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nerd-artist · 2 years ago
(Doodles of the finalist pairs following this)
The promised illustration for the winners of the rare pairs poll: Talanah/Kotallo
I wonder what will happen when they meet in Meridian
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But I couldn't resist to sketch also the other most-voted pairs!
Second place shared by Talanah/Petra and Morlund/Abadund
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At first, they were winning, but finally these cuties got the third place: Beta/Milu
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Thank you all for voting!!
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mint-tea-ashes · 5 months ago
Can I offer you an Ash holding different berries in this trying time?
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sarafangirlart · 5 months ago
Andromeda’s race/ethnicity and why it’s not inaccurate to interpret her as black/African
Now you’ve seen how I draw my babygirl as Afro Palestinian Egyptian so you know where I personally stand on the subject. However, my interpretation isn’t the only one, ancient authors, from mythographers to historians to poets to playwrights, have proposed various different locations for Andromeda’s homeland, often times contradicting each other, what I’m trying to do here is correct some misinformation as well as argue that even if Andromeda isn’t black/ethiopian, she still wouldn’t be considered white or ethnically European.
I would like to reiterate like I did with my Hephaestus/Aphrodite post that I’m not a mythology or history expert, I just read a lot. So do your own research and come up with your own conclusions.
Let’s go.
The etymology of “Aethiopia”
Aethiopia means "of burned face" which yes is pretty racist be modern standards but basically means that its inhabitants are dark skinned, so even if you go by sources that it isn’t in Africa, the inhabitants still wouldn’t be white or Greek.
Location of the Kingdom
You’d hear the statement that the Aethiopia in mythology is not the same as Ethiopia the modern country, which is true. You’d also hear that it’s a completely fictitious location, that’s only partially true, while Aethiopia existed mainly as a mythological location (mentioned as early as the Iliad) that didn’t stop ancient historians, mythographers and poets from placing it in real locations or calling pre-existing nations Aethiopia. It’s hard to pick which one is more “accurate” bc they all contradict each other, not only that, but these writers didn’t actually visit these locations and ancient ppl weren’t as well versed in geography as we are today so they’d be weirdly vague or confusing about these locations, I mean just look at an ancient map and you’d see what I mean.
So personally, I think you can go with any version you personally prefer, the options are quite limitless, she could be from the Arab peninsula, the Levant, North Africa, Persia, hell maybe even India if you are like Ovid.
Andromeda’s genealogy
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(I just realized that these are the Waterson kids color palette while writing this lmaooooooooo)
Yes Andromeda is descended from Zeus (no family tree can escape that man lol) and she’s also the great granddaughter of Poseidon, which adds a whole new layer to the fact he tried to kill her.
Now for a bit of history: The Trojan war (which didn’t happen irl obviously) was dated as taking place in the 12th or 13th century BCE by some ancient writers, that war happens a few generations after Perseus’s story, which means that Egypt was in the New Kingdom era, also called the Egyptian Empire, when Nubians (who would be considered black by today’s standards) were a very important part of society, even becoming Pharaohs. Ancient Egypt was a lot more diverse than modern ppl give it credit for, there were multiple ethnic groups living there. Not to mention that you can’t get more Egyptian than being descended from the god of the Nile River lol
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Libya is (obviously) the personification of the region of Libya, not the modern country Libya, but the general area in North Africa west of Egypt. The name Libya comes from the Libu, a berber tribe. So once again, even if Andromeda wasn’t black, even if you interpreted that her kingdom is placed in Asia, she’d still be of African decent.
Cassiopeia is a tricky one, her origins are obscure, she’s called a nymph by Nonnus, while Stephanus of Byzantium (a very late source) states she’s from Ioppa and that the city takes its name from her. However, Ioppa/Jaffa was identified as Andromeda’s home much earlier in Periplus attributed to Scylax, which was composed in the late fourth century bc.
You can make Andromeda black it’s ok. Ancient writers couldn’t agree on her country’s location but we can still speculate. Anyways ummm… I think that’s it? Maybe I’ll add to this if I find or remember more interesting information.
Have a great day.
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setsailforbyacona · 3 months ago
Beggar's Luck - Information Post
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Your father has always been regarded as the greatest pirate hunter to have ever sailed the waters of the tropical Byacona.
But now the unthinkable is happening: Your father is charged with piracy!
So it is up to you, his only child, to travel to the Byacona and help prove his innocence, or at least get him to reveal what happened.
Which is easier said than done, because whatever your father was doing seems connected to the sightings of a ship long thought sunk:
The Beggar's Luck, ship of the fabled Alistair Moray, King of Pirates.
Has Moray risen from the dead to seek revenge? And has your father something to do with it?
It's up to you to find out.
Hope you know how to swim and wield a cutlass.
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Where can I play the game?
(No link to the NEW version yet. The game is still undergoing a massive rewrite and should be up sometimes in December '24/January '25)
Extremely Old, extremely short version is HERE
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The world, Sildrys, the game is set on is home to various races besides human, allowing you to play as human or a mix of human and elves, dragons and other decently strange beings (as long as you can swim).
The age is set to 20.
All genders are playable.
ROs (Details bound to change):
Lieutenant Elliott Sewell (24, human, cis man): Elliot is a young Navy-Lieutenant working as Admiral Géroux’s secretary after a leg-injury send him into very early retirement. He’s as headstrong as he’s handsome.
He’s been a great admirer of the MC’s father, and seems dead-set on becoming a renown pirate hunter, filling the empty space the Commodore’s alleged treason left.
Midshipman Noah Paget (18, human(?), cis man): Mr Paget is commonly seen as a lost cause. Eager, ambitious and honest, but clumsy and scatterbrained. Has several rumours surrounding his heritage which weights down on him in addition. When push comes to shove he takes up the chance to prove himself to find the fable pirate port of Lobo Marino.
Lucy Kerrigan (19, human, cis woman): Lucy is regarded as the ‘soul of the Shredded Sail’ the scummiest tavern on all of Lobo Marino. She takes great pride in the fact that her missing father’s the new King of Pirates, even though no one else agrees with her on that.
She’s headstrong and boisterous, though no one can say what happens when her shell should be cracked one day. Great affinity for fire and explosives.
Florentina 'Shipwreck' Espinosa (26, Half-Elf/Half-human, trans woman): Regarded as the unluckiest captain to have ever sailed the waters of the Byacona, Florentina is good-natured but very sarcastic soul. And she has absolutely no patience for people betting behind her back how long her current ship, the Windmill will last.
(more to come)
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Public Executions
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If you like what you're seeing and would like to support the author, here's a few ways to do so:
There's also a discord. Send a message (not ask) after you've followed this blog or any of the game blogs below for a good while.
Enjoy the stories <3
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The author is currently working on the following games as well:
Ballad of Devil's Creek: A Weird West adventure @devilscreekballad
Curious Cuisine: A superhero/cooking slice-of-life romp @cornucopiagazette
Ashenmaw - Dragons of Marrowoods: A dragon adventure/mystery romp set in the same world as Beggar's Luck. @ashenmaw-if
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aliciavance4228 · 26 days ago
Alright, I know that timeline in Greek Mythology is pretty screwed up but I need the help of people out there in order to resolve this dilemma really quickly:
So we do know that Libya and Poseidon had twin sons: Belus, King of Egypt, and Agenor, the Phoenician King of Tyre. The real question now is how big was the age difference between Belus' children. The reason why I'm asking this is because Belus had, depending on the sources, different offspring: twin sons named Danaus and Aegyptus, Cepheus and Phineus as later additions and a daughter named Thronia of whom Hermes fathered Arabus (ancestor of arabs). Danaus fathered Hypermenstra (AKA the only one of the Danaides who didn't murder her husband), who married Lynceus. They two had a son named Abas, whom we don't know much about besides the fact that he was cool and badass, only for his children to be Acrisius and Proteus. Acrisius is the father of Danaë who is the mother of Perseus, which would make Belus Perseus' fourth great-grandfather. Meanwhile, another son of Belus was Cepheus, who was the father of Andromeda who was contemporary with Perseus. Despite the fact that Andromeda was the granddaughter of Belus, whereas Perseus was the fourth great-grandson of the exact same guy.
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To make things even more frustrating, Belus' twin brother (again, twin brother) was the father of Cadmus who was the father of Semele who was the mother of Dionysus who was contemporary with Perseus at one point, given the fact that they two wete at war (long story). And in this case Perseus should've technically been really old when this event happened, given the fact that Dionysus was contemporary with his wife Ariadne who was initially in a relationship with Theseus who was contemporary (give or take a few decades) with Heracles who is Perseus' great-grandson.
I even had to draw this stupid thing while making this post so that I won't make any mistakes:
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And honestly a lot of these questions could've been easily answered if the ancient greeks would've cared to specify the age differences between each one's children as well. Because for some reason timeline seems more messy than it's supposed to be.
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bright-red-sunsets · 2 years ago
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attack on @milkcandy's character Belue! they're so shaped i could not resist drawing them :]
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captainmazzic · 8 months ago
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Blah blah blah something something overpowered OCs blah blah
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creditdawg · 1 year ago
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He’s saving his strength for the next round of @fat-oc-battle
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promptuarium · 11 months ago
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BELUS Jupiter, when his father Nimrod had ruled for 56 years, the son himself reigned, in the 1844th year of the world and the 2118th year before the birth of Christ. He built up the marked-out foundations of Babylon, more like a fortress than a city. He enjoyed constant peace around the borders of his empire. Consult Berossus book 5, as above.
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diosasargentinas · 4 months ago
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Belu Lucius
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kulvefaggoth · 1 year ago
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idk why i took this screenshot but i love the "go girl give us nothing" energy it has
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tjerra14 · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Horizon (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Beta/Milu Characters: Beta (Horizon), Milu (Horizon) Additional Tags: One-Shot, Post-HFW, Post-Canon, POV Second Person, Established Relationship, Fluff, they just deserve the world, and hold some hands Summary:
Space and the horrors it bore are far away and fading further, matter less by the day. It is over. You are safe. In her arms, you can believe it. Her presence has a gravity like Earth’s. It’s a tether, to ground and bind you to the present, to allow for a glimpse of the future: the change firmly in your hands, a lifetime of endless possibilities; and the constant of her at your side. Starry-eyed fantasies, and all of them—yours, to make true.
Beta receives a gift from Milu.
Based on a prompt by the amazing @loumauve. So grateful to have you in my life.
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foibles-fables · 10 months ago
for the fic title I'm just going to utilize one of mine. “Lab Grown Opal”
Beta/Milu, easily. An exploration of their respective "cultures" (if you count "raised by shitty Zeniths" a culture re: Beta) when it comes to gift-giving, affection, and other general aspects of cute teenage courtship.
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aliciavance4228 · 2 days ago
I cannot help but think about the fact that Io flew to Egypt where she gave birth to her children, married the Egyptian King and was identified with Isis, that her granddaughter Libya was the personification of the Ancient Libya in North Africa, that she and Poseidon had twin sons named Belus (King of Egypt) and Agenor (who became a Phoenician King), that Belus had a daughter named Thronia with whom Hermes had a child named Arabus who became the ancestor of arabs, that one of Belus' sons was Cepheus who was the King of Aethiopia and had a daughter named Andromeda with whom Perseus had a child named Perses who became the ancestor of persians.
Sure, according to Greek Mythology of coursly everything started with the greeks, but it's interesting to see how this genealogy is not very far from the later scientific discovery that humanity most likely developed in Africa about 200,000-300,000 years ago.
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captainmazzic · 10 months ago
You know what, my previous voice-claim for Adrestin is redacted. It's Avery Brooks at his lowest and most calming, for sure. Goddamn.
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fridge-04 · 1 year ago
Huge fan of the Exif and Bilusaludo being callbacks to classic Showa era alien races. Like you got the manipulative Exif who have Ghidorah as their monster (like the Xiliens) and the more rugged Bilusaludo who lost their planet due to a black hole and use Mechagodzilla as their monster (like the Black Hole Third Planet Aliens)
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