyes. When you lit up in anticipation of him conceding, he couldn’t help but grin back. “One song. And I’m choosing it.”
You couldn’t argue with him, not when his touch still lingered on your lip. He disappeared for a moment to add his name to the list. As soon as he was out of sight, you took a much larger gulp of your drink. A trickle escaped out of the corner of your mouth, and you haphazardly swiped at it with the back of your hand, lest it ruin the shirt you’d picked out especially for the date. 
This isn’t a date. The reminder was as harsh as the vodka itself. You lifted the glass once more and drained it until the half-melted ice cubes clicked against your teeth. Whatever this evening was, you needed to relax. Enjoy Eddie’s company without reading too much into his every move. 
You turned your attention to the TV mounted above the shelves, engrossing yourself in the scrolling closed captions. A weatherman announced that this summer was going to be a ‘scorcher,’ and though he said it with a plastic grin, you inwardly cringed at the impact the air conditioning would have on the electric bill. 
“I’m up third.” Eddie’s voice broke in, turning the upcoming weather into a distant memory. He raised his brows when he saw your glass, now empty on the sticky bartop. “You finished that already?”
“Mhm.” Your smile was sloppier than you intended, your head starting to float from your neck as tipsiness crept in. 
Eddie breathed out, shaking his head with a glimmer of a smirk. You couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or impressed, and you didn’t have time to ask before he waved over the bartender. “Just water, please.” He nodded his thanks when she slid it over. “Drink,” he said to you, and you dutifully obliged. 
“What song did you pick out?” Something that is supposed to be screamed more than sung, you assumed. 
He just shook his head again and swallowed more beer. “It’s a surprise.” His eyes twinkled when he said it, and you wondered if his choice erred more on the side of Madonna than Metallica. 
A woman got up on stage and began her rousing rendition of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. 
Peppy? Upbeat? A great way to kick off karaoke night? Absolutely. 
On-key? Not even close. 
“If you ever start a new band, you should ask her to join.” You chinpointed towards the woman currently butchering the Cyndi Lauper classic. “She’s got that star power, I think.”
Eddie snorted but composed himself quickly to play into your joke. “I’m worried she’d outshine me.” He widened his eyes in faux concern. “Go solo and leave me behind, y’know?”  
“She’ll probably steal all of your groupies, too,” you added, tutting as if to say, what a shame. 
“Even you?”
You cocked your brow. “Who said I’m your groupie?”
He leaned his elbow against the bar, mouth slackjaw at your rejection. Disbelieving laughter left his throat in a huff. 
“I take you out, treat you to the best watered-down drink this city has to offer, and this is the thanks I get?” His curls brushed against his cheeks when he shook his head. “Who would you be a groupie for? Wait, no; lemme guess.” He tapped his finger to his chin. “New Kids on the Block? Boyz II Men?”
“I think I’d die if Joey McIntyre so much as looked at me.” You hadn’t meant to say that aloud. The watered-down or not, the alcohol was certainly turning sober thoughts into tipsy words. 
Eddie chugged half of the beer, watching as the woman on stage finished her song and left with a triumphant bow. “Pretty sure your shitty taste in music is what plays at the gates of Hell,” he said to you. 
Your response was a mere flick of your middle finger. 
A man in a suit took the stage next, loosening his tie as he positioned himself behind the microphone. A group of similarly-dressed men started hooting and hollering obnoxiously the moment the opening chords to Don’t Stop Believin’ blared through the sound system.
You looked back to Eddie. If he was nervous about singing karaoke, he didn’t show it. His shoulders were relaxed, his posture much less tense than on the walk to the bar. Maybe the alcohol loosened him up as it had you. 
“What about you?” You asked. “Whose groupie would you be?”
“Easy,” he said, not missing a beat. “Joan Jett. Total badass, killer musician, and hot as hell.” He nodded to confirm his choice before leaning in and loudly whispering. “Bad Reputation was basically my secret anthem in high school.”
You laughed. “Did you imagine it playing in the background when you walked down the halls?”
“Oh, absolutely.” Eddie grinned and polished off his beer. 
His confession warmed you—or maybe that was just the vodka working its way through your bloodstream. Regardless, you were intrigued by the glimpse into his past and found yourself hungry for more. 
“Can I ask you a non-groupie related question?”
Your tongue was heavy, the resulting slurring softening your words. “If your hometown is so shitty, why are you trying to go back?”
He loosened a chuckle, glancing at the shelves of booze before looking back to you. “My uncle still lives there. He, ah, he raised me after my dad split and my mom…y’know.” Eddie cleared his throat and managed a small smile. “Why? You want me to stick around?” 
The hair on his forearm tickled when he slid it over to nudge you, his pinky finger overlapping yours. 
Of course you wanted him to stick around. You’d smear honey all over the motel’s siding to lure more bees, tempt them to build their nests among the sticky sweetness, just so he would have a reason to stay. 
The man on stage belted out his final “don’t stop believin’” as his buddies enveloped him in drunken hugs. 
“All right!” The emcee bleated into the microphone. “Next up, we have…” He checked the sign-up sheet. “…Eddie! Let’s give him a hand, folks.”
A smattering of applause echoed throughout the room, the excitement of karaoke night already dwindling. If Eddie noticed, he didn’t show it. 
“This one’s for you, Heiress.” He winked and sprinted towards the stage. 
Eddie pressed his foot on the microphone stand, adjusting it so it was level with his lips. His fingers curled around its neck, dramatically tugging it closer as the instrumentals piped through the sound system.
Well, since my baby left me Well, I found a new place to dwell Well, it's down at the end of Lonely Street At Heartbreak Hotel
His hips swung back and forth, the gyrations not quite as precise as Elvis’s, but he still snapped them in time with the staccato guitar chords. The right heel of his sneakers tapped the floor as he continued, voice dipping into his lower register.
Where I'll be, I'll be so lonely, baby  Well, I'm so lonely  I'll be so lonely, I could die
Free hand pressed to his heart, Eddie leaned in your direction and tilted the mic stand while he sang. The movements were reminiscent of how a man would dance with someone he loved, impassioned yet graceful. Charisma oozed from every pore, his natural command of the stage an enduring reminder of his brief foray into rock stardom.   
The other patrons faded into the background as his eyes fixed on you, a personal serenade rather than karaoke night amongst a sea of drunks. Easiness weaved through each note he sang, his body loosening and his lips curving into a smile when you let out a vodka-fueled whoop of admiration. 
Now, the bellhop's tears keep flowin'  And the desk clerk's dressed in black  Well, they've been so long on Lonely Street  Well, they'll never, they'll never look back
Eddie pointed to you when he referenced the desk clerk, the crowd following his every move. The heat of their stares only exacerbated the warmth that the alcohol already sent coursing through you, but you felt no need to hide. The rich timbre of his voice was a magnetic pull, drawing you in until it echoed deep in your bones. 
Although it's always crowded  But you still can find some room  For broken hearted lovers  To cry there in their gloom  Where they get so, they get so lonely, baby  Well, they're so lonely  They'll be so lonely, they could die
He ended the song with one final swing of his hips, one foot turned inward in an Elvis-esque pose. If anyone else applauded for him, it couldn’t be heard over the sound of your cheers. 
He made a beeline for you. “Did that live up to your expectations?” Sweat dripped from his flushed forehead and down his temples. 
“Exceeded them, actually.” 
The bartender slid over two shot glasses filled with amber liquid. “On the house,” she explained when you and Eddie looked at her in confusion. 
You shouldn’t. The TV set that broadcasted the news showed that it was nearly nine o’clock and you were already tipsy from the one drink. Adding a shot—and subsequently mixing liquor—was a recipe for disaster. 
“You don’t have to drink it if you don’t wanna,” Eddie said. “I’ll take them both.”
With a shake of your head, you took the glass nearest you and downed it, the whiskey burning stronger than you had anticipated. Tears reflexively welled in your eyes, leaving you clinging to the hope that you had blinked them away before Eddie could notice.
He let out a soft, low whistle. “Well, okay then.” His own shot disappeared past his grimacing lips.
A familiar synthesized beat replaced the idle hum of conversation as a middle-aged woman began her song. Eddie threw back his head when he heard it, groaning as though the ‘80s hit left him in agony.
“You’re such a music snob,” you lamented, reaching out with both of your hands to grab onto his. If this is what liquid courage felt like, you were more than happy to ride that wave. “There’s more to life than heavy metal.”
“I just sang Elvis!” He protested, but his efforts were all in vain as you hopped off of the barstool and led him away from your empty shot glasses. “Heiress…” His tone was a warning, one that you promptly ignored.
You let your gaze meet his, the vodka-and-whiskey combination working overtime to stifle your nerves. 
“Dance with me.”
Eddie laughed. “You’re tipsy.”
“I’m tipsy and I want you to dance with me.” 
“You wanna dance, huh?” He laughed again when you nodded. “All right; let’s dance.” 
Eddie’s hands slid down to your wrists and adjusted your arms so they draped over his shoulders, his curls tickling your fingers when they clasped behind his neck. He hesitated for a second before letting his own fingertips rest on your waist, careful to avoid dipping below the small of your back.
Watching, I keep waiting, still anticipating love  Never hesitating to become the fated ones  
The current performer was marginally better than the first two, but her voice wasn’t nearly as polished as Eddie’s. She kept getting too close to the mic, the lyrics muffled each time her purple-lipsticked mouth grazed the cover. 
You inched forward, your chest against Eddie’s as the two of you swayed in tandem. His fingers flexed before tugging you closer, evidence that you weren’t the only one affected by the shot. 
“Can’t remember the last time I heard this song,” he mused wistfully. “Probably my senior prom. The last one, anyway.”
“You had more than one senior prom?”
His cheeks, already pinkened from the liquor, flushed a deeper shade of red. “Yeah, it, uh, took me a few tries to graduate,” Eddie admitted. “But I did it.” A sheepish smile still held a twinge of pride. 
“You did it.”
“Yeah.” One arm reached back to grasp your hand and twirl you around, and you breathed an audible sigh of relief when the room didn’t spin with you. “But tonight,” he grinned, “is all about you.” 
You. Not the motel or its crumbling financial infrastructure. Not the guests or your parents. Not school or exams or term papers. Just you. 
An involuntary giggle wriggled its way up and you ducked your head to hide it, your forehead brushing against Eddie’s lips. Did he purse them slightly in a hint of a kiss, or was that a figment of your imagination?
Turning and returning to some secret place inside  Watching in slow motion as you turn my way and say  Take my breath away
“You okay?” Eddie asked, a smile in his voice.
“Mhm. Just happy.”
“Yeah? Good.” His forefinger tucked under your chin and tilted it upwards, granting him a better look at you. The tip of his tongue parted his lips and swiped over the whiskey-scented residue. “You deserve to be happy.”
You did deserve to be happy. You deserved joyful moments in your life, people who surrounded you in sunshine even when rain poured.
My love, take my breath away  My love, take my breath away
You deserved Eddie.
Standing before you, his eyes never strayed from your form, flicking from your face to where his hands gripped your waist. His chest rose and fell in time with the music. 
“I…” You swallowed your fear, already tempered by tipsiness, curling your fingers into the back of his ribbed t-shirt collar. 
Desire rippled down your spine and you leaned in to close that godforsaken gap, already tasting him on your tongue. 
But not before he pulled away. 
@theintimatewriter @mandyjo8719 @storiesbyrhi @lady-munson @moonmark98
@squidscottjeans @therealbaberuthless @emxxblog @munson-mjstan @loves0phelia
@kthomps914 @aysheashea @munsonsbtch @mmunson86 @b-irock
@ginasellsbooks @erinekc @the-unforgivenn @dashingdeb16 @micheledawn1975
@yujyujj @eddies-acousticguitar @daisy-munson @kellsck @foreveranexpatsposts
@mykuup @chatteringfox @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @sapphire4082 @katethetank
@sidthedollface2 @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @mysteris-things @mrsjellymunson @josephquinnsfreckles
@the-disaster-in-waiting @eddielowe @hugdealer @rip-quizilla @munson-girl
@fishwithtitz @costellation-hunter @cloudroomblog @emsgoodthinkin
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il0veaphr0dite · 1 year ago
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。・:*:・。・★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:
A/N: first story!! feel free to give me feedback and enjoy!!
Warnings: nothing really just a little fluff ig
Word count: 843
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He's late.
Minho’s never late
You were starting to get worried.
You begin to pace back and forth, running all the possible scenarios through your mind
Did a griever sting him during the time?
Is he hurt?
Is Alby dead?
Yesterday, Ben was stung by a griever in the daytime. That night, Minho told you that tomorrow, he and Alby would go back to the maze and retrace Ben's steps.
That same night he told you, you lay awake on your hammock with a sinking feeling in your stomach causing you to get minimum sleep that night.
You planned to wake up early that next morning to say goodbye to him. Unfortunately, you were too late.
That whole day you couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.
You were in the Medhut cleaning up when you heard voices outside. You left the hut and jogged to the commotion.
Many gladers were surrounding the maze with torches in their hands. You slow down walking toward Newt to ask what happened.
“They should be back by now,” Newt said, gesturing toward the maze. Your heart dropped, and that sinking feeling in your gut got worse.
“What happens if they don't make it?” Thomas questions standing between you and Newt.
“They're gonna make it,” Newt argues.
Thomas continued arguing about how they should send someone in there but you were too worried to care besides, you knew that was against the rules.
You were deep in thought when you were interrupted by the maze doors closing. The gladers, including you, started to panic.
“There!” Thomas shouted pointing toward something at the end of the corridor.
It was Minho and Alby but something was wrong.
Alby seemed to be unconscious.
“Hurry!” She heard gladers cheering him on and soon she found herself joining in.
“Come on Minho”
“Just a little more!”
“You can make it!”
“Minho, you gotta leave him!” But you knew Minho too well, he would never.
The doors were about to close when suddenly, Thomas ran through them.
“Thomas, No!” you hear Chuck shout trying to grab his hand but failing.
And just like that Minho, Alby, and Thomas were stuck in the maze
。・:*:・。・★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:
Everyone was getting ready to set up camp outside for the night.
You sat on the grass near the wall when Newt walked toward you with a sleeping bag in one hand and a plate with a sandwich in the other.
You accepted both, thanking him.
“Eat up and get some rest,” he advised you as he walked away to his sleeping bag.
You tossed and turned all night wishing you could have run into the maze instead of Thomas.
。・:*:・。・★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:
“Y/N, the doors are about to open,” Newt spoke out, shaking you awake.
You got up and hurried with Newt to the maze doors and pushed through the crowd as the doors began to open.
The corridor was empty. You couldn't believe it.
“Minho!” You yell out waiting for a response.
Silence echoed through the maze.
Newt placed a hand on your shoulder “They're not coming back Y/N,”
You turn around to look at him, shaking your head. “There has to be something we can do!” You argue.
“No way!” Chuck lets out.
You turn around to see Thomas and Minho helping Alby to the Glade.
Gladers begin to cheer them on. You were filled with so much happiness you also began cheering them on.
“I got him,” Jeff says, laying Alby on the ground.
“Did you see a griever?” Chuck questions.
“Yeah, I saw one”
“He didn't just see it, he killed it,” Minho explains.
They immediately decide to call a meeting.
。・:*:・。・★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:
After the meeting and the new Greenie, You went up to the tree house tired and overwhelmed with all the events that happened.
You were too deep in thought when suddenly another pair of feet were next to you.
“Hi,” You let out barely above a whisper.
“How are you doing?” he asks, you let out a small laugh “ I should be the one asking you that.”
He chuckles, Then it goes silent again.
You turn to face him but you find him already looking at you. You wrap your arms around him. He stiffens at first then wraps his arms around your waist.
“I was worried about you” You whisper, not sure if he heard you.
“Who wouldn't miss my handsome face?” he says, causing you to laugh and hug him tighter.
You finally let go, looking him in the eyes.
“Promise me you'll always come back,”
He node “I promise”
You stare into his eyes, as he stares into yours.
He then began moving closer towards you.
You closed your eyes and then felt a pair of soft lips on yours.
You kissed him back passionately.
After a while, you both pull away to catch your breath.
“I'm guessing that means you like me too?” he says, staring at you with a slight blush on his cheek.
You nod, pulling him in for another kiss.
。・:*:・。・★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:
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fayes-fics · 2 years ago
Teacher Bridgerton
2k Celebration Masterpost
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, Modern AU
Summary: Modern AU Benedict, primary school art teacher
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Warnings: none... fluff, dad!Benedict
Word Count: 830
Authors Note: Last of my 2k follower celebration drabbles. This is for @guiltywaves with the prompt of art teacher Benedict (ask here). i had to end with some soft dad!Benedict, Unbetaed. Enjoy! <3
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“Is this right, Mr Brid-etun?” a boy holds a piece of paper aloft, struggling to enunciate the last name a little, wiggling in his tiny chair.
“Daniel, this is art,” Benedict explains softly as he drops to kneeling next to the little boy. “There is no right or wrong; just whatever you want to draw, do that. And please call me Ben.”
The boy looks at him wide-eyed, almost suspicious. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am sure. I am your art teacher, remember?”
The boy nods solemnly and reaches across the low table for a crayon. 
“Fank you, Ben,” he murmurs, a little peek of tongue at the corner of his mouth as he draws an arc in bright green.
Benedict smiles at the little boy and then stands back up to survey the cheery art room filled with 5-year-olds, preoccupied with crayons and their imaginations. It never fails to make him happy when Reception Year has its lesson every Wednesday morning. And not just because of one very special person it contains.
He never saw himself as a teacher, but a 2-month volunteering stint at summer classes on a whim became a temporary placement the following term that somehow became a job. That was seven years ago—he has never felt more content.
“Uncle Ben, I drew a cat!” a voice pipes up proudly, and he turns around to see Mary Bridgerton beaming up at him, holding a picture of what could possibly be a cat. It's a bright purple circle with rather demonic-looking red eyes and lightning-bolt yellow whiskers.
“Mary, that's very… colourful,” he offers diplomatically, bending down to ruffle her hair. “But remember, I'm just supposed to be Ben at school; I'm Uncle Ben at home,” he whispers as his brother's youngest child taps a finger to her nose with a wink, her pretty brown eyes shining as if agreeing to safeguard some grand secret. 
“I want to draw a car,” Mary’s friend Lila sighs wistfully.
“You can do it, Lila. Here,” Benedict hands her a blue crayon. “Try with this. I can help if you get stuck. I’ll be right here. And look, it's blue, just like your Mummy’s car.”
Lila rolls her eyes. “Yes, I know, Daddy. I’m not colourblind like Uncle Colin,” she replies dryly, eliciting a peal of laughter from Mary. She is often far more mature than her years, and she is growing up so fast that sometimes it terrifies him.
“Lila!” he admonishes quietly. “Remember, you must call me Ben when we are at school! And Uncle Colin isn't colourblind; he is just clueless about how to dress himself,” Benedict adds with slight relish.
“But Mary just called you Uncle Ben,” Lila retorts, drawing a quite impressive version of a blue car for her age—Benedict's heart wells at the sight but schools his expression the best he can.
“It was a accident!” Mary pipes up, indignant.
“It’s okay, Mary,” Benedict soothes. “Just remember to call me Ben at school if you can.”
She agrees and returns to her art—starting on a quiet terrifying-looking green dog. 
“Mummy, look!” Lila runs up to you as you walk in from work after a long day, the delicious scent of garlic and herbs greeting you as soon as the front door opens.
She is holding aloft a remarkable drawing of a blue car. Very much like the one you just climbed out of.
“That's wonderful, Lila!” you compliment as you drop your work bag and take the paper from her for a closer look, kissing her cheek before she runs back to the kitchen table excitedly.
You wander in after her, admiring her handiwork, to be greeted by your husband feeding your baby boy in his highchair as dinner simmers away on the hob.
“Somebody is taking after her Daddy,” you smile indulgently, leaning in to kiss his jaw as you watch his face light up with joy, seeing what you have in your hands. He turns his head to capture your lips instead.
“I am so ridiculously proud; she's my star pupil. That's bad to say, isn't it?” he confesses over your lips, grimacing slightly in an utterly enchanting way.
You chuckle, nuzzling his face, enjoying the slight rasp of stubble. “It's just fine, Mr Bridgerton. I do believe it’s okay to play favourites if the class contains your own daughter.” 
“I'm just glad she draws better than Mary,” he confesses, keeping his voice soft enough that Lila cannot hear.
“That bad, eh?” you laugh, dropping a kiss on your son's hair as he mashes banana into his own cheek, burbling happily.
“Stuff of nightmares,” he shudders, and you can’t help but giggle.
“Well, I'm certainly not telling Anthony,” you warn, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as his twine around your waist, pulling you into his comforting embrace. “Or Kate.”
“Yeah, me either; I’ll give Mary a gold star and lie at parents' evening,” he jests into your hair.
“Smart man, teacher Bridgerton.”
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @mlovesbridgerton @m-rae23 @last-sheep
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number-8-thewriter · 3 months ago
Part One: Luther
Another analysis but this time on Diego! He’s..got a lot. I’m scared to do Five tbh. Five’s analysis will be like an entire book, same with Klaus..and Viktor. Oof..😅
Okay, Diego!
In regard to his relationship with his family, the closest he seems to be with is: Luther, Five and Klaus. With Luther, it may have been because he was number 2. So he stood up to lead whenever Luther failed.
Note: (I remember reading a theory a long time ago that the numbers were based on the strongest (7) to weakest (1). So Luther was weakest when it came to his powers. The only reason he led is because Luther had been the most devoted, meanwhile Viktor was..ordinary at the time.)
So Diego was basically second in command, meaning he probably had a lot on his shoulders. He probably would’ve been number one if it weren’t for his stutter (and the fact Reginald didn’t know of his more advanced abilities, like him stopping bullet trajectory. At the time, he could only throw knives wherever he wanted).
Speaking of his stuttering, I’ve looked into it aooooo little (people with more experience can give their thoughts) and it seems like stuttering from a young age is a neurological thing from 2-5. But it could also be a result of trauma. So we have some possible causes…
1. He was just born like that. It never really went away, it only really comes out when he’s stressed.
2. He had head trauma as a child. I think the scar on his head was from Klaus trying to throw one of Diego’s daggers? But if I misremembering then maybe it came from an accident.
3. Severe emotional trauma. He experienced something that just affected him so badly he just…changed psychologically.
Probably a mixture of all three tbh. But we do know Grace was the one who helped him with speech therapy. This is probably the main reason he’s so attached to Grace. The sparrow kids make fun of him for being so attached to a robot but to him, that’s his mom. She’s the one who helped him. She understood and she never made fun of him or ostracized him. Although, we did see that Viktor as a young kid killed a lot of Nannie’s…I’m not sure if they were real humans first or if they were robots. I think the Nannie’s at first were the ones we see in the opening were the ones Viktor killed. So from this, the kids probably had their own nanny as babies. Obviously Reginald isn’t gonna be changing any diapers.
So..from this theory, Diego originally had a nanny he was attached to. His mom. Then he was possibly 7 or 8, Viktor killed her. Maybe he didn’t know it was Viktor? If he knew, that could be one reason as to why he was so standoffish with Viktor in season 1. If not then..ouch. Then Reginald built Grace and he was probably scared to loose her too. So he treated her like his real mother (which, to be fair, I would too. Her and Pogo did everything they could.)
Now we’ve got some background, let’s go into season 1:
As we know, Diego left at some point, probably after Ben died. We also know Diego deals with grief very angrily. So with Reginald mindwashing them to believe it was their fault, he blamed himself for his brother’s death and he left. He probably lived on the streets for a bit, if he didn’t steal money from Reginald first. Then at some point, he joins the police academy..and gets kicked out. Then he starts vigilantism but he needs a job, so he starts boxing (him and Luther are pretty similar when you think about it..) so he can live at the boxing ring.
Boxing is indeed a coping mechanism. It helps to unleash your anger in an acceptable way (like, sometimes people become surgeons to satiate a need to stab things..psychology!). So on top of boxing for money and a home, he’s taking his frustrations out on people. And his Vigilantism..he probably feels like he can’t do anything. Reginald implanted this idea of having to save people. He has powers, he HAS to. So he does.
At some point he also dates a detective (Eudora Patch) but they break up, probably because he was kicked out of the academy and then became a vigilante.
Then Viktor releases the book outing their entire lives. I don’t think we get to see exactly what Viktor writes but since it’s an autobiography, he probably went into vivid detail on everything. Diego probably felt outed. He doesn’t like people knowing all his stuff, he likes his privacy and he doesn’t like to be seen as vulnerable. That’s why he’s so hateful towards Viktor. Vik was the sibling that meant nothing to the family in terms of “the umbrella family.” He had no powers, he was shy, he only ever played his violin. Then as soon as he leaves, he outs the entire family and their drama. Most people probably wouldn’t feel great if their sibling wrote a book on the entire life and told the world all your private moment.
Diego and Klaus are the closest in this season. Diego tries to take care of him as best as he can but Klaus just..doesn’t care too much. Diego knows Klaus is self destructive but..he can’t really do anything. He seems to somewhat understand Klaus’ trauma in the war..
A pattern we’ll notice with Diego is that he always tries to help his siblings. Usually by talking or letting them vent. So far in the series, he’s the one who’s had heart to hearts with everyone (Luther in a deleted S4 scene, Allison in season 3, Klaus in season 1, Ben in season 2, Viktor in season 3, and Five throughout the seasons)
Season 2: Diego gets to the 60s..and the first thing he does is try to..kill Lee Harvey Oswald. Or arrest him? Whatever he’s trying, he’s trying to stop JFK from being assassinated. I think the reason he’s so keen on doing it is because he has a savior complex. And saving the president is the most savior you can get, even though I’m sure Five told him about changing the timeline too much.
This is also when he develops a relationship with Lila. Diego gets attached and defends her at all costs…until it’s reveled she’s with the commission and working with the enemy. He breaks up with her but she kidnaps him and takes him back to the commission. He was obviously pretty upset with the whole thing, so looping back to his mommy issues, he’s got abandonment issues. He doesn’t want to be alone but as soon as Lila turns out to be the bad guy, he feels betrayed and hurt again.
At the commission, he now realizes what Five’s been talking about this entire time. I think he actually wants to be apart of the commission (not apart of the corruption) to save people internationally and inter dimensionally. I mean, as soon as he came back, he immediately rubbed it all into Five’s face. Five, being the old man he is, knew most of it was bullshit and just shook his head.
In season 3, Lila basically dumps a child onto Diego. So now, Diego is caring for this boy who..is pretty similar to him tbh. So he struggles a bit but he actually ended up being pretty good. We already know in season 4, he ends up with the family life but right now this is a pretty indicator he actually wanted that life, at least somewhere deep down. When Stanley, the kid, gets lost, Diego looses it. He’s trying to find him, thinking he’ll just be somewhere in the building. In the hotel oblivion, that’s when Lila tells him that Stanley isn’t his son, just a kid she basically kidnapped for a week. Diego feels betrayed again but now this kid he bonded with (and tbh, Stanley would’ve been better off with Diego. At least Diego actually interacted with him and tried to teach him things).
Then Lila also drops the bombshell that she’s pregnant so..he’s essentially grieving the loss of one child (Stanley gets kugleblitzed) but now he has to grieve to loss of ANOTHER child because the end of the world is coming and he can’t do anything about it!…on top of that, he’s grieving the loss of his mom (Grace being a glitchy robot) and his brother (Ben, who “died” as a ghost and is now sparrow Ben, an asshole)..so he’s grieving a lot of different things and he’s probably really confused.
In season 4, we get another side of Diego. The family man. He…isn’t the biggest fan. Now, I’ve rewritten him to be a police officer but we’ll go with canon (I suppose…) so he’s a UPS driver. He hates it. He isn’t very good at the whole “normal life” thing. He misses his powers, he misses being something, he misses the excitement.
He loves his kids, obviously..I mean, the first thing he did when getting his powers back was winning a stupid carnival game to get stuffed animals. He just..again, has a savior complex. He wants to save people. Which is why when he sees Five again, he keeps asking if the CIA accepted his resume yet.
I think he might be somewhat jealous of Five? He’s showing a lot of it..like when he went to the commission and immediately rubbed it in his face. Now asking if the CIA will accept him.
This also goes into the whole..Five and Lila situation. Like..Lila, I know she said she wanted a break (oh yeah, right before Diego had to see how his brother fuckin died, great timing babe) but Five now has everything Diego wants! A good job where he gets to save people…and his wife.
That’s Diego…lots of abandonment issues, a savior complex, some roots of jealousy..he’s an interesting guy. He’s got a lot going for him but he can’t adjust to a normal life because he was never taught a normal life. He’s an almost 40 year old man, it’s hard for him to unlearn everything prior.
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jimmy-johns5382 · 2 years ago
hey!!!! if its okay could i request toby, ben, nina, and jane w an s/o who's just . the biggest loser ever when it comes to romance. like, they try to give them flowers only to trip and fall n crush it, tries to lean on a doorframe all flirty only to miss it big time, and just really bad pick up lines ("are you a construction worker cuz ur a building" type beat)
have a great day and make sure to take care of urself !
Anyways thank you for requesting, take care of yourself !!
“Ticci” Toby, BEN Drowned, Nina the Killer, and Jane the Killer with a romantic loser s/o
“Ticci” Toby :
Absolutely adores your failed attempts at pick up lines
Like damn right they’re your building!
They also can’t flirt to save their life
Possibly just as bad as you, dare I say it
They appreciate everything you do though
They don’t get too much love and affection, so your failed attempts are so cute to them
Teases you for it 100%
They can’t help it!
But they can’t flirt either, so just tease them back
BEN Drowned :
Ok, BEN’s a little complicated
On one hand, he can’t flirt to save his life, freezing up when you enter a room or calling you the stupidest nicknames ever
On the other hand, he LOVES to tease you
So whenever you flirt with him, poorly of course, he’d most likely tease you and make your face go red
He loves to see those reactions out of you
But when it comes to him flirting back?
Oh he can’t do that at all
Seeing you enter a room and you just look so good? He’s frozen up and has to duck away quickly
So it could go either way with him, you never know
Nina the Killer :
Oh she’d freeze up, then burst out into a giggly mess
What did you just say to her?
Than now your embarrassed and red in the face, which she LOVES
They would giggle and kick her feet late at night thinking about you definitely
Doesn’t really flirt with you back, she’s too scared to
But would do things to embarrass you!
Like randomly grabbing your hand, smiling at you super brightly, etc
Not really teasing, just loves to see you get all red
Finds you absolutely adorable
Jane the Killer :
Oh gosh, you are so screwed
Will tease and coo at you constantly
Failed/loser flirting with her? Oh she eats it up
Adores you so much
Will just be like “oh dear, I’m what?” In the SMOOTH MF TONE
And you just freeze, unable to move or anything
Would never let you live any of it down
But she means well
She’ll “show you how it’s done” and flirt really well
And you just panic
But it’s so cute
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lirarey · 4 months ago
Let's talk about the main couples in "Descendants"? Part 1
Ben and Mal. Who is Ben? Son of Belle and the Beast. Belle could see the good in him. The Beast was slowly opening up to her. Together, they raised a son who was able to understand and accept anyone. Who is Mal? Daughter of Maleficent and Hades. Her mother was angry at the man who got married to another woman. Hades couldn't be with Maleficent for long. Mal grew up a girl who was used to seeking approval and love through pretense. Ben saw the good in her and helped her to bring it out. And I love talking about their first date scene forever. When Mal gave him those enchanted cookies, she didn't even think about the consequences. I'm not sure she even planned to disenchant him. For her, "love" is something abstract. Something that needs to be achieved. After all, if you're useful, then you can be loved? But Ben, from the very beginning, tried to find the good not only in her, but in all the VKs. He gave them the chance that Belle once gave to the Beast. At first, Mal didn’t fully understand this. For her, Ben was just "a typical prince who is only a bridge to achieve the main goal." But the cookies, to some extent, helped release his initial sympathy for Mal. "Did I mention?" made Mal just blink in confusion from the effect of the spell because she had never really seen full-fledged magic in her life. Mal found it funny to think about such a universal and absurd display of attention. But the girl definitely didn't expect an invitation on a date. It's one thing to feign mutual sympathy in public and quite another to do it in private. If she is too cold, their plan will fail. But how can she be cold when Ben is taking her through stunningly beautiful places when they're slowly walking along a suspension bridge... Mal is lost, lost, because no one has ever been so sincerely interested in her life, even with the help of the spell. She tries to hide it, but it doesn't work very well. Such a good attitude towards her simply can't be anything other than a dream. Ben deliberately pretended to be in trouble. He wanted to see if his feelings were mutual. And the Enchanted Lake was only washed away by a spell. It can't take away real feelings. All this concern must have made her heart beat faster. She cries as she makes cookies because she knows no one has ever treated her this well. And no one ever will. Mal ruined everything with her own hands. How can she look Ben in the eye knowing that all she's been trying to do this whole time is help her mom take over Auradon? Ben continues to defend her to her parents and other AKs, believing in her good intentions. It turns out that her spell didn't even have time to work. In the end, she finally realizes that Ben makes her happy. In the second part, the burden of responsibility for a new image falls on her. She's trying to please everyone again. She isn't like all these princesses. This isn't her life. Her life remained there, on the Isle. Ben loves her for who she is, so he runs away to the Isle after her. But Mal is afraid to admit her feelings for him. He deserves someone better than her. Only the understanding of the possibility of losing Ben makes Mal know how important he is to her. And in the third part, everything is finally fine with them. But the inner fear of her past and the desire to protect Auradon make her close the barrier. Mal couldn’t even imagine that Audrey would want revenge. But after all the battles and heart-to-heart talks, she manages to find the right way out. Finally, a happy ending.
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livewireprojects · 5 months ago
Sonadowtober 2024 Day 1
I'm aware this is really late, I've sadly failed to work on stuff ahead of time & I've been getting tired easily so I don't really get around to working on this most of the time unless at work.
I think I mentioned before but joining in on Sonadowtober again & I'm behind. I'll try to catch up or at least post days I wanted to join in on when I get the chance.
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Day 1 was "I found you, faker!"
I kind of used this as an excuse to draw/talk about an idea I had for my version of Sonic that I mentioned in the past. The faker in this is the idea of Sonic having a facade. For some reason the idea of some characters like Sonic, TFA Bumblebee or Ben Tennyson having a facade is an interesting idea to me.(Like part of their behavior is them but most of it is due to issues like trauma & trying to cope)
While my version of Sonic is a little like how he acts he is self-unconscious(despite accepting himself at points he's still worried how others would see him) & has a lot to worry about despite trying his best to live in the moment. From personal issues, trauma he doesn't always deal with & worries about his amnesia that has left him with so many questions. On top of all of that he's trying to play the part of the hero that if knocked down can get back up that most think he is. He'll let the mask slip sometimes but he doesn't want people to lose hope in times were they really need him.
Shadow wasn't aware of Sonic's struggles at first but as he goes from seeing Sonic as an ally to a friend(he denies) he starts to notice things that worry him.(Made worse as he starts to develop feelings for Sonic) Shadow has his own issues to worry about but he'll try to help if possible. It will take some time to get Sonic to allow him in to help him to the point Sonic is badly injured before he reaches him but Shadow will be there for him & help him remove the mask.
Link to Sonadowtober days list
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amethxxt · 9 months ago
Any Shang Jr and Lonnie headcanons?
• Shang Jr is two years older than Lonnie and they get along well.
• I don't picture them as siblings who share a super close bond, but they are always there for one another. He was always supportive of Lonnie when it came to sword fighting and they always trained together at home.
• At Auradon Prep, he was very popular and was best friends with Herkie (Hercules' son). Him and Yi-Min (Yao's daughter) have known each other since they were little and are the epitome of high school sweethearts.
• Their little group were the ones that made the Enchanted Lake such a popular spot for skipping class, dates and parties.
• He was Coach Jenkin's assistant for the Tourney Team for a while before joining the Imperial Army after graduation. Some people joke about it being nepotism, but he is one of the most skilled warriors.
• A few months after joining the Imperial Army, he proposes to Yi-Min, although both of them agree to only get married a few years later.
• He's closer to their father and Lonnie's closer to their mother.
• When Lonnie came to Auradon Prep, she wasn't as popular as him and didn't really want to be. Still, she was always nice to everyone and could mingle from group to group.
• She's not shy and is very proud of her family history.
• Before the VKs arrives, she would always be hanging out with Ben, Aziz, Jane and if she was texting someone, it was most definitely Audrey. They love to gossip together (Lonnie was the one who kept giving her updates about the Cotillion).
• After the Core Four started attending Auradon Prep, Lonnie got really close to Jay and Evie, who also really likes hearing gossip. They talk for hours while Evie designs her new training clothes and Mal just sits in the corner sketching.
• She felt bad for failing to notice Mal's inner turmoil in D2 (and even contributing to it) so she spent a lot of time trying to make up for it until Mal told her to cut it out.
• Lonnie then opted for offering silent support, just sitting next to Mal and shapening her swords to keep her company and sneaking her a few chocolate chip cookies when she sees Mal's having a rough day.
• Despite being R.O.A.R's team captain, it takes some time for the rest of the boys to take her seriously and that's what she texts her brother about the most - just complaining about them as much as possible with his response being offers to beat them up if they ever go too far.
• She enjoys training with Jay the most, because he never holds back. Fencing with him is hard and draining, but the way he fights also helps her reflexes improve and teaches her new moves.
• With time, she learns to read him, and knows that whenever he spaces out or starts to get more aggresive is because he's having flashbacks about the Isle. Lonnie then takes the sword from him and forces him to sit down and take some time to breathe. If it gets too bad, she rushes to get Carlos.
• She's also the only one who has seen Jay's scars outside of the Core Four and always listens when he's willing to talk about it.
• After the Sea Three come to Auradon, she's the most eager to get to know Uma and have her and Harry join R.O.A.R. She also gives up on trying to get them to wear the safety equipment.
• Uma has beaten her in a sword fight before and even taught her a few of the pirates' moves.
• Lonnie ends up being recruited by Northern Wei's professional fencing team, but her dream is to also joing the Imperial Army in the future.
I think this is getting a bit long now, so I think I'll end it here lol (sorry if there's a bit more about Lonnie) but I can definitely write some more about them in the future!!
Hope you liked these headcanons! Feel free to send requests about any other character, couple, etc.
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nanasdumbworld · 2 years ago
Head Over Heels (pt.1)
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₊°✧︡˗ˏˋ❤ˎˊ˗ Miguel O'Hara x Spider! fem!Reader
Summary ; Miguel and (Y/N) realize that they are head over heels for each other.
Warnings ; Mention of child loss, panic attack. Hurt/Confort. Jealousy!Miguel. Non-consent kiss.
It was a Friday of paperwork. (Y/N) Drew was doing yesterday's mission report, which had not gone quite well since the anomaly, a variant of the green goblin, had been able to escape. Miguel wasn't entirely happy with the result, but let it go. (Y/N) thought he was going to scold her as usual, but that didn't happen. He simply told her that the problem was easy to fix and told to prepare herself so she could catch him on the next mission.
She and Miguel had years of friendship, along with Jess and Peter. She was one of the first recruits and she was one of the strongest. (Y/N)'s past wasn't unknown to anyone, she was from earth 1610-B. A reality where she was a female clone of Peter Parker, created by Doc Ock and the Ben Reily of that dimension.
Since he met her for the first time, Miguel knew that she was a person to trust, which is why their bond was so strong. You could say they were "best friends". Although, for (Y/N), Miguel wasn't just a simple friend, the small details and gestures of him made her fall in love with him. One of the key moments of their friendship, was that time (Y/N) found Miguel having a panic attack in his office.
On a mission, he failed to save a variant of his little daughter from the lizard's clutches. The image of his daughter's body was repeated over and over again in his head.
"I couldn't save her, I couldn't protect my baby" He yelled, throwing one of the monitors. (Y/N) cautiously approached when he calmed down and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. "Can I sit next to you?" She asked with a sweet tone of voice, to which he denied, shaking his head, without turning to look at her. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" She asked again. Miguel didn't answer. "Do you want me to retire?" Miguel denied.
"Stay." It was the only thing he could say in a small voice.
For a long time, she was standing a few meters from him, until he let her get closer. (Y/N) knelt in front of him.
"Would you like to talk about what-" She was interrupted by a hug, which she responded by hugging him back. Miguel buried his face in her neck, letting out many more tears. Gently, she stroked his hair. (Y/N) realized that his breathing was back to normal. Miguel raised his face and looked into her eyes as she wiped away his tears. A weak 'thank you' came out of his mouth.
That had happened a few months ago. Thanks to that their friendship became even stronger, they had helped each other hundreds of times. He healed her wounds, she listened to him when he opened up about his private life. Sometimes they would go out to eat in their free time or stay up late to review the reports of the other spider people, which Miguel loved. He also comforted her when she didn't feel good about herself, since thanks to her origin, she questioned who she really was, a simple clone or "cheap copy of Spiderman" as J.J. Jameson called her. It was inevitable that she didn't fall in love with him, she knew the real Miguel. Deep inside that shell, Miguel was a huge nerd with a heart of gold who was passionate about genetics.
"(Y/N)? Are you picking up?" Miguel got her attention by snapping his fingers near her face.
"Yeah, yeah" She shook her head, clearing her mind. She turned her head to the left, looking at him. "What were you saying?"
Miguel rolled his eyes, grumbling. "I was saying what you can do to capture the anomaly. Take this antidote to sedate him. This will bring Norman Osborn back to himself." He handed her a small vial with a green liquid. "You have to inject it into his neck as quickly as possible, understand?"
"Yes, Sir"
Many hours later, she finished writing the report. She got up from her seat and stretched. "I'm going to sleep now, try to do it too" (Y/N) said putting her hands on her waist.
"No te prometo nada, I still have reports to review" (I can't promise you nothing) he replied without turning around. He was reading Hobie's report. "This is the most incompetent, worthless report I've ever read in my life" he passed his hand over his face as a sign of despair.
"Do you want me to help you?" (Y/N) clasped her hands behind her back and cocked her head.
"No, you go rest. You need to be fine for tomorrow's mission." she sighed. The truth was that he was sleepy, but Miguel was never going to finish reading the hundreds of reports that he still had left. "Ni lo pienses" (Don't you think about it)
He moved closer to her and raised an eyebrow. "Tomorrow you have a very important mission, you need to rest" (Y/N) got even closer. "What are you going to do to me if I don't and I stay?" They could feel each other's breaths on their faces.
Miguel looked down, remaining lost in the brunette's lips. Obviously, (Y/N) noticed and did the same. They were inches from kissing, when Lyla's voice fortunately (unfortunately) abruptly separated them.
"Am I interrupting something?" She said laughing, to which they both flatly denied.
"Claro que no. Para nada" (No, of course not) Miguel mentioned completely flushed.
"Nah" (Y/N) looked up at the ceiling, while whistling. What were they about to do? Were they going to kiss?
"Whatever you say" Lyla shrugged her shoulders in confusion. A screen appeared in front of them. In the image, they could see the green goblin in what appeared to be a gala. "Norman Osborn on earth 1610-B, he is in a charity dinner for the orphanage of the city" Lyla continued saying. "I fear that his intentions are not good, I detected that he bring three bombs with him"
(Y/N) turned to look at Miguel with a smile. "The night will be long, my dear friend"
They were already at the evening. Not being able to enter with their respective Spidey costumes, they opted to dress up. (Y/N) wore a wine-colored dress and Miguel in a suit. They both thought they looked amazing, but they weren't able to tell each other.
They were dancing to go unnoticed. At that moment, the song "Fooled Around and Fell In Love" by Elvin Bishop was playing. They danced slowly, with an awkward distance. They looked everywhere with the excuse of finding Norman, but it was also because they couldn't look at each other's faces without blushing.
Despite their best efforts, they couldn't help it. Both were lost in each other's gaze. Longing to give each other even a kiss. The uncomfortable distance was shortening, they felt their breath getting closer.
"Can I kiss you?" They said at the same time. They were about to finally give each other the much-needed kiss, but a raspy voice interrupted them, causing them to turn around. it was none other than Norman Osborn himself. "Excuse me, gentleman. Could you steal the lady for a moment? I'd like to have a dance with her. Sure, if she wants it that way."
They both looked at each other and nodded. "Sure, no problem" Miguel replied with a small smile and left, sitting at one of the tables that were nearby.
Now the song that was playing was "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by Morten Harket. "What a mainstream song" Miguel thought as he watched (Y/N) dance with him. (Y/N)'s plan was to have him close enough to inject him with the serum. So they were extremely close. Which made Miguel's blood boil. How he grabbed her by the waist, how he whispered things in her ear that he didn't want to imagine. (Y/N) just smiled awkwardly, reaching for the vial that was in her pocket.
Norman thought that she wanted to kiss him, seeing that he was getting closer little by little to his face, so he didn't miss an opportunity. "How quickly you fall in love, doll" He said and without further ado he kissed her. Miguel froze. (Y/N) Seeing that Norman was distracted, he injected the serum into his neck.
A Miguel se lo estaba llevando la chingada.(Miguel was really pissed) Seeing (Y/N) kissing with that anomaly made his head ache. Since when was he this jealous? All he wanted to do was just push him away from her, but he couldn't. The serum had to take effect.
The headache grew stronger when she saw him going to the bathroom, between kisses. He followed them and entered the women's bathroom. He walked checking the cubicles, until a blow stopped him dead. He went to where the blow came from and saw that it was (Y/N) with a completely unconscious Norman. "How was the drool exchange?" he asked the brunette, earning himself an elbow in the stomach. "You would have done it, idiot."
Already in the HQ, they locked Norman in a cell.
"What a night" Miguel exclaimed, taking off his tie.
"Don't even tell me" (Y/N) grumbled as she took off her hairstyle. "I'm going to rest, see you tomorrow" She turned around and opened a portal to her house.
"(Y/N)" Miguel caught her attention making her turn back to him. Come on, Miguel. Tell her. Tell her you love her.
"Have a nice night." It was all he said. He felt disappointed in himself.
And she felt that way too. She didn't just want to say a simple "I'm going to rest, see you tomorrow" she wanted to fill him with kisses and hug him as much as she couldn't.
But neither of them had the courage to say it and do it.
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tmnt-oc-comp · 7 months ago
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Info under the cut!
Quarry Monsanto Inari Hamato:
made by @countlessgifts
Quarry is a minor villain from after the movie who eventually becomes Raph's love interest.
When they first met the turtles they got close by pretending to be a wannabe superhero and befriending Raph. They betrayed him and tried to steal the Krang Key. After they failed there was bad blood for a long time, until they needed the turtles help to save their sister from the EPF. Quarry was captured and mutated into a weapon for the EPF but eventually, with the turtles help, both him and his sister escaped and Quarry came back to apologize and reignite his friendship with Raph.
made by @xenniboii
Zivi was a little experiment of Draxum’s, but he learned quickly that he didn’t want her for various reasons. (Her being deaf the main reason. Though, he did build her an cochlear implant, he didn’t see any reason to keep her.) Eventually, he just left her down in the hidden city. At five years old. (Wow rude.) She was scavenging for food when Big Mama saw her and immediately saw nothing but potential. She immediately took her in. Of course, Zivi had no idea what was happening. As soon as possible, Big Mama began to train her to fight in the Battle Nexus, giving her only a war hammer and forcing her to fight. Though Big Mama did give her a cloaking brooch for when it was necessary to go up to the surface, and she always had someone watching her. Once when Big Mama seen her using her claws in battle, she was declawed. She begged her not to but to no avail. She now struggles to keep her balance at times (hence the forearm crunches) and suffers from chronic back pain. Though, Big Mama never let her use her crutches no matter what. She claims it was to “Strengthen her” or that “She’s just being lazy” when she said anything. She only was allowed to use them outside of work. Eventually, she decided she’s had enough and escaped. She escaped onto the surface. While she was on the surface, she found an ally way where she took off her brooch for a moment to take a break. The tmnt, who sat atop a building, spotted her. Immediately they became curious. What was a mutant doing up here? They came down and started to question her, and eventually, after some intense interrogation, they agreed to take her in. Eventually she was introduced to their other friends, Emmie, Bo, Mel, Izzy, and Nora. (Some of my friends ocs!) They all got along really well and they became close friends, Zivi even calling them her siblings. All was perfect, until the group broke up due to some complications on Emmie’s side. They all went their separate ways. After a while, Bo, Mel, and Zivi realize that they need each other and they regroup. Eventually, Nora and Izzy join back as well. It’s now been 2 years since they’d even heard a word from Emmie. And while Bo and Zivi are in the hidden city, they run into Emmie. But, for some reason she doesn’t recognize them… she explains that she’s not Emmie but she’s Irilia— Lia. It’s very clear that she’s changed, and she doesn’t even know it. They take Lia back to Zivis house, where they bring the Tmnt as well, to try and asses the situation. Apparently, Lia had amnesia. She was working in the hidden city circus on the aerial silks. She lived with the two crab mutants who used to work for Draxum— Ben and Carl. They all end up discovering who each other is, and reminding Lia who she used to be. All while having crazy adventures with Raph, Donnie, Mikey, and Leo
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kariachi · 1 year ago
Skimming a transcript of What Are Little Girls Made Of and damn, no wonder that girl jumped when Kevin said he wanted her to stick around. Verdona goes 'hey, run away to another planet with me, a relative you've known less than three hours' and when she turns to her parents for help her dad is just 'well I never got the chance to run off to another planet' and her mom- of "polite people don't glow" fame- starts off with "we hoped you'd take after my side of the family" before going down the 'we won't stop you' path.
Because gods know that shit's what a teenager who just had their life turned upside down wants to hear. Not 'you should sleep on it' or 'slow down mom you've been back like an hour' but 'I never got this chance' and 'we hoped you wouldn't be like this' and 'we won't stop you going'.
And of course Verdona just immediately 'that's that settled let's go' with no actual input from Gwen because she's like that. So Gwen runs off because everything is a lot, and the boys follow, and then Ben decides to be supportive. By telling her that yeah they'll miss her if she leaves for possibly forever, but it's okay because they'll easily be able to replace her on the team.
Just, Benjamin.
This is what happens when you're too focused on 'must be supportive' that you fail to read a fucking room. Of course Gwen immediately goes 'then I won't go' when Kevin says he wants her around, because she's got her grandma going 'fuck this shit come with me and you'll actually be happy', and her dad going 'this is opportunity I never got', and her mom's bullshit plus 'we're not gonna do anything to stop you going', and Ben immediately segueing how they can replace her- Poor girl is overwhelmed and uncertain and most definitely feels like all her relatives except the one who didn't give two shits until she showed the Spark are going 'we don't care about having you here or if we ever see you again'.
And then Kevin, who I am reasonably certain is a case of 80% selfishness and 20% being the only person here who can read a room, when asked if he agrees with Ben, says no. Say's he can't believe she'd even consider it. Says he wants her around.
And Gwen immediately takes it, because this girl is looking for fucking permission. Seriously. We've seen enough of the Tennysons to know they're a 'but they're family' family, and Gwen was raised to be very polite, and Verdona's a fucking whirlwind of a personality coming in like a tornado to flip her life and try to take her away, ten to one Gwen honestly at this point feels like all the pressure is on her to say yes. Verdona wants her to come along and while it's not their intention her family's attempts at support easily come off as 'are you still here?' And the things Gwen herself says on the matter, immediately going to how she'd probably be gone a long time, that she might not even come back, and her wondering if she even belongs- When Ben says they'd miss her she actually asks him if they really will. To which his response is functionally 'yes but we can replace you'.
Any doubts and uncertainties she already had, her family is just compounding them, and I think by the time she turns to Kevin she knows she doesn't want to leave. I think she always did, but with everything happening at once... I think she knew she didn't want to go, but was beginning to wonder if anyone would care if she did. She mentions having never felt entirely like she fit in, and with her mom's shit... Having everyone going 'yeah you should go right now we support you without question' just makes her feel like maybe she should go, whether she wants to or not, because clearly here, the people she's closest to are all but packing her things for her.
They don't mean to come off like that, they only want to support her, but they're so focused on supporting what they think she wants that they don't stop to learn what she does want, or even give her the time to figure that out herself.
Then she turns to Kevin. And Kevin's quote- "Why would you even think about it? I want you around."
And immediately 1) any doubts she's been having as regards going are validated in that 'why would you think about it', because she does not know this woman and is being asked to give up everything she does know on no notice for her promises, and 2) even if her grandma only gives a fuck because she's Sparky and her family are damn near shoving her out the door, somebody wants her around. The world won't just go 'whoo, finally got rid of her' if she leaves, at least one person would be sad to see her go.
Somebody agrees that this isn't just a 100% great deal we're so happy for you. Somebody will care if she's gone.
And that's all she needs, is someone to back her up on not going, and to make it known that she's wanted where she is. That the hole she would leave can't just have somebody else slotted into it and everything's fine.
And of course it's the guy from the broken home that gave it to her.
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luverofralts · 5 months ago
Arkhelios Adventures
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"Your Majesty, it's so great to see you again. Come, sit down. I've arranged for tea to be served if you'd like."
King Liam of Crystal Cove was a timid creature. His parents had been murdered when he was a child, and he had been raised under the thumb of King Ben Siew to be a compliant puppet to Twikkii Island's needs. Ben had married him to his granddaughter, Celeste, who had run the country for Liam until she and Charlotte Maricourt attempted to kill the Grim Reaper with the full force of the Strangetown coven. Since Celeste's death, Liam was trying his best to rule effectively and was utterly failing. His daughter, Theodosia, had been raised by her mother to force her father to abdicate the throne upon her mother's death, but Liam had refused to budge. The throne had been his mother's final gift to him and he wouldn't release it until it was his time to join her in death. It would be him who faced off against Claudia, even if Theodosia insisted on helping him.
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Claudia was more than fine with the arrangement. All she needed was her heir by her side, and her number one secret weapon, Theo.
"How kind of you," Claudia replied dismissively. "It's a bit too hot for tea, don't you think? This meeting shouldn't take very long anyway."
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"We'll see," Liam answered, attempting to sound authoritative and failing. "We do have so much to talk about."
Claudia only smiled in response. With a practiced nod, she gestured towards Theo. Victoriana walked to her mother's side (though two paces behind her at all times as appropriate for an heir). Theo nodded stiffly and marched carefully towards the front of the palace. He'd been doing lots of training with the queen lately since school was out for the summer and was loving every moment of it. He got to sleep in a castle, in a luxury bedroom all to himself. He'd been allowed to visit his parents twice now, but could only call or text Adam. Adam's parents had decided to keep Adam close to them for the summer and had forbid him to be alone with the demon hybrid until school resumed. Even if Theo's powers had been healed with divine intervention, neither Edana or Ewan wanted to risk another possible injury to their son.
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"So, let's just get this out of the way," Theodosia began. "The Harvest Moon Ball will not be held this year. Our sovereign ruler has given his final decision on the matter, and you won't change it."
The crown princess glared at Claudia, but Claudia didn't seem to notice. Theodosia's wife, Charlotte, had gladly abdicated the Pleasantview throne to Claudia years ago, but Theodosia still had mixed feelings on the matter. True, Claudia had a better claim to the throne, and Charlotte was almost universally hated there, but the daughter of the Red Queen had to have some sway there.
But Theodosia was failing her mother's guidance. She had been too blunt, too quick to offer her opinion. Claudia had seen her true emotions on the matter, but Theodosia had seen nothing of Claudia's.
"Of course," Claudia responded, looking appalled at the insinuation of her having come to question the king's decrees. "Pleasantview has allowed your country to govern itself for what, seventy years now? My grandfather saw the potential in a second empire during his rule, but I made a very sincere vow to your nation upon taking the throne. Under my rule, you're free to make any decisions you'd like about your country. I do hope that Victoriana extends you that same courtesy when she takes the throne someday."
"You don't have a drop of Alioto blood in your veins," Theodosia said sharply. "My grandmother is your aunt on the Goss side only. You can claim relation to any other kingdom but this one. Your claim would have to go back all the way to the first emperor, who lived centuries ago. You don't know the first thing about Crystal Cove. We aren't so helpless these days."
"Ladies, please. Let's not let the heat get the better of us," Liam pleaded, looking sternly at his daughter. "Queen Claudia has sworn to keep the peace, and so have I. There's no need for arguments."
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"It would help me learn about your country and traditions if Princess Isadora transferred to Princess Zarah Academy," Victoriana chimed in. "Queen Maura’s children and King Charley's grandchildren attend Pleasantview academies, and they love it there. It would no doubt be beneficial if your future queen studied alongside her royal peers. It would be unfair for the other future monarchs to have strong friendships with each other and poor relations with Crystal Cove."
"I'll consider it," Theodosia replied, in a tone that clearly conveyed the message that she would never consider the option. "So, if you're not here to complain about the ball being cancelled, I'm curious about the reason for your visit. We love hosting foreign royalty, but I wouldn't want you to waste your valuable time on something that could have been sent by message. I'm sure there's much to occupy your time in such a large nation."
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"That's a good point though. Isadora is rather isolated from her peers. My own mother was born in Pleasantview, and we have a long history of friendship between our nations."
Theodosia cleared her throat, cutting off her father.
"Dad, Isadora loves her school. It's important to maintain our traditions and not be swept up by the culture of larger nations. Especially nations that have a history of making us their colony."
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"I'm glad that she's happy with her education," Claudia replied calmly. "Crystal Cove has fine educational facilities. We have a few witches in Pleasantview who like to sign up for the occasional course here to experience your culture. The last one I approved to take a class abroad made me a little crystal tree in thanks. I proudly display it in my formal entryway."
Liam looked like he was about to say something in response, but Claudia cut him off.
"I'm sad to hear about the cancellation of the Harvest Moon Ball, but I can understand your concern for safety. I've come today to share some news I've received about another concerning threat."
"Another assassination attempt?" Liam asked, gasping audibly. "Another attack on Twikkii Island?"
Claudia shook her head solemnly.
"I'm afraid it's not that simple. This is a global threat, I'm afraid. It's likely related to the attack that nearly claimed Queen Maura’s life, but it's been only spread by whispers so far. The dead are returning to our realm to warn us of what may come."
"The dead are returning? Is this-could it be...."
Theodosia trailed off, looking uncharacteristically unnerved by the Pleasantview queen's words. When she had gathered her thoughts, she cleared her throat and spoke with purpose.
"Does this concern our shared brother? Has he been...experimenting with the teachings of his mothers?"
For once, Claudia was caught off guard by a question and she didn't enjoy the feeling. She had prepared to talk about the names of dead reapers being mentioned to the living, but not about Travis.
Why would she bring up the shy, sensitive warlock who loved reading more than making a friend? To Claudia, Travis was a sweet, talented young man, who just happened to be her brother. Theodosia clearly didn't feel the same way.
Travis was Theodosia's biological brother by their mother, Queen Celeste, and a powerful threat. Celeste had been a dark, ruthlessly trained witch, and Theodosia was still learning about new terrible things her mother had done. His other mother, Charlotte Maricourt, had been an ancient witch raised in the Old Ways of Strangetown. Entire books could be written about her dark legacy. Travis was made by these two master magic users to sacrifice in their insane scheme to murder the Grim Reaper. Theodosia had seen the rituals for herself the day her mother died and remained terrified of Travis' potential, despite him having grown up into a shy, respectful teen.
Travis was Claudia's biological cousin, and Claudia was no stranger to the darkness that ran in their shared genes. Pleasantview lived at least a little bit in fear of their queen because she descended from tyrants and murderers, and that was something Claudia had been trained to promote. She knew the grey areas of her life and how to reign in the darkness without ignoring it fully. Celeste had been a terrible person, but Claudia's grandfather had instilled fear in the hearts of nations around the world. Crystal Cove had fallen to him in an afternoon and the things he'd done were too terrible to repeat. Hell, Theodosia was related to him as well on her father's side, but she wasn't his direct heir, so she got to be presented as innocent and kind. Claudia knew how Theodosia felt in secret, being a descendant of deranged monsters, but Theodosia wasn't using this insight to help others. Instead, she was placing her own fears and resentment on an innocent child and expecting praise for it. The Goldmans believed in the good of humanity and in redemption. Claudia's father adopted the unwanted son of the sister who had murdered him as an infant and had never once questioned Travis' heart. Theodosia had been telling the truth when she pointed out that Claudia had no Alioto blood in her veins. Maybe if she did, she'd be an asshole to innocent children too.
"No, it doesn't concern Travis," Claudia spat, trying to reign in her anger and failing. She paused to collect herself before continuing. She had business to conduct, and punching a foreign crown princess wasn't going to help anyone. "Ghosts have been seen for the first time in centuries. Have you received intelligence on this?"
"No," Liam answered, looking at his daughter, who shook her head. "I haven't seen any ghosts personally or had reports of them. Honesty, I've always thought that ghosts weren't even real since people like your parents apparently guard the dead so well."
"They usually do. Unfortunately, things happen out of their control sometimes. I believe the ghosts are trying to tell us something important. It's my intention to learn what they want, and my parents have suggested that I might have more success learning that information with a party. Spirits love gatherings of mortals for any reason, but especially when that gathering involves food and dancing. Blood magic is apparently stronger during celebrations involving food and thanksgiving, so their theory is that ghost might feel the same."
"Is that so?" Liam asked, leaning back in his chair. Beside him, Theodosia glowered.
"Now that you've cancelled the Harvest Moon Ball, I have to adjust my plans," Claudia continued. "You see, Lukas also fears what ghosts could mean for our world and has begged me to continue my investigation."
Her words had the desired effect. Liam froze in place, terrified of the mere mention of the being who had taken his throne when they were a teenager. Some nights, he still woke up in a cold sweat at the thought of the deity returning. Claudia had him just where she wanted him.
"So, you see, since the Harvest Moon Ball will not be held this year, I plan to hold my own ball to continue my investigation. Because your ball was cancelled, I thought it was only fair that I hold mine in Crystal Cove so that your subjects don't have to travel to Pleasantview to attend it."
"You don't have the right to just announce events in another country," Theodosia seethed. Her father had suddenly gone quiet. "You can't just rent out the ballroom. That's owned by the royal family and I don't grant you permission to use it."
Claudia smiled, her face perfectly calm.
"I wouldn't dare assume to use your property in Crystal Cove. That would be incredibly rude of me. No, I was planning on holding the ball in the piece of Crystal Cove that I own. The ball will be held in the Honora St. Julien Tower, which is the legal property of Pleasantview, so you don't need to worry about helping in any way. You're rightfully concerned about safety, but I can guarantee that my security team, several units of my military, and the brightest stars of my coven will be on hand to protect anyone who attends. Your whole family is invited, of course,"
Theodosia's face was turning from red to purple at this news, while Liam stared at the table, trying to form an objection to this plan.
"Your military in our streets? Your coven out hexing and cursing our magic users while people dance in the background? You don't have the right!"
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"Well, actually, my mom legally owns the Honora St. Julien Tower. It's, therefore, a part of Pleasantview, and she can do what she likes in Pleasantview," Victoriana added quickly. This wasn't entirely the plan she had discussed with her mother before arriving here, but it was close. The queen had intended on elaborating on what she knew of the threat concerning old, dead reapers, but Victoriana could practically see steam coming out of her mother's ears. Clearly, the idea of sharing information had been abandoned. Victoriana was okay with that. She hadn't been briefed in full by her mother, but even she had not appreciated the princess' lack of respect for her Uncle Travis.
"You can't be serious."
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"Oh, hey! Her Majesty thought you'd be here. I'm supposed to delay you while they talk a bit. Then you can barge in all you like."
Theo smiled at the new guests. Claudia had assumed that just because Lukas had asked for her help, they would have also reached out to a second person just in case. Usually, that meant the genetic line of champions they maintained to serve their wishes.
And here they were, standing before Theo. Varia, Vrai, and Leo all waved at the teen. It was just like Claudia had predicted.
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"They're making you deal with this too?"
Vrai was old and tired and sick of politics. If his son hadn't nearly literally pushed him out the door, Vrai would be happy at home, ignoring Lukas' call.
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"Dad, you were the crown prince of Strangetown when you were young. Politics is what you're good at, and it's not an inconvenience to spend time with me and your granddaughter on a nice day. You're still a prince, actively supported by Uncle Charley. Stop whining like a child and act your rank. We want the king to take us seriously."
Leo stared at the sky, wishing for a hole to swallow up his father and remove him from his sight. Vrai had never been a good father, and despite it being his destiny to serve, he was also a pretty lousy employee for Lukas. He sometimes behaved well when hanging out with his brothers, but overall, Leo found tolerating his father impossible. He would certainly never treat his own kids like that. It was getting to the point that if Vrai showed up properly dressed and with his mouth shut, Leo could usually get some work done. He'd been hoping that his father might pick up the conversation at the royal table and take an interest. He could make their job easier, though Leo knew he wouldn't.
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"Theo! It's great to see you again! When did they let you out of school?" Varia ran to Theo excitedly, crushing him with a hug. "I haven't seen Adam in forever either. You must have so much to talk about. Was it a nice school? Did you have any favourite teachers?"
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Theo laughed.
"It was the worst. Oh my god. They took my phone and I couldn't see Adam at all. I met Lukas there, though. Did they mention me at all?"
"Hmmm. I don't think so, but I don't always see them. You'd have to ask my dad. He doesn't always let me come on work trips, so I miss out on all the gossip. I have to spend more time in school before he'll let Lukas ask anything of me."
"My dad's ex-girlfriend hired me as a summer intern without asking me," Theo commiserated. "It's really cool, and I get my own room in a castle, but sometimes I wish I was back at school with Adam. Your dad probably has a point about not committing to serving a deity before you've learned how to handle them, though. Following the queen around is sometimes pretty boring."
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"Your Majesty King Liam. Your Majesty Queen Claudia. Your Highness Princess Theodosia. Your Highness Princess Victoriana. I've come to talk with you all on a matter of some urgency." Leo stood politely beside the table of frustrated monarchs, waiting for an invitation to join them. The Crystal Cove royals looked furious, while the Pleasantview royals seemed to be enjoying themselves.
So nothing new then. This was how Leo had always seen the royal families act with each other. He had been born and raised in Crystal Cove, but he'd never felt respect for a monarch until he'd spent time with his Uncle Charley. Strangetown may be strange, but at least it had a functioning government.
"Of course you may join us," Claudia declared, once again acting on behalf of the king without permission. "If you have something important to discuss, then we are all glad to hear it. Victoriana, go sit with Isadora at another table and continue to think on our conversation while we speak with Leonid."
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"Thank you, Your Majesty," Leo said, pulling Victoriana's abandoned chair over to sit at the table.
"Is this news from Lukas?" Liam asked wearily. "If it is, then Her Majesty has already informed us of Lukas' displeasure with our choice about the ball. We were just discussing that matter when you arrived."
"No, not directly from Lukas," Leo lied. "From my uncle, the king."
The king and his daughter shared a worried look at these words.
"King Charley sent you here? For what purpose?"
"About the cancellation of the Harvest Moon Ball," Leo repeated, eliciting a deep groan from the Crystal Cove royals.
"Not you too," Liam exclaimed. "It's just a ball! We have several of them each year when it's safe to gather. Doesn't anyone else have a self-preservation instinct? The Queen of Twikkii Island nearly died, and that was just a barbecue!"
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"That's why my uncle has sent me to speak with you," Leo replied. "He's been tracking the threat of this spiritual unrest, and he wants to hold an event in place of the Harvest Moon Ball. The barrier between life and death is thinnest at the time of the ball, and the spirits will be displaced if their usual schedule is interrupted. If you are unwilling to play your part in the maintenance of the world, then His Majesty will do so for you."
"It's just a ball! Besides, Queen Claudia has already threatened to have her military in my streets to hold her own ball in place of the Harvest Moon Ball. Are you both going to fight over the same day?"
Claudia smiled at Leo, and he grinned back.
"Not at all," Claudia said confidently. "There's a window of time where the barriers thin. We could easily pick separate days. In fact, if we stretched the events over a weekend, the spirits might be even happier."
"My uncle is very spiritual," Leo continued. "He would gladly hold a spiritual gathering to uphold the Old Ways during the day, with every intention of joining Her Majesty's ball at night."
"I would gladly attend such a spiritual gathering," Claudia added. "My parents and their coworkers might also want to attend. My mother is a descendant of Holy Queen Jasone, after all. I extend the use of my property within the boundaries of Crystal Cove to your uncle to hold this joint event. With my military and coven, and your uncle's military and coven, plus at least my parents' reaper team and possibly more, I think this event will be well protected. People will flock to this event due to the disappointment of the Harvest Moon Ball's cancellation, and we can assure them that we will protect them where their own king could not."
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A silence fell over the table as Liam considered his options. This had to be at least partly Lukas' fault. Their employees wouldn't be here unless the deity had forced them to be here. Leo would still be advocating for his uncle, sure, but Varia and Vrai? Liam could hear Vrai complaining from where he sat. Claudia had admitted to speaking with Lukas when she revealed their anger at the ball's cancellation, but she was grinning too much at the thought of holding an event in his country. Lukas might have inspired some of this, but Claudia and Charley were exploiting this weak spot of Liam's. Every second he refused to hold the ball, the greater the chance that the other monarchs got even more ideas to make him look weaker.
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"Sorry about my grandfather. Mom says that he's seen a lot of bad things, which makes him paranoid and that we should go easy on him. I agree with your mom. Cancelling the ball is stupid."
Isadora smiled at Victoriana. The gesture seemed earnest, which Victoriana thought was strange. No one in line to a throne ever relaxed in front of the other royals. The teens' mothers certainly never let down their guard around guests. Hell, sometimes Victoriana saw her mother wear her "I'm the queen and you will all obey" face for days. Princess Theodosia seemed to be equally distant, something her daughter didn't seem to share. Isadora was sheltered by her paranoid parents and was deliberately kept out of the school in Pleasantview where she could make political friends. To Victoriana, the princess' life was depressing. Claudia gave her plenty of choices to make on her own, even if the queen frequently interrupted her daughter's life when it was necessary. Even though Theo had been hired for the summer without knowing it, Claudia still allowed him every luxury owed to him as a guest of the queen. Theodosia looked like she ruled her daughter's life without restraint.
"I'm sure he has his reasons," Victoriana said charitably. She smiled back at the princess. Isadora had a beautiful smile.
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"Hey guys! I mean, greetings Your Highnesses." Varia charged across the lawn and unceremoniously greeted the other teens. Her dad's work didn't often involve kids her own age, and she'd much rather hang out with princesses than listen to her miserable grandfather. "What's going on?"
Victoriana grinned at the sight of Varia. Varia and her father were frequent guests at the Pleasantview castle. They didn't see each other often outside of their shared science class, but Victoriana liked to think she and Varia were friends.
"We're talking about the Harvest Moon Ball and how much of a baby Isadora's grandfather is," Victoriana explained, causing Isadora's face to flush with embarrassment. "Everyone wants this ball to happen, even Strangetown. I think my mom's about to invade Crystal Cove just so it happens."
"He's just being sensible," Isadora protested. "My aunt died in the attack that killed Queen Cherry. He's never really recovered from that loss. It's okay to be safe sometimes."
Victoriana rolled her eyes.
"Sometimes, but not all the time. The man is afraid of his own shadow. My mom always says that a monarch has to take risks and go on the offensive or they risk everything they have. A lot of powerful people would be angry if she didn't rule the way she does. I plan on following her path one day when I'm queen."
"That's easy for you to say. Your mom has all the resources she needs to act like she does. The queen of Pleasantview gets everything she wants," Isadora complained. "Everyone is too afraid of her to go against her."
"Fine! I will hold the Harvest Moon Ball as scheduled as long as both of your kingdoms leave your militaries at home, and Strangetown's spiritual gathering is contained to the tower."
The teens could hear the king's frustrated declaration from across the yard. Isadora continued to flush with embarrassment, while Varia couldn't keep a snort of laughter from escaping.
Victoriana grinned proudly.
"Like I said, the queen of Pleasantview gets what she wants. One day, that's going to be me."
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mudskip-drabbles · 9 months ago
*Old rich, British, Man voice* thank you, mudskip. I was very delighted by that soupmates fanfic. I was thinking, maybe, they could go on a nice date together, or play in the rain. Your service is greatly appreciated, mudskip.
or? OR?? how about BOTH!!
Separating the concept of dates as opposed to simple hang outs between friends had been a bit tough for Rick to grasp, Ben having said the difference was you 'couldn't kiss your friends' like you would on a date, which started an entire argument between all the Boys on how that was or wasn't true. Sometimes you could kiss your friends depending on the friend, which led into 'fine, dates are with someone you can bang!', in which the same thing was argued as before, that it all depended on the friend. In the end, it was, of course, Giovanni that finally helped every make sense, simply saying: "Dates are what you go on with me, duh." And that had been that.
Dates were for Rick Odi and Giovanni only (unless they ever decided to add another partner, but that was a whole separate conversation), and Odi wanted to experience one of these 'dates' as soon as possible, because:
"I will get to kiss you on this date!"
"You can kiss me literally any time, babe."
"Ah, that is right...Oh! I can 'bang' you on the date!"
"You can also do that whenever you want...I'm not saying I don't want those things by the way-" If he didn't get to kiss Odi on this date at least once, he'd die. He would just up and die from boyfriend withdrawals.
Though getting the answers he sought, now Odi was left with even more questions.
"If that is the case, what is the purpose of a 'date'?" How was it any different than every other day they spent together?
"Well, what's the purpose of a 'hangout'?" Odi didn't even need to think.
"To spend special time with friends!" He was grinning like a student who'd answered a question correctly in class.
"So, a date is just that, but with me!" And that was what put all the pieces together. It was simply special time set aside specifically for a partner, and that only made Odi want to go on one all the more.
"WE ARE GOING ON A DATE!!" Though it became clear rather quickly that Odi didn't actually have anything planned. Why would he? They could simply sit there in silence on the couch all night, and that would be a perfectly wonderful date to him. But no, Gio had said, they had to do something, it was part of the fun!
So, the did what they usually did when out and about, but this time it was a date: Lunch at the pizza place down the road, trying to win prizes at the arcade in the mall, getting kicked out of the arcade in the mall (it wasn't Giovanni's fault the claw machine was still so easy to bust into), and now they simply walked around town, hand in hand while they chattered about this and that.
It was the same as any other day, but it somehow felt all the more, knowing that this was time they had made specifically for each other. It wasn't their first 'date' by definition of one, but it was the first one they'd called a date, it leaving Odi bubbly and warm as he watched Giovanni skip stones over the still surface the pond at the park across the street from their apartment building.
It was just after Odi had finally managed to skip a stone more than just a plunk when the skies opened up, elation flipping to fear just as quickly as the sun had to rain.
"I HAVE ANGERED THE POND GODS!" Was it all the failed skips? Were they not watching when he had finally made it?! Why were they punishing him if he succeeded??
For as much as Odi thought he'd somehow ruined their date, Giovanni only saw it as another bit of fun to be had. Grabbing Odi's hand with a laugh of how it was "just rain babe", he'd pulled him away from the pond and the cover of the tree line around it into the downpour so heavy they could not longer see their building.
Odi had been confused at first, there was no rain underwater after all, and it had yet to storm since he'd come to the surface, as far as he knew, at least. This was new, and apparently not a punishment for his poor skipping skills, so that made it fun!
While everyone else at the park had headed back to their cars or homes, they had stayed under the sheet of rain, splashing and frolicking and dancing about like a pair of fools who didn't give a single shit about what anyone watching might think. They were having fun, and no one could ruin that.
Well, except for Molly as she stepped off the school bus, but that was less out of judgment and more so concern that they would get sick. That didn't stop them from dragging her into their fun though, the little cub never really having time to just play in the rain before. She'd always been worried about getting sick, because getting sick meant she couldn't work as hard, but spinning around with Gio and Odi holding her hands, the three laughing like idiots that only came on harder after they'd slipped into the mud, it didn't matter anymore.
Not even later on when Odi was excitedly relaying his and Gio's date, only for her to interrupt with a series of sneezes. If she was sick, they'd take care of her, she knew, even if they had started sneezing just as much soon after.
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