chalk-boards · 1 year
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@omnimatter‘s dnd char belvin ruining bosven’s life
memery i spent too much time on trying to get used to my new tablet
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tawaifeddiediaz · 3 months
i’m so glad they let debra (the actor who plays sue) take over the instagram because she’s so adorable and clearly loves her dispatch fam
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weirdscience-stuff · 29 days
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A depressed bitch being attacked by a crazy bitch
Sound like a interesting story /j
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missfanaccount · 2 years
Um the actress that plays Sue liked my comment under the 911Fox post of Eddie and Karen….
My comment: “We love gay besties”.
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odk-2 · 1 year
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The Penguins - Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine) (1954) Gaynel Hodge / Curtis Williams / Jesse Belvin from: "Hey Señorita" / "Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)"
Doo-Wop | R&B | West Coast Doo-Wop
JukeHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: The Penguins: Cleveland Duncan: Lead Vocals Dexter Tisby: Tenor Bruce Tate: Baritone Curtis Williams: Bass
Musicians: Dootsie Williams: Piano Ted Brinson: Bass Uknown: Drums
Produced by Dootsie Williams
Recorded: in a Garage @ 2190 West 30th Street in South Central Los Angeles USA August–September, 1954
Released: October, 1954
Dootone Records
♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
"Earth Angel" became the first independent label release to appear on Billboard's national pop charts, where it peaked within the top 10. - Wikipedia
The Penguins' only hit, it eventually sold in excess of 10 million copies. The original recording of the song remained an enduring hit single for much of the 1950s, and it is now considered to be one of the definitive doo-wop songs. In 2005, it was one of 50 recordings chosen by the Library of Congress to be added to the National Recording Registry, deeming it "culturally, historically, or aesthetically important." - Wikipedia
In 1998, The Penguins 1954 recording of "Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)" on Dootone Records was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. - Wikipedia
♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
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Library of Congress: “Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)” by The Penguins (1954) Added to the National Registry: 2004 Essay by Cary O’Dell https://www.loc.gov/static/programs/national-recording-preservation-board/documents/EarthAngel.pdf
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thevisualvamp · 9 months
Good night my love, pleasant dreams and sleep tight my love, may tomorrow be sunny and bright and bring you closer to me….
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wraystars · 1 year
Connecticut Kings Series - Christina C. Jones and Love Belvin
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View On WordPress
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djevilninja · 1 year
If you should awake in the still of night, Please have no fears, For I´ll be there; you know I care. Please give your love to me, dear, only.
Jesse Belvin - Goodnight My Love
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ms-nesbit · 2 years
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feyhunter78 · 5 months
Jealously, Jealously
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Couldn’t find a fanart I felt fit so have a gif!
Nerd!Miguel Masterlist
You’re not jealous, you can’t be jealous, because Miguel isn’t yours. You’re friends, study buddies, lab partners, platonic, platonic, platonic, so why do you feel so shitty watching him and this random girl—Ava she said her name was—flirting?
Maybe it’s because she’s flipping her long silky black hair over her shoulder, batting her thick naturally dark lashes up at him, laughing at his jokes with a laugh that sounds like music, and Miguel’s eating it up.
You’ve never seen Miguel so confident, and it hurts. You’ve been friends with him for ages now, and he’s never been so forward, so clearly sure of himself when he’s with you. He’s talking, leaning down to hear her better, letting her touch his arm, his chest, even his fucking neck.
You stew in silence, arms crossed, watching them from your place behind the Sig Epp letters.
You were supposed to be getting lunch, walking, and talking with Miguel, only stopping to say hello to Brett, but then this Ava girl showed up and all of a sudden, she and Miguel have to speak privately.
“What’s got you all heated?” Brett asks, bumping his shoulder into yours, joining you against the low wall, behind the giant painted letters.
They’re what four-five feet tall, painted in the Sig Epp colors, made of plywood and some other material you don’t really recognize, and don’t care to. They’re good to hide behind, and that’s what you’re doing.
“I’m not heated.” You tell him, rolling your eyes when Ava playfully squeezes Miguel’s bicep, her laugh ringing out through the courtyard.
“Tsst, ouch.” Brett says, jerking away from you dramatically, acting as if touching your shoulder burned him.
“You’re not funny.” You deadpan, averting your eyes from Miguel and onto Brett.
“I’m a little funny.” He says, “remember when I got Dr. Blevins to do that TikTok trend with me?”
“The one where you tried to guess which of the other professors in the department he hated?” You snort, turning to face him, leaning against the sun-bleached bricks.
It was pretty funny, Dr. Belvins wasn’t the nicest man on the planet, but who would’ve known he had such a hatred for Dr. Vervid? Though you shouldn’t be too surprised, there weren’t many people who liked the Organic Chemistry professor.
“See I’m funny.” Brett says, wriggling his eyebrows victoriously.
“You did one funny thing.”
He presses a hand to his heart. “You wound me y/n, truly, down to the deepest chasm of my very soul.”
“Alright, Shakespeare,” you laugh, “time to phone it in.”
Brett takes an exaggerated bow.
You roll your eyes but giggle. Brett is a goof, and while usually you find it all a bit ridiculous, it does the trick, the uncomfortable emotions you’re feeling lessen.
“No, but seriously, you seem upset, is everything alright?” Brett’s voice takes on a more serious tone, and he gives you a sympathetic smile. “I know we’re not close like you and Miguel, but I do consider you a friend, and if I can help, I’d like to.”
Are you crying? You think you might cry. “Shut up, why are you being so nice to me?”
“I’m a nice guy, not like that, an actual nice guy, a nice person.”
You sigh and roll your neck, letting it hang to one side as you look at Brett. “I think I might be jealous?”
“Oh, of Miguel and Ava? Yeah, I see them hanging out sometimes, she’s hot.”
Gut punch.
“You’ve seen them hanging out?” You dig your nails into your palm to try and keep the emotion out of your voice. Thankfully it works.
“Sometimes, used to see them hanging out before you two got close, but it’s picked back up recently.” Brett says, casting a surprisingly subtle glance over at the dark-haired pair.
Double gut punch.
“Oh…cool.” You reach for your phone preparing to either hide in it or text Miguel and tell him you have to miss lunch, either way you’re pretty sure you’re going to start crying.
Brett snaps to attention and reaches out to put a hand on your shoulder. “Shit, y/n, I didn’t even—I’m sorry.”
“No, no, Miguel and I are just friends, I don’t care who he hangs out with, it doesn’t matter to me.”
Totally doesn’t matter that he defended you against Kron, that he said he wanted to have a daughter with you. That you almost kissed, that he’s coming with you to the semiformal, that you eat lunch together every day during the week, totally doesn’t matter.
“Oh well...I don’t think they’re dating or anything, Miguel isn’t like that, he wouldn’t…” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “He’s not the kind of guy to lead someone on.”
“I said we’re just friends. Bye Brett.” You snap, shoving your phone back in your pocket and readjusting your backpack as you speed walk in the opposite direction of Miguel. Hoping fervently that you can make it back to the Humanities Building, then to the parking lot, before he notices you’re gone.
Of course, you have no such luck, and you can hear Miguel calling out to you, then your phone lights up in your hand.
“Hey.” You say, keeping your voice calm.
“Y/N, where are you going, I thought we were getting lunch?” His voice is so sweet, so concerned, and you hate him for it.
“I forgot my next class was canceled, and I have a big essay coming up, I’m just going to go home and work on it.” You lie, digging your car keys out of your backpack.
“Oh…okay…” You can picture him, standing there all alone, looking down at his feet, clutching the strap of his backpack protectively, his voice thick with disappointment.
You hate yourself for feeling guilty, but then you remember he’s not alone, he has Ava.
“Just go eat lunch with Ava, you guys seemed pretty cozy, don’t let me interrupt.” You can’t stop the venom from dripping into your voice.
“Interrupt? Y/N, you wouldn’t be—no, I’m not—Ava is just—it’s not like that.” Clearly, the words are spilling past his lips faster than his brain can process them.
“I don’t care, go, have fun, do whatever you want.” It’s petty, and unreasonable, you know, but you’re hurt, and you want him to hurt too. You hang up and put your phone on do not disturb, slamming your car door shut and heading home as you burst into tears.
Directly connected parts are: Flowers On Your Doorstep and Semiformal Kisses and Cat Fights
TL: @bat-bae, @nyctophilic0vitnir, @smokeywhalee, @obi-mom-kenobi, @prowlingforfood, @penggion, @crystal-crax, @oharasfilipinawife, @generalkenobitrash, @melsimps, @chrishy973, @farrowroyale, @palesatan, @scaryplanetdestroyer, @denzmallows, @36namey
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morbidology · 2 months
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On Christmas Day of 1951, it was the 25th wedding anniversary of Harry and Harriette Moore from Mims, Florida. The couple were pioneer activists and lead re of the early civil rights movement in the United States. Unbeknownst to them, later on that night, they would become the first martyrs of the movement.
In 1934, Harry founded the Brevard County, Florida, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter. NAACP worked towards achieving equal pay for equal work for teachers of any race and fought to have lunching prosecuted and attempted to register voters of colour in the region. Harry saw some success during the nascent civil rights movement; voters of colour doubled in Florida during the last half of the 1940s and lawsuits started to be filed to challenge the policy of paying teacher of colour less than their white counterparts.
Due to their civil rights activity, both Harry and Harriette were fired from the school where they both worked. Orange County was a hotbed of racism and violence during the 1940s and early 1950s; the Orange County Ku Klux Klan was gaining popularity and turning more violent by the day.
On that fateful Christmas afternoon, Harry and Harriette had celebrated their anniversary with Harry’s mother and their 24-year-old daughter. They spent the evening eating cake and chatting. At around 10:15PM, the couple climbed into bed and switched off the light. Moments later, there was an almighty explosion; somebody had planted 3 pounds of dynamite under the bedroom floor of the couple.
The force of the dynamite tore open the floor and slammed the mattress to the ceiling before crashing back down. The bedroom was completely obliterated, the front porch had been shredded and the frame of the house destroyed.Harry died on the way to Stanford hospital in the back of a relative’s Buick; Stanford hospital was the closest hospital that would treat people of colour. Harriette died nine days later due to massive internal injuries; she lived long enough to see her husband be buried.
When police arrived at the scene, a sniffer dog picked up a scent which led to nearby Dixie Highway before abruptly stopping. Sure enough Sheriff H.T. Williams found footprints alongside the scent but since he walked through them, the plaster imprint made was useless. Officially, the murders remain unsolved but according to FBI documents, the Orange County Ku Klux Klan are responsible.
Four suspects were known high ranking members of the Ku Klux Klan: Earl J. Brooklyn, Tillman H. Belvin, Joseph Cox and Edward L. Spivey. Despite the evidence against them, no arrests were ever made and all four main suspects are now deceased.
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hooked-on-elvis · 3 months
"Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)"
The song was originally recorded by The Penguins in late 1954, with Belvin (using the pseudonym Curtis Williams) as lead singer. "Earth Angel" entered the rhythm and blues chart in early 1955 and was #8 on the Best Selling Singles chart. Other charting versions include Gloria Mann's version in 1955, Johnny Tillotson's in 1960 and The Vogues' version in 1969. Excerpt from site: elvis100percent.com
Album: "From The Vaults -'50s" (2016). Originally recorded in 1959 as a home recording (informal session).
Earth Angel, Earth Angel Will you be mine My darling dear Love you all the time I'm just a fool A fool in love with you Earth Angel, Earth Angel The one I adore Love you forever and ever more I'm just a fool A fool in love with you I fell for you And I knew The vision of your lov-loveliness I hoped and I prayed that someday That I'd be the vision of your hap-happiness Oh, Oh, Earth Angel, Earth Angel Please be mine My darling dear Love you all the time I'm just a fool A fool in love with you
A private recording of Elvis singing "Earth Angel" in Germany (1959) appeared on the 1984 LP "A Golden Celebration" and the track was also later featured in other of Elvis' posthumous albums such as "From The Vaults -'50s" (released in 2016 as part of the monumental 60-CD set "The Album Collection" made by Sony DADC, Austria, which includes also "From The Vaults - '60s" and "From The Vaults - '70s" in the set) and the FTD reissued of the 1959 compilation album "A Date With Elvis" (released in 2017).
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Elvis Presley: A Golden Celebration LP cover (1984) -- A few of the private recordings Elvis taped informally at home while stationed in Germany (Army period) are featured on this album, including 'Earth Angel' by the Penguins. The 50th Anniversary LP contains 3 discs with recordings of some of Elvis' most iconic moments in his career, including tracks from Sun Records Sessions, TV appearances, the Mississippi-Alabama Fair And Diary Show in Tupelo, MS (1956), some tracks recorded during the '68 Comeback TV Special (NBC, 1968) and even some unknown-recording-dates tracks discovered in Graceland ("Collector's Treasures"). More info about this album here: discogs.com.
Credits/Sources: Wikipedia; elvis100percent.com; elvisoncd.com; discogs.com.
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1956 HITS ARCHIVE: Goodnight My Love (Pleasant Dreams) - Jesse Belvin (‘...
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ask--star · 1 year
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" All of us are headed to Belvine Town and see Kahli's friend! Though we're on a strict time limit here, I'm hoping to ask a burning question before we miss our chance, but, that's not my biggest concern right now. "
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months
Art inspo?
I know what you are
Or moira
Love her
:3 They're both so feral /lovingly
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Moiwife <33
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spayki · 9 months
Jessie Belvin - Goodnight My Love
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