#ben and kevin should not be trusted to make plans on their own
cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Hello!! sorry to bother you could write a ben 10 x reader? (the reader is kidnapped by vilgax and ben has to save her, after that ben and the reader has an argument) please, i love your fics!!
Storm Before The Calm
Pairing: Pre-Established; Ben Tennyson x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.4k words
A/N: I changed up the request a bit (I figured it shouldn't matter which villain was used here) also I was planning to have this as sort of a damsel in distress situation but after having a chat with some boys pigs I decided a self indulgant badass reader was right up my alley
Additional A/N: I have a math exam on Thursday and I cannot focus for the life of me. So, I decided to finish up one of my drafts. Now hopefully I'll be able to work like a robot for the next week, after satisfying my creative side. Also, this fic was super self indulgant.
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"I trust Ben.” You did. With your entire being.
Kevin chuckled from beside you, “Yeah, try saying that without cracking the fillings in your teeth and maybe we’ll believe you.”
His words caused you to relax, only then realizing how hard your jaw was clenched in fury. Gwen sighed in disappointment and for a second you wanted to defend her cousin and your boyfriend. Until you realized that he deserved every bit of unbridled anger coming to him.
“I trust him. Doesn’t mean I’m not mad at him.”
Your hands were balled into tight fists and even though you wanted to take your eyes off the television screen and take a warm bath, you also for some reason couldn’t stop yourself from watching it.
Like you were afraid something would happen when your eyes were off the screen for even a second. Maybe you didn’t trust him.
But honestly how could you, you were currently watching your boyfriend relax in a hot tub with Jennifer Nocturne and the sight was enough to send bile up your throat.
Ben wasn’t returning any of her advances, but he wasn’t stopping her either. And the thought made you sick to your stomach. You knew Ben was faithful and you knew he would never cheat on you but watching how the Hollywood starlet continued to hang off him sent waves of jealousy through you.
Not to mention anger at the fact that he wasn’t doing anything to stop her. When he got back, you were going to wring his neck.
Trusting him was getting harder with Gwen constantly insisting that you dump him.
Honestly, you wondered how that girl even kept a relationship.
When Ben eventually came home, all the entertainment channels were still talking about the two of them and the well-known picture of Jennifer Nocturne kissing him was circulating about. Each time you looked at that image, you wanted to shoot an arrow at the TV.
As time went by, your anger slowly fizzled out. You were unable to maintain your rage at Ben, quickly getting a headache and feeling tired of trying to maintain negative emotions. Even then, you couldn't push down the uneasy feeling in your heart that seized your stomach.
You kept expecting a text message from Ben, an apology call but as the night proceeded you understood that he was having way too much fun with another woman to even think about how you must be feeling.
The thought of that made you want to go back home and crawl underneath the covers, hiding away from the rest of the world.
But Gwen was persistent and any time you tried to wiggle away from the pair of them and go home, she insisted that you stay and make sure Ben knew how upset he made you tonight.
You were more than happy to give your boyfriend the cold shoulder until he apologized rather than have to confront him. That was just how your relationship with Ben worked. Neither of you were the type to lose your tempers and yell and scream at each other.
Although you were worried what would come out of this. Would you be able to peacefully discuss your feelings and then come to some sort of conclusion civilly? Seems too good to be true honestly.
Even then you waited until Ben came home, listening to Gwen and Kevin about how you should rip the band aid off and get everything off your chest rather than ignore him for a couple of days until the two of you got bored.
Usually, the latter would work but you had an inkling that it wouldn't be the solution for this particular argument because if you didn't communicate your emotions then he would never know how you felt about it.
So, even though your stomach filled with anxiety and sadness as the hours passed, you still didn't leave, determined to talk to him about it.
Your jaw was clenched tight when he finally did come back home, utterly relaxed and even happy like he wasn't just curled up against some Hollywood starlet while his girlfriend was watching it on E!
"I'm really upset with you." You ground out when Kevin and Gwen left, not knowing how else to start the conversation.
"What for?"
You didn't reply, picking up the remote and flicking to a gossip channel, then a news channel, then an interview show and all of them had the picture of Ben Tennyson and Jennifer Nocturne locking lips.
Ben winced, "She kissed me! I didn't even return it."
You still refused to look at you, crossing your arms aggressively, "Uh huh and what was today all about?"
"It's just publicity. Jennifer thinks that it'll help with my career."
You scoffed, "What career?"
Ben's back tensed up and he turned to give you a stiff expression, "I'm a superhero. I've saved the universe a thousand times and now that I'm finally getting recognition for it, you want to be petty?"
"Petty? You think I'm being petty? Well forgive me for getting upset after watching my boyfriend curl up to some other woman in a hot tub for the last five hours!" You bit, standing up from the couch.
"It wasn't like that! Stop blowing everything out of proportion!"
"No, you stop pretending like this isn't a big deal! Ever since your secret got out you've been acting like an ass and since meeting that blonde rat it's only gone through your head more!" You shouted, clenching your hands at your sides. How could he not see your side of this?
"Well shouldn't I get to enjoy my life once in a while?! I'm the one saving the planet constantly! I'm the one with constant death threats and near death experiences every other week! Shouldn't I get some attention for it?! God knows I don't get any from you!" He yelled back and you grit your teeth.
"Don't forget that while you were out there risking your life, we were right beside you!"
"Oh, so that's what it is, you're jealous that everyone thinks of you as the sidekick!"
"That is so NOT what this is about!"
"Oh really? Because it sounds like you're jealous because you're not getting attention by mooching off of me!"
Your eyes widened in shock. Mooching? Did he seriously think that you risked your life alongside him every day to help other people and more importantly, keep him safe, for attention?
Your body trembled, outraged and you didn't say another word, leaving his house in a rush and slamming the door behind you.
You needed something to hit.
Your body pumped with adrenaline and anger, muscles itching to be used as you sauntered through the old and run-down factory with reckless abandon. You briefly wondered whether you should've told Gwen or Kevin you were going there but then decided against it, pride and anger too great.
Any doubts or hesitation you had disappeared when you saw Vulkanus, standing tall and broad in his metal suit. And as per usual, he had his herd of minions doing his physical labour.
"If it isn't the Plumber's sweetheart." He drawled once he noticed you. You didn't bother with the stealth, leaving the door wide open behind you and letting the sunlight seep in. If he knew what was good for him, then this would be over quick.
"Hello Vulkanus." You greeted politely and he rolled his eyes. Of all people, he knew just how misleading your innocence was.
"Where's the cavalry?"
"Just me today." You answered and for a second you were confused by your own confidence. Maybe you were taking this just a little too easy. Oh well, that was another thing you could blame your pig-headed boyfriend for.
"Well then, this is going to be easier than I thought. Hope you said goodbye to your boyfriend, sweetheart." He rasped out and the corner of your mouth twitched into a smirk. Without another word, you raised your arms, feeling the familiar heat of fire in the palm of your hand before chucking it at him.
Just as you knew he would, he sent his minions towards you first. They were embarrassingly unskilled but the problem came in numbers. They swarmed around you like ants and you felt yourself getting irritated at the clicking sound they were making.
Unfortunately for Vulkanus his make-shift factory was right beside a dam which gave you an endless supply of the elements to work with.
Summoning all the water you could manoeuvre, you pulled it into the factory, shattering the windows along with it and flooding the room. It only took a few flicks of your wrist to create a whirlpool in the centre, knocking all the workers off their feet.
You stiffened your hands, curling in your fingers and the temperature dropped, the water solidifying with each second until all of them were encased in ice. Another flick of the wrist had the path clearing between you and Vulkanus, who was still warm.
"You-You're sparing me?" He asked, confused and a dry laugh left you.
"Not at all," You sang, eyes turning dark, "I'm giving you special treatment."
Vulkanus bounded towards you, holding his mallet high and you swiftly dodged, using water on the floor to slide quickly. He crashed into the engine of one of his machines, the fuel tank exploding and spewing fowl smelling petrol onto the floor.
It floated above the level of water and began surrounding both of you.
He once again came at you, letting out a roar and you used the water to sink through the crevices of his suit, freezing it from within and you heard the satisfying sound of his suit cracking.
Just a little more strength and forcing a gust of air through the cracks had it falling apart and his frail body fell out of its metal encasing.
"You'll pay for this! You big bully!"
"Thanks for the fun time today, Vulkanus." You smiled, strutting to the door just as confidently as you came in. Even though your body was burning from the workout and you could barely breathe, you still couldn't get over the high.
Before leaving the building, you turned around to see him still glaring at you from his place on the floor.
"Oh, I should probably free your minions, right?" You commented, eyes flickering between the ones still encased in ice and the floor that was still flooded with water and petrol.
You let out a fake sigh, "I guess I'll be nice today," You winked at Vulkanus, "Thanks for the playdate, sweetheart."
His eyes widened when you blew a kiss to him, watching in fear as you ignited a flare in your palm and blew it towards him before turning around and using the wind to slam the doors behind you. When you were just a few feet away you heard the place blow apart.
Slowly, the adrenaline began melting and the blood rushing through your ears was much more audible. You were panting, tired from the exercise and the thought of calling Kevin to come and pick you up. Or maybe even Ben. You were calm enough now to have a conversation with him.
When you pulled your phone out of your pocket you felt a hand on your shoulder and spun around to meet eyes with Captain Nemesis. For a brief second you were wondering if he was here to invite you to some inane party or even to tell you that Ben was at one.
Although you hardly looked the part, you were sweating and your face was probably red and blotchy.
"Can I help you?" You asked, taking a step back, he was a little too close to you and the look in his eye freaked you out.
"As a matter of fact, you can." He said, "You see I'm arranging a little stunt for Ben Tennyson. An opportunity if you will, to showcase some of his heroism."
You rolled your eyes, turning away from him. The last thing you wanted to do was feed Ben's ego at the moment.
"With all due respect, I don't really think I'm up for a damsel in distress routine right now, Captain, I'd rather just get home. And If you take another step towards me, I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine." You snapped and he backed off obediently, raising his hands in a form of surrender.
"That's too bad." He mused and you turned away from him, intent on walking back home or even calling a cab. Anything to get away from this creep faster.
"Too bad you don't really have a choice."
You felt his hand on your bare shoulder again but before you could even react you felt volts of electricity rush through you. You gasped painfully, feeling fire through your veins before everything started to hurt.
White burned in your vision and colours started to blur together as your eyes filled with tears. Your body crumbled, falling forward and Captain Nemesis caught you.
Right before your consciousness slipped away you heard him say something.
"For your sake, you better hope that Ben Tennyson is as great as those gossip channels make him out to be."
When you felt yourself regaining consciousness, you could feel your weight pulling down and also couldn't feel the ground. This had your eyes snapping open, regardless of how dizzy you were and how many dots were in your vision.
You hazily made out the venue, Nemesis Tower, before recognize the blonde woman tied up beside you. It didn't take long before you realized she was tied to the other end of the rope, suspended through mid-air just like you.
This was no doubt going to be some sort of deathly choice.
You noticed when Ben came in, turning into Ultimate Humangasaur. He looked furious, like you've never seen him before and you knew it was because Ben was certain he'd teach him a lesson today.
"Where's (Y/N)." He all but growled and your heart soared. You didn't realize how much you missed him until now, everything from before was forgotten.
"Right up there. And so is Jennifer." He replied, still smug despite the way Ben was pining him to the ground by his throat. Ben followed his gaze to meet your eyes and you took a deep breathe, bracing yourself.
A selfish part of you wanted to stay and see what Ben would do, would he save you even though Jennifer was a civilian and world famous?
Even then you figured that you shouldn't risk anyone's life for petty jealousy, so you took a deep breath, blowing it out through your mouth and watching as a gust of wind blew past, the pressure making you swing.
You swung a few feet back, letting your body fall a little before blowing again. Once you gained enough momentum, you looked up to the rope tying the two of you together and spitting fire at it, falling at an angle. You briefly heard Jennifer scream and revelled in her karma for a hot second.
On your way down, you quickly burnt off the rest of the ropes, bringing a pool of water to crystallize into a makeshift slide as you slide on your knees across the floor, just in time to catch Jennifer in your arms.
Your knees stung as they scraped across the concrete and the wind was knocked out of you when the woman fell into your form.
She gasped and her eyes that was screwed shut gently fluttered open. Up close you could understand why everyone was in love with her. Even then you couldn't spare her any concern.
You quickly pushed her out of your arms, noticing Gwen and Kevin staring at you in awe when you stood up. You cracked your knuckles, making your way over to the older man with a scowl.
"For your sake, you better hope that I'm just as weak as you think I am. Spoiler alert, I'm not."
Ben spared a small smile at you but you couldn't feel anything aside from hot fury. You felt water surge beneath your fingers and threw it at him, pulling up a wall of earth to block his blasts.
Your boyfriend immediately began fighting alongside you and your bodies fell into a familiar rhythm. Even though there was a crazed narcissist trying to kill you, you felt safe beside Ben.
It wasn't long before the four of you managed to overpower him, rendering his armour useless until he was defeated, lying pathetically on the ground.
You walked up to him and your lips twisted into an unimpressed frown when you noticed the way he had the audacity to glare at you. Without a second word, you raised your leg and kicked him right between the legs.
"I always keep my promises, Captain."
Kevin began laughing behind you and Ben cringed.
Finally, when you turned to meet Ben, now de-transformed, all the fight left your body and you relaxed. He looked apologetic and you let him approach you.
His arms wrapped around your waist and you leaned into him, breathing the familiar scent of his deodorant and snaking your arms under his jacket to fist his T-shirt.
He sighed into your hair, arms tightening around your body, "I'm sorry. For being an ass to you and saying all those horrible things, I was being an idiot and you deserve an apology."
You didn't move, not pulling away from the way your forehead was pressed against the length of his neck, "Thank you for coming to save me."
"Didn't look like you needed much help." He chuckled and you felt happy hearing the pride in his voice.
"I missed you." You murmured, holding him a little tighter and he turned his head to kiss your forehead gently. And just like that, everything was right in the world. Just as long as you were in each other's arms.
"I love you."
You heard the click of a camera and your head snapped up to see a herd of cameramen and reporters along with a couple of police cars. Ben laughed nervously beside you, "I guess we won't have to worry about another actress coming between us."
You gave him an unimpressed frown and he just smiled, leaning to peck your lips and you heard the crowd of reporters’ gasp and heard the shutters of cameras before they began shouting questions at you.
You pulled away from him when you saw Jennifer Nocturne make her way towards you. You figured she wanted to snuggle up to Ben now that the cameras were filming.
Instead, she walked right up to you, hugging you tightly and your arms flailed pathetically beside her, unsure of what to do, "You saved my life! I don't know how to thank you!"
She pulled away for just a second before pressing a kiss to your lips. Your eyes widened in alarm and the shutters began once again and flashes practically blinded you.
"Huh, so that's what that feels like." Ben murmured when she pulled away from you. Kevin was smirking beside him, satisfied that he got a taste of his own medicine and Gwen was just in shock.
Ben felt his stomach turn at the sight of Jennifer’s lipstick on your mouth and you were unsure whether you should feel repulsed or cocky.
But as you wiped the pigment off your lips and curled back into Ben's side you couldn't feel anything other than your burning muscles and your drooping eyelids.
You squinted because of the bright lights, feeling a headache grow as the exhaustion from before crept up on you again. After 2 fights and a kidnapping today, there was nothing more you wanted than a nap.
"Wanna go home?" Your ever observant boyfriend asked just as the nausea started to kick in. You nodded and he guided you away from the reporters to his car.
He gently placed you into the front seat, shielding your head as you got in to prevent you from hitting it against the hood before buckling your seatbelt, watching carefully as you drifted into a sound sleep.
Ben heard everyone behind him swoon as he lovingly placed a kiss to your knuckles and then climbed into the seat beside you, sparing you one last warm glance before starting the car and driving away.
He'd definitely notice the shy smile on your face when you saw that Ben kissing you was on the front page of a magazine.
And you'd notice the jealous scowl he'd have when he saw that Jennifer kissing you was on the front page of another.
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kariachi · 3 years
Some fic! Set between AF and UA, the team just chilling.
“I leave you two alone for five minutes…” This was what she got for going and making them all cocoa- she’d learned that Kevin, much like Ben, could not be trusted with the job- coming back to Ben sat on Kevin’s chest for some reason. Gwen’d entrusted him with ‘getting Kevin to sit on the couch so the rest of us can use it too’ but apparently no.
“I was trying to force him to give me the remote,” Ben explained, which she couldn’t help but note still wasn’t what she’d planned for him to do, “but it turns out he can just breathe just fine like this.”
“If it came down to it, with a deep enough armor I wouldn’t have to breathe at all. Thanks, babe.” They both flashed her grins as she handed them their mugs and settled in on Kevin’s legs. Wasn’t as comfy as couch cushions, but apparently unless she wanted to toss both of them off herself it was the best she was going to get.
“Wouldn’t need to breathe, wouldn’t need to eat,” she said, shaking her head, “I’m surprised you ever bothered staying like this in the first place.”
“Eh. Going all stone or metal ups my weight from nearly two-hundred to up-to a few tons, fucks shit up. And organics like wood…” Kevin flipped through channels as he mulled his words. “Okay, you guys never got the chance to see but I did spend this last fall trimming wannabe branches and shit. Plus, the more organics I absorb the higher chance it affects my future kids.” Gwen and Ben both silently turned, leaning forward in Gwen’s case, to stare at him. Ben responded first.
“Your species is weird.”
“Yeah, fuck off.”
“He’s not wrong, Kev.” Snorting, still grinning, he waved a finger at Gwen.
“You don’t get to talk, you’re an amorphous ball of energy crammed into a dozen pounds of skin.” He wasn’t wrong either. There was a reason she’d dropped her martial arts classes after that last fight against the Highbreed, and it was 100% to do with the masquerade.
“That’s beside the point.”
“This is why I hang out with you guys,” Ben said around a sip of cocoa, “I get to be the normal one in the room.”
“And here I thought it was because he cared,” Gwen said.
“I assumed it was because I pay for shit, this is sorta a step up.” There was a thwap as Ben swatted at Kevin and got a laugh in return.
“I pay my own way!”
“With who? Cause it ain’t with me.”
“You make more money than I do.”
“From two jobs. If anything you should be treating me just for that.”
“If doesn’t count if one of them’s crime.”
“Bullshit it doesn’t.”
“I’m about to stop hanging out with either of you,” Gwen broke in. “Go back a few channels, Kev? I think I saw House Hunters.”
“Sure thing.” He switched it back over. Looked like the couple of the episode were up north, there were half-melted snowdrifts in the background. “You can’t call yourself normal with what you take in your smoothies, Benji.”
“They’re tasty.”
“They’re crimes against nature,” Gwen said, sharing a smirk with Kevin over his shoulder as Ben huffed. “Sorry to be the ones to break it to you.
“Yeah, well,” Ben answered, “at least I don’t- Fuck, look at that basement!” Immediately the others’ attention went from Ben to the tv, all three of them gaping.
“Mother fuck, that carpet-”
“I swear to God, if either of you ever install something that ugly I’m having you shot.”
“If I ever do that, I want you to.”
“They better not pick this one- they’d have to burn it to cleanse the land!”
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satuguro · 4 years
tenshi | pt. 2
IN WHICH: tsukishima can’t let go and your sadness turns into anger.
PAIRING: tsukishima kei x ukai!reader, kageyama tobio x ukai!reader
INSPIRED BY: freckles — kevin atwater, hikare are (moonlight) — burnout syndromes
WARNING: angst, cursing
A/N: sorry for taking so long to update! i’ve been having really bad writer’s block :,)
prologue, pt. 1, pt. 2
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tsukishima wasn’t sure when it happened.
he always had a gut feeling that he had always felt that way when he looked at you. the feeling of caring so much for one person terrified him. he had never felt like that before— it was new and unexpected.
tsukishima didn’t like new and unexpected. he wasn’t like you, who practically craved the outside world that it was almost annoying.
he had spent countless nights trying to figure out when he realized he loved you.
was it when you gave him a box of dinosaur bandaids that you had stolen from your dad’s store? you given it to him with a smile and a short, “it reminded me of you.”
was it when you let him pick the movie for movie night, but instead of him picking jurassic park, you picked it? “you always pick jurassic park, and you always pick the first one because it’s your favorite,” you had stated with a nonchalant shrug.
or was it when you told him you were leaving? when you muttered out your mom’s plans and tsukishima’s blood ran cold because no, this wasn’t some sick joke. you were leaving and never coming back.
you had told him you were leaving, and all he did was walk away.
“i’ll walk home with the guys tonight!” you sent your dad a bright grin, one he only huffed at as he reluctantly handed the keys to kageyama.
“be safe,” he said sternly. his words would’ve almost come off as cold if you didn’t know your dad well. he was worried, that was all. as he made his way to the door, he paused, not looking over his shoulder as he said, “if you all don’t leave soon y/n won’t treat you to meat buns.” immediately, ukai shut the door behind him.
instantaneously, hinata bound over to you, his arms going up as he jumped around you over and over. you could never get used to the sudden height he gained “y/n teach me more about what you know you never got to—!”
hinata’s loud screaming was interrupted by a volleyball that hit his head.
kageyama, who was practically fuming as he stood behind the middle blocker, barked, “do you want meat buns or not? help us clean, dumbass!”
as the freak duo continued to bicker as they cleaned up, you nudged yachi softly as you watched on in amusement. “it’s good that they haven’t changed,” you commented, and she smiled widely.
“oh yeah, they’re still exactly as before. they just learned more, i guess,” yachi laughed. in front of you, yamaguchi tried to calm the two down, his freckled cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. tsukishima only loomed over them with an unimpressed look on his face. “same thing goes for yama. tsukishima, though...”
“i expected it,” you cut her off, words coming out more forced than you would’ve liked. without missing a beat, you smiled. you didn’t want to tell her that tsukishima was the last thing you wanted to hear about. “we should help out. knowing by dad, he’ll probably purposely close the store if we’re late.”
“they have the best meat buns, trust me!”
akiteru’s cheerful voice made kei let out a disgruntled grunt.
ever since he found out that his brother and his position as an oh-so-great ace, akiteru had ben doing everything to make it up for him. tsukishima’s frown deepened as he reluctantly walked into the store, his eyes set on his sneakers as he slowly followed his brother.
he lied. no amount of meat buns was going to change that fact.
“ukai! two of your best meat buns, please!” akiteru’s grin faltered for a moment as he turned back to kei, but that didn’t change his spirits as he turned to the cashier.
you sat behind the cash register, your fingers reaching up to your mouth and pulling out the red lollipop you were sucking on. it was obvious that you were kei’s age, yet you acted like you owned the shop (and maybe you did).
“my dad says i’m not allowed to get meat from the dish because it’s too hot and i’ll die,” you said pointedly, leaning forward in your plastic chair. you looked at kei with a curious tilt of your head, and kei only stared back.
your hair was pulled back with a thin headband, and he recognized the logo on your beige sweatshirt; a volleyball sweatshirt.
“i didn’t know you had a lil’ brother,” you said with a tilted grin, eyes switching between kei and akiteru. in response, akiteru ruffled kei’s hair, making the boy scowl and try to slap his hand away. you giggled in amusement. “he’s grumpy.”
kei gave you a nasty look. “am not.”
your beaming smile didn’t falter at the glare he gave you. you were perfectly unfazed by it, and to kei’s surprise, you only laughed more. “you’re funny.”
kei’s face bloomed a slight shade of red.
“s’bout time. i was about to close,” your dad sighed as he handed you the packs of meat buns.
you knew that was a lie. he always liked night shifts at the shop.
“even if you did close the shop, i’d feed them,” you hummed, looking behind you. your friends were outside, all standing in front of the glass door of the shop. yachi was laughing with hinata while kageyama sipped his milk peacefully. farther away from them was yamaguchi and tsukishima; the green haired boy was trying to speak to the other, but the blonde was too busy on his phone.
“whatever,” keishin managed a small smile as you turned back to him. “don’t stay out too late.”
“i won’t. thanks, dad.” you gave him a short side hug before you made tour way back outside, blind to the growing smile on your father’s face.
“oh my god, i love you!” hinata took the pack from you and began eating it almost immediately. you scrunched your nose as you saw part of the wrapper disappear in his mouth.
“hinata you ate like half of the paper—!” yachi yelled in panic, her hand smacking hinata’s back as she tried to get him to spit it out.
you turned to kageyama, handing him his meat bun with a close lipped smile. he squished his milk carton with one hand, his free one taking the meat bun from you. “... thank you,” he managed a smile, and you laughed.
it wasn’t as scary as his smile before you left. then again, you never really minded his smile.
you walked over to yamaguchi and tsukishima, both of whom were talking intently between themselves.
“you can’t keep this up— y/n!” yamaguchi’s freckled fave bloomed red as he forced a smile, his expression immediately changing. wordlessly, you handed the meat bun pack to him.
“what’re you guys talking about?” you found yourself asking, eyes daring to meet tsukishima’s for a second before meeting yamaguchi’s once again.
“none of your business, ukai,” tsukishima answered before yamaguchi could. you stiffened at the use of your last name; he never used it before.
“tsukki!” yamaguchi scolded, but you only smiled.
god, tsukishima hated it when you smiled. he hated how his glare, which was supposed to be nasty and full of hatred, would falter at the sight of it.
“it’s whatever,” you shrugged, playing off your feelings, “enjoy, you guys.”
┈┈ 𑁍༅ཾ༚ ┈┈
of course he was the last to leave.
you wanted to curse whatever god was in the skies that made him the last one to leave. the awkwardness hung in the air, and you could’ve easily just chosen to go inside the shop and he could’ve just gone home, but you were both frozen in your spots.
you two were sitting on the curb, making sure that there was a distance between you both. the only light was the flickering street lights and the dim lights of your shop behind you both.
you both could’ve just left. so why didn’t you?
“we haven’t—“
“shut up.”
your mouth shut and your gaze returned to your feet.
why wasn’t he leaving? why weren’t you leaving?
how could he still be so mean? this is kei, but still.
your confusion slowly turned to anger as your fists clenched harder and harder, before you snapped your head towards kei and finally let it out.
“what the hell is your problem?”
to your surprise (and anger), he only shook his head, letting out an incredulous laugh.
“really, ukai? you have no idea?” kei didn’t even look at you as he chuckled, his glasses nearly slipping off his face. “you’re as dumb as you look.”
“i’m not a fucking mind reader, kei,” you seethed in response, your eyes never once leaving his form. all the sadness that he once been caused by him turned into pure rage; his blunt words didn’t help. “so tell me. what is your problem?”
“fuck off,” kei snapped, standing up from his seat and shoving his hands in his pockets. he began to walk away without another word.
“no, tell me.” you stood up after him, your tenacity getting the beat of you as you followed him. “kei—“
“i told you to stop calling me that!” kei turned to you, meeting your eyes for what fet like the first time in forever. he was angry, that much you knew. his brows were knitted together as he looked at you, and his eyes held nothing good behind them. yet, despite all of this, you stepped closer. “leave me alone, ukai.”
“i just—“
“what, you want it to be like old times? you want me to accept you with open arms and a big fucking smile?” kei took a stop closer to you. he saw the way your lip was quivering and how you hid it by pulling it between your teeth. his haze was stone cold, and no matter how much he wanted to say, “i’m sorry for being such an ass,” he did nothing. kei was driven by the hurt you caused him before you left and the pain he went through by keeping his own words to himself. you left.
“leave me alone, ukai. i mean it.”
the first time you argued with tsukishima kei was when you were in middle school.
you had accidentally stepped on his favorite dinosaur figurine when you were dropping off his notebook at his house. in an immature fit of rage, kei told you to get out while he desperately tried to fix it.
his brother gave him that figurine before he left for college. of course it meant a lot to him.
you had come back to next day with a dinosaur plushie that you had bought with all your chore money. you had messily embroidered a small moon on the stuffed t-rex’s chest, and you had shoved it to his chest when he opened the door.
you didn’t like accepting defeat, but this was an exception. “i’m sorry, please accept this as a token of my affection.”
kei remembered that he had responded with a judgmental raise of his brow, but you had cut him off before he could make fun of you.
“i spent all night making that damn moon. accept it or die, kei.”
he walked away again.
you only stood in place, your eyes watching his form leave as you clenched and unclenched your hands. you wanted to scream. you wanted to find a punching bag and punch the living daylights out of it, but all you did was watch him go.
you tensed up at the voice, and you turned around towards the voice. tobio kageyama stood right behind you, his hand reaching down for the pack of pencils he seemingly forgot before he left. knowing him, that was probably all the pencils he had.
“you’re crying,” the setter said dumbly, standing up at full height as he looked at you with a concerned frown. what else was he supposed to say?
you managed a laugh as you aggressively wiped your tears away. god, you hated crying. “no shit, genius.”
kageyama stepped closer to you as you continued to wipe your eyes. you laughed tearfully once again.
“i don’t even know why i’m crying,” you felt more tears flow down your cheeks as you hurried to wipe them away again. once again, you laughed. “it just keeps coming.”
quietly, kageyama pulled you closer to him, his arms holding you close as you continued to softly cry. your words of, “the tears won’t stop. why isn’t it stopping?” were muffled as you cried into his sweatshirt.
┈┈ 𑁍༅ཾ༚ ┈┈
A/N: again, sorry for the late update! writer’s block sucks ass :(
TAGLIST: @grapesauze , @neijiwave , @whothefuckstolemykeds , @sugakuns , @lexysclubhouse , @bakibakini , @animeanxiety , @kodzu-ken , @ukhyeonn , @sana-li , @differentballooncollection , @thechaosoflonging , @scrappydaisies , @nnessworls , @emogril , @killuaking , @vinnieluv , @kageyamas-whore , @helloshoutohere
prologue, pt. 1, pt. 2
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rexeipts · 3 years
Monday Morning Rewatch Thoughts
This episode was disappointing. I think the last episode would have served as a better mid-season finale personally. Thoughts below:
- The plot of, “I wasn’t Ben,” and Annie being motivated to keep Ben in his current school for that reason is amazing. That is the kind of plot I want, and care about, for Annie. I love that they have included Ben’s transition into the story line in a way that it isn’t the main focus and that Ben has other pieces of characterization and other challenges/points of conflict than just his transition, but that they haven’t shied away from it when it makes sense.
- The financial aid lady is a down.ass.bitch. for telling Annie to just go find some guy she’s slept with the put down on the paperwork. I’m sorry, but that was great of her to be like listen here’s a loophole so you can help your kid and I will not ask questions. 
- I did not like the Kevin (name?) storyline at first because it just didn’t make sense? And I did not like his characterization at the auction of being the “trashy homeless guy” who eats way too much food and steals dogs. I felt like he had more to him when he told Annie that he doesn’t want to be a favor to her. I think she has more chemistry with him than any other guy we have seen her with (including Greg, sue me) and I’m actually looking forward to a possible storyline of her and him falling in love via being awkward roommates. I am hoping it has a current of don’t judge a book by it’s cover, and that Kevin is someone who is a good person and has an interesting story that brings Annie to some sort of realization about herself.
- I HATED... yes... HATED Beth in the scene where Stan was going over the game plan. She was so damn condescending. Stan was biting his tongue and being as polite as he could be, but she was fucking rude. Point blank. Rude. 
- Because of that, I loved the scene where he called Beth out. And he is fucking right. And you know what? He even threw her a bone that she was ignored in her home for so many years. Which is fucking true, and made the conversation SO much more nuanced than just Stan calling her out. It made it sooo much more complex that he mentions her motivations. He has known this woman like a family member to his own family for decades. It makes sense he would see and understand the nuances of why she is doing what she’s doing. I hope it is foreshadowing for something more to come. 
- Sarah and Ruby have the best chemistry of any parent/child relationship in my opinion. I love watching them on screen even for just a few moments. 
- Ruby’s, “I did it for me,” at the end was remniscient of Beth telling Dean, “I wanted to,”. Yes, thank you. Ruby is not a yes man. She did this shit for her family, for her kids, for herself. As much as I think Beth might try to be in charge and often is, it was a good reminder that Ruby is still in there and still has a backbone. She has called Beth out with stealing the Tesla, with the sex tape, etc. before and I want that energy back.
- Annie and Ruby having a sweet moment together on the bench was great, I love them together. They’re so fun but also so so sweet.
- She’s with fricken Dean again this week.
- Beth’s eyebrows and wig are fucking terrible. Someone CHILL with the eyebrow filler.
- Was Rio just watching Dean and Beth? Like hanging out waiting? He was like RIGHT THERE when Dean got up. Was he behind a tree watching Dean with his arm around Beth just boiling? 
- Dean being pitied by the guy he was trying to sell product to was great. He has been knocked down so many pegs. But also, it was a waste of fucking screen time.
- Not so easy to get out from under someone’s thumb, huh Deansie? How’s it feel to be a dumb ass yet again? A year’s supply of skin care? Guessing Beth is gonna have to bail him out which is again a waste of screen time and something no one gives a shit about seeing.
-  The fact that Dean thinks he was good at selling cars is just... sad.
- Beth being a “bad bitch” and selling purses to the husbands who went to see strippers is completely undermined by her being a doormat for Dean who is a sexist, condescending pig who cheated, lied about cancer, and has not shown a single ounce of respect for her as a woman outside of her ability to raise children and make cookies.
- I do not want to see a storyline of Beth trying to get money to leave and go to Nevada or wherever. I know the show runners have said Beth will realize she can’t escape Rio if they’re in the same town, so that is what this storyline is going to be. Her trying to escape Rio yet again. This has been drawn out long enough now. This episode was so confusing and weird. Like her and Rio got the trust of the SS just so the agents could leave? Their relationship advancement, her making this choice of him or SS, etc. was for... what? The drama of the last episode was because of... what exactly? What was the entire point of the SS storyline if it literally put us no where? I’m asking sincerely if anyone has thoughts.
- I don’t want to see Beth and Dean anymore. I am fucking exhausted of seeing Beth and Dean. I am over it. I spent almost this entire episode on my phone because I was bored. The Beth being sweet to Dean storyline is so so so far past where it made any logical sense to the plot. There has been no advancement or progress. She’s supposed to be in a love triangle? We have seven episodes left and there has been absolutely zero progress in her and Dean’s situation. I will be looking for some fucking conflict in this next episode with Dean seeing Rio otherwise I have little to no hope for the Brio ship going forward.
-  Rio is the spider that Dave talked about right? That he couldn’t get and so he never went back in the bed?
- Nick is a pathetic pussy, and so is his bodyguard. Mick is the only ‘muscle’ I want on my screen. Thanks.
- The bullet wounds not being there is unacceptable. Not just because it completely minimizes the fact that this man was shot in the chest three times and left to die, but also just from a plot standpoint. Like this was the entire storyline of season 3. Wtf. I understand Dean’s not being there, because that was treated as a minimal storyline. But Beth shooting Rio was the entire basis of season 3′s conflict. It’s bizarre and completely unacceptable.
- I posted a little while back about stereotypes, guessing that Nick was going to push Rio and Beth together by stereotyping them both and not seeing the deeper connection between them. Tooting my own horn because this is exactly what Nick did. Beth is the soccer mom, Rio the “gangster”.
- Nick and Dean are the same force for Rio and Beth, respectively. They’re both oppressors. They both don’t get it, the draw between the two. Beth and Rio both try to minimize their relationship, admitting only to sex and nothing more, to their oppressors. Beth used to want to get out from Dean’s grasp and Rio currently does with Nick. Both Dean and Nick have put this other person in a box, minimized them to nothing more than a stereotype, taken away their choices, taken away their power and control. How Beth does not realize Dean is her oppressor and not Rio is fucking beyond me.
- Nick doesn't have kids, so who was the kid referring to Rio as his uncle? The female cousin’s child? Let’s see more of her and less of Dean please.
- Rio literally couldn’t cope the second Nick brought up Beth. He walked away like a love-struck teenage idiot not wanting to admit that he made a bad decision over a girl. I’m curious about this. I hope we find out more of why Rio did it. Did he do it just to scare Beth into submission because he knew he couldn’t hurt her? Or was there a layer of thinking Lucy was a threat to Beth? Because Lucy was pissed at Beth. Or a layer of trying to feign still having power in front of his boys but not being able to hurt Beth? 
- Rio’s voice is so raspy at the end, he’s so tired and beaten down, literally and figuratively. And I cannot catch the meaning behind “sometimes it’s worth it”, to be yourself? He sounded so... just sad and down when he said it. It sounded so vulnerable. 
- It is not, I repeat, not a storyline they should go down of thinking it is cool/fun/sexy/empowering/feminist for this “gangbanger” to be in love with the housewife and for her to not reciprocate and then torment him. It’s not. 
Promo/Going Forward:
- I think we have seen confirmation that Rio will lie/keep things from Nick. I think Rio gave Beth the plates, and they will be working together going forward. I hope.
- Rio chilling in the backroom of PP with Beth, so chill, so nonchalant, put me in the ground.
- In the below shot, you can see Rio still sitting there with his hand on his chin as Beth talks to Dean. This scene better be LOADED. Go ahead and mention them banging, Dean. That will be fun. But also I want to see Beth try to talk her way out of it. Go ahead and try to tell Dean you didn’t have a choice Elizabeth. Go ahead and try to minimize what this is when Rio is sitting there listening. That will be golden conflict. I want to see Rio realize the dynamic between Beth and Dean, see him see how submissive and pathetic she is when Dean is around, see how Dean belittles her, and then use that against her to pull her out of her shell. I want to see Beth try to minimize her relationship with Rio, see him call her out on that too. Idk. This scene has been four seasons coming so it better not be a disappointment.
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bubbloquacious · 2 years
So I've been rewatching Ben 10, which I watched as a kid, and recently I reached the second series, Ben 10: Alien Force. I always liked this series better as a kid (I preferred slightly edgier cartoons I guess) but what struck me about the start of the first season is that it's so much more thoughtful and subtle than the original series.
There's a scene in an early episode where the three main characters (Ben, Gwen, and Kevin) are looking around this warehouse at night, and Gwen makes a glowing pink ball of her magical energy powers to get some light in the room. When they hear the bad guy approach the door, there's a shot where they all look at the door, and then Gwen turns off her light and the screen goes black. A second after the door cracks open and lights the place up again but they have all silently agreed to hide somewhere. I thought that was a surprisingly cool moment for what is still very much a children's cartoon.
Another thing that has stuck with me is episode 5: All That Glitters, which is notable because none of the characters ever really make a stupid mistake. What usually happens in Ben 10 is that someone gets passed the idiot ball and that allows the villain/heroes to escape and curse the other team for getting in their way or whatever. In this one, the gang meet another superpowered kid who has inherited a plumber's badge from one of their space cop parents, which is a big thing in season one.
He's named Mike Morningstar (lol), and he can fly and shoots energy beams and he pretty much uses his powers to be a superhero, so Ben is instantly like let's get this guy on the team we need all the help we can get. Gwen thinks he's kind of cute and also she wants to make Kevin jealous because he didn't ask her out (she literally said "why haven't you asked me out yet?" at the start of the episode, when has there been a teenage romance like this?). Kevin doesn't trust him both because he's jealous and because Mike is kind of sleazy, but Ben and Gwen both have their reasons to not be that suspicious. Turns out he is obviously bad and he puts some mind control thing on Gwen.
After they fight some zombified teenage girls Mike asks Gwen out and they go for a drive, and after they've left Kevin tries to convince Ben that he's bad for business. They puzzle out the clues and chase after Mike and Gwen, where they discover he's an energy vampire and has sucked Gwen dry. Gwen is like mega powerful so Mike wipes the floor with Ben and Kevin, but then Gwen grabs Mike's arm and absorbs her own powers back, which takes out Mike and he's swarmed by the other girls whose energy he stole. At the end Ben is like "I should have listened to Kevin and not be so quick to trust" and like yeah! That's exactly what went wrong and the lesson you should take!
Gwen was hypnotized before she reasonably could've been suspicious. Ben was understandably eager to get someone powerful on the team, but also in the face of the evidence he was convinced and came to the rescue. Kevin was suspicious but couldn't quite place the evidence, so he let his gut feeling lead him to the correct conclusion. Mike had a perfect plan, and he was winning, he just did not know that Gwen was part magical alien and could just absorb her energy back when she snuck up on him. No one was an idiot!
Anyway I'm in season 2 now and there's definitely some more idiocy lmao, gonna keep watching though.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
My Cousin is CRAZY! (Ben10 alien force)
My cousin is crazy
It was Saturday morning in Bellwood and 15 year old Ben Tennyson was slowly waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs. It was strange because his parents were on a vegan kick at the moment but he decided to roll with it and opened his eyes as he went to sit up. And then groaned out loud as he took in stock of his attire and what he was sleeping in. Not for the first time since Gwen had started working out hardcore last year the girlish Ben had found his cousin perv'ing on him and deciding he should be her sissy baby wife. Despite making his lack of interest in such plans clear MORE then once, It hadn't of stopped Gwen from snagging him up at random times and dressing him up. Case and point, he was currently in what he estimated as 5 princess reaz's diapers (he'd sadly become familiar with the different brands because of Gwen) and a dark pink top with lighter pink puffed out shoulders and a semi skirt that didn't even cover half of the diapers. The top also had a red heart on the front with white writing in cursive declaring 'i wove my mommy' going along with the top and diapers his hands were in locking mittens meaning any attempt to use the omnitrix was doomed to fail and his feet covered in booties with slick bottoms so Ben would end up having to crawl unless he wanted to fall on his ass every 12 steps. 'At least she didn't put the paci in my mouth this time.' Ben thought with a sulky though a pat on his head told him she had put the silly over sized bow in his hair again, the damn thing pink with white poka dots. As for what he was in, again this wasn't a shock to him as it wasn't the first time but he was still less then pleased to have gone to sleep in his own bed in a pair of boxers and wake up in the hot pink crib Gwen had built just for him during her wood shop class. And of course since she wasn't shy of telling people who it was for Ben had been forced to endure even more teasing at school though ironically just verbal, no bullies had darned to lay a finger on him and have to deal with Gwen's almost super human power and bulk. The last bully who had tried had been found hanging from a flag pole by a pair of Barbie pants. Struggling to get to his feet on the purple sheet covered queen sized mattress and ignoring the fuzzy white and pink blanket and pillows in the crib with him (not to mention a dolly or too) Ben took in a deep breath and then hollered at the opened door frame of Gwen's room. "GWEN YOU SICK BITCH! YOU'VE BEEN TOLD TO STOP KIDNAPPING ME AND DRESSING ME IN DRAG AND HUGGIES! COME IN HERE AND LET ME OUT OF THIS OUTFIT BEFORE I GET YOU IN SHIT WITH YOURS AND MINE PARENTS AND GRANDPA MAX TOO!" It was the only threat that normally worked as while they're parents thought it was mostly cute, they all agreed that Gwen kidnapping Ben crossed a line. other then that though it was fair game if he was out of the house. Grandpa Max was nicer about it in Ben's view as he made the rust bucket a official safe zone that even Gwen respected and so Ben found himself hanging out less with Gwen and Kevin and more with Gramps. Kevin for his part was all too happy to stay out of it, treating the whole thing as a bullet dodged when him and Gwen had never hit it off and a better Ben then him. Ben didn't have to wait long as he swore he could almost feel the food steps of Gwen as she made her way towards the room.
Between the insane amount of weights she worked and the reps she put into and a unexpected growth spurt Gwen looked like she could of been a WWE at her 6'10 height and 320 pounds of mostly muscle. She kept her Orange hair short and was wearing a pair of grey jogging pants and white under shirt that showed off her girl abs. "Awww is my darling widdle wife to be awake?" She coo'ed, cupping her hands together and flashing Ben a big smile. "Gwen, for the LAST time, I'm not going to marry you. I'm not going to be your sissy baby, now PLEASE let me go. I'm not joking, I'll call Grandpa Max over and get you in SO much trouble." Ben huffed, trying to look intimidating but his outfit made that all but impossible. "Awww such a silly widdle gurl! Did widdle Benny forget that this is our parents couples retreat weekend? And gramp's is off on Plumber work! That means I got widdle Benny to myself allll weekend." Gwen gushed and came over, lifting him out of the crib with ease and holding him up so she could give his padded rump a sniff. "Ah crap baskets..That was THIS weekend?" Ben whined, not even bothering to point out he would of said something if he had used the diapers. He'd tried to make plans to hang out with cooper for that weekend but had clearly gotten his dates wrong and was capital S screwed for the next 48 hours. "Hmm Doesn't smell like Benny has made me a present yet..but I know you will soon enough. you just love to make presents for your hubby don't you?" Gwen coo'ed and moved him down enough she could give him a Eskimo kiss. "Oh yeah. highlight of my weekend, fudging a diaper." Ben said sarcastically. "Now now, I know you're just grumpy because you didn't get to play with me last night, but I had to take care of a few things. But we have allll weekend sweetie. And if you promise to be a good little gurl for me I'll be nice and spoil you with all the junk food you want. After all you need to put on some baby fat." Gwen chuckled and kissed his cheek. Ben groaned, Gwen was always trying to chub him up, but given the fact he'd been subjected to the 'wonder's' of a baby food and formula weekend before, and the fact he was trapped regardless he just hung his head. "Fine, I'll play along. but for the record, you need help." Ben huffed. "Oh please, I can handle my widdle wife for a weekend!" Gwen chuckled and carried Ben off towards the kitchen.
Strapped into a wooden but painted light pink high chair, Ben played along with his crazy cousin and held up his arms so she could remove his top and replace it with a hello kitty bib. "Now Benny, if I remove your mitten's and let you feed yourself, you're not gonna do something stupid and try and use your silly little watch now are you?" Gwen asked. Considering between her bulk and her magic Gwen out classed most of Ben's aliens anyways and she always made sure he was sorry for trying to go alien on her after he timed out, Ben decided that having the freedom to feed himself was worth playing along. "Yeah I'll be good.." Ben said and held up his hands. She studied his face for a second, as if deciding whether or not to trust him then smiled. "I believe you. I really hope we can have a nice weekend together and I don't end up having to spank you. it hurts me then it does you when I have to." Gwen said then moved to free up Ben's hands. 'Bullshit on that one!' Ben thought but wisely kept his thoughts to himself and just flexed his fingers, and looked at the watch. "I'm not going alien, I'm just checking to make sure no alien got primed to go while the mitten on so I don't accidentally go alien and get my cheeks tanned." He said, and then after getting a smirk and a nod from Gwen checked the watch. Thankfully nothing was primed and he made sure to show the psycho and then wiggled in the high chair as he waited on her to plate up some num nums for him. Everything else aside, Gwen really was a excellent cook and she didn't hold back as she put the piled high plate of scrambled eggs and Bacon and some pancakes down in front of Ben and handed him a baby fork and knife. She had also poured on the maple syrup and set down a one liter baby bottle full of chocolate milk for him and kissed his cheek. "Eat up little lady.Oh, did you want me to put a show or something on for you while you eat up? I think Sumo slammers is having a marathon on channel 6 today." Gwen asked, nodding to the Kitchen TV her mom had had put in back during the 90's. "..That would be agreeable yes." Ben said, trying not to break out into a silly grin before he started to dig into the food, watching as Gwen was proven right. 'you know.. the huggies and drag aside, I could get used to being spoiled like this.' Ben thought.
Gwen smirked as she watched Ben chow down and kick his legs ideally in the high chair. while she would of preferred he watch something a little less violent she had changed up her usual plan for weekend sessions with her soon to be sissy bride. Trying to enforce the baby food and sissy programs only made him fight it more so she was gonna meet him halfway and try to ease him more into baby gurlhood. One added bonus though she noticed with a big grin while she had her normal bowl of high protein gruel was that Ben was even more of a messy eater then normal as he watched his show, getting syrup all over his face and bib and eggs and bits of bacon were all over the place. 'He's such a big baby! I love it!' She mentally squealed. It only got better as halfway though his plate, he reached for his his ba-ba and held it with BOTH hands like a good baby gurl and she was fighting the urge to squeal out loud. Anytime she tended to praise him for his babyish behavior he always tried to cut it out. Finishing her gruel she washed it down with a protein drink and noted that Ben was squirming around lots in his high chair, with most of his food gone and the little sissy had packed away HALF of his milk already. "Doing alright over there baby gurl?" She asked. Ben seemed to snap out of his show induced trance and blushed. "I uh..I gonna potty..and I think I got a gas bubble stuck." He said, poking two fingers together. '..Is he asking me to burp him?' Gwen wondered but was ALL grin's "Well that's no good! here, let me help you out. whats a little gas between husband and wife?" She said. Coming over she grabbed a dish towel and a wet dish rag, putting the towel over one shoulder and then moved Ben's num num's and ba-ba over onto the kitchen table and removed his bib. washing the big baby's face and chest down she removed the tray and lifted him up, swooning as his legs wrapped around her and he helped her get his head over the towel. Rubbing his back she gave it all of three firm but gentle pats before Ben let out a massive belch over her shoulder and spit up a little bit of milk. "Uh...T-Thanks Gwen." A sheepish Ben half coo'ed and then switched shoulders and nuzzled into her. "Do you want me to set you down so you can go and hide while you make potty?" She offered, clearly trying to meet him half way was working wonders. "I..I Uh..no." Ben Mewed into her shoulder, which of course muffled his voice but she got the jest of it. "You wanna use your diapers while your bride to be holds you tight and praises you for being a good girl?" Gwen asked, grinning ear to ear and holding Ben close and rubbing his lower back. "I..I dunno..Maybe..I mean..If I can't use the potty..I guess it's.." Ben Mumbled into her shoulder, She could tell he'd of rather used the bathroom, which was a touch disappointing to her but still, with him willing to go in his pampers while she held him being his second choice that meant she was making headwind. "Do you wanna keep your face in my big strong shoulder or be turned around facing away from my?" She asked, then leaned down and kissed his neck, knowing from Julie (who had dumped Ben mostly because she shipped the pair) just how much he loved having his neck kissed and nibbled on. Case and point Ben didn't even really reply, just snuggled into her harder. Taking that as a answer Gwen made her way over to a kitchen chair and took a seat, Ben's legs on either side of her lap and his arms hugging her, while one of her strong hands rubbed and patted his pampered bottom. Her other hand was rubbing and pressing on certain spots on Ben's back and it didn't take loud before her efforts were rewarded as a muffled poot came out his backside, then anther and anther and she could feel him starting to push and grunt. "That's it baby gurl, let it all out. make me a nice big present." Gwen coo'ed sweetly in his ear and follow up with giving him a gentle start of a hickey on his neck as he began to fill his pretty pink diapers. "G-Gwen! Dun! N-Not while I'm pooping!" Ben meekly whimpered, though he tilted his head in such a fashion that he was offering her a even better shot at his neck. "Heh, Somebodies gonna be a tsundere diaper sissy for me huh? That's ok. I think it's adorable." Gwen chuckled, feeling the lumps of Ben's 'present' to her fill up the back of his diapers and mentally giving thanks to whatever mage had made the spell that allowed her to only smell strawberries in cream as Ben loaded his huggies. 'Maybe if he's a good gurl at our wedding, on our honeymoon I'll cast it on him too.' Gwen thought. Food for thought later, She had a good little gurl dumping his guts in his pampers for her and whimpering for his reward and as such, she leaned down and started to gently nibble and suck away on Ben's neck, smirking as the little sissy let out a soft "I love you.." as she did so.
The end
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emperorsfoot · 4 years
I’ve posted about this before, but it’s time to go off on the Ben 10 arc that I hold deepest in my heart.  
The Ultimate Kevin arc of Ultimate Alien
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Let’s begin with how Kevin became Ultimate Kevin.
The Defeat of Aggregor
Aggregor was the main villain for the first two seasons of Ultimate Alien. We went through two arcs with him. One where our heroes had to protect his alien prisoners from being re-captured (a task they consistently failed at in every episode), and then after Aggregor re-captured them and absorbed their powers, the Map of Infinity arc where they had to stop Aggregor from collecting all the pieces of a map that would guide him to the Forge of Creation where the “ultimate prize” was (another task they consistently failed at in every episode). 
Aggregor got all his aliens, and he got all his map pieces, and he made it to the Forge of Creation, and he had beaten Ben!OS, Ben!AF/UA, and Gwen into submission. Our heroes were not doing well. Kevin and Ben!OS were the only ones even still conscious and Ben!OS’ Omnitrix was timed out and non-active. 
So, Ben comes up with a plan. 
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He offered the power of his Omnitrix to Kevin in order to defeat Aggregor. 
This is a very jarring moment because, remember, THIS version of Ben has only ever known Kevin as an enemy and not someone to be trusted. But he also recognizes that his other self and Gwen were both unconscious and unable to do anything. He himself is unable to do anything because without his Omnitrix, he’s just a tiny little 10-year-old kid. But Ben recognizes that Kevin can do something if he uses his Osmosian powers to absorb the Omnitrix. 
So, he offers that power to Kevin. 
That’s very important. 
As we move forward in this post (and all my rants about this arc, to be honest), I want you all to remember: Ben offered Kevin the Omnitrix. 
Kevin has his misgivings and refuses at first. The reasons for this should be obvious, but I’ll list them for you anyway:
Kevin loses his mind when he absorbs too much power
Absorbing a lot of power overloads an Osmosian’s mind and they lose their sanity
If Kevin absorbed and Omnitrix, any Omnitrix, he will cease to be himself
Do all three of those sound like the same thing to you? Good. They should. It’s very important to this essay, so I had to say it three times. Kevin does not want to absorb the Omnitrix or the Ultimatrix because Kevin does not want to lose his mind. Kevin does not want to lose the stable life he’s built for himself. Kevin does not want to lose the healthy relationship he has with his mother. Kevin does not want to lose the friends he has made. Kevin does not want to lose the love he has found with Gwen. 
Kevin has everything to lose by following Ben’s plan and absorbing an Omnitrix. 
But, Kevin has even more to lose if Aggregor absorbs the power of a god and can un-make the universe. 
Realizing the necessity, Kevin, accepts this plan, but goes for his Ben’s Ultimatrix instead. 
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He absorbed the Ultimatrix, as was Ben’s plan and becomes Ultimate Kevin. This gives him the power needed to defeat Aggregor. 
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The universe is saved! Whoo hoo!
The universe is saved and Kevin was the one who saved it. 
Ben didn't save the universe. Kevin did. 
It was Kevin. 
Kevin is the hero here. 
But at great personal cost.
He’s now off his nut. He even says, out right, very clearly, in plain words, that he could absorb all of his friends right now. Both Bens and even Gwen. He could even do what Aggregor was trying to do and absorb the Celestialsapien and become a god. 
No one can stop him. They’re all still too weak from having their asses handed to them by Aggregor. 
Everyone is 100% at Kevin’s mercy. And they all know it. 
But Kevin doesn’t absorb anyone. He doesn’t absorb either of the Bens. He doesn’t absorb Gwen. He doesn’t absorb the baby god-alien that’s right there. 
Instead, he leaves. He has just barely enough control of himself to do it. But he does it. Because he just sacrificed -literally- everything else he has in the universe to save these idiots. 
Cue the wrap-up. Professor Paradox sends Ben!OS back to his own time, and Ben and Gwen wonder what’s gonna become of Kevin now that he’s... changed...?
And that leads us into the next segment:
Trying to Convince Us Kevin is an Unforgivable Monster
So now we have an arc of Kevin being a villain again. 
Sure. I’m down. 
I love a good “good guy turned bad” arc. It... does things for me... 
But, the very first episode of the “prove Kevin is evil” arc only shows us that he’s not evil at all. All it does is show us that Kevin Levin has had one of the hardest and most unfair lives of any character from the Ben 10 franchise. 
Let’s begin. 
The Episode opens in the Null Void in a prison called Incarcercon, and introduces the characters that are going to be important for this episode. Two convicts, Trukk and Quince, and the Warden, Morgg. We’ll come back to them. 
Then it cuts to our “heroes” Ben and Gwen. 
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And Ben is already on his “Kevin needs to go down” bullshit. 
They are desperate to find Kevin. Gwen, to help him and return him to some version of sanity and normalcy. Ben, to beat the shit out of him and “stop” him like any other villain in his rogues gallery. 
After this conversation we learn that Kevin has actually hurt someone, so he’s not completely innocent. 
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This Guy ^
Whom we have never seen before and we will never see again. 
According to This Guy, Kevin claimed he owed him money and then attacked him, and Kevin’s into some pretty sketch stuff so I’m willing to believe that. Sure. 
But Kevin also, right now, has the power to fly through space, race the Rust Bucket, rip into Plumbers bases, somehow get to the Null Void, and a whole bunch of other stuff. He could kill an average earthling with a sneeze, and this guy looks like an average earthling to me. I’m honestly skeptical Kevin actually hurt him at all and he didn’t just see Kevin, get scared, and trip down some stairs. 
But whatever. 
The testimonial from This Guy, whom we have never seen before and will never see again, bolsters Ben’s resolve. “Kevin must be stopped, no matter the cost!” (<--Optimis Prime voice)
So, where in the universe is Kevin Levin?
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You guessed it! He’s in Incarcercon that was already explained to us at the beginning of the episode! 
One of the other inmates approaches him because he thinks he recognizes him. Kevin is his normal abrasive self. Ben and Gwen teleport into the prison. Then we get a flashback to Kevin’s past to explain his motivations for coming to this prison in the middle of the Null Void. 
This was the prison Kevin was sent to when he was just 11 years old. (I have more comments to make on that, but that’s a whole other post!) And it’s the place where -objectively his best- father figure was murdered. 
Y’all remember in the OS how Ben finally “defeated” Kevin was to trap him in the Null Void, right? 
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Welp, once he was in the Null Void, they went even further and locked him up in the alien equivalent of a Turkish prison. 
The flashback opens up with Kevin being attacked by multiple other inmates at once. 
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The fight is seen by two other inmates, Quince, the one we already met in the present who approached Kevin, 
and Kwarrel. 
Kwarrel approaches Kevin and offers to help him. 
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And thus, Kevin Ethan Levin gets the first positive father figure he’s had in his life. (At the age of 11, but once again, that’s another post.) 
Kwarrel teaches Kevin how to channel his anger, control his powers and... TURN BACK FROM A MUTANT INTO A REAL BOY! 
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Oops. Sorry. Wrong image. 
Here you go. 
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We also learn why Kwarrel wasn’t there at the beginning of Alien Fore when we run into Kevin again. 
He dead. 
He super dead. 
He murdered. 
Shot in the back by Warden Morgg, the current Warden of the prison Kevin has snuck into. Kevin has come back now that he’s Ultimate Kevin and has all these extra powers, so that he can avenge his father-figure’s murder. 
That really does not sound all that villainous to me. 
Morally questionable, yes. But not “evil”. 
Kevin want’s justice, not senseless mayhem. 
Ben and Gwen expose a slave labor and drug smuggling plot. The corrupt Warden is defeated. Ben and Gwen are the heroes. Kevin escapes. End Episode. Okay. 
Let’s keep it moving.
Next episodes begins yet again with the supporting characters that are going to be important in this episode, before cutting to Ben and Gwen. 
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Ben is still on his “Kevin’s gotta go down” bullshit. 
Then Argit practically jumps in front of their car and explains that Kevin is after him. The main conflict of this episode is Ben and Gwen protecting Argit from Kevin. (There’s also a subplot of the Vreedle brothers becoming Plumbers, and Argit trying to scam a Plumbers base, but this post is about Kevin, not them.)
Argit, of course, played the innocent victim. Gwen does mention that Argit has betrayed not only Kevin, but both her and Ben in the past and asks why they should help him. But they end up helping him anyway. 
Trying to protect Argit from Kevin who wants to murder him now. 
The thing is... the first time we met Argit, he paralyzed Kevin (and Ben and Gwen), and tries to steal the Rust Bucket 2. 
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He also sold Ben, Gwen, and Kevin out to the Vreedle brothers.
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Kevin finally breaks off his friendship with Argit in “Andreas’ Fault” of Ultimate alien, when Kevin witnesses his treatment of Andreas (one of the prisoners of Aggregor). 
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In this very episode where Argit is the “victim”, Argit is trying to defraud the Plumbers.
So, while Ultimate Kevin trying to kill him is very extreme, for sure! I don't think it’s all that “evil” considering the history they have. 
Once again, Kevin wants justice, not mayhem. 
Obviously, this is a kids show and so some black and white morality is to be expected. Killing is wrong and so if Kevin wants to kill someone then he is wrong. 
I just don’t think he’s acting “irredeemably evil”. 
Certainly, he’s not acting bad enough to earn him a death sentence of his own! 
Which is exactly what Ben tries to do to him in the third and final part of this arc.
Operation Kevin Must DIE!
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dollfaceeeeee · 3 years
How the Supernatural characters would react if you flinched when they tried to touch you..🥺
I really wish I had Dean Winchester to snuggle up to every night man. 😂🙄☹️
Dean: Being the much more aggressive, straight forward of the brothers, he would probably at first be shocked. I mean, what the hell was that? You’ve never done that before. Of course, you have to know he would never, ever hurt you, or let anyone else do anything to hurt you either, but you got scared of him touching you? I mean..him? He would definitely want to know what the hell that was about, and wouldn’t take no for an answer, even if Sammy butted in to lay off of you. He just wants to keep you safe, so don’t take it personally, but once you told him he would pull you in against him and hold you so tight you’d feel like you were a part of him, and he would probably even rub your back and kiss your head, but inwardly, he would be planning his next hunt.
Sammy: He would be devastated to see it, but probably wouldn’t outwardly say he was. I mean, he loves you, and you have to know that. Why would you be afraid of him touching you? He had done it so many times before. He would probably try to figure out a way to talk to you about it gently, without making you scared or uncomfortable, but once you do, he would be heartbroken and angry. How dare someone hurt you? He would probably be afraid to touch you, but he might reach up to touch your cheek and tell you that it’s all going to be alright, and you’re safe now. They can’t hurt you again, because he wouldn’t allow it. And honestly, he would probably let Dean take care of the dirty work tbh.
Castiel: Awe man, the angel baby. There is very little this guy doesn’t know about, so he probably wouldn’t be very surprised if you flinched around him, because he would probably know the root of the problem. It was because of them, wasn’t it? They scarred you, and now you were afraid of anyone coming too close to you. Cass isn’t the best at expressing his inward feelings, but he would probably make sure to make it evident how angry he was about it, and how he wouldn’t let them get away with it. He might also just make you some pancakes that he saw Dean make once, so even if they taste God awful, eat them anyway. It’s the thought that counts.
Jack: He probably wouldn’t understand, at first, what the fuck was happening. He may even just overlook it as a reflex because humans can have those at times, can’t they? But if you get upset about it, or look distressed, he would catch on that it wasn’t just some simple, little thing, and would probably be immediately concerned for you. He’s probably honestly one of the best people to talk about shit with, because he’s gonna give you a very thoroughly honest opinion on literally anything. And his opinion about a piece of shit that hurt you? Yikes. I’m not sure I wanna know how infuriated he would be.
Bobby: CAN YOU SAY PAPA SINGER? What a guy. There is no doubt this man would be beyond fucking angry. How dare they hurt you? He doesn’t even need to know who they are to hate them on the spot, especially since he loves you, and he would be verbal about it too, don’t worry. He would probably be the one to try and get you to laugh, crack open a beer for you, and pull you in against his side as he does work for an upcoming job, but he would let you help out just to distract you from it. I love his energy tbh. Always have.
Adam: Soft boy would be concerned. What the hell do you mean that someone hurt you? Why would they do something like that? What fucking imbeciles, honestly. He probably would be unsure of what to do to help, but he might just offer you a hug, or maybe just rub your shoulder a little to calm you down, and just tell you that you’re safe, and he would have Sam and Dean take care of it if you wanted them to. He’s definitely super supportive, I’ll give him that much.
Gabriel: Um..so I LOVE Gabe, to the death, but this guy would probably make a joke out of it. I hate to think that he would, but he just fucking might, unless you really mean something to him, then he would fucking blow someone off the map. But he doesn’t care about too many people, so be careful about that.
Michael: He is not gonna give a single fuck, so don’t even think he would.
Lucifer: Much like his big brother on this one, but a little more extreme. He’s gonna be a pretty toxic fuck about it, so don’t even bother opening up to him. Just don’t.
Crowley: MY GUY. LOVE. He’s got some venom, lemme tell you. Someone hurt you? Darling, don’t fret over it, he will take care of it. It’s done. It’s super simple, and he will make sure they suffer. Oh you don’t want them to? HAHA well..too late for that.
Rowena: It will depend more on how much you mean to her over how the situation makes her feel. She may not like that someone hurt you, but that doesn’t mean she will pay any attention to it unless she feels it’s important to her to do so. But if she does, expect the same of her as you do from Crowley. DING DONG, that person will be dead.
Garth: Ah so he probably will notice because Garth pays attention to that shit, but he probably wouldn’t push you about it. He’s sort of awkward, so don’t take it personally, but if you break down he might end up pushing you to tell him what the hell is going on. Once you tell him, be prepared for some greasy food, a beer, and a person that will try to cheer you up, because that’s all him.
Charlie: Literally one of my favorite characters ever, I swear to the gods. She might be confused at first as to why you reacted to her that way, but she wouldn’t take it personally, I promise. She would probably lead you somewhere quiet and alone and try to gently ease the truth out of you, but don’t be scared, because she will genuinely always listen to you. She cares so much, and that’s her biggest heartwarming trait and, ultimately, her downfall.
Kevin: KEEEEEEVVVVVVIN. YES. He may act all tough about it and say he will end them for you, but he’s a small boy, and he will probably not be able to do shit, but it’s the thought that counts. He’s much better at trying to cheer you up, which is also what he would do, and he might avoid forcing you to explain it to him altogether. He cares about you, and you only.
Cain: He is a pretty scary dude, I get it, but if you really believe he wouldn’t end that son of a bitch that ever decided to harm you, you’re damn wrong. And he would enjoy it too, more than he would care to admit.
Jo: It wouldn’t take her long to figure it out on her own, which is what she’s good at, but she isn’t gonna let it go. Who are they, and where are they? They deserve to get knocked out.
Ellen: What a MOM, that’s all I gotta say. She wouldn’t push you to speak about it, but she would want to know if you were safe now, or if she had to hurt someone for you. She also wouldn’t trust anyone with you besides the family, ever again, and she might force Dean and Sam to babysit you. Just let her mother you, please.
Ash: HA HA this man would do everything in his power to fuck someone up. He doesn’t care what they are, who they are, or if they’re still around, he would just want to be absolutely sure you were safe now. He has ways of finding shit out, so if you don’t tell him, he will find out, so just make it easier on yourself.
John Winchester: As much as I’d like to believe he wouldn’t care, he would. And he would have something to say about it. He may not step in to do anything, but he would lecture the fuck out of you, that you know better and blah blah blah.
Mary Winchester: Unlike her husband, she would have a lot less to say about the problem and much more shit she would do about it, physically.
Ruby: She wouldn’t care. If you think she would, that’s a lie. Sorry.
Meg: She would be thinking of all the ways to end a human life in a matter of seconds. She’s a creative girl, I’ll give her that, and stubborn too.
Chuck: Do I even have to respond for this one? He wouldn’t care. He would probably even bypass any mention of your pain, and Dean and Sam would have to make you feel better. This is why Dean would be the one to knock him tf out.
Benny: Big Ben would, for obvious reasons, be heartbroken that you would ever think he would hurt you, but much like Dean, he’s a violent guy. Do I have to explain further?
Balthazar: Who are you, again?
Death: He would just end their life in under 2 seconds flat. He is the man you should go to if you’re out for vengeance. He doesn’t much care for human lives, and would gladly help you out if need be, as long as you make him a hot pocket.
Zachariah: Don’t tell him shit. #dickwad
Lisa: She would be a lot like Ellen, and would probably mother the fuck out of you about it. Need some tea, maybe a sandwich? Wanna have some wine and just look at old photo albums and laugh at Dean’s young self? She’s there for you.
Jody: Another mother figure, but she would be way more built on vengeance and irritation than anything else. Do you need help ending someone? She could help cover it up for you, no charge.
Samuel Campbell: Nah. Just..nah.
Arthur Ketch: Don’t waste your TIME man. This man hasn’t cared about anyone since he was born.
Gadreel: He won’t care. You think he will? BOOM. Still doesn’t. Sorry.
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What would happen if the southern United States declared their secession from the union and created a Confederacy 2.0 in 2021 and they declared that Donald Trump was their president?
9:27 AM: Governor Greg Abbott announces a surprise press conference to be held at noon. The Texas State Capitol is a whirlwind of activity, but no one will explain. Journalists stationed in the capitol buildings of several other Southern states notice a sudden fever of activity, but again, no word on what is taking place.
12:07 PM: Abbott enters the press room, faces the cameras, and delivers a speech televised around the world—a speech that makes the assembled journalists gasp.
“I have been in private communication with the governors of several other Southern states for the past few weeks, and we have an announcement of great consequence. I may announce that we are of one accord, united in our purpose, not without sorrow, and yet filled with pride and determination at the step we are undertaking this day. We are a free people, we Texans, and we wish only to live according to our traditional laws and the laws of a just and righteous God. For too long have we put up with abuse and threats from the Federal government in Washington, that hotbed of liberal elites and so-called “experts” who believe that they know better than we know what freedom truly consists of. It has gone on for too long, and we shall not continue any further. President Trump fought for our rights; the lies of the liberal media brought him down; but when one man lets the stainless banner fall, other hands must take it up, as we have done this day.
“The Lone Star State is the first star in the heavens of a new constellation of freedom and liberty—the first of the New Confederated States of America. We hereby announce the severing of all ties to the Washington government, and ask only to be allowed to depart in peace to seek our own liberty and prosperity.
“We are the first, but not alone. Governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, Governor Tate Reeves of Mississippi, Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, and Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida have joined with me in forming a new nation, conceived in liberty with God as our vindicator, with each State acting in its sovereign and independent character. The governors of Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Alabama, and South Carolina are considering our proposal now, but a great groundswell of support is coming from the citizens of these states. We trust that they will soon join us.
“We hereby announce that all Federal property within the boundaries of our state, including all national parks and forests, Indian reservations, and military bases, is forfeit to our state government. Orders have gone out to the Texas State Guard and State Police to secure these properties, and they are backed by thousands of citizen militia forces who have mobilized have taken up arms to secure what is rightfully ours. For freedom and justice for ourselves and our descendants, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
12:17 PM: The President of the United States is whisked from a routine meeting with the Department of Agriculture to an emergency meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
12:31 PM: Emergency orders are issued to cancel all civilian flights to the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Mississippi. All inbound flights are ordered to divert immediately, leading to crowded and difficult scenes at airports such as Wichita, Albuquerque, Denver, St. Louis, and Cleveland.
1:47 PM: Chaos reigns on Interstates 10 and 40 and smaller highways, as thousands of Texas motorists flee for the New Mexico border, only to be stopped by armored New Mexico National Guard units, reinforced by heavily armed troops from Fort Bliss. Motorists fleeing eastward are stopped by the Louisiana National Guard, backed up with troops from Fort Polk. Motorists heading north towards Kansas or east through Arkansas also report blockades.
3:12 PM: There are reports of rioting in Austin and Houston, as columns of unregulated militia march or ride through urban neighborhoods where protests are expected. No one knows or will admit who shot first, but neighborhoods are soon ablaze, and fire trucks that attempt to reach the fires report being shot at. In other cities and towns, a watchful, tense quiet prevails as everyone awaits the next announcement. Footage of the riots and attacks is widely disseminated on social media.
4:29 PM: A column of militia in assorted vehicles approaches Fort Hood to demand its surrender. Seeing the main gates deserted, the lead vehicle drives onto the fort, and the driver, 47-year-old Braxton Beauregard, hoists the Lone Star Confederate flag over the guardhouse.
4:29:17 PM: The guardhouse, the flag, and the first ten vehicles of the convoy are simultaneously obliterated by Hellfire missiles. The remaining vehicles beat a hasty retreat to Killeen, although not before seven more vehicles are wiped out. That evening at the local Whataburger, one of the traumatized survivors is heard to mumble, “well, shit, this may be tougher than we thought.”
5:25 PM: The President emerges from his meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and gives a brief address to the nation. It’s short on details. He says only that he has been fully briefed on the situation and is deeply troubled, but is considering his legal options, and will provide a full reply to Governor Abbott’s announcement tomorrow morning. He pleads for calm and prays for peace and unity. The country remains on edge.
1:37 AM: Fort Hood’s gates open.
2:12 AM: A lone C-17 Globemaster III makes a pass over Austin, Texas, at 30,000 feet. Similar aircraft pass over Little Rock, Arkansas; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Jackson, Mississippi. Their flight paths are later traced to Fort Benning.
6:48 AM: Journalists based in Austin report seeing a huge column of tanks and trucks moving into the city on Interstate 35, as helicopters fly cover.
7:24 AM: Tanks have surrounded the Texas State Capitol. The skies are torn by noise as F-15s and F-18Es fly combat air patrols over the city; they hold their fire for now. Heavily armored infantry patrols deploy onto the streets, although they, too, hold their fire and simply observe.
7:37 AM: A unit of unorganized militia patrolling the streets of Austin encounters soldiers from III Corps Special Troops Battalion on the corner of 14th and Guadalupe Street. One of the militiamen raises his AR-15 and fires at the troops, slightly wounding one soldier.
7:37:15 AM: Six militia members are killed or wounded in the ensuing firefight. Survivors are spotted fleeing towards the 7–11 convenience store on 15th Street, where it seems their commander has set up his base.
7:42:37 AM: The 7–11 convenience store on 15th Street is struck by multiple Hellfire missiles. Scenes like this play out all day throughout the capital city, with minor variations. By noon, few militia are willing to advertise their presence; discarded weapons and body armor can be found on the streets as erstwhile militiamen try to blend back into the general population.
8:31 AM: A group of Army Rangers exit the Texas Governor’s Mansion, escorting a handcuffed Governor Greg Abbott to a waiting flight of HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopters that have materialized on the lawn.
9:17 AM: Several other Texas state officials are removed from the State Capitol or other government buildings by Rangers and escorted to waiting helicopters. Similar scenes are playing out in Oklahoma City and Little Rock and Jackson.
9:19 AM: An emergency press conference is held in Houston. The Hon. Sherry Radack, Chief Justice for the 1st District Court of Appeals in Houston, announces that under the line of succession as spelled out in the Texas state constitution, it appears that she is now the governor. Choking back tears, she announces the immediate cessation of hostilities, pleads for citizens to put down their weapons, orders the surrender of all State Guard forces, and expresses eagerness to remain a part of the United States.
11:10 AM: The governors of Louisiana, Missouri, and Tennessee deny any knowledge of Texas's plan, announce that their states will not be joining Texas, and pledge their states’ loyalty to the Federal government. At about the same time, the governor of Florida announces that his state’s inclusion in the list of seceding states was entirely the fault of unnamed “liberal agitators,” that he never agreed to leave the Union, and that despite all their differences of opinion he has pledged his state’s loyalty to the Federal government. Rumors that Navy SEALS were aiming at him from concealed firing positions as he was making this profession of loyalty were never substantiated.
12:37 PM: The President appears again on TV, thanking the loyal units of the US military, who have executed “a textbook counterinsurgency mission with minimal loss of life and destruction of property.” He assures the people that order will be restored and life will return to normal as soon as possible, and states that steps are already underway to restore the state governments. He promises to bring the rebels who actually took up arms to justice, while proposing that Congress immediately establish a bipartisan Truth and Reconciliation Commission to reintegrate the rebel states into the US as smoothly as possible. (He does not say this, but commentators note that with the sudden disappearance of Congressional delegations from the rebel states, he should have the votes to get what he wants.) He ends his speech by pleading once again for peace, adding that “I understand the despair and anger and paranoia that many Americans feel—but this is not the way to express those. Let us come together as one nation, one people, united by our devotion to the principles of democracy and liberty, from sea to shining sea. God bless America!” (Fun fanfic from quora)
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thisisanerror · 4 years
so some ideas gwen and kevin centric ideas for the omnitrix gwen au so i don’t forget
gwen and ben meet kevin the same way they do in the og series: they are i the arcade and kevin helps them to get their change back with his powers, ben is hyped and gwen is not amused by it. when the bullies appear, ben asks gwen to turn into an alien to scare them away and she agrees turning into xlr8 to kick their asses. when kevin starts telling them about the alien who helped him and saying how cool that was gwen gets flustered.
since im gwevin trash i will definitely make gwen develop a childish crush on kevin since he is a year older and she probably thinks he looks cute. this also gives me a reason to make her go along with ben and kevin when they go to steal the videogame. kevin doesn’t tell them they’re gonna steal but he definitely implies they’re gonna do something questionable. gwen mentions they should go to the camper but ben sides with kevin and calls her a nerd or a wuss or some shit that makes her feel embarrassed in front of kevin so she says something in the lines of “ugh fine i will go with you just to keep you out of trouble!”. her motivations to go with them are, she doesn’t want to leave ben alone on the streets of new york since he has no powers, she doesn’t trust kevin or whatever he’s planning to get them into and lastly, she also doesn’t want to like a complete goody two shoes in front of kevin.
when they almost get caught by the cops she turns into stinkbug or wildmutt and drags both ben and kevin away to hide, revealing kevin about the omnitrix power. when levin tries to start the partnership by telling them about a heist he has planned where gwens powers would come helpful, ben instantly agrees but gwen despite her childish crush, puts her foot down and insists they have to go. when ben refuses she says something like “well then i’ll go have fun with no alien” or something.
as she walks away i have two ideas: first idea, Kevin reaches towards gwen as she’s walking away and grabs her wrist trying to take the omnitrix and in the struggle gwen transforms into heatblast and kevin take the advantage to absorb her power. the other option is to follow the episode, have the thing with the trains happen and gwen transforming to stop kevin.
thats all i got so far imma add more shit tomorrow. if anyone have their own ideas on things that could happen feel free to share i would love to read it
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crystal-moon-101 · 4 years
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I’m sorry, I’m not great at close up/slight dynamic poses! At least the shading looks nice...
Anywayyyy, here’s that ship picture I briefly mentioned before! This is suppose to be when Julie, Breach and Francis realized they were in love with their future partner. All of them had different circumstances when it hit them.
Also! I should probally mention that my redraws are also part of my own rewrite/reboot/remake or whatever you wanna call of it each show. I have a made up canon.
It had been a while since Julie met Ben, went on a couple of dates, learned his secret, adopted an alien pet and watch Ben have fourteen baby chills. A strange life Julie got caught up in, but she is somewhat glad to be part of the galaxy world in someways. 
As for this relationship, is had been a quiet day where the two finally got a full date, without any chaos. It was also the time she got to see parts of Ben that he rarely displayed. His softer and cute goofball side, rather than overly confident hero pushed around. 
Yes, his bravery to go out and protect or save people is a big bonus to her, but seeing this calmer side made her realize just how complicated this boy was underneath, along with being comfortable enough to show her it. 
Her cute goof.
A very up and down relationship for a while, but they finally  settled and become very much official sometime when they were seventeen. Somewhat thanks to Vilgax actually...
The pair have this cute little couple comfort thing where they’ll rest foreheads together. It always calms Ben, allowing him at least a moment to relax and think, thankful to have someone close as he does so.
While Ben has had plenty of other girls flirt with them, there once was a event where a prince alien was hitting on Julie. He was quick to put the prince in his place.
Ben likes to serenade her with his guitar skills~
Julie (With Ship as her battle suit) once beat the crap out of Vilgax when he was tormenting Ben.
It’ll take quite sometime before Julie’s dad will approve of Ben. He knows the kid’s not bad, he’s just protective of his little girl, especially with the kind of life he lives.
When his arm is replaced by the Omnitrix, she was one of the key people who helped him adjust to living with it, sometime using Ship to relieve the stress it put on him in the early days of having it.
She is one of the few people who can keep him in line.
When they get back together, Ben was absolutely nervous he would screw it up again, coming off a sweeter, yet more anxious at times. But she is patient, along with admitting she also caused problems in the past as well.
Many openly tell Ben they approve of her. His parents, grandparents, Gwen, Kevin, hell, even Azmuth.
They like having morning jogs together.
Breach had gotten herself caught up in...dangerous and dark matters. She was so scared, unsure how to process anything. So, she went to the only person she trusted at the time, Rex. 
The boy agreed to help, especially after seeing how distressed she was. Unfortunately, he ended up getting caught in the danger and the pair got stuck in a fight with some foes. Breach was wary, confused, hurting and panicked, her emotions uncontrollable. The fight, loud noises, people who hurt her, she couldn’t take it and snapped, her portals going crazy while she fled to the world of stillness. She had planned to stay there, away from all that scared and hurt her. But...Rex showed up, having chased after her.
Despite being battered, bruised and bleeding, this boy went to hell and back to reach out to her, telling her he wasn’t giving up on her, that he cares and wants to help, no matter what. 
She had never had someone so determined to help her. Most would cast her aside when they saw the ugly side of her. But in that moment, she realized something. Rex did care, he was her friend and he was real...and that she loved him for it.
Their favorite movie to watch together is ‘Book Of Life’. The colours, characters and story always makes them happy. They even dressed up as La Muerte and Xibalba on Halloween.
When they first started dating, Breach was rather insecure. It was common knowledge that Rex was handsome with a charming personality, resulting in plenty of people flirting with him. It often made her wonder why he picked her out of all the other girls.
Rex loves their height difference, because he will often nuzzle the top of her head or hang his arms over her shoulders from behind.
They both support each other on the fact they both know they are powerful EVOs that can be destructive, promising that whenever either of them snaps, the other will do what they can to reach them.
When they’re older and live together, Breach actually uses her powers to move Rex’s old family home closer to Providence for them to live in.  
Rex has found a way to comfort her is by connecting their nanites. It keeps her grounded to reality and makes her feel closer to him.
When they start becoming friends, she likes to ask him all kinds of questions. Some serious, some not. He’s always happy to answer and explain how the world works to her.
You disrespect his girl, he won’t be afraid to disrespect you. (That or smack you.)
Her relationship towards Six and Holiday is somewhat iffy...but it gets there.
It had been a a few month since Francis crashed with the Saturdays, hiding from his people. But over time, he started to feel...strange? He didn’t know what was wrong with him, so he began to invetiage.
Could he be sick? No, that wasn’t it, because it only happened whenever he was around Zak. They would still sass each other, but he knows it’s not old grudges jabbing away at him. Maybe his people put a code in his brain?...Nope, not that. 
He seems a good while trying to figure out what is wrong, when one day it finally hit him. Somehow, when walking into the kitchen one morning, seeing a dead tired Zak tying up his messing hair in the sunlight, was what made him realizes he had feeling for the fellow teen....it was also then he realized how screwed he was.
It took a good while for Francis to gain the approval of each Saturday member. They were all so protective of their youngest member. Drew somewhat scared him the most.
His confession for Zak had...not been romantic in the slightess. Instead, he shouted out his feelings for him after a tense situation and argument. 
Zak is a very cuddly and snuggly guy, always wanting some kind of psychical contact with others. Poor Francis wasn’t use to kind of affection, along with how needy his boyfriend could get.
Zak is 100% the alpha of the relationship. He can be scary when he wants to be.
When they started dating, Francis did endly research on relationships (Both romantic and friendship), partner behavior and even about dragon, given Zak is partly one.
They still and always will love to tease and sass each other, making it somewhat a running joke to roast one another.
When Zak became aware of his feelings, he offer to start dating and see where it went. But it would take him a bit before he would start falling for his green boy.
As much as they tease each other, Zak is really the only person Francis can go to about his deep rooted issues. He had been learning a lot about family since joining the Saturdays.
Wadi is a hard core shipper of the two.
Francis swears he nearly had a heart attack after seeing what ‘The Hammerthrow’ was...
112 notes · View notes
p4nkow · 5 years
D is for Dangerous
heyooo! i’m back with this fic — which is soooo random — but i’ve been thinking about writing it since the 6U trailer came out (you can watch it here if you still haven’t) so ofc it’s a Six!Ben fic
this is only the first part and i’m so excited for the following ones!
Summary: driven by the desire of revenge, the reader tries to take down the man who ruined her life only to find out that her plan is an utter fiasco; however she meets a man that is gonna change her life and give her the chance of a lifetime
Four!Ben x Fem!Reader
hope you enjoy and let me know what you think :)
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Each and every muscle of your body was tense and your senses were on the alert, keeping your head on. But most importantly, you were trying to act rationally and not to be at the mercy of your own anger. It was the only way of getting away with what you were about to do.
Everything around you belonged to a world where you didn't fit in anymore — the fancy dress you were wearing, the expensive Champagne you were drinking... it didn't feel right. And it was all Kuklinki's fault.
Kevin Kuklinski. He was the reason why your life was now so messed up. You were attending one of his stupid parties but you weren't there to enjoy the food or the music. You were there to take him down.
He was the reason why your parents were gone.
The man who took their life was now chatting with two businessmen, sipping an expensive Champagne as he fake-laughed every now and then. You felt like an intruder to his party — you’d faked the invitation. There was no way he’d invite you voluntarily, even though you had made a name in the high society.
You were involved in business yourself, all thanks to your parents, but they’d made the mistake of trusting the wrong man. Now you were more than determined to take him down.
“It's a bad idea.” The sudden voice coming from behind you brought you back to reality. It was so firm and deep that you were 100% the mysterious guy was talking to you. Even before you could turn towards him, he moved next to you.
You turned your head to the right to give him a look — his blonde hair was shaved on the sides but with orderly blonde waves on the top. When he looked back at you, you've been taken aback by his green eyes. Beautiful and catchy, with a sparkle you couldn't read. A scar crossed his right brow and you found yourself wondering how he could've gotten it.
“Excuse me?” You'd lost sight of Kuklinski and you were silently cursing the stranger.
“It's a terrible idea.” He gave you just a quick look before looking back at the crowd, taking a sip of his drink. The black suit he was wearing fit hit perfectly and you had to look away at the sight of his Adam's apple rise and lower.
You couldn't deny he was good-looking and mysterious, but you were there for a very specific reason. The knife well-embedded in your garter was a constant reminder of your mission, the cold steel pressing against your thigh.
“You must have me confused for someone else.” You tried to be as firm as possible but but his presence made you nervous. That's probably because he seem to know everything about you.
You could feel his gaze on you and you had to clear your voice. “I really don't think so”, he said. “You've got a look that kills.”
A knot formed in your throat due to his words, so you took another sip of your drink just to ignore his word. You were pretty sure he could feel your nervousness, given that he moved right in front of you. You had to lift your chin to meet his beautiful eyes but then your gaze fell on his lips, so you swallowed in nervousness. “And that's exactly what you were going to do”, He added in a deep voice.
“I'm sorry?” But who the hell was he?
“You've heard me.” His voice was now low and hoarse and he was dangerously close to you. “Come with me.”
“I'm not going anywhere with you.” You shook off his gentle grip on your wrist and he looked at you with condescension. His jaw tended and he gave a quick look at the crowd around you, making sure you didn't draw anyone's attention. Then he took a deep breath and came even closer to you.
“I know what happened to your parents and I know it was Kuklinski. I know why you're here and sure as hell I know that you're gonna get yourself killed if you don't follow me and stick with your plan instead.”
You were speechless, completely blindsided. He seemed to know everything about you, but you had no idea who the hell he was. And it scared you. For the first time in weeks, you were terrified by the fact that this stranger knew every detail of your plan.
That was probably the reason why you didn't resist when he wrapped his hand on yours. The two of you moved through the crowd with lightness, going unnoticed as if you were invisible. Your gaze was fixed on his back for the whole walk, mesmerised by his confidence and calmness.
With the corner of your eye you noticed Kuklinski chatting with two women as he seemed to enjoy the Champagne he was drinking. The stranger must've noticed it too, given that he strengthened the grip on your hand. You had no desire of getting away from him — there was no way you could proceed with your plan now that it'd been compromised. You still wanted Kuklinski dead, though.
The stranger silently led you to a bedroom in the upper floor. You closely followed his movements as he checked every corner of the room, looking at him with suspicion. “We should be safe here”, he said.
“Who the hell are you?”
He leaned against the table pushed against one of the walls, his hands holding its edges but his green eyes fixed on you. “I'm Four.”
“Four?”, you asked in disbelief.
The stranger — Four? — lifted his brows by hearing your condescending tone. “Yeah.” You could clearly hear his voice now that you were alone in a silent room.
“Four like the number?”
“Exactly like the number. And you could be our Eight if you decided to join our cause.”
“What? What cause?” Four didn't seem to have much patience and he sighed at your questions.
He pursed his lips, letting his gaze slide on your body before looking his eyes on yours. “Kevin Kuklinski, one of the most influential billionaires by day, a mob boss by night. Also, the reason why your parents are dead.”
His words touched you deeply and you shuddered. You looked away from him and Four paused for a few seconds, noticing how uncomfortable you were. He moved away from the desk and walked towards you, coming dangerously close. “And that's exactly why you're here — you did a great job with the fake invitation, by the way.”
“Thanks”, you replied in an hesitant tone. You weren't sure you could trust him yet.
“But let me tell you what would've happened.” His tone lowered, his words were becoming nothing but a whisper. “Option number one — somehow you could've managed to approach him in the hall, stab him with the very sharp knife you're hiding under that black dress and then you would've died too, killed by the ten guards surrounding him.”
Damn. You only counted five. Four knew he had a point — you noticed it by the look in his eyes — but you forced yourself to look unbothered. “But Kuklinski's men wouldn't have stopped. You've got a sister — Emily, isn't it? And her kids.”
You felt like weight on your heart by hearing his words. You hadn't considered your nephews and the thought of Kuklinski's men hurting them was unbearable.
He raised his brows like if he was waiting for an answer and so you softly said “Yeah.”
Four pursed again his lips — his face was just a few inches away from yours, his green eyes looking directly at you. “Option number two — you'd tried to approach him in private but you'd have been killed even before having the chance to look at him.”
Four's words were filling you with shame for the inaccuracies of your plan — you'd been so blinded by your own anger that you didn't even realise it. You'd moved your gaze away from him, reflecting about his words.
His fingers gently grazed your jawline and slipped to your chin, gently tapping on it to make you look back at him. His touch sent shivers down your spine but you had even worse problems to solve.
“But imagine working on a plan with a group of people who believe in your cause. People who want to make sure that justice takes its course, that want Kuklinski dead just as much as you do.”
The situation was finally turning for the better — his words had caught your attention. “Tell me more.”
“We've been watching you for a while. You're one of us, even though you don't know it yet.”
“What if you're just a bunch of amateurs?”
“We're not dead yet. And we're trained — flaws don't exist in our plans. Unlike yours”, he added with a tight smile that made you roll your eyes.
“Is Kuklinski one of your targets?”
“The first of ‘em”, He immediately replied. You tried to take a step back — you needed to stay away from him to think clearly. Four buried his hands in the trouser pockets and waited for you to say something.
“Four”, You said as you turned your back to him. “What's your real name?”
“It's Four now.”
“Why code names then?”
You heard him sighing and that pushed you to turn against towards him. His brows were narrowed and you couldn't understand his sudden worry. “Y/N”, he whispered. It was the first time he called you by your name. It felt so different coming out from his lips.
You looked at him with your brows narrowed, giving him a nod as to silently tell him to go on. “To be free to do what we do, we have to make sacrifices.”
“And what did you sacrifice?”
“Our old life”, he said in a low tone. “We've officially been pronounced dead.”
We're you ready to do it? To leave your old life behind just to take the revenge you'd been dreaming of for months? You weren't quite sure you could do it.
Four senses your hesitation and he walked again towards you. Why the hell had he to be this close? “We're gonna give you some time to think about it.” You clearly needed it.
“How will I reach you?”
One of the corners of his lips lifted in a grin. “I'll contact you.”
You gave him a quick nod and his hand was again on your cheek, without touching it. The tension of the moment was palpable — but oh man. Even before you could say anything he grinned at you and took a step back.
You realised the reason of his grin when your gaze fell to his hand — the knife embed in your garter was now on his hand.
“How... how did you—” You have a quick look at your leg and then at him again. Four and his stupid grin.
You shook your head in disbelief and he nodded towards you, starting to back away. “I'm keeping this. Think about my offer.” You sighed as you watched him walking backwards towards the window.
What the hell was he doing? Did he want to jump off? Before you could even say anything he was gone, as well as your knife. You quickly moved to the window, looking out of it only to see him jump from one building to the other.
It had been a week since your unplanned meeting with Four and you still hadn’t made up your mind about his offer. You’d have gladly accepted it if it wasn’t for your family. Your sister Emily had already been through a lot — troubled births, the lost of your parents and the repercussions it had on her own family. You didn’t want to hurt her, but you couldn’t rest peacefully knowing that Kuklinski was still out there.
Discretion was important, essential for your survival. You had to be so discrete that had to look invisible to others. The coffee shop you were was just perfect — you had lost the count of the amount of people who walked in and out, or of the students who sat there all day long and studied without saying a word. You could’ve easily been mistaken for one of them, with your constant scrolling on your laptop and the notes on your textbook.
Oh, if they only knew. You weren’t studying at all. Or at least, your studying wasn’t school-related. You were doing researches over researches on a man, trying to summon up all the possibles informations about him. Kevin Kuklinski. The man. The cause of all your troubles. Internet was a fantastic place — you were astonished by the amount of informations it could provide, even though it couldn’t be considered 100% reliable.
Your researches were interrupted by the buzzing of your phone and the name of your sister appeared on the lockscreen. “Ems?”
“Auntie Y/N!” It wasn’t your sister who picked up the phone, but your nephew Aiden.
“Hey, love. What’s wrong?” You gave a quick look around you to make sure you were going unnoticed.
You could hear giggles and squeaks of excitement from the other side of the phone. “Mommy said you would help me with my homework.”
You rubbed your forehead with a sigh — you’d totally forgotten about it. “Yeah uhm... I’ll be there ASAP.”
“Mommy! Auntie said she’s coming!”, you heard Aiden screaming to your sister and it made you smile.
A thud and a few whispers later, you sister picked up her phone. “Hey, sorry ‘bout that. You don’t need to come all the way here.”
“It’s just...”, you cleared your voice, trying to find the right words. “I’ve got a lot of stuff to take care of.”
“Y/N.” Emily’s tone was low and you were pretty sure she sighed.
“Are you still after that Kuklinski guy?”
“No”, she immediately replied in a resolute tone. “You gotta tell me the truth.”
And it took you some time before you could whisper “Yes.”
Emily swore under her breath and you closed your eyes, trying to keep control. “I’m gonna say it just once — forget about him. You stay out of this mess. That’s what mom and dad would’ve wanted.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Don’t you even fucking start, Y/N.” She was really pissed now.
The chair in front of you moved, screeching against the floor. You were taken aback and your first instinct was to hide your notes and open a new tab on your laptop. You weren’t surprised to see Four sitting right in front of you.
You took a few breaths — her tone didn’t make easier in any way what was about to happen. “Ems?”
“What?” Even though her tone was still a bit harsh, you could tell she had softened.
You bit your lower lip, trying to avoid Four’s gaze fixed on you. “I don’t think I’m gonna be able to come by today. Give Aidan and Lexie a kiss from me.”
“I will.”
“And I love you.” You closed your eyes, trying to take deep breaths. You’d made up your mind and there was no turning back.
But Emily was getting suspicious. “You okay?”
“Now I can’t even tell my sister I love her?”, You joked, even though you were just trying to lighten the mood. It was the last time you were hearing her voice.
“Right, I’m sorry”, She whispered. “I love you too. And stay out of troubles. Please?”
“Yeah.” You were a terrible liar. You knew that. Emily knew that. Even Four knew that, given the look in his eyes. When you closed the call you were feeling extremely guilty, but it was done. There was no turning back now.
“So I guess you made a decision.” Four placed his forearms on the table, locking his green eyes right on yours. You bit your lip and slowly nodded at his words, giving him a quick look. That day he had replaced his black suit with a grey tee and faded jeans. His toned muscles were even more noticeable now.
“What happens now?” You were eager to move on — the less you thought of your family, the less you suffered. All you wanted to do was focus on your job.
Four lifted his brows in surprise. “Are you sure? There’s no turning back.”
Your gaze fell to your laptop, a tab opened in a close-up of Kuklinski. That’s all you needed as a confirm. When you looked back at Four, you were more than sure he could see the determination in your eyes. “I’m well aware of that.”
Four pursed his lips and slowly nodded. By the way his shoulders rise and lower you could tell he sighed deeply, maybe in sign of pride. Was he proud of you? Was he satisfied with your decision? “Well, then”, he murmured, giving a look at the people around him. “Come with me.”
You quickly closed your laptop, putting it and your textbook in your bag. Four slowly got up and you copied him, ignoring the few looks that followed you to the door. “Where are we going?”
Four replied to your question with a quick look from above his shoulder. The silent treatment did nothing but increase the adrenaline running in your veins and you tried to keep up as he turned the corner.
“Four!”, you whispered again. The look he gave you made you worry, even more when he grabbed you by your hand. You tried to resist him but he tightened his grip and you didn’t like at all the tone in which he said “Don’t freak out.”
Not even five seconds later, you did freak out. The car right next to you blew up and the explosion was so loud that made your ears burn. Four’s hand was still firmly holding yours as you turned towards him. He was deadly serious as he tried to gently drag you to one of the backroads.
Maybe because of the explosion, maybe because of the shock of the moment, you barely had the strength to take two steps before passing out and falling like a brick, right into his arms.
let me know if you wanna be tagged in the next parts :)
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Rites of Passage!
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Colin: no comment
Timmy: no comment
Stephen: I’m a little sad we didn’t get the opportunity to pick up where we left off in AS: Nova Scotia! I think it would have been a lot of fun to align together from an earlier point in the game when we weren’t both targets and see how that played out!
DeNara: no comment
Nik: Truly robbed! I very much wish we could have swapped onto the same tribe. It would have been fantastic to play another game together!
Mo: You are a super smart, savvy and threatening player. It’s no wonder why Dan had you for his winner pick. The swap just wasn’t in your favour and had it gone a little bit differently, I have no doubts that you would have been at FTC.
Rachael: Everyone who voted for you is a meninist and I am glad they all got voted out. Super robbed and deserved so much better!
Kevin: You’re such an incredibly nice and wholesome individual and I really hope everything is alright!
Andrew: On a personal level, I think you’re a great person! On a game level you were a bit messy which made for a fun merge round!
Stephanie: Your vote off is the one I was second most bummed about this game. We didn’t talk a whole lot but from our short conversations I could tell you were a super smart and crafty kind of person, and it is no surprise at all to me that you won the first game you played. 
Ben: Yeah….
Jake: We were getting along so well and I was looking forward to playing the rest of the game with you and then… that round happened. Hopefully everything is going alright with you!
John: It doesn’t seem like we’ll ever end up on the same side while playing an ORG. 
Joey: One of my main allies from the beginning! You helped me get to single digits and I’m forever grateful of that! Your vote off was a blindside to me as well and it was nasty. I think you’re a very good player, getting through a swap when down in numbers like that, and you should have made it further. I’m hoping we get another chance to play again!
Xavier: Definitely the sweetest person in the cast! You were always such a positive ray of sunshine in this game!
Kailyn: We… Basically never spoke. I think there’s a total of 3 dm’s sent between us.  But from the calls after tribal/challenges you seem like a pretty cool person.
Jeff: I really don’t think it was necessary for us to end up as enemies but apparently, I just wasn’t in your plans for this game. Which is a shame, because in other circumstances we could have definitely worked well together. You were definitely a strong player and had a good shot at winning things from my point of view.
Jaiden: As a person, you are incredible. Easily one of the best people I’ve ever gotten to know from an ORG. It’s rare for me to click with someone as much as we did. On a game level, you were definitely a messy, though dominating and commanding player and probably would have won hands down. 
Livingston: KING. You should have been at FTC, not me. I didn’t want to be at the end if I couldn’t be sitting next to you so I’m disappointed. You were the best ally I could have asked for in this game. I’m also super happy that I was able to help you get beyond that 7th place roadblock and I’m so sad I didn’t have the opportunity to help you win. You helped make this game one of the better ones I’ve played before and I truly hope we get another opportunity to play again someday!
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Livingston- such charisma uniqueness nerve and talent, I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you and play this game with you. I was so happy with a palazzo final 3 and I knew how bad you wanted to win this game, but unfortunately that’s exactly the reason why I knew I couldn’t sit next to you at FTC.
Jaiden- JAIDEN LEGEND. I haven’t connected with someone so fast in these games in forever. I loved our hour talked about rdpr and agreeing that we can have different opinions which no one does anymore lol. I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game with you and I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else.
Jeff- voting Jeff out was the hardest decision I have ever made in these online games. We were together for so long and it was such a last minute decision to do and I the reason I made my decision was because I thought there was a great chance that the game would pan out a certain way and I was 100% correct 
Kailyn- I just hope the door hit you on the way out..... because NO ONE OPENS THE DOOORRRRR FOR A NATIVE NEW YORKERRRR
Xavier- a great nice person that even on a completely different time zone still killed the game. Another person I felt weird about because I was not with him for so long in the game I knew he wouldn’t trust me for long.
Joey- a FORCE. Joey was here to win, but unfortunately so was I. He was the first time I voted correctly and the first person I got out that I felt uneasy about their plans with me.
John- I’ve been drinking coffeeeyyyyy, he’s been eating healthyyyy, you know I keep it squeaky. I haven’t played with him in years and was still the sweetheart he was then
Jake- Jake is a very nice person, I’m glad he got to redeem himself from his last touchy subjects. Maybe another redemption tour?
Ben- Ben, honestly made this game so much fun. I love a good reading challenge and he was definitely the winner is that weeks challenges, unfortunately he is also willam and got disqualified which was honestly great for my game
Stephanie- one of my closest allies from day dot. I found out you were my neighbor and realized I couldn’t blindside you and feel safe leaving my apartment. But I wouldn’t have anyway. Robbed juror from the Benace saga (like menace)
Andrew- Andrew KING in every sense of the word. Nobody I know put more effort into a game from start to finish. You’ll get a W on here soon.
Kevin- Kevin❤️❤️❤️❤️ king of owning my heart, the sweetest kindest angel Rachael- challenge beast. I’ve heard nothing but intimidating things about this legend and I am go glad I didn’t have to go against her
Mo- honestly an icon and one of the best social players to ever ply any games and that’s exactly why I didn’t want to play the game with you
Nik- it’s not by chance that you name holds three letter of the word King. Nik is a LEGEND
DeNara- do I know them? De nada.
Stephen- even more robbed of a king, he is one of the nicest people I have ever meet in these orgs.
Timmy- robbed king, so upset that I didn’t get to play with you this season.
Colin- first boot legend, in and of itself
0 notes
shayde-n-friends · 4 years
File: Target Profile Compiled by AT-1126 “Notch”
—- Profile Begins —-
Name: Benjamin Tennyson
Sector: Hero's Study
Classification: Hero, Amateur Level
Noted Abilities, Skills, and Powers: Middling Combat Capability, Possession of Omnitrix as primary tool of defense, offense, and utility. The Omnitrix grants Tennyson the ability to transform at will into a plethora of Alien Species, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Lack of tactical and intellectual capabilities when utilizing these forms leaves...much to be desired.
Known Associates: Cousin of Gwendolyn Tennyson, prolific mystic user and comrade/rival of Human-Osmonian hybrid Kevin Levin. Friend and Teammate of Rook Blonko. (Acts as Tennyson's Plumber Partner/ Pseudo Handler.) Appears to have tension of unknown context with Jack Spicer. Cannot discern as the behaviors of both individuals become erratic when in proximity with one another. Has a level of curiosity for Extra-Terrestrial Students and Students, such as Xami, Revar, Vega, Bumblebee, and Master Tano.
Threat Classification: ALPHA-BETA. Tennyson's complete, utter lack of discipline, and over-confidence leads him to be a rather minor threat depending on which Alien Form he assumes. However, should he choose one of his more powerful forms, he poses a far large threat simply on the basis of having such sheer power at his disposal. However, thankfully, transforming into such forms poses as much of a threat to him as they do to the school at large.
Notable Transformations and respective Threat Levels follow:
Note from Stake: Ben's not going to use X on us. Said so himself. Sounds like something got in the way of him making it work...he wouldn't say what though. Also, Notch, since when have The Staff been trusting you with this kind of Intel??
Cannonbolt - Arbuian Pelarota: [ALPHA] Cannonbolt is one of Tennyson's most durable transformations. Curling up into his shell, he can withstand most forms of physical damage. If he can be halted, stripped of an oxygen source, or even pummeled with excessive ordinance, he can be stopped handily. Taking cover in tight, enclosed spaces also limits his mobility.
Note from Sweep: Just drop enough Turbo-Laser fire on him and he'll melt like anyone else...easier than you're making it out to be.
Response from Notch: And where, pray-tell, would we get enough Turbo-Lasers to test that theory?
[Read 2 days ago.]
Diamondhead - Petropian: [OMEGA] The Transformation that Tennyson classifies as "Diamondhead" is one of his oldest and most frequent transformations and one of the first he ever used upon acquiring The Omnitrix. Diamondhead has Super-Human Capabilities, The ability to reflect, heal, and even absorb many forms of damage, and can manipulate crystalline materials at will. Recommend avoiding confrontation without the aide of a highly durable and/or regenerative meta-human.
Note from Hotwire: If I break off one of his crystals WHILE he's Diamondhead...Do you think it would disappear if he turned back to normal? I wanna know for...a Project.
Echo-Echo - Sonorosian: [ALPHA] Though Echo Echo's duplication, enhanced speed, durability and sonic capabilities make him a threat, he is not invincible. In this form, Tennyson demonstrates no overwhelming resistances, is weak to the elements and his clones are far weaker than their template. Use of anti-sonic countermeasures and suppressive weaponry is advised. > ULTIMATE ECHO-ECHO: [OMEGA] In his Ultimate Form, Echo-Echo is capable of flight, and further increased durability, as well as improved sonic capabilities. Further engagement once Ultimate form is achieved is ill-advised for Non-Omega Students.
Note from Cliff: ...Damn, he's loud.
Fasttrack - Citrakayah: [BETA] Fasttrack's primary benefit is his speed. His reactions, durability and recovery time are greatly improved, but he tends to be predictable in his movements. Causing him to lose balance during high speed movement, or predicting his path make this one of Tennyson's more manageable forms.
Note from Dreamer: I remember that time Ben tried to race Bart, Shard and Dash, and nearly fell on his face when The Omnitrix ran out of time on him...They won't let him live it down.
Ghostfreak - Ectonurite: [OMEGA] Another one of Tennyson's oldest Aliens, Ghostfreak is by far one of the most dangerous. Intangibility, possession, disruption of electronics...these are just a handful of Ghostfreak's abilities. This threat is best left to mystic students, as that is one of his few weaknesses. If he can be immobilized via cryogenics or adhesives, containment and tranquilization is recommended IMMEDIATELY.
Note from Stag: Phantasma and I have a plan in place. We can take care of this if the need arises...
MonKi - Saiyan/Sayajin: [OMEGA] Access to Super Saiyan and Great Ape forms on top of being stronger, faster and far more durable that most students automatically propel MonKi into OMEGA class. Only other OMEGA class threats are advised to engage.
Note from Sweep: As if he'd be smart enough to wait for a full moon...
Pesky Dust - Nemuina: [BETA] Small, Weak, and Unsuited for prolonged combat, Tennyson's primary utilization for Pesky Dust would be nothing more than interrogation. Pesky Dust can enter and manipulate dreams, as well as induce nightmares. However, in order to do either, he must utilize the form's naturally occurring sleep inducing dust.
Note from Dreamer: That sounds like a mighty fun power! I wonder if there's an omnitrix laying around I can borrow.
Quick-Switch - Cybertronian: [OMEGA] The size, power, and versatility of Cybertronians makes Quick-Switch a significant danger to most students, but what pushes this form into the OMEGA theat category is Tennyson's ability to transform into a plethora of Vehicles and even Weapons to pummel his enemies with ordinance.This comes at the cost of being utterly drained when returning to human form, and possibly changing back in Dangerous or Fatal locations Forms include: Earth Human Hyper-Car of Unknown Origin, M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System, ICV Stryker, Earth Tank of Unknown Origin, Patrol Gunboat Hydrofoil, M109A7 PIM,Boeing–Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche, Sukhoi SU-57, Star-Fighter of Unknown Origin, Satillite Laser of Unknown Origin.
Note from Stake: Last time he tried this was with Wakeman and her gang on their field trip to Cybertron. Damn near killed him, he says. Now I see why he doesn't bust this one out anymore...
Rath - Appoplexian [Alpha] In this form, Tennyson becomes stronger, faster and far more aggressive. His fighting style becomes akin to that of a wrestler, prompting him to frequently engage in CQC. This comes at the cost of him becoming even more rash, far more irritable and enraged, and somehow, someway, even less intelligent. He is also more vulnerable to being mentally compromised, sensitive sounds, and a tendency to go on pointless rants towards anyone and everyone within proximity of him. The only thing preventing him from falling into the BETA category are his physical upsides...
Response from Notch: ...Tennyson, did Wingnut give you his Tablet again?
Response from Wingnut: ...NO! ...MAYBE?! ...SHUT UP.
—- Profile Ends —-
Communication from Notch to Wingnut:
N: Why do you do that?
W: Because it’s hilarious.
N: And why, exactly, was he Rath at the exact moment he read the profile?
W: 1) Because I asked him to be, and 2) See the above answer.
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tibbinswrites · 5 years
Suptober Day 20 - Imagination
Dean was beyond angry, he was beyond afraid, he was almost beyond caring, but no, of course he was still capable of that, where would be the fun otherwise?
He had never been one for religion, how could he be? Demons had been real to him since he was six years old but there were no old hunter’s stories about their opposite, nothing to suggest that there was any kind of creature out there that wasn’t completely evil. He’d known that Sam used to pray, but the idea that there was something listening was just absurd to him.
Once he knew unequivocally that angels existed it was no longer a question of belief; sure, the idea of God was still a fuzzy one, but he could safely assume that it was pretty likely, especially when Lucifer joined the picture and started whining about his daddy issues, like he was the only one with a deadbeat father.
But despite all of that, Dean had always had faith, not in Chuck, not in fate, not that things were gonna work out in the end, because boy had he been proven wrong on that account more than once, but he’d always believed in his own agency. He’d been certain that his choices made a real difference to the world and good or bad, they were his responsibility.
Turns out, nothing is real and his choices hadn’t made a damn bit of difference. It wasn’t right. He had struggled so hard to come to terms with certain aspects of who he was, he’d made an active effort to change his thinking, to be better and now he was supposed to just accept that all that work had been for nothing? That he would’ve gotten here anyway because Chuck’s fucking story dictated it? Even the things he was proud of weren’t his achievements at all but plot points, pre-determined and certain. How long was the length of rope named Free Will? Was it even long enough to make a noose with? Had he ever in his life made a single decision on his own? Had he ever picked out his own underwear? Was his favourite band Led Zeppelin because he actually liked them or because Chuck had chosen them for him? Had he really fallen in love with Cas?
It was that last that was giving him the most trouble, the most rage. The people in his life that he loved, Sam, Cas, his mother, Jack, Jody and the girls, Rowena, Garth, Bobby, Charlie, Kevin, Lisa and Ben, were any of those connections real? Had they ever been real or were they just constructed that way to push him in a certain direction or to shift his priorities? And if they were real, how could he know? How could he ever trust in that again? Chuck was the puppet-master and now that Dean had noticed the strings, he had to assume that they’d been there the whole time making him dance.
It was just too much. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Would it matter? Was he being manipulated even now?
Cas had said that they were real. He had said it with such fierce certainty that it set Dean’s brain spinning. How was he so sure? And what had he meant by ‘real’ anyway? Had he meant it in the basic way in that they existed, or had he meant something deeper? The essence of them, who they were, their personalities, their loves and their hates and their choices and their feelings, had he meant that those were made not from Chuck’s imagination but by their own lives, their own experiences, themselves?
He wished he could think so.
Cas had found him again. Not that he was hiding, not really, in fact, he’d been kind of hoping. He knew that if anyone could convince him that his whole life was more than God’s fever dream it was Cas, the guy who had been made with the idea that his existence was to further God’s plan. If Cas could believe that they had autonomy in their lives then how could Dean not?
Dean turned to him. Cas looked determined and grave.
“I just thought I should tell you… I’m leaving.”
“What?” Dean said again, incredulous, this was the last thing he’d expected, honestly probably the worst turn of events he could imagine. “Why?”
“Belphegor,” Cas said with a half-guilty shrug, “mostly. I can’t… Dean, he’s using Jack’s body.”
“I understand that Belphegor is useful, but that doesn’t mean I can be around him. Every time I see him and I see that demon face underneath, it’s like losing him all over again and I can’t.”
“We’ve talked about this, Cas. We need him.”
“No, we haven’t talked about this. In fact we’ve barely talked at all which is another reason I need to leave. I’m adding nothing right now. I can’t keep these people safe, I can’t convince you that our choices matter, I can’t stop you being angry or come up with a solution about what to do next, I’m not even sure I can heal anymore so what is the point in staying?”
“Because you want to.”
Cas shook his head, a sad smile on his lips.
“I don’t,” he said simply. “For the first time, I don’t want to stay, Dean. I don’t want to see my son’s corpse every day, I don’t want to be reminded of how badly I have failed you and Sam, I don’t want to wait around and do nothing, feeling useless, being useless. I don’t want to be your punching bag any more.”
“You’re not-”
“Are you going to finish that sentence,” Cas interrupted, “really?”
Dean fell silent and swallowed.
Cas sighed. “If you need me, I’ll be there,” he promised. “But if there is a solution to the apocalypse, it won’t be found in this half-mile radius of a town, and you can’t leave these people. I’ll keep you updated.”
Later, Dean imagined what would have happened if he’d stopped him, if he’d grabbed him by the arm and told him not to leave, if he’d apologised for being an asshole, if he’d told Cas he loved him, if he’d kissed him and begged him to stay because he needed him here, he needed Cas around just because, he needed to know that he was safe and here and where Dean could reach him. He imagined it playing out in vivid detail, the kiss, Cas kissing back, Cas looking at him in awe as Dean murmured words that he would be embarrassed to repeat, kind words, soft words, words that he felt but could never seem to say.
He wondered if it would have been enough.
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bahytarek · 6 years
Ben Tennyson - Ben 10,000 - Ben 10K
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Hero of Heroes - Wielder of the Omnitrix
Ben has been through a lot growing up. It all might seem glamorous, and sometimes it looks like fun but the truth is that this life isn't all perfect.
He's had many victories throughout his life. He defeated Vilgax, destroyed Zs'Skayr, made peace with the Highbreed, saved Galvan Mark II from a psychotic vengeful Galvanic Mechamorph, prevented the Incursean Empire from taking over the Earth, made other realities and dimensions a safer place, and created the entire Universe twice.
This man never stops doing what he does best, being a true hero. He spends most of his time saving the universe or stopping some crook. However big or small the problem, Ben risks his life and jumps ahead to save the day. We saw that sometimes, Ben does get hurt, even if he got hurt as an alien. Ben risks his physical health without even considering how bad things could get because he believes that if he doesn't step in, things could get worse, and can you blame him? People depend on Ben on a daily basis, and the job just gets harder and harder on him the older he gets, never really getting a chance to relax. Notice how I said job.
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Ben started this life since he was 10, and took it as a game up until Vilgax threatened his family and showed him the risks of being a hero. Ben has spent most of his childhood as an outcast and as a target for bullying, the Omnitrix made him feel like he was worth something, like he was a hero. After defeating Vilgax for the first time, Ben still goofed off but knew deep down that there will come a time where he'll have to get serious.
Zs'Skayr is a complete psycho, instead of beating the snot out of Ben like Vilgax, he hit him where it really hurt, mentally. Zs'Skayr possessed Gwen and threatened Ben by making her stand on the ledge of a building, willing to commit suicide by jumping off. The next time Zs'Skayr attacked Ben's family, Ben was over protective of Gwen and Grandpa Max, he was scarred by his last encounter with Zs'Skayr. Gwen took it as him being cocky and selfish but the opposite is true, and for a 10 year old, Ben was completely brave.
In Secrets of the Omnitrix, Ben believed that Gwen was killed and completely blames himself, wishing it was him instead, a feeling that no 10 year old should feel.
Ben eventually unlocks Feedback, an alien he feels strongly attached to. During this time, he became enemies with a corrupted Galvanic Mechamorph named Malware. Malware eventually destroyed the Conductoid's DNA within the Omnitrix, making Feedback unaccessible. Ben loses for the first time, and in his rage he straight up murders Malware. I assume it was after that incident Ben removed the Omnitrix for 4 years.
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Enter Alien Force. Ben wears the Omnitrix again because he fears for his Grandfather's life. This choice wasn't easy because it shows that he enjoyed being normal, but as soon as someone needed his help, he didn't hesitate to slam it on his wrist. He eventually becomes close friends with former enemy Kevin E.Levin.
Ben matured a lot during the first two season of Alien Force when he had to deal with the fact that his beloved Grandfather "died" and that he was in the middle of a Galactic War. After it ended and Max was revealed to be ok Ben managed to be happy again in season 3. Yet once again, Gwen mistakes this as him being cocky and wreckless, and even though he was a little cocky, Ben was just truly happy for once, and felt like a true hero again. At the end of Alien Force, Ben blew up the Omnitrix to stop Vilgax, proving that it's not the watch that makes him a hero. Ben doesn't feel this way though, and proceeds to take the Ultimatrix from Albedo.
In Ultimate Alien, Ben is now famous, not only across the stars, but on Earth as well. He has to deal with fame and criticism at the age of 16 while still trying to pass in his classes and save the Universe everyday. To a kid, this is a lot of pressure. In the beginning Ben seemed fine with it, but at some point it just seemed exhausting. Above all of this, his relationship with Julie, his girlfriend at the time, was rocky. She wished that he was there more but how could he? He's constantly trying to keep the Universe safe, he hardly even gets a good night's rest, and she expects him to be available? Again, the other characters make it look like it's all Ben's fault but the truth is, Ben can't do anything about it, despite the fact that he could turn into aliens, he's only human!
Ben eventually fails to save the 5 aliens that trusted him and then has to deal with the fact that his once best friend Kevin, is once again evil. It's up to Ben to stop him, it has to be him wheither he likes it or not, and this obviously hurt him, but he has no choice but to stop him, even if it meant to go to the extreme if the situation required. Because deep down, it's his fault, or so he thinks. He believes that maybe if he defeated Aggregor himself, if he was strong enough, Kevin would be ok. In the end it all worked out, but at what cost? Ben considered killing his friend, this will forever haunt him. He even willingly "sacrificed himself" to free all the Ultimate Aliens that blamed him for their imprisonment inside of the Ultimatrix, not because he had too, but because he wanted to. Freeing these creatures to him were far more important than his own life. At the end of Ultimate Alien, Ben gets the Ascalon and can now recreate the universe in anyway he wishes, destroy all evil, but he doesn't, he just fixes everything. Ben isn't arrogant or misuses his powers. Even though Ben can now control Alien X (or eventually) he wouldn't do anything extreme because he has limits, he knows right from wrong.
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In Omniverse, Ben has gone through a lot. Gwen and Kevin left him behind, his only two real friends that could ever understand him in a way. He eventually gets close to his new plumber partner Rook Blonko. At some point, Ben recreated the Universe after it was destroyed and is the only one that remembers it's destruction. Even though he did something so heroic, he was forced to stand trial in front of the entire Universe for it. Not only that, but because of this one moment, another villain, Servantis, makes a hit squad to kill Ben just because he believes that Ben is too powerful to be trusted. Servantis also reveals Kevin as a sleeper agent. Ben again would blame himself for Kevin's turn but was more optimistic about saving him this time. Instead of trying to kill him, he just wanted to leave, regroup, and come up with a plan (he didn't know of course that Kevin was secretly good).
Ben was also forced to leave his friends and family behind on Earth thanks to the Incursean invasion. He was forced to deal with Malware, the alien that killed Feedback and mentally scarred Ben for years. He learns that in most realities he becomes evil. He temporarily died right before giving his Omnitrix to another Ben, but instead of being saddened by the fact that he's dying at such a young age, he gives advise to the other Ben to become a hero, to protect this Universe from monsters like Vilgax. Ben as a person has gone through so much growing up, and we got to watch him become a true hero, a hero of heroes. He mentored a younger alternate version of himself, he taught Rook how to be a hero instead of just being a plumber, he taught Kevin the importance of friendship, he inspired Gwen to become Lucky Girl and pursue magic, he motivated Grandpa Max to become a plumber once more. Literally everyone that gets close to Ben will have some kind of heroic trait because Ben shows them what it means to fight for others, to be selfless, to truly become a hero.
Ben knows about the man he'll become in the future, he's well aware that things will get harder and that he'll be a hero for ever. The pressure of knowing that he'll have to fill those shoes eventually must put some pressure on him sometimes.
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We now know that at the age of 20, Ben becomes more serious and more of a loner. The reasons why are unknown, and the possibilities are endless. Maybe he blames himself for the loss of his Grandfather's arm or maybe he couldn't handle the fact that he was forced to throw Kevin into the Null Void again. Whatever the reason, Ben decides that it's for the best to do what he does on his own. Due to his history of almost losing his loved ones, it's easy to understand that at some point something happened that made him quit having a team. He'd rather die than see the ones close to him get hurt, but with this solitude and loneliness, he eventually became angrier and less sociable. We also learn that with the help of his master control, Ben used XLR8 to patrol the entire planet on a daily basis to stop any kind of crime from happening.
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Ben no longer sees this as a game, it's his mission, it's the one thing he believes he's good for, being a hero. It's all anyone ever needed from him, it's all he thinks he needs to do. What's troubling how ever, is his loss of self. Ben got so comfortable with the idea of going hero all day 24/7, he no longer becomes Ben, because to him, Ben is just a weak human transformation. He no longer needs Ben, he's just the wielder of the Omnitrix, all that matters to him is being who people need him to be when he's needed, but not by being himself.
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After the episode "Ben 10,000", Ben lightens up and begins to become the man he once was, one by one. In "Ken 10" he's happy, up untill he sees Kevin again, realising that he can't escape the mistakes of his past. This is when Ben reverts to his serious, more stubborn self, and pushes Ken, his son, aside to take Kevin down. Later when he sees Ken hurt, he loses his temper and demolishes Kevin as Waybig.
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Four years later, we see that Kevin is better, angry, but better. Ben is still happily married with Kai (unlike Julie, Kai is also a hero, thus understanding the responsibilities and the pressure that Ben is under), Ken grew to be more of a hero, making his father proud, and Ben's life seems to be fine in a way.
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Ben's life wasn't easy nor fun, but in the end, he has a group of loving family members and friends to support him when needed, and as long as they are by his side, he can learn to enjoy life and still be the hero the world needs him to be.
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