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(MDNI 18+ AGE IN BIO OR BLOCK.) PLSSS TAG ME IN YOUR OLIE-ART SO I CAN REBLOG IT!! 💖 :3 An 18+ ONLY visual novel murder/horrorsim. Work in progress solo project just for fun. This is my first game! Hazel-They/He/It-22-@kactiikitty
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
Hiii this is a little late but I got a popsocket of Kevin commissioned and i wanted to show him to you <3 artist btw is frankenbrained :)
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
Okay so absolutely love the silly little mean goat so I had to draw them I hope you like it 🥰 I also gave him some silly stickers on their clipboard! <3
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I print out all the art of my little bastards and hang it up! This ones goin on the wall!!
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
UwU ( We love your crunchy art bby dont worry ur doing amazing ok bye bye)
UwU Thank youu anon
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
mfw im in a tiddy contest and my opponent is kevin 💔(I am NOT winning ts!!)
It does in fact jiggle‼️‼️‼️
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
Just wanted to show smth lmao, I made this jacket a few months ago and can’t help but feel it has some OLIE vibes pfft >_<
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(Aussie warning signs go brrrr)
Hell yeah!! That's awesome!!!
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
*sneaks up to a sleeping kev, clips his nails, and bolts*
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look at what you did, now go apologise to him
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
I want see more drawing of Kevin.. 🤒🥺
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
If MC were a nail tech/in training or wanted to try it as a hobby, would Kev let them practice on 'em?
Honestly would love to see Kevs claws absolutely COVERED in decals and charms
Yes 100% there may or may not be a nail painting scene! :D
Just keep the drill bit and nail file away from the claws!!
I actually imagine that would be Kevin's job or hairstylist if he was normal heheheh
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
I love kev sm, feel free to ignore if already asked, but how long has kev been watching us for?
MC says over a month! but who knows, surely not I :3
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
Kev please stop drinking the gurl boss juice, I can't keep explaining to the insurance who keeps breaking into my house and why I haven't called animal control yet. They dont cover dingo themed breakin-ins and I really need my deposit back man.
He will always be a girlboss (evil dingo man) you can't stop him slaying (b&e and kidnapping MC's) but he will help you serve cunt (commit insurance fraud)
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
Why is Kevin here with humans? Dingos normally stick together in small packs- what made him decide to stick with people and eventually decide to keep us?
What excellent questions :3C That I will not be answering!
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
Do you plan on updating the demo or are you saving all the cool new stuff for the finished product? Also I love that dingo man I need to bite and mark him up or I’ll perish
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It's grown a lot and I split up the story into five parts! Right now I'm working on the second part! (at work)
Also same the bastard is extremely bitable >:))
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
Any little kev fun facts to you'd like to share?
Also great work on the game, It looks awesome!!
He is made entirely of bread
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Thank you Rot!! :3
Also here's all the actual fun facts I've accumulated for him so far!
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
Gosh your game is extremely interesting and twisted (in an enjoyable way!), I love how exhilarating it is (havent felt this way for a game since BTD 2 LOL) and how you have developed your characters into individuals that stand out with their own respective thought out, unique, personalities and storylines that we can also interact and mess with as we see fit, being the MC. The underlying story that seems to be happening simultaneously to the romance one with Kevin has got me hooked too >:3 I can’t wait to see what youre planning for this game. much loveee from me, and i hope you keep producing stuff in the future if you can, youre very talented imho. Also, I just finished the demo and I have some questions for u that’ve been bouncing around in my pea brain
Let’s say the MC got Kevin bathed, treated them with kindness, didn’t try to put the collar on them, got him comfortable to their home, etc., but at the same time teased him ruthlessly as long as he stayed as a dingo, while the MC was also still unaware that hes not actually a normal dog yet, what would he do? Although in this scenario the MC doesn’t do mean things to him with any malicious intentions, but instead does so in an attempt to see him react because MC finds it very cute and fun when he does or something. (Think of likeee cuteness aggression.) for example, doing things like blowing on his ear or face, offering him food with their palm just to pull it away last second, or lifting him up to their chest while spinning around the air, just stuff that would probably annoy a regular dog lol. Would Kevin keep note of that and retaliate later when he reveals himself? or just ignore it because the delusions he has of mc are that strong XD
Along w that, on a more “adult” note :3, does Kevin go through heat and mating seasons like certain animals do or does that not affect them because of their human side? And if he does go through that, can he control himself enough to respect any boundaries MC has, if they are allowed to have any, or nahh?
I'm sorry this took me forever to respond to!! I really like the btd games so I was super flattered to hear someone enjoyed OLiE that much! I just
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Sometimes I go into my inbox to read this ask and a few others when I'm not feeling motivated enough heheh
I have quite a lot planned storywise heheheh, I hope I don't dissapoint! I'll try to keep making stories, I already have a second OLiE story in my head heheh
For the first question Kevin would play along for a little bit out of curiousity, they'd find some of the things cute and some light punishment worthy! Kevin would transform back at the point MC takes their paws and tries to lift him, so they can hold MC's hands
Then he'd partake in his own cuteness aggression, gripping MC's hands tight while they're still in shock and pulling them to the floor to tease them for being so silly "Don't you know not to rile a big stray dog up? Animals can be unpredictable MC! You're so silly..." He'd be crouching down above them playing with their face like a puppies, and giggling while he makes fun of MC
I actually drew something for the first question but I lost it, so I made a scribble for the next question!
Kevin goes into heat!
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Depending on the relationship with MC, Kevin will either not respect any boundaries at all, or respect some boundaries but not personal space, guilt trip MC, be very pushy and whiny, and try to subtly rub as many phermones and and dingo guy stink on to MC in the hopes it'll get them in the mood
They'd be quite bitey and scratchy too >:))
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
Would kevin like to rest on the mc legs if they had thick thighs?(my friend do this all the time with me )
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ourloveiselectrifying · 2 months ago
Been a while since I sent anything here. Hope you’re doing okay!
The new options and art look amazing and you’re progressing a lot with the game! But I hope you’re taking it easy, I don’t want you to feel pressured or stressed just to please us. I’ve seen you changed some options that weren’t planned at first so I hope you’re doing so because you want to and not because fans have been demanding it.
Thought I would send a message and an ask even if you don’t answer it, to let you know we’re all still here supporting you and to let you know that we worry about you!
I’m a fan of games and other media with meta elements and that break the fourth wall! What would Kevin’s reaction be if just when the game begins he suddenly gains knowledge of them being in a video game and the MC being actually just an avatar being controlled by someone else on the other side?
Hope you’re doing alright…!
Hi 🪽Anon! I'm doing alright! Just busy and life getting in the way of posting as much!
Thank you so much! I'm trying to take it easy, and don't worry I didn't feel pressured, I thought it was silly at first but then I thought about it and yeah, I'd want to pet them ears too, and it doesn't really change up what I already have planned either!
Thank you🥺 I see everyones asks and really appreciate them all, I just both am busy, and have really bad anxiety haha, sometimes I will answer a bunch and just close all 20 tabs, again thank you to everyone for all for the asks they keep me motivated to work on OLiE! :3
For the ask, he'd be pretty devastated finding out it's all a game and with such little time to process everything they'd have a breakdown upon seeing MC/the player, pleading them to not close the game and help him
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Kevin would try to calm down if the player listened and didn't close the game, they'd talk to the player and convince them he's truly aware, they'd really want to get out and escape a digital hell made just for them, Kevin's priorities would be escape and the player would be his real life MC! Congratulations!
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ourloveiselectrifying · 3 months ago
Happy holidays everyone!
Have a Kevmas card :3
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Spoilers and bruised up/bit up Kev below!
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Full on twitter soon >:))
Sorry I keep dissappearing! OLiE is still in the works, I'm a little all over the place with the ideas, theres a lot I want to add in that I should probably be sensible about, I am one person after all haha
Things I've been working on!
Mostly its been story/writing stuff that I can't really show, but I'll show you some sketches!
- More word prompts!
- Reworking the phone side images!
- Revamped the about screen to be more! informative and to all be actual text/not images so text accessibility features work on it!
- Tutorial/warning/switches for certain content to be shown at start of new game!
- New fonts for new characters with the help of my lovely boyfriend! <333
- Tried to make a side image for MC, I then learnt that I have to redo the customisers code because I'm a big idiot and condition switches were a terrible idea!
- Working on a new character!
- Sketches of more CGs!
- New routes/endings!
- Neat little interactive screen, theres hidden buttons on it, and you can look around with the cursor!
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