#ben benner
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years ago
React: "Return to Me" (from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs, Part III): Wherein I Rename Bob the Builder
Bob has arrived at O'Reilly's (even Riley would have been a better name than Bob. I'm sorry-- I vowed to let the Bob name thing rest. I'm sorry, carry on Bob.)
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He likes the restaurant, it seems, though he has to gird up his loins (metaphorically) before exiting the car. (Excellent choice on DD's part to make Bob muted and mumbling after the death of his wife-- unless ranting at a boardroom, of course.)
I see Bob passes waitress lady and Minnie Driver, nice nice.
Charlie's happy to set up his friend.
Bob decides he isn't happy to be set up, after all.
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"Matchy matchy, green squared." Cue "Aha ahahhaah ahoy ahee ahoo" noises from everyone but Bob.
Yeah, this isn't going to work out.
If you can't tell from Bob's polite smile, he's dying inside.
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Let me better illustrate:
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And a great touch (or should I say, purposed non-touch): Bob reaches for the jacket foisted upon him blindly, not wanting to engage... eye contact.
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Charlie just said...
No, I have to restart that:
Charlie just said.
I had patience with your name, Bob. I did. I was a generous soul. No more. Your name's Ben now. Live with it-- unlike Elizabeth (buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn.) I'm not sorry, Ben, I'm just petty now. I made a deal with you and this happens. You should be ashamed Ben Bob. Bob Ben. ...Bobbin'? Bobben? ...Nah, I'll stick with Ben, easier that way.
Not Bob's date being unimpressed that he designed a building instead of owning it was classic.
Take that sick burn, Ben Bob.
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Meet Cute After Date Is Moot.
Some of Bob-Ben's animation returns as he tries to place Minnie Driver.
"Do we know each other?"
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"Uh..." she looks engaged for the first time, too. "I think so."
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Benners makes jokes about an Irish Italian restaurant before date woman jumps in with "blah blah blah" hands at Minnie-- which Ben doesn't appreciate. And, obviously, neither does Grace/Minnie.
These names are getting to be a lot but I don't care.
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Bob grabs Grace's arm before she leaves, asking for a cup of coffee to smooth things over but mainly to add an "I'm sorry" before it.
I'm likin' this bittersweet Minnie Driver, I'm likin' it a lot.
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"No straw," he winks.
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Minnie's likin' that a lot, too.
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Bob's so caught up in his head that he doesn't even notice his phone ringing. A good portent for his future.
When he realizes he has a way to escape, Ben Bob bobs out of that booth so fast you'd wouldn't have known he'd been there. (>:DD)
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He then walks half-way across the restaurant to oh-so-casually wait behind Grace the waitress... and catches her doing the ol' be-nice-to-your-waitstaff parlor trick: swap the waters and the Karen won't know.
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Bob is delighted; Minnie, caught, glides away; and I'm having a grand old time.
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Benjo Bobberino sets up his escape plan with Big Mike (again, those Arcadia bells are ringing. Yes, I know it's a common American thing to put Big with Mike, but still.)
"Oh, I bet that's refreshing." Bobcalifragilisticexpialadocious deadpans, staring at the bottled tap water and sharing a private joke with Minnie.
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Ben nearly murders a hag when she continues her badgering (if his strained intake of breath is anything to go by); and covers for his friend's stupid jokes, smoothing it over with a handwave.
Charlie, my man, Benanas is doing you a favor here. Don't embarrass yourself too badly.
I see you, Bob Ben (returning to the classics) wanting to try Grace's favorite dish and getting fed up when date has the gall to call it fattening and ask if anything's not covered in oil.
"No-- some we boil in Swiss water."
Meet Cute got a hearty laugh out of Mr. Morose, who doesn't care if the table is confused and not chuckling along.
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Karen literally pulled the manager card. Her name's forever stamped as Karen to me, bravissima madame.
Ben faking his way through the phone convo is *chef's kisses.*
Charlie knows. "Byyyyyyyye."
Grace runs over, trying to make sure she hasn't offended her patron; and Ben is way too eager to assure her that the Karen woman isn't his girlfriend or even a friend.
Mr. Alive and Bantery, thou hast sort of returned.
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Grace hands him takeout-- "Mr... Atsuki"-- and I don't know if I've seen anything greater in 24 hours.
...Oh wait, I haven't seen anything else in 24 hours.
Someone else is touched, too.
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You see, my mutuals, this here is second marriage material: not as breakable as the first lovely, lost wife-- she has a little spit under her tongue.
My man Robert Benjamin has a lot to think over.
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Gotta end it there for now~
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jurjenkvanderhoek · 2 months ago
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“De contrasten moeten het museum leuk maken. Het is beslist niet alleen een Friese aangelegenheid. Dat zou voor de Friezen ook niet goed zijn. Daar hebben ze te veel niveau voor. Ze zijn het waard om naast de internationale schilders te staan. Ik probeer ze op een plaats te zetten waar ze thuis horen, en dat ze beslist niet minder zijn. Dat probeer ik met het museum te bereiken. Voor mijn gevoel laat ik het neusje van de zalm van de Friese moderne kunst zien.”
Op woensdag 24 november opent het museum Belvédère in Oranjewoud haar deuren. Een museum voor 20e eeuwse en hedendaagse kunst in een historisch gereconstrueerd park. Een jongensdroom komt dan uit. In de jaren 50 bedachten Boele Bregman, Thom Mercuur en Sjoerd de Vries dat het aardig zou zijn een museum te stichten voor 20e eeuwse en hedendaagse kunst. En dat hun werk dan naast tijdgenoten en stijlgenoten zou hangen. Mercuur is er 16 jaren mee bezig geweest om een en ander voor elkaar te krijgen. Tweemaal is het mislukt, maar uiteindelijk heeft het plan vorm gekregen op een unieke plek in de historische bossen van Heerenveen.
Innerlijke bewogenheid
“Zonder Boele was Belvédère er niet gekomen. Ik was 16 jaar toen hij voor mij de deur naar de kunst opende. Nu kan ik zeggen: nou Boele, het hangt jongen, allemaal. Daar denk ik ook aan terug, want zo praatten wij er vroeger over. We hadden het over politiek, over literatuur, over film, maar vooral over beeldende kunst. Boele heeft mij leren kijken. Wij waren de jongeren en hij was de oudere. Die rol speel ik nu ten opzichte van jonge kunstenaars als Christiaan Kuitwaard, Jan Snijder en Jochem Hamstra. Ik ben altijd gericht op kijken. Het zien is voor mij heel essentieel. En dat zien heeft niets met intelligentie te maken, dat heeft met gevoel te maken. Schilderijen hebben altijd mijn fascinatie gehad. En bij wie het is begonnen? Eigenlijk bij Jan Mankes.”
Het wordt geen museum van het grote geweld, maar van de rust en de stilte. Hij toont vrij ingetogen schilders. En dat de meeste daarvan autodidacten zijn is toeval. 
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Een geweldige man
“Het gaat om de persoon en de innerlijke bewogenheid. Ik heb niets met kunstenaars die hun vaardigheid willen bewijzen. Ik houd van duidelijkheid. De fascinatie van de kunstenaar van wat hem bezig houdt, de innerlijke noodzaak, zijn leven lang. Met die schilders heb ik iets. Door die bril kan ik het alleen maar zien en hang ik ze in het museum. Ik trek lijnen van de Friezen in tijd en stijl naar vakgenoten in binnen- en buitenland. Het gaat om de stilte die het uitstraalt. Ik praat veel met kunstenaars die me aanspreken. Alleen in hen kan ik mij verplaatsen. Van anderen, die ik veelal niet begrijp, sluit ik me af. Ik heb daar niets mee, ik kan daar niets mee. Veel kunst gaat dan ook aan mij voorbij. Kunstenaars die misschien wel heel goed zijn, maar ze sluiten niet aan bij mijn gevoel en passen dus niet in de collectie en spelen daarom geen rol in het Belvédère museum. De beperking die ik mijzelf stel moet de kracht van het museum Belvédère worden. Volledig omschrijven kan ik het niet en wil ik het niet. Wanneer de deuren open gaan kan iedereen het zien. Een trainer heeft de meeste moeite met de lui die op de bank zitten. Zo werkt dat en als je daar niet tegen kunt dan moet je er niet aan beginnen. Daarom vind ik ook dat ik het maar kort moet doen – 4 of 5 jaar. De tijd heeft ook een oordeel. Het museum draagt mijn stempel, maar dat verdwijnt wanneer er een ander komt, die het ook goed doet of misschien wel beter. Een frisse wind erin als ik eruit ga, zo moet het. Het moet dan iemand zijn met een duidelijke visie en die voeling heeft met de collectie.”
Subjectief beeld
“Gerrit Benner en Boele Bregman zijn heel interessant. Het zijn tijdgenoten. Boele is de dichter en veel met taal bezig. Benner is de expressionist, hij moest verf zien. Twee fenomenen in eenzelfde tijd na de oorlog, dat moet ik in de ophanging laten zien.En dan natuurlijk de relatie naar buiten de provincie. Dat ontstaat al filosoferend en denkend en slapend en lopend en pratend. Daarnaast zijn er de wisselende tentoonstellingen, die hebben inhoudelijk te maken met de vaste collectie. Er moet een verband in zitten, ik kan geen uitersten aan brengen in de tentoonstelling en in de vaste collectie. De eerste tentoonstelling is van Willem van Althuis. Willem is een geweldige man, zo één die de kunst zelf heeft uitgevonden, in zijn eigen abstracte vorm. En in de jaren ’70 al exposeerde in het Stedelijk Museum te Amsterdam. Van Willem wil ik graag een mooie stille tentoonstelling maken, een tentoonstelling die hij verdiend. Willem’s schildersleven was kort, door de ziekte van Parkinson schildert hij al 15 jaar niet meer. Soms jeuken zijn handen, maar eens zei hij tegen me: ‘alles wat ik te zeggen heb Thom dat heb ik toch al gezegd, waarom zou ik nog verder schilderen’.”
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Friesland heeft een aantal belangrijke schilders. Thom ergert zich eraan dat deze nooit in een permanente opstelling op een goede manier getoond zijn. Wel eens incidenteel, maar later is er dan niets van terug te vinden in de permanente collectie. Van Gerrit Benner is nooit een goed retrospectief te zien geweest. 
Thom Mercuur is een doener, geen vergadermens. Hij wilde ook geen directeur zijn, maar moet dat nu wel worden. Hij moet de baas zijn, anders gaan anderen zich met de collectie bemoeien. 
“Daar kreeg ik een ontevreden gevoel over. We hebben het hier in Fryslân altijd over cultuur. Daar hoort alles bij, daar hoort het landschap bij, skûtsjesilen en reedride, daar hoort zelfs voetballen bij, maar daar hoort natuurlijk ook de beeldende kunst en de poëzie bij. Dat is een totaal, dan krijgt het kracht. Maar cultuur wordt op incidenteel gesubsidieerd, daardoor mist het kracht en treedt het niet genoeg naar buiten. Ik hoop dat het nu met dit museum anders wordt. Wat ik doe heeft altijd een subjectief beeld, het is mijn idee. Objectief kun je nooit een museum maken, want er is zoveel. Ik sluit me af van video en dat soort dingen, omdat het me niet ligt en ik er geen gevoel bij heb. Het wordt bij mij een olieverf en terpentijn verhaal. Dat is de beperking die ik mezelf stel. Het moet dus een heel geconcentreerde collectie worden. De mensen moeten de liefde voelen waarmee het is uitgezocht en met wie het heeft gemaakt. Daar gaat het mij om. Dat probeer ik over te brengen.”
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“Naast de pasbenoemde zakelijk directeur Stiena van der Ploeg en een groep enthousiaste vrijwilligers wil ik verantwoording afleggen aan het bestuur van museum Belvédère. Met ons allen gaan we ervoor. En als tentoonstellingenmaker en ideeënman wil ik het museum gezicht geven. Ik maak er geen kermis van, dan wordt het ordinair. Het is heel gemakkelijk om dat te bedenken. Een museum van de stilte dus, naar de geaardheid van de collectie. Wat niet betekent dat het niet veel bezoekers mag trekken. Het gaat mij altijd om een artistieke kwaliteit, daar moet het museum ook in uitblinken. Door een fijnzinnigheid, door het gevoel, door smaak. Dat moet het zijn.”
Gepubliceerd in Friesland Post, november 2004.
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nordnews · 1 year ago
Just over a day after the Palestinian Islamist terrorist organization Hamas launched a large-scale attack on Israel - hear about what has happened and why.Program manager: Nina Ben...
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lindsaymendezobsessed · 4 years ago
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This is a bad pic but why the HECK did we not get more closure on this relationship
like his mom called him a player and then Sara walked away and we never heard from him again
she mentioned the two of them “fizzled” a little bit later but I would have appreciated at least a SMALL conversation! I would have LOVED to see Emily’s opinion on this matter, since Sara was always ranting to her about him.
anyways maybe they did have a definite ending and I missed it but-
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allrisegifs · 4 years ago
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All Rise 1x16 - Ben Benner
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lookforastar · 5 years ago
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All Rise: in which Sara realizes she slept with Ben Benner 
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booasaur · 4 years ago
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All Rise - 2x10
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genethequeen · 6 years ago
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ben hardy: b&w
like/reblog if you save ♡
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conservativelibertarianmo · 3 years ago
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96thdayofrage · 4 years ago
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Samaria Rice, the mother of Tamir Rice, has criticized Lil Baby’s Grammys performance of “The Bigger Picture,” which featured activist Tamika Mallory.
The performance, which debuted deep into Sunday night’s ceremony, opened with a depiction of police brutality featuring actor Kendrick Sampson. Mallory appeared later in the performance, as did Killer Mike of Run the Jewels.
In a Facebook post (notably from an account previously cited in reports from People, Insider, and others as belonging to Samaria Rice), Samaria shared a clip of the Mallory portion of the Grammys performance.
“Look at this clout chaser,” she said. “Did she lose something in this fight i don’t think so. That’s the problem they take us for a joke that’s why we never have justice cause of shit like this.”
Samaria also addressed her problems with the performance, and with the prevalence of such examples of what some have criticized as the commodification of those who were killed due to police brutality, in a number of additional posts on Sunday and Monday.
In another, she again mentioned Mallory, as well as seemingly calling out recently prominent civil rights attorney Ben Crump.
“Tamike [sic] and the crew you bitches chasing clout along with Sonney, Crump, and Lee,” she said. “Y’all have literally fuck our fight up i hope not another family soul used y’all to represent them. Y’all might as well be junior pigs cops… I’m mad [as hell].”
In a statement shared alongside the performance’s debut (and prior to Samaria’s criticisms), Lil Baby detailed his intentions behind the Grammys performance.
“My performance is important to me and I had to make sure it was right,” he said. “Nominations aside, actually performing ‘The Bigger Picture’ means the most to me. I paint pictures with my songs and wanted the performance to bring that picture to life. Just like with the song, this performance had to reflect the real. No sugar-coating. My family, my fans and my city know who I do this for.”
Tamir Rice was killed by white Cleveland police officer Timothy Loehmann in November of 2014. He was 12 years old. In December of last year, the Justice Department said it would not bring federal criminal charges against Loehmann and partner Frank Garmback. In a press release, the department said it had notified counsel for Tamir’s family and had also sent a letter to the family detailing their decision, which they claimed was brought on by “insufficient evidence” supporting federal charges.
Two months prior to that announcement, a New York Times report form Charlie Savage and Katie Benner said the department had effectively (and quietly) “shut down” a civil rights investigation into the police killing of Tamir Rice more than a year ago. 
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cuddlecave · 4 years ago
Ive been trying to logic out how a vore scenario with the whole team would work out. It always seems so awkard to piece together, but remember that one ask about him protecting them in Xen.
So Ben gets attached to these crazy humans(?) and hes like "gotta follow then, gotta protecc." He cant dissuade them from entering Xen, and he gets frustrated so he goes big-size when they get through. He tries to corral them away from threats, but they see him as an enemy now and refuse to listen to him. As they keep going, they keep running into more and more dangerous aliens, and eventually Benner is fed up with it.
For some reason i feel like it "makes most sense" if he catches Tommy first and Gordn last, from the comedy style of the series, but I personally like the option of Gord being first.
Like he falls of an island and Ben catches him and just noms him
Gordo takes a hit from an alien and Benn gets PISSED. He slams the enemy into nothing, then picks injured Gordo up and swallows him. The rest of the team sees this and assumes Ben has officially snapped and gone feral, and he chases them down and devours them one by one.
And if course one by one they end up in his belly to find not only is Gord still alive, he's soaking in a puddle of teal-green SV that is slowly but surely healing his wounds. Cue baffled conversation, and once he has them all, Ben starts scolding them for running about in dangerous territory. He promises to let them out soon, but Gordo still needs healing, and the others have to stay as time-out.
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numbersbythebook · 4 years ago
19th Prime Minster?
written by Will Schumaker
The 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the letter “Quph”.
The ancient pictograph of the letter Quph is thought to represent the sun on the horizon.  It is a horizontal line running through a circle.  (Jeff Benner has an excellent site on the ancient pictographs of the Hebrew alphabet) The sun on the horizon would represent a cycle of time.
I have a post on this site about the number 19 and it would be helpful to read that.  It seems that the number 19 represents the closing of a cycle of time.
The destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 587bc is tied to the number 19.  It was the 19th year of the king of Babylon.
Jeremiah 52:12 Now in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, which served the king of Babylon, into Jerusalem,
Jeremiah 52:13 And burned the house of the LORD, and the king's house; and all the houses of Jerusalem, and all the houses of the great men, burned he with fire:
As I posted about chapter 19 of the Bible is about the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah, a picture of the end of time when Christ returns.
At the end of King Solomon’s reign the 12 tribes were split into the northern and southern kingdom.  The northern kingdom which is the house of Ephraim/Joseph had 19 kings before Assyria conquered it. The southern kingdom which is the house of Judah also had 19 kings before Babylon destroyed it. (They did have 1 queen also.)  So 19 again tied to the consummation of a cycle of time.
Here is a real easy to read table of the 19 kings of the northern kingdom and the 19 kings and 1 queen of the southern kingdom: https://jesusalive.cc/kings-israel-judah/
Also note that the first siege of Babylon against Jerusalem happened during the 19th ruler (18 king 1 queen) of Israel.  Jehoiachin, the 19th ruler, was taken captive to Babylon, and Babylon put in place Zedekiah as its own choice for king.
So this number of 19 rulers of Israel before its destruction both of the northern and southern kingdoms has always intrigued me.  God repeats patterns over and over.
Right now Israel is possibly looking for its 19th ruler.  Benjamin Netanyahu could not form a government and now Yair Lapid is tasked with trying to form the government.
Here is a nice list of prime ministers of Israel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prime_ministers_of_Israel
Note that one prime minister was an acting prime minister, that was Yigal Allon.  Also 5 men have been prime ministers then lost their position and then regained it.
1) David Ben-Gurion  2) Moshe Sharett  3) David Ben-Gurion  4) Levi Eshkol  5) Yigal Allon  6) Golda Meir 7) Yitzhak Rabin 8) Menachem Begin 9) Yitzhak Shamir 10) Shimon Peres 11) Yitzhak Shamir 12) Yitzhak Rabin 13) Shimon Peres 14) Benjamin Netanyahu 15) Ehud Barak 16) Ariel Sharon 17) Ehud Olmert 18) Benjamin Netanyahu
Something else to keep in mind as far as typology - Israel is God’s chosen people.  The Church is God’s chosen people.  The temple is a type of Christ indwelling God’s chosen people.  New Jerusalem is a type of the Church.
So the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem, and the destruction of the harlot church, mystery Babylon, are all a type of the same thing.  The saving of Lot and the destruction of Lot’s wife are a type of the saving of God’s true Bride and the destruction of the harlot.
Recall God says that judgement begins at the house of God:
1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
Israel is looked upon as a sort of timeclock as to the endtimes, so seeing the pattern of 19 being repeated again with Israel is of interest.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 4 years ago
October 16, 2020
Heather Cox Richardson
The theme of the day was the palpable sense of rats leaving a sinking ship as Republicans, administration officials, and administration-adjacent people distanced themselves from the president.
There was a foreshadowing of that exodus on Wednesday, when Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) let loose about the president in a telephone call with constituents. Sasse was an early critic of Trump but toned down his opposition significantly in the early part of the administration. On Wednesday, he reverted to his earlier position, saying he had “never been on the Trump train.” He complained about the way Trump “kisses dictators’ butts,” and went on: "The United States now regularly sells out our allies under his leadership, the way he treats women, spends like a drunken sailor…. [He] mocks evangelicals behind closed doors...has treated the presidency like a business opportunity" and has "flirted with white supremacists." He said: “What the heck were any of us thinking, that selling a TV-obsessed, narcissistic individual to the American people was a good idea?"
The theme of abandoning the administration became apparent yesterday, when officials leaked the story that intelligence officials had warned Trump against listening to his lawyer Rudy Giuliani. This was a high-level leak, and suggests that more and more staffers are starting to look for a way off the S.S. Trump.
The audience numbers for last night’s town halls was also revealing, as Biden attracted 700,000 more viewers on just one ABC outlet than Trump did on the three NBC outlets that carried his event. Biden’s town hall was the most watched event since the Oscars in February. It appears that people are simply tired of watching the president and are eager for calm and reason.
Today, a group called “43 Alumni for Biden” released an ad called “Team 46." It says that they are all lifelong Republicans, but because they recognize the qualities of leadership—including empathy-- everyone “on this team” is voting for Biden. “Let’s put Joe Biden in the White House.” The ad features a number of pictures of President George W. Bush, the forty-third president, and is narrated by someone whose voice sounds like his. Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance notes, “This looks awfully close to an endorsement of Biden from George W. Bush.”
Also today, the former chair of the New Hampshire Republican Committee, Jennifer Horn, urged “my fellow Republicans” not to vote for Trump’s reelection. In a piece in USA Today, Horn reminded Republicans of “the overwhelming sorrow and grief that this president” has inflicted on the country. Citing Covid-19 deaths, “cultural divides, racial unrest, economic disparity and constitutional abuses,” all of which “are just tools to be used to feed his narcissism, advance his political ambitions and line his pockets,” Horn indicted both Trump and the Republican Party that enables him.
“This election poses a unique challenge,” she wrote. “It will test not Republican vs. Democrat or Trump vs. Biden, but rather, “We the People.” It is our role in this constitutional republic, our leadership, and our dedication to the promise of America that is being tested. Trump or America,” she wrote. “We cannot have both.”
Under pressure, Trump changed course today and approved the emergency declaration for California that he denied yesterday. Such a reconsideration would normally have taken until after the election, but this one happened fast. Earlier this week, Trump tweeted: “People are fleeing California. Taxes too high, Crime too high, Brownouts too many, Lockdowns too severe. VOTE FOR TRUMP, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE!!!”
Today CNN began teasers for a special on Sunday that will explain how former senior Trump officials believe Trump is unfit for the presidency. According to former White House Chief of Staff, retired Marine General John Kelly, “The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”
Also today, Caroline Giuliani, the daughter of Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, urged people to end Trump’s “reign of terror” by voting for “a compassionate and decent president,” Joe Biden. “[C]orruption starts with 'yes-men' and women, the cronies who create an echo chamber of lies and subservience to maintain their proximity to power," she wrote in a piece for Vanity Fair. “We’ve seen this ad nauseam with Trump and his cadre of high-level sycophants (the ones who weren't convicted, anyway).” Giuliani cheered Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris for his running mate, and wrote, “in Joe Biden, we’ll have a leader who prioritizes common ground and civility over alienation, bullying, and scorched-earth tactics.” “[T]ogether,” she said, “we can vote this toxic administration out of office.”
And yet another story from the day: a third career prosecutor from the Department of Justice resigned after publicly attacking Attorney General William Barr for abusing his power to get Trump reelected. “After 36 years, I’m fleeing what was the U.S. Department of Justice,” Phillip Halpern wrote. “[T]he department’s past leaders were dedicated to the rule of law and the guiding principle that justice is blind. That is a bygone era, but it should not be forgotten.” Noting that “Barr has never actually investigated, charged or tried a case,” Halpern expressed deep concern over Barr’s “slavish obedience to Donald Trump’s will.” “This career bureaucrat seems determined to turn our democracy into an autocracy,” he warned.
Georgetown Law Professor Paul Butler, who worked as a federal prosecutor under Barr when he was George H. W. Bush’s Attorney General, told Katie Benner of the New York Times that such criticism is “unprecedented,” and reflects Trump’s pressure on the AG. “I have never seen sitting prosecutors go on the record with concerns about the attorney general,” he said.
And yet, Barr’s willingness to bend the Justice Department to Trump’s personal will may, in the end, not be enough to keep Trump’s favor. Angry that Barr did not produce a report attacking the Russia investigation before the election, Trump just yesterday said he wasn’t happy with Barr’s performance, and might not keep him on as AG if he wins a second term.
There are signs people in the administration are preparing for Trump to lose the election. His cabinet is rushing to change regulations to lock in Trump’s goal of giving more scope to businessmen to act as they see fit. Normally, changes in regulations require setting aside time for public comment on the changes, but the administration is shortening or eliminating those periods over changes in, for example, rules allowing railroads to move highly flammable liquefied natural gas on freight trains, what constitutes “contract” work, how much pollution factories can emit, and who can immigrate to America.
Russell Vought, the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, said in a statement: “President Trump has worked quickly from the beginning of his term to grow the economy by removing the mountain of Obama-Biden job-killing regulations,” and that the current push simply continues that effort. But no one is missing the quiet distancing going on in Washington as Republican lawmakers are shifting away from public support for the president.
Meanwhile, at his rally tonight in Georgia, Trump told the crowd “You should… lock up the Bidens, lock up Hillary.” The crowd then began to chant “Lock them up.” But one thing about a bully: when people finally start to turn on him, there is a stampede for the exits.
Tonight, at his Georgia rally, Trump outlined all the ways in which he was being unfairly treated, then mused: “Could you imagine if I lose?... I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country, I don’t know.”
Heather Cox Richardson
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thecollege--dropout · 5 years ago
we watched luke & emily get together. mark and amy. sherri and kevin. benner and her girlfriend and now jean. even sara and BEN BENNER. then there’s lola, the lead, crying cuz her man lives in wakanda. hate to see it.
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actionfigureinsider · 4 years ago
Mighty Maniax is a new line of 3″ Glyos action figures inspired by cartoons and videos games of the ’80s and ’90s.
Decades ago, cartoons were made from toys, and video games were made from cartoons. Its always been a dream of mine to bring a world like Masters of the Universe, Transformers, or TMNT to life. Mighty Maniax is being created in that same spirit. This is a new 3″ line of action figures inspired by vintage collectibles like, Battle Beasts, Army Ants, and Hasbro era WWF figures. Heavily influenced by video games and cartoons of the ’80s and ’90s, these characters represent a wild world of action, horror, and sci-fi fantasy. Johnny Tombstone is the main character and hero of the Mighty Maniax world. His supernatural abilities to sense evil and destroy it are unparalleled. Equipped with an Evo-cannon and containment pack, he sets out to balance the forces of good and evil with the most unlikely of companions.
  Among his band of misfit monsters are Fishstik, a hyper-intelligent water creature, and Viper, a fast-talking Ninja by day; deadly Werewolf by night. Enter a world of frightening monsters and mighty heroes with the all new Mighty Maniax action figures.
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  Mighty Maniax Wave One
Toy molds are expensive! From a 12″ figure to these smaller 3″ figures, it takes a large amount of funding to get them made. We are looking to KickStarter backers to raise the funds to cover the molds and production for this creator-owned line of toys.
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1988 Lamborghini Countach Not Included.
Each Mighty Maniax figure comes with 1 body, 3 character heads, and has 10 points of articulation. Swap the heads out to change up the look of each figure, or interchange any part to create new characters.
Monster figures feature Maniac Morphing to change visual form from scales to fur, or even fire with different colors and heads. Get the Slasher Weapons Pack to add even more attitude to your figures.
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All figures will feature the Glyos joint system. If you’re new to Glyos, you may be wondering what that means.
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    Glyos Size Chart (Left to Right: Toy Pizza, Battle Tribes, Mighty Maniax, Onell Design, Onell Design, and Spaced Out Design)
The Glyos System features a simple peg & socket joint system known as the “Fit Function” that makes them completely interchangeable with one another, allowing for limitless build options. Created by Onell Design, this unique joint system is only made available to Glyos approved toy makers. Rocom Toys has been working closely with Onell Design to ensure that Mighty Maniax figures fit right into the Glyos world while also maintaining their original voice and attitude.
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Mixed parts Glyos build including Mighty Maniax, Toyfinity, and Onell Design pieces.
With Glyos joints, any of the toys shown above can share parts for new character creations. Its almost like LEGO for action figures! For more insight into the world of Glyos, check out the detailed video below made by The Crafsman.
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Growing up in the ’90s wouldn’t be the same without 16-Bit video games played on the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis systems. When cinematographer, Joel Benner, and video-game coder, Matt Cooper, approached Rocom Toys with the opportunity to make a classic 16-Bit side-scroller, there was no question that it had to be for Mighty Maniax.
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Mighty Maniax: The Video Game features 16-Bit Graphics With Modern Gameplay.
What Rocom Toys created is an action-packed, spooky, shoot ’em up with a Contra meets Ghosts ‘N Goblins vibe, all to the retro synthwave sounds of All The Damn Vampires. The music created for the game throws you right back into the ’80s with the single “Johnny’s Revenge.”
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“Johnny’s Revenge” Album Artwork
In the single-level, downloadable-demo, you play as Johnny Tombstone. Travel through creepy graveyards, and haunted forests as you blast away waves of bats, monsters, and possessed tombstones! The ultimate dream is to eventually make an 8-level, full-length video game for the Nintendo Switch, or other consoles. The video game demo comes FREE with every reward including a Mighty Maniax figure.
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Death Jaguar Add-On Accessories Stretch Goal
Rocom Toys started in 2018 after the success of the Death Jaguar Vinyl Toy Kickstarter. With hundreds of units sold, we began working with illustrators and artists to develop new toys that are unlike any other. Tom Neely’s “Henry & Glenn Forever” Anime Robots, and last year’s “Future Me” by Alex Pardee, both got vinyl toy treatments from their own successful Kickstarter campaigns. You can always check in on what we are up to on the Rocom Toys Instagram account @rocomtoys, or the new Mighty Maniax page @mightymaniax. This is our 4th toy campaign and we are hoping that, with your help, it will be another successful one!
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Mutant Soldiers (Photo by Quang Le)
There are a few ways to back this project. Rewards range from a digital download of the Mighty Maniax theme song by All The Damn Vampires to a fully playable single-level demo of Mighty Maniax: The Video Game.
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Exclusive Enamel Pin Designed by Tom Whalen
Early bird reward tiers will ship with an exclusive enamel pin designed by Tom Whalen! These are limited items and are only available while supplies last.
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Trading Card Artwork(From Left to Right) by Ben Templesmith, Johnny Ryan, Tyler Jacobs, and Patrick Gleason.
Some incredible illustrators have lended their talents to create exclusive Mighty Maniax Artist Edition Trading Cards. Every figure purchased will come with a limited edition mystery card from one of the following artists: Tom Neely, Johnny Ryan, Ben Templesmith, Megan Hutchison Cates, Chloe Rice, Witchhaus, Christopher Ulrich, Bagger43, Tyler Jacobs, Kyle Wlodgya, Abraham Lopez, Megan Risk, Kelly Turnbull, or Patrick Gleason.
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Photo by Quang Le
Multiple figure purchases will come with multiple cards. Wave One rewards will ship with the full set of Artist Edition trading cards, and some backers will also have the option to add their name to the video game credits! Backing any amount is very appreciated, and if this project isn’t for you, please consider sharing it with a friend that may be interested. Here are all of the rewards we have in-store once the project is fully funded!
Head over to KICKSTARTER now to back the project!
Mighty Maniax: Horror & Gaming Inspired Glyos Action Figures Now on Kickstarter! Mighty Maniax is a new line of 3" Glyos action figures inspired by cartoons and videos games of the '80s and '90s.
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lookforastar · 5 years ago
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All Rise: in which Benner tries to find a way to tactfully call her son a player.
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