tylerhonan5 · 12 days
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aaroncruz1 · 11 days
Listening to Zachary Crockett's podcast made me realize how much goes into simple pizza box, and how it affects the economy. I found it intrigued how a guy was able to take something wonderful from a cardboard box and make it unique to himself, eventually starting his own collection of pizza boxes. It inspires me to look at the small things, cherish what we have\, and not take anything for granted.
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colas05 · 11 days
I learned that through hard work and teamwork you can achieve anything you set your mind to.I learned this from my own personal experience,that being our soccer game this past Wednesday.We were losing 2-1 and through our perseverance and determination we managed to win the game in the last few minutes.
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fys-jailene · 11 hours
I've watched the They're Made Out Of Meat video and it immediately reminded me of the crazy faze back in 2020 about area 51. Because in the video, the conversation between the two men siting at the dinner tells how aliens view humans and they're astonished by how we can do certain things.
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jayfys · 3 days
Being a Good Citizen
After listening to this podcast it left me with a new perspective. The podcast talks about how parents and teachers can teach kids about civic responsibilities and the value of being aware and involved. It's common knowledge that adults who act as role models for civic involvement are crucial. Kids pick up a lot of knowledge from seeing the behaviors and activities of the people in their lives. I myself have done the exact same thing. I grew up picking up a lot of my father's behaviors. I noticed my brother has done the same too, we all have this bad habit of leaving doors open.
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sebaortega05 · 3 days
Being a Good Citizen
After listening to the podcast "How to get kids thinking what it means to be a good citizen", every kid has a different way of learning. Some kids learn better when the activities are fun or when they are learning by themselves. For example, me growing up, I would prefer to learn new things in a fun/exciting way. That would engage me into what I was learning about.
Another thing spoken on the podcast is teaching kids the importance of knowing full details behind certain histories. Sometimes there is going to be people that are going to teach you something without telling you the full meaning behind it. The teaching of disagreement with others is also something every important to learn. You are not always going to be right, so knowing how to disagree with someone can be an important skill for life.
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mitennis28 · 3 days
Being a Good Citizen
When I was in elementary school, from around the third grade we had a class which we thought about morality, various issues and topics in the world. The student didn't just listen to the teacher, but also thought about problems and shared their opinions with each other while playing games and other activities. I think it's important to think about all the things that happen in everyday life and in the world from a young age. It allows them to become interested in a wide range of things, teaches them how to cooperate with others and understand other people's thoughts, gives them an opportunity to think about their future, and what it means to be a good citizen.
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dylanhonan123 · 3 days
Being a good citizen it’s someone who is always helping out and doing the right thing. Someone who is leading by example and always there for their community. You doing 1 good thing every day would make you a good citizen. Some examples of being a good citizen is helping the elderly crossing the street or helping them with their groceries.
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liam4reinmuth · 3 days
Sestinas HW
The poetry form called sestinas reminds me of the metaphysical poetry I read in 10th grade. The authors would constantly recycle the same words to make a beautiful poem. Sestinas seem interesting, and I have always been a fan of poetry. Poems by Robert Frost and Byron were the most memorable.
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nathansmithsblog · 4 days
After listening to and watching the “Made of Meat” podcast my initial reaction was confusion. The podcast was different to any other I had heard before as it was a conversation between aliens describing humans the main theme being how they are confused on the fact we are “made of meat”. The difference between the podcast with no visuals and the video made a big impact as you are better able to infer and get a better understanding of the idea as it’s both visual and auditory. #bellisiofys24
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andrecippiciani · 4 days
They're made out of meat
After reading the text "They Are Made of Meat" I had a brief reflection on human existence and how things that seem so common to humanity today can sound imaginative and impossible, such as the idea that meat can dream, love, and feel. This makes me wonder about the reason behind all this: how can we think and not be intrigued by it, not ask ourselves questions like, why do we think? what are feelings? which actually makes us live beyond physiology. With all this reflection, I concluded that the answers to these questions go beyond our level of consciousness, beyond what we can see and analyze, what remains for us is just to take advantage of what is left of all these questions, our strange and questionable existence.
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colas05 · 4 days
After watching and listening to the "Made of meat" podcast and short movie.I had the following response:
I was kinda intrigued and confused at the start ,but as it went along I started to realize the true point of the mini movie/podcast that being aliens having a conversation about us humans and how weird our biological structure is,(how we are made out of meat);and weird our lifestyles are different aspects are. They emphasize how we are made out of meat and how weird it is.At the end they vanish off after deciding to erase the memories of the humans they interacted with, leaving no trace behind them.
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bmos-sandwhich · 4 days
they're made out of meat
omgggggggg I was not expecting this our last project was mad wholesome and about pizza boxes this one started creepy then just got weird felt like a clip of the twilight zone maybe it was I clicked the audio file which I regret cause hearing it allows my imagination to run and its just uggg so disgusting then half way through its just talking with no sounds of "meat flapping" 4 minutes of talking and flapping of meat I couldn't even focus on what that could be saying I was just shuddering in disgust.🤮🤮🤮🤮
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ejimenez24 · 4 days
The video "The Economics of Pizza Boxes" really made me reflect on how important the pizza boxes can be when ordering pizza. They truly become important to the identity of the establishment. Whenever I think of eating pizza with my family, I always think of the white blue and red designs on the Dominoes box on the table while watching movies.
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fly-cisco · 4 days
I Rather be a small fish in the big pond because People that bigger Than me I could look up to them and become the same as the person or become better than them. for an example Im a freshman in college playing football. I am look up to the upperclassmen to see what they have done and learn from them and become better then them when I become the older guy in group.
bigger fish or bigger pond
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antfedor · 4 days
I watched the Joe Rogan podcast and it made me realize how everything should be simple just like making a pizza box. You have to make the best out of what you have and cherish everything. He talked about communication skills and how they are so important and everyone should try to be better with it.
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